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Functional Convergence of Ecosystems: Evidence from Body Mass Distributions of North American Late Miocene Mammal Faunas

  • All Saints Episcopal School

Abstract and Figures

There is disagreement among ecologists as to whether ecosystem system behavior in general is the net result of all of the complex internal system interactions (bottom-driven) or if the behavior is driven by a limited number of key processes (top-driven). If ecosystems are primarily bottom-driven in nature, then it is unlikely that any two complex ecosystems will ever behaviorally converge as a simple matter of probability, or that their behaviors will ever be predictable. Conversely, evidence of ecosystem convergence would suggest that the systems are top-driven, with the corollary that their behaviors can be understood (and therefore in principle predicted) without a complete understanding of their internal workings. Research has demonstrated that body mass distributions of terrestrial animals broadly reflect ecosystem function. Thus, comparable but causally disconnected terrestrial ecosystems that demonstrate similar body mass distributions would suggest ecosystem convergence. To look for this possible convergence, I generated body mass distributions in a time series for late Miocene North American mammal faunas from the Gulf Coastal Plains, Great Plains, and Pacific coastal region, and compared them with data from the modern Serengeti savanna region. The data show that during the early late Miocene Gulf Coastal Plain faunas resembled each other but were distinctly different from that of the Serengeti, the Great Plains fauna resembled the Serengeti, while the Pacific Coast fauna showed no resemblance to any of the others. However, during the latest Miocene the Gulf Coastal Plain faunas were transformed so as to strongly resemble the Serengeti fauna. The resemblance with the Serengeti was maintained by the Great Plains faunas until at least the end of the Miocene, while the Pacific Coast faunas remained distinctly different from the others. These findings suggest that the late Miocene ecosystems of the Gulf Coastal Plain and Great Plains regions (but not the Pacific Coast region) converged with that of the Serengeti savanna fauna and thus that these ecosystems were/are top-driven rather than bottom-driven in nature.
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Functional Convergence of
Ecosystems: Evidence from
Body Mass Distributions of
North American Late Miocene
Mammal Faunas
W. David Lambert*
The Louisiana School for Mathematics, Science, and the Arts, 715 College Ave., Natchitoches, Louisiana 71457, USA
There is disagreement among ecologists as to
whether ecosystem system behavior in general is
the net result of all of the complex internal system
interactions (bottom-driven) or if the behavior is
driven by a limited number of key processes (top-
driven). If ecosystems are primarily bottom-driven
in nature, then it is unlikely that any two complex
ecosystems will ever behaviorally converge as a
simple matter of probability, or that their behaviors
will ever be predictable. Conversely, evidence of
ecosystem convergence would suggest that the
systems are top-driven, with the corollary that their
behaviors can be understood (and therefore in
principle predicted) without a complete under-
standing of their internal workings. Research has
demonstrated that body mass distributions of ter-
restrial animals broadly reflect ecosystem function.
Thus, comparable but causally disconnected ter-
restrial ecosystems that demonstrate similar body
mass distributions would suggest ecosystem con-
vergence. To look for this possible convergence, I
generated body mass distributions in a time series
for late Miocene North American mammal faunas
from the Gulf Coastal Plains, Great Plains, and Pa-
cific coastal region, and compared them with data
from the modern Serengeti savanna region. The
data show that during the early late Miocene Gulf
Coastal Plain faunas resembled each other but were
distinctly different from that of the Serengeti, the
Great Plains fauna resembled the Serengeti, while
the Pacific Coast fauna showed no resemblance to
any of the others. However, during the latest
Miocene the Gulf Coastal Plain faunas were trans-
formed so as to strongly resemble the Serengeti
fauna. The resemblance with the Serengeti was
maintained by the Great Plains faunas until at least
the end of the Miocene, while the Pacific Coast
faunas remained distinctly different from the oth-
ers. These findings suggest that the late Miocene
ecosystems of the Gulf Coastal Plain and Great
Plains regions (but not the Pacific Coast region)
converged with that of the Serengeti savanna fauna
and thus that these ecosystems were/are top-driven
rather than bottom-driven in nature.
Key words: thermodynamics; convergence; body
size; mammals; landscape; Miocene.
Nonlinear, non-equilibrium systems (henceforth
called complex systems) are divisible into two
Received 9 June 2004; accepted 11 November 2004; published online
*Corresponding author; e-mail:
Ecosystems (2006) 9: 1–28
DOI: 10.1007/s10021-004-0076-0
major categories on the basis of the processes that
generate and control their behavior. Some systems,
although characterized by a large number of com-
plex internal interactions, have their basic behavior
governed by relatively few overriding factors. Such
systems are here called top-driven systems, a ref-
erence to the hierarchical position of the driving
factors. In contrast, the behavior of other complex
systems is the result of the sum total of the
numerous interactions among components of those
systems, each interaction contributing signicantly
(although not necessarily equally). I call such sys-
tems bottom-driven due to the critical importance
of the lower levels in the process hierarchy (Perry
1994; Jo
˜rgensen 1992).
Knowing whether ecosystems are top-driven or
bottom-driven in nature is crucial for understand-
ing, and ultimately predicting their behavior. If
ecosystems are primarily bottom-driven, then
understanding and predicting their behavior re-
quires in principle that the majority if not all of the
interactions within that system be understood.
Considering the number and complexity of the
interactions present in all but the simplest ecosys-
tems, this is a daunting if not outright impossible
task. On the other hand if ecosystems are primarily
top-driven, then there is no need to pinpoint all of
the internal interactions within a given system to
understand its basic behavior. Rather, one need
only identify and understand the relatively few key
processes that drive the behavior of that system (by
no means necessarily an easy task, but clearly more
practical than unraveling all or most of the internal
interactions). Such processes could include re,
ood, damaging wind, and large herbivore activity
among many others (Holling 1992). Considering
the current importance of conserving and/or
managing numerous ecosystems endangered by
human disturbance, such information about eco-
systems is valuable if not outright critical.
The above discussion leads to a crucial question:
are ecosystems predominantly top-driven, bottom-
driven, or are both conditions widespread? One
possible way to address this question relates to
ecosystem functional convergence. Imagine a
hypothetical scenario in which two bottom-driven
ecosystems with similar starting conditions are al-
lowed to evolve completely independently. Be-
cause the behavior of these systems is heavily
inuenced by their numerous complex internal
interactions, the odds of the two of them inde-
pendently evolving similar behaviors in parallel is
extremely low. If however the systems are top-
driven in nature, then the base probability of them
evolving convergently is greatly increased because
many fewer factors must independently reach a
parallel state. In fact, the second law of thermo-
dynamics may in principle actually favor (though
not guarantee) convergence under these condi-
tions. A corollary of the second law of thermody-
namics as applied to complex systems is that, all
other factors being equal, systems that generate
large amounts of entropy are more likely to spon-
taneously develop than comparable systems gen-
erating less entropy. Thus, the second law of
thermodynamics has the potential to directionally
shift the evolution of complex system behaviors
(Chaisson 2001). This entropy-driven directional
shift in system behavior may be related to the
attractor phenomenon commonly invoked in dis-
cussions of complex, dynamic systems (for exam-
ple, Glass and Mackey 1988).
Even if it is accepted that behavioral convergence
is a plausible if indirect indicator of top-driven
ecosystems, actually demonstrating its existence
convincingly is problematic. One could in principle
examine and compare the behaviors of apparently
similar but spatially separate modern ecosystems in
great detail, looking for congruencies in underlying
function. However, even where such similarities
are noted their value as evidence for ecosystem
convergence is questionable, because the possibility
that the compared ecosystems are actually causally
linked components of a larger system cannot be
ruled out. For example, an increase in North
American snow goose populations due to rice
agriculture in the Gulf Coastal Plain has wreaked
havoc on prairie landscape around Hudson Bay in
Canada, showing a signicant connection between
these two ecosystems despite their seeming eco-
logical and spatial disparity (Zolkewich 1997). A
more convincing case could be made if behavioral
convergence was demonstrated between ecosys-
tems that were clearly causally disconnected, for
example widely separated in space, time, and even
biotic composition (for example, comparable mod-
ern and ancient ecosystems in different geographic
regions). An obvious and seemingly fatal method-
ological drawback to this approach presents itself,
namely that information about paleoecosystem
behavior is extremely difcult to extract from the
fossil record because of the destruction of crucial
information. However, a new methodology has
been developed that can potentially reveal at least
broad aspects of the behavior of certain paleoeco-
systems despite this information loss, and this
methodology can in turn be used to make com-
parisons between these and modern ecosystems.
Research by Holling and others (1996) has
demonstrated that animal body sizes in terrestrial
2W. D. Lambert
communities are distinctly clumped rather than
continuous. This pattern is explained by the Tex-
tural Discontinuity Hypothesis, which can be
summarized as follows. Ecosystems are structured
by relatively few key processes operating at specic
temporal and spatial scales. The distinct temporal
frequencies and spatial scales characterizing these
processes create discrete, hierarchical landscape
structures with a scale-specic signature. The scale-
specic effect of these processes leads to a discon-
tinuous distribution of ecological structure and
pattern, which in turn constrains attributes of
animals residing on the resulting landscape,
including body size. These constraints force animals
to adopt body sizes that accommodate the specic
discontinuities in the landscape on which they live,
with the result that animal body size distributions
are discontinuous as well as the landscape (Holling
1992, 1995; Holling and others 1996; Lambert and
Holling 1998; Allen and others 1999; Holling and
Allen 2002). A corollary of the Textural Disconti-
nuity Hypothesis is the Bioassay Corollary, which
states that faunal body mass distributions (speci-
cally the pattern of clumps and gaps, forming a
kind of ‘‘spectrum’’) indirectly contain information
about both the landscape structures in an ecosys-
tem, and of particular importance for this study, the
ecological processes that produced them (Lambert
and Holling 1998). Reliable body size (mass) dis-
tributions can be generated for paleofaunas that
satisfy key conditions (see below). Thus, following
the Bioassay Corollary, it is apparent that by com-
paring the body mass distributions of modern fau-
nas and paleofaunas, one can indirectly compare
the ecological processes that structured their
respective ecosystems, and thus at least some aspect
of their behaviors.
It is important to recognize that the Textural
Discontinuity Hypothesis and the Bioassay Corol-
lary implicitly assume that the terrestrial ecosys-
tems in question are fundamentally top-driven.
Thus, using the Textural Discontinuity Hypothesis
to determine ultimately whether ecosystems are
top-driven suggests the possibility of circular rea-
soning. However, as shown in the above references
considerable evidence prior to this study has ac-
crued supporting the Textural Discontinuity
Hypothesis, and therefore by implication wide-
spread top-driven terrestrial ecosystems. Thus, its
viability is not strictly dependent upon the results
of this study, a fact that to at least some degree
mitigates the possible problem of circularity. One
can look upon an investigation into ecosystem
convergence as both an effort to determine
whether ecosystems are top-driven in nature, and
secondarily a test of whether the Textural Discon-
tinuity Hypothesis is a viable explanation for the
discontinuous body mass distributions observed in
many terrestrial faunas. Plausible observation of
ecosystem convergence would provide support for
the Textural Discontinuity Hypothesis, although a
failure to observe this phenomenon would not
necessarily disprove this hypothesis.
It has long been recognized that the middle-late
Miocene (155 million years ago [mya]) mammal
faunas of North America supercially resembled
those of modern African savannas such as the
Serengeti region in terms of the adaptations of their
respective animals, and these North American
faunas have been called savanna faunas accord-
ingly. (Here, savanna is dened as a moderately to
very open landscape containing both grass and
trees, with the tree density never becoming great
enough to form a dened canopy [Webb 1977,
1983, 1984; Webb and others 1995]). However, no
one has investigated whether these similarities are
the result of similar structuring system processes, or
merely chance supercial resemblances unrelated
to fundamental system function, probably at least
in part because of logistical difculties. Thus, the
important question of whether these causally dis-
connected ecosystems actually converged func-
tionally remains unanswered.
The purpose of this study is to investigate whe-
ther functional convergence occurred between a
modern African savanna ecosystem and apparently
similar ecosystems from the Gulf Coastal Plain and
Great Plains of late Miocene North America, and
therefore try to determine whether these ecosys-
tems were/are top-driven in nature. To answer this
question, body mass distributions were obtained for
the modern Serengeti, late Miocene Gulf Coastal
Plain, and late Miocene Great Plains mammal
faunas, which were compared for congruency.
