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Cyclone Effects on the Structure and Production of a Tropical Upland Rainforest: Implications for Life-History Tradeoffs


Abstract and Figures

Wind is known to alter the structure and functioning of forest ecosystems. Because the intensity and frequency of severe wind events are likely to increase, it is important to understand the species- and substrate-specific effects of these disturbances. We assessed the structure and production among 63 species of trees in an Australian tropical rainforest before and after Cyclone Larry (March 2006). We assessed forest occurring on two different substrates: nutrient-poor schist and relatively nutrient-rich basalt. Leaf area reduction and stem breakage were markedly variable among species, but were more evident on basalt soils than schist soils, and were positively correlated with leaf N and P. In the 18-month period following the cyclone, litterfall, stem biomass increment, and ANPP were 44, 20, and 27% of pre-cyclone measurements and did not differ between soils. More severe modification of leaves, branches, and stems on basalt soils, relative to schist soils, suggests that trees/species growing on nutrient-limited soils are less susceptible to high winds. Disturbance regime and resource availability are likely to interact, creating potential plant strategies that increase fitness either by enhanced investments in carbon or enhanced investments in nitrogen and phosphorus.
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Cyclone Effects on the Structure
and Production of a Tropical Upland
Rainforest: Implications
for Life-History Tradeoffs
Sean M. Gleason,
* Laura J. Williams,
Jennifer Read,
Daniel J. Metcalfe,
and Patrick J. Baker
School of Biological Sciences, Monash University, Bld 18, Clayton, Victoria 3800, Australia;
CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems,
Tropical Forest Research Centre, PO Box 780, Atherton, Queensland 4883, Australia
Wind is known to alter the structure and func-
tioning of forest ecosystems. Because the intensity
and frequency of severe wind events are likely to
increase, it is important to understand the species-
and substrate-specific effects of these disturbances.
We assessed the structure and production among
63 species of trees in an Australian tropical rain-
forest before and after Cyclone Larry (March 2006).
We assessed forest occurring on two different sub-
strates: nutrient-poor schist and relatively nutrient-
rich basalt. Leaf area reduction and stem breakage
were markedly variable among species, but were
more evident on basalt soils than schist soils, and
were positively correlated with leaf N and P. In the
18-month period following the cyclone, litterfall,
stem biomass increment, and ANPP were 44, 20,
and 27% of pre-cyclone measurements and did not
differ between soils. More severe modification of
leaves, branches, and stems on basalt soils, relative
to schist soils, suggests that trees/species growing
on nutrient-limited soils are less susceptible to high
winds. Disturbance regime and resource availabil-
ity are likely to interact, creating potential plant
strategies that increase fitness either by enhanced
investments in carbon or enhanced investments in
nitrogen and phosphorus.
Key words: cyclone; hurricane; nutrients; pro-
ductivity; life-history; tradeoff; soils; disturbance.
Severe wind events, including cyclones, tornadoes,
and thunderstorm downbursts, occur in nearly all
forest systems throughout the world. Forest com-
position, structure, and functioning are affected by
the severity and frequency of these events. Al-
though much information on the effects of wind
has been gathered from Caribbean, North Ameri-
can, and South American forest systems, data re-
main limited for the Old World tropics, and in
particular, Australian rainforests. This paper de-
Received 17 January 2008; accepted 10 July 2008; published online
23 September 2008
Electronic supplementary material: The online version of this article
(doi:10.1007/s10021-008-9192-6) contains supplementary material,
which is available to authorized users.
S.M.G. contributed to the experimental design, research, data analysis,
and manuscript writing. L.J.W. contributed to the experimental design,
research, and manuscript writing. J.R. contributed to the experimental
design, data analysis, and manuscript writing. D.J.M. and P.J.B. con-
tributed to the experimental design and manuscript writing.
*Corresponding author; e-mail:
Ecosystems (2008) 11: 1277–1290
DOI: 10.1007/s10021-008-9192-6
scribes the effects of Cyclone Larry on a diverse
tropical rainforest in Queensland, Australia. We
concentrate on the species-specific and soil-specific
differences in structural modification and above-
ground production as a result of Cyclone Larry.
Considering that the intensity (Emanuel 1987) and
frequency of severe cyclones/hurricanes (Webster
and others 2005) may be increasing, species- and
soil-specific data may help improve our under-
standing and management of cyclone-affected for-
Structural modification from cyclones includes
the stripping of leaves from branches and the
breakage of branches, roots, and stems. Factors
mitigating these effects include plant attributes,
such as properties of wood (Asner and Goldstein
1997), leaves and petioles (Niklas 1996; Niklas
1999; Cordero and others 2007), roots and but-
tresses (Fraser 1962; Ennos 1993; Crook and others
1997; Stokes 1999), forest level physiognomy
(Foster 1988; Boucher and others 1990; Foster and
Boose 1992; Cooper-Ellis and others 1999), prop-
erties of the wind event itself (Canham and others
2001), as well as resource availability (Herbert and
others 1999; Beard and others 2005).
Cyclones may affect forest productivity by
inducing mortality, reducing tree vigor (Herbert
and others 1999), altering nutrient and C inputs
(Lodge and McDowell 1991; Sanford and others
1991; Scatena and others 1993; McDowell and
others 1996), or inducing salt toxicity (Blood and
others 1991). Generally, recovery of aboveground
production following wind disturbance occurs
quickly, with leaf area recovering within 2 years
or faster (Whigham and others 1991; Herbert and
others 1999), although severe or frequent wind
events may result in longer recovery periods
(Scatena and others 1996; Sherman and others
2001; Lin and others 2003; Beard and others
2005). Belowground biomass may recover more
slowly than aboveground biomass (Frangi and
Lugo 1991; Parrotta and Lodge 1991; Silver and
Vogt 1993; Herbert and others 1999; Beard and
others 2005). Quick recovery of aboveground net
primary productivity (ANPP) is generally attrib-
uted to large nutrient inputs, tight biotic control of
nutrient inputs (Cooper-Ellis and others 1999),
quick leaf area recovery (Unwin and others 1988;
Herbert and others 1999
; You and Petty 1991),
enhanced growth rates of surviving stems (Mer-
rens and Peart 1992; Scatena and others 1996),
and enhanced rates of recruitment (Frangi and
Lugo 1991; Whigham and others 1991; Guzma
Grajales and Walker 1991; Uriarte and others
Cyclone effects on the structure and production
of forests are often species-specific (Foster 1988;
Gresham and others 1991; Asner and Goldstein
1997; Canham and others 2001; Sherman and
others 2001; Uriarte and others 2005). Addition-
ally, species may vary in their capacity to resist
wind (resistance), offset the effects of injury (tol-
erance), and recover from injury (resilience). It is
unlikely that any one taxon will display all three of
these characteristics (resistance, resilience, toler-
ance). This is because site- and habitat-specific re-
source limitations will likely force a tradeoff among
them. Wind resistance versus shade tolerance (or
regeneration requirements) is one such tradeoff
(Bellingham and others 1995; Batista and Platt
2003; Ostertag and others 2005), whereby shade
intolerant trees ‘‘trade’’ resistance for fast growth
and/or quick maturation.
Fast growth on infertile soils is ‘‘expensive’’ be-
cause nutrients are limited—fast growth is facili-
tated by readily available soil nutrients. Quick
recovery after injury (resilience) and maintaining
fitness despite injury (tolerance), for example,
increasing reproductive output, are also ‘‘expen-
sive’’ on infertile sites because these strategies re-
quire additional nutrient uptake. For this reason,
natural selection may favor resistance on infertile
sites because there are fewer direct nutrient costs to
resistance, whereas, tolerance and resilience may
be favored on fertile sites. Thus, plants will main-
tain fitness in disturbed environments either
through investments in C (resistance) on poor soils
or investments in nutrients (tolerance and resil-
ience) on fertile soils.
Site Description and Species
Research sites were established in the World Heri-
tage rainforest of Wooroonooran National Park,
Queensland, Australia, at approximately 17°22’S
and 145°43’E. This area is approximately 32 km
from the coast and situated directly west of Mt.
