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The purpose of this paper is to promote a broad and flexible perspective on ecological restoration of Southwestern (U.S.) ponderosa pine forests. Ponderosa pine forests in the region have been radically altered by Euro-American land uses, including livestock grazing, fire suppression, and logging. Dense thickets of young trees now abound, oldgrowth and biodiversity have declined, and human and ecological communities are increasingly vulnerable to destructive crown fires. A consensus has emerged that it is urgent to restore more natural conditions to these forests. Efforts to restore Southwestern forests will require extensive projects employing varying combinations of young-tree thinning and reintroduction of low-intensity fires. Treatments must be flexible enough to recognize and accommodate: high levels of natural heterogeneity; dynamic ecosystems; wildlife and other biodiversity considerations; scientific uncertainty; and the challenges of on-the-ground implementation. Ecological restoration should reset ecosystem trends toward an envelope of ‘‘natural variability,’’ including the reestablishment of natural processes. Reconstructed historic reference conditions are best used as general guides rather than rigid restoration prescriptions. In the long term, the best way to align forest conditions to track ongoing climate changes is to restore fire, which naturally correlates with current climate. Some stands need substantial structural manipulation (thinning) before fire can safely be reintroduced. In other areas, such as large wilderness and roadless areas, fire alone may suffice as the main tool of ecological restoration, recreating the natural interaction of structure and process. Impatience, overreaction to crown fire risks, extractive economics, or hubris could lead to widespread application of highly intrusive treatments that may further damage forest ecosystems. Investments in research and monitoring of restoration treatments are essential to refine restoration methods. We support the development and implementation of a diverse range of scientifically viable restoration approaches in these forests, suggest principles for ecologically sound restoration that immediately reduce crown fire risk and incrementally return natural variability and resilience to Southwestern forests, and present ecological perspectives on several forest restoration approaches.
Ecological Applications,
12(5), 2002, pp. 1418–1433
2002 by the Ecological Society of America
D. A
A. F
F. S
W. S
B. S
T. K
U.S. Geological Survey, Jemez Mountains Field Station, HCR 1, Box 1, #15, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544 USA
Department of Geography, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90095-1524 USA
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721 USA
Center for Biological Diversity, Tucson, Arizona 85702 USA
Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721 USA
Department of Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131 USA
College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho 83844 USA
Southwest Forest Alliance, Flagstaff, Arizona 86002 USA
New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, P.O. Box 25112, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504 USA
The purpose of this paper is to promote a broad and flexible perspective on
ecological restoration of Southwestern (U.S.) ponderosa pine forests. Ponderosa pine forests
in the region have been radically altered by Euro-American land uses, including livestock
grazing, fire suppression, and logging. Dense thickets of young trees now abound, old-
growth and biodiversity have declined, and human and ecological communities are in-
creasingly vulnerable to destructive crown fires. A consensus has emerged that it is urgent
to restore more natural conditions to these forests. Efforts to restore Southwestern forests
will require extensive projects employing varying combinations of young-tree thinning and
reintroduction of low-intensity fires. Treatments must be flexible enough to recognize and
accommodate: high levels of natural heterogeneity; dynamic ecosystems; wildlife and other
biodiversity considerations; scientific uncertainty; and the challenges of on-the-ground im-
plementation. Ecological restoration should reset ecosystem trends toward an envelope of
‘natural variability,’ including the reestablishment of natural processes. Reconstructed
historic reference conditions are best used as general guides rather than rigid restoration
prescriptions. In the long term, the best way to align forest conditions to track ongoing
climate changes is to restore fire, which naturally correlates with current climate. Some
stands need substantial structural manipulation (thinning) before fire can safely be reintro-
duced. In other areas, such as large wilderness and roadless areas, fire alone may suffice
as the main tool of ecological restoration, recreating the natural interaction of structure and
process. Impatience, overreaction to crown fire risks, extractive economics, or hubris could
lead to widespread application of highly intrusive treatments that may further damage forest
ecosystems. Investments in research and monitoring of restoration treatments are essential
to refine restoration methods. We support the development and implementation of a diverse
range of scientifically viable restoration approaches in these forests, suggest principles for
ecologically sound restoration that immediately reduce crown fire risk and incrementally
return natural variability and resilience to Southwestern forests, and present ecological
perspectives on several forest restoration approaches.
Key words: anthropogenic change; ecological restoration; ecosystem management; fire sup-
pression effects; forest restoration programs; ponderosa pine forests; reference conditions; South-
western United States, natural range of variation.
Pinus ponderosa
(ponderosa pine) forests of the
American Southwest (Arizona, New Mexico, and ad-
joining portions of Utah and Colorado) have experi-
enced major changes in ecological structure, compo-
sition, and process because of recent human activities
(Fig. 1). Over a century of livestock grazing, fire sup-
pression, logging, road construction, predator control,
and exotic-species introductions have altered most
Manuscript received 15 June 2001; revised and accepted 29
October 2001; final version received 2 January 2002.
E-mail: craig
Southwestern ponderosa pine forests from conditions
that had prevailed for thousands of years (Covington
and Moore 1994, Swetnam et al. 1999). A critical
change has been a dramatically increased vulnerability
of these forests to large, destructive crown fires that
threaten both human and ecological communities.
A general consensus has emerged that it is urgent to
restore more natural conditions to these forests, but
substantial debate persists about how to best achieve
this goal (Nijhuis 1999, Covington 2000, Kloor 2000,
Jenkins 2001). The purpose of this paper is to promote
a broad and flexible perspective on ecological resto-
ration of Southwestern ponderosa pine forests. We sup-
October 2002 1419
. 1. Ponderosa pine forests of the American Southwest. (Top) Open ponderosa pine forest representing ‘‘typical’ pre-
1900 conditions, with grassy understory and surface fire activity. (Bottom) Altered ponderosa pine stand in need of restoration,
showing changes in both stand structure and species composition. The dense midstory of mixed conifer trees provides ladder
fuels that favor crown fire development.
port the development and implementation of a diverse
range of scientifically viable restoration approaches in
these forests that address the critical issues of forest
heterogeneity, scientific uncertainty, and effects on
wildlife. In addition, we suggest principles for ecolog-
ically sound restoration approaches. It is not our in-
tention to emphasize a critique of any particular model,
but we do present ecological perspectives on several
alternative forest restoration approaches.
Southwestern ponderosa pine ecosystems were
shaped through time by stochastic and deterministic
processes, including frequent surface fires, episodic re-
generation, insect infestations, and regional climate
events such as droughts (Dahm and Geils 1997, Allen
and Breshears 1998, Kaufmann et al. 1998, Swetnam
and Betancourt 1998). These processes contributed to
heterogeneous forest spatial patterns at local and land-
Ecological Applications
Vol. 12, No. 5
. 2. View looking northwest at the Cerro Grande Fire on the afternoon of 10 May 2000 as it burned toward Los
Alamos, New Mexico (USA). Similar large, stand-replacing fires are becoming increasingly common in Southwestern pon-
derosa pine forests.
scape scales (Cooper 1960, White 1985), with pattern
shifts through time within a natural range of variability
(Swetnam et al. 1999).
Since European settlement in the middle to late
1800s, pervasive changes have tended to homogenize
ponderosa pine forest patterns in the Southwest. Large
trees have decreased in number due to logging. Historic
livestock grazing and fire suppression have promoted
the development of unnaturally dense stands of sup-
pressed young trees. This condition now threatens the
remaining large trees through competition and by fu-
eling increasingly extensive crown fires (Covington
and Moore 1994, Covington et al. 1994) as in ponde-
rosa pine forests of other regions (Agee 1993, Everett
et al. 1997, Smith and Arno 1999). In some stands
species compositions have shifted toward less fire-re-
sistant trees such as
Abies concolor
(white fir),
dotsuga menziesii
(Douglas-fir), and
per) species. These changed conditions now affect mil-
lions of hectares of ponderosa pine in the Southwest
(U.S. General Accounting Office 1999).
Alteration of stand structures and species composi-
tions has in turn altered natural processes in South-
western forests. Understory grasses and forbs have de-
creased in abundance and diversity (Covington and
Moore 1994, Bogan et al. 1998), replaced by deep mats
of slowly decomposing pine needles. As a result, nu-
trient cycling dynamics have been disrupted (White
1994) and overall biodiversity levels decreased (Allen
1998). Old-growth ponderosa pine forests have become
rare (Harrington and Sackett 1992, Noss et al. 1995)
and meadows have shrunk due to tree encroachment
(Swetnam et al. 1999). Some vertebrate animal species,
such as the Northern Goshawk (Reynolds et al. 1992,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1998; but see Kennedy
1997), are thought to have declined in abundance due
to habitat alterations. Hydrologic cycles have been
modified in more densely forested watersheds, likely
decreasing total streamflows, peak flows, and base
flows (Ffolliott et al. 1989). An increase in number,
size, and severity of stand-replacing fires (Dahm and
Geils 1997, Swetnam and Betancourt 1998, Hardy et
al. 1999) threatens both human and ecological com-
munities (Moir and Dieterich 1988, U.S. General Ac-
counting Office 1999). The aftermath of such fires in-
cludes short-term amplification of erosion and flooding
(Agee 1993, White 1996, Robichaud et al. 2000).
Landscape scars created by total canopy destruction
may persist as grasslands or shrublands for decades to
centuries because ponderosa pine seed production and
recruitment is erratic, and the relatively heavy, wing-
less seeds cannot disperse far from surviving, mature
trees. For example, large portions of the 1950 A1 fire
near Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, remain as grassland, and
the 1953 Circle Cross Fire in the Sacramento Moun-
tains, New Mexico, USA, contains much persistent
shrubland (M. Savage,
unpublished data
). If the current
trajectories of anthropogenically driven change contin-
ue, serious ecological damage to ponderosa pine eco-
systems will accumulate (Covington et al. 1994, Noss
et al. 1995).
