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Ramial Chipped Wood: the Clue to a Sustainable Fertile Soil

  • DG Environnement
Ramial Chipped Wood:
the Clue to a Sustainable Fertile Soil
G. Lemieux1 and D. Germain2
1Professeur au Département des Sciences du bois et de la forêt
Faculté de foresterie et de géomatique
Université Laval, Québec (Québec)
Canada, G1K 7P4
Phone: (418) 656-2131, extension 2837
2Hydrogéochem Environnement,
1184 Cartier Ave, suite 1, Québec (Québec)
Canada, G1R 2S7
Phone: (418) 647-6814
Publication n° 128
December 2000
édité par le
Groupe de Coordination sur les Bois Raméaux
Université Laval
Département des Sciences du Bois et de la Forêt
Québec (Québec)
Canada G1K 7P4
December 2000
Ramial Chipped Wood: the Clue...
Lemieux, G. & Germain, D. Dec. 2000
This paper has been written in order to fulfill a request from the Inter-
American Development Bank, Washington DC, USA. Dr. Germain and
I, in order to respond, have made some efforts for illustrating the RCW
Technology and compare with both chemical fertilizers and composts
over the results achieved.
This was also written in the framework of a new project we are seeking
for Central America and where women stand in the center of our
concerns. Those comments should bring some enlightenments on our
worries and what we aim at.
Professor Gilles Lemieux
Université Laval
December 2000
Groupe de Coordination sur les Bois Raméaux
Université Laval, Québec, Canada
Ramial Chipped Wood: the Clue...
Lemieux, G. & Germain, D. Dec. 2000
Table of contents
Project rationale and objectives............................................................................. 1
Degraded Agricultural Lands Threaten World's Food Production Capacity........... 1
Competition for water............................................................................................ 2
The soil: a fragile environment .............................................................................. 3
The forest contribution to soils formation............................................................... 3
What is ramial chipped wood?............................................................................... 4
RCW studies ......................................................................................................... 5
Observations...................................................................................................... 5
Projects in progress........................................................................................... 5
Mineral Fertilizers, Composts and RCW: Advantages and Disadvantages........... 6
Mineral fertilizers................................................................................................ 6
Advantages.................................................................................................... 6
Disadvantages ............................................................................................... 6
Organic fertilizers............................................................................................... 7
Advantages.................................................................................................... 7
Disadvantages ............................................................................................... 8
RCW.................................................................................................................. 8
Advantages.................................................................................................... 8
Disadvantages ............................................................................................... 9
Agricultural training................................................................................................ 9
Why oriented toward women? ........................................................................... 9
Implementation................................................................................................ 10
How to use the RCW technology?....................................................................... 10
Tree species, harvesting, and size .................................................................. 10
The chipping.................................................................................................... 11
Spreading and soil incorporation ..................................................................... 11
The forest litter addition................................................................................... 12
Environmental and social impacts....................................................................... 12
Environmental impacts..................................................................................... 12
A new category for soil improvement: SOIL UPGRADERS............................. 13
Social impacts.................................................................................................. 13
The research team.............................................................................................. 13
Coordination Group on Ramial Wood (CGRW) ............................................... 13
Hydrogéochem Environment ........................................................................... 14
References.......................................................................................................... 15
Groupe de Coordination sur les Bois Raméaux
Université Laval, Québec, Canada
Ramial Chipped Wood: the Clue...
Lemieux, G. & Germain, D. Dec. 2000
Project rationale and objectives
Close to forty percent of the world's agricultural land is seriously degraded, which
could undermine the long-term productive capacity of those soils. Plus, the
economic and social effects of agricultural land degradation have been much more
significant in developing countries than in industrialized countries. However, they
are the regions where the greatest growth in food production will be needed, and
where such growth will be the most difficult.
According to Gardner and Halweil (2000), in rural areas of Africa, Latin America,
and Asia, 80% of the food is in fact produced by women. Yet women have little or
no access to land ownership, credit, agricultural training, education, and social
privileges in general…
This project could partly solve those problems. The main objective is to implement
a new technology, known as ramial chipped wood (RCW) for establishing a
sustainable fertile soil. The implementation will be based on an agricultural training
for women already interested in farming.
The second goal is in favor of farmers mastering the new technology where its
implementation will be under the responsibility of agricultural advisers.
The third objective is to have regional scientists or scientific groups in charge to
maintain a close cooperation between the development of RCW technology and
the local agricultural advisers.
Degraded Agricultural Lands Threaten World's Food Production
(section taken from IFPRI, 2000)
Nearly forty percent of the world's agricultural land is seriously degraded, which
could undermine the long-term productive capacity of those soils, according to
scientists at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), who carried
out the most comprehensive mapping to date of global agriculture.
"The economic and social effects of agricultural land degradation have been much
more significant in developing countries than in industrialized countries," says Dr.
Serageldin, World Bank Vice President for Special Programs and Chairman of the
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). "These are
precisely the regions where the greatest growth in food production will be needed,
but where all indications are that achieving such growth will be the most difficult."
"Halting the decline of the planet's life-support systems may be the most difficult
challenge humanity has ever faced," said Jonathan Lash, World Resources
Institute (WRI) President. According to Dr. Per Pinstrup-Andersen, IFPRI Director
Groupe de Coordination sur les Bois Raméaux
Université Laval, Québec, Canada
Ramial Chipped Wood: the Clue...
Lemieux, G. & Germain, D. Dec. 2000
General, these threats to the world's food production capacity are compounded by
three disturbing trends:
1.5 billion additional people will be on the planet by 2020, almost all in poorer
developing countries;
the natural fertility of agricultural soils is generally declining; and
it is increasingly difficult to find productive new land to expand the agricultural
Soil degradation, including erosion and nutrient depletion, is undermining the long-
term capacity of many agricultural systems. One of the most common management
techniques used to maintain the condition of agroecosystems is the application of
inorganic fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) or manure. Too little can
lead to soil 'nutrient mining' (amount of nutrients extracted by harvested crops is
greater than the amount of nutrients applied), and too much can lead to nutrient
leaching (washing away of excess nutrients contaminating groundwater and
surface water).
The findings of significant losses of soil fertility from IFPRI analysis of nutrient
depletion in Latin America and the Caribbean are consistent with other sub-
regional studies from Sub-Saharan Africa, China, South and Southeast Asia and
Central America.
The unprecedented scale of agricultural expansion and intensification raises the
growing concern over the vulnerability of the productive capacity of many
agroecosystems to the stresses imposed on them by the intensification of
agriculture. Can technological advances and increased inputs continue to offset the
depletion of soil fertility and fresh water resources? As soil fertility reduces and
water becomes scarcer, what will be the impact on food prices?
Competition for water
Competition for water will further magnify constraints to food production. According
to Sandra Postel of the Global Water Policy Project, today some 40% of the world's
food comes from the 17% of cropland that is irrigated. Of all the vulnerabilities
characterizing irrigated agriculture, none threatens most than the depletion of
groundwater resources. In fact, overpumping of aquifers in China, India, North
Africa, Saudi Arabia, and the United States exceeds 160 billion tons of water per
year. Since it takes roughly 1,000 tons of water to produce 1 ton of grain, this is the
equivalent of 160 million tons of grain, or half the U.S. grain harvest.
The largest single groundwater resource deficits are in India (104 billion cubic
meters per year) and China (30 bcm), and these deficits are growing. In India,
where more than half of all children are malnourished and underweight, a shrinking
harvest is likely to increase hunger-related deaths. David Seckler, Director General
of the International Water Management Institute in Sri Lanka, estimates that a
Groupe de Coordination sur les Bois Raméaux
Université Laval, Québec, Canada
Ramial Chipped Wood: the Clue...
