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A Review of Porous Evaporative Cooling for the Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables.


Abstract and Figures

The review of a porous evaporative cooler for the preservation of fruits and vegetables are reported in this paper. The different types of evaporative cooler designs under review include: pot-in-pot, cabinet, static, and charcoal cooling chambers. The gap between them is either filled with a jute, damp cloth, or sand. Water is linked to the cooler at the top, thus keeping the chamber cooled. The result of transient performance of the cooler revealed a depression in temperature in the storage chamber. Thus, the evaporative cooler has prospect for use for short term preservation of vegetables and fruits soon after harvest.
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A Review of Porous Evaporative Cooling for the Preservation
of Fruits and Vegetables.
Isaac F. Odesola, Ph.D.* and Onwuka Onyebuchi, B.Sc.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.
The review of a porous evaporative cooler for the
preservation of fruits and vegetables are reported
in this paper. The different types of evaporative
cooler designs under review include: pot-in-pot,
cabinet, static, and charcoal cooling chambers.
The gap between them is either filled with a jute,
damp cloth, or sand. Water is linked to the cooler
at the top, thus keeping the chamber cooled. The
result of transient performance of the cooler
revealed a depression in temperature in the
storage chamber. Thus, the evaporative cooler
has prospect for use for short term preservation
of vegetables and fruits soon after harvest.
(Keywords: pot-in-pot, cabinet, static, charcoal cooling
chambers, fruit, vegetable, food preservation)
Cooling through evaporation is an ancient an
effective method of lowering temperature. Both
plants and animals use this method to lower their
temperatures. Trees, through the method of Eva
transpiration, for example, remain cooler than
their environment.
The basic principle relies on cooling by
evaporation. When water evaporates, it draws
energy from its surroundings which produces a
considerable cooling effect. Evaporative cooling
occurs when air that is not too humid passes over
a wet surface: the faster the rate of evaporation,
the greater the cooling. The efficiency of an
evaporative cooler depends on the humidity of the
surrounding air.
Evaporative cooling is dependent on the
conditions of the air and it is necessary to
determine the weather conditions that may be
encountered to properly evaluate the possible
effectiveness of evaporative coolers (Menzer and
Dale, 1960). On the other hand, the amount of
water vapor that can be taken up and held by the
air is not constant: it depends on two factors: the
first is the temperature (energy level) of the air,
which determines the potential of the air to take
up and hold water vapor. The second involves the
availability of water: if little or no water is present
the air will be unable to take up very much.
The operational effectiveness of an evaporative
cooler is made up of a porous material that is fed
with water. Hot dry air is drawn over the material.
The water evaporates into the air raising the
humidity and at the same time reducing the
temperature of the air.
There are four major factors that impact the rate
of evaporation. It is important to keep in mind that
they usually interact with each other to influence
the overall rate of evaporation, and therefore, the
rate and event of cooling.
Factor 1 - Relative Humidity: This is the amount
of water vapor in the air as a percentage of the
maximum quantity that the air is capable of
holding at a specific temperature. When the
relative humidity is low, only a small portion of the
total possible quantity of water vapor that the air
is capable of holding is being held. Under this
situation, the air is capable of taking on additional
moisture, and if other condition are also met, the
rate of evaporation will be higher. On the other
hand, when the relative humidity is high, the rate
at which water evaporates will be low, and
therefore cooling will be low.
Factor 2 - Air Temperature: Evaporation occurs
when water absorbs sufficient energy to change
from a liquid to gas. Air with a relatively high
temperature will be able to stimulate the
evaporative process and also be capable of
The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology 935 Volume 10. Number 2. November 2009 (Fall)
holding relatively great quantity of water vapor.
Therefore, areas with high temperatures will have
higher rates of evaporation and more cooling will
occur. With lower air temperature, less water
vapor can be held, and less evaporation and
cooling will take place.
Factor 3 - Air Movement: The movement of air,
either natural or artificial, is an important factor
that influences the rate of evaporation. As water
evaporates from a surface it tends to raise the
humidity of the air that is closet to the water
surface. If this humid air remains in place, the rate
of evaporation will start to slow down as humidity
rises. On the other hand, if the humid air and the
water surface is constantly been moved away and
replaced with drier air, the rate of evaporation will
either remain constant or increase.
