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Early scientific research into "putrefaction" by eighteenth century physicians was driven by a need to understand and treat living patients who were suffering from "putrid diseases" (presumably conditions such as treponemal disease, non-specific osteomyelitus, bacterial skin infections, abscesses, and the like, which could result in the formation of necrotic tissue, but which today can be treated by modern medicine).1,2 But these works clearly recognized and tried to seek explanation to some of the fundamental microbially induced changes in the human body, in particular, to soft tissue that occur during different stages in the decomposition process and which result in pH change, and the evolution of volatile compounds. As such, these works are an early precursor to the discipline that today we know as "taphonomy". This term, originally coined by the Russian palaeontologist Ivan Efremov to describe the "transformations from the biosphere to the lithosphere"3 in explaining the formation of fossils, today has much broader meaning. The term has been widely adopted in archaeology and forensic science and is concerned with the decomposition of the body and associated death scene materials. As such, the disciplines of archaeological taphonomy/diagenesis4-7 and forensic taphonomy 8-11 cover the location of buried or disturbed human remains 12 and time since death/burial estimation, and explain the survival/differential decomposition of physical remains and macromolecules such as proteins, lipids, and DNA. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009. All rights reserved.
Chapter 14
Decomposition of Human Remains
Robert C. Janaway, Steven L. Percival, and Andrew S. Wilson
Early scientific research into ‘putrefaction’ by eighteenth century physicians was driven
by a need to understand and treat living patients who were suffering from ‘putrid
diseases’ (presumably conditions such as treponemal disease, non-specific osteomyeli-
tus, bacterial skin infections, abscesses, and the like, which could result in the formation
of necrotic tissue, but which today can be treated by modern medicine).
But these
works clearly recognized and tried to seek explanation to some of the fundamental
microbially induced changes in the human body, in particular, to soft tissue that
occur during different stages in the decomposition process and which result in pH
change, and the evolution of volatile compounds. As such, these works are an early
precursor to the discipline that today we know as ‘‘taphonomy’’. This term,
originally coined by the Russian palaeontologist Ivan Efremov to describe the
‘transformations from the biosphere to the lithosphere’’
in explaining the forma-
tion of fossils, today has much broader meaning. The term has been widely adopted
in archaeology and forensic science and is concerned with the decomposition of the
body and associated death scene materials. As such, the disciplines of archaeolog-
ical taphonomy/diagenesis
and forensic taphonomy
cover the location of
buried or disturbed human remains
and time since death/burial estimation, and
explain the survival/differential decomposition of physical remains and macromo-
lecules such as proteins, lipids, and DNA.
Death may be defined under two categories: somatic and cellular death.
somatic death, while the person has lost sentient personality, reflex nervous activity
often persists. In cellular death, the cells of the body no longer function, cease to
exhibit metabolic activity, and cannot function by means of aerobic respiration.
Understanding the distinction between somatic and cellular death is important when
considering physiological changes that occur immediately after death, when, for
R.C. Janaway, S.L. Percival, and A.S. Wilson
School of Life Sciences, University of Bradford, Bradford, West Yorkshire, UK
S.L. Percival (ed.), Microbiology and Aging. 313
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-59745-327-1_14, #Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2009
instance, the corpse still exhibits muscular contractions, but has less relevance to
much more destructive, longer term decomposition.
After the cessation of heart function, the body becomes flaccid and blood ceases
to circulate. The body goes through some well-documented changes, known as the
‘classic triad’’ of livor, rigor and algor mortis. That is, the blood drains to the lower
areas, and the body stiffens and cools until it approaches ambient temperature. The
rate at which these changes occur is largely governed by environmental conditions,
especially temperature together with microbial load and diversity.
Post Mortem Hypostasis (Lividity, Livor Mortis)
One of the earliest effects of the heart ceasing to function is that blood will drain to
the lower parts of the body under the influence of gravity, and this causes a
characteristic discolouration of the dependant areas termed post mortem hypostasis.
Depletion of oxygen from the blood results in a colour change from bright red to
deep purple. The collection of this deep colouring in the lower parts of the body is
apparent 1–2 h after death and becomes fully developed within about 6 h and firmly
fixed after 12 h.
Rigor Mortis
Except in the cases that exhibit cadaveric spasm, the first effect of death in most
cases is a general relaxation of muscular tone. The lower jaw drops, the eyelids lose
their tension, the muscles are soft and flabby, and the joints are flexible. Within a
few hours after death, and generally while the body is cooling, the muscles of the
eyelids and the jaw begin to stiffen and contract followed by similar changes in the
muscles of the trunk and limbs so that the whole body becomes rigid.
The muscular tissue passes through three phases after death:
1. It is flaccid but contractile, still possessing cellular life
2. It becomes rigid and incapable of contraction, being dead and
3. It once more relaxes but never regaining its power of contractility
Rigor mortis is caused by the breakdown of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and the
build-up of lactic acid to about 0.3% in the muscle tissues. At this point the muscles
go into an irreversible state of contraction. In temperate climates this condition
usually commences within 2–4 h of death, reaching a peak at 12 h, and starts to
disappear at 24 h, with the cadaver becoming limp within 36 h. The flaccidity that
follows stiffening is due to the action of alkaline liquids produced by putrefaction. In
contrast to rigor mortis, cadaveric spasm is a rare phenomenon of the instantaneous
stiffening of specific muscle groups occurring at time of death, e.g. the hand clutch-
ing a weapon. It is usually associated with sudden, violent death.
314 R.C. Janaway et al.
Cooling (Algor Mortis)
After death the body starts to cool, because of loss of living body heat to the external
environment. The rectal temperature of a healthy adult at rest is approximately 99F with
daily variations up to 1–1.5F. The temperature varies throughout the day, being at its
lowest between 2 A.M. and 6 A.M. and highest between 4 P.M. and 6 P.M. The rate of
cooling is determined by the difference in temperature between the body and its
environment. For instance, in temperate climates it has been suggested that for an
average adult the heat loss in air will be 1.5F/h, while in tropical climates it is
Under most environmental conditions body decomposition will eventually result
in the loss of soft tissue, leaving the skeletal elements. However, the study of
archaeological bone has indicated that there may be residual organic material, e.g.,
bone collagen, surviving even after hundreds of years of burial.
In addition,
there has been considerable interest in the survival of DNA from heavily degraded
remains both from the point of victim identification during the investigation of mass
graves, natural disasters,
and the recovery of ancient DNA in archaeological
In addition, research has been ongoing to document the body decom-
position products that are left in transit graves, where a body has been temporarily
buried, or on a surface where a body has lain for time since death estimation.
Thus, a detailed understanding of not only the gross loss of soft tissue but also the
chemistry of surviving organic molecules in bone and the soil is of importance to
both forensic and archaeological scientists.
As a body decomposes, soft tissues will progressively liquefy. There are a
number of processes that cause this: the body’s own enzymes will self-digest
material at a cellular level in a process known as autolysis, while the usually
much more destructive process of putrefaction is driven by bacterial enzymes.
The bulk of these putrefactive microorganisms are anaerobic and are derived
from the body’s own gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and their activity during the
major phase of tissue breakdown keeps the tissue mass anoxic. At later stages of
decomposition, extracorporeal microorganisms such as soil fungi
may be
involved, but these can only be associated with the exterior of the body mass or
after the major phase of decomposition when the remaining material is better
Despite the possible actions of insects or scavenging animals, it is microorgan-
isms that consistently play a fundamental role in the decomposition of human
remains. While there are recognizable changes that a body may proceed through
(e.g., from putrefactive decomposition towards skeletalization), there are key vari-
ables that influence the advancement or retardation of this process. Of greatest note
are the environmental constraints of temperature, moisture content, and their
influence on tissue. At one extreme is the process of desiccation (natural mummifi-
cation) that can retard decomposition because of the drying of tissue below a critical
threshold for bacterial action. This, of course, does not preclude superficial mould
growth on the outside of partially desiccated remains.
