
A Comparative Review of Approaches for Database Schema Integration

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Any useful information system (IS) needs a conceptual schema, which produces an abstract, global view of all data, managed in the organization. Even though conceptual modeling represents only a small portion of the total information system development effort, its influence on the quality of the final result is probably greater than any other phase. Database (DB) schema is a major determinant of system development costs, system flexibility, integration with other systems and the ability of the system to meet user requirements [13]. This leads to the conclusion that conceptual data-base design is an essential activity of IS development [12].

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... El sistema de metadatos Mex-LTER se basa en el sistema MySQL con una interfaz web en PHP, por lo que los metadatos se pueden recuperar y modificar a través de internet en cualquier parte del mundo sin ningún software adicional o conocimientos especializados para trabajar con metadatos. En este sentido:  El sistema de metadatos se diseñó de acuerdo a la filosofía de Distribución de Bases de Datos (Aleksandraviciene y Butleris, 2007).  La base de datos funciona con el sistema operativo LINUX, y utiliza los administradores de bases de datos WEB de trabajo (PostgreSQL y MySQL), lo que permite actualizaciones remotas y búsquedas. ...
Full-text available PRÓLOGO: UNIÓN DE VISIONES Y VINCULACIÓN INSTITUCIONAL “En cuestiones de cultura y de saber, sólo se pierde lo que se guarda; sólo se gana lo que se da”. - Antonio Machado – Los autores y gestores de los proyectos aquí presentados han sido testigos de un cambio secular. Vivieron el final del siglo XX y experimentaron los albores del XXI. Una nueva era ha iniciado y cuando pareciera que el individualismo y las escasas actitudes solidarias son las que priman, surge este producto, que más que un resultado, es una demostración que una de las formas para obtener logros importantes se da a través de la colaboración, el intercambio de experiencias y la interacción de las instituciones. Los avances tecnológicos deber ser aprovechados como soporte de comunicación entre las personas y organizaciones para, de esta manera, facilitar la interconexión. La clave debe sustentarse en el entendimiento de una actitud solidaria de las personas, de compromiso, que permitan limar las distancias y las ideologías sectarias capaces de obstaculizar una verdadera democratización educativa. Sobre estas ideas, personas e instituciones, en 1999, se unieron con la voluntad de instalar y operar la red mexicana de educación e investigación y su interconexión a las redes universitarias de alta velocidad en Estados Unidos y Canadá, así nació la Corporación Universitaria para el Desarrollo de Internet (CUDI). CUDI ha ido creciendo de la mano del desarrollo de sus socios, quienes continuamente incorporan las tecnologías de información y comunicación en sus más diversos procesos. CUDI en sus inicios tenía escasas capacidades de infraestructura tecnológica y de recursos humanos. En 2010 la red dio un gran salto, con lo que se fortalece su posición de liderazgo como iniciativa de colaboración nacional, para responder a la demanda de la comunidad académica y científica. En el inicio del año 2013 la red de CUDI cuenta con una infraestructura de más de 8,000 kilómetros de enlaces de alta capacidad. Esta red dorsal abarca todo el territorio mexicano y se enlaza, a su vez, con Europa, Asia, Oceanía y América Latina, interconectándose así a más de 10,000 universidades y centros de investigación. A la Red CUDI se han ido integrando colaboradores interesados en el desarrollo de temáticas específicas, tales como: aeroespacial, astronomía, bibliotecas digitales, ciencias de la tierra, contabilidad y negocios, educación, energías renovables, enseñanza de la ciencia, estudios socio ambientales, grids de super cómputo, ingeniería, interacción humano-computadora, laboratorios compartidos, matemáticas, medios estudiantiles y salud. Las universidades y centros de investigación mexicanos están llevando a cabo actividades en estas ramas en colaboración con instituciones avanzadas de todo el mundo. En las siguientes páginas se comentan algunas de las experiencias desarrolladas a lo largo de la corta historia de CUDI, que sirven como una muestra de la importancia de la construcción de proyectos colaborativos en redes académicas útiles para el enriquecimiento y la difusión del conocimiento científico. El libro se divide en tres secciones. En la sección I, Conformación de la red CUDI: origen, administración, visión y retos se encuentran nueve capítulos que dan cuenta de la creación de CUDI, su organización y desarrollo; los consejos de membresías y aplicaciones; así como sus áreas estratégicas de difusión en la web, seguridad, formación y vinculación institucional. En la sección II, Casos de las comunidades CUDI: redes, investigación y aplicaciones tecnológicas se presentan diez capítulos que abordan los trabajos en red desarrollados por algunos de los grupos temáticos en los que se divide la comunidad académica: bibliotecas digitales, ciencias de la tierra, ecología, energías renovables, enseñanza de las ciencias, cómputo grid, ingeniería, laboratorios compartidos, educación, contaduría y negocios. En la sección III, Casos prácticos y perspectivas para la investigación se presentan tres capítulos que dan cuenta de experiencias específicas, por un lado, el ejemplo en una universidad del pacífico mexicano y por otro, la experiencia de una comunidad interconectada con las redes avanzadas de Latinoamérica, como demostración que las fronteras y las distancias físicas, no son un límite. El libro concluye con una mirada de las perspectivas futuras de la Corporación. Los capítulos fueron valorados por académicos de Alemania, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, España. Estados