Lemieux, G. & Germain, D. Dec. 2000
quarter of India's grain harvest could be in jeopardy from groundwater depletion. In
China, under the north plain, which produces 40% of the country's grain harvest,
the watertable is falling at a rate of 1.6 m a year. As aquifer depletion and the
diversion of water to cities shrink irrigation water supplies, China may be forced to
import grain on a scale that could destabilize world grain markets. (Brown, 2000).
In summary, we are facing two major problems: soil degradation and water scarcity
and quality.
The soil: a fragile environment
The main soil characteristic is found by integrating life to the mineral world. One of
fundamental processes, ignored until recently, is the biotransformation of organic
matters in soils where the lignin Syringyl (type of polyphenols) plays an essential
role, as well as other numerous polyphenolic compounds (Stevanovic-Janezic,
1998). The biotransformation is only the beginning of a long process in soil
formation, which rules the life, the nutrients availability, the soil physical structure,
the erosion resistance, and above all protecting and stimulating various steps of
animal, bacterial and fungi life of the soil as major contributors to pedogenesis.
Therefore, the RCW soil, an exceptional resource, is able to remain stable and
fertile as long as the basic elements stay active, which are lignins and diverse
biochemical components stemming from biotransformation of organic tissues. They
all maintain biodiversity and soil structure by dynamic processes of biological
The chemical and biochemical characteristics of the soil are not properly valued
and unfortunately too often exhausted. The soil limits are of biological order, and
this lack of understanding may explain its degradation. In fact, the soil biological
characteristics are playing an important role in particular in the nitrogen and
phosphorous availability, as well as in water regulating and carbon sequestration.
On this planet, the life of billions of people lies on this unique resource, which is the
soil, but not on plant productivity.
The forest contribution to soils formation
The forest is playing a key role in the soils formation. The land used for growing
crops under temperate climates are almost exclusively of forest origin. As the
forest have produced soils of good agricultural value, why not refer to forest now?
Numerous studies by the Coordination Group on Ramial Wood, under Prof.
Lemieux, at Laval University, Québec, Canada, have shown that forest soil
characters can be transferred to agricultural soils, and provide high yields and
more important stable soil fertility (Lemieux and Lachance, 2000).
The main character of soils under forest lies in its structure, based on polyphenols,
which aromatic rings are highly energetic. The byproducts of metabolic activity are
stocked as energy and nutrients. Nevertheless, the most active elements are
Groupe de Coordination sur les Bois Raméaux
Université Laval, Québec, Canada
Ramial Chipped Wood: the Clue...
Lemieux, G. & Germain, D. Dec. 2000
located in the ramial parts, which produce buds and leaves and, in numerous
cases, fruits. By returning into the soil these "ramial wood chips" rich in energy
through biotransformation, they can renew, rehabilitate and, most important,
reconstruct the degraded soils. In these soils, the fundamental mechanisms are
found and can rebuild a fertile soil where no other modern technology has yet
What is ramial chipped wood?
The RCW have nothing in common with traditional organic matter such as
compost. RCW have an impact on the short, medium and long terms global
structure of the metabolism and of soil biology. The soils components (minerals,
distribution of energy, biochemical, chemical, and biological components) are
integrated with the microorganisms in such a way that nutrients are available to the
plant request but firstly ruled by fungi instead of bacteria.
RCW are made from tree parts, branches, twigs and leaves rich in nutrients, sugar,
protein, cellulose, and lignin, which all play a precise and specific role in the
formation and maintenance of fertile soils. This is not the case for barks, trunk
wood, sawdust, wood shavings, and all industrial waste material, etc.
RCW are the support for the soil stability and durability because they contribute to
the soil structure and to the main biological characteristics. Thus, they contribute
also to biodiversity by managing all the factors involved only if an energy source of
low degradation rate is present such as polyphenols, whose the lignin syringyl and
also the guayacyl are the most important under our climate. Fertility can be defined
as an increase in soil efficiency of all soil parameters over a long period of time,
rather then under the restrictive way of an immediate release of nutrients.
We don't yet fully understand the behavior of RCW and how to optimize its use.
Nevertheless, as most research works are dealing with nutrients, particularly with
nitrogen and phosphorous, the polyphenols and their implications remain essential
to study. Despite limited studies, many enzymes are known to play an important
role in the biotransformation into the decomposition processes. The lignin fractions
of the wood, guaicyl and syringyl - two important polyphenols, and the condensed
tannins (proanthocyanidin) are playing a vital role in soil formation. They are
associated to Basidiomycetes fungi, which in turn are acting simultaneously as
enzyme producers and food suppliers, in the form of fulvic and humic acids, and
feeding important fungivore arthropods grazing mycelia as part of the dynamics of
the soils system. There is, thus, a joint participation of biochemistry, of
microbiological world, as well as animals (arthropods), where nutrients and energy
are related in a dynamic and controlled process. We cannot ignore the secondary
role that of the extracellular polysaccharides (ECP), in binding mineral and humic
particles in order to form aggregates, the basis of a fertile soil structure. However,
these aggregates can also be metabolized by bacterial flora, which uses
polysaccharides as food and degrades again the soil. Thus, the soil structure is
Groupe de Coordination sur les Bois Raméaux
Université Laval, Québec, Canada
Ramial Chipped Wood: the Clue...
Lemieux, G. & Germain, D. Dec. 2000
also linked simultaneously to sugars, celluloses, proteins, lignins, bacteria, and
arthropods, where fungi are playing a key role.
The entire agriculture, including vegetable production, is based on soil fertility
otherwise high yield and quality cannot be obtained. The yield was the mean used
to measure the inputs in the industrial approach for the 20th century. The RCW
imply an integrated approach of all factors (physical, chemical, biochemical and
biological) in order to obtain an optimal production and good food quality, with
limited inputs, including a significant water economy.
RCW studies
Since the 80's, many Canadian research studies have been conducted in
agriculture and in forestry. Today, the research has expanded to Sénégal,
Madagascar, Ukraine and The Dominican Republic. These studies have shown the
following results:
Substantial water economy plus biological and chemical water production and
"water management" by the organisms present in soil; further studies on water
economy are conducted in Sénégal, and financed by the Competitive Fund of
the World Bank from a Canadian CIDA initiative.
Yield increases up to 1000%-mass for tomatoes in Sénégal; 300%-mass for
strawberries in Canada, 400%-mass in dry matter of corn in both Côte d'Ivoire
and the Dominican Republic, and by 30%-mass in dry matter content for
potatoes in Canada.
Reduction of the negative impacts generated by some pathogens, for example,
under tropical conditions, a complete control of root nematodes, the worst and
most costly pest in vegetable garden.
Noticeable resistance to drought.
A remarkable enhancement of organoleptic properties in fruits and vegetables.
An increase of 0.4 to 1.2 pH unit in acid soils, and a decrease in the range of 2.0
in alkaline soils. It seems that the pH is controlled by the enzyme systems.
Reduction of conductivity in saline or brackish soils.
Production of phosphatase (both alkaline and acid) is allowing the use of
unavailable phosphorous otherwise.