14 Decomposition of Human Remains 315
Cadaveric Decay
Decay of the body is dominated by the two destructive processes of autolysis and
putrefaction. Autolysis occurs independently from any bacterial action, while putrefac-
tion, the reduction and liquefaction of tissue, is a microbiologically dominated process.
Autolysis is a process of postmortem self destruction due to intrinsic enzymes at
a cellular level. It is not apparent at a macroscopic level but can be documented
histologically. Importantly, it operates without the participation of bacteria.
The postmortem release of intra- and extracellular hydrolytic enzymes denature
molecules and cell membranes. Cells become detached and the cell contents are
broken down.
The partial destruction of cellular structures will greatly facilitate
further bacterially driven putrefactive change. The breakdown results from the
action of bacteria and enzymes that are already present in the tissues, or enzymes,
which are otherwise derived from soil microorganisms and fungi.
The tissues of a corpse are considered to be free of microorganisms within the
first 24 h following death. It is likely that a lot of the microorganisms that are
circulating through out the body are continually being deactivated, as the immune
responses of the body are still active over 48 h after death. After death, the
microorganisms present in the body (e.g., in the GI tract) initially invade the local
tissues and gain access to the rest of the body (including bone which has a good
blood supply) via the vascular and lymphatic systems. As the redox potential of
tissues is known to fall very quickly flowing death, the growth of obligate aerobes is
substantially reduced so that bacteria such as Micrococci, Pseudomonas and Aci-
netobacter spp. are the only remaining viable bacteria that are found at the outer
surfaces of the decaying tissue. Anaerobic bacteria become generally more preva-
While the human GI tract is composed of a very complex microbiology, only
a small number of bacteria, i.e. Clostridium spp., Streptococci, and the Enterobac-
teria during the first days of death, are involved in the putrefaction process.
Putrefactive change is usually first visible on the abdominal wall, owing to the
conversion of haemoglobin by anaerobic bacteria. Initial activity is usually docu-
mented in the region of the right iliac fossa where the caecum is relatively superfi-
Putrefaction results in widespread decomposition of the body caused largely
by action of bacterial enzymes, mostly anaerobic organisms from the bowel. The
process of putrefaction commences immediately after death and is visible under
normal conditions from 48 to 72 h afterwards.
Initial signs of putrefaction are
green or greenish-red discolouration of the skin of the anterior abdominal wall due
to the formation of sulph-haemoglobin. This spreads to the whole of the abdominal
wall, chest, and thighs, and eventually to the skin of the whole body (marbling).
This usually takes about 7 days. Over time, the corpse’s skin begins to go greenish
owing to the formation of sulph-haemoglobin in settled blood. The gases that are
generated during this decomposition process include hydrogen sulphide, carbon
dioxide, methane, ammonia, sulphur dioxide, and hydrogen. These gases increase
to high levels in the large bowel and around tissues that are being broken down by
natural autolysis and bacterial lysis.
Further anaerobic fermentation in the corpse
results in the development of more by-products, specifically volatile fatty acids.
Over time, the natural process of putrefaction of hydrocarbons, ammonia com-
pounds, and biogenic amines begin to accumulate in the corpse.
316 R.C. Janaway et al.
Because of the changes that begin to occur in the body, the indigenous micro-
biota that still exists, particularly the GI flora, increase their proliferation, accel-
erating the whole decomposition process. It has been documented that 90% of
microorganisms isolated from tissue from human corpses are strict anaerobes. The
highest concentrations of bacteria isolated include mainly Gram-positive non-
sporulating anaerobes such as bifidobacteria. Lower numbers of Lactobacillus,
Streptococcus spp., and bacteria belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae group have
been observed. Other bacteria that have been isolated from decomposing tissues,
but in lower numbers than the bacteria mentioned above, have included Bacillus
sp., yeasts, Staphylococcus spp., and Pseudomonas sp.
In the early stages of decomposition, bacteria isolated from human corpses have
included, among others, Staphylococcus sp., Candida sp., Malasseria sp., Bacillus
sp., and Streptococcus spp. While a number of non-fastidious bacteria have been
identified from decaying human matter, because of the very high abundance of
microorganisms associated with the host a major overgrowth of bacteria both
culturable and non-culturable would be inevitable because of the availability of a
food source. These include, among others, micrococci, coliforms, diptheroids, and
Clostridium spp. Also, organisms such as Serratia spp., Klebsiella spp., Proteus
spp., Salmonella spp., and bacteria such as Cytophaga and Pseudomonads and
flavobacteria have been documented to be evident. Also, the host’s ‘normal’
microbiota will become mixed with environmental microorganisms such as
Agrobacterium, amoeba, and many fungi, which are also significant to human
From a microbiological point of view it is plausible to suggest that every microor-
ganism, both endogenous and exogenous, of the host is involved in some aspect of the
human decomposition process. Ultimately, the decomposition of human remains
would not progress without these normal microbiota and external exogenous micro-
organisms developing a community in the form of different biofilms. The formation
of the biofilm will enhance the continual survival of the host microbiology, but this
time the community will become more detrimental to the host rather than beneficial.
As has been outlined, the role of microbiology in human decomposition is significant.
This role is more apparent when we consider bodies that have open wounds (e.g.,
death due to stabbing), as these undergo faster decomposition than bodies without
wounds. This is principally due to the prevalence of high levels of bacteria within the
In addition to this, if a person dies as a result of bacterial or viral
infection, postmortem alterations are accelerated.
Intrinsic Microorganisms and the Chemistry of Death
The human body is composed of approximately 64% water, 20% protein, 10% fat,
1% carbohydrate, and 5% minerals.
Adipose tissue is on average 5–30% water, 2–
3% protein, and 60–85% lipids, of which 90–99% are triglycerides,
while muscle
largely consists of protein. Soft tissue decomposition is characterized by the
progressive breakdown of these proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. The soft tissues
eventually liquefy and disintegrate, leaving skeletalized remains articulated by
14 Decomposition of Human Remains 317
Protein Decomposition (Proteolysis)
Protein is broken down by enzyme action, but this does not proceed at a uniform
rate throughout the body. The rate is determined by the amount of moisture,
bacterial action, and temperature. Moisture favours decay, and proteolysis is slo-
wed by cooling and increased by warming.
Soft tissue proteins such as those forming neuronal and epithelial tissues are
destroyed first during decomposition, i.e., the lining membranes of the GI tract and
pancreatic epithelium.
At an early stage of decomposition, proteins forming the
brain, liver, and kidneys are also subject to putrefactive change, while proteins such
as epidermis reticulin and muscle proteins are more resistant to breakdown.
most resistant proteins are those associated with connective tissue and cartilage.
Within the hard tissues, proteins such as type I collagen (comprising 90–95%
bone protein, alongside other proteins such as osteocalcin, osteopontin, and osteo-
nectin) and amelogenin within tooth enamel are protected by their association with
biological apatite. While these are subject to biological or chemical attack under
many conditions, they exhibit resilience and as such persist into the archaeological
record. These biomolecules have been the subject of considerable interest and
utility within the archaeological science community.
Keratin, which is an insoluble protein found in hair, nail, and skin can only be
exploited as a nutrient source in the first instance by specialized keratinolytic
Given that the hair shaft is a complex heterogeneous structure,
it is hardly surprising that microbially induced changes occur selectively on the
basis of the relative resistance of these morphological structures to chemical
enzymatic attack.
