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Reproductive alternatives to insect pollination in four species of Thalictrum (Ranunculaceae)


Abstract and Figures

Although insect pollination is ancestral in the angiosperms, selection has favored wind pollination and self-fertilization in many lineages. The evolution of clonal growth may have also decreased dependence on insect pollinators. We investigate transitions away from insect pollination in the genus Thalictrum (Ranunculaceae) among four species that vary in pollination syndrome. Thalictrum sparsiflorum is insect pollinated and self-fertilization may also provide reproductive assurance. Thalictrum alpinum is clonal, has a floral morphology associated with wind pollination and is self-compatible. Thalictrum fendleri is a wind-pollinated and dioecious species that sets few fruits naturally and invests little in sexual reproduction, possibly due to a trade-off with clonal growth. Thalictrum dioicum is also wind-pollinated and dioecious, but does not grow clonally at our sites and has a higher investment in sexual reproduction than T. fendleri. The pollen : ovule ratio is largest in wind-pollinated species, but varies considerably among them, possibly reflecting differences in pollination efficiency and/or incidental insect pollination. None of the species appear pollen limited in the study populations, suggesting that factors other than pollen receipt limit female fertility at these sites.
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Plant Species Biology (2004) 19, 73– 80
© 2004 The Society for the Study of Species Biology
Blackwell Science, LtdOxford, UKPSBPlant Species Biology0913-557XThe Society for the Study of Species Biology, 2004August 20041927380Original Article
Correspondence: Janet C. Steven
Present address: Department of Biology, 1001 E. Third St., Jordan
Hall, Room. 142, Indiana University, Bloomington IN 47405 USA.
Reproductive alternatives to insect pollination in four
species of
Department of Botany, University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison, WI 53706 USA.
Although insect pollination is ancestral in the angiosperms, selection has favored wind
pollination and self-fertilization in many lineages. The evolution of clonal growth may
have also decreased dependence on insect pollinators. We investigate transitions away
from insect pollination in the genus
(Ranunculaceae) among four species that
vary in pollination syndrome.
Thalictrum sparsiflorum
is insect pollinated and self-fer-
tilization may also provide reproductive assurance.
Thalictrum alpinum
is clonal, has a
floral morphology associated with wind pollination and is self-compatible.
is a wind-pollinated and dioecious species that sets few fruits naturally and
invests little in sexual reproduction, possibly due to a trade-off with clonal growth.
Thalictrum dioicum
is also wind-pollinated and dioecious, but does not grow clonally at
our sites and has a higher investment in sexual reproduction than
T. fendleri
. The
pollen : ovule ratio is largest in wind-pollinated species, but varies considerably among
them, possibly reflecting differences in pollination efficiency and/or incidental insect
pollination. None of the species appear pollen limited in the study populations, suggest-
ing that factors other than pollen receipt limit female fertility at these sites.
clonal growth, insect pollination, pollen : ovule ratios, self-fertilization,
wind pollination.
Received 19 May 2003; revision received 19 December 2003; accepted 9 January 2004
The first flowering plants were insect-pollinated (Thien
et al
. 2000), but many plant species utilize other animal
taxa or even wind and water to carry pollen between
flowers (Cox 1991; Proctor
et al
. 1996). Wind pollination,
the most common form of abiotic cross-pollination,
releases dioecious and self-incompatible plants from
relying on animals for pollen transfer (Regal 1982; Niklas
1985; Berry & Calvo 1989; Goodwillie 1999; Culley
et al
2002). Self-fertilization can also provide reproductive
assurance in lineages with poor pollinator service (Steb-
bins 1957; Levin 1972; Solbrig & Rollins 1977; Lloyd 1979;
et al
. 1993; Holsinger 1996). The extinction of
pollinators or range expansion in a plant lineage can
favor shifts to abiotic modes of pollination, including
wind pollination and autonomous self-fertilization
(Baker 1955; Stebbins 1957; Regal 1982; Cox 1991; Weller
et al
. 1998). Abiotic pollination may also increase pheno-
logical and developmental flexibility, which may be par-
ticularly beneficial in climates with short growing
seasons (Cox 1991).
Changes in pollination syndrome and levels of self-
fertilization are frequently accompanied by changes in
gamete production. These changes may be adaptive and
are reflected in the ratio of pollen to ovules produced by
a plant (Cruden 1977; Ackerman 2000; Cruden 2000).
High pollen production can increase the success of wind
pollination and wind-pollinated species typically have
very high pollen : ovule ratios (Ackerman 2000). In
contrast, self-fertilizing species usually have low
pollen : ovule ratios because a low number of pollen
grains are sufficient for effective pollination (Cruden 1977,
Plants may also adapt to poor pollinator service by
modifying growth form. Clonal growth results in an
increase in genet size and longevity, which could amelio-
© 2004 The Society for the Study of Species Biology
Plant Species Biology
19, 73– 80
rate the deleterious effects of ineffective pollination in any
one season (Eriksson 1997). Clonality also allows plants
to forage for spatially distributed resources and poten-
tially gain competitive superiority due to their larger size.
In addition, the multiplication of ramets capable of an
independent existence can reduce the risk of extinction of
the entire genet (Cook 1985). However, clonal growth may
occur at the expense of investment in reproduction
(Waller 1988; Eriksson 1997).
Thus, clonal growth, wind pollination and self-fertili-
zation may all evolve in response to poor pollinator ser-
vice. These major evolutionary shifts may trigger an
increase (in the case of wind pollination) or decrease (in
the case of self-fertilization) in pollen production, or a
decrease in overall allocation to reproduction (in the case
of clonality). Here, we examine pollination success and
patterns of allocation to reproduction among four species
in the genus
that vary in pollination
Many species in the genus
have evolved
away from insect pollination. Phylogenetic results sug-
gest that wind pollination has evolved in multiple lin-
eages (Brunet & Liston 1999), potentially in response to
poor reproductive success in insect-pollinated ancestors
(Melampy & Hayworth 1980). Self-compatibility is also
reported for some
species (Melampy & Hay-
worth 1980; Lubbers & Christensen 1986) and clonal
growth occurs in some species (Boivin 1944; Park & Fes-
terling 1997). Moreover,
flowers possess vari-
able numbers of floral organs, uniovulate, free carpels
(Park & Festerling 1997), a labile floral phyllotaxy
(Endress 1987) and a potential for homeotic changes in
floral organ identity during development (Lehmann &
Sattler 1994). These characteristics result in a develop-
mental flexibility that can promote rapid changes in allo-
cation to male and female function in response to
selection on pollination syndrome.