Factor 4 - Surface Area: The greater the surface
area from which water can evaporate, the greater
the rate of evaporation.
The extent to which evaporation can lower the
temperature of a container depends on the
difference between the wet bulb and dry bulb
temperatures. Theoretically, it is possible to bring
about a change in temperature equal to the
difference in these two temperatures. For
example, if the dry and wet bulb temperatures
were 35°C and 15°C, respectively, the maximum
drop in temperature due to evaporative cooling
would theoretically be 20°C. In reality, though,
while is not possible to achieve 100 percent of the
theoretical maximum temperature drop, a
substantial reduction in temperature is possible.
The two general methods include direct and
indirect evaporative cooling.
Direct Cooling
Direct cooling involves the movement of air past
or through a moist material where evaporation,
and therefore cooling, occurs. This cooled moist
air is then allowed to move directly to where to
where it is needed. In contrast to this process,
indirect cooling uses some form of heat
exchangers that use the cool moist air produced
through evaporative cooling, to lower the
temperature of drier air. This cool dry air is then
used to cool the environment, and the cool moist
air is expelled.
A direct evaporative cooling is a line of constant
wet bulb temperatures. In the course of direct
cooling operation, wet bulb temperature and
enthalpy remains unchanged, dry bulb
temperature reduces while relative humidity and
specific humidity increases (Babarinsa,1986).
Direct evaporative cooling is the most commonly
used form of evaporative cooling used to cool
water. This system usually uses either a porous
clay container or a water tight canvas bag in
which water is stored. These containers are then
either hung or placed so that the wind will blow
past them. The water in the container slowly leaks
through the clay or canvas material and
evaporates from the surface as warm dry air flow
past. This process of evaporation slowly cools the
Limitations: The drop in temperature will
generally be only a small faction of the total
evaporative reduction that is possible. This is
primarily due to the large volume of water that
needs to be cooled by a relatively small
evaporating surface area. Only a small number of
items can be placed in large water containers.
Indirect Evaporative Cooling
The high level of humidity that is produced by
direct evaporative cooling may be undesirable for
some applications. Indirect evaporative cooling
attempts to solve this problem by using the cool
moist air produced through evaporation to cool
drier air. The resulting cool air is then used to cool
the desired environment. This transfer of
coolness is accomplished with the help of a heat
exchanger (Singh and Narayah,1999).
All methods of indirect evaporative cooling require
power to run both water pump and fans. For this
reason, indirect evaporative cooling will have
limited applications. It is primarily used to cool
dwellings and rooms. In such situations these
cooling system are generally less expensive to
buy or build and operate than conventional air
conditioning systems.
On the other hand, indirect evaporative cooling
cannot be used in all environments, and the
The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology 936 Volume 10. Number 2. November 2009 (Fall)
reduction in temperature that can be achieved
with this system is not as great as the reduction
that can be achieved with conventional
mechanical cooling systems. (Babarinsa, 2000).
The primary advantage of indirect evaporative
cooling for increasing the comfort level of rooms
are relatively low purchase or building cost and
the relatively low operation expense, as
compared with convectional air conditioning
systems (Singh and Narayah,1999).
Reduction in the temperature of fruits and
vegetables to retard spoilage is an important
benefit of evaporative cooling, though it is not the
only one. Evaporation not only lowers the air
temperature surrounding the produce, it also
increases the moisture content of the air. This
helps prevents the drying out of produce and
therefore extends its shell life.
The principal alternatives to evaporative cooling
systems are refrigeration and air conditioning.
These technologies offer the user a wider range
of applications. If electricity, natural gas, or
kerosene are available, commercial refrigeration
and air conditioning systems can be used in any
environment regardless of the temperature or
relative humidity. This is definitely not the case
with evaporative cooling. Moreover, commercial
systems allow the user to control the amount of
cooling desired. Again, this is not possible with
most evaporative cooling systems. Another
advantage of commercial systems is that they
usually require less day to day attention than
comparative evaporative cooling systems.
However, where electricity or other commercial
energy sources are either unavailable or very
expensive, and the environmental conditions are
favorable, evaporative cooling should be
considered as a viable alternative to these more
complex and costly commercial systems.
(Babarinsa, 2000).
