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Analyzing coastal wetland change in the Yancheng National Nature Reserve, China


Abstract and Figures

Coastal zones provide habitat cores and corridors that maintain the diversity of entire landscapes, and they can form the cornerstone elements of regional conservation strategies. Natural environmental driving factors and excessive anthropogenic activities play important roles in coastal wetland change. Many studies have used remote sensing images to map and assess coastal wetland change on local or regional scales. This paper aims to provide insight into coastal wetland change in the Yancheng National Nature Reserve (YNNR) using remote sensing technology and landscape metrics analysis. The results reveal that grass flat and reed areas have significantly decreased, whereas agriculture fields, aquaculture ponds and built-up areas have continuously increased from 1988 to 2006. The spatial pattern of the coastal landscape has become fragmented and heterogeneous under great pressure from rapid economic development and population growth. The wetland changes have important impacts on natural habitat of the red-crowned cranes. The results of this study provide basic information that is required for developing measures toward a sustainable management and conservation of the YNNR. KeywordsCoastal wetland–Land use change–Remote sensing–Landscape metrics–Driving forces–The Yancheng National Nature Reserve (YNNR)
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Analyzing coastal wetland change in the Yancheng National
Nature Reserve, China
Chang-Qing Ke Dong Zhang Fu-Qiang Wang
Shu-Xing Chen Christance Schmullius
Wolfgang-Martin Boerner Hui Wang
Received: 1 January 2010 / Accepted: 21 May 2010 / Published online: 5 June 2010
ÓSpringer-Verlag 2010
Abstract Coastal zones provide habitat cores and corri-
dors that maintain the diversity of entire landscapes, and
they can form the cornerstone elements of regional con-
servation strategies. Natural environmental driving factors
and excessive anthropogenic activities play important roles
in coastal wetland change. Many studies have used remote
sensing images to map and assess coastal wetland change
on local or regional scales. This paper aims to provide
insight into coastal wetland change in the Yancheng
National Nature Reserve (YNNR) using remote sensing
technology and landscape metrics analysis. The results
reveal that grass flat and reed areas have significantly
decreased, whereas agriculture fields, aquaculture ponds
and built-up areas have continuously increased from 1988
to 2006. The spatial pattern of the coastal landscape has
become fragmented and heterogeneous under great pres-
sure from rapid economic development and population
growth. The wetland changes have important impacts on
natural habitat of the red-crowned cranes. The results of
this study provide basic information that is required for
developing measures toward a sustainable management
and conservation of the YNNR.
Keywords Coastal wetland Land use change
Remote sensing Landscape metrics Driving forces
The Yancheng National Nature Reserve (YNNR)
YNNR The Yancheng National Nature Reserve
NBSC National Bureau of Statistics of China
Coastal zones are important boundaries, forming transition
areas between terrestrial and marine environments. With
approximately 41% of the world’s human population living
within 100 km of the coast (Martinez et al. 2007), the
coastal zones and issues of sustainability are paramount.
Coastal zones play an important role in land-based socio-
economic development such as agriculture, industry and
tourism (Ramachandran et al. 2005). Coastal zones are
environments with high risk of hydrogeological hazards
and are seriously affected by coastal erosion, saltwater
C.-Q. Ke (&)D. Zhang F.-Q. Wang S.-X. Chen
Department of Geographic Information Science,
Nanjing University, No.22 Hankou Road, 210093 Nanjing,
People’s Republic of China
D. Zhang
F.-Q. Wang
S.-X. Chen
C. Schmullius
Institute of Geography, Jena University, Grietgasse 6,
07743 Jena, Germany
W.-M. Boerner
Communications, Sensing & Navigation Laboratory,
Illinois University at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60607-7018, USA
H. Wang
Administration of Yancheng National Natural Reserve,
224002 Yanhceng, People’s Republic of China
Reg Environ Change (2011) 11:161–173
DOI 10.1007/s10113-010-0130-8
encroachment in the phreatic aquifer and sea-level rise (Cai
et al. 2009; Ryu et al. 2008; Zhang et al. 2002). Thus,
coastal environments are currently affected by natural
environmental changes, anthropogenic activities and syn-
ergistic combinations of the two (Burak et al. 2004; Fan
et al. 2006; Long and Skewes 1996; Ramessur 2002). The
expected accelerated rise in global mean sea levels during
the 21st century may endanger coastal human populations
and infrastructure and threaten many coastal ecosystems
(Lewsey et al. 2004; Thanh et al. 2004). Natural habitats
have been lost due to the reclamation of land for urban and
industrial development, agriculture, aquaculture and mari-
culture (LeDee et al. 2008; Walker et al. 2008). The large
and growing extent of human activity in coastal zones has
caused or enhanced a variety of environmental problems
(Alonso-Perez et al. 2003; Chen et al. 2006; Zhang 2002).
Coastal wetlands have wet, spongy soils and are located
in the transition zone between terrestrial land and ocean,
and they include freshwater, saltwater and mixed areas.
Due to these characteristics, wetlands contain a diverse
variety of wildlife and plants (Gibbes et al. 2009). Coastal
wetlands are a vital element of coastal zones and are valued
for a wide range of ecological, economic and cultural
reasons (Mackay et al. 2009). Coastal wetlands are
remarkable and crucial ecosystems in terms of environ-
mental health, distinctive geomorphologic features, typical
vegetation and faunal associations, and the human activi-
ties related to their singular environment (Jones et al. 2009;
Turner et al. 2004). Wetlands play a key role in supporting
the diversity and abundance of plants and animals of entire
landscape, and they provide habitats and refuges for many
migratory, rare or threatened species (Gan et al. 2009).
Some wetlands provide coastal protection against destruc-
tive natural events such as cyclones and storm tide inun-
dations (Rebelo et al. 2009). Moreover, coastal wetlands
can form the cornerstone elements of regional conservation
strategies (Weber 2004).
Land use maps are regarded to be fundamental for the
purpose of assessment and management planning of coastal
environments (Baban 1997; Chen et al. 2005; Sarma et al.
2008). Accurate coastal land use maps are essential for
monitoring changes over time, for assessing habitat con-
dition and for investigating their links with other ecological
system components that rely directly or indirectly on them
(Carreno et al. 2008). Remote sensing could play an
important and effective role in the coastal land use map-
ping and environmental monitoring (Mas 2004; White and
Asmar 1999) and can provide data in support of decision
making for the management of coastal resource and envi-
ronment, including in the context of international protocols
(Seto and Fragkias 2007). Kumar et al. (2007) studied land
use changes on Sagar Island, India, using Indian Remote
Sensing Satellite 1C (IRS IC) data from 1998 and 1999.
Barducci et al. (2009) studied coastal wetland change in the
San Rossore Natural Park with hyperspectral imaging
sensors. These coastal land use studies have helped assess
and monitor the status of wetland resources by detecting
changes on spatial and temporal scales, as well as pre-
dicting potential future trends.
Analyzing the changes in landscape patterns helps
identifying some of the most critical implications of
complex interactions between natural environmental
changes and anthropogenic activities (Forman 1997;
Turner et al. 2001; Yue et al. 2003) and, therefore, plays an
important role in guiding the planning and management
efforts. Landscape metrics can be used to assess the eco-
logical integrity of landscapes or as variables for models
that support planning actions (Yang and Liu 1995). Land
use transformation stages (Forman 1997) such as frag-
mentation, shrinkage and attrition (disappearance) can
easily be detected by landscape metrics. Landscape metrics
can also be used to analyze habitat change (Liu et al. 2003;
Fletcher et al. 2009), especially habitat fragmentation
(Gibbes et al. 2009).
