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Responses of Mediterranean Plant Species to different fire frequencies in Garraf Natural Park (Catalonia, Spain): Field observations and modelling predictions


Abstract and Figures

Dynamics of the coexisting Mediterranean species Pinus halepensis, Quercus coccifera, Erica multiflora, Rosmarinus officinalis, Cistus albidus, C. salviifolius and Ampelodesmos mauritanica, with contrasted life history traits have been studied under different fire scenarios, following two approaches: a) field survey in areas with three different fire histories (unburned for the last 31 years, once burned in 1982, and twice burned in 1982 and 1994), and b) simulations with different fire recurrence using the FATE vegetation model. We compared observed abundance in the field survey to simulation outputs obtained from fire scenarios that mimicked field fire histories. Substantial mismatching did not occur between field survey and simulations. Higher fire recurrences were associated with an increase in the resprouting Ampelodesmos grass, together with a decrease in Pinus abundance. Resprouting shrubs did not show contrasting changes, but trends of increase in Quercus and decrease in Erica were observed. The seeders Rosmarinus and Cistus achieved maximum abundance at intermediate fire recurrence. We also performed ten 200 year simulations of increasing fire recurrence with average times between fires of 100, 40, 20, 10, and 5 years. A scenario without fire was also simulated. High fire recurrence produces an increase in Ampelodesmos, a grass which is becoming dominant in the area, and a small increase in Erica, but Quercus abundance decreases and Pinus disappears. Rosmarinus and Cistus abundance peaks at intermediate fire frequencies. When comparing these simulations to those in which Ampelodesmos was excluded, we found that the absence of the grass only increased Cistus occurrence in the community, this effect being more important at frequent fire recurrence. The study suggests that simple models based on life history traits may be useful in interpreting plant community dynamics in Mediterranean ecosystems that are greatly influenced by differences in the fire regime.
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Responses of Mediterranean Plant Species to different fire frequencies in
Garraf Natural Park (Catalonia, Spain): field observations and modelling
Francisco Lloret
*, Juli G. Pausas
and Montserrat Vilà
Centre de Recerca Ecològica i Aplicacions Forestals (CREAF), Universitat Autònoma Barcelona, Bellaterra,
08193 Barcelona, Spain;
Centro de Estudios Ambientales del Mediterráneo (CEAM), Parc Tecnològic, C.
Charles Darwin 14, 46980 Paterna, València, Spain; *Author for correspondence
Received 26 June 2000; accepted in revised form 25 January 2002
Key words: Ampelodesmos mauritanica, Fire recurrence, Model, Resprouting, Simulation
Dynamics of the coexisting Mediterranean species Pinus halepensis,Quercus coccifera,Erica multiflora,Ros-
marinus offıcinalis,Cistus albidus, C. salviifolius and Ampelodesmos mauritanica, with contrasted life history
traits have been studied under different fire scenarios, following two approaches: a) field survey in areas with
three different fire histories (unburned for the last 31 years, once burned in 1982, and twice burned in 1982 and
1994), and b) simulations with different fire recurrence using the FATE vegetation model. We compared ob-
served abundance in the field survey to simulation outputs obtained from fire scenarios that mimicked field fire
histories. Substantial mismatching did not occur between field survey and simulations. Higher fire recurrences
were associated with an increase in the resprouting Ampelodesmos grass, together with a decrease in Pinus abun-
dance. Resprouting shrubs did not show contrasting changes, but trends of increase in Quercus and decrease in
Erica were observed. The seeders Rosmarinus and Cistus achieved maximum abundance at intermediate fire re-
currence. We also performed ten 200 year simulations of increasing fire recurrence with average times between
fires of 100, 40, 20, 10, and 5 years. A scenario without fire was also simulated. High fire recurrence produces an
increase in Ampelodesmos, a grass which is becoming dominant in the area, and a small increase in Erica, but
Quercus abundance decreases and Pinus disappears. Rosmarinus and Cistus abundance peaks at intermediate fire
frequencies. When comparing these simulations to those in which Ampelodesmos was excluded, we found that
the absence of the grass only increased Cistus occurrence in the community, this effect being more important at
frequent fire recurrence. The study suggests that simple models based on life history traits may be useful in
interpreting plant community dynamics in Mediterranean ecosystems that are greatly influenced by differences in
the fire regime.
Vegetation dynamics in Mediterranean-type ecosys-
tems are largely determined by the fire regime (Hanes
1977; Gill 1981; Kruger and Bigalke 1984; Trabaud
1994; Fuentes et al. 1994). Several regeneration
mechanisms involved in species response to fire (i.e.
germination, resprouting) may produce a fast post-fire
recovery of the compositional and structural attributes
of the vegetation (Hanes 1977; Pausas 1999a). Vari-
ation in fire regime related to increasing fire recur-
rence, intensity or timing (Sousa 1984; Johnson and
Gutsell 1994), however, may also change vegetation
(Bond et al. 1984; Pausas (1999b, 2001)). For exam-
ple, fires of high intensity may increase mortality of
resprouters (Lloret and López-Soria 1993; Moreno
and Oechel 1993). High fire recurrence may prevent
seeders from replenishing seed banks or may deplete
bud banks of resprouters (Zedler et al. 1983), but
might favor species that combine high resprouting
ability and fast reproduction and seedling establish-
ment after fire (Vilà et al. 2001). Furthermore, long
Plant Ecology 167: 223235, 2003.
© 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
inter-re periods may reduce abundance of short-
lived opportunistic species whose populations in-
crease shortly after res, but decline over time (Tra-
baud and Lepart 1980; Haidinger and Keeley 1993).
Therefore, the vegetation response to changes in re
regimes of Mediterranean-type ecosystems should be
strongly inuenced by the life-history traits of plant
The number, size and frequency of res have in-
creased in the last several decades in the northern
Mediterranean Basin. Changes in re regimes have
resulted from changes in land use (Moreno et al.
1998; Pausas and Vallejo 1999) and increases in cli-
matic re hazard (Piñol et al. 1998a). A shift toward
communities dominated by low structured, herba-
ceous vegetation has been proposed for the Mediter-
ranean Basin under scenarios of high disturbance fre-
quency (Bolòs 1962; Naveh 1974; Trabaud 1991).
For example, dominance of large tussock grasses
rather than shrubs has been locally reported in areas
with frequent res, and the existence of a positive
feedback between re and grass has been proposed
(DAntonio and Vitousek 1992). Frequent res thus
may promote a shift in Mediterranean-type vegetation
from shrublands to savannas (Vilàand Lloret 2000).
Although long-term consequences of this shift are not
completely understood, a change in dominant life
forms should be expected.
Models of vegetation dynamics are useful tools for
investigating the long-term consequences of different
scenarios involving climate (Solomon 1986; Bug-
mann 1996), harvesting (Pausas and Austin 1998), or
re regime (Malanson 1985; Pausas (1998, 1999b)).
