
Selected chromosome counts of the Czechoslovak flora II

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Chromosome numbers are presented in the following 16 Phanerogams of the Czechoslovak flora:Amaranthus blitoides S. Watson,Anthoxanthum alpinum Á. Löve etD. Löve Acter amellus L.,Bistorta major S. F. Gray,Cardamine hirsuta L.,Cardamine parviflora L.,Chrysosplenium oppositifolium L.,Dactylis glomerata L.subsp. aschersoniana (Graebner) Thell.,Elatine hydropiper L. s. l.,Geranium phaeum L.,Hieracium lachenalii C. C. Gmel.,Jovibarba sobolifera (Sims) Opiz,Kickxia spuria (L.)Dum.,Persicaria hydropiper (L.)Spach,Sedum alpestre Vill. andTephroseris crispa (Jacq.) Schur. Six of them are reported for the first time from Czechoslovakia, the others are mostly first reports of chromosome numbers from the Bohemian and Moravian regions. A new diploid number of 2n=36 is given inElatine hydropiper L. s. l. All results are compared with as yet published data.

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... Chromosomes in Elatine L. are very small and thus difficult to count and analyze. So far only few taxa have been studied: E. hydropiper L. [15,16], E. triandra subsp. americana (Pursh) Á. Löve & D. Löve [17], E. americana (Pursh) Arn. ...
... One of the first chromosome number counts for an Elatine species was reported in 1974 [15], determining the chromosome number of E. hydropiper as equaling to 2n = 40. However, subsequent studies showed that chromosome number in this taxon is 2n = 36 [16]. Also, our study confirmed that the number of chromosomes of E. hydropiper counted in two populations is 2n = 36. ...
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The paper reports chromosome numbers for 13 taxa of Elatine L., including all 11 species occurring in Europe, namely E. alsinastrum, E. ambigua, E. brachysperma, E. brochonii, E. californica, E. campylosperma, E. gussonei, E. hexandra, E. hungarica, E. hydropiper, E. macropoda, E. orthosperma, E. triandra originating from 17, field-collected populations. For seven of them (E. ambigua, E. californica, E. campylosperma, E. brachysperma, E. brochonii, E. hungarica, E. orthosperma) the chromosome numbers are reported for the first time. With these records, chromosome numbers for the whole section Elatinella Seub. became available. Although 2n = 36 was reported to be the most common and the lowest chromosome number in the genus, our data show that out of thirteen species analyzed, six had 36 chromosomes but five species had 54 chromosomes, and the lowest number of chromosomes was 18. These data further corroborates that the basic chromosome number in Elatine is x = 9.
... Евр. -2n = 38 (Uhl, 1961b;Zesiger, 1961;Krahulcová, 1990). ...
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In the article the critical review of family Crassulaceae for Crimea (Russia) including information on 19 wild and naturalized species and on 19 hardy cultivated species is given. Two new combinations Crassulaceae subtrib. Sempervivinae (A. Berger) Byalt, comb. et stat. nov. и Sedum subgen. Petrosedum (Grulich) Byalt, comb. et stat. nov. are supported. Herbarium specimen of J. Amman preserved in Herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS (LE) is selected as lectotypus for Sedum hybridum L. (= Aizopsis hybrida (L.) Grulich). Lectotypes for the names Crassula caespitosa Cav. (= Sedum caespitosum (Cav.) DC.) and Sedum sexfidum Fisch. also are proposed. We present Conspectus and keys for identifying of genera and species of wild-growing Crassulaceae, as well as a separate conspectus and keys for the main outdoor cultivated Crassulaceae species. In the Conspectus of wild species, the H. ‘t Hart system (1995) is used with some modifications. For wild and wild species of Crassulaceous, maps of their distribution on the peninsula are given. The article is illustrated by 10 photos. / В статье дается критический обзор сем. Crassulaceae St.-Hil. (толстянковые) для Крыма, включающий в себя информацию о 19 дикорастущих и дичающих, а также о 19 более-менее широко культивируемых в открытом грунте видах. Предложены две новые комбинации: Crassulaceae subtrib. Sempervivinae (A. Berger) Byalt, comb. et stat. nov. и Sedum subgen. Petrosedum (Grulich) Byalt, comb. et stat. nov. Образец И. Аммана, хранящийся в Гербарии БИН РАН (LE), выбран в качестве лектотипа для Sedum hybridum L. (= Aizopsis hybrida (L.) Grulich). Также предложены лектотипы для названий Crassula caespitosa Cav. (= Sedum caespitosum (cav.) DC.) и Sedum sexfidum Fisch. Мы приводим конспект и ключи для определения родов и видов дикорастущих толстянковых, а также отдельно конспект и ключи для основных культивируемых в открытом грунте видов Crassulaceae. В конспекте для дикорастущих видов использована система H. ‘t Hart (1995) с неко- торыми изменениями. Для некоторых дикорастущих и дичающих видов толстянковых приведены картосхемы их распространения на полуострове. Статья иллюстрирована 10 фотографиями.
... Schur. (Skalińska et al. 1974, Krahulcová 1990, Kochjarová 1997, T. helenitis (L.) B.Nord. (Afzelius 1949), T. integrifolia subsp. ...