Where the depositional conditions are favourable, hair and
nail can persist over considerable timescales, on naturally mummified and even
on otherwise skeletal remains.
Common bacteria that are very proteolytic and therefore are involved in protein
breakdown include Pseudomonas,Bacillus, and Micrococcus spp. As well as these
bacteria, sulphate-reducing bacteria found in the GI tract have a vast array of
enzymes and have the ability to utilize sulphates and sulphur-containing com-
pounds and as such are important bacteria in human decomposition.
In general, proteins break down into peptones, polypeptides, and amino acids, a
process known as proteolysis. Proteolysis leads to the production of phenolic sub-
stances, and gases such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, ammonia, and
methane. The sulphur-containing amino acids of the proteins such as cysteine,
cystine, and methionine undergo desulfhydralation and decomposition by bacteria,
yielding hydrogen sulphide gas, sulphides, ammonia, thiols, and pyruvic acid.
Thiols or mercaptans are decomposition gases containing the –SH (sulfhydryl
group), and these are responsible for the very bad odours generated during human
Protein decomposition also results in the production of a range of organic acids
and other substances that become bacterial metabolites. These are generally of low
or moderate molecular weight, anionic or non-ionic, and are susceptible to rapid
breakdown by bacteria.
318 R.C. Janaway et al.
Decomposition of Fat
Human body-derived lipids comprise 90–99% triglycerides, which contain numer-
ous fatty acids attached to the glycerol molecule. The body’s adipose tissue consists
of approximately 60–85% lipids, with most of the remainder being water.
those fatty acids making up the composition of adipose tissue, mono-unsaturated
oleic acid is the most widespread, followed then by polyunsaturated C
linoleic acid and monounsaturated C
palmitoleic acid and the corresponding
saturated C
palmitic acid.
For the most part, hydrolysis rather than oxidation dominates the fat degradation
system, largely because of the fact that bacterial action will have driven the tissues
into an anaerobic condition. Palmitic acid increases and the oleic acid becomes
increasingly reduced in amount through hydrolyzation. Neutral fat undergoes hydro-
lysis during decomposition, resulting in the formation of fatty acids hydrolyzed by
lipases. This proceeds slowly and the activity of this enzyme system soon diminishes.
Analyses of postmortem fat exhibit the presence of oleic, palmitic, and stearic acids
as soon as 8 h after death. These are the first phase of neutral fat breakdown. Neutral
fats that have been hydrolyzed produce a large concentration of unsaturated fatty
acids resulting in the production of aldehydes and ketones. Hydrolysis of triglycerides
results in the formation of glycerine and free fatty acids. Bacterial enzymes lead to the
transformation of unsaturated into saturated fatty acids. Fatty acids, the products of
hydrolysis, will be quickly oxidized into aldehydes and ketones; this, however, can
only take place in the presence of oxygen.
More effective than the intrinsic lipases are the lipolytic enzymes produced by
bacteria, particularly those of Clostridia (especially Cl. perfringens), which derive
from the GI tract
and are able to grow at relatively high redox potentials.
lipolytic enzymes significantly aid the anaerobic hydrolysis and hydrogenation of
fat under warm conditions.
Water is necessary for both the intrinsic and bacterial
enzymes to work, though there is usually sufficient moisture in the fat tissue itself.
If the process continues, the neutral fat is totally converted to hydroxy fatty acids,
which are deposited in its place.
If no further chemical changes take place, these
fatty acids remain as adipocere (adipo = fat, cere = wax).
If the burial circumstances keep the oxygen levels low, then the fat degradation
products will remain as adipocere.
Adipocere is a waxy substance that sometimes
forms from the adipose tissue of dead bodies and has generally been considered to
result from bacterial action, commonly in warm, damp, anaerobic environments.
The presence of bacteria and water is crucial for adipocere to form.
Adipocere is
formed by the alteration of the soft tissue of the corpse into a greyish-white, soft,
cream-like substance, over time becoming a solid and resistant compound. Adipo-
cere is a soft, greasy material which may be white or stained reddish brown when
recent. When adipocere is analyzed, in addition to stearic, palmitic, and oleic acids,
there is a fraction of calcium soaps.
Old adipocere is white or grey, and depending
on its age and condition it has been likened to suet or cheese.
Extensive adipocere formation will be found on a body when conditions will
allow only partial degeneration of fatty tissue, i.e., by hydrolysis and hydrogenation
14 Decomposition of Human Remains 319
but not oxidative reactions. Adipocere in corpses has been found after as little as
30–90 days following death.
Varieties of aerobic or facultatively anaerobic microorganisms from the surface
of the adipocere have been identified. In culture, a number of Gram-positive
bacteria, associated with the indigenous human microbiota, are able to degrade
the adipocere. The role of bacteria in adipocere formation and degradation must be
understood before we can use the presence of adipocere to extrapolate information
about the post-death interval.
Apart from corpse-specific characteristics (e.g., sex, age, physique, cause of
death), method of burial (e.g., material of the coffin, depth of grave, individual or
mass grave, clothing) and time of burial, the conditions of the resting place
(geology, topography, soil properties and frequency of use, air, water, and heat
budget) can have a special impact on adipocere formation.
It is a traditional belief
that adipocere forms in damp environments such as after submersion or interment
in damp or waterlogged ground. Adipocere will also form in bodies buried in dry
vaults, and in some cases distal elements (e.g., limbs and hands) have shown signs
of mummification while adipocere is present in others. It is suggested that coffins
will retard the rate at which adipocere forms but clothing enhances its formation.
Gas-chromatography-mass spectrometry was used to characterize the fatty acids
from soils and associated tissues excavated from a 1967 Foot and Mouth burial pit.
Subcutaneous fats were mainly composed of 55–75% palmitic acid, 17–22% stearic
acid, and 3–16% oleic acid as well as 5–7% myristic acid. The distribution of fatty
acids confirmed that the tissues had decayed to adipocere.
There is little known about which specific microorganisms bring about lipid break-
down in soil, although it has been suggested that Gram-positive bacteria such as Bacillus
spp., Cellulomonas spp., and Nocardia spp. are involved in the decomposition of
In Brazilian cemetery studies, the presence of significant numbers but
unspecified types of lipolytic bacteria (possibly Clostridia spp.) was reported for
the groundwaters examined
; these were said to be directly related to the decom-
position of the interred remains. Hydrogenation of fats under the influence of
bacterial enzymes results in the partial conversion of unsaturated fatty acids into
saturated fatty acids. As the fatty acids clearly have a bactericidal effect, further
bacterial decomposition is stopped at this early adipocere stage. Additional micro-
organisms from outside can no longer penetrate when this hermetic seal is in
Within the archaeological record, lipids are considered to be robust molecules
and have been recovered extensively from human remains, soils, and in association
with artefactual material such as ceramics.
Decomposition of Carbohydrates
The utilization of carbohydrates present in the soft tissue of corpses occurs in the
early stages of decomposition.
For example glycogen, a complex polysaccharide,
will break down into sugars (glucose) by the action of microorganisms. Most sugars
320 R.C. Janaway et al.
are completely oxidized to carbon dioxide and water, while some are incompletely
decomposed. For example, Clostridium spp. breakdown carbohydrates to form a
number of organic acids and alcohols, and fungi decompose the sugars to form
organic acids including glucuronic acid, citric acid, and oxalic acid.
production of alcohol by anaerobic fermentation occurs during conversion of body
sugar to ethanol by bacteria, and this can begin within 6–12 h under hot, humid
In the presence of oxygen, the glucose monomer is broken down
through the pyruvic acid, lactic acid, and acetaldehyde stages to form carbon
dioxide and water.
Other gases produced through bacterial carbohydrate fermen-
tation include methane, hydrogen, and hydrogen sulphide.
