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Metapopulation ecology in the sea: From Levins' model to marine ecology and fisheries science


Abstract and Figures

Marine and fisheries scientists are increasingly using metapopulation concepts to better understand and model their focal systems. Consequently, they are considering what defines a metapopulation. One perspective on this question emphasizes the importance of extinction probability in local populations. This view probably stems from the focus on extinction in Levins' original metapopulation model, but places unnecessary emphasis on extinction–recolonization dynamics. Metapopulation models with more complex structure than Levins' patch-occupancy model and its variants allow a broader range of population phenomena to be examined, such as changes in population size, age structure and genetic structure. Analyses along these lines are critical in fisheries science, where presence–absence resolution is far too coarse to understand stock dynamics in a meaningful way. These more detailed investigations can, but need not, aim to assess extinction risk or deal with extinction-prone local populations. Therefore, we emphasize the coupling of spatial scales as the defining feature of metapopulations. It is the degree of demographic connectivity that characterizes metapopulations, with the dynamics of local populations strongly dependent upon local demographic processes, but also influenced by a nontrivial element of external replenishment. Therefore, estimating rates of interpopulation exchange must be a research priority. We contrast metapopulations with other spatially structured populations that differ in the degree of local closure of their component populations. We conclude with consideration of the implications of metapopulation structure for spatially explicit management, particularly the design of marine protected area networks.
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Metapopulation ecology in the sea: from Levins’ model to
marine ecology and fisheries science
Jacob P Kritzer & Peter F Sale
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9B 3P4
Introduction 132
Over-emphasis on extinction? 133
Ecology versus evolution, fisheries versus farms 133
A matter of scales 134
Example of metapopulation analysis in fisheries 137
Spatial structure and spatial management 137
Conclusions 138
Acknowledgements 139
References 139
Marine and fisheries scientists are increasingly using metapopulation concepts to
better understand and model their focal systems. Consequently, they are considering
what defines a metapopulation. One perspective on this question emphasizes the
importance of extinction probability in local populations. This view probably stems
from the focus on extinction in Levins’ original metapopulation model, but places
unnecessary emphasis on extinction–recolonization dynamics. Metapopulation mod-
els with more complex structure than Levins’ patch-occupancy model and its variants
allow a broader range of population phenomena to be examined, such as changes in
population size, age structure and genetic structure. Analyses along these lines are
critical in fisheries science, where presence–absence resolution is far too coarse to
understand stock dynamics in a meaningful way. These more detailed investigations
can, but need not, aim to assess extinction risk or deal with extinction-prone local
populations. Therefore, we emphasize the coupling of spatial scales as the defining
feature of metapopulations. It is the degree of demographic connectivity that
characterizes metapopulations, with the dynamics of local populations strongly
dependent upon local demographic processes, but also influenced by a nontrivial
element of external replenishment. Therefore, estimating rates of interpopulation
exchange must be a research priority. We contrast metapopulations with other
spatially structured populations that differ in the degree of local closure of their
component populations. We conclude with consideration of the implications of
metapopulation structure for spatially explicit management, particularly the design of
marine protected area networks.
Keywords demographic connectivity, extinction, marine protected areas, metapop-
ulation, spatial management, spatial structure
Jacob P Kritzer,
Department of
Biological Sciences,
University of Windsor,
Windsor, Ontario,
Canada N9B 3P4
+519 253 3000/ext.
Fax: +519 971 3609
E-mail: kritzer@
Received 2 Dec 2002
Accepted 6 Jun 2003
Ó 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 131
F I S H and F I S H E R I E S , 2004, 5, 131–140
The prevalence of the metapopulation concept in
ecology has increased dramatically since it was
originally proposed by Levins (1969, 1970), especi-
ally during the 1990s (Hanski and Simberloff 1997).
Most of the early empirical and theoretical research in
metapopulation ecology focused on terrestrial sys-
tems. However, in the late 1980s and early 1990s,
papers began to appear that addressed marine
ecology and marine resource management using
metapopulation concepts (Iwasa and Roughgarden
1986; Roughgarden and Iwasa 1986; Shepherd and
Brown 1993). Starting in the mid-1990s and con-
tinuing to the present, the integration of metapopu-
lation ecology into marine ecology and fisheries
science has dramatically increased (Stephenson
1999; Smedbol et al. 2002; Grimm et al. 2003). In
response to the increasing importance of metapopu-
lation concepts within their discipline, marine ecol-
ogists are beginning to consider the defining
properties of metapopulations so that they may better
apply the theory to their focal systems (Forrester et al.
2002; Smedbol et al. 2002; Grimm et al. 2003).
Marine ecologists have not been alone in addres-
sing the definitions and characteristics of metapop-
ulations. Hastings and Harrison (1994) approached
this issue from the perspective of population genet-
ics, Hanski and Simberloff (1997) and Hanski
(1999) explored this issue for population ecologists
in general, and Eriksson (1996), Husband and
Barrett (1996) and Freckleton and Watkinson
(2002) have done so in the context of plant ecology.
To date, no consensus has emerged from this
literature. Freckleton and Watkinson (2002), Smed-
bol et al. (2002) and Grimm et al. (2003) argue that
high extinction risk of one or more local populations
is a necessary defining characteristic of a metapop-
ulation. This position stems from the focus on
extinction and recolonization in Levins’ original
model. Freckleton and Watkinson also outline a
series of other types of spatially structured popula-
tions that are distinct from metapopulations. How-
ever, nowhere in their scheme do Freckleton and
Watkinson describe a population structure defined
by local populations that inhabit discrete patches,
are interconnected by dispersal and therefore influ-
ence one another’s dynamics, but without regular
local extinctions. Yet, this may be a very common
arrangement in marine systems.
An alternative perspective on metapopulation
ecology (Hastings and Harrison 1994; Hanski and
Simberloff 1997; Hanski 1999) allows a population
with this structure to be considered a metapopula-
tion. We agree with these authors, and view a
metapopulation as a system of discrete local popu-
lations, each of which determines its own internal
dynamics to a large extent, but with a degree of
identifiable and nontrivial demographic influence
from other local populations through dispersal of
individuals. This perspective defines a metapopula-
tion on the basis of the arrangement of local
populations and their interrelationships, but does
not specify any particular form of dynamics (i.e.
extinction–recolonization events) that must arise.