Body mass distributions from late Miocene mam-
mal faunas in the Pacic Coast region were also
obtained. The Textural Discontinuity Hypothesis
and Bioassay Corollary imply that patterns in body
mass distributions indirectly reect modes of eco-
system function, and thus congruence between
modern African mammal faunas and those of the
late Miocene Gulf Coastal Plain and Great Plains
would suggest that functional convergence be-
tween these respective ecosystems occurred. This
nding would be further supported if the body
mass distributions of the Pacic Coast faunas dif-
fered signicantly from those of the more eastern
regions and modern Serengeti, since evidence
indicates that this region possessed a landscape
structure different from the rest of North America
Functional Convergence of Ecosystems 3
during this time (Webb 1977; Wing 1998). A
plausible nding of functional convergence be-
tween these causally disconnected ecosystems
would have important implications for the broader
issue of how ecosystems function, suggesting that
these ecosystems (and probably many others)
were/are primarily top-driven in nature and,
therefore that their behaviors are at least in prin-
ciple amenable to human understanding and pre-
diction. If no convergence is observed however,
then the question of whether these ecosystems
were/are top- or bottom-driven would remain
Chronological subdivisions of the Miocene are dis-
cussed in terms of North American land mammal
ages. The Barstovian refers to the middle to late
middle Miocene, and ranges from 15 to 12.5 mya.
The Clarendonian refers to the late Miocene, and
ranges from 12.5 to 8.9 mya in age. The Hemphil-
lian refers to the latest Miocene to the very earliest
Pliocene, and ranges in age from 8.9 to 4.5 mya
(Prothero 1998). In this study the late Clarendonian
is dened as 108.9 mya, early Hemphillian 8.97.5
mya, middle Hemphillian 7.56.5 mya, late Hem-
phillian 6.55.5 mya, and latest Hemphillian 5.5
4.5 mya.
Specimens and Measurements
Linear measurements of specimens were made
with dial calipers to the nearest millimeter. The
circumferences of humeri and femora were mea-
sured with a tape measure to the nearest millime-
ter. The following specimen collections were
utilized in this study:
The Florida Museum of Natural History (Gaines-
ville, Florida)
The Nebraska State Museum of Natural History
(Lincoln, Nebraska)
The Los Angeles County Museum of Natural His-
tory (Los Angeles, California)
A list of specimens examined and measurement
data from those specimens can be obtained from
the author upon request.
Selection of Faunas
As explained in detail in Lambert and Holling
(1998), to be utilized in this type of analysis a pa-
leofauna must satisfy at least two requirements. (1)
It must be large enough to be reasonably repre-
sentative of the original mammal fauna (at least
over the size range of interest). And (2) it must
have a reasonably wide size range, although not
necessarily mouse to elephant. Because of prob-
lems with making adequate body mass estimates
(see below) and rarity, both very small (less than 3
kg) and large (greater than 2,000 kg) taxa were
excluded from the data sets. Generally, 20 was
considered the minimum acceptable faunal size for
inclusion in this study. However, for some faunas
where the distribution was robust in the central
region (a section observed to be particularly
important for characterizing the body mass distri-
butions of these faunas), sizes as low as 18 were
utilized. There were some cases in which no one
fauna in a critical geographical region and/or time
period was sufciently diverse for inclusion in this
study. In this situation, faunal lists from localities
that were reasonably close in geography and age
were combined to form regional faunas that were
subject to analysis as if they represented a single
locality (locality faunal lists used in this study can
be obtained from the author upon request). The
modern African mammal faunas used for compar-
ison consisted of the Sierra Leone National Forest
(faunal data from Davies 1987) and the Serengeti
National Park (faunal data from Swynnerton
Body Mass Estimates
Body masses were estimated using regression
equations from Alexander (1989) and various pa-
pers in Damuth and MacFadden (1990) (body mass
estimates used in this study and associated regres-
sion equations can be obtained from the author
upon request). Average predictor error for these
regression equations (where given) ranged from
1530%, with equations with values greater than
30% avoided if at all possible. Because of these
signicant and unavoidable regression predictor
errors, any body mass estimate for a fossil mammal
must be considered approximate at best. For the
modern African mammals, body mass values for
individual species were taken from Macdonald
(1984) and Nowak and Paradiso (1983).
Clump Assignment in Body Mass
In an analysis of Pleistocene faunas utilizing the
Textural Discontinuity Hypothesis and Bioassay
Corollary, Lambert and Holling (1998) utilized an
4W. D. Lambert
index called the split moving window ratio to as-
sign species in a fauna to clumps; these indices
were plotted against rank order, with peaks in the
plot representing gaps between clumps. This
methodology is useful for detecting broad patterns
within body mass distributions (which commonly
can be easily discerned through a simple visual
examination of the data), but it is problematic be-
cause it lacks statistical rigor (Holling and Allen
2002). To minimize the subjective aspect of the
clump assignment process, each body mass distri-
bution in the data set was subjected to univariate
cluster analysis (CLUSTAN; Wishart 2003). In this
analysis, the body mass values in each faunal data
set were log transformed and unweighted, with
increasing sum of squares used as the clustering
algorithm. Similarity trees generated for the mod-
ern and Miocene mammal faunas are presented in
Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4. The body mass data for the
modern and Miocene faunas utilized in this study,
including taxa, rank orders, and clump assign-
ments, are presented in Appendices 113 (all
appendices referred to in this paper are available
online at
Modern African Forest and Savanna
Superimposed body mass plots from the modern
Sierra Leone National Forest and Serengeti faunas
are presented in Figure 5, with the body mass data
presented in Appendices 1 and 2 (http://www. Because the landscape structures
of these habitats are very different, the Textural
Discontinuity Hypothesis predicts that both the
number and/or location of the clumps in these dis-
tributions should be distinctly different, which is
indeed observed.
Clarendonian and Early Hemphillian
Faunas of the Great and Gulf Coastal
The body mass distributions of the late Clarendo-
nian and early Hemphillian Gulf Coastal Plain
faunas are presented in Figures 6 and 7, whereas
that of a late Clarendonian Great Plains fauna is
presented in Figure 8 (no adequate early
Hemphillian Great Plains fauna was available for
analysis). The body mass data are presented in
Appendices 35 (
There is a complication involving the clump
assignments for the late Clarendonian Love fauna
shown in Figure 6. Examination of the similarity
tree generated for this body mass distribution
(Figure 2A) shows that the cluster analysis has split
clump 2, assigning its first seven members into a
distinct group that includes clump 1. Examination
of the Love fauna body mass data (Appendix 3; reveals that in fact
this splitting is based on a relatively small change in
body masses (Prosthenops sp. at 88 kg, Calippus
cerasinus at 102 kg) considering the error levels
underlying these estimates. When different masses
Figure 1. Similarity
trees generated for
modern African faunas
using cluster analysis.
(A) Sierra Leone Forest;
(B) Serengeti savanna.
Functional Convergence of Ecosystems 5
for these taxa were generated on the basis of this
uncertainty (20% was used as a reasonably con-
servative and representative error factor) and
plugged into the cluster analysis, more often than
not this splitting of clump 2 disappeared. When a
different clustering algorithm, average linkage, was
applied to the data set the taxa in clump 2 were
clearly separated from clump 1 in the resulting
similarity tree. Thus, in this instance I have chosen
to regard the splitting of clump 2 as artifacts of both
body mass estimation error and the increasing sum
of squares clustering algorithm.
Examination of the clump distributions for both
Gulf Coastal Plain faunas reveals that they are both
quite similar to each other, but signicantly dif-
ferent from that of the modern Serengeti fauna. In
Figure 2. Similarity trees generated for late Clarendonian through latest Hemphillian faunas from the Gulf Coastal Plain.
(A) Love fauna; (B) Mixons/McGehee Farm regional fauna; (C) Moss Acres Racetrack/Withlacoochee 4A River regional
fauna; (D) Palmetto fauna.
6W. D. Lambert
particular, both Gulf Coastal Plain distributions
have a wide, diverse clump centered near 100 kg
that bridges the third and fourth modern Serengeti
clumps. In striking contrast to these two Gulf
Coastal Plain faunas however, the body mass
clump distribution of the late Clarendonian Great
Plains fauna corresponds almost exactly with that
of the modern Serengeti fauna, although there are
differences in the clump widths that are probably at
least partly the result of errors in the data such as
incomplete faunal preservation. This nding begs
the question of when this congruence between the
late Miocene Great Plains and modern Serengeti
faunas rst arose. Unfortunately, no suitable Great
Plains or Gulf Coastal Plain faunas from the early or
middle Clarendonian could be found for analysis.
However, a suitable late Barstovian fauna from
Nebraska called the Valentine Railroad Quarry was
available, with its body mass clump distribution
presented in Figure 9 and the body mass data
presented in Appendix 6 (http://www.springer- The late Barstovian faunal distribution
Figure 3. Similarity trees generated for late Barstovian through latest Hemphillian faunas from the Great Plains.
(A) Valentine Railroad Quarry fauna; (B) North Shore/Blue Jay regional fauna; (C) Cambridge fauna; (D) Santee/Devils
Nest regional fauna.
Functional Convergence of Ecosystems 7
shows a pattern that is clearly very different from
that of both the late Clarendonian Blue Jay/North
Shore and the modern Serengeti, as well as those
from the Gulf Coastal Plain. Thus, it appears that
the congruence in body mass distributions between
the Great Plains and Serengeti faunas occurred
sometime during the early/middle Clarendonian
time window (roughly 1210 mya). It is unfortu-
nate that no early Hemphillian Great Plains fauna
was available for comparison with that from the
Gulf Coastal Plain. However, as discussed below the
data from the Great Plains faunas of the middle and
latest Hemphillian show a dramatic similarity with
the data from the modern Serengeti, and it is
therefore likely that this similarity extended into
the early Hemphillian as well.
Middle Hemphillian Faunas of the Great
and Gulf Coastal Plains
Body mass data for these faunas are presented in
Appendices 7 and 8 (
Although the Gulf Coastal Plain and Great Plains
faunal body mass distributions were clearly different
during the late Clarendonian and presumably the
early Hemphillian, by the middle Hemphillian these
differences had essentially vanished (Figures 10,
11), with both late Miocene faunas showing clump
correspondences with each other and the modern
Serengeti. The most significant discrepancy is a small
third clump in the Gulf Coastal Plain Moss Acres
Racetrack/Withlacoochee River 4A body mass dis-
tribution that is contained by the larger third clump
Figure 4. Similarity trees generated for late Clarendonian through latest Hemphillian Pacific Coast faunas. (A) Ricardo
fauna; (B) Merhten/Mount Eden/Peace Valley regional fauna; (C) Schutler/Rome regional fauna.
8W. D. Lambert
Figure 5. Superimposed
body mass plots (number
of species against log
body mass, grams) for
the modern Sierra Leone
National Forest and
Serengeti faunas,
showing the location of
both clumps and gaps in
each distribution.
Figure 6. Superimposed
body mass plots (number
of species against log
body mass, grams) for
the modern Serengeti
fauna and the late
Clarendonian Bluejay/
Northshore faunas
(western Nebraska, 9
million years), showing
the location of both
clumps and gaps in each
Functional Convergence of Ecosystems 9
Figure 7. Superimposed
body mass plots (number
of species against log
body mass, grams) for
the modern Serengeti
fauna and the late
Barstovian Valentine
Railroad Quarry fauna
(western Nebraska, 13
million years), showing
the location of both
clumps and gaps in each
Figure 8. Superimposed
body mass plots (number
of species against log
body mass, grams) for
the modern Serengeti
fauna and the late
Clarendonian Love Bone
Bed fauna (North
Florida, 9 million years),
showing the location of
both clumps and gaps in
each distribution.
10 W. D. Lambert
in the Great Plains Cambridge distribution. In addi-
tion, the third clump in the Cambridge body mass
distribution (apparently corresponding to the third
clump in the Serengeti and the fourth clump in the
Moss Acres Racetrack-Withlacoochee River 4A dis-
tributions) is anomalously wide, with the fourth
clump distinctly displaced to the right. In evaluating
the significance of these differences (including dif-
ferences noted between late Clarendonian and early
Hemphillian faunas noted above), it is important to
remember that the data are subject to unavoidable
and essentially unquantifiable error from such
sources as body mass estimations and incomplete
faunal preservation. In addition, if indeed the dis-
tribution patterns reflect ecosystem function, then it
is unreasonable to expect spatially and temporally
highly disparate ecosystems to exactly resemble each
other even if they have converged. Thus, perfect
congruence between compared faunas is an unre-
alistic expectation, and small pattern irregularities
are ignored in this study unless there is a compelling
reason to do otherwise.