These worrisome trends have long been evident to
some forest scientists and ecologists (Weaver 1951,
Cooper 1960). Only recently, however, has a broad sci-
entific, social, and political consensus emerged that res-
toration of ecological sustainability in Southwestern
ponderosa pine forests is necessary and urgent (Cov-
ington and Moore 1994, Covington et al. 1994, 1997,
Suckling 1996, Nijhuis 1999). This social and political
consensus has developed rapidly in response to recent
major wildfire seasons, such as 2000, when 3
burned nationwide (Fig. 2). Although much of this
burned area was in non-forested landscapes, or in high-
elevation forest types that are adapted to high-intensity
October 2002 1421
fires (Morrison et al. 2000), ecologically worrisome
crown fires in ponderosa pine and mixed-coniferforests
were common, and are a chief focus of concern. Much
of this concern also stems from the fact that urban
encroachment into these pine-dominant forests is ex-
tensive and increasing.
Ecological restoration efforts in the United States
have recently been proposed for millions of hectares
of public lands by federal, state, and local government
agencies (e.g., USDA Forest Service 2000, USDA and
USDI 2000
, USDI 2000, Western Governors’ As-
sociation et al. 2001, Marston et al. 2001, Matthews
2001). These restoration proposals generally seek to
thin forests with combinations of tree harvesting and
prescribed burning to increase resilience to natural dis-
turbance events such as fires, insects, and regional
drought, and thereby reduce the risk of catastrophicfire
Vigorous public and scientific debates have devel-
oped over the relative risks and trade-offs of different
approaches to restore forests in the Southwest (Suck-
ling 1996, Nijhuis 1999, Covington 2000, Kloor 2000,
MacNeil 2000, Jenkins 2001), as in other regions
(Brown 2000, Marston et al. 2001). Silvicultural ap-
proaches focused on tree harvest have been criticized
based on concerns that short-term economics rather
than ecological sustainability or decreasing fire hazard
are the real underlying justifications of treatments. Al-
though prescribed fire programs have been underway
for several decades, the scale and intensity of these
restoration efforts have been inadequate to reverse the
overall trends of degradation in Southwestern pine for-
ests. Concerns about excessive smoke and the risks of
prescribed burning (highlighted by the Cerro Grande
Fire of 2000) have also constrained public support for
the use of fire alone as a restoration treatment.
In this paper we offer a broad perspective on eco-
logical restoration of Southwestern United States pon-
derosa pine forests. We propose not so much a contrast
from current models as an expanded view that encom-
passes and supports a diverse range of scientifically
viable restoration approaches. This includes the cur-
rent, most widely debated and applied Southwestern
ponderosa pine model, which involves a relatively pre-
cise restoration of presettlement stand structures
(Moore et al. 1999). There is a clear need for reference-
based approaches that integrate structure, composition,
and ecosystem processes. Such restoration models need
to be adequately flexible to address the diverse eco-
logical and social conditions in Southwestern forests.
We believe that the practice of ponderosa pine resto-
ration will be best served by a variety of approaches
across a broad range of forest settings.
Ecological restoration aims to enhance the resilience
and sustainability of forests through treatments that
incrementally return the ecosystem to a state that is
within an historic range of conditions, known as the
‘natural range of variability’ (Landres et al. 1999).
The Society for Ecological Restoration (Tucson, Ari-
zona, USA) offers the following definition of
ogial restoration
: ‘the process of assisting the recovery
and management of ecological integrity. Ecological in-
tegrity includes a critical range of variability in bio-
diversity, ecological processes and structures, regional
and historic context, and sustainable cultural practic-
es.’ ’
Several key issues suggest a need for a broad
perspective on ecological restoration of Southwestern
forests: high levels of natural heterogeneity across for-
est landscapes; current and future conditions that may
fall outside the natural range of variability; wildlife
habitat and other biodiversity considerations; and our
imperfect understanding of these complex systems. We
focus here on ecological considerations in ponderosa
pine forest restoration, acknowledging that the success
of restoration programs also requires political, finan-
cial, and social support. Our intent is not to exclude
such dimensions, but to clarify the scientific basis for
forest restoration programs.
The importance of heterogeneity in time and space
Ecological restoration requires an understanding of,
and respect for, the variability of ponderosa pine eco-
systems across the Southwest. These forests are created
by dynamic interactions among natural processes (such
as fire) and forest structure (such as tree density and
canopy openings), across variable landscapes. Regen-
eration and disturbance patterns interact with long- and
short-term climate fluctuations and human activities to
influence fire frequency, intensity, size, seasonality,
and severity (Baisan and Swetnam 1997, Swetnam and
Betancourt 1998, Kaye and Swetnam 1999, Grissino-
Mayer and Swetnam 2000). Forest patterns and pro-
cesses often exhibit lagged interactions with climate
fluctuations, along with substantial inertia in the face
of climate change. Consequently, forests often exist in
disequilibrium with current climate.
Variability in structure and process means that pat-
terns of stand density, species composition, and dis-
turbance regimes differ significantly across landscapes
and throughout the region. Ponderosa pine grows
across a 1500-m elevational gradient in many mountain
ranges (e.g., Allen and Breshears 1998), with at least
21 different ponderosa pine ‘habitat types’ recognized
across diverse landscape conditions in the Southwest
(Alexander and Ronco 1987). Documented pre-1900
mean fire-return intervals varied from about 4 to 36 yr
in Southwestern ponderosa pine forests (Swetnam and
Baisan 1996). Post-suppression species compositions
have been markedly affected by increased recruitment
of fire-sensitive
Pinus edulis
(pin˜on) and juniper spe-
cies at low elevations and mixed-conifer species at
higher elevation (Fig. 1). Mature tree densities (
Ecological Applications
Vol. 12, No. 5
. 3. Schematic representation of the restoration concept. If the natural range of variability is seen as a multidimensional
‘envelope’ of ecological conditions, then the goal of restoration is to move an altered ecosystem back toward its pre-
disruption envelope (the darkest region), and to allow natural processes over time to dynamically reestablish a range of
natural structural conditions.
cm [12 inches] in diameter at breast height) measured
ca. 1900 AD in Southwestern pine ecosystems ranged
between 19 and 126 trees/ha (8–51 trees/acre) (Wool-
sey 1911), whereas today densities of all live stems
often exceed 2470 trees/ha (1000 trees/acre) (Allen
1998; D. Falk,
unpublished data
This variability in ponderosa pine forests affects
management approaches, as recognized by Pearson
(1950:13): ‘Foresters are constantly reminded that
since conditions change from one place to another,
management cannot be uniform.’ Ecological restora-
tion should recognize and retain the natural heteroge-
neity characteristic of presettlement forests (White and
Walker 1997). Given the heterogeneity of Southwestern
ponderosa pine forests, identifying general ecological
reference conditions for restoration goals can be dif-
ficult, if not arbitrary.
Use of the natural-range-of-variability
concept for restoration
The concept of ‘natural range of variability’ has
some theoretical flaws and practical limitations (Lan-
dres et al. 1999, Millar and Wolfenden 1999, Swetnam
et al. 1999), but nevertheless has proven useful as a
framework for evaluating the current status of ecosys-
tems relative to past conditions, and for identifying
ecologically justifiable restoration goals (Kaufmann et
al. 1994, Morgan et al. 1994, White and Walker 1997,
Landres et al. 1999). Southwestern forests experienced
some level of human influence for thousands of years,
but human-caused changes in ponderosa pine after
1850 far exceeded the influence of indigenous people
(Covington et al. 1994, Kaye and Swetnam 1999, Allen
2002). In particular, the cessation of the historical re-
gime of frequent, low-intensity fires has pushed struc-
tural characteristics of many forests well outside the
natural range of variability that existed over the past
millennium (Swetnam et al. 1999).
Ponderosa pine restoration treatments should be de-
signed to reestablish trends in forest processes, partic-
ularly fire, leading to natural ranges of variation in
composition and structure (Landres et al. 1999, Moore
et al. 1999, Stephenson 1999). If the natural range of
variability is seen as an envelope of conditions, then
the goal of restoration is to move an altered ecosystem
toward its pre-disruption envelope, and to allow, or use,
natural processes over time to dynamically reestablish
diverse natural structures (Fig. 3).
In the long term, the best way to align forest con-
ditions to track ongoing climate changes is to restore
fire, which naturally correlates with current climate.
Some stands need substantial structural manipulation
before fire can safely be reintroduced, but in many
cases fire can then do the preponderance of the work
of ecological restoration, recreating the natural inter-
action of structure and process.
The successful reintroduction of frequent surface fire
in the Gila Wilderness, New Mexico, USA, exemplifies
how incremental fire treatments can achieve substantial
restoration of ponderosa pine forests. Detailed quan-
October 2002 1423
titative studies of before-and-after forest densities are
lacking, but qualitative observations (including repeat
photographs) by knowledgeable fire managers (Webb
and Henderson 1985; P. Boucher and R. D. Moody,
unpublished report
[1996] to the Gila National Forest
[Silver City, New Mexico, USA]) and fire scientists
(Rollins 2000; T. W. Swetnam,
personal observations
suggest that repeated natural fire use (as many as four
events since 1975 in some areas) have successfully
opened up ponderosa pine stands, and helped to rees-
tablish grassy understories. A key to the Gila’s success
was a sufficiently large area where smoke and threats
of occasional flare-ups during the burning season
(sometimes months) do not threaten urban areas. An-
other key to this success was that managers werepatient
and incremental in implementing the burning program;
most of the large fires were initially allowed to burn
only during the relatively cool and wet season after the
start of the Southwest monsoons in July or August.
Although such large, roadless areas are uncommon, the
Gila’s example shows that mechnical thinning is not
always a prerequisite for forest restoration treatments
with fire.