They are especially important for studying the conse-
quences of interval-dependent processes (Bond and
van Wilgen 1996), in which the experimental ap-
proach is difficult to apply. Interval-dependent pro-
cesses such as plant establishment, maturation and
dormancy are key factors for predicting long-term
consequences of alternative re scenarios.
The FATE model (Funtional Attributes in Terres-
trial Ecosystems; Moore and Noble (1990)) repre-
sents a good compromise between minimal data re-
quirement and realistic description of the vegetation
dynamics in re-prone systems (Pausas 1999b). FATE
is a deterministic qualitative vegetation model based
on the vital attributes approach (Noble and Slatyer
1980) and on the assumption that the best way to un-
derstand the dynamics of plant communities is to
know how individual plants perform in their environ-
In this study, we explored whether increasing re
recurrence in Mediterranean-type ecosystems would
favour a shift from pine forests and evergreen shru-
blands to more grass-dominated communities. Focus-
sing on shrubland-pine forest formations of Garraf
Natural Park (Catalonia, Spain), we applied the FATE
model to predict variation in the abundance of domi-
nant species under different historical re regimes,
and we compared model results to eld observations.
We also ran the model under scenarios of increasing
re recurrence to evaluate long-term effects of a large,
perennial grass (Ampelodesmos mauritanica) on com-
munity dynamics.
Material and methods
Study area
The Garraf Natural Park (Garraf hereafter) is located
about 30 Km south of Barcelona (NE Spain, 41°15
N, 2°0E). The area (almost 10,000 ha) is a karstic
massif ranging from sea level to 600 m altitude. Soils
are Jurassic and Cretaceous limestones and marls
with a high presence of rock outcrops and abandoned
terraces (old elds). We stratied the study area into
3 classes based on the re history over the past three
decades, during which we have precise, spatial record
of re occurrence. These classes were: 1) small, scat-
tered areas that have remained unburned for at least
the last 31 years (hereafter, unburned areas), 2) a
7000 ha area that was burned in July 1982 (hereafter,
once-burned areas), and 3) a 4800 ha area within the
7000 ha area that was burned again in April 1994
(hereafter, twice-burned areas).
The climate is typically Mediterranean, with mild
and moderately moist winters, and warm and dry
summers. Mean annual rainfall at the closest climate
station is 548 mm (Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona),
with a pronounced summer drought (around 100 mm
of rainfall from June to August). Mean annual tem-
perature is 16.7 °C. Mean maximum and minimum
temperatures are reached in August (30.6 °C) and Jan-
uary (0.5 °C), respectively.
The vegetation is dominated by evergreen, sclero-
phyllous shrublands 1.5 m high and open Pinus
halepensis forests (Bolòs 1962). One main souce of
variability in vegetation is land use history, especially
abandoned terraces and uncultivated slopes that tend
to correspond to deeper and stony soils, respectively.
A second source is a coastal to inland gradient that
determines climatic variation; moister conditions oc-
cur inland, where higher altitudes enhance rainfall.
Given the large extension of two res (in 1982 and
1994), the different land use histories and the climatic
gradient are well represented in all three types of re
histories (Riera and Castell 1997).
Through many centuries, grazing by domestic live-
stock, mainly sheep and goats, has been important in
all the area comprising Garraf. Cores from ancient
lakes have provided charcoal dated to the Middle
Ages, which has been attributed to burning of wood-
lands to increase pastures (Riera-Mora and Esteban-
Amat 1994). However, agricultural practices have not
been historically intensive in the area because of the
dominance of stony soils with supercial limestone
bedrocks. Since the end of the 18th century and dur-
ing the 19th, vinyeard expansion increased (Ferrer
1998), but in the 1890s phyloxera arrived in Garraf
(Giralt 1990) leading to the abandonment of most of
these areas, which have not been re-cultivated. These
areas have been colonized by shrublands and Pinus
halepensis forests. This type of ecosystem, with a
long history of human inuence, is dominant in the
Mediterranean Basin, where pristine, natural wild-
lands are the exception (Naveh 1974).
Field survey
An extensive survey was conducted in Garraf from
January to March 1996. This survey occurred 31
years at least since the last re in the unburned area,
14 years after the last re in the once-burned area, and
two years after the most recent re in the twice-
burned area. We randomly selected a subset of 92
quadrats from a 500 ×500 m grid map covering the
park. We chose 30 quadrats in the unburned and the
twice burned areas, and 32 quadrats in the once
burned areas. Within each quadrat we established one
10 ×10 m stand. Within each re history area, stand
site selection was stratied to balance the different
combinations of aspect (north or south), topographi-
cal location (steep or at areas), and soil type (pres-
ence of rock outcrops in more or less 30% of the total
soil surface). Vegetation cover of perennial species in
each stand was estimated by the point intercept sam-
pling procedure. We recorded the presence of the spe-
cies every 0.5 m along the four sides of the stand
quadrat and in a 10 m transect located in the middle
of the stand. Thus, in each stand 94 points were used
to estimate cover of perennial species. Annuals were
not included because their relative cover is low in this
type of woodlands (Folch 1981). This procedure is
appropriate to quantify the plant cover of dominant
species, six of which were selected for this study (see
below). Comparisons between the three types of re
history were performed by one-factor ANOVA and
the Fishers PLSD test was used for post-hoc pairwise
comparisons (SuperAnova procedure, Abacus Con-
cepts (1989)). Data on cover percentage of each spe-
cies were ln(x+1) transformed before analysis to nor-
malise residuals.
Model and species description
All simulations were performed using the FATE
model (Moore and Noble 1990). FATE is a general
model of vegetation dynamics, which is based on the
performance of individual plants in a stand. It predicts
vegetation dynamics at a qualitative level and from
simple parameters describing life history traits; these
include maturation time, lifespan, resprouting and
germination ability after re, seed ability to colonize
a new site (hereafter, seed arrival), seed dormancy,
and shade tolerance (Table 1). The model is determin-
istic and simulates cohorts of plants that pass through
a series of discrete stages: seeds, seedlings, immature
and mature (adult) plants. The model is not spatially
explicit, but species interactions are included in the
model by considering groups of coexisting species.
Then the model estimates the performance of the dif-
ferent species from the response of the different
stages to decreasing light levels caused by the pres-
ence of neighbours. The model runs at annual time
steps, and the outputs are qualitative descriptions of
the abundance of each stage, measured on a scale of
absent, low, medium, and high. Fire events, and the
respective post-re vegetation recovery may be in-
cluded stochastically or at given times, allowing the
simulation of different re recurrences. Fire intensity
is not considered by the model. A detailed description
of the model is given by Moore and Noble (1990).