Those systems that conform to the specific features
of the Levins’ model are typically identified as
‘classical’ metapopulations, but the concept is
allowed to extend more widely and describe a
broader array of population phenomena.
Interestingly, many of the other assumptions of
the original Levins’ model have been relaxed
through time. The number of habitat patches is
allowed to be finite and patches are allowed to differ
in size, quality and position (Hanski 1999; Grimm
et al. 2003). Yet, extinction risk remains a critical
element for many authors. We do not see the
advantage of this restriction, and support those who
define metapopulations according to spatial struc-
ture rather than resultant dynamics. We prefer this
perspective because it allows the theory to grow and
diversify, and therefore become more widely useful,
rather than being confined to the few special cases
that exhibit ‘classical’ metapopulation features. For
example, when less emphasis is placed upon extinc-
tion, one can begin to ask what role interpopulation
exchange plays in determining local population size
and stability (see, e.g. Gyllenberg et al. 1997),
regardless of whether the local populations are likely
to go extinct. The local presence or absence of
organisms is certainly not the only question of
interest to ecologists and resource managers.
In this paper, we take the position that while
extinction–recolonization analysis was important in
founding the metapopulation concept, and contin-
ues to play a role in metapopulation ecology,
extinction risk of local populations is not the critical
feature that defines metapopulations. We argue that
Levins’ focus on extinction and recolonization was a
necessary consequence of the resolution of his
model (and perhaps the computational limitations
at the time of his initial metapopulation work) and
was appropriate for the questions he addressed.
However, in contrast to Levins’ focus on pest control
Metapopulation concepts in marine ecology and fisheries science Jacob P Kritzer & Peter F Sale
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(Levins 1969) and species persistence in evolution-
ary time (Levins 1970), extinction–recolonization
analysis is of very limited use to fisheries scientists
relative to higher resolution analyses of changes in
population size and structure. We suggest that
Levins’ most important contribution was in defining
an important population structure in which local-
and regional-scale processes are linked, and that
with this concept, a much wider range of population
processes and dynamics can be considered. We
contrast metapopulations with other spatial popu-
lation structures, and discuss the implications of
these for spatial management of marine systems.
Over-emphasis on extinction?
It is likely that local extinction risk is commonly
identified as a critical criterion defining metapopu-
lations because local extinctions were a fundamental
component of Levins’ original model (Levin 1969,
1970). However, Levins’ focus on extinction–recol-
onization was a necessary consequence of modelling
a system simply in terms of presence or absence in
particular habitat patches, which served the purpo-
ses of his focal questions (as we discuss in the next
section). The development of metapopulation ecol-
ogy in the three decades since Levins’ work has seen
systems modelled with increasing detail to examine
more complex population processes. Although the
coarsest descriptor of a population addresses simply
whether organisms are present or absent, more
detailed descriptors can account for overall abun-
dance or biomass, the ratio of males to females and
the age, size and genetic structure of the population.
We are not claiming that adopting a metapopula-
tion definition based upon extinction probabilities
necessarily precludes modelling a system with great-
er complexity than simply presence–absence resolu-
tion, nor does it require that only questions about
extinction and recolonization be asked. Indeed,
metapopulation models with higher resolution have
been constructed, but these still often aim to address
questions of extinction (e.g. Stacey et al. 1997). Nor
do we claim that local or global extinction is not a
critical issue. However, rarely are other aspects of
population dynamics the focus, even if models
incorporate greater complexity (but see ‘Example of
metapopulation analysis in fisheries’ below). It seems
that the focus on extinction risk in defining meta-
populations has unnecessarily channelled research-
ers’ perspectives exclusively towards extinction–
recolonization issues at the expense of other critical
aspects of population dynamics. We do not see the
advantage of the extinction-based definition respon-
sible for this narrowing of focus. Moreover, we do not
see the advantage of excluding from metapopulation
theory systems that are not prone to local extinctions,
but are affected by demographic processes operating
at local and regional scales.
Ecology versus evolution, fisheries versus
The more substantive of Levins’ original papers
(Levins 1970) develops metapopulation concepts to
largely address evolutionary questions. Specifically,
the goal of the paper was to explain the persistence
or extinction of species when confronted with the
instability of populations in local habitat patches as
determined by movements among those constituent
populations. Presence–absence is a sufficient level of
resolution to address such a question because the
attribute of interest is simply whether organisms
exist in a given habitat patch or not. In evolutionary
time, the nuances of population size and structure
in any individual year are often of limited import-
ance in determining long-term trends.
In contrast to evolutionary questions, presence–
absence resolution is inadequate for many questions
addressed by ecologists, particularly applied ecolo-
gists such as those working in fisheries. In ecology,
systems are often examined over shorter temporal
scales (relative to evolutionary time) but in greater
detail. Processes that operate on longer temporal
scales and larger spatial scales establish the persist-
ence of species and the extent of their geographical
distribution. Within the limits set by biogeographical-
and evolutionary-scale processes, shorter-term and
finer-resolution processes operate that are of interest
in population ecology and population genetics. When
greater resolution is incorporated, the potential range
of questions that can be examined extends well
beyond extinction–recolonization dynamics.
This is not to say that an extinction–recoloniza-
tion perspective is never relevant within the scope of
ecology, nor that these questions cannot be
addressed with presence–absence resolution. In fact,
Levins’ first metapopulation paper (Levins 1969)
worked within an ecological context that was suited
to analysis using presence–absence resolution.
Levins developed his ideas to consider the dynamics,
and therefore control, of agricultural pest insects.
Often, the goal of agricultural pest control is
outright eradication of the pest, either locally or
Metapopulation concepts in marine ecology and fisheries science Jacob P Kritzer & Peter F Sale
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globally, so modelling population dynamics in terms
of extinction meets the objective at hand. Further-
more, insect populations are inherently highly
volatile. Most insect species have incredibly high
rates of reproduction and population growth, yet
are also highly sensitive to environmental change
and are therefore susceptible to population crashes
(Schowalter 2000). The combined effect of these
characteristics is that insects can quickly establish
large populations after colonizing a habitat patch,
yet can also rapidly decline following perturbation
regardless of current population size. Adopting
presence–absence resolution in such instances has
tremendous advantages in terms of mathematical
tractability. Moreover, Levins lacked the benefit of
modern computing power, which might have lim-
ited model complexity.
