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Vertical tectonic movements of the crust in transform fracture zones of the Central Atlantic

  • Geologican Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

Abstract and Figures

The most significant vertical movements of the oceanic crust in the Central Atlantic are characteristic of transverse ridges confined to transform fracture zones. These movements are also recorded in some local depressions of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) and in older structures of deep-sea basins. The amplitude of such movements substantially exceeds that related to the cooling of lithospheric plates. Vertical movements can be driven by various factors: the thermal effect of a heated young MAR segment upon a cold plate, thermal stress, thermal energy released by friction in the course of displacement of fault walls relative to each other, serpentinization of the upper mantle rocks in the transform fault zone, and lateral compression and extension. The alternation of compression and extension that arises because of the nonparallel boundaries of the transform fracture zone and the unstable configuration of the rift/fracture zone junction was the main factor responsible for the formation of the transverse ridge in the Romanche Fracture Zone. The most probable cause of the vertical rise of the southern transverse ridge in the Vema Fracture Zone is the change in the spreading direction. In general, the fracture zones with active segments more than 100 km long are characterized by extension and compression oriented perpendicularly to the main displacement and related to slight changes in the spreading configuration. It is impossible to single out ambiguously the causes of vertical movements in particular structural features. In most cases, the vertical movements are controlled by several factors, while the main role belongs to the lateral compressive and tensile stresses that appear owing to changes in the movement of lithospheric blocks in the course of MAR spreading.
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ISSN 0016-8521, Geotectonics, 2006, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 25–36. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2006.
Original Russian Text © A.A. Peive, 2006, published in Geotektonika, 2006, No. 1, pp. 31–43.
The basement topography in the Central Atlantic is
formed by tectonic movements of different directions
and amplitudes and owing to volcanic activity. Vertical
tectonic movements are of primary importance in the
formation of transform fracture zones (FZs) and posi-
tive structural features of both the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
and deep basins. The amplitude of vertical movements
with formation of large positive features in some FZs
amounts to many hundred meters during short-term
periods, a value which is inconsistent with the standard
spreading model. The study of these movements is
important for geology of the oceanic floor and provides
insight into the origin of Atlantic Ocean, 60% of whose
bottom is occupied by FZs. At present, Russian and for-
eign expeditions have studied the largest FZs of the
Atlantic Ocean and gained extensive geological and
geophysical data, which allow estimation of the contri-
bution of vertical tectonics to the formation of oceanic
structures and understanding of their mechanisms of
formation [6, 15, 17, 21, and others]. Scientists from
the Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sci-
ences have performed many expeditions in the Central
Atlantic, and important material on the Romanche,
Vema, Fifteen Twenty, and other FZs has been gained.
On the basis of these studies, large positive structural
units of FZs have been described in detail [1, 4, 6–8, to
name a few]. Therefore, the factual data concerning
these structures will be touched on only briefly and the
main attention will be focused on the most probable
models and mechanisms of their formation.
The Central Atlantic is characterized by develop-
ment of extended transform FZs such as the Romanche,
Vema, Kane, Fifteen Twenty, Oceanographer, etc. Their
principal feature is a transform valley and bounding
transverse ridges of different lengths and heights. At
junctions with segments of rift valleys, the transverse
ridges pass into the so-called inner and outer corner
highs. The transverse ridges rise above the coeval bottom
for many hundred meters. They are represented by either
continuous elevated lithospheric blocks, as in the Vema
FZ, or isolated tectonic fragments of crustal and upper
mantle rocks. The transverse ridges occur both in active
segments of FZs and beyond them, up to deep basins.
They are among the most prominent morphological fea-
tures that have resulted from vertical movements.
The transverse ridges include separate second-order
uplifts, the heights of which significantly exceed the
common level of the ridge [11, 30]. The largest among
these uplifts are highs in the eastern part of the northern
transverse ridge in the Romanche FZ and the southern
Vema FZ, as well as the uplift of the St. Peter and
St. Paul Rocks located on the northern transverse ridge
of the São Paulo FZ 200 km east of its western intersec-
Vertical Tectonic Movements of the Crust in Transform Fracture
Zones of the Central Atlantic
A. A. Peive
Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pyzhevskii per. 7, Moscow, 119017 Russia
Received May 23, 2005
—The most significant vertical movements of the oceanic crust in the Central Atlantic are character-
istic of transverse ridges confined to transform fracture zones. These movements are also recorded in some local
depressions of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) and in older structures of deep-sea basins. The amplitude of such
movements substantially exceeds that related to the cooling of lithospheric plates. Vertical movements can be
driven by various factors: the thermal effect of a heated young MAR segment upon a cold plate, thermal stress,
thermal energy released by friction in the course of displacement of fault walls relative to each other, serpenti-
nization of the upper mantle rocks in the transform fault zone, and lateral compression and extension. The alter-
nation of compression and extension that arises because of the nonparallel boundaries of the transform fracture
zone and the unstable configuration of the rift/fracture zone junction was the main factor responsible for the
formation of the transverse ridge in the Romanche Fracture Zone. The most probable cause of the vertical rise
of the southern transverse ridge in the Vema Fracture Zone is the change in the spreading direction. In general,
the fracture zones with active segments more than 100 km long are characterized by extension and compression
oriented perpendicularly to the main displacement and related to slight changes in the spreading configuration.
It is impossible to single out ambiguously the causes of vertical movements in particular structural features. In
most cases, the vertical movements are controlled by several factors, while the main role belongs to the lateral
compressive and tensile stresses that appear owing to changes in the movement of lithospheric blocks in the
course of MAR spreading.
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tion with the rift valley [12]. These islands are frag-
ments of the subcontinental mantle that have been
uplifted to the surface and are composed of peridotite
and of mylonite that developed from peridotite. It is
probable that this fragment of the upper mantle was
retained after the Equatorial Atlantic near the MAR was
opened as a result of multiple changes in the spreading
direction and displacements of transform FZ axes [12].
The Romanche Fracture Zone.
The most elevated
part of the northern transverse ridge in the Romanche
FZ at a depth less than 2 km is located approximately
opposite to the southern intersection of the FZ with the
rift valley (Fig. 1) and consists of several uplifts called
highs A, B, C, and D from west to east [15]. These highs
were crossed by CMP profiles and dredged. As a result,
the representative data allowing interpretation of their
geologic structure have been obtained [4, 15].
High A is the most uplifted segment of the
Romanche FZ and reaches only 930 m in depth. Dredg-
ing near the summit yielded shallow-water reef lime-
stone that accumulated at a depth of approximately 50 m
and was subjected to subaerial diagenesis. Coral
remains date this limestone at about 5 Ma [15]. The
CMP record demonstrates that high A consists of an
upper layer 250–300 m thick that is separated from the
seismically opaque sequence by a distinct reflector.
According to the dredging data, this sequence is proba-
Romanche FZ (Rom 2) Rift valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Chain FZ
Rift valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Paleo-Romanche FZ (Rom 1)
Change in Romanche valley
Uplifted area
of transverse ridge
150 km
strike at 19
Fig. 1.
Topography of the Romanche Fracture Zone deduced from satellite altimetry data [27].
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bly a fragment of the oceanic crust composed of
basalts, gabbroic, and ultramafic rocks. Highs B and C
are characterized by a similar structure. Thus, all these
highs may be regarded as subsided atolls formed on the
eroded oceanic crust. The subsidence rate of these
structural features was approximately 0.2 mm/yr, i.e.,
an order of magnitude higher in comparison with that
calculated from thermal cooling and subsidence of the
oceanic lithosphere [28].