Projects in progress
The most important project in progress is related to the implementation of RCW for
vegetable production conducted in Sénégal at the cost of 2,5 M$cdn, financed by
Canadian money at the World Bank under Competitive Fund. Besides this major
project, numerous small-scale projects are going on mainly in Canada for market
crops, flowers, etc., and also in Ukraine funded by IDRC on potato and rye since
1996. Some projects have been active for over 16 years, and they provide sound
Groupe de Coordination sur les Bois Raméaux
Université Laval, Québec, Canada
Ramial Chipped Wood: the Clue...
Lemieux, G. & Germain, D. Dec. 2000
results; normally, every three years a small layer of RCW is added varying from 25
to 50 m3/ha.
The RCW is currently used in Ukraine in order to correct and improve the degraded
soils for cereal production. The results are so obvious that two RCW wood
chippers have been ordered recently. A new Canadian international company is
already building specific wood chippers for RCW production.
Mineral Fertilizers, Composts and RCW: Advantages and
Fertilizers are commonly used for improving crop yields. For example in 1996, in
United States (AAPFCO, 1997) 54 million tons (110 billion pounds) were spread on
agricultural land. Primary nutrients (N, P, K) accounted for 90% of this total,
secondary nutrients (calcium, magnesium, sulfur) for 5%, liming materials for 4%,
and organic fertilizers for 1%. All the advantages and disadvantages of mineral
fertilizers, organic fertilizers and RCW must be under a close look.
Mineral fertilizers
This section is taken in part from EPA 1999a.
The intense use of mineral fertilizers worldwide reflects its high potential to
release readily its nutrients and increase in the short-term crop yield. However,
the drawback of this fast release lies in its potential to contaminate
Excess nitrogen pollutes ecosystems, and can alter both their ecological
functioning and the living communities they support. Nitrogen is considered one
of the five key factors responsible for driving most trends in biological diversity,
according to a study co-authored by 19 scientists (Sala et al., 2000).
The mineral fertilizers additions to soil, such as N, P, K, contaminate
groundwaters and surface waters. In fact, dissolved nitrogen in the form of
nitrate (NO3-) is the most common contaminant identified in groundwater.
Human activities have doubled the amount of nitrogen cycling between the
living world and the soil, water, and atmosphere, and that rate is continuing to
The persistence of nitrogen-based fertilizers on the land contributes to
acidification and the increased loss of trace nutrients and release of heavy
Groupe de Coordination sur les Bois Raméaux
Université Laval, Québec, Canada
Ramial Chipped Wood: the Clue...
Lemieux, G. & Germain, D. Dec. 2000
Within the soil, bacteria generate nitrous oxide from fertilizers. Although the
concentrations of this gas are low, they contribute to the serious problems of
ozone destruction in the stratosphere and greenhouse warming in the
troposphere. In 1997, the application of synthetic nitrogen and organic fertilizers
accounted for about 36 percent of total U.S. nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions.
N2O is a powerful greenhouse gas, about 310 times more effective at trapping
heat than carbon dioxide on a molecule-for-molecule basis. Most N2O is
produced naturally by microbial processes in the soil. These processes may be
augmented by the application of synthetic nitrogen and organic fertilizers,
leading to an increase in emissions from agricultural lands where these
fertilizers are used. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change, if fertilizer applications are doubled, emissions of N2O will double, all
other factors being equal.
Therefore, limiting the use of mineral fertilizers will minimize nitrogen loss to the
environment through leaching and atmospheric emissions.
Organic fertilizers
This section is taken in part from EPA 1997 and 1999b.
Compost technology is a valuable tool being used to increase yields by farmers
interested in a more “sustainable” agriculture. Farmers are discovering that
compost-enriched soil can also help suppress diseases and ward off pests.
These beneficial uses of compost can help growers save money, reduce their
use of pesticides, and conserve natural resources.
Compost enhances water holding, soil aeration, structural stability, resistance to
water and wind erosion, root penetration, and soil temperature stabilization.
Compost increases macro- and micronutrient content, increases availability of
mineral substances, and ensures pH stability.
Compost promotes the activity of beneficial microorganisms, reduces attack by
parasites, promotes root development, and high yields of agricultural crops.
Since compost has the ability to improve soil water holding capacity and fix
nitrogen into a form that can be used by plants, its use mitigates (at least
partially) non-point sources of pollution in comparison to commercial fertilizers.
Compost reduces reliance on pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides by
providing an environment rich in organic matter. Beneficial microorganisms
thrive in this environment and can out compete and suppress detrimental
pathogens found in soils where organic matter is low.
Groupe de Coordination sur les Bois Raméaux
Université Laval, Québec, Canada
Ramial Chipped Wood: the Clue...
Lemieux, G. & Germain, D. Dec. 2000
Consistent application of compost reduces soil erosion resulting from wind and
water by improving soil stability.
Section taken in part from EPA, 1998, 1999b.
The delay for a mature compost. A 12-year study at the Connecticut Agricultural
Experiment Station demonstrated that equivalent yields resulted on compost-
amended plots when compared to those with only mineral fertilizer after 4 to 5
years when the steady state of nutrient release is reached.
Large differences in the effectiveness of different composts.
Very large differences between-year performance of some composts, but not
Used as bio-control products, they cannot control diseases with the same
consistency as synthetic chemicals. The lack of consistent performance is
probably due to complex interactions between environmental conditions that
modify plant susceptibility to a pathogen and/or change the relative infective
potential of the pathogen (Burdon, 1992; Dickman, 1992; Couch, 1960).
Need additional compost application every year.
As far as of annual productions are concerned, the "organic matter" was always
seen as a nutrient and immediately assimilated by the growing plants. Numerous
examples have shown that additions of fecal and waste substances to the soil, as
nutrient source, have favored bacterial flora attack on wood and all other organic
matters by the enzyme called laccase. Thus, this biotransformation reacts rapidly
without increasing soil fertility in the long term, and releasing large quantities of
carbon dioxide as a contribution to greenhouse effect.
The first and single most important advantage comes from the fact that soil is
regenerated by a technology based on the way nature makes soil. As a result,
this technology does not require any nitrate addition.
The RCW approach is the only technology using the soil energy potential
expressed in terms of polyphenols.
RCW potential is found in the biotransformation process, which has nothing to
do with "organic decomposition" but regulates the nutrient availability, the soil
physical structure, the erosion resistance, and above all, protects and
Groupe de Coordination sur les Bois Raméaux
Université Laval, Québec, Canada
Ramial Chipped Wood: the Clue...
Lemieux, G. & Germain, D. Dec. 2000
stimulates various phases of animal life, bacterial and fungus of the soil major
contributors to soil formation.
RCW, like compost, has the ability to improve soil water holding capacity, to fix
and release nitrogen as needed by plants, and to mitigates sources of pollution.
RCW can reduce reliance on pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides by providing
a balance microbial and nutrient environments.
No contamination by metals is provided by RCWs.
Stable quality of soil favored by the lignin content.
Maintenance of soil fertility at a minimal cost by growing trees or bushes in
garden’s vicinity for subsequent applications of RCWs.
Colonization of RCWs by fungus is a process taking several months under
temperate climate but much less under tropical.
In summary, the use of chemical or detriment products does not contribute to soil
formation, neither to long term fertility. Therefore the soil, that feed the world,
continues to degrade. RCW will keep on managing the energy source - the
polyphenols - according to the plant need through the fungus activity.
Consequently, a sustainable fertile soil can only be achieved through the Ramial
Chipped Wood technology.
Agricultural training
Why oriented toward women?
"FAO estimates that more than half of the world's food is produced by women, and
in rural areas of Africa, Latin America, and Asia, the figure soars to 80%. Yet
women have little or no access to land ownership, credit, agricultural training,
education, and social privileges in general… therefore, social sciences must be
involved with the keen involvement of anthropology.
