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Understanding the meaning of accuracy, trueness and precision

  • Trollboken AB

Abstract and Figures

Clear definitions of basic terms, used to describe the quality of measurements, is essential for communication among scientists as well as when reporting measurement results to clients. Even if appropriate definitions are given in international standards and guidelines, the understanding of some basic terms sometimes proves difficult. The reasons for this are various, e.g., the same words being defined rather differently in encyclopaedias and in international standards as well as concepts, well established in some languages, that may be relatively new in other national communities and at large in the international one. Here we present a matrix intended to clarify the relationships between the type of error affecting an analytical measurement, the respective qualitative concepts (performance characteristics) and their quantitative expression.
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Accred Qual Assur (2006)
DOI 10.1007/s00769-006-0191-z DISCUSSION FORUM
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Understanding the meaning of accuracy,
trueness and precision
Antonio Menditto
Marina Patriarca
Bertil Magnusson
Received: 6 June 2006
Accepted: 9 July 2006
Springer-Verlag 2006
A. Menditto ()·M. Patriarca
Department of Food Safety and Public
Veterinary Health,
Istituto Superiore di Sanit`
viale Regina Elena 299,
00161 Rome, Italy
Tel.: +39-0649902559
Fax: +39-0649903686
B. Magnusson
SP Swedish National Testing and
Research Institute,
as, Sweden
Abstract Clear definitions of basic
terms, used to describe the quality of
measurements, is essential for
communication among scientists as
well as when reporting measurement
results to clients. Even if appropriate
definitions are given in international
standards and guidelines, the
understanding of some basic terms
sometimes proves difficult. The
reasons for this are various, e.g., the
same words being defined rather
differently in encyclopaedias and in
international standards as well as
concepts, well established in some
languages, that may be relatively new
in other national communities and at
large in the international one. Here
we present a matrix intended to
clarify the relationships between the
type of error affecting an analytical
measurement, the respective
qualitative concepts (performance
characteristics) and their quantitative
Keywords Terminology .
Accuracy .Trueness .Precision
The understanding of the meaning of some basic terms
(i.e. accuracy, trueness and precision), used to describe the
quality of measurements, has sometimes proven difficult,
even within the analytical community, mainly because:
a. the same words being used with conflicting meaning,
e.g. precision expresses spread within the analytical
community but in common language can be synonymous
of accuracy;1
b. the qualitative concepts of accuracy and trueness
are well established in some languages (German:
Genauigkeit and Richtigkeit, Swedish noggrannhet and
riktighet ), but relatively new in some national communi-
ties (e.g. Italian) and at large in the international one [1].
The misuse of the word accuracy in place of trueness
in most analytical publications in the field of analytical
atomic spectrometry was recently addressed [2].
In this context, it should also be mentioned the difference
existing between common usage of the word “error” and
how it is used in the GUM [3]. According to the GUM,
Error is an idealized concept and errors cannot be known
1Precision–The quality, condition or fact of being exact and accu-
rate. Pearsall, J (ed), The new Oxford Dictionary of English, Oxford
University Press 1998.
exactly [Note GUM §3.2 and further reading in Annex D].
For example, the standard deviation of the mean, some-
times indicated as standard error of the mean, expresses a
quantitative evaluation of the uncertainty of the mean de-
riving from casual effects and not the exact value of the
error of the mean, which is not known.
In addition to the appropriate definitions, given in inter-
national guidelines and standards and reported in Table 1,
the matrix presented in Fig. 1is intended to clarify the rela-
tionships between the type of error affecting an analytical
measurement, the respective qualitative concepts (perfor-
mance characteristics) and their quantitative expression.
Table 1 Definitions of qualitative terms describing the performance
characteristics of a measurement
Accuracy of
Closeness of agreement between a quantity
value obtained by measurement and the true
value of the measurand (3.5) [6]
Precision The closeness of agreement between
independent test results obtained under
stipulated conditions (3.14) [7,8]
Trueness The closeness of agreement between the
average value obtained from a large series of
test results and an accepted reference value
(3.12) [7,8]
Type of
(total) error
random error
standard deviation
within-lab reproducibility/
expression of
Fig. 1 Relationships between type of error, qualitative performance
characteristics and their quantitative expression
For example, the effect of random errors on a measurement
is expressed as the performance characteristics “precision”,
which can be quantified as the standard deviation of re-
peated measurements on the same sample using the same
method. In more detail, precision is expressed as:
(1) repeatability, when the least changes are allowed (e.g.
assays carried out over a short period of time, by the
same analyst using the same instrument, etc.)
