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Vampire blood: Respiratory physiology of the vampire squid (Cephalopoda: Vampyromorpha) in relation to the oxygen minimum layer



The functional properties of the haemocyanin ofVampyroteuthis infernalis (Cephalopoda: Vampyromorpha), measured at 5 °C, are reported and discussed in relation to hypoxia. The oxygen affinity of this haemocyanin (P 50=0.47−0.55 kPa) is higher than any previously measured for a cephalopod. The high cooperativity (n 50=2.20−2.23) and Bohr coefficient (−0.22) suggest a true transport function for this haemocyanin. This high-affinity haemocyanin, in conjunction with moderate gill diffusion capacity, provides a sufficient oxygen gradient from the environment to the blood to support the low routine oxygen consumption rate of V. infernalis
Vampire blood:respiratory physiology of the
vampire squid (Cephalopoda:Vampyromorpha)
in relation to the oxygen minimum layer
Brad A. Seibel1,Fabienne Chausson2,Francois H.Lallier2, Franck Zal2,
and James J.Childress2
1Equipe Ecophysiologie,Observatoire Océanologique de Roscoff,
UPMC – CNRS-INSU,Station Biologique, BP 74, F-29682 Roscoff Cedex, France
2Marine Science Institute and Department of Ecology, Evolution
and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA
Received: January 11 1999 / Accepted: March 17 1999 / Published: March 24 1999
Abstract. The functional properties of the haemocyanin of Va mpy roteu thi s in-
fernalis (Cephalopoda: Vampyromorpha), measured at 5°C, are reported and
discussed in relation to hypoxia. The oxygen affinity of this haemocyanin
(P50=0.47–0.55 kPa) is higher than any previously measured for a cephalopod.
The high cooperativity (n50=2.20–2.23) and Bohr coefficient (-0.22) suggest a
true transport function for this haemocyanin. This high-affinity
haemocyanin, in conjunction with moderate gill diffusion capacity,provides a
sufficient oxygen gradient from the environment to the blood to support the
low routine oxygen consumption rate of V. i n f e r n a l i s .
Key words. Deep sea – Haemocyanin – Hypoxia
Vampyroteuthis infernalis
Zones of minimum oxygen level are found at intermediate depths in most of
the world’s ocean. Although the oxygen partial pressures in some of these ox-
ygen minimum layers are extremely low (PO2<1 kPa; Schmidt, 1925;Sewell and
Fage, 1948), populations of pelagic metazoans exist there (Banse, 1964). The
vampire squid, Vampyroteuthis infernalis (Fig. 1) is the only cephalopod
thought to live its entire life cycle directly in the core of the oxygen minimum
layer (Roper and Young, 1975; Hunt, 1996). Pickford (1946) coined the term
„oligoaerobic“ to describe V. i n f e r n a l i s ’ affinity for low oxygen. Seibel et al.
(1997) demonstrated that V. i n f e r n a l i s is able to support its routine metabolic
demands aerobically at the lowest oxygen levels that it encounters. This abili-
F.H. Lallier (e-mail:,Tel: +33-2-98292311, Fax: +33-2-98292324)
ty is certainly facilitated by the extremely low metabolic rate of V. i n f e r n a l i s
(Seibel et al., 1997, 1998). However,cephalopod species with similarly low met-
abolic rates living in higher oxygen regions, such as Hawaii (PO2>2.5 kPa), are
unable to tolerate oxygen levels as low as those found off California (Seibel et
al., 1997). This suggests that cephalopods, such as V. i n f e r n a l i s , living off Cali-
fornia possess specific physiological adaptations that enable them to survive
in the extreme, persistent hypoxia of the oxygen minimum layer.
Physiological adaptations to the oxygen minimum layer have recently been
reviewed (Childress and Seibel, 1998).The few inhabitants of the oxygen min-
imum layer studied in detail are able to support their routine metabolic de-
mands aerobically via effective extraction of oxygen from the surrounding
water. Adaptations of pelagic crustaceans to the oxygen minimum layer in-
clude: (1) enhanced ventilatory volume,(2) large gill surface area,(3) short dif-
fusion distance from the water to the blood and (4) haemocyanin respiratory
proteins with very high affinity for oxygen (low P50), high cooperativity of ox-
ygen binding and a large Bohr coefficient (logP50/pH).
Unlike crustaceans,ventilation and locomotion are intimately tied in ceph-
alopods (Wells, 1988). Thus, high ventilatory rates may not be an option for a
sit-and-wait predator such as Vampyroteuthis infernalis (Seibel et al., 1998).
Limited data suggest that, while some midwater cephalopods have extremely
large gill surface areas (Eno, 1994; Madan and Wells, 1996), V. infernalis has
moderate gill surface areas and diffusion distances (Madan and Wells, 1996).
