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Hidden ancient diversification in the circumtropical lancelet Asymmetron lucayanum complex

  • Univ. Ryukyus / Univ. Tokyo
  • Bermuda Natural History Museum

Abstract and Figures

The tropical lancelet Asymmetron lucayanum (= Epigonichthys lucayanus) is distributed from the western Indian Ocean to the central Pacific Ocean, and the western Atlantic Ocean. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) sequences (1,035bp) of A. lucayanum (80 specimens from seven localities) showed clearly that this species is genetically distinguished into three major groups of geographical populations based on neighbor-joining tree using maximum likelihood distance (HKY model with invariable sites and gamma correction), suggesting the existence of three cryptic species. Our genetic data show that (1) inter-oceanic divergence time between Clade B (the West-Central Pacific) and Clade C (the Atlantic) (d = 6.6%, ca. 12million years ago) was smaller than intra-oceanic divergence time between Clade A (the Indo-West Pacific) and Clade B (d=39.5%, ca. 100million years ago); (2) there are two cryptic species in the West Pacific in sympatry; and (3) high gene flow is implied between the Maldives and the Ryukyus in Clade A (10,000km distance), the Philippines and Hawaii in Clade B (8,500km distance), and Barbados and Bermuda in Clade C (2,200km distance).
Content may be subject to copyright.
T. Kon
M. Nohara
M. Nishida
W. Sterrer
T. Nishikawa
Hidden ancient diversification in the circumtropical lancelet
Asymmetron lucayanum
Received: 28 February 2005 / Accepted: 23 January 2006 / Published online: 25 February 2006
Springer-Verlag 2006
Abstract The tropical lancelet Asymmetron lucayanum
(= Epigonichthys lucayanus) is distributed from the
western Indian Ocean to the central Pacific Ocean, and
the western Atlantic Ocean. Molecular phylogenetic
analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome c ox idase sub-
unit I (COI) sequences (1,035 bp) of A. lucayanum (80
specimens from seven localities) showed clearly that
this species is genetically distinguished into three major
groups of geographical populations based on neighbor-
joining tree using maximum likelihood distance (HKY
model with invariable sites and gamma correction),
suggesting the existence of three cryptic species. Our
genetic data show that (1) inter-oceanic divergence
time between Clade B (the West-Centra l Pacific) and
Clade C (the Atlantic) (d = 6.6%, ca. 12 million years
ago) was smaller than intra-oceanic divergence time
between Clade A (the Indo-West Pacific) and Clade B
(d=39.5%, ca. 100 million years ago); (2) there are
two cryptic species in the West Pacific in sympatry;
and (3) high gene flow is implied between the Maldives
and the Ryukyus in Clade A (10,000 km distance), the
Philippines and Hawaii in Clade B (8,50 0 km distance),
and Barbados and Bermuda in Clade C (2,200 km
The subphylum Cephalochordata (lancelets), the sister
group to the verteb rates (but also see Blair and Hedges
2005), has maintained its basic body organization for
several hundred million years (Holland and Chen 2001).
Lancelets are widely distributed in tropical and temper-
ate seas and consist of three genera (Branchiostoma,
Epigonichthys,andAsymmetron) with ca. 30 known living
species (Poss and Boschung 1996; Nishikawa and Nishida
1997; Nishikawa 2004). Adults of lancelets are benthic
inhabiting sandy and shell-sand bottoms, whereas larvae
are considered to be planktonic in both inshore and
offshore environments (Poss and Boschung 1996), having
a planktonic life stage of ca. 1.5–4 months (Wickstead
1975; Wu et al. 1994). Although most lancelet species
have rather restricted geographical distributions,
Asymmetron lucayanum (=Epigonichthys lucayanus)
is the only known species with wide circumtropical dis-
tribution, ranging from the western Indian Ocean to the
central Pacific Ocean, and the western Atlantic Ocean
(Nishikawa 1979; Tachikawa and Nishikawa 1979; Poss
and Boschung 1996; Nishikawa et al. 1997).
In the last decade, many studies of widespread species
with a pelagic larval phase have revealed the occurrence
of far more genetic structure than expected by their high
dispersal potential and present oceanographic condi-
tions (Palumbi et al. 1997; Benzie 1999). A number of
species traditionally seen as cosmopolitan are now rec-
ognized as assemblages of cryptic species with more
regionally restricted distribution (Palumbi 1992;
Knowlton 1993, 2000). Cryptic marine diversity has
been found acro ss a wide taxonomic range that includes
algae (Wright et al. 2000), sponges (Miller et al. 2001),
crustaceans (King and Hanner 1998; Kitaura et al. 2002;
Communicated by T. Ikeda, Hakodate
T. Kon (&) Æ M. Nishida
Department of Marine Bioscience, Ocean Research Institute,
The University of Tokyo, 164-8639, Tokyo, Japan
Tel.: +81-3-53516489
Fax: +81-3-53516488
M. Nohara
Yokohama R&D Center, HITEC Co., Ltd,
220–0005, Kanagawa, Japan
W. Sterrer
Bermuda Natural History Museum, PO Box FL 145,
Flatts FLBX, Bermuda
T. Nishikawa
The Nagoya University Museum,
Nagoya University, 464–8601, Aichi, Japan
Marine Biology (2006) 149: 875–883
DOI 10.1007/s00227-006-0271-y
Goetze 2003), cnidarians (Dawson and Jacobs 2001;
Holland et al. 2004), molluscs (Collin 2000; Kirkendale
and Meyer 2004), bryozoans (Hoare et al. 2001), asci-
dians (Tarjuelo et al. 2001), fishes (Miya and Nishida
1997; Colborn et al. 2001) and mammals (Wada et al.
2003). Lancelets, however, have remained little studied
in terms of evolutionary biology including phylogeny
and population genetics except for Nohara et al. (2004,
The present study aims to resolve evolutionary rela-
tionships of the circumt ropical lancelet A. lucayanum,by
applying mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequencing.
This species is somewhat unique morphologically among
the shallow-water lancelets by its possession of a long
urostyloid process and the peculiar morph ology of the
intertentacular membrane (Bigelow and Farfante 1948;
Nishikawa and Nishida 1997). Recent molecular phy-
logenetic studies indicate that the species is differentiated
remarkably from other extant lancelets (Nohara et al.