The second type of fault-line highs is represented by
the isometric high D that is slightly elongated along the
fault. This high is isolated from the fault scarp by a rel-
atively gentle slope dipping southward. The multichan-
nel seismic profiling across the high in the latitudinal
direction revealed a thick (up to 4 km) complexly
deformed sequence with folds and thrusts [16]. The
sequence is composed of deformed volcanosedimen-
tary rocks. In the western part of the high, as is evident
from the dredged material [15], the sequence consists
of a lower unit composed of Lower Cretaceous pelagic
limestone and an upper unit formed by Paleocene–
Eocene arkose sandstone. The rocks are much older
than can be expected from the spreading rate calculated
for the axial zone of MAR. Furthermore, the occur-
rence of the Lower Cretaceous rocks near the eastern
intersection with the rift valley is inconsistent with the
paleogeographic reconstructions, according to which
the South and Central Atlantic segments merged in the
Albian [23, 26]. Such localization of the Lower Creta-
ceous sequence cannot be explained in terms of the
simple model of oceanic crust spreading. A deep basin
probably existed in the Equatorial Atlantic between the
Gulf of Guinea and South America prior to the main
stage of the South Atlantic opening that occurred
140 Ma ago.
The real height of the northern transverse ridge in
the Romanche FZ exceeds the level calculated from the
cooling of the lithosphere by 2 km in the area between
W and by 3–4 km in highs A, B, C, and D.
Vema Fracture Zone
is one of the largest FZs
in the near-equatorial segment of the Atlantic. The
southern wall of the Vema Valley is marked by a trans-
verse ridge 310 km long, 4.5 km high (above the valley
bottom), and approximately 30 km wide at the base
(Fig. 2). This ridge is a raised undisturbed fragment of
the oceanic lithosphere [2, 14, 20]. The transverse ridge
100 km
Vema FZ
Rift valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Transverse ridge
Rift valley of the
Lemm Fault
Fig. 2.
Topography of the Vema FZ deduced from satellite altimetry data [27].
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consists of segments separated by faults. The upper
parts of two of these segments are composed of shal-
low-water limestone. The summit of the transverse
ridge is located 2–4 km above the level, which is
expected in the case of normal thermal contraction.
This anomalous area originates at a distance of approx-
imately 100 km from the eastern intersection with the
rift valley and is traceable for 300 km. The highest part
of the ridge at a depth less than 600 m is located 70 km
west of the western intersection.
The limestone dredged at the latitude of
makes up a thick (about 500 m) carbonate platform
50 km long that was formed near the sea level in the
Middle Pliocene (3–4 Ma ago) [17]. Thus, the summit
of the transverse ridge subsided to its present-day posi-
tion (600 m) at a rate of 0.2–0.3 mm/yr. The age of this
block is approximately 35 Ma if an average spreading
rate of 1.2 mm/yr and a present-day distance from the
MAR axis of 360 km are assumed. The subsidence rate
of the cooling lithospheric plate is 0.01 mm/yr [28], a
value which is an order of magnitude lower than that
observed. The limestone located down the slope at the
same longitude was formed close to the ocean surface
between 5 and 14 Ma. Now, it is located within a depth
interval of 1.0–1.4 km that corresponds to a subsidence
rate of 0.1–0.3 mm/yr and the age of limestone dredged
from the uppermost slope of the ridge [16].
Kane Fracture Zone
. The transverse ridge
extends along the northern wall of the FZ valley for
200 km to the east of the eastern intersection with the
rift valley and is 15–40 km wide and 1.2 km high rela-
tive to the coeval crust (Fig. 3). According to the seis-
mic data, the Moho discontinuity is raised beneath the
Kane FZ and the transverse ridge. Located further south
is the
N FZ, which is not parallel to the Kane FZ in
its eastern segment. A divergence of
provided exten-
sion of the block between these FZs for 4–12 km [25].
The transverse ridge is marked by a positive Bou-
guer anomaly indicating that the basal part of the crust
beneath this ridge is characterized by an excess of mass.
The crust of the young plate has an anomalously low
density. The excessive mass can be explained by
50 km
Rift valley of the
Kane FZ
Transverse ridge
Rift valley
of the Mid-Atlantic
Fig. 3.
Topography of the Kane FZ deduced from satellite altimetry data [27].
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upwelling of the mantle material that compensated the
rise and flexure of the lithosphere. The low density of the
young plate could have been caused by crust fracturing
or a large volume of detrital material that formed in the
course of the tectonic rise of the transverse ridge [25].
Vertical tectonic movements beyond the rift valleys
and the active segments of transform FZ, deep-sea
basins included, occurred throughout the entire neotec-
tonic stage of the Atlantic’s evolution [5]. The forma-
tion of some isometric uplifts of the acoustic basement
and diapir-shaped, usually linear uplifts (swells) is related
to these movements [1]. These uplifts extend for many
tens of kilometers in the near-latitudinal direction and
pierce various sedimentary layers, deforming the latter.
Three groups of diapir-shaped swells have been
established in the area between 7
N [8]. The
shallowest diapirs (250–2500 m) are situated to the
west of
W; between
W, they are sub-
stantially deeper (<400 m). The third group is located
east of
W. Most of these diapirs are located at a
depth of 4.5–4.8 km. Their heights vary from 0.2 to
1.6 km [1]. The diapir-shaped structural features are
also noted northward in passive segments of the Mara-
thon and Mercury FZs. Deformations of sediments near
the diapirs are similar to deformations that are related
to salt and clay domes and expressed in tilting and fold-
ing of sedimentary layers [8]. At the same time, it is
hardly possible that the revealed diapirs have a similar
origin. Sporadic dredgings suggest that these diapirs
are composed of volcanic or deep holocrystalline rocks
that are occasionally intensely deformed and altered by
secondary processes. Two mechanisms responsible for
the diapir formation are most probable. The diapirs may
be related to the vertical tectonic movements caused by
(1) lateral extension or compression of fault-bounded
blocks of the oceanic crust or by (2) serpentinization of
ultramafic rocks that substantially increases the rock
volume and provides vertical squeezing of plastic mate-
rial along weakened linear zones, which, in general, are
parallel to transform faults, with the capture of the over-
lying second and third layers of the oceanic crust. Some
diapirs pass along the strike into the transverse ridges,
as is observed between the Doldrums and Vernadsky
FZs, or have similar relationships with sediments.
Thus, it may be concluded that at least some of the
transverse ridges and diapir-shaped swells are of the
same origin [8].
As can be judged from rare earthquakes, some struc-
tural features remain tectonically active, although most
of them are Pleistocene in age, as is evident from defor-
mations of the upper sedimentary layers [1].
Some isometric uplifts of the acoustic basement are
located in the Vema FZ [21]. In depressions filled with
sediments within the Sierra Leone Tectonic Zone
N), horst-shaped uplifts 300–500 m high
have stepwise or tilted slopes and reveal intricate rela-
tionships with the sedimentary fill that indicate their
tectonic origin. The formation of the uplifts is still in
progress because they deform all sedimentary layers
[7]. These uplifts are structurally connected with larger
uplifts located within rift-related ridges. It seems that
intense differentiated vertical movements are closely
related to lateral latitudinal extension of a heteroge-
neous, intensely fractured MAR segment between 5
N that formed in the geodynamic setting of dry
spreading [3].