Bartle Frere on the Atherton Tablelands. Elevation
ranges from 700 to 850 m throughout the study
area (Figure 1). The forest is floristically complex,
with 1,053 rainforest tree species within the re-
gional area of Northeast Queensland (Hyland and
others 2002) and approximately 80 species within a
0.25 ha area. Mean annual precipitation is
approximately 3.5 m, of which about 70% falls
between November and April.
Forest within the study area comprises ever-
green species and has been described as complex
1278 S. M. Gleason and others
mesophyll vine forest (Tracey 1982). Using the
Holdridge classification system (Holdridge 1947),
the study area would be classified as sub-tropical
wet forest. Although logging did take place in
Wooroonooran into the late 1970s, these opera-
tions involved selective harvesting and are char-
acterized by the presence of over-grown trails and
a few large stumps. Such areas were avoided in
the study.
Wooroonooran National Park has experienced
four major cyclones in the last century: 1918, 1956
(described in Webb 1958), 1986 (Winifred), and
2006 (Larry). Cyclone Larry (personal observa-
tions) and Cyclone Winifred (Unwin and others
1988) resulted in more marked effects near lowland
coastal areas than upland rainforest farther inland.
The intensity of Cyclone Larry (category 4) and the
1918 cyclone (category 4 or 5) are likely to have
been similar, whereas Cyclone Winifred was less
severe (category 3).
We categorize the species into two main groups:
species occurring on both soil types (generalist) and
species occurring only on schist soils (schist spe-
cialists). Basalt-favoring species do exist, but are
not exclusively found on basalt, whereas schist
specialists were never found on basalt soils within
the study area. For this reason, we concentrate on
comparisons between ‘‘schist specialists’’ and
‘‘generalists’’. We use the term ‘‘schist specialist’’
only as comparative description because these
species may occur on soils other than schist outside
the area of study (Hyland and others 2002; Met-
calfe and Ford 2008).
Soil Description and P Analysis
Soils are derived from igneous basalt (Red Ferro-
sol—Maalan series) and metamorphic schist parent
materials (Red Dermosol—Galmara series) (Mal-
colm and others 1999). Schist soils (Galmara) are
characterized by low pH, high organic C, moderate
available N, moderate cation exchange capacity,
low aluminum saturation, and markedly low soil P
(Table 1). Basalt soils (Maalan) are characterized by
low pH, high organic C, high available N, high
cation exchange capacity, high aluminum satura-
tion, and high soil P (Table 1).
Phosphorus limitation of plant growth on the
schist soil has been previously demonstrated (Ker-
ridge and others 1972), as well as supported by
indirect evaluation of plant stoichiometry, nutrient
use traits, and distribution characteristics of P-
adapted species in these forests (Gleason and oth-
ers, unpublished manuscript). Phosphorus limita-
tion on schist is not surprising considering the age
of the schist soil (about 350 million years) relative
to the basalt soil (approximately 3 million years), as
well as the high P contents of basalt parent mate-
rial. Studies of P weathering in forested ecosystems
suggest that markedly weathered soils, similar to
the schist soil, are likely to exhibit P limitation
(Walker and Syers 1976; Crews and others 1995;
Vitousek 2004) even when parent materials con-
tain much P, which schist does not.
Soil P was fractionated using methods modified
from Tiessen and Moir (1993). Sodium bicarbonate
)-extractable P represents the most labile
Figure 1. Location of large
temporary plots within
Wooroonooran National
Park. Contours show
elevation (m) above sea
level. Cyclone Larry
proceeded in an east to
west direction
approximately 17 km
south of the study area.
Small permanent plots are
located within the dashed
oval section.
Cyclone Effects on a Tropical Rainforest 1279
P fraction, whereas alkaline (NaOH) and acid (1 M
HCl) extracts represent more occluded fractions of
P associated with Al + Fe and Ca, respectively
(Table 1). Hot HCl (10 M)-extractable P represents
a more stable ‘‘residual’’ fraction (Tiessen and Moir
1993), although the nature and stability of this P
fraction is not well known (Garcia-Montiel and
others 2000). Organic P was determined in an ali-
quot of combined extracts after hot acid digestion
with potassium persulfate. Although the NaHCO
extractable P fraction (low for both soils) does
represent a relatively labile pool, it does not char-
acterize the rate of P supply to plants over time.
More stable fractions of inorganic and organic P
(including residual P) can contribute significantly
to P supply rates over time intervals from months
to years (Hedley and others 1982; Schoenau and
others 1989), particularly in the rhizosphere
(Hedley and others 1982).
Species-Specific Cyclone Effects
on Temporary Plots
Species resistance to cyclone disturbance was as-
sessed for 63 tree species in a 14 km
area of Wo-
oroonooran National Park. Modification to leaves,
branches, and stems (described in detail below)
were assessed for each tree larger than 10 cm
diameter at breast height (DBH) within 24 0.25 ha
temporary plots, hereafter referred to as ‘‘large
temporary plots’’ (Figure 1). Large temporary plots
were established during May and June 2005 (1–
2 months after Cyclone Larry) in an area of forest
located approximately 17 km north of Cyclone
Larry’s track. Plot locations were first randomly
located on soil maps, avoiding steep, protected, or
overly exposed locations. A two-person team then
surveyed each plot. Of the nine schist plots, three
were located on ridge sites (33%). Of the 15 basalt
plots four were located on ridge sites (27%). Plots
not located on ridges were located on somewhat
more protected hillsides, not exceeding 18° of
slope. Fewer large temporary plots were placed on
schist soils (nine) than on basalt soils (15) because
schist soils are less common in the study area. For
each individual, we recorded species, structural
change, DBH, and crown illumination index (CII).
Crown illumination index is a relative score of
canopy position/light availability and was modified
from Clark and Clark (1992). We scored tree
crowns from one to three, based on their relative
position in the canopy. ‘‘1’’ indicates a dominant
crown, exposed to direct sunlight throughout the
day. ‘‘2’’ indicates an intermediate crown, exposed
to direct sunlight during part of the day. ‘‘3’’ indi-
cates a suppressed crown, exposed to little direct
sunlight during any time of the day.
Cyclone effects on each tree were assessed by
visually estimating the percent of the crown lost to
leaf stripping (leaf separation at the petiole) and by
branch breakage. In addition, we recorded the
average size of the largest broken branch and
modification to the stem (that is, windthrown,
broken at top, broken mid-stem, broken near the
base). It was noted whether structural changes
were caused by wind or by falling branches/stems
from adjacent trees. Overall wind severity on each
plot was estimated by scoring each large temporary
Table 1. Sequential Soil P Fractions and Other Soil Variables for Basalt and Schist Soils
Soil variable Basalt Schist P
Soil P fraction (lgg
NaHCO3 (0.5 M) 4.68 (0.56) 6.38 (1.88) 0.408
NaOH (0.1 M) 84.2 (16.3) 14.5 (2.6) 0.002
HCl (1 M) 3.99 (0.87) 1.60 (0.59) 0.046
HCl (10 M) 969 (77) 141 (69) <0.001
Total P 1515 (111) 240 (77) <0.001
Total inorganic P 1062 (91) 164 (69) <0.001
Total organic P 453 (21) 76.0 (10.1) <0.001
Other soil characteristics
pH 4.6 (0.03) 4.0 (0.1) <0.001
Organic carbon (%) 4.3 2.7
Total N (%) 0.32 0.22
ECEC (meq 100 g
)41 15
Al saturation (%) 80 1
Bulk density (g cm
) 1.00 (0.03) 0.86 (0.10) <0.001
All measurements reflect non-fertilized surface horizons (0–10 cm) sampled prior to Cyclone Larry. Values in parentheses represent 1 standard error of the mean (n = 12).
Variables for which no standard error is given represent data taken from Malcolm and others (1999).
1280 S. M. Gleason and others
plot as a one, two, or three (from least to most
affected). Slope, aspect, and soil type (schist or
basalt) were also noted.
Permanent Plot Establishment and
Twenty-four 100 m
circular plots (hereafter re-
ferred to as ‘‘small permanent plots’’) were estab-
lished in September 2005 (6 months before the
cyclone) along two transects that crossed a basalt–
schist geologic boundary. This area is delineated
with an oval in Figure 1. These small permanent
plots provided forest production data (biomass
increment, litterfall) for both soil types. Cyclone
effects were also recorded on the small permanent
plots, using identical methods as for the large
temporary plots.