In contrast to agricultural pest control, fisheries
science typically must work at finer levels of
resolution when modelling populations (see Hilborn
and Walters 1992; Quinn and Deriso 1999). The
ecological dynamics of marine organisms are con-
strained within the bounds set by evolutionary
processes, but the focus of fisheries analysis must
often go to finer resolution. Usefully, the metapop-
ulation concept has implications for population
dynamics beyond simply persistence (Hastings and
Harrison 1994; Gyllenberg et al. 1997). While pest
control may focus on eradication, presence–absence
will only be a concern of fisheries in dire circum-
stances (e.g. the potential extinction of white
abalone in California; Davis et al. 1998). More
often, the focus is on the size and structure of a
population, which determine overall yield, and the
size of harvested individuals (of special importance
in sport fisheries).
Many large and/or long-lived marine organisms
(e.g. groupers, abalone, pinnipeds) do not have the
extremely high reproductive rates characteristic of
pest insects that allow simplification to presence–
absence resolution. Hutchings (2001) demonstrates
that recovery rates among marine fishes are highly
dependent upon the starting population size, which
must therefore be accounted for when understand-
ing stock dynamics. Presence–absence resolution is
especially inadequate if Allee effects are operating.
When Allee effects operate, a population might not
increase when below a critical density, so population
behaviour is actually similar to that in an empty
patch (e.g. Frank and Brickman 2000). This would
not be accounted for by focusing solely on extinc-
tion–recoloniztion dynamics; patches with a popu-
lation of any size greater than zero would be treated
equally as occupied. Although presence–absence
resolution has been used in some initial fisheries-
orientated metapopulation analyses (Man et al.
1995; Smedbol and Wroblewski 2002), the use of
metapopulation concepts to model fisheries stock
dynamics must ultimately involve greater detail.
A matter of scales
If extinction probability and extinction events are
one possible focus of metapopulation science, but
are neither the topics of primary interest in fisheries
science nor the defining attributes of metapopula-
tions in general, what is the essence of a metapop-
ulation? We support the arguments of Hastings and
Harrison (1994), Hanski and Simberloff (1997) and
Hanski (1999) that the unique feature of a meta-
population is the need to adopt two spatial scales to
fully understand system dynamics: the local patch
scale and the regional patch network scale. If the
dynamics of each individual population can be
modelled in isolation without reference to external
influences, then metapopulation concepts are not
appropriate (Fig. 1A). If, however, the inner work-
ings of these local populations largely dictate their
fate, but there is also a degree of replenishment from
outside the population that affects population
size and structure to an extent that it cannot be
ignored, then metapopulation concepts are relevant
(Fig. 1B). Note that this conceptual model of a
metapopulation incorporates the importance of both
local and external supply in population replenish-
ment, but is not contingent upon extinction–recol-
onization events. Ultimately, it is the level of
demographic connectivity among local populations
set by exchange of individuals that determines
whether or not they form a metapopulation.
Therefore, estimating rates of interpopulation
exchange must be a priority for future research.
A system comprised of distinct local populations
that share reproductive propagules (unlike Fig. 1A)
will not necessarily be a metapopulation. If interpop-
ulation exchange is sufficiently high, all populations
equally affect all others and the system experiences
regionally correlated population fluctuations, despite
patchy distribution of individuals within the region.
Metapopulation concepts are not appropriate for
these ‘patchy populations’ (Fig. 1C). Grimm et al.
(2003) argue that the general ‘openness’ of marine
populations is not adequate justification for confer-
ring metapopulation structure upon a system,
Metapopulation concepts in marine ecology and fisheries science Jacob P Kritzer & Peter F Sale
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because dispersal can be sufficiently widespread and
recruitment sufficiently homogenized to remove the
distinction between local- and regional-scale proces-
ses. An important component of metapopulation
dynamics is asynchrony in local population dynam-
ics because of partial closure of local populations that
counteracts homogenization of regional dynamics
(Hanski 1999). In contrast to metapopulations,
regional dynamics in patchy populations (Fig. 1C)
can be predicted by simply scaling up from the local
scale (Freckleton and Watkinson 2002).
It is possible that a metapopulation perspective is
useful for a given system in some contexts but not in
others. For example, Sinclair (1988) argues that
many marine fish stocks evolve towards near total
local retention of offspring, with only demograph-
ically insignificant interpopulation exchange that is
sufficient to preclude genetic divergence. Sinclair
dubbed this idea the ‘Member-Vagrant Hypothesis’
to capture both the ecologically meaningful mem-
bership in local populations and evolutionarily
meaningful vagrancy that prevents speciation.
Thus, in an ecological context, systems structured
according to Sinclair’s hypothesis should not be
considered as metapopulations, but rather as dis-
crete and generally unconnected closed populations
(Fig. 1A). In other words, dynamics on ecological
time scales can generally be understood without
reference to other populations because local popu-
lation size and structure are not significantly
affected by immigrants spawned at other popula-
tions. However, on longer time scales, the limited
connectivity among distinct populations becomes
significant, and metapopulation concepts are there-
fore useful (Fig. 1B) in terms of maintaining genetic
similarity, offsetting local extinctions and therefore
influencing evolution and biogeography. The con-
text-specific applicability of metapopulation theory
reinforces Hanski’s argument that the metapopula-
tion concept is more of an analytical approach to be
used when appropriate rather than a set of strict
criteria and definitions (Hanski 1999).
Figure 1 Three types of spatially structured populations, with generalized dispersal curves from each local population.
Small circles represent discrete local populations within the larger region bounded by the outer oval. Thick lines define the
spatial scale at which population fluctuations are correlated. Arrows connect the sources of offspring with their eventual
destination. (A) Closed local populations experience independent dynamics with no ecologically meaningful exchange of
individuals. Dispersal distances are highly localized. (B) A metapopulation can be seen as a network of partially closed
populations. There is some degree of self-replenishment and independent dynamics, but this is coupled with nontrivial
supply from other populations. Dispersal distances are predominantly localized, but with identifiable levels of export to other
local populations. (C) A patchy population is effectively a single closed population, within which individuals are distributed
among discrete groups. Dispersal distances are distributed more evenly, with local populations essentially drawing from a
common larval pool. Note that other types of spatially structured populations exist (see Freckleton and Watkinson 2002).
