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Late Permian phylloclades of the new genus Permophyllocladus and problems of the evolutionary morphology of peltasperms


Abstract and Figures

Phylloclades from the Upper Permian (Tatarian) deposits of the Sokovka locality, Vladimir Region, showing gradational transformation of a planate scale-leaved shoot into a foliar organ, are assigned to the new genus Permophyllocladus (Peltaspermales?). The phylloclades are distinctly dorsoventral: scaly leaves and their rudiments are developed on the lower side and are only marked by suture lines on the cuticle of the opposite side. In epidermal characteristics, the phylloclades are similar to the leaves of peltasperms from coeval deposits. It is supposed that peltasperm leaves are of phylloclade origin and were formed by cohesion of units of a coniferoid scale-leaved shoot that resembles shoots of the Mesozoic family Hirmerellaceae (Cheirolepidiaceae), which also tend to develop phylloclades.
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ISSN 0031-0301, Paleontological Journal, 2007, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 198–206. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2007.
Original Russian Text © E.V. Karasev, V.A. Krassilov, 2007, published in Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal, 2007, No. 2, pp. 80–86.
The Late Permian Subangarian flora of the Russian
Platform and Cis-Urals is dominated by gymnosperms
with small scaly and large pinnate leaves, convention-
ally assigned to conifers and peltasperms. It was named
the Tatarina flora, emphasizing the abundance of leaf
remains of the
group (Gomankov
and Meyen, 1986). However, the systematics of Suban-
garian peltasperms is insufficiently developed. Their
phylogenetic relationships both with the older Euro-
pean callipterids and the younger
group, which became common in the terminal
Permian and Triassic, are still unclear. Some so far
unexplained morphological peculiarities (e.g., the axial
scales of
) imply that the leaf of pel-
tasperms may be of phylloclade nature, and this may be
true for all pteridosperms. Meyen (1987) hypothesized
that peltasperms might have been related to some Per-
mian scale-leaved gymnosperms of coniferoid aspect.
The phylloclades found in the Sokovka locality are rel-
evant to these topical problems of the systematics and
evolutionary morphology of Permian gymnosperms.
The Sokovka locality is situated on the northwestern
boundary of the town of Vyazniki (Vladimir Region),
in the gully between the town and the quarry opposite
the village of Sokovka. In 1841, an expedition led by
Murchison first found Permian ostracodes and bivalves
near the town of Vyazniki. In 1951, 1952, 1955, and
1956, expeditions of the Paleontological Institute of the
Academy of Sciences of the USSR led by V’yushkov
gathered a collection of fossil fishes, amphibians, and
reptiles. In 1999–2003, Sennikov, Golubev, and Bul-
anov rediscovered two localities named Bykovka and
Sokovka corresponding to the Vyazniki II locality of
Efremov and V’yushkov (1955), where plant macrofos-
sils, spores and pollen grains, and bivalves and ostra-
codes were recorded. In 2005, additional material was
collected by a paleoentomological group led by
D.E. Shcherbakov. Afonin (2005) and Naugolnykh
(2005) contributed to the study of the Vyazniki flora.
The Vyazniki fauna includes typical Late Tatarian
bivalves, conchostracans, and fishes. Insect, tetrapod,
and plant assemblages are transitional between the typ-
ical Permian and Triassic assemblages. The ostracode
assemblage is of the Triassic aspect with the presence
of some Permian elements (Golubev et al., 2005; Sen-
nikov and Golubev, 2005).
The plant remains are preserved as impressions with
compression fragments. The fragments of compres-
sions were removed from the rock and studied with a
CAMSCAN scanning electron microscope. In addition,
cleared compressions and macerated cuticles were
studied with MBS-10 and Axioplan 2 light micro-
scopes. Photographs were taken with a Nikon Coolpix
4500 digital camera.
The stomatal index (SI) was determined by the
equation E = I + SC; SI = [SD/(E + SD)]
, where
SD is the number of stomata per mm
; E is the number
of epidermal cells per mm
; I is the number of ordinary
epidermal cells per mm
; and SC is the number of guard
cells per mm
(Woodward, 1987).
Late Permian Phylloclades of the New Genus
and Problems of the Evolutionary Morphology of Peltasperms
E. V. Karasev and V. A. Krassilov
Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Profsoyuznaya 123, Moscow, 117997 Russia
Received May 10, 2006
—Phylloclades from the Upper Permian (Tatarian) deposits of the Sokovka locality, Vladimir Region,
showing gradational transformation of a planate scale-leaved shoot into a foliar organ, are assigned to the new
(Peltaspermales?). The phylloclades are distinctly dorsoventral: scaly leaves and
their rudiments are developed on the lower side and are only marked by suture lines on the cuticle of the oppo-
site side. In epidermal characteristics, the phylloclades are similar to the leaves of peltasperms from coeval
deposits. It is supposed that peltasperm leaves are of phylloclade origin and were formed by cohesion of units
of a coniferoid scale-leaved shoot that resembles shoots of the Mesozoic family Hirmerellaceae (Cheirolepidi-
aceae), which also tend to develop phylloclades.
