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“Deforestation” in this chapter is used according to the FAO (2001) definition: it is the conversion of forest to another land use or the long-term reduction of the tree canopy cover below the minimum 10% threshold. This implies that areas where trees have been removed as a result of harvesting or logging are not considered as “deforestation”. Even if the structure or function of a forest is heavily disturbed by harvesting operations, the stand remains a forest as long as it has a tree canopy cover of more than 10% or is expected to regenerate naturally or artificially in the long run. So “deforestation” in the sense of the FAO definition does not incorporate the degradation of forests included in some other definitions, e.g. Myers (1994). Correspondingly the replacement of old-growth forests by plantations or their temporary use by shifting cultivators is not considered as destruction or deforestation. Only a complete change of land use or the destruction of forest cover which prevents its recovery to more than 10% crown cover enters the FAO statistics as “deforestation” or “forest loss”.
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Chapter 4
Ecuador Suffers the Highest Deforestation
Rate in South America
R. Mosandl, S. Günter, B. Stimm, and M. Weber
4.1 Introduction
“Deforestation ” in this chapter is used according to the FAO (2001) definition: it
is the conversion of forest to another land use or the long-term reduction of the tree
canopy cover below the minimum 10% threshold. This implies that areas where
trees have been removed as a result of harvesting or logging are not considered as
“deforestation”. Even if the structure or function of a forest is heavily disturbed by
harvesting operations, the stand remains a forest as long as it has a tree canopy
cover of more than 10% or is expected to regenerate naturally or artificially in the
long run. So “deforestation” in the sense of the FAO definition does not incorpo-
rate the degradation of forests included in some other definitions, e.g. Myers
(1994). Correspondingly the replacement of old-growth forests by plantations or
their temporary use by shifting cultivators is not considered as destruction or
deforestation. Only a complete change of land use or the destruction of forest
cover which prevents its recovery to more than 10% crown cover enters the FAO
statistics as “deforestation” or “forest loss”.
Despite this very narrow definition of the FAO, deforestation is the most
important process for a decrease in forest area (FAO 2006). Clearing the forests
for agriculture or infrastructure leads to a decrease of the land category “forests”
and to an increase of the land category “other land”. The same effect – but to a
much lesser extent – is also caused by natural disasters when the affected area is
incapable to regenerate naturally (FAO 2006). An increase of forests can happen
either through afforestation or by natural expansion of forests. The net change
rate of forests takes account of four processes: (a) decrease by deforestation, (b)
decrease by natural disasters, (c) increase by afforestation and (d) increase by
natural expansion.
The deforestation rate estimated by FAO in the latest Global Forest Resources
Assessment is the balance of these four processes (FAO 2006).
Ecological Studies 198.
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E. Beck et al. (eds.), Gradients in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of Ecaudor.
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4.2 Deforestation in South America
According to Global Forest Resources Assessment 2005 the global net change in
forest area during the period 2000–2005 is estimated at −7.3 million ha/year
(FAO 2006). The continent with the largest net loss of forest area in this period was
South America, which suffered a net loss of forests of about −4.3 million ha/year
(corresponding to a rate of −0.5% of the remaining forest area). Brazil’s forests
alone lost 3.1 million ha/year in this period but in relative numbers had lower defor-
estation rates than Ecuador, which suffers the highest rate (−1.7%) within South
America. Obviously large net changes in forest area are occurring in the tropical
and subtropical regions of South America (FAO 2006) with a very high biodiversity
which is very likely to be reduced by the high deforestation rate. According to a
prediction model of Koopowitz et al. (1994), habitat conversion caused by defor-
estation leads to species extinction rates that range up to 63 species/year. It is
remarkable that this high extinction rate is predicted for Ecuador.
4.3 Deforestation in Ecuador
The extent of forest in Ecuador in 2005 was 10.8 million ha, which represents 39%
of the land area (FAO 2006). This percentage is relatively low compared with other
countries in South America, taking into account that the average forest cover rate
of South America is 48% (FAO 2006). It is assumed that more than 90% of
Ecuador’s surface had been covered by forests originally (Wunder 2000). This
implies that before human impact occurred on a large scale, the area which today
we call Ecuador must have been covered by more than 25 million ha of forest.