Moreover, women in developing countries reinvest nearly all of their earned income
to meet household food and other needs, whereas men often set aside up to a
quarter of their incomes… Women impoverished to the point of hunger bear hungry
children, and are less able to care for their children and to breast-feed, conditions
that perpetuate hunger across generations. In sum, societies that abandon women
to poverty are weakening one of their key defenses against malnutrition." (Gardner
and Halweil, 2000).
Groupe de Coordination sur les Bois Raméaux
Université Laval, Québec, Canada
Ramial Chipped Wood: the Clue...
Lemieux, G. & Germain, D. Dec. 2000
Consequently, it is obvious that agricultural training for using properly the RCW
technology must be given to women in rural areas.
The technicians, mainly women very well trained by the Coordination Group on
Ramial Wood (CGRW), will be responsible for the local agricultural training.
The same technicians will also be in charge of marketing vegetables in each village
or community involved in the project. A "model" garden will serve as reference for
the farmers in order to be used as a check basis for yields.
The involvement of a regional scientist or a scientific group is needed to maintain
good contact for developing the RCW technology with the help of local agricultural
How to use the RCW technology?
Tree species, harvesting, and size
Various forestry species under studies have shown that the best results were
obtained with climax tree species, namely maple, oak, beech… having a high lignin
content. The tree species such as paper birch, poplar, aspen, have a lesser degree
of efficiency. In the northern hemisphere, conifers did not favor the formation of
suitable agricultural soils. As far as, pine, spruce, and fir are concerned, they
cannot be used at a rate exceeding 20% of the total amount of angiosperm
Under temperate conditions, the harvesting of RCWs is at best from October to
March, when the access is easy. Deciduous high lignin content climax species
have to be harvested during this period. During that time, the RCW is in good
quality and can be protected from alteration by composting since temperature is
Under tropical conditions, the RCW harvest occurs when polyphenols with weak
hydrolysis potential is at its peak, i.e. at the end of the raining season, then
favoring the biotransformation. Otherwise occurrence of non-hydrolysable
polyphenols will take place, bringing the entire process of pedogenesis of a
In most cases, the tree species will not have been tested. Therefore, field
experiments will be required to evaluate the quality of various RCW available tree
species. In practice, however, one can estimate the more suitable species on the
basis of ecology where trees are in association with higher plants (climax
deciduous trees). By doing so, the RCWs will favor biodiversity and, then the most
needed crops. By mixing tree species, soils will be improved by positive effects in
the short, medium, and long terms.
Groupe de Coordination sur les Bois Raméaux
Université Laval, Québec, Canada
Ramial Chipped Wood: the Clue...
Lemieux, G. & Germain, D. Dec. 2000
As recommended standards by the Coordination Group on Ramial Wood branches
must be used as the basic material and have a diameter less than 7 cm, (since
larger diameter branches are often used as fuelwood), for a final product of wood
chips ranging between 5 and 10 cm long. These RCW are generally without leaves
under temperate climate. Under tropical climate, however, experiences have
shown that leaves must necessarily be incorporated to RCWs, in order to avoid
important zinc deficiencies.
The chipping
By chipping the ramial wood branches, the biotransformation take and give access
to fungus Basidiomycetes within internal organic tissues normally protected by the
bark. The invasion of these tissues by Basidiomycetes mycelium is essential.
Otherwise, bacteria or Actinomycetes could invade and prevent the tissues to be
colonized Basidiomycetes, the only fungus able to produce the enzymes involved
in all other processes from lignin biochemical evolution.
Therefore, RCWs will regulate the whole system and improve the parameters
dedicated to the release of nutrients for plants.
Numerous tools can be used for chipping ramial wood. A new Canadian company
has developed an efficient and robust chipper especially design for this purpose,
many times more efficient then regular large diesel motor ones. Purchase,
operation and the maintenance costs are suited for the developing countries.
Spreading and soil incorporation
A manure spreader can be used. The recommendation rate is 150 m3/ha, which
means a layer of 15 mm. Once in place, RCWs are incorporated into the soil at a
depth of about 10-cm, because the Basidiomycetes fungi need aerobic conditions.
The mixing with the soil done by harrowing, or preferably with a chisel device is of
great importance for the phosphorus metabolism, which depends on two enzymes:
alkaline and acid phosphatases found in the microbial biomass including RCWs. A
significant influence was noted on the nitrogen availability on fixation as nitrate and
ammonium, and on the role of mycorhyzea dealing with phosphorous biological
retrieving into the fungus tissues and required by the plants. According to Neher
(1999), good soil management will achieve relatively balanced fungal and bacterial
components and reduce fertilizer requirements because the processes of nutrient
mineralization and decomposition will be maintained by soil organisms at
sustainable levels. The soil mixed with RCW need also to be well drained,
otherwise the biotransformation mechanisms will be reduced as well as the
expected advantages, associated to the process of soil formation.
The RCW technology is closely related to soil formation and reacts with all
parameters including its action in time. Consequently, additional inputs are
required at regular intervals; similar to forest soils reclaiming annually twigs and
Groupe de Coordination sur les Bois Raméaux
Université Laval, Québec, Canada
Ramial Chipped Wood: the Clue...
Lemieux, G. & Germain, D. Dec. 2000
leaves falling on the soil with small roots to be metabolized by grazing arthropods.
In general 75 m3/ha of RCWs should be applied every three years.
The forest litter addition
Research studies have proven that Basiomycetes are not found in cultivated soil
and also the trophic chains are reduced to a minimum. Several organisms (fungi
and symbiotic bacteria, microarthropods, insects, etc.), essential to the RCW
transformation, are not found in cultivated land and they have to be reintroduced.
An addition of 10-20 g of forest litter per square meter is sufficient to reintroduce
the organisms. This matter can be removed from an old growth deciduous climax
forest stand or something close to it, at a depth of 5 cm under the dead leaves just
prior to the spreading of RCWs and so preventing drying.
Environmental and social impacts
Environmental impacts
The most important impact coming with this new technology is the fact that RCWs
work the same way nature makes soils. Furthermore, the RCW technology
approach is the only one using the soil energy expressed in terms of polyphenols
to its full potential. As a consequence, this new technology is the clue for
sustainable fertile soils.
RCW doesn’t require nitrogen addition, nor or limited application of insecticides
and herbicides. In fact, nitrogen addition would impair the soil durability by
accelerating the polyphenols and cellulose decompositions. It will also modify
aggregates structure, soil physico-chemical properties, and more important it will
alter the natural barriers for nitrogen mineralization. Furthermore, nitrogen addition
favors also the implantation of weeds, which are nitrophilous and are present only
due to an excess of nitrates, nitrites, and/or ammonium salts. This proliferation of
weeds could require some herbicide applications for limiting their expansion and
growth. Similarly, the proliferation of insects can also be an expression of
imbalance often resulting from insecticides additions, which can disturb soil
protozoa critically (Neher, 1999). Therefore, with RCW technology, balance is
obtained between fungal and bacterial components in order to reduce fertilizer
additions. Within such a system, soil organisms will contribute to nutrient
mineralization and biotransformation at sustainable levels, and the groundwater
quality will not be impaired by dissolved nitrate, the most common contaminant
identified in groundwater. There is more. Nitrogen is considered one of the five key
factors responsible for driving most trends in biological diversity.
Secondly, this new technology works properly with less water than other ones, and
shows noticeable resistance to drought. Therefore, its use seems particularly well
suited for dry regions where the water resources are often scarce.