Key words
: phylloclades, peltasperms, conifers, leaf origin, Permian, Russian Platform.
Vol. 41
No. 2
The present study used material collected by
S.A. Afonin (2004), D.E. Shcherbakov, and A.C. Bash-
kuev (2005); the most important specimens were pro-
vided by Shcherbakov. The collection no. 5139 is
housed in the Paleontological Institute of the Russian
Academy of Sciences (PIN).
Order Peltaspermales?
Karasev et Krassilov, gen. nov.
Etymology. From the Permian Period and the
Type species.
P. polymorphus
sp. nov.
Diagnosis. Planate branching shoots of vari-
ously connate scale leaves, gradationally transformed
into imparipinnate phylloclades by extensive leaf cohe-
sion. Leaves typically distinct on lower (abaxial) side,
but reduced to coalescent leaf cushions or marked by
suture lines alone on the opposite (adaxial) side. Lateral
branches opposite or subopposite spreading at open
angle, decurrent, forming pinnae or lobed pinnules of
pinnate phylloclades. Ultimate units short elliptical or
obovate branchlets with transverse sutures of adherent
leaf pairs, distally leaflike, rounded or notched at the
apex, reduced to phylloclade pinnules. Phylloclades
strongly cutinized, amphistomatic, papillate. Stomata
scattered, more numerous abaxially, irregularly ori-
ented, monocyclic. Subsidiary cells, 4–7(6), radial,
with proximal papillae. Florin ring distinct. Guard cells
small, sunken.
Species composition. Type species.
Comparison and remarks. In gymno-
sperms, phylloclades are known in the modern families
Cupressaceae, Phyllocladaceae, and Sciadopityaceae
and in the Mesozoic Hirmerellaceae (= Hirmerelli-
aceae, Cheirolepidiaceae). Among the latter, there are
forms with dorsoventral shoots in which a facial leaf is
only developed on one side (Watson, 1988). A pinnate
phylloclade formed from a flattened scale-leaved shoot
is described in detail in the Cretaceous genus
Hollick et Jeffrey, which belongs either to the
Cupressaceae or Cheirolepidiaceae (Hueber and Wat-
son, 1988). Although a certain general resemblance to
gen. nov. exists, significant dissim-
ilarities are observed, related to different directions of
phylloclade morphogenesis. In the Permian genus, the
maximal coalescence of leaves is observed in ultimate
branches of limited growth, terminating with an
imparipinnate foliar apex, whereas in
terminal branchlets and the apices of the penultimate
branches often retain the alternate arrangement of
leaves and look like shoots of unlimited growth. The
modern genus
L.C. et A. Rich apparently
combines both modes of phylloclade formation: with
branches of limited and unlimited growth (Hueber and
Watson, 1988).
In Permian gymnosperms, phylloclades have not
been found (or recognized) up to now. The most leaflike
variants of polymorphic phylloclades of the new genus
are similar to pinnate leaves of peltasperms having
entire or lobed alethopteroid pinnules. Permian leaves
of this type were traditionally referred to as
Brongniart; however, this generic name was found to be
preoccupied and has so far not been conserved in accor-
dance with the rules of botanical nomenclature.
A recent approach to the taxonomy of Permian pel-
tasperms permits generic names for reproductive
organs (
F. Krasser,
T. Harris,
Poort et Kerp) being applied to associ-
ated leaves (
“Callipteris”, Lepidopteris
Schimper, and
Poort et Kerp, respectively), considered
in such cases as belonging to a natural genus. However,
we do not support this approach in the present paper,
since genera based on both reproductive organs and
leaves belong to morphotaxa of various degrees of nat-
uralness and are recognized by their morphological
characters rather than by their supposed taxonomic
Axial scales or swellings of uncertain morphologi-
cal nature were recorded in the Triassic
, which have bipinnate leaves with
interstitial pinnules (Harris, 1932; Poort and Kerp,
1990). Comparison with the new genus
suggests that these structures are rudiments of
the scaly leaves of the initial phylloclade. In this con-
text, the callipteroid Permian leaves of
(“Peltaspermum”) martinsii
(Germar) Poort et Kerp,
which were described as bi- or tripinnate, with a forked
rachis, are of particular interest. Pinnules are aletho-
pteroid, subopposite or alternate, decurrent, finely
toothed in the upper part of the leaf. Venation is pinnate,
the midvein is relatively thin (or indistinct) and decur-
rent; lateral veins are rare, loosely arranged, simple or
forked. This species is characterized by highly poly-
morphic leaves, some of which have well-defined “blis-
ters” on rachises of the first and second orders (Poort
and Kerp, 1990). The possible phylloclade interpreta-
tion was not considered in the original description.
, scales are lost from the
ultimate segments, and the dorsoventral orientation is
expressed only in the thickness of the cuticle and the
density of stomata.
Naugolnykh (2005) described, from the “Bykovka”
locality near the town of Vyazniki, leaves of cf.
