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Flexible use of patch marks in an insect predator: Effect of sex, hunger state, and patch quality



1. Patch marks that allow the subsequent avoidance of marked areas may be used by small animals to increase foraging efficiency. This study is the first to demonstrate the presence of a patch‐marking system in insect predators. Furthermore, the marking system is found only in females, and factors such as hunger state and patch quality play a key role in determining whether a female will re‐investigate a self‐marked patch. 2. Females of the insect predator Orius sauteri avoided areas where the female itself had searched previously but did not avoid areas searched by conspecific females when deprived of prey for 24 h . There was no evidence that males use such a patch‐marking system, indicating the presence of a sex difference in patch‐mark use. 3. Females did not discriminate between patches visited previously and patches not visited when they were either well fed or when patches contained abundant prey. 4. The patch mark used by females was effective for ≤ 1 h and may be a reliable indicator of a recently visited area in which prey have been depleted. 5. These results suggest that O. sauteri females have the flexibility to adjust their behavioural responses to a previously searched area depending on their hunger state and the availability of prey in their foraging environment.
Flexible use of patch marks in an insect predator: effect
of sex, hunger state, and patch quality
YOSHIMI HIROSE Institute of Biological Control, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Japan
Abstract. 1. Patch marks that allow the subsequent avoidance of marked areas
may be used by small animals to increase foraging efficiency. This study is the
first to demonstrate the presence of a patch-marking system in insect predators.
Furthermore, the marking system is found only in females, and factors such as
hunger state and patch quality play a key role in determining whether a female will
re-investigate a self-marked patch.
2. Females of the insect predator Orius sauteri avoided areas where the female
itself had searched previously but did not avoid areas searched by conspecific
females when deprived of prey for 24 h.There was no evidence that males use such
a patch-marking system, indicating the presence of a sex difference in patch-mark
3. Females did not discriminate between patches visited previously and patches
not visited when they were either well fed or when patches contained abundant prey.
4. The patch mark used by females was effective for 1 h and may be a reliable
indicator of a recently visited area in which prey have been depleted.
5. These results suggest that O. sauteri females have the flexibility to adjust their
behavioural responses to a previously searched area depending on their hunger
state and the availability of prey in their foraging environment.
Key words. Anthocoridae, foraging efficiency, patch mark, patch time, physio-
logical state, prey availability, sex difference.
Organisms have a limited amount of time and energy
available to devote to foraging, growth, maintenance, and
reproduction (Stephens & Krebs, 1986; Bell, 1991; Cuthill &
Houston, 1997; Perry & Pianka, 1997). Foraging is one of
the most important activities of animals, and is linked to
their movement (Hassell & Southwood, 1978; Bell, 1990,
1991). Thus, it is important to know how organisms opti-
mise their use of time and energy. The benefits of a high
searching efficiency are that more time and energy can be
allocated to other activities such as reproduction and that
the risk of starvation decreases. The costs of inefficient
searching may include energy and time expended on move-
ment and increased predation risk. Hence, energy and time
may be taken away from other activities, and decrease
Insects use several methods to increase resource searching
efficiency. For example, patch marking has been docu-
mented well in insect parasitoids that leave chemical markers
on substrates while searching. These marks allow them to
avoid areas visited previously by themselves or by conspe-
cifics (Price, 1970; Greany & Oatman, 1972; Sugimoto et al.,
1986; van Dijken et al., 1992; Ho
Èller & Ho
Èrmann, 1993;
Sheehan et al., 1993; Bernstein & Driessen, 1996). By avoid-
ing areas visited previously, females can improve their
searching efficiency because an area that has already been
visited by themselves or by other females is likely to contain
fewer unparasitised hosts than areas that have not been
visited. Furthermore, some parasitoid species seem to dis-
criminate between patches marked by themselves and by
conspecifics to avoid self-superparasitism (van Dijken et al.,
1992; Ho
Èller & Ho
Èrmann, 1993; Sheehan et al., 1993;
Bernstein & Driessen, 1996).
Correspondence: Yoshitaka Nakashima, Laboratory of
Entomology, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary
Medicine, Obihiro 080-8555, Japan. E-mail:
Ecological Entomology (2002) 27, 581±587
#2002 The Royal Entomological Society 581
Most insect predators search for prey mainly by walking
after finding prey habitats (i.e. plants). In complex environ-
ments, visiting areas searched previously should be more
time consuming for these insect predators than for other
insects that search by flying. Patch marking may therefore
be an effective system to save time devoted to foraging
activities, and insect predators may use a patch mark.
No study has examined the presence of patch-marking
behaviour in insect predators. The work reported here focused
on patch marking in an insect predator, to test whether a
patch-marking system enhances searching efficiency.