In this study, we use reports from the literature,
pollination experiments and observations of plant
growth to determine the mode of pollination, ability to
self-fertilize and presence of clonal growth in our
study species. To determine the consequences of these
conditions on allocation patterns, we also measured
pollen : ovule ratios and biomass allocation to repro-
duction. We expect that all of the study species exhibit
one or more modes of reproduction that reduce or
eliminate dependence on pollinator service. We also
expect that species that grow clonally allocate less to
reproductive structures than non-clonal species due to
a greater allocation of biomass to vegetative growth.
Finally, we expect high pollen : ovule ratios to be asso-
ciated with wind pollination and lower pollen : ovule
ratios to be associated with insect-pollinated and self-
fertilizing species.
Materials and methods
Study species
Based on morphological characters, Kaplan & Mulcahy
(1971) predicted the pollination syndrome of 90 species
and, from this list, we identified species of
that vary in pollination syndrome and breed-
ing system. We selected two hermaphroditic species:
L., scored as anemophilous, and
T. sparsiflorum
Turcz. ex Fisch. & Mey., scored as either wind or insect
pollinated (or possibly both). In addition, we selected
two dioecious species with flowers categorized as ane-
mophilous (
T. dioicum
L. and
T. fendleri
Englem. ex. A.
All four of these species are herbaceous perennials.
Thalictrum sparsiflorum
occurs in damp thickets and
woods in northern temperate regions around the globe,
typically growing 30–100 cm tall.
Thalictrum alpinum
grows only 5–30 cm tall and occurs in wet meadows, alka-
line bogs and damp ledges and slopes. The two dioecious
T. dioicum
T. fendleri
, commonly grow 30–
80 cm tall.
Thalictrum dioicum
occurs in eastern deciduous
forests in North America and favors mesic woods and
ravines, while
T. fendleri
occurs in western North America
and northern Mexico and is typically found in open forest
or shrub habitats. All four species have no petals, no nec-
tar glands and free uniovulate carpels.
Thalictrum sparsi-
has white, persistent sepals while the other species
have green or greenish-purple sepals that fall off early
(Park & Festerling 1997).
Study sites
We conducted research on
T. sparsiflorum, T. fendleri
T. alpinum
populations located in the Bridger-Teton
National Forest in the Wind River Range of the Rocky
Mountains in Sublette County, Wyoming. We conducted
observations and experiments on a field population of
in the Nicolet National Forest, Forest County, Wis-
consin. Voucher specimens are deposited at the Wisconsin
State Herbarium (WIS).
We excavated the root systems of
T. fendleri, T. dioicum
T. sparsiflorum
plants to investigate clonal growth, and
were careful to preserve connections between plants. We
excavated a total of five female and four male
T. fendleri
five male and five female
T. dioicum
and seven
T. sparsiflo-
plants. Due to their small size and the nature of the
soil, we were unable to fully excavate
T. alpinum
However, those plants we did excavate were connected to
other shoots via rhizomes and the species is described as
strongly clonal (Boivin 1944; Park & Festerling 1997).
© 2004 The Society for the Study of Species Biology
Plant Species Biology
19, 73– 80
Biomass, flower production and fruit set
We collected above-ground structures of 20–
50 reproductive plants at each site during flowering and
again at fruiting to measure dry-weight biomass alloca-
tion. For clonal species, we considered each ramet to be
an individual. For each plant or ramet, we recorded
flower number and separated the leaves and stems from
the inflorescence. Because carpels are free and uniovulate,
we estimated fruit and seed set by counting the number
of maturing and carpels that failed to mature on
10 flowers per plant and dividing the number of maturing
carpels by the total number of carpels counted. We dried
the structures at 60
C to constant weight and weighed
them to 0.001 g. For the dioecious species, we collected an
equal number of males and females (populations did not
deviate from a 1 : 1 sex ratio). We calculated the mean
proportion of biomass invested in reproduction at flow-
ering and fruiting by averaging males and females.
Pollen and ovule counts
We collected mature flowers with undehisced anthers at
each site and preserved them in ethanol. We also collected
female flowers for ovule counts in the dioecious species
14–19 flowers per species). We lightly crushed the
anthers of each flower to remove the pollen, then used a
Coulter particle counter (Beckham Coulter: Fullerton, CA)
to estimate the number of pollen grains in each flower
(Kearns & Inouye 1993). We also counted the number of
carpels (and therefore ovules) produced by each flower
under a dissecting microscope at 20
Pollinator observations
To investigate the effectiveness of insect pollination in
, we observed the number of insect visits to
plants in July 2000. We observed two patches of four plants
each for 1.5 h in the morning and a separate pair of patches
of four plants each for 1.5 h in the late afternoon.
Pollination experiments
To test the role of wind, insects and self-fertilization in
reproductive success, we used a subset of five possible
treatments on 10–20 plants per treatment in each popula-
tion. The treatments were: (i) exclosure – inflorescences
were enclosed in self-supporting bags of bridal veil to
exclude insect pollinators, but allow wind pollination. (ii)
Bag effect – inflorescences were enclosed in a bridal veil,
but we removed the bags and hand-pollinated the flowers
when they were receptive with a mixture of pollen from
three or more other plants in the population. This treat-
ment was used to determine whether or not the bags were
shading the carpels or stressing the plant, both of which
could result in reduced seed set. (iii) Pollen addition –
flowers were pollinated by hand when receptive, with the
same mixture of pollen to determine seed set when polli-
nation success is not limiting. (iv) Control plants were
marked, but unmanipulated. (v) Autonomy (cf. Lloyd &
Schoen 1992) – in the hermaphroditic species, flowers
were enclosed in bags to test for the presence of self-
fertilization in the absence of pollinators.
Thalictrum sparsiflorum
received the exclosure, pollen
addition, control and autonomy treatments in early July
2000. We used self-supporting bags of muslin in the auton-
omy treatment. We applied the pollen addition, control
and autonomy treatments in the
T. alpinum
population in
mid-June 2000. Because the flowers were small, we used
aluminum foil bags in the
T. alpinum
autonomy treatments
and we were unable to include the exclosure or bag effect
Thalictrum dioicum
received the exclosure, bag
effect, pollen addition and control treatments in mid-May
Thalictrum fendleri
received the pollen addition and
control treatments in mid-June 2001, but we were unable
to apply the bagging treatments as flowers and inflores-
cences were very small when the stigmas became exposed.
