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New views on tree shrews: The role of Tupaiids in Primate supraordinal relationships


Abstract and Figures

Tree shrews (Scandentia, Tupaiidae), or the mammals formerly known as primates, are known to most primatologists simply as "the outgroup." Small-bodied mammals from South and Southeast Asia that superficially resemble squirrels (Fig. 1), tree shrews have long been considered to have close affinities with primates and are often used as an outgroup in analyses of relationships among primate taxa. They were, in fact, included in the order Primates from the 1920s to the 1960s (Box 1), a period during which a considerable amount of research on tree shrews was conducted. After tree shrews were removed from the order Primates, comparatively little attention was paid to them until 1980, and since then studies of tree shrews have been sporadic. Recently, however, research on this group has undergone something of a renaissance. The year 2000, in fact, could be considered the Year of the Tree Shrew, heralding major advances in tree shrew genetics, behavioral ecology, and morphology.
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New Views on Tree Shrews: The Role of Tupaiids in
Primate Supraordinal Relationships
“[I]t is certain that the tree shrews
represent a highly important group of
mammals, and, for this reason, they
demand an intensive study from all
Le Gros Clark
(p. 255)
“Among living non-primates the tu-
paiids are apparently the closest pri-
mate relatives, and these conclusions
in no way lessen the value of tupaiids
to primatology.”
(p. 9)
Although tree shrews are still re-
garded as close relatives of primates,
their precise phylogenetic relation-
ships are not clear. Both taxa are fre-
quently included with flying lemurs
(Dermoptera) and bats (Chiroptera)
in the supraordinal grouping Ar-
chonta, assignments that are sup-
ported by morphological data.
Molecular studies support a clade
uniting tree shrews and primates with
flying lemurs, to the exclusion of bats;
this group is called Euarchonta.
Within Archonta or Euarchonta, both
tree shrews
and flying lemurs
have been proposed to be the closest
relatives of primates, though more re-
cent studies have shown that tree
shrews may in fact be more closely
related to flying lemurs than either is
to Primates
(see Sargis
for a
detailed history of the relationships of
archontans and a review of morpho-
logical and molecular studies).
Whether or not tree shrews are the
sister taxon to Primates, they are still
crucial to primate supraordinal rela-
tionships and represent a critical out-
group in studies of primate phyloge-
The goal of this paper is to
summarize recent research that has
improved our understanding of tree
shrews and their relationships to pri-
mates and other mammals.
While much has been learned to
date about the biology of tree shrews,
there remain substantial gaps in our
knowledge. Our understanding of tu-
paiid evolutionary relationships has
partly been hindered by their poor
fossil record
(see Box 2). Most tree-
shrew fossils have been found in the
Siwaliks of India and Pakistan. In In-
dia, skull fragments and teeth similar
to those of Tupaia were recovered
from Miocene deposits,
and a
complete rib cage possibly represent-
ing Tupaia was discovered in Pliocene
The Miocene fossils were
attributed to a new taxon, Palaeotu-
paia sivalicus, within the subfamily
but Luckett and Ja-
argued that these fossils should
not be allocated to a new genus be-
cause they are virtually identical to
Additional skull frag-
ments and teeth from the Miocene
have been found in Pakistan. These
fossils, which are about ten million
years old, were discovered further
west than the distribution of living
tree shrews.
These specimens prob-
ably represent new taxa,
but they
have never been named.
Tree shrew teeth have also been re-
covered from Miocene deposits in
China and Thailand (Box 2). Fossil
teeth were first found in China at
Lufeng and assigned to a new taxon,
Prodendrogale yunnanica, based on
similarities to Dendrogale.
More Pro-
dendrogale teeth were later found at
Yuanmou but, perhaps more impor-
tantly, some of the unnamed material
may represent the first fossil represen-
Eric J. Sargis is an Assistant Professor in
the Department of Anthropology, Yale
University. His research interests include
primate supraordinal relationships, ar-
chontan systematics, and tupaiid and
cercopithecid functional postcranial
morphology and systematics. E-mail:
Key words: Scandentia; Ptilocercus; phylogenet-
ics; tree shrews; morphology
©2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
DOI 10.1002/evan.10131
Published online in Wiley InterScience
Tree shrews (Scandentia, Tupaiidae), or the mammals formerly known as pri-
mates, are known to most primatologists simply as “the outgroup.” Small-bodied
mammals from South and Southeast Asia that superficially resemble squirrels (Fig.
1), tree shrews have long been considered to have close affinities with primates
and are often used as an outgroup in analyses of relationships among primate
They were, in fact, included in the order Primates from the 1920s to the
1960s (Box 1), a period during which a considerable amount of research on tree
shrews was conducted. After tree shrews were removed from the order Primates,
comparatively little attention was paid to them until 1980,
and since then studies
of tree shrews have been sporadic. Recently, however, research on this group has
undergone something of a renaissance.
The year 2000, in fact, could be con-
sidered the Year of the Tree Shrew, heralding major advances in tree shrew
behavioral ecology,
and morphology.
Evolutionary Anthropology 13:5666 (2004)
tative of the Ptilocercus lineage.
Thailand, a single molar was discov-
ered and allocated to Tupaia, but it
was attributed to a new species, T.
The earliest known tree shrew fossils
are from middle Eocene beds at Henan,
These isolated teeth are similar
to those of Dendrogale and were as-
signed to a new taxon, Eodendrogale
parvum. While the fossil record of tree
shrews is poor, it certainly indicates
that they had evolved by the middle Eo-
cene, and that they once had a broader
distribution than they do today.
Variation among tree shrews is rarely
considered by either primate system-
atists or those studying mammalian su-
praordinal relationships, as the sole ge-
nus Tupaia is generally used to
represent all of Scandentia in such
studies (for example, Beard
Murphy and coworkers
). In fact, there
are five genera of tree shrews: Tupaia,
Anathana, Urogale, Dendrogale, and
Ptilocercus (Box 3). Of these, the arbo-
real Ptilocercus (Box 4), rather than Tu-
paia, has been considered to be the
living tree shrew that most closely re-
sembles the ancestral tupaiid in both its
Figure 1. Tupaia minor, an arboreal tupaiine (A), and Ptilocercus lowii, the only ptilo-
cercine (B). Ptilocercus photo by Annette Zitzmann © 1995.
Box 1. History of Tree Shrew Ordinal Designations
Order Insectivora Wagner
Order Menotyphla Gregory
Order Primates Carlsson
Le Gros Clark
Napier and Napier
Removed from Order Primates Van Valen
Order Scandentia Butler
ARTICLES New Views on Tree Shrews 57
ecology and its morphological at-
10,11,16–18,23–25,36 45
Ptilocercus is included in a separate
subfamily from Tupaia and its closest
relatives (see Box 3), which are mostly
terrestrial, and the two subfamilies
are quite distinct in their postcranial
They also differ
in their activity pattern, as Ptilocercus
is nocturnal and all tupaiines are di-
urnal. Tupaia minor, like Ptilocercus,
is arboreal, while T. tana (commonly
called the terrestrial tree shrew), T.
gracilis, T. longipes, and T. montana
are all terrestrial.
There is anecdotal
evidence that Dendrogale melanura is
terrestrial as well (Emmons, personal
communication), but D. murina ap-
pears to be arboreal.
Tupaia glis has
been shown to be much more terres-
trial than was previously believed,
and seems to escape predators on the
Urogale everetti, which is
considered to be one of the most ter-
restrial species,
has been shown to
be a terrestrial digger in the wild.
Little is known about Anathana ellioti;
Chorazyna and Kurup
stated that it
is terrestrial, while Martin
that it is semiterrestrial (Box 4).