Restoration aims to eventually move forests back to
within the natural range of variability. However, this
need not necessarily be accomplished in the first treat-
ment or tied to a particular moment in time or past
forest structure. Initial treatments can be designed to
markedly decrease crown fire risks at stand and land-
scape scales by decreasing the continuity of hazardous
fuel conditions. Conservative initial treatments would
be the minimum necessary to reduce vulnerability to
stand-replacement fire to an acceptable level. We pro-
pose that conservative, incremental treatments involv-
ing both mechanical thinning and fire over time periods
of years to decades are ecologically appropriate and
advisable for many Southwestern forests.
There is a clear need to begin widespread restoration
treatments now to reduce the threat of catastrophic fire.
Such treatments should use a variety of prescriptions
and treatments to address trade-offs and produce di-
verse restoration outcomes. For example, restoration
back to presettlement tree densities through intensive
thinnings greatly reduces risk of crown fire spread in
areas of concentrated treatment (Fule´ et al. 2001), but
may generate more slash surface fuels initially than
lighter thinnings. Large slash loads can exacerbate the
short-term fire hazard unless mitigated (Graham et al.
1999), which can be expensive and/or have substantial
environmental effects (e.g., machine crushing slash
into the ground surface). Less intensive treatments, suf-
ficient to reduce crown fire risk and strategically placed
to interrupt continuous fuels, may be able to more
quickly address a larger proportion of the regional for-
est. While practical and economic considerations, such
as direct risk to human communities, may drive treat-
ment strategies in some situations, long-term ecolog-
ical goals should also guide treatment actions if eco-
logical restoration is desired. Incrementally thinning
ponderosa forests over a period of years using varied
combinations and intensities of chainsaws and fire may
effectively reduce fire risks while maintaining ecolog-
ical integrity.
Biodiversity considerations
Southwestern ponderosa pine forests provide habitat
for at least 250 species of vertebrate animals (Patton
and Severson 1989, New Mexico Department of Game
and Fish 2000), as well as many plants. When resto-
ration treatments modify the physical and biotic en-
vironment, plants and animals are affected in various
ways (Rieman and Clayton 1997, Oliver et al. 1998;
W. W. Covington, A. Waltz, P. Fule´ and G. Verkamp,
unpublished report
to U.S. Bureau of Land Manage-
ment, Arizona Strip District). Of particular concern is
the potential for restoration actions to reduce the via-
bility of metapopulations of sensitive species through
habitat alteration and fragmentation (Stacey et al. 1996,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1998, Holthausen et al.
1999). This includes invertebrates and soil organisms
that are critical to ecosystem function.
An incremental approach to restoration provides op-
portunities for the adjustment of future treatments
based on wildlife responses, so as not to foreclose fu-
ture options. Restoration projects should strive to min-
imize or spatially constrain adverse impacts to rare,
sensitive, and declining species. Care should be taken
to ensure that adequate habitat is maintained for sen-
sitive species during the phase between initialtreatment
and final restoration.
Not all wildlife habitat elements are equally vulner-
able or irreplaceable. For example, large oak trees grow
slowly and are especially valuable habitat for a wide
array of wildlife (Rosenstock 1998). Some areas should
be left untreated to serve as habitat refuges during the
stress of treatments, until new landscape conditions are
known to provide adequate habitat.
Native plants and animals are adapted to the natu-
rally high levels of heterogeneity in Southwestern pon-
derosa pine ecosystems, and some species are depen-
dent upon diverse habitats for their survival (e.g.,
Reynolds et al. 1992, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1995, Dodd et al. 1998). Thus, biodiversity consider-
ations reinforce the need to avoid creating uniform
stand and landscape conditions. A diverse landscape
with patches of variable tree densities, including some
areas of relatively high density, should be developed
to accommodate species with different habitat adap-
tations. Retaining some dead, deformed, and diseased
trees, and some clumps of large trees with interlocking
crowns, will maintain structural complexity and im-
portant food and nesting habitat (Bennetts et al. 1996,
Bull et al. 1997). Such trees are important elements of
genetic diversity in their own right as well (Millar and
Libby 1989, Rehfeldt 1991, Ledig 1992).
Restoration activities often involve biodiversity
Ecological Applications
Vol. 12, No. 5
trade-offs, particularly in the short term and at the local
scale. For example, snags and downed logs provide
essential habitat for many birds and mammals (Bull et
al. 1997), but these woody structures are susceptible
to destruction in restoration treatments, especially from
fire (Tiedemann et al. 2000). However, restorationtreat-
ments also provide opportunities to increase habitat
heterogeneity and biodiversity. For example, where
large snags are scarce because of past management
activities, new ones will be created through fire mor-
tality and other disturbances as forests are restored
(Pearson 1950). The restoration of more diverse habitat
structures and of natural processes such as surface fire
and associated nutrient cycling should help many na-
tive species (cf. Johnson and Wauer 1996; W. W. Cov-
ington, A. Waltz, P. Fule´, and G. Verkamp,
to U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Arizona
Strip District). The increased vigor and diversity of
native understory plant species after restoration will
provide important habitat conditions for many kinds of
animals (e.g., Waltz and Covington 1999) and hope-
fully increase resistance to ongoing and future inva-
sions by exotic plants (Crawford et al. 2001).
Scientific uncertainty and the limitations of historical
reference conditions
Ecological restoration must recognize the limits of
scientific knowledge. While a large body of research
exists on ponderosa pine forests, we are still limited
in our understanding of ecosystem function. Historical
fire frequency is often the most reliable element of our
reconstructions, although it too has limitations (Swet-
nam et al. 1999). We know less about past distributions
of fire size, severity, and spatial pattern than we do
about frequency (Morgan et al. 2001). Swetnam and
Baisan (1996) and Baker and Ehle (2001) discuss un-
certainties and biases associated with the sampling de-
sign and data analyses of fire-scar studies.
Uncertainties in the reconstruction of forest stand
composition and spatial structure result from missing
evidence, such as logs and stumps removed by fire,
logging, and decay (M. M. Moore, D. W. Huffman, W.
W. Covington, J. E. Crouse, P. Z. Fule´, and W. H. Moir,
unpublished report
to USDA Forest Service, Rocky
Mountain Station, Flagstaff, Arizona). Reconstruction
of the density and location of large trees is far more
reliable than of small-diameter stems and seedlings that
decompose rapidly or burn even in surface fires (Ste-
phenson 1987). Reconstructed overstory-tree densities
are thus best used conservatively as minimum values
for establishing quantitative restoration targets for
stand density, rather than as maxima. Knowledge of
other ecological conditions in the past, such as wildlife
population dynamics, may be highly uncertain because
available methods preclude precise reconstructions.
Uncertainty will also exist because society is unlikely
to invest in the development of detailed reconstructions
of past stand structures and fire histories for every res-
toration site, suggesting the need for site-specific flex-
ibility to develop restoration targets based upon an in-
ferred natural range of variability in stand conditions.
A sense of urgency in reducing the threat of destruc-
tive fires should be balanced with patience in accom-
plishing restoration, along with major commitments to
thoughtful experimentation and monitoring to ensure
we learn as rapidly as possible. Restoration science is
young, and it is difficult to predict the results of our
actions. Application of a broad restoration perspective,
implemented through a variety of alternative treat-
ments, will be more effective than any single restora-
tion treatment.
Here we outline 16 broad principles for restoration
of Southwestern United States ponderosa pine forest
ecosystems. Application of these principles will foster
implementation of a diverse range of ecologically jus-
tifiable restoration projects. While focused on ponde-
rosa pine forests, these principles also apply more gen-
erally to other forest types in the Southwest, such as
some pin˜on–juniper and mixed-conifer forests.
Reduce the threat of crown fire
.—A key resto-
ration priority must be the rapid reduction of the wide-
spread risk of unnatural crown fires, both within stands
and across landscapes. The initial treatment on any site
should be substantial enough to decrease forest vul-
nerability to stand-replacing fire.
Prioritize and strategically target treatment ar-
.—Key considerations for prioritizing restoration
treatment areas are degree of crown fire risk, proximity
to human developments and important watersheds, pro-
tection of old-growth forests and habitats of sensitive
species, and strategic positioning to break up land-
scape-scale continuity of hazardous fuels (Weather-
spoon and Skinner 1996, Agee et al. 2000, Finney
2001). For example, a landscape of alternating north-
and south-facing ridges could have restoration treat-
ments focused on the south-aspect sites to reduce the
continuity of hazardous fuels at the landscape scale,
and thereby restore more natural conditions at both site
and landscape scales.
Develop site-specific reference conditions
specific historical ecological data can provide infor-
mation on the natural range of variability for key forest
attributes, such as tree age structure and fire regimes,
that furnish
‘reference conditions’ for restora-
tion design. A variety of constraints, however, prevent
the development of historical information on every
hectare of land needing restoration. General goals
should be to restore ecological integrity and function-
ing, rather than precise stand structural conditions as
they existed at a particular point of time in the past.
Implement multiple conservative interventions
Incremental restoration through multiple treatments is
a conservative approach to achieving desired changes.
October 2002 1425
Restoration treatments should strive to use the least
disruptive techniques, and balance intensity and exten-
siveness of treatments. In many areas, conservative ini-
tial treatments would be the minimum necessary to
adequately reduce the threat of unnatural crown fire.
For example, a conservative strategy would be the
placement of treatment areas to interrupt fuel conti-
nuities and thereby reduce overall landscape risk of
extensive crown fires, despite treating only a small frac-
tion of the landscape (Agee et al. 2000). Fires ignited
by lightning or by people under carefully prescribed
conditions may be sufficient to reestablish natural con-
ditions in many locations (e.g., in the Gila Wilderness
of New Mexico [USA]). In the extensive areas where
fire alone cannot safely reduce tree densities and haz-
ardous ladder fuels, mechanical thinning of trees will
be needed before the introduction of prescribed fire.
