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Reconceptualizing the Elementary Science Methods Course Using a Reflection Orientation

... During the development of the discipline Instrumentation for the Chemistry Teaching I course (part of the Degree in Chemistry at the Federal University of Viçosa, which aims at training teachers for basic education), reflective practice was developed through a Reflection-Oriented Process (Abell & Bryan, 1997) -described in the methodology section below -which allows the student to question and critically reflect on simplistic views of the science teaching and learning process. In previous semesters, it was observed that students had restricted conceptions about practical activities, as well as the teaching and learning process. ...
... In addition, the understanding about the conceptions about science teaching and learning of teachers is paramount, because, according to the constructivist perspective, teachers build conceptions both about science, as well as about methodologies for the teaching and learning of sciences, by way of environmental formation throughout their school lives (as students). These conceptions are very ingrained, acquired in a non-reflective way, as something natural, of common sense, and that will significantly influence their didactic-pedagogical actions (Abell & Bryan, 1997;Harres et al., 2005;Mansour, 2013;Morrison, 2013;Peme-Aranega et al., 2009). Still, according to Vilches Peña andGil Pérez (2001), curriculum creation teams should consider the teachers' conceptions and their influence on the development of curricula in the classroom, pointing out that the teaching conceptions are as relevant as the alternative conceptions of students in science learning. ...
... During the discipline Instrumentation for Chemistry Teaching I, twenty-four (24) students participated in various activities that were developed aiming at the formation of innovative teachers who should know how to plan and conduct their classes with autonomy, and how to plan and manage innovative projects with creativity and self-confidence. In order to develop these and other teaching skills, a Reflection-Oriented Process was carried out to develop different reflective exercises from four interrelated contexts: (i) reflecting as a student in science classes; (ii) reflecting on other teaching practices from didactic resources; (iii) reflecting on the researchers' opinions; and (iv) reflecting on the teaching practice itself (Abell & Bryan, 1997). All classes in the year 2020 were developed using digital technologies due to the COVID-19 pandemic and were recorded on Google Meet, enabling data to be obtained (Amado, 2014;Coutinho, 2014). ...
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Faced with a complex and constantly changing world, it is essential to form citizens capable of adapting to their environment and being able to position themselves consciously and critically in front of it. A Reflection-Oriented Process was developed which allows students to question simplistic views of the teaching and learning process of sciences. It is based on four interrelated contexts: (i) reflecting as a student in science classes; (ii) reflecting on other teaching practices from didactic resources; (iii) reflecting on the opinions of researchers; (iv) reflecting on their own teaching practice. A qualitative research was developed during the online classes, with 24 students, in view of the question: How to develop innovative teachers through digital technologies? The classes were developed using digital technologies and recorded through Google Meet, making it possible to obtain data. They re-thought about: the development of scientific language, the introduction of mathematical languages, the pedagogical relationships, and the development of higher-order cognitive skills.
... Para Bryan e Recesso (2006), quando os professores tiverem a oportunidade de refletir e descrever suas próprias visões sobre o processo de ensino e aprendizagem, em pesquisar sua prática, comparar, contrastar e revisar essas ideias, poderão compreender com maior clareza a natureza do ensino de ciências. Dessa forma, pesquisas em ensino de ciências têm utilizado a metodologia da Reflexão Orientada para mostrar que, tais experiências, têm influenciado a maneira pela qual o professor pensa a sua prática e, principalmente, suas crenças pessoais sobre o processo de ensino e aprendizagem (Abell & Bryan, 1997;Bryan & Recesso, 2006). O PRO é proposto por Abel e Bryan (1997), quando sugerem que a formação docente deveria estar direcionada por um Programa de Reflexão, constituído por meio de quatro contextos, nos quais os professores, ou futuros professores, teriam a oportunidade de vivenciar diferentes contextos inerentes à prática docente, de forma a considerar a importância da reflexão sobre a própria prática e sua fundamentação e relação com as teorias e as pesquisas de ensino e aprendizagem. ...