Townrow, which are
devoid of axial scales, and have triangular basal pin-
nules that become longer toward the acute apex. There-
fore, the material from the Bykovka locality is signifi-
cantly different from
Permophyllocladus polymorphus
sp. nov., although the cuticular characters are largely
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6 84
m 1000
m 1000
Plate 10
1 2 3
5 7
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Permophyllocladus polymorphus
Karasev et Krassilov, sp. nov.
Plate 10, figs. 1–8; Plate 11, figs. 1–6
Etymology. From the Greek
(of variable shape).
Holotype. PIN, no. 5139/1, Vladimir Region,
Vyazniki district, right bank of the Klyaz’ma River,
gully between the town of Vyazniki and Bykovskii
quarry, Sokovka locality, Upper Permian, Tatarian
(Pl. 10, figs. 4–6; Pl. 11, figs. 1, 2; Figs. 1, 2b, 2c).
Diagnosis. As for the genus.
Description (Figs. 1–4). The phylloclade con-
sists of a planate axis 4–4.5 mm wide and lateral
branches. The most complete specimen is a shoot
50 mm long (Pl. 10, fig. 4). The axis is covered with
scaly leaves that partially belong to the decurrent bases
of lateral branches. Leaves supporting the lateral
branches are relatively large, variously connate, ellipti-
cal, 1.4–1.6 mm wide, alternate, the step of the spiral is
about 1 mm.
The compression shows a dorsoventrally differenti-
ated shoot: the supposed lower (abaxial) side has more
or less distinct leaves and a higher stomatal index,
whereas the opposite (upper, adaxial) side is more flat-
tened, and the leaves are no longer distinct.
Lateral branches are placed 5–7 mm apart on the
main axis of the shoot, at an angle about 90
. They are
subopposite, flattened-cylindrical, apically rounded,
straight or reflexed, about 12 mm long and 2–3 mm
wide in the middle of the shoot, rapidly tapering toward
the apex. The leaves are obovate, decurrent, and vari-
ously fused and reduced. The cohesion of the leaves
increases from the base of the branch toward the apex
and is more complete on the flattened adaxial side. The
abaxial leaves are fused in pairs basally (Pl. 10, fig. 6,
Fig. 1a) or along their entire length; they form a facial
row of slightly convex, transversely elongated leaf
cushions of elliptical, trapezoidal, or polygonal out-
lines, 1.5 mm wide, giving the branch an articulate
aspect (Pl. 10, fig. 8). On the flattened side, these vari-
ants are matched by transverse leaf cushions (Fig. 1b)
or transverse sutures that in the extreme case are distin-
guishable only on the cuticle (Pl. 10, figs. 5, 7).
The branchlets of the last order are axillary, adnate
to their supporting leaves, mostly reduced to rounded-
elliptical or subspherical lobes that may appear as lat-
eral scaly leaves, the opposite leaves of the lateral pairs
being directly fused with each other (connected by a
concave suture) on the flattened foliar side of the shoot
(Fig. 1c).
The phylloclades are amphistomatic, the cuticle is
thick (6–8
m), resistant to maceration. The cuticles of
the lower and upper epidermises are of approximately
equal thickness (Fig. 2a). The ordinary epidermal cells
are pentagonal to heptagonal, with straight, smooth
anticlinal walls, 15–30
m across (Pl. 11, fig. 1). In the
basal region of the leaf, they become slightly larger, and
the degree of cutinization decreases. The periclinal wall
bears a median papilla that is basally 7–8
m in diame-
ter and up to 3
m high. The largest papillae are situated
in the marginal regions of the leaf; in the central part,
papillae are sometimes lacking (Pl. 11, figs. 3, 5). The
densities of stomata are different on the opposite leaf
surfaces: on the side with more distinct leaf scales (the
Explanation of Plate 10
Figs. 1–8.
Permophyllocladus polymorphus
gen. et sp. nov.: (1) paratype PIN, no. 5139/4, abaxial side of the apical region of a
flattened dorsoventral scale-leaved shoot; (2) the same, adaxial side; (3) paratype PIN, no. 5139/3, abaxial side of a shoot with two
lateral branchlets; (4) holotype PIN, no. 5139/1, compression of the middle portion of a phylloclade with lateral branchlets; (5) holo-
type PIN, no. 5139/1, adaxial side of a lateral branchlet; (6) holotype PIN, no. 5139/1, abaxial side; (7) paratype PIN, no. 5139/2,
adaxial side of the compression of a lateral branchlet with two rows of scales on the rachis; (8) the same, abaxial side; (1, 2, 6) SEM;
(3, 5) LM.
(a) (b)
Fig. 1.