Transects were located on two ridges (approxi-
mately 300 m apart), with 12 small permanent
plots on each ridge (six plots on each soil type
within a ridge). Small permanent plots were each
placed 50 m apart. Large gaps were avoided in an
effort to homogenize basal area among plots. Small
permanent plots contained between 14 and 35
trees with a DBH greater than 5 cm. All trees with a
DBH greater than 10 cm were fitted with a stainless
steel dendrometer band (Keeland and Young
2005). Azimuth and distance from plot center,
species, DBH, and height were recorded for all
Half of all small permanent plots on each soil
type were fertilized with 100 kg of P (as super-
phosphate) and N (as urea) ha
. Fertilizer was
applied in two applications, one at the start of the
experiment (October 2005) and one midway
through the experiment (June 2006). Plots for
fertilization were chosen randomly within soil
In addition to tree measurements within the
small permanent plots, DBH and distance to plot
center were recorded for all trees within a plot ra-
dius of 11.64 m. This was done to calculate com-
petition indexes (Daniels 1976) for every banded
stem within each small permanent plot. Although a
range of competition indexes (distance dependant
and independent models) were evaluated, the
Daniels (1976) equation best fit our production
data. This method (Daniels 1976) calculates com-
petition intensity as:
where D
= the diameter at breast height (cm) of a
competitor tree, D
= the diameter (cm) of the
subject tree, and M = the distance (m) between a
competitor tree and the subject tree. The sum in-
cludes only trees that are within a fixed angle
sweep (basal area factor = 2.3 m
). Thus,
small trees and distant trees are not included in the
calculation. This measure was used as a covariate
when comparing relative growth rates (RGR) be-
tween soils and dates (see data analysis section
Litter Production
Litterfall collectors were laid out in each small
permanent plot within a north–south oriented grid.
Twelve self-draining, 530-cm
collectors were
staked approximately 20 cm above the ground
within this grid. Litterfall was collected at two-
week intervals and was dried in a fan-forced oven
at 65°C to constant weight. On five occasions lit-
terfall was collected at monthly intervals. Litterfall
mass calculations from these longer collection
periods are likely to be underestimated due to
decomposition; however, because our main inter-
est was soil comparisons, these marginal losses are
not likely to adversely affect the conclusions of this
study. Litterfall mass was calculated for dry season,
wet season, and wet + dry season collections.
Aboveground Net Primary Productivity
(ANPP) and Relative Growth Rates (RGR)
Tree biomass was estimated using a general allo-
metric equation developed for lowland rainforest in
West Kalimantan, Indonesia (Yamakura and others
¼ 0.02903 D
¼ 0.1192*W
¼ 0.09146 W
þ W
where W
, W
, and W
represent dry mass (kg) of
trunk, branches, and leaves, respectively. D repre-
sents the diameter (cm) at breast height and H rep-
resents height (m). These equations have been used
to estimate tree biomass in a montane forest in Java
(Yamada 1997), a temperate rainforest in Japan
(Aiba and Kitayama 1999), and a montane forest in
Kinabalu Malaysia (Kitayama and Aiba 2002). We
chose this equation over similar rainforest equations
(see Brown 1997) because the Yamakura equation
has been applied to forests more similar in structure
(basal area, height), species composition, and prox-
imity to the Queensland sites.
Cyclone Effects on a Tropical Rainforest 1281
Aboveground net primary productivity was cal-
culated on each small permanent plot by summing
the dry weight production of trunk biomass + leaf
biomass + litterfall for the following time periods:
the period leading up to the cyclone (0.5 years),
the period after the cyclone (1.5 years), and the
entire study period (2.0 years). Aboveground net
primary productivity was estimated for individual
trees by summing the dry weight production of
trunk biomass + leaf biomass over the same study
periods given above (tree-specific litterfall is not
Relative growth rates were calculated for all
banded stems. Relative growth rates were calcu-
lated as:
RGR¼ LN finalbiomassðÞLN initialbiomassðÞ½/time
Using RGR was considered necessary because the
cyclone created large plot-level basal area differ-
ences, making meaningful ANPP comparisons
among plots difficult.
Leaf Area
Hemispherical photographs were taken with a Ni-
kon CoolpixÒ digital camera at five fixed locations
within each plot on four different occasions during
the study period. Photographs were taken early in
the morning, before the sun rose to a position
where it became visible in the photographs. Leaf
area index (LAI) was calculated for each picture
(HemiviewÒ) and averaged to yield LAI for each
Leaf N and P, Shade Tolerance,
and Wood Density
Green and recently senesced leaves were collected
within the small permanent plots. Green leaves
were collected from fallen branches the day after
Cyclone Larry. Although every effort was made to
sample from as many trees as possible from each
soil type, for six species leaves were collected from
fewer than three trees per soil type. Senesced
leaves were collected daily from suspended shade
cloth, and the samples contained leaves from an
unknown number of individuals within (or near)
the plot. Leaves were dried at 65°C to constant
weight, ground in a ball mill, and analyzed for total
N (CHN analyzer) and total P. Total P was analyzed
using inductively coupled plasma emission spec-
troscopy following microwave-assisted nitric acid
digestion (Rechcigl and Payne 1990).
Shade tolerance scores were obtained for 26 of
our species from a previous study (Osunkoya
1996). Briefly, species were scored from one to five
based on regeneration characteristics of their
seedlings. A score of ‘‘1’’ indicates germination and
survival at the forest edge and ‘‘5’’ indicates ger-
mination and survival in understory shade (Os-
unkoya 1996). All species were independently
scored by six ecologists and averaged (Osunkoya
1996). Regression analysis was then used to eval-
uate relationships between shade tolerance (of
seedlings), wind effects, and leaf N.
Wood density values were obtained from a pre-
viously published report (Department of Primary
Industries 1998) based on an unknown number of
samples from mature trees and various locations
across northeast Queensland. From this report, we
obtained wood density values for 59 of our species.
Regression analyses were then used to evaluate
relationships between wood density and wind
Estimating Growth Rates for Species
in Large Temporary Plots
Forest growth equations developed by Vanclay
(1991) were used to calculate the species-specific
diameter increment for 54 of the species we sur-
veyed in the large temporary plots. These equations
contain species-specific and site-specific growth
parameters and are compiled from over 40 years of
permanent plot inventory from northeast Queens-
land rainforests, including our study area (Vanclay
1991). We ran the model for each species to estimate
the growth rate of a 10-cm DBH tree under condi-
tions of good (basalt) and poor (schist) site quality.
These growth rate estimates were then used in lin-
ear regression models to test the growth-rate versus
resistance tradeoff—do faster growing species
‘‘trade’’ resistance for fast growth? Additionally,
species were sorted into three equal growth rate
groups representing slow (0–0.02 cm y
), medium
(0.02–0.70 cm y
), or fast (>0.70 cm y
) diam-
eter growth for comparison with wind effects and
leaf nutrient concentrations (Figure 7). We note
that these growth estimates are independent of our
RGR calculations (see methods above), which were
determined using dendrometer bands from the
small permanent plots.
Data Analysis
For CII comparisons, a split-plot ANOVA was used
with CII as the sub-plot term and soil as the main
plot term. Comparisons of CII measures were made
by using average values within each plot (plot-level
replication). Comparisons among species were
1282 S. M. Gleason and others
made using a randomized complete block design
(RCB), using average plot values for each species as
replicates (plot-level replication) and blocking by
plot. Thus, for species comparisons, the maximum
number of replicates equals the total number of
large temporary plots (24). For comparisons of
schist specialists versus generalists, only schist plots
were used (maximum number of replicates is 9).
Interactions between species (or CII) and soil were
tested using the split-plot design (a = 0.01). All soil
comparisons and soil interactions were tested using
only species commonly associated with both soil
types. Cyclone severity, as described above, was
used as a covariate in all analyses, although it rarely
affected ANOVA outcomes.