Decomposition of Bone
The loss of soft tissue from the corpse is referred to as skeletonization. The rate of
skeletonization will depend on many factors such as whether the body is buried or
not, depth of burial, temperature, moisture, and access by insects and larger
Under anaerobic burial conditions or where the tissues have signifi-
cantly desiccated, the rate of skeletonization will be low.
In these circumstances,
the degree of soft tissue survival is often scored according to the region of the body,
and survival of organs using indices such as the Aufderheide’s soft tissue index.
In addition to the loss of tissue from bone, the bone itself is subject to decom-
positional change.
Bone is a composite tissue having three main components: a
protein fraction, collagen acting as a supportive scaffold; a mineral component,
biological apatite to stiffen the protein structure; and a ground substance of other
organic compounds such as mucopolysaccharides and glycoproteins.
collagen and biological apatite are strongly held together by protein–mineral
bonds, which give bone its strength and contribute to its preservation.
The loss of protein and/or partial loss of bone mineral result in weakening/
embrittlement, which is associated with bone buried over archaeological timescales
when compared to fresh bone. The physical condition of excavated bone will
depend on the integrity of the bone mineral bond due to collagen survival and the
depositional environment. It is usual for archaeological bone recovered from
aerobic, non-acidic environments to be stained but otherwise appear to be in good
condition. However, cracking and flaking may occur on drying. In coarser, calcare-
ous sand or loam where it is damp and more oxygenated, the bone surface will be
rougher and may warp, crack, or laminate on drying, while material from coarse
calcareous gravels will lose much collagen and have the consistency of powdery
chalk and be coated in a white encrustation of insoluble salts. Bone from acidic peat
deposits appears as interwoven fibres, is pliable, and hardens on drying.
Acid in
soil is the most common agent of bone destruction and works by dissolving the
inorganic matrix of hydroxyapatite which produces an organic material susceptible
to leaching by water. The collagen fibres are sometimes preserved by natural
14 Decomposition of Human Remains 321
Bone collagen is attacked by bacterial collagenases that hydrolyse the proteins to
peptides; these are then broken down to form amino acids.
It has been suggested
that collagen degradation is affected by the activity of the gas-gangrene bacterium
Clostridium histolyctium which operates in a pH range from 7 to 8.
claims implicate bacterial collagenases as largely responsible for degrading bone
collagen by reducing them to peptides that leach away in groundwater.
less of the mechanism, once the protein mineral bond has been broken, the bone
mineral is vulnerable to partial dissolution via chemical weathering.
Bones are
generally better preserved in soils with a neutral or slightly alkaline pH than in
acidic soils, which will result in the dissolution of biological apatite. Over short
timescales, dry sand is an aid to preservation (although sandy soils are often acidic),
as it retards bacterial decomposition, while in fine-grained soil and dense clay
aerobic bacteria cannot live.
In archaeology there has been a lot of recent attention concerning the degrada-
tion of bone in the soil (diagenesis). The impetus for this work has been both an
attempt to explain the differential survival of different elements of the skeleton as
well as differential preservation between individual burials and to underpin more
detailed biochemical analysis of archaeological bone based on the survival of
organic matter such as bone collagen and DNA in teeth and bone.
Extrinsic Organisms Involved in Human Decomposition
Colonization of the corpse by extrinsic organisms may begin within hours of death.
Of particular significance are insects that are used as important forensic indicators
to calculate time-since-death estimations and are discussed in greater detail else-
The attractiveness of a cadaver will depend on odour and fly oviposi-
tion, defined by temperature. Blow flies (Calliphoridae) may be attracted to the
body within minutes of exposure, and gravid female blowflies will detect the
presence of a body on the basis of a scent plume from some considerable distance.
In laboratory experiments with caged Callophora vicina presented with baits that
were fresh and partly decomposed, the flies ignored the fresh bait. Eggs are laid in
natural body openings (mouth, nose, eyes, ears, anus, and open wounds) and up to
180 eggs can be laid at one time. Eggs take 1–2 days to hatch depending on
temperature and humidity (low temperature retards insect activity, and 4Cor
below is the lower threshold for hatching in Callophora vicina). The formation of
maggot masses by these hatched larvae can cause massive soft tissue damage that
will open tissue up to further putrefactive decay.
Burial will often pose a barrier to blow flies although, if there is an opportunity
for eggs to be laid prior to burial, then they can subsequently hatch and the larvae
will feed. Sealed post-medieval coffins have yielded evidence of blowfly activity
(pupal cases), which suggests that eggs were laid prior to closure of the coffin.
Over longer timescales, different insects will colonize the corpse. Although the
desiccation of mummified tissue will inhibit normal putrefactive changes, they
322 R.C. Janaway et al.
remain susceptible to insect attack by the larvae of the brown house moth or beetles
such as Dermestes lardarius or Necrobia rufipes.
Larger animals such as domestic cats and dogs as well as foxes, badgers, and rats
will scavenge meat from corpses. Whether they scavenge or not will be determined
by ease of access as well as individual feeding preferences and the abundance of
available food. Larger animals will dig up and disinter parts of corpses from shallow
burials, and scatter skeletal elements from both buried and surface-deposited
Importantly, in the case of buried remains, during the early putrefac-
tive stages of decomposition such digging will disturb the grave and the resultant
aeration of the grave will accelerate putrefactive change. This has been documented
in experimental studies using pig burials as human body analogues.
The action of
these larger scavengers is outside the scope of this chapter.
During the later stages of decomposition, microorganisms may be derived from
the soil; here soil history is an important factor and will influence the size and nature
of the population of dormant microorganisms. At the microscopic level, biological
agents of decay include bacteria and fungi which can mimic pathological changes
in bone.
Microscopic focal destruction of bone (tunnels) was first noted during the
last century
and it is now understood to be caused by invading soil microorgan-
possibly an unidentified mycelium-forming fungus.
Beginning at the
surface of the cortex, the organisms proceed along the vascular channels and
osteons, creating tunnels that expand until only separated by thin bars of hypermi-
neralized bone. In the burial environment, it is believed that soil water content and
temperature are important factors in focal destruction, which does not occur in wet,
water-logged, or dry soils but is favoured in soils with moderate moisture in
summer weather. Histological and physical (mercury intrusion porosimetry) ana-
lyses of bone from 41 archaeological sites across five countries revealed that the
majority (68%) had suffered microbial attack.
Most fungi that are found on decomposing remains are aerobic, and consequently
their growth is restrictedto the surface of the cadaver and little deep penetration of the
tissues takes place. Fungi are commonly found on the skin and exposed surfaces of
decomposing remains. In some cases they can also be found growing in the intestines
and other body cavities. In addition, fungi may also be found growing in soil that is
infused with decomposition products from the body.
Microorganisms may have
complex inter-relationships and many synthesize antibiotic compounds. For exam-
ple, griseofulvin is an anti-mycotic agent produced by Penicillium griseofulvum,
and luteoskyrin is an anti-bacterial agent produced by Penicillium islandicum.
If there is substantial surface vegetation, bone is susceptible to plant root
damage, although this will be strongly influenced by seasonal effects. Physical
damage by plant roots can mark, warp, and even break bones but the exact
mechanism of biochemical plant root damage is obscure.
It is probable that
plant roots manufacture mucilaginous substances that promote the growth of
microorganisms when secreted. Certain microorganisms, including fungi, will
discharge enzymes into the soil which catalyses the reaction that dissolves hydroxy-
apatite in bone and facilitates its absorption into the plant root system. A low pH
will promote these chemical changes. Plants and their root systems constitute
14 Decomposition of Human Remains 323
complex physical and chemical processes that efficiently breakdown the external
and internal structure of human bone.