Although many studies have been devoted to the foraging
behaviour of insect predators (e.g. Dixon, 1959; Marks,
1977; Nakamuta, 1982; Murakami & Tubaki, 1984; Ettif-
fouri & Ferran, 1993), differences between the sexes in
foraging have received little attention. Several studies, how-
ever, have revealed that the foraging behaviours of male
and female predators often differ. Honek (1985) showed in
the field that Coccinella septempunctata L. males fly more
frequently between plants than do females and concluded
that this was because males had to spend more time search-
ing for females than for prey. Hemptinne et al. (1996)
demonstrated that females of a coccinellid modified search-
ing patterns in response to aphid density whereas males
did not. In this case, female coccinellids spent more time in
area-restricted searches and less time in extensive searches
when prey density was higher. This difference may result
from the fact that females must search for patches with
abundant prey that ensure high oviposition rates and
offspring survival, whereas male reproductive success is
linked more closely to the rate of encounters with receptive
females. These sex differences in foraging responses to
patch quality suggest differences in possible patch-marking
utilisation. Thus, the hypothesis that patch-marking
systems differ between male and female insect predators
was examined. In addition, it was determined whether insect
predators discriminate between marks left by themselves
and marks left by other individuals in the same manner as
some parasitoids (see above).
Recent theoretical studies have emphasised the impor-
tance of the forager's physiological state and environmental
variables for foraging decisions (Mangel & Clark, 1988;
Mangel, 1989; Mangel & Roitberg, 1989). Hunger is a
physiological factor affecting the foraging behaviour of
insect predators (Dixon, 1959; Mols, 1988; Sabelis, 1990;
Wallin & Ekbom, 1994). In addition, the quality of patches
exploited by insect predators influences their searching
behaviour (Dixon, 1959; Nakamuta, 1982) and is also an
important fitness factor (Evans & Dixon, 1986; Kan,
1988a,b; Hemptinne et al., 1992, 1993, 1996). Thus, it was
hypothesised that both physiological and environmental
factors might affect the patch-marking system of insect
predators, and whether the response to areas searched pre-
viously differed depending on the hunger levels and prey
availability of foraging environments was tested.
An insect predator, Orius sauteri (Poppius) (Hemiptera:
Anthocoridae), was used to explore a patch-marking-based
foraging system. Orius sauteri is a small predatory insect
that locates prey by walking on plants where prey may be
available. This species is an effective biological control
agent of the vegetable pest Thrips palmi Karny (Thysan-
optera: Thripidae) (Nagai, 1993; Ohno & Takemoto, 1997)
and inhabits annual plants and prey on small arthropods,
such as thrips, aphids, mites, and lepidopteran eggs (Yasu-
naga & Kashio, 1993; Yasunaga, 1997). These prey are
usually distributed patchily among host plants and do not
move rapidly between plants. Thus, it was expected that the
ability to avoid areas visited previously would enhance the
efficiency of foraging in O. sauteri.
The existence and function of a patch mark in O. sauteri
were investigated in a series of laboratory experiments. The
following questions were addressed: Do adult females and
males of O. sauteri use a patch mark to avoid areas visited
previously? For how long is the patch mark active? Can an
individual of O. sauteri discriminate between marks left by
itself and marks left by other individuals? Does the quality
of a patch visited (i.e. prey density) affect the use of patch
marks? How does hunger level affect the use of patch
marks? Based on the results, the function of patch mark
use by O. sauteri is discussed.
Materials and methods
An O. sauteri colony was initiated with adults collected
from eggplant gardens in Hisayama Town, Fukuoka Pre-
fecture, Japan (33380N, 130310E) in summer 1997. A
colony of Thrips palmi Karny as prey for O. sauteri was
established by collecting thrips from an eggplant field in
Sanyo Town, Okayama Prefecture (34460N, 134010E) in
summer 1993. Thrips palmi was reared on kidney bean
plants and O. sauteri was reared on kidney bean plants
infested by T. palmi and kept in plastic boxes
(50 70 46 cm). Both colonies were maintained at
25 1C and a LD 16 : 8 h photoperiod.
Fifth-instar O. sauteri nymphs were drawn from the
laboratory colony and reared individually to the adult
stage in glass vials (2.5 cm diameter, 7.0cm high) containing
30 second-instar larvae of T. palmi, a kidney bean leaflet
(1.5 1.5 cm), and filter paper (1.5 1.5 cm). The prey
larvae, leaflet, and filter paper were changed daily.
The number of prey provided was sufficient to satiate the
predators (Nakashima et al., 1996; Nakashima & Hirose,
1999). Teneral females were divided into two groups: virgin
and mated. Virgin females and males were reared in the
same manner as nymphs. To allow females to mate, 1 day
after emergence, a female was confined in a glass vial for
24 h with a male and 60 prey larvae to allow insemination,
then reared individually as described above. This procedure
ensures successful mating (Nakashima et al., 1996; Honda
et al., 1998). In addition, Orius adults of two hunger states
(well fed and starved) were prepared. Well-fed females were
4±5 days old and fed 30 second-instar T. palmi larvae on the
day before the experiment; starved females were 4±5 days
582 Yoshitaka Nakashima, Mayumi Teshiba and Yoshimi Hirose
#2002 The Royal Entomological Society, Ecological Entomology,27, 581±587
old and had been fed with 30 larvae per day for 3 or 4 days
then starved for 1 day prior to experimentation. All experi-
ments were conducted at 25 1C.