... The karyology of A. alpinum was studied by Krahulcová (1990) who confirmed that the karyotype of the plants from Krkonoše, Králický Sněžník and Hrubý Jeseník corresponds with that of "diploid of the boreal type" (sensu Hedberg 1986) from Scandinavia. Relations in the A. odoratum complex and cryptic polyploidy are discussed by Krahulcová & Krahulec (1996). ...
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The distributions of the tetraploid Anthoxanthum odoratum and diploid A. alpinum were first studied in the Krkonoše Mts (part of the Sudetes Mts) to find the transition zone where both species occur together and then their ecological requirements in this zone were determined. The distribution was studied at two spatial scales, geographic and local; the latter included detailed distribution at a locality level, where the relationships of both species to plant communities were investigated. The zone where the overlap occurs is between 800-1290 m a.s.l. Anthoxanthum alpinum is able to descend to even lower altitudes, where it grows in vegetation dominaned by Nardus stricta. The species commonly occur in a fine mosaic of plant communities of Polygono-Trisetion (A. odoratum), Nardion (A. alpinum) or Nardo-Agrostion tenuis (both species). Anthoxanthum alpinum also occurs in areas that are currently not in direct contact with either alpine or subalpine vegetation (the Rýchory ridge, Černá hora Mt).
... Elevation:-0-800 m a.s.l. Chromosome number:-2n = 32 (Carretero 1984from Spain, Dmitrieva 1986from Belarus, Hindáková 1978and Hindáková & Schwarzova 1987from Slovakia, Queirós 1989 from Portugal, Krahulcová 1990 from formely Czechoslovakia, , Sheidai & Mohammadzdeh 2008. ...
A taxonomic revision of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae) in Italy is here presented. Field surveys were carried out during the period 2006–2014. 58 herbaria (both European and American, including 12 personal herbaria) were consulted (more than 3,000 specimens were examined) as well as extensive literature was analized. Twenty-seven nonhybrid taxa (twenty-four species, and six varieties) are recognized (A. crassipes and A. graecizans subsp. graecizans are considered doubtful for the flora of Italy). Three taxa (A. blitum, A. cacciatoi, and A. graecizans subsp. sylvestris) are native, one (A. bouchonii) has doubtful origin, while the others are to be considered aliens, mostly neophytes native to the Americas. Information about nomenclature (accepted names, main synonyms, and types), morphology, chromosome number, chorology (for native taxa) or alien status (for exotic taxa, at national and regional levels), occurrence in Italy (at regional scale), ecology (preferential habitat, phenology, elevation), taxonomic annotations are provided for each taxon, as well as original photos were prepared. Diagnostic keys at species and infraspecific levels (for A. blitum subsp. blitum s.l., A. emarginatus s.l., and A. graecizans s.l.) are given. An isolectotype for the name A. bouchonii was found at Z. A list of the seven hybrids recorded and their main morphological characteristics are also given. Among them, A. × mauritii is recorded in the present study for the first time in Italy. The nomenclatural change Amaranthus × pyxidatus comb. et stat. nov. Is proposed. Two specimens preserved at MPU are designated as lectotype and isolectotype of the name A. × mauritii s.s., while for A. × mauritii f. ramosissima the holotype was found; the two names are to be considered heterotypic synonyms (new synonymy).
... from the Untersberg region (Salzburg, Austria) (Schistek, unpubl. data in Pflugbeil 2012).Skalińska et al. 1974, Krahulcová 1990, Kochjarová 1997), T. helenitis (L.) B. Nord. (Afzelius 1949), T. integrifolia subsp. ...
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Tephroseris longifolia agg. is an intricate complex of perennial outcrossing herbaceous plants. Recently, five subspecies with rather separate distributions and different geographic patterns were assigned to the aggregate: T. longifolia subsp. longifolia, subsp. pseudocrispa and subsp. gaudinii predominate in the Eastern Alps; the distribution of subsp. brachychaeta is confined to the northern and central Apennines and subsp. moravica is endemic in the Western Carpathians. Carpathian taxon T. l. subsp. moravica is known only from nine localities in Slovakia and the Czech Republic and is treated as an endangered taxon of European importance (according to Natura 2000 network). As the taxonomy of this aggregate is not comprehensively elaborated the aim of this study was to detect variability within the Tephroseris longifolia agg. using methods of plant systematics (multivariate morphometrics of 525 individuals/33 populations based on 49 characters, DAPI flow cytometry of 98 individuals/33 populations). The relative DNA content at the homoploid level (2n ∼ 6x ∼ 48) varied by 25.8% and significant taxa-specific differences were confirmed among plants of T. l. subsp. pseudocrispa, subsp. gaudinii, subsp. brachychaeta and a group consisting of T. l. subsp. moravica and subsp. longifolia. The morphometric study indicated six morphotypes roughly corresponding to the previously distinguished subspecies. The exceptions were populations traditionally assigned to T. l. subsp. longifolia, for which two distinct morphotypes with different geographic origins were identified: Alpine morphotype and Pannonian morphotype. In general, the differences in DNA content and morphology argue for a classification at the species level for plants of T. l. subsp. brachychaeta, while differences among other morphotypes fit a subspecific level. Surprisingly, Pannonian populations of T. l. subsp. longifolia are morphologically closer to populations of the Western-Carpathian endemic subsp. moravica than to Alpine populations of nominate subspecies. Based on this, the taxonomic position of Pannonian morphotype and subsequently the endemic status of T. l. subsp. moravica require further study. A key for identifying the taxa and morphotypes of Tephroseris longifolia agg. in central Europe is presented.