The primary advantage of evaporative cooling
over cooling methods that involves commercial
refrigeration is its low cost, less than $2. For
example, an evaporative cooling system
developed in the United States to cool fresh
produce was able to produce 14 energy units of
cooling while using only one energy units of
electricity (Hutchisoon, 2000).
Commercial refrigeration system only commonly
produce only three energy unit of cooling for each
energy unit of electricity consumed (Singh and
Arriving at a decision on which type of cooling or
refrigeration system to use is not an easy
process. It is important to review carefully the
cooling needs, weighing them against a range of
other factors before making a decision. The
following checklist may be useful in choosing the
right design:
1. What are your cooling needs? Cooling
different foods require different
2. What is the average relative humidity of
the area where cooling is needed? If the
relative humidity is consistently high,
evaporative cooling will not be a viable
option, and therefore another system
needs be considered. If the relative
humidity is low, then evaporative cooling
may be effective.
3. How windy is the area where the cooling
is needed? If there is little wind
evaporative cooling may not be the way
to go.
4. Is there a good supply of water where the
cooling system will be used? If this is
readily available, evaporative cooling may
be feasible.
5. Are the materials and skills needed to
build the cooler available?
6. Are commercial mechanical cooling or
refrigeration systems available? Are they
costly? If commercial systems are
available, and not too costly, then they
may maybe be a better choice of
Large amounts of fresh produce and dairy
products are lost due to spoilage in many tropical
The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology 937 Volume 10. Number 2. November 2009 (Fall)
and sub-tropical areas of the world. If this food
could be stored at relatively low temperatures
until eaten or sold, much of this waste could be
avoided. Different types of evaporative cooler
have been reported in the literature, some of
which include the following (Anyawu, 1995):
These are simple designs of evaporative coolers
that can be used in the home. The basic design
consists of a storage pot placed inside a bigger
pot that holds water. The inner pot stores food
that is kept cool. One adaptation on the basic pot
design is the janata cooler, developed by the food
and nutrition board of India (Roy,1985). A storage
pot is placed in an earthenware bowl containing
water. The pot is then covered with a damp cloth
that is dipped into the reservoir of water. Water
drawn up the cloth evaporates keeping the
storage pot cool. The bowl is also placed on wet
sand, to isolate the pot from the ground.
Mohammed Abbah (Longmone, 2003), a teacher
in Nigeria, developed a small scale storage pot-
in-pot system that uses two pots of slightly
different size. The smaller pot is placed inside the
large pot and the space between then is filled with
In Sudan, the Practical Action and the Women’s
Association for Earthenware Manufacturing have
been experimenting with the storage design of
Mohammed Abbah. The aim of the experiment
was to discover how effective and economical the
Zeer storage is in conserving foods. Zeer is the
Arabic name for the large pots used. The results
are shown in the following table (Longmone,
2003). As a result of the tests, the Women’s
Association for Earthenware Manufacturing
started to produce and market the pots
specifically for food preservation (Longmone,
Figure 1: Pot-in-Pot (Roy,1985).
The India Agricultural Research Institute develops
a cooling system that can be built in any part of
the country using locally available materials (Roy,
The basic structure of the chamber can be built
from bricks and river sand, with a cover made
from cane or other plant materials and sacks or
cloth. There must be a nearby source of water.
Construction is fairly simple, first the floor is built
from a single layer of bricks, and then a cavity
wall is constructed of bricks around the outer
edge of the floor with a gap of 75mm (3”) between
the inner wall and the outer wall. This cavity is
then filled with sand. About 400 bricks are needed
to build a chamber of the size shown below. A
covering for the chamber is made with canes
covered in sacking all mounted in a bamboo
frame. The whole structure should be protected
from sunlight by making a roof to provide shade.
Table 1: Vegetable Shelf-Life (Longmone, 2003).
Produce Shelf-life produce without using the
Zeer Shelf-life of produce using the
2 days
2 days
1 day
20 days
20 days
5 days
17 days
20 days
The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology 938 Volume 10. Number 2. November 2009 (Fall)
After construction of the walls and floor, the sand
in the cavity is thoroughly saturated with water.
Once the chamber is completely wet, a twice daily
sprinkling of water is enough to maintain the
moisture and temperature of the chamber. A
simple automated drip watering system is shown
in Figure 2.
Figure 2: A Static Cooling System (Roy, 1985).