Permophyllocladus polymorphus
gen. et sp. nov., holotype PIN, no. 5139/1: (a) abaxial side of a lateral branchlet; (b) abaxial
side of a lateral branchlet, schematic sections along the lines A–A and B–B; (c) adaxial side of a lateral branchlet; (I, II, III) facial
row of leaf cushions; (1, 2, 3) lateral lobes corresponding to reduced terminal branchlets with fused leaves. Scale bar 500
Vol. 41
No. 2
Plate 11
1 2 10
Vol. 41
No. 2
abaxial side) the stomata are twice as frequent as on the
other side (table), they are regularly arranged and do
not form rows. The stomatal apertures are irregularly
Stomata are monocyclic, encyclocytic, or, less com-
monly, actinocytic. Usually, there are six subsidiary
cells, or, more rarely, four, five, or seven. They are radi-
ally arranged around the stoma, their distal walls form
a ring or an irregular contour 38–56
m across. The
proximal walls are strongly cutinized, papillate, the
papillae are hollow, sometimes apically thickened, or,
more rarely, solid. The base of papilla is about 5–8
in diameter, the height is up to 6
m (Pl. 11, fig. 6). The
guard cells are sunken at a depth of 5–10
m below the
leaf surface. They are 10–13
m long, 3.8–5.5
m wide
(Pl. 11, fig. 2, Figs. 2b, 2c).
There are phylloclades with the leaves that are only
basally connate on the penultimate axis, forming a wide
inversely wedge-shaped bilobed scale. In such speci-
Explanation of Plate 11
Figs. 1–6.
Permophyllocladus polymorphus
gen. et sp. nov., cuticle, SEM: (1, 2) holotype PIN, no. 5139/1; (1) lower cuticle of a
scaly process of a lateral branchlet; (2) encyclocytic stomatal apparatus; (3) paratype PIN, no. 5139/4, external surface of the cuticle
with distinct papillae on ordinary epidermal cells; (4) paratype PIN, no. 5139/7, stomatal apparatus of a leaflike branchlet;
(5) paratype PIN, no. 5139/3, external surface of the upper cuticle with occasional papillae on ordinary epidermal cells; (6) paratype
PIN, no. 5139/4, stomatal apparatus with large proximal papillae overhanging the stoma.
(a) 10
(b) (c)
Fig. 2.
Permophyllocladus polymorphus
gen. et sp. nov.,
holotype PIN, no. 5139/1: (a) thickness of the lower cuticle,
SEM; (b) schematic reconstruction of stomatal apparatus;
(c) stomatal apparatus at an angle of 45
, SEM; (a, c)
Vladimir Region, vicinity of the town of Vyazniki, Sokovka
locality, Upper Permian, Tatarian.
(a) (b)
3III 3
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Fig. 3.
Polymorphism of phylloclades of
dus polymorphus
gen. et sp. nov.: (a, b) PIN, no. 5139/3,
phylloclade with two lateral branchlets; (c, d) paratype PIN,
no. 5139/4, apical region of a branch with pinnule-like ulti-
mate branchlets; (e, f) paratype PIN, no. 5139/7, apical
portion of a leaflike branchlet and schematic section along
the line A–A; (a, c, e) abaxial side; (b, d, f) adaxial side;
(1, 2, 3) pinnule-like lateral branchlets; (I, II, III) facial rows
of leaf cushions. Scale bar 500
Vol. 41
No. 2
300 µm
1000 µm 1000 µm
(f) (d) (e)
Fig. 4. Polymorphism of phylloclades of Permophyllocladus polymorphus gen. et sp. nov.: (a) paratype PIN, no. 5139/6, com-
pressed shoot with lobed pinnule-like lateral branchlets; (b) paratype PIN, no. 5139/5, compressed shoot with entire pinnule-like
lateral branchlets; (c) paratype PIN, no. 5139/6, adaxial side of a compressed pinnule-like branch; (d, e) paratype PIN, no. 5139/7,
two sides of a compressed apex of pinnule-like branchlets, SEM; (f) PIN, no. 5139/4, external side of lower cuticle, SEM;
(af) Vladimir Region, vicinity of the town of Vyazniki, Sokovka locality, Upper Permian, Tatarian; (c) LM; (d–f) SEM. Scale bar
(a–c) 1000 µm.
mens, the terminal branchlets are better developed,
with distinct scaly leaves (Pl. 10, figs. 1–3). On the
abaxial side of the penultimate axis, facial leaves are
tear-shaped or obovate, 1.0–1.8 × 1.2–1.7 mm. On the
adaxial side, they are reduced to cuticular folds
(Figs. 3a, 3b). The branchlets of the ultimate order are
elongate or conical, up to 2 mm long, with one or two
pairs of proximal leaves and a subspherical leaflike
apex (Figs. 3c, 3d). The leaves are adnate, fused for
their entire length, separated by a transverse fold, or
else they have free triangular tips. The cohesion of
basal leaves of lateral branchlets with their subtending
leaf on the penultimate axis results in a large (0.7–1 mm
wide) irregular leaf cushion at the base of the branchlet.
Occasionally, the ordinary epidermal cells are smooth-
walled and without papillae (Pl. 11, fig. 5).