... Elevation:-0-800 m a.s.l. Chromosome number:-2n = 32 (Carretero 1984from Spain, Dmitrieva 1986from Belarus, Hindáková 1978and Hindáková & Schwarzova 1987from Slovakia, Queirós 1989 from Portugal, Krahulcová 1990 from formely Czechoslovakia, , Sheidai & Mohammadzdeh 2008. ...
A taxonomic revision of the genus Alternanthera (Amaranthaceae) in Italy is here presented. Field surveys were carried out during the period 2007-2013.36 Herbaria (both European and American) were consulted as well as extensive literature was analysed. Four taxa are recognized, all of them to be considered aliens native to South America. Information about nomenclature (accepted names, main synonyms, and types), morphology, chromosome number, alien status (at national and regional levels), occurrence in Italy (at regional and provincial scale), ecology (preferential habitat, phenology, and elevation), taxonomical notes, and Italian vernacular names were provided for each taxon. A diagnostic key was given. For the nomenclatural purposes the generic name Alternanthera and its type was discussed, and the names A. paronychioides, and A. pungens were studied and typified (lecto-, and neotype respectively) on specimens preserved at PH, and P.
... The same chromosome number of 2n = 40 was reported for Elatine hydropiper L. (LÖVE and LÖVE 1974). However, subsequent studies showed that chromosome number in this taxon is actually 2n = 36 (KRAHULCOVÁ 1990). There is an indication that reports of 2n = 40 probably refer to 2n = 36 (UOTILA 1974) and the counting error arises from the fact that the chromosomes of Elatine are very small and hence difficult to count precisely. ...
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Elatine gussonei (Sommier) Brullo is an endemic species, with a distribution restricted to the central part of the Mediterranean Basin (Maltese islands, Lampedusa, southern part of Sicily). This hydrophyte grows in rainwater pools and cavities in karstic limestone. Although the morphology has been well studied, no karyological study has been carried out, and hence this work brings the first chromosome data for the Maltese-pelago endemic E. gussonei. We have found a diploid number of 54 chromosomes in E. gussonei, which differs from the chromosome number of most of Elatine species (2n = 36). Addi-tionally, this account gives a recent distribution of the species on the Maltese islands.
... For most of the distribution area, it has been found to be a triploid taxon (Schuhwerk 1996, Schuhwerk & Lippert 1998). From Central Europe, the chromosome count 2n = 27 was published by Uhríková in Májovský (1974) from Slovak part of the Western Carpathians and by Krahulcová (1990) from Czech Republic. The tetraploid level (2n = 36) was reported by Lavrenko & Serditov (1987), and hypertriploid (2n = 28) by Rostovtseva (1979) (ut H. tilingii Juxip). ...
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Chromosome numbers of 23 species (including subspecies) of Hieracium s. str. from the Western Carpathians are presented. First chromosome numbers are reported for Hieracium kuekenthalianum (=H. tephrosoma, 2n = 36), H. praecurrens (2n = 27) and H. virgicaule (2n = 27); first counts from the Western Carpathians are given for H. atratum (2n = 27), H. bifidum (2n = 27, 36), H, carpathicum (2n = 36), H. inuloides (2n = 27), H. jurassicum (2n = 27), H. macilentum (= H. epimedium, 2n = 27), H. nigritum (2n = 36), H. pilosum (= H. morisianum, 2n=27) and H. silesiacum (2n = 36). New ploidy level (tetraploid, 2n = 36) is reported for H. bupleuroides, hitherto published counts refer only to triploids (2n = 27). Previously published chromosome numbers were confirmed for several other species, i.e. H. alpinum (s.str., 2n = 27), H. bupleuroides (2n = 27), H. crassipedipilum (H. fritzei group, 2n = 27, 36), H. lachenalii (2n = 27), H. murorum (2n = 27), H. prenanthoides (2n = 27), H. racemosum (2n = 27), H. sabaudum (2n = 27), H. slovacum (H. fritzei group, 2n = 36), and H. umbellatum (2n = 18). Triploids and tetraploids predominate, diploids (2n = 18) were found in H. umbellatum. A comprehensive list of previously published chromosome numbers in Hieracium s. str. from the Western Carpathians is provided.
... Concerning ploidy distribution patterns, the three cytotypes have been described to be geographically separated. The available references report the occurrence of diploids in the centralwest-and nd south-European populations (Holub et al., 1970; Pogan and Rychlewski, 1980; Rostovtseva, 1983; Kovanda, 1984 Kovanda, , 2002 Krahulcová, 1990; Tamamshyan, 1990; Wisskirchen and Haeupler, 1998; Mandáková and Münzbergová, 2006 ). In contrast , hexaploids are reported mainly in continental part of Eurasia and but also in central-and east-European populations (Löve, 1974; Májovsk´yMájovsk´ Májovsk´y, 1978; Dvorak and Dadáková, 1974; Mičieta, 1981; Tamamshyan, 1990; Meusel and Jäger, 1992; Kovanda, 2002; Mandáková and Münzbergová, 2006). ...