The fault valley is an integral part of transform FZs,
whereas the transverse ridges do not always accompany
this negative structural feature. The transform valley is
largely a result of tensile stress that attends the shearing
in active segments of transform FZs in the course of
spreading of lithospheric plates. This does not rule out
that particular segments of a transform FZ, including a
transform valley, could experience compression in
some periods of their development.
As concerns the cause of vertical movements in
some areas of the oceanic crust that lead to the forma-
tion of transform ridges, several models explaining this
phenomenon have been suggested, although none of
them are universal. These include models of the thermal
effect of a heated young MAR segment upon the cold
plate, thermal stress, thermal energy released by the fric-
tion of fault walls during their displacement relative to
each other, serpentinization–deserpentinization of the
upper mantle rocks in a transform FZ, compression and
extension during displacements along FZ, and others.
The thermal effect
of the heated young MAR seg-
ment on the cold plate. According to model calculations
[18, 22], the thermal anomaly that exists beneath the rift
valley heats the segment of the cold plate at the inter-
section between the rift and transform valleys and can
provide its uplifting (Fig. 4, model A). This assumption
is indirectly supported by the fact that the large uplifts
in the Romanche and Vema FZs are situated near such
intersections. In an FZ with a 30-Ma-old active seg-
ment, the temperature of the old lithosphere in the crust
area corresponding to 10 Ma at a distance of 20 km
from the fault axis should rise by
to a depth of
70 km. The maximal rise in this case can be as large as
a few hundred meters [11]. Such an effect could pro-
vide uplifting by no more than 500 m at the eastern
intersection of the Romanche FZ [15]; this value is
insufficient for the Vema FZ as well. Moreover, this
model does not explain the vertical movements in FZs
beyond the region of contact with active rift segments
and the formation of transverse ridges only on one side
of the fault.
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No. 1
Rise of the
plate edge
Transform fault
Heat transfer
Spreading axis
Compression Extension
Spreading axis
Transform valley
Transform fault
Transform fault
Fig. 4.
Models of vertical movements with formation of transverse ridges: (A) the thermal effect of the heated young segment of
the Mid-Atlantic Ridge [17, 21]; (B) thermal stress [18, 28]; (C) longitudinal melt flow [31]; (D) erosion of the lithospheric plate [9]:
(1) initial stage, (2) terminal stage.
The thermal stress
of the cooling of oceanic plates
in the course of their motion away from the spreading
centers results in reduction of their linear sizes (hori-
zontal contraction). The size reduction of a plate seg-
ment 150 km long can be as large as 300 m for a cooling
[19, 29]. During the displacement along the
transform fault, marginal parts of the plate experience
alternating compression and extension (Fig. 4, model B).
The maximal stress is observed near axial parts of rift
valleys. The near-surface part of the lithosphere is sub-
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ject to compression, while the lithosphere proximal to
the Moho discontinuity is subject to extension [29]. As
a result, the arising stress bends the lithosphere. The
thermal stress caused by cooling and compression of
the lithosphere 20 Ma old results in its bending and a
rise of the transverse ridge by 150 m [24].
Friction-related heating.
The movement along
extended faults is accompanied by friction and release of
thermal energy that stimulates the temperature rise along
the fault plane by
[18]. The thermal energy
resulting from the relative displacement of the northern
and southern walls of the Romanche FZ can provide a
rise of no more than 200 m in the transverse ridge. In this
case, the area subjected to heating and uplifting is 5 km
wide on both sides of the FZ’s axis [15].
of the upper
mantle rocks in transform FZs. As indicated from the
dredged samples, the transverse ridges are composed
largely of brecciated ultramafic rocks. Their serpentini-
zation gives rise to a significant increase in volume and
a decrease in density, phenomena which lead to a rise
of a transverse ridge. Complete serpentinization of a
5-km-thick peridotite block result in a rise of its upper
boundary by 2 km. The intensity of serpentinization
depends largely on the permeability of rock to seawater
and the process can reach the mantle/crust interface.
Fracture zones, being highly brecciated, are easily per-
meable to seawater. Deserpentinization accompanied
by subsidence of the transverse ridge may occur during
its drift near the heated intersection area. Serpentiniza-
tion of ultramafic rocks begins as the temperature drops
below 500
C, whereas deserpentinization begins as the
temperature rises above 500
C. In the Romanche FZ,
the isotherm at 500
C may have subsided below 10 km
[15]. Near the eastern intersection with the rift valley,
the thickness of the crust, which may be involved in
dehydration, is 6 km. Despite the significant contribu-
tion of serpentinization to the vertical component of
transverse-ridge movements and with the consideration
that this process usually affects no more than 50–80%
of ultramafic rocks, it is difficult to explain the forma-
tion of topography with an amplitude up to 4 km with-
out involving consideration of other mechanisms.
The longitudinal flow of a melt
beneath the MAR
axial zone. It may be assumed theoretically that a melt
moves beneath the MAR rift zone toward the intersec-
tion area and its motion is restricted by the cold plate,
phenomena that stimulates both the intense rise of the
plate margin and active volcanism with the vertical
growth of a transverse ridge [31] (Fig. 4, model C). The
transverse ridges actually host fresh basalts, but they are
composed largely of gabbroid and ultramafic rocks, a cir-
cumstance which prevents consideration of this mecha-
nism as a principal mode of transverse ridge formation.
Erosion of the lithosphere plate.
The erosion-related
unloading along a transform FZ results in the flexure
and rise of the plate margin along the transform bound-
ary. The rise does not exceed 35% of the height differ-
ence (
) between the levels of the lithosphere plate and
transform valley (Fig. 4, model D) [10]. The structure
of the transform fault provides for a certain step in
topography. Since the vertical surface does not remain
stable for a long time, the uplift will be subject to ero-
sion that results in the unloading and rising owing to
isostatic compensation. This mechanism is not univer-
sal but can reinforce other mechanisms. The difference
in height within most of the oceanic transform FZs
amounts to 60% (sometimes even more than 100%).
This model does not explain the origin of the initial
scarp across the strike of an FZ. Furthermore, the origin
of the transform valley itself is not quite clear. This phe-
nomenon is probably related to a strip of the anoma-
lously thin crust that formed at those ends of rift valleys
where dry spreading is prevalent. Extension perpendic-
ular to an FZ may result in formation of a valley, while
tectonic unloading may lead to the rise of FZ’s wall.
The erosion-related unloading explains only an addi-
tional rise: the shallower the fault valley, the greater the
contribution of tectonic unloading.
Mechanisms of vertical movements of transform
ridges caused by compression and extension along
unparallel converging and diverging boundaries of
transform faults or by changes in the direction of litho-
spheric plate motion with formation of variously ori-
ented transform zones are considered hereinafter for
the Romanche, Vema, and Kane FZs.
Above, we considered several factors that can con-
trol the rise of transverse ridges in the Romanche and
Vema FZs. Most of them cannot provide the observed
amplitude of the crustal blocks’ rise.
The Romanche Fracture Zone.
The main cause of
vertical movements in the northern transverse ridge is
likely related to compressive and tensile stresses that
accompany the motion of the northern and southern
walls of the Romanche FZ relative each other. Such
stresses are evident from earthquakes within the FZ.
The lateral stresses may be induced by the following
factors: transform-fault bending, a slight change in the
direction of spreading, and changes in geometry of
plate boundaries adjusted to a new configuration in the
fault–ridge system.