Metapopulation concepts in marine ecology and fisheries science Jacob P Kritzer & Peter F Sale
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Some systems are comprised of distinct local
populations that experience unique demographic
rates and population fluctuations (akin to Fig. 1-
A,B), but with no identifiable link between repro-
ductive output and recruitment at either the local
population scale or the regional scale (Fig. 2A). For
example, Pfister (1998) studied the population
ecology of tidepool sculpins. She found that recruit-
ment, mortality and growth could differ markedly
among distinct tidepools. However, reproduction
among tidepool sculpins involves larvae transported
out to sea when the tide covers the pool and then
returning to pools again during the flooding tide
after the pelagic larval stage. The scale of habitat
patches relative to the scale of potential transport
and mixing during the pelagic larval stage decou-
ples tidepool-scale larval production and subsequent
recruitment. Gotelli (1991) coined the term ‘prop-
agule rain’ to describe this complete decoupling
between offspring production and replenishment.
The propagule rain is a useful concept when the
origins of new recruits cannot be identified, but
ultimately those recruits must originate from some-
where. In fact, Gotelli suggests that the propagule
rain perspective is most useful for plants with seed
banks or other organisms with a mechanism for
storage of dormant early-life stages. In such cases,
the decoupling of offspring production and recruit-
ment is actually illusionary and is simply a conse-
quence of a considerable lag (possibly many years).
This is not the case among marine organisms, for
which larval supply closely follows production
(weeks to months). Establishing the relationship
between offspring production by a standing stock
and recruitment is a central objective of fisheries
science, and has even been dubbed its most
important problem (Hilborn and Walters 1992,
p. 241). If so, the propagule rain concept is of limited
use because we cannot assume that new recruits
emerge from undetermined sources. Rather, we
must account for larval production–recruitment
relationships, even if operating over large scales
with a high degree of spatial complexity.
Forrester et al. (2002) examined a system com-
prised of groups of gobies inhabiting small patch
reefs within a larger reef system that is analogous to
Pfister’s tidepool sculpins. Groups of fish on the
distinct patches studied by Forrester et al. can
experience independent demographic rates, but
there is no reliance upon local reproduction in
determining local recruitment. Although this is
essentially a system experiencing Gotelli’s propagule
rain (Gotelli 1991), Forrester et al. describe their
system as a ‘mesopopulation’. They adopt this
alternative term to distinguish between systems
with some identifiable relationship between repro-
ductive output and recruitment within the system
(i.e. metapopulations) and systems where no such
link can be established (i.e. a propagule rain).
In practice, the distinction between most meta-
populations and propagule rain metapopulations
(mesopopulations) in the marine environment is
likely one of breadth of spatial perspective, with the
latter (Fig. 2A) simply being a component of the
former (Fig. 2B). With a broader spatial perspective,
Figure 2 Multiscalar complexity of population structure.
Spatial scope (delineated by thick lines) is important in
determining perceived population structure. (A) On a small
scale, there might not be any discernible relationship
between offspring production and recruitment. The system
should be considered a mesopopulation (Forrester et al.
2002) experiencing propagule rain from indeterminate
sources (Gotelli 1991). (B) However, spatial scope can be
increased and neighbouring groups of organisms can be
considered collectively as one local population, but with
patchy internal distribution. This can then be linked with
similar composite local populations, demographic connec-
tivity can be mapped and the system can be viewed as a
Metapopulation concepts in marine ecology and fisheries science Jacob P Kritzer & Peter F Sale
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the ‘local populations’ of Pfister and Forrester et al.
(Fig. 2A) become simply distinct aggregations of
organisms within larger ‘local populations’ with
patchy internal distribution of individuals. These
composite local populations exchange propagules
with other neighbouring local populations (Fig. 2B).
Recruitment would be unrelated to reproductive
output when the spatial scope is confined to a single
mesopopulation (Fig. 2A), but partitioning larval
supply among local and external sources may be
possible when that scope expands to the entire
metapopulation (Fig. 2B). There have been attempts
to link offspring production with recruitment among
coral reef fishes (Robertson et al. 1988, 1993;
Meekan et al. 1993), and these would likely have
benefited from an increase in spatial scope to
account for more potential source populations.
These studies would also have benefited from an
increased temporal scope because important features
of large-scale systems might not emerge over short
time scales (Hughes et al. 2000). The idea of patches
within patches and populations of one structure
nested within populations of another structure
highlights the tremendous multiscalar complexity
of most ecological systems through space and time,
and the difficulty of assigning any to a single
conceptual model (Sale 1998).
Example of metapopulation analysis in
At present, relatively few marine systems have been
explicitly studied within the metapopulation con-
text. However, Botsford and coworkers (Botsford
et al. 1994, 1998; Botsford 1995; Wing et al. 1998)
have conducted empirical and modelling work on
Dungeness crab, Cancer magister, along the Califor-
nia coast within a metapopulation framework that
is expanded from the classical extinction–recoloni-
zation perspective. They describe how spatial and
temporal variation in spawning date, temperature,
salinity, current speed, current direction and den-
sity-dependence affect survival and interpopulation
transport of larvae, and therefore determine spatial
and temporal variation in population fluctuations.
For instance, release of larvae late in the breeding
season by any subpopulation will yield higher
recruitment at more northerly locations because of
temperature profiles and water movements that are
more conducive to successful survival and transport
to those locations (Botsford et al. 1998). An import-
ant result is that these complex interactions typic-
ally result in asynchrony in population fluctuations
and therefore in catch rates. Again, such asynchr-
ony is a common effect of metapopulation structure
(Hanski 1999). Clearly, this spatio-temporal vari-
ability in catch has implications for fleet behaviour
and the economics of the fishery.