... Dessa forma, pesquisas em ensino de ciências têm utilizado a metodologia da Reflexão Orientada para mostrar que, tais experiências, têm influenciado a maneira pela qual o professor pensa a sua prática e, principalmente, suas crenças pessoais sobre o processo de ensino e aprendizagem (Abell & Bryan, 1997;Bryan & Recesso, 2006). O PRO é proposto por Abel e Bryan (1997), quando sugerem que a formação docente deveria estar direcionada por um Programa de Reflexão, constituído por meio de quatro contextos, nos quais os professores, ou futuros professores, teriam a oportunidade de vivenciar diferentes contextos inerentes à prática docente, de forma a considerar a importância da reflexão sobre a própria prática e sua fundamentação e relação com as teorias e as pesquisas de ensino e aprendizagem. Os quatro contextos são: Contexto a. Reflexão de outras práticas de ensino (por meio de materiais de mídia, artigos, relatos de experiências); Contexto b. ...
... A análise dos materiais produzidos e das reflexões realizadas pelos participantes do PRO, nesses três momentos, se mostram relevantes, pois proporcionou, além do entendimento sobre a contribuições do PRO para a reflexão dos licenciandos sobre a prática docente para a proposição de novas orientações em direção a propostas de ensino baseadas na perspectiva do ensino por investigação, que os autores realizassem uma releitura do PRO, originalmente proposto por Abel e Bryan (1997), conforme mostram as discussões a seguir. ...
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Pesquisas têm demonstrado a necessidade de mudanças urgentes na formação inicial de professores, na perspectiva de uma formação mais crítica e autônoma dos estudantes da educação básica, por meio da abordagem de ensino por investigação. Neste sentido, o processo de Reflexão Orientada (PRO) tem se demonstrado uma metodologia potencializadora para possibilitar uma reflexão mais crítica de futuros professores sobre suas ações docentes. Assim, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar quais elementos precisam estar presentes durante um PRO para que ações relacionadas à prática docente sejam elaboradas e desenvolvidas por professores em formação inicial, visando a abordagem do ensino por investigação para estudantes do ensino médio. Por meio dos materiais produzidos por três licenciandos e dos encontros reflexivos com o grupo, durante o PRO, identificamos uma evolução de suas ideias quanto a compreensão do ensino por investigação na educação básica, o que possibilitou uma reinterpretação dos principais aspectos para o desenvolvimento de um PRO, inicialmente proposto por Abell e Bryan. Por meio de três eixos estruturantes propostos nesta pesquisa, os resultados mostram como o PRO pode contribuir para os cursos de formação inicial de professores ao promoverem diferentes momentos de reflexão, relacionando teoria e prática, visando a promoção de um ensino para uma formação mais crítica dos alunos do ensino médio.
... Soyut kavramlar içermesi ile bilinen Fizik konuları, öğrencilerin fen konuları arasında kendisini başarısız gördüğü ve çekindiğini belirttiği derslerden birisidir (Abell & Vryan, 1997;Frederiksen, White & Gutwill, 1999;Küçüközer, 2000;Sönmez, Geban & Ertepınar, 2001;. Sorgulamaya dayalı öğrenme ile yürütülen fizik derslerinde ise öğrencilerin akademik başarılarında, bilimsel süreç becerilerinde veya kavramsal anlamalarında olumlu değişimler olduğu görülmüştür. ...
... Çünkü öğretmenlerin nasıl öğrendikleri onların nasıl öğreteceklerinin birinci dereceden belirleyicisi olacaktır (Trna, Trnova & Sibor, 2012;Kazempour & Amirshokoohi, 2013). Ayrıca sorgulamaya dayalı öğrenme sürecini tasarlama boyutunda öğretmenlerin edinecekleri aktif deneyimler, onların kendi sınıf ortamlarını hazırlama ve etkili öğretim gerçekleştirebilmeleri noktasında oldukça önemlidir (Wong, Yam & Lee, 2010 Fizik, öğrencilerin zorlandıklarını ifade ettikleri fen alanlarından birisidir (Abell & Vryan, 1997;Frederiksen, White & Gutwill, 1999;Küçüközer, 2000;Sönmez, Geban & Ertepınar, 2001; ...