Leaf area index, ANPP, and RGR were only
measured on small permanent plots. Leaf area index
was compared between soils using a split-plot AN-
OVA, using soil as the sub-plot term and month as
the mainplot term (repeated observation) and
blocking by ridge. Plot-level ANPP was compared
between soils using an RCB ANOVA, blocking by
ridge. Tree-level RGR comparisons were made using
an RCB ANOVA, blocking by ridge and using the
competition index of Daniels (1976) and original
biomass (LN-transformed) as covariates. Original
biomass (LN-transformed) was used as a covariate
because it was negatively, but linearly, related to
RGR (RGR transformation did not account for all
size-dependant growth). Tree-level RGR compari-
sons were made for each 10-cm DBH class (Clark
and Clark 1999) and for a combined analysis of all
stems. We note that all RGR and ANPP comparisons
use biomass increment data (see the ANPP and RGR
methods section) collected using dendrometer
bands on the small permanent plots.
Cyclone Influence on Forest Structure
Data presented below are from large temporary plots
(0.25 ha), unless otherwise indicated. Most wind
effects were confined to leaves and branches, al-
though stem breakage and mortality were common
(Figure 2). Leaf stripping was significantly
(P = 0.021) higher on basalt than schist soils, but
only when schist-specializing species (species only
found on schist soils) were included in the ANOVA,
suggesting that the ‘‘soil effect’’ is likely to be a spe-
cies effect—schist specialists had less leaf stripping
than soil generalists. However, branch breakage,
top-break, and total stem breakage were signifi-
cantly higher (P = 0.015, 0.004, 0.008, respectively)
on basalt soils even when schist specialists were re-
moved from the analysis. Wind effects did not differ
significantly (a = 0.05) among slope or aspect mea-
surements, but this likely reflects similar topography
and aspect among plots. Ridge sites were more
modified than plots in flatter areas (within soil type),
but this result was also non-significant (a = 0.05).
Leaf stripping increased as relative tree height
(CII) decreased (P = 0.009), whereas branch
breakage showed the opposite pattern (P = 0.002)
(Figure 3). Additionally, top-break (trees with the
top section of the bole broken) and total stem
breakage increased significantly (a = 0.05) as rela-
tive tree height decreased. Wind effects were sim-
ilar for both soil types except for branch breakage,
which increased slightly from CII 1 to 2, but only
on basalt (P = 0.029).
To assess the overall effect of Cyclone Larry on
forest structure, diameter distributions were
graphed for the small permanent plots (Figure 4).
Canopy loss Stem breakage
leaf stripping
ranch breakage
% Leaf area reduction
% Trees with stem breakage/mortality
Figure 2. Canopy loss and
stem breakage on basalt
and schist soils. Data were
obtained on large (0.25 ha)
temporary plots. Error bars
represent 1 standard error
of the mean (n = 15 plots
on basalt, n = 9 plots on
Cyclone Effects on a Tropical Rainforest 1283
Diameter histograms showed an ‘‘inverse-J’’, or
negative exponential distribution, before and after
the cyclone (Figure 4).
Leaf area index was reduced by 31% on basalt
and 13% on schist following the cyclone (Fig-
ure 5). Although LAI was significantly (P = 0.003)
higher on schist 2 months after the cyclone (May
2006), LAI values were similar between soils
5 months after the cyclone and were increasing
(Figure 5). Eight months after Cyclone Larry, LAI
had returned to approximately 80 and 93% of pre-
cyclone LAI values on basalt and schist, respec-
tively (Figure 5).
Cyclone Influence on Forest Production
Results in this section, unless otherwise indicated,
are from the small permanent plots. Cyclone Larry
generated 284 and 253 g m
of litter (leaves +
wood), representing approximately 45 and 41% of
a year’s undisturbed litter production on basalt and
schist soils, respectively. Four months after Cyclone
Larry litterfall values were 27 and 40% of pre-cy-
clone litterfall values on basalt and schist, respec-
Canopy loss Stem breaka
% Leaf area reduction
% Trees with stem breakage/mortality
Figure 3. Canopy loss and
stem breakage by crown
illumination index (CII)
class. Dominant,
intermediate, and
understory trees were
assigned CII classes of 1, 2,
and 3, respectively. Data
were obtained on large
(0.25 ha) temporary plots.
Error bars represent 1
standard error of the mean
(n = 15 plots on basalt,
n = 9 plots on schist).
Forests on basalt
DBH class (cm)
0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90
Trees ha
Forests on schist
DBH class (cm)
0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90
Figure 4. Diameter
distribution of trees in small
(100 m
) permanent plots
before and after Cyclone
Larry. Error bars represent 1
standard error of the mean
(n = 12 plots).
Jan/2006 Mar/2006 May/2006 Ju
l/2006 Sep/2006 Nov/2006
Leaf Area Index (m
Cyclone Larry
Figure 5. Leaf area index (m
leaf area per m
area) within small (100 m
) permanent plots before and
after Cyclone Larry. Error bars represent 1 standard error
of the mean (n = 12 plots).
1284 S. M. Gleason and others
tively, although differences between soil types
were not significant. Eight months after Cyclone
Larry litterfall values were 91.0 and 90.1% of pre-
cyclone litterfall values on basalt and schist,
Litterfall, stem biomass increment, and ANPP did
not differ significantly (a = 0.05) between soil
types before or after the cyclone (Figure 6), nor did
they differ between fertilized and non-fertilized
plots. Relative growth rates of banded stems were
significantly (P < 0.001) higher on basalt soils
than schist soils when corrected for competition
(Figure 6). Relative growth rates of trees on basalt
increased faster than trees on schist following the
cyclone (P = 0.047) (Figure 6), largely attributable
to the release of small understory trees. The com-
petition index (Daniels 1976) accounted for sig-
nificant amounts of variance in RGR between soils
(P = 0.006), but did not affect the outcomes of
hypothesis tests. Relative growth rates were similar
between trees in fertilized plots and non-fertilized
plots. This is not unusual in P-limited forest sys-
tems, as it is unlikely for ANPP to respond to fer-
tilization in less than 18 months (Herbert and
Fownes 1995; Harrington and others 2001). Addi-
tionally, P-sensitivity (that is, decreased production
in response to P fertilization) may also have con-
tributed to a lack of P response in some species
(Gleason and others unpublished manuscript).
Wind Effects and Biomass Production
Among Species
Partitioning variance in leaf stripping and branch
breakage within a fully nested ANOVA (Pagel and
Harvey 1988; Osunkoya 1996) suggested that spe-
cies was the best taxonomic level for comparative
analyses. Family, genus, and species explained
48.8, 4.9, and 56.3% of leaf stripping variance and
14.5, 2.8, and 82.3% of branch breakage variance.
Species-specific N and P concentrations were
positively correlated with leaf area loss (Figure 7).
Production & RGR
6-18 mo after cyclone
RGR (kg kg
Production & RGR
0-6 mo after cyclone
Production & RGR
Production (g m
Figure 6. Litterfall, biomass increment, ANPP, and RGR
values on schist and basalt before and after Cyclone Larry
(March 20th). Litterfall and ANPP values are not shown
for the 6–18 month period following Cyclone Larry be-
cause litterfall was not collected for this period. Error bars
represent 1 standard error of the mean (n = 12 plots).
schist specialists
basalt (r
= 0.51; P < 0.000)
schist (r
= 0.08; P = 0.148)
Green leaf P (mg g
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
% Canopy (leaf area) loss
low growth rate
medium growth rate
high growth rate
schist specialists
basalt (r
= 0.42; P = 0.000)
schist (r
= 0.15; P = 0.047)
Green leaf N (mg g
10 15 20 25
low growth rate
medium growth rate
high growth rate
Figure 7. Upper panels (A,
B) show the correlations
between green leaf N and P
and % canopy loss. Lower
panels (C, D) show the
wide variability among
growth rate groups (high,
medium, low) within each
of these correlations. Each
point represents the
average value for one
species on one soil type.
Correlation coefficients and
P values are given for basalt
and schist soils separately.
Cyclone Effects on a Tropical Rainforest 1285
One scenario could be that overstory trees fell on
understory trees that had higher P and N. However,
the observed relationship between wind effects and
leaf nutrients was independent of soil type, canopy
position, DBH class, growth habit (understory ver-
sus overstory species), and light requirements.
Thus, this relationship does not appear to be an
artifact of growth habit or stand structure.