Stacey et al. (1997) illustrate how immigration
dampens within-patch fluctuations of acorn wood-
peckers, thereby minimizing the risk of stochastic
declines to small population sizes. Their analysis was
ultimately addressing extinction risk, but by consid-
ering population size and not simply population
presence, they were able to describe the mechanism
(dampened fluctuations) by which extinction risk is
minimized. The work of Botsford et al. is analogous to
that of Stacey et al. in that they consider the
implications of demographic connectivity for chan-
ges in local population size. However, importantly,
Botsford et al. do so without assessment of extinction
risk as the end goal. Local populations of Dungeness
crab may or may not be highly susceptible to
extinction, independent of external supply, but,
regardless, population dynamics and yield to the
fishery are affected in important ways through
metapopulation structure. Other applications of
metapopulation concepts to address complex fisheries
dynamics include McQuinn’s analysis of Atlantic
herring ecology (McQuinn 1997) and Ware and
Schweigert’s model of British Columbia herring
(Ware and Schweigert 2001, 2002) .
Spatial structure and spatial management
The use of marine protected areas (MPAs) as tools
for marine fisheries and conservation management
has received considerable attention over the past
decade (see reviews by Carr and Reed 1993; Dugan
and Davis 1993; Guenette et al. 1998; Russ 2002,
among others). There are numerous potential
benefits of MPAs, and the most appropriate MPA
network design will be contingent upon the specific
objectives. From a conservation standpoint, one
goal of MPAs is to protect natural population size
and structure in some pockets of habitat, akin to
terrestrial nature reserves. From a fisheries stand-
point, one goal is to subsidize fished populations
through dispersal of the greater reproductive output
produced by the larger and more fecund populations
housed within MPAs. Empirical studies generally
suggest that conservation benefits are achieved:
populations of exploited species protected within
MPAs have higher densities and larger mean body
Metapopulation concepts in marine ecology and fisheries science Jacob P Kritzer & Peter F Sale
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sizes because they are living longer (reviewed by
et al. 2001; Russ 2002, among others). In
contrast, there is presently no evidence of enhanced
larval subsidy to fished areas following MPA desig-
nation, although logic suggests it should occur.
Interestingly, the magnitude of differences be-
tween populations within and outside of MPAs is
poorly correlated with MPA size (Cote
et al. 2001).
This is likely because the absolute size of MPAs is
not important, but rather the size relative to the
structure of the population, including the scale of
dispersal and the size of discrete local populations
(Fig. 1) is important. An MPA enclosing a local
population will completely protect the full cycle of
offspring production, recruitment and post-settle-
ment life stages when the system is comprised of
closed local populations (Fig. 1A), thus fully meet-
ing conservation objectives. However, there will be
no flow-on benefits to the fishery because the
increased egg production is not shared. On the
other hand, protecting a local population within a
patchy population (Fig. 1C) should have some
fishery benefits because overall system-wide egg
production will increase as a consequence of
increasing survivorship and fecundity in the pro-
tected population. However, conservation benefits
will not be as great relative to a closed local
population because the protected population itself
will be replenished in part from harvested popula-
tions whose fecundity has diminished. There are
likely to be positive changes within the MPA, but
population size and structure comparable to those in
the absence of fishing will not be achieved as they
would be in a closed population.
Among metapopulations (Fig. 1B), the general
effects of MPA implementation will be similar to
those in patchy populations (Fig. 1C). Fishery
catch will be enhanced by increased and shared
reproductive output. There will be a conservation
benefit because of reduced mortality in the MPA,
but population size and structure would fall short
of natural (unexploited) conditions because of the
partial reliance upon unprotected external sources
of replenishment. However, there is a critical
difference in expected MPA efficacy between pat-
chy populations and metapopulations. In patchy
populations, the precise location of MPAs is
effectively irrelevant. Dispersal is so widespread
and recruitment is so uniform that all local
populations are essentially equivalent to smaller-
scale components of the larger system that
produce and receive recruits equally in the
absence of protection. In contrast, not all local
populations are necessarily equal within a metapop-
ulation. Of the population types we consider, meta-
populations have the most complex internal
structure (Figs 1 and 2). The effectiveness of protect-
ing a particular local population will depend upon
local demography and linkages with other local
populations, including the degree of self-recruitment
and export of larvae to other local populations.
Therefore, which local populations fall within MPAs
is a key determinant of the extent to which both
conservation and fisheries benefits will be achieved.
Crowder et al. (2000) illustrate how the effectiveness
of MPAs is strongly determined by the choice of which
local populations within the metapopulation are
protected as MPAs. At present, we know too little
about which population structures are exhibited by
which marine systems. Therefore, until we have
much better information on the extent and spatial
scale of connectivity of target populations, we are not
in a strong position to make informed decisions on
MPA network design.
We agree with the argument of Hanski and Gilpin
(1991), reiterated by Smedbol et al. (2002), that
clarifying terminology is not simply an exercise in
semantics, but rather helps avoid inappropriate use
of concepts. However, in contrast to Smedbol et al.
(2002), we argue that the definition of a metapop-
ulation should not hinge on the likelihood of
extinction. Instead, we suggest that the critical
feature of metapopulations is the coupling of spatial
scales, whereby local populations experience
partially independent dynamics but receive some
identifiable demographic influence from other pop-
ulations. This can happen regardless of whether
local populations are in imminent risk of extinction,
and establishes estimation of demographic connec-
tivity as a research priority.
Interestingly, during the various efforts to define
metapopulations, neither we nor any of the other
authors who have addressed the question propose
quantitative definitions (e.g. ‘local extinction prob-
ability of at least 5%’ or ‘proportional self-recruit-
ment of at least 80%’). Such definitions would be
arbitrary and therefore not terribly productive.
However, not proposing precise, quantitative defini-
tions leaves an element of ambiguity that allows the
concept to be more or less freely applied, despite the
attempts by us and others to control its use. Hanski
Metapopulation concepts in marine ecology and fisheries science Jacob P Kritzer & Peter F Sale
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(1999) has addressed this difficulty by arguing that
precise, quantitative definitions are less important
than clear understanding of the general concept, the
types of systems for which it has relevance and the
questions that can be addressed. So, the debate over
definitions is useful at least in directing focus on the
most important system features. We argue that these
features have more to do with levels of demographic
connectivity than with local extinction risk.