(2) within-laboratory reproducibility (intermediate preci-
sion) when, within the same laboratory, any relevant
influence factor is allowed to vary (e.g. assays carried
out over a longer period of time, by different analysts,
using different reagent lots, in different environmental
conditions and even using different instruments of the
same specifications)
(3) reproducibility, when the precision of the method as
applied in different laboratories is taken into account
(e.g. assays carried out according to a specified sta-
tistical design by different laboratories applying the
same analytical protocol as part of an interlaboratory
collaborative study).
In a similar way, if one or more influence quantities cause
effects on the measurement result that can be identified
as systematic components of the error (systematic error),
such effect is expressed by the performance characteristics
trueness. This can be quantified as bias, i.e. the difference
between the average of several measurements on the same
sample (e.g. a Certified Reference Material) and its (con-
ventionally) true value. The significance of such difference
must be assessed by appropriate statistical tests against
the precision of the bias measurement and the reliability
of the value chosen as reference. Therefore, experimental
precision (as the standard deviation of the mean) and the
uncertainty of the reference value are components of the
uncertainty of the bias estimate, even when no significant
bias is observed.
Since variations of influence quantities may affect a
measurement result in both random and systematic ways,
the qualitative performance characteristics of the measure-
ments accuracy includes both trueness and precision,
just as the general term fruits includes both apples and
oranges. It would sound peculiar to talk about fruits and
oranges and, in the same way, it is inappropriate to use the
wording accuracy and precision instead of trueness and
Accuracy is a qualitative performance characteristics, ex-
pressing the closeness of agreement between a measure-
ment result and the value of the measurand. A quantitative
estimate of the accuracy of a result is essential to define
the degree of confidence that can be placed in it and the
reliability of the decisions based on such result. Such pa-
rameter is the measurement uncertainty, which describes
“the dispersion of the values that could reasonably be at-
tributed to the measurand”, often expressed as a standard
deviation (standard uncertainty) or as an interval including
a larger fraction of such values (expanded uncertainty), ob-
tained by multiplying the combined standard uncertainty
by a specified coverage factor (k). Guidance has been pro-
vided to use both the information provided by repeata-
bility/reproducibility and trueness (bias) estimates for the
evaluation of the uncertainty of measurement [4,5]. The
broken line in Fig. 1takes into account the on-going debate
on the contribution of bias components to measurement
Although the matrix in Fig. 1may not be exhaustive,
the Authors hope it can provide a simple and visual
way forward to stimulate the discussion among all those
involved in the understanding of how these basic concepts
are related and how they should be used within the
analytical community.
1. Inczedy J, Lengyel T, Ure AM (Eds)
(1998) IUPAC Compendium of
Analytical Nomenclature. The Orange
Book. 3rd edn. Blackwell Science,
Oxford, paragraph Published
on-line August 2002
Last accessed May 2006
2. Taylor A, Branch S, Halls D, Patriarca
M, White M (2003) J Anal Atom
Spectrom 18:385–428
OIML (1995) Guide to the expression of
uncertainty in measurement. (GUM).
ISO, Geneva
Quantifying Uncertainty in Analytical
Measurement (QUAM). 2nd Internet
edition. 2000., last
accessed June 2006
5. ISO (2004) ISO/TS 21748 Guidance for
the use of repeatability, reproducibility
and trueness estimates in measurement
uncertainty estimation. ISO, Geneva
OIML (1993) International vocabulary
of basic and general terms in metrology
(VIM). 2nd edition, ISO, Geneva
7. ISO (1993) ISO 3534-1
Statistics–Vocabulary and symbols.
Probability and general statistical terms.