Latest Hemphillian Faunas of the Great
and Gulf Coastal Plains
The faunal body mass data for these faunas are
presented in Appendices 9 and 10 (http://, whereas plots of these
body mass data are presented in Figures 12 and 13.
As in the middle Hemphillian, a striking congruence
exists among the Gulf Coastal Plain, Great Plains,
and the modern Serengeti faunas.
Pacific Coast Faunas
Body mass distributions from late Clarendonian,
late Hemphillian, and latest Hemphillian Pacic
Coast faunas are presented in Figures 14, 15, and
16, with the body mass data presented in Appen-
dices 1113 ( The
late Clarendonian Pacific Coast faunal distribution
shows a rough similarity to the Serengeti savanna
fauna. However, unlike any of the other faunas
examined the clumps at the large end of the dis-
tribution are distinctly fragmented, while one
clump lies completely in a gap between two clumps
in the Serengeti distribution. The late Hemphillian
Pacific Coast fauna, in contrast, bears virtually no
resemblance to any of the other modern or Mio-
cene faunal distributions observed, with at least
two and possibly three clumps filling gaps between
clumps in the Serengeti savanna distribution. The
latest Hemphillian Pacific Coast fauna, like that of
the late Clarendonian Pacific Coast fauna, bears a
partial resemblance to the Serengeti savanna fauna.
Figure 9. Superimposed
body mass plots (number
of species against log
body mass, grams) for
the modern Serengeti
fauna and the early
Hemphillian Mixons
Farm/McGehee faunas
(North Florida, 8 million
years), showing the
location of both clumps
and gaps in each
Functional Convergence of Ecosystems 11
However, the broadest clump in the distribution
strongly overlaps two clumps from the Serengeti
savanna. Thus, although there are some partial
similarities, none of the Pacific Coast faunas shows
a compelling congruence with any of the more
eastern late Miocene faunas or the Serengeti sa-
vanna fauna.
Demonstration of Ecosystem Functional
A fundamental issue addressed in this study is
ecosystem functional convergence, an issue that
has important implications for ecosystem properties
(specically, whether they tend to be top- or bot-
tom-driven in nature). Thus, a crucial question
arises: do the faunal body mass data from the late
Miocene North American and modern Serengeti
mammal faunas plausibly support ecosystem
functional convergence?
As discussed above, according to the Textural
Discontinuity Hypothesis and Bioassay Corollary
faunal body mass distributions indirectly reect
ecosystem function. Thus, causally disconnected
ecosystems that show congruent faunal body mass
distributions strongly suggest that functional con-
vergence has occurred. The Gulf Coastal Plain late
Clarendonian and early Hemphillian faunas show
body mass distributions that are consistent with
each other, but very different from that of the
modern Serengeti fauna. Thus, despite the fact that
this region is commonly described as having both a
savanna landscape and climate (for example, Webb
1977; see below), the evidence suggests that these
ecosystems functioned in a manner signicantly
different from the modern Serengeti. In contrast
however, the body mass distribution of the late
Clarendonian Blue Jay/North Shore fauna from the
Great Plains shows a denite similarity to that of
the Serengeti. If indeed the Textural Discontinuity
Hypothesis is correct, then it would appear that the
late Clarendonian savanna of the Great Plains re-
gion both resembled and in some important way
functioned like the modern Serengeti savanna, and
therefore that these two ecosystems are conver-
gent. Moreover, because the late Barstovian Val-
Figure 10. Superimposed body mass plots (number of species against log body mass, grams) for the modern Serengeti
fauna and the middle Hemphillian Cambridge fauna (western Nebraska, 7 million years), showing the location of both
clumps and gaps in each distribution.
12 W. D. Lambert
entine Quarry fauna from the Great Plains shows a
faunal body mass distribution that is very different
from its late Clarendonian counterpart (as well as
those from the late Clarendonian and early Hem-
phillian of the Gulf Coastal Plain), we can deduce
that the convergence occurred sometime during
the early or middle Clarendonian. Thus, there is
evidence not just of convergence between discon-
nected ecosystems, but regional ecosystem evolu-
tion. Signicantly, once established this new
pattern continued with little change in the Great
Plains until the very end of the Miocene.
The Gulf Coastal Plain experienced regional
evolution as well, but not until the middle Hem-
phillian. The body mass distribution for the Moss
Acres Racetrack/Withlacoochee River 4A fauna
resembles those from the late Miocene Great Plains
and the modern Serengeti rather than its older
counterparts from the late Clarendonian and early
Hemphillian. Thus, the ecosystem of the Gulf
Coastal Plain apparently experienced both regional
evolution and convergence at the same time, like
the Great Plains did sometime during the early or
middle Clarendonian (but see discussion below).
Like the Great Plains, the Gulf Coastal Plain
maintained this pattern until the very end of the
A signicant aspect of the body mass distributions
of the Gulf Coastal Plain and Great Plains faunas is
their relative consistency through time. For exam-
ple, the Gulf Coastal Plain faunas maintained a
uniform body mass distribution from the late
Clarendonian into the early Hemphillian before
making a transition to a pattern congruent with the
modern Serengeti and Great Plains faunas in the
middle Hemphillian, which in turn remained un-
changed for the rest of the Miocene. Similarly, the
Great Plains faunas maintained consistent body
mass distributions from the late Clarendonian to the
end of the Miocene. This regional coherence sug-
gests that these patterns have a shared, underlying
cause as opposed to being caused by simple random
chance, which I here propose is the result of shared
landscape-structuring ecological processes.
If this hypothesis is correct, than in principle one
would predict that different patterns would emerge
in comparable data sets from regions where the
landscape was signicantly different from that of
Figure 11. Superimposed body mass plots (number of species against log body mass, grams) for the modern Serengeti
fauna and the middle Hemphillian Moss Acres Racetrack/Withlacoochee River 4A faunas (north Florida, 7 million years),
showing the location of both clumps and gaps in each distribution.
Functional Convergence of Ecosystems 13
the late Miocene Gulf Coastal Plain and Great
Plains. One such region in late Miocene North
America is the Pacic Coast region. Signicant
faunal and oral evidence indicate that the Pacic
Coast experienced a precocious increase in aridity
compared to the rest of North America during the
late Miocene, developing extensive desert and
chaparral habitats by the Clarendonian (Webb
1977; Webb and others 1995; Wing 1998). If this
interpretation of the evidence is correct, then
according to the Textural Discontinuity Hypothesis
and Bioassay Corollary the body mass distributions
of the late Miocene mammal faunas from this re-
gion should differ signicantly from those of the
Gulf Coastal Plains and Great Plains. A contrary
nding, although not necessarily supporting ran-
dom chance as a causal factor, would suggest that a
different explanation underlies the patterns seen in
the late Miocene and modern Serengeti faunas.
Consistent with expectations of the Textural Dis-
continuity Hypothesis, none of the late Miocene
faunas from the Pacic Coast shows more than a
modest resemblance to any of their eastern coun-
terparts. Indeed, unlike the Gulf Coastal Plain and
Great Plains there is no regional coherence among
these faunas. This lack of coherence may be partly
explainable by geographic disparity, the late
Clarendonian Ricardo fauna having come from
central Southern California, the Merhten/Peace
Valley/Mount Eden fauna from central California
within the Central Valley, and the Schutler/Rome
fauna from western Oregon. Despite this disparity
however, the Pacic Coast data can still be regarded
as validly testing the Textural Discontinuity
Hypothesis because substantial paleooral evidence
indicates that the late Miocene drying trend
encompassed the entire Pacic Coast region south
of Washington (Wing 1998).
In conclusion, following the precepts of the
Textural Discontinuity Hypothesis and the Bioassay
Corollary, there is substantial evidence that some
level of functional convergence occurred between
the modern Serengeti savanna ecosystem and those
of the late Miocene Gulf Coastal Plain and Great
Plains of North America. Based on the principles of
probability and complex system thermodynamics,
this nding implies that these ecosystems were/are
top driven in nature, their behavior driven pri-
Figure 12. Superimposed body mass plots (number of species against log body mass, grams) for the modern Serengeti
fauna and the latest Hemphillian Devils Nest/Santee faunas (western Nebraska, 5 million years), showing the location of
both clumps and gaps in each distribution.
14 W. D. Lambert
marily by a relatively small number of key factors.
Since the late Miocene ecosystems have vanished
(essentially changed beyond any recognition
through time), this information has no practical
relevance to them. However, this is not true for the
modern Serengeti savanna ecosystem, which is
indeed subject to and most likely threatened by a
host of human disturbances (see papers in Sinclair
and Arcese 1995). By focusing study on the key
factors that drive its behavior, one could in prin-
ciple discover whether this ecosystem is being
fundamentally affected by current levels of human
disturbance, how or if it is going to fundamentally
change in response, and what steps should be taken
to prevent this change should it prove necessary or
desirable. Similar studies could also be done for
other threatened ecosystems, assuming that they
are top-driven as well, although clearly this would
be more practical for some than others.
Alternative Explanations to Ecosystem
Functional Convergence
It is important to remember that the conclusions
about ecosystem behavior drawn from this study
are completely inferential in nature. For obvious
reasons none of the Miocene ecosystems examined
in this study has been directly observed by ecolo-
gists, nor will they ever be barring the unlikely
invention of a time machine. The body mass dis-
tribution patterns and associated paleontological
evidence are broadly consistent with the Textural
Discontinuity Hypothesis and the Bioassay Corol-
lary of Holling and colleagues, with implications for
ecosystems as discussed above. However, other
explanations only partially related or completely
unrelated to the Textural Discontinuity Hypothesis
could conceivably account for or contribute to
these patterns as well.
One such possible alternative explanation is
taxonomic bias. In this scenario, one could argue
that the similarities observed in the body mass
distributions are the result of comparisons between
mammal faunas with similar faunal compositions
(and thus not truly independent) rather than eco-
system functional convergence. The taxonomic bias
hypothesis does a poor job of explaining the simi-
larities between the modern Serengeti and the
Miocene mammal faunas. Only two genera are
shared between all of the combined Miocene
Figure 13. Superimposed body mass plots (number of species against log body mass, grams) for the modern Serengeti
fauna and the latest Hemphillian Palmetto fauna (central Florida, 5 million years), showing the location of both clumps
and gaps in each distribution.
Functional Convergence of Ecosystems 15
mammal faunas and that of the Serengeti, Felis and
Canis (both only found in latest Hemphillian Mio-
cene faunas) (see Appendices 213). Not surpris-
ingly, the similarity increases when comparisons
are made at the family level (Table 1). However,
only five families are shared at this higher taxo-
nomic level, representing 28% of the Late Miocene
collective fauna and 31% of the Serengeti fauna
respectively. Thus, there is no reason to question
the faunal independence of these temporally and
spatially disparate faunas.
The case for taxonomic bias helping to produce
similarities between the contemporaneous late
Miocene mammal faunas has considerably more
plausibility. For example, consider the Cambridge
(Great Plains, middle Hemphillian) and Moss Acres
Racetrack/Withlacoochee River 4A (Gulf Coastal
Plain, middle Hemphillian) faunas, which are the
rst late Miocene faunas to show interregional
convergence in their body mass distributions. These
two faunas share at least four well identied species
(17% of the Cambridge fauna, 19% of the Moss
Acres Racetrack/Withlacoochee River 4A fauna),
with the actual number possibly being higher be-
cause accurate species level identication of fossil
specimens can be difcult, and 12 genera (52% of
the Cambridge fauna, 63% of the Moss Acres
Racetrack/Withlacoochee River 4A fauna). Such an
overlap is not surprising when one considers that
many if not most of these mammals are large and
highly mobile (for example, horses, camels,
pronghorn ‘‘antelopes’’, and rhinoceroses among
others), and that no major geographical barriers,
such as mountain ranges, separate the Gulf Coastal
Plain and the Great Plains. A similar faunal overlap
exists between the Palmetto (Gulf Coastal Plain,
latest Hemphillian) and Devils Nest/Santee faunas
(Great Plains, latest Hemphillian), which share
eight species (26% of the Palmetto fauna, 36% of
the Devils Nest/Santee fauna) and 13 genera (41%
of the Palmetto fauna, 59% of the Devils Nest/
Santee fauna) respectively.