2004, 2005b).
Materials and methods
A total of 84 individuals of A. lucayanum (Fig. 1) were
sampled from five Indo-West Pacific locations, Baa
Atoll in the Maldives (n=20), Negros Island in the
Philippines (n=5), Kuroshima Island in the Ryukyu
Islands (n=18), Lizard Island in the Great Barrier Reef
(GBR) (n=3), and Oahu Island in Hawaiian Islands
(n=13), and two Atlantic localities, Castle Harbour in
Bermuda (n=19) and Barbados (n=6) (Fig. 2). All
specimens were fixed and preserved in 99.5% ethanol
until use.
DNA preparation, amplification, and sequencing
The posterior pa rt of each specimen was digested for
12 h with proteinase K (10 mg/ml) in a lysis buffer
[10 mM Tris–HCl, pH 8.0; 2 mM EDTA; 1% SDS (w/
v)]. Total DNA of each lancelet was isolated from the
digested tissue solution using a standard phenol–chl o-
roform method and ethanol precipitation (Sambrook
and Russell 2001). The isolated DNA was resuspended
with TE buffer (10 mM Tris–HCl, pH 8.0; 2 mM
A fragment of the mtDNA that includes the cyto-
chrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene was amplified
using the AmphL109 (5¢–ATTCGNGCNGAAY
TNTCNCAGCC–3¢ ) and AmphH1325 (5¢–TCNGAA
TAYCGNCGWGGTATNCC–3¢) primers. The poly-
merase chain reaction (PCR) was carried out in a 15 ll
volume containing TaKaRa Ex Taq buffer (2 mM Tris–
HCl, pH 8.0; 2 mM MgCl
; 10 mM KCl
0.01 mM
EDTA; 0.1 mM DTT; 0.05% Tween 20; 0.05% Nonidet
P-40; 5% glycerol), 0.5 U TaKaRa Ex Taq polymerase,
2.5 mM each dNTP mixture, 0.5 lM each primer and
10–20 ng template DNA on a thermal cycler (GeneAmp
PCR System 9700, Applied Biosystems) for 30–35 cycles,
with the following profile: preheating at 96C for 2 min,
denaturing at 96C for 20–30 s; annealing at 45–60C
for 25–30 s and extension at 72C for 30 s.
Before sequencing the gene, the double-stranded
DNA obtained through PCR was purified with the
ExoSAP-IT (USB) composed of exonuclease I and
shrimp alkaline phosphatase. Direct sequencing of the
purified double-stranded DNA using the BigDye Ter-
minator Cycle Sequencing FS Ready Reaction Kit v.3.0
(Applied Biosystems) was performed on an ABI PRISM
3100 Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems). All se-
quences were deposited in DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank
(accession numbers AB201315–AB201353 and
Phylogenetic analysis
The DNA sequences were aligned using the multiple-
sequence alignment program CLUSTAL X, version 1.81
(Thompson et al. 1997). The sequences from the COI
gene were unambiguously aligned, allowing all sites to
be used in the analyses of that gene. The hierarchical
likelihood-ratio test approach (Huelsenbeck and Cra n-
dall 1997) was used to select the model of DNA evolu-
tion that best fitted the data, as implemented in the
program Modeltest 3.6 (Posada and Crandall 1998).
Modeltest was also used to estimate the parameters of
the model of evolution for input in PAUP*. The
appropriate model of nucleotide substitution was
HKY+I+C (Hasegawa et al. 1985). The base fre-
quencies were estimated to be A=0.2641, C=0.1848,
G=0.1820 and T=0.3691. Transition/transversion ratio
was 4.1122. Assumed proportion of invariable sires was
0.6053. Gamma distribution shape parameter was
In this study, we reconstructed phylogeny and esti-
mated divergence times between taxa of A. lucayanum
using the COI gene following Nohara et al. (2004).
Amplification of the ortholog ous mtDNA segment of
its congener, A. inferum , which should be the outgroup
for analysis, was unsuccessful, but our preliminary
analysis using the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene re-
vealed that A. inferum is located far outside the cluster
of all the herein examined populations of the A. lu-
cayanum complex (T. Kon et al., unpublished data).
Fig. 1 One of the specimens of the Asymmetron lucayanum
complex from Chichijima Island, Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands,
Japan; 18.5 mm in body length. Photo by H. Tachikawa
Therefore, we used Branchiostoma belcheri (DDBJ/
EMBL/GenBank accession number: AB078191) to root
the trees. The large number of haplotypes required an
impractical length of time to search for the maximum
likelihood (ML) tree. Instead, the computationally
efficient, neighbor-joining (NJ) method (Saitou and Nei
1987) was used to construct a phylogenetic tree from
the ML distances estimated under the HKY+I+C,as
implemented in the program PAUP 4.0b (Swofford
2002). Support for internal branches within the NJ tree
was assessed using the bootstrap (Felsenstein 1985)
with 1,000 replicates.
Population structure analyses
A statistical parsimony network (SPN) in each clade of
NJ tree was constructed using the program TCS 1.18
(Clement et al. 2000), which employs the method of
Templeton et al. (1992). The SPN method builds a net-
work by connecting together sequences of one, and then
two, nucleotide differences, and so on, until all the se-
quences are included in a single network or the parsi-
mony connection limit is reached (Templeton et al.
1992). The parsimony connection limit is the maximum
number of nucleotide differences between the sequences
that could have been produced by single nucleotide
substitutions, with a statistical confidence of 95%. The
ancestral haplotype was also identified using the TCS by
the method of Castelloe and Templeton (1994), which
estimates ‘‘outgroup weights’’ based on haplotype fre-
quency and connectivity. The haplotype with the highest
outgroup weight is most likely the oldest. To test for
selective neutrality of COI sequences, Tajima’s (1989)
D-test was implemented for each clade. Population
genetics statistics were calculated using the program
Arlequin 2.000 (Schneider et al. 2000). Haplotype
diversity (h) and nucleotide diversity per site (p, based on
pairwise differences) values were estimated to quantify
genetic variation. Population structure was examined by
the analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) (Excoffier
et al. 1992).