In an attempt to make the postcranial
variation among tree shrews more ac-
cessible to primatologists, I will review
several differences between Ptilocercus
and the tupaiines, as well as several
unique features of Urogale, which is a
digger. This review represents a sum-
mary of several previous papers,
which should be consulted for more de-
tailed assessments of these features.
Tree Shrew Morphology
Although I will focus on postcranial
morphology, the craniodental mor-
phology of tree shrews is of interest
because of various (convergent) simi-
larities to that of primates. For in-
stance, tree shrews possess a tooth
comb for grooming similar to that of
living strepsirhine primates, but tree
shrews have a different dental for-
mula than primates do. The tree
shrew dental formula is I 2/3 C 1/1 P
3/3 M 3/3. Tree shrews also possess a
postorbital bar like that of euprimates
(Fig. 2). Although it has been pro-
posed that this character is a synapo-
morphy uniting these two groups,
it is perhaps more likely that this fea-
ture evolved independently. The or-
bits of the arboreal Ptilocercus are
Box 2. Tree Shrew Fossil Record
Tupaia Pliocene upper Siwaliks of India rib cage 29
Miocene middle Siwaliks of India skull fragment, left maxillary
fragment, lower right
second molar
27, 28
Miocene Siwaliks of Pakistan skull fragment, lower left first
molar, lower molar talonid
Miocene Li Mae Long, Thailand upper left second molar 34
Miocene Lufeng, China seventeen isolated teeth 32
Miocene Yuanmou, China mandibular fragment with P4
and M1, 9 isolated teeth
Eocene Henan, China upper left molar, upper right
first and third molars, two
lower molar talonids
These specimens are indistinguishable from Tupaia and should not be separated into another genus.
These unnamed specimens may represent new genera and species.
Box 3. Classification of Tree Shrews
Order Scandentia
Family Tupaiidae
Subfamily Tupaiinae
Tupaia (14 species)
Dendrogale (2 species)
Anathana ellioti
Urogale everetti
Subfamily Ptilocercinae
Ptilocercus lowii
From Wilson,
but several other classifications of tree shrews exist.
58 Sargis ARTICLES
also relatively similar to those of
euprimates in that they face forward,
but the orbits of all other tree shrews
face laterally.
Another cranial simi-
larity that has been proposed as a sy-
napomorphy uniting tree shrews and
euprimates is the enclosure of the
middle-ear arteries in bony ca-
Not every aspect of the ear
region, however, is similar between
these groups. Euprimates have a
petrosal bulla, while tree shrews have
an entotympanic bulla (Fig. 2).
While tupaiid craniodental mor-
phology has been relatively well-
tupaiid postcranial
morphology was, until recently,
poorly known and had not been
studied from a functional perspec-
The following sections pro-
vide a general review of the main
differences among tree shrews with
respect to their postcranial morphol-
ogy. Appreciation of this diversity is
critical not only for understanding
the evolution of this ancient group,
but also for properly evaluating its
phylogenetic position among placen-
tal mammals.
Axial Skeleton
The axial skeleton of Ptilocercus dif-
fers in several ways from that of tupai-
ines in that it is adapted for stability,
while the vertebral column of tupai-
ines is much more mobile.
For in-
stance, the atlas vertebra of Ptilocer-
cus has a broad dorsal surface and the
other cervical vertebrae articulate
tightly, both of which restrict mobility
in the neck.
Furthermore, the spine
of the axis vertebra is oriented crani-
ally in Ptilocercus,
which seems to
limit extension of the neck.
The ribs of Ptilocercus are cranio-
caudally expanded relative to those of
tupaiines. All of the species of Tupaia,
Anathana, Dendrogale, and Urogale
have thin ribs. Jenkins
how thickened ribs may facilitate slow
climbing and bridging in lorisid pri-
mates by increasing “the stability of
the thorax, which, in turn, increases
the stability of the vertebral column”
(p. 288). While Ptilocercus is not a
slow climber, it may require this in-
creased stability to “bridge” gaps be-
tween branches
and/or climb on ver-
tical supports.
The spinous processes of the tho-
racic vertebrae of Ptilocercus are short
and wide, whereas in tupaiines they
are long and thin.
The lumbar spi-
nous processes of Ptilocercus are also
short as compared to those of tupai-
demonstrated in
his comparisons of ungulates, which
have stable vertebral columns, and
carnivorans, which have mobile verte-
bral columns, that wide spinous pro-
cesses restrict vertebral mobility. The
short, wide spinous processes of Ptilo-
cercus, therefore, may restrict spinal
mobility by decreasing intervertebral
space, while the long, thin spinous
processes of tupaiines may allow
greater spinal mobility by increasing
intervertebral space. Again, the re-
stricted mobility in the vertebral col-
umn of Ptilocercus may be related to
bridging and/or vertical climbing,
while the greater mobility in the ver-
tebral column of tupaiines contrib-
utes to increased stride length.
Figure 2. Skull of Tupaia glis. ETB, entotympanic bulla; POB, postorbital bar. Scale bar is 5.01
mm. Note the postorbital bar like that of euprimates.
Box 4. Tree Shrew Substrate Preferences
Ptilocercus lowii Arboreal 10, 38, 109
Anathana ellioti Terrestrial or Semiterrestrial 51, 53
Dendrogale melanura Terrestrial? Emmons (personal communication)
Dendrogale murina Arboreal 46
Tupaia glis Terrestrial or Semiterrestrial (Scansorial) 47–50, 110
Tupaia gracilis Terrestrial 10
Tupaia longipes Terrestrial 10
Tupaia minor Arboreal 10, 74, 110
Tupaia montana Terrestrial 10
Tupaia nicobarica Arboreal to
Tupaia palawanensis Terrestrial 112
Tupaia tana Terrestrial 10, 74, 110
Urogale everetti Terrestrial 52
ARTICLES New Views on Tree Shrews 59
The length of the thoracic and lum-
bar spinous processes is also signifi-
cant in that these processes act as
bony levers for vertebral extensor
The increased length
of these processes in tupaiines gives
the extensor muscles a greater me-
chanical advantage for powerful ex-
tension during terrestrial running, for
which a great deal of vertebral flexion
and extension are important to in-
crease stride length.
The scapula of Ptilocercus is short
and relatively wide, while that of tu-
paiines is longer and narrower (Fig.
3a–b). Ptilocercus also has an elon-
gated vertebral border and a cranially
angled metacromion (Fig. 3a, b). The
more cranial orientation of the
metacromion in Ptilocercus may pro-
vide better leverage for the deltoid
muscle during arm elevation.
vertebral border, which is long rela-
tive to the length of the scapula, may
increase the mechanical advantage of
the serratus anterior and rhomboi-
the muscles that attach to
this border, which must resist the
turning of the scapula during climb-
The relatively long vertebral
border in Ptilocercus is, therefore,
likely to be related to climbing during
arboreal locomotion.
The narrow humeral heads of the
terrestrial T. palawanensis, T. tana,
and Urogale restrict shoulder mobility
principally to the parasagittal plane.
The humeral head of all tree shrews
projects above the greater and lesser
tuberosities, thus allowing greater
mobility in the shoulder joint.
The elbow of Ptilocercus is quite dis-
tinct from that of tupaiines, reflecting
differences between the two subfami-
lies in substrate preference. The
rounded, globular (more spherical)
capitulum and more circular radial
head of Ptilocercus (Fig. 3c, d, g) allow
the radius to rotate more freely than it
does in tupaiines, thus providing
more mobility in the elbow
The distinct separa-
tion of the capitulum from the troch-
lea in Ptilocercus allows both the ra-
dius and ulna greater freedom of
On the other hand, the
continuity between the trochlea and
capitulum of tupaiines keeps the ulna
and radius tightly packed together, re-
stricting both their range of motion
and the general mobility of the elbow
joint. This, in combination with the
flatter, more spindle-shaped capitu-
lum and more rectangular radial head
(Fig. 3e, f, h), provides more stability
by restricting radial rotation, while al-
lowing flexion and extension in the
parasagittal plane.