Data analysis
We compared the proportion of total plant biomass
invested in reproduction at flowering and at fruiting
among species using Analysis of Variance (
). We
also used
to compare the number of flowers per
plant and overall plant biomass among species, applying
a log transformation to both variables to increase the
equality of variance. We compared the fraction of carpels
matured under natural conditions (arcsine square root
transformed) among species using
. We compared
the number of pollen grains per flower and the number
of ovules per flower among species using
, com-
paring means a posteriori using Tukey’s method. We used
an independent samples
-test with pooled variance to
compare the pollen : ovule ratio of the two hermaphro-
ditic species. We compared the observed distribution of
pollinator visits per plant in
T. sparsiflorum
to a Poisson
distribution with
0.8 (the observed mean) using a
goodness-of-fit test to assess whether plants had equal
probabilities of receiving insect visits. Finally, we assessed
the effects of pollination treatments within species by
comparing fruit set (arcsine square root transformed)
Thalictrum dioicum
T. sparsiflorum
showed no evidence
of clonal growth. Root systems produced multiple shoot
buds in some cases (in one instance two stems of
© 2004 The Society for the Study of Species Biology
Plant Species Biology
19, 73– 80
grew from the same root system), but none of the
plants had rhizomes. In contrast,
T. fendleri
was strongly
clonal and averaged 1.6 ramets per genet. All the plants
we excavated had horizontal rhizomes with root-bearing
nodes and four had rhizomes that branched at one or
more nodes. The distance between nodes averaged
13.5 cm. The longest intact rhizome we excavated mea-
sured 114 cm, with no more than 30 cm between nodes.
The longest distance between above-ground shoots was
72 cm. We found a few dead rhizomes, suggesting that
connections between ramets may decay over time.
Biomass, flower production and fruit set
Based on dry-weight biomass at flowering,
T. alpinum
duces the smallest plants, while
T. fendleri
T. sparsiflo-
are similarly sized and
T. dioicum
plants are the
largest (
0.0001; Table 1). The number of
flowers per plant also differed (
T. dioicum
producing significantly more flowers per
plant than the other species (Table 1). At flowering,
allocated over half of its above-ground biomass
to reproduction, while the other three species allocated
significantly less (
0.0001; Table 1). This
difference was also present at fruiting (
0.0001; Table 1). These four species also varied widely
in the fraction of carpels that matured into fruits under
natural conditions (
0.0001; Table 1).
Thalictrum sparsiflorum
matured more than 90% of its
carpels, compared to about 50% in
T. dioicum
and less than
30% in
T. alpinum
T. fendleri
Pollen and ovule counts
Both pollen and ovule production per flower differed
significantly among species (
0.0001 and
0.0001; Fig. 1). Based on Tukey’s
method and a = 0.05, both the dioecious, wind-pollinated
species produced more pollen grains than either her-
maphroditic species. Although the pollen count for T.
sparsiflorum did not differ from that of T. alpinum, T. alpi-
num had far fewer ovules per flower and thus a higher
pollen : ovule ratio. Thalictrum sparsiflorum also produced
more ovules per flower than the dioecious species (all
differences significant by Tukey’s method at a = 0.05).
The pollen-ovule ratio was greatest in T. dioicum, inter-
mediate in T. alpinum and T. fendleri, and least in T. spar-
siflorum, with strong differences between the two
hermaphroditic species (T. alpinum and T. sparsiflorum,
t = 6.06, d.f. = 33, P < 0.0001; Table 1).
Table 1 Summary of growth and allocation patterns and pollination characteristics of the four study species.
Thalictrum sparsiflorum Thalictrum alpinum Thalictrum fendleri Thalictrum dioicum
Breeding system Hermaphroditic Hermaphroditic Dioecious Dioecious
Clonal growth? No Yes Yes No
Total plant biomass at flowering (mg) 848 ± 377a 44 ± 11b 704 ± 266a 2043 ± 952c
Number of flowers produced per plant 15.9 ± 13.6a8.4 ± 2.4a8.9 ± 5.6a69.7 ± 40.2b
Fraction of biomass in inflorescence at
0.018 ± 0.010a0.53 ± 0.11b0.037 ± 0.032ac 0.053 ± 0.036c
Fraction of biomass in inflorescence at
0.057 ± 0.045a0.54 ± 0.14b0.024 ± 0.041a0.052 ± 0.040a
Carpels per flower 12.1 ± 3.12a3.6 ± 0.87b9.5 ± 2.11c7.3 ± 1.64d
Pollen-ovule ratio 4240 : 1 29 980 : 1 16 880 : 1 54 380 : 1
Fraction of carpels matured under
natural conditions
0.914 ± 0.072a0.189 ± 0.266b0.230 ± 0.241b0.487 ± 0.250c
Probable pollination syndrome Insect pollination,
Wind pollination,
Wind pollination Wind pollination
Within each row, means sharing the same superscript letter are not significantly diffent at P = 0.05 based on ANOVA and an a posteriori
comparison using Tukey’s method.
Fig. 1 Mean pollen and ovule number per flower for four species
of Thalictrum. Bars represent ±1 SD from the mean. Data points
for T. sparsiflorum and T. alpinum represent counts collected from
within the same flower for pollen and ovules. Data points for T.
fendleri and T. dioicum represent counts from separate plants in
the same population.
© 2004 The Society for the Study of Species Biology Plant Species Biology 19, 73–80
Pollinator observations
We observed visitors from three insect orders (Hemiptera,
Hymenoptera and Diptera) to T. sparsiflorum. Twenty vis-
its were distributed over the 16 plants observed, with the
observed number of visits resembling a Poisson (random)
distribution (c2 = 1.94, d.f. = 4, P = 0.747).
Pollination experiments
Despite wide variation in the fraction of carpels matured
under natural conditions, the pollen addition treatment
did not significantly increase fruit set in any of the four
species (Table 2, Fig. 2). The plants that were hand polli-
nated and not bagged in T. dioicum had greater fruit set
than the plants that were hand pollinated and bagged with
a bridal veil, suggesting that bags affect fruit set in T.
dioicum. The two hermaphroditic species, T. alpinum and
T. sparsiflorum, both produced fruit in the autonomy treat-
ment, but the fraction of mature ovules was somewhat
reduced relative to the control in T. sparsiflorum (Fig. 2).