Furthermore, the respiratory proteins of cephalopods generally have low af-
finities for oxygen (at in vivo pH and respective environmental temperatures;
Bridges, 1994). Even the haemocyanins of Octopus vulgaris and Nautilus
pompilius, species often discussed in the context of hypoxia tolerance (Wells
and Wells, 1983, 1985; Wells et al., 1992; Boutilier et al.,1996), have oxygen affin-
ities (Table 1) that are much lower than those found for Gnathophausia ingens,
a midwater crustacean living in the oxygen minimum layer off California (Ta-
ble 1) (Belman and Childress, 1976; Sanders and Childress, 1990).
Fig. 1. A photograph of
Vampyroteuthis infernalis,
taken on board in a small
aquarium after recovery
from 700 m depth off the
coast of southern Califor-
nia with a modified open-
ing-closing Tucker Trawl.
The specimen photo-
graphed is approximately
25–30 cm total length. Pho-
tograph taken by B.Seibel
The only midwater cephalopod for which haemocyanin oxygen binding
data exist is the giant squid, Architeuthis monachus (Brix, 1983).At its pre-
sumed habitat temperature (6.4°C) and pH 7.4, A. monachus has a P50
(1.65 kPa) lower than that of Octopus vulgaris and Nautilus pompilius,but still
too high to allow aerobic survival in the oxygen minimum layer off California.
However,this specimen was captured in the North Atlantic where oxygen lev-
els are higher than those found off California (see Discussion). In order to
function in the oxygen minimum layer,the haemocyanin of V. i n f e r n a l i s must
have a P50 that is considerably lower than the ambient PO2of 0.8 kPa, lower
than any P50 previously measured for a cephalopod.The present study reports
the first observations of the oxygen binding characteristics of the
haemocyanin of Vampyroteuthis infernalis, an „oligoaerobic“ cephalopod, in
relation to the oxygen minimum layer off California.
Tabl e 1 . Metabolism (VO2=ml O2kg–1min–1), gill diffusion capacity (DGO2=ml O2kg–1kPa–1
min–1), blood-water oxygen gradient (Pg=VO2/DGO2; in kPa) and hemocyanin-oxygen
affinity (P50=PO2in kPa at 50% hemocyanin-oxygen saturation) of Vam py ro te ut hi s i nf er n -
alis in comparison to other cephalopods. Data for the lophigastrid crustacean, Gnathop-
hausia ingens, are also shown
Species VO2aDGO2DDPgP50bReferences
Va mp y r o te u t h i s 0.04 2.32 0.02 0.47 Madan and Wells,
infernalis 1996; Seibel et al.,
Nautilus 0.28 0.38 0.74 2.3 Brix et al., 1989;
pompilius Wel l s et al., 1992;
Eno, 1994
Octopus 0.35 0.45 0.77 2.45 Wells and Wells,
vulgaris 1983; Bridges,
1994; Eno, 1994
Architeuthis n.a. n.a. n.a. 1.65 Brix et al., 1989
Gnathophausia 0.56 3.73 0.15 0.19 Belman and
ingens Childress, 1976;
Sanders and
Childress, 1990
aNormalized to 5°C assuming Q10=2
bMeasured at pH 7.4 near environmental temperature
n.a. = not available
Materials and Methods
Specimens of Vampyroteuthis infernalis (estimated weight =250 g each) were
captured in a modified opening-closing Tucker Trawl equipped with a 30 l
thermally insulated cod-end off the coast of southern California (34°37’N,
122°42’W) at 700 m depth. The specimens were transferred to chilled seawater
and allowed to recover for approximately 10 h prior to dissection. Blood was
collected by thoroughly drying the animals and cutting the branchial veins at
the gill and collecting the pooled blood. The blood was immediately frozen in
liquid nitrogen and stored at -80°C until analysis (<8 weeks). Blood from only
one individual was used in the present study. The remaining samples are be-
ing used for structural analysis of the haemocyanin molecule (J. Lamy,
Laboratoire des Proteines Complexes, France). The protein concentration of
whole blood presented below was determined at 280 nm using an absorption
coefficient of 1.43, by J. Lamy (pers. comm.).
The effects of freezing on the function of haemocyanins is incompletely
understood (Morris, 1988).Long-term freezing (>1 year) may have significant
effects on both the cooperativity and the affinity of crustacean haemocyanins,
but the effects vary between species, both in sign and magnitude, making pre-
dictions impossible (Lallier and Truchot, 1989; Sanders and Childress, 1990).
Short-term freezing, such as that used here, seems to have a small effect on
cooperativity but little or no effect on P50 (Morris, 1988). Nothing is known of
the effects of freezing on cephalopod haemocyanins.
Upon thawing, the blood was centrifuged and the supernatant used for
subsequent analysis. Oxygen dissociation curves for whole native blood were
constructed using a step-by-step procedure (Lykkeboe et al., 1975; Bridges et
al., 1979) with a diffusion chamber (Sick and Gersonde,1969). Gas mixtures of
known oxygen content were obtained from laboratory-grade gases (O2,N
CO2) using mass flow controllers (MKS instruments, Andover, Mass., USA).
Changes in pH were induced by varying the CO2tension in the gas mixtures.