The topographic maps of the Romanche FZ show
that its strike in the eastern part of the active segment
W changes from latitudinal to west–
northwestern (Fig. 1) and does not completely coincide
with the direction of motion of the lithospheric plates.
A difference of approximately
results in compres-
sion and formation of a large high in this area during
movement along the fault. This phenomenon is also
indicated by mechanisms of recent earthquakes in this
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area. Similar processes could have operated in the past
as well.
The formation of highs A, B, C, and D in the north-
ern transverse ridge is related to the reorganization of
the FZ in the late Miocene (7–8 Ma). This stage corre-
sponded to the origination of the present-day dynamic
system of the Romanche FZ (Rom 2) with dying off and
closure of the paleo-Romanche (Rom 1) system [4, 15].
The factor most probably responsible for the rise of
blocks was compression of Rom 1 during the formation
of Rom 2 and movement along Rom 1 at an angle rela-
tive to the former’s azimuth (Fig. 5). In a rather short
New fault zone
Old fault zone
Old spreading
New spreading
New fault zone
Old fault zone
Old spreading
New spreading
Old plate
Area under compression
Young plate
Rift valley
Old plate
Young plate
Fig. 5.
Vertical movements of transverse ridges determined by tectonic factors (change in the direction of plate motion, unparallel
boundaries of transform faults, etc.) in the Romanche FZ: (A) change in the stress field under a slight change in the direction of
spreading, (B) schematic interaction between old (northern) and young (southern) plates near the eastern intersection of the
Romanche FZ by oblique displacement along the fault.
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period (2–3 Ma), these blocks started to subside and
formed small deeps in the fault valley between 18
W. The change in stress fields was probably caused
by general geometric reorganization of the transform
fault–rift system in the eastern intersection area.
Block D, where the thick sedimentary sequence is
deformed into folds and complicated by low-angle
thrusts, exemplifies compressional deformation. Com-
pression in the junction area of the thick cold lithos-
phere of the northern wall of the fault and the young
thin lithosphere of its southern wall resulted in thrust-
ing of the young plate with the formation of a large
high. Model calculations confirm the theoretical proba-
bility of such an amplitude of the high [15].
The Vema Fracture Zone.
Among several potential
factors responsible for the formation of the southern
transverse ridge in the Vema FZ, the change in the
spreading direction accompanied by compressive and
tensile stresses is the most probable. It is assumed that
compression and formation of the southern transverse
ridge in this FZ was confined to the block between the
Vema transform FZ and the southerly located aban-
doned Lemm Fault [20]. Compression occurred before
10 Ma ago and was related to changes in geometry of
the fault–rift system [11] (Fig. 6). Since 10 Ma ago, the
position of the pole of the Central Atlantic opening
changed with reorganization of the spreading direction
and origination of the meridional tensile stress [30].
According to [20], the entire transverse ridge prob-
ably rose as a single block. This is indicated by similar
ages and depths of two carbonate platforms located on
the summit of the ridge at a distance of 100 km from
each other, as well as by principally similar internal
structure for a distance of over 100 km. The ridge is
sharply asymmetric in the longitudinal section. Its
northern slope is characterized by the practically undis-
turbed oceanic crust and upper mantle, while the south-
ern gentle slope is composed of basalts. The base of the
ridge is marked by a seismic boundary dipping south-
ward and nearly parallel to the oceanic floor. On the
basis of these data, the transverse ridge is interpreted as
an edge of the bent lithospheric plate separated from its
northerly part by the Vema FZ [20]. The period of
uplifting was probably less than 6.6 Ma.
The origin of Late Paleocene (55–58 Ma) limestone
in the middle part of the transverse ridge’s slope at a lat-
itude of
W is of particular interest. Under a
spreading rate of 1.1 cm/yr, only rocks of 35 Ma and
younger may occur at such a distance from the MAR
axis [17]. The occurrence of the Late Paleocene rocks
can be explained by complicated reorganization of the
Vema FZ with a change in the motion of this block from
0 Ma
Axis of the Mid-Atlantic
Vema Fault
Vema transverse ridge
Axis of the Mid-Atlantic
Orientation of structural elements
Lemm Fault scarp
Axis of the Mid-Atlantic
2.2 Ma
Axis of the Mid-Atlantic
Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Abandoned rift of the
6.6 Ma
0 50 km
Fig. 6.
Schematic evolution of the Vema and Lemm FZs [19].
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the eastern to the western direction after the northward
jump of the active segment of the fault [13].
The Kane Fracture Zone.
The topography of the
transverse ridge in the eastern part of the Kane FZ is
consistent with the model of the lithosphere flexure as
a result of tectonic erosion during normal faulting [25].
Approximately 8 Ma ago, the Kane FZ experienced
extension at its eastern intersection, an occurrence
which stimulated the formation of normal faults that
were displaced progressively eastward along the fault
for tens of kilometers (Fig. 7). The faults disturbed iso-
static equilibrium and brought about a rise of the lying
wall and subsidence of the hanging wall. The lithos-
phere flexure as a response to this faulting event led to
the formation of the transverse ridge in the Kane FZ
within the old plate and depressions within the young
plate. The amplitude of vertical displacements is pro-
portional to that of displacements along normal faults.
Extension in the oceanic crust between the Kane and
N FZs was in progress until 3 Ma ago, when the
change of the spreading direction terminated. Since
then, the plate’s edge has become stable [25]. This
model works well for insignificant (<5 km) extension
and normal faults that dip at angles of
; variations
in the crustal thickness virtually do not effect interpre-
tation. The amplitude of the ridge’s rise depends on the
magnitude of extension, the displacement along the
fault, and the thickness of the old plate. As such, this
8 Ma
Kane FZ
direction of spreading
21°30 N FZ
3 Ma
Kane FZ
21°30 N FZ
Transverse ridge
Extensional depressions
Fig. 7. Model of the formation of transverse ridges in the Kane and 21°30 N FZ [24].
GEOTECTONICS Vol. 40 No. 1 2006
model can be considered as a variety of the erosion
The advantage of this model consists in the possibil-
ity of explaining the irregular distribution of transverse
ridges. Repeated changes in the direction of spreading
of lithospheric plates resulted in the discrete formation
of transverse ridges within a single fault zone.
The most significant vertical movements of the oce-
anic crust are characteristic of transverse ridges in
transform FZs, although they are also notable within
some MAR depressions and old deep-sea basins. The
amplitude of displacements is substantially higher in
comparison with that related to the cooling of lithos-
pheric plates.
Detailed studies have shown that alternation of the
compression and extension regimes that results from
unparallel boundaries of the transform faults and unsta-
ble configuration of the junction area between a rift and
a fault (changes in the spreading direction, jump and
progradation of rift valleys, migration of the transform
valley) were the main factors responsible for vertical
movements during the formation of the northern trans-
verse ridge in the Romanche FZ.
Among all factors providing for the formation of the
southern transverse ridge in the Vema FZ, the changes
in the spreading direction accompanied by reorganiza-
tion in geometry of the fault/rift junction area—progra-
dation and rollback of rifts, the jump of the MAR axis,
and the displacement of transform fault boundaries—
are the most probable.
Longitudinal extension in the eastern intersection
area of the Kane FZ stimulated normal faulting in the
fracture zone itself. The flexure of the lithosphere as a
response to the normal faulting gave rise to the formation
of transverse ridge in the Kane FZ within the old plate,
while depressions were formed within the young plate.