Patient, effective treatments will provide more options
for the future than aggressive attempts to restore 120
yr of change at once. In certain areas, however, such
as some urban–wildland interfaces, trade-offs with im-
minent crown fire risks require consideration of rapid,
heavy thinning of most small-diameter trees.
Utilize existing forest structure
.—Restoration ef-
forts should incorporate and build upon valuable ex-
isting forest structures such as large trees and groups
of trees of any size with interlocking crowns. These
features are important for some wildlife species, such
as Abert’s squirrels and goshawks, and should not be
removed completely just to recreate specific historical
tree locations. Since evidence of long-term stability of
precise tree locations is lacking, the selection of
‘leave’ trees and tree clusters in restoration treatments
can be based on the
spatial distribution
of trees, rather than pre-1900 tree positions. Historical
forest structure conditions can be restored more quickly
by maximizing use of existing forest structure. Leaving
some relatively dense within-stand patches of trees
need not compromise efforts to reduce landscape-scale
crown fire risk.
Gus Pearson, the patriarch of ponderosa pine silvi-
culture in the Southwest, recognized the need to be
flexible and use existing stand structures. Pearson
(1950:29) stated that the use of theoretical tree-density
distributions as guides for silvicultural treatments ‘are
for application in principle rather than in letter, because
the stands must be taken as found and remedies must
be sought in modification rather than reconstruction.’
This is also true for ecological restoration.
Restore ecosystem composition
.—Where fire sup-
pression has allowed fire-sensitive tree species like ju-
nipers or white fir to become abundant in historical
ponderosa pine forests, treatments should set a trend
toward restoring dominance of the more fire-resistant
ponderosa pines. However, mechanical removal of all
fire-sensitive invaders is inappropriate, given the het-
erogeneous and dynamic nature of these forests. Res-
toration of fire may eventually restore locally appro-
priate forest tree composition and structure (Miller and
Urban 2000).
Missing compositional elements, such as herbaceous
understories or extirpated vertebrates and invertebrates,
also require restoration attention. The forest understo-
ry, including shrubs, grasses, and forbs, is an important
ecosystem component that directly affects tree regen-
eration patterns, fire behavior, watershed functioning,
wildlife habitat, and overall patterns of biodiversity.
Similarly, soil organisms are vital elements that can
influence community composition and dynamics (Hole
1981). A robust understory provides a restraint on tree
regeneration and is essential for carrying surface fires.
The establishment and maintenance of more natural
patterns of understory vegetation diversity and abun-
dance are integral to ecological restoration. Understo-
ries should be protected from overgrazing during res-
toration to allow full recovery of herbaceous biodi-
versity and biomass, and of associated ecosystem com-
ponents and processes such as pollinators and surface
The implementation of restoration treatments re-
quires special care to protect soils and watersheds (Jur-
gensen et al. 1997, Rieman and Clayton 1997). Mini-
mizing mechanical disturbance of soils and avoiding
the construction of new roads will minimize sedimen-
tation, disruption of surface runoff, and other detri-
mental ecosystem effects (Trombulak and Frissell
2000). Minimizing ground disturbance also will reduce
impacts to the numerous archeological sites found in
many Southwestern forests.
Retain trees of significant size or age
.—Large and
old trees, especially those established before ecosystem
disruption by Euro-American settlement, are rare, im-
portant, and difficult to replace. Their size and struc-
tural complexity provide critical wildlife habitat by
contributing crown cover, influencing understory veg-
etation patterns, and providing future snags. Ecological
restoration should protect the largest and oldest trees
from cutting and crown fires, focusing treatments on
excess numbers of small young trees. Given wide-
spread agreement on this point, it is generally advisable
to retain ponderosa trees larger than 41 cm (16 inches)
dbh and all trees with old-growth morphology regard-
less of size (i.e., yellow bark, large drooping limbs,
twisted trunks, flattened tops). Despite the heteroge-
neity of forest site and stand conditions in the South-
west, cutting of larger trees will seldom be ecologically
warranted as ‘restoration’ treatments at this time due
to their relative scarcity. Following this guideline
would significantly reduce hazards of stand-replacing
fires in most cases and also favor the development of
future old-growth forest conditions (Moir and Dieterich
1988, Harrington and Sackett 1992). Public concern
about forest manipulation would also be reduced by
ensuring that ‘large’ trees are not being targeted.
Some ponderosa pine forests contain extremely old
trees and dead wood remnants that may be small but
Ecological Applications
Vol. 12, No. 5
are important because they contain unique and rare
scientific information in their growth rings (Grissino-
Mayer et al. 1997). Such trees have become increas-
ingly scarce in the late 20th century, and the initial
reintroduction of fire often consumes these tree-ring
resources. Restoration programs should identify, in-
ventory, sample, and preserve them where possible.
Consider demographic processes
.—The under-
lying processes of natural tree regeneration and mor-
tality should be incorporated in restoration design.
Southwestern conifer regeneration occurs in episodic,
often region-wide pulses, linked to wet–warm climate
conditions and reduced fire occurrence (Savage et al.
1996, Swetnam and Betancourt 1998, Mast et al. 1999).
Periods with major regeneration pulses in the South-
west during the 20th century include the 1910s–1920s
and 1978–1998 (Savage et al. 1996, Swetnam and Be-
tancourt 1998). Some of this regeneration would have
survived under natural conditions. Restoration efforts
should retain a proportion of these cohorts, toward the
goal of maximizing options for ecosystem resiliency.
Integrate process and structure
.—Ecological sus-
tainability requires the restoration of process as well
as structure (Stephenson 1999). Natural disturbance
processes, including fire, insect outbreaks, and
droughts, are irreplaceable shapers of the forest. In par-
ticular, fire regimes and stand structures interact and
must be restored in an integrated way; mechanical thin-
ning alone will not reestablish necessary natural dis-
turbance regimes. At the same time, fire alone may be
too imprecise or unsafe in many settings, so a com-
bination of treatments may often be the safest and most
certain restoration approach.
Perhaps the single best indicator of whether a pro-
posed approach should be considered as ‘ecological
restoration’ of a ponderosa pine forest is to evaluate
whether the treatment will successfully restore surface
fire as a keystone process. Approaches that do not in-
clude an explicit and long-term commitment to restore
frequent surface fire fail to merit the adjective ‘eco-
Control and avoid using exotic species
ing of exotic grasses and forbs should be prohibited as
ecologically incompatible with good restoration. Once
established, exotic species can be extremely difficult
or impossible to remove. Even seeding with native spe-
cies from commercial sources risks the near certainty
of exotic weed contaminants and the establishment of
non-local genotypes at the expense of locally evolved
and adapted genotypes. The common use of annual
cereal crops such as rye and barley that typically de-
cline to low levels within a matter of years still leaves
persistently altered ecosystems through ‘the ghost of
competition past,’’ as their initial flush of growth tends
to monopolize the soil resources, reduce the success of
native plants (Barclay 2000), and alter long-term suc-
cessional outcomes.
If enhancement of herbaceous vegetation is needed,
using locally hand-collected wild seeds or transplanting
individuals from nearby areas into treatments to serve
as seed sources is slower and more expensive, but eco-
logically safer. In general, it is ecologically desirable
to avoid seeding, and to instead allow native herba-
ceous vegetation to recover incrementally through nat-
ural processes of dispersal and establishment after res-
toration treatments.
The widespread practice of seeding exotic grasses to
‘rehabilitate’ watersheds after severe fires could be
largely eliminated by preemptive restoration treatments
that reduce fire severity and foster recovery of native
herbaceous ground cover before crown fires occur. Res-
toration treatments should also routinely incorporate
early actions to control the establishment and spread
of aggressive exotics that can be expected from res-
toration-related site disturbance (Crawford et al. 2001).
Control actions should include active detection efforts
to identify infestations at an early phase, and treatments
ranging from hand-pulling to the careful spot appli-
cation of biodegradable herbicides.
Foster regional heterogeneity
.—The Southwest
is a region of complex topography, hydrology, and
soils. As a result, biological communities vary at local,
landscape, and regional scales, and so should restora-
tion efforts. Ecological restoration should also incor-
porate the natural variability of disturbance regimes
across heterogeneous landscapes. Heterogeneityshould
be fostered in planning and implementing ecological
restoration at all spatial scales, including within and
between stands, and across landscape and regional
Protect sensitive communities
.—Certain ecolog-
ical communities embedded within ponderosa pine for-
ests, such as some riparian areas, could be adversely
affected by on-site prescribed burning or mechanical
thinning. Restoration efforts should protect these and
other rare or sensitive habitats, which are often hotspots
of biological diversity, particularly those that are de-
clining in abundance and quality in the region.
Assess cumulative effects
.—It is important to
consider and plan for the cumulative effects of resto-
ration work, since these efforts will take place syn-
chronously throughout large areas in the Southwest.
Restoration projects will also occur within a regional
context of other human actions such as timber sales,
private land developments, roads, and livestock graz-
ing. These land uses have varied impacts at all scales,
and often uncertain interactions with restoration efforts
must be considered cumulatively.