Leaf stripping, branch breakage (Figure 8), and
mortality varied considerably among species
(P < 0.001). Wood density was not significantly
(a = 0.05) correlated with any wind effects mea-
sure. We also note the considerable variability in
leaf stripping and branch breakage among species
(Figure 8).
Wind resistant species (10 most resistant) and
susceptible species (10 least resistant) were included
in separate analyses. A comparison of the total
number of observations across all plots showed that
resistant species were significantly more common
than susceptible species (P = 0.037). Of the 10
resistant species, five were found only on schist soils
(schist specialists). Also, schist specialists had sig-
nificantly less leaf stripping (P = 0.008) and total leaf
area loss (leaf stripping + branch breakage)
(P = 0.024) than soil generalists. Schist specialists
also had lower leaf N concentrations (P = 0.011),
lower leaf P concentrations (P = 0.008), higher leaf
C:N ratios (P = 0.008), and higher leaf C:P ratios
(P = 0.002) than generalists.
Species-specific diameter increment (as esti-
mated using Vanclay 1991) was not correlated with
leaf area loss on either soil type, although com-
bined analysis of species on both soils yielded a
weak negative correlation between branch break-
age and diameter increment (r
= 0.11; P = 0.009).
Shade tolerance (from Osunkoya 1996) within
large plots was positively correlated (r
= 0.38;
P = 0.011) with leaf stripping—shade tolerant spe-
cies experienced more leaf stripping than light-
demanding species. However, branch breakage was
not correlated (P < 0.05) with species-specific light
Resistance—Shade Tolerance Tradeoff
Plants vary in their capacity to resist wind (resis-
tance), recover from injury (resilience), and offset
the effects of injury (tolerance). We define resistant
species as species that experience few effects from
wind disturbance. We define resilient species as
species that undergo fast rates of return to a refer-
ence state after a disturbance has occurred (modi-
fied from Grimm and others 1992). We define
tolerant species as species that experience signifi-
cant wind effects, display relatively little resilience,
but are able to maintain fitness through other
means (other than fast regrowth or resistance),
which may include (but is not limited to) enhanced
seed production (quantity, size, recalcitrance),
herbivore resistance, or improved fertilization and
propagule dispersal mechanisms.
These ‘‘strategies’’ of resistance, resilience, and
tolerance may be reflected in structural, morpho-
logical, and physiological traits. Thus, tradeoffs
between plant traits in highly disturbed environ-
ments are important and common (Read and
Stokes 2006). For example, is it better for a tree to
be fast growing and weak or slow growing and
strong? This is a commonly studied tradeoff, espe-
cially when put in a successional context: light-
loving, nutrient-demanding, fast growing, quickly
maturing species are commonly pioneers. Faster-
growing species are sometimes affected more
markedly than slow-growing species (Foster 1988;
Bellingham and others 1995; Ostertag and others
Although there are data to support the resis-
tance-shade tolerance tradeoff model (Batista and
Platt 2003; Ostertag and others 2005), our data do
not support a similar model for tropical rainforest
species of northeast Queensland. Light require-
ments and growth rates were not positively corre-
lated with wind effects. This suggests that
mechanisms other than the resistance-shade tol-
% Leaf loss (leaf strip)
0 10203040506070
% Leaf loss (branch breakage)
species on schist
species on basalt
schist specialists
Figure 8. Relationship between leaf loss via petiole fail-
ure (leaf strip) and branch failure (branch breakage).
‘‘Species on schist’’ and ‘‘species on basalt’’ represent
species averages for soil generalists when they occurred
on schist or basalt, respectively. ‘‘Schist specialists’’ rep-
resent species that occurred only on schist soils in the
area of study.
1286 S. M. Gleason and others
erance tradeoff are responsible for much of the
variance in leaf stripping and branch breakage
among our species.
Nutrient availability adds complexity to resis-
tance-growth rate tradeoffs. Herbert and others
(1999) found that trees with access to P fertilizer
were less resistant to wind, but recovered more
quickly after injury (they were more resilient).
Thus, wind resistance/resilience may not be an
adaptive response, but simply a consequence of
within-plant nutrient economics, at least in some
Canopy loss was positively correlated with leaf N
and P for species on both soil types. Leaf area loss in
a Hawaiian rainforest was also positively associated
with nutrients (Herbert and others 1999). Why
should nutrient concentrations and canopy loss be
positively correlated? Major N-containing com-
pounds in plant leaves include amino acids,
nucleotides, enzymes, alkaloids, and pigments.
These compounds are not major components of
structural tissues such as lignin, cellulose, and
hemicellulose. Thus, high leaf nutrient contents
may be associated with reduced proportions of
structural tissues in plants.
Total C, lignin, and tannin concentrations are
often negatively correlated with rates of leaf decay
(Constantinides and Fownes 1994; Hobbie and
others 2006; Parton and others 2007) and con-
centrations of these compounds, relative to con-
centrations of N and P, are often negatively
correlated with soil N and P availability (Ares and
Gleason 2007). Therefore, the same properties that
make plants frugal with nutrients when nutrients
are scarce might also result in leaves and wood that
are resistant to wind and decomposition. Con-
versely, induced resistance (by exposing plants to
chronic wind) in Acer saccharum leaves and petioles
was related to leaf and petiole shape (Niklas 1996),
which are less likely to be affected by soil nutrient
supply. Thus, we note that leaf and petiole resis-
tance reflects not only structural strength, but also
petiole and leaf shape, length, flexibility, and
movement in high winds (Vogel 1989).
Scaling up from Species to Forests
Average traits among species do not necessarily
reflect forest-level traits. Schist specialists are few
compared to the overall species richness on schist
soils. Within the small permanent plots there are 61
species on schist soil, but only six schist specialists
(see supplementary material for species-level
information), yet these six species contribute
nearly 37% of the total basal area. Thus, the
properties of these few species, in large part, dom-
inate forest functioning on schist soils.
Scale is also important when interpreting
growth-rate versus resistance tradeoffs. Even
though there is no positive correlation between
growth rate and resistance among species, there is
at least one species (Acronychia acidula Mueller) that
does have growth and wind effects that are not in
conflict with growth-rate versus resistance theory.
Because this species contributes only 0.02% to total
stand basal area, it has little affect on stand-level
dynamics. It is this decoupling between species
traits and forest traits that emphasizes the impor-
tance of scale (species-level versus forest-level)
when evaluating the interaction between resource
availability and disturbance.
Other Strategies for Success
in Wind-Prone Tropical Forests
Variance among canopy loss measures was best
explained by substrate type and leaf N and P con-
centrations, suggesting that resource availability
influences wind resistance. These results support
the findings of Herbert and others (1999). This is
not to say that resistance-growth rate tradeoffs are
irrelevant, but that resource availability interacts
with disturbance regime so that other plant traits,
such as seed morphology and physiology, dispersal
mechanisms, and herbivore resistance, may also be
‘‘traded’’ for wind resistance. We suggest that
plants will ‘‘trade’’ resistance for proficiency in
these traits, depending on the nutrient ‘‘cost’’—the
demand relative to the availability of resources. For
example, a species that experiences structural
modification to leaves, branches, stems, or roots
may compensate by producing larger or more
plentiful seeds, leaves with higher carboxylation
efficiency, or simply complete their lifecycle in the
relative safety of the understory. All of these
strategies require greater nutrient uptake. Seed
strategies in particular may play an important role
in determining the fitness of shade tolerators in
wind-prone environments, as seed morphology
varies widely in these species (Grubb and Metcalfe
1996; Metcalfe and Grubb 1997; Metcalfe and
Turner 1998). When nutrients are limited, as on
the schist sites, strategies requiring high nutrient
uptake are costly and strategies requiring low
nutrient uptake (for example, resistance) are more
likely to enhance fitness.
A level of complexity not addressed by our con-
ceptual model of resource-driven wind resistance is
that wind intensity itself may affect species differ-
ently. During Cyclone Larry, many species of trees
Cyclone Effects on a Tropical Rainforest 1287
experienced more branch breakage relative to leaf
stripping, whereas others displayed mainly leaf
stripping (Figure 8). This may reflect an ‘‘all-or-
nothing’’ strategy whereby trees with resistant
leaves and/or petioles avoid injury during wind
events unless winds are strong enough to break
their branches, in which case they experience sig-
nificant canopy loss (that is, branches break with
leaves attached). Conversely, species with suscep-
tible petioles (petioles fail before branches) may
avoid branch breakage during severe winds, but
may lose canopy dominance to species with more
resistant leaves/petioles in less severe winds. It is
not clear whether or not these structural differ-
ences among species are adaptive, but they were
evident at our sites. We also note that if winds
exceed threshold values for all species, leaf area will
be lost regardless of branch or petiole traits.