The increased length of the trochlea
in the terrestrial tupaiines is found in
the medial trochlear keel (Fig. 3e, f). A
more pronounced version of this fea-
ture is found in several cursorial
as well as terrestrial cer-
The proximodistally
longer medial trochlear keel of terres-
trial tupaiines better resists the
torques produced in semi-flexed and
flexed pronated postures, and hence
increases stability in the elbow
It also restricts move-
ments more to the parasagittal plane
during terrestrial quadrupedal walk-
ing and running,
thereby in-
creasing the efficiency of terrestrial lo-
It is interesting that Ptilocercus, the
smallest and most arboreal tree
shrew, and Urogale, the largest and
most terrestrial tree shrew, both have
a long medial epicondyle (Fig. 3c, d,
f), especially considering the fact that
they represent two different clades.
They clearly possess this feature in re-
lation to very different biological
roles. The medial epicondyle is the
site of origin for the wrist and digital
flexors. A long medial epicondyle,
therefore, provides a larger area of at-
tachment for an enlarged flexor mus-
cle mass. These muscles are particu-
larly important to arboreal mammals
for flexion of the digits during grasp-
ing of branches. This makes sense in
the case of Ptilocercus because it is
capable of grasping (A. Zitzmann, per-
sonal communication).
A shorter
medial epicondyle is common in
many cursorial mammals
and is
also found in terrestrial cerco-
The reduction of the
medial epicondyle in terrestrial mam-
mals is related to a relative reduction
in the size of the flexor muscula-
If terrestrial mammals often have
short medial epicondyles, why does
Figure 3. Scapulae of Ptilocercus (A) and Tupaia tana (B). M, metacromion; VB, vertebral
border. Subdivisions on scale are 0.5 mm. Note the short, wide scapula and the cranial
angulation of the metacromion of Ptilocercus. Distal humeri of Ptilocercus (C, D), Tupaia
tana (E), and Urogale (F). ME, medial epicondyle. Subdivisions on scale are 0.5 mm. Note
the rounded capitulum, which is separated from the trochlea, in Ptilocercus. Radial head
(proximal view) and central fossa of Ptilocercus (G). Subdivisions on scale are 1.0 mm.
Radial head (proximal view) and central fossa of Tupaia tana (H). Subdivisions on scale are
0.5 mm. Note the more circular radial head and central fossa of Ptilocercus.
60 Sargis ARTICLES
Urogale have an elongated medial epi-
condyle? Wharton
reported that
Urogale nests in burrows and was ob-
served rooting and digging. In fact,
stated that Urogale “exhib-
ited tendencies to root and dig like
miniature pigs” (p. 353). This explains
the large medial epicondyle of Uro-
gale: powerful flexion of the digits and
wrist by the flexor musculature that
originates at the medial epicondyle is
important in scratch-digging,
involves the use of the claws of the
hands for digging.
Urogale also ex-
hibits rooting and digging adaptations
in its skull
and claws (see be-
The long olecranon process of the ter-
restrial Urogale and the short olecranon
process of the arboreal Ptilocercus and
Tupaia minor could be interpreted as
relating to substrate preference because
arboreal and terrestrial didelphid mar-
supials also exhibit these differenc-
The olecranon process is the in-
sertion site for the triceps brachii
muscle, an extensor of the antebra-
chium. The longer olecranon process of
Urogale provides a longer lever arm and
larger attachment area for the triceps
muscle. Hence, the long olecranon pro-
cess of Urogale might be related to pow-
erful extension of the forearm by the
triceps brachii muscle for propulsion
during terrestrial locomotion.
It is
more likely, however, that the length of
this process is related to Urogale’s dig-
ging habits
because digging re-
quires very powerful extension of the
antebrachium, and scratch diggers are
characterized by a long olecranon pro-
The shorter olecranon process
of Ptilocercus and Tupaia minor is prob-
ably related to the fact that these arbo-
real taxa do not require powerful exten-
sion of the forearm in arboreal
They typically employ
flexed arm postures in an attempt to
keep their center of gravity close to the
branch they are moving on.
discussed the relationship
between claw length and substrate
preference in tree shrews. Arboreal
tree shrews have shorter and deeper
claws, while terrestrial tree shrews
have longer and shallower claws for
Urogale has particularly
long claws and ungual phalan-
that are likely adaptations
for scratch digging, as long claws and
unguals are typical of diggers.
The manual and pedal ungual phalan-
ges of the arboreal Ptilocercus are
short and deep, while those of tupai-
ines are longer and more shallow.
This is probably related to differential
substrate use, as arboreal mammals
usually have shorter, deeper unguals,
while terrestrial mammals typically
have longer, shallower unguals.
short, deep ungual phalanges of Ptilo-
cercus and other arboreal mammals
are dorsopalmarly reinforced to resist
bending loads,
especially those in-
curred during claw clinging and
climbing on vertical supports.
The ilium of Ptilocercus is longer
and narrower than that of tupaiines
(Fig. 4a, b). The wider ilium of tupai-
ines provides a broad area of attach-
ment for the gluteal muscles, which
may, in turn, indicate powerful exten-
sion of the thigh by these muscles for
propulsion during terrestrial run-
stated that mam-
mals with wide ilia and a proximally
projecting greater trochanter (another
feature that tupaiines exhibit; see be-
low) can extend the thigh more pow-
erfully in the latter stages of retrac-
The more circular acetabulum of
tupaiines (Fig. 4d) restricts the mobil-
ity of the hip joint and limits move-
ments more to the parasagittal plane,
which increases the efficiency of ter-
restrial locomotion. The more ellipti-
cal acetabulum of Ptilocercus (Fig.
4c), on the other hand, allows more
mobility at the hip joint
so that
greater ranges of abduction and lat-
eral rotation are possible at this
This is particularly important
for an arboreal climber like Ptilocer-
cus. The expansion of the cranial por-
tion of the articular surface in Ptilo-
cercus reflects loads incurred during
climbing on vertical supports,
an ac-
tivity that Ptilocercus commonly en-
gages in.
On the femur of tupaiines, the greater
and third trochanters project farther
proximally and laterally, respectively,
than do those of Ptilocercus (Fig. 4e, f).
Just as the expanded ilium of tupaiines
provides a broader area of origin for the
Figure 4. Lateral view of the ilia of Ptilocercus (A) and Tupaia tana (B). Subdivisions on scale
are 0.5 mm. Note the narrow ilium of Ptilocercus. Acetabulum of Ptilocercus (C) and Tupaia
tana (D). Subdivisions on scale are 0.5 mm. Note the elliptical acetabulum and expansion
of the cranial portion of the articular surface in Ptilocercus. Proximal femora of Ptilocercus
(E) and Tupaia tana (F). GT, greater trochanter; TT, third trochanter. Subdivisions on scale
are 0.5 mm. Note the small greater and third trochanters of Ptilocercus. Distal view of
femora of Ptilocercus (G) and Tupaia tana (H). LC, lateral condyle; MC, medial condyle.
Subdivisions on scale are 0.5 mm. Note the shallow condyles of Ptilocercus. Distal femora of
Ptilocercus (I) and Tupaia tana (J). Note the short, wide patellar groove of Ptilocercus.