Protect from overgrazing
.—Grass, forb, and
shrub understories are essential to plant and animal
diversity and soil stability. Robust understories are also
necessary to restore natural fire regimes and to limit
excessive pine seedling establishment (Rummell 1951,
Madany and West 1983). Where possible, defer live-
stock grazing after initial surface fire treatment until
the herbaceous layer has fully recovered (Belsky and
October 2002 1427
1. Variables that should be considered in the development of an ecological restoration
plan. Each restoration project will have a unique plan, based on locally appropriate choices
for each variable, reflecting local priorities and the diversity of ponderosa pine forests in the
Post-treatment structure: age, size, density
Stem density, by size class
Basal area (m
/ha), by size class
Crown cover (%)
Snags and down logs (no./ha, mass/ha), by size class
Thinning size cap (i.e., maximum-diameter tree removed)
Old tree protection measures (e.g., removal of basal fine fuels and ladder fuels; removal of
competing understory stems)
Retention of fire-sensitive or shade-tolerant native tree species
Existing canopy trees (%)
Understory recruitment (%)
Control or elimination of non-native understory species
Spatial configuration
Distribution of mature trees, random to clustered
Reliance on presettlement cluster locations for post-treatment configuration
Use of existing tree clusters in post-treatment configuration
Retention of heterogeneous (spatially variable) structure and density at stand and land-
scape scales
Ecosystem processes and disturbances
Restoration of natural or prescribed fire regime
Projected post-treatment distribution of fire intervals (e.g., mean and range)
Post-treatment livestock grazing regime
Overall restoration plan
Site-specificity of treatment prescription
Time span over which thinning treatments are implemented
Number of restoration-treatment entries
Long-term monitoring commitment
Monitoring components (e.g., plants, animals, soil, water)
Level of detail of measurements
Frequency of measurements
Duration of measurements
Adaptive management loop in decision process
Blumenthal 1997). Prevention of overgrazing must be
an integral part of ponderosa pine forest restoration.
Establish monitoring and research programs
Given the uncertainties about effects of restoration
treatments, well-designed monitoring, research, and
documentation programs are essential if we are to learn
from, and evaluate the success or failure of, ongoing
restoration efforts. Wildlife and understory plant pop-
ulations can be monitored as indicators of ecological
change and restoration outcomes. Monitoring programs
must be put in place before treatments begin, and must
evaluate responses of key ecosystem components and
processes at multiple scales (Covington and Moore
1994, Covington et al. 1997). Even better, when pos-
sible, restoration projects should be set up as experi-
ments with replicates and controls to test alternative
hypotheses (Covington et al. 1997). One benefit of the
perspective proposed here is that it will test the eco-
logical effects of restoration efforts across a wide range
of treatments and prior forest conditions. The locations
and prescriptions for all restoration treatments should
be archived in a geographic information system (GIS),
so that land managers and researchers now and into the
future have access to site-specific records of restoration
Implement adaptive management
restoration is an incremental process that may take a
century or two to fully achieve. It requires a long-term
management commitment, especially to maintain nat-
ural fire regimes and to protect and develop old-growth
stands. Restoration will be most successful where land
managers learn from treatment experiences and adap-
tively adjust their approaches through time (Holling
1978). Extended social and fiscal support will be need-
ed to sustain such long-term restoration programs.
Conceptually, each of the restoration principles out-
lined above can be thought of as describing one or more
axes of variation. For example, intensity of thinning
treatment, heterogeneity within the treatment area,
post-treatment species composition, experimental unit
size, fidelity to location of existing tree clusters, and
post-thinning fire frequency constitute design variables
for restoration (Table 1). Thus, the principles describe
a set of key dimensions in the design of restoration
treatments, and any particular project will choose a
unique set of values for the variables. These principles
Ecological Applications
Vol. 12, No. 5
support implementation of a diverse range of ecological
restoration projects.
As debate over restoration of Southwestern United
States forests has intensified (Njjhuis 1999, Jenkins
2001), a variety of philosophies and approaches are
being presented that differ in their core perspectives
and probable on-the-ground outcomes. These ap-
proaches include emphases on: (a) fire-risk reduction,
(b) economics, (c) natural regulation, and (d) structure-
oriented restoration. Here we provide some reflections
from an ecological perspective on these varying res-
toration approaches.
Fire risk reduction
Concerns over catastrophic crown fire impacts to hu-
man communities and ecosystems, along with the cur-
rent availability of substantial funding to reduce haz-
ardous forest fuel conditions (see the National Fire Plan
[USDA and USDI 2000
]), have the potential to drive
ecologically insensitive projects, which are not really
restorations. If the primary objective of a project is
solely to reduce crown fire risk (which may be an ap-
propriate societal goal in some areas), even ‘success-
ful’’ treatments may further damage forests rather than
restoring them. When ecological principles are applied,
however, fire risk reduction can be an essential part of
‘ecological restoration’ of ponderosa pine forests
(Fule´ et al. 2001).
Concerns exist that legitimate and desirable econom-
ic goals, such as sustaining rural economies and min-
imizing subsidy costs, could also lead to ecologically
insensitive thinning or logging projects masquerading
as forest ‘restoration’ (Hanson, 2000, Jenkins 2001,
National Forest Protection Alliance 2001). Projects fo-
cused on economic outcomes do not qualify as ‘eco-
logical restoration’ unless the treatments are based on
ecological principles.
However, if ecological principles are used then eco-
nomic utilization of forest products may enhance forest
restoration. For example, restoration treatments will
occur sooner and over larger areas if some costs can
be recovered through the sale of wood from small-
diameter stems. Restoration can be an opportunity for
the re-engagement of local communities in the creation
of more sustainable forest-based economies (e.g., see
the Community Forest Restoration Act of 2000).
Natural regulation
One perspective on Western forests believes that: (1)
stand-replacing fires do not cause severe ecological
damage because crown fires are natural; and (2) the
forests will heal themselves best if we take a hands-
off approach and allow natural processes to function
with minimum interference (Wuerthner 1999).
Extensive stand-replacing fires naturally occurred in
many western forest types (Agee 1993), but not in
Southwestern ponderosa pine forests (Swetnam and
Baisan 1996). Recent fire history studies in the Black
Hills of South Dakota (USA) (Shinneman and Baker
1997) and in the Front Range of Colorado (USA)
(Brown et al. 1999) suggest that ponderosa pine forests
in those regions may have sustained crown fires of
unknown size in the presettlement era. Although no
such evidence has been reported for Southwestern pon-
derosa pine forests, it is possible that localized crown
fires were not unknown in this forest type before 1900.
Certainly, fire effects are always variable, and even
modern crown fires do not have uniformly devastating
effects across all burned landscapes. However, the in-
creasingly large crown fires of recent years in ponde-
rosa pine forests are clearly resulting in extreme hy-
drological, geomorphic, and ecological responses, in-
cluding amplified flooding (Veenhuis 2002), acceler-
ated soil erosion and stream channel changes (White
1996, Robichaud et al. 2000), loss of old-growth forest
(e.g., the Cerro Grande Fire affected much old-growth
forest, including large portions of a
15 mile
uous patch where essentially all trees were killed [C.
personal observations
]), increasing abundance
of invasive exotics (Crawford et al. 2001), and con-
version of forests to different vegetation types (M. Sav-
unpublished data
). The current state of ecological
and historical knowledge of Southwestern ponderosa
pine forests provides compelling justifications to ac-
tively manage to restore more resilient and sustainable
conditions (Covington and Moore 1994, Swetnam et
al. 1999).
Presettlement structure restoration
The most substantial scientific work to address the
need for restoration of Southwestern ponderosa pine
forests and to determine the ecosystem effects of treat-
ments has been made by Covington and co-workers at
the Ecological Restoration Institute of Northern Ari-
zona University (Kaye and Hart 1998; W. W. Coving-
ton, A. Waltz, P. Fule´, and G. Verkamp,
to U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Arizona
Strip District). Their efforts have focused on attempts
to reconstruct and reestablish specific stand reference
conditions that existed just prior to the date of cessation
of the natural fire regime (Moore et al. 1999). The goal
has been to replicate tree densities and spatial patterns
as accurately as possible for sites where presettlement
stand structures have been reconstructed.Conceptually,
this approach takes a broad view of ‘reference con-
ditions,’ and incorporates the restoration of surface fire
as a key process. However, there are some ecological
issues concerning on-the-ground implementation of
this approach.
The choice of a specific moment in time as the initial
October 2002 1429
restoration target—for example the date of the last
widespread fire in the late 1800s (Moore et al. 1999)—
is potentially problematic. Any particular moment is
unique in the long-term history of an ecosystem, and
forests often exist in disequilibrium with current cli-
mate to some degree (Millar and Woolfenden 1999).
Moreover, an increasing body of evidence indicates that
late 20th century and current climate is unprecedented
on a time scale of at least 1000 yr (Mann et al. 1998,
Crowley 2000).
Restoration of structural characteristics of a forest
back to the date of the last widespread fire in the late
19th century implies that tree recruitment processes of
the 20th century were entirely unnatural. In fact, post-
settlement tree regeneration pulses would have con-
tributed important structural elements to contemporary
forests, even if tree-thinning surface fires had contin-
ued. It is difficult to estimate what proportion of these
cohorts, much less which individual trees, would have
survived to maturity (Mast et al. 1999). It may be un-
wise to automatically choose a century-old date as a
regional target condition for current forests, as the rep-
lication of plant densities and spatial arrangements that
existed at any particular date in the past may compro-
mise ecosystem resilience in future decades and cen-
turies. For example, this structure-oriented approach
can result in the aggressive removal of too many trees
during the initial entry, which may seriously constrain
ecosystem response and management options. Given
their relatively slow growth rates, existing trees rep-
resent a form of biological capital that should be con-
served. Multiple, incremental treatments, using com-
binations of fire and thinning, may be more conser-
vative and ecologically justifiable than the immediate
restoration of a particular structural element, such as
the ca. 1880 spatial distribution of overstory tree stems.
Given the great heterogeneity of Southwestern pon-
derosa pine forests, local data on fire history and pre-
settlement stand structures are required to implement
this precise structural restoration approach. Collecting
such data is expensive and requires the persistence of
presettlement forest ‘evidences’ (Fule´ et al. 1997),
which have been lost in some locations due to logging,
harvesting of fuelwood, fire, or decay. As a result, it
is not practical, cost effective, or in some cases even
possible to reconstruct detailed structural reference
conditions for every restoration project area. Moreover,
some important data (such as density and spatial dis-
tribution of small trees) cannot be reconstructed from
remnant historical evidence.