Divergence time estimation
We attempted to gain a rough estimation of divergence
time using COI variation based on Martin et al.’s (1992)
molecular clock for COI and cytochrome b (cytb) genes
in shark mtDNA (7.1·10
transversions/site · year)
following Nohara et al. (2004, 2005b), because a
molecular clock of lancelets was difficult to calibrate
using fossil data.
Sequence divergence and phylogeny
DNA segments of 1,035 base pairs (bp) of the COI gene
were successfully sequenced for 80 of the 84 specimens.
A total of 265 nucleotide positions (25.6% in 1,035 bp)
varied in the ingroup, these variations defining 51
haplotypes (AL01–AL51), 44 of which were represented
in a single specimen. Base composition of the ingroup
(A: 25.1%, C: 20.7%, G: 18.7%, T: 35.5% on average)
was not remarkably biased and did not differ signi fi-
cantly from that of the outgroup (chi-square test,
P>0.1). The uncorrected average sequence divergence
(p-distance) between the ingroup and outgroup was
20.8% (range 19.9–21.9%), and the average ML dis-
tance based on HKY+I+C between them was 57.9%
The NJ tree based on HKY+I+C model demon-
strated that the 51 haplotypes could be divided into three
major clades with high bootstrap values ranging from 98
to 100 % (Fig. 3a; Clade A, the Indo-West Pacific Ocean;
Clade B, the Central-West Pacific; Clade C, the Atlantic).
Clades A, B, and C consisted of 11 haplotypes (AL01–
AL11), 21 haplotypes (AL12–AL20, AL40–AL51) and
Fig. 2 The map of sampling localities and distribution of Asymmetron lucayanum modified from Nishikawa (1979), Tachikawa and
Nishikawa (1979), Poss and Boschung (1996) and Nishikawa et al. (1997). Localities are color coded: Maldives yellow, Ryukyus red, Great
Barrier Reef (GBR) purple, Bermuda green, Barbados light blue
19 haplotypes (AL21–AL39), respectively. Clade A was
sister group to Clades B and C. The average sequence
divergences (p-distance and ML distance) are summa-
rized in Table 1. The average p-distances were 18.9, 19.2
and 5.9% between Clades A and B, A and C, and B and
C, respectively. The average sequence divergences within
Clades A, B, and C were 0.5, 0.9, and 0.5%, respectively.
The average ML distances were 39.5, 41.9, and 6.6%
Fig. 3 a Neighbor-joining tree of 39 haplotypes (62 specimens) of
the lancelet Asymmetron lucayanum based on the cytochrome c
oxidase subunit I gene (1,035 bp), obtained using HKY+I+C
model. Numbers beside major internal branches indicate bootstrap
probabilities based on 1,000 replicates. b Statistical parsimony
network of three clades of the Asymmetron lucayanum, based on
1,035 bp of the COI gene. Networks were not joined if haplotypes
were separated by more than 14 mutations (95% probability
connection limit). Each circle represents one haplotype: size of
circles is proportional to haplotype frequency (1–20 specimens),
color codes follow those employed in Fig. 2. Circles within larger
circles (with dotted outline) represent haplotype sharing between
two populations. Small black dots represent putative (missing)
haplotypes that were not observed. Solid line circles indicate the
highest outgroup weight haplotype
between Clades A and B, Clades A and C, and Clades B
and C, respectively.
Population structure
Genetic diversity indices in the studied populations of
A. lucayanum are summarized in Table 2. Within pop-
ulations, we found 1–14 haplotypes, with low nucleotide
diversity of 0.08–0.85% in all populations, but the small
sample size precluded the GBR population from further
population analyses. Haplotype diversities were high
(h=0.52–1.00). Population structure, as defined by U
values, was not significant in the Clades A and C,
whereas population structure in the Clade B was sig-
nificant betwe en Hawaii and the Ryukyus (U
and Hawaii and the Philippines (U
Three haplotype networks were recovered by TCS
based on COI sequences of 80 specimens from seven
populations (Fig. 3b). They were not connected with
each other due to the large genetic distance (>>14
mutations at 95% probability threshold) between their
haplotypes. The haplotype network of Clade A showed
a ‘‘star phylogeny’’ consisting of 31 specimens collected
from the Maldives, the Ryukyus and GBR. AL06 was
the most common haplotype shared by the Maldives
(n=14) and the Ryukyus (n=6), and the oldest as sug-
gested by the highest outgroup weigh t (0.81>0.02–0.03
in the others). Thre e haplotypes (AL01, 04 and 11) were
connected to AL06 by relatively long branches with five
or seven mutations. The Clade B network contained 28
specimens collected from the Ryukyus, the Philippines,
GBR, and Hawaii. It consisted of four subclades that
differed by three to 13 minimum mutations between
them. AL44 was the oldest as suggested by the highest
outgroup value (0.22 > 0.01–0.14 in the others). The
Clade C network also showed a ‘‘star phylogeny’’ con-
sisting of 21 specimens collected from Barbados and
Bermuda. AL21 was the most common haplotype
shared by both populations and the oldest haplotypes as
suggested by the highest outgroup weight
(0.40 > 0.03–0.11 in the others). Two haplotypes (AL24
and 30) were connected to AL21 by relativel y long
branches with five and seven mutations, respectively.
Divergence time
The estimated divergence times between the three clades
of A. lucayanum are summarized in Table 3. The diver-
gence times between Clades A and B, A and C, and B
and C were estimated as 100.6 million, 106.6 million and
12.6 million years ago (Mya), respectively.
Discovery of cryptic species
Our molecular phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide se-
quences of mtDNA showed clearly that populations of
A. lucayanum collected from various areas are geneti-
cally clustered into three major clades A–C (Fig. 3a) .