The apparent negative impact seems to be the removal of ramial wood rich in
nutrients and could feed some animals, such as deers under temperate climate.
Groupe de Coordination sur les Bois Raméaux
Université Laval, Québec, Canada
Ramial Chipped Wood: the Clue...
Lemieux, G. & Germain, D. Dec. 2000
Nevertheless, a careful management of this resource should not impair the
wildlife's habitat. This impact is rather limited for the implementation of the
technology in a given region, since ramial wood source can be “harvested” from
initial plots.
In summary, the fertile soil resulting from ramial chipped wood interaction can
sustain and maintain food production, and also minimize soil degradation and
groundwater contamination.
A new category for soil improvement: SOIL UPGRADERS
As described above, RCWs must be classified in a new category devoted to
improve both agriculture and forestry. It cannot be assessed as a FERTILIZER
even if its content is significant neither more to soil AMENDMENT well known as
"organic matter". Using RCW technology, we enter in a new world of interventions
where UPGRADERS will master our always depleting agricultural soils all over the
world. Above all, UPGRADERS are bringing energy for the biological enhancement
of the soil, while contributing to soil structure, plant productivity and groundwater
quality. Most important, it contributes to a biochemical balance responsible for all
biological and physical factors of soil fertility into a dynamic process.
Social impacts
The social contributions to this project on small farms, are concerned to women:
Increasing their income
Improving their status
Acquiring better knowledge on food production by technology transfer
Improving the health of their family by increasing the food quantity and quality.
The research team
Coordination Group on Ramial Wood (CGRW)
All the members are researchers from few Canadian universities, and from federal
and provincial governments. The Canadian International Development Agency
(CIDA) and the International Development Research Center (IDRC), Ottawa,
Canada, are providing some funds. Expertise has been developed in Canada, the
Caribbean, Europe and Africa. Over 120 publications have been produced in
French, English, Spanish and German.
This Group was born in the early 80's at Laval University, Québec City, Canada, in
order to put values over industrial wastes such as thousands of tons of crushed
twigs from the production of essential oils. Chemical analyses of the material from
evergreens have shown a high content in proteins, sugars, cellulose and
polyphenolic compounds, where lignins are the most intriguing component.
From evergreens to hardwood, the crushed twigs and branches, mixed with poor
soil gave even impressive results with crops such as wheat, oat, potatoes,
Groupe de Coordination sur les Bois Raméaux
Université Laval, Québec, Canada
Ramial Chipped Wood: the Clue...
Lemieux, G. & Germain, D. Dec. 2000
strawberries... Those twigs had a very good effect on soil improvement,
biodiversity and forest regeneration.
Since no mention was found in scientific literature, we gave the name of Ramial
Chipped Wood or “RCW” in English, Bois Raméal Fragmenté “BRF” in French and
Madera Rameal Fragmentada “MRF” in Spanish.
From 1990 with the close support of CIDA in Canada, trials were conducted in
Africa (Sénégal and Côte d'Ivoire), with better results than under temperate climate
conditions. Other trials were made in the Caribbean (Dominican Republic) with
special reference to maize production increased by 400%-mass. Trials are
underway for three years in Ukraine and financed by IDRC; all enhancing criteria
are met just as in Canada and Africa.
After 20 years, we come to the conclusion that using RCW technology using trees
branches not used even in the poorest countries, is a major contribution to
pedogenetic mechanisms in soil rehabilitation and biodiversity enhancement. It is
above all an upgrading technology with a significant influence on soil fertility,
texture, nutrient control, availability and a major contribution to water and nutrient
availability where agricultural soils are under a fast degrading mode as well as
forest disappearing even faster all over the planet.
We are in the wrap up process for a large research and development project in
Sénégal, which will be funded by both CIDA and IDRC. We are focussing on
pedogenetic processes where polyphenolic compounds are ruling all walks of soil's
life and, moreover, biological water production from plant and soil.
Hydrogéochem Environment
Hydrogéochem Environment, founded in 1996, operates in the domain of the
environment. The firm is specialized in hydrogeology, geochemistry, and numerical
The main activities include:
characterization of soils and waters potentially contaminated by inorganic/organic
design of processes for rehabilitation of contaminated soils and for water treatment
water resources management
numerical simulations of groundwater flow and contaminants migration
Technical support
Diane Germain holds a master’s degree and a doctorate in hydrogeology from the
department of Earth Sciences at the University of Waterloo (1981 and 1988), and a
bachelor’s degree in geological engineering from Laval University (1978). She
received a post-doctoral scholarship from the French department of Foreign Affairs
to pursue her formation at the Paris School of Mines (1988 and 1989). Afterwards,
Groupe de Coordination sur les Bois Raméaux
Université Laval, Québec, Canada
Ramial Chipped Wood: the Clue...
Lemieux, G. & Germain, D. Dec. 2000
she held various positions in both the academic and private sectors (supply
teacher- department of Chemical Engineering, Laval University: June to December
1990; consultant: January to June 1991; professor “sous-octroi”- INRS-
Géoressources: June 1991 to May 1994; hydrogeologist and geochemist- Golder
Associates Ltd.: February 1995 to September 1995, and January 1996). Since May
1996, she has headed Hydrogéochem Environnement Inc.
Brown, L.R., Challenges of the New Century. In: State of the World 2000. Edited by
Brown, Flavin and French. Publisher W.W. Norton & Co., p. 1-21.
EPA, 1999a. Background Report on Fertilizer use, contaminants and regulations. EPA747-
EPA, 1999b. Organic Materials Management Strategies. EPA530-R-99-016
EPA, 1998. An Analysis of Composting As an Environmental Remediation Technology.
EPA, 1997. Innovative Uses of Compost : Disease Control for Plants and Animals.
Gardner, G., Halweil, B., 2000. Nourishing the Underfed and Overfed. In: State of the
World 2000. Edited by Brown, Flavin and French. W.W. Norton & Co., p. 59-78.
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), 2000, Global Study Reveals New
Warning Signals: Degraded Agricultural Lands Threaten World's Food Production
Lemieux, G., Lachance, L., 2000. Une tentative d'évaluation de la technologie BRF pour
des fins maraîchères. Publication #120. Département des Sciences du bois et de la
forêt, Faculté de Foresterie et de géomatique, Université Laval. 34 pages.
Neher, D.A., 1999. Soil Community Composition and Ecosystem Processes. In:
Agroforestry Systems, vol. 45, 159-185.
Sala, Osvaldo E., F. Stuart Chapin III, Juan J. Armesto, Eric Berlow, Janine Bloomfield,
Rodolfo Dirzo, Elisabeth Huber-Sanwald, Laura F. Huenneke, Robert B. Jackson,
Ann Kinzig, Rik Leemans, David M. Lodge, Harold A. Mooney, Martín Oesterheld, N.
LeRoy Poff, Martin T. Sykes, Brian H. Walker, Marilyn Walker, and Diana H. Wall.
Global Biodiversity Scenarios for the year 2100. Science 2000 March 10; 287: 1770-
Stevanovic-Janezic, T. 1998. L'étude de la chimie des polyphénols dans le bois raméal
fragmenté (BRF). In: Lemieux, G., Lachance, L., Genest S., and Hamel, C. La
Technologie pédogénétique du bois raméal fragmenté (BRF), une source naturelle
qui contribue à l'établissement et au maintien de la fertilité des sols au Sénégal et au
Groupe de Coordination sur les Bois Raméaux
Université Laval, Québec, Canada
Ramial Chipped Wood: the Clue...