A structure-oriented approach to forest restoration is
being proposed for wide implementation in the South-
west because of its methodological clarity, grounding
in quantifiable conditions, and scientific and political
support (Covington et al. 1997, Moore et al. 1999, Jen-
kins 2001). We consider historic structure to be one
ecologically valid reference criterion for forest resto-
ration. There are, however, theoretical and practical
concerns over regional application of a structure-ori-
ented approach (see Morgan et al. [1994], Kaufmann
et al. [1994], Landres et al. [1999], Wagner et al.
[2000], and Southwest Forest Alliance [2001] for re-
views and discussions). We contend that a broader con-
ceptual basis, as outlined in this paper, provides a more
comprehensive framework, and one that reflects the
diverse ecological conditions that exist in Southwestern
forests. We agree with Covington (2000:136) that there
is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to restoring the eco-
logical integrity of ponderosa pine forests.’ A diversity
of restoration approaches should be applied in the
A primary goal of ecological restoration should be
to enhance resilience and sustainability of ecosystems.
Incremental adjustment of ecosystems back within an
envelope of natural range of variability should achieve
this goal (Covington and Moore 1994, Holling and
Meffe 1996, Stephenson 1999). A successful restora-
tion is one that sets ecological trends in the right di-
rection. In Southwestern ponderosa pine ecosystems
this means reducing tree density and ladder fuels along
with associated crown fire risk, protecting large trees,
restoring surface fires, and increasing herbaceous
ground cover and overall biodiversity levels. A con-
servative restoration program would incorporate nat-
ural variability by avoiding uniform treatments across
extensive areas. Spatial heterogeneity is critical to for-
est biodiversity. Existing forest structures, such as tree
groups and large trees, should not be removed simply
to recreate historical tree spatial patterns. While his-
torical reference conditions are useful for identifying
the types, magnitudes, and causes of ecosystem change,
such reconstructions are best used as general guides
rather than as precise and rigid prescriptions (Landres
et al. 1999).
Theories of restoration ecology and the practice of
ecological restoration are evolving rapidly. We propose
not so much a departure from current models as a
broader framework that encompasses a diversity of ap-
proaches. Restoration science cannot proceed without
empirical tests and experimentation across a broad
range of conditions, and restoration practice needs to
incorporate new insights derived from the scientific and
practical creativity of many individuals and institu-
tions. We need steady progress in restoration science
in order to sustain the social, political, and financial
support required for an effective regional restoration
program. Some restoration experiences, however, will
probably prove humbling, as our knowledge and meth-
ods will always be imperfect.
Risks and trade-offs are inherent in wildland man-
agement. For example, a controversial trade-off in-
volves consideration of merchantable timber harvest as
part of restoration. Commercial activities can help fund
restoration of less hazardous forest fuel conditions
Ecological Applications
Vol. 12, No. 5
more quickly, but raise the risk of extractive economic
imperatives dominating decision making about ‘res-
toration’ activities.
We need to begin large-scale restoration of ponde-
rosa pine ecosystems now. The present vulnerability of
these forest ecosystems requires that we temper our
need for more complete information with an urgency
created by the current risk of crown fires. Even res-
toration failures at this point can provide information
useful in refining future work, as long as we simulta-
neously invest in research and monitoring. At the same
time, we must be cautious in our application of res-
toration treatments. We must manage for surprise,
whether from climate variability, human influences, or
the synergies among known and unknown factors. It
would be prudent to incorporate buffers for uncertainty
in restoration work. Impatience, extractive economics,
or hubris could lead to widespread application of un-
duly intrusive treatments that could further damage for-
est ecosystems. The broad perspective outlined here
supports vigorous but conservative approaches for im-
mediately reducing crown fire risk and restoring natural
variability and long-term resilience to ponderosa pine
forest ecosystems in the American Southwest.
We appreciate the effortsofcolleagues at the GrandCanyon
Forest Partnership and the Ecological Restoration Instituteof
Northern Arizona University to share their restoration ex-
periences and perspectives, especially Pete Fule´, Wally Cov-
ington, and Brad Ack. Carl Edminster, Bill Block, Jon Keeley,
Peter Landres, Dave Parsons, Phil Weatherspoon, and an
anonymous reviewer provided helpful comments on earlier
versions of this paper. This material is based upon work sup-
ported by the USDA Forest Service, U.S. Geological Survey,
Wilburforce Foundation, Laird Norton Foundation, New
Mexico Community Foundation, and the National Science
Foundation under Grant number SBR-969410.
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... Forest restoration and fuel management programs offer a potential solution to reduce fire size and severity, enhancing forest resilience and stabilizing forest C over the long term (Ager et al., 2020;Davis and al., 2023;Foster et al., 2020;Hurteau et al., 2019;Sorensen et al., 2011). Over time, as the post restoration forest structure matures (Allen et al., 2002;Bauhus et al., 2009), yearly C uptake of individual trees can be expected to increase with size (Hudiburg et al., 2009;Mildrexler et al., 2020) until potentially entering a new dynamic equilibrium where yearly C uptake equates yearly C emissions across aboveground C pools (Odum, 1969;Riebeek, 2011;Sousa, 1984). Across many ecologies and geographic regions, studies have suggested that restoring an old growth forest structure stabilizes forest C (Barros et al., 2018;Foster et al., 2020;Grace et al., 2014;Hurteau et al., 2016;McCauley et al., 2019) while acting as an important C sink (Luyssaert et al., 2008;Pugh et al., 2019) so long as the aboveground forest structure retains a resilient condition with respect to natural disturbance and successional processes (Liang et al., 2018;Liu et al., 2019). ...
... The addition of RO wildfire management (5xRO) further reduced forest stocking to an average of 94 trees ha − 1 (38 trees ac − 1 ) with a basal area of 12 m 2 ha − 1 (53 ft 2 ac − 1 ) and a QMD of 41 cm d.b.h (16.2 in d.b. h). The 5xPRO and 5xRO scenarios were most effective at returning the historical stocking and structure of ponderosa pine to the study area (Reynolds et al., 2013, interquartile range: 56 to 138 trees ha − 1 with 9 to 17 m 2 ha − 1 ) (Allen et al., 2002;Bauhus et al., 2009). Notably, at the end of the simulation, RO wildfire management had the added benefit of reducing ponderosa pine stocking in stands adjacent to restoration treatments and thus provided indirect restoration benefits. ...
... Conversely, 1xPRO had lower wildfire activity early in the simulation, with both total area burned and area burned with high severity increasing overtime until declining again. Rapidly restoring the landscape with the 5xRO scenario led to a rapid increase in low-to moderate-severity wildfire in the midterm that began to moderate as old growth characteristics were restored (Allen et al., 2002;Bauhus et al., 2009;Reynolds et al., 2013). The business-as-usual scenario (1xRO) maintained a steady, high level of low-to moderate-severity wildfire, with the landscape beginning to approach an old growth structure by simulation's end. ...
Wildfire futures and aboveground carbon (C) dynamics associated with forest restoration programs that integrate resource objective wildfire as part of a larger treatment strategy are not well understood. Using simulation modeling, we examined alternative forest and fuel management strategies on a 237,218-ha study area within a 778,000-ha landscape that is a high priority target for federal restoration programs. We simulated two wildfire management scenarios combined with three levels of conventional forest restoration treatments over 64 years using a detailed landscape disturbance and succession model developed in prior work. We found accelerated forest restoration used in concert with resource objective wildfire was the most effective at returning old growth forest structure, while stabilizing aboveground C stocks and restoring the fire return interval to its historic range of variation. In scenarios without forest restoration, the continued practice of resource objective wildfires during shoulder fire seasons reduced summer emissions in a negative feedback loop. In the short term, scenarios without forest restoration increased live tree C, but also increased the likelihood of C loss during wildfire activity driven by extreme fire weather. We found scenarios most effective at restoring fire-excluded pine forests to their historical old growth conditions came at a short-term cost of lost C, but with the long-term benefit of substantially increasing fire-resistant live tree C. Our results inform how local decision making can best balance competing goals of sequestering C, and stabilizing C stocks in frequent-fire pine forests using the principles of local fire ecology to restore and maintain old growth forest structure.
... Ponderosa pines (Pinus ponderosa) are the most expansive forest ecosystems in the southwestern US (Garrison et al., 1977) and have exhibited an increase in tree density since the late 1800s due to forest management activities such as fire suppression (Allen et al., 2002;Covington & Moore, 1994). Under current conditions, ponderosa pine landscapes are susceptible to large crown fires (e.g., Hessburg et al., 2005;Savage & Mast, 2005) that lead to high tree mortality and impact nearby and downstream socio-economic activities. ...
... Ponderosa pine forests in headwater regions of the southwestern US are important for provisioning freshwater to downstream areas. In addition to their susceptibility to warming (Adams & Kolb, 2005;Allen et al., 2002), forested regions are also prone to destructive crown fires which modify large portions of the landscape (Dore et al., 2010;Huffman et al., 2001;Neary et al., 2012). In response, various types of forest treatments (e.g., thinning, grazing, prescribed burning) are underway in the southwestern US to reduce severe wildfires (e.g., Johnston et al., 2021;Sankey & Tatum, 2022). ...
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The effects of forest treatments on watershed hydrology have often been studied in isolation from climate change. Consequently, under a warming climate, it is unclear how forest thinning will impact snowpacks, evapotranspiration, and streamflow availability. In this study, we used a distributed hydrologic model to provide insight into the effects of warming and forest treatment on the hydrologic response of the Beaver Creek watershed (∼1,100 km²) of central Arizona. Prior to the numerical experiments, confidence in the hydrologic model performance was established by comparisons to long‐term observations (2003–2018) of snow water equivalent and streamflow using station observations and through spatially distributed estimates. Results indicated that warming during the 21st century could increase mean annual streamflow by 1.5% for warming levels up to +1°C, followed by a −29% decrease for continued warming up to +6°C, due to the varying effects of warming on snow sublimation, soil evaporation, and plant transpiration. On average, forest thinning increased streamflow by +12% (or 7 mm/yr) through lower plant transpiration by −19% (or −18 mm/yr), while also increasing the change in soil water storage by +42% (or 11 mm/yr). Forest thinning delayed the detrimental effects of warming on streamflow until +4°C, as compared to +2°C without forest treatment. Furthermore, model results suggested that forest cover reductions laterally displace water availability and evapotranspiration to downstream sites. These model‐derived mechanisms provide insights on the potential for water resilience toward warming effects afforded through treatment projects in southwestern US ponderosa pine forests.