... Schuhwerk 1996, Schuhwerk & Lippert 1998 ). In Central Europe the chromosome number 2n = 27 was also reported by Májovský et al. (1974) from the Slovak part of the Western Carpathians, and by Krahulcová (1990) from the Bohemian Karst. The tetraploid level (2n = 36) was reported by Lavrenko and Serditov (1987), and a hypertriploid level (2n = 28) by Rostovtseva (1979) (as H. tilingii). ...
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Mráz, P. & Szelag, Z. 2004: Chromosome numbers and reproductive systems in selected species of Hieracium and Pilosella (Asteraceae) from Romania. — Ann. Bot. Fennici 41: 405–414. Chromosome numbers are given for 17 taxa of the genus Hieracium and 4 taxa of the genus Pilosella originating from Romanian Eastern and Southern Carpathians: Hieracium alpinum (2n = 18), H. atratiforme s. lato (2n = 36), H. bifidum s. lato (2n = 27, 36), H. inuloides (2n = 27), H. jankae (2n = 27), H. lachenalii s. lato (2n = 27), H. lubricicaule (2n = 27), H. kotschyanum (2n = 27), H. magocsyanum (2n = 27), H. ostii-bucurae (2n = 27), H. praecurrens s. lato (2n = 27), H. ratezaticum (2n = 36), H. sabaudum s. lato (2n = 27), H. telekianum (2n = 27), H. tomiasae (2n = 27), H. tubulare (2n = 27), H. transylvanicum (2n = 18), Pilosella aurantiaca (2n = 36, 45), P. bauhinii (2n = 45), P. cymosa (2n = 36) and P. pavichii (2n = 18). For the first time the chromo-some numbers are reported for the following taxa: emasculation experiments. Diploid populations of Hieracium alpinum were confirmed in the Southern and Romanian Eastern Carpathians. Because diploid H. alpinum occurs just in the Eastern and Southern Carpathians and nowhere else, these parts of its area of distribution may be considered as glacial refugia for this species. The Skhidni Beskidi Mts. (the most western part of the Eastern Car-pathians) probably represented a strong barrier of postglacial migrations of some diploid Hieracium taxa from the Eastern Carpathians towards the Western Carpathians.
... Throughout its range it is known to occur in three ploidy levels (di-, tetra-and hexa-, Merx and Schreiber 1976). In the study area, the western part of the Czech Republic (Bohemia), only diploid individuals were previously reported (Holub et al. 1970, Kovanda 1984, Krahulcová 1990). However, we have recently shown that both diploid and hexaploid populations occur in the region (Mandáková and Mü nzbergová, in press). ...
Recently it has been suggested that ploidy level of a plant population may have important effects on plant-animal interactions. Plant-animal interactions can also be strongly altered by factors such as plant population size and habitat conditions. It is, however, not known how these factors interact to shape the overall pattern of plant-animal interactions. I studied the interaction between a perennial plant, Aster amellus, and a monophagous herbivorous moth, Coleophora obscenella, and investigated the effect of ploidy level of the plant population, plant population size, isolation and habitat conditions on density of the insect, damage by the insect, and plant performance. Ploidy level, plant population size and habitat conditions, but not isolation, strongly influence plant-herbivore interactions. Furthermore, there are significant interactions between effects of ploidy level and plant population size and between ploidy level and isolation. Hexaploid plants suffer higher seed damage by the herbivore, but their seed production is still higher than that of diploids. Herbivores thus partly limit the evolutionary success of the hexaploid plants. Plant-animal interactions are also strongly determined by plant population size. Small populations of A. amellus (below forty flowering ramets) host no C. obscenella larvae, indicating a minimum A. amellus population size that can sustain a viable C. obscenella population. Negative and positive effects of plant population size balance and result in no relationship between plant population size and number of developed seeds per flower head. The results also show a significant interaction between ploidy level and plant population size, indicating that the increase in density of C. obscenella larvae with plant population size is greater in hexaploid than in diploid populations. The results also indicate that the effect of ploidy level on plant-herbivore interactions can be altered by plant population size, which suggests that plant-herbivore interactions are driven by a complex of interactions among different factors. Studying each factor separately could thus lead to biased conclusions about patterns of interactions in such systems.
... In the Czech Republic, A. amellus occurs in two ploidy levels (Krahulcová 1990). We selected only diploid populations of the species for this study (based on data of Mandáková and Münzbergová 2006). ...
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We tested the hypothesis whether differences between plant populations in root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi could be caused by genetic differentiation between populations. In addition, we investigated whether the response to AM fungi differs between plants from different populations and if it is affected by the soil in which the plants are cultivated. We used Aster amellus, which occurs in fragmented dry grasslands, as a model species and we studied six different populations from two regions, which varied in soil nutrient concentration. We found significant differences in the degree of mycorrhizal colonization of plant roots between regions in the field. To test if these differences were due to phenotypic plasticity or had a genetic basis, we performed a greenhouse experiment. The results suggested that Aster amellus is an obligate mycotrophic plant species with a high dependency upon mycorrhiza. Plant biomass was affected only by soil, and not by population or the interaction between the population and the soil. Mycorrhizal colonization was significantly affected by all three factors (soil, population, interaction of soil and population). Plants from the population originating from the soil with lower nutrient availability developed more mycorrhiza even when grown in soil with higher nutrient availability. The correspondence between mycorrhizal colonization of plants in the field and in both soils in the pot experiment suggests that the observed differences in root colonization have a genetic basis.