The most leaflike specimens (Figs. 3e, 3f, 4a–4e)
have elongate pinnae (modified lateral branches) with
two rows of contacting pinnules (modified ultimate
branchlets), abaxially fused, and with an apical pinnule.
The lateral pinnules are obovate, spatulate, or rhomboi-
dal, decurrent, usually measuring about 1.6 × 1.6 mm.
The apical pinnule, which is formed of completely
fused distal scaly leaves, is larger and rounded. Abaxi-
ally, it is divided by a median longitudinal fold, and
adaxially it is entire. Epidermal cells along the pinnule
margins are distinctly elongate, the stomata are larger,
the contour of subsidiary cells is 50–60 µm across, the
guard cells are longer, up to 20 µm (Pl. 11, fig. 4,
Fig. 4d). SI on the abaxial (divided) side is 3.46,
whereas on the adaxial (entire) side it is 2.72.
Material. Seven impressions of phylloclades
with preserved compressions, including four fragments
of the middle region with lateral branches and three
detached lateral branchlets.
The polymorphism of Permophyllocladus gen. nov.
allows the transitions to be traced from a scale-leaved
shoot with incipient dorsoventral differentiation to a
pinnate phylloclade having variously reduced scaly
leaves. The comparison with leaves of peltasperms
shows that some callipterids (e.g., Lepidopteris martin-
sii) also betray phylloclade characteristics, although
they are less distinct. Phyllocladization is even more
advanced in the foliar organs assigned to Lepidopteris
and Meyenopteris, which are usually considered as
fernlike foliage, typical of pteridosperms. Axial scales
or swellings recorded in such “leaves” have formerly
been interpreted as analogous to petiolar scales of ferns
or as glands. Our data support the hypothesis that they
are reduced leaves of an initial scale-leaved shoot.
Therefore, we have obtained evidence of the phyllo-
clade nature of the leaves of the dominant Permian
gymnosperms, peltasperms. While in Permophyllocla-
dus the initial shoot with scaly leaves has not yet lost its
morphological distinctness showing successive phases
of cohesion, dorsoventral differentiation, and leaflike
flattening, in more advanced forms traces of phyllo-
clade origin occur as the axial scales only or are alto-
gether lacking.
Peltasperms are usually assigned to pteridosperms,
a vast group of Late Paleozoic gymnosperms with large
planate or more or less fernlike leaves. However, the
difference between typical pteridosperms and pel-
tasperms is that in the former group the ovules develop
on the foliar organs, whereas in the latter group they are
in cones.
Our data show that Permian gymnosperms with
scale-leaved branching shoots (“conifers”), on the one
hand, and with large pinnate leaves (“pteridosperms”),
on the other, might have belonged to one natural plant
group; this is supported both by the presence of transi-
tional forms of phylloclades, described in this paper,
and by similarity in epidermal characters.
However, the phyllocladization processes might
have been differently orientated in peltasperms and
coniferoids. In the former group, fusion of the leaves
progresses from terminal branchlets towards branches
of lower orders; in the latter, this process was directed
oppositely, although a combination of both modes is
In terms of morphogenesis, the difference between
typical pteridosperms and cycads, which also contain
forms with compound fernlike leaves, is that in pteri-
dosperms the ovuliphores were comprised in phyllo-
cladization, which led to the development of seeds on
fernlike leaves, whereas in cycads only vegetative
shoots were influenced by phyllocladization, and ovuli-
phores were variously strobilized. On account of the
latter distinction, peltasperms are closer to cycads and
may be considered as a possible ancestral group of
Mesozoic cycadophytes.
We are grateful to D.E. Shcherbakov (PIN) for pro-
viding the material.
When this paper was in press, Gomankov (2006)
established a new species, Lepidopteris archaica
Gomankov, including specimens from the Sokovka
locality. However, the holotype of L. archaica from the
Density of stomata and stomatal indices for different sides.
Lower surface denotes the lower surface of phylloclade, upper
surface denotes the upper surface of phylloclade. (SD) number
of stomata per mm2, (SI) stomatal index
No. Lower surface Upper surface
1 103 3.62 75 2.47
3 70 3.46 44 2.72
5 113 4.44 38 1.82
Fore-Urals has little in common with our species.
Moreover, we see no confirmation of a phyllodial
nature (developed from a petiole) of the leaf of Lepi-
dopteris; according to our data, this is a homologue of
the phylloclade rather than phyllode.
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Nat. Hist. Sci. Bull., No. 30, 302–304 (2005).
11. J. Watson, “Cheirolepidiaceae,” in Origin and Evolution
of Gymnosperms, Ed. by C. B. Beck (Columbia Univ.
Press, New York, 1988), pp. 382–447.
12. F. I. Woodward, “Stomatal Numbers are Sensitive to
Increases in CO Concentration from the Pre-industrial
Levels,” Nature 327, 617–618 (1987).