ARTICLES New Views on Tree Shrews 61
gluteal muscles, the large greater and
third trochanters in this group provide
longer lever arms about which these
muscles can act. This may indicate
powerful extension of the thigh by these
muscles for propulsion during terres-
trial running. The more proximal pro-
jection of the greater trochanter in tu-
paiines also restricts the mobility of the
hip joint, which particularly limits the
range of abduction. This, in turn, makes
the parasagittal hindlimb movements
of terrestrial locomotion more efficient.
Just as a low greater tuberosity allows
more mobility in the shoulder joint,
a less projecting greater trochanter like
that of Ptilocercus allows greater mobil-
ity in the hip joint, especially for abduc-
tion of the thigh in arboreal quadrupe-
dalism and climbing.
The medial and lateral femoral con-
dyles of Ptilocercus are relatively shal-
low anteroposteriorly, while those of tu-
paiines are relatively deep (Fig. 4g, h).
The deeper condyles of tupaiines in-
crease the moment arm of the tendon
of the quadriceps femoris muscle, an
extensor of the leg, which, in turn, in-
creases the leverage and mechanical ad-
vantage of the quadriceps femoris mus-
cle for knee extension.
The “deep
knee” of tupaiines, therefore, allows
powerful extension of the knee by the
quadriceps femoris for propulsion dur-
ing terrestrial running.
The shal-
lower knee of Ptilocercus is indicative of
a more flexed hindlimb and a slower
form of arboreal quadrupedalism in
which powerful extension of the leg is
less common. Among tupaiines, Uro-
gale has the deepest knee, which may be
related either to the fact that Urogale is
the most terrestrial tree shrew or to its
digging behavior.
Powerful exten-
sion of the knee would likely be impor-
tant for digging if Urogale uses its hind-
limbs for this behavior.
The patellar groove of Ptilocercus is
short and relatively wide, while that of
tupaiines is longer and narrower (Fig.
4i, j). It is likely that the tupaiine con-
dition is related to extensive excur-
sions of the knee
during fast terres-
trial running, while the condition seen
in Ptilocercus may be related to a
slower form of arboreal quadrupedal-
ism and climbing, as this condition is
also seen in lorisids.
Most of the details of the tupaiid
tarsus are far too complex to include
here. Szalay and Drawhorn
out that the tupaiid foot, both in the
way it is used in locomotion and in its
morphology, provides strong evidence
for the arboreal ancestry of tree
shrews, and other features of the post-
cranium corroborate this hypothesis
(see below).
First, it appears that
all tree shrews, including terrestrial
taxa like Tupaia tana, are capable of
some degree of hindfoot reversal,
which they use when descending in-
clined substrates.
terrestrial tree shrews like T. tana per-
form this behavior relatively infre-
and are incapable of the
same degree of hindfoot reversal as is
possible for arboreal tree shrews.
is likely that the capacity for hindfoot
reversal in the terrestrial species is re-
tained from the arboreal ancestral tu-
paiid. The morphology of the tarsus
also indicates an arboreal ancestor of
the family because even terrestrial
taxa such as T. tana and Urogale are
characterized by a relatively mobile
tarsus that facilitates inversion of the
This is an extremely impor-
tant movement for arboreal locomo-
tion, particularly on small branches.
The ancestral tupaiid, therefore, was
probably arboreal and had a tarsus
like that of Ptilocercus. Terrestrial tu-
paiines likely retain some tarsal mo-
bility due to this arboreal ances-
but it appears that some of the
capacity for inversion was lost in the
transition to tupaiine terrestriality.
While Szalay and Drawhorn
mistaken concerning the lack of a
grasping hallux in tree shrews, Szalay
and Dagosto
correctly noted Ptilo-
cercus’ capacity for pedal grasp-
In Ptilocercus, the distal facet
of the entocuneiform for articulation
with the first metatarsal has a wider
dorsal surface than does that of tupai-
ines. In addition, the proximal facet of
the first metatarsal is more globular
and less restricted mediolaterally in
Ptilocercus than it is in tupaiines. This
allows Ptilocercus a greater range of
abduction of the hallux for pedal
In tupaiines, on the other
hand, the capacity for hallucial ab-
duction is reduced by their restricted
entocuneiform-first metatarsal joint.
The condition of the hallucial tarso-
metatarsal joint (and grasping) in
Ptilocercus may be primitive for tupai-
ids. The condition found in tupaiines
is likely related to their terrestrial an-
cestry because there is less need for
hallucial abduction during locomo-
tion on the ground. The fact that Tu-
paia minor is capable of grasping and
habitually abducts its hallux,
yet is
not capable of as great a range of ab-
duction at the tarsometatarsal joint as
is Ptilocercus, implies that T. minor
achieves hallucial abduction at the
metatarsophalangeal joint. This form
of abduction of the hallux, which Jen-
has described in T. glis, may
indicate that T. minor and Ptilocercus
grasp in different ways. It is therefore
unlikely that grasping is homologous
in Ptilocercus and T. minor. It is likely,
rather, that grasping is primitive for
tupaiids and that the ancestral tupaiid
was similar to Ptilocercus in its grasp-
ing behavior (Box 5). That T. minor’s
grasping ability represents the primi-
tive condition for the subfamily Tu-
paiinae is unlikely based on a host of
postcranial features that reflect the
likely terrestrial and nongrasping na-
ture of the ancestral tupaiine. Grasp-
ing, therefore, probably evolved sec-
ondarily in T. minor. It may have
evolved first in a Ptilocercus-like an-
cestral tupaiid as an arboreal adapta-
tion for moving on small, terminal
branches. If the ancestral tupaiine
was indeed terrestrial and had lost its
ability to grasp, then grasping must
have evolved secondarily in T. minor
when this species began exploiting
fine branches as part of a return to an
arboreal lifestyle.
As stated earlier, Ptilocercus has
been considered to be the most prim-
itive living tree shrew. Consequently,
many of the features I have discussed
that characterize Ptilocercus may also
have been present in the ancestral tu-
paiid, which was likely arboreal.
The arboreal ancestry of tupaiids is
also supported by numerous features
shared by all tupaiids, including the
arboreal Ptilocercus and the most ter-
restrial tupaiines. These features in-
clude, for example, a humeral head
that projects above the tuberosities,
an anteriorly curved proximal ulna, a
high femoral neck angle, and several
features of the foot.
62 Sargis ARTICLES
On the other hand, it appears
equally likely that the origin of tu-
paiines coincided with a shift to
more terrestrial locomotion and that
the ancestral tupaiine was terrestri-
This would imply that the
features of tupaiines that I have dis-
cussed are most likely derived. The
fact that even the most arboreal tu-
paiines, such as Tupaia minor (Box
4), exhibit numerous similarities to
all other tupaiines, all of which are
more terrestrial, suggests that the
ancestral tupaiine was probably ter-
and that T. minor is con-
strained by this terrestrial heritage.
If the ancestral tupaiid was arboreal
and had several Ptilocercus-like post-
cranial features, then the evolution
of Tupaiinae was characterized by
numerous postcranial changes in re-
sponse to a shift to terrestriality.
The terrestrial ancestry of tupaiines
is supported by too many features to
list here, but see Sargis.
In addition to the qualitative and uni-
variate analyses discussed above, some
multivariate analyses have also been
performed on tree shrew postcranial
data. The results of these analyses may
have implications for the taxonomy of
the family Tupaiidae.