ISO, Geneva
8. ISO 5725-1 (1998) Accuracy (trueness
and precision) of measurement methods
and results–Part 1: General principles
and definitions. ISO, Geneva
... Nilai presisi metode yang diperoleh dapat dilihat pada Tabel 5. Perhitungan akurasi dilakukan menggunakan larutan spiked sample yang sama dengan larutan spiked sample untuk presisi kemudian dihitung kadar yang diperoleh dari masing masing larutan. Akurasi dapat didefinisikan sebagai kedekatan hasil yang diperoleh saat pengujian atau pengukuran dengan nilai yang sebenernya atau teoritis (Menditto et al., 2007). Berdasarkan literatur, penetapan akurasi metode dapat dilakukan dengan cara menginjeksikan 1 (satu) level konsentrasi spiked sample sebanyak 6 (enam) kali pengulangan atau dapat juga dilakukan dengan menginjeksikan 3 (tiga) level konsentrasi masing-masing sebanyak 3 (tiga) kali pengulangan. ...
Senyawa 4-Amino-3-nitrophenol (C6H6N2O3) merupakan senyawa yang digunakan sebagai pewarna rambut oksidatif. Senyawa ini merupakan isomer posisi dari senyawa 2-Amino-4-nitrophenol dan 2-Amino-5-nitrophenol. Ketiga senyawa tersebut memiliki persyaratan yang berbeda. kadar maksimum senyawa 4-Amino-3-nitrophenol (C6H6N2O3) di dalam pewarna rambut oksidatif adalah 1,5% setelah dicampurkan dengan bahan pengoksidasi. Sedangkan 2 senyawa lainnya merupakan senyawa yang dilarang digunakan dalam kosmetik. Oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu metode analisis penetapan kadar 4-Amino-3-nitrophenol (4,3-ANP) yang valid dan dapat dibedakan dari kedua isomer lainnya, dengan resolusi lebih dari 1.5 sehingga tidak terjadi kesalahan dalam pengambilan keputusan. Metodologi yang dikembangkan adalah secara Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi Detektor Photo Diode Array menggunakan kolom oktadesilsilana C18 X-Bridge (250 x 4,6 mm) dengan ukuran partikel 5 mm. Fase gerak yang digunakan adalah sistem elusi isokratik berupa campuran Asetonitril dan larutan dapar asetat 0,05 M pH 5.9 dengan komposisi 20:80. Laju alir 1,0 ml/menit, dengan suhu kolom 40°C, volume penyuntikan 20 µl dan dideteksi pada panjang gelombang 230 nm. Metode Analisis Penetapan kadar 4,3-ANP memberikan hasil validasi spesifik/selektif terhadap kedua isomer 2,4-ANP dan 2,5-ANP serta pengawet metil paraben dengan waktu retensi berturut turut 5.609; 6.200; 6.895 dan 10.8 menit, menghasilkan data yang linier dengan koefisien korelasi 1.0, presisi pada kadar 3,68µg/ml; 14,70 µg/ml dan 18,38 µg/ml memberikan %RSD berturut turut 0.59; 1.92 dan 0.68. Akurasi pada kadar 3,68µg/ml; 14,70 µg/ml dan 18,38 µg/ml memberikan rentang % recovery berturut turut 100.17-100.91; 99.06-100.39 dan 100.38-101.05. Sedangkan batas kuantitasi adalah 0.07%. Metode Analisis penetapan kadar 4,3-ANP ini terbukti selektif dan menghasilkan data validasi yang memenuhi persyaratan selektifitas, linieritas, presisi, akurasi dan batas kuantitasi.
... This method considers two types of errors: bias error and random error, which both contribute to the overall error in the measurement (Raffles, 2007). The bias error, denoted as ∊rms, assesses the trueness of the estimated displacement (Menditto et al., 2007). It represents the systematic deviation between the measured values and the true values of displacement. ...