A convenient cabinet is usually encapsulated by
evaporating cool surfaces. In some cases, the
cabinet is constructed from metallic materials with
charcoal placed adjacent to the sides with the
result that heat conduction takes place between
the outer and inner metal container walls and
combine radiative and convective heat transfer
within the storage area. This results in little or no
temperature difference between the evaporative
cooler storage chamber and the ambient air
temperature. In particular, seepage of water is
inhibited by the non-porous container (Raha,
The charcoal cooler is made from an open timber
frame of approximately 50mm x 25mm (2” x 1”) in
section. The door is made by simply hanging one
side of the frame. The wooden frame is covered
in mesh, inside and out, leaving a 25 mm (1”)
cavity which is filled with pieces of charcoal. The
charcoal is sprayed with water and when wet
provides an evaporative cooling. The frame work
is mounted outside the house on a pole with a
metal cone to deter rats and a good coating of
grease to prevent ants from getting to the food
(Sharma and Rathu, 1991). The top is usually
solid and thatched, with an overhang to deter
flying insects.
All cooling chambers should be placed in a shady
position, and exposure to the wind will help the
cooling effect. Airflow can be artificially created
through the use of a chimney (i.e., using a mini
electric fan or an oil lamp to create airflows
through the chimney) the resulting draft draws
cooler air into the cabinet situated below the
chimney. The butch cooling cabinet uses this
principle to keep its contents cool. Wire mesh
shelves and holes in the bottom of the raised
cabinet ensure the free movement of air passing
over the stored food.
Figure 3: Charcoal Cooler (Sharma and Rathu,
The main advantage of this unit is that it uses
simple passive cooling features to achieve low
temperatures for the preservation of fruits and
vegetables. It requires no special skill to operate
and therefore is most suitable for rural
Evaporation not only lowers the air temperature
surrounding the produce, it also increases the
moisture content of the air. This helps prevent the
drying out of the produce, and therefore extends
its shelf life (AP-Tech, 1980).
The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology 939 Volume 10. Number 2. November 2009 (Fall)
In general, evaporative cooling can be used
1- Temperatures are high
2- Humidity is low
3- Water can be spared for this use; and
4- Air movement is available (e.g., wind).
Evaporative cooler to some extent has influenced
the rate of water loss by reducing the temperature
in the storage chamber and increasing the
relative humidity. Moreover, fruits and vegetables
continue the life process that existed before
harvest. They respire and in doing so use up
oxygen and give up carbon dioxide and generate
heat. Temperature and relative humidity have
been established to be a major factor that causes
the deterioration of foodstuff.
Since significant evaporative colling temperature
depression from the ambient air temperature
always occurs during the times of the day when
cooling is most desired, the cooling condition
achieved are suitable only for the short term
preservation of vegetables and fruits soon after
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The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology 940 Volume 10. Number 2. November 2009 (Fall)
20. Thompson, J.F. and R.F. Kasmire. 2001. “An
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Dr. Isaac F. Odesola, is a Registered Engineer
(COREN) and currently serves as a Lecturer 1, in
the Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. Dr.
Odesola’s research interests include thermofluids,
process design, energy studies and computer
Onwuka Onyebuchi, holds a B.Sc. (Mechanical
Engineering) and currently serves as an
Engineer, Research Assistant at the University of
Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, with research interests in
thermofluids, refrigeration, and energy studies.
Odesola, I.F. and O. Onyebuchi. 2009. “A
Review of Porous Evaporative Cooling for the
Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables”. Pacific
Journal of Science and Technology. 10(2):935-
Pacific Journal of Science and Technology
The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology 941 Volume 10. Number 2. November 2009 (Fall)
... Globally, small farmers in developing countries face many postharvest handling challenges. Low economies, insufficient power supplies, weather conditions, climate conditions, and low levels of technology increase the postharvest losses to these countries (Odesola and Onyebuchi, 2009;FAO, 2006). The main cause of this problem is lack of affordable and applicable postharvest handling technologies, which could help to increase the shelf life of harvested crops prior to market (Rahaman et al., 2014). ...
... The major challenge is to meet the required optimal environmental conditions, which can increase the shelf life of harvested crops prior to market. Evaporative cooling has been widely used to create a favourable environment for perishable crop storage (Odesola and Onyebuchi, 2009). This technology involves the process of allowing natural or forced dry air to pass through the wet materials, causing the heat to be absorbed, then moving the cool moisture to the other side of the materials. ...