While it is appreciated that plant activity in
the tropics is at a greater level than in the UK, the principle of vegetation acting as a
decomposition vector of human skeletal remains is valid.
Environmental Controls that Promote and Inhibit
Putrefactive Decay
There are a large number of inter-related factors that will affect the rate and nature of
cadaveric decay. These principally include the condition of the body at the time of burial
and the nature and circumstances of the burial environment.
A comprehensive survey
of the issues has been reviewed by Mant,
which is a synthesis of results from
over 150 exhumations carried out in Germany after the Second World War. These
burials were made under a range of different circumstances and burial conditions:
for instance, burial was often immediately after death rather than allowing for the
normal postmortem interval of several days. In most cases, the dates of death and
interment were known. It was not possible to carry out laboratory analyses of the
tissues recovered, and the results are based on gross changes. From this data it is
possible to examine the influence of a variety of factors on the decomposition of
buried human remains. Some generalization can be made, although attention must
be made to individual circumstances.
Thin bodies will skeletalize more rapidly
than more fleshy ones in the same conditions. Antemortem or postmortem wound-
ing makes cadavers more susceptible to invasion by extra-corporeal organisms than
bodies that are buried with the skin intact, and will have a more rapid rate of
The rate of decomposition of a body on the ground surface is more rapid than that
of a buried body. This is due to the soil limiting the access by extra-corporeal
microorganisms and larger animals as well as reducing the rate of gaseous diffusion.
An oxygenated environment will increase the rate of human decomposition. Expo-
sure above ground, even for a short period, will allow insects and carnivorous larvae
to colonize the body and rapidly attack the soft tissue, a process which will continue
after burial. Ambient temperatures above the ground are higher, there is more oxygen
and less carbon dioxide, and access to the body is easy for scavenging mammals.
During initial cadaver decomposition, when the soft tissues lose their morpho-
logical structure, aspects of the burial environment that affect soil biology such as
oxygen availability predominate and localized soil chemistry may be modified and
dominated by the biochemistry of soft tissue decomposition. When the bulk of soft
tissue decay has ended, then generalized soil chemistry may have a greater direct
effect, for instance, on the corrosion of associated metals or in bone diagenesis. The
long-term factors relate to later phases of decay in which soil chemistry has a
greater effect than either soil biology or the gaseous composition of the burial
atmosphere. These factors have been studied both archaeologically
324 R.C. Janaway et al.
It has been suggested by Mant
and Mann et al.
that, in the short term, up to
2 years, the soil type is not a particularly important factor governing cadaveric
However, experimental work conducted using contrasting burial sites
has indicated that in addition to factors relating to microclimate and seasonality,
depositional conditions including soil do have a marked effect on decomposition
Decomposition is accelerated in porous, permeable, and light soils, which
allow a relatively free exchange of oxygen and water from the atmosphere, and
reductive gases such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, ammonia, and methane
from the body.
In general, the deeper the burial, the better the preservation of the body.
This is
a result of a stable, low temperature; poor gas diffusion; and inaccessibility to floral
and faunal agents of decay. However, the action of soil pressure in the burial
context can warp bones and this has implications for osteometric analysis in both
palaeopathology and forensic osteoarchaeology. Quantifying the extent of this
phenomenon is, however, virtually impossible.
observed that a corpse buried and surrounded by certain vegetable
matter straw, pine branches showed more rapid decomposition than others
buried without this material. The straw and pine needles introduced additional
bacteria that aided decomposition and surrounded the body with a layer of air. It
is also thought that the vegetable matter acts as an insulator, retaining the heat
produced by decomposition and generating heat through its own breakdown.
Ambient temperature has a profound effect on cadaver decomposition, and in tropical
climates rigor may be complete in 2 h while cold will cause it to persist. Bodies sunk in
cold water will retain rigidity for a long time, as cold water tends to retard putrefaction.
Temperature is a major factor because the microbial processes that occur both inter-
nally and externally in a corpse will be affected by this.
When temperatures are
warm, human decomposition has been documented to occur within 4 min.
trary to this, at cold temperatures these processes usually begin after 4–7 days.
temperatures below 5C, decomposition is prevented, as both enzymatic and
microbial action will be halted. In the event of death being caused by viral or
bacterial infection, not only will the body temperature be higher but bacteria may be
widespread throughout the cadaver and hasten postmortem decomposition.
The effect of temperature varies with latitude, season, and depth of burial. In
climates where the ground freezes in winter, the burial environment during that
period is one of preservation rather than decomposition. Data on putrefaction rates
in a temperate climate for a cadaver of average physique have been supplied by
The onset of putrefaction does not appear for some 36 h in an
unrefrigerated body, while in cold but not freezing temperatures the first signs of
putrefaction do not appear for 5–7 days. In summer weather putrefactive changes
may be pronounced after 24 h.
14 Decomposition of Human Remains 325
Natural mummification due to rapid drying of the tissues is well attested in both the
and forensic literature.
In temperate climates it usually occurs
when there is a good air flow and does not usually occur in bodies that have been
buried. Desiccation of a substrate to below a critical threshold leads to inhibition of
microbial activity but usually does occur when some autolytic and putrefactive
change has already occurred thus the tissue will have been subject to both
chemical and mirostructural change prior to dessication. Rehydration of tissue
and subsequent histology can reveal these changes.
Contrasting Depositional Environments (Soil Burial vs.
Surface Exposure)
The impact of different environmental conditions (buried, surface-exposed, and
water-deposited remains) on entomological activity has long been of interest.
While the depositional environment will affect the rate of decomposition, and in
some cases lead to a stasis in breakdown, generally all bodies follow the same basic
sequence of decay. Forensic taphonomists have produced a classification of decay
sequences that can be applied to a broad range of environmental situations.
Few depositional contexts allow for the domination and mutual exclusion of
either putrefactive decay or the action of insects. This is particularly evident in the
case of surface exposure and shallow burials. Even bodies in confined spaces (e.g., a
car with closed doors/windows) will be accessible by a varied insect population.
gives a detailed summary for the summer decay rates for a body exposed on
the surface at the Anthropological Research Facility at Knoxville, Tennessee.
First Day (Fresh)
In addition to the fly activity, early external signs of decompositional change are the
colouration of major veins under the skin that turn dark green or blue, and the
exudation of body fluids from the nose, mouth, and anus due to early putrefaction of
contents of the intestinal tract.
First Week (Fresh to Bloated)
In addition to active maggot activity, including maggot masses under the skin in the
regions of oviposition, the skin will show signs of slippage, and hair will begin to
detach from the scalp. The discoloration of the veins become more prominent
and an odour of decay becomes apparent. The by-products of decomposition
include gas products that initially form in the intestines as a result of the rapid
326 R.C. Janaway et al.
decomposition of their contents, and the gut cavity becomes distended. The disten-
sion phase is referred to as a ‘‘Bloat’’. Discoloured natural liquids and liquefying
tissues are made frothy by the gas; some may exude from the natural orifices, forced
out by the increasing pressure of gases. Molds begin to appear on the surface of the
body. The average duration of the decay phases of human remains is known to vary
according to season, with the bloat phase being most rapid during the summer
months compared with spring or autumn.
First Month (Bloated to Decay)
As the skin starts to breakdown the body cavities will rupture, and the subsequent
deflation of the corpse following rupture and purging is known as ‘‘Post bloat’ or
decay stage. Insect activity is diminished. If the body is clothed or covered, the soft
tissue will decay to expose the underlying bones. If the is not covered, the skin will
get dry and leathery, with maggots protected by the dry outer tissues from direct
effects of sunlight. If the body is lying supine, the chest cavity (ribs and sternum)
will be held together by a combination of the dried skin and connective tissue. Outer
surfaces will continue to be colonized by moulds.