Habitat fragmentation and natural vegetation loss have
been recognized as a major threat to ecosystems (Laurance
1999; Noss 2001). These two processes may have negative
effects on biodiversity, by increasing isolation of habitats
and putting at risk the viability of resident species popu-
lations (Debinski and Holt 2000), endangering species as
their habitat disappears (Armenteras et al. 2003) and
modifying species population dynamics (Watson et al.
2004). Fragmentation may also have negative effects on
species richness by reducing the probability of successful
dispersal and establishment (Gigord et al. 1999) as well as
by reducing the capacity of a patch of habitat to sustain a
resident population (Iida and Nakashizuka 1995). There-
fore, an understanding of the relationship between land-
scape patterns and the ecological processes influencing
distribution of species is required by resource managers to
provide a basis for making land use decisions (Turner et al.
The Yancheng National Nature Reserve (YNNR) was
established in 1983 with the major aim of protecting an
endangered bird species, the red-crowned cranes (Grus
japonensis), and its habitats. In 1992, the YNNR was
approved as an international biosphere reserve under
UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB),
and in 2002, it was included in the Ramsar Convention List
of Wetlands of International Importance. It is one of the
world’s major winter habitats for red-crowned cranes.
Every November to March, about two-thirds of the world
population of red-crowned cranes winter in the reserve.
The YNNR is also a stop-over site for over 300 species of
migratory birds from Northeast Asia and Australia (Zhu
et al. 2004). The YNNR is a critical area for the rescue of
162 C.-Q. Ke et al.
threatened species including the red-crowned crane, the
black-mouthed gull, etc. It is a vital element of China’s
conservation of both coastal wetland ecosystem and
Due to human population growth and economic devel-
opment, the YNNR is subjected to a multiple resource use
conflict, overexploitation of coastal resources and envi-
ronmental degradation (Ou et al. 2004). Therefore, a large
part of the original coastal wetland has been developed
since the late 1980s, and some natural coastal wetlands
have been transformed into other land types, such as fish
ponds and agricultural fields (Zuo et al. 2004). This has
resulted in a change to the coastal landscape and a reduc-
tion and fragmentation of the red-crowned crane habitat. In
order to better protect coastal wetland ecosystem and bio-
diversity in the YNNR, periodic mapping of land use and
coastal habitats should be performed to observe trends and
However, very few studies have been conducted to
identify coastal wetland and habitat change in the YNNR.
The present study provides a new dimension to understand
this. Through field investigations, the present study, by
adopting remote sensing data and landscape metrics anal-
ysis, examines coastal wetland change and its impact on
the red-crowned cranes habitat during the past few decades
and analyzes the underlying causes, which are also the
specific purposes of this study.
Study area
The YNNR is located on the east coast of Jiangsu Province,
China, from 32°200Nto34°370N and from 119°290Eto
121°160E (Fig. 1). The YNNR spans the five counties of
Yancheng City: Xiangshui County, Binhai County, Shey-
ang County, Dafeng City and Dongtai County. The
northern border of the reserve is the Guan River in
Xiangshui County; the southern border is the Xingang dam;
the western border is the Yellow Sea Road; and the
reserve’s eastern border is the Yellow Sea. It includes
582 km of coastline and many sand dunes of the conti-
nental shelf (Xu et al. 2005). It is normally divided into
three zones: the core zones of 175 km
located in Sheyang
County, the buffer zone and the experimental zone. Above
0 m bathymetric, the total area is about 57,033 ha. It is an
alluvial plain and beach area, and a typical intertidal
mudflat coast. There are many small rivers and lakes in the
area. Elevation in the YNNR varies between 0 and 4 m,
with an average slope of less than 5 degrees. The YNNR
lies in the transition belt between the warm temperate and
northern subtropical zones. As a result, the reserve’s cli-
mate is governed by seasonality, with a dry, cold winter
and a hot, rainy summer (Ma et al. 1998).
The YNNR is a coastal wetland typical of the Jiangsu
coastline. Its original landscape comprises coastal salt
marsh, so the variety of vegetation is poor and dominated
by salt tolerant plants. The plant community had a typical
landward succession sere type (Wan et al. 2001): (1) the
pioneer species Spartina alterniflora dominates the ele-
vated part of the intertidal zones; (2) a Suaeda salsa and
Suaeda glauca community is dominant in the hightidal
zones; and (3) in the supratidal zone, Aeluropus littoralis,
Phragmites australis, Imperata cylindrical, Scripus karu-
izawensis and Zoysiam jacrostachys are prevalent. The
original vegetation of the YNNR was comprised of Suaeda
salsa (L. Pall.) and common reed (Phragmites communis
Fig. 1 Location of study area in
Analyzing coastal wetland change 163
Trin). In 1963 and 1979, common cordgrass (Spartina
anglica C.E. Hubbard) and smooth cordgrass (Spartina
alterniflora Loisel) were introduced from England and the
United States, respectively, and after the 1990s, they
became the two dominant plants of the intertidal zone in
the YNNR (Li et al. 2005). The main land use types in the
YNNR are reeds, grass flats, ponds, agriculture fields,
rivers, salt fields and developed areas.
Data and methods
In this study, three remote sensing images were used to
examine coastal wetland change in the YNNR. Landsat
images (Table 1) were purchased from China Remote
Sensing Satellite Ground Station. Late spring time images
were selected because, for this area, main plants flourish
and have different height and density in late spring, which
reduced the spectral confusion between reeds and grass
flats during land use interpretation from the images. The
images, which have six bands (except for the thermal band)
and 30-m spatial resolution, are predominantly cloud-free.
Ancillary data include 1: 50,000 digital topographical
maps, aerial photographs, land use maps, administrative
maps and social-economic statistical data from local
authorities. The YNNR boundary was delineated using
administrative maps. The aerial photos and land use maps
were used as a reference for satellite images interpretation
and land use mapping.
Land use mapping
The raw images used for this study were georeferenced
based on the digital topographical maps. After georefer-
ence, the images had a Gaussian–Krueger projection and a
Root Mean Squared Error (RMS error) of less than one
pixel. The images were cut to include only the study area in
order to create a multi-temporal image data set. The
empirical method referred to by Hall et al. (1991)as
‘radiometric rectification’ was used for radiometric cor-
rection. Image enhancement techniques (Bajjouk et al.
1998) were applied to the data in order to optimize the
information for visual interpretation and digitalization.
After this processing, image statistics and histograms from
the three periods were found to be similar and comparable
for the study area.
Classification of land use based on multi-spectral or
multi-temporal remote sensing images has been the main
approach for detecting wetland change (Franklin et al.
2001). But visual interpretation is also a popular method,
and it is particularly suitable for small areas (Liu et al.
2005). Although visual interpretation is a time-consuming
and difficult method, it can more accurately provide land
use maps compared with automatic classification (Liu et al.
2005). In order to obtain high quality land use change
information on the basis of Landsat TM image in 2006, we
developed a land use database at a spatial scale of 1:
100,000 through visual interpretation and digitalization
with technical support from ArcGIS software (ESRI 1999).
Before the interpretation began, fieldwork was conducted
in March 2007 covering the entire study area. Therefore,
we had a priori knowledge of the study area as a whole,
including landform, soil, vegetation, ponds, rivers, salt
fields, agriculture fields and built-up areas.
Interpreters used ArcGIS software to identify land use
types based on their understanding on the object’s spectral
reflectance, structure and other ancillary information.
Then, they drew boundaries and added the attribute labels
to the polygons to produce the digital map. The smallest
patch of land use we selected was not less than 25 pixels
(2.25 ha), and the shortest edge was longer than 3 pixels
(90 m). After the preliminary interpretation, an inventory
was conducted of the areas, which had not been definitely
delineated or identified. A second round of field surveys,
conducted on April–May 2007, had two targets: areas
where ground surveys were the only solution and areas
where it sufficed to study aerial photographs. The field
data were statistically analyzed. The checked cases were
reviewed based on the field verification and the photo-
graphs; if the results of the verifications were unsatisfac-
tory, some or all of the interpretation process was
repeated. The final vector land use maps, which form the
core of the spatial database, were edited and compiled by
comparing the results of visual interpretation and field-
work with the help of land use maps from local land
A system of land use classification was established in
which land use was grouped into 7 categories: river, reed,
grass flat, agriculture field, built-up area, salt field and
pond. Reed areas were defined as areas covered with reed
beds (Phragmites communis Trin). Grass flat areas included
areas covered with Spartina alterniflora,Suaeda salsa, etc.