The model was set to simulate a community com-
posed of six native species. These species typically
grow along the Mediterranean coast of NE Spain
(Bolòs 1962), and are representative of the different
life-history types occurring in these communities.
Ampelodesmos mauritanica (hereafter Ampelodes-
mos) is a perennial, large resprouting tussock grass.
This species is distributed through the Mediterranean
Basin from Spain to Western Greece, and from East-
ern Morocco to Tunisia. In the NE Iberian Peninsula,
it occurs in only two areas: in Garraf, and around
Tarragona, about 100 km southwest of Barcelona
(ORCA 1985). In both areas wildres have been com-
mon in the last decades. The causes of the absence of
this species in the other sites along the coast is yet
unknown. In Garraf, Ampelodesmos may attain local
dominance, with increasing populations in areas that
have been more frequently burned (Vilàet al. 2001).
Pinus halepensis (hereafter Pinus) is a non-resprouter
needle-leaved evergreen pine with serotinous cones;
Quercus coccifera (hereafter Quercus) is a broadle-
aved evergreen resprouter shrub. Erica multiora
(hereafter Erica) is a ericoid-leaved resprouter shrub;
Rosmarinus offıcinalis (hereafter, Rosmarinus)isa
narrow-leaved evergreen non-resprouter shrub. Fi-
nally, Cistus spp., including two species that were
pooled (Cistus salvifoliius and C. albidus, hereafter
Cistus), are broadleaved non-resprouter shrubs. The
main species attributes considered in the model are
given in Table 1. Time of rst reproduction and
lifespan are approximate, and have been obtained
from regular visits to burned and unburned areas, and
from published information (Cucó1987). Ability to
resprout has been obtained from descriptions of other
authors (Cucó1987; Papió1994), from our own vis-
its to burned areas, and in the case of Erica from ex-
perimental burnings (Lloret and López-Soria 1993).
Fire effects on seeds have been obtained from heat-
ing experiments (Salvador and Lloret 1995; Habrouk
et al. 1999; Vilàet al. 2001) and eld observations
(Lloret 1998). Dispersal ability is used in FATE to
estimate the rate of seed input from outside the simu-
lated stand. We assumed it to be similar (wide dis-
persal) for all species except Quercus; its recruitment
from seeds is very low in the area as a consequence
of acorn predation by rodents and the short time of
seed viability (Lloret, pers. obs.). Seed dormancy, and
shade effect on germination and survival have been
estimated from eld observations and published in-
formation (Papió1994; Lloret 1998).
Simulation scenarios
The rst step in the application of vegetation dynam-
ics models was to compare the predictions of the
model behaviour to eld observations. Therefore, a
rst set of scenarios utilized the observed re recur-
rence patterns for the three re history areas in Gar-
raf. The second set of simulations aimed to predict
possible long-term responses to changes in re recur-
The rst set of the three scenarios used a period of
31 years, starting at 1965. Before this date, we do not
have reliable information on re distribution in the
area. This period mimicked the three types of re
history identied in the eld survey. Thus, the three
scenarios were: a) no-re (hereafter, unburned scenar-
io), b) a re 17 years after the setup (hereafter, once-
burned), c) a re 17 years after the initiation and a
second re 12 years later (hereafter, twice-burned).
We do not know the real initial abundances for the
different species. Therefore, we assumed a commu-
nity with the same abundance of the different species.
The default condition used in the model, which con-
sidered several coexisting species, was low levels of
adults for each species. This condition may inuence
simulation results, for example, by understimating the
real abundance of long-lived species, such as trees.
After a single run, the model output and the eld sur-
vey were compared by contrasting the qualitative out-
put for each species with the respective percentile
Table 1. Qualitative life history-traits of the six Mediterranean species considered in the FATE model. Data were obtained from direct eld
observations in the study area and from the literature (Cucó1987; Lloret and López-Soria 1993; Papió1994; Salvador and Lloret 1995;
Lloret 1998; Habrouk et al. 1999; Vilàand Lloret 2000). (All, Most, Half, Few, None: qualitative description of the proportion of individuals)
Ampelodesmos Pinus Quercus Erica Rosmarinus Cistus
Time to rst reproduction (yrs) 5 10 10 7 4 3
Lifespan (yrs) 25 120 250 40 25 15
Fraction of individuals able to resprout All None All Most None None
Seeds killed by re All Few All Most Half None
Seed arrival Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Seed innate dormancy (yrs) No Yes (5) No No No Yes (15)
Fraction of seeds with dormancy broken by re None All None None None Most
Germination under shade Medium Very low Low Low Low Very low
Survival under shade Low Low Medium Very low Low Very low
distribution of percent cover, after ln(x+1) transfor-
The second set of scenarios considered periods of
200 years, in which the probability of a re in a given
year was 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2. These sce-
narios simulated re regimes with average time be-
tween re (re return) equivalent to 100, 40, 20, 10,
and 5 years, respectively (hereafter F100, F40, F20,
F10 and F5). Piñol et al. (1998b) have estimated that
re return intervals in the region range approximately
from 25 to 130 years, though higher recurrence at a
single site is also common (Trabaud et al. 1993).
Given that in the absence of re the model output is
always the same, a single simulation of a scenario
without res was also performed. For all species, ten
simulations for each re scenario were obtained. In
these simulations, re occurred stochastically follow-
ing the respective probabilities (see above). Then, we
calculated the mean percentage of years during the
200 year period in which each species and stage were
present. As in the rst set of scenarios, initial abun-
dances in all simulations were equal, low levels of
adults of each species.
For each species pairwise comparisons between
re scenarios (F100, F40, F20, F10, and F5) were
performed by post-hoc FisherPLSD tests, after one-
factor ANOVA in which the main factor was the re
scenario. In this analysis, the dependent variable was
the number of years along the 200 year simulation
period in which adult plants (including low, medium
and high abundances) were present. This estimation
avoided the specic effect of the last re, which af-
fected nal abundances. Visual screenings of the out-
puts along the 200 years simulations did not show
great discrepancies between the nal abundance and
the pattern of abundance along the 200 year period.
For our purpose (comparisons between scenarios), the
percentage of years of the different abundance classes
was considered a good summary of this abundance
pattern. Successful establishment in the community
was considered to occur when the mature (adult)
stage was obtained. Comparisons between each re
scenario and the no-re scenario were performed for
the same variable by two-tailed t-tests for signicant
differences between a population mean (10 simula-
tions for each re scenario) and a constant (1 simu-
lation for the no-re scenario).
Simulations of re scenarios and no re scenario
using the same set of species, excluding Ampelodes-
mos, were used to compare changes in presence or
absence of this grass on the community. We analyzed
the results of these simulations using a two-factor
ANOVA in which the main factors were re scenario
and the presence of Ampelodesmos in the simulation.
As in the previous analysis, the dependent variable
was the number of years during the 200 year period
in which adult plants were present.