A cluster analy-
sis of the variables included in forty-
seven forelimb and hindlimb indices
shows that Ptilocercus is quite distinct
from tupaiines in its limb morphology
(Fig. 5). The nesting of Tupaia tana (for-
merly Lyonogale) among Tupaia species
in the cluster analysis (Fig. 5) is, per-
haps, another reason to include T.
tana in Tupaia rather than in the sep-
arate genus Lyonogale. Tupaia tana
is also similar to other species of
Tupaia in its dentition (see figures in
; Szalay, personal communi-
cation), and is part of the Tupaia
ingroup in molecular phylogenies of
The inclusion of T.
tana in Tupaia, therefore, certainly
seems warranted
spite the fact that this species is
sometimes separated from Tupaia
into Lyonogale.
Dendrogale and Urogale are also
nested among species of Tupaia in
the cluster analysis (Fig. 5). It is in-
teresting that Urogale is nested
among Tupaia species because Han,
Sheldon, and Stuebing
recently sug-
gested, based on DNA hybridization
and morphometric analysis of exter-
nal characters, that Urogale everetti,
originally described as Tupaia ever-
etti Thomas, 1892,
should be in-
cluded within Tupaia. This possibil-
ity was previously difficult to assess
due to missing limb measure-
Now that those measure-
ments have been taken, it appears
that the evidence from the limb mor-
phology supports this suggestion
(Fig. 5). Thus, inclusion of Urogale in
Tupaia does seem warranted based
on postcranial evidence (contra Sar-
). The paraphyly of Tupaia
with respect to Urogale, which is
supported by several phenetic mea-
sures, is currently being tested with
mitochondrial and nuclear DNA se-
quence data (Olson, Sargis, and
Martin, in preparation).
As stated above, there has been a
great deal of recent debate about the
relationships among archontan mam-
mals. For example, it has been pro-
posed that tree shrews are closely re-
Box 5. Tree Shrew Grasping and Models for Early Primates
The ability to grasp with the feet and
hands has been proposed as one of
the defining features of primates
is therefore a crucial feature in any dis-
cussion of primate origins.
real tree shrews such as Tupaia minor,
and especially Ptilocercus lowii, are ca-
pable of grasping as well. It was for this
reason, contrary to Lemelin
that I
suggested that they represent better
models for “early primates” than do di-
delphid marsupials.
Schmitt and Le-
however, strongly disagreed
with me, arguing instead that Caluro-
mys is a better model for “primate ori-
gins” than are tree shrews.
There is, in fact, good reason for this
disagreement. When I referred to “early
I was referring to plesi-
adapiforms (i.e., Primates, sensu lato).
In fact, I stated that “[t]upaiids can, at
the very least, be used as living models
for the extinct plesiadapiforms be-
cause both groups are clawed mam-
mals and they share similarities in their
entocuneiform morphology” (p. 488).
In other words, I believe that tree
shrews represent an appropriate extant
model with which we can make paleo-
biological inferences about the extinct
plesiadapiforms, which I consider to be
“early primates.” Schmitt and Leme-
on the other hand, were likely
referring to the ancestral euprimate
(i.e., Primates, sensu lato) when they
referred to “primate origins.” That said,
I am not sure how a taxon like Caluro-
mys can be a model for an event like
the origin of primates. The postcranium
of Caluromys, although it is adapted for
is not very similar to
that of the earliest known euprimates,
adapids and omomyids. Furthermore,
it is certainly more similar to other mar-
supials than to euprimates in its ankle
and knee morphology.
The history of grasping within Ar-
chonta appears to be complex, but the
type of grasping seen in an arboreal
tree shrew like Ptilocercus may repre-
sent the antecedent condition to that
seen in primates.
Grasping capabili-
ties similar to those of Ptilocercus may
be primitive for Archonta,
the powerful grasping of primates may
not have evolved until later in primate
Evidence for this lies in
the similarity between the hallucial tar-
sometatarsal joint morphology of Ptilo-
cercus and Plesiadapis, which implies
that Plesiadapis was capable of Ptilo-
cercus-like, but not euprimate-like,
(contra Beard
Carpolestes, on the other hand, is a
plesiadapiform that was most certainly
capable of euprimate-like grasp-
ARTICLES New Views on Tree Shrews 63
lated to both euprimates
flying lemurs.
argued that flying lemurs are
the closest relatives of primates, based
mostly on his analysis of postcranial
characters. Postcranial data, there-
fore, are an important body of evi-
dence in the debate on archontan re-
As noted, the postcranial morphol-
ogy of Ptilocercus is clearly extremely
different from that of tupaiines. In all
of these features, Ptilocercus is more
similar to other archontans (flying le-
murs, bats, plesiadapiforms, and early
euprimates) than are tupaiines.
Postcranial data from Ptilocercus,
therefore, may significantly alter the
supportive evidence for proposed re-
lationships within Archonta. Such re-
lationships include both a Chiroptera-
Dermoptera clade, called Volitantia,
and a Primates-Dermoptera clade,
called Primatomorpha.
For Volitantia, using Ptilocercus to
represent Scandentia affects only
three features used to support this
These three characters repre-
sent only two of Szalay and Lucas’
seven diagnostic character complexes
of the protovolitantian and only three
of the seventeen volitantian synapo-
morphies listed by Simmons.
use of Ptilocercus rather than Tupaia
to represent Scandentia, therefore,
does not greatly reduce the evidence
for Volitantia.
The evidence used to support Pri-
matomorpha, on the other hand, is
considerably reduced by the inclusion
of Ptilocercus in the analysis.
My re-
examination of Beard’s
postcranial characters showed that
twelve of them should be interpreted
differently when Ptilocercus, rather
than Tupaia, is used to represent
This greatly reduces
the evidence for Primatomorpha.
on the other hand, used
Tupaia to represent Scandentia. How-
ever, my inclusion of Ptilocercus al-
lowed a more robust character analy-
sis, with greater taxonomic sampling,
to be performed on primatomorphan
and volitantian features in light of an
understanding of the polymorphic na-
ture of the tupaiid postcranium. This
character analysis showed that several
of the features proposed to be unique
to volitantians or primatomorphans
are also found in Ptilocercus. Such
features, therefore, may represent
primitive archontan characters rather
than synapomorphies of Volitantia or
Furthermore, several recent phylo-
genetic analyses have outright re-
jected the Primatomorpha hypothe-
These studies have
supported a Plesiadapiformes-Eupri-
mates clade (Primates, sensu lato), as
well as Volitantia (when bats are in-
cluded in the analysis) or a Scanden-
tia-Dermoptera clade (when bats are
excluded from the analysis). The
Scandentia-Dermoptera clade is also
supported by molecular evidence.
Consequently, the closest relatives of
flying lemurs may in fact be tree
shrews rather than either primates or
In summary, the most recent re-
search on tree shrews has shown
Ptilocercus to be quite distinct from
Tupaia and the other tupaiines with
respect to its postcranial morphology.
This research has also supported the
notion that Ptilocercus is the more ple-
siomorphic of these taxa, a hypothesis
that has been proposed previously
by numerous others.
10,11,16–18,23–25,36 45
The polymorphic nature of the tupaiid
postcranium is an essential consider-
ation in supraordinal phylogenetic
analyses that include Scandentia. In
such studies, the more plesiomorphic
Ptilocercus should certainly be included
in the analysis, especially if postcranial
features are being considered.
This would also apply to any phyloge-
netic analyses that use Scandentia as an
outgroup, such as studies examining
the relationships among primates. In
this regard, tree shrews are still vital to
primate phylogenetics. Even if most
primatologists regard them only as “the
outgroup,” tree shrews are clearly indis-
pensable to primatology and will likely
remain so in the future.