In general, FZs with active segments over 100 km
long are characterized by lateral extension and com-
pression perpendicular to the direction of the main dis-
placement that are related to the slight change in the
direction of spreading. In the course of extension, the
thick cold lithosphere opposite to an intersection area
precluded rift progradation and formation of a trans-
form FZ with a different strike. The duration, ampli-
tude, and position of a tension zone depend on (1) the
change in the angle of spreading direction, (2) the
length of a transform FZ, and (3) the spreading rate and
duration of the stage when prograding rifts acquire a
new position and a new transform FZ fits a new spread-
ing center [9].
It is impossible to name a single factor responsible
for vertical movements in particular structural features.
In most cases, vertical displacements are controlled by
combination of factors, among which the lateral tensile
stress associated with the formation of a fault valley
and the rise of one of its walls to form a transverse ridge
is the most important (Fig. 8). The local compressive
stresses that arise owing to geodymamic changes in the
motion of lithospheric plates in the course of their
spreading may play a substantial role in the formation
of large highs.
This study was carried out under Program no. 14 of
the fundamental investigations of the Presidium of the
Russian Academy of Sciences, “Principle Problems of
Oceanology: Geology, Physics, Biology, and Ecology,”
and supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic
Research (project no. 03-05-64159) and the Ministry of
Industry and Science of the Russian Federation.
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Reviewers: N.V. Koronovskii and S.V. Ruzhentsev
... Vertical movements both along and extending beyond the active segments of transform fracture zones are evident from ocean bathymetry. Peive (2006) cites several examples from the Central Atlantic. Here we examine the East Jan Mayer Fracture Zone (EJMFZ). ...
... Fig. 3 shows the bathymetry of the EJMFZ. Vertical topography, similar to that reported by Peive (2006), extends from the KR/MR to the ocean-continent boundary. Peive (2006) attributes this topography to vertical movements caused by several contributory factors, which include tectonic effects, thermal effects, friction heating, melt migration, erosion/uplift and serpentinisation. ...
... Vertical topography, similar to that reported by Peive (2006), extends from the KR/MR to the ocean-continent boundary. Peive (2006) attributes this topography to vertical movements caused by several contributory factors, which include tectonic effects, thermal effects, friction heating, melt migration, erosion/uplift and serpentinisation. Seawater access and consequent peridotite hydration occurring along transform fracture zones and extending beyond their active segments requires that fault-related structural damage generates a preferential (high permeability) pathway along which seawater can access and penetrate the uppermost mantle. ...
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m of uplift at a rate of mm.a -1 to cm.a -1 which is consistent with observations from the margin, and 3) the potential for landward material flow of a hydrated peridotite inclusion, providing a mechanism for sustaining uplift and its pairing with accelerated subsidence. Also, serpentinisation is more effective than other metamorphic reactions (e.g. granulite to amphibolite, eclogite to amphibolite) as a driving force for uplift. Shortfalls of this model are that 1) extensive peridotite hydration is unlikely at depths exceeding 10-20km and 2) the timing of uplift requires that pulses of extensive peridotite hydration occurred along inactive segments of transform fracture zones. We conclude that the volume expansion caused by peridotite hydration was probably insufficient to account for widespread uplift during the Cenozoic. However, we suggest that the following processes could occur at or near the landward terminations of transform fracture zones: 1) volume expansion caused by extensive peridotite hydration beneath thinned crust at or near the ocean-continent transition and 2) mechanical weakening caused by limited peridotite hydration beneath thicker continental crust. These processes may have important implications for models aimed at explaining Cenozoic uplift and accelerated subsidence.
... Multichannel seismic reflection profiles acquired along the Vema and Romanche transverse ridges have detected strong seismic horizontal reflectors separating an upper seismic-stratified sequences, formed by sedimentary rocks, from a lower seisemic-non-stratified sequences, formed by oceanic crust and upper mantle rocks 2005]. The horizontal Reflector R is an erosive surface; this implies that the summit of the transverse ridges emerged above sea level forming narrow islands that subsequently underwent subsidence and erosion at sea level. ...
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Oceanic islands can be divided, according to their origin, in volcanic and tectonic. Volcanic islands are due to excess volcanism caused by mantle melting anomalies. Non-volcanic islands, or "tectonic", are formed due to vertical tectonic motions of blocks of oceanic lithosphere along transverse ridges flanking transform faults at slow and ultraslow mid-ocean ridges. Vertical tectonic motions are due to a reorganization of the geometry of the transform plate boundary, with the transition from a transcurrent tectonics to a transtensive and / or transpressive tectonics. The formation of a positive topographic anomaly called "transverse ridge", often strongly asymmetric, may result from the establishment of either a transpressive and transtensive regime. Transverse ridges are formed by uplifted lower oceanic crust and/or upper mantle rocks. When they are at sea level, they form an oceanic non-volcanic island. Tectonic islands can be located also at the ridge – transform intersection, being the “inner corner high”. In this case the uplift is due by the movement of the long-lived detachment faults located along the flanks of the mid-ocean ridges. A modern example of inner corner high near the sea level is the “Anna De Koningh” seamount, located at the intersection between the Southwest Indian Ridge and the Dutoit transform fault (Indian Ocean). Bathymetry data and multichannel seismic reflection profiles have identified four tectonic sunken islands in the equatorial Atlantic. The "Vema" sunken island is at the summit of the transverse ridge adjacent to the Vema transform fault; it is now about 450 m below sea level. It is capped by a carbonate platform about 500 m-thick, 50 km-long and only 5 km-wide. Samples of Vema’s carbonates dated by 87 Sr/ 86 Sr indicate that the formation of the island occurred about 10 Ma. The same age corresponds to a kinematic change of the ridge – transform geometry and the establishment of transtensive tectonics, with flexure of the oceanic lithosphere and uplift of the Vema transverse ridge. However, the discovery of "Miogypsina" in samples dredged at the non-conformity boundary between the basement and the carbonate platform suggest a stage of emergence of the island during Early Miocene, when the island was an inner corner high at the ridge – transform intersection. Three tectonic sunken islands, "Romanche A, B and C", are on the summit of the eastern transverse ridge flanking the Romanche megatrasform; they are now about 1,000 m below sea level. Multichannel seismic reflection profiles show a strong horizontal reflector at a depth of about 1200 m. Above this reflectors we observed stratified seismic units about 250-300 m-thick representing carbonate platforms consisting of shallow-water carbonates dated by 87 Sr/ 86 Sr, between 11 and 6 Ma. A sunken tectonic island, i. e., “Atlantis Bank," today about 700 m below sea level, is located in the South-Western Indian Ridge, along the Atlantis II transform fault, there is the. This island does not have a carbonate platform; it was at sea level when it was located at the ridge-transform intersection. The only modern example of oceanic tectonics island is the Saint Peter - Paul Archipelago (equatorial Atlantic), located along the active zone of the St. Paul transform fault. This archipelago is the top of a peridotitic massif that extends in the direction of the active transform fault and it is now a left overstep undergoing transpression. Markers of sea level dated by 14 C estimate a rate of uplift of the St. Paul Massif of about 1.5 mm/a for the last 6000 years. During my PhD, a multidisciplinary study led to a model to explain the origin and evolution of oceanic tectonic islands: oceanic volcanic islands are characterized by rapid growth and subsequent thermal subsidence and drowning; in contrast, oceanic tectonic islands may have one or more stages of emersion related to vertical tectonic events along the large oceanic fracture zones.