None of these four species of Thalictrum depend entirely
on insect pollinators for reproductive success. Although
T. sparsiflorum receives insect visits, it is also capable of
self-fertilizing in the absence of pollinators. Thalictrum
alpinum has the floral morphology and high pollen : ovule
ratios characteristic of wind pollination, is autonomously
self-fertilizing and grows clonally. The dioecious species
T. fendleri and T. dioicum have wind-pollinated floral mor-
phology and pollen : ovule ratios, with T. fendleri also
capable of clonal growth (Table 1). Thus, all these species
are employing reproductive and/or growth strategies
that ensure fitness even when insect pollinators are scarce
or unreliable.
The two species with clonal growth (T. alpinum and T.
fendleri) also produce the fewest flowers and mature the
smallest fraction of fruits, suggesting that they are allocat-
ing resources to clonal growth at the expense of reproduc-
tion, as demonstrated in other clonal species (Waller 1988;
Eriksson 1997; Piquot et al. 1998). Clonal growth can
increase plant longevity and thus increase lifetime fitness
when sexual reproduction is likely to be poor in some
years (Eriksson 1997). Therefore, if T. alpinum and T. fen-
dleri have a history of poor pollination success, selection
could favor reduced allocation to reproduction and
increased allocation to growth, reducing fruit set even
when pollen is not limiting. Thalictrum fendleri also allo-
cated a low fraction of its biomass to reproduction in the
absence of pollen limitation. In contrast, flowering ramets
of T. alpinum mature a small fraction of carpels, but allo-
cate a large proportion of their above-ground biomass to
inflorescences at both flowering and fruiting. However, if
nearby non-flowering ramets connected to the flowering
ramet contribute resources to reproduction, our measure
overestimates reproductive allocation in this species.
A variety of generalist pollinators were observed to
visit hermaphroditic T. sparsiflorum. Pollination by a vari-
ety of insect taxa is reported for other Thalictrum species
as well (Robertson 1928; Kaplan & Mulcahy 1971;
Melampy & Hayworth 1980; Lubbers & Christensen 1986;
Davis 1997) and is also typical of small, white, dish-
shaped flowers (Faegri & van der Pijl 1979). However,
when we excluded insects from flowers with bags of
bridal veil, seed set was not significantly reduced, sug-
gesting that wind and/or autonomous self-pollination
also contribute to fruit set. While pollen : ovule ratios in
T. sparsiflorum are much lower than in the wind-pollinated
study species (Table 1), wind might play a role in self-
fertilization within a flower or occasionally transfer pol-
len between flowers. Flowers not exposed to either wind
or insects matured 74% of their ovules, which was signif-
icantly less than the 91% matured in the control treatment
(Fig. 2). This reduction is possibly due to decreased pollen
receipt, or early acting inbreeding depression and/or
weak self-incompatibility due to self-fertilization (Keller
Table 2 Analysis of variance of fraction of maturing carpels per plant with pollination treatment as the factor for each species of
Species Source Sum of Squares d.f. F-ratio Significance
Thalictrum sparsiflorum treatment 0.686 3 5.601 0.002
error 2.778 68
Thalictrum alpinum treatment 0.293 2 1.202 0.307
error 7.922 65
Thalictrum fendleri treatment 0.026 1 0.266 0.614
error 1.470 15
Thalictrum dioicum treatment 0.368 3 2.919 0.042
error 2.227 53
Fraction of maturing carpels was arcsine square root transformed prior to analysis.
© 2004 The Society for the Study of Species Biology Plant Species Biology 19, 73–80
Fig. 2 Results of pollination experiments in four species of Thalictrum. Bars represent mean fraction of mature carpels within a treatment.
Error bars are ±1 SE from the mean. Hermaphroditic species are indicated with the letter H and dioecious species are indicated with
the letter D. Within each graph, means that share letters are not significantly different from one another based on Tukey’s method at
a = 0.05. Results of analyses of variance for each species are presented in Table 2.
& Waller 2002). Alternatively, the bags used in the auton-
omy treatment may also have damaged the plant stems
or shaded the carpels, reducing local photosynthesis and
carbon gain. Photosynthesis in carpels contributes to the
carbon balance of morphologically similar flowers in
Ranunculus adoneus (Ranunculaceae) (Galen et al. 1993).
Our treatments in T. dioicum also suggest that the bag
itself may affect fruit set, as flowers hand pollinated
within bags produced fewer fruits than flowers hand pol-
linated and not in bags (Fig. 2). Thus, our results suggest
that both insect pollination and self-fertilization poten-
tially contribute to reproductive success in T. sparsiflorum.
While T. sparsiflorum has pollen : ovule ratios more similar
to insect-pollinated outcrossing species than species with
high levels of self-fertilization (Cruden 2000), self-
fertilization could still provide reproductive assurance
when pollinators are scarce or ineffective.
Although self-compatible, T. alpinum also has a
pollen : ovule ratio that is not similar to self-fertilizing
species, but is more typical of wind-pollinated species
© 2004 The Society for the Study of Species Biology Plant Species Biology 19, 73–80
(Cruden 2000). The non-directed dispersal of pollen in
wind-pollinated systems favors higher investment in pol-
len production (Faegri & van der Pijl 1979; Cruden 2000)
and the high ratio in T. alpinum may indicate that both
cross-fertilization via wind pollination and self-fertiliza-
tion occur. While the flowers appear to be strongly
adapted for wind pollination, insect visits could also con-
tribute to fruit set in this species. The low number of
ovules per flower in T. alpinum as compared to T. sparsi-
florum may also represent an adaptive reduction in ovule
production in favor of increased pollen production. Alter-
natively, the evolution of small flower and plant size in T.
alpinum may have resulted in reductions in carpel number
per flower due to genetic constraints.
The two dioecious obligately outcrossing species, T.
dioicum and T. fendleri, both have high pollen : ovule ratios
similar to other wind-pollinated species (Cruden 2000).