Table 1 Matrix of genetic distances for the mitochondrial COI gene for three clades of Asymmetron lucayanum complex and Bran-
chiostoma belcheri (outgroup)
Clade Branchiostoma belcheri (outgroup) Asymmetron lucayanum complex
A (Indo-West Pacific Oceans) B (West Pacific Ocean) C (Atlantic Ocean)
B. belcheri 0.22 0.21 0.20
A. lucayanum
A 0.58 0.19 0.19
B 0.59 0.39 0.06
C 0.56 0.42 0.07
Values above the diagonal are uncorrected ‘‘p’’ distance; below diagonal are ML distance (HKY+I+C model)
Table 2 Genetic diversity within populations of three clades of Asymmetron lucayanum complex
Population N Number of haplotypes Haplotype diversity
Nucleotide diversity
A (Indo-West Pacific)
Maldives 20 7 0.5211±0.1346 0.000870±0.000705
Ryukyus 9 3 0.5556±0.1653 0.003167±0.002038
GBR 2 2
B (West Pacific)
Ryukyus 9 7 0.9722±0.0640 0.008481±0.004905
Philippines 5 4 0.9000±0.1610 0.007923±0.005181
GBR 1 1
Hawaii 13 9 0.9231±0.0572 0.006416±0.003642
C (Atlantic)
Bermuda 15 14 0.9905±0.0281 0.004454±0.002596
Barbados 6 6 1.0000±0.0962 0.003156±0.002178
It should be noted that the mtDNA COI sequence
divergence between Clade A and Clade B+C (p=18.6–
19.9% and ML d=38.3–47.0%) is similar to the inter-
specific value of orthologous mtDNA segment among
Branchiostoma species (p=16.9–20.8 %) (Nohara et al.
2004; 2005a). Whereas sequence divergence between
Clades B and C (p=5.8% and d=7.2%) is less than the
above values, this still falls within the range of inter-
specific values of other marine congeneric invertebrates
(d=4–31%) (Holland et al. 2004). In addition, inter-
clade values (p=5.6–19.2%) are much greater than in-
tra-clade values (p=0.4–0.9%). These extant clades
seem to have undergone relatively long and independent
lineage-sorting processes. Therefore, the present COI
sequence data suggests that ‘‘A. lucayanum’’ is an
assemblage of three cryptic species, two phylogenetic
extremities of which inhabit the Ryukyus and GBR in
the West Pacific Ocean in sympatry.
In view of nomenclature, the Atlantic Clade C is
referable to A. lucayanum Andrews, 1893, because the
type locality is the Bahamas in the Atlantic Ocean near
Barbados (Andrews 1893). On the other hand, nomen-
clatural problems still remain unsolved for the remain-
ing two cryptic species; A. lucayanum (sensu lato) has
a certain number of junior synonyms, established for
Pacific popul ations.
Population structure and suggested history
Haplotype networks and population statistics suggested
the following pop ulation history in the three clades
(Table 2 and Fig. 3b).
In Clade A, a recent decrease in population size can
be inferred from a combination of moderate haplotype
diversity (h=0.53) and small nucleotide diversity
(p=0.18%), which are classified as intermediate be-
tween Grant and Bowen’s (1998) first and second cat-
egories of population his tory, and significant negative
Tajima’s D -value (D=1.869, P=0.020). The popula-
tion size decrease in the Maldives may be due to
habitat reduction that the Maldivian atolls would have
suffered as steep cli islands with rugged plateaux tops
during sea level drops at the glacia l maxima (Anderson
1998). AL06 is the most common haplotype and
detectable in the Ryukyus in the West Pacific and the
Maldives in the Indian Ocean across a distance of more
than 10,000 km by coastal routes. Despite our re-
stricted sampling at three sites in the Indo-West Pacific
Ocean, the existence of such a widespread haplotype, as
well as the absence of significant genetic differentiation
between the Maldives and the Ryukyus, suggests that
the frequent gene flow crossing the Sunda Shelf, known
as a distribution boundary for many marine animals
(Williams and Benzie 1998; marine Wallace’s line by
Barber et al. 2000), must have occurred recently in
evolutionary time, as postulated in the three-spot sea-
horse Hippocampus trimaculatus (Lourie and Vincent
In Clade B, haplotype diversity was large (h=0.97)
and nucleotide diversity was relatively large (p=0.8%),
suggesting that secondary contact has occurred among
differentiated lineages, three subclades in Hawaii (the
central P acific), three in the Ryukyus and two in the
Philippines (the western Pacific), by Grant and Bowen’s
(1998) criteria. Although population structure was sig-
nificant between the central and the western Pacific is-
lands, sharing haplotype AL50 by Hawaii and the
Philippines, and closely related haplotypes (AL50, 18
and 19) suggest that gene flow over the both Pacific is-
lands (8,500 km) must have occurred recently in evolu-
tionary time. Similarly, gene flow over the equa tor
between GBR, and the Ryukyus and Hawaii (5,000–
7,500 km) was suggested by the existence of closely re-
lated haplotypes (AL16, 17 and 44).
In the Atlantic Clade C, sharing of haplotype AL21
by Barbados and Bermuda and the lack of significant
genetic isolation among both localities (2,200 km dis-
tance) suggest that gene flow between populations in
the two Atlantic localities must have occurred recently
and is ongoing. The genetic continuity between Bar-
bados and Bermuda matche s that seen in the sea
urchin Lytechinus (Zigler and Lessios 2004), suggesting
the high gene flow caused by the Gulf Strea m. In
addition, the similarity of the fossil record between
Florida and Bermuda supports the genetic continuity
due to the Gulf Stream in the Last Interglacial period
(Muhs et al. 2002). Population statistics indicate a
combination of large haplotype diversity (h=0.99) and
small nucleotide diversity (p=0.41%), classifying into
Grant and Bowen’s (1998) second category, much like
coral reef fishes (Shulman and Bermingham 199 5) and
sea urchins (McCartney et al. 2000). Tajima’s D-test
was 2.21, being significantly negative (P=0.003).