The in vivo blood pH of all cephalopod species studied, including the midwa-
ter Histioteuthis heteropsis (Clarke et al., 1979), a part-time resident of the ox-
ygen minimum layer, is believed to range from 7.2 to 7.5 (Bridges, 1994;
Pörtner, 1994). Therefore, we adjusted CO2tensions aiming for this pH range
for our measurements. The in vivo blood pH for Vampyroteuthis infernalis is
not known. The pH was measured near P50 with a capillary pH electrode (Ra-
diometer, BMS2) on a separate subsample equilibrated with the same gas mix-
ture. The diffusion chamber and pH meter were maintained at 5°C throughout
the experiment. Optical density at 365 nm was monitored continuously and
used to derive Hc-O2saturation as a function of PO2in the gas mixture.
Sodium and potassium concentrations were determined by flame photo-
metry (Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany). The chloride concentration was de-
termined by colorimetric titration (Corning 920). Calcium concentrations
were measured using a colorimetric kit (Boehringer 1273574), as was magne-
sium (Merck 14102).
The ionic composition of the blood of Vampyroteuthis infernalis is within the
normal range for marine invertebrates (Hochachka and Somero,1984) includ-
ing cephalopods (Clarke et al., 1979). Sodium was 436.7, potassium was 11.9,
magnesium was 36.7, calcium 12.2, and chloride 465.9 mmol l-1. The concentra-
tion of protein in the blood was determined by J. Lamy (Laboratoire des Pro-
teines Complexes, France; pers. comm.). V. i n f e r n a l i s blood contained 21.5 mg
protein ml-1.
The effects of pH on the binding of oxygen by V. infernalis haemocyanin
are presented in Fig. 2. The small sample size allowed oxygen dissociation
curves to be constructed at only two different pH levels.The relationship (Hill
plot) between the log of fractional saturation (S/1-S) and log of PO2(kPa) is
linear between about 25% and 75% oxygen saturation (logS/1-S=2.23
logPO2+0.59; r=0.997 at pH 7.15 and logS/1-S=2.20logPO2+0.71; r=0.999 at
pH 7.44). Cooperativity (n50, from the slopes of the above regressions) was
high for V. i n f e r n a l i s (n50=2.20 at pH 7.44 and 2.23 at pH 7.15) relative to other
cephalopods at low temperatures (Brix et al., 1989). The haemocyanin-oxygen
affinity measured here is higher than any previously measured for a cephalo-
pod (Table 1). The effect of pH on haemocyanin oxygen affinity was signifi-
cant (ANCOVA, p=0.0001). The P50 (PO2at 50% saturation) was 0.47 kPa at
pH 7.44 (PCO2=0.30 kPa) and 0.55 kPa at pH 7.15 (PCO2=0.8 kPa).The slope of
the relationship between log P50 and pH gives a Bohr coefficient of -0.22.
Fig. 2. Haemocyanin-oxy-
gen fractional saturation
for Vamp yr ot eu thi s i nf er n-
alis as a function of oxygen
partial pressure (kPa) at
pH 7.44 (triangles) and
pH 7.15 (inverted triangles).
The circled region of the
curve indicates the environ-
mental PO2value within the
oxygen minimum layer at
700 m depth off California.
Also shown (inset) is the
haemocyanin oxygen bind-
ing expressed as a Hill plot
(log fractional saturation as
a function of log PO2). The
P50 (PO2at half saturation,
or logS/1–S=0) is 0.47 kPa
at pH 7.44 and 0.55 kPa at
pH 7.15
The extreme hypoxia characterizing the oxygen minimum layer requires ef-
fective extraction of oxygen from the ambient water.The oxygen gradient be-
tween the water and blood (Pg) required to support the oxygen demand can
be calculated from the rate of oxygen consumption and the morphometrics of
the gills (Krogh, 1941). The morphometrics of the gills of Va m py roteut h i s i n -
fernalis have been determined for a single specimen (11 g) captured in the At-
lantic. The oxygen concentration at minimum layer depths in the Atlantic is
considerably higher than that at comparable depths in the Pacific. Gill size,
and presumably diffusion capacity,are known to increase for cephalopods,in-
cluding V. i n f e r n a l i s , in areas of low oxygen concentration (Roper, 1969;Young,
1972). Therefore, we view the following calculations as conservative estimates.