Agriculture field areas included paddy and dry farming
land. Built-up areas included urban areas, rural settlements
and others areas such as roads. Areas used for salt
Table 1 List of satellite images used in this study
Platform Sensor Path/row Resolution
Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper 119-37 30 April 9, 1988
Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper 119-37 30 May 20, 1997
Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper 119-37 30 May 29, 2006
164 C.-Q. Ke et al.
production was classified as salt field areas. Pond areas
included lakes and artificial aquaculture areas.
In order to evaluate the accuracy of the land use maps
derived from remote sensing images covering the YNNR,
we conducted a third round of field surveys in June 2007,
covering a total survey length of 61 km across the study
area, 123 patches and more than 80 photos located with
GPS facilities. The overall accuracy of the land cover
classification was found to be 93.4% (Table 2). For the
reed and grass flat areas, the accuracy was 95.5 and 90.0%
respectively, based on the evaluation of 22 and 10 patches,
respectively. For pond areas, the accuracy was 94.7%
based on an evaluation of 19 patches. For agriculture land
areas, the accuracy was 93.5% based on an evaluation of 31
patches. The identification of built-up areas was 92.8%
accurate based on 14 patches. We collected 47 slices to
evaluate the accuracy of location during mapping process.
The results indicated that 96.7% of the polygon boundaries
show less than one pixel (30 m) shift from the real
To obtain land use maps for 1988 and 1997, the inter-
preters drew the land use patches based on remote sensing
images from those years. The land use maps for 2006 were
used as supporting information to identify the types of land
use for each patch. We chose 54 and 110 land use patches
in 1988 and 1997, respectively, to make an accuracy
evaluation by interviewing YNNR administration staff and
longtime residents in the YNNR. We also referred to aerial
photos and historical land use maps obtained from the local
authorities. The results showed that the overall identifica-
tion accuracies were 96.2% in 1988 and 95.6% in 1997
(Table 2).
Quantifying landscape metrics
Time series landscape metrics can be used to quantify
coastal wetland structure and spatial configuration
(Seto and Fragkias 2005). Moreover, they can be used as
indicators of habitat quality and other environmental con-
cerns (Hansen et al. 2001; Hargis et al. 1999; Revenga
2005). Of interest to us is the coastal wetland change of the
YNNR as a whole; we analyze the coastal wetland change
and habitat fragmentation by examining the changing
landscape metrics in the last few decades.
Numerous landscape metrics have been proposed (For-
man and Godron 1986). Choices for appropriate landscape
metrics are dependent upon the scale of analysis and
objectives of the study (Turner and Gardner 1991; Forman
1995; Turner et al. 2001). For example, if landscape
fragmentation is to be examined, one will choose indicators
that relate to patch number, mean patch size, patch density,
etc. In the YNNR study area, we sought to identify those
indicators that best reflect the landscape’s temporal change
and habitat fragmentation. Five landscape metrics at the
class level were selected: NP, PD, MPS, SHAPE-AM and
IJI (Table 3). Another 5 landscape metrics at the landscape
level were chosen: NP, MPS, LPI, SHAPE-AM and IJI
(Table 3). Metrics computed at the class level are helpful
for the understanding of landscape development. Indicators
computed at the landscape level yield relatively general
information averaged over the entire landscape (unit) under
The definition and description of these landscape met-
rics (Table 3) in FRAGSTATS are given in the FRAG-
STATS user’s guide (McGarigal and Marks 1995).
FRAGSTATS, developed by the Forest Science Depart-
ment, Oregon State University, USA, is a program for
quantifying landscape structure (McGarigal and Marks
1995), and the vector version of this program was used to
calculate landscape metrics for each land use map in the
YNNR. The choice of these metrics seems appropriate,
because the utilized metrics either individually or in con-
junction reveal a distinct but complementary aspect of
complex processes such as fragmentation in a particular
land use class. Moreover, these metrics are in the core set
of landscape metrics indicated by Leitao and Ahern (2002).
Table 2 Accuracy assessment for the land use maps for 1988, 1997 and 2006
Year AF Pond BA SF GF Reed River Total
1988 SPN 6 8 5 2 6 15 12 54
CPN 6 8 5 2 6 14 11 52
ACC 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 93.3% 91.7% 96.2%
1997 SPN 32 20 21 2 5 19 11 110
CPN 31 19 20 2 5 18 10 105
ACC 96.9% 95% 95.2% 100% 100% 94.7% 90.9% 95.8%
2006 SPN 31 19 14 1 10 22 26 123
CPN 29 18 13 1 9 21 24 115
ACC 93.5% 94.7% 92.8% 100% 90% 95.5% 92.3% 93.4%
AF agriculture land, BA built-up area, SF salt flat, GF grass flat, SPN sampling patch number, CPN correct patch number, ACC accuracy
Analyzing coastal wetland change 165
Land use change
Land use changes are presented in Figs. 2and Fig. 3,
Tables 4,5and 6. The grass flat dominated the YNNR in
1988 and 1997, accounting for 44.04 and 36.55% of the
total area, respectively. It continuously decreased from
1988 to 2006, and 66.91% (16,843.50 ha) of the 1988 area
was lost by 2006. Moreover, as of 2006, only the central
region of the YNNR still remained as grass flat habitat,
with most of the decrease recorded in the north and south
regions. The grass flat area decreased most quickly
between 1997 and 2006. Reed area was the second largest
land use type in 1988, and it experienced the same change
trend as the grass flat, decreasing from 33.68% in 1988 to
14.15% in 2006. In terms of spatial distribution, the reed
area is adjacent to the grass flat area. The grass flat and reed
areas were the main vegetation cover type in the YNNR,
and they also constitute the habitat of the red-crowned
cranes. Salt flat, concentrated in the north part of the study
area, increased from 1988 to 1997 but significantly
decreased from 1997 to 2006.
Most other land use types increased during the study
period. Agriculture fields significantly increased from
1.46% in 1988 to 18.57% in 2006 and the annual mean
increase rate was 599.84 ha. The increase in agriculture
fields occurred on the north bank of Xinyanggang River,
i.e. the north and south part of the study area, replacing
both grass flat and reed cover. Pond area, another fast
increasing land use type, was distributed mainly in the
north and south parts and increased by 25,241.84 ha over
18 years. Its area in 2006 was 7 times greater than in 1988,
and its annual mean increase rate was 1,402.38 ha—the
highest rate of increase for any land type. Pond area
increased most quickly from 1997 to 2006, when its annual
mean increase rate reached 2,062.76 ha. The areas in which
pond increased were also the areas where grass flat and
reed cover decreased. Built-up areas increased fivefold
from 77.76 ha in 1988 to 468 ha in 2006 but still accounted
for only a small proportion of the total area. River area
(mainly canals, channels and ditches) showed a little
increase from 1988 to 2006.
Landscape change
The quantification of landscape pattern through landscape
metrics is a key element for studying landscape function
and change (Forman and Godron 1986; Turner et al. 2001).
Figure 4and Table 7compared changes in landscape
metrics at the class level. Grass flat areas were the fastest
decreasing landscape patch type: the NP of grass flat
decreased from 7 in 1988 to 5 in 1997 but then increased to
12 by 2006, and the MPS increased in the first 9 years but
quickly decreased in the second 9 years. PD and AWMSI
decreased in the first period and increased in the second
period. Reed areas also showed rapid loss over the 18-year
period. The NP and PD for reed areas continuously
increased during the study period but the MPS decreased.