Table 3 Matrix of average of transversions (above diagonal), K index (in parentheses, above diagonal), and estimated divergence time
(million years ago, below diagonal) among the three clades of Asymmetron lucayanum complex
Clade A (Indo-West Pacific) B (West Pacific) C (Atlantic)
A 68.9 (0.0714) 72.7 (0.0757)
B 100.6 9.2 (0.0090)
C 106.6 12.6
Divergence time estimated from Martin et al.’s (1992) molecular clock for cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and cytochrome b genes in
shark mtDNA (7.1·10
transversions/site · year). K indicates corrected proportion of transversions between compared sequences:
K=0.5 log
(1/(12Q)), where Q is an observed proportion of transversions
These imply that Clade C may have grown rapidly
after the population size reduction due to a decrease
in habitats of approximately 89% which occurred
during the glacial maxima (Bellwood and Wainwright
Speciation in Asymmetron lucayanum complex
In the present study, it should be noted that the inter-
oceanic divergence time between Clade B (the West-
Central Pacific) and Clade C (the Atlantic) is relatively
recent (11.7–13.0 Mya, the Middle Miocene), while the
intra-oceanic divergence time between Clade A (the
Indo-West Pacific) and Clade B is ancient (99.7
101.2 Mya, the Cenomanian in the middle Cretaceous)
(Table 3 and Fig. 3). Divergence time between Asym-
metron and the remaining lancelet genera (Epigonich-
thys and Branchiostoma) was estimated at
approximately 162 Mya based on mitochondrial COI
and cytb genes (Nohara et al. 2005b). At that time (the
middle Jurassic), the initial breakup of Pangaea had
just begun (Smith et al. 1994), and therefore the
Atlantic Ocean had not yet appeared. It is thus rea-
sonable to assume that the Asymmetron lineage may
have originated in the east Tethys sea (representing the
origin of the Indian and the West Pacific Oceans).
Generally, it is difficult to estimate a dispersal route in
100 million years. If, however, separation between
Clades A and C (+B) occurred due to the Atlantic
expansion, as estimated in various marine animals
(Bellwood and Wainwright 2002), e.g. the Pacific spe-
cies of Branchio stoma (B. belcheri and B. malayanum)–
the Atlantic species (B. floridae and B. lanceolatum)
(Nohara et al. 2004 )andSepioteuthis lessoniana (living
in the Indo-West Pacific Ocean)–S. sepioidea (in the
Caribbean Sea) lineage (Anderson 2000), the west
Atlantic Clade C (called the species C) may have
moved via the Panamanian seaway by the middle
Miocene (ca. 13 Mya) into the Pacific Ocean, where the
species leading to Clade B (species B) was formed and
secondarily contacted Clade A (species A) (Fig. 4).
Whether or not Asymmetron dispersed in the above-
mentioned route, two sympatric morphologically iden-
tical species (A and B) have gone through separate
history for a long time. However, it is not plausible to
assume fundamental niche differences between these
sympatric species because they were simultaneously
collected from a sampling site in the Ryukyus for the
present study. Closer field or experimental studies are
necessary to solve the problem of how the two species
coexist and what reproductive isolating mechanism was
Acknowledgements Our cordial thanks are due to Dr. G. Rouse
(University of Adelaide) for the material from the Great Barrier
Reef, to Drs. E. Cutler (Harvard University), E. Ruppert
(Clemson University), R. Langston (University of Hawaii), and
Ms. A. Fukunaga (University of Hawaii) for kind help and advice
for sampling, to Mr. Hassan Maaz Schareef of the Ministry of
Fisheries, Agriculture and Marine Resources, Republic of Mal-
dives for permission to collect the lancelets, to Mr. H. Tachikawa
(Natural Museum and Institute, Chiba) for the photo, and to
Drs. J.G. Inoue and Y. Yamanoue (ORI, University of Tokyo)
for their helpful discussion regarding phylogenetic analyses during
the preparation of this manuscript. This paper is Contribution
#91 of the Bermuda Biodiversity Project, Bermuda Aquarium,
Museum and Zoo. This study was financially supported by
Grants-in-Aid from JSPS (Nos. 13440253, 15380131, 16370044,
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... However, in 2006, the study of the mitochondrial genome of different specimens of A. lucayanum from the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans and the phylogenetic inference obtained from these genomes, clearly showed the existence of three separate branches. This led the authors to propose the presence of three cryptic species [7], one from the West-central Pacific, the second from the Atlantic and the third from the Indo-West Pacific. Nonetheless, a later study published in 2017, using a larger set of mitogenomic data of both Asymmetron and Epigonichthys, showed that the divergence between the West-central Pacific and the Atlantic clades is low (about 7%) compared to that of these two clades with the Indo-West Pacific clade (about 23%), which has led these authors to propose the existence of only two cryptic species and not three [8]. ...
... The genomic content and the overall arrangement of genes in the Red Sea A. lucayanum mitochondrial genome is similar to other previously reported mitogenomes of the A. lucayanum species complex [5][6][7][8]23]. Consequently it differs from Epigonichthys and Branchiostoma genera in an inversion extending from the trnL(cta) to the nad6 gene. ...
... carnosus), used as outgroup, allowed the reconstruction of phylogenetic trees showing the same topology (Fig 2). This analysis confirms the results previously reported by other authors [6][7][8]24]. Thus, the phylogenetic relationships among the three amphioxus genera show that the Asymmetron genus diverged early from the other two genera, Epigonichthys and Branchiostoma. ...
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The cephalochordates amphioxus or lancelets are benthic marine animals representing the earliest divergent evolutionary lineage within chordates. Although amphioxus are present in most of the world’s tropical and temperate oceans, only about thirty different species grouped into three different genera, Branchiostoma, Epigonichthys and Asymmetron have been described. In the genus Asymmetron, only two species have been characterized, although for one of them, A. lucayanum, several cryptic lineages exist. In this work we have sequenced and analyzed the mitogenome of an A. lucayanum population previously described in the Red Sea. The phylogenetic study using this complete mitogenome as well as the analysis of COI gene sequences of several individuals of this Red Sea population show that the Red Sea population is a new cryptic species. We propose to call this new species Asymmetron rubrum.
... Likewise, mobile individuals can be endemic to a jurisdiction that Indonesia, and the Philippines), and many do not have a pelagic larval stage, which is the dominant propagation strategy for marine species (Cavalcanti & Gallo, 2008;Elfes et al., 2013;Green et al., 2003;Kon et al., 2006;Spalding, 2010). ...