... Ecological restoration zoning should follow the zoning principles to improve the rationality and effectiveness of zoning. The widely used zoning principles include geographical unit integrity, dominant factors, and consistency of control strategies (Allen et al., 2002;Wang et al., 2020). The geographical unit integrity principle emphasizes that there is a high degree of similarity in the occurrence and development of ecological problems in the same geographical unit. ...
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The Aral Sea was the fourth largest lake in the world but it has shrunk dramatically as a result of irrational human activities, triggering the “Aral Sea ecological crisis”. The ecological problems of the Aral Sea have attracted widespread attention, and the alleviation of the Aral Sea ecological crisis has reached a consensus among the five Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan). In the past decades, many ecological management measures have been implemented for the ecological restoration of the Aral Sea. However, due to the lack of regional planning and zoning, the results are not ideal. In this study, we mapped the ecological zoning of the Aral Sea from the perspective of ecological restoration based on soil type, soil salinity, surface water, groundwater table, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), land cover, and aerosol optical depth (AOD) data. Soil salinization and salt dust are the most prominent ecological problems in the Aral Sea. The Aral Sea was divided into seven first-level ecological restoration subregions (North Aral Sea catchment area in the downstream of the Syr Darya River (Subregion I); artificial flood overflow areas downstream of the Aral Sea (Subregion II); physical/chemical remediation area of the salt dust source area in the eastern part of the South Aral Sea (Subregion III); physical/chemical remediation areas of severe salinization in the central part of the South Aral Sea (Subregion IV); existing water surface and potential restoration areas of the South Aral Sea (Subregion V); Aral Sea vegetation natural recovery area (Subregion VI); and vegetation planting areas with light salinity in the South Aral Sea (Subregion VII)) and 14 second-level ecological restoration subregions according to the ecological zoning principles. Implementable measures are proposed for each ecological restoration subregion. For Subregion I and Subregion II with lower elevations, artificial flooding should be carried out to restore the surface of the Aral Sea. Subregion III and Subregion IV have severe soil salinization, making it difficult for vegetation to grow. In these subregions, it is recommended to cover and pave the areas with green biomatrix coverings and environmentally sustainable bonding materials. In Subregion V located in the central and western parts of the South Aral Sea, surface water recharge should be increased to ensure that this subregion can maintain normal water levels. In Subregion VI and Subregion VII where natural conditions are suitable for vegetation growth, measures such as afforestation and buffer zones should be implemented to protect vegetation. This study could provide a reference basis for future comprehensive ecological management and restoration of the Aral Sea.
... They serve as a barrier to protect surrounding residences and businesses from traffic noise (Kuby et al. 1999, Ow andGhosh 2017) and particle pollution (Tallis et al. 2011, Bandara andDissanayake 2021). Also, they may assist with ecological restoration and the preservation of biodiversity in urban areas (Jordan et al. 1988, Allen et al. 2002, Antonio and Meyerson 2002, Benayas et al. 2008, Nagendra and Gopal 2010. The presence of trees can have advantages and disadvantages for the performance of infrastructure, including roads and railway embankments (Wu et al. 1979, Mullaney et al. 2015, Apriyono et al. 2023. ...
Roadway trees planted as barriers reduce traffic noise and particle pollution in cities. However, tree roots may alter the soil's moisture content, resulting in uneven soil subsidence and maintenance issues for neighbouring structures. This study determined the safe distance between trees and pavement by investigating the effects of transpiration on pore water pressure (PWP) and pavement subsidence under seasonal variations. The root water uptake was simplified in a finite element model using multiple hydraulic head boundaries and validated using field observations. A hypoplastic model was used to model non-linear behaviour and plastic strain accumulation in unsaturated soil. Evergreen trees can reduce PWP by 72% during the dry season and 84% during the wet season, compared to bare soil. The subsidence did not decrease linearly with the distance away from trees under a rigid and impermeable pavement structure. The maximum bending moment was influenced by the distance between trees and pavement with the highest value occurring when trees were located near the pavement (up to five times the bending moments on pavement without trees). Our findings suggest that the pavement is at risk of experiencing structural failure if trees are located within 0.4 times their height away from the pavement.
... In temperate forests, understory plants beneath the tree canopy typically comprise the majority of plant diversity and fulfil many essential ecosystem services and roles (Balandier et al., 2022). In addition to providing food and habitat for animal species, a robust understory can be more resistant to non-native plant invasions (Johnstone et al., 2016;McGlone et al., 2011), promote native fire regimes (Moore et al., 1999) and control tree regeneration (Allen et al., 2002). Forest management and climate change can both alter many aspects of plant communities growing underneath forest canopies, and information relating to these impacts is valuable for informing future management and conservation scenarios. ...
A combination of forest thinning followed by prescribed burning is widely applied in the western United States to increase ecosystem resistance and resilience to disturbances. Understory plant community responses may be driven by both management treatments and climatic factors. Thus, responses to treatments during a 20‐year megadrought have implications for the role of management in fostering adaptive capacity to climate change. We used a network of five sites (600 plots) spanning an environmental gradient in ponderosa pine ( Pinus ponderosa ) forests of the American Southwest, an ecosystem that is broadly distributed and actively managed throughout the western United States. We used repeated long‐term monitoring data to quantify plant community responses to treatment 1–5‐, 6–10‐ and >10‐year post‐implementation. Specifically, we focussed on the effects of treatment and abiotic conditions on native and non‐native plant cover and species richness and the proportion of native species with northern (cool‐mesic) biogeographic affinities. Overall, thinning and prescribed burning nearly doubled native cover and increased native species richness by about 50% relative to untreated controls. These effects persisted for over a decade after treatment, even under the influence of significant and persistent drought. Cover and richness were also greater on intermediate to wet sites. Finally, native species with northern biogeographic affinities were reduced for up to 5 years after treatment relative to those with southern (warm‐xeric) affinities, and in dry years, indicating that both management and interannual climate variability may foster shifts to plant communities that are more resilient to a warming climate. Synthesis and applications . In ponderosa pine forests of the American Southwest, tree thinning followed by prescribed burning will generally promote restoration goals of increasing resilience to climate change by enhancing the diversity and abundance of native understory plant species, even during a persistent 20‐year megadrought.
... For example, the SMFI found in the Madrean Archipelago (4.1-5.6 yr) could represent a reference point to reintroduce fire periodicity in sites under fire suppression, as happened in many ponderosa pine and mixed-conifer forests (C. D. Allen et al., 2002). Similarly, a decrease in fire frequency in pine-oak and mixed-conifer forests of the Mexican sierras could indicate that the natural fire regime is shifting to sites where fire suppression was not as extensive as in the United States (Stephens et al., 2003). ...
Mean fire interval (MFI) is the average time between successive fires, influenced by environmental factors such as latitude, elevation, and vegetation type. This study evaluated the relationship between MFI and latitude in conifer forests of western North America. First, we obtained pre-fire-disruption MFI data from dendrochronology-based fire history studies in western Canada, the United States, and Mexico montane ranges. Then, we used generalized additive models (GAMs) to evaluate the relationship between MFI and latitude, considering elevation and conifer forest type as covariables. In addition, we mapped the spatial mean fire intervals (SMFIs) through inverse distance weighting (IDW). MFI increased significantly at higher latitudes, influenced by elevation and conifer forest type (R 2 = 0.7). Furthermore, we found longer MFI in high elevations of the Madrean Archipelago, the Rocky Mountains, and the Alaska Range. Fire frequency also decreased in the boreal, Douglas-fir, and sub-alpine forests, with MFI longer than 20 yr. Moreover, the shortest SMFIs were found in the Mexican sierras and the Madrean Archipelago, with fire intervals between 4.1 and 5.6 yr. Our results showed a latitudinal gradient of MFI in conifer forests of western North America, which provides valuable information for fire management and the restoration of natural fire regimes. ARTICLE HISTORY
... In the United States, especially in the western half of the country, landscape-scale restoration has focused on forested ecosystems (Ciuzio et al., 2013, Cyphers and Schultz, 2019, Phalan et al., 2019. A multitude of forces have disrupted forest dynamics in the United States since Euro-American colonization, including clear cutting, selective logging of large trees, grazing, and fire exclusion (Allen et al., 2002, Jones et al., 2018. These disruptions not only alter forested ecosystems but also put them at greater risk of large, high severity wildfire , Ott et al., 2023. ...