Field observations
Cover of Ampelodesmos was more than 1.5 times as
high in the twice burned areas than in the once burned
areas and more than twice that in the unburned areas;
these cover values were signicantly different (Ta-
ble 2). The post-re Ampelodesmos cover increase
has been related to the pronounced ability of this spe-
cies to resprout and to recruit after re (Vilàet al.
2001). The plant cover of Quercus was also twice as
high in burned areas than in the unburned areas, be-
ing the values of once and twice burned areas nearly
identical. Pinus cover in once burned areas was
nearly tenfold lower than in unburned areas, while
Erica and Rosmarinus did not show signicant dif-
ferences between unburned and once burned areas.
Plant cover of Pinus,Erica,Rosmarinus, and Cistus
was lower in the twice burned area, although this
trend was not signicant in the case of the seeding
Cistus. The short time since the last re in the twice
burned area, explain the low cover values of the small
resprouter Erica and the seeders Pinus,Rosmarinus
and Cistus.
Comparisons between eld observations and
short-term simulations
The observed Ampelodesmos increase, Pinus de-
crease, and the lack of change in Erica with increas-
ing re recurrence were all predicted by the single run
model which simulated the respective re histories
(Figure 1). However, the observed increase of Quer-
cus abundance is not well predicted by the model,
which indicated outputs with little variation in this
species in the three re history scenarios. This dis-
crepancy may result from competitive effects of Pi-
nus trees on Quercus coccifera shrubs in the under-
storey of old-unburned forests, an effect which is not
well developed in the model.
The model also predicts a decrease in Rosmarinus
abundance following res. Such decreases were ob-
served in the eld only in the twice-burned areas.
Rosmarinus has high growth of seedlings after re
(Lloret 1998), which may not be considered suffi-
ciently in the model. Finally, the increase of Cistus
observed in burned areas is also predicted by the
model, despite low abundances in the eld surveys.
If we compare the six species through their respec-
tive FATE results, eld and model observations match
well in the unburned scenario, except for the pre-
dicted medium value of Pinus. In the once-burned
scenario, the most important discrepancy is found in
Pinus and Rosmarinus. These species are predicted by
the model to be absent, but they were present in the
eld survey. In the twice-burned scenario, the quali-
tative output of the model is medium abundance for
Cistus and Erica, but the mean cover percentage of
these species in the eld was only 0.4 and 1.6, respec-
tively. In the case of Ampelodesmos, the predicted
model output is medium abundance, while eld sur-
vey obtained a mean cover of 35.8% for this species
in twice burned areas. The large grass Ampelodesmos
is able to achieve high values of plant cover only two
years after re, while the seeder Cistus and the small
resprouter Erica need more time. We believe that this
discrepancy may arise because the model does not
consider plant growth rates.
Long-term simulations
The six types of long-term simulations produced a
gradient of re return intervals from an absence of re
during a 200 year period to 5-year re returns (Ta-
ble 3). Figure 2 shows the different trends for each
All species were predicted to show signicant
changes in abundances with different annual proba-
bilities of re (Table 4). Ampelodesmos abundance,
expressed as the number of years in the 200 year
simulation period with presence of adults, was pre-
dicted to increase with annual probabilities of re <
0.05. Pinus abundance was predicted to peak at low
to intermediate annual probabilities of re. Adults of
this species were predicted to decrease in the F10
scenario and almost disappear in the F5 scenario.
Quercus was predicted to have the highest abundance
values in the absence of re or at the F100 scenario,
decreasing at the higher annual probabilities of re.
The long lifespan of this species and its ability to es-
tablish in the shrubland understorey could explain this
dominance at long re return times. Erica abundance
was predicted to be low in the no re and in the F100
scenario, with a maximum abundance at the F10 and
F5 scenarios. Rosmarinus is predicted by simulations
to be more abundant at the F100, F40 and F20 sce-
narios, signicantly decreasing at the higher annual
probabilities of re recurrence. Cistus is predicted to
have the lowest abundance values, with a peak at in-
termediate annual probabilities of re (F10 and F20
Under a scenario without re, the model predicts a
community dominated by the resprouter shrub Quer-
cus and a mixture of seeders (Rosmarinus,Pinus) and
resprouters with shorter life span (Erica,Ampelodes-
mos). Low annual probabilñity of re (F100) does not
change this pattern very much, except for an increase
of Pinus, which reaches a maximum at about annual
probability of re of 0.025 (F40), as a consequence
of its long lifespan and its ability to establish in open
sites after the death of shrubs. However, high annual
probability of re is predicted to cause important
changes in the vegetation: Pinus tends to disappear,
while the resprouting, perennial grass Ampelodesmos
becomes dominant. Quercus cover also decreases
probably because the short time between res does
Table 2. Mean (+ SE) percent cover of each of the six species in the eld survey. F and p values were obtained from one-factor ANOVA
comparing percent cover in different re regimes, after ln(x+1) transformation of data (see Figure 1 for percentile distribution). Values fol-
lowed by different letters indicate signicant differences (P < 0.05) between stands with different re history obtained from Fisher pairwise
Unburned Once-burned Twice-burned F
Ampelodesmos 15.6 (3.5) a 22.9 (4.0) b 35.8 (3.3) c 11.01 0.0001
Pinus 42.1 (5.3) a 5.9 (1.9) b 0.5 (0.2) c 77.06 0.0001
Quercus 11.6 (3.0) a 23.8 (4.1) b 23.9 (3.4) b 4.93 0.0093
Erica 7.7 (2.0) a 4.3 (1.0) ab 1.6 (0.4) b 4.15 0.0188
Rosmarinus 6.6 (1.4) a 9.8 (2.1) a 0.6 (0.2) b 15.34 0.0001
Cistus 1.1 (0.9) a 0.8 (0.4) a 0.4 (0.2) a 0.22 0.8045
not allow this long-lived species to reach high values
of plant cover. As a consequence of the loss of domi-
nance of Quercus, another species such as Erica
would be favoured. The seeder Cistus shows a peak
at intermediate annual probabilities of re, when the
time between res is long enough to ensure reproduc-
When we compare the outputs of simulations with
and without Ampelodesmos, we conclude that the
presence or absence of this grass in the community
Figure 1. Percentile distribution of the observed cover abundance (%) after ln(x+1) transformation of each species in the areas with different
re history: unburned for at least the last twenty years (unburned areas), burned in July 1982 (once burned areas), and burned in July 1982
and again in April 1994 (twice burned areas). The bottom and the top of each box represent 25% and 75% of the data, the middle line
represents the median value of the data (50%), the bars represent 10% and 90% of the data, and the open circles 5% and 95%, respectively
(see Table 2 for mean and SE values). Simulation outputs for each scenario are written at the top of each box: Abs = absent (or presence of
seeds only), Low = low abundance, Med = medium abundance.
does not signicantly change the results for most of
the species considered, even with increasing annual
probability of re. The absence of Ampelodesmos is
associated with a signicant increase of the adult
presence in Cistus simulations (Figure 3). This
change was particularly important at high annual
probabilities of re (F20, F10 and F5 scenarios). All
other four species simulations did not change signi-
cantly by the Ampelodesmos presence. Fire and Fire
×Ampelodesmos interaction had a non signicant ef-
fect on species abundance (Table 3).