The species shared between contemporaneous
faunas create a clear overlap in the compared data
sets, but it is unlikely that these overlaps by
themselves are sufcient to create observed pattern
similarities. However, the overlap at the generic
level is considerably larger, greater than 50% in
Figure 14. Superimposed body mass plots (number of species against log body mass, grams) for the modern Serengeti
fauna and the late Clarendonian Ricardo fauna (southern California, 9 million years), showing the location of both clumps
and gaps in each distribution.
16 W. D. Lambert
each case. Thus, if many or most of these genera
contain species in a relatively narrow size range
then these overlaps could denitely create a bias in
favor of similarity. To check for this possibility, the
body masses of species in genera shared between
middle and latest Hemphillian Gulf Coastal Plain
and Great Plains faunas were compared (Table 2).
The intrageneric size similarity was considerable for
the middle Hemphillian faunas, particularly if a
20% error factor is incorporated to compensate for
body mass estimation errors. With the error factor
included, the following middle Hemphillian genera
contain species that overlap in body size: Thinoba-
distes (T. segnis =Thinobadistes sp.), Nannippus
(N. minor =Nannippus sp.), Calippus (C. mccar-
tyi =Calippus sp.), Hipparion (Hipparion cf.
forcei =Hipparion cf. tehonense), and Pseudoceras (cf.
Pseudoceras =Pseudoceras sp.) (five additional species
in all). Similarly, the following latest Hemphillian
genera contain species that overlap in body size:
Machairodus (Machairodus sp. = Machairodus sp.),
Nannippus (N. aztecus =N. lenticularis), Teleoceras (T.
fossiger =Teleoceras sp.), and Platygonus (Platygonus
sp. = Platygonus sp.) (four additional species in all).
Based upon the fundamental premise of the Tex-
tural Discontinuity Hypothesis, congeneric species
that are similar in size can be considered functional
equivalents, and thus nine species can be consid-
ered shared between the middle Hemphillian
faunas (42% of the Moss Acres Racetrack/Withla-
coochee River 4a fauna, 38% of the Cambridge
fauna) and 12 species shared between the latest
Hemphillian faunas (39% of the Palmetto fauna,
55% of the Santee/Devils Nest fauna). The revised
number of species (including functional species)
shared between these faunas is considerable. Thus,
taxonomic bias cannot be ruled out as a significant
contributor to the interregional similarities ob-
served between these late Miocene faunas, as op-
posed to ecosystem convergence alone.
A plausible alternative explanation for this in-
crease in interregional similarity is ecosystem
expansion. During the late Clarendonian and pre-
sumably early Hemphillian, the Gulf Coastal Plains
and Great Plains appear to have constituted eco-
logically distinct regions, with their body mass
distributions differing accordingly. However, from
the middle Hemphillian through the end of the
Figure 15. Superimposed body mass plots (number of species against log body mass, grams) for the modern Serengeti
fauna and the late Hemphillian Merhten/Mount Eden/Peace Valley faunas (central California, 6 million years), showing
the location of both clumps and gaps in each distribution.
Functional Convergence of Ecosystems 17
Miocene ecological conditions in the eastern and
central regions of North America may have chan-
ged by becoming more broadly uniform, with the
Great Plains expanding so as to encompass the Gulf
Coastal Plain and form a single broad, multi-re-
gional ecosystem that was convergent with the
modern Serengeti savanna of Africa (see discussion
below). This proposed absorption of the Gulf
Coastal Plain by the Great Plains ecosystem, if it
indeed occurred, is interesting because it runs
counter to a widespread belief that the Gulf Coastal
Plain served as a relatively mesic savanna refuge for
certain mammal taxa (for example, three-toed
horses and browsing ungulates) that vanished from
Great Plains during the late Miocene, particularly at
the end when a nal conversion of the Great Plains
to a steppe landscape is thought to have occurred
(for example, Webb 1977, 1983; Webb and others
Taxonomic bias can, at least in part, be consid-
ered a methodological artifact. However certain
macroscale (as opposed to mesoscale) geographical
factors, such as temperature, rainfall, and eleva-
tion, have been observed to correlate with body
size in mammals and thus in principle could have
helped produce the faunal similarities in question
in addition to or instead of ecosystem functional
convergence (Currie 1991). For example, a number
of researchers (for example, Currie 1991; Badgely
and Fox 2000; Cannon 2004) have observed a po-
sitive relationship between medium and large
mammal diversity and potential evapotranspiration
[a measure of solar energy received in a given area
rather than an actual measure of the amount of
water transpired by plants (Perry 1994)] in both
modern and Pleistocene North American habitats.
Based on this nding, they have proposed that
mammal diversity in these size categories is dis-
tinctly limited by total available environmental
energy. Unfortunately, the exact causal basis for
this limitation has not been clearly explained, and
thus it is difcult to evaluate the implications of
these ndings for the Textural Discontinuity
Hypothesis and the hypothesis of ecosystem func-
tional convergence. Indeed, because the exact
nature of the ecological processes that generate
discontinuous habitat structure is not well under-
stood, it is conceivable that potential evapotrans-
Figure 16. Superimposed body mass plots (number of species against log body mass, grams) for the modern Serengeti
fauna and the latest Hemphillian Schutler/Rome faunas (western Oregon, 5 million years), showing the location of both
clumps and gaps in each distribution.
18 W. D. Lambert
piration is actually incorporated in the Textural
Discontinuity Hypothesis. Nevertheless, pending
further investigation, this and perhaps other geo-
graphical factors cannot be ruled out as possible
alternative causes for the body mass patterns ob-
served in this study, although as of now there is no
strong evidence to this effect.
Possible Causes for Ecosystem
Convergence Between Modern Savanna
Africa and Late Miocene North America
Assuming that ecological convergence did indeed
occur between the Serengeti ecosystem of modern
Africa and some ecosystems of late Miocene North
America, an obvious question presents itself: what
changes occurred in the Gulf Coastal Plain and
Great Plains during the late Miocene that caused
these two regional ecosystems (or perhaps com-
bined super-regional ecosystem) to transform and
begin to function at least approximately like the
modern Serengeti ecosystem? Unfortunately body
mass distributions, although providing evidence for
broad behavior, reveal little about the actual pro-
cesses producing that behavior. However, impor-
tant ecological changes known to have occurred in
North America during the late Miocene may pro-
vide intriguing circumstantial clues.
Through most of the Miocene, North America as
a whole experienced a denite trend in landscape
change, with forests being steadily replaced by
more open savanna. By the middle Miocene
(Barstovian), much of the continent including the
Great Plains had been converted into woodland
savanna, although the Gulf Coastal Plain is thought
to have been a forest refuge at this time, holding
onto animals that had already vanished from other
regions (particularly archaic browsing ungulates).
This trend continued through the rest of the Mio-
cene, incorporating the Gulf Coastal Plain in addi-
tion to the Great Plains. Woodland savannas
became steadily more open to form grassland sav-
annas, and the diversity of browsing ungulates
dropped accordingly. In the Great Plains, this trend
reached its peak with the formation of a grass
steppe in the late and latest Hemphillian, although
the Gulf Coastal Plains is believed to have acted as a
savanna refuge until the end of the Miocene (Webb
1977, 1983, 1984; Webb and others 1995).
The usual explanation given for this landscape
trend is increasing aridity, both in terms of reduced
annual rainfall and more intensely seasonal rainfall
(for example, Webb 1977), which is presumed to
have steadily concentrated trees into areas with
permanently high moisture. Similarly, seasonal
rainfall is a critical factor helping to maintain the
savanna landscape of the modern African Serengeti,
inducing grazing ungulates to migrate and helping
to inuence tree and grass distribution (see
numerous papers in Sinclair and Norton-Grifths
1979). In what is considered to have been an analog
to this situation in the late Miocene of North
America, Hulbert (1982) observed evidence of sea-
sonal occupation of the late Clarendonian Love site,
a permanent water source in the form of a sinkhole
pond, by the three-toed horse Neohipparion.
If however both the Gulf Coastal Plain and Great
Plains were dominated by a savanna landscape and
seasonal rainfall during the late Miocene as sug-
gested by the available (if limited) circumstantial
evidence, then we are faced with a conundrum.
The body mass data suggest that the Great Plains
ecosystem functioned in some basic respect like the
modern Serengeti from at least the late Clarendo-
nian through to the very end of the Miocene,
consistent with the traditional view that this region
resembled the savanna region of modern Africa
Table 1. Families represented in Late Miocene
Mammal Faunas of the Gulf Coastal Plain and the
Modern Seregenti Mammal Fauna, Listed by Order
Late Miocene Gulf Coastal Plain Serengeti
Order Edentata Order Rodentia
Megalonychidae (EH, MH, LH) Pedetidae
Mylodontidae (EH, MH, LH) Order Primates
Order Carnivora Cercopithecidae
Mustelidae (LC, EH, MH, LH) Order Carnivora
Canidae (LC, EH, MH, LH) Canidae
Procyonidae (LC, EH, LH) Mustelidae
Ursidae (MH, LH) Viverridae
Felidae (LC, EH, MH, LH) Hyaenidae
Nimravidae (LC) Felidae
Order Artiodactyla Order Tubulidendata
Tayassuidae (LC, EH, MH, LH) Orycteropodidae
Protoceratidae (EH, LH) Order Pholidota
Camelidae (LC, EH, MH, LH) Manidae
Gelocidae (LC, MH) Order Hyracoidea
Antilocapridae (LC, MH, LH) Procaviidae
Cervidae (LH) Order Artiodactyla
Dromomerycidae (LC, EH, MH) Suidae
Order Perrisodactyla Hippopotamidae
Equidae (LC, EH, MH, LH) Giraffidae
Tapiridae (LC, EH, MH, LH) Bovidae
Rhinoceratidae Order Perissodactyla
(LC, EH, MH, LH) Equidae
Note that the late Miocene list reflects family presence in the studied faunas only.
(Abbreviations: LC, late Clarendonian Love fauna; EH, early Hemphillian Mi-
xon/McGehee Farm fauna; MH, middle Hemphilian Moss Acres Racetrack/
Withlacoochee River 4A fauna; LH, latest Hemphillian Palmetto fauna).
Functional Convergence of Ecosystems 19
during this time. However, contradicting the tra-
ditional view, the body mass data from the Gulf
Coastal Plain faunas suggests that this ecosystem
functioned signicantly differently from those of
both the modern Serengeti and Great Plains during
the late Clarendonian and early Hemphillian.
In trying to resolve this apparent contradiction,
some facts must be considered. First, it can be very
difcult to tease details of landscape structure from
the fossil record. For example, a paleoora can
provide information on what kinds of plants were
present at a locality and their relative abundance,
but not their exact spatial distribution (Lambert
1994). Thus, two paleooras could closely resemble
each other in most respects, yet still represent
localities with distinctly different landscapes. Sec-
ondly, a variety of ecological factors beyond
seasonal rainfall can help produce an open,
Table 2. List of Species and their Body Masses in Genera Shared between Contemporaneous (either Middle
Hemphillian or Latest Hemphillian) Gulf Coastal Plain and Great Plains faunas
Species Mass (grams) Fauna
Middle Hemphillian Faunas
T. segnis 948,000 Moss Acres Racetrack/With. River 4A
Thinobadistes sp. 1,066,000 Cambridge
N. morgani 36,000 Moss Acres Racetrack/With. River 4A
N. minor 79,000 Moss Acres Racetrack/With. River 4A
Nannipus sp. 97,000 Cambridge
Calippus sp. 77,000 Cambridge
C. theristes 132,000 Cambridge
C. mccartyi 73,000 Moss Acres Racetrack/With. River 4A
Hipparion cf. tehonense 151,000 Moss Acres Racetrack/With. River 4A
Hipparion cf. forcei 174,000 Cambridge
Dinohippus sp. 330,000 Moss Acres Racetrack/With. River 4A
Dinohippus sp. 259,000 Cambridge
Aphelops mutilis 764,000 Moss Acres Racetrack/With. River 4A
Aphelops kimballensis 1,792,000 Cambridge
Pseudoceras sp. 11,100 Cambridge
cf. Pseudoceras 9,050 Moss Acres Racetrack/With. River 4A
Pediomeryx hemphillensis 108,000 Moss Acres Racetrack/With. River 4A
Pediomeryx figginsi 414,000 Cambridge
Latest Hemphillian Faunas
Machairodus sp. 150,000 Palmetto
Machairodus sp. 134,000 Santee/Devils Nest
N. aztecus 79,000 Palmetto
N. lenticularis 98,000 Santee/Devils Nest
Teleoceras sp. 963,000 Palmetto
T. fossiger 1,139,000 Santee/Devils Nest
Platygonus sp. 240,000 Palmetto
Platygonus sp. 240,000 Santee/Devils Nest
Hemiauchenia sp. 204,000 Palmetto
H. vera 159,000 Santee/Devils Nest
20 W. D. Lambert
savanna-like landscape, including re, physio-
graphic atness, and animal activity. For example,
cattle grazing has been observed to create savannas
in regions of South America that would otherwise
have been forest (Retallack 1982; Sarmiento 1984).