However, T. dioicum has a larger pollen : ovule ratio than
T. fendleri, perhaps reflecting differences in pollination
efficiency or levels of incidental insect pollination. The
open, windy habitat found in the Wind River Range could
assure effective wind pollination at lower pollen : ovule
ratios in T. fendleri. While insect pollination could poten-
tially contribute to reproductive success and also select
for reduced pollen : ovule ratios in this species, receptive
female T. fendleri flowers lack showy sepals, nectar and
pollen, and are therefore not likely to receive reliable
insect visits. Clonality in T. fendleri could also favor real-
location of resources away from pollen production and
towards vegetative growth. The closed temperate forest
habitat of T. dioicum may result in low pollination effi-
ciency, selecting for high pollen : ovule ratios. When we
excluded insect pollinators from female T. dioicum flow-
ers, fruit set was not reduced below natural levels, sug-
gesting that wind is the primary and possibly exclusive
pollen vector in this species.
Adding pollen by hand failed to increase fruit set in any
of the species studied suggesting that current pollen vec-
tors and levels of self-fertilization delivered adequate pol-
len loads in these populations during our study. However,
if pollen limitation varies among plants and years, hand
pollinations in one year may not be sufficient to detect it.
The high fraction of carpels matured in T. sparsiflorum
may also decrease our ability to detect low levels of pollen
limitation in this species. In the other three species, factors
other than pollen limitation appear to limit the proportion
of carpels matured.
Plants commonly produce more ovules than are
matured into seeds, especially when fruit and seed costs
are high and/or hermaphroditic flowers primarily serve
a male function (Bell 1985; Charlesworth 1989). Muta-
tional load can also lead to the abortion of fertilized
ovules (Charlesworth 1989). In addition, the resources
available to mature fertilized ovules may limit fruit set in
our study populations (Bierzychudek 1981; Stephenson
1981; Burd 1994). Lubbers & Christensen (1986) demon-
strated that light availability limited fruit set in T. thalic-
troides at the end of the growing season. Light could limit
fruit set in T. dioicum and T. fendleri as both species grow
in forest understories where light levels can be low.
Manipulating nutrient, water and/or light levels while
tracking male and female components of fitness could
further elucidate limits to fruit set in these species.
In conclusion, the four species of Thalictrum we studied
have multiple strategies to ensure reproductive success in
the absence of pollinators. Clonal growth can provide
increased genet longevity and fitness, and autonomous
self-fertilization can assure seed production when a
flower does not receive outcross pollen. In addition, wind
pollination is common in the genus. Thalictrum lineages
may have been predisposed to the evolution of wind pol-
lination if selection pressure to attract pollinators in the
absence of nectar rewards increased pollen production.
This increase, combined with the lack of tight plant-pol-
linator relationships in Thalictrum and the developmen-
tally plastic floral structure characteristic of the
Ranunculaceae, may have promoted the evolution of
effective wind pollination and further increases in pollen
The authors wish to thank Johanne Brunet for helpful
comments on an earlier draft and Tom Givnish, Tom Shar-
key, Linda Graham and Murray Clayton for helpful input
and discussion. We are also grateful to Jeanne Sheahan
and Brian Anacker for help with fieldwork. This study
constitutes part of Janet Steven’s Dissertation research at
the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and is based upon
work supported under a National Science Foundation
Graduate Fellowship to Janet Steven and grants from the
Beta Chapter of SDE-Graduate Women in Science, Sigma
Xi Grants in Aid of Research and the J. J. Davis fund of
the Department of Botany at the University of Wisconsin-
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... Ecological factors also influence the evolution of selfing, such as in small populations or in the periphery of populations or any situation in which pollinator and/or mate availability limit seed set (Fausto et al., 2001). Other scenarios where pollinators are scarce, such as in cold or rainy seasons, or where pollinators' efficiency is low could also select for selfing Waser, 1978;Piper et al., 1986;Affre and Thompson, 1997;Fausto et al., 2001;Barrett, 2002;Gómez, 2002;Elle and Carney, 2003;Steven and Waller, 2004). The reproductive assurance hypothesis proposes that the evolution of self-fertilization is a mechanism to insure reproduction only when conditions are unfavorable for outcrossing and has been widely accepted as an explanation to the evolution and maintenance of selfing and mixed mating systems Holsinger, 1996;Fausto et al., 2001;Bianchi et al., 2005;Lobo et al., 2005;Coates et al., 2006;Dahr et al., 2006;Gutierrez-Marcos et al., 2006;Sanders and Sipes, 2006;Zhang et al., 2006;Lewinsohn and Tepedino, 2007). ...
... Therefore, both direct and indirect interactions between them might occur and thus affect plant mating structure. In order to explore this possibility, and because plant mating systems are associated with floral traits that promote either self or outcross pollination Steven and Waller, 2004;van Kleunen and Ritland, 2004), in Chapter 2 I ask if floral traits associated with mating system (corolla length, anther-stigma distance and pollen:ovule ratio) vary among populations and if variation is a consequence of sympatry. Then, by conducting pollination experiments to determine seed set via pollinators and selfing, I asked whether floral traits are good predictors of plant mating system estimated as seed-set via selfing. ...
... The evolution of self-fertilization has occurred multiple times in entomophilous angiosperms (e.g., Levin, 1972;Vogler and Kalisz, 2001;Barrett, 2002;Kalisz and Vogler, 2003). Shifts in plant mating systems are linked to changes in those floral traits promoting either self or outcross pollination Steven and Waller, 2004;van Kleunen and Ritland, 2004). ...