Field observations
The eld survey revealed differences in community
structure that were related to re history. Life-history
traits may explain the variability of species abun-
dance in relation to re recurrence. The post-re re-
sprouting ability of perennial grasses has been
broadly studied in grasslands (Vogl 1974; Silva et al.
1991; Gitay et al. 1992; Masters et al. 1992), but this
has been less considered in Mediterranean-type eco-
systems, in spite of their local abundance, and their
relevance in re-related processes (Bond and van
Wilgen 1996). Although Pinus halepensis has been
reported to regenerate well after re (Trabaud 2000),
success may be diminished by frequent res that limit
seed storage (Thanos and Daskalakou 2000), by the
presence of shading neighbours (Espelta 1996), such
as the resprouting Quercus, and by the existence of
shallow, stony soils in Garraf (Riera and Castell
1997). Lower values of Quercus in unburned areas
may be related to its limited ability to colonize un-
burned, old elds.
In addition to re recurrence, event-dependent pro-
cesses, such as re season or climatic conditions after
re, are important in determining vegetation recovery
after re (Bond et al. 1984; Le Maitre 1988; Trabaud
1991). In our case, fall and spring rainfall ensured
post-re germination and resprouting in 1982 and
1994, respectively. Fire season may particularly inu-
ence the ability of the seed bank to restore popula-
tions (van Wilgen et al. 1992). In 1982, the re was
in the summer, when the seed bank had been recently
lled. In 1994 the re was in the spring when there
was a reduced seed bank of Pinus and Rosmarinus
(Cistus has a more permanent seed bank). Data on
Rosmarinus indicate, however that the levels of ger-
mination in 1995 were similar to the observed before
the re (Lloret 1998). Pinus regeneration may have
been more inuenced by the season of this re.
The re histories considered in our study include
the number of re events in the last two decades and
time since last re. The unburned and once burned
areas are likely to be comparable because of fast re-
covery of the structure and composition of Mediter-
ranean-type communities after disturbance (Keeley
1986; Malanson and Trabaud 1987). Comparisons in-
cluding the more recently burned areas (two years
old) should be considered with caution because the
time since the last re was short. For instance, seeder
species, such as Pinus,Rosmarinus or Cistus are
likely to show low abundances in twice-burned areas
because of this effect.
Comparisons between eld observations and
short-term simulations
Given the large variation in the eld data the model
predicts qualitative changes in abundances of species.
There are several reasons for the inaccuracies of some
Table 3. Mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum (n = 10), of the mean re return intervals obtained in each 200 year simulation
period under the different res scenarios.
Scenario name Annual re probability Fire-return interval (years)
Mean SD Min Max
No Fire 0
F100 0.010 145.8 58.9 66.7
F40 0.025 40.2 22.3 25.0 100.0
F20 0.050 23.9 8.4 14.3 40.0
F10 0.100 10.0 2.1 5.7 13.3
F5 0.200 5.5 0.6 4.5 6.3
No re during 200 years
Figure 2. Abundance of ve stages of six species predicted for each of six re scenarios described in Table 3. Abundance was estimated as
the mean percentage of years of the 200 year simulation period in which each of ve stages was present. (Bars with different letters at the top
indicate signicant differences in presence of adults (Low, intermediate and high abundance) between scenarios (P < 0.05, Fishers PLSD test
after ANOVA, except for comparisons between re and no re scenarios, in which two-tailed t-tests were used).
predictions. First, community history cannot be ex-
actly reproduced by the model. For example, the pres-
ence of large pine stumps suggests quite a long period
without extensive res before 1982. The presence of
the slow growing shrub Juniperus phoenicea in un-
burned areas also suggests a relatively long period
without re (Riera and Castell 1997). In the simulated
scenarios, the initial conditions are considered to be
the same (low abundance of adults) for all scenarios,
but we do not know the real abundance of each spe-
cies three decades ago. In unburned areas, higher
abundances of Pinus in the eld than in the model
outputs may be explained by this inaccuracy: Pinus
could have been more abundant at the beginning of
the considered period in these areas (Riera and Cas-
tell 1997).
Second, the FATE model is not spatially explicit
and does not consider environmental heterogeneity
resulting from historical processes, including re and
date of agricultural abandonment. Since the model
only produces a single qualitative estimation of plant
abundance, the comparison between the distribution
of species abundance in the surveyed plots and the
model output allows only roughly estimate the adjust-
ment of the model to the eld variability.
Finally, discrepancies may also be due to species
interactions or population processes which are not
considered with enough detail by FATE. Despite these
inconsistencies, the pattern emerging from both ap-
proaches shows that re is associated with an increase
of the resprouting Ampelodesmos grass together with
a decrease of pine forested areas. Resprouting shrubs
do not show a signicant shift, but a trend of Quer-
cus to increase and of Erica to decrease is observed
from eld observations. For the seeder species, the
Rosmarinus decrease with re and the Cistus increase
in burned areas are predicted by the model.
Long-term simulations
Long term simulations allow prediction of possible
vegetation responses to different re regimes. When
annual probability of re increases, a dominance of
resprouters, and particularly Ampelodesmos arises.
Table 4. Results of the ANOVA performed for each species in which the dependent variable was the number of years in the 200 year simu-
lations (n = 10) with adults present. Five re scenarios (simulations with annual proabbailties of 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2) and the
presence or absence of Ampelodesmos were the main effects.
Fire scenarios (F) Ampelodesmos (A) F ×A Error
df MS F df MS F df MS F df MS
Pinus 4 52139.8 23.61
1 5431.7 2.46 ns 4 1375 0.62 ns 90 22.1
Quercus 4 14283.8 410.02
1 53.3 1.53 ns 4 77.9 2.34 ns 90 34.8
Erica 4 19571.2 35.34
1 1.4 0.01 ns 4 187.9 0.34 ns 90 553.7
Rosmarinus 4 26890.6 64.22
1 510.8 1.22 ns 4 329.3 0.79 ns 90 418.7
Cistus 4 3580.4 14.01
1 5882.9 23.00
4 916.6 3.58
90 255.8
ns: not signicant,
: p < 0.001
Figure 3. Cistus abundance in the different re scenarios without Ampelodesmos.Cistus abundance was estimated as the mean percentage
of years of the 200 year simulation period in which each of ve stages was present. Bars with different letters at the top indicate signicant
differences between scenarios (P < 0.05, Fishers PLSD test after ANOVA, except for comparisons between re and no re scenarios, in
which two-tailed t-tests were used).