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Bu araştırmanın amacı sorgulamaya dayalı fizik deneylerinin fen bilimleri öğretmen adaylarının sorgulamaya dayalı fen öğretimi özyeterliklerine, kavramsal anlamalarına ve bilimsel süreç becerilerine etkisini incelemektir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu 2016-2017 akademik yılı bahar döneminde Bartın Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Fen Bilgisi Öğretmenliği programında öğrenim görmekte olan ve Genel Fizik Laboratuvarı-II dersini almakta olan toplam 60 öğretmen adayı oluşturmaktadır. Denkleştirilmemiş kontrol gruplu ön test-son test yarı-deneysel desenin kullanıldığı araştırma yakınsayan paralel karma yöntem çalışması olarak tasarlanmıştır. Uygulamalar Genel Fizik Laboratuvarı-II dersi kapsamında planlanarak, uygulanacak etkinlikler ilgili dersin içeriğine uygun olarak tasarlanmıştır. Deneysel uygulamalar 10 haftalık bir süre içerisinde gerçekleştirilmiş, deney grubu sorgulamaya dayalı deneyler ile öğrenim görürken kontrol grubu geleneksel doğrulayıcı deneyler ile öğrenim görmüştür. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak Smolleck (2004) tarafından geliştirilen ve İnaltekin & Akçay (2011) tarafından Türkçe’ ye uyarlaması yapılan Araştırma Tabanlı Fen Öğretimi Özyeterlik Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen Elektrik ve Manyetizma Kavramsal Anlama Testi ve yine araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen Bilimsel Süreç Becerileri Gözlem Formuna ek olarak yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmelerden faydalanılmıştır. Nicel verilerin analizinde IBM SPSS Statistics 22 programından faydalanılmış, nitel verilere ise betimsel analiz uygulanmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda, sorgulamaya dayalı fizik deneylerinin öğretmen adaylarının sorgulamaya dayalı fen öğretimi özyeterlikleri üzerinde bir etkisinin olmadığı bulunmuştur. Bununla birlikte öğretmen adaylarının kavramsal anlamalarının ise geleneksel doğrulayıcı gruba kıyasla daha fazla geliştiği belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca deney grubunun cevaplarının bilimsel olarak kabul edilebilirlik düzeylerinin ve bu kategoriye giren cevaplarının sayısının arttığı görülmüştür. Benzer şekilde bilimsel süreç becerileri bakımından da sorgulamaya dayalı deneylerin xii doğrulayıcı deneylere kıyasla daha başarılı olduğu ve öğretmen adaylarının bilimsel süreç becerilerinin gelişmesini sağladığı belirlenmiştir. Araştırmanın sonuçlarının sorgulamaya dayalı öğrenmeye ilişkin yapılacak çalışmaların yanı sıra öğretmen yetiştirme süreçlerinin planlanması sürecine de önemli katkılar sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. Ayrıca uygulamalar sırasında kullanılan ve araştırmanın sonunda ek olarak sunulan etkinliklerin gerek araştırmacılar gerekse öğretmenler için faydalı bir kaynak niteliğinde olacağı düşünülmektedir.
... The Pedagogy of Science Teaching Test (POSTT) is a measurement instrument used to assess science instructors' pedagogical subject knowledge (Abell and Bryan, 1997). It assesses teachers' knowledge of the nature of science, scientific inquiry, and competence to integrate scientific subjects with pedagogy. ...