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Postharvest handling in developing countries continues to be a major challenge for most of the farmers. The low economy in these countries is counted as a major obstacle toward the adaptation of modern postharvest technologies. The present study aimed to assess the existing post-harvest handling practises and test the suitability of evaporative cooling systems for reducing post-harvest losses by using Vunjo-Moshi Rural as a case study. A total of 30 questionnaires covering small commercial farmers were utilised to get information regarding the existing post-harvest handling practices in Vunjo. Two evaporative cooling systems, the Charcoal Cooler Chamber and Sand Cooler Chamber, were created and tested in Vunjo. Their effectiveness was measured by their response to temperature and humidity changes. Results indicated that 87% of the small farmers in Vunjo used local precooling and cold storage methods characterised by low efficiency. Further results showed 77% of all spoilage crops were randomly disposed of in the environment regardless of their impacts. Performance results of designed evaporative systems showed that the Charcoal Cooler Chamber (at its highest performance), could lower the daily ambient temperature by 8.8 °C while increasing the ambient relative humidity from 73.01% to 90.93%. The Sand Cooler Chamber could reduce the daily ambient temperature by 7.8 °C and increase the ambient relative humidity from 73.01% to 93.90%. The performance of both designed systems met the recommended standard for increasing the shelf life of most of the perishable crops cultivated in Vunjo, making them recommended as alternative precooling and cold storage technologies.
... Therefore, there has been an increased focus on non-electrical sources that can be used for food preservation, including renewable energy sources such as water and wind. Among these technologies, a non-electrical method based on the principle of evaporative cooling has also attracted much attention (Odesola & Onyebuchi, 2009;Basediya et al., 2013;Rehman et al., 2020). An evaporative cooling system is an economical, efficient, and environmentally friendly method of maintaining the postharvest quality of perishables with the principle of evaporating water through the passive cooling system (Basediya et al., 2013;Deoraj et al., 2015). ...
... Moreover, with the increase in global warming and the high inflation rate, the demand for low-cost cooling systems will rise in the future (Manyozo et al., 2018;Rehman et al., 2020). Furthermore, it is beneficial to use simple passive cooling systems to achieve low temperatures for better storage of fruits and vegetables which do not require specific skill sets for the operation (Odesola & Onyebuchi, 2009). In addition to these benefits, these passive cooling systems can be constructed using locally available materials (Ambuko et al., 2017). ...
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Purpose: The effectiveness of the evaporative clay pot coolers was studied to preserve the postharvest quality of leafy vegetables, including kankun (Ipomoea aquatica), gotukola (Centella asiatica), lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and thampala (Amaranthus spp.). Research method: The bundles of leafy vegetables weighed about 200 g and were stored for seven days under room temperature storage, refrigerated storage, and clay pot cooler storage. Findings: The average temperatures were 27.7 °C, 7.1 °C, and 25.6 °C, and relative humidity values were 76.1%, 58.2%, and 93.6% in room temperature storage, refrigerated storage, and clay pot cooler, respectively. The average cooling efficiency of clay pot coolers was 66.7%. The physiological weight losses of leafy vegetables were significantly reduced during clay pot cooler storage. The chlorophyll content, soluble solids content, color changes, and visual quality of leafy vegetables were significantly maintained in clay pot cooler storage compared to room temperature storage. Research limitations: The main limitation of this study was the seepage of water into the inner pot of the clay pot cooler which enhanced the decay of leafy vegetables. This was successfully controlled by avoiding overwatering the sand that was used as the lining material of the clay pot cooler. Originality/Value: The clay pot cooler is one of the alternative low-cost storage methods to preserve the quality of leafy vegetables during storage.
... It also saves up to 60% of the electricity bills; hence, smallholder farmers organized in groups can benefit from it (Dubey, 2011). Modified atmospheric packaging (MAP) has also been used effectively to prolong the shelf life of many fresh vegetables in many countries during storage and marketing (Jha and Chopra, 2006;Dadhich et al., 2008;Nasrin et al., 2008;Odesola and Onyebuchi, 2009). Also, farmers can use Coolbot as cold storage for seasonal fruits and vegetables. ...