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The research presented here was focused on the effects of interactions between Nicotiana longiflora and N. plumbaginifolia on their mating systems. First, I conducted a series of observations and pollination experiments in natural populations to determine interpopulational variability in traits associated with mating system and to ask if corolla length, anther-stigma distance and pollen-ovule ratio are good predictors of mating system. Results showed significant interpopulational variability in floral traits of the outcrossing N. longiflora, but not in the selfer N. plumbaginifolia. Pollination experiments showed that seeds were set primarily via pollinators and self-fertilization in N. longiflora and N. plumbaginifolia, respectively. Only corolla length and pollen:ovule ratio proved to be relatively good predictors of mating system (estimated as percentage self seed set). According to Cruden's (1977) classification of mating systems based on pollen:ovule ratios, both Nicotiana species are considered between facultative and obligated autogamous. Second, after demonstrating that pollen:ovule ratio, the most common estimator of plant mating systems, varies among populations, then I determined if this variability also exists in the realized mating systems (i.e., outcrossing rates) estimated via molecular markers. Because Nicotiana longiflora and N. plumbaginifolia might be interacting with each other and those interactions might affect their plant mating systems, estimates of outcrossing rates in allopatric and sympatric populations were compared. I also evaluated the effect of interspecific interactions on seed set as a surrogate of fitness and genetic differentiation among the populations studied. Results showed that N. longiflora has greater genetic diversity, outcrossing rates and heterozygosity as well as lower fixation indices, biparental inbreeding and genetic differentiation than N. plumbaginifolia. Sympatry showed a negative effect on N. longiflora fitness and N. plumbaginifolia outcrossing rate. An increase in genetic diversity was detected in sympatric N. plumbaginifolia populations, suggesting the occurrence of hybridization with N. plumbaginifolia being the maternal parent. Finally, I explore the importance of post-pollination mechanisms determining offspring paternity in natural population of both Nicotiana species. First I determined pollen tube growth rates for outcross- and self- pollen of each species. Then, I conducted two- (outcross- vs. self-pollen, and outcross- vs. heterospecific- pollen) and three-donor (self- vs. outcross- vs. heterospecific- pollen) hand pollinations in each species and I determine offspring paternity using molecular markers. Results showed that outcross- pollen has a greater growth rate than self-pollen in N. longiflora but not in N. plumbaginifolia. In addition, most N. longiflora was set by outcross-pollen, thus indicating the occurrence of cryptic self-incompatibility in this species. On the other hand, N. plumbaginifolia's offspring were equally set by self and outcross pollen in two- donor crosses; however, in three-donor hand pollinations, self- and heterospecific-pollen were equally successful at siring offspring. Results suggest that hybridization might occur in sympatric natural populations, with N. plumbaginifolia acting as the maternal parent. Overall, this research strongly supports that interactions between N. longiflora and N. plumbaginifolia are occurring in sympatric natural populations at the present time. In sympatry, asymmetrical hybridization is a possibility, but a decrease in outcrossing rates in N. plumbaginifolia, as well as strong preference for outcross pollen in N. longiflora, might be acting as isolation mechanisms.
... Here, we use Thalictrum (Ranunculaceae) as a study system for investigating vibrational pollen release and its relevance for the evolution of wind pollination. This genus comprises c. 190 herbaceous species distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere, Africa and South America, with extensive variation in floral traits (Fig. 1) and pollination modes, including species pollinated by wind, insects or both pollen vectors, a condition referred to as ambophily (Kaplan & Mulcahy, 1971;Melampy & Hayworth, 1980;Steven & Waller, 2004;Timerman & Barrett, 2018). Several sexual systems occur in the genus including hermaphroditism, monoecy and dioecy (Kaplan & Mulcahy, 1971;Soza et al., 2012), and also several instances of cryptic dioecy in which females produce functioning stamens with nongerminating pollen grains (Davis, 1997;Humphrey, 2018). ...
... An explicit prediction from this perspective is that wind pollination mechanisms were assembled from animal-pollinated ancestors, piecemeal through a sequence of various intermediate stages rather than by a single deterministic and predictable pathway of trait change. The existence of intermediate stages is not especially controversial as increasing numbers of species are reported as ambophilous, with a mixture of wind and animal pollination (Stelleman, 1984;Berry & Calvo, 1989;Vroege & Stelleman, 1990;Gomez & Zamora, 1996;Goodwillie, 1999;Totland & Sottocornola, 2001;Culley et al., 2002;L azaro & Traveset, 2005;Gul ıas & Traveset, 2012;Yamasaki & Sakai, 2013;R ıos et al., 2014;Wang et al., 2017;Rosado et al., 2018;Saunders, 2018), including several species of Thalictrum (Kaplan & Mulcahy, 1971;Davis, 1997;Steven & Waller, 2004;Timerman & Barrett, 2018). ...
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Transitions from animal to wind pollination have occurred repeatedly in flowering plants, driven by structural and biomechanical modifications to flowers. But the initial changes promoting wind pollination are poorly understood, especially those required to release pollen into airflows – the critical first stage of wind pollination. Using a wind tunnel, we performed a comparative study of pollen release biomechanics in 36 species of animal‐ and wind‐pollinated Thalictrum. We quantified pollination syndromes and stamen natural frequency (fn), a key vibration parameter, to determine if floral traits reliably predicted pollen release probability. We then investigated if pollen release was caused by wind‐induced resonance vibration of stamens. We detected wind‐induced stamen resonance in 91% of species and a strong effect of stamen acceleration on pollen release, inversely driven by fn. However, unlike fn, pollination syndromes did not reliably predict the probability of pollen release among species. Our results directly link fn to the capacity of stamens to release pollen by wind and suggest that structural mechanisms reducing fn are likely to be important for initiating transitions from animal to wind pollination. Our inability to predict the probability of pollen release based on pollination syndromes suggests diverse phenotypic trajectories from animal to wind pollination.
... We used the maximum clade credibility consensus tree as a framework for ancestral character state reconstruction of pollination mode, with character states coded as 'insect' or 'wind'. Character states were assigned as previously (Soza et al., 2012) from a combination of field experiments, which were available for three of the study species (Kaplan and Mulcahy, 1971; Downloaded from by University of Washington user on 02 August 2018 Melampy and Hayworth, 1980;Steven and Waller, 2004), or using Kaplan and Mulcahy's (1971) Pollination Index (PI) based on flower morphology as a proxy, which averages character states for seven key floral traits (flower size and colour, anther and stigma length, pistils and stamens exserted or included, and filaments pendulous or erect). We found that this PI accurately predicts pollination mode in six Thalictrum species studied in the field (Melampy and Hayworth, 1980;Davis, 1997;Steven and Waller, 2004;Guzmán, 2005;Humphrey, 2018). ...
... Character states were assigned as previously (Soza et al., 2012) from a combination of field experiments, which were available for three of the study species (Kaplan and Mulcahy, 1971; Downloaded from by University of Washington user on 02 August 2018 Melampy and Hayworth, 1980;Steven and Waller, 2004), or using Kaplan and Mulcahy's (1971) Pollination Index (PI) based on flower morphology as a proxy, which averages character states for seven key floral traits (flower size and colour, anther and stigma length, pistils and stamens exserted or included, and filaments pendulous or erect). We found that this PI accurately predicts pollination mode in six Thalictrum species studied in the field (Melampy and Hayworth, 1980;Davis, 1997;Steven and Waller, 2004;Guzmán, 2005;Humphrey, 2018). Therefore it was applied here to 12 additional taxa, using online resources such as flower photos, herbarium specimens and floral descriptions (Supplementary Data Table S2). ...