I thank John Fleagle both for invit-
ing me to contribute this paper and
for all his help with the manuscript. I
thank Larissa Swedell for critiquing
several drafts of this paper. The com-
ments of Dr. Fleagle and Dr. Swedell
greatly improved this manuscript. I
Figure 5. Cluster analysis (unweighted pair-group average) of the variables included in 47
forelimb and hindlimb indices. Tree is shown with Euclidean distance. PL, Ptilocercus lowii;
DM, Dendrogale sp.; TGr, Tupaia gracilis; TG, T. glis; TP, T. palawanensis; TT, T. tana; UE,
Urogale everetti; TMo, T. montana; TJ, T. javanica; TM, T. minor. Note the difference be-
tween Ptilocercus and the tupaiines. Also note the positions of Urogale and T. tana.
64 Sargis ARTICLES
thank Fred Szalay, Eric Delson, Rich
Cifelli, and John Wahlert for critically
reviewing an earlier version of the
manuscript. I thank Annette Zitz-
mann for providing the photo of Ptilo-
cercus in Figure 1. The use of the
equipment of the AMICA facility at
Hunter College allowed me to carry
out this research. This work was
funded by a National Science Founda-
tion Doctoral Dissertation Improve-
ment Grant (SBR-9616194), a Field
Museum of Natural History Visiting
Scholarship, a Sigma Xi Scientific Re-
search Society Grant-in-Aid of Re-
search, and a New York Consortium
in Evolutionary Primatology graduate
fellowship. Finally, I am grateful to all
of the curators and collection manag-
ers who provided access to specimens
in their care.
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66 Sargis ARTICLES
... As such, treeshrew locomotion has been relegated to being "squirrel-like" in nature and of little relevance to understanding the origins of the primate quadrupedal locomotor suite. To our knowledge, all gait analyses have been conducted on the common treeshrew, Tupaia glis, a primarily terrestrial/semiterrestrial representative of the group (Sargis, 2004). However, treeshrews vary considerably in habitat-use with some species being predominately terrestrial (e.g., the Mindanao treeshrew, Urogale everetti and the large treeshrew, Tupaia tana), while others are solely arboreal (e.g., the pen-tailed treeshrew, Ptilocercus lowii and the pygmy treeshrew, Tupaia minor; Emmons, 2000;Sargis, 2004). ...
... To our knowledge, all gait analyses have been conducted on the common treeshrew, Tupaia glis, a primarily terrestrial/semiterrestrial representative of the group (Sargis, 2004). However, treeshrews vary considerably in habitat-use with some species being predominately terrestrial (e.g., the Mindanao treeshrew, Urogale everetti and the large treeshrew, Tupaia tana), while others are solely arboreal (e.g., the pen-tailed treeshrew, Ptilocercus lowii and the pygmy treeshrew, Tupaia minor; Emmons, 2000;Sargis, 2004). As such, it is unlikely that the locomotor characteristics of the common treeshrew are indicative of all species in the order. ...
... Taken together, these data demonstrate that treeshrew locomotion shows a mosaic of primitive mammalian characteristics paired with derived primate features. As such, further studies exploring the positional behavior and gait mechanics of more treeshrew taxa, especially reclusive arboreal species (e.g., Dendrogale and Ptilocercus) (Sargis, 2004(Sargis, , 2007, are sorely needed. ...
The locomotor behaviors of treeshrews are often reported as scurrying "squirrel-like" movements. As such, treeshrews have received little attention beyond passing remarks in regard to primate locomotor evolution. However, scandentians vary considerably in habitat and substrate use, thus categorizing all treeshrew locomotion based on data collected from a single species is inappropriate. This study presents data on gait characteristics, positional, and grasping behavior of the northern treeshrew (Tupaia belangeri) and compares these findings to the fat-tailed dwarf lemur (Cheirogaleus medius) to assess the role of treeshrews as a model for understanding the origins of primate locomotor and grasping evolution. We found that northern treeshrews were primarily arboreal and shared their activities between quadrupedalism, climbing and leaping in rates similar to fat-tailed dwarf lemurs. During quadrupedal locomotion, they exhibited a mixture of gait characteristics consistent with primates and other small-bodied non-primate mammals and demonstrated a hallucal grasping mode consistent with primates. These data reveal that northern treeshrews show a mosaic of primitive mammalian locomotor characteristics paired with derived primate features. Further, this study raises the possibility that many of the locomotor and grasping characteristics considered to be "uniquely" primate may ultimately be features consistent with Euarchonta.
... Pen-tailed Treeshrews appear to be less frugivorous than most other treeshrews (Emmons 2000;Selig et al. 2019a), consume large amounts of fermented floral nectar (Wiens et al. 2008), and have a distinctive dentition compared to that of tupaiids (Steele 1973;Butler 1980;Selig et al. 2019aSelig et al. , 2019bSelig et al. , 2020. In addition to its distinct dental morphology, Ptilocercus has also been contrasted with tupaiids in its general anatomy (Le Gros Clark 1926), postcranial morphology (Szalay and Drawhorn 1980;Sargis 2001Sargis , 2002aSargis , 2002bSargis , 2002cSargis , 2002dSargis , 2004Sargis , 2007, and cranial morphology, the latter based on John Wible's seminal studies of the treeshrew skull (Wible and Zeller 1994;Wible 2009Wible , 2011. Given all of the morphological differences between Ptilocercus and tupaiids and the similarity of Ptilocercus to various outgroups, including colugos, primates, and extinct plesiadapiforms, many have proposed that Ptilocercus exhibits the more plesiomorphic condition for many features throughout the skeleton (Le Gros Clark 1926;Butler 1980;Szalay and Drawhorn 1980;Sargis 2001Sargis , 2002aSargis , 2002bSargis , 2002cSargis , 2002dSargis , 2004Sargis , 2007 as well as for various ecological attributes (Gould 1978;Emmons 2000). ...
... In addition to its distinct dental morphology, Ptilocercus has also been contrasted with tupaiids in its general anatomy (Le Gros Clark 1926), postcranial morphology (Szalay and Drawhorn 1980;Sargis 2001Sargis , 2002aSargis , 2002bSargis , 2002cSargis , 2002dSargis , 2004Sargis , 2007, and cranial morphology, the latter based on John Wible's seminal studies of the treeshrew skull (Wible and Zeller 1994;Wible 2009Wible , 2011. Given all of the morphological differences between Ptilocercus and tupaiids and the similarity of Ptilocercus to various outgroups, including colugos, primates, and extinct plesiadapiforms, many have proposed that Ptilocercus exhibits the more plesiomorphic condition for many features throughout the skeleton (Le Gros Clark 1926;Butler 1980;Szalay and Drawhorn 1980;Sargis 2001Sargis , 2002aSargis , 2002bSargis , 2002cSargis , 2002dSargis , 2004Sargis , 2007 as well as for various ecological attributes (Gould 1978;Emmons 2000). Finally, Ptilocercus lowii, the sole extant species, has been called a "living fossil" because of its similarity to its only described extinct congener, P. kylin from the Oligocene of China (Li and Ni 2016). ...
... Finally, Ptilocercus lowii, the sole extant species, has been called a "living fossil" because of its similarity to its only described extinct congener, P. kylin from the Oligocene of China (Li and Ni 2016). For these reasons, and because of its sister relationship to all other scandentians (Olson et al. 2004(Olson et al. , 2005Roberts et al. 2011), Ptilocercus is a critical taxon to include in supraordinal phylogenetic analyses (Wible and Zeller 1994;Sargis 2000Sargis , 2002bSargis , 2002cSargis , 2002dSargis , 2004Sargis , 2007Janečka et al. 2007;O'Leary et al. 2013). ...