Lemieux, G. & Germain, D. Dec. 2000
Bénin. CGBR, Laval University, Québec, Canada. Publication #99, pp. 65. ISBN 2-
The World Bank, 2000 «A proposal for Accelerating the Soil Fertility Initiatives and
Establishement of a Core Funding Mechanism» - «Proposition visant à susciter une
initiative portant sur la fertilité des sols et la mise en place de mécanismes de
financement (IFS)» Groupe de Coordination sur les Bois Raméaux, Université Laval,
publication n° 127, 13 pages.
Groupe de Coordination sur les Bois Raméaux
Université Laval, Québec, Canada
... Numerous mechanisms can influence soil nutrient availability depending on the RWC decomposition stage and soil properties. Positive effects of RWC on soil quality have been reported in the literature (Barthès et al., 2010;Lemieux et al., 2000), for example by increasing availability of nutrients for plants (Salau et al., 1992;Soumare et al., 2002). Since RWC has a high C-to-N ratio (Guay et al., 1981), the initial phase of RWC decomposition can increase the microbial C availability (Ba et al., 2014;Jourgholami et al., 2021) and, in turn, the microbial N demand to the detriment of crops that may face a N deficiency (Lalande et al., 1998;Tremblay and Beauchamp, 1998). ...
... RWC incorporation using rotary harrow likely favoured SOC accumulation in our experiment since this practice is reported to promote SOC accumulation more than mulching (Félix et al., 2018). Despite the fact that the 150 m 3 ha −1 RWC amendment is in the upper range of amounts used in most studies (Barthes et al., 2015), recommendations are between 150 and 300 m 3 ha −1 (Caron and Lemieux, 1999;Gilli, 2012;Lemieux et al., 2000). ...
Ramial wood chips (RWC) amendment has great potential in sustainable agriculture, however more data is needed to assess its effect on soil fertility and carbon (C) storage. In this study, we investigated the effect of a single application of RWC amendment on a silty clay loam soil. During the 5 year experiment, we measured biomass production, grain yields and crop nutrient uptake. At the end of the experiment, we measured soil micro- and macronutrients, soil organic C (SOC) content and thermal stability, microbial biomass C (Cmic), and organic C and total N contents in soil particle size fractions. Soil physical properties including structural porosity, air and water capacity were also measured. Neither crop biomass production nor grain yields were affected by RWC. However, RWC was found to affect nutrient uptake, with improved N, P and Mg uptakes for the 2nd and 3rd crops after RWC amendment, and decreased Mn, Fe and Zn uptakes in the second half of the study period. The initially low SOC content increased by 10%, mainly in the mineral-associated organic matter fraction, resulting in a higher SOC stability. The increase in SOC following RWC amendment decreased the bulk density and increased the easily available water capacity due to a larger structural porosity. The increased porosity in the 15-30 um diameter range was ascribed to a change in SOC quality. In conclusion, RWC amendment improved macronutrient uptake in the short term, but decreased micronutrient uptake in the medium term. RWC increased SOC content and positively affected SOC quality, thus improving soil physical properties including water capacity and aeration.
... It is a by-92 product of pruning cuts and is available at lower cost. RCW is a fresh or slightly 93 decomposed organic material (Lemieux et al., 2000). It is sometimes laid out as mulch or 94 mixed with mineral soil. ...
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Mining waste creates challenging soil conditions that hinder tree establishment for boreal forest restoration. This study investigated the effects of adding topsoil or ramial chipped wood (RCW) on the physicochemical properties of waste rock and the growth and survival of planted native tree species. An randomized-block setup with four treatments and repetitions was established on a gold mine site in western Quebec, Canada in 2018, and planted with Pinus banksiana and Abies balsamea. Results demonstrated that topsoil addition significantly improved height and diameter growth, aerial and root biomasses, survival, and nutrient uptake (N, P, and S) in conifer seedlings, concomitantly to increased water content, decreased pH, and elevated nutrient concentrations in the substrate. However, multivariate analysis revealed that these improved soil conditions alone did not determine the survival and growth of conifer seedlings. In contrast, the application of RCW-based treatments had no discernible impact on the growth and survival of the planted trees. Additionally, topsoil addition effectively reduced the concentration of potentially phytotoxic elements in soil and needles, particularly arsenic. The total arsenic concentration in the mineral substrate (84.1 to 507 µg.g− 1) emerged as a growth-limiting factor for both conifer species. The total concentration of arsenic in the waste rock correlated positively with arsenic accumulation in the tree needles, indicating potential root uptake of this element. This study emphasizes the significance of addressing arsenic availability during reclamation efforts at mine sites. Nonetheless, further research is required to determine the phytotoxic thresholds of arsenic on conifers and its potential metabolic effects.
... Chipped ramial wood (CRW) is an organic material derived from the small branches, bark, and leaves of tree saplings. This woody debris contains nutrients, sugars, celluloses, proteins, and lignin, all of which contribute to the formation of a fertile compost [17]. Composted CRW can improve soil structure, water-holding capacity, and soil biological activity, features that are essential for maintaining healthy crops [18,19]. ...
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Inorganic N fertilizers are commonly used in commercial blueberry fields; however, this form of N can favor increased weed species’ growth, which can ultimately reduce the benefits of fertilization. We hypothesized that chipped ramial wood (CRW) compost is an effective alternative organic fertilizer for blueberry plants when weeds are present, as ericaceous shrub species are generally more efficient in utilizing organic N than herbaceous weed species. In this study, we measured the growth, fruit yield, and foliar N response of lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton) to an application of 45 kg N ha⁻¹ in the form of organic (CRW) or inorganic N (ammonium sulfate) in two areas of a commercial field colonized by either poverty oat grass (Danthonia spicata (L.) Beauv.) or sweet fern (Comptonia peregrina (L.) Coult.). We also assessed the impact of the fertilization treatments on litter decomposition rates. Contrary to our hypothesis, we found no significant increase in blueberry fruit yield or growth using CRW. By contrast, inorganic N-fertilization increased fruit yield by 70%. The effect was higher in the area colonized by D. spicata (+83%) than by C. peregrina (+45%). Blueberry fruit yield was on average twice higher in the area of the field having D. spicata than C. peregrina, suggesting a stronger competition with the latter. However, the increase in D. spicata density from 0–1 to >25 plants m⁻² reduced fruit production by three-fold and strongly impacted vegetative growth in both fertilized and unfertilized plots. The impact of increased C. peregrina density was comparatively much lower, especially on vegetative growth, which was much higher in the area having C. peregrina. These patterns are likely due to a lower competition for N uptake with C. peregrina as this species can derive N from the atmosphere. Interestingly, the higher fruit yield in the area colonized by D. spicata occurred even in plots where the weeds were nearly absent (density of 0–1 plant m⁻²), revealing the influence of unidentified variables on blueberry fruit yield. We hypothesized that this difference resulted from over-optimal foliar N concentrations in the area colonized by C. peregrina as suggested by the significantly higher foliar N concentrations and by the negative correlation between foliar N concentrations and fruit yields in this area. The possibility of an influence of C. peregrina on flowering and pollination success, as well as of unidentified local site conditions is discussed. The tested N-fertilization treatments did not affect foliar N concentrations or litter decomposition rates. Overall, our results show that ammonium sulfate is very effective at increasing fruit yields but that both fruit yields and the efficiency of the N-fertilization treatment are decreased by increased D. spicata density, especially above 25 plants m⁻². Although CRW did not significantly enhance fruit yields in the short term, this fertilizer may have a long-term beneficial effect.