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Background and aims: Growing experimental evidence that floral scent is a key contributor to pollinator attraction supports its investigation as a component of the suite of floral traits that result from pollinator-mediated selection. Yet, the fate of floral scent during the transition out of biotic into abiotic pollination has rarely been tested. In the case of wind pollination, this is due not only to its rarer incidence among flowering plants compared with insect pollination, but also to the scarcity of systems amenable to genus-level comparisons. Thalictrum (Ranunculaceae), with its multiple transitions from insect to wind pollination, offers a unique opportunity to test interspecific changes in floral fragrance and their potential impact on pollinator attraction. methods : First, the Thalictrum phylogeny was revised and the ancestral character state of pollination mode was reconstructed. Then, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that comprise the scent bouquets of flowers from 11 phylogenetically representative wind- and insect-pollinated species were characterized and compared. Finally, to test the hypothesis that scent from insect-pollinated flowers elicits a significantly greater response from potential pollinators than that from wind-pollinated flowers, electroantennograms (EAGs) were performed on Bombus impatiens using whole flower extracts. Key results: Phylogenetic reconstruction of the pollination mode recovered 8-10 transitions to wind pollination from an ancestral insect pollination state and two reversals to insect pollination. Biochemical and multivariate analysis showed that compounds are distinct by species and only partially segregate with pollination mode, with no significant phylogenetic signal on scent composition. Floral VOCs from insect-pollinated Thalictrum elicited a larger antennal response from potential insect pollinators than those from wind-pollinated congeners. Conclusions: An evolutionary scenario is proposed where an ancestral ability of floral fragrance to elicit an insect response through the presence of specific compounds was independently lost during the multiple evolutionary transitions to wind pollination in Thalictrum.
... These traits have been observed to influence the distribution of genetic diversity within and between populations Charlesworth, 1987 and1995;Hamrick and Godt, 1996;Charlesworth and Wright, 2001;Holeski and Kelly, 2006). Therefore, changes in these traits are often closely linked with shifts between outcross and self pollination, which will consequently cause changes in plant mating systems (Jain, 1976;Steven and Waller, 2004;Van Kleunen and Ritland, 2004;Figueroa-Castro, 2008). ...
... They may be protandrous, protogynous, and/or herkogamous, with anthers and stigmas spatially separated and high production of pollen grains compared to ovules. In comparison, selfing species generally have smaller, less showy flowers, shorter flower longevity, less temporal and spatial separation of male and female functions and lower pollen: ovule ratios (Cruden, 1977;Morgan and Barrett, 1989;Dole, 1992;Parker, et al., 1995;Karron et al., 1997;Chang and Rausher, 1998;Sun, 1999;Fishman, et al., 2002;Suso, et al., 2003;Steven and Waller, 2004;Van Kleunen and Ritland, 2004;reviewed in Figueroa-Castro, 2008). ...
... Such an approach could, in turn, facilitate macroevolutionary analyses requiring large datasets to investigate further the mechanisms underlying the evolution of different modes of pollination. Ecological studies of pollination mode in natural populations have been conducted for 13 Thalictrum species (Kaplan and Mulcahy, 1971;Melampy and Hayworth, 1980;Davis, 1997;Steven and Waller, 2004;Guzmán, 2005;Humphrey, 2018), and a 'pollination index' (PI) was devised to predict the pollination mode from morphology in the absence of field data (Kaplan and Mulcahy, 1971). This PI involves qualitatively scoring followed by averaging seven floral characters considered indicative of pollination syndrome: flower colour, flower size, anther and stigma length, filament orientation, and stamen and pistil exsertion. ...
Background and Aims Wind pollination has evolved repeatedly in flowering plants, yet the identification of a wind pollination syndrome as a set of integrated floral traits can be elusive. Thalictrum (Ranunculaceae) comprises temperate perennial herbs that have transitioned repeatedly from insect to wind pollination while also exhibiting mixed pollination, providing an ideal system to test for evolutionary correlation between floral morphology and pollination mode in a biotic to abiotic continuum. Moreover, the lack of floral organ fusion across this genus additionally allows to test for specialization to pollination vectors in the absence of this feature. Methods We expanded phylogenetic sampling in the genus from a previous study using six chloroplast loci, which allowed us to test whether species cluster into distinct pollination syndromes based on floral morphology. We then used multivariate analyses on floral traits, followed by ancestral state reconstruction of the emerging flower morphotypes and determined whether these traits are evolutionarily correlated under a Bayesian framework with Brownian motion. Key Results Floral traits fell into five distinct clusters, which were reduced to three after considering phylogenetic relatedness, and were largely consistent with flower morphotypes and associated pollination vectors. Multivariate evolutionary analyses found a positive correlation between the lengths of floral reproductive structures (styles, stigmas, filaments, and anthers). Shorter reproductive structures tracked insect-pollinated species and clades in the phylogeny while longer structures tracked wind-pollinated ones, consistent with selective pressures exerted by biotic vs. abiotic pollination vectors, respectively. Conclusions While detectable suites of integrated floral traits across Thalictrum correlated with wind or insect pollination at the extremes of the morphospace distribution, a presumed intermediate, mixed pollination mode morphospace was also detected. Thus, our data broadly support the existence of detectable flower morphotypes from convergent evolution underlying pollination mode evolution in Thalictrum, presumably via different paths from an ancestral mixed pollination state.
... Thalictrum (Steven & Waller, 2004) y Solanum (Mione & Andersen, 1992). Se podría argumentar que estas especies pueden tener sistemas de polinización con alta eficacia. ...
Thalictrum coreanum (Ranunculaceae), an endangered herb in South Korea, and widespread T. ichangense are congeneric species with similar morphologies and life forms. Currently, there is a debate about the identification and distribution of these two species. We carried out a comparative analysis of the genetic variability of these two species using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Genetic diversity at species level was high, but lower at the population level. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) appeared to moderate genetic differentiation among the species. In the total variance of T. coreanum, 54.53% was attributable to among populations and 45.66% to within populations. On the other hand, 35.24% of the total variance was due to among populations, while 64.76% was due to the within populations of T. ichangense. Our results for T. coreanum and T. ichangense showed a high commonality at the genetic level. T. coreanum appeared to have a genetic diversity at a similar level to T. ichangense. In the AMOVA and Principle Coordinate Analysis (PCoA), however, T. coreanum cleary distinguished with T. ichangense. To secure and preserve an endangered species, systematizing species information should be prioritized, according to the accurate criteria. Therefore, the use of a molecular marker such as RAPD could provide hints, diminishing the uncertainty of the distribution area and the identification of these two congeneric species.