Experimental procedures
All experiments were conducted in an arena consisting of
a covered, glass Petri dish (diameter 6.0 cm, height 1.5 cm),
which was divided into two equal halves by the insertion of
a paper barricade (6.0 1.5 cm). One half served as a treat-
ment area in which a single O. sauteri adult was allowed to
walk for 30 min The barricade prevented the individual
from entering the other half of the arena, which served as
a control. Following the 30-min period, the released adult
and paper barricade were removed and the arena was ready
for a single bioassay.
Three experiments were performed using this arena
design. Experiment 1 sought to determine whether indivi-
duals responded to their own chemical mark and the mark
of a conspecific individual. To test the former, the same
individual removed from the arena with the barricade was
re-introduced immediately into the centre of the arena,
using a fine brush. To test the latter, a different individual
was released immediately into the centre of the arena.
All test individuals were observed for 10 min to determine
the time spent in either the control or treatment half of
the arena. Three categories were examined in both the self-
recognition and conspecific-recognition test: males, virgin
females, and mated females. With respect to the conspecific
test, males were tested with males, virgin females with virgin
females, and mated females with mated females. Addition-
ally, it was sought to determine the period of time during
which a patch mark might be active by withholding mated
females for 1 h before re-introducing the same individuals
into their respective arenas, and observing their movements
for 10 min, as described above. In expt 1, each trial was
replicated 20 times and all individuals were starved for
24 h before testing.
The aim of expt 2 was to investigate whether Orius
females avoid areas searched previously where prey existed.
To determine whether the quality of a patch being searched
by a female predator affects responses to an area visited
previously, second-instar larvae of T. palmi were introduced
into the experimental arena. Prey larvae used in this experi-
ment were killed by freezing at 20 C then maintained at
25 C for a few hours prior to the experiment. Twelve prey
larvae were placed in each side of the experimental arena.
An O. sauteri mated female deprived of prey for 24 h was
released into one side of the arena with the paper barricade
in place. After 30 min, the barricade and all prey were
removed and the same female was released into the centre
of the arena. Female behaviour was observed in the manner
described above, and each trial was replicated 20 times.
The aim of expt 3 was to determine the effect of hunger
state on patch mark utilisation. Mated females that were
provided with 30 prey larvae per day until the experiment
began were used. Experimental procedures were the same as
in expt 1, except for the hunger state of mated females.
Twenty replicates were tested in this experiment.
Statistical analysis
The durations of adult visits to each side of the Petri dish
were analysed using Wilcoxon's signed rank tests, with a
5%level of significance in all tests.
Experiment 1
The residence time of starved females on the control area
was significantly longer than that on the treatment area,
both in mated and virgin females (n20, Wilcoxon's signed
rank test, z2.35, P<0.05 for mated females; z2.35,
P<0.05 for virgin females; Table 1). Residence times of
starved males on the treatment area and the control area
were indistinguishable statistically (n20, Wilcoxon's
signed rank test, z0.28, PNS; Table 1). These results
indicate that starved females of O. sauteri avoided the
area visited previously by themselves while starved males
did not.
Contrary to the responses of females to self-marks,
neither virgin nor mated females avoided the area visited
by other conspecifics (n20, Wilcoxon's signed rank test,
z0.20, PNS for mated females; z0.86, PNS for
virgin females). Males also did not avoid the area visited
by other conspecific males (n20, Wilcoxon's signed rank
test, z0.90, PNS; Table 1).
One hour after removal of a starved mated female
exposed to a treatment area, the residence time of the
same female released again did not differ between treatment
and control area (n20, Wilcoxon's signed rank test,
z0.52, PNS; Table 1).
Experiment 2
Residence times of starved, mated females did not differ
between treatment area and control area when prey were
introduced into the experimental arena during the adult
exposure periods (n20, Wilcoxon's signed rank test,
z0.26, PNS; Table 2).
Experiment 3
Contrary to the responses to self-marked areas of females
in expt 1, the residence time of well-fed females did not
differ significantly between treatment and control areas
(n20, Wilcoxon's signed rank test, z1.68, PNS;
Table 2).
Predator patch-marking 583
#2002 The Royal Entomological Society, Ecological Entomology,27, 581±587
This is the first demonstration that an insect predator
deposits a patch mark that is used to avoid areas searched
previously. Furthermore, it is shown that only females use a
patch mark, and that the effectiveness of this mark depends
on two factors: the physiological state of the female and
the quality of the patch being searched. Female predators
deprived of prey spent much less time on a prey-deficient
area where they had searched previously than on newly
encountered areas (Table 1). Thus, females can discriminate
between areas searched previously and areas not searched
previously, and this discrimination is mediated via a patch-
marking chemical laid on the substrate by the female itself.
The chemical composition of the mark was not identified
but it clearly has a short active period (<1 h) (Table 1).
Because of this short active period, the mark deposited by
females is a reliable indicator of a prey-deficient area that
they have visited quite recently.
Sexual selection theory predicts that a female's reproduc-
tive success depends directly on the quality and quantity
of food resources whereas a male's reproductive success
generally increases as it mates with more females (Bateman,
1948; Trivers, 1972; Clutton-Brock & Parker, 1992). Detect-
ing high-quality patches can be advantageous to Orius
females in three ways: increased individual survival, higher
reproductive rates, and increased offspring survival (Naka-
shima, 1998). In contrast, for males, spending time in
patches where prey exist but females are absent will lessen
their chance of locating mates and decrease their fitness.