Seeder species peak at intermediate re recurrences.
This peak seems dependent on the species lifespan.
The long lived resprouter Quercus is dominant when
res become rare. The adjustment of life-history strat-
egies to re recurrence is important for understand-
ing Mediterranean-type communities. For example,
re-persister species have been found to be prevalent
over seeder, re-recruiter species in Californian chap-
arral that remained unburned for as much as a cen-
tury (Keeley 1992). In contrast, seeder Proteaceae
from South Africa need a narrow window of re in-
tervals for survival (van Wilgen et al. 1992).
Ampelodesmos removal experiments performed in
shrublands of Garraf suggest that this large grass does
not competitively suppress other resprouting shrubs
or seedlings of seeder species (Vilàand Lloret 2000).
Although the dynamics of the community seem more
inuenced by the re regime than by the direct effect
of this grass, a positive feedback between re and
Ampelodesmos abundance may occur (DAntonio and
Vitousek 1992): re recurrence may increase in Am-
pelodesmos dominated communities because this
grass increases ne fuel loads (Vilàet al. 2001). The
model suggests that Cistus may become more fre-
quent in the community if Ampelodesmos is not
present. This trend increases at higher annual prob-
ability of re. Therefore, under high annual probabil-
ity of re, the success of this seeder, short-lived
shrub, which has often been considered to be favored
by re (Trabaud 1987), would be mitigated by the
existence of the fast growing, resprouter grass Am-
The effect of re intensity, extent and season on
post-re regeneration has been widely explored
(Whelan 1995). Fire recurrence has been less studied,
probably because of difficulties in obtaining eld
data. The importance of a shift in re recurrence in
some ecosystems is a matter of concern for land man-
agers and policy makers (Lavorel et al. 1998). In spite
of the recognized ability of Mediterranean-type veg-
etation to maintain its composition after a re (Tra-
baud 1994), this study shows that high annual prob-
ability of re may change the relative abundance of
species with different life history traits. Zedler et al.
(1983) showed how short intervals between res pro-
duced a shift from shrub to grass vegetation in the
Mediterranean California. Similarly, Naveh (1999)
has shown how the combined effect of recurrent res
and heavy grazing pressure may lead to degraded
scrublands after the depletion of the herbaceous seed
bank. The current wide spectrum of life history types
found in Mediterranean-type ecosystems provides the
basis for alternative vegetation pathways under differ-
ent disturbance regimes. Models based on life history
traits are appropriate tools for testing the conse-
quences of alternative disturbance scenarios on
changes in vegetation structure.
We thank I. Noble for providing the FATE model and
P.H. Zedler, D. Goldberg, B. Platt and two anony-
mous reviewers for their useful comments. We also
thank the eld assistance provided by several Biology
and Environmental Science students from the Univer-
sitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and particularly by C.
Casanovas, I. Gimeno, U. Gamper, A. Ballés, and C.
Vil à. Thanks are also due to the Servei de Parcs
(Diputacióde Barcelona) for providing support in the
research performed in the Garraf Natural Park. This
study has been funded by the EC project LUCIFER
(NV4-CT96-0320), and by the Spanish Government
(CICYT postdoc contract to JGP, and AGF-97-0533
project). CEAM is supported by Generalitat Valenci-
ana and BANCAIXA.
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... On a global scale, the area occupied by shrubland has increased greatly as a result of various factors, including the reduction in livestock and agricultural activities (due to rural abandonment) and more extreme temperatures and prolonged droughts associated with climate change [4][5][6][7]. The increased frequency of forest fires and the consequent transformation of forests into shrubland has also become a widespread phenomenon [8,9], of particular importance in Mediterranean ecosystems [10,11]. Many Mediterranean-type shrublands are considered fire-prone vegetation [12,13], in which fire is both a disturbance and a first-order ecological factor in the evolution and dynamics of vegetation and, therefore, of shrubs [14][15][16]. ...
... High heath-dominated communities Considering the trends in the different families of curves in Figure 2, the most representative for both shrubland communities is that in which parameter a1 depends on the site, resulting in a polymorphic family. The mathematical expression of the curve for a sample plot, in which the total shrub fuel load (WShr_t1) at a given age (t1) is known, would thus be obtained as follows: (10) In addition, the site index (SI) of that same sample plot, defined as the value of the total shrub fuel load at the reference age (tref) of 10 years, would be obtained as follows: ...
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Compatible model systems were developed for estimating fuel load dynamics in Ulex europaeus (gorse) and in Erica australis (Spanish heath) dominated shrub communities at stand level. The models were based on intensive, detailed destructive field sampling and were fitted simultaneously to fulfill the additivity principle. The models enable, for the first time, estimation of the biomass dynamics of the total shrub layer, size fractions and vegetative stage, with reasonably good accuracy. The approach used addresses the high variability in shrub biomass estimates by using a site index (SI) based on biomass levels at a reference age of 10 years. Analysis of the effect of climatic variables on site index confirmed the preference of gorse for mild temperatures and the ability of high heath communities to tolerate a wider range of temperatures. In the gorse communities, SI tended to increase as summer rainfall and the mean temperature of the coldest month increased. However, in the heath communities, no relationships were observed between SI and any of the climatic variables analyzed. The study findings may be useful for assessing and monitoring fuel hazards, updating fuel mapping, planning and implementing fuel reduction treatments and predicting fire behavior, among other important ecological and biomass use-related applications.
... At the same time, forest fires are one of the main pressures on and threats to natural vegetation units, biodiversity, agricultural land, and infrastructure [1,2], which can adversely affect the sustainability of natural resources. In recent years, it has been observed that forest fires not only occur with greater intensity, and extend over larger areas, compared to those in the past [3] but also occur with greater frequency (recurrent fires) [4][5][6], a fact that is often attributed to climate change [7,8]. Moreover, the occurrence of mega-fires is recorded almost annually in Mediterranean countries [9]. ...
... The main parameter, which determines not only the inclusion of a burnt area in the proposed areas for reforestation/restoration but also its prioritization among them, concerns the forest ecosystems' lack of fire-adaptive mechanisms (i.e., its inability to achieve natural recovery/regeneration) [18,19,21]. The second parameter is the fire history of the burnt area, i.e., the fire recurrence interval [4,5]. If this interval is less than 20 years, the area is prioritized for active restoration/reforestation. ...