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The Pen-tailed Treeshrew, Ptilocercus lowii Gray, 1848, is a small arboreal mammal from Southeast Asia. It is the only extant species of Ptilocercidae and includes two subspecies: P. l. lowii from Borneo and offshore islands, and P. l. continentis from the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and smaller islands, including the Batu and Mentawai Islands. Intraspecific taxonomic boundaries in Ptilocercus have yet to be rigorously evaluated using modern morphological methods, so we investigated the morphometric variation between these subspecies using quantitative cranial and postcranial data obtained from museum specimens. Multivariate analyses revealed limited overlap between P. l. lowii and P. l. continentis in cranioskeletal morphospace, indicating some divergence of these two lineages. Future studies should incorporate additional morphological and molecular data to further test whether these lineages represent two distinct species. Recognition of two Ptilocercus species would have conservation implications for both populations, which should be reevaluated across their separate ranges in light of region-specific threats. Additional biological surveys, particularly from undersampled island populations, will be critical in reassessing the distribution and conservation priorities for P. lowii.
... These include the nondendrolagid diprotodont (Phalanger gymnotis, Trichosurus vulpecula, Petarus breviceps, Petaurus sp., Phalanger orientalis, Phascolarctos cinereus, and Spilocuscus maculatus) and didelphid (Didelphis virginiana, Philander opossum, and Caluromys philander) marsupials that have hindfeet with divergent, grasping halluces (e.g., Lemelin and Schmitt 2007;Rasmussen and Sussman 2007). Additionally, arboreal treeshrews (Ptilocercus lowii) are also known to use their digits to grasp branches while climbing, although with less divergent halluces (Sargis 2001(Sargis , 2004. Enlarged volar pads with well-developed papillary ridges assist in grasping behaviors by increasing the amount of friction between the object and the manus or pes (Cartmill 1972(Cartmill , 1974(Cartmill , 1985Hamrick 1998;Hildebrand and Goslow 2001). ...
... T. graybulliensis had ungual phalanges that suggest an emphasis on volar soft tissues relative to the claw at the digit tip is particularly interesting because the postcranial morphology of micromomyids is thought to be reflective of that of the Pan-Primate or euarchontan morphotype (Bloch et al. , 2016. Micromomyids have been noted to share a number of postcranial similarities with Ptilocercus , which is regarded to be the most basally divergent of extant treeshrews (Clark 1926;Szalay and Drawhorn 1980;Sargis 2004;Roberts et al. 2011) and has also been suggested to be morphologically similar to the ancestral euarchontan (Sargis 2001;). Micromomyids also share similarities in tarsal form with the earliest known and most dentally primitive plesiadapiform, Purgatorius (Chester et al. 2015). ...
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With a few exceptions, crown-clade Primates differ from other arboreal mammalian clades by having nails instead of claws on most post-axial digits. Distal phalanx morphology of close extant and fossil relatives of crown-clade Primates provides a context in which to study the evolution of this characteristic feature. Plesiadapiforms are a diverse group of extinct arboreal mammals closely related to crown-clade Primates (together classified as total clade Pan-Primates) that have distal phalanges that are indicative of having supported keratinous claws, with the only documented exception being that of Carpolestes simpsoni which may have had a nail on its hallucal phalanx. To contextualize morphological variation among plesiadapiform distal phalanges, we investigated the influence of behavior and phylogeny on post-axial distal phalanx morphology using a broad sample of extant mammalian taxa (273 distal phalanges from 67 species) compared to those known for plesiadapiforms (26 specimens from 9 species). Results show that plesiadapiform distal phalanges share characteristics with those of both extant generalized arborealists/scansorialists and antipronograde specialists, consistent with previous behavioral reconstructions of frequent vertical clinging and climbing based on other regions of the skeleton. Distal phalanges of Plesiadapis cookei, Plesiadapis tricuspidens, and the “Le Quesnoy plesiadapid” are most similar to those of extant species that clasp branches between claws and the rest of the autopod when climbing. In contrast, known distal phalanges of micromomyids and the plesiadapoid C. simpsoni share some similarities with those of extant taxa that rely more heavily on grasping with digital pads when climbing.
... The Madras Treeshew, Anathana ellioti (Waterhouse 1850), also known as the Indian Treeshrew, has the westernmost geographic distribution of any treeshrew species, ranging across the southern half of the Indian subcontinent (Molur 2016;Hawkins 2018a). A large portion of the treeshrew fossil record has been found in South Asia (Sargis 2004;Sehgal et al. 2022), and it is possible that A. ellioti is the sole remaining representative of a group of extinct western lineages. Consequently, unraveling the relationship between Anathana and other treeshrews has important implications for our broader understanding of scandentian biogeography and diversification. ...
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The Madras Treeshrew, Anathana ellioti (Waterhouse, 1850), is a small, poorly studied mammal from South Asia. It is the only treeshrew found across the southern half of the Indian subcontinent and is the westernmost member of its order (Scandentia). The phylogenetic relationship between Anathana and its putative sister genus, Tupaia, remains unresolved, and the morphological differences between these two genera have yet to be analyzed with craniometric data. Here we describe some features that distinguish Anathana from other treeshrews. However, our comparative morphometric analyses reveal that Anathana overlaps with Tupaia in morphospace; it is smaller than most species (including the only other species found on the Indian mainland, T. belangeri) but larger than T. minor, Dendrogale melanura, and Ptilocercus lowii. At the infraspecific level, there is some separation between eastern and western populations, but this requires further investigation with larger sample sizes. Unfortunately, Anathana is disproportionately scarce in museum collections relative to other scandentians, and additional biological surveys across South India will be critical for future research on the taxonomy, distribution, and conservation of this elusive taxon.
... However, a recent study carried out on the astragalus and calcaneus of the most basal plesiadapiform, Purgatorius, confirms that these animals were arboreal but did not possess a euprimate-like graspleaping behavior (Chester et al., 2015). Instead, they are viewed as arboreal clawed-climbers similar to the living scandentian Ptilocercus lowi, which is also regarded as a good analogue for the ancestral euarchontan (Szalay and Dagosto, 1988;Sargis, 2002Sargis, , 2004Nyakatura, 2019). A remarkable exception is C. simpsoni, whose partial skeleton displays euprimate-like hallucal grasping features (Bloch and Boyer, 2002). ...
The morphological adaptations of euprimates have been linked to their origin and early evolution in an arboreal environment. However, the ancestral and early locomotor repertoire of this group remains contentious. Although some tarsal bones like the astragalus and the calcaneus have been thoroughly studied, the navicular remains poorly studied despite its potential implications for foot mobility. Here, we evaluate early euprimate locomotion by assessing the shape of the navicular—an important component of the midtarsal region of the foot—using three-dimensional geometric morphometrics in relation to quantified locomotor repertoire in a wide data set of extant primates. We also reconstruct the locomotor repertoire of representatives of the major early primate lineages with a novel phylogenetically informed discriminant analysis and characterize the changes that occurred in the navicular during the archaic primate–euprimate transition. To do so, we included in our study an extensive sample of naviculars (36 specimens) belonging to different species of adapiforms, omomyiforms, and plesiadapiforms. Our results indicate that navicular shape embeds a strong functional signal, allowing us to infer the type of locomotion of extinct primates. We demonstrate that early euprimates displayed a diverse locomotor behavior, although they did not reach the level of specialization of some living forms. Finally, we show that the navicular bone experienced substantial reorganization throughout the archaic primate–euprimate transition, supporting the major functional role of the tarsus during early primate evolution. This study demonstrates that navicular shape can be used as a reliable proxy for primate locomotor behavior. In addition, it sheds light on the diverse locomotor behavior of early primates as well as on the archaic primate–euprimate transition, which involved profound morphological changes within the tarsus, including the navicular bone.