These data are confirmed by Cabarle et al. (1989), who estimated the original forest
cover of Ecuador to be 26 million ha. Two major historical deforestation processes
have contributed to the reduction of the forest area: first a long-lasting deforestation
in the Sierra (areas with an elevation of at least 1200 m a.s.l.) in the pre-Columbian
era and second a rapid forest conversion in the Costa region during the past century
(Wunder 2000). The era in between these two deforestation phases, dominated by
the long Spanish colonial rule, was characterized by an expansion of forests, caused
by the dramatic decrease in population and also in population pressure on the for-
ests following the Spanish conquest. After the declaration of independence in 1822
until the early twentieth century Ecuador’s forest cover was largely preserved
(Wunder 2000). During the cocoa boom from 1900 to the end of the 1920s and
intensified during the banana boom after the Second World War (main period
1950–1965) the coastal lowland forests were cleared for agricultural crops. Cabarle
et al. (1989) estimated the forest cover in 1958 was 17.5 million ha. The corre-
sponding extent of forest must have been about 63% at that time. In 1987 the extent
of forest dropped to 45% (FAO 1994). The main cause for this decrease, besides the
clearing of coastal lowland forests for agricultural crops, was the opening up of the
Oriente, Ecuador’s Amazon region. With the oil boom of the 1970s roads were
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4 Ecuador Suffers the Highest Deforestation Rate in South America 39
build in the Amazonian forest, which attracted agricultural colonization and timber
extraction (Wunder 2000). Subsequently the reduction of forest cover continued
from 43% forest cover in 1990 down to 39% in 2005 (FAO 1993, 2006).
4.4 Reasons for Deforestation
The question arises: what are the causes for the relatively high actual deforestation
rate? The first idea, tracing this back to a high conversion rate of primary forests,
is not confirmed by the data, because the area of primary forests remained
unchanged in recent years (FAO 2006). This is certainly due to the fact that a lot of
primary forests were protected. Ecuador’s forest protection statistics present 21%
of all forests as protected in 2002 (UNEP 2002). So it can be concluded that the
main deforestation must take place in secondary forests. Granting a deforestation
rate of −1.7% means a loss of 198 000 ha/year of secondary forests (FAO 2006).
Not included in the statistics is an unknown area of illegally converted forests. The
most reasonable explanation for these high annual losses is the change in land use.
Mainly secondary forests must have been converted into agricultural land. In fact,
looking at the agropastoral land-use trends in Ecuador there is a dramatic increase
in pastures. From 1972 to 1985 the area of pastures increased from 2.2 million ha to
4.4 million ha and by 1989 pastures covered an area of about 6 million ha (Wunder
2000). This means an annual increase of agropastoral land of 244 000 ha during the
first period of that time and 182 000 ha in the second period. Assuming that
the conversion of forests into agropastoral land continued in the 1990s (on the same
scale as before) then the increase in agropastoral land today is still equal to
the decrease in forest cover. As cattle ranching is concentrated in the Sierra there
are strong hints that the main forest losses are occurring especially in this region.
Deforestation had devastating effects in parts of the coast, e.g. the elimination of
over 70% of the costal mangroves (Mecham 2001) but in general in the Costa,
where commercial crops are cultivated, the forest losses were lower. This is also
due to the fact that, in contrast to pastures which tripled their areas from 1972 to
1989, crop lands expanded only slightly during this period (Wunder 2000).
The driving forces for the conversion into pastures are very likely rooted in
socio-economic reasons. Slow growth of human capital and progressive degradation
of natural capital over time is at the heart of the frustrated development experience
for Ecuador and Latin America (Lopez 2003). Deforestation in Ecuador is also
related to tenure insecurity (Southgate et al. 1991) and the convergence of local
populations in an economic system which relies on the unsustainable exploitation
of natural resources (Sierra and Stallings 1998). Long-term effects, caused by
insufficient investment in education (Godoy et al. 1988), or the consequences of
concentrating on short-turn returns, are further driving forces of deforestation
(Wunder 2000).
Besides the high change in land use from forests to pastures there is another
cause for the high deforestation rate in Ecuador: while in other countries of South
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America the conversion of forests is mitigated by high reforestation efforts, no
substantial areas were reforested in Ecuador during recent years. The plantation
area in Ecuador is growing very slowly (FAO 2006). In the period from 2000 to
2005 it increased only by 560 ha/year (for comparison: in Chile the increase was
61 000 ha/year in the same period).
4.5 Conclusions
Identifying the causes for the high deforestation rate in Ecuador shows how to
overcome this problem. There are two possible ways: first, the conversion of forests
into pastures could be made unattractive, e.g. by an ecologically and economically
sustainable forest management (see Chapter 26 in this volume), and second the
reforestation of degraded land could be increased (Lamb 1998; see Chapter 34 in
this volume). Both ways should be promoted by the government setting incentives
for sustainable forest management of plantations and natural forests .