The First Year (Dry)
The skeleton will continue to be exposed, and bone will start to bleach in the
First Decade (Bone Breakdown)
It is important to point out at this stage that the wooded hillside on the banks of the
Tennessee river in Knoxville that houses the Anthropological Research Facility
with its continental US climate differs greatly to the maritime climate of the United
Kingdom, which itself has many different geoclimatic conditions.
Much of the
background work on soft tissue decay and other related factors of interest in
forensic cases have been addressed to bodies on the ground surface. Buried bodies
are contained in a much less predictable decay environment. Within the less
complicated field of material biodeterioration, it is still difficult to produce system-
atically replicable results for the burial of materials in soil.
The Microclimate Associated with Human Decomposition
The concept of the micro-environment (microcosm) of the grave has been explored
by various researchers, with the human body seen as a major nutrient source for
In particular, the decomposition of the body is seen to
14 Decomposition of Human Remains 327
affect the survival/decomposition of associated death-scene materials. The chemi-
cal and biological interactions of a body, with associated materials in a specific soil,
are very difficult to model in a realistic manner. The result is that we can describe
what we know in a specific set of circumstances; it may be possible to predict
general trends within a specific soil type (provided factors of soil moisture and
microbiology are largely similar) but it is unlikely that valid prediction can be made
between widely different geographical regions or differing burial situations.
Soil conditions at different burial sites have a marked effect on the condition of
the buried body, but even within a single site variation can occur; the process of soft
tissue decomposition modifies the localized burial microenvironment in terms of
microbiological load, pH, moisture, and changes in redox status.
The tissues
become increasingly liquid, and in the case of a body buried directly in the soil, a
mucus sheath will form around the corpse consisting of liquid body decomposition
products and a fine silt fraction from the soil.
The formation of a highly concentrated island of fertility, or cadaver decompo-
sition island (CDI), is associated with increased soil microbial biomass, microbial
activity (C mineralization), and nematode abundance. Each CDI is an ephemeral
natural disturbance that, in addition to releasing energy and nutrients to the wider
ecosystem, acts as a hub by receiving these materials in the form of dead insects,
exuvia and puparia, faecal matter (from scavengers, grazers, and predators), and
feathers (from avian scavengers and predators).
Differential Decomposition
The biochemical and microbiology processes that occur on and within a human
corpse are very complex. The shorter the timescale between interment and recov-
ery, the more likely soft tissue is preserved. However, it should not be assumed that
the presence of extensive soft tissue will indicate a recent death, as in specific burial
environments soft tissue remains can be preserved for thousands of years. A skull
recovered during commercial extraction of a peat bog in Cheshire during 1983 was
examined by a Forensic Science Service pathologist, who noted intact hair and skin,
an identifiable eye ball, and pultaceous matter inside the cranial vault. Police
suspicions were roused by these well-preserved human remains since a long,
unsolved crime was being investigated. However, archaeological dating techniques
identified the skull as originating from around the third century A.D.
Similarly, the
example of Lt. Col Shy killed and subsequently embalmed during the American
Civil War is a further cited case.
Before consideration of particular circumstances that have led to soft tissue
preservation over long timescales, it is necessary to consider the nature of soft
tissue that has been subject to partial decomposition. It was originally thought that
natural mummification and the formation on hydrolysed but not oxidized fat
(adipocere) were mutually exclusive processes. However, it has been demonstrated
by Mant
that both tissue types can be encountered from cadavers in forensic
328 R.C. Janaway et al.
Soil, with its varied oxygenation, water content, redox potential, ion exchange
capacity, and pH variation, as well as the nature of the body, its biochemistry, fat
content, cause of death, time interval between death and burial, whether it is clothed
or unclothed, wrapped in a polythene sheet, buried shallow or deep, affect forensic
analysis and interpretation of data obtained from human remains. In short, it is very
unwise to draw direct predictive parallels between one specific case and another.
Experimental work can indicate general trends for the specific parameters tested.
observed significant retardation of decomposition in clothed bodies
buried directly in the soil without a coffin. Clothing will partially negate the effects
of the general soil environment and delay the process of decay. Textiles around the
body also impede access of burrowing carrion scavengers. Even after 2 years in
shallow graves, those parts of the body covered by clothing frequently showed good
preservation. It was also observed that adipocere formation was uniform and
putrefactive liquification rare and that muscle tissues and muscle attachments to
bone were still well preserved in areas such as the thighs and buttocks where the
thick layer of fat was only in the process of hydrolysis and hydrogenation.
It has been suggested that, in general, the time required for the decomposition of
corpses takes between 3 and 12 years.
If conditions are less favourable, the time
delay is much higher and can be hundreds or even thousands of years before
skeletalization of a human corpse
Following putrefaction, the decomposition
process continues through liquefaction and disintegration, leaving skeletonized
remains. Skeletonization proceeds until eventually only the harder, resistant tissues
of bone, teeth, and cartilage remain. Bacteria and fungi aid to skeletonize the
Both forensic pathologists and archaeological scientists are familiar with depositional
environments that can retard the decomposition of soft tissues over long timescales.
The desiccation of tissue below thresholds for microbial activity will lead to
preservation. This natural mummification is well documented in the forensic
sciences literature.
Mummified bodies usually exhibit a marked reduction in
tissue bulk, often accompanied by darkened skin resembling dried leather. Since
tissue water loss is from exposed surfaces, there is often a difference in water
content between core and peripheral tissues. This was directly recorded by Janaway
and Wilson (publication being written) in recent experimental burial of pig cada-
vers in the costal desert of Southern Peru. After 2 years of burial, directly in the
sand, the exterior tissues had formed a hard, desiccated layer, while interior of the
body core remained moist. This differential desiccation is also observed in archae-
ological mummified bodies from the same region. It should be noted that desiccated
tissue rarely has not been subject to putrefactive change prior to the moisture
threshold dropping to the point where microbial activity is significantly inhibited.
In extreme cases, a skeleton may be articulated because of intact ligaments and
covered by a dried out skin of once-liquefied tissue lacking any residual morpho-
logical structure. This has been observed in both archaeological bodies and is also
well documented at the Anthropological Research Facility at Knoxville, Tennes-
Owing to surface area/volume effects, different parts of a body placed
in desiccating environment will lose water at different rates. For instance, it is not
14 Decomposition of Human Remains 329
unusual to observe well-developed mummification of hands, feet, and limbs while
the trunk is still subject to major putrefactive change. An example from recent
casework is instructive. The body of a young woman, who had been killed by blunt
force trauma to the head, had lain in a cool, dry cellar for a number of months. The
body was partially clothed and there had been considerable blowfly activity. While
adult flies were actively hatching from the pupae within the cellar, there was no
longer significant larval activity in the body. The head had been covered, and thus
excluded the blow flies, although there was considerable putrefactive change
accelerated by the trauma. The relationship between trauma and soft tissue decay
was documented by Mant over 50 years ago.
The body was naked from below the
waist, and the exposed uterus and internal tissues had been destroyed because of
extensive feeding by fly larvae. The exposed limbs and lower body hair was
desiccated and well preserved in an advanced state of mummification. Thus at the
time of autopsy this single body exhibited massive tissue loss from putrefactive
change, massive tissue loss due to the feeding of a maggot mass, but relatively
intact tissue due to partial desiccation.
Under damp conditions, hair is readily attacked by keratinolytic microorgan-
isms. Under dry condition human hair it is often preserved over long timescales,
while still liable to attack, but usually not total destruction by insects such as the
Dermestid beetle (Anthrenus spp. or Clothes moth larvae (Tineola bissiella).
In addition to desiccation, low temperature regimes will inhibit microbial activi-
ty and therefore reduce putrefactive change.