The contemporary focus on extinction risk in
defining metapopulations may be a consequence of
Levins’ (Levins 1969, 1970) original focus and
model resolution, but it runs the risk of relegating
the metapopulation concept to explaining a small
range of phenomena for a few special cases exhib-
iting classical metapopulation features. A much
wider array of system dynamics can be considered
by shifting focus away from local extinctions while
increasing model resolution, allowing more to be
done with Levins’ important concept (Hastings and
Harrison 1994; Gyllenberg et al. 1997). This is
especially important in the fisheries context, in
which we must address stock size and structure and
not simply local presence or absence of organisms.
Smedbol et al. (2002) conclude their paper with a
call for scientists and managers to refrain from
using metapopulation concepts when making fish-
eries management decisions. We support this
recommendation in the short term given the pau-
city of data on metapopulation structure in the
marine environment. However, we feel that scien-
tific research must progress with metapopulation
concepts in mind, seeking whether metapopulation
structure exists and what form it takes (also see
Grimm et al. 2003). Managers, while avoiding
premature application of metapopulation concepts,
should have in mind the potential for scientific
discovery of metapopulation structure when plan-
ning for the long term and should think about how
to accommodate and take advantage of this struc-
ture in resource management.
We thank Tony Pitcher for the opportunity to
contribute this paper. The manuscript benefited
tremendously from comments by Ilkka Hanksi, Ron
Karlson, Jon Lovett-Doust, Helen Murphy and two
anonymous reviewers. During preparation of this
manuscript, JPK held a postdoctoral fellowship
funded jointly by the University of Windsor and
NSERC-CRO Grant #225965–00 to PFS and others.
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... treated as an example of a spatially distributed metapopulation [15] in which the pelagic larval stage and hydrodynamic transport ensure dispersion and mixing at regional scales [16,17]. This highlighted possible links between climate patterns on hydrodynamic conditions that could modify the distribution of the species and its preferred habitat to different extents. ...
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An outbreak species exhibits extreme, rapid population fluctuations that can be qualified as discrete events within a continuous dynamic. When outbreaks occur they may appear novel and disconcerting because the limiting factors of their dynamics are not readily identifiable. We present the first population hybrid dynamic model that combines continuous and discrete processes, designed to simulate marine species outbreaks. The deterministic framework was tested using the case of an unexploited benthic invertebrate species: the small, serpulid polychaete Ditrupa arietina. This species is distributed throughout the northeast Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea; it has a life cycle characterised by a pelagic dispersive larval stage, while juveniles and adults are sedentary. Sporadic reports of extremely high, variable densities (from <10 to >10,000 ind.m−2) have attracted attention from marine ecologists for a century. However, except for one decade-long field study from the Bay of Banyuls (France, Gulf of Lions, Mediterranean Sea), observations are sparse. Minimal formulations quantified the processes governing the population dynamics. Local population continuous dynamics were simulated from a size-structured model with a null immigration–emigration flux balance. The mathematical properties, based on the derived hybrid model, demonstrated the possibilities of reaching an equilibrium for the population using a single number of recruits per reproducer. Two extrapolations were made: (1) local population dynamics were simulated over 180 years using North Atlantic Oscillation indices to force recruitment variability and (2) steady-state population densities over the Gulf of Lions were calculated from a connectivity matrix in a metapopulation. The dynamics reach a macroscopic stability in both extrapolations, despite the absence of density regulating mechanisms. This ensures the persistence of D. arietina, even when strong, irregular oscillations characteristic of an outbreak species are observed. The hybrid model suggests that a macroscopic equilibrium for a population with variable recruitment conditions can only be characterised for time periods which contain several outbreak occurrences distributed over a regional scale.
... This concept of the metapopulation was originally developed by Levins in 1969 [45] as a form of patch occupation. More recently, it has been expanded [46][47][48] and generalized as metacommunities [49]. Their objective was to explain how assemblages of species colonizing habitats and interconnected by the dispersal of individuals can persist, and under which conditions [49,50]. ...
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In their 2023 book, “The Blue Compendium: From Knowledge to Action for a Sustainable Ocean Economy”, Lubchenko and Haugan invoked alternate stable (AS) states marginally as an undesired consequence of sources of disturbance on populations, communities and ecosystems. They did not provide detailed arguments, but considered the existence of AS states as a given. Conversely, May, in his 1977 Nature article, pointed out that, when applied to systems that are complex, “the [AS states] theory remains largely metaphorical”. This is the starting point of this critical review, which aims to re-examine the general theory behind AS states in ecological systems and its applications to marine ecology and conservation. The focus is first on theory, taking as examples communities that sustain competition and studying the relative importance of the fluxes of individuals between simple low-dimension, interconnected systems. We find that a minimal formulation of fluxes is sufficient to obtain a set of non-null multiple stable (MS) states and to trigger shifts between AS states when fluxes become large enough. This provides new insights into the theory of rescue and mass effects by distinguishing them through a threshold at which the system dynamics shift from one stable equilibrium to another. Then, we consider how the theoretical framework of AS states has been applied in marine environments. It appears that many applications have confounded shifts between AS states and changes in the structure of systems, particularly when the complexity of the systems increases. The main difficulty for any application remains that the concepts of MS and AS states can only be established and validated for low-dimension systems and simplified experiments. This is because the mathematical properties of models that describe large-dimension, complex systems deviate from the observed characteristics of their real-world counterparts. There are many intriguing scientific challenges around the plausible shifts between AS states, but a deeper understanding and characterization of their occurrence in nature would require a significant investment in modeling to formulate predictive ecosystem models.
... Demographic connectivity as defined by the exchange of individuals among geographically distinct populations, is vital for the persistence of metapopulations (Williams and Hastings, 2013), for the recovery of depleted populations following perturbations (Lipcius et al., 2008), and for maintaining genetic diversity (Trakhtenbrot et al., 2005). Characterizing larval dispersal and connectivity patterns of marine species is therefore crucial for quantifying population dynamics and to support effective resource-management policies (Cowen et al., 2007;Kritzer and Sale, 2004;Lipcius et al., 2008). However, assessing connectivity in marine systems remains a challenging task because most marine species have complex life histories involving planktonic larval stages. ...