The use of a patch-marking system may therefore be highly
adaptive. In fact, several studies have shown that female
searching patterns are flexible and dictated by prey avail-
ability while males are not under such constraints (Inoue &
Matsura, 1983; Hemptinne et al., 1996; Nakashima, 1998).
Patch-marking systems will not be effective if prey move
into patches after the first visit of predators; systematic
searching is adaptive when prey are immobile or do not
Table 1. Mean residence times of starved Orius sauteri females and males on areas exposed to different types of O. sauteri females and males
(treatment area) and areas not exposed to O. sauteri (control) in choice situations. After a female or a male was exposed to the treatment area
without prey for 30 min, either the same individual (a, b) or a conspecific individual (c) was released into the experimental arena to measure
residence times. Tested individuals were introduced into the experimental arena immediately after exposure periods in (a) and (c) whereas
mated females were withheld for 1 h before re-introducing them into their respective arenas in (b).
Patch time (s) on
Treatment areas exposed to: treatment area control area SE P-valuey
Virgin female 215.2 384.9 30.5 0.019
Mated female 241.5 358.6 20.7 0.019
Male 303.0 297.0 20.8 0.778
Mated female 307.6 313.8 24.7 0.600
Virgin female 263.9 336.1 28.7 0.391
Mated female 294.9 305.1 23.6 0.841
Male 268.9 331.2 32.1 0.370
yWilcoxon's signed rank test.
Table 2. Mean residence times of mated Orius sauteri females on areas visited previously by themselves (treatment area) and areas not
exposed to females (control) in choice situations. After a mated female was exposed to the treatment area with prey (a) or without prey (b) for
30 min, the same individual was released immediately into the experimental arena to measure residence times. Tested females were starved (a)
or well fed (b).
Patch time (s) on
Hunger state of females exposed to
treatment area and its prey availability treatment area control area SE P-valuey
Starved female exposed to area 283.5 316.6 23.5 0.79
with prey
Well-fed female exposed to area 257.5 342.6 25.6 0.10
without prey
yWilcoxon's signed rank test.
584 Yoshitaka Nakashima, Mayumi Teshiba and Yoshimi Hirose
#2002 The Royal Entomological Society, Ecological Entomology,27, 581±587
move rapidly (Bernstein & Driessen, 1996). This is the case
for prey resources exploited by O. sauteri, such as thrips,
mites, and lepidopteran eggs. Compared with the prey
resources, however, O. sauteri females, which are resources
for males, have much greater mobility. Thus, male search-
ing in areas searched previously may not necessarily be
inefficient because Orius females may move into a patch
immediately after males have left the patch. Nakashima
(1998) demonstrated that O. sauteri females usually move
by walking among plants when they search for prey while
males appear to fly more frequently than females. Flying
behaviour of males may be more effective for searching for
females, which are relatively active. Flying also means that
males are less likely to re-encounter a recently searched
Orius sauteri females responded to areas searched pre-
viously depending on their hunger state and the availability
of prey in areas to which they were exposed, and only
starved females searching in areas without prey use the
patch-marking system (Tables 1 and 2). Environmental
and physiological factors are important sources of varia-
bility affecting search behaviours (Bell, 1991). Dynamic state
variable models predict that prey availability in patches
and nutrient or energetic budgets will reflect the forager's
condition relative to its various needs, and accordingly
foragers behave to maximise their lifetime reproductive
success (Mangel & Clark, 1988). This theory seems to hold
true for patch mark use of O. sauteri. The work reported
here shows that prey availability and hunger state can act as
factors determining whether O. sauteri females use their
patch-marking system. The flexible switching according to
physiological and environmental conditions is likely to be
favoured by the need to search for prey; starved females
that are searching in an unprofitable environment face the
difficult situation under which they may starve to death or
suffer reduced reproduction if they are unable to find prey.
The flexible system may be adaptive for O. sauteri females
to search efficiently for prey because their natural habitats
(annual plants) have complex structures, and prey resources
are usually distributed patchily.
The mechanism underlying avoidance behaviours of
O. sauteri females depending on their hunger state and
availability of prey is not clear, however possible mechan-
isms may be that hunger states and/or the presence of prey
affect the deposition of patch marks, the response to patch
marks, or both. To reveal the mechanism of flexible use of
patch marks, it will be necessary to identify the chemical
substance involved and to determine whether the deposition
of marks depends on hunger state and prey availability.
In the present study, there was an inherent problem in
manipulating hunger states: partitioning the separate effects
of prey deprivation (i.e. hunger state, experience with prey,
egg load, and life expectancy) on foraging behaviour is
difficult experimentally in the similar context of studies
of parasitoids and fruit flies (Rosenheim & Rosen, 1991;
Minkenberg et al., 1992; Heimpel & Rosenheim, 1995).