Thus, apparently similar savanna landscapes can in
principle be generated by different underlying
With the above facts in mind, the following is a
plausible hypothetical scenario that is consistent
with the available evidence and also resolves the
aforementioned apparent contradiction. During
the late Clarendonian and early Hemphillian, both
the Gulf Coastal Plains and Great Plains had rel-
atively open landscapes. The landscape of the
Great Plains was very much like the modern
Serengeti (that is, local pockets of open woodlands
around water sources separated by open grass-
lands), and it was generated by similar ecological
factors (for example, strongly seasonal rainfall,
facilitative grazing by ungulates, grass re, tree
predation by proboscideans, and so on). Thus, it
would have been truly functionally convergent
with the Serengeti. In contrast, the landscape of
the Gulf Coastal Plain was open, but in a fashion
that differed in detail from the Great Plains (for
example, the trees could have been more widely
dispersed throughout the terrain, re could have
played a lesser role in maintaining the structure,
and so on), with this particular structure main-
tained by different combinations of ecological
factors. Given the proximity of the Gulf of Mexico,
it is plausible that the rainfall may not have been
strongly seasonal at this time. However, as North
America continued its pan-Miocene trend towards
increasing aridity, by the middle Hemphillian the
conditions governing the Great Plains spread to
the Gulf Coastal Plain. As a result, these land-
scapes became similar and the Gulf Coastal Plain
developed faunal body mass distributions like
those found in the Great Plains.
Unfortunately, at this time it is not possible to
adequately test this scenario. Faunal body mass
distributions unfortunately represent at best diffuse
shadows of the processes governing their respective
ecosystems, and currently provide little or no de-
tailed information. Hopefully, future research will
allow ecologists to better interpret the ecological
meaning of patterns within body mass distribu-
tions, or perhaps completely new methodologies
will be invented that provide a clearer picture into
how different paleoecosystems functioned, many
almost certainly without modern analogs and thus
not amenable to analysis by the methodology used
in this study.
The Florida Museum of Natural History, Nebraska
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Paul Marples, Craig Allen, and Jan Zenzimir pro-
vided guidance and valuable suggestions during the
conduction of this study. Craig Allen and three
anonymous reviewers provided invaluable criticism
of this manuscript. This project received nancial
support from NASA Earth Observation Systems and
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22 W. D. Lambert
Appendix 1. Body Mass Data (grams) and Clump Assignments for the Modern Sierra Leone Forest Mammal
Species Rank Mass Log mass Clump no
Cercopithecus campbelli 1 3,250 3.51 1
Herpestes ichneumon 2 3,265 3.51 1
Atilax paludinosus 3 3,400 3.53 1
Cercopithecus aethiops 4 3,900 3.59 1
Procolobus verus 5 4,300 3.63 1
Cephalophus monticola 6 4,350 3.64 1
Cercopithecus diana 7 5,000 3.70 1
Cercopithecus petaurista 8 5,500 3.74 1
Procolobus badius 9 7,750 3.89 1
Colobus polykomos 10 8,900 3.95 1
Cercocebus torquatus 11 10,000 4.00 1
Civettictus civetta 12 11,250 4.05 1
Cephalophus zebra 13 12,500 4.10 1
Aonyx capensis 14 13,275 4.12 1
Felis aurata 15 15,750 4.20 1
Cephalophus dorsalis 16 22,000 4.34 1
Tragelaphus scriptus 17 35,000 4.54 2
Panthera pardus 18 45,600 4.66 2
Potamochoerus porcus 19 60,450 4.78 2
Pan troglodytes 20 62,250 4.79 2
Cephalophus sylvicultor 21 62,500 4.80 2
Cephalophus jentinki 22 70,000 4.85 2
Choeropsis libericus 23 210,500 5.32 3
Tragelaphus euryceros 24 277,000 5.44 3
Functional Convergence of Ecosystems 23
Appendix 2. Body Mass Data (grams) and Clump
Assignments for the Modern Serengeti Savanna
Mammal Fauna
Species Rank Mass
Heterohyrax brucei 1 3,000 3.48 1
Procavia capensis 2 3,300 3.52 1
Herpestes ichneumon 3 3,300 3.52 1
Atilax paludinosus 4 3,400 3.53 1
Pedetes capensis 5 3,500 3.54 1
Cercopithecus aethiops 6 3,900 3.59 1
Ichneumia albicauda 7 4,000 3.60 1
Otocyon megalotis 8 4,200 3.62 1
Cephalophus monticola 9 4,350 3.64 1
Felis lybica 10 4,600 3.66 1
Madoqua kirkii 11 5,100 3.71 1
Cercopithecus mitis 12 5,800 3.76 1
Manis temnickii 13 7,200 3.86 1
Canis mesomelas 14 7,200 3.86 1
Erythrocebus patas 15 8,500 3.93 1
Canis adustus 16 8,800 3.94 1
Proteles cristatus 17 10,000 4.00 1
Felis serval 18 10,400 4.02 1
Raphicerus campestris 19 11,100 4.05 1
Mellivora capensis 20 11,700 4.07 1
Oreotragus oreotragus 21 11,900 4.08 1
Felis caracal 22 12,900 4.11 1
Civettictis civetta 23 13,000 4.11 1
Aonyx capensis 24 13,300 4.12 1
Sylvicapra grimmea 25 14,000 4.15 1
Ourebia ourebi 26 14,100 4.15 1
Hystrix cristata 27 20,000 4.30 2
Gazella thomsoni 28 23,000 4.36 2
Lycaon pictus 29 23,000 4.36 2
Papio ursinus 30 24,000 4.38 2
Redunca fulvorufula 31 29,400 4.47 2
Hyaena hyaena 32 35,000 4.54 2
Redunca redunca 33 45,000 4.65 2
Acinonyx jubatus 34 48,000 4.68 2
Panthera pardus 35 50,000 4.70 2
Tragelaphus scriptus 36 52,000 4.72 2
Orycteropus afer 37 52,000 4.72 2
Gazella granti 38 60,000 4.78 2
Potamochoerus porcus 39 60,000 4.78 2
Crocuta crocuta 40 61,000 4.79 2
Phacochoerus aethiopicus 41 68,000 4.83 2
Damaliscus lunatus 42 133,000 5.12 3
Alcephalus buselaphus 43 136,000 5.13 3
Connochaetes taurinus 44 215,000 5.33 3
Panthera leo 45 238,000 5.38 3
Kobus ellipsiprymnus 46 260,000 5.41 3
Hippotragus equinus 47 270,000 5.43 3
Equus burchelli 48 307,000 5.49 3
Taurotragus oryx 49 372,000 5.57 3
Syncerus caffer 50 775,000 5.89 4
Giraffa camelopardalis 51 1,000,000 6.00 4
Diceros bicornis 52 1,100,000 6.04 4
Hippotamus ampbibius 53 1,400,000 6.15 4
Appendix 3. Body Mass Data (grams) and Clump
Assignments for the Love Mammal Fauna (North
Florida, 9 mya)
Species Rank Mass
Leptarctus cuspidatus 1 7,500 3.88 1
Pseudoceras sp. 2 10,000 4.00 1
Arctonasua floridana 3 26,500 4.42 2
Aelurodon cf. saevus 4 36,000 4.56 2
Aelurodon cf. haydeni 5 40,000 4.60 2
Calippus elachistus 6 49,000 4.69 2
Prosthennops sp. (small) 7 50,000 4.70 2
(genus indet.)
8 55,000 4.74 2
Pseudhipparion skinneri 9 61,000 4.79 2
Prosthennops sp. (large) 10 88,000 4.94 2
Calippus cerasinus 11 102,000 5.01 2
‘‘Hemiauchenia’’ minima 12 103,000 5.01 2
Nimravides galiani 13 126,000 5.10 2
Barbourofelis lovei 14 129,000 5.11 2
Cormohipparion ingenuum 15 139,000 5.14 2
Neohipparion trampasense 16 142,000 5.15 2
Hipparion cf. tehonense 17 151,000 5.18 2
Hemiauchenia sp. 18 157,000 5.20 2
Cormohipparion plicatile 19 198,000 5.30 2
Protohippus gidleyi 20 204,000 5.31 2
Pediomeryx hamiltoni 21 211,000 5.32 2
Tapirus simpsoni 22 318,000 5.50 3
Teloceras proterum 23 475,000 5.68 3
Procamelus grandis 24 491,000 5.69 3
Aphelops malacorhinus 25 935,000 5.97 4
Aepycamelus major 26 950,000 5.98 4
24 W. D. Lambert
Appendix 4. Body Mass Data (grams) and Clump
Assignments for the Combined McGehee and Mi-
xons Mammal Faunas (North Florida, 8 mya)
Species Rank Mass
Procyonidae (genus indet.) 1 32,000 4.51 1
Osteoborus cf. galushai 2 34,000 4.53 1
Calippus regulus 3 42,000 4.62 1
Pseudhipparion sp. 4 60,000 4.78 1
Astrohippus martini 5 73,000 4.86 1
Nannippus aztecus 6 79,000 4.90 1
Nannippus westoni 7 93,000 4.97 1
‘‘Hemiauchenia’’ minima 8 103,000 5.01 1
Nimravides galiani 9 126,000 5.10 1
Cormohipparion ingenuum 10 139,000 5.14 1
Pediomeryx hemphillensis 11 150,000 5.18 1
Hemiauchenia sp. 12 156,000 5.19 1
Pliohippus cf. supremus 13 186,000 5.27 1
Synthetoceras tricornatus 14 188,000 5.27 1
Cormohipparion plicatile 15 198,000 5.30 1
Tapirus simpsoni 16 318,000 5.50 1
Teleoceras sp. 17 710,000 5.85 2
Pliometanastes protistus 18 851,000 5.93 2
Aphelops malacorhinus 19 935,000 5.97 2
Thinobadistes segnis 20 943,000 5.97 2
Aepycamelus major 21 950,000 5.98 2
Appendix 5. Body Mass Data (grams) and Clump
Assignments for the Combined Blue Jay and North
Shore Mammal Faunas (Nebraska, 9 mya)
Species Rank Mass
Leptocyon sp. 1 6,000 3.78 1
Longirostromeryx cf. merriami 2 20,000 4.30 2
Aelurodon saevus 3 36,000 4.56 2
Aelurodon haydeni 4 40,000 4.60 2
Barbourofelis morrisi 5 87,000 4.94 3
Pseudhipparion gratum 6 105,000 5.02 3
Parahippus cognatus 7 113,000 5.05 3
Nimravides galiani 8 126,000 5.10 3
Hemiauchenia sp. 9 133,000 5.12 3
Protohippus sp. 10 172,000 5.24 3
Cranioceras cf. unicornis 11 179,000 5.25 3
Hypohippus cf. affinis 12 213,000 5.33 3
Ustatochoerus major 13 223,000 5.35 3
Neohipparion occidentale 14 230,000 5.36 3
Pliauchenia magnifontis 15 237,000 5.37 3
Miolabis sp. 16 247,000 5.39 3
Dinohippus sp. 17 419,000 5.62 4
Teleoceras sp. 18 423,000 5.63 4
Procamelus grandis 19 491,000 5.69 4
Megatylopus primaevus 20 653,000 5.81 5
Aphelops sp. 21 935,000 5.97 5