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Mining waste creates challenging soil conditions that hinder tree establishment for boreal forest restoration. This study investigated the effects of adding topsoil or ramial chipped wood (RCW) on the physicochemical properties of waste rock and the growth and survival of planted native tree species. A randomized-block setup with four replications of four treatments was established on a gold mine site in western Quebec, Canada in 2018, and planted with Pinus banksiana and Abies balsamea. Results demonstrated that topsoil addition significantly improved height and diameter growth, aerial and root biomasses, survival, and nutrient uptake (N, P, and S) in conifer seedlings. Concomitantly, water content increased, pH lowered and nutrient concentrations increased in the substrate with a topsoil layer. However, multivariate analysis revealed that these improved soil conditions alone did not determine the survival and growth of conifer seedlings. In contrast, the application of RCW-based treatments had no discernible impact on the growth and survival of the planted trees. Additionally, topsoil amendment effectively reduced the concentration of potentially phytotoxic elements in soil and needles, particularly arsenic. The total arsenic concentration in the mineral substrate (84.1 to 507 µg.g− 1) emerged as a growth-limiting factor for both conifer species. The total concentration of arsenic in the waste rock correlated positively with arsenic accumulation in the tree needles, indicating potential root uptake of this element. This study emphasizes the significance of addressing arsenic availability during reclamation efforts at mine sites. Nonetheless, further research is required to determine the phytotoxic thresholds of arsenic on conifers and its potential metabolic effects.
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Dryland region covers 47.2% of the global area. In India, it covers 68% of the total cultivated area and supports 44% of the world’s food production for the ever-increasing population. However, the global warming into climate change due to anthropogenic activities adding carbon compounds such as carbon dioxide, methane, carbon monoxide, etc., into the atmosphere, the soil health has deteriorated and reduced the production potential of the region even in irrigated conditions, owing to the higher mineralization rate of organic matter content as compared with the addition or accumulation of it due to an increase in temperature under global warming. The soil without organic matter cannot support plants to grow in there and in turn, the plants are the source of the organic matter. The development of a vegetative environment under climate change in the regions, especially in arid regions, is questionable, whether possible or not; if possible, how long will it take; and within that time the livelihood will be able to be sustained or not. It is also expected that dryland areas will keep on increasing due to global warming. To urgently combat the increase of this area and the reduction of global warming, addition of organic matter such as farmyard manure (FYM), vermicompost, green manure, microbial consortia, plantation, regular irrigation, etc. was introduced, which can help sequester atmospheric carbon dioxide through plants called “carbon sequestration.” Plants require it for their photosynthetic process with sunlight and water. More the sequestration of atmospheric carbon and retention in the soil by way of plants increases the soil organic matter into soil organic carbon content when decomposition of the plant materials and enhances the soil health and helps in reducing global warming. Making it possible for just a plant to grow in the dryland soil without any hampering its growth and development is the only solution for alleviating climate change.
While zero liquid discharge (ZLD) wetlands have been successfully used for domestic wastewater treatment, adapting this technology to treat other wastewaters such as leachate could be very attractive for some industries concerned with meeting increasingly stringent environmental regulations. Leachate treatment typically implies large volume of water that are entirely dependent on rainfall and therefore highly variable both throughout the year and between years. Current design guidelines for zero discharge willow systems limit system flexibility because they are based on rough theoretical estimates of evapotranspiration. This discuss the applicability of ZLD treatment through a willow bed evapotranspiration (ET) applied to the treatment of industrial leachate that has high and variable hydraulic loading rate and low contaminant and salt concentration. We propose a base design and, through detailed and long-term hydrological modelling of such a treatment system, investigate how various design and management decisions can affect sizing, efficiency, and overall feasibility of the technology. We showed that considering ET optimization factors (e.g. fertilization and organic substrate) was essential for ZLD to be achieved over a 20-year period in northern continental humid climate and that the ratio between cumulative annual ET of the willow bed and cumulative annual rainfall should be at least 1.5. When varying the leachate collection area, it was found that a ratio of willow bed area to collection area between 0.5 and 0.7 should be expected for an optimized design in this specific climate, were land area and storage volume remain the most limiting factors. Regarding storage volume, several management options can be applied to reduce the volume of storage required. We also highlight that a risk attenuation strategy should always be included in the design of a ZLD wetland system. Our study suggests that ZLD wetlands constitute a green technology that represents a serious alternative treatment method for pretreated leachate, while offering many benefits such as low maintenance and energy costs, valorization of contaminants such as nitrogen or phosphorus through biomass production, and, most importantly, zero contaminant discharge to the environment. Finally, we propose future research opportunities and other possible applications for further development of the technology.
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INTRODUCCIÓN. La constante degradación de los suelos a nivel global es un problema de suma importancia, el cual en la actualidad se está afrontando con diversas propuestas de restauración, entre las cuales se encuentra el uso de la madera rameal fragmentada (MRF). OBJETIVO. La presente investigación analiza la variación de diferentes factores físicos y químicos que nos permiten inferir la viabilidad de la MRF como una propuesta para la enmienda edáfica de suelos degradados en los paisajes andinos. MÉTODO. Para ello se recolectaron muestras de suelo de dos parcelas, una con tratamiento y una sin tratamiento, muestras a las cuales se les realizó un análisis de fertilidad con cuyos resultados se procedió a analizar la variación temporal y espacial, utilizando un ANOVA y realizando una ponderación de distancia inversa (IDW) respectivamente. RESULTADOS. Nuestros resultados muestran una mejor condición y calidad del suelo en la parcela con tratamiento, así como diferencias significativas en los indicadores de calidad del suelo. DISCUSIÓN Y CONCLUSIONES. Los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación respaldan el uso de la MRF como una enmienda edáfica efectiva para el tratamiento de suelos andinos degradados.