... Several mechanisms have been invoked to explain the causes of this intraplate deformation at passive margins. For example it has been proposed that there is an alternation of compression and extension that arises because of the nonparallel boundaries Atwater, 1968, 1969;Bonatti, 1978;Sykes, 1978;Bonatti and Chermak, 1981;Bonatti and Crane, 1982;Bonatti et al., 1994;Pockalny, 1997;Hudec and Jackson, 2002;Peive, 2006] and ridge push; which, is as a result of the topographic effect of cooling and contraction of oceanic lithosphere away from spreading ridges [Wilson, 1993] has also been suggested. Even variations in the activity of plumes have been proposed as a driving mechanism [Doré and Lundin, 1996]. ...
... The rise of the mantle material and its rapid cooling caused topographic elevation on the walls of the FZs. These structural highs may also be associated with vertical tectonism of crustal and upper mantle blocks ( Bonatti, 1978), and the valleys probably resulted from the stress regime due to transcurrent movements in the active segments of these fractures ( Peive, 1976) near the RGR. Profiles A-A 0 and B-B 0 show the correlation between the Bouguer anomalies, free-air anomalies, and the bathymetry of the RGR ( Fig. 6). ...
... The zones of transform faults that Yu.M. Pushcharovsky and his followers [8,12,13] were so interested in are less studied compared to the rift basins of the MOR. The distribution of geophysical and, specifically, geothermic parameters has been revealed more fragmentarily, so there are no models (much less widely accepted ones) reflecting the deep structure and evolution of the transform faults [3]. ...
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⎯The paper reports on the morphostructure and heat f low in zones of transform faults of the North Atlantic and the Southeast Pacific, focusing on the fundamental difference between heat f low in active and inactive parts of the faults. In the active parts, which are located between segments of the mid-ocean ridge (MOR), the measured heat f low is close to that observed in the rift zones of MORs. The heat f low is consid- ered a joint effect of the thermal conductivity of the oceanic crust and convective heat and mass transfer by thermal waters inside the oceanic crust. In the inactive parts of the faults, with distance from the MOR, the heat f low decreases to the background rates typical of thalassocratons. The sedimentation rate in a fault zone and conductive heat f low refraction resulting from the heterogeneous thermal characteristics of the geological section are the factors that deflect heat f low.
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This article presents results of the structural and morphological analysis of the fracture zones which are part of Doldrums Megatransform System (MTS), located in the northern part of the Equatorial Atlantic (6.5°–9° N) that include Vernadskiy and Bogdanov transform faults and the Doldrums and Pushcharovskiy megatransforms. Bathymetric map, based on the multibeam echo sounding data, collected during 45 cruise of the R/V Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov was used for this analysis. It was established that large-scale variations in the width of fracture zone valleys are determined by the distribution of stresses perpendicular to the fracture zone. In the areas with compressive stresses, the fracture zone valleys are narrower, and the in extension areas are wider. The difference in geodynamic settings within the MTS is due to the difference in spreading directions, which change from \(\perp \)89° to \(\perp \)93° when moving from south to north. The depth of fracture zone valleys consistently increases from the periphery of the MTS (Bogdanov and Doldrums faults) to the center (Pushcharovskiy fracture zone) in accordance with a decrease in the upper mantle temperature. In each fracture zone, the valley depth decreases from the rift- fracture zone intersections towards the center of the active part to a certain background depth. It is assumed that this phenomenon is the result of the uplift of the valley bottom, which occurred due to the decompaction of the lithosphere, caused by the serpentinization of ultramafic rocks. The violation of the revealed variations in the width and depth of fracture zone valley patterns occurs as a result of various ridges and uplifts formation in the fracture zone. In the axial zones of the active parts of the fracture zone valleys median ridges are widespread, extending parallel to the fracture zone and representing serpentinite diapirs squeezed out above the bottom surface. Transversal ridges which were formed 10‒11 million years ago as a result of the lithospheric plate edge flexural bending under extensional conditions are now located in the western passive parts on the southern sides of the of Doldrums and Pushcharovskiy fracture zone valleys. The transverse ridge on the northern side of the Vernadskiy fracture zone, which includes Mount Peyve, was formed between 3.65‒2.4 Ma. Due to the frequent jumps of the spreading axis in this region, it was divided into three segments. There are interfracture zone ridges in megatransforms, which in the active part consist of two fracture zone valleys. Time of their formation: in Pushcharovskiy megatransform ‒ 30‒32 million years ago and in Doldrums megatransform ‒ about 4 million years ago. Due to the curvilinearity of the outlines and under the pressure of moving lithospheric plates, the interfracture zone ridges experience longitudinal (along the fault) compressive and tensile stresses, which are compensated by vertical uplifts of their separate blocks and the formation of depressions, pull apart depressions, and spreading centers (the latter are only in Pushcharovskiy megatransform). Structure-forming processes that determine pattern and morphology of the fracture zones as a part of the MTS are related by their origin to the spreading and transform geodynamic systems.
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This article presents results of the structural and morphological analysis of the fracture zones that are part of Doldrums Megatransform System (DMS), located in the northern part of the Equatorial Atlantic (6.5°-9° N) that include Vernadskiy and Bogdanov transform faults and the Doldrums and Pushcharovskiy megatransforms. Bathymetric map, based on the multibeam echo sounding data, collected during the 45th cruise of the R/V Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov was used for this analysis. It was established that large-scale variations in the width of fracture zone valleys are determined by the distribution of stresses perpendicular to the fracture zone. In the areas with compressive stresses, the fracture zone valleys are narrower and the extension areas are wider. The difference in geodynamic settings within the DMS is due to the difference in spreading directions, which change from 89° to 93° when moving from south to north. The depth of fracture zone valleys consistently increases from the periphery of the DMS (Bogdanov and Doldrums faults) to the center (Pushcharovskiy fracture zone) in accordance with a decrease in the upper mantle temperature. In each fracture zone, the valley depth decreases from the rift-fracture zone intersections towards the center of the active part to a certain background depth. It is assumed that this phenomenon is the result of the uplift of the valley bottom, which occurred due to the decompaction of the lithosphere, caused by the serpentinization of ultra-mafic rocks. The violation of the revealed variations in the width and depth of fracture zone valley patterns occurs as a result of various ridges and uplifts formation in the fracture zone. In the axial zones of the active parts of the fracture zone valleys median ridges are widespread, extending parallel to the fracture zone and representing serpentinite diapirs squeezed out above the bottom surface. Transverse ridges that were formed 10-11 million years ago as a result of the lithospheric plate edge flexural bending under extensional conditions are now located in the western passive parts on the southern sides of the of Doldrums and Pushcharovs-kiy fracture zone valleys. The transverse ridge on the northern side of the Vernadskiy fracture zone, which includes Mount Peyve, was formed between 3.65-2.4 Ma. Due to the frequent jumps of the spreading axis in this region, it was divided into three segments. There are interfracture zone ridges in megatransforms, which in the active part consist of two fracture zone valleys. The times of their formation were in the Pushcharovskiy megatransform, 30-32 million years ago and in the Doldrums megatransform, about 4 million years ago. Due to the curvilinearity of the outlines and under the pressure of moving lithospheric plates, the interfrac-ture zone ridges experience longitudinal (along the fault) compressive and tensile stresses, which are compensated by vertical uplifts of their separate blocks and the formation of depressions, pull apart depressions, and spreading centers (the latter are only in Pushcharovskiy megatransform). The structure-forming processes that determine the patterns and morphology of the fracture zones as a part of the DMS are related in their origin to the spreading and transform geodynamic systems.