With a metabolic rate of 0.04 ml kg-1 min-1 (normalized to 10 g wet mass;
Seibel et al., 1997) and a gill diffusion capacity of 0.31 ml O2kg-1mmHg-1min-1
(Madan and Wells, 1996) we calculate a Pgof only 0.02 kPa O2for V. i n f e r n -
alis.APO2difference of only 0.02 kPa is required between ambient seawater at
0.8 kPa and the blood to provide sufficient oxygen diffusion to support the
routine metabolic rate. This indicates that while the gill diffusion capacity of
V. i n f e r n a l i s is only moderately high among cephalopods (Eno, 1994), it is ex-
tremely high in relation to its metabolic rate (Table 1). This is a much smaller
gradient than that required by the midwater crustacean, Gnathophausia in-
gens (0.15 kPa; Belman and Childress, 1976). The extremely high affinity
(P50=0.19 kPa) found for G. ingens haemocyanin (Sanders and Childress,
1990) is necessary to create this gradient because of the considerably higher
metabolic rate of this species. The haemocyanin oxygen affinity (P50) of
0.47–0.55 kPa (Fig. 2; Table 1) measured here for V. i n f e r n a l i s , although the
highest ever measured for a cephalopod, is sufficient for oxygen extraction
only in conjunction with an extremely low metabolic rate (Seibel et al., 1997)
and moderate gill diffusion capacity (Madan and Wells, 1996). As in octopods
(Wells and Wells, 1982), extraction efficiency may be increased somewhat by
the counter-current blood flow in the gills of V. i n fe r n a l i s (Young, 1964). The
measured cooperativity and affinity should result in just over 70%
haemocyanin-oxygen saturation at the ambient PO2of 0.8 kPa (Fig. 2). The
relatively low haemocyanin (protein) concentration found for V. infernalis
(21.5 mg ml-1) is similar to that found for G. ingens (24 mg ml-1; Childress and
Seibel, 1998) and provides an oxygen-carrying capacity far greater than would
dissolved oxygen in plasma.
A number of factors are known to influence oxygen binding of respiratory
proteins.Among the most important for cephalopods are temperature (Brix et
al., 1989) and pH (Bridges, 1994; Pörtner, 1994). The temperature regime of
Vampyroteuthis infernalis is narrow (5±1°C) and extremely stable in space and
time. Therefore, temperature effects were not measured in the present study.
Protons generated during anaerobic metabolism cause pH shifts that affect
haemocyanin-oxygen binding. However, the low tissue-buffering capacity of
the mantle (Seibel et al., 1997) and low glycolytic enzymatic activities (Seibel
et al., 1998) suggest that protons generated during anaerobic bursts of swim-
ming are of little importance for V. i n f e r n a l i s . The lactate produced during
anaerobic glycolysis can be an important moderator of respiratory protein
function in vertebrates and crustaceans (Truchot and Lallier, 1992). Octopine,
the equivalent of lactate in cephalopods, is probably metabolized in the mus-
cle tissues of V. i n f e r n a l i s as in other cephalopods (Pörtner, 1994) rather than
excreted into the blood. Like anaerobic proton generation, octopine produc-
tion is probably low in V. i n f e r n a l i s . Furthermore, organic effectors have not
been evidenced in molluscan haemocyanins. Therefore,acidification by respi-
ratory CO2production is probably the most important moderator of oxygen
binding in V. i n f e r n a l i s .
The role of the large negative Bohr coefficients found for most cephalopods
(<-1.0) is still actively debated (see Bridges, 1994; Pörtner, 1994 for review). In
some cases a large Bohr coefficient may improve oxygen loading with in-
creased ventilation during temporary hypoxia (Lykkeboe and Johannsen,
1982; Brix et al., 1989). It may also be related to cutaneous oxygen uptake
(Pörtner,1994).Alternatively,it may serve a more traditional oxygen transport
role in conjunction with oxygen-linked CO2binding,as proposed by Lykkeboe
et al. (1980). In any case, the relatively low oxygen affinities of most cephalo-
pod haemocyanins will allow sufficient release of oxygen at the tissues.In con-
trast, oxygen unloading at the tissues may be problematic forV. i n f e r n a l i s due
to the high-affinity haemocyanin reported here. The high cooperativity (rela-
tive to other cephalopods at low temperatures; Brix et al., 1989) of this
haemocyanin allows release of most of its bound oxygen with a relatively
small drop in PO2.The magnitude of the Bohr effect in V. i n f e r n a l i s (-0.22) will
further facilitate oxygen unloading at the tissues during respiratory CO2re-
lease and subsequent acidosis. Given that arterial PO2is very near ambient
PO2, any release of oxygen at the tissues will occur at PO2levels within the co-
operative region of the oxygen dissociation curve (see Fig. 2). This suggests
that the haemocyanin does indeed play a transport function in V. i n f e r n a l i s .
Cephalopods have received considerable attention in the context of hy-
poxia tolerance. Hypoxia is believed to have played a large role in cephalopod
evolution.However,those species reported to be hypoxia tolerant are general-
ly from unstable oxygen environments. Animals in these environments, tide-
pools and burrows,and those with shells experience oxygen regimes that vary
from near air saturation to complete anoxia. Octopus spp. and Nautilus spp.
have high critical oxygen partial pressures and low haemocyanin oxygen af-
finities relative to V. i n f e r n a l i s (Table 1).While they have clearly adjusted their
physiology for enhancement of oxygen extraction relative to active squids
(Wells, 1988), they can not regulate their oxygen consumption much below
2.6 kPa PO2(Wells and Wells, 1982; Wells et al., 1992). Instead, Octopus spp.