The landscape metrics changes in grass flat and reed areas
reflect coastal wetland and vegetation ecosystem change,
and natural vegetation is disturbed and reduced.
Agriculture field area was the highest variable landscape
patch type: the NP dramatically increased at first before
decreasing slightly in the second period (Fig. 4; Table 7).
Pond area was the fastest increasing landscape patch type:
its NP increased in the first study period and then increased
by another patch from 1997 to 2006. In particular, MPS
increased very quickly from 1997 to 2006. Such growth
changes in agriculture fields and ponds resulted from the
high economic benefits of transforming grass flat, reed and
salt flat areas into agriculture fields and aquaculture ponds
from 1988 to 2006. Built-up area was another highly var-
iable patch type. NP continuously increased from 6 in 1988
to 21 in 1997 and to 33 in 2006. The expansion of built-up
area further shows the effects of human activities on the
red-crowned cranes habitat.
The above results reveal that spatial patterns in the
YNNR have become more heterogeneous and fragmented:
grass flat and reed areas consistently shrank, while agri-
culture field and pond area significantly grew, but the NP
for all these land use types increased from 1988 to 2006.
Changes in other landscape metrics also support this
inference. Overall, the change direction of the coastal
landscape has been toward increased heterogeneity and
Comparison of the change of landscape metrics at the
landscape level is shown in Table 8. The NP continuously
Table 3 Landscape pattern metrics description
Index (unit) Level Description
NP Class Number of patches
PD Class Patch density
MPS (ha) Class Mean patch size
AWMSI Class Area-weighted mean shape index
IJI Class Interspersion and juxtaposition index
NP Landscape Number of patches
MPS (ha) Landscape Mean patch size
LPI Landscape Largest patch index
AWMSI Landscape Area-weighted mean shape index
ENN_MN (m) Landscape Mean Euclidean nearest neighbor
Metrics calculated using Fragstats. Index and description definition
adapted from McGarigal and Marks (1995)
166 C.-Q. Ke et al.
increased from 69 in 1988 to 147 in 1997 and then 195 in
2006. Correspondingly, MPS steadily decreased from
828.40 to 426.62 ha and then 321.17 ha, showing that
some original patches were divided and that landscape
heterogeneity and fragmentation was rising. The spatial
context of the landscape patches also changed significantly.
For instance, the ENN-MN steadily shortened from
1,354 m in 1988 to 539 m in 1997 and then 509 m in 2006.
This illustrates that the spatial distribution of various pat-
ches in the YNNR became fragmented. Landscape metrics
helped in quantification of coastal landscape structures in
the YNNR and conveys the extent of changes and their
Driving force analysis
The wetland changes revealed for the YNNR have occur-
red as a result of interactions of a number of socioeconomic
forces. Many studies indicate that population growth is an
important driving force of wetland change and also one of
the main factors in landscape change. The human popula-
tion of the coastal region in Yancheng city significantly
increased from 750 million in 1988 to 805 million in 2006
(Editing committee of ‘‘50 Years in Jiangsu’1999; City
Social-Economic Investigation Department of NBSC 2008).
Population growth has resulted in the expansion of built-up
areas and also contributed to the reclamation of natural
grass flat and reed areas for agricultural purposes. Some
canals, channels and ditches were dug to meet growing
demands for irrigation. Increased agricultural land area
facilities the increased grain production necessary to feed a
growing population. Clearly, human activities have
disturbed the natural coastal wetland ecosystem and the
red-crowned cranes habitat.
Government policy plays an important role in the coastal
wetland change in the YNNR. The government strategy to
develop the marine zone in eastern Jiangsu, referred to in the
Province as ‘‘constructing marine eastern Jiangsu’’, has been
promoted since the early 1990s, and the coastal development
of Jiangsu has gradually entered a new era. Preferential
policies for coastal development in Jiangsu were imple-
mented in order to promote aquaculture development and
Fig. 2 Land use maps of the
YNNR in 1988, 1997 and 2006
Fig. 3 Land use of the YNNR in 1988, 1997 and 2006 as a percent of
the total area
Analyzing coastal wetland change 167
resulted in quick economic growth. Gross domestic product
(GDP) of Yancheng city was about 1.2 billion $ in 1988 and
167.8 billion $ in 2006, respectively (Editing committee of
‘50 Years in Jiangsu’1999; City Social-Economic Inves-
tigation Department of NBSC 2008). In order to implement
government policy of economic growth, many grass flat and
reed areas were reclaimed and transformed into aquaculture
ponds to obtain greater economic benefits compared with the
modest economic benefits of agriculture. At the same time,
the salt industry, with low economic benefit, was replaced by
more profitable aquaculture. Artificial channels area
increase also showed the development of aquaculture. The
aquaculture output significantly increased from 132 thou-
sand ton in 1988 to 852 thousand ton in 2006 (Editing
committee of ‘‘50 Years in Jiangsu’1999; City Social-
Economic Investigation Department of NBSC 2008). The
fast development of aquaculture led to significant increase of
ponds area and area reduction of reed, grass flat and salt flat.
Table 5 Change matrix for 1988 and 1997 (area in ha)
AF Pond BA SF GF River Reed 1988
AF 186.96 8.28 10.44 0.00 0.00 0.03 59.37 265.08
Pond 32.69 2932.54 10.75 224.73 0.00 0.32 54.75 3255.78
BA 41.15 55.41 53.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.07 178.72
SF 0.00 0.00 0.00 7341.96 0.00 0.00 42.53 7384.49
GF 4325.46 3952.34 12.93 218.81 22580.30 3.88 510.58 31604.30
River 1.33 73.06 0.00 0.00 0.14 930.01 62.86 1067.40
Reed 825.11 2757.16 703.84 523.52 2112.24 18.08 6338.20 13278.15
1997 Total 5412.70 9778.79 791.05 8309.02 24692.68 952.32 7097.36 57033.92
AF agriculture land, BA built-up area, SF salt flat, GF grass flat
Table 6 Change matrix for 1997 and 2006 (area in ha)
AF Pond BA SF GF River Reed 1997
AF 4330.13 761.06 101.23 0.00 0.00 121.60 98.69 5412.71
Pond 732.23 8468.18 79.03 1.43 9.69 52.67 435.56 9778.79
BA 66.87 398.68 106.08 0.00 0.00 12.55 206.98 791.16
SF 0.00 4894.02 0.02 3409.03 0.00 5.94 0.00 8309.01
GF 4699.34 10089.28 28.80 0.00 8462.19 63.35 1349.58 24692.54
River 42.87 93.12 7.83 0.60 5.18 671.52 131.21 952.33
Reed 1331.10 1809.50 146.22 0.00 194.99 67.55 3548.02 7097.38
2006 Total 11202.54 26513.84 469.21 3411.06 8672.05 995.18 5770.04 57033.92
AF agriculture land, BA built-up area, SF salt flat, GF grass flat
Table 4 Percentage and rate of land use changes for 1988, 1997 and 2006
Land use types AF Pond BA SF GF River Reed
CP (%) 599.71 187.08 390.39 6.43 -8.96 19.65 -25.08
AMCR (ha/a) 556.77 742.00 33.73 52.73 -250.49 18.80 -536.53
CP (%) 98.97 181.16 22.73 -56.60 -63.66 7.64 -38.56
AMCR (ha/a) 642.91 2062.76 9.63 -494.35 -1621.01 8.74 -618.08
CP (%) 1292.20 707.15 501.85 -53.81 -66.91 28.79 -53.96
AMCR (ha/a) 599.84 1402.38 21.68 -220.81 -935.75 13.77 -577.31
CP change percentage, AMCR annual mean change rate
168 C.-Q. Ke et al.
Impacts on habitat
The changes in land use and landscape metrics discussed in
Sect. 4provide verification for the habitat change of red-
crowned cranes. Correspondingly, the natural coastal wetland
consistently decreased from 1988 to 2006 and became frag-
mented and heterogeneous, with significant decrease in grass
flat and reed areas, and thus, the habitat gradually diminished,
and even the core area of the YNNR was threatened. At the
same time, this variation trends also indicated that the natural
coastal landscape and wetland ecosystem in the YNNR
deteriorated during the entire study period.