Patterns of structural modification among species
and between soil types suggest nutrient availability
and use affect wind resistance. Disturbance regime
and resource availability are likely to interact,
engendering plant strategies that increase fitness
either through investments in C (resistance or C-
based herbivore resistance) or investments in soil
nutrients (reproductive, N-based herbivore de-
fenses, pioneer or understory specialization). Resis-
tance-shade tolerance tradeoffs were not evident,
although resistance was clearly related to soil type
and leaf nutrient concentrations. Although schist
specialists had higher C:N and C:P ratios and expe-
rienced fewer wind effects, this likely reflects strong
selection pressure toward efficient nutrient eco-
nomics, rather than adaptation toward wind resis-
tance. Whether wind resistance traits are adapted or
not, we might expect a change in species composi-
tion with increased cyclone frequency. If meaning-
ful species composition shifts are likely to take place,
as a result of predicted wind events (Emanuel 1987;
Webster and others 2005), we might be able to
predict these outcomes in advance by gathering site-
specific information on resource availability and
evaluating species-specific traits. Such knowledge
could benefit forestry, agroforestry, ecosystem
rehabilitation, and C accounting efforts in the near
future, particularly in wind-prone areas.
We would like to thank Kumi Gleason for her help
in the field and Andrew Ford for his help with tree
identification, leaf collecting, and rewarding dis-
cussions. We are grateful to Adrian Ares for his
advice on forest growth measurements, Dennis
O’Dowd for his critique of the overall study plan,
and Aiden Sudbury for statistical advice. We would
also like to thank three anonymous reviewers for
their helpful comments on an earlier version of this
manuscript. Two grants provided funding for this
research: The Holsworth Wildlife Research
Endowment, ANZ Charitable Trust, Australia, and
the Monash Small Grant Scheme, Monash Uni-
versity, Australia. This study was completed under
Queensland EPA permit no. WITK03219805.
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1290 S. M. Gleason and others
... For instance, in herbaceous plant communities of contrasting soil fertility, nutrient stress tolerance correlated positively with resistance and negatively with resilience to frost, drought, and fire disturbance (MacGillivray et al., 1995). Further, the availability of limiting nutrient resources related strongly to the resistance and resilience of subtropical mangrove (Feller et al., 2015) and tropical forests to cyclone disturbances (Gleason et al., 2008(Gleason et al., , 2010Herbert et al., 1999). However, the pantropical importance of nutrient availability to the resistance and resilience of tropical forest litterfall to cyclone disturbances remains unexplored. ...
... The authors associated the increased leaf stripping with a P-induced increase in leaf area and aerodynamic drag , consequently decreasing the wind resistance of leaves compared to co-located unfertilized plots. Evidence from Australia suggests that plant species growing on high-P basalt soils had higher branch breakage after a cyclone than those growing on low-P schist soils -including and excluding nutrient-poor specialists (Gleason et al., 2008). Also, leaf stripping in Australia was significantly lower in low-P soil specialists relative to species occurring on low-P and high-P soils, suggesting strong linkages between cyclone resistance and resilience and plant resource use strategies. ...
... As hypothesized, soil P had a moderating effect on total litterfall resistance, suggesting a lower resistance in pantropical sites with higher total soil P concentration. This moderating effect aligns with site-level studies in Australia (Gleason et al., 2008) and Hawaii (Herbert et al., 1999), which were included in the meta-regression analysis (Table 2) but represented a small fraction of the 48 case studies (Table S1). In addition, both studies were limited in describing the differing effects of cyclones in three tropical forests on contrasting soils. ...
While tropical cyclone regimes are shifting with climate change, the mechanisms underpinning the resistance (ability to withstand disturbance‐induced change) and resilience (capacity to return to pre‐disturbance reference) of tropical forest litterfall to cyclones remain largely unexplored pantropically. Single‐site studies in Australia and Hawaii suggest that litterfall on low‐phosphorus (P) soils is more resistant and less resilient to cyclones. We conducted a meta‐analysis to investigate the pantropical importance of total soil P in mediating forest litterfall resistance and resilience to 22 tropical cyclones. We evaluated cyclone‐induced and post‐cyclone litterfall mass (g/m2/day), and P and nitrogen (N) fluxes (mg/m2/day) and concentrations (mg/g), all indicators of ecosystem function and essential for nutrient cycling. Across 73 case studies in Australia, Guadeloupe, Hawaii, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Taiwan, total litterfall mass flux increased from ~2.5 ± 0.3 to 22.5 ± 3 g/m2/day due to cyclones, with large variation among studies. Litterfall P and N fluxes post‐cyclone represented ~5% and 10% of the average annual fluxes, respectively. Post‐cyclone leaf litterfall N and P concentrations were 21.6 ± 1.2% and 58.6 ± 2.3% higher than pre‐cyclone means. Mixed‐effects models determined that soil P negatively moderated the pantropical litterfall resistance to cyclones, with a 100 mg P/kg increase in soil P corresponding to a 32% to 38% decrease in resistance. Based on 33% of the resistance case studies, total litterfall mass flux reached pre‐disturbance levels within one‐year post‐disturbance. A GAMM indicated that soil P, gale wind duration and time post‐cyclone jointly moderate the short‐term resilience of total litterfall, with the nature of the relationship between resilience and soil P contingent on time and wind duration. Across pantropical forests observed to date, our results indicate that litterfall resistance and resilience in the face of intensifying cyclones will be partially determined by total soil P.
... It was granted its World Heritage status in 1988 for four reasons: (i) offering outstanding examples representing the major stages of the Earth's evolutionary history; (ii) outstanding examples representing significant ongoing ecological and biological processes in the evolution and development of terrestrial and fresh water ecosystems and communities of plants and animals; (iii) superlative natural phenomena or areas of exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic importance; and (iv) offering the most important and significant habitats for in situ conservation of biological diversity, including those containing threatened species of plants and animals of outstanding universal value from the point of view of science and conservation [44]. The forest area is also rich in biodiversity, such that more than 80 species of trees can be found within a 0.25-hectare size of the park [45]. ...
... Such methods have included both restrictions on deforestation and degradation, and afforestation and reforestation efforts. In terms of restrictions, there have been prohibitions on deforestation and logging since the 1970s [45], followed by quotas on hunting and restrictions on fishing [59]. R08 spoke about how these efforts have "enhanced the resilience of the forest," and led to the "preservation of biodiversity, especially large predators in the forest." ...
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Given the inadequacy of current patterns of climate mitigation, calls for rapid climate protection are beginning to explore and endorse potentially radical options. Based on fieldwork involving original expert interviews (N = 23) and extensive site visits (N = 23) in Australia, this empirical study explores four types of climate interventions spanning climate differing degrees of radicalism: adaptation, solar geoengineering, forestry and ecosystems restoration , and carbon removal. It examines ongoing efforts to engage in selective breeding and assisted adaptation of coral species to be introduced on the Great Barrier Reef, as well as to implement regional solar geoengineering in the form of fogging and marine cloud brightening. It also examines related attempts at both nature-based and engineered forms of carbon removal vis-à-vis ecosystem restoration via forestry conservation and reforestation in the Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area, and enhanced weathering and ocean alkalinization. This portfolio of climate interventions challenges existing categorizations and typologies of climate action. Moreover, the study identifies positive synergies and coupling between the options themselves, but also lingering trade-offs and risks needing to be taken into account. It discusses three inductive themes which emerged from the qualitative data: complexity and coupling, risk and multi-scalar effects, and radicality and governance. It elucidates these themes with an attempt to generalize lessons learned for other communities around the world considering climate interventions to protect forests, preserve coral reefs, or implement carbon removal and solar geoengineering.