Larval dispersal and connectivity are key processes that drive marine metapopulation dynamics, and therefore should be well characterized when designing effective management strategies. While temperature and food availability can structure marine species connectivity patterns, their contribution has not been thoroughly investigated in highly fragmented archipelagos. We used biophysical modeling of larval dispersal to explore the connectivity patterns of species with complex life-cycles across French Polynesia (FP), a territory formed by more than a hundred small, geographically isolated islands covering an area as large as Europe. We first simulated ten years of larval dispersal to investigate the spatial and temporal (seasonal and interannual) variability in larval dispersal pathways for different hypothetical species exhibiting a range of Larval Precompetency Period (LPP) values. Then, using the black-lip pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera) as a model species, we accounted for variability in the LPP induced by temperature and food availability, as derived from a Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) model. The model showed that food availability and mesoscale turbulence (eddies) in the Marquesas jointly constrained larval dispersal, reducing its potential connectivity with other archipelagos in FP. The DEB simulations also revealed seasonal and interannual variability in connectivity driven by environmental conditions. However, accounting for food and temperature effects on larval development, barely changed the con-nectivity pattern at regional scale due to the remoteness of this archipelago. Our study thus provides appropriate management units definition at regional scale for the species across FP.
... We posited that each river contained a discrete local population with its own internal dynamics and that a metapopulation resulted from the interactions between local populations through dispersal of individuals. This perspective does not specify any extinction-recolonization dynamics that must arise (Hanski & Simberloff, 1997;Kritzer & Sale, 2004). ...
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The use of species distribution models has proliferated, providing insights for sustainable management of migratory species in a globally changing environment. However, many of these models are based on statistical relationships developed from historical conditions that may not perform well under changing or even analogous conditions caused by climate change. In this paper, we used a mechanistic species distribution model called GR3D (Global Repositioning Dynamics for Diadromous Fish Distribution) to examine the integrated dynamics of American shad ( Alosa sapidissima ) populations across their native range along the Eastern U.S. coast, where the species demonstrates latitudinal variations in life histories and reproductive strategies. The initial design of the model was adapted to incorporate region‐specific parameterization to fit the species ecology. Then, a sensitivity analysis was performed to test the influences of uncertain processes regarding American shad distribution at sea, straying and reproduction on key characteristics of the species distribution. The sensitivity analysis showed the influence of the Allee effect (i.e., “depensatory” process) and the homing rate (i.e., fidelity to the breeding sites) on the probability of presence and abundances among catchments and metapopulations estimated by the model. Contrary to the homing rate, the distance of straying did not change the estimated number of metapopulations or abundances. Homing strength, however, was quite influential. The integration of complex migration patterns during the marine phase (i.e., wintering and summering offshore areas) provided more likely estimates of the species' overall distribution. Overall, our study illustrated the utility of incorporating factors governing the large‐scale distribution of migratory species to improve local management.
Lower Valanginian oyster mass occurrences (OMOs) from the Neuquén Basin of Argentina are analyzed using a multidisciplinary approach, including the description of their sedimentological signature and stratigraphic contacts, assessment of taphonomical attributes, and paleontological and paleoecological characteristics. These OMOs present a wide distribution in the study area, with lateral continuity for at least 2.5 km and up to 12 m thick. They occur within a single stratigraphic interval, constrained in terms of sequence stratigraphy and biostratigraphy. Three stacked tabular OMOs separated by mudstone levels were recorded in all the studied localities. The associated lithofacies point to a mainly outer ramp paleoenvironment, below storm wave base and occasionally disturbed by exceptional, distal storm flows. Internally, the OMOs share a common vertical trend characterized, from base to top, by a gradual increase in oyster abundance and a transition from mainly reclining, disarticulated oysters to articulated, cementing oysters conforming build-ups. Hence, a mainly biogenic origin is proposed, with autobiostromes grading vertically to bioherms. This vertical trend was interpreted in terms of development stages, namely, colonization, expansion, climax and extinction, which were in turn related to specific paleoenvironmental controls. Particularly, the OMOs establishment and development were associated to low sedimentation rates, salinity fluctuations and high nutrient input as a result of high primary productivity. At a larger scale, the overall paleoenvironmental conditions and subtropical geographical position of the basin were detrimental for most reef builders typical of the Cretaceous period (e.g., corals, sponges, rudists), and could have favored oyster proliferation and OMOs development instead.
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Dispersal, the movement of individuals away from their natal location to another location, is a basic driver of ecological and evolutionary processes. Direct measures of marine fish larval dispersal have shown that individual dispersal distances vary over several orders of magnitude within a species. We currently do not know the causes of this intraspecific variation. One plausible explanation is dispersal plasticity. Dispersal plasticity, especially as an adaptive parental effect where parents alter the dispersal phenotype of their offspring, is widespread in terrestrial systems, but has yet to be described in marine fishes. In this study, we address a key, although often untested, condition for the evolution of dispersal plasticity as an adaptive parental effect: whether parents can reliably predict the environmental conditions that their offspring will encounter. Using a wild population of orange anemonefish, Amphiprion percula, we investigate habitat quality predictability by testing for spatial autocorrelation in three habitat quality indicators: anemone size, female size, and egg clutch size. We found strong, positive spatial autocorrelation for all three habitat quality indicators to about 500 m. This suggests selection might favor parents that increase allocation to offspring that stay within 500 m if they are in good habitat and increase allocation to offspring that travel farther if they are in poor habitat. Results from this study lay solid foundations for further investigation of dispersal plasticity in A. percula and other marine fishes. Incorporating dispersal plasticity in our investigations of marine fish larval dispersal could contribute to a greater understanding of marine fish metapopulation dynamics, and therefore fisheries recovery and reserve management.