... The principal difficulties in defining the taxonomic status of peltasperms as a plant group, and in formalization of the systematic position of this plant group in general, are provoked mainly by considerably variant understanding of the diversity of the family Peltaspermaceae, as well as of the order Peltaspermales, proposed by a large number of researchers (e.g., Stanislavsky 1976, Khramova 1977, Meyen 1979, 1987, Dobruskina 1980, Gomankov and Meyen 1986, Wang and Wang 1986, Durante 1992, Schweitzer and Kirchner 1998, Doweld 2001, Retallack 2002, Gomankov 2006, Karasev and Krassilov 2007. ...
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New genus and species Taimyria triassica Naugolnykh et Mogutcheva gen. et sp. nov. of peltaspermalean affinity is described on the basis of material collected from the Keshinskian Formation (Induan stage, Lower Triassic), outcropped in the Tsvetkov Cape section (eastern part of the Taimyr Peninsula, Siberia, Russia). This new plant is characterized by both macromorphological and some microstructural features. Taimyria triassica has long racemose aggregations (cones or megastrobili) consisting of an axis with peltate seed-bearing discs (which also can be interpreted as seed-bearing semi-closed capsules), with margins curved adaxially. The seed-bearing discs are round to ovoid, with short stalk connected at central area of the adaxial part, and attached to the cone axis nearly perpendicularly, in a dense spiral pattern. Six to eight seeds are concentrically displayed around the stalk on the adaxial surface of the discs. The seeds preserved in seed-bearing discs were extracted from macerated reproductive organs and described as well. The seeds are platyspermic, ovoid, narrower at their apical micropylar end orientated toward the disc stipe. Problems of systematics and general evolutionary trends of the order Peltaspermales are briefly discussed.
... The principal difficulties in defining the taxonomic status of peltasperms as a plant group, and in formalization of the systematic position of this plant group in general, are provoked mainly by considerably variant understanding of the diversity of the family Peltaspermaceae, as well as of the order Peltaspermales, proposed by a large number of researchers (e.g., Stanislavsky 1976, Khramova 1977, Meyen 1979, 1987, Dobruskina 1980, Gomankov and Meyen 1986, Wang and Wang 1986, Durante 1992, Schweitzer and Kirchner 1998, Doweld 2001, Retallack 2002, Gomankov 2006, Karasev and Krassilov 2007. ...
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New genus and species Taimyria triassica Naugolnykh et Mogutcheva gen. et sp. nov. of peltaspermalean affinity is described on the basis of material collected from the Keshinskian Formation (Induan stage, Lower Triassic), outcropped in the Tsvetkov Cape section (eastern part of the Taimyr Peninsula, Siberia, Russia). This new plant is characterized by both macromorphological and some microstructural features. Taimyria triassica has long racemose aggregations (cones or megastrobili) consisting of an axis with peltate seed-bearing discs (which also can be interpreted as seed-bearing semi-closed capsules), with margins curved adaxially. The seed-bearing discs are round to ovoid, with short stalk connected at central area of the adaxial part, and attached to the cone axis nearly perpendicularly, in a dense spiral pattern. Six to eight seeds are concentrically displayed around the stalk on the adaxial surface of the discs. The seeds preserved in seed-bearing discs were extracted from macerated reproductive organs and described as well. The seeds are platyspermic, ovoid, narrower at their apical micropylar end orientated toward the disc stipe. Problems of systematics and general evolutionary trends of the order Peltaspermales are briefly discussed.
... In the last century, the prevailing view was that a stratigraphic hiatus existed between the Late Permian and the Early Triassic in European Russia. The terminal Permian and earliest Triassic deposits were discovered later [16], [17], [18]. Until this time the paleobotanical characteristic of the last stage of Tatarina flora was absent. ...
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The general stratigraphic scale of the Permian system of Russia has been significantly revised and modified in recent years. It is based on a modified regional scale of the East European Platform, which also includes three series, but still remains substantially different from the International Stratigraphic Chart. The differences include the stratigraphic range of the Middle and Late Series, the grouping of stages within these series, and their naming.
... In the last century, the prevailing view was that stratigraphic hiatus exists between the Late Permian and the Early Triassic in European Russia. The terminal Permian and earliest Triassic deposits were discovered later [16][17][18]. Until this time the paleobotanical characteristic of the last stage of Tatarina flora was absent. ...
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The Late Permian (Lopingian) and Early Triassic successions of the Moscow Syneclise have been studied in twenty localities. We recognized of two phases of development of the Late Permian flora. First, the phase of rise and maximum diversity and second phase of suppressed and unstable stage of the flora development.The taxonomic diversity curves were prepared at genus and species level. The curves indicate that floral richness continuously declines from the Late Permian to Early Triassic. The main factor in reducing of the number of taxa is a decrease the number of transit taxa and an increase of the rate of extinction.
... In 2005, the first data on the Vyazni kovian floristic assemblage (a new genus Vjaznikopteris Naugolnykh) and a few new species of genera typical of the Tatarian flora were published (Naugolnykh, 2005). Karasev and Krassilov (2007) studied in detail scale leaf shoots known in the Vyaznikovian floristical assemblage and attributed them to a new genus Permo phyllocladus Krassilov et Karasev. Dominants of the Vyaznikovian paleofloristic assemblage are leaves of the genus Permophyllocladus and species Vjaznikopteris rigida Naugolnykh. ...