Bodies have been preserved by both
freezing due to the natural environment as well as the use of domestic freezers. Care
must be taken to distinguish between tissue that is largely hydrated but frozen, and
tissue that has desiccated because of the cold, dry conditions that are, for instance,
found in many mountainous and arctic regions. Freeze-dried human tissue has
survived over hundreds of years as is the case of the Greenland mummies and
frozen bodies, buried in the 1840s, that have been exhumed from the Canadian
arctic. In this case, at a macroscopic level the bodies exhibited good levels of soft
tissue preservation, but microscopically little histological structure remained.
Clearly the human microbiota has a role to play in decomposition of the host. In
fact, the indigenous microorganisms ultimately lead to the demise of their host. The
microorganisms that were once classified as the indigenous human flora then persist
within the environment and become free to colonize another host. The ‘‘microor-
ganism and human cycle’’ then begins again.
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334 R.C. Janaway et al.
... The postmortem interval (PMI) is the time elapsed between death and the body discovery, and its estimation is extremely important in the court of law in cases of homicide and suspicious deaths (Janaway et al., 2009). The decomposition process of an animal or a human body can be divided into five stages of decay based on physical and chemical changes (Smith, 1986). ...
... The decomposition process of an animal or a human body can be divided into five stages of decay based on physical and chemical changes (Smith, 1986). The early postmortem physical changes commonly documented are temperature changes (algor mortis), muscular contraction/relaxation (rigor mortis), and the pooling of blood by gravity after blood circulation stops (livor mortis) (Janaway et al., 2009). Following the early postmortem changes, the decomposition of a body progresses through several stages that lead to complete skeletonization. ...
... Studies (Carter et al., 2008;Bucheli and Lynne, 2016;Guo et al., 2016;Metcalf et al., 2016;Tozzo et al., 2020;Roy et al., 2021) so far have primarily focused on decomposition during elevated temperatures, using either outdoor locations or controlled laboratory conditions. It is well known that the decay rate is influenced by many factors, including the cause of death, environment, season, vertebrate and invertebrate scavengers, humidity, oxygen content, precipitation, and temperature (Janaway et al., 2009). Among all factors, environmental temperature plays a crucial role for insect activity, microbial composition, and rate of the decomposition process. ...
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Introduction The accurate estimation of postmortem interval (PMI), the time between death and discovery of the body, is crucial in forensic science investigations as it impacts legal outcomes. PMI estimation in extremely cold environments becomes susceptible to errors and misinterpretations, especially with prolonged PMIs. This study addresses the lack of data on decomposition in extreme cold by providing the first overview of decomposition in such settings. Moreover, it proposes the first postmortem microbiome prediction model for PMI estimation in cold environments, applicable even when the visual decomposition is halted. Methods The experiment was conducted on animal models in the second-coldest region in the United States, Grand Forks, North Dakota, and covered 23 weeks, including the winter months with temperatures as low as −39°C. Random Forest analysis models were developed to estimate the PMI based either uniquely on 16s rRNA gene microbial data derived from nasal swabs or based on both microbial data and measurable environmental parameters such as snow depth and outdoor temperatures, on a total of 393 samples. Results Among the six developed models, the best performing one was the complex model based on both internal and external swabs. It achieved a Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 1.36 weeks and an R2 value of 0.91. On the other hand, the worst performing model was the minimal one that relied solely on external swabs. It had an MAE of 2.89 weeks and an R2 of 0.73. Furthermore, among the six developed models, the commonly identified predictors across at least five out of six models included the following genera: Psychrobacter (ASV1925 and ASV1929), Carnobacterium (ASV2872) and Pseudomonas (ASV1863). Discussion The outcome of this research provides the first microbial model able to predict PMI with an accuracy of 9.52 days over a six-month period of extreme winter conditions.
... The processes followed after death (autolysis, triada mortis and putrefaction processes) are well known and have been studied and published in multiple journals (e.g. Bass 1983, 1985;Mann et al. 1990;Haglund and Sorg 2002;Forbes et al. 2005;Janaway et al. 2009;Ferreira and Cunha 2013). The creation of the forensic anthropology facilities, such as the Anthropology Research Facility ('The Body Farm') by Bass Bass 1983, 1985) or the other facilities in the U.S.A., Canada, Australia or Amsterdam (Gutiérrez 2021), and the experiments that have been carried out in them, have contributed to a better knowledge or the processes of decomposition in different circumstances and contexts. ...
... The pH of soil near to the cadaveric remains was 6 in all cases. During decomposition, the soil becomes more acidic as a result of the fluids generated from the body during the putrefaction (Reverte-Coma 1991; Haglund and Sorg 2002;Prieto et al. 2004;Forbes et al. 2005;David 2008;Janaway et al. 2009;Ferreira and Cunha 2013;Junkins and Carter 2017). The pH results here presented are similar to those previously described by Schotsmans et al. (2015) in other experimental burials, and confirm the acidification of the soil in the burials. ...
... In general, buried bodies decomposed more slowly than bodies exposed on the surface, because of the restriction of the animal access and the oxygen (Rodriguez and Bass 1985;Haglund and Sorg 2002;Rogers 2005;Janaway et al. 2009;Ferreira and Cunha 2013;Schotsmans and van de Voorde 2017;Junkins and Carter 2017;Alfsdotter et al. 2022). All the funerary structures reproduced in Taphos-m facilities were built underground at a depth of 60 cm, to maintain the temperature, avoid the diffusion of gases and limit the access of the animals (Armentano et al. 2012;Gutiérrez 2021). ...
Lime is commonly used in human burials, but its effects on bodies are not clear at all. Different short-time experimental studies concluded that lime does not inhibit the decomposition of bodies. To provide the long-term effects of lime on bodies, this work presents the results of six burials of pig carcasses completely or partially covered with lime during 5 to 5 years. These experiments were carried out in the experimental facilities of Taphos-m project. After that period of time, all pig carcasses were completely or partially skeletonised, and the Bradford score values were about 90% (active decomposition). Lime casts were observed, surrounding and covering some pig cadaveric remains. Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) confirmed preservation of lime remains on bones in the cases when no lime casts were observed in the burial. Also, persistence of unexpected anatomical position (bone spatial distribution) by lime could be observed. The cortical surface of the bones was flaked and cracked, related to dryness in a permanent alkaline environment produced by lime inside burials.
... However, autolysis does not occur at a uniform rate throughout the body. Proteins in connective tissues are more resistant than proteins that form neurons or epithelial cells [43]. Brain autolysis may explain the lack of diagnostic yield of IHC for decedents' brain samples after 24-42 h of PMI [9,15,44]. ...
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Background Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality among young people and is a matter of concern for forensic pathologists. Many authors have tried to estimate a person’s survival time (ST) after TBI using different approaches. Objective The present study aimed to present an innovative workflow to estimate the ST after TBI by observing the inflammatory reaction of the dura mater (DM). Methods The authors collected DM samples from 36 cadavers (20 with TBI and 16 with no history or signs of TBI). Each sample was labelled via immunohistochemistry with three different primary antibodies, CD15, CD68, and CD3, yielding 108 slides in total. The slides were digitalized and analysed using QuPath software. Results The DM is involved in the inflammatory response after TBI. CD15 immunoreactivity allowed us to distinguish between subjects who died immediately after TBI and those with an ST of minutes or hours. CD3 immunoreactivity can be used to differentiate subjects with an ST of days from those with other STs. Moreover, the DM samples showed an acceptable diagnostic yield even in samples with signs of putrefaction.
... Knowing the roles of microbes in the degradation of carrion and how they pertain to post-mortem interval measurement requires knowing that bacteria are the main decomposers. According to Janaway et al. [9] autolysis and bacterial activity within the tissues both contribute to the first disintegration of tissues. Internal bacteria, such as those from the gastrointestinal GI tract, spread as the tissues break down. ...