Plants with hermaphrodite flowers show a trade-off in resource allocation to male and female functions of reproduction. Such a balance can be conditioned by several factors. One of them seems to be pollination vector. Thalictrum is a genus with species that use different ways of pollination. So that we have investigated the resource allocation patterns to each function (male and female) among five species with different pollination vectors. Allocation has been mesured as dry weight of the different flower structures. We have found a significative trend, male function relative investment is bigger in anemophilous than entomophilous among the five studied species: Th. macrocarpum (wind pollinated), Th. minus (wind pollinated), Th. aquilegiffolium (insect pollinated), Th. tuberosum (insect pollinated) and Th. flavum (insect pollinated). During bloom, the androecium has the the greater biomass in these five species, but when all the reproductive process is taken in account, fruits reach higher values. Furthermore, this temporal separation of the maximum allocation to each function would be a way to make competence for the same limited resources weaker.
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Phenotypic plasticity in floral traits associated with mating systems has been demonstrated for many species. However, few studies have explored the existence of plasticity in pollen and ovule production. This is important because plant mating systems are often estimated as pollen:ovule ratio. In this chapter we determine the existence of phenotypic plasticity in gamete production and in mating system as estimated through pollen:ovule ratio in Nicotiana longiflora and N. plumbaginifolia. We measured several morphological traits of flowers and then counted pollen and ovules directly on plants from greenhouse and natural environments. Then we developed regression models for both environments, using morphological traits to predict pollen and ovule number. We then applied both regression models to eight and six natural populations of N. longiflora and N. plumbaginifolia, respectively. We found that pollen production is plastic in N. longiflora but not in N. plumbaginifolia. There was a general trend towards a decrease in number of pollen grains in natural populations of N. longiflora; but it was significant in only four out of the eight populations sampled. In N. plumbaginifolia that trend was inverted, with natural populations producing more pollen grains; however this pattern was not significant for any of the six populations studied. Ovule production was not significantly different between environments in N. longiflora and data did not show any particular trend. In N. plumbaginifolia, ovule production had a general trend towards a decrease in natural populations, but this trend was significant in only three out of the six populations studied. Pollen:ovule ratio had a general trend towards a decrease in natural populations of N. longiflora, but this trend was significant in only one population, suggesting the existence of a trend towards selfing for that population. On the contrary, pollen:ovule ratio in N. plumbaginifolia tended to be higher in natural populations compared to greenhouse, however, it was not significant in any of the populations studied. Our results showed that plastic responses are population-and species-specific, possibly as a consequence of local adaptations to dominant selective pressures in each population.
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Mating systems of Angiosperms are important determinants of population genetic struc-ture and evolutionary potential. Nicotiana longiflora and N. plumbaginifolia are self-compatible, sister species, with contrasting floral morphology and can be found in allopatry and sympatry in North Argen-tina. In two sympatric and 10 nearby allopatric populations we studied their natural interpopulational variability and sympatry effects on corolla length and anther–stigma distance. We also estimated seed set by selfing and via pollinators using pollination treatments. Both corolla length and anther–stigma distance varied significantly among N. longiflora, but not among N. plumbaginifolia populations. We did not detect an effect of sympatry in either species for any of the floral traits studied. Pollination treatments suggest that N. longiflora is mainly an outcrosser, although selfing occurs at some extent. Seed set attributed to pollinators was significantly higher in N. longiflora whereas most seeds in N. plumbaginifolia were sired through self-pollination. In N. plumbagin-ifolia, selfing seems to assure reproduction in sympat-ric populations, where floral visitors have a strong preference for N. longiflora. Corolla length was significantly negatively correlated with an increase in the percentage of self-seeds estimated by pollination treatments. Within N. longiflora, anther–stigma dis-tance showed a positive correlation with selfing.
Altitudinal changes in breeding and pollination systems of tropical montane plants were studied in 13 species of Espeletia growing in the Venezuelan Andes from 2,000 to 4,300 m. Hand pollination tests showed that all species were strongly self-incompatible. The four species found only above 4,000 m had up to 10% median seed set in self-pollinated heads, which was significantly higher than the lower elevation species. Nine species were insect-pollinated, with large bees the major pollinator group. An endemic páramo hummingbird, Oxypogon guerinii, was an important visitor of E. schultzii in three populations examined. Experimental bagging experiments showed that the four high elevation species were wind-pollinated, further evidenced by the lack of pollinator visits and markedly different capitulum morphologies. Open-pollinated seed set in two wind-pollinated species, E. spicata and E. timotensis, was strongly dependent on the population's flowering density, which varied significantly from year to year. The shift from insect to wind pollination in Espeletia can be related to the low pollinator availability at high elevations in the Andes, protection of the capitula from snow and daily frosts, and the extremely long flowering periods of individual heads.
Intraseasonal variation in ovule and seed production per flower and per plant of the perennial herb Thalictrum thalictroides (L.) Eames and Boivin was documented at three sites during three spring flowering seasons. Shading and pollen-addition experiments were used to assess the impact of variation in pollination and light availability on seed production. Mean seed number and percent seed set were lower in flowers open late in the season than in those open earlier. The lower percent seed set occurs primarily in flowers that are positioned laterally on the inflorescence and which open later than center flowers. Plants flowering early in the season produce more flowers, ovules and seeds than those flowering later. Mean percent seed set per plant did not change, however, indicating that temporal differences in total seed output can be traced largely to variation in total ovule number. Seed production may be limited by lack of pollination during periods of inclement weather. At least late in the season, seed output may also be resource-limited: the decline in percent seed set among flowers coincided with the decline in light availability, and hand-pollination of late-opening flowers did not increase percent seed set to earlier levels. Artificial shading led to a significant reduction in percent seed set of lateral flowers, and decreased the probability of flowering again the following year. Thus, the relative selective roles of resource and pollination limitations may vary during the flowering season.