Birds are an indicator species for wetland environment
(Foster et al. 2009; Robledano et al. 2010), and the red-
crowned cranes can be a symbol of wetland ecosystem (Ma
et al. 1999), and bird number and species can reflect the
health status of wetland ecosystem. The changing trend of
the red-crowned cranes number from 1988 to 2010 also
showed the deteriorated habitat and wetland ecosystem of
the YNNR (Fig. 5). If conservation measures are not
adopted, the critical habitat will cease to exist and red-
crowned cranes may disappear from the YNNR. This
species is already considered globally threatened and los-
ing its habitat, especially such an important wintering area
will likely put it at the brink of extinction or drive it to
extinction altogether. Habitat loss of the YNNR would
mean a great loss of a unique ecosystem and of the
diversity of species, which will be unrecoverable.
Certainly, the habitat changes have negative impacts on the
global ecosystem and biodiversity because the YNNR is
important to the red-crowned cranes population and other
migratory birds.
The study suggested that protecting the natural coastal
wetland habitats and reducing human interventions are
urgent and crucial problems for the YNNR. Local activity
related to land use change should be carefully managed and
designed to develop a more suitable environment for the
bird species. The essential wintering habitat should be
identified and protected from future development, and
other key areas should also be restored.
1988 1997 2006
1988 1997 2006
1988 19 97 2006
1988 1997 2006
1988 1997 2006
Fig. 4 Change of landscape metrics at class level for 1988, 1997 and 2006 (aNP, bPD, cMPS, dAWMSI, eIJI)
Analyzing coastal wetland change 169
National nature reserve planning and management are
presently insufficient for the preservation of the red-
crowned cranes habitat. As a functional unit, a national
nature reserve is only one of many interrelated ecological
chains crossing a range of scales. Comprehensive conser-
vation strategies should also consider the interrelationships
among the complicated ecological and social processes at
various scales.
We applied remote sensing technology and landscape pat-
tern metrics to examine the coastal wetland change in the
YNNR. The results revealed that grass flat and reed areas
have significantly decreased, whereas agriculture fields,
aquaculture ponds and built-up areas have continuously
increased from 1988 to 2006, and thus, the red-crowned
cranes habitat gradually diminished, and even the core area
of the YNNR is threatened. The overall patch number
increased, resulting in a reduced mean patch size. The spatial
pattern of wetland landscape had become fragmented and
heterogeneous. The changes in both landscape metrics and
the red-crowned cranes number showed that the natural
coastal landscape and wetland ecosystem deteriorated dur-
ing the entire study period. Anthropogenic driving forces
influencing wetland change include population growth and
Table 7 Metrics comparison at class level for 1988, 1997 and 2006
Land use types AF Pond BA SF GF River Reed
NP 6166271418
PD 0.011 0.028 0.011 0.004 0.012 0.025 0.032
MPS (ha) 139.26 223.10 12.96 3693.00 3596.20 61.50 1069.80
AWMSI 2.01 1.83 1.54 1.61 2.56 6.80 3.04
IJI 78.82 85.35 82.69 55.54 58.99 60.75 77.74
NP 60 25 21 2 5 11 23
PD 0.096 0.040 0.034 0.003 0.008 0.018 0.037
MPS (ha) 97.44 409.91 18.16 3930.26 4583.79 93.65 627.29
AWMSI 2.07 1.77 2.32 1.41 2.34 6.94 2.81
IJI 86.98 81.87 71.09 77.11 64.87 71.44 90.23
NP 53 26 33 1 12 31 39
PD 0.085 0.042 0.053 0.002 0.019 0.050 0.062
MPS (ha) 219.48 1108.17 14.18 3411.36 694.16 35.77 227.31
AWMSI 2.03 3.62 1.86 1.34 3.14 6.39 3.11
IJI 55.87 83.80 76.92 6.27 45.06 71.91 75.54
AF agriculture land, BA built-up area, SF salt flat, GF grass flat, NP number of patches, PD patch density, MPS mean patch size, AWMSI area-
weighted mean shape index, IJI interspersion and juxtaposition index
Table 8 Metrics comparison at landscape level in the YNNR for
1988, 1997 and 2006
1988 69 828.40 24.49 2.61 1354.80
1997 147 426.62 14.05 2.28 539.26
2006 195 321.17 22.67 3.10 509.44
NP number of patches, MPS mean patch size, LPI largest patch index,
AWMSI area-weighted mean shape index, ENN_MN mean Euclidean
nearest neighbor distance
y = -6.4595x + 13633
R2 = 0.0723
red-crowned crane number
Fig. 5 Red-crowned cranes number from 1988 to 2010
170 C.-Q. Ke et al.
coastal development policies of aquaculture promotion. It is
expected that the trend toward fragmentation and hetero-
geneity will continue if driving forces are not altered.
To protect the red-crowned cranes habitat, conservation
measures must be strengthened. From this study, we can see
that coastal zone development is leading to the natural
wetland decrease and may threaten the survival of the
red-crowned cranes and other migratory birds in the YNNR.
In any policy development, we should give special consid-
eration to the protection of the coastal wetland ecosystem to
seek both economic and environmental benefits.
Acknowledgments Thanks are extended to the anonymous
reviewers and to the subject editor Prof. Ruth DeFries and editor-in-
chief Prof. Wolfgang Cramer for their excellent reviews and con-
structive comments. This research is financially supported by the
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC Grant No.
40730635 and 40971044), Hydrologic public benefit project of Water
Resource Ministry of China (Grant No. 200701024), Program for
New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET-08-0276) and
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) scholarship.
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... In particular, the littoral zone harbors several unique animal species, including molluscs, echinoderms, and crustaceans (Göltenboth et al., 2006). The economic value of the littoral zone, however, attracts anthropogenic activity through tourism and urbanization, the effects of which may threaten the integrity of coastal ecosystems Ke et al., 2011). The destruction of the ecosystem, replacement by structures, and disruption by chemical and noise pollution may disturb the behavior of various animal species in urbanized coastal regions (Beatley, 1991;Neves & Bemvenuti, 2006;Dauvin, 2008;Pine et al., 2016). ...
... Anthropogenic-related factors increase energy expenditure when searching for food, shelter (Stillman & Goss-Custard, 2002), and mates (Butler & Maruska, 2020), impacting fitness and decreasing population density. Increasing the number and area of protected habitats or natural reserves is a viable strategy to regulate urban development and preserve biodiversity (Beatley, 1991;Ke et al., 2011). More empirical data on the population of coastal organisms occupying the understudied littoral zone is necessary to better understand the effects of urbanization and promote local legislation for coastal conservation. ...
... The C. clypeatus profile generated herein suggests that the protected beach harbors more optimal conditions for the hermit crab population than the highly frequented beach. This may be due to the variety of factors and anthropogenic activities that threaten the ecological integrity of the coastal region, which is minimized in protected beaches (Ke et al., 2011). Determining the specific anthropogenic factors inducing the observed differences in the C. clypeatus population, was beyond the scope of our study. ...