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Hackathons have gained popularity recently as a platform for fostering innovation and collaboration, providing hands-on learning experiences for students to design, prototype, and solve real-world problems. While studies have explored hackathon adoption in education, there is a scarcity of chronological reviews on this subject. This article addresses the gap by presenting a comprehensive literature review using a systematic methodology, analyzing 30 relevant articles spanning 2012 to 2022 from databases like EBSCOhost, Scopus, and Google Scholar. The study identifies five key adoption factors: perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, behavioral intention, self-efficacy, and collaborative learning. Findings suggest that individuals are more likely to adopt hackathons when they perceive them as valuable and easy to engage with. Moreover, participants with a desire to engage, exhibit confidence in their abilities, and have prior hackathon experience are more inclined to embrace Hackathons. This highlights the importance of effective teamwork and knowledge sharing during hackathons, contributing to increased adoption rates. This study's contribution lies in identifying hackathon adoption factors relevant in education, providing insights for assessing progress, overcoming barriers, and making informed decisions to stay relevant in the evolving digital landscape. Ultimately, the adoption of hackathons in education holds the potential to revolutionize teaching and learning, enhancing student engagement, collaboration, and achievement. Educational institutions, by understanding these factors, can effectively integrate hackathons to develop creative and memorable learning spaces.
... It is necessary for metacognition to be included in a series of university activities, such as seminars and classroom action research. Teacher educators should offer approaches, techniques, and methods that help PSTs reflect on their metacognition [37,38]. However, it will be very difficult for teachers to contribute to students' metacognition if they cannot improve their own metacognition [39]. ...
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Promoting metacognition in preservice science teachers (PSTs) is necessary for effective science teaching. However, metacognition is an abstract attribute that requires in-depth investigations with qualitative methods. This study aimed to express the process utilized to develop a coding scheme of PSTs’ metacognition (CSPM). Methods: This study started with a review of the metacognition conceptual framework. Next, the researchers collected data about PSTs’ metacognition from a metacognitive self-report (MS) and a metacognition interview protocol (MIP). The participants were 22 third-year PSTs who studied at one public university. All data were analyzed for codes by using content analysis. Results: The CSPM consisted of 177 codes that can be divided into two main components and six subcomponents. The validity of the CSPM was checked by a panel of experts through the item–objective congruence index (IOC) into two different levels: an IOC between codes and components of metacognition, and an IOC between codes and levels of metacognition. The IOCs of the CSPM in the two levels were acceptable. In conclusion, the CPSM was a qualified coding scheme for qualitatively analyzing metacognition in PSTs as well as other types of participants. This study also pointed out an urgent need to develop metacognition in PSTs.
... On average, the enactment scores were slightly lower than the sophistication I found in the lesson plans. This could be another reflection of the preservice teachers' knowledge "of" practice being higher than their knowledge "in" practice as well as a representation of the gap that sometimes exists between beliefs and practice (Abell & Bryan, 1997;Davis et al., 2006). ...
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The National Research Council developed a framework for science education that has become an important element in current reform efforts in science education. A major component of this framework is a set of science practices meant to be integrated with disciplinary core ideas to provide students authentic learning experiences. To better understand the connection between science practices and teaching, this study examines the knowledge and use of the practices by a group of preservice elementary teachers. While many studies have researched the practices individually or in small sets, few have looked at the practices holistically. Those that have, examined preservice teachers’ knowledge and teaching either in their methods course, or a little beyond that into their first years of teaching. This dissertation addresses this gap by looking at several science practices and tracking a group of preservice elementary teachers’ engagement, knowledge, and teaching with the science practices from a physics course, through a methods course, and into student teaching. Using qualitative methods, this longitudinal study draws on lab work, participant generated lesson plans, interviews, and videorecords of teaching enactments to understand the preservice teachers’ experiences and knowledge. This study follows nine participants drawn from a group of 30 preservice elementary teachers enrolled in a science methods course and who took physics either that academic year or the year before. Four of the nine continued with the study into their student teaching. To evaluate the participants’ engagement, knowledge, and use of the practices in teaching, I developed a set of rubrics to determine their level of sophistication. The participants engaged in the practices at a novice level, which was consistent with their prior experiences. For every practice, the participants understood the practices with more sophistication than they were able to engage in them. This suggests that their knowledge of the practices did not constrain their engagement. The participants’ lesson planning and teaching sophistication scores were a measure of how appropriately they incorporated the practices into their lessons, aligned the practices with the subject matter, and considered the age and grade level of their students. From the beginning to the end of the study, the participants’ sophistication in planning and teaching increased for three of four practices. These findings suggest that teacher educators should consider the experiences their preservice teachers have had with the science practices. For example, many preservice elementary teachers have had few experiences with modeling, especially designing their own models. Their experiences with modeling in the physics course likely increased their knowledge of the practice, and while they did not use it often in their teaching, they did so at a strong level. Second, teacher educators should consider the possible positive effects that content courses can have when they are included within the contextual discourses of the teacher preparation program. This is especially true for elementary programs that are already pressed for time. The preservice teachers’ knowledge and understanding of the practices can influence how they teach with the practices. For example, if they have a limited understanding of a practice (e.g., Data Analysis & Mathematical Thinking), they might use the practice less often with their students, or they could overestimate the abilities of their students with a practice based on their own knowledge and experience with the practice.