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Marine species are declining at an unprecedented rate, catalyzing many nations to adopt conservation and management targets within their jurisdictions. However, marine species and the biophysical processes that sustain them are naive to international borders. An understanding of the prevalence of cross-border species distributions is important for informing high-level conservation strategies, such as bilateral or regional agreements. Here, we examined 28,252 distribution maps to determine the number and locations of transboundary marine plants and animals. More than 90% of species have ranges spanning at least two jurisdictions, with 58% covering more than 10 jurisdictions. All jurisdictions have at least one transboundary species, with the highest concentrations of transboundary species in the USA, Australia, Indonesia, and the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction. Distributions of mapped biodiversity indicate that overcoming the challenges of multinational governance is critical for a much wider suite of species than migratory megavertebrates and commercially exploited fish stocks—the groups that have received the vast majority of multinational management attention. To effectively protect marine biodiversity, international governance mechanisms (particularly those related to the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Convention on Migratory Species, and Regional Seas Organizations) must be expanded to promote multinational conservation planning, and complimented by a holistic governance framework for biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction.
... A chevron pattern, comparable to the myospetumemyomere arrangement of fossil cephalochordates (e.g., Pikaia; Conway Morris and Caron, 2012) and especially of the Recent lancelet Asymmetron (e.g., Kon et al., 2016), is visible on a large part of the fossil, with the angle of each chevron located at the mid-width (Fig. 11). Interestingly, the separation between the Caribbean and Southeast Asian clades of the Asymmetron lucayanum complex has been dated by molecular data to around 100 My and a dispersal route via the western Tethys has been proposed (Kon et al., 2016: fig. ...
The Puy-Puy quarry at Tonnay-Charente (Charente-Maritime, SW France) is a sand quarry exposing a 9-m-thick series of latest Albian–earliest Cenomanian (mid-Cretaceous) age. The uppermost Albian deposits consist of lignitic clay containing fossiliferous amber. The lowermost Cenomanian sand deposits alternate with clay intercalations containing plant remains. One of these clay levels, named P1, shows an outstanding accumulation of conifer and angiosperm macrofossils including delicate reproductive structures such as flowers. Plant remains are associated with invertebrates such as insects (Odonata, Dictyoptera, Diptera), crustaceans (Mecochirus sp.), putative brachiopods (aff. Lingula sp.), and worms. A few vertebrate remains such as shark egg capsules (Palaeoxyris sp.) and a feather are present in the fossil assemblage, as well as an enigmatic specimen tentatively interpreted as a cephalochordate or a petromyzontiform. Various ichnofossils occur in abundance, such as crustacean coprolites and burrows (Ophiomorpha isp.), insect coprolites (Microcarpolithes hexagonalis), and leaf herbivory, galls and mines. The sediments have been deposited in a coastal, calm and brackish area.
... Part of these remained at their home areas along the equator and evolved into the Asymmetron ancestor, while others were pushed to a higher altitude and evolved into the Branchiostoma ancestor in the Tethys region between the Eurasian and African plates ( Figure 4A). The Asymmetron distribution primarily along the equator and low latitudes, showing high similarity with their current distribution pattern (Kon et al., 2006). This further supports the proposed divergence hypothesis between Asymmetron and Branchiostoma. ...
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Amphioxus, or cephalochordates, are often used as the living invertebrate proxy of vertebrate ancestors and are widely used as evolutionary biology models of chordates. However, their phylogeny, divergence history, and speciation characteristics remain poorly understood, and phylogenomic studies to explore these problems lacking entirely from the literature. Here, we determined a new transcriptome of Branchiostoma japonicum. Combined with mass sequences of all other 18 species, a 19-way phylogeny was constructed via multiple methods (ML, BI, PhyloBayes, and ASTRAL), consistently supporting a phylogeny of [(B. belcheri + B. japonicum) + (B. lanceolatum + B. floridae) + Asymmetron lucayanum] in amphioxus. Congruent phylogenetic signals were found across mitochondrial genes, 12S RNA, and complete mitochondrial genomes according to previous reports, indicating that 12S RNA may have potential as a molecular marker for phylogenetic analysis in amphioxus. Molecular dating analysis indicated a radiation of the cephalochordates during the Cretaceous (∼104-61 million years ago), supporting an association between the diversification and speciation of cephalochordates with continental drift and associated changes in their respective habitats during this time. The identified functional enrichment analysis for species-specific domains indicated that their function mainly involves immune response, apoptosis, and lipid metabolism and utilization, signaling that pathogens and changes of energy requirements are an important driving force for amphioxus speciation. This study represents the first large-scale phylogenomic analysis of most major amphioxus genera based on phylogenomic data, providing a new perspective on both phylogeny and divergence speciation of cephalochordates.
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Cephalochordates and tunicates represent the only two groups of invertebrate chordates, and extant cephalochordates – commonly known as amphioxus or lancelets – are considered the best proxy for the chordate ancestor, from which they split around 520 million years ago. Amphioxus has been an important organism in the fields of zoology and embryology since the 18 th century, and the morphological and genomic simplicity of cephalochordates (compared to vertebrates) makes amphioxus an attractive model for studying chordate biology at the cellular and molecular levels. Here we describe the life cycle of amphioxus, and discuss the natural histories and habitats of the different species of amphioxus. We also describe their use as laboratory animal models, and discuss the techniques that have been developed to study different aspects of amphioxus.
Here we report on spawning and development of the Bahama lancelet, Asymmetron lucayanum. Ripe adults collected in Bimini spawned the same evening when placed in the dark for 90 minutes. The developmental morphology is described from whole mounts and histological sections. A comparison between development in Asymmetron and the better known cephalochordate genus Branchiostoma reveals similarities during the early embryonic stages but deviations by the late embryonic and early larval stages. Thus, the initial positions of the mouth, first gill slit, and anus differ between the two genera. Even more strikingly, Hatschek's right and left diverticula, which arise by enterocoely at the anterior end of the pharynx in Branchiostoma, never form during Asymmetron development. In Branchiostoma, these diverticula become the rostral coelom and preoral pit. In Asymmetron, by contrast, homologs of the rostral coelom and preoral pit form by schizocoely within an anterior cell cluster of unproven (but likely endodermal) origin. Proposing evolutionary scenarios to account for developmental differences between Asymmetron and Branchiostoma is currently hampered by uncertainty over which genus is basal in the cephalochordates. A better understanding of developmental diversity within the cephalochordates will require phylogenetic analyses based on nuclear genes and the genome sequence of an Asymmetron species.