Full-text available
The coastal Caribbean is a well-known harbor for biodiversity, yet it is mainly valued for its ample resources and services. Economic interests typically supersede conservation efforts, introducing anthropogenic-related factors such as noise, chemical pollution, and geographical disturbances into the littoral zone, where ecological diversity is abundant. Although human activity is known to be detrimental to biodiversity across habitats, the effect of conservation measures that limit anthropogenic activity on coastal populations remains understudied. To measure the benefit of conservation in the littoral environment, we sampled populations of the hermit crab Coenobita clypeatus (Fabricius, 1787) of highly frequented (non-protected) and protected beaches in northern Puerto Rico. We profiled 1,119 individuals by using transects, describing their size and shell utilization patterns during winter and summer. The C. clypeatus population was larger (P < 0.0001 during both seasons) and more abundant (P = 0.0006 during winter, P < 0.0038 during summer) in the protected beach than in the non-protected beach, with no effect of season. Shell utilization patterns were more consistent in the protected beach, likely due to the greater availability of gastropod shells. These results suggest that the conservation measures implemented in the protected beach promote the survival, reproduction, and growth of hermit crabs in the location. Expansion of protected habitats through governmental and civilian efforts should enhance the conservation of the biodiversity of protected areas.
... In this regard, the most commonly adopted methods include the artificial assignment method based on land use types (Cui et al., 2018;Liao et al., 2019) and the integrated weighted stacking method using multiple socioeconomic data (Zhang et al., 2019b;Zhou et al., 2017). Compared with land use structure analysis studies, e.g., land use/land cover change Ke et al., 2011;Xie et al., 2010Xie et al., , 2012Zhu et al., 2018) and landscape evolution straits Ke et al., 2011) analyses, these land function-based studies are H. Wang still scarce and being developed. ...
... In this regard, the most commonly adopted methods include the artificial assignment method based on land use types (Cui et al., 2018;Liao et al., 2019) and the integrated weighted stacking method using multiple socioeconomic data (Zhang et al., 2019b;Zhou et al., 2017). Compared with land use structure analysis studies, e.g., land use/land cover change Ke et al., 2011;Xie et al., 2010Xie et al., , 2012Zhu et al., 2018) and landscape evolution straits Ke et al., 2011) analyses, these land function-based studies are H. Wang still scarce and being developed. ...
Full-text available
Up to now, almost all the land-based regional/landscape ecological risk assessment studies are constructed on land use structure information. However, related research with land use function perspective and information is still scarce. Thus, in this study, a new human disturbance source–receptor characterization system based on production–living–ecology (PLE) land use function analysis was employed for regional ecological risk assessment (RERA) purposes. Firstly, regional production, living and ecology function indices were produced using related methods and datasets. Then, incorporating eco-environmental vulnerability indices in terms of both land and sea, an integrated human disturbance-related RERA framework was established for the Yellow River Delta High-efficiency Eco-economic Zone, China. The practice and results of this work demonstrated that (1) it is rational to employ this land function-based RERA framework because of its unique research perspective, higher information richness and effective spatial expression of PLE functions; (2) coastal zones had higher integrated ecological risk levels (mainly grades 3 and 4) than inland regions (mainly grades 1 and 2), reflecting the significant differences in ecology function and eco-environmental vulnerability levels between them; and (3) from a proportional viewpoint, the low-, medium-, high- and very high-risk grades accounted for 52.13%, 31.99%, 12.87% and 3.02% of the whole region, respectively. For regional ecological risk management, promoting production function optimization of coastal salterns/breeding ponds through circular economy mode and enhancing coastal wetland protection by pertinent spatial/nonspatial measures will be helpful. This work can facilitate coastal zone RERA research in terms of human disturbance and eco-environmental vulnerability manifestation.
... The definition of the land use and land cover categories depends on the USGS and Anderson's LCLU classification system (Tran & Fischer, 2017;Feng et al., 2018 ;Dong & Wang, 2010). These maps provide spatially explicit data to evaluate the changes over 30 years. ...
... To quantify landscape patterns and analyze landscape dynamics, in the first step, we reviewed 21 related articles (Cai, Li, Ye, & Zhang, 2016), (Sudhakar Reddy, Manaswini, Jha, Diwakar, & Dadhwal, 2017), (Mahamane, Hochschild, Schultz, & Kuma, 2015), (Feng et al., 2018), (Tran & Fischer, 2017), (Dong & Wang, 2010), (Vaz, 2014) , (Manson, Loneragan, & Phinn, 2003), (Singh et al., 2017), (Ju, Arnaldo, Gomes, Fontes, & Mcmanus, 2017), (Sinha, Kumar, & Reid, 2016), (Alphan, 2017), (Gbanie, Griffin, & Thornton, 2018) , (Deng, Wang, Hong, & Qi, 2009), (Basin, 2018), (Chen, Jia, Hutjes, & Menenti, 2015), (Araya & Cabral, 2010), (Zhao et al., 2010), (Botequilha-Leitao & Diaz-Varela, 2018), (Narumalani, Mishra, & Rothwell, 2004) , (Xu & Min, 2013) and found 8 landscape metrics were more emphasized. In the second step, indicated landscape metrics were calculated at the landscape and class levels by FRAGSTATS 3.3 (Feng et al., 2018;Wu et al., 2017) . ...
Although there are considerable profits in dam projects, they contribute to significant environmental changes. Landscape patterns are influenced by human pressure and are altered continuously. This study investigated the changes in the landscape pattern of Jask’s coastal area in Iran due to the Jagin River dam’s construction. A proposed methodology employed satellite images from 1987 to 2018 and classified them by multiple approaches to make LULC maps. Eight information categories were evaluated after classification. The accuracy of the classification was determined using the error matrix and kappa index. FRAGSTATS software was applied to calculate several landscape metrics such as edge density (ED), largest patch index (LPI) and Shannon’s diversity index (SHDI). The study reported that water right especially in the recent years, because of excessive use of reserve water, decreased and downstream of Jagin River was dried. The landscapes were continuously characterized by anthropogenic pattern features (agriculture land, aquaculture land, built-up land and residential land) after the dam’s construction. Rangeland cover and riparian vegetation decreased, and agriculture land increased with in filling pattern. The sand dune area has been spread to the residential area and roots of mangrove forests, because of this reason some parts of mangrove forest dried and roads are covered by sand dune. Their temporal comparison allowed us to localize the change in landscape patterns under the study time. The results can help decision-makers to evaluate the net benefits acquired as a result of the dam projects.
... The reserve extends for 582 km along the coastline of the Yellow Sea [2]. It became an international biosphere reserve in UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere Programme in 1992 and was included in the Ramsar Convention List of Wetlands of International Importance in 2002 [3]. The reserve adjacent to the Subei Shoal area is a critical habitat for 405 bird species, including the red-crowned crane, and approximating 3,000,000 migratory birds annually [4]. ...