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The comprehensive analysis of the data obtained on terrestrial vertebrata, ostracods, entomologic fauna, megaflora, and microflora in deposits of the Vyaznikovian Horizon and Nedubrovo Member, as well as the paleomagnetic data measured in enclosing rocks, confirms heterogeneity of these deposits. Accordingly, it is necessary to distinguish these two stratons in the terminal Permian of the East European Platform. The combined sequence of Triassic–Permian boundary deposits in the Moscow Syneclise, which is considered to be the most complete sequence in the East European Platform, is as follows (from bottom upward): Vyatkian deposits; Vyaznikovian Horizon, including Sokovka and Zhukovo members; Nedubrovo Member (Upper Permian); Astashikha and Ryabi members of the Vokhmian Horizon (Lower Triassic). None of the sequences of Permian– Triassic boundary deposits known in the area of study characterizes this sequence in full volume. In the north, the Triassic deposits are underlain by the Nedubrovo Member; in the south (the Klyazma River basin), the sections are underlain by the Vyaznikovian Horizon. The Permian–Triassic boundary adopted in the General Stratigraphic Scale of Russia for continental deposits of the East European platform (the lower boundary of the Astashikha Member) is more ancient than the one adopted in the International Stratigraphic Chart. The same geological situation is observed in the German Basin and other localities where Triassic continental deposits are developed. The ways of solving this problem are discussed in this article.
... The similar morphology was observed in pinnae with little pinnules described as L. archaica from Lopingnian de posits of Russian platform (Gomankov 2006) and from contem po rary deposits as Lepidopteris baodensis from the North China (Zhang et al. 2012). Leaves that are very similar to G. (L.) martinsii were found in the Latest Permian deposits of the Sokovka locality near Vyazniki city and described as Permophyllocladus polymorphus (Karasev & Krassilov 2007). Thus, Germaropteris-like leaves were wide spread in the Lopin gian and Lower Triassic sediments on the territory of the northern hemisphere. ...
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The Babii Kamen flora is one of the most important Early Triassic floras of the Kuznetsk Basin. New data about the floristic assemblage were obtained from the Babii Kamen locality of Mal'tsevo formation. Fragments of fronds were found with very small pin nae and tiny pinnules. The general morphology of these leaves and specific epi der mal-cuticular characters show their undeniable affinity to the peltasperm Lepidopteris arctica Mogutcheva, 1980. Leaves of L. arctica were first described from the Lower Triassic locality of Cape Tsvetkov, East Taimyr. The presence of leaves of L. arctica from the Babii Kamen locality confirms the correlation of the deposits of the Mal'tsevo formation with sections of Induan (or Late Permian?) age of the East Taimyr.
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The remains of fossil roots (rhizoliths) of two morphotypes (M1 and M2) are described from Upper Permian deposits near the town of Vyazniki in the east of Vladimir region. In the section, M1 rhizoliths are vertically oriented and represented by several types of preservation: rhizocretions, imprints of the root surface, and root petrifactions. The study of the transverse and longitudinal sections of ferruginized root fragments has shown that the structure of the central conducting bundle (stele) can be of three types. It is observed that the branching areas of the lateral roots are arranged into four rhizostichies, indicating a tetrarchic type of stele for these roots. The discovery of the remains of root systems in an upright position and without any traces of transportation indicate the first stages of primary soil formation. M2 rhizoliths are a network of finely intertwined roots. The new finds of in situ rhizoliths significantly complement our understanding of the Late Permian paleoenvironments and paleoecosystems in the center of the Russian Platform.
The Middle Siberian volcanic plateau is characterized with respect to its paleoecological environments. In this area, volcanism commenced in the Severodvinian (Vishkilian) Age. The lower (tuffaceous) part of the plateau section (Lebedev deposits) was formed in the Vyatkian Age. Its middle (tufflava) part (Khungtukun deposits) is correlative with the Goudikeng Formation (interval of 65–111 m) in the Dalongkou type section of China and corresponds to the Quadrocladus pachyphyllus.. Echinolimnadia mattoxi Zone. The top of this sedimentary unit (111 m up from the base of the Goudikeng Formation) should be correlated with the base of the Otoceras Ecozone. The upper (lava) part of the plateau (Putorana deposits) corresponds to the interval of 111–210 m, belongs to the Elatocladus linearis.. Cornia vosini Ecozone, and is older than the Hindeodus parvus Zone, which is now considered as the basal unit of the Triassic marine sequences. The volcanic plateau section shows now evidence of any biotic crisis.