Although other internal states covarying with hunger levels
may influence behaviour, it can be concluded that prey
deprivation clearly affects the individual's response to a
patch mark. This is the first demonstration that prey depri-
vation and patch quality influence the use of patch marking.
Parasitoid females avoid severe offspring competition
caused by self or conspecific superparasitism via the use
of a marking pheromone (Godfray, 1994). Patch-marking
behaviour is thought to be a response to the potential
profitability of a patch or host: rewards in terms of repro-
ductive success are higher on unexploited patches than
on exploited patches. Contrary to most parasitoids that
respond to areas exploited by conspecifics, the results of
expts 1 and 3 show that O. sauteri females avoid only self-
marked areas and do not avoid the area marked by con-
specifics (Table 1). It is difficult to draw conclusions from
such limited data about individual specificity of the mark,
however two hypotheses may explain the use of individual-
specific marks. (1) It may not be advantageous for a female
searching a patch without prey to inform conspecific
females (potential competitors) about the status of patches,
as suggested by Ho
Èller and Ho
Èrmann (1993). (2) The patch
mark left by a female may include only individual-specific
information to increase foraging efficiency because marking
decisions are influenced by prey deprivation and patch
quality (foraging history of each female) as described
above. Thus, conspecific marks may be less valuable as
information other than to the female that deposited them.
Although this remains to be determined, it can be concluded
that the patch mark should be an effective system for
searching for prey.
We thank Drs J. A. Rosenheim, J. Y. Honda and T. Ueno
for their valuable comments. We are grateful to Naomi
Nakamuta for her assistance in carrying out experiments.
This work was partly supported by a Research Fellowship
(to Y.N.) through the Japan Society for the Promotion of
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Accepted 12 January 2002
Predator patch-marking 587
#2002 The Royal Entomological Society, Ecological Entomology,27, 581±587
... For Orius spp., which are used as biological control agents against thrips, many studies have been devoted to assessing how factors such as conditioning and experience of the predators or abiotic and biotic features of the environment can affect the leaving tendency of a predator (Hѐnaut et al. 2002;Nakashima et al. 2002;Shields and Watson 1980;VanLaerhoven et al. 2000;Yano et al. 2005). For example, Orius insidiosus (Say) adults exhibited behavioral changes indicative of switching from extensive to intensive foraging after direct exposure to their thrips prey (Shields and Watson 1980;Traczyk et al. 2020). ...
... This efficacy seems to depend on not only the numerical superiority of the agents that remained on the eggplants but also the increase in predation efficiency per individual. Females of Orius sauteri (Poppius) tended to avoid areas where they had searched previously (Nakashima et al. 2002). In this case, the Milker strategy in which agents disperse irrespective of the number of pests present runs the risk of increasing thrips in the crop area. ...
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Biocontrol agents must be released into low densities of insect pests. However, the movement patterns of biocontrol agents rapidly switch from intensive search of prey within patches to extensive search between patches when densities of prey/hosts are very low. This switching can result in the extinction of these agents on the crop, due to either dispersal from crop fields or starvation. We predicted that the foraging behavior of remaining longer per patch (i.e., giving-up time) would be effective in preventing or delaying the emigration of released agents from crop fields, thus improving the efficacy of pest control. We verified this hypothesis using Orius strigicollis, which often establishes poorly after release during periods of low prey density. Selected lines of O. strigicollis with low walking activity were established by artificial selection. Their giving-up time was extended compared with wild-type lines. After feeding on thrips, the selected lines showed search behavior that involved slower travel, more turns, and more time spent immobile compared with the wild-type lines. This behavior was very similar to that observed for intensive search behavior. In greenhouse trials, the selected lines remained on eggplants longer than the wild-type lines and exhibited remarkable pest control efficacy. These results indicate that extension of patch residence time by selective breeding contributes to the early establishment of O. strigicollis and the suppression of thrips.
... This is the process whereby an organism leaves some chemical marker whilst searching and upon subsequently encountering those markers responds aversively. Patch-marking contributes to efficient foraging, allowing the patch-marker to avoid revisiting previously exploited patches (Nakashima et al., 2002). Patch-marking has been studied and observed primarily in parasitoid insects (e.g., wasps), where areas that have been previously exploited for host larvae are marked (see van Giessen et al., 1993;Sheehan et al.,1993;Höller & Hörmann, 1993;Bernstein & Driessen, 1996). ...
... Patch-marking has been studied and observed primarily in parasitoid insects (e.g., wasps), where areas that have been previously exploited for host larvae are marked (see van Giessen et al., 1993;Sheehan et al.,1993;Höller & Hörmann, 1993;Bernstein & Driessen, 1996). It has also been more recently suggested that patch-marking underwrites the highly efficient search behaviour of some predatory insects such as Orius sauteri (Nakashima et al., 2002). The behaviour that ensues from encountering the presence of such marks is believed to be a response to the potential profitability of the patch (ibid). ...