... Currently, treeshrews are regarded as close relatives of dermopterans and primates within the Superorder Euarchonta (e.g., see Murphy et al., 2001;Helgen, 2005;Janečka et al., 2007;O'Leary et al., 2013;Sargis et al., 2013;Zhang et al., 2019). However, their evolutionary history and phylogenetic position relative to other extant and fossil euarchontans are still debated in part due to the lack of a detailed fossil record (Sargis, 2004). Scandentia, the mammalian order including treeshrews, is classified into two families: Tupaiidae and Ptilocercidae (Helgen, 2005). ...
The fossil record of treeshrews, hedgehogs, and other micromammals from the Lower Siwaliks of India is sparse. Here, we report on a new genus and species of fossil treeshrew, specimens of the hedgehog Galerix , and other micromammals from the middle Miocene (Lower Siwalik) deposits surrounding Ramnagar (Udhampur District, Jammu and Kashmir), at a fossil locality known as Dehari. The treeshrew from Dehari ( Sivatupaia ramnagarensis n. gen. n. sp.) currently represents the oldest record of fossil tupaiids in the Siwaliks, extending their time range by ca. 2.5–4.0 Myr in the region. Dietary analyses suggest that the new tupaiid was likely adapted for a less mechanically challenging or more frugivorous diet compared to other extant and fossil tupaiids. The occurrence of Galerix has only been recently documented from the Indian Siwaliks and the Dehari specimens help establish the likely presence of a relatively large Siwalik Galerix species in the Ramnagar region. In addition to the new treeshrew and hedgehogs, new specimens of the rodents Kanisamys indicus , Sayimys sivalensis , and Murinae indet. from Dehari help confirm that age estimates for the Ramnagar region are equivalent to the Chinji Formation in Pakistan, most likely corresponding to the middle to upper part of the Chinji Formation. UUID:
... In recent years efforts have been made to better understand the taxonomy of these mammals. Although the inter-ordinal relations Scandentia have been rigorous examined (see Sargis et al., 2004;Sargis et al., 2007 andSargis et al., 2013a) and most inter-species have been resolved (see Roberts et al., 2011) there are still gaps of knowledge in the taxonomy of this taxon that needs to be addressed. ...
Recent morphometric analysis on T. glis in Peninsular Malaysia indicates that there were more than one morphotypes in this species. Thus this study attempts to examine this phenomenon using mitochondrial DNA sequences of Cyt b and CO1 genes. A total of 74 DNA sequences for both genes were generated using available universal primers. Samples from Southern Thailand were found to be misidentified as T. glis when in fact these samples clustered with T. belangeri while one T. tana from Borneo was miss-identified as T. minor. The phylogenetic trees showed that there are at least one confirmed morphotype of Tupaia (new Tupaia sp.) that have yet to be described. The results also showed that the separation of T. glis morphotype 1 and 11 were visible in the combined genes tree, congruent with the morphometric phylogeny but had poor phylogenetic support.
This second volume completes the unique survey of North American Tertiary mammals, and covers all the remaining taxa not contained in Volume 1. It provides a complete listing of mammalian diversity over time and space, and evaluates the effect of biogeography and climatic change on evolutionary patterns and faunal transitions, with the distribution in time and space of each taxon laid out in a standardized format. It contains six summary chapters that integrate systematic and biogeographic information for higher taxa, and provides a detailed account of the patterns of occurrence for different species at hundreds of different fossil localities, with the inclusion of many more localities than were contained in the first volume. With over thirty chapters, each written by leading authorities, and an addendum that updates the occurrence and systematics of all of the groups covered in Volume 1, this will be a valuable reference for paleontologists and zoologists.
This second volume completes the unique survey of North American Tertiary mammals, and covers all the remaining taxa not contained in Volume 1. It provides a complete listing of mammalian diversity over time and space, and evaluates the effect of biogeography and climatic change on evolutionary patterns and faunal transitions, with the distribution in time and space of each taxon laid out in a standardized format. It contains six summary chapters that integrate systematic and biogeographic information for higher taxa, and provides a detailed account of the patterns of occurrence for different species at hundreds of different fossil localities, with the inclusion of many more localities than were contained in the first volume. With over thirty chapters, each written by leading authorities, and an addendum that updates the occurrence and systematics of all of the groups covered in Volume 1, this will be a valuable reference for paleontologists and zoologists.
Physiological adaptation of tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri) to changing environmental temperature has been reported in detail. However, the T. belangeri origin (mainland or island), population history, and adaptation to historical climate change remain largely unknown or controversial. Here, for the first time, we sequenced the simplified genome of 134 T. belangeri individuals from 12 populations in China and further resequenced one individual from each population. Using population genomic approaches, we first observed considerable genetic variation in T. belangeri. Moreover, T. belangeri populations formed obvious genetic structure and reflected different demographic histories; they generally exhibited high genetic diversity, although the isolated populations had relatively low genetic diversity. The results presented in this study indicate that T. b. modesta and T. b. tonquinia were separated recently and with a similar population dynamics. Second, physical barriers rather than distance were the driving factors of divergence, and environmental heterogeneity may play an important role in genetic differentiation in T. belangeri. Moreover, our analyses highlight the role of historical global climates in the T. belangeri population dynamics and indicate that the decrease of the T. belangeri population size may be due to the low temperature. Finally, we identified the olfaction-associated adaptive genes between different altitude populations and found that olfactory-related genes of high-altitude populations were selectively eliminated. Our study provides demographic history knowledge of T. belangeri; their adaption history offers new insights into their evolution and adaptation, and provides valuable baseline information for conservation measures. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
Tree shrews are small-bodied, scansorial, squirrel-like mammals that occupy a wide range of arboreal, semi-arboreal, and forest floor niches in Southeast Asia and adjacent islands. Comparative aspects of tree shrew biology have been the subject of extensive investigations during the past two decades. These studies were initiated in part because of the widely accepted belief that tupaiids are primitive primates, and, as such, might provide valuable insight into the evolutionary origin of complex patterns of primate behavior, locomotion, neurobiology, and reproduction. During the same period, there has been a renewed interest in the methodology of phylogenetic reconstruction and in the use of data from a variety of biological disciplines to test or formulate hypotheses of evolutionary relationships. In particular, interest in the com­ parative and systematic biology of mammals has focused on analysis of phy­ logenetic relationships among Primates and a search for their closest relatives. Assessment of the possible primate affinities of tree shrews has comprised an important part of these studies, and a considerable amount of dental, cranio­ skeletal, neuroanatomical, reproductive, developmental, and molecular evi­ dence has been marshalled to either corroborate or refute hypotheses of a special tupaiid-primate relationship. These contrasting viewpoints have re­ sulted from differing interpretations of the basic data, as well as alternative approaches to the evolutionary analysis of data.
The Common tree shrew was studied over three and half years in tropical rainforest habitats in West Malaysia, using various trapping methods. It was more terrestrial than arboreal and the overall sex ratio remained close to unity. The main reproductive period was between February and June and the litter size invariably two. Some females bred more than once a season and the age at first pregnancy was seven months. Growth rate was measured from weaning to adult weight. Density varied from about two to five animals per hectare. The monthly survival rate was 0·75–0·93, and the maximum age recorded was over 4 years. The main period of emigration or mortality was during the breeding period or the North East Monsoon. The main food was invertebrates with some vegetable matter. These results support captive studies that T. glis are territorial with about two pairs per hectare prior to breeding. Predation did not seem to be important. Although survival resembled that of temperate insectivores, the litter size was more like lower primates. The annual breeding coincided with the abundance of invertebrates after the dry season, also shown by insectivorous birds. The low production of young was compensated for by the relatively high longevity of adults.