Two- and three-dimensional (3-D) seismic reflection data acquired over oceanic crust in the deepwater west Niger Delta reveal convincing evidence for compressional tectonics during oceanic crustal spreading. Using the 3-D seismic data set we describe numerous inclined seismic reflections that dissect the entire oceanic crust from the top of the crust to the level of the Moho that are interpreted as thrusts. Thrust propagation results in the development of associated hanging-wall anticlines and footwall synclines. These structures are orthogonal to and clearly postdate normal faults that formed during the accretion of oceanic crust during continental drift and strike at right angles to them. The Charcot Ridge is located 140 km south of these thrusts and is a significantly larger structure. It is a triangular-shaped uplifted region of oceanic crust measuring 80 by 150 km and is located along the NE–SW-oriented Charcot Fracture Zone. Two interpretations are possible for the role of the fracture zone in the development of the Charcot Ridge: (1) A thin-skinned model whereby the oceanic crust west of the fracture zone has been thrust southeastward, with detachment occurring close to the level of the Moho. The ridge forms as a result of translation and folding above a crustal-scale ramp-flat thrust geometry. (2) A thick-skinned model where there is no detachment close to the Moho, with the thrust fault being much steeper, penetrating the crust and probably the mantle lithosphere. In this interpretation the structure formed owing to the compressional reactivation of the fracture zone. Approximate dating of onlapping reflections on either side of the ridge constrains the timing of its formation as between 25 and 120 Ma ago. The Charcot Ridge represents one of the largest thrust structures to be identified in a passive margin setting. Many other compressional folds with the same orientation formed to the northeast in the Benue Trough, probably during the Santonian, as a result of a change in the spreading direction during South Atlantic rifting. We speculate that the same causal mechanism applies for the formation of the Charcot Ridge.
Among 16 deepwater basins located in the central Indian Ocean and along its western, eastern, and southern margins, the central, perioceanic, and perispreading tectonic types are recognized. The Central, Cocos, Wharton, and Crozet basins belong to the first type. The second type comprises the Somalia, Mascarene, Madagascar, Mozambique, and Agulhas basins localized along the western margin of the ocean; the Argo, Gascoyne, Cuvier, and Perth basins that are situated along its eastern periphery; and the African-Antarctic Basin in the southern periphery. The South Australian and Australian-Antarctic basins pertain to the third type. Spatially and tectonically, the pericontinental basins are conjugated with continental blocks in the ocean (rises, plateaus, microcontinents). Together, they make up specific tectonic systems that extend parallel to the continents. The formation of such systems is controlled by horizontal movement of continental blocks and tectonic subsidence of the oceanic bottom.
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This work is based on survey data from the 13th and 16th cruises of the R/V Akademik Nikolai Strakhov. The tectonic structure of the Romanche fracture zone in the Equatorial Atlantic is considered. Based on its dynamics, kinematics and historical evolution, the zone does not seem to be a uniform structure. Its segments are of diierent age and evolved according to diierent dynamic and kinematic laws. The fracture zone is not continuous in space: deformations complicating it migrate both along and a cross its strike, creating new fracture zones with somewhat diierent orientation. Three geodynamic systems are recognized within the fracture zone, namely Rom 1, Rom 2 and Rom 3. In the eastern junction of the rift and the Romanche fracture zone, the rift valley jumps northward with simultaneous prograding. A \dry" spreading mode is pronounced in the region.
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The Mid Atlantic Ridge is intcrsected by a number of long—offset transforms in the equatorial region. The longest is the Romanche (offset ~ 950 km) located close to the equator. The St. Paul transform (offset ~ 400 km) is located about 180 km to the north, the Chain transform (offset ~ 300 Km) about 180 km to the south. Multibeam and magnetometric surveys as well as high resolution multichannel seismic reflection experiments and rock and sediment sampling were carried out during a recent expedition to the eastern part of the Romanche transform. This field work is part of PRIMAR (Russian Italian Mid Atlantic Ridge Project). a collaboration for the study of mid ocean ridges between the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Italian CNR (National Research Council). A detailed morphobathymetric survey of a limited area at the eastern ridge/transform intersection (RTI) suggests that the axial segment of spreading approaching the transform loses a well defined morphotectonic signature. An overall oblique trend prevails, probably resulting from a number of short en-enchelon ridge segments. No well defined nodal deep was observed. An aseismic rift valley was observed about 80 km west of the present RTI, suggesting a ridge jump to the east sometimes within the last 5 my. A markedly alkalic magmatism has been recently active near the RTI. These data suggest that the axial system of spreading approaching the Romanche transform from the south is sluggish and not well established, possibly due to a relatively «cold» upper mantle thermal regime below. Major positive topographic anomalies, reaching over 4 km above the predicted thermal contraction level of the crust. are found on the transverse ridge opposite the eastern RTI. Seismic reflection profiles and bottom samples indicate that shallow reliefs on the crest of the transverse ridge are wave-eroded blocks of oceanic lithosphere that formed islands between 10 and 5 my ago and subsided since then at rapid (~ 0.2 mm/y) rates. Their summits are now covered by originally shallow water reef-lagunar carbonate caps, whose thickness ranges from 200 to 400 m. An aseismic valley is observed to the north of and subparallel to the presently active transform valley. The active and inactive valleys merge near the eastern RTI. The inactive valley can be traced westwards as a continuous feature up to about 150 km from the western RTI. It is probably the trace of a former location of the Romanche transform boundary, that became inactive between 8 and 10 my ago. It appears. therefore, that the Romanche ridge/transform geometry has changed significantly through time. with ridge jumps that have increased the length of the transform offset and migration and the reorientation of the transform boundary. Transpression and transtension due to changes in the ridge/transform geometry and to a non-straight transform boundary are probably the major cause of vertical crustal motion responsible for the topographic anomalies of this area.
The structure of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) between 7degrees10' and 5degrees N (Sierra Leone FZ area) is discussed. This paper is based on the results of the bathymetric and structural studies performed during Cruise 22 of R/V Akademik Nikolai Strakhov and Cruise 10 of R/V Akademik loffe in 2000-2002. The studies performed within the Sierra Leone Fracture Zone revealed three large segments in the structure of the ridge, which are separated by zones of non-transform displacements. The processes of the tectonic uplift of crustal and mantle rocks to the seafloor have been reliably recorded from the presence of numerous slickensides and from the evidence of rock crushing and attrition. The evolution of large zones of various deep-seated decollements, such as listric faults, strike-slip non-transform displacements, etc., was accompanied by the formation of various textures in the mantle and lower-crust rocks. These textures range from those that resulted from static high-temperature recrystallization and mylonites, which originated due to a plastic flow, to breccia-like textures in gabbroids and plagiogranites, which were formed in both anhydrous and hydrous environments and reflect the deformation processes in the upper layers of the lithosphere. This process produced a new crust that consists of tectonically separated, deformed, and mixed blocks of various rocks. At least two stages in the oceanic crust formation have been recorded. The earlier stage was characterized by intense magmatic activity accompanied by basalt eruptions and by the formation of large magma chambers where the melts differentiated up to plagiogranite. A pulsed magmatism was characteristic of the second stage; it resulted in the formation of a chaotic stratigraphic succession of the oceanic crust in the process of "dry spreading." The discovery of a large area of enriched basalts (E-MORB type) in the axial part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge southwest of the Markov Basin is an important geological fact directly related to ore-forming processes. These basalts indicate a presence in this area of a hitherto unknown local mantle inhomogeneity. A spatial relationship between the melt composition and the sulfide mineralization has been recorded, which suggests good prospects of the discovery of commercial sulfide orebodies. It has been found that the abundance of faults and the occurrence of pulsed magmatism in this area of the Atlantic favored the intense circulation of marine water down to the crust-mantle boundary, and that the ascending high-temperature solutions favored hydrothermal mineralization in the zones of their discharge.