Appendix 6. Body Mass Data (grams) and Clump
Assignments for the Late Barstovian Valentine
Railroad Quarry Mammal Fauna (Nebraska, 12
Species Rank Mass
ruminant, genus indet. 1 3,600 3.56 1
Leptocyon vafer 2 4,800 3.68 1
3 5,400 3.73 1
Submeryceros minor 4 7,500 3.88 1
Pseudaelurus marshi 5 8,000 3.90 1
Tomarctos cf. euthos 6 10,000 4.00 1
Cynarctos saxatilis 7 11,000 4.04 1
Tomarctos temerius 8 11,700 4.07 1
Ursavus sp. 9 13,000 4.11 1
Longirostromeryx blicki 10 14,000 4.15 1
Arctonasua sp. 11 15,500 4.19 1
Carpocyon cuspidatus 12 16,000 4.20 1
Mionictis sp. 13 18,000 4.26 1
Merycodus warreni 14 18,000 4.26 1
Parablastomeryx sp. 15 21,000 4.32 1
Aelurodon ferox 16 25,000 4.40 1
Pseudaelurus intrepidus 17 34,000 4.53 1
Dyseohyus xiphodonticus 18 58,000 4.76 1
Cranioceras skinneri 19 105,000 5.02 2
Parahippus cognatus 20 113,000 5.05 2
Merychippus cf. insignus 21 120,000 5.08 2
Calippus placidus 22 130,000 5.11 2
Ustatochoerus medius 23 180,000 5.26 2
Neohipparion republicanus 24 193,000 5.29 2
Pliohippus mirabilis 25 202,000 5.31 2
Tapiravis cf. polkensis 26 214,000 5.33 2
Anchitherium sp. 27 228,000 5.36 2
Protolabis cf. gracilis 28 268,000 5.43 2
Megahippus mckennai 29 305,000 5.48 2
Aepycamelus robustus 30 347,000 5.54 2
Procamelus robustus 31 372,000 5.57 2
Teleoceras cf. mediacornatus 32 732,000 5.86 3
Peraceras cf. crassus 33 1,951,000 6.29 4
Functional Convergence of Ecosystems 25
Appendix 7. Body Mass Data (grams) and Clump
Assignments for the Combined Moss Acres Race-
track and Withlacoochee River 4A Mammal Faunas
(North Florida, 7 mya)
Species Rank Mass
Vulpes stenognathus 1 6,000 3.78 1
cf. Pseudoceras 2 9,050 3.96 1
Osteoborus orc 3 18,130 4.26 2
Enhydritherium terraenovae 4 21,060 4.32 2
Nannippus morgani 5 36,000 4.56 2
Calippus mccartyi 6 73,000 4.86 3
Nannippus minor 7 79,000 4.90 3
Pediomeryx hemphillensis 8 108,000 5.03 3
Hipparion cf. tehonense 9 151,000 5.18 4
Machairodus sp. 10 165,000 5.22 4
Neohipparion eurystyle 11 166,000 5.22 4
Cormohipparion emslei 12 186,000 5.27 4
Cormohipparion plicatile 13 198,000 5.30 4
Astrohippus 14 225,000 5.35 4
Tapirus simpsoni 15 318,000 5.50 4
Dinohippus sp. 16 330,000 5.52 4
Indarctos sp. 17 363,000 5.56 4
Aepycamelus sp. 18 618,000 5.79 5
Aphelops mutilis 19 764,000 5.88 5
Pliometanastes protistus 20 851,000 5.93 5
Thinobadistes segnis 21 948,000 5.98 5
Appendix 8. Body Mass Data (grams) and Clump
Assignments for the Cambridge Mammal Fauna
(Nebraska, 7 mya)
Species Rank Mass
Vulpes stenognathus 1 6,000 3.78 1
Sthenictis sp. 2 10,600 4.03 1
Pseudoceras sp. 3 11,100 4.05 1
Texoceros cf. guymonensis 4 37,000 4.57 2
Epicyon validus 5 39,000 4.59 2
Prosthenops graffamhami 6 43,000 4.63 2
Calippus sp. 7 77,000 4.89 3
Nannippus sp. 8 97,000 4.99 3
Calippus theristes 9 132,000 5.12 3
Hemiauchenia vera 10 159,000 5.20 3
Neohipparion eurystyle 11 166,000 5.22 3
Hipparion cf. forcei 12 174,000 5.24 3
Pliohippus nobilis 13 201,000 5.30 3
Barbourofelis fricki 14 242,000 5.38 3
Dinohippus sp. 15 259,000 5.41 3
Tapirus simpsoni 16 318,000 5.50 3
Pediomeryx figginsi 17 414,000 5.62 3
Alforjas taylori 18 524,000 5.72 3
Pliometanastes protistus 19 851,000 5.93 4
Agriotherium schneideri 20 986,000 5.99 4
Thinobadistes sp. 21 1,066,000 6.03 4
Teleoceras fossiger 22 1,139,000 6.06 4
Megatylopus sp. 23 1,259,000 6.10 4
Aphelops kimballensis 24 1,792,000 6.25 4
26 W. D. Lambert
Appendix 9. Body Mass Data (grams) and Clump
Assignments for the Palmetto Mammal Fauna
(Central Florida, 5 mya)
Species Rank Mass
Mephitine (genus indet.) 1 1,590 3.20 1
cf. Bassariscus 2 3,200 3.51 2
Vulpes stenognathus 3 6,000 3.78 2
Euocyon davisi 4 9,000 3.95 2
cf. Procyon 5 10,000 4.00 2
Subantilocapra garciae 6 12,000 4.08 2
Leptarctus cf. progressus 7 12,200 4.09 2
Enhydritherium terraenovae 8 21,000 4.32 3
Felis rexroadensis 9 32,000 4.51 3
Eocoileus gentryorum 10 36,000 4.56 3
Borophagus dudleyi 11 37,000 4.57 3
Arctonasua eurybates 12 37,000 4.57 3
Megantereon hesperus 13 45,000 4.65 3
Hexameryx simpsoni 14 48,000 4.68 3
Pseudhipparion simpsoni 15 53,000 4.72 3
lamine, small 16 76,000 4.88 4
Nannippus aztecus 17 79,000 4.90 4
Astrohippus stocki 18 85,000 4.93 4
Machairodus sp. 19 150,000 5.18 5
Neohipparion eurystyle 20 166,000 5.22 5
Cormohipparion emslei 21 186,000 5.27 5
Mylohyus elmorei 22 194,000 5.29 5
Hemiauchenia sp. 23 204,000 5.31 5
Platygonus sp. 24 240,000 5.38 5
Dinohippus mexicanus 25 250,000 5.40 5
Tapirus simpsoni 26 318,000 5.50 5
Megalonyx curvidens 27 319,000 5.50 5
Kyptoceras amatorum 28 448,000 5.65 5
Teleoceras sp. 29 963,000 5.98 6
Agriotherium schneideri 30 985,000 5.99 6
Megatylopus sp. 31 1,336,000 6.13 6
Appendix 10. Body Mass Data (grams) and Clump
Assignments for the Combined Devils Nest and
Santee Mammal Faunas (Nebraska, 5 mya)
Species Rank Mass
Trigonictis sp. 1 3,200 3.51 1
Vulpes stenognathus 2 6,000 3.78 2
Pliotaxidea garberi 3 6,600 3.82 2
Euocyon davisi 4 9,000 3.95 2
Lutra sp. 5 14,000 4.15 2
Canis cf. condoni 6 15,000 4.18 2
Felis rexroadensis 7 30,000 4.48 3
Eocoileus gentryorum 8 36,000 4.56 3
Antilocaprid, genus indet. 9 48,000 4.68 3
Nannippus lenticularis 10 98,000 4.99 4
Machairodus sp. 11 134,000 5.13 4
Pediomeryx hemphillensis 12 150,000 5.18 4
Hemiauchenia vera 13 159,000 5.20 4
Neohipparion eurystyle 14 166,000 5.22 4
Dinohippus sp. 15 239,000 5.38 4
Platygonus sp. 16 240,000 5.38 4
Tapirus simpsoni 17 318,000 5.50 4
Megalonyx curvidens 18 319,000 5.50 4
Aphelops mutilis 19 764,000 5.88 5
Agriotherium schneideri 20 986,000 5.99 5
Teleoceras fossiger 21 1,139,000 6.06 5
Megacamelus cf. merriami 22 1,479,000 6.17 5
Functional Convergence of Ecosystems 27
Appendix 11. Body Mass Data (grams) and Clump
Assignments for the Ricardo Mammal Fauna
(Southern California, 9 mya)
Species Rank Mass
Leptocyon sp. 1 7,000 3.85 1
Borophagus diabolensis 2 9,000 3.95 1
Cosoryx sp. 3 16,000 4.20 1
Merycodus sp. 4 21,000 4.32 1
Sphenophalos sp. 5 28,000 4.45 1
Aelurodon saevus 6 36,000 4.56 1
Aelurodon haydeni 7 40,000 4.60 1
Hipparion tehonense 8 151,000 5.18 2
felid, genus indet. 9 160,000 5.20 2
Pliauchenia sp. 10 202,000 5.31 2
Hadracyon mohavense 11 208,000 5.32 2
Cormohipparion occidentale 12 230,000 5.36 2
Hipparion mohavense 13 233,000 5.37 2
Ticholeptus undescribed sp. 14 243,000 5.39 2
Hipparion forcei 15 265,000 5.42 2
Procamelus coartatus 16 270,000 5.43 2
Pliohippus tantalus 17 468,000 5.67 3
Ticholeptus major 18 511,000 5.71 3
Neohipparion sp. 19 556,000 5.75 3
Paracamelus sp. 20 608,000 5.78 3
Ustatochoerus californicus 21 968,000 5.99 4
Megatylopus sp. 22 1,034,000 6.01 4
Appendix 12. Body Mass Data (grams) and Clump
Assignments for the Combined Merhten, Peace
Valley, and Mount Eden Mammal Faunas (Central
California, 6 mya)
Species Rank Mass
Martes sp. 1 3,000 3.48 1
Euocyon davisi 2 8,000 3.90 2
Ottoceras peacevalleyensis 3 15,000 4.18 2
Borophagus parvus 4 20,000 4.30 2
Sphenophalos sp. 5 23,000 4.36 2
Plesiogulo marshalli 6 61,000 4.79 3
Prosthenops sp. 7 77,000 4.89 3
Pediomeryx hemphillensis 8 108,000 5.03 3
Hemiauchenia vera 9 159,000 5.20 3
Neohipparion sp. B 10 246,000 5.39 4
Neohipparion cf. gidleyi 11 306,000 5.49 4
Dinohippus interpolatus 12 320,000 5.51 4
Neohipparion sp. A 13 401,000 5.60 4
Pliohippus osborni 14 535,000 5.73 4
Megatylopus sp. 15 710,000 5.85 4
Aphelops sp. 17 1,951,000 6.29 5
Titanotylopus nebraskensis 18 1,964,000 6.29 5
Appendix 13. Body Mass Data (grams) and Clump
Assignments for the Combined Schutler and Rome
Mammal Faunas (Western Oregon, 5 mya)
Species Rank Mass
Martes sp. 1 3,000 3.48 1
Bassariscus sp. 2 3,000 3.48 1
Euocyon davisi 3 8,000 3.90 1
Aelurodon sp. 4 12,000 4.08 1
Borophagus pugnator 5 18,000 4.26 1
Satherium sp. 6 24,000 4.38 1
Sphenophalos sp. 7 34,000 4.53 1
Eocoileus gentryorum 8 36,000 4.56 1
Prosthenops sp. 9 82,000 4.91 2
Machairodus sp. 10 150,000 5.18 3
Nannippus sp. 11 154,000 5.19 3
Hipparion sp. 12 167,000 5.22 3
camelid, genus indet
13 189,000 5.28 3
Neohipparion sp. 14 240,000 5.38 3
Megalonyx cf. curvidens 15 319,000 5.50 3
camelid, genus indet
16 529,000 5.72 4
equid, genus indet
17 554,000 5.74 4
Camelid, genus indet
18 578,000 5.76 4
Agriotherium schneideri 19 985,000 5.99 5
Teleoceras sp. (small) 20 1,078,000 6.03 5
28 W. D. Lambert
... Published body masses (BM) were used for those taxa for which estimations exist: Prosthennops serus (88 ± 26 kg; ±1σ) (Lambert, 2006), Table 1 Summary of results of carbon and oxygen isotope analyses of tooth enamel samples from Yepómera, Mexico. (Dalquest, 1992;Janis et al., 2002;Lambert, 2006), Astrohippus stockii (127 ± 38 kg; ±1σ), Dinohippus mexicanus (245 ± 74 kg; ±1σ), Nannippus aztecus (previously N. minor) (89 ± 27 kg; ±1σ), and Neohipparion eurystyle (141 ± 42 kg; ±1σ) (MacFadden, 1986;Alberdi et al., 1995;MacFadden et al., 1999;Lambert, 2006), and Stegomastodon (6030 ± 1809 kg; ±1σ) (Christiansen, 2004;Larramendi, 2015). ...