... Other published records of ploidy levels of this species mention 2n = 66, counted in a plant of unknown origin in a Botanical garden in Freiburg (Huziwara, 1962), and 2n = 66 and 2n = 76 in garden cultivars of this species (Annen, 1945; Chatterji, 1962). Published records from central Bohemia (western part of the Czech Republic) mention only diploid individuals (2n = 18, Holub et al., 1970; Kovanda, 1984; Krahulcová, 1990 ); hexaploid species were recorded from the southeastern part of the country (southern Moravia; Löve, 1974; Kovanda, 2002). Within the Czech Republic the group is considered to be taxonomically clear (Kovanda, 2002 ). ...
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Polyploidy is viewed as an important mechanism of sympatric speciation, but only a few studies have documented patterns of distribution and ecology of different cytotypes in their contact zone. Aster amellus agg. (Asteraceae) is one of the species with documented multiple ploidy levels. The aim of this study was to determine spatial distribution and ecology of two cytotypes, diploid (2n = 18) and hexaploid (2n = 54), of Aster amellus agg. at their contact zone in the Czech Republic. Root-tip squashes and flow cytometry were used to determine the ploidy of 2175 individuals from 87 populations. To test whether some differences in ecology between the two ploidy levels exist, in each locality relevés were recorded and abiotic conditions of the sites were studied by estimating potential direct solar radiation, Ellenberg indicator values and above-ground biomass. Together with diploid and hexaploids, minorite cytotypes (triploid, pentaploid and nonaploid) were found. No significant ecological differences between diploid and hexaploid cytotypes were found. In spite of this, no population consisting of both of the two basic cytotypes was found. The results of this study show that the contact zone of diploid and hexaploid cytotypes in the Czech Republic is much more diffuse than indicated in previous records. Although populations of both cytotypes occur in close proximity (the closest populations of different cytotypes were 500 m apart), each individual population consists of only one basic ploidy level. This was unexpected since there are no clear differences in abiotic conditions between populations. Taken together with the absence of an intermediate tetraploid cytotype and with reference to published world distributional patterns of different ploidy levels, this suggests a secondary contact zone. Detailed genetic study is, however, necessary to confirm this.
A brief review is given, summarizing basic knowledge attained up to now in study of chromosomes in Compositae. The extensive variation in chromosome numbers within the family is pointed out. The mechanism of changes in basic chromosome number, as well as the impact of polyploidy on speciation is discussed. The phenomenon of karyotype asymmetry is emphasized, in connection with evolution of specialized taxa occupying unstable habitats. Methods of molecular genetics (isozyme analysis, DNA analysis) are essential tools to verify preceding hypotheses about phylogeny in Compositae, often based on karyological data. Examples of such studies in Compositae, complementing karyological and biochemical methods one another, are given from the recent literature.
A short review of the current knowledge on karyology, cenology and chorology of the West Carpathian taxa of the genus Tephroseris (Reichenb.) Reichenb. is presented. The following species are considered: T. integrifolia, T. capitula, T. aurantiaca, T. crispa and T. longifolia subsp. moravica. The review is completed with some new original data. The lectotype of the name Cineraria capitula Wahlenb. is designated.
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187 taxa (170 species, 9 subspecies, 8 varieties), 5 hybrids (four putative, one artificial), and 18 of uncertain rank from 50 families (84 genera; 2 lycophyte, 11 pterophyte and 71 anthophyte). Of these, 189 counts are new for the New Zealand flora (167 of these are from named taxa). Many of the counts reported are from more poorly investigated families (e.g., Cyperaceae, Lycopodiaceae, Potamogetonaceae) and genera (e.g., Desmoschoenus, Freycinetia, Lycopodiella, Lycopodium, Potamogeton, Schoenus) indigenous to New Zealand, or from nationally uncommon and/or threatened taxa (e.g., Eleocharis neozelandica, Hebe societatis, Myriophyllum robustum, and Pittosporum dallii) and/or newly described plants (e.g., Gingidia grisea, Olearia adenocarpa), while three counts are from naturalised species (Alternanthera sessilis, Nephrolepis cordifolia, and Senecio skirrhodon), and one from a cultivated plant of Metrosideros nervulosa. In the majority of genera the numbers follow established patterns. Counts have now been obtained for all known New Zealand representatives of the Alseuosmiaceae, Chloranthaceae, Dryopteridaceae, Elatinaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Geraniaceae, Hydatellaceae, Lauraceae, Linaceae, Rubiaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Nephrolepidaceae, Nyctaginaceae, Pandanaceae, Polypodiaceae, Sapotaceae, and Thelypteridaceae.