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In recent years, cool bot storage was introduced to smallholder farmers in Nepal as a low-cost alternative to cold storage. The present study was carried out to evaluate the efficacy of different poly films in perforated modified atmosphere packaging on the postharvest life of cauliflower in cool bot-equipped cold rooms and ambient room conditions in the years 2019 and 2020 in the month of December. The cauliflower curds (hybrid variety White Top) were harvested from commercial vegetable growers at a fully mature stage. The compact and mature curds were harvested in the morning and brought to the National Horticulture Research Centre in Khumaltar. The curds were kept overnight for pre-cooling. Four different poly films (25 μ, 50 μ, 75 μ, and 100 low-density polyethylene with 16 perforations were used during storage in two different storage conditions. The study was conducted in a completely randomized block design. Curds were kept at ambient room conditions (15.5°C, 58% RH) for 10 days and at cool, bot devised, cold storage (11.25°C, 96% RH) for 15 days and analyzed for various postharvest quality parameters every 5 days of storage. The results modified atmosphere packaging i.e.50μ LDPE was found effective in cauliflower stored in ambient room conditions with quality perspective but the packaging didn’t provide additive effects in shelf life and quality of cauliflower in cool bot storage conditions.
... Maintenance of a high relative humidity inside the chamber when outside RH was low, helped to retain turgidity in stored papaya by lowering the water loss, thereby resulting in enhanced shelf life. Evaporative cooling helped in reducing temperature and increasing the relative humidity of an enclosure, and has been extensively tried for enhancing the shelf life of horticultural produce (Jha and Chopra, 2006;Odesola and Onyebuchi, 2009) and was helpful in maintaining the freshness of the commodities (Dadhich et al., . The evaporative cool storage structure was proved to be efficient and economical means for short term, on-farm storage of fruits and vegetables in hot and dry regions. ...
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Papaya fruits (CO-1) were stored under Pusa zero energy cool chamber (PZECC) during June-September, October-February and March-May by maintaining 85-95 per cent relative humidity inside the chamber along with fruits kept under ambient storage conditions as control treatments to assess the feasibility of PZECC as a low cost on-farm storage structure. Fruits stored under PZECC during March-May had highest shelf life (7.22 days) with 100 per cent marketability and good textural parameters. Papaya had least shelf life when stored in PZECC during June-September. Microbial load and majority of the sensory parameters were not influenced by season and storage conditions. Fruits under ambient storage had higher TSS and carotene, whereas storage condition had no influence on acidity and vitamin C content. Though PZECC is a low cost structure which could be constructed at Rs.5000/- per unit, it helped in marginal enhancement of 1.66 days shelf life compared to their corresponding ambient storage, that too only during March-May and October-February, proving that PZECC, designed for Rural North India cannot be recommended as such as an efficient on-farm storage structure for papaya under humid tropics.
... Additionally, other devices with the same working principle have been designed. Smaller-scale coolers were designed using two clay pots of different sizes (pot-in-pot clay coolers) [189]. The small clay pot is placed in a larger one and the space between them is filled with sand and regularly saturated with water. ...
Enhancing renewable energy systems is a prerequisite to securing a successful energy transition. In this study, we document how sand, a low-cost, naturally occurring, widely available material, can play multiple roles in improving the performance of solar thermal technologies. Sand can store heat harnessed from solar energy and subsequently supply it, on-demand, to be used for space and water heating, drying, distillation, gasification, cooking, and electricity generation. While some types of sand can be used as an insulating material for solar ponds and pits/tanks thermal energy storage, others can be used as a heat transfer material for particle-to-fluid heat exchangers and borehole thermal energy storage. Sand can also be used as an evaporative medium in evaporative cooling systems. In addition to providing an overview of the current state of research, the study also highlights the technologies that have been commercialized or are in the process of being commercialized.
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Evaporative cooling has been utilized rigorously at places of less electricity access having hotter ambient (comparatively more temperature & less relative humidity). Current research study presents review of the previous research studies conducted all around the world. This paper presents various aspects related to pot-in-pot refrigeration and space heating systems. Aspects include performance, utility, setup arrangements, places of application, economy & materials to be used. Review of the available researches shows that pot-in-pot systems, on an average lower the temperature between 8-18°C, increase the relative humidity between 40-60%, Such systems are more useful and efficient at places nearer to equator where there is comparatively hotter ambient with less humidity. Review also reveals that this system is economical and cheaper than other refrigeration & space cooling techniques.
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