... A study of cyclone Thane revealed that there was greater uprooting in introduced plantation species such as Acacia auriculiformis and Tectona grandis, whereas native species like Azadirachta indica and Mangifera indica underwent comparatively lesser damage (Sundarapandian et al., 2014). According to Bellingham et al. (1995) and Gleason et al. (2008), the plant species may vary in their capacity to resist wind (resistance), to offset the effects of injury (tolerance) and to recover from injury (resilience). It is unlikely that any one taxon will display all three of these characteristics, viz. ...
... This is because of site and habitat-specific and resource limitations which will force a trade-off amongst them. Species which experienced more uprooting spread their roots on the surface soil and do not penetrate deeper into the soil (Bellingham et al., 1995;Gleason et al., 2008;Sundarapandian et al., 2014). Mickovski et al. (2007) noticed several factors that help in anchoring the plants and prevent uprooting. ...
... A study of cyclone Thane revealed that there was greater uprooting in introduced plantation species such as Acacia auriculiformis and Tectona grandis, whereas native species like Azadirachta indica and Mangifera indica underwent comparatively lesser damage (Sundarapandian et al., 2014). According to Bellingham et al. (1995) and Gleason et al. (2008), the plant species may vary in their capacity to resist wind (resistance), to offset the effects of injury (tolerance) and to recover from injury (resilience). It is unlikely that any one taxon will display all three of these characteristics, viz. ...
... This is because of site and habitat-specific and resource limitations which will force a trade-off amongst them. Species which experienced more uprooting spread their roots on the surface soil and do not penetrate deeper into the soil (Bellingham et al., 1995;Gleason et al., 2008;Sundarapandian et al., 2014). Mickovski et al. (2007) noticed several factors that help in anchoring the plants and prevent uprooting. ...
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The frequency of cyclones has increased manifold in the recent years thus devastating the coastal and adjoining districts of Odisha. The cyclonic storm 'Fani' hit Odisha coast during May 2019 and devastated extensively in many coastal districts including the capital city of Bhubaneswar. It caused a great loss to the vegetation cover with uprooting of trees particularly along tree-lined avenues which necessitated assessing the damage of different tree species in the state capital. This destructive impact of cyclone Fani on the roadside vegetation in parts of the city was evaluated based on visual estimation and type of damages.
... Therefore, it is hard from most previous studies focusing on particular plant organs and particular structural, morphological, and/or physiological traits, to infer whole-plant strategies in terms of adaptive response to wind. Few previous studies have compared wind responses among several species, even though plant species are known to vary in their capacity to resist wind, and to recover from or offset the effects of wind damage [35]. In addition, research fields study different aspects of plant response to wind. ...
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Background Wind strongly impacts plant growth, leaf traits, biomass allocation, and stem mechanical properties. However, whether there are common whole-plant wind responses among different plant species is still unclear. We tested this null hypothesis by exposing four eudicot steppe species to three different wind treatments in a field experiment: reduced wind velocity using windbreaks, ambient wind velocity, and enhanced wind velocity through a novel methodology using wind-funneling baffles. Results Across the four species, wind generally decreased plant height, projected crown area, and stepwise bifurcation ratio, and increased root length and stem base diameter. In contrast, the response patterns of shoot traits, especially mechanical properties, to wind velocity were idiosyncratic among species. There was no significant difference in total biomass among different treatments; this might be because the negative effects on heat dissipation and photosynthesis of low wind speed during hot periods, could counteract positive effects during favorable cooler periods. Conclusions There are common wind response patterns in plant-size-related traits across different steppe species, while the response patterns in shoot traits vary among species. This indicates the species-specific ways by which plants balance growth and mechanical support facing wind stress. Our new field wind manipulation methodology was effective in altering wind speed with the intended magnitude. Especially, our field wind-funneling baffle system showed a great potential for use in future field wind velocity enhancement. Further experiments are needed to reveal how negative and positive effects play out on whole-plant performance in response to different wind regimes, which is important as ongoing global climatic changes involve big changes in wind regimes.
... This forest is classified as a complex mesophyll vine forest (Tracey 1982). According to Gleason et al. (2008), this ecosystem is classified as sub-tropical wet forest based on Holdridge's (1947) ...
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Secondary hemi-epiphytes start their life as ground-dwelling plants. Like other vines, the plant then climbs the host, but when the plant reaches maturity, the oldest portion of the stem dies. The plant then loses its stem connection to the soil and becomes semi-epiphytic. However, true secondary hemi-epiphytism is probably not as common as thought, since, in most cases semi-epiphytic vines reconnect to the soil through aerial roots. The change in soil connection during the ontogeny of these species may have physiological and anatomical consequences. As they eventually live in the canopy environment, it is feasible that secondary hemi-epiphytes might develop adaptations to cope with the stressful canopy environment, especially water stress during dry periods. However, there is a lack of understanding on the ecophysiology of secondary hemi-epiphytes in rainforests. There is a paucity of information on the anatomy and physiology of secondary hemi-epiphytes, once they lose their stem connection to the soil, compared with the terrestrial early stage of development. To address this knowledge gap, characteristics of stem water transport, leaf anatomy and physiology, and soil water resource partitioning were examined in this research. Two species were selected for the study: Freycinetia excelsa F. Muell (Pandanaceae) and Rhaphidophora australasica F.M. Bailey (Araceae), which occur naturally in the Wet Tropics area of north Queensland. The general objective of this research is to better understand the ecophysiology of secondary hemi-epiphytes during their ontogenetic development. The capacity of F. excelsa and R. australasica stems to conduct water differed between plants of different developmental phases. Adult individuals of F. excelsa and R. australasica had wider vessels than younger plants. Hydraulic architecture parameters, i.e. hydraulic conductivity, stem specific conductivity and leaf specific conductivity, were also higher in adult plants than for intermediate and juvenile individuals. These results indicate that adult plants had a higher capacity to conduct water through the stem to the leaves than did individuals at an earlier stage of development. As the plants became more mature and longer, they tended to have low hydraulic conductivity at the stem base. This finding is supported by the fact that the size of xylem vessels was found to decrease in the basipetal direction: the base of the stem had narrower vessels than the middle part of the stem. However, the low hydraulic conductivity at the base of the stem may also be related to the fact that monocotyledonous plants lack secondary development. Therefore, the stem base contains the oldest shoot tissues and the vessels might be less functional. Wider vessels and higher hydraulic conductivity in adult individuals of F. excelsa and R. australasica show that the change in plant-soil connectivity during ontogeny of these species does not physically restrict water transport. Adult individuals of F. excelsa and R. australasica had larger stomata than conspecific juveniles. However, adult plants also had more stomata per unit area, which gives them more control of the opening and closing of stomata in certain areas of the leaves. These characteristics of leaf anatomy suggest that secondary hemi-epiphytes are well-adapted to the canopy environment. Juvenile plants of these two study species appear to be more sensitive to the onset of drought than plants of later developmental stages. Within each dry and wet season, the water potential of leaves from all growth forms were similar but the patterns of daily CO2 exchange differed, with CO2 uptake by juvenile plants most affected by dry season conditions. However, the CO2 exchange rates were similar for adult, intermediate and juvenile plants during the wet season. High water availability in the wet season and relatively low evaporative demands provide excellent conditions for plants to absorb CO2. The significant down-regulation of CO2 exchange in the dry season in the juveniles is related to the lower hydraulic conductivity of their stems. Water supply to juveniles may be restricted during the dry season, such that down-regulation of CO2 uptake and stomatal opening are necessary to diminish water loss and maintain water potential. Water supplied to intermediate and adult plants by aerial roots growing from a number of places along the stem is evidently sufficient to sustain higher rates of CO2 exchange and water loss. Plants of different ontogenetic stages had different behaviours towards soil water resources. Based on the hydrogen stable isotopes of water derived from different layers of the soil profile, matched with isotope signatures of the stem water, water uptake by juvenile individuals was limited to the area near the soil surface; on the other hand, adult plants utilized water from all soil layers studied. This consequently affects the capacity of plants to exploit all available soil water sources across seasons, which influences the performance of individuals of different ontogenetic stages in response to environmental conditions. Variations in the ecophysiological attributes of the secondary hemi-epiphytes F. excelsa and R. australasica indicate differences in the ability of these plants to survive during their development. This study showed that smaller size juveniles may have a higher potential susceptibility to stressful environmental conditions compared to larger adult congeners. Based on ecophysiological characters, these two secondary hemi-epiphytic have not adapted especially to the epiphytic habit as they climb the host and live in the canopy. The plants’ soil connections through aerial roots provide access to soil, avoid the stem basal hydraulic bottle neck and contribute to more options for soil water resource acquisition.