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Senecioneae is the largest tribe of Asteraceae, comprised of ca. 150 genera and 3,000 species. Approximately one-third of its species are placed in Senecio, making it one of the largest genera of flowering plants. Despite considerable efforts to classify and understand the striking morphological diversity in Senecioneae, little is known about its intergeneric relationships. This lack of phylogenetic understanding is predominantly caused by conflicting clues from morphological characters, the large size of the tribe, and the absence of a good delimitation of Senecio. Phylogenetic analyses of nrITS and plastid DNA sequence data were used to produce a hypothesis of evolutionary relationships in Senecioneae and a new, monophyletic, delimitation of Senecio. The results of separate and combined phylogenetic analyses of the two datasets were compared to previous taxonomic treatments, morphological and karyological data, and biogeographic patterns. These studies indicate that the subtribal delimitation of Senecioneae needs to be revised to reflect exclusively monophyletic subtribes. This would involve abolishing subtribes Adenostylinae, Blennospermatinae, and Tephroseridinae and recognizing subtribes Abrotanellinae, Othonninae, and Senecioninae. Moreover, Tussilagininae may need to be split into three or four subtribes: Brachyglottidinae, Chersodominae, Tussilagininae, and perhaps Doronicinae. On the intergeneric level, these phylogenies provide new insights into evolutionary relationships, resulting in a first approximation of a comprehensive phylogeny for the tribe. Most species currently assigned to Senecio form a well supported clade. Thus, a new delimitation of Senecio is proposed, which involves transferring the species of Aetheolaena, Culcitium, Hasteola, Iocenes, Lasiocephalus, and Robinsonia to Senecio and removing several Senecio groups that are only distantly related to the core of Senecio. Area optimization analyses indicate a strong African influence throughout the evolutionary history of Senecioneae, predominantly in subtribes Senecioninae and Othonninae.
Chromosome morphology and number in 28 species of Sinosenecio, two of Tephroseris and one of Nemosenecio (Senecioneae-Asteraceae) from China were investigated. Sinosenecio is revealed to have four basic chromosome numbers: x=13, 24, 29, and 30, with 24 and 30 being predominant and 13 and 29 each occurring in one species only. The incidence of polyploidy is low in the genus. The karyotypes are all rather symmetrical and generally quite uniform in the species of similar chromosome number in respect of chromosome constitution, albeit with some variation in chromosome size among species. The pattern of basic chromosome numbers is largely congruent with results of floral micromorphological and molecular phylogenetic studies, and strongly indicates that Sinosenecio as currently construed is a polyphyletic group, badly needing a taxonomic re-circumscription at the generic level. We propose that only those Sinosenecio species with x=30 should be retained in the newly defined genus, whereas those with x=24 (rarely 13) (except for S. newcombei and S. koreanus which may find a home in Tephroseris) may be described as a new genus or preferably transferred to the genus Nemosenecio, and that S. hainanensis, the only Sinosenecio species having x=29 and a suite of unique morphological and palynological characters, should be described as a new monospecific genus, Hainanecio, possibly positioned in the subtribe Senecioninae. When Sinosenecio is re-circumscribed in this way, not only does the genus Sinosenecio itself tend to be monophyletic, but the subtribe Tephroseridinae, which is composed of Nemosenecio, Sinosenecio, and Tephroseris, also may consequently become a better characterized and thus more acceptable group. KeywordsAsteraceae–Chromosome number–Cytotaxonomy–Karyotype–Polyphyly– Sinosenecio
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The results of a taxonomic study ofCardamine amara L. from the Carpathians and Pannonia are presented. Two subspecies,Cardamine amara L. subsp.amara andC. amara subsp.opicii (J. Presl &C. Presl)Čelak., are shown to occur in the area studied. Full synonymy, descriptions, chromosome numbers, taxonomic history, distribution data, and ecological notes are provided.
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The results of a taxonomic study ofCardamine flexuosa With.,C. glauca Spreng. ex DC.,C. graeca L.,C. hirsuta L.,C. impatients L.,C. parviflora L.,C. resedifolia L., andC. trifolia L. from the Carpathians and Pannonia are presented. Full synonymy, lectotypifications, descriptions, chromosome numbers, taxonomic history, notes on variation, distribution data and ecological notes are provided.
The aim of this study is to determine the origin, genetic relationships and morphological differences between diploid and hexaploid cytotypes of Aster amellus aggregate (Asteraceae) at their contact zone in the Czech Republic. We collected data on morphological and isozyme variation in a range of populations of the two cytotypes. We also studied the plasticity of the morphological traits in a common garden. The results suggest that hexaploid individuals of Aster amellus aggregate are of autopolyploid origin. The isozyme data indicate that diploids and hexaploids have different evolutionary histories. This, together with previous detailed cytological and ecological analyses, suggests that there is a secondary contact zone between the two cytotypes in the Czech Republic. The results of multivariate morphometric analyses and data on plasticity of the morphological traits indicate that it is not possible to distinguish the two cytotypes morphologically. The previously published morphological distinction between the cytotypes is thus not supported.
Chromosome numbers compared with as yet published data are given for the following 12 Phanerogams (both native species and aliens) from Czechoslovakia:Ambrosia trifida L.,Cardamine chelidonia L.,Dephne cneorum L.,Epipactis albensis Nováková etRydlo,Linum flavum L.subsp flavum, Lunaria rediviva L.,Nepeta grandiflora M.BIEB.,Reseda luteola L.,Thlaspi montanum L.,Tithymalus salicifolius (Host)Klotzsch etGarcke,Tithymalus virgultosus (Klokov) Holub andVerbascum speciosum Schrad. subsp.speciosum. The chromosome number 2n=40 is presented for the first time in autogamousEpipactis albensis Nováková etRydlo. New chromosome numbers were found inCardamine chelidonia L. (2n=32) and inTithymalus salicifolius (Host) Klotzch etGarcke (2n=40). Known but less frequent cytotypes are reported inLinum flavum L. subsp.flavum (2n=28) and inVerbascum speciosum Schrad. subsp.speciosum (2n=30).