The hypothesis of extended cognition (HEC) claims that the cognitive processes that materially realise thinking are sometimes partially constituted by entities that are located external to an agent’s body in its local environment. We show how proponents of HEC need not claim that an agent must have a central nervous system, or physically instantiate processes organised in such a way as to play a causal role equivalent to that of the brain if that agent is to be capable of cognition. Focusing on the case of spatial memory, we make our argument by taking a close look at the striking example of Physarum Polycephalum plasmodium (i.e., slime mould) which uses self-produced non-living extracellular slime trails to navigate its environment. We will argue that the use of externalized spatial memory by basal organisms like Physarum is an example of extended cognition. Moreover, it is a possible evolutionary precursor to the use of internal spatial memory and recall in animals thus demonstrating how extended cognition may have emerged early in evolutionary history.
... Importantly, these insects tend to respond aversively to these marks, spending less time in the "marked" regions. In this way, they do not have to recall which region of the environment they have already visited, the mark does the remembering for them (see Holler & Hormann 1993;Sheelan et al. 1993Bernstein & Driessen 1996Nakashima et al. 2002). Now, depositing the marks does not directly contribute to these insects' goals (typically, injecting their eggs in a suitable host). ...
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According to the extended cognition thesis, an agent’s cognitive system can sometimes include extracerebral components amongst its physical constituents. Here, we show that such a view of cognition has an unjustifiably anthropocentric focus, for it tends to depict cognitive extensions as a human-only affair. In contrast, we will argue that if human cognition extends, then the cognition of many non-human animals extends too, for many non-human animals rely on the same cognition-extending strategies humans rely on. To substantiate this claim, we will proceed as follows. First (Sect. 1), we will introduce the extended cognition thesis, exposing its anthropocentric bias. Then, we will show that humans and many non-human animals rely on the same cognition-extending strategies. To do so, we will discuss a variety of case studies, including “intrabodily” cognitive extensions such as the spinal cord (Sect. 2), the widespread reliance on epistemic actions to solve cognitive tasks (Sect. 3) and cases of animal cognitive offloading (Sect. 4). We’ll then allay some worries our claim might raise (Sect. 5) to then conclude the paper (Sect. 6).
... However, individuals could estimate the quality of food resources in a patch by resource contribution to fitness, which could be measured by the contribution of individuals to population growth (Mcgraw and Caswell, 1996;Coulson et al., 2006). In addition, individuals could estimate the contribution of nutritional resources to fitness from their physiological state (e.g., hunger) (Nakashima et al., 2002). Handling times, prey encounters, resources of prey, and traveling times between patches could also provide foragers with additional information about the quality of patches and habitats (Williams and Flaxman, 2012;Foo et al., 2016). ...
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The ability to locate suitable food resources affects fitness in animals. Therefore, movements are necessary to optimize foraging in habitats where food is distributed in patches of different qualities. The aim of this work was to investigate the dispersal and distribution of females and males of the omnivorous mirid D. hesperus in mesocosms composed by food patches of different values in terms of fitness. In agreement with the Marginal Value Theorem (MVT) and the Ideal Free Distribution (IFD), individuals were expected to aggregate in the highest quality patches. Besides, the proportion of individuals in patches was predicted to be proportional to fitness, and interference among individuals was expected to rise as the density of individuals increased. Emigration rates were predicted to be higher for low- than for high-quality patches, while the opposite was predicted for immigration. Three types of habitats each with different combinations of food resources were tested: (1) habitat including patches of tomato plants with no-prey, and patches infested with either mite or whitefly; (2) with no-prey and whitefly; (3) with no-prey and mites. Each type of habitat was set up in a tomato greenhouse compartment and replicated four times. Individuals were tracked by mark-recapture methods using luminous paintings. The number of females and males in whitefly patches was significantly higher than in mite and no-prey patches, but a significant interaction sex*habitat and sex*patch was found. In habitats with only one type of prey, D. hesperus adults fitted the IFD, while in mixed prey habitats their distribution diverged from IFD. Interference was found to be significant, with female fitness decreasing as their density increased. Emigration rates were significantly lower for whitefly patches with a significant interaction patch*sex; the opposite was found for immigration. This research shows that it is unlikely that D. hesperus forage according to the omniscient principle of IFD and MVT; in contrast, it strongly suggests that it uses some simple rules to make decisions about inter-patch movement, and emigration from habitats and patches.
... The number of A. gifuensis mummies consumed by not starved H. axyridis was the lowest among the three treatments. Previous studies suggested that starvation status may increase attack frequency and foraging time, reduce digestive pauses in predators, and ultimately affect their prey consumption (Maselou et al. 2015;Nakashima et al. 2002). However, prey consumption by H. axyridis did not differ between the 24 and 48 h starvation treatments. ...
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The effects of various factors on intraguild predation (IGP) between predators have been widely investigated. However, little is known about the influence of these factors on IGP between predators and parasitoids. Under laboratory conditions, we studied the effects of starvation period of predator, plant dimension, and extraguild prey density on IGP between Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and Aphidius gifuensis Ashmead (Hy-menoptera: Braconidae), two natural enemies of Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Both H. axyridis fourth instar and adults consumed A. gifuensis mummies. H. axyridis fourth instar and adults starved for 24 and 48 h had a higher frequency of IGP than those that were not starved. However, the number of aphids and mummies consumed by H. axyridis did not differ between the 24 and 48 h starvation treatments. Although IGP still occurred, mummy consumption decreased with increasing aphid density and plant dimension. In addition, H. axyridis consistently preferred aphids to mummies. Our results indicate that prey preference of H. axyridis, a shorter starvation period of predator (\ 48 h), larger plant dimension, and higher extraguild prey density could reduce the frequency of IGP by H. axyridis on A. gifuensis, and thus decrease the negative impact of IGP on aphid control.