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Glaciers all over the world have been experiencing recession at varying rates. Alterations in glacial retreat, volume, and mass have direct implications for sea level rise and have implications for the overall health of glaciers. Measuring the surface ice velocity of glaciers presents challenges due to the rugged terrain and harsh climate at high altitudes, making field observations difficult. This study aims to address these challenges by focusing on the calculation of the surface ice velocity of the Durung Drung glacier in Zanskar Valley, Ladakh. Landsat- 7 & 8 panchromatic bands with a resolution of 15 m were used in conjunction with the COSI-Corr module of ENVI image processing software to derive surface ice velocity. The method involved the cross�correlation of Landsat images from 1999/2000 and 2019/2020. The COSI-Corr module used in this study pro�vided three key outputs: east–west displacement, north–south displacement, and signal-to-noise ratio. These outputs are essential for understanding the movement of the glacier and evaluating the quality of the image correlation. The results indicate that the surface velocity of Durung Drung glacier was 71 ± 6.1 m yr− 1 in 1999/ 2000, which increased (by ~ 50 %) to 140 ± 7.4 m yr− 1 in 2019/2020. An increasing trend in velocity manifests the rising trend in temperature in the western Himalaya. Analysis of CRU TS4 gridded data reveals an increase in temperature while precipitation decreased during 1976–2020. The study recommends that the annual variations in surface ice velocity are a consequence of temperature fluctuations that influence the availability of meltwater.
... This method considers two types of errors: bias error and random error, which both contribute to the overall error in the measurement (Raffles, 2007). The bias error, denoted as ∊rms, assesses the trueness of the estimated displacement (Menditto et al., 2007). It represents the systematic deviation between the measured values and the true values of displacement. ...
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Glaciers all over the world have been experiencing recession at varying rates. Alterations in glacial retreat, volume, and mass have direct implications for sea level rise and have implications for the overall health of glaciers. Measuring the surface ice velocity of glaciers presents challenges due to the rugged terrain and harsh climate at high altitudes, making field observations difficult. This study aims to address these challenges by focusing on the calculation of the surface ice velocity of the Durung Drung glacier in Zanskar Valley, Ladakh. Landsat-7 & 8 panchromatic bands with a resolution of 15 m were used in conjunction with the COSI-Corr module of ENVI image processing software to derive surface ice velocity. The method involved the cross-correlation of Landsat images from 1999/2000 and 2019/2020. The COSI-Corr module used in this study provided three key outputs: east-west displacement, north-south displacement, and signal-to-noise ratio. These outputs are essential for understanding the movement of the glacier and evaluating the quality of the image correlation. The results indicate that the surface velocity of Durung Drung glacier was 71 ± 6.1 m yr − 1 in 1999/ 2000, which increased (by ~ 50 %) to 140 ± 7.4 m yr − 1 in 2019/2020. An increasing trend in velocity manifests the rising trend in temperature in the western Himalaya. Analysis of CRU TS4 gridded data reveals an increase in temperature while precipitation decreased during 1976-2020. The study recommends that the annual variations in surface ice velocity are a consequence of temperature fluctuations that influence the availability of meltwater.
... This suggests that environmental strategy or policy implementation has no effect on the profitability of the SMEs. This is not consistent with the suggestions by Ogujiuba et al., 2022;Pascucci et al., 2022;Patriarca & Magnusson, 2007;Sendawula, 2018), who assert that, environmental protection is an expensive venture to business that is considered to yield little or no profits and hence some businesses resorts to maximising profits at the expense of the environment. There is a significant relationship between efficacy as an environmental strategy and SMEs sustainable development since the P-Value from the SPSS output is below 0.01 which is the level of significance as indicated in the findings. ...
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Currently, there is a pressing need for entrepreneurs to adopt environmentally friendly strategies, technologies, and products that will result into sustainable solutions to problems of the day. This study was adopted to analyze the effects of environmental entrepreneurship on sustainable development among small and medium enterprises in Lusaka’s CBD. A sample of 278 respondents was selected using the Cochran formula which resulted into a response rate of 91% with 252 respondents. A mixed methodology approach was used and data was analyzed through the use of SPSS from which correlation and a summary of coefficient were used to measure the relationship among variables. The overall coefficient of correlation of 0.947 from the SPSS results suggests that there is a strong positive relationship between the variables under observation in relation to sustainable development among SMEs with regards to environmental entrepreneurship strategies which are: environmental efficacy, and environmental innovation. The R-Square (coefficient of determination) of 0.897 suggests that sustainable development is influenced 89.7% by the independent variables observed.