This book provides up-to-date coverage of fossil plants from Precambrian life to flowering plants, including fungi and algae. It begins with a discussion of geologic time, how organisms are preserved in the rock record, and how organisms are studied and interpreted and takes the student through all the relevant uses and interpretations of fossil plant. With new chapters on additional flowering plant families, paleoecology and the structure of ancient plant communities, fossil plants as proxy records for paleoclimate, new methodologies used in phylogenetic reconstruction and the addition of new fossil plant discoveries since 1993, this book provides the most comprehensive account of the geologic history and evolution of microbes, algae, fungi, and plants through time. * Major revision of a 1993 classic reference * Lavishly illustrated with 1800 images and user friendly for use by paleobotanists, biologists, geologists and other related scientists * Includes an expanded glossary with an extensive up-to-date bibliography and a comprehensive index * Provides extensive coverage of fungi and other microbes, and major groups of land plants both living and extinct.
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Foliage and ovuliferous organs of a Late Permian representative of the family Peltaspermaceae are described and discussed. The sterile foliage belongs to the well known species Lepidopteris (al. Callipteris) martinsii (Germar) Townrow. Correlated ovuliferous organs consist of radially symmetrical peltate discs, assignable to the form-genus Peltaspermum Harris. In this study emphasis has been given to the recognition of natural taxa. Detailed study of foliage correlated with the formgenus Peltaspermum has resulted in an emendation of the genus and its promotion to a natural status. The classification of species previously included in Peltaspermum is also discussed. Two other natural genera of the family Peltaspermaceae are discussed, viz. Peltaspermopsis Gomankov emend, and Meyenopteris nov. gen. Dispersed radially symmetrical ovuliferous discs of peltaspermaceous affinity, which cannot be interpreted in terms of natural taxa, are transferred to the form-genus Lopadangium Zhao. Autuniopsis nov. gen. is eslablished as a form-genus for bilaterally symmetrical ovuliferous discs of peltaspermaceous affinity. The following combinations are formally introduced: Peltaspermum martinsii (Germar) nov. comb., P. ottonis (G6ppert) nov. comb., Meyenopteris natalensis (Thomas) nov. comb., Lopadangium dafengshanense (Wang Ziq. et Wang Lix.) nov. comb. L. madygenicum (Dobruskina) nov. comb., L. petchoricum (Chramova) nov. comb., L. usense (Dobruskina) nov. comb. and Autuniopsis dzungarica (Salmenova) nov. comb. The diagnosis of Peltaspermum martinsii is given and since foliage and ovuliferous organs have previously been described under various names a synonymy list is given. The frond architecture, variation in pinnule morphology and epidermal anatomy, palaeoecology and geographical distribution of Peltaspermum martinsii are discussed and the species is compared with other Late Permian callipterids.
There have been at least ten English-language textbooks of palaeobotany since D. H. Scott published the first edition of Studies inFossilBotany in 1900. Most have been written by scientists who were primarily botanists by training, and were aimed largely at a readership familiar with living plants. They tended to follow a general pattern of an introductory chapter on preservation of plants as fossils, followed by a systematic treatment, group by group. Only Seward in his Plant Life Through the Ages departed from this pattern in presenting a chronological sequence. In the present book, Meyen breaks with?is tradition. Although having a basically biological approach, he reaches out into all aspects of the history of plant life and the wider implication of its study. Only half of the present work deals sequentially with fossil plant groups, treated systematically. The remainder then explores those topics which most other textbooks have incidentally??e generally either ignored or have only mentioned rather problems of naming and classifying fragmentary plant fossils, their ecology; biogeography and palaeoclimatic significance and the contribution that?ey have made to the understanding of living plant morphology, and of the process of evolution.
Flat, frond-like conifer shoots from the Upper Cretaceous of the eastern United States have been described in the past as three species of the genus Androvettia Hollick & Jeffrey. The characteristics of Androvettia are discussed and compared with descriptions of Moriconia Dehey & Ettingshausen. Specimens of all three species, including new material, have been studied by light and scanning electron microscopy. It is concluded that only one species, Androvettia statenensis Hollick & Jeffrey, is represented. The morphology and phyllotaxis of the shoots, which are phylloclades, are illustrated and discussed. Two forms of branches are present which it is suggested represent shoots of determinate and indeterminate growth. Membership of the family Cheirolepidiaceae is tentatively suggested.
Recent measurements of atmospheric CO2 levels in ice cores1 have shown that global CO2 has increased by about 60 µmol mol-1 over the past 200 years. Evidence for the response of plants in the field to this change in CO2 levels is here presented in the form of a significant change in stomatal density-an anatomical response of considerable ecophysiological importance. A 40% decrease in density of stomata was observed in herbarium specimens of leaves of eight temperate arboreal species collected over the last 200 years. This decline was confirmed for some of the species observed as herbarium specimens by experiments under controlled environmental conditions. In these an increase in the mole fraction of CO2 from 280 mumol mol-1 to the current ambient level of 340 µmol mol-1 was found to cause a decrease in stomatal density of 67%. Experiments have shown that the combination of this previously unreported response of stomatal density to the level of CO2, with the known responses of stomatal aperture2, cause water use efficiency to be much lower than expected at low levels of CO2 and over a wide range of humidities.