(Seibel, 1998) and Nautilus spp. (Boutilier et al., 1996) have considerable ca-
pacities for metabolic suppression and/or anaerobic metabolism to wait out
periods of intolerably low oxygen. They can survive complete anoxia for sev-
eral hours. Inhabitants of oxygen minimum layers must rely on their abilities
to extract oxygen from the ambient water to support their routine metabolic
rates and generally have very limited abilities to survive complete anoxia
(Childress and Seibel, 1998). The high oxygen affinity haemocyanin reported
here, in conjunction with a moderate gill diffusion capacity, provides a suffi-
cient oxygen gradient between the environment and the blood to support the
low routine oxygen consumption rate of Vampyroteuthis infernalis.
Acknowledgements. This research was supported in part by a University of
California Graduate Division Fellowship and a Western Society of Malacolo-
gists Student Grant to B.A.S., National Science Foundation grant (OCE-
9415543) to J.J.C.,and Ifremer-URM 7 to F.H.L.and F.C.We thank the Monterey
Bay Aquarium for allowing participation on research and collection cruises
and we thank the Captain and Crew of the R/V Point Sur for their assistance at
sea. We thank Joan Company and Shana K. Goffredi for critically reviewing
this manuscript.
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... Like Zn, the metal cation of Cu is also an essential element of the oxidation process of L-DOPA (L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine) in the production of melanin in the ink bag and ocular tissues of squid (Slominski et al. 2004). Low levels of Cu in muscle tissue in samples from Djerba were also observed in studies by Seibel et al. (1999) which showed that mantle tissue showed the lowest concentration of Cu, with a value of 4.29 mg/kg. These concentrations were explained by the movement of oxygen through the mantle via hemocyanin. ...
... These concentrations were explained by the movement of oxygen through the mantle via hemocyanin. Squid and other cephalopods use hemocyanin protein to transport oxygen into their bodies (Seibel et al. 1999). Accumulation of Cu in the muscle tissues of cephalopods always occurs at low concentrations. ...
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This study was carried out to determine the concentration of selected heavy metals in common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) caught in the south west of Mediterranean Sea (Gulf of Gabes, Tunisia). To reach this objective, cuttlefish samples were collected from each area (Sfax and Djerba) situated along the Gulf of Gabes, and the concentrations of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd) were measured in the gills, gonads, digestive glands, and muscles. Sample preparation and quantification of the metals were accomplished via the wet digestion method and atomic absorption spectroscopy. The levels of heavy metals varied significantly among organs and sites. In fact, the population from Sfax (Gargour) shows the highest concentrations of copper, zinc, and lead compared to the population from Djerba. Globally, recorded metal concentrations were within the range or below the levels in similar species from other regions across the world. To our knowledge, this study is the first that interests to the bioaccumulation of metals in this cuttlefish species from the two investigated areas and to the evaluation of their levels in different tissues.
... It has been recorded up to 57.1°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 7 and up to 51.3°N in the Pacific 22 . The vertical distribution of V. infernalis covers meso-and bathypelagic zones from 600 to 3300 m depth, where it is commonly, but not exclusively, associated with oxygen minimum zones (OMZ) [18][19][20][23][24][25]. Adaptations for living in the OMZ relate to minimizing energy expenditure and include: suppression of aerobic metabolism resulting in the lowest mass-specific metabolic rate among cephalopods 26 ; the use of a haemocyanin (respiratory protein) with the highest affinity for O 2 among all cephalopod heamocyanins investigated so far 24 , except for one benthic octopus from the Antarctic 27 ; neutral buoyancy to reduce the energy costs of swimming 26,28 ; and using retractile filaments to collect detritus and small planktonic organisms, along with cirri on the arms to manipulate captured food towards the mouth 18 . ...
... Vampyroteuthis infernalis has perplexed biologists since it was first described: the peculiar anatomy 8-11 challenged our understanding of its phylogenetic position [12][13][14][15][16] , and the strong ecological association with the OMZs has initiated an interest in their habitat preferences [18][19][20][23][24][25] . The global analysis of V. infernalis presented here has shown that the species has a dynamic, inverted ontogenetic trajectory in δ 15 N values and TL, coupled with a niche broadening instead of narrowing. ...
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Vampyroteuthis infernalis Chun, 1903, is a widely distributed deepwater cephalopod with unique morphology and phylogenetic position. We assessed its habitat and trophic ecology on a global scale via stable isotope analyses of a unique collection of beaks from 104 specimens from the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. Cephalopods typically are active predators occupying a high trophic level (TL) and exhibit an ontogenetic increase in δ15N and TL. Our results, presenting the first global comparison for a deep-sea invertebrate, demonstrate that V. infernalis has an ontogenetic decrease in δ15N and TL, coupled with niche broadening. Juveniles are mobile zooplanktivores, while larger Vampyroteuthis are slow-swimming opportunistic consumers and ingest particulate organic matter. Vampyroteuthis infernalis occupies the same TL (3.0–4.3) over its global range and has a unique niche in deep-sea ecosystems. These traits have enabled the success and abundance of this relict species inhabiting the largest ecological realm on the planet.