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... Deforestation, changes in tree biodiversity, and increasing river discharge are altering the pathways, amounts, and types of wood entering the deep oceans. From 2000 to 2005, 7.3 million hectares of forest per year were lost globally (Mosandl et al., 2008). In Brazil, a staggering 3.1 million hectares/year were lost (Mosandl et al., 2008). ...
... From 2000 to 2005, 7.3 million hectares of forest per year were lost globally (Mosandl et al., 2008). In Brazil, a staggering 3.1 million hectares/year were lost (Mosandl et al., 2008). Forest cover decreased by >50% in insular Southeast Asia, >80% in New Guinea (Miettinen et al., 2011), and 73% across Mexico (Trejo & Dirzo, 2000), all regions near major rivers, thus implying a disruption of wood into the deep oceans. ...
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Wood in the deep sea serves as a substantial food source in an otherwise barren environment, forming specialized, endemic, and diverse community assemblages. This biodiversity reliance on a terrestrial source creates a linkage by which anthropogenic impacts on land can alter the deep oceans. Knowledge of the alpha‐ or beta‐diversity of entire wood‐fall communities, and wooden drivers of each would elucidate the terrestrial and deep‐sea linkage. We report on a multifactorial experiment in the deep ocean in which alpha‐ and beta‐diversity of 43 wood falls and 11 tree species are quantified over time, wood density, and wood size. We tested multiple hypotheses seeking to link how biodiversity on land may impact the biodiversity in the deep oceans. A tremendous biodiversity occurred among these wood falls in the deep Gulf of Mexico; 114 invertebrate species from 10 phyla. Time, wood hardness, and wood size all impacted various components of community structure. In many cases, these effects were additive. Species occurring on softwoods versus hardwoods and small versus large wood falls were compositionally different. Although various processes can control community structure, this experiment suggests a strong influence of environmental filtering and host specificity of wood‐fall invertebrates suggesting an intimate coupling to tree biodiversity and biomass on land.
... En Sudamérica es un patrón común el avance de la deforestación producto del incremento de espacios agrícolas y urbanos (Andrade-Núñez & Aide, 2018; Richards et al., 2012;Sy et al., 2015). Ecuador hasta el 2008 presentaba la tasa de deforestación más alta en Sudamérica (Mosandl et al., 2008). Por lo que, en el país es común observar cómo se pierden bosques amazónicos (Heredia-R et al., 2021), y como se reemplazan coberturas naturales en la cuenca del río Chambo en el centro-sur del país (Ross et al., 2017) y en la cuenca del río Guayllabamba (Abad-Auquilla, 2020). ...
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El empleo de sensores remotos junto a la información de los factores sociales propios de cada población permite el monitoreo del uso de los recursos naturales. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar el cambio y proyección a futuro de los usos y coberturas de suelo, y a la vez comprender, desde la perspectiva de los principales actores, los factores propulsores y subyacentes que impulsan estos cambios en la cuenca hidrográfica media-alta del río Mira. Para ello, se utilizaron imágenes multiespectrales, Landsat y Sentinel del año 1996, 2007 y 2018, a las cuales se las realizó un pretratamiento y tratamiento. Se efectuó una proyección de los cambios de coberturas y usos del suelo del 2018-2030 mediante el software TerrSet. Después, utilizando el método Delphi se identificaron los factores propulsores y subyacentes. Los resultados encontrados muestran que bosques y pastos presentaron una disminución sostenida, mientras que las áreas de cultivo y zonas urbanas aumentaron dentro de los periodos 1996-2018 y 2018-2030. Estos cambios se relacionan con el crecimiento urbano, agrícola, ganadero, minero y de la industria forestal; impulsados generalmente por el aumento poblacional, demanda de mercado, cambios de patrones de consumo, expansión de las carreteras e inexistencia de políticas ambientales.
... It is likely that in the coming years the increase in air temperature and rainfall variability will affect the composition and distribution of species as well as the structure (e.g. biomass) of this vegetation type (Mosandl et al. 2008;Scholl et al. 2010;Anthelme et al. 2014). ...
... También, en esta región existe una importante población humana que es altamente dependiente de la biodiversidad que les rodea, obteniendo de estos servicios ambientales importantes para su subsistencia y generando recursos importantes para la matriz productiva del país. Pero también, en esta región los índices de alteración de hábitats son muy altos(Mosandl et al. 2008;Rivas et al. 2021). Estas características hacen de esta parte del país un área prioritaria para la investigación y conservación de la biodiversidad (Cuesta et al. 2017) ...