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An open access copy of this article is available from the publishers website. Documented chromosome numbers are reported for 187 taxa (170 species, 9 subspecies, 8 varieties), 5 hybrids (four putative, one artificial), and 18 of uncertain rank from 50 families (84 genera; 2 lycophyte, 11 pterophyte and 71 anthophyte). Of these, 189 counts are new for the New Zealand flora (167 of these are from named taxa). Many of the counts reported are from more poorly investigated families (e.g., Cyperaceae, Lycopodiaceae, Potamogetonaceae) and genera (e.g., Desmoschoenus, Freycinetia, Lycopodiella, Lycopodium, Potamogeton, Schoenus) indigenous to New Zealand, or from nationally uncommon and/or threatened taxa (e.g., Eleocharis neozelandica, Hebe societatis, Myriophyllum robustum, and Pittosporum dallii) and/or newly described plants (e.g., Gingidia grisea, Olearia adenocarpa), while three counts are from naturalised species (Alternanthera sessilis, Nephrolepis cordifolia, and Senecio skirrhodon), and one from a cultivated plant of Metrosideros nervulosa. In the majority of genera the numbers follow established patterns. Counts have now been obtained for all known New Zealand representatives of the Alseuosmiaceae, Chloranthaceae, Dryopteridaceae, Elatinaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Geraniaceae, Hydatellaceae, Lauraceae, Linaceae, Rubiaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Nephrolepidaceae, Nyctaginaceae, Pandanaceae, Polypodiaceae, Sapotaceae, and Thelypteridaceae.
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The present paper presents part of the author's studies on the variability of the genus Dactylis from Poland. The karyotypes and Giemsa heterochromatin banding patterns of three population samples of Dactylis glomerata subsp. aschersoniana (Graebner) Thell. (2n = 14) from Poland were studied in detail.
Cette étude est basée sur les données rapportées dans la littérature ainsi que sur quelque 70 résultats de l'auteur. A. alpinum diploïde occupe les sommets de la Forêt Noire, des Vosges, du Jura central et de la majeure partie des Alpes. A. alpinum tétraploïde, connu avant notre étude dans deux stations seulement, offre une aire relativement étendue puisqu'il remplace le diploïde dans le Jura méridional, sur la frange nord-ouest des Alpes et dans le Massif Central. La présence d'A. odoratum diploïde est signalée pour la première fois en France, dans le massif de l'Estérel (Var). A. odoratum tétraploïde est largement distribué à basse et moyenne altitude. Dans les Pyrénées, ce cytodème atteint en outre des altitudes élevées.
New nomenclatural combinations are proposed, necessitated mostly by the adoption of a narrower concept of the generic classificatory unit or, in some cases, by necessary changes of the taxonomic rank in several taxa. Explanatory comments on the taxonomic and nomenclatural problems are provided in the following genera:Aegonychon S. F. Gray (Lithospermum L. p.p.),Anemonastrum Holub andAnemonoides Mill. (Anemone L. p.p.),Bromopsis Fourr. (=Bromus L. p.p.),Calathiana Delarbre (Gentiana L. p.p.),Calcitrapoides Fabr. (Centaurea L. p.p.),Ciminalis Adans. (Gentiana L. p.p.),Pistolochia Bernh. (Corydalis Vent. p.p.),Psyllium Mill. (Plantago L. p.p.) andTephroseris (Reichenb.)Reichenb. (Senecio L. p.p.). In all 300 new combinations are proposed, including 17 inAnemonastrum, 32 inAnemonoides, 70 inBromopsis, 13 inCalathiana, 13 inCalcitrapoides, 29 inPistolochia, 40 inTephroseris and 25 inXanthoxalis.
New nomenclatural combinations or new names are proposed for 80 taxa, including 75 for species and hybrids at specific level, three for subspecies and two for hybrid genera. Honorius S. F. Gray 1821 (type:Ornithogalum nutans L. 1753) is accepted as a taxonomically justified generic segregate of Ornithogalum L. Separation of Poterium L. from Sanguisorba L. at generic level is emphasized. Problems of taxonomic classification of morphotypes in Xanthium L. subg. Xanthium are briefly discussed. © 1976 Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
The paper gives an account of the results of karyological investigation of 15 species from Czechoslovakia:Allium ochroleucum, A. senescens subsp.montanum, A. strictum, Asperula tinctoria, Aster amellus, Calamintha officinalis, Calystegia pulchra C. epium, Epilobium adenocaulon, Erysimum odoratum, Festuca pallens, Gasparrinia peucedanoides, Genista germanica, Gentiana pannonica, Glyceria nemoralis. Comments on taxonomic, nomenclatural and chorological problems are given for most of these species.