In this chapter, we consider practical aspects of the foraging behaviour of insect natural enemies in its widest sense (so wide that we even include a few examples concerning non-insect arthopods, such as mites). Initially, most insect natural enemies must locate the habitat where potential victims may be found. Within that habitat, the victims themselves must be discovered. Once a patch of potential targets is identified, the predator or female parasitoid must choose its victim. Furthermore, in judging host quality, a female parasitoid must decide whether to feed from the host, to oviposit, or to do both. If she does decide to oviposit, then there are questions of sex allocation and offspring number that need to be addressed (Fig. 1.1). All of these activities fall under the aegis of ‘foraging behaviour’.
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Biological invasions represent a major threat to biodiversity, especially in cold insular environments characterized by high levels of endemism and low species diversity which are heavily impacted by global warming. Terrestrial invertebrates are very responsive to environmental changes, and native terrestrial invertebrates from cold islands tend to be naive to novel predators. Therefore, understanding the relationships between predators and prey in the context of global changes is essential for the management of these areas, particularly in the case of non-native predators. Merizodus soledadinus (Guérin-Méneville, 1830) is an invasive non-native insect species present on two subantarctic archipelagos, where it has extensive distribution and increasing impacts. While the biology of M. soledadinus has recently received attention, its trophic interactions have been less examined. We investigated how characteristics of M. soledadinus, its density, as well as prey density influence its predation rate on the Kerguelen Islands where the temporal evolution of its geographic distribution is precisely known. Our results show that M. soledadinus can have high ecological impacts on insect communities when present in high densities regardless of its residence time, consistent with the observed decline of the native fauna of the Kerguelen Islands in other studies. Special attention should be paid to limiting factors enhancing its dispersal and improving biosecurity for invasive insect species.
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Zoophytophagous bugs feed on both arthropod pests and plants, and can survive or reproduce solely on particular plants. This characteristic ensures their survival when released as natural enemies when the density of target pests is low. When using zoophytophagous bugs, exotic species or strains should be avoided as biological control agents due to their ecological risks. This study reviews investigations of indigenous Orius species and indigenous strains of N. tenuis and their exploitations as biological control agents in Japan. Orius strigicollis, which can reproduce under short-day conditions, is recommended for augmentative biological control in greenhouses. Orius sauteri, the predominant and most abundant species in the field, is not recommended for releases in greenhouses because it enters diapause under short-day conditions. However, this species can be used for conservation biological control in the field, where the bug can be preserved through the use of selective pesticides or by conserving companion plants. Violet light illumination is a promising tool to manipulate the movement of this species in the field. Nesidiocoris tenuis occurs only in the southern region of Japan, and its density in the field is low. This bug can be used for augmentative biological control in greenhouses. It can reproduce on specific plants, including Sesamum indicum, Cleome hassleriana, Verbena × hybrida, and Scaevola aemula. These plants can be used as banker plants to improve the establishment and reproduction of N. tenuis in greenhouses. Indigenous Orius species and Nesidiocoris tenuis are promising biological control agents in Japan.
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Animal behaviour can lead to varying levels of risk, and an individual’s physical condition can alter the potential costs and benefits of undertaking risky behaviours. How risk-taking behaviour depends on condition is subject to contrasting hypotheses. The asset protection principle proposes that individuals in better condition should be more risk averse, as they have higher future reproductive potential (i.e. more to lose). The state-dependent safety hypothesis proposes that high-condition individuals that are more likely to survive and maximise the benefits of risky situations may make apparently riskier choices, as their individual risk is in fact lower. We systematically searched for studies that experimentally manipulated animals’ nutritional or energetic condition through diet treatments, and subsequently measured risk-taking behaviour in contexts relating to predation, novelty and exploration. Our meta-analysis quantified condition effects on risk-taking behaviour at both the mean and variance level. We preregistered our methods and hypotheses prior to conducting the study. Phylogenetic multilevel meta-analysis revealed that the lower-nutritional-condition individuals showed on average ca. 26% greater tendency towards risk than high-condition individuals (95% confidence interval: 15% – 38%; N = 126 studies, 1297 effect sizes). Meta-regressions revealed several factors influencing the overall effect, such as the experimental context used to measure risk-taking behaviour, and the life stage when condition was manipulated. Meta-analysis of variance revealed no clear overall effect of condition on behavioural variance (on average ca. 3% decrease in variance in low- versus high-condition groups; 95% confidence interval: –8% – 3%; N = 119 studies, 1235 effect sizes), however, the experimental context was an important factor influencing the strength and direction of the variance effect. Our comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis provide insights into the roles of state dependency and plasticity in intraspecific behavioural variation. While heterogeneity among effect sizes was high, our results show that poor nutritional state on average increases risk taking in ecological contexts involving predation, novelty and exploration.