... The precision of this type of device is usually provided as a percentage of the full range of measurements that they cover. For clarity, the term precision is defined as 'the closeness of agreement between independent test results obtained under stipulated conditions' [21,22]. In other words, the precision is related to the deviation of several measurements taken with the same device of a given distance. ...
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Structural bolted connections of steel plates must fulfill the requirements specified by the standard EN 1090-2:2018 in the European Union. For the slip-resistant joints, the standard establishes the experimental procedure to obtain the delayed slip under a constant loading, which should not exceed 2 μm from the first five minutes to three hours. However, the usual extensometers available in laboratories, like LVDTs, lack the necessary precision to obtain a reliable measurement of such a small displacement because, even if their resolution is 1 μm, the scatter of repeated measurements of the same distance is normally higher. In contrast, the resolution and precision in optical methods like Digital Image Correlation (DIC) can be easily set under 1 μm depending on the number of pixels covering the studied area and the performed subpixel interpolation. This work introduces the use of DIC for delayed slip tests. In comparison with an LVDT, it is verified that this technique is a valid alternative to measure displacements at that scale with a simpler experimental setup.
... Accuracy measurement is represented in the form of a percentage. Accuracy is determined using equation 9 [17]. ...
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Ethanol is beneficial for the sterilization process and increases the rate of photosynthesis. Measurement of ethanol concentration is necessary because ethanol in high concentrations can cause several health problems, such as eye irritation, coughing, lacerations, and ineffective plant sterilization processes. Therefore, a sensor-based measurement system is needed to measure the total gas concentration in liquid organic fertilizer. This research aims to characterize the MQ-8 sensor and analyze the ethanol concentration for the fermentation process. The results of this study indicate that the MQ-8 sensor can work well in measuring the concentration of a single ethanol compound with an accuracy of 91%. The total concentration of ethanol gas in each sample liquid organic fertilizer is measured between 216 ppm to 1583 ppm, depending on the fermented plant.
... The change and development of analytical methods also contribute to the problems in a long-term monitoring of individual areas [49,50]. However, the use of different methods is not the only reason for the discrepancies of results [67]. ...
... A multiple sample comparison test was performed for each concentration, resulting in an Fratio of 2.75 with a corresponding p-value of 0.0772 for the 10 mmol/L It is important to note that the variability of the analytical results with the sensor increases as the days go by. This can be seen in the On the other hand, the trueness of an analytical method indicates the agreement between the average value obtained from a series of tests and an accepted reference value [61]. Table 6 shows the results of the analyte recovery test from two different concentrations of NaIPX collector in two mineral microflotation samples obtained in our laboratory using the Hallimond flotation cell as described in Section 2.8.1. ...
A voltammetric method for xanthate quantification was developed by fabricating a new electrode based on TiO2 nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs). The nanomaterial in the anatase phase was synthesized by a simple sol-gel method followed by a thermal treatment (9 h at 500°C). The nanoparticles have a spheroidal morphology with an average size of 20.61 ± 6.01 nm. The band gap energy (3.7 eV) was determined by means of UV-visible spectroscopy from the absorption band at 335 nm. The TiO2 based sensor was employed as working electrode (electroactive area: 0.02248 cm2) in a cyclic voltammetry study, and a greater peak current was observed for the electrooxidation of isopropyl xanthate at pH 10 as compared to the unmodified electrode. The electrode optimization showed that the percentage of TiO2 and the amount of mineral oil in the electrode have a significant influence on the electrochemical response, with 18.4% of TiO2 NPs, 0.74 mL of mineral oil, and 18 h of electrode rest before the first use as optimal conditions. In the polarization studies, the charge transfer reaction occurred through a lower overpotential with respect to the open circuit potential. The exchange current density was three times higher for the modified electrode. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy indicated the detection of xanthate with lower charge transfer resistance than when the unmodified electrode was used. The electrochemical sensor allows the quantification of xanthate from 5 μmol/L to 10 mmol/L by cyclic voltammetry and the square wave technique. For the cyclic voltammetry calibration, the limits of detection and quantification were 40.6 μmol/L and 135 μmol/L, respectively. The limit of detection by square wave voltammetry was 2.4 μmol/L, and the limit of quantification was 7.9 μmol/L. The repeatability of the method showed a relative dispersion of 3.1% at 0.51 mmol/L. The electroanalytical response of the sensor was reproducible up to 30 days. The recoveries of xanthate in real flotation samples were 91.9% and 94.6% for concentrations of 0.55 and 1.1 mmol/L, respectively. No statistically significant differences were found between the quantification using the sensor and the UV spectrophotometric method. Dicresyl dithiophosphate showed statistically significant interference with the xanthate oxidation signal.