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Simple Summary The red-crowned crane Grus japonensis in the National Yancheng Rare Birds Nature Reserve needs large quantities of high-protein food sources, including juvenile fishes, to fuel their migratory journeys. Some fish species use the tide to complete inshore migration, and they gradually migrate from the open sea to the surf area to find a more suitable habitat. In this paper, we used a fixed station to assess how the number of characteristics and developmental stages of fish larvae vary with the tide and how these values are related to environmental variables. We found that the number of species and larval individuals were highest and lowest, respectively, at the highest and lowest tidal height, and they obviously increased and decreased with the rising and ebb tide, respectively. We detected a tendency for Cynoglossus joyneri, Larimichthys polyactis, and Liza haematocheila to be present at higher density during the rising tide compared with the ebb tide, indicating that they were moving to the near shore from the open sea. Our findings indicate that the variation in numbers of the larvae and juveniles depends on species and developmental stage. These results provide a better understanding of the habitat of prey species of the wild bird population. Abstract The National Yancheng Rare Birds Nature Reserve is a vitally important staging habitat for the wild population of red-crowned cranes (Grus japonensis) in China. The population relies on local high-protein food sources, such as fish juveniles, to fuel their migratory journeys. However, little is known about the ecology of the fish larvae and juveniles that migrate to the inshore area via tidal rhythm in Subei Shoal, which is adjacent to the reserve. Therefore, we used a fixed study station (32°55′1.2″ N, 121°19′58.8″ E) to conduct a continuous 15-day ichthyoplankton survey at 2 h intervals beginning at 05:00 on 25 April and ending at 03:00 on 10 May 2019. We identified the tidal variations in the number of fish larvae and juveniles and the number at various developmental stages and assessed how they were related to environmental variables such as sea surface temperature, salinity, turbidity, and tidal height in the Dafeng Sea area of Subei Shoal. We found that the number of species and larval individuals were highest and lowest, respectively, at the highest and lowest tidal height, and they obviously increased and decreased with the rising and ebb tide, respectively. Our findings indicate that the variation in numbers of the larvae and juveniles depends on species and developmental stage. The species Acanthogobius ommaturus, Pholis fangi, Cynoglossus joyneri, Liza haematocheila, and Lateolabrax japonicus and the total number of larvae were most influenced by tidal height. These results provide a better understanding of the habitat of prey species of the red-crowned crane wild population as well as scientific data that can be applied to manage the wild population in the reserve sustainably.
... Today, numerous ecologically significant China's coastal wetlands (Ke et al. 2011), which contain more than 28,000 native species over 30,017 km are threatened by rapid urbanization and economic development (He et al. 2014;Lin and Yu 2018). Increased species invasion in these wetlands has modified ecosystem structure, altered vegetation community composition, hydrology, and biotic interactions, consequently resulting in poor ecosystem functioning (Yang et al. 2017a, b). ...
The exotic saltmarsh cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora (Loisel) Peterson & Saarela, is one of the important causes for the extensive destruction of mangroves in China due to its invasive nature. The species has rapidly spread wildly across coastal wetlands, challenging resource managers for control of its further spread. An investigation of S. alterniflora invasion and associated ecological risk is urgent in China’s coastal wetlands. In this study, an ecological risk invasive index system was developed based on the Driving Force-Pressure-State-Impact-Response framework. Predictions were made of ‘warning degrees’: zero warning and light, moderate, strong, and extreme warning, by developing a back propagation (BP) artificial neural network model for coastal wetlands in eastern Fujian Province. Our results suggest that S. alterniflora mainly has invaded Kandelia candel beaches and farmlands with clustered distributions. An early warning indicator system assessed the ecological risk of the invasion and showed a ladder-like distribution from high to low extending from the urban area in the central inland region with changes spread to adjacent areas. Areas of light warning and extreme warning accounted for 43% and 7%, respectively, suggesting the BP neural network model is reliable prediction of the ecological risk of S. alterniflora invasion. The model predicts that distribution pattern of this invasive species will change little in the next 10 years. However, the invaded patches will become relatively more concentrated without warning predicted. We suggest that human factors such as land use activities may partially determine changes in warning degree. Our results emphasize that an early warning system for S. alterniflora invasion in China’s eastern coastal wetlands is significant, and comprehensive control measures are needed, particularly for K. candel beach.
... It is one of the most important coastal wetland ecosystems in the world, and also a habitat, wintering place, breeding place and stopover place for rare wildlife. Millions of wildlife inhabit here every year (Ke et al., 2011;Wang et al., 2021b). Under the protection policy, the influence of surrounding human activities on wetland ecology has been gradually curbed. ...
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The Natural Heritage Site of the Coast of Yellow Sea-Bohai Gulf of China plays a prominent role in the conservation of global biodiversity. However, with the increase in the number of species inhabiting here, the problem of competition in the habitat space of species within the heritage site has gradually emerged, which has become an important bottleneck restricting the sustainable development of the heritage site. Therefore, this study selected the typical wetland wildlife in this area, red crowned crane (Grus japonensis) and Chinese water deer (Hydropotes inermis), as the study objects. This study used their continuous GPS tracking data to reveal the seasonal laws of habitat selection and suitability of two typical wetland species, and analyze their spatial competition and coexistence relationship. The study results showed that the distribution of home range of the crane and the deer in spring and summer was significantly larger than that in autumn and winter. The area of the sub and most suitable area of the deer in spring was larger than that of the crane. In autumn and winter, the area of the sub and most suitable areas for the deer was small, while the area of the most suitable area for the crane was more than 50 hm 2. Except in spring, the two species kept a certain distance from each other in other seasons, and their habitat selection was stable. The optimal threshold range of the crane for D_ree variable was 0-202 m in spring and 0-1200 m in summer and autumn. The deer was affected by vegetation factors in the four seasons. The threshold range of D_ree variable in spring, autumn and winter was 0-80 m, the suitable vegetation height of the deer was 2.31-2.92 m. Finally, this study proposed a refined management pattern of habitat with multiple species coexist.
... On the other hand, the conversion of cultivated land into construction land due to urban development and construction, road construction and other activities has also exacerbated the fragmentation of the landscape pattern [37]. Human activities are the main driving factor leading to the change inland-type distribution area and spatial pattern in the Yilong Lake Basin, which is similar to the research results in other regions [38,39]. The expansion of construction land area is usually at the cost of the reduction in cultivated land and forest area. ...
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In order to explore the landscape pattern evolution and driving forces of the Yilong Lake watershed, the combined method of supervised classification with manual visual interpretation based on the landsat5TM/8OLI remote sensing image data sources was used to establish a high-precision spatial distribution information database of the Yilong Lake watershed. Landscape index was used to analyze the distribution and spatial pattern change characteristics of various land-use types. Based on correlation and principal component analysis, we discuss the relationship between the change characteristics of land-use type, distribution and spatial pattern, and the interference of local socio-economic development and natural factors. The results show that: (1) In the past 30 years, the land-use types of the Yilong Lake watershed are mainly forest, garden plot and cultivated land. The forest area decreased significantly by 30.45 km2, of which the fastest reduction stage was from 2000 to 2005, with a total reduction of 20.56 km2. The garden plot conversion is relatively large, with a total of 181.69 km2 transferred out, of which 28.84 km2 has become unused land, respectively. (2) In the past 30 years, the maximum patch index decreased by 9.94% and the patch density index increased by 14.25%, indicating that the landscape fragmentation in the whole basin increased. The Shannon diversity index showed an increasing process; the aggregation index showed a decreasing process. (3) The change in landscape pattern in the watershedwas closely related to economic growth, population growth, social affluence and agricultural development. Natural factors, social factors and economic indicators are significantly positively correlated with patch density, edge density, landscape shape index and Shannon diversity index, and significantly negatively correlated with the largest patch index and the contagion index. On the whole, the wetlands in the basin are shrinking and the landscape diversity is changing. Reducing the excessive impact of human activities on the watershed ecosystem is a key factor for the local protection of wetland resources and the maintenance of wetland ecological functions.