Unidos y México, a quienes se les agradece su valiosa contribución para mejorar los escritos. Para esta obra se consideró importante que en cada uno de estos capítulos se establecieran los resúmenes en tres idiomas (español, inglés y portugués) como un agradecimiento para nuestros colegas de la RedCLARA (Cooperación Latino Americana de Redes Avanzadas) con quienes hemos integrado redes académicas cercanas, no sólo en latitud, sino de verdadera proximidad intelectual. “En cuestiones de cultura y de saber, sólo se pierde lo que se guarda; sólo se gana lo que se da” mencionó Antonio Machado y con estas palabras, el grupo de autores de esta obra, presentan a la comunidad académica su experiencia e invitan a sumar esfuerzos para construir de manera mancomunada y solidaria, a través de la vinculación de instituciones y redes académicas que contribuyan con innovación, investigación, servicios y aplicaciones. Queda con este eBook una invitación para seguir sumando esfuerzos que nos hagan crecer juntos. María Soledad Ramírez Montoya Cecilia Castañeda Cuevas
Project management is a complex process regulated by project management methodologies, standards and other requirements. Different project management information systems are used to support this process. To ensure that the project management information system delivers expected results, it should be configured according requirements of the chosen methodology. In this configuration process XML is used for standardize definition and description of project management requirements. This paper describes structure and application of the aforementioned XML schema, which is referred as XML schema for Configuration of Project Management information systems (XCPM). XCPM is based on a comprehensive project management concept model. Each entity from the concept model can be described using the XCPM schema. The paper also surveys approaches for project management information system configuration. Configuration of the change control process in the project management information system is described to illustrate application of the XCPM.
Conference Paper
Project management is a complex process which is governed by project management methodologies, standards and other regulatory requirements. This process is supported by project management information systems, which could be configured according to requirements of particular methodologies represented in a standardized manner. This standardized representation is based on a comprehensive project management domain model. However, existing conceptualizations of the project management domain have limited scope. Therefore, this paper proposes to elaborate a comprehensive concept model of the project management domain to be used for development of XML schema for configuration of project management information systems. Development of the comprehensive concept model is based on analysis and integration of existing conceptualizations of project management and concept model integration. Four existing conceptualizations are integrated, and the integrated project management domain concept model incorporates data, process, and knowledge related entities. KeywordsConceptual modelling-schema integration-project management information system
Conference Paper
An approach to integrating UML Sequence Diagrams is presented. It rests on a well-established theory, is generalizable to a large class of requirements engineering models, and supports many different kinds of scenario integration operations. An implementation of the approach as an Eclipse extension is described. Lessons learned from the implementation and during first, preliminary experiments to study the practical aspects of the approach, are discussed.
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One of the fundamental principles of the database approach is that a database allows a nonredundant, unified representation of all data managed in an organization. This is achieved only when methodologies are available to support integration across organizational and application boundaries. Methodologies for database design usually perform the design activity by separately producing several schemas, representing parts of the application, which are subsequently merged. Database schema integration is the activity of integrating the schemas of existing or proposed databases into a global, unified schema. The aim of the paper is to provide first a unifying framework for the problem of schema integration, then a comparative review of the work done thus far in this area. Such a framework, with the associated analysis of the existing approaches, provides a basis for identifying strengths and weaknesses of individual methodologies, as well as general guidelines for future improvements and extensions.
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Schema matching is a basic problem in many database application domains, such as data integration, E- business, data warehousing, and semanticquery proc essing. In current implementations, schema matching is typically per- formed manually, which has significant limitations. On the other hand, previous research papers have proposed many techniques to achieve a partial automation of the match op- eration for specific application domains. We present a taxon- omy that covers many of these existing approaches, and we describe the approaches in some detail. In particular, we distin- guish between schema-level and instance-level, element-level and structure-level, and language-based and constraint-based matchers. Based on our classification we review some pre- vious match implementations thereby indicating which part of the solution space they cover. We intend our taxonomy and review of past work to be useful when comparing different ap- proaches to schema matching, when developing a new match algorithm, and when implementing a schema matching com- ponent.