Teaching can be quite challenging during the initial years of a teaching career for many beginning teachers, specifically when teachers feel alone, unsupported and unmonitored due to the absence of supervisors and mentors at school. Thus, this research explored 10 Iranian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) beginning teachers who struggle to teach initially without sufficient emotional and academic support from the educational public since public schools may not have subject-specific supervisors and mentors to guide and support them. This study focuses on the importance of Action Research (AR) literacy, as a reflective tool, for unmonitored beginning EFL teachers. The data collected from an interview at the beginning, group discussions during the course, and reflective papers at the end through a qualitative method indicated that AR leads to the personal, technical, social, and political development of beginning teachers. It was beneficial for beginning teachers to enhance their pedagogical practices and beliefs and allow them to gain and expand their knowledge and experience through reflections and discussions with other individuals. The result also shows how cognitive, affective, professional, and technical support and assistance from other teachers, supervisors, stakeholders, and parents can accelerate the teaching quality and educational quality.
In this theoretical research an impersonal style should be used the status of teacher research in science education, examine the advantages of science teacher research, and consider possibilities for the role of science teacher research. In literature teacher research or teacher action research was mentioned only briefly as a part of qualitative research or science teacher education. This lack of attention to science teacher research might reflect the relatively late entry of science teachers into the teacher research movement. Teacher research is an effective model for teacher learning and development. Teacher research can make valuable contributions to the knowledge base for science teaching. Teacher researchers step outside their own assumptions and preconceptions and maintain a healthy skepticism about their observations of themselves and their students. One semester action research project was implemented in observing teaching practice course at the preservice science teachers training at Faculty of Science Palacky University in Olomouc. Students during this semester observed science lessons in upper secondary schools. They analyzed pedagogical events that happened in the class. They also developed a research-base rational paper describing how they will teach science. During this semester students examined one aspect of this rationale in an action research project carried out in collaboration with the host teacher. Science teacher research can contribute to the development of prospective science teachers and the development of a knowledge base for science teaching and learning. This is a particularly interesting moment in time to examine the contributions and potentials of science teacher research. Key words: science education, preservice science teacher training, science teacher research, development of preservice science teachers, action research, preservice science teacher as a research.
Learning of socioscientific issues (SSI) in the first place, making decisions to teach SSI, and deciding how to teach are affective as much as they are cognitive. The literature has identified positive and negative emotions when teachers decide whether and how to teach SSI. Yet, there is no discernable pattern regarding the association between their emotions and their intention to teach SSI. This chapter suggests that emotion objects of preservice science teachers (PSTs) (i.e., what their emotions are about) when they were learning to teach SSI revealed to us such a commitment (or a lack of it). Our cross-case analysis revealed that during their 12 weeks of learning, PSTs who developed a stronger and more sophisticated belief towards SSI teaching demonstrated more specific and diverse emotion objects. For example, they expressed emotions about their own competence to teach, student’s learning outcomes, teaching strategies, and political contexts of their teaching, etc. These compared with the PST with less sophisticated belief who had rather generic and all-embracing emotion objects (i.e., “teaching”). We suggest that identifying emotion objects can better help teacher educators to understand the learning of PSTs and are pieces of information that help us to adjust our on-going teacher education.