... Relevant studies have already focused on the epinecrotic bacterial communities of the main external anatomical sites (eye, nose, ear, rectum), including the oral cavity, in human and animal models [50][51][52][53]. The oral cavity was the second most abundant microbiota and had a substantial role in the decay of cadavers [54,55]. Field corpse scenes are commonly found in forensic science practice. ...
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The accurate estimation of the postmortem interval has been one of the crucial issues to be solved in forensic research, and it is influenced by various factors in the process of decay. With the development of high-throughput sequencing technology, forensic microbiology has become the major hot topic in forensic science, which provides new research options for postmortem interval estimation. The oral microbial community is one of the most diverse of microbiomes, ranking as the second most abundant microbiota following the gastrointestinal tract. It is remarkable that oral microorganisms have a significant function in the decay process of cadavers. Therefore, we collected outdoor soil to simulate the death environment and focused on the relationship between oral microbial community succession and PMI in rats above the soil. In addition, linear regression models and random forest regression models were developed for the relationship between the relative abundance of oral microbes and PMI. We also identified a number of microorganisms that may be important to estimate PMI, including: Ignatzschineria, Morganella, Proteus, Lysinibacillus, Pseudomonas, Globicatella, Corynebacterium, Streptococcus, Rothia, Aerococcus, Staphylococcus, and so on.
... Together these differences suggest greater microstructural complexity and more restricted water movement in the post-mortem data, which could potentially be due to cell swelling during the peri-and post-mortem period. Such changes are a direct consequence of the processes of cell death (D'Arcy, 2019) with the peak in intracellular volume expansion being delayed at reduced temperatures (Janaway et al., 2009). There are however many factors surrounding the physiological state of the infant prior to death that could compound and accelerate these cell changes, such as infection and resultant cytokine release, degree of supplemental oxygen, and use of intravenous fluids (McAdams & Juul, 2012;Truttmann et al., 2020). ...
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Diffusion MRI of the infant brain allows investigation of the organizational structure of maturing fibers during brain development. Post-mortem imaging has the potential to achieve high resolution by using long scan times, enabling precise assessment of small structures. Technical development for post-mortem diffusion MRI has primarily focused on scanning of fixed tissue, which is robust to effects like temperature drift that can cause unfixed tissue to degrade. The ability to scan unfixed tissue in the intact body would enable post-mortem studies without organ donation, but poses new technical challenges. This paper describes our approach to scan setup, protocol optimization, and tissue protection in the context of the Developing Human Connectome Project (dHCP) of neonates. A major consideration was the need to preserve the integrity of unfixed tissue during scanning in light of energy deposition at ultra-high magnetic field strength. We present results from one of the first two subjects recruited to the study, who died on postnatal day 46 at 29+6 weeks postmenstrual age, demonstrating high-quality diffusion MRI data. We find altered diffusion properties consistent with post-mortem changes reported previously. Preliminary voxel-wise and tractography analyses are presented with comparison to age-matched in vivo dHCP data. These results show that high-quality, high-resolution post-mortem data of unfixed tissue can be acquired to explore the developing human brain.
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Twenty-six graves were identified within the research project ‘Excavation, study, and musealisation of the Casa Romana do Castro de São Domingos’ (Lousada, Portugal). No human bones where recovered from any of those tombs, although the length of at least three of them indicates that they would have belonged to non-adult individuals. The single asset recovered from these graves was a bronze buckle hoop. The funerary architecture of the necropolis displayed three different types of graves. The proximity of roads is sometimes the main condition underlying the choice of the location of a necropolis. By analysing existing data regarding other similar structures, it is possible to propose a chronology which established that this necropolis would have been in use between the Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages.
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Marine forensics is emerging rapidly with an aim to legally protect the aquatic wild life from pollution and anthropogenic activities along with scientific investigation of human and non-human death in any sort of water body. The fate of a carcass is not well understood in marine system yet a large amount of body deposition and recreation death could be seen. The study is conducted to identify time-dependent microbial biomarkers of decomposition in non-human models (Fish and Pig) to determine Post Mortem Interval (PMI). Shift in the bacterial community from fresh stage to active decay stage in both models till skeletisation on terrestrial and marine environment was observed, which was supported by change in nutrient profile of the area keeping a note of traditional changes like early death changes, livor, algor, rigor mortis and entomological evidences. Bacteria from genus Acinetobacter, Enterobacter, Citrobacter, Pantoea, Aeromonas, Klebsiella, Wohlfahrtiimonas, Brachybacterium, Myroides, Bacillus, Kurthia, Staphylococcus, Metalysinibacillus and Planococcus were isolated from different organs of fish including some pathogenic bacteria like Klebsiella pneumonia, Staphylococcus arlettae and Bacillus cereus present in the gills, tissue, liver and Clostridium perfringens from pig. In pig during marine decomposition bacteria of genus Klebsiella, Cytobacillus, Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Pseudoalteromonas, Shewanella, Clostridium, Tenacibaculum, Aeromonas , and Psychrobacter were isolated. The bacterial community from both the models were identified using 16s rRNA gene sequencing. Much attention has been given to dissolved organic matter (DOM) and particulate organic matter (POM) during the early stages of decomposition in aquatic environment which attracts scavangers and microbes, their enhanced breakdown activity is depicted by the increased ammonia levels and high phosphorus release in water. Terrestrial skeletonization is achieved in 7 days on contrary marine environment pose a great challenge due to high scavenging activity resulted in loss of tissue in 3 days merely during the study and it is observed that the decomposition studies in marine environment greatly rely on the ecosystem of the area especially the allochthonous and autochthonous bacteria.
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The relevance of postmortem microbiological examinations has been controversial for decades, but the boom in advanced sequencing techniques over the last decade is increasingly demonstrating their usefulness, namely for the estimation of the postmortem interval. This comprehensive review aims to present the current knowledge about the human postmortem microbiome (the necrobiome), highlighting the main factors influencing this complex process and discussing the principal applications in the field of forensic sciences. Several limitations still hindering the implementation of forensic microbiology, such as small-scale studies, the lack of a universal/harmonized workflow for DNA extraction and sequencing technology, variability in the human microbiome, and limited access to human cadavers, are discussed. Future research in the field should focus on identifying stable biomarkers within the dominant Bacillota and Pseudomonadota phyla, which are prevalent during postmortem periods and for which standardization, method consolidation, and establishment of a forensic microbial bank are crucial for consistency and comparability. Given the complexity of identifying unique postmortem microbial signatures for robust databases, a promising future approach may involve deepening our understanding of specific bacterial species/strains that can serve as reliable postmortem interval indicators during the process of body decomposition. Microorganisms might have the potential to complement routine forensic tests in judicial processes, requiring robust investigations and machine-learning models to bridge knowledge gaps and adhere to Locard’s principle of trace evidence.
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When postmortem environmental conditions are "just right," according to the "Goldilocks Phenomenon," soft tissues (and associated fatty acids) are converted into and preserved as adipocere. To better understand this conversion process and the development of adipocere three human cadavers were immersed in outside, water-filled pits for over 3 months to observe adipocere formation in an underwater context simulating actual field conditions. Recordings of environmental conditions showed that temperatures were between 21 degrees C and 45 degrees C, a range sufficient for the growth of Clostridium perfringens. Chemical analysis of liquid and tissue samples revealed an increase in palmitic acid and decrease in oleic acid. This study tracked the remarkable gross morphological changes that can occur in human bodies subjected to an aquatic postmortem environment. The results support the "Goldilocks Phenomenon" and substantiate previous findings that the presence of bacteria and water is crucial for adipocere to form.