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A widely cited roadblock to bridging ecological psychology and enactivism is that the former identifies with realism and the latter identifies with constructivism, which critics charge is subjectivist. A pragmatic reading, however, suggests non-mental forms of constructivism that simultaneously fit core tenets of enactivism and ecological realism. After advancing a pragmatic version of enactive constructivism that does not obviate realism, I reinforce the position with an empirical illustration: Physarum polycephalum, a communal unicellular organism that leaves slime trails that form chemical barriers that it avoids in foraging explorations. Here, environmental building and sensorimotor engagement are part of the same process with P. polycephalum coordinating around self-created, affordance-bearing geographies, which nonetheless exist independently in ways described by ecological realists. For ecological psychologists, affordances are values, meaning values are external to the perceiver. I argue that agent-enacted values have the same status and thus do not obviate ecological realism or generate subjectivism. The constructivist-realist debate organizes around the emphasis that enactivists and ecological theorists respectively place on the inner constitution of organisms vs. the structure of environments. Building on alimentary themes introduced in the P. polycephalum example and also in Gibson’s work, I go on to consider how environment, brain, visceral systems, and even bacteria within them enter perceptual loops. This highlights almost unfathomable degrees of mutually modulating internal and external synchronization. It also shows instances in which internal conditions alter worldly configurations and invert values, in Gibson’s sense of the term, albeit without implying subjectivism. My aim is to cut across the somatic focus of enactive constructivism and the external environment-oriented emphasis of ecological realism and show that enactivism can enrich ecological accounts of value.
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Developmental, reproductive, and adult longevity, rates of Orius minutus (L) and Orius sauteri (Poppius) were studied in the laboratory using eggs of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller as prey. Immature development for both species took approximately 12 days and did not differ significantly between the sexes. Total fecundity rates were significantly higher for O. minutus (105.36) than O. sauteri (68.40) as were male longevity rates (18.11 days vs. 11.50 days) and female longevity rates for both virgin (16.73 days vs. 24.75 days) and ovipositing (13.90 days vs. 19.69 days) individuals. However, O. minutus suffered higher mortality rates in the laboratory, thus calculated intrinsic rates of natural increase were for O. minutus (rm = 0.137) and O. sauteri (rm=0.132) were similar.
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The suitability of freeze-dried, powdered larvae of the melon fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae (FPM) as a diet of Onus sauteri was compared to a diet of live 2nd instar larvae of Thrips palmi. O. sauteri was successfully reared on FPM but the developmental time, survival rate, longevity, preoviposition period and fecundity were negatively affected in comparison to a diet of live T. palmi larvae. The results show that FPM can be used as a diet for rearing O. sauteri but it is not as suitable as live T. palmi larvae.
The first step in studying the foraging strategy of female adults of the solitary parasitoid, D. rufiventris, of the leaf mining fly, P. ranunculi, was to determine whether they can effectively discriminate already searched from unsearched leaflets and also whether they use a marking pheromone for this purpose. 1) The female parasitoid did not search for hosts as long on already searched leaflets as on unsearched ones. 2) Leaflet discrimination of this sort would be neither ascribed to her memory of the already searched leaflets nor to encounters with parasitized hosts present in those leaflets. 3) This discrimination disappeared within 6 hr after she left the leaflet, or after it was rinsed with a 50% ethanol solution, suggesting that she deposited a marking pheromone on leaflets in the course of the host search and would then discriminate already searched leaflets by recognizing that pheromone. 4) The pheromone appears to be deposited not only on the mine but also on the remaining part of the leaflet. 5) This pheromone would be effective for this species to prevent a waste of time and energy rather than to avoid superparasitism. © 1986, JAPANESE SOCIETY OF APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY. All rights reserved.
The subgenus Heterorius WAGNER and four representative species occurring in Japan and Taiwan are diagnosed and/or redescribed. Orius similis ZHENG is proposed as a junior synonym of strigicollis POPPIUS. Orius nagaii YASUNAGA is reported from the Continental Russian Far East and Korea for the first time. Illustrations of the male and female genitalia, the most important taxonomic characters, and notes on habitat of each species are provided.
We investigated the species composition of Orius spp., predacious natural enemies of Thrips palmi KARNY in eggplant fields and surrounding vegetation. At Chikushino, O. sauteri (POPPIUS) was dominant on eggplant, followed by O. minutus (LINNAEUS) and O. nagaii YASUNAGA. O. sauteri also dominated the sample on white clover, while the other two species occurred with an extremely low frequency. In contrast, on Gramineae plants such as rice, forage crops and weeds, O. nagaii was exclusively dominant, while the other two species were rarely found. These results suggest that the habitats surrounding an agro-ecosystem serve as reservoirs for Orius spp. occurring in eggplant fields. The species composition on eggplant varied with sampling date and locality. In the three IPM fields where selective chemicals were applied, the first peak of abundance on leaves was found in early and mid-July, indicating that Orius spp. adults begin to immigrate into eggplant fields from early June. From results of direct count on leaves and sticky trap data, Orius spp. colonization and subsequent reproduction appeared to be influenced greatly by prey population size.