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O propósito da pesquisa foi ouvirmos estudantes do ensino superior sobre suas experiências com o novo modelo de aula proposto pelas IES (Instituições de Ensino Superior). Buscou-se saber e analisar o processo de ensino/aprendizagem e sobre o grau satisfação a respeito do novo modelo de aulas. A pesquisa é quali-quanti pela necessidade, também, de tabularmos os percentuais, dada relevância do estudo. Dentre os resultados, enfatizamos as repostas sobre o impacto do distanciamento social na própria aprendizagem, quase metade (41,3,%) dos estudantes responderam que o impacto foi forte. Além disso, os outros resultados demonstram algum tipo deproblema nesse processo por parte de muitos discentes, atinentes ao exame dessa pesquisa.
Interactive videodisc controlled via hypermedia has the potential to create a virtual world in which novice teachers can experience and reflect upon problems of practice. This article describes case materials being used with elementary teacher preparation programs to provide a "field experience" with exemplary science teachers. (Author/MKR)
Attention to the beliefs of teachers and teacher candidates should be a focus of educational research and can inform educational practice in ways that prevailing research agendas have not and cannot. The difficulty in studying teachers’ beliefs has been caused by definitional problems, poor conceptualizations, and differing understandings of beliefs and belief structures. This article examines the meaning prominent researchers give to beliefs and how this meaning differs from that of knowledge, provides a definition of belief consistent with the best work in this area, explores the nature of belief structures as outlined by key researchers, and offers a synthesis of findings about the nature of beliefs. The article argues that teachers’ beliefs can and should become an important focus of educational inquiry but that this will require clear conceptualizations, careful examination of key assumptions, consistent understandings and adherence to precise meanings, and proper assessment and investigation of specific belief constructs. Implications of findings and directions for future research are offered.
Discusses the design of a series of case-based interactive videodiscs used for coaching preservice elementary science teachers to become reflective practitioners. Topics include HyperCard stacks; the formative evaluation process; and design features appropriate for materials developed in other content areas or with other technical platforms. (Author/LRW)
This book describes a recent trend in the school restructuring movement--the professional-development school. These schools are committed to the acquisition and sharing of knowledge among all members of the educational community and depend on research-practitioner collaboration. In nine chapters, contributors explain the function, structure, and philosophy of the professional-development school. Contents include: (1) "Developing Professional Development Schools: Early Lessons, Challenge, and Promise" (Linda Darling-Hammond); (2) "Wells Junior High School: Evolution of a Professional Development School" (Lynne Miller and David L. Silvernail); (3) "In Pursuit of a Dual Agenda: Creating a Middle Level Professional School" (Pamela L. Grossman); (5) "Perils and Potentials: A Tale of Two Professional Development Schools" (Jon Snyder); (6) "Professional Development in Action: An Idea with Visiting Rights" (Jean Lythcott and Frank Schwartz); (7) "The Los Angeles Professional Practice School: A Study of Mutual Impact" (Johanna K. Lemlech, Hillary Hertzog-Foliart, and Arlene Hackl); (8) "Creating Professional Development Schools: Policy and Practice in South Carolina's PDS Initiatives" (Barnett Berry and Sally Catoe); and (9) "Change for Collaboration and Collaboration for Change: Transforming Teaching Through School-University Partnerships" (Sharon P. Robinson and Linda Darling-Hammond). References accompany each chapter. (LMI)
Researchers in the U.S. and Europe are beginning to explore uses of integrated mei dia in teacher education. Much of this work is occurs within the mathematics education community (Ball, Lampert, & Rosenberg, 1991; Dolk, van Galen, & Feijs, 1992; Frederick & Hatfield, 1991; Goldman & Barron, 1990), although researchers at Vanderbilt (Hoftwolt & Johnston, 1992) have begun using integrated media in science methods courses. However, a paucity of case materials, both written and video, presently exists (Merseth, 1991), especially in the context of elementary science education. The purpose of our project was to develop interactive videodisc case materials about teaching elementary school science. The materials are being used in preservice elementary science methods courses to develop reflective thinking about teaching science. In this paper we will describe the various phases of materials development and discuss other project components. We believe that the development process we have invented will be instructive to others embarking on similar projects.