Brain tumors have been considered the world’s, most dangerous disease. Worldwide, approximately 0.25 million people die every year due to CNS tumors and primary cancerous brains. Histopathological examination of biopsy samples is still used in the diagnosis and classification of brain tumors. The existing method is obtrusive, tedious, and sensitive to errors by individuals. To overcome the pitfalls mentioned above for brain tumor multi-class classification, a fully automated deep learning system has been proposed for the early detection of brain tumors in an efficient way. For the purpose of early diagnosis, this research uses Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to multi-classify brain tumors. A heatmap image has been produced using the gradient-weighted class activation map (Grad-CAM) technique, and then from the heatmap, a bounded box image has been generated to demonstrate which regions of an image the proposed model devoted significantly more focus to than the other areas. This has been done to show that the proposed model is highly efficient. For the publicly accessible combined dataset, the proposed model attained testing accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, and AUC scores of 98.75%, 98.00%, 98.00%, 97.76%, and 100%, respectively. The state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods for brain tumor multi-class classification has been outperformed by the proposed way after a number of hyperparameters have been tuned to yield the best outcomes. As a result, this model can help healthcare and radiology professionals check their first screening in order to categorize various kinds of brain tumors.
IUPAC Compendium of Analytical Nomenclature. The Orange Book
  • J Inczedy
  • T Lengyel
  • A M Ure
Inczedy J, Lengyel T, Ure AM (Eds) (1998) IUPAC Compendium of Analytical Nomenclature. The Orange Book. 3rd edn. Blackwell Science, Oxford, paragraph Published on-line August 2002 Last accessed May 2006
Quantifying Uncertainty in Analytical Measurement (QUAM)
  • Geneva 4 Iso
  • Eurachem
  • Citac
ISO, Geneva 4. EURACHEM/CITAC (2000) Quantifying Uncertainty in Analytical Measurement (QUAM). 2nd Internet edition. 2000., last accessed June 2006
Probability and general statistical terms. ISO, Geneva 8. ISO 5725-1 (1998) Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results–Part 1: General principles and definitions
  • Statistics
  • Vocabulary
Statistics–Vocabulary and symbols. Probability and general statistical terms. ISO, Geneva 8. ISO 5725-1 (1998) Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results–Part 1: General principles and definitions. ISO, Geneva
ISO/TS 21748 Guidance for the use of repeatability, reproducibility and trueness estimates in measurement uncertainty estimation
  • Iso
ISO (2004) ISO/TS 21748 Guidance for the use of repeatability, reproducibility and trueness estimates in measurement uncertainty estimation. ISO, Geneva
Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement. (GUM) ISO, Geneva 4 Quantifying Uncertainty in Analytical Measurement (QUAM)
  • Iec Bipm
  • Ifcc
  • Iso
  • Iupac
  • Iupap
  • Oiml
BIPM, IEC, IFCC, ISO, IUPAC, IUPAP, OIML (1995) Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement. (GUM). ISO, Geneva 4. EURACHEM/CITAC (2000) Quantifying Uncertainty in Analytical Measurement (QUAM). 2nd Internet edition. 2000., last accessed June 2006
  • A Taylor
  • S Branch
  • D Halls
  • M Patriarca
  • M White
Taylor A, Branch S, Halls D, Patriarca M, White M (2003) J Anal Atom Spectrom 18:385-428
ISO 3534-1 Statistics–Vocabulary and symbols. Probability and general statistical terms
  • ISO