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Pyrrhura orcesi es una especie endémica y amenazada que habita en una estrecha franja de aproximadamente de 8 km de ancho por 100 km de largo en una gradiente altitudinal entre los 800 y 1 300 m de los bosques nublados en los Andes al suroeste de Ecuador. Este trabajo se basó en evaluar por vez primera las poblaciones de pericos en toda su distribución e identificar áreas importantes para la conservación. La búsqueda de pericos en toda su área de ditribución se realizó mediante recorridos visuales-auditivos de 2 a 3 km en cada sitio de muestreo y se implementaron puntos fijos de conteo, en donde existe presencia frecuente de pericos. Entre los años 2009 y 2012, se estimó un total de 695 -714 individuos de 109-112 bandadas, en 13 localidades. La obtención de datos para P. orcesi a nivel regional fue importante para realizar los modelos predictivos de distribución y el impacto potencial del cambio climático en la distribución futura de la población de pericos en el suroeste del Ecuador. Esta información permitirá desarrollar lineamientos preliminares para la conservación de los bosques nublados del suroeste del Ecuador.
... Despite this high diversity, orchids are affected by several threats, mainly deforestation, as they are dependent on the forest that supports them [14]. As per its size, Ecuador has the highest rate of deforestation in South America [15,16], due to regular anthropogenic activities like land clearing for agricultural lands, mining, and new infrastructures [17]. These activities have caused the habitat destruction and fragmentation of tropical forests [18], leaving small remnants and isolated patches that affect the survival of populations and species diversity [7]. ...
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Ecuador has a high diversity of orchids, but little is known about levels of genetic diversity for the great majority of species. Understanding how orchids might adapt to changes is crucial as deforestation and fragmentation of forest ecosystems threaten the survival of many epiphytic orchids that depend on other species, such as fungi and their host trees, for germination, growth, and establishment. Overcollection and the illegal trade are also major concerns for the survival of wild populations of orchids. Despite increasing awareness, effective interventions are often limited by a lack of data concerning the impacts that overexploitation might have. To fill this gap, we tested the effects of overcollection in the genetic diversity and structure of Masdevallia rosea , a narrow distributed epiphytic orchid historically collected in Ecuador, in comparison with the widely distributed Pleurothallis lilijae . Genotyping based on AFLPs showed reduced levels of diversity in wild populations but most especially in the overcollected, M . rosea . Overall, genetic admixture was high in P . lilijae segregating populations by altitude levels while fewer genetic groups were found in M . rosea . Genetic differentiation was low in both species. A spatial genetic structure was found in P . lilijae depending on altitude levels, while no spatial genetic structure was found in M . rosea . These results suggest different scenarios for the two species: while gene flow over long distance is possible in P . lilijae , the same seems to be unlikely in M . rosea possibly due to the low levels of individuals in the known populations. In situ and ex situ conservation strategies should be applied to protect the genetic pool in these epiphytic orchid species, and to promote the connectivity between wild populations. Adopting measures to reduce overexploitation and to understand the impacts of harvesting in wild populations are necessary to strengthen the legal trade of orchids.
... Half of the land area is covered by forest (FAO, 2020b). Deforestation rates in Ecuador have been among the highest in southern America for years (Mosandl et al., 2008) and it is estimated that continental Ecuador suffered an annual deforestation rate of 1. 9% between 2001and 2008(Gonzalez-Jaramillo et al., 2016. Rivas et al. (2021) report an annual deforestation rate of 1.12 between 1990 and 2018 in Ecuadorian seasonal dry forests. ...
In response to the loss of forest cover and biodiversity, forest conservation policies have been increasingly pursued worldwide. Such policies are often criticized for limiting the access of locals to forest resources, raising the question if nature conservation and poverty alleviation goals are compatible. Few studies have attempted to examine the impact of forest restriction on the livelihood of neighboring communities by accounting for confounding factors. We address this gap by estimating the impact of contextual factors in the wider landscape as well as forest legal restrictions on households' main income sources. The current study relies on a comprehensive dataset from 3410 households living in different tropical contexts in forested landscapes of Zambia, Ecuador and the Philippines. We adopt a multi-level regression model by including explanatory variables at both household and landscape levels. Our results indicate the significance of the broader landscape's context such as elevation, road access and extent of remaining forest for households' income. Country context is particularly important in determining households' income. Households' characteristics and asset endowment play a major role too. Our findings provide no evidence that increasing restricted forest extent in landscape decreases households' income when contextual factors are controlled for. This study highlights the non-random designation of forest conservation policies, with many conservation programs being assigned to areas with little development potential. Thus, we argue that contextual factors in which households function shall be given more attention in the debate of nature protection versus poverty reduction. Suggesting the insignificant impact of forest conservation policies on households' livelihoods, our findings serve to inform policymakers in establishing effectual forest conservation policies which strike the right balance between nature protection and rural development.