Conference Paper
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Obwohl zahlreiche Forschungsergebnisse belegen, dass Agroforstsysteme potentiell zum Klimaschutz, Erosionsschutz, zur Verhinderung von Nährstoffauswaschungen und zum Aufbau von Bodenfruchtbarkeit beitragen können (u.a. Quinkenstein et al. 2009, Aßmann u. Oelke 2010, Huber et al. 2013) mangelt es in Deutschland bislang noch an der Umsetzung in die landwirtschaftliche Praxis. Gründe hierfür sind u.a. fehlende regionale Anschauungsobjekte (Modell- und Demonstrationsvorhaben), aber auch die nach wie vor fehlende Thematisierung von Agroforstsystemen in Ausbildung und Studium. Um hierfür Lösungsansätze zu erarbeiten, wurde der Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde (HNEE) von einem an der Entwicklung von Agroforstsystemen interessierten Eigentümer eine ca. 30 ha große Projektfläche im nördlichen Brandenburg (Gemeinde Löwenberger Land) zur Erforschung von Agroforstsystemen dauerhaft zur Verfügung gestellt. Im Rahmen von Abschlussarbeiten von den land- und forstwirtschaftlichen Studiengängen der HNEE (Haefke 2016, Hofmann u. Hübner-Rosenau 2016, Müller 2016) erfolgte hierfür die Konzeption eines multispezifischen, standortangepassten Agroforstsystems: dieses sieht Wertholz- und Fruchtertragskomponenten sowie eine Kurzumtriebsplantage (KUP) vor, die durch die Produktion von Frisch-Zweig-Häckseln (FZH) dem Aufbau von Bodenfruchtbarkeit dienen soll. Dabei soll das Agroforstsystem gleichzeitig als Modellprojekt und Dauerbeobachtungsfläche fungieren: Zum einen sollen die vielfältige Umsetzbarkeit von Agroforstsystemen sowie deren Potenziale anschaulich aufgezeigt werden, um andere Landeigentümer*innen, Landwirt*innen und politische Entscheidungsträger*innen zur Nachahmung zu inspirieren; zum anderen sollen die vielfältigen ökologischen Wechselwirkungen des Agroforstsystems durch die HNEE langfristig beobachtet und dokumentiert werden. (
By-products of wood degradationand fungal activities have an important function in the formation of organic soilcomponents and can positively influence the natural succession pattern. The term mycoremediation usually refers to the exploitation of a unique fungal capacity to break down various organopollutants or to remove heavy metals from contaminated substrates but was also expanded on application of fungi to revitalise degraded and organically poor areas. Natural microbial and fungal communities found in degraded and/or contaminated soils and woody substrates represent a heterogeneous potential for remediation. But different ecological factors can hinder and prolong the revitalisation processes. The remediation potential of indigenous microflora can be enhanced with the addition of nutrients (biostimulation) or with the addition of living exogenous organisms into the remediated substrate (bioaugmentation). The substrate used for biostimulation or as an organic amendmentcan also carry a variability of organisms that can express bioremediation potential. The structures and organisation of main components of wood cell walls and high carbon to nitrogen ratio promote wood stability and cause resistance to deterioration and degradation. To promote wood degradation and production of soil organic matter, white-rot fungi can be exploited. It is essential to understand basic processes involved in the wood degradation and succession of organisms to get an insight into mycoremediation principles. With this chapter we introduce the basis of wood degradation and emphasise the influence of exogenously added fungi on the development and stability of indigenous microbial communities.
Successful reclamation of saline-alkaline sites may be enhanced by revegetating with species that are tolerant to factors that limit normal plant growth. Boreal woody plants tested in this study have shown promise for use in saline habitats. This study was conducted to assess the effects of amendment treatments (peat, pulp waste, agriboost, a combination of pulp waste and fly ash, and mineral fertilizer) on the early growth of three hybrid poplar clones and three coniferous species. Twelve-week and 18-week container-grown hybrid poplar clones and coniferous species, respectively, were monitored for 12 weeks in pot culture in both composite tailings (CTs) and tailings sand (TS) materials obtained from the oil sands plant, Syncrude Canada Ltd., Ft. McMurray, Alberta. These substrates with low nutrients, organic matter, and water-holding capacities, were amended with different organic materials at different rates. Growth, as assessed by the volume increment in both substrates, was generally better for the first 6 weeks than for the last 6 weeks. Growth was reduced during the last 6 weeks due to nutrient depletion over time in these impoverished substrates. Overall, for both substrates, the mineral fertilizer, 20%, 40% and 60% peat were the best amendments treatments for poplar clones with NM-6 being the most productive clone. For coniferous species, 20% and 40% pulp or peat appear to be the best amendment treatments, with lodgepole pine being the most productive species. The inflexion point of the regression functions were found around 30% rate of the amendment materials. The results also indicated that peat and pulp waste were the best amendment treatments for both hybrid poplars and coniferous species whereas the agriboost and mix (combination of pulp waste and fly ash) were the worst.
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Soil organisms play principal roles in several ecosystem functions, i.e. promoting plant productivity, enhancing water relations, regulating nutrient mineralisation, permitting decomposition, and acting as an environmental buffer. Agricultural soils would more closely resemble soils of natural ecosystems if management practices would reduce or eliminate cultivation, heavy machinery, and general biocides; incorporate perennial crops and organic material; and synchronise nutrient release and water availability with plant demand. In order to achieve these goals, research must be completed to develop methods for successful application of organic materials and associated micro-organisms, synchronisation of management practices with crop and soil biota phenology, and improve our knowledge of the mechanisms linking species to ecosystem processes.
Full-text available
Scenarios of changes in biodiversity for the year 2100 can now be developed based on scenarios of changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide, climate, vegetation, and land use and the known sensitivity of biodiversity to these changes. This study identified a ranking of the importance of drivers of change, a ranking of the biomes with respect to expected changes, and the major sources of uncertainties. For terrestrial ecosystems, land-use change probably will have the largest effect, followed by climate change, nitrogen deposition, biotic exchange, and elevated carbon dioxide concentration. For freshwater ecosystems, biotic exchange is much more important. Mediterranean climate and grassland ecosystems likely will experience the greatest proportional change in biodiversity because of the substantial influence of all drivers of biodiversity change. Northern temperate ecosystems are estimated to experience the least biodiversity change because major land-use change has already occurred. Plausible changes in biodiversity in other biomes depend on interactions among the causes of biodiversity change. These interactions represent one of the largest uncertainties in projections of future biodiversity change.
Nourishing the Underfed and Overfed Edited by Brown, Flavin and French
  • Www Epa Gardner
  • G Halweil
EPA530-F-97-044, Gardner, G., Halweil, B., 2000. Nourishing the Underfed and Overfed. In: State of the World 2000. Edited by Brown, Flavin and French. W.W. Norton & Co., p. 59-78
Organic Materials Management Strategies EPA530-R-99-016 EPA, 1998. An Analysis of Composting As an Environmental Remediation Technology. EPA530-R-98-008, EPA, 1997. Innovative Uses of Compost : Disease Control for Plants and Animals
EPA, 1999a. Background Report on Fertilizer use, contaminants and regulations. EPA747- R-98-003, EPA, 1999b. Organic Materials Management Strategies. EPA530-R-99-016 EPA, 1998. An Analysis of Composting As an Environmental Remediation Technology. EPA530-R-98-008, EPA, 1997. Innovative Uses of Compost : Disease Control for Plants and Animals. EPA530-F-97-044,
Nourishing the Underfed and Overfed
  • G Gardner
  • B Halweil
Gardner, G., Halweil, B., 2000. Nourishing the Underfed and Overfed. In: State of the World 2000. Edited by Brown, Flavin and French. W.W. Norton & Co., p. 59-78.
Une tentative d'évaluation de la technologie BRF pour des fins maraîchères. Publication #120. Département des Sciences du bois et de la forêt
  • G Lemieux
  • L Lachance
Lemieux, G., Lachance, L., 2000. Une tentative d'évaluation de la technologie BRF pour des fins maraîchères. Publication #120. Département des Sciences du bois et de la forêt, Faculté de Foresterie et de géomatique, Université Laval. 34 pages.
L'étude de la chimie des polyphénols dans le bois raméal fragmenté (BRF)
  • T Stevanovic-Janezic
  • G Lemieux
  • L Lachance
  • S Genest
  • C Hamel
Stevanovic-Janezic, T. 1998. L'étude de la chimie des polyphénols dans le bois raméal fragmenté (BRF). In: Lemieux, G., Lachance, L., Genest S., and Hamel, C. La Technologie pédogénétique du bois raméal fragmenté (BRF), une source naturelle qui contribue à l'établissement et au maintien de la fertilité des sols au Sénégal et au
Global Biodiversity Scenarios for the year 2100
  • Leroy Poff
  • Martin T Sykes
  • Brian H Walker
  • Marilyn Walker
  • Diana H Wall
LeRoy Poff, Martin T. Sykes, Brian H. Walker, Marilyn Walker, and Diana H. Wall. Global Biodiversity Scenarios for the year 2100. Science 2000 March 10; 287: 1770- 1774.