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Branchiostomatidae (lancelets or amphioxus) comprises about 30 species, several of which are well-established models in evolutionary development. Our zoological and ecological knowledge of the family is nonetheless limited. Despite evident differences can be found among known populations, the taxonomy of Branchiostoma lanceolatum (type species of the genus Branchiostoma) has never been investigated with modern methods through its range in the northeastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea. We address this via a multilocus molecular approach and comparing specimens collected from different European populations. Results obtained here confirm the presence of a single species inhabiting the range between the topotypical localities of B. lanceolatum (Atlantic Ocean) and of its junior synonym B. lubricum (Mediterranean Sea), without evincing geographical structure between populations. This suggests that environment most likely drives the characteristics observed in different geographic areas. The long larval phase and the slow mutation rate in lancelets may have played a key role in the evolutionary history of this iconic species.
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Much of what we know about speciation comes from detailed studies of well‐known model systems. Although there have been several important syntheses on speciation, few (if any) have explicitly compared speciation among major groups across the Tree of Life. Here, we synthesize and compare what is known about key aspects of speciation across taxa, including bacteria, protists, fungi, plants, and major animal groups. We focus on three main questions. Is allopatric speciation predominant across groups? How common is ecological divergence of sister species (a requirement for ecological speciation), and on what niche axes do species diverge in each group? What are the reproductive isolating barriers in each group? Our review suggests the following patterns. (i) Based on our survey and projected species numbers, the most frequent speciation process across the Tree of Life may be co‐speciation between endosymbiotic bacteria and their insect hosts. (ii) Allopatric speciation appears to be present in all major groups, and may be the most common mode in both animals and plants, based on non‐overlapping ranges of sister species. (iii) Full sympatry of sister species is also widespread, and may be more common in fungi than allopatry. (iv) Full sympatry of sister species is more common in some marine animals than in terrestrial and freshwater ones. (v) Ecological divergence of sister species is widespread in all groups, including ~70% of surveyed species pairs of plants and insects. (vi) Major axes of ecological divergence involve species interactions (e.g. host‐switching) and habitat divergence. (vii) Prezygotic isolation appears to be generally more widespread and important than postzygotic isolation. (viii) Rates of diversification (and presumably speciation) are strikingly different across groups, with the fastest rates in plants, and successively slower rates in animals, fungi, and protists, with the slowest rates in prokaryotes. Overall, our study represents an initial step towards understanding general patterns in speciation across all organisms.
Cephalochordates (amphioxus) are invertebrate chordates closely related to vertebrates. As they are evolving very slowly, they are proving to be very appropriate for developmental genetics studies aimed at understanding how vertebrates evolved from their invertebrate ancestors. To date, techniques for gene knockdown and overexpression have been developed, but methods for continuous breeding cultures and generating germline mutants have been developed only recently. Here we describe methods for continuous laboratory breeding cultures of the cephalochordate Branchiostoma floridae and the TALEN and Tol2 methods for mutagenesis. Included are strategies for analyzing the mutants and raising successive generations to obtain homozygotes. These methods should be applicable to any warm water species of cephalochordates with a relatively short generation time of 3–4 months and a life span of 3 years or more.
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Only a few studies have been devoted to the species identification and the distribution of marine hydroids Ectopleura in Japanese coastal waters, despite the scale of fouling problems that they pose. We collected polyps from the coast of the western and northern parts of Japan, and analyzed their morphological characters and mitochondrial COI genes. As a result, while polyps settled on fishing nets along the coast of Hokkaido were Ectopleura radiata, E. crocea were spotted along the Pacific coast of Honshu. Dense polyp colonies on pontoons along the coasts of Seto Inland Sea in mid-to-late winter were also identified for the first time as E. radiata. In addition, phylogenetic analysis has identified Ectopleura sp. JRH-2014 spotted in the China Seas as E. radiata. Regarding actinulae of E. radiata, we devised a new assay composed of hexagonal columnar cell using test slide glasses, and a magnetic stirrer, and examined the settlement inhibitory effects of the silicone-based coatings. The results found that actinulae proved very sensitive to copper pyrithione contained in anti-fouling agents and the age of coatings.
Both mtDNA variation and allozyme data demonstrate that geographic groupings of different color morphs of the starfish Linckia laevigata are congruent with a genetic discontinuity between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Populations of L. laevigata sampled from Thailand and South Africa, where an orange color morph predominates, were surveyed using seven polymorphic enzyme loci and restriction fragment analysis of a portion of the mtDNA including the control region. Both allozyme and DNA data demonstrated that these populations were significantly genetically differentiated from each other and to a greater degree from 23 populations throughout the West Pacific Ocean, where a blue color morph is predominant. The genetic structure observed in L. laevigata is consistent with traditional ideas of a biogeographic boundary between the Indian and Pacific Oceans except that populations several hundreds kilometers off the coast of north Western Australia (Indian Ocean) were genetically similar to and had the same color morphs as Pacific populations. It is suggested that gene flow may have continued (possibly at a reduced rate) between these offshore reefs in Western Australia and the West Pacific during Pleistocene falls in sea level, but at the same time gene flow was restricted between these Western Australian populations and those in both Thailand and South Africa, possibly by upwellings. The molecular data in this study suggest that vicariant events have played an important role in shaping the broadscale genetic structure of L. laevigata. Additionally, greater genetic structure was observed among Indian Ocean populations than among Pacific Ocean populations, probably because there are fewer reefs and island archipelagos in the Indian Ocean than in the Pacific, and because present-day surface ocean currents do not facilitate long-distance dispersal.