... Published body masses (BM) were used for those taxa for which estimations exist: Prosthennops serus (88 ± 26 kg; ±1σ) (Lambert, 2006), Table 1 Summary of results of carbon and oxygen isotope analyses of tooth enamel samples from Yepómera, Mexico. (Dalquest, 1992;Janis et al., 2002;Lambert, 2006), Astrohippus stockii (127 ± 38 kg; ±1σ), Dinohippus mexicanus (245 ± 74 kg; ±1σ), Nannippus aztecus (previously N. minor) (89 ± 27 kg; ±1σ), and Neohipparion eurystyle (141 ± 42 kg; ±1σ) (MacFadden, 1986;Alberdi et al., 1995;MacFadden et al., 1999;Lambert, 2006), and Stegomastodon (6030 ± 1809 kg; ±1σ) (Christiansen, 2004;Larramendi, 2015). The body mass of Agriotherium schneideri was calculated using the carnivore tooth crown area-body mass regression and measured crown area of teeth sampled (900 mm 2 ) to calculate a body mass of 510, which seems reasonable given similar estimates of other species of Agriotherium (Legendre and Roth, 1988;Sorkin, 2006). ...
... Published body masses (BM) were used for those taxa for which estimations exist: Prosthennops serus (88 ± 26 kg; ±1σ) (Lambert, 2006), Table 1 Summary of results of carbon and oxygen isotope analyses of tooth enamel samples from Yepómera, Mexico. (Dalquest, 1992;Janis et al., 2002;Lambert, 2006), Astrohippus stockii (127 ± 38 kg; ±1σ), Dinohippus mexicanus (245 ± 74 kg; ±1σ), Nannippus aztecus (previously N. minor) (89 ± 27 kg; ±1σ), and Neohipparion eurystyle (141 ± 42 kg; ±1σ) (MacFadden, 1986;Alberdi et al., 1995;MacFadden et al., 1999;Lambert, 2006), and Stegomastodon (6030 ± 1809 kg; ±1σ) (Christiansen, 2004;Larramendi, 2015). The body mass of Agriotherium schneideri was calculated using the carnivore tooth crown area-body mass regression and measured crown area of teeth sampled (900 mm 2 ) to calculate a body mass of 510, which seems reasonable given similar estimates of other species of Agriotherium (Legendre and Roth, 1988;Sorkin, 2006). ...
Concurrent expansion of grassland habitat in the Americas and first appearances of immigrant taxa to Mexico via the Great American Biotic Interchange (GABI) during the Late Miocene to Early Pliocene suggest a possible link between the timing of migrations and changes in the environmental conditions. However, the causes and environmental context of GABI migrations are not well understood. This study examined the stable isotope compositions of tooth enamel samples of the Yepómera fauna from western Chihuahua, Mexico, to explore environmental conditions of this region between 4.99 and 5.23 Ma, just after the arrival of C4 plants in North and South America and before the first major migration of GABI. At Yepómera, there was distinct niche partitioning into C3 diets, mixed diets, and C4 diets. Despite expectations, no niche partitioning between equid species (Dinohippus mexicanus, Nannippus aztecus, Astrohippus stockii, and Neohipparion eurystyle) can be determined from carbon isotope ratios. The enamel carbon and oxygen isotope data suggest a relatively dry, open habitat dominated by either savanna or grassland, with a substantial C4 vegetation component and a warmer and somewhat wetter climate than today. These reconstructions are consistent with a rise in C4 biomass before 5.23 Ma and suggest that the conditions needed for growth of C4 vegetation were prevalent in this region of Mexico. Future work along the GABI migration route will lead to a more complete understanding of the ecologic responses to changing climate and faunal interchange events.
... Even though body mass estimations were not made in this work, the taxa presented here for the Jalisco fossil record have been recognized as megaherbivores in several previous publications. The body mass of Teleoceras has been estimated at 963-1139 kg (Lambert, 2006); Gomphotherium at 6682-7169 kg (Larramendi, 2015); and Megatylopus between 710 and 1336 kg (Lambert, 2006). We were unable to find references where the body mass of Rhynchotherium or Stegomastodon was estimated, except for Christiansen (2004) who reported a body mass for Stegomastodon platensis from South America of 6035 kg. ...
... Even though body mass estimations were not made in this work, the taxa presented here for the Jalisco fossil record have been recognized as megaherbivores in several previous publications. The body mass of Teleoceras has been estimated at 963-1139 kg (Lambert, 2006); Gomphotherium at 6682-7169 kg (Larramendi, 2015); and Megatylopus between 710 and 1336 kg (Lambert, 2006). We were unable to find references where the body mass of Rhynchotherium or Stegomastodon was estimated, except for Christiansen (2004) who reported a body mass for Stegomastodon platensis from South America of 6035 kg. ...
... Diverging from optimal growing conditions, links in the networks weaken and disappear. This behaviour can be understood as the functional convergence of ecosystems, which corroborates the hypothesis that ecosystems have a low number of key processes that deter- mine ecosystem behaviour (Lambert, 2006;Meinzer, 2003;Shaver et al., 2007), rendering their behaviour transparent and predictable. Criticism might rise, as the larger part of the biosphereatmosphere interaction network indeed is a pure atmospheric network, i.e. ...
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Understanding the dependencies of the terrestrial carbon and water cycle with meteorological conditions is a prerequisite to anticipate their behaviour under climate change conditions. However, terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere interact via a multitude of variables across temporal and spatial scales. Additionally these interactions might differ among vegetation types or climatic regions. Today, novel algorithms aim to disentangle the causal structure behind such interactions from empirical data. The estimated causal structures can be interpreted as networks, where nodes represent relevant meteorological variables or land-surface fluxes and the links represent the dependencies among them (possibly including time lags and link strength). Here we derived causal networks for different seasons at 119 eddy covariance flux tower observations in the FLUXNET network. We show that the networks of biosphere–atmosphere interactions are strongly shaped by meteorological conditions. For example, we find that temperate and high-latitude ecosystems during peak productivity exhibit biosphere–atmosphere interaction networks very similar to tropical forests. In times of anomalous conditions like droughts though, both ecosystems behave more like typical Mediterranean ecosystems during their dry season. Our results demonstrate that ecosystems from different climate zones or vegetation types have similar biosphere–atmosphere interactions if their meteorological conditions are similar. We anticipate our analysis to foster the use of network approaches, as they allow for a more comprehensive understanding of the state of ecosystem functioning. Long-term or even irreversible changes in network structure are rare and thus can be indicators of fundamental functional ecosystem shifts.
... However, the discontinuity hypothesis (Holling, 1992) provides a framework to quantify resilience as it explicitly accounts for the intricate organization across multiple dimensions and nonlinear behavior of ecosystems (Angeler et al., 2015a;Gunderson, 2000). This non-linear behavior is manifested in the discontinuous (scale-specific) distribution of body size across different groups of organisms and ecosystems (phytoplankton: Angeler et al., 2019;zooplankton;Baho et al., 2015;fish;Havlicek and Carpenter, 2001;mammals;Lambert, 2006;birds;Wardwell et al., 2008). ...
The use of discontinuity analysis to assess resilience and alternative regimes of ecosystems has mostly been based on animal size. We so far lack systematic comparisons of size-based and abundance-based approaches necessary for assessing the performance and suitability of the discontinuity analysis across a broader range of organism groups. We used an outdoor mesocosm setup to mimic shallow lake ecosystems with different depths (1.2 m deep, “shallow”; 2.2 m deep, “deep”) and trophic status (i.e. low and high nutrient status characteristic of mesotrophic and hypertrophic lakes, respectively). We compared resilience assessments, based on four indicators (cross-scale structure, within-scale structure, aggregation length and gap size) inferred from the size and abundance (biovolume) structure of phytoplankton communities. Our results indicate that resilience assessments based on size and biovolume were largely comparable, which is likely related to similar variability in the size and abundance of phytoplankton as a function of nutrient concentrations. Also, nutrient enrichment rather than water depth influenced resilience, manifested in decreased cross-scale structure and increased aggregation lengths and gap sizes in the high-nutrient treatment. These resilience patterns coupled with decreased phytoplankton diversity and dominance of cyanobacteria in the high nutrient treatment support the use of discontinuity analysis for testing alternative regimes theory. Concordance of size-based and abundance-based results highlights the approach as being potentially robust to infer resilience in organism groups lacking discrete size structures.
... The assembling of ecological communities takes place through the sorting of organisms with different characteristics while they strive to occupy available niches in a system (Soberón 2007). Discontinuous body size distributions are observed in many terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, including birds (Wardwell et al. 2008), reptiles (Allen et al. 1999), mammals (Lambert 2006), and plankton and fish (Havlicek and Carpenter 2001). A few hypotheses have been formulated to explain why discontinuity occurs, which include biotic interactions (Hutchinson 1959) spanning short timescales (i.e., ecological responses) to longer timescales (including evolutionary processes; Smith et al. 2004). ...
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Freshwaters are increasingly exposed to complex mixtures of pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) from municipal wastewater. PPCPs are known to alter freshwater communities’ structure and functioning, however, their interaction with other disturbances and whether their combined effects can impact ecological resilience (i.e. the ability of a system to tolerate disturbances without altering the system's original structure and processes) remain unexplored. Using in situ mesocosms in two lakes with different nutrient levels (mesotrophic and eutrophic), we assessed whether a pulse exposure to sub‐lethal concentrations of 12 PPCPs affects the ecological resilience of natural phytoplankton communities that experienced an abrupt environmental change involving the destabilization of the water column through mixing. Such mixing events are predicted to increase as the effects’ climate change unfold, leading to more frequent storms, which disrupt stratification in lakes and force communities to restructure. We assessed their combined effects on community metrics (biomass, species richness and composition) and their relative resilience using four indicators (cross‐scale, within scale, aggregation length and gap length), inferred from phytoplankton communities by discontinuity analysis. The mixing disturbance alone had negligible effects on the community metrics, but when combined with chemical contaminants significant changes were measured: reducing total biomass, species richness and altered community composition of phytoplankton. Once these changes occurred, they persisted until the end of the experiment (day 20) where the communities’ structures from the two highest exposure levels diverged from the controls. The resilience indicators were not affected by PPCPs, but differed significantly between lakes, with lower resilience found in the eutrophic lake. PPCPs can significantly alter community structures and reinforce mechanisms that maintain ecosystems in a “degraded state”. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
... Because environments select organisms on the basis of their adaptations, and these are expressed simultaneously in their morphology, physiology and ecology, then different assemblages of species inhabiting similar environments should also have predictable properties. Thus, convergent evolution may also extend to patterns of organization and structure at the community level [71,72], and may produce similarities in resource utilization and diversity in geographically distinct communities dependent on similar environments [73][74][75][76]. Therefore, since communities developing under similar environmental conditions have similar community structures, it makes it possible to implement palaeoclimatic studies at the community scale [19,20,23,35,39,53,77,78]. ...
... Each bar plots the frequency of a distinct category of things, say, a particular species or kind of skeletal element. Bar length signifies frequency, either absolute or relative; bar width is meaningless unless it signifies something about magnitude of the category (e.g., temporal duration or supra-category richness; Lambert, 2006;Lyman, 2013). Bars can be aligned vertically or horizontally; in our experience most bar graphs show bars aligned vertically such that higher (longer) bars represent greater frequencies; the x-axis can be nominal scale or categorical (e.g., species), ordinal scale (e.g., subaerial weathering stages), or ratio scale (e.g., show the passage of time). ...
Paleozoologists have long used graphs of diverse styles to describe, analyze, and summarize their data. Some of these graphs provide excellent visual representations of complex data and are readily deciphered. Other graph styles require close study to be interpreted. Ease of visual decoding of information contained in a graph – graph perception – varies from graph style to graph style. Historical instances of graphing paleozoological data indicate some difficult to decipher graph styles have been used for at least a century. Graphs with three-dimensions, moiré effects, superimposed lines, or segmented bars, or which demand simultaneous decipherment of position and magnitude, are ill-advised. Temporal trends in data are best graphed following the principle of superposition such that data from old material is graphed at the bottom and data from younger material is graphed at the top of the diagram.
... Countless animal communities have been tested for discontinuities with affirming results (Holling 1992;Havlicek & Carpenter 2001;Lambert 2006;Allen et al. 2006;Nash et al. 2013b). ...