... Understanding the dynamic of these responses can be informative for predicting abundances and geographic distribution of marine species affected by present-day trends in deoxygenation driven by human activities. The Recent deep-sea vampire squid Vampyroteuthis infernalis 11 that inhabits the OMZs in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans possesses extraordinary adaptations to low oxygen concentrations, including a low metabolic rate 12,13 and a detritivorous trophic strategy 14 , in contrast to predatory strategies of most other cephalopods. Vampyroteuthis is characterized by a mosaic of characters of the superorders Decabrachia and Octobrachia (Octopodiformes or Vampyropoda in other terminologies), but morphological 15 molecular [16][17][18] and combined studies 19,20 indicate that Vampyroteuthis belongs to the octobrachian lineage. ...
... Understanding the dynamic of these responses can be informative for predicting abundances and geographic distribution of marine species affected by present-day trends in deoxygenation driven by human activities. The Recent deep-sea vampire squid Vampyroteuthis infernalis 11 that inhabits the OMZs in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans possesses extraordinary adaptations to low oxygen concentrations, including a low metabolic rate 12,13 and a detritivorous trophic strategy 14 , in contrast to predatory strategies of most other cephalopods. Vampyroteuthis is characterized by a mosaic of characters of the superorders Decabrachia and Octobrachia (Octopodiformes or Vampyropoda in other terminologies), but morphological 15 molecular [16][17][18] and combined studies 19,20 indicate that Vampyroteuthis belongs to the octobrachian lineage. ...
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A marked 120 My gap in the fossil record of vampire squids separates the only extant species (Vampyroteuthis infernalis) from its Early Cretaceous, morphologically-similar ancestors. While the extant species possesses unique physiological adaptations to bathyal environments with low oxygen concentrations, Mesozoic vampyromorphs inhabited epicontinental shelves. However, the timing of their retreat towards bathyal and oxygen-depleted habitats is poorly documented. Here, we document a first record of a post-Mesozoic vampire squid from the Oligocene of the Central Paratethys represented by a vampyromorph gladius. We assign Necroteuthis hungarica to the family Vampyroteuthidae that links Mesozoic loligosepiids with Recent Vampyroteuthis. Micropalaeontological, palaeoecological, and geochemical analyses demonstrate that Necroteuthis hungarica inhabited bathyal environments with bottom-water anoxia and high primary productivity in salinity-stratified Central Paratethys basins. Vampire squids were thus adapted to bathyal, oxygen-depleted habitats at least since the Oligocene. We suggest that the Cretaceous and the early Cenozoic OMZs triggered their deep-sea specialization.
... Specimens of J. diaphana and V. infernalis have been successfully kept alive for some periods of time on board of research vessels or in laboratory aquaria (Seibel et al. 1999, Birk et al. 2019. The periodicity of growth increments deposition in the beaks of both species might be investigated by injecting the animals with fluorescent chemical markers, which get incorporated in the beaks and allow quantification of increment formation, a technique that has been applied for benthic octopod species ). ...
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This thesis dissertation investigates longevity of deep-sea and Antarctic octopodiform species using life history traits and the quantification of growth increments in the octopods’ beaks (chitinous jaws). The first chapter investigates how life history traits including embryonic development, hatchling size, size- and age-at-maturity are correlated with habitat characteristics (water temperature and depth of occurrence), using published data of 26 octopodiform species. The second chapter tests the hypothesis that the incirrate benthic octopods living in the vicinity of the Antarctic Peninsula (-2 to 2°C) have longer lifespans than their temperate and tropical relatives. Age was investigated in specimens of the family Megaleledonidae (Pareledone spp., Adelieledone spp. and Megaleledone setebos) and in Muusoctopus rigbyae, using the quantification of growth increments deposited in their beaks. Age estimates are discussed and were compared to those in other octopod species in which the periodicity of beak growth increments has been validated to be daily. The third chapter also uses the quantification of growth increments in beaks to assess if the deep-sea pelagic octopodiforms Japetella diaphana and the vampire squid Vampyroteuthis infernalis have longer lifespans compared to benthic relatives. Their remarkable low metabolic rates and reproductive biology rather suggest that growth increments in the beaks may require more than one day to be formed.
... It has the lowest metabolic rate among cephalopods (0.07 mol O 2 ·g Ϫ1 ·h Ϫ1 ; FIGURE 2A), more closely resembling a jellyfish than a squid (75). It also has the lowest P crit and P 50 (both ϳ0.4 kPa; FIGURE 6G) among cephalopods (77). Interestingly, the pH sensitivity of oxygen binding (Bohr coefficient of approximately Ϫ0.2) is much less than the Ommastrephid squids discussed above. ...
Squids are powerful swimmers with high metabolic rates despite constrained oxygen uptake and transport. They have evolved novel physiological strategies for survival in extreme environments that provide insight into their susceptibility to asphyxiation under anthropogenic ocean incalescence (warming), deoxygenation, and acidification. Plasticity of ecological and physiological traits, in conjunction with vertical and latitudinal mobility, may explain their evolutionary persistence and ensure their future survival.