Conference Paper
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The purpose of this paper is to describe a methodology that can integrate n database views simultaneously. The methodology consists of transforming a database view into an intermediate representation, based on the conceptual dependency theory. The conceptual representations corresponding to the views are then combined to form a “global” representation, which is subsequently converted back to a data model that represents the global, integrated schema. Our methodology makes use of the semantic content of a database view in the integration process, unlike other view integration methodologies proposed in the literature. We show, by examples, how this approach can eliminate multiple restructuring of constituent views in the integration process
There are two key motivations for this work. First, the imple- mentation of object-oriented databases has grown to a significant number. Second, there has been a need for integrated access of infor- mation from multiple data sources. The multidatabase system has been proposed as a solution for integrated access of data from multiple dis- tributed, heterogeneous, and autonomous database systems. To present a single database illusion to its users, a multidatabase system main- tains a single global database schema, which is the integration of all component database schemas and against which its users will issue queries and updates. Many approaches to schema integration have been proposed in the literature. Most of the previous approaches are concerned with relational databases. In this paper, we propose an ap- proach to the integration of database schemas between object-oriented databases in a multidatabase system environment. The underlying principle of our approach is to facilitate the automation of the schema integration process.
This paper describes the results of a 5-year research programme into evaluating and improving the quality of data models. The theoretical base for this work was a data model quality management framework proposed by Moody and Shanks (In: P. Loucopolous (Ed.), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Entity Relationship Approach, Manchester, England, December 14–17, 1994). A combination of field and laboratory research methods (action research, laboratory experiments and systems development) was used to empirically validate the framework. This paper describes how the framework was used to: (a) quality assure a data model in a large application development project (product quality); (b) reengineer application development processes to build quality into the data analysis process (process quality); (c) investigate differences between data models produced by experts and novices; (d) provide automated support for the evaluation process (the Data Model Quality Advisor). The results of the research have been used to refine and extend the framework, to the point that it is now a stable and mature approach.
The integration of heterogeneous databases affects two main problems: schema integration and instance integration. At both levels a mapping from local elements to global elements is specified and various conflicts caused by the heterogeneity of the sources have to be resolved. For the detection and resolution of instance-level conflicts we propose an interactive, example-driven approach. The basic idea is to combine an interactive query tool similar to query-by-example with facilities for defining and applying integration operations. This integration approach is supported by a multidatabase query language, which provides special mechanisms for conflict resolution. The foundations of these mechanisms are introduced and their usage in instance integration and reconciliation is presented. In addition, we discuss basic techniques for supporting the detection of instance-level conflicts.
Conference Paper
This paper introduces graphical user interface (GUI) modelling approach and it positions in information system (IS) development process. The overview of graphical user interface design methods and methodologies is presented. The main objective of the proposal is the consistency of IS development process, which includes requirements specification, system design and implementation phases. The GUI modelling process is based on the data flows specification. Detailed explanation of modelling steps is presented. Paper includes an illustrative example of the web based GUI development according to the proposed process.
Conference Paper
The goal of automating information systems building was stated in the sixties. Forty years later it is clear that the goal has not been achieved in a satisfactory degree. One of the problems has been the lack of standards in languages and platforms. In this respect, the recent efforts on standardization provide an opportunity to revive the automation goal. This is the main purpose of this paper. We have named the goal “conceptual schema-centric development” (CSCD) in order to emphasize that the conceptual schema should be the center of the development of information systems. We show that to develop an information system it is necessary to define its conceptual schema and that, therefore, the CSCD approach does not place an extra burden on developers. In CSCD, conceptual schemas would be explicit, executable in the production environment and the basis for the system evolution. To achieve the CSCD goal it is necessary to solve many research problems. We identify and comment on a few problems that should be included in a research agenda for CSCD. Finally, we show that the CSCD goal can be qualified as a grand challenge for the information systems research community.
This paper provides metaschemas for some of the main database modeling notations used in industry. Two Entity Relationship (ER) notations (Information Engineering, and Barker) are examined in detail, as well as Object Role Modeling (ORM) conceptual schema diagrams. The discussion of optionality, cardinality and multiplicity is widened to include Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagrams. Issues addressed in the metamodel analysis include the normalization impact of non-derived constraints on derived associations, the influence of orthogonality on language transparency, and trade-offs between simplicity and expressibility. To facilitate comparision, the same modeling notation is used to display each metaschema. For this purpose, ORM is used because of its greater expressibility and clarity.
Schema Integration, Schema Translation and In-teroperability in Federated Information Systems Automatic Conflict Resolution to Integrate Relational Schema
  • Johannesson
Johannesson P (1993) Schema Integration, Schema Translation and In-teroperability in Federated Information Systems. Ph.D. thesis, Stockholm University 11. Lawrence R (2001) Automatic Conflict Resolution to Integrate Relational Schema. Ph.D. thesis, University of Manitoba
Models, Concepts, and Information: An Introduction to Conceptual Modelling for Information Systems Development
  • B Boman
  • J Bubenko
  • P Johanesson
  • B Wangler
The Approach of Consistency Checking of Functional Requirements Specification
  • R Butkiene
  • R Butleris
  • T Danikauskas
Schema Integration, Schema Translation and Interoperability in Federated Information Systems
  • P Johannesson
Automatic Conflict Resolution to Integrate Relational Schema
  • R Lawrence