Coastal wetlands are undergoing substantial transformations globally as a result of increased human activities. However, compared to other ecosystems, diversity and functional characteristics of microbial communities in reclaimed coastal wetlands are not well studied compared to other ecosystems. This is important because it is known that microorganisms can play a crucial role in biogeochemical cycling within coastal wetland ecosystems. Hence, this study utilized the high-throughput sequencing technique to investigate the structure and assembly processes of microbial communities in reclaimed coastal wetlands. The results revealed a substantial change in soil properties following coastal wetland reclamation. Remarkably, the reclaimed soil exhibited significantly lower pH, soil organic carbon (SOC), and total salinity (TS) values (p < 0.05). The dominant phyla included Proteobacteria, Chloroflexi, Bacteroidetes, Acidobacteria, and Planctomycetes among study sites. However, the relative abundance of Proteobacteria increased from un-reclaimed coastal wetlands to reclaimed ones. The Proteobacteria, Chloroflexi, and Acidobacteria showed higher relative abundance in vegetated soil compared to bare soil, while Bacteroidetes and Planctomycetes exhibited the opposite trend. Notably, vegetation types exerted the strongest influence on microbial diversity, surpassing the effects of soil types and depth (F = 34.49, p < 0.001; F = 25.49, p < 0.001; F = 3.173, p < 0.078, respectively). Stochastic assembly processes dominated in un-reclaimed soil, whereas deterministic processes governed the assembly in artificial sea embankment wetlands (SEW). The presence of Spartina alterniflora in all soil types (except SEW soils) indicated stochastic assembly, while Phragmites australis in reclaimed soils pointed toward deterministic microbial assembly. Furthermore, environmental factors such as pH, soil water content (SWC), SOC, total carbon (TC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), NH4+-N, vegetation types, soil depth, and geographic distance exhibited significant effects on microbial beta diversity indices. Co-occurrence network analysis revealed a stronger association between taxa in SEW compared to land reclaimed from wetlands (LRW) and natural coastal wetlands (NCW). The bottom soil layer exhibited more complex network interactions than the topsoil layer. Besides soil parameters, reclamation and varieties of vegetation were also substantial factors influencing the composition, diversity, and assembly processes of microbial communities in coastal wetlands.
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The Manas National Park is an important conservation area in the Bhabhar and flood plain ecosystem of Northeast India. Satellite imageries of 1977, 1998 and 2006 were analysed to detect the change in habitat types with the help of remote sensing and geographic information system tools. Results indicate landscape-level changes in the vegetation and overall habitat quality within the Park. There is a substantial increase in savannah grassland (74.6%) accompanied by decline in alluvial grasslands (46.8%) from 1977 to 2006. A total of 20.47 km2 has also been encroached during this period. Water sources in the Park have declined and there has been a significant shift towards a drier and woodland type of vegetation. These land-use changes were a result of non-implementation of habitat management/manipulation activities that are a prerequisite for supporting viable populations of specific endangered animal species in a given Protected Area. In this communication, we recommend a set of habitat management activities for restoration of key habitats in Manas.
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The coastal zone of Sagar Island, India, is subjected to various cyclic and random processes that continuously modify the region. The shoreline and land-use/land cover changes have been studied using Indian Remote Sensing Satellite 1C (IRS IC) linear imaging self-scan sensor (LISS) III satellite data from 1998 and 1999. A comparison between a topomap of 1967 and satellite data of 1999 established that during these years about 29.8 km of coastline was eroded, whereas the accretion is only 6.03 km 2 . A comparison of satellite data from 1998 and 1999 showed that the island had undergone severe erosion of about 3.26 km 2 , while the accretion was just about 0.08 km 2 . Change detection studies based on land-use patterns of the region revealed that the areal extent of mangrove vegetation of the island during 1998 and 1999 was 2.1 km 2 and 1.3 km 2 , respectively. The areal extent of agricultural fields during these periods was 130.4 km 2 and 118.6 km 2 , respectively. These results can be used to develop an index for temporal land-use changes in the region as an aid to quantify the extent and nature of the development change and to understand the surrounding environment, which in turn may help the planning agencies to develop sound and sustainable land-use practices.
This article presents the change of habitats for red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis) due to anthropologic activities in Yancheng Coastal Zone Biosphere Reserve, Jiangsu Province, China. As a result of large-scale human exploitation in tidal lands, the habitats of red-crowned crane were significantly influenced and the original wetlands were gradually altered to form artificial wetlands. In the process of rapid economic development in China, an important question that the Reserve and local governments are faced with, is how to lead development activities in a direction that will take into account the contradiction between habitat protection and sustainable economic growth.
Des données multisources comprenant des images satellitales Landsat de 1999, des descripteurs topographiques dérivés de MNA et des informations issues d'inventaires sur la végétation et intégrées dans un SIG ont été utilisés pour générer une carte détaillée de la classification du couvert afin de quantifier et d'analyser la distribution spatiale et la configuration des habitats d'ours grizzly dans la zone d'étude de l'écosystème de Yellowhead en Alberta. La carte était nécessaire dans le cadre plus global de l'évaluation de l'écosystème pour déterminer si les mouvements des ours et les patrons d'utilisation des habitats étaient affectés par les conditions changeantes du paysage et les activités humaines. Une approche intégrée IDTA, basée sur l'utilisation d'un arbre de décision, a été développée en incorporant le groupage non dirigé (K-moyennage), des règles de décision dérivées de façon empirique et basées sur l'utilisation de MNA et d'un SIG (proximité, pentes, etc.) et une classification dirigée basée sur le maximum de vraisemblance des classes de forêt et de végétation déduites de l'échantillonnage sur le terrain. Cette approche reposait sur une découverte antérieure, réalisée à partir d'une image Landsat de 1998 de la région, démontrant que la performance des différents classificateurs pouvait varier en fonction des diverses classes. La carte produite au moyen de la méthode IDTA s'est avérée d'une précision d'environ 80% (kappa=0,783) utilisant 494 points échantillonnés identifiés sans ambiguïté sur les orthophotographies numériques disponibles.
Despite the fact that Madagascar is classified a biological `hotspot' due to having both high levels of species endemism and high forest loss, there has been no published research on how Madagascan bird species respond to the creation of a forest edge or to degradation of their habitat. In this study, we examined how forest bird communities and different foraging guilds were affected by patch habitat quality and landscape context (forest core, forest edge and matrix habitat) in the threatened littoral forests of coastal southeastern Madagascar. We quantified habitat use and community composition of birds by conducting 20 point counts in each landscape contextual element in October and November 2002. We found that littoral forest core habitats had significantly (p<0.01) more bird species than forest edge and matrix habitats. Thirty-one (68%) forest dependent species were found to be edge-sensitive. Forest edge sites had fewer species, and a higher representation of common species than forest interior sites. Twenty-nine species were found in the matrix habitat, and the majority of matrix-tolerant forest species had their greatest abundance within littoral forest edge habitats. Guild composition also changed with landscape context. Unlike other tropical studies with which we are familiar, we found that frugivorous species were edge-sensitive while sallying insectivores were edge-preferring. The majority of canopy insectivores (n=15, 88%), including all six endemic vanga species, were edge-sensitive. When habitat quality was assessed, the distributions of nine edge-sensitive species were significantly (p<0.01) affected by changes in habitat complexity and vegetation vertical structure in core or edge point counts. Therefore, we believe that changes in vegetation structure at the edge of littoral forest remnants may be a key indicator of mechanisms involved in edge sensitivity of forest dependent species in these forests. Our findings indicate that habitat fragmentation and degradation affect Madagascan bird communities and that these processes threaten many species. With continued deforestation and habitat degradation in Madagascar, we predict the further decline of many bird species.
In this study, principal component analysis and the linear programming method “affine algorithm” were jointly used to provide an unmixing method and to calculate fractions bounds of main seaweeds and intertidal components from mixed pixels. The method was tested using CASI airborne imagery data taken over the Roscoff coastal zone (Brittany, France). The contribution of the number of spectral bands used to identify many component types was also examined. Between four and six components can be distinguished depending on the spectral richness of the original image. The accuracy of fraction cover types was estimated by comparing calculated proportions with ground data. Whatever the number of bands and ground categories, the coefficient of determination R2 was higher than 0.62. Much more information and more accurate results were obtained with 13 spectral bands (R2 from 0.81 to 0.96).
This report describes a program, FRAGSTATS, developed to quantify landscape structure. Two separate versions of FRAGSTATS exist: one for vector images and one for raster images. In this report, each metric calculated by GRAGSTATS is described in terms of its ecological application and limitations. Example landscapes are included, and a discussion is provided of each metric as it relates to the sample landscapes. -from Authors