Landscape-scale forest restoration aims to restore ecological structure and function and provide habitat for wildlife. However, forest management likely has varying impacts across wildlife life stages, with consequences for population persistence. Using 10 years of nest (n = 294) survey data for a focal bird species, white-headed woodpecker (Dryobates albolarvatus), we assessed how forest management (tree removal and prescribed burning) at two spatial scales (stand [2.25 ha] and landscape [314 ha]), forest vegetation variables at three spatial scales (nest tree, local [0.4 ha], and landscape [314 ha]), and climate influenced nest initiation date, egg production, egg survival, and nestling survival. We applied Bayesian hierarchical mixed effects models to these data to identify and compare drivers at each life stage. None of the variables we considered influenced egg production; white-headed woodpeckers laid an average of four eggs. As the extent of the landscape with tree removal increased, nests initiated later. Egg survival was higher in nests with prescribed burning at the stand scale. Nestling survival was higher in sites that had been managed with burning and tree removal at the stand scale, but the relationship with burning switched to negative at the landscape scale. Only nestling survival was shaped by attributes of the nest cavity itself. Egg survival increased with increased variation in forest patch sizes at the landscape scale. Woodpeckers initiated nests earlier under warmer conditions, with previous August and September temperatures being particularly influential. Both egg and nestling survival increased with cumulative precipitation. While increased temperatures decreased egg survival, nestling survival peaked at an optimal maximum temperature (~32 • C). This study illustrates how forest management, forest vegetation, and climate factors affecting nesting ecology vary throughout the nesting season. Additionally, effects that switch directions (positive versus negative) across spatial scales indicate spatially dependent ecological processes (e.g., nest suitability versus adult foraging). This study provides a model for assessing the effects of forest management on bird population persistence by considering the nesting season as stages with distinct ecological limitations linked to spatially-dependent factors.
... In many forests, understory plants are important targets for biodiversity conservation because they make up the overwhelming majority of plant diversity (Abella and Springer, 2015;Gilliam, 2007;Hart and Chen, 2006). Understory plants also form the foundation of forest food webs, provide habitat for wildlife, help protect soils from erosion, and affect forest development (Allen et al., 2002;Gilliam, 2007;Zuazo and Pleguezuelo, 2009). ...
Restoration efforts are underway in dry conifer forests across the western United States to increase their resilience to wildfire and other disturbances. Because such treatments typically decrease overstory density and homogeneity, they can also drive changes in the understory plant community. Past studies of post-treatment changes in understories have found variable results over short time frames and across regions, highlighting the need to study longer-term, region-specific responses. We investigated whether mechanical restoration treatments benefited understory plants in dry conifer forests of the Colorado Front Range, and what biotic and abiotic variables modified understory plant responses in treated areas. We analyzed data collected 1–2 years pre-treatment, 1–2 years post-treatment, and 4–6 years post-treatment in 168 plots, which were distributed across 8 sites and 16 pairs of treated and nearby untreated areas. Treatments were implemented by removing trees with heavy machinery or hand tools (i.e., thinning). By the time treatments were 4–6 years old, native understory plant cover was 1.7 times higher in treated compared to untreated plots, and native richness was 1.1 times higher. Heightened cover and richness values in treated plots were not driven by a single native plant functional group, but by a large portion of the native community; long-lived, graminoid, vegetatively spreading, and non-vegetatively spreading plants all had higher cover in treated plots, while short-lived, long-lived, forb, graminoid, and non-vegetatively spreading plants had higher richness in treated plots. Non-native plants showed 3.1 times higher cover and 4.4 times higher richness in treated compared to untreated plots at 4–6 years post-treatment, but were present at very low levels (e.g., ≤ 0.5% mean cover in either treatment). Greater native plant cover and richness at 4–6 years post-treatment were associated with lower overstory basal areas that resembled 19th-century forest structural conditions for the landscape. Contrary to expectations, a long-term measure of moisture availability (i.e., 30-year average climatic water deficit) was not a strong predictor of native cover or richness in treated plots 4–6 years post-treatment; rather, they were better predicted by moisture availability during the spring months prior to sampling. Overall, the consistent and enduring stimulation of cover and richness of native understory plants after mechanical treatments, with only limited invasion from non-native species, illustrates the important benefits of ongoing restoration activities in dry conifer forests of the Colorado Front Range.
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Wildfires in the southwestern United States are increasingly frequent and severe, but whether these trends are beyond historical norms remains contested. We combine dendroecological records, satellite-derived burn severity, and field measures of tree mortality to compare historical (1700-1880) and contemporary (1985-2020) fire regimes at 406 tree-ring fire-scar sites in Arizona and New Mexico. Contemporary fire frequency is over 80% lower than historical levels. Before 1880, fires averaged 0.87 fires/decade (every 11.4 years), followed by over a century without fire at most sites. Since 1985, the same sites averaged only 0.17 fires/decade (every 58.8 years). Fire severity, however, has increased. At 42% of our sites, centuries-old fire-scarred trees recently experienced anonymously lethal fire severity. Suppressed wildfires tended to burn more severely than prescribed burns and managed “fire use” wildfires. These findings support the expanded use of low-severity prescribed and managed fire to restore ecosystem function and resilience to southwestern dry-conifer forests.
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Historically, fire has been essential in Southwestern US forests. However, a century of fire-exclusion and changing climate created forests which are more susceptible to uncharacteristically severe wildfires. Forest managers use a combination of thinning and prescribed burning to reduce forest density to help mitigate the risk of high-severity fires. These treatments are laborious and expensive, therefore optimizing their impact is crucial. Landscape simulation models can be useful in identifying high risk areas and assessing treatment effects, but uncertainties in these models can limit their utility in decision making. In this study we examined underlying uncertainties in the initial vegetation layer by leveraging a previous study from the Santa Fe fireshed and using new inventory plots from 111 stands to interpolate the initial forest conditions. We found that more inventory plots resulted in a different geographic distribution and wider range of the modelled biomass. This changed the location of areas with high probability of high-severity fires, shifting the optimal location for management. The increased range of biomass variability from using a larger number of plots to interpolate the initial vegetation layer also influenced ecosystem carbon dynamics, resulting in simulated forest conditions that had higher rates of carbon uptake. We conclude that the initial forest layer significantly affects fire and carbon dynamics and is dependent on both number of plots, and sufficient representation of the range of forest types and biomass density.
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In the West, thinning and partial cuttings are being considered for treating millions of forested acres that are overstocked and prone to wildfire. The objectives of these treatments include tree growth redistribution, tree species regulation, timber harvest, wildlife habitat improvement, and wildfire-hazard reduction. Depending on the forest type and its structure, thinning has both positive and negative impacts on crown fire potential. Crown bulk density, surface fuel, and crown base height are primary stand characteristics that determine crown fire potential. Thinning from below, free thinning, and reserve tree shelterwoods have the greatest opportunity for reducing the risk of crown fire behavior. Selection thinning and crown thinning that maintain multiple crown layers, along with individual tree selection systems, will not reduce the risk of crown fires except in the driest ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) forests. Moreover, unless the surface fuels created by using these treatments are themselves treated, intense surface wildfire may result, likely negating positive effects of reducing crown fire potential. No single thinning approach can be applied to reduce the risk of wildfires in the multiple forest types of the West. The best general approach for managing wildfire damage seems to be managing tree density and species composition with well-designed silvicultural systems at a landscape scale that includes a mix of thinning, surface fuel treatments, and prescribed fire with proactive treatment in areas with high risk to wildfire.
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We present the history of land use and historic vegetation conditions on the Sacramento Ranger District of the Lincoln National Forest within the framework of an ecosystem needs assessment. We reconstruct forest vegetation conditions and ecosystem processes for the period immediately before Anglo-American settlement using General Land Office survey records, historic studies and accounts, and reconstructive studies such as dendrochronological histories of fire and insect outbreak and studies of old growth. Intensive grazing, clearcut logging, fire suppression, and agriculture in riparian areas have radically altered forest structure and processes since the 1880s, when intensive settlement began in the Sacramento Mountains. Present forests are younger and more dense than historic ones, and in areas that were previously dominated by ponderosa pine, dominance has shifted to Douglas-fir and white fir in the absence of frequent surface fire. Landscapes are more homogeneous and contiguous than historic ones, facilitating large-scale, intense disturbances such as insect outbreaks and crown fires.
This publication gives an overview of structural and other ecological changes associated with forest management and fire suppression since the early 1900's in a ponderosa pine forest, the most widespread forest type in the Western United States. Three sources of information are presented: (1) changes seen in a series of repeat photographs taken between 1909 and 1997 at 13 camera points; (2) knowledge from 19 authors who have investigated effects of recent ecosystem-based management treatments; integrated with (3) findings of forest chantes related to earlier treatments and to succession. The authors discuss effects of historical silviculture and recent ecosystem-based management treatments, including an evaluation of various burning prescriptions in terms of tree response, undergrowth, soils, wildlife habitat, and esthetics and public acceptance.
In accordance with the Forest Service Chief's directive, the Southwestern Regional Forester and the Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station Director developed a strategy to guide the implementation of ecology-based multiple-use management in the Southwestern Region. The Southwestern Regional Ecosystem Management Study Team was established to assist in this implementation. This report completes the Study Team's charter and represents the Team's consensus regarding an ecological approach for ecosystem management. Guiding principles based on conservation biology are applied in assessing ecosystem needs. Ecosystem, economic, and social needs are integrated in a decision model in which the guiding principles are used as a primary filter for evaluating proposed actions. Management practices consistent with the guiding principles are likely to lead to ecological, economic, and social well-being, while those practices that are not consistent with the guiding principles risk species loss, degraded environments, and long-term social problems. -from Authors
This publication provides qualitative and quantitative information on five distinct structures: living trees with decayed parts, trees with hollow chambers, trees with brooms, dead trees, and logs. Information is provided on the value of these structures to wildlife, the decay or infection processes involved in the formation of these structures, and the principles to consider for selecting the best structures to retain.
Focusing on the Southwest but raising questions that are more broadly applicable, we compare ecological restoration with conventional management regimes-multiple-use management, ecosystem management, and managing for specific resource objectives. That restoration assumes a holistic perspective and active intervention does not distinguish it from other approaches to achieving ecosystem health. We find that foresters and restorationists both use ecology, but restorationists use a reference condition as a substitute for specific objectives. We believe that restorationists who advocate substituting a reference condition for meeting a priori objectives must demonstrate the advantage of this approach. We identify the conceptual limitations to ecological restoration and question the uses of restoration.
Reviews the problems of the commitment to genetic purity, and suggests way of compromising and at the same time of minimising risk. Discusses the problems of restoration in forestry and offers guidelines for successful restoration. -S.J.Yates