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Greece, along with most of the countries in the Mediterranean basin, is historically linked with forest fires. Wildfires have always occurred, are happening, and will continue to occur, causing serious problems regarding the sustainability of natural resources. Their frequency, however, has shown a noticeable increase during the last decades; according to the most recent projections, the broader Mediterranean region will face significant challenges in the future within the context of climate change. Despite the historical experience of forest fires in Greece, a standardized and up-to-date system for identifying and prioritizing burnt areas, in relation to their restoration needs, has not yet been developed and adopted. In this paper, a systematic methodological approach for decision-making regarding the identification and prioritization of active restoration/reforestation of burnt areas is proposed. This approach is based on critical parameters, such as the regeneration potential of the affected forest species, the “fire history”, and the slope of the affected areas. The proposed methodological approach can be applied in all burnt natural areas in the country in the future, as well as in other areas of the Mediterranean region. The fire impact on Natura 2000 sites is also assessed to highlight the importance of restoration and conservation needs in protected areas. The results from case studies are presented, and future steps and policy recommendations for the post-fire management of natural ecosystems are discussed to enable the sustainable management of forest resources in the burnt areas.
... Los ecosistemas mediterráneos están adaptados a ciertos regímenes e intensidades del fuego (Pausas & Keeley, 2009;Pausas & Schwilk, 2012), y es conocido que, tras estos fuegos, en este tipo de ecosistemas, en las áreas quemadas la vegetación rebrota y se renueva, especialmente el estrato herbáceo (Lloret et al., 2003;Bodí et al., 2012). Estudios experimentales han demostrado el efecto positivo en las poblaciones de conejo de las quemas controladas y las áreas quemadas (Moreno & Villafuerte, 1995;Rollán & Real, 2011). ...
Technical Report
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El conejo europeo (Oryctolagus cuniculus) es un lagomorfo originario de la Península Ibérica cuyo hábitat más propicio es una equilibrada mezcla de matorral, pastizal y suelos blandos en los que poder hacer sus madrigueras. Su alta capacidad reproductiva, combinada con su amplia dieta y selección de plantas más nutritivas, son la principal causa de conflicto con la producción agraria. La relevancia de los daños del conejo en la agricultura se aprecia en que más del 40% de los pagos compensatorios por daños de fauna se deben a esta especie. Al mismo tiempo, se trata de una especie clave e ingeniera de ecosistemas en su área de distribución original, por lo que su conservación también es de gran importancia. Mediante una revisión de la bibliografía científico-técnica se determinaron 28 medidas para la gestión o conservación del conejo. De cara a poder implementarlas, aquí se estudian las posibles vías para su apoyo o financiación en el marco de la nueva Política Agraria Común durante el período actual de programación (2023-2027). En el ámbito del Plan Estratégico para la PAC en España, se pueden utilizar para ello 19 intervenciones y 4 buenas prácticas agrarias o medioambientales. Es posible financiar todas y cada una de las medidas seleccionadas en la revisión bibliográfica. Las intervenciones de la PAC que permiten realizar mayor número de medidas de gestión del conejo serían las Ayudas a inversiones no productivas en explotaciones agrarias vinculadas a la mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático, uso eficiente de los recursos naturales y biodiversidad (código 6844), las Inversiones no productivas en servicios básicos en el medio natural (6871) y la de Cooperación para el medio ambiente (7165). Entre las medidas 6844 (22) y 6871 (20) permiten llevar a cabo 24 (85,7%) de las 28 medidas de gestión del conejo, mientras que la 7165 permitiría realizar 21 de ellas (75%). Esto se debe a su enfoque y diseño, ya que se centran en lo ambiental y climático, y en la participación de otros actores, más allá de la inclusión de las personas dedicadas a las actividades agrarias productivas. Sin embargo, ninguna Comunidad Autónoma peninsular tiene programadas en su territorio todas las intervenciones de la PAC disponibles para la gestión del conejo. Incluso programándolas, presentan limitaciones a su empleo por parte de las personas físicas y jurídicas privadas, entre otras limitaciones (p.e., presupuesto). No obstante, en la mayoría de Comunidades Autónomas (12; 80%) se pueden llevar a cabo al menos 24 (85,7%) medidas para la gestión del conejo con apoyo de la PAC. En el 40% (6) de las CCAA peninsulares se pueden realizar todas las medidas de gestión del conejo a través de la PAC. Por último, se realizan una serie de recomendaciones y propuestas para mejorar el uso de esta política europea en la gestión y conservación del conejo, que son de aplicación a otras especies de la fauna ibérica en el contexto español.
... Therefore, when the original community contains a large proportion of obligate seeders, fewer unfilled niches may be available to colonizer species, and the overall community re-establishment becomes stronger (Arnan et al. 2007). In our study system, Cistus monspeliensis Linnaeus and C. crispus Linnaeus are the most common obligate seeders, and they tend to establish abundantly after fire (Franquesa 1995;Lloret et al. 2003). Their seeds are dormant unless disturbed, as by the heat of a fire, friction when moving the soil, or solar heat on the ground of a vegetation gap (Coca and Pausas 2012). ...
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Fire plays a key role in structuring biotic communities around the world. In fire-prone regions, many plant species have acquired adaptive traits such as obligate seeders and resprouters that help them to survive, reproduce, and persist after fire disturbances. Seeder and resprouting species have different short-term responses to fire. Obligate seeders have faster growth rates, greater carbon allocation to reproduction, shorter life cycles, and lower shade tolerance than resprouters. A few years after fire, obligate seeders are expected to be more abundant than resprouter species within post-fire plant communities. We examined this hypothesis in burned pine plantations located along the African rim of the Western Mediterranean Basin. In this region, pine plantation is the commonest forestry practice, and such woodlands have undergone frequent fires during the last decades. Here, we describe habitat structure and plant species composition in burned and unburned plots located in four independently burned sites. Burned and unburned plots were structurally different, with the shrub and grass covers expanding after fire. In terms of functional plant composition, obligate seeders were more abundant than resprouters in burned pine plantations. The stronger short-term response of obligate seeders compared to resprouters can be related to the faster capacity of obligate seeders to respond to fire. Contrast in fire response between the two functional plant groups needs to be addressed in conservation planning to ensure the preservation of biodiversity in a future scenario of change in fire regime.