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The Brazilian mojarra, Eugerres brasilianus, is an economically important species for the artisanal fisheries usually found in the estuarine waters along the southwest Atlantic Ocean. Despite this, knowledge about its population structure is scarce, and no management strategies have been applied to ensure the fisheries sustainability in Brazil. Thus, the present study intended to understand the population dynamics of E. brasilianus in three costal lagoons located in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. A total of 90 individuals were collected in the lagoon systems of Itaipu, Saquarema and Araruama, between December 2019 and March 2020. A pre-selection of 30 individuals per location from the same age group (2 years old), following age estimation by counting the annual growth increments, were used. The contour of the sagittal otoliths was evaluated using elliptical Fourier descriptors (EFD), and the multi-elemental signatures (MES) of the whole otoliths were obtained using solution-based inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Data were analyzed using univariate and multivariate statistics to assess the degree of separation between individuals from different lagoons. EFD revealed significant differences among individuals from the different sampling regions. MES exhibited distinct regional patterns, mainly driven by differences in Cu/Ca, Li/Ca, Mg/Ca, Mn/Ca, and Sr/Ca ratios. Reclassification accuracy rates obtained from linear discriminant function analyses using both EFD and MES of otoliths were 100% (Itaipu), 97% (Araruama) and 90% (Saquarema). Therefore, a clear distinction was observed among these groups, which was related to the inherent characteristics of each lagoon system, their semi-restricted connectivity with the adjacent coastal zone, as well as the estuarine-opportunistic behavior of the species. Thus, the results suggest that these fisheries should be managed as different subpopulation-units. However, more studies should be carried out about the fish movements and life history events of this species in southeastern Brazil.
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While concepts of connectivity are increasingly used in determining locations for marine protected areas, they are much less applied in the management of fish stocks, which are assumed to be well-mixed populations. However, due to seascape structure and often asymmetrical dispersal, the stocks of many species are unlikely to be well mixed and there is potential to enhance management by utilising emerging ecological modelling approaches that incorporate functional connectivity. Here, we apply a new model, MerMADE, that couples biophysical modelling of dispersal with spatial population demography, to predict within-stock patterns of connectivity of sandeels in the North Sea. By deriving origin- and destination-centrality measures, we highlight a set of key origin sites within the area occupied by the stock that contribute immigrants to many other sites and also identify patches that are particularly isolated, unlikely to receive immigrants from elsewhere. We show that the connectivity characteristics of the stock have a strong impact on how rapidly it recovers following a major harvesting event that leads to a patch depletion. Furthermore, the recovery of a local population will depend on the demographic status of the sites from which it can obtain immigrants. Thus, sites that provide strong out-centrality (especially if they themselves have weak in-centrality) and sites that are especially isolated should be harvested less heavily. To reduce the potential for local or regional stock collapse, models incorporating both biophysical dispersal and local demography are needed to support spatially explicit management of commercial marine species.
This book serves as an advance This book serves as an advanced text on fisheries and fishery population dynamics and as a reference for fisheries scientists. It provides a thorough treatment of contemporary topics in quantitative fisheries science and emphasizes the link between biology and theory by explaining the assumptions inherent in the quantitative methods. The analytical methods are accessible to a wide range of biologists, and the book includes numerous examples. The book is unique in covering such advanced topics as optimal harvesting, migratory stocks, age-structured models, and size models.d text on fisheries and fishery population dynamics and as a reference for fisheries scientists. It provides a thorough treatment of contemporary topics in quantitative fisheries science and emphasizes the link between biology and theory by explaining the assumptions inherent in the quantitative methods. The analytical methods are accessible to a wide range of biologists, and the book includes numerous examples. The book is unique in covering such advanced topics as optimal harvesting, migratory stocks, age-structured models, and size models.
"Supply-side" ecology recognizes the potential role that recruitment plays in the local population dynamics of open systems. Apart from the applied fisheries literature, the converse link between adults and the production of cohorts of recruits has received much less attention. We used a hierarchical sampling design to investigate the relationships between adult abundance, fecundity, and rates of larval recruitment by acroporid corals on 33 reefs in five sectors (250-400 km apart) stretching from north to south along the length of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Our goal was to quantify patterns of recruitment at multiple scales, and to explore the underlying mechanisms. Specifically, we predicted that large-scale patterns of recruitment could be driven by changes in the abundance of adults and/or their fecundity, i.e., that corals exhibit a stock-recruitment relationship. The amount of recruitment by acroporids in each of two breeding seasons varied by more than 35-fold among the five sectors. Adult density varied only twofold among sectors and was not correlated with recruitment at the sector or reef scale. In contrast, fecundity levels (the proportion of colonies on each reef that contained ripe eggs) varied from 15% to 100%, depending on sector, year, and species. Spatial and temporal variation in the fecundity of each of three common Acropora species explained most of the variation (72%) in recruitment by acroporids, indicating that the production of larvae is a major determinant of levels of recruitment at large scales. Once fecundity was accounted for, none of the other variables we examined (sector, reef area, abundance of adults, or year) contributed significantly to variation in recruitment. The relationship between fecundity and recruitment was nonlinear, i.e., rates of recruitment increased disproportionately when and where the proportion of gravid colonies approached 100%. This pattern is consistent with the hypothesis that enhanced fertilization success and/or predator satiation occurs during mass-spawning events. Furthermore, it implies that small, sublethal changes in fecundity of corals could result in major reductions in recruitment.
The white abalone, Haliotis sorenseni, seems to be on the brink of extinction. We searched 107,650 m2 of white abalone habitat at 39 locations around the California Channel Islands, the species' historical center of abundance. At SCUBA depths, 25-42 m, where mean densities in the 1970s were 2,000 to 10,000 white abalone per hectare, we found a mean density of 1.6 ± 0.5 ha-1 in the early 1990s. Surveys conducted by submersible in 1996 and 1997 at depths of 27457 m revealed the same extremely low population densities (1.0 ± 0.4 ha-1), in a remarkably narrow band of suitable habitat on deep reefs, and demonstrated the suitability of the research submersible DELTA for abalone surveys. Following a 270 metric ton commercial harvest in the 1970s, landings of white abalone virtually ceased. No fishery-independent population assessment was made until 1992 to 1993, and the fishery remained open until 1996. The management scheme, based on a minimum harvest size of 153 mm and a closed season during spawning, apparently failed to protect adequate spawning stock density. The population has not recovered from the harvest, and the survivors are currently dying of old age. Spontaneous recovery is highly unlikely, even in the absence of continued harvest. Active management intervention will be required to prevent extinction and to restore the species to a viable status. We identify a program of capture rearing and refugia-based management, with a public education component and using existing governmental processes, to restore the white abalone population.