... In fact, as mentioned before, the greater anaerobic and aerobic capacity observed in its white muscle and the enzymatic protection of its vital organs against hypoxia may be just primary responses or adaptations that allow increased swimming activity, related to an active feeding behavior including its daily feeding migrations. To prove increased tolerance to habitat hypoxia, other indicators such as circulatory and morphological adaptations should be investigated and compared between species, including gill surface areas, ventilation rate and volumes and the affinity for oxygen of their respiratory proteins (Childress and Seibel 1998;Seibel et al. 1999). ...
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The aerobic and anaerobic enzymatic activity of two important commercial bathypelagic species living in the Juan Fernández seamounts was analyzed: alfonsino (Beryx splendens) and orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus). These seamounts are influenced by the presence of an oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) located between 160 and 250 m depth. Both species have vertical segregation; alfonsino is able to stay in the OMZ, while orange roughy remains at greater depths. In this study, we compare the aerobic and anaerobic capacity of these species, measuring the activity of key metabolic enzymes in different body tissues (muscle, heart, brain and liver). Alfonsino has higher anaerobic potential in its white muscle due to greater lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity (190.2 μmol NADH min−1 g ww−1), which is related to its smaller body size, but it is also a feature shared with species that migrate through OMZs. This potential and the higher muscle citrate synthase and electron transport system activities indicate that alfonsino has greater swimming activity level than orange roughy. This species has also a high MDH/LDH ratio in its heart, brain and liver, revealing a potential capacity to conduct aerobic metabolism in these organs under prolonged periods of environmental low oxygen conditions, preventing lactic acid accumulation. With these metabolic characteristics, alfonsino may have increased swimming activity to migrate and also could stay for a period of time in the OMZ. The observed differences between alfonsino and orange roughy with respect to their aerobic and anaerobic enzymatic activity are consistent with their characteristic vertical distributions and feeding behaviors.
Writing assignments offer valuable student learning experiences in both live and online courses. But concerns about the challenges and extra work of marking, and about plagiarism, often deter instructors from using them. I used a writing assignment successfully over 20 years in a one‐term invertebrate biology course, despite enrolments exceeding 100. Structured to maximally engage students yet minimize marking load, the assignment often yielded gems of stories for use in subsequent lectures. The Annotated Bibliography assignment asks students: (a) to précis the justification, main results, and significance of three papers from the primary scientific literature in under 250 words each, and (b) to provide a short (150 word) summary of the broader story connecting the three papers. Students liked this assignment because they could choose any aspect of the biology of any invertebrate genus. This inspired them to explore the literature out of personal interest. It's appealing for instructors, because annotations are compact and therefore easy to read, mark, and inspect for plagiarism. It is appealing to host universities, because it generates extensive use of library resources and motivates students to learn how to use them, and online taxonomic databases, effectively. Here I provide: (a) instructions for this assignment, (b) a straightforward marking rubric, (c) two examples of excellent submissions, and (d) comments on the risk and extent of plagiarism. Appendices provide: detailed instructions, a sample annotation with comments to guide student writing, an online submission web page, an online administrator web page, and PHP scripts for both web pages. Finally, I summarize topics and taxa from nearly 2,000 submissions. The five most popular taxa were cephalopods, insects, malacostracan crustaceans, gastropods, and arachnids. Although aspects of sex or reproduction, and camouflage or mimicry were the most popular topics, one paper on extreme limb movements in stomatopods was cited the most.
Two species of the deep-water caridean shrimp genus Nematocarcinus were collected off western Mexico: N. agassizii (6 samples) and N. faxoni (56 samples). The specimens were collected using benthic gear (i.e., benthic sledge and Agassiz dredge) during a series of 12 cruises (228 samples) in the Mexican Pacific and inside the Gulf of California. At each locality, near-bottom temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen were measured, and the organic carbon content in the sediments was analyzed. Nematocarcinus faxoni was distributed along all the Mexican Pacific coasts, and N. agassizii was only collected off the western Baja California Peninsula. The density of the two species peaked at different depths, N. agassizii at 701–1000 m and N. faxoni at 1001–1300 m, bathymetric changes in density being overall significant for both species. The females of both species were significantly larger than males, and ovigerous females were larger than the rest of the females. Ovigerous females of N. faxoni measured 17.96–28.33 mm (CL) and those of N. agassizii measured 23.32–31.90 mm. The size of N. faxoni changed with depth, smaller organisms were not collected deeper than 1600 m, and greater proportions of large organisms were found at greater depths. Overall sex ratio was M/F = 1:2, except at 1301–1600 (M/F = 1:1). High densities of N. faxoni were recorded at temperature ranging 3.5–6.5 °C, DO ranging 0–0.5 ml/l, and salinity ranging 34.5–34.6 and 34.7–34.8, and in sediments with 1–2% organic carbon content. Specimens of N. agassizii were mainly found at temperature between 5 and 6 °C and aggregated mostly at DO of 0–0.5 ml/l. No particular trend was found regarding salinity and organic carbon in the sediments. Generalized additive models revealed that the distribution of N. faxoni was associated with environments with intermediate salinity, low organic carbon content in the sediments, and high temperature. Nematocarcinus agassizii distribution was associated with lower salinity and higher organic carbon content than N. faxoni.