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The wall-to-wall prediction of fuel structural characteristics conducive to high fire severity is essential to provide integrated insights for implementing pre-fire management strategies designed to mitigate the most harmful ecological effects of fire in fire-prone plant communities. Here, we evaluate the potential of high point cloud density LiDAR data from the Portuguese áGiLTerFoRus project to characterize pre-fire surface and canopy fuel structure and predict wildfire severity. The study area corresponds to a pilot LiDAR flight area of around 21,000 ha in central Portugal intersected by a mixed-severity wildfire that occurred one month after the LiDAR survey. Fire severity was assessed through the differenced Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR) index computed from pre- and post-fire Sentinel-2A Level 2A scenes. In addition to continuous data, fire severity was also categorized (low or high) using appropriate dNBR thresholds for the plant communities in the study area. We computed several metrics related to the pre-fire distribution of surface and canopy fuels strata with a point cloud mean density of 10.9 m−2. The Random Forest (RF) algorithm was used to evaluate the capacity of the set of pre-fire LiDAR metrics to predict continuous and categorized fire severity. The accuracy of RF regression and classification model for continuous and categorized fire severity data, respectively, was remarkably high (pseudo-R2 = 0.57 and overall accuracy = 81%) considering that we only focused on variables related to fuel structure and loading. The pre-fire fuel metrics with the highest contribution to RF models were proxies for horizontal fuel continuity (fractional cover metric) and the distribution of fuel loads and canopy openness up to a 10 m height (density metrics), indicating increased fire severity with higher surface fuel load and higher horizontal and vertical fuel continuity. Results evidence that the technical specifications of LiDAR acquisitions framed within the áGiLTerFoRus project enable accurate fire severity predictions through point cloud data with high density.
Forests hold a significant proportion of global biodiversity and terrestrial carbon stocks and are at the forefront of human-induced global change. The dynamics and distribution of forest vegetation determines the habitat for other organisms, and regulates the delivery of ecosystem services, including carbon storage. Presenting recent research across temperate and tropical ecosystems, this volume synthesises the numerous ways that forests are responding to global change and includes perspectives on: • the role of forests in the global carbon and energy budgets • historical patterns of forest change and diversification • contemporary mechanisms of community assembly and implications of underlying drivers of global change • the ways in which forests supply ecosystem services that support human lives. The chapters represent case studies drawn from the authors' expertise, highlighting exciting new research and providing information that will be valuable to academics, students, researchers and practitioners with an interest in this field.
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Forests hold a significant proportion of global biodiversity and terrestrial carbon stocks and are at the forefront of human-induced global change. The dynamics and distribution of forest vegetation determines the habitat for other organisms, and regulates the delivery of ecosystem services, including carbon storage. Presenting recent research across temperate and tropical ecosystems, this volume synthesises the numerous ways that forests are responding to global change and includes perspectives on: • the role of forests in the global carbon and energy budgets • historical patterns of forest change and diversification • contemporary mechanisms of community assembly and implications of underlying drivers of global change • the ways in which forests supply ecosystem services that support human lives. The chapters represent case studies drawn from the authors' expertise, highlighting exciting new research and providing information that will be valuable to academics, students, researchers and practitioners with an interest in this field.
Forests hold a significant proportion of global biodiversity and terrestrial carbon stocks and are at the forefront of human-induced global change. The dynamics and distribution of forest vegetation determines the habitat for other organisms, and regulates the delivery of ecosystem services, including carbon storage. Presenting recent research across temperate and tropical ecosystems, this volume synthesises the numerous ways that forests are responding to global change and includes perspectives on: • the role of forests in the global carbon and energy budgets • historical patterns of forest change and diversification • contemporary mechanisms of community assembly and implications of underlying drivers of global change • the ways in which forests supply ecosystem services that support human lives. The chapters represent case studies drawn from the authors' expertise, highlighting exciting new research and providing information that will be valuable to academics, students, researchers and practitioners with an interest in this field.
Forests hold a significant proportion of global biodiversity and terrestrial carbon stocks and are at the forefront of human-induced global change. The dynamics and distribution of forest vegetation determines the habitat for other organisms, and regulates the delivery of ecosystem services, including carbon storage. Presenting recent research across temperate and tropical ecosystems, this volume synthesises the numerous ways that forests are responding to global change and includes perspectives on: • the role of forests in the global carbon and energy budgets • historical patterns of forest change and diversification • contemporary mechanisms of community assembly and implications of underlying drivers of global change • the ways in which forests supply ecosystem services that support human lives. The chapters represent case studies drawn from the authors' expertise, highlighting exciting new research and providing information that will be valuable to academics, students, researchers and practitioners with an interest in this field.
Fire is an integral part of many ecosystems, including the Mediterranean ones. However, in recent decades the general trend in number of fires and surface burnt in European Mediterranean areas has increased spectacularly. This increase is due to: (a) land-use changes (rural depopulation is increasing land abandonment and consequently, fuel accumulation); and, (b) climatic warming (which is reducing fuel humidity and increasing fire risk and fire spread). The main effects of fire on soils are: loss of nutrients during burning and increased risk of erosion after burning. The latter is in fact related to the regeneration traits of the previous vegetation and to the environmental conditions. The principal regeneration traits of plants are: capacity to resprout after fire and fire-stimulation of the establishment of new individuals. These two traits give a possible combination of four functional types from the point of view of regeneration after fire, and different relative proportions of these plant types may determine the post-fire regeneration and erosion risk. Field observations in Spain show better regeneration in limestone bedrock type than in marls, and in north-facing slopes than in south-facing ones. Models of vegetation dynamics can be built from the knowledge of plant traits and may help us in predicting post-fire vegetation and long-term vegetation changes under recurrent fires.
This thoroughly revised, entirely rewritten edition of what is the essential reference on California's diverse and ever-changing vegetation now brings readers the most authoritative, state-of-the-art view of California's plant ecosystems available. Integrating decades of research, leading community ecologists and field botanists describe and classify California's vegetation types, identify environmental factors that determine the distribution of vegetation types, analyze the role of disturbance regimes in vegetation dynamics, chronicle change due to human activities, identify conservation issues, describe restoration strategies, and prioritize directions for new research. Several new chapters address statewide issues such as the historic appearance and impact of introduced and invasive plants, the soils of California, and more.
Disturbance is both a major source of temporal and spatial heterogeneity in the structure and dynamics of natural communities and an agent of natural selection in the evolution of life histories. This review emphasises the impact of disturbance on the numerical abundance of populations and on the relative abundance of species in guilds and communities. Disturbance also has an important influence on ecosystem-level processes, eg primary and secondary production, biomass accumulation, energetics, and nutrient cycling. Assemblages of sessile and mobile organisms are subject to disturbance with rather different responses. -from Author
The effects of season of burn, on two species of the Proteaceae with soil-stored seed, Leucadendron pubescens and Paranomus bracteolaris, were examined in a replicated plot experiment in the Cederberg State Forest. Sets of plots were burnt in September, November, January, March and May. Post-fire seedling densities both inside and outside exclosures designed to exclude granivores and herbivores, were analysed using an analysis of variance. Pre-fire seed production was used as a covariant. Seedling densities were significantly affected by the month in which the plots were burnt. The seedling densities after fires in September (L. pubescens) and November (P. bracteolaris), which occurred before the seed crop for that year had matured and been shed, were significantly lower than the densities recorded after fires in the other months. Herbivory on young seedlings had a significant effect on seedling densities, regardless of season. These findings suggest that prescribed burns in plant communities with Proteaceae that have soil-stored seed should preferably be carried out after the current seed crop has matured and been released.