Recent geological and geophysical studies in the central Atlantic have revealed tectonic deformations that may be viewed as a result of the neotectonic stage in the Earth's evolution. Thus far, no specific publications dealing with neotectonics of the ocean floor have appeared in the scientific literature. The present paper describes neotectonic deformations discovered in transform fracture zones, in the crest zone of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and in the sedimentary cover of deepwater basins; DSDP and ODP data have also been used. The recent deformations comprise gentle folds, horst-like structures of various dimensions, diapirs, and faults, all of which form various morphologic elements of the ocean floor. On the basis of angular unconformities and hiatuses in the sedimentary cover, the beginning of the neotectonic epoch is dated largely as late Eocene-early Oligocene (34 Ma), although the age of this boundary varies over the ocean floor. The neotectonic evolution is currently going on. Three chronological boundaries of neotectonic reactivation can be distinguished from structure formation and volcanism: the Oligocene-Miocene boundary (∼23 Ma), the late Pliocene-Quaternary boundary (1.5-2.5 Ma), and a boundary of 10 Ma pointed out by E.E. Milanovskii. The number of such time lines can increase in the course of further investigations. Neotectonics of the ocean floor has only begun to be studied, and its progress will considerably influence development of the ideas of the global tectonics.
We solve the two-dimensional time-dependent heat flow equation across an idealized fracture zone boundary, which includes the process of lateral heat conduction across an initially abrupt temperature contrast. From this solution we can calculate the temperature field for any initial offset and at any sequential time. We can use this to calculate a theoretical free air gravity anomaly across the fracture zone given an assumed density variation with temperature. Results for a 30 m.y. initial offset show that both the ampltitude and the shape of the anomaly are significantly altered by lateral heat conduction across the fracture zone even during the first few million years. Assumptions of a sharp density contrast across fracture zones are therefore only valid in very restricted regions close to the ridges. We also find that the theoretical anomaly is small in comparison to observations of free air gravity anomalies. These results add significant complications to attempts at finding unique models for the structure of the lithosphere from gravity anomalies across fracture zones.
Transform faults offset the pipe-shaped region of partial melting and magma generation below the Midoceanic ridge. Hence if there is flow along the pipe, it will be blocked or at least impeded at major transform faults. There is evidence on the Reykjanes ridge that minor transform faults, with offsets of a few tens of kilometers, may be converted to oblique spreading axes by asthenosphere flow. Quantitative estimates of the extent of blocking are derived from a Parker-Oldenburg law of plate thickness increasing as the square root of crustal age. There are several kinds of evidence that the subcrustal partial melts generally moving away from long-wavelength topographic and gravity highs on the Midoceanic ridge (hot spots) are partly blocked at transform faults: (1) elevations of particular isochrons, including the present spreading axis, frequently jump discontinuously across major transform faults (the best examples of this are in the northeast Atlantic); (2) morphology and seismicity change abruptly across the Blanco fracture zone, which separates a ridge influenced by a hot spot (the Juan de Fuca ridge) from one not so influenced (the Gorda ridge); (3) a zone of relatively high magnetic amplitudes is associated with the hot spot influenced Juan de Fuca and central Galapagos ridges (this zone may delineate how much crust was produced by the Fe/Ti-rich melts of hot spot origin (whether due to distinctive source composition or subsequent fractionation); on both ridges the high-amplitude magnetic zones are terminated on both ends at transform faults, again suggesting blockage of the hot spot melts; (4) prominent ridges, such as the the Mendocino and Charlie Gibbs ridges, may form on the 'upstream' side of some fracture zones at certain times during their evolution (such fracture ridges seem to be constructional volcanic piles formed continuously at or near the fracture-ridge crest jucntion; they are here interpreted as being due to excess basalt melts, produced from the partial melts ponded on the upstream side of the transform fault; fracture ridges are proposed to record the past intensity of pipe flow and hence hot spot activity); and (5) recent studies by Solomon (1973) show a region of high S wave attenuation and low Q at the southern end of the Reykjanes ridge, below the prominent fracture ridge just north of the Charlie Gibbs fracture zone. Taken together, the various observations support the existence of pipelike flow at shallow depths (up to a few tens of kilometers) below the Midoceanic ridge. The interaction between mantle hot spots and nearby plate boundaries discussed in this paper may produce features, such as the Ninetyeast and Broken ridges, that exhibit a strong plate tectonic fabric (structures parallel or perpendicular to transform faults) but nevertheless attest to special convective processes in the mantle.
One of the most puzzling characteristics of sea-floor morphology is the occurrence of anomalously shallow, fracture-zone parallel, oceanic transverse ridges. A model is proposed for the formation of transverse ridges near lat 21° and 24°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in which the differential responses of large-offset and small-offset fracture zones to recent changes in spreading direction result in the generation of normal faults that coincide with the off-axis traces of fracture zones. Numerical models of the flexural response of the lithosphere to normal faulting suggest that modest amounts of extension (
This paper presents a thermal model of the oceanic transform fault, that incorporates the effects of the lateral heat conduction across the fault and of the shear heating along the fault on the temperature along the fault. The results indicate that shear heating along the transform fault significantly raises the temperature along the fault. Using the model, computations were made of thermal structure, topography, and geoid anomaly that would result for a prescribed shear stress along an oceanic transform fault.
To demonstrate that thermal stresses may cause significant geoid anomalies, a theoretical formulation, more general than previous formulations, is outlined for thermal stresses in thin plates. A simple, idealized model is developed for flexure of the lithosphere at fracture zones (FZs) due to thermal stresses, and the resulting geoid anomaly is estimated. The predicted amplitude of the anomaly is large enough to be observed in Seasat altimeter profiles. Geoid profiles across FZs, derived from satellite altimetry, are shown in which the predicted anomaly can be easily recognized. This supports the existence of thermal stresses with a magnitude and depth distribution like that predicted by the model.
The Deep Tow geophysical instrument package has been used to survey a 65-km segment along the principal transform displacement zone (PTDZ) of the Vema Fracture Zone, away from either ridge-transform intersection. The surface trace of the PTDZ is a small groove, 5-80 m deep and 20-200 m wide, incised in the otherwise flat-lying turbidites of the transform valley floor. The fault trace cuts across the transform valley diagonally from ridge crest to ridge crest, hugging the southern flank of the median ridge. The groove is straight or gently sinuous, relatively free of the splays and bifurcations which characterize the transform fault zone near the ridge-transform intersection (Macdonald et al., this issue). A pull-apart basin was observed at the location of a slight clockwise bend in the fault trace. Vertical offsets of turbidites suggest that the west end of the median ridge and the east end of the south wall are rising relative to the transform valley floor at rates of the order of millimeters per year. Sediment waves were observed buried under 10-20 m of sediment, suggesting that Antarctic Bottom Water may have flowed through the transform valley more vigorously several tens of thousands years ago than at present.