... También, en esta región existe una importante población humana que es altamente dependiente de la biodiversidad que les rodea, obteniendo de estos servicios ambientales importantes para su subsistencia y generando recursos importantes para la matriz productiva del país. Pero también, en esta región los índices de alteración de hábitats son muy altos (Mosandl et al. 2008; Rivas et al. 2021). Estas características hacen de esta parte del país un área prioritaria para la investigación y conservación de la biodiversidad (Cuesta et al. 2017), pero para cumplir con estos objetivos es necesario primero inventariar, estudiar y empoderar a la ciudadanía sobre la biodiversidad existente, es por esto que los museos dedicados a estas tareas son fundamentales. ...
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Las colecciones biológicas son fundamentales para el entendimiento y conservación de la biodiversidad de un país. Esto es aún más necesario para países megadiversos como Ecuador. En esta publicación se reporta información de 3744 especímenes pertenecientes a 456 especies depositadas en el MZUA. Los mamíferos están representados en siete órdenes, 19 familias y 105 especies. En cuanto a Herpetología los especímenes pertenecen a ocho órdenes, 39 familias, y 351 especies. Estas especies representan un cuarto (456 especies), de todas las especies (1634 especies) de mamíferos, reptiles y anfibios reportadas hasta el 2022 para el Ecuador. Entre estos especímenes sobresalen siete holotipos y 46 paratipos. Se observan patrones claros en cuanto a la distribución de la colección de especímenes, siendo el cantón Cuenca en la provincia del Azuay el que posee más especímenes, el rango altitudinal con mayor número de registros está entre los 3000 a 4000 m, y las regiones naturales Páramo y Bosque Montano Oriental son las más muestreadas. Nuestros resultados demuestran la importancia de las colecciones biológicas del MZUA especialmente en la representación de especímenes de la región centro sur del país, pero también indica que existen muchas áreas poco o nada colectadas.
... Additionally, along the Andes, there is a large number of endemic species restricted to just the middle elevations (900-3000 m) [10]. Despite their global importance, the TMFs in Ecuador are the most threatened type of ecosystems, mainly due to change in land use [11]. The latest reports indicate that already in 2005, 51% of the forest area was lost, with a deforestation rate of 1.7%, which is equivalent to 198,000 ha. ...
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There are only two ways to slow down the increase of the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere effectively: On the one hand, CO2 emissions from fossil sources and from land use changes can be reduced, and on the other hand, terrestrial CO2 reservoirs can be increased, mainly by increasing forest cover. The latter, forest increase is particularly effective in terms of carbon ecology if it takes place in the tropics and subtropics, where the growth and thus also the CO2 reduction potential is particularly high. Afforestation- provided it is carried out with site-appropriate adapted tree species- has a number of other positive effects, such as the prevention of erosion and flooding or the creation of work and recreational opportunities.
The steep Andean mountains rising from the eastern flatlands of northern South America create a multitude of physical gradients and as many as 133 different ecosystems in countless habitats supporting an unparalleled species-richness framework. In addition to natural plant communities some invasive species, native or foreign, and associated animals crop up as a function of gradients and intense anthropogenic activity. Two bracken fern-weeds of the Pteridium clade, P. caudatum (PC) and P. esculentum subspecies arachnoideum (PEA), both toxic to many life forms, are among the most successful. Although their joint ecological range extends from the sea level to 3100 m bordering the Andean cryozone, they are altitudinally segregated occupying a belt of sympatric swards. This chapter presents two decades of published research and hitherto undisclosed results about the capacity of bracken ferns to acclimate and become adapted to these extreme conditions. PC and PEA field-based physical traits and chemical responses to well-defined altitudinal gradients in Merida State, central Andes of Venezuela, as well as the understudied insect community found on bracken in connection with elevation are discussed. Theoretically, a gradient is a measure of change of a set of independent variables with physical distance. As such, gradients acquire the properties of a vector. When this basic mathematical concept is applied to the geographical dominion, a set of physical variables showing distance-dependent values must be taken into account, e.g., soil and air temperature, water precipitation (rain/snow/fog) amount and time-dependent regime, relative humidity, effective sun radiation and wavelength distribution, elevation, physical, chemical, and microbiological characteristics of soils, topography, prevailing wind direction and force, and others. Although some of these variables are interdependent, such as elevation, sun radiation, and temperature at a fixed latitude, others are more difficult to interpret as truly independent. After adding inevitable confounding factors, the study of geographic clines, the interpretation of combined data, and its implications on ecosystems become a most challenging endeavor.
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