Index to plant chromosome numbers 1984–1985—Monographs in Syst
  • P Goldblatt
Příspěvek k řešení problematikyAnthoxanthum odoratum L. s.l. se zvláštním zřetelem kAnthoxanthum alpinum Á. etD. Löve. (A contribution to the study ofAnthoxanthum odoratum L. s.l. with special emphasize onA. alpinum).-Ms
  • M Mayová
Chromosome numbers of northern plant species
  • ~ Lsv~
  • D Lsv~
LSv~. ~. et LSv~. D. (1948): Chromosome numbers of northern plant species. --Univ. Inst. Appl. Sci., R~ykjavik, Dop. Agric. Reports, set. 13/3. LSVE ~. et LSvE D. (19~1): Some nomenclatural changes in the European flora I. Species and supraspoeific catagories. --Bet. l~otiser, Lund, 114: 33--47.
Chromosomnyje 5isla cvetkovych rast~nij Sibiri i Daln~vo Vostoka
  • R ~stovtseva
KR~UL~-VICtt 1~. E. et R:~STOVTSEVA T. S. (1984): Chromosomnyje 5isla cvetkovych rast~nij Sibiri i Daln~vo Vostoka. --l~ovosibirsk.
for their critical revision of the first draft of this paper. I also thank all collectors for providing plants and seeds Study of the number of chromosomes of Angiosperms 1. --Ser
  • Acknowledgements
  • Dec
  • V Dr
  • Fers163 Csc
  • Dr J And
  • Holub Cse
  • F Literature Gited D
  • Et D~u~kov~ B
Acknowledgements I am iudsbted to Dec. Dr. V. FERs163 CSc. and to Dr. J. HOLUB CSe. for their critical revision of the first draft of this paper. I also thank all collectors for providing plants and seeds. LITERATURE GITED D voft~K F. et D~U~KOV~ B. (1974): Study of the number of chromosomes of Angiosperms 1. --Ser. Fac. SoL Nat. UJEP Brun., Biol., 4/3: 121--130.
Carda~ine hirsuta L. jako zahradnl plevel. (Cardamine hirsuta L. als sin Gartenunkraut)
  • K L~otsks
L~OTSKs ]K. (1985): Carda~ine hirsuta L. jako zahradnl plevel. (Cardamine hirsuta L. als sin Gartenunkraut). --Zpr. Os. Bet. SpoleS., Praha, 20/2: 153--154.
A contribution to the study of Anthoxanthum o~ora~ur~ L. s.1. with special emphasiz~ on A. alpinum). --Ms. [DipL Thesis in Czech B~uding patterns in plant chromosomes. III. Dactylis g[omerata subsp. aschersor~iar~a (Ga.~B~ER) TKEL~. from Poland
  • ~ 1k
MAYOV/~ 1K. (1982): Pi~isp~vek k fe~tenl problematiky Anthoxanthum od, ora~um L. s.L se zvld~tnim z~etelom k Ar~h ~ar~hum a~pinum t~. et D. L5VE. (A contribution to the study of Anthoxanthum o~ora~ur~ L. s.1. with special emphasiz~ on A. alpinum). --Ms. [DipL Thesis in Czech, Dept. Bet. Fae. Sei. Univ. Carol. Praha.] M~z~A~rr ]K. (1985): B~uding patterns in plant chromosomes. III. Dactylis g[omerata subsp. aschersor~iar~a (Ga.~B~ER) TKEL~. from Poland. --Acta Soc. Bet. Poloniae, 54/2: 169--178. 1Koo~E D. IV[. (1982): Flora E~repaea. Ch~ck-list and ehremosom~ index. --Cambridge.
Chromosomenzahlen yon Pfimzen aus Bayern und angren-zonden Gebieton
  • W Liepert
  • G R Ot
LIePERT W. ot H~UBL G. R. (1988): Chromosomenzahlen yon Pfimzen aus Bayern und angren-zonden Gebieton. --Bor. Bayer. Bet. Ges. 59: 13--22.
Nové nebo méněznámé rostliny květeny ČSSR.—Preslia, Praha
  • J Holub
Chromosomenzahlen von Pflanzen aus Bayern und angrenzenden Gebieten
  • W Lippert
  • W. Lippert
Chromosome numbers of northern plant species
  • D Löve Á. Etlöve
Some nomenclatural changes in the European flora I. Species and supraspecific categories.—Bot
  • Á Löve
  • D Etlöve
Flora Europaea. Check-list and chromosome index
  • D M Moore
The genesis of tetraploidAnthoxanthum odoratum
  • I Hedberg
Cardamine hirsuta L. jako zahradní plevel. (Cardamine hirsuta L. als ein Gartenunkraut).-Zpr
  • M Lhotská
  • M. Lhotská
Chromosomnyje čisla evetkovych rastěnij Sibiri i Dalněvo Vostoka
  • R E Krogulevich
Chromosome numbers of flowering plants
  • A A Fedorov
Index to plant chromosome numbers 1984-1985-Monographs in Syst. Bot. from the Missouri Botanical Garden
  • P Goldblatt
Some nomenclatural changes in the European flora I. Species and supraspecific categories
  • Á Löve
  • D Notiser
  • Á. Löve
Cytotaxonomical atlas of the Slovanian flora
  • Á Löve
  • D Etlöve
Study of the number of chromosomes of Angiosperms 1-Ser
  • F Dvořák
  • B Etdadáková
  • F. Dvořák