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The role of cephalopod haemocyanins in oxygen transport is analysed in the light of the coordination of metabolism, acid‐base regulation and gas exchange processes. Results obtained in squid, the most active among cephalopod species, indicate that the pH dependence of their haemocyanin supports a Po2‐buffer function for the pigment. The release of base equivalents from the tissue during aerobic exercise and the minimal release of protons during anaerobic octopine formation protect arterial pH and, thus, oxygen binding. The extent of respiratory acidification and haemocyanin deoxygenation on the venous side is higher in blood returning from the mantle than from the head. In vivo blood gas measurements reported for squid and for other cephalopod species support the conclusion that CO2 accumulation and respiratory acidification of the blood occur in excess of the effect expected from the consumption of haemocyanin bound O2 and RQ values derived from protein catabolism. This suggests that a considerable fraction of the oxygen consumed by the animal enters via the skin, especially in the mantle. Model calculations demonstrate that skin O2 uptake in the mantle increases during activity in squid. In other cephalopod species like cuttlefish, the special process of arterial CO2 binding to oxygenated haemocyanin and its release during venous deoxygenation may provide the excess CO2 required for venous acidification. All of these processes allow the classical Bohr effect to function supporting oxygen loading at the gills and oxygen unloading in the tissues. The large pH‐dependent cooperativity and the Bohr effect combine to maximize the Po2‐buffer function of the respiratory pigment. These adaptations probably evolved after the ancestors of modern cephalopods lost their shells and locomotor activity assumed a greater role in their lifestyle.
The O2 affinity of crustacean hemocyanin is increased by several organic factors such as L-lactate and urate. These allosteric interactions, together with long-term changes of molecular subunit composition, allow fine tuning of the O2-carrying function to various environmental and physiological conditions.
1.1. A modification of an earlier technique for rapid determination of O2 content in fluid samples is described.2.2. The method has been shown to have a standard deviation of 0.064 ml O2/100ml blood between replicate samples of haemocyanin containing blood.3.3. The method has been used for studying O2 equilibrium curves of haemocyanin containing blood of Sepia officinalis and has been compared with a spectrophotometric method for accuracy and reproducibility.
The oxygen affinity, expressed as the P50, of the haemocyanin of most cephalopods so far studied is relatively low (P50 > 20 Torr in 75% of the studies). At the same time the Bohr effect, the dependence of oxygen affinity on pH, is large (Bohr coefficient < ‐1.0 in 80% of the studies).Spectrophotometric measurements of oxygen dissociation curves of the haemocyanin from Sepia officinalis at high oxygen tensions (>500 Torr) indicate that 100% saturation is not attained at low pH (6.5) compared to high pH (7.5). Cooperativity, expressed as n50 also decreases with pH and these two characteristics suggest the presence of a Root effect, i.e. a dependence of maximum oxygen carrying capacity (O2 cap) on pH. Oxygen dissociation curves at low pH however, were not asymptotic, indicating that full saturation may be reached at higher oxygen tensions. Gasometric measurements of oxygen carrying capacity using low pH and high PO2 values (l atmosphere) in a specially constructed chamber show that 100% saturation was reached at higher oxygen tensions, indicating that this apparent Root effect is not due to an absolute conformational change, as in some fish haemoglobins, but to an exaggerated Bohr effect. Physiologically however, neither such high oxygen pressures nor such low pH values have been measured to date in the blood of cephalopods in vivo making the functional use of a Root effect doubtful.
SUMMARY Octopus vulgaris can regulate its oxygen uptake in a closed respirometer down to a P02 of less than 70 mmHg. As the tankwater P02 falls the hearts slow down. Pulse amplitudes and mean pressures fall in the afferent bran- chial vessels and in the dorsal aorta. Despite behavioural changes — expan- sion of the interbrachial web and extension of the arms — that might imply this, the proportion of the total oxygen uptake attributable to cutaneous respiration (less than 13%) does not alter as the external P02 falls. The response of the hearts to a low P02 is not affected by severing the nerve supply from the central nervous system, or by removal of the heart ganglia. It is evidently determined by oxygen lack and not by the accumulation of CO2 or other metabolites, since the same effects are achieved by placing the animals in water where the P02 has been reduced by boiling. The conclusion that regulation does not depend upon circulatory responses to hypoxia is considered in the light of recent work on the changes in blood oxygen affinity associated with acute hypoxia in cephalopods.
SUMMARY In Octopus and Sepia the inhalant water stream is sucked in to each side of the mantle cavity and passes into the centre of the corresponding gill. From here it runs counter-current to the blood vessels in the secondary gill lamellae and out into a common cavity created by expansion of the posterior part of the mantle. On exhalation the flow runs centrally, by- passing the gills and out through the funnel. This paper deals with the anatomy that ensures this pattern of flow, and with measurement of the POt at various points in the mantle in normoxia and hypoxia. Utilization of oxygen from the respiratory stream is often better than 50% and the POi of the exhalant water is regularly lower than the likely arterial POi.