This dissertation is focused on scaling and resilience of complex adaptive systems, including ecological and economic systems. In particular it is concerned with the textural discontinuity hypothesis (hereafter called the discontinuity hypothesis), which describes how the distinct spatial and temporal scales of processes that shape systems in turn generates distinct spatial and temporal scales in system structure and entities interacting with that structure; the cross-scale resilience model, which uses the discontinuity hypothesis as the foundation of a theory about specific system features that drive ecological resilience; panarchy and adaptive cycles, which articulate how system dynamics at the above-mentioned scales change over time and how feedbacks across those scales informs system behavior; and the notion of spatial regimes in ecological structure. I both expand existing frameworks to accommodate non-ecological complex systems, and test my hypotheses in a variety of economic and ecological systems. ^ Some general findings of my analyses are that the objective identification of scale domains in many types of complex systems can be useful for understanding how pattern and process shape structure and impact system-level resilience. Economic systems, for example, as expressed by Gross Domestic Product, fall into distinct, non-random size classes that suggest there are scale-specific processes generating basins of attraction. I expand the cross-scale resilience model to incorporate abundance, a species and community attribute that is mechanistically related to the provision of function and resilience. The coral reef fish communities of the Hawaiian archipelago were analysed to see if their cross-scale resilience differed amongst coral dominated and macroalgal and turf dominated reefs, with the surprising result that the macroalgal-turf communities were more resilient. In a twist on classic regime shift theory, which typically focuses on temporal shifts within a single ecosystem, I used a novel information theory method to successfully detect spatial boundaries and transition zones between types of ecological systems by using animal community data. Finally, I argue why the adaptive cycle may be a result of endogenous processes in complex adaptive systems, and is not just a convenient metaphor for cycling behavior and dynamics.
Middle Miocene (~18–12 Ma) mammalian faunas of the North American Great Plains contained a higher diversity of presumed browsers than any modern biome. This has been attributed to greater primary productivity, which commonly corresponds with densely vegetated, forested habitats today. However, several lines of evidence suggest that open biomes, which support low browser diversity today, dominated the middle Miocene. To gain a better understanding of middle Miocene habitats on the northern Great Plains, we generated a large dataset of stable carbon isotope values (δ¹³C) from a wide variety of fossil ungulates. Tooth enamel was sampled from four local faunas in Nebraska of late Barstovian age (14.8–12.5 Ma). Paleoenvironmental interpretations were made using a predictive model based on δ¹³C values in vegetation and mammalian herbivores in modern biomes. Resulting mean δ¹³C fossil values for local faunas plot in the upper range expected for C3 vegetation, indicating open biomes. Most mean values for genera plot in the range expected for open canopy habitats with only two genera in the closed canopy range. Of all the taxa, only the grazing horse, Neohipparion, plots in the range for likely C4 consumption. Neohipparion has the highest mean δ¹³C value of any taxon, with one individual plotting in the range for unequivocal C4 consumption and others in the mixed C4/C3 or C3 water-stressed range. Neohipparion appears to be the earliest known taxon that included C4 vegetation in its dietary niche. The range in carbon isotope values suggests browsers, mixed-feeders, and grazers all consumed vegetation in mostly open areas. Our model implies a fairly dry, open biome with limited riparian habitat. This interpretation is generally consistent with previous interpretations of an open savanna-like biome. A high diversity of middle Miocene browsers and other taxa appear to have lived in an open biome with no modern analog.
Paleozoology and Paleoenvironments outlines the reconstruction of ancient climates, floras, and habitats on the basis of animal fossil remains recovered from archaeological and paleontological sites. In addition to outlining the ecological fundamentals and analytical assumptions attending such analyzes, J. Tyler Faith and R. Lee Lyman describe and critically evaluate many of the varied analytical techniques that have been applied to paleozoological remains for the purpose of paleoenvironmental reconstruction. These techniques range from analyses based on the presence or abundance of species in a fossil assemblage to those based on taxon-free ecological characterizations. All techniques are illustrated using faunal data from archaeological or paleontological contexts. Aimed at students and professionals, this volume will serve as fundamental resource for courses in zooarchaeology, paleontology, and paleoecology.
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Using astronomical telescopes and biological microscopes, among a virtual arsenal of other tools of high technology, modern scientists are weaving a thread of understanding spanning the origin, existence, and destiny of all things. Now emerging is a unified scenario of the cosmos, including ourselves as sentient beings, based on the time-honored concept of change. From galaxies to snowflakes, from stars and planets to life itself, we are beginning to identify an underlying, ubiquitous pattern penetrating the fabric of all the natural sciences—a sweepingly encompassing view of the order and structure of every known class of object in our richly endowed Universe. We call this subject "cosmic evolution." Recent advances throughout the sciences suggest that all organized systems share generic phenomena characterizing their emergence, development and evolution. Whether they are physical, biological or cultural systems, certain similarities and homologies pervade evolving entities throughout an amazingly diverse Universe. How strong are the apparent continuities among Nature's historical epochs and how realistic is the quest for unification? To what extent might we broaden conventional evolutionary thinking, into both the pre-biological and post-biological domains? Is such an extension valid, merely metaphorical, or just plain confusing? For many years at Harvard University, starting in the 1970s and continuing to the present, I have taught, initially with George B. Field, an introductory course on cosmic evolution that sought to identify common denominators bridging a wide variety of specialized science subjects—physics, astronomy, geology, chemistry, biology, and anthropology, among others. The principal aim of this interdisciplinary course explored a universal framework against which to address some of the most basic issues ever contemplated: the origin of matter and the origin of life, as well as how radiation, matter, and life interact and change with time. Our intention was to help sketch a grand evolutionary synthesis that would better enable us to understand who we are, whence we came, and how we fit into the overall scheme of things. In doing so, my students and I gained a broader, integrated knowledge of stars and galaxies, plants and animals, air, land, and sea. Of paramount import, we learned how the evident order and increasing complexity of the many varied, localized structures within the Universe in no way violate the principles of modern physics, which, prima facie, maintain that the Universe itself, globally and necessarily, becomes irreversibly and increasingly disordered. Beginning in the late 1980s while on sabbatical leave at MIT, and continuing for several years thereafter while on the faculty of the Space Telescope Science Institute at Johns Hopkins University, I occasionally offered an advanced version of the introductory course. This senior seminar attempted to raise substantially the quantitative aspects of the earlier course, to develop even deeper insights into the nature and role of change in Nature, and thus to elevate the subject of cosmic evolution to a level that colleague scientists and intelligent lay persons alike might better appreciate. This brief and broadly brushed monograph—written mostly in the late 1990s during a stint as Phi Beta Kappa National Lecturer, and polished while resuming the teaching at Harvard of my original course on cosmic evolution--is an intentionally lean synopsis of the salient features of that more advanced effort. Some will see this work as reductionistic, with its analytical approach to the understanding of all material things. Others will regard it as holistic, with its overarching theme of the whole exceeding the sum of Nature's many fragmented parts. In the spirit of complementarity, I offer this work as an evolutionary synthesis of both these methodologies, integrating the deconstructionism of the former and the constructivist tendencies of the latter. Openly admitted, my inspiration for writing this book has been Erwin Schroedinger's seminal little tract of a half-century ago, What is Life?, yet herein to straighten and extend the analysis to include all known manifestations of order and complexity in the Universe. No attempt is made to be comprehensive in so far as details are concerned; much meat has been left off the bones. Nor is this work meant to be technically rigorous; that will be addressed in a forthcoming opus. Rather, the intent here is to articulate a skeletal précis—a lengthy essay, really—of a truly voluminous subject in a distilled and readable manner. To bend a hackneyed cliché, although the individual trees are most assuredly an integral part of the forest, in this particular work the forest is of greater import. My aim is to avoid diverting the reader from the main lines of argument, to stay focused on target regarding the grand sweep of change from big bang to humankind. Of special note, this is not a New Age book with mystical overtones however embraced or vulgarized by past scholars, nor one about the history and philosophy of antiquated views of Nature. It grants no speculation on the pseudo-science fringe about morphic fields or quantum vitalism or interfering dieties all mysteriously affecting the ways and means of evolution; nor do we entertain epistemological discussions about the limits of human knowledge or post-modernist opinions about the sociological implications of science writ large. This is a book about mainstream science, pure and simple, outlining the essence of an ongoing research program admittedly multidisciplinary in character and colored by the modern scientific method's unavoidable mix of short-term subjectivity and long-term objectivity. In writing this book, I have assumed an undergraduate knowledge of natural science, especially statistical and deterministic physics, since as we shall see, much as for classical biological evolution, both chance and necessity have roles to play in all evolving systems. The mathematical level includes that of integral calculus and differential equations, with a smattering of symbolism throughout; the units are those of the centimeter-gram-second (cgs) system, those most widely used by practitioners in the field, editorial conventions notwithstanding. And although a degree of pedagogy has been included when these prerequisites are exceeded, some scientific language has been assumed. "The book of Nature is written in the language of mathematics," said one of my two intellectual heroes, Galileo Galilei, and so are parts of this one. Readers with unalterable math phobia will benefit from the unorthodox design of this work, wherein the "bookends" of Prologue-Introduction and Discussion-Epilogue, comprising more than half of the book, can be mastered without encountering much mathematics at all. What is presented here, then, is merely a sketch of a developing research agenda, itself evolving, ordering and complexifying—an abstract of scholarship-in-progress incorporating much data and many ideas from the entire spectrum of natural science, yet which attempts to surpass scientific popularizations (including some of my own) that avoid technical lingo, most numbers, and all mathematics. As such, this book should be of interest to most thinking people—active researchers receptive to an uncommonly broad view of science, sagacious students of many disciplines within and beyond science, the erudite public in search of themselves and a credible worldview—in short, anyone having a panoramic, persistent curiosity about the nature of the Universe and of our existence in it. -- Summary Abstract of This Work -- The essence of this book outlines the grand scenario of cosmic evolution by qualitatively and quantitatively examining the natural changes among radiation, matter, and life within the context of big-bang cosmology. The early Universe is shown to have been flooded with pure energy whose radiation energy density was initially so high as to preclude the existence of any appreciable structure. As the Universe cooled and thinned, a preeminent phase change occurred a few hundred centuries after the origin of all things, at which time matter's energy density overthrew the earlier primacy of radiation. Only with the onset of technologically manipulative beings (on Earth and perhaps elsewhere) has the energy density contained within matter become, in turn, locally dominated by the rate of free energy density flowing through open organic structures. Using non-equilibrium thermodynamics at the crux, especially energy flow considerations, we argue that it is the contrasting temporal behavior of various energy densities that have given rise to the environments needed for the emergence of galaxies, stars, planets, and life forms. We furthermore maintain that a necessary (though perhaps not sufficient) condition—a veritable prime mover—for the emergence of such ordered structures of rising complexity is the expansion of the Universe itself. Neither demonstrably new science nor appeals to non-science are needed to explain the impressive hierarchy of the cosmic-evolutionary scenario, from quark to quasar, from microbe to mind.
Ecosystems are still a puzzle for mankind. We would like to be able to know their reactions and control them, but repeatedly we have been surprised by their unexpected reactions to our somewhat hasty actions. We unfortunately have to admit that our present knowledge about ecosystems and their true nature is rather limited. Many excellent contributions to a more profound understanding of ecosystems have been launched during the last two decades, but if you do not know the field, it looks as if all the presented ecosystem theories are in complete discord with each other. However, ecosystems are extremely complex and only a pluralistic view will be able to reveal their basic properties. The different approaches therefore have much in common, when you go deeper into the core material, than the first superficial more glance will be able to tell and there is therefore a natural need for a unification of the various approaches to ecosystem theories. It has for many years been my desire to attempt to make a unification of the many excellent thoughts, ideas and observations about ecosystems, that scientists have contributed. These thoughts, ideas and hypotheses have not been made in vain.
The aim of this text is to provide an up-to-date understanding of the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem in East Africa, home to one of the largest and most diverse populations of animals in the world. Building on the groundwork laid by "Serengeti: Dynamics of an Ecosystem", published in 1979 by the University of Chicago Press, this work integrates studies of the ecosystem at every level, from the plants at the bottom of the visible food chain to the many species of herbivores and predators, as well as the system as a whole. Drawing on data from long-term studies, the contributors examine the processes that have produced the Serengeti's biological diversity, with its species-species and species-environment interactions. The book also discusses computer modelling as a tool for exploring these interactions, employing it to test and anticipate the effects of social, political and economic changes on the entire ecosystem and on particular species, with the aim of assisting the development of future conservation and management strategies.
Examines Pleistocene extinctions in the light of a longer perspective gained by examining the last 10 Myr. During this period six major extinction episodes have devastated the land mammal fauna of North America. Some evidence shows that these extinction episodes were correlated with terminations of glacial cycles, when climatic extremes and instability are thought to have reached their maxima. -after Author