Unlike populations of many terrestrial species, marine populations often are not separated by obvious, permanent barriers to gene flow. When species have high dispersal potential and few barriers to gene flow, allopatric divergence is slow. Nevertheless, many marine species are of recent origin, even in taxa with high dispersal potential. To understand the relationship between genetic structure and recent species formation in high dispersal taxa, we examined population genetic structure among four species of sea urchins in the tropical Indo-West Pacific that have speciated within the past one to three million years. Despite high potential for gene flow, mtDNA sequence variation among 200 individuals of four species in the urchin genus Echinometra shows a signal of strong geographic effects. These effects include (1) substantial population heterogeneity; (2) lower genetic variation in peripheral populations; and (3) isolation by distance. These geographic patterns are especially strong across scales of 5000-10,000 km, and are weaker over scales of 2500-5000 km. As a result, strong geographic patterns would not have been readily visible except over the wide expanse of the tropical Pacific. Surface currents in the Pacific do not explain patterns of gene flow any better than do patterns of simple spatial proximity. Finally, populations of each species tend to group into large mtDNA regions with similar mtDNA haplotypes, but these regional boundaries are not concordant in different species. These results show that all four species have accumulated mtDNA differences over similar spatial and temporal scales but that the precise geographic pattern of genetic differentiation varies for each species. These geographic patterns appear much less deterministic than in other well-known coastal marine systems and may be driven by chance and historical accident.
The recently-developed statistical method known as the "bootstrap" can be used to place confidence intervals on phylogenies. It involves resampling points from one's own data, with replacement, to create a series of bootstrap samples of the same size as the original data. Each of these is analyzed, and the variation among the resulting estimates taken to indicate the size of the error involved in making estimates from the original data. In the case of phylogenies, it is argued that the proper method of resampling is to keep all of the original species while sampling characters with replacement, under the assumption that the characters have been independently drawn by the systematist and have evolved independently. Majority-rule consensus trees can be used to construct a phylogeny showing all of the inferred monophyletic groups that occurred in a majority of the bootstrap samples. If a group shows up 95% of the time or more, the evidence for it is taken to be statistically significant. Existing computer programs can be used to analyze different bootstrap samples by using weights on the characters, the weight of a character being how many times it was drawn in bootstrap sampling. When all characters are perfectly compatible, as envisioned by Hennig, bootstrap sampling becomes unnecessary; the bootstrap method would show significant evidence for a group if it is defined by three or more characters.
Tropical reef fishes, along with many benthic invertebrates, have a life cycle that includes a sedentary, bottom-dwelling reproductive phase and a planktonic stage that occurs early in development. The adult benthic populations occupy disjunct, patchy habitats; the extent of gene flow due to dispersal of the planktonic life stage is generally unknown.
The tools of molecular genetics have enormous potential for clarifying the nature and age of species boundaries in marine organisms. Below I summarize the genetic implications of various species concepts, and review the results of recent molecular genetic analyses of species boundaries in marine microbes, plants, invertebrates and vertebrates. Excessive lumping, rather than excessive splitting, characterizes the current systematic situation in many groups. Morphologically similar species are often quite distinct genetically, suggesting that conservative systematic traditions or morphological stasis may be involved. Some reproductively isolated taxa exhibit only small levels of genetic differentiation, however. In these cases, large population sizes, slow rates of molecular evolution, and relatively recent origins may contribute to the difficulty in finding fixed genetic markers associated with barriers to gene exchange. The extent to which hybridization blurs species boundaries of marine organisms remains a subject of real disagreement in some groups (e.g. corals). The ages of recently diverged species are largely unknown; many appear to be older than 3 million years, but snails and fishes provide several examples of more recent divergences. Increasingly sophisticated genetic analyses make it easier to distinguish allopatric taxa, but criteria for recognition at the species level are highly inconsistent across studies. Future molecular genetic analyses should help to resolve many of these issues, particularly if coupled with other biological and paleontological approaches.
A new method called the neighbor-joining method is proposed for reconstructing phylogenetic trees from evolutionary distance data. The principle of this method is to find pairs of operational taxonomic units (OTUs [= neighbors]) that minimize the total branch length at each stage of clustering of OTUs starting with a starlike tree. The branch lengths as well as the topology of a parsimonious tree can quickly be obtained by using this method. Using computer simulation, we studied the efficiency of this method in obtaining the correct unrooted tree in comparison with that of five other tree-making methods: the unweighted pair group method of analysis, Farris's method, Sattath and Tversky's method, Li's method, and Tateno et al.'s modified Farris method. The new, neighbor-joining method and Sattath and Tversky's method are shown to be generally better than the other methods.
[Extract] Coral reefs have been around since the Ordovician (Wood, 1999), and throughout their 450-million year history they have shared the oceans with fishes. Modern scleractinian-dominated coral reefs and their associated fish faunas represent only the latest manifestation of a reefal ecosystem. It is almost self-evident that history is important to coral reefs, as the reefs build on the skeletons of past generations. But what of the associated fauna? Today, fishes form an integral part of reef communities, modifying benthic community structure and forming a major conduit for the movement of energy and material. Like the reefs, reef fish faunas have been shaped by history, but this historical influence may not be as apparent. Although it is becoming increasingly clear that history plays an important role in structuring local communities (Rickleffs and Schluter, 1993a), its influence on the ecology and biogeography of fishes on coral reefs remains largely unknown. Most studies of reef systems have addressed the question of how biogeographic and ecological patterns are maintained; relatively few consider how these patterns arose or their consequences. However, it is the combination of these two factors, origins and maintenance, that offers the clearest understanding of the nature of biogeographic patterns in reef organisms. Studies of the history of coral reefs have been largely restricted to documenting the history of the reef builders, which have left an outstanding fossil record (Wood, 1999). The history of associated faunas, and fish in particular, is less clear. However, this is changing, primarily as a result of phylogenetic analyses of reef fishes and from a reappraisal of the fossil record.
Two species of tropical lancelet, Epigonichthys maldivensis (Cooper) and E. lucayanus (Andrews), were collected from bottom sand dredged by SCUBA-divers at depths of 10-14m among coral reefs in Nanwan Bay, southern Taiwan, in June, 1996. The average density, inclusive of both species, was roughly 25 ind. m-2, with E. maldivensis in the minority. Many individuals of both species longer than 13mm were sexually mature. The present specimens represent the second record from Taiwan of the circum-tropical E. lucayanus after a gap of 20 years and the first find in Taiwan of the Indo-West Pacific E. maldivensis. SEM observations of the gut contents and material extracted from the sandy bottom of the habitat suggest that the lancelets may feed on surface detritus. Some morphological notes and a key to 5 East Asian lancelet species are also given.