... Cyclones are the most extreme weather conditions encountered in the tropical upland rainforests of north Queensland. Gleason et al. (2008) assessed the structure and productivity of a range of forest plots before and after exposure to Cyclone Larry (March, 2006). They estimated the damage sustained by a range of tree species growing in nutrient-poor schist soils and those growing in relatively nutrient-rich basalt soils. ...
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As tropical forests cycle the most water and carbon, it is crucial to understand the short- and long-term effects of intensifying cyclones on these ecosystems. Soil nutrient status has been shown to moderate forest cyclone responses using field litterfall measurements, but litterfall is one metric of multiple cyclone impacts, which may or may not be correlated with one another or with site nutrients. We used remotely sensed vegetation indices to quantify immediate damage and two-year recovery for 42 cases across nine tropical forests in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Australia, and Taiwan affected by 12 cyclones between 2004-2017. We tested whether changes in leaf area index (LAI) and enhanced vegetation index (EVI) with changes in litterfall observations and varied with total soil phosphorus (P) concentrations across regions. We compared cyclone-induced changes and recovery of LAI and EVI to litterfall observations compiled in a pantropical meta-analysis. We found large variation in changes in LAI and EVI across forests, with the greatest reductions in LAI (−77%) and EVI (−77%) in Mexico (Jalisco) and Puerto Rico, respectively. LAI (r = −0.52) and EVI (r = −0.60) changes correlated with those in litterfall across cases. Post-cyclone data showed recovery of LAI by four months, EVI by two months, and litterfall by ten months. We detected larger changes in LAI and EVI in forests with higher soil P, but these relationships were not significant when accounting for cyclone and site as random effects. Principal component analyses indicated a regional clustering of cases related to their contrasting cyclone regimes, with the frequency and intensity of cyclone events negatively correlated. Overall, remote sensing observations complement but do not substitute for ground observations that reveal cyclone damage and post-cyclone recovery in tropical forests, and that soil phosphorus moderates some but not all metrics of stability in response to cyclones.
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While tropical cyclones are intensifying and occurring at higher latitudes in recent decades, the mechanisms underpinning the resistance (ability to withstand disturbance-induced change) and resilience (pace of return to pre-disturbance reference) of tropical forest canopies to cyclone disturbance remain largely unexplored at the pantropical scale. Single-site studies in Australia and Hawaii suggest that forest canopies on low-phosphorus (P) soils are more resistant and resilient to cyclones. We conducted a meta-analysis to investigate the pantropical importance of soil P in mediating forest canopy resistance and resilience to 22 tropical cyclones between 1977 and 2017. We evaluated cyclone-induced and post-cyclone litterfall mass (g/m2/day), and P and nitrogen (N) fluxes (mg/m2/day) and concentrations (mg/g), all indicators of ecosystem function and essential for nutrient cycling. Across 73 case studies in Australia, Guadeloupe, Hawaii, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Taiwan, total litterfall mass flux increased from ~2.5 ± 0.3 to 22.5 ± 3 g/m2/day due to cyclones, with large variation among studies. Total litterfall P and N fluxes after cyclones represented ~5% and 10% of the average annual fluxes, respectively. Leaf litterfall N and P concentrations were 21.6 ± 1.2% and 58.6 ± 2.3% higher after cyclones relative to pre-cyclone means. Within one year of the disturbance, total litterfall mass flux reached pre-disturbance levels while leaf litterfall N and P concentrations remained higher than pre-cyclone levels. Random-forest and mixed-effects models determined that, among 17 moderator variables spanning soil types, lithologies, biogeographies, and cyclone regimes, total soil P concentration and wind speed moderated the pantropical litterfall mass flux resistance to cyclones. Soil P, gale wind duration, and time since cyclone disturbance explained 40% of the variability in litterfall mass flux resilience. Our pantropical results indicate that tropical forest canopy resistance and resilience in the face of intensifying cyclone disturbance will be partially determined by total soil P.
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Live and dead fine root biomass and rates of root decomposition were studied prior to and immediately following a localized disturbance (experimental gap creation) and a landscape-level disturbance (Hurricane Hugo) in a lower montane subtropical wet forest in Puerto Rico. A 40% decline in fine live roots occurred two months following gap creation. Six months following the hurricane, high fine root mortality resulted in a decline of 70-77% of the initial fine live root biomass in the experimental gaps; a similar decline occured in the control forest. Root decay was slow and 48-65% of the fine root necromass still remained in trench plots after one year. Concentrations of Ca, Mg, K, P and N in fine roots (live plus dead) changed little over one year. Loss of nutrients in live fine roots was equivalent to the loss of biomass. In the trench plot experiment, high root mortality resulted in lower concentrations of exchangeable cations in the soil, and a lower pH when compared to soil outside the trench plots. Concentrations of NO3-N were higher in the trench plot soils than in the surrounding soil environment and may have contributed to cation losses. Fine roots were not greatly diminished following localized disturbances and contributed to nutrient conservation. These root systems were more adversely affected by a landscape-level disturbance and by a multiple disturbance regime. -from Authors
Cyclone "Winifred' crossed the coast of N Queensland on 1 February, 1986 causing extensive damage to coastal forests, crops and property. Forest damage was classified in 4 categories defined according to scale and intensity of tree injury. Patterns of forest damage were influenced by location in the cyclone's path, topographic exposure, characteristics of the forest type and site conditions such as soil drainage. The effects of previous disturbance, eg past cyclone damage or logging were difficult to determine in the absence of replicated comparative data. Large gaps caused by previous cyclones were not extended. Although vegetative regrowth was rapid and widespread, fires occurred later in some disturbed coastal forests, including fire sensitive rainforests and palm forests. Such fires in closed forests are an effective invitation to grass and weed invasion. Periodic disturbances of cyclone, drought fire and man appear most potent to the distribution and succession of forest types when operating in close association. -from Authors
Effects of Hurricane Hugo on forest ecosystem processes in Puerto Rico and South Carolina are summarized. The high intensity, broad scale, and relatively high frequency of these storms makes them a major agent of catastrophic disturbance in the Caribbean and the Atlantic seaboard of the USA. Although the return frequency of hurricanes for any given area is low (on the order of years or decades) relative to the lifespan of an individual investigator or a typical research project, the return time is shorter than the life span of a canopy tree or a forest ecosystem. Hurricanes have struck the Caribbean repeatedly within recorded history and have played a role in shaping plant population dynamics, and nutrient cycling over evolutionary time scales (thousands of years) in much of the Caribbean. This paper focuses on the short term changes in nutrient cycling induced by Hurricane Hugo as well as the possible long-term consequences of such disturbances on tropical forests. Discussion centres on Research sites, the Luquillo Experimental Forest in Puerto Rico and the North Inlet site in South Carolina. The processes summarized are: hurricane litterfall and associated nutrient fluxes and exports; salinization of coastal soils from storm surge and associated changes in soil chemistry; fine root dynamics after disturbance, changes in soil nutrient pools and fertility; and, hurricane-induced changes in N transformation and fluxes. -from Authors
Hurricane Hugo caused low to moderate damage to a flood plain forest that was partially protected by its topographic position. Treefalls and the location of damage suggested N to NW wind direction during the storm. Thirty percent of the trees, or 693 trees/ha, had some damage and 84 percent of the damage was to the canopy Most of the damage to trees was caused by direct wind impact (83%) as opposed to secondary effects (16%). Over 80 percent of the snapped, leaning, and uprooted trees were dicotyledonous. Tree mortality was only 1 percent, and most of the damage to the sierra palm Prestoea montana (R. Grah.) Nichols was loss of leaves. Rapid refoliation, epicormic branching, adventitious root production, resprouting, and regeneration from seed in open areas were observed nine months after the event. Ten percent of the aboveground biomass and 12-16 percent of the nutrient stocks (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) were transferred to the forest floor, mostly in the form of woody biomass and nutrient-rich leaves. Palm leaves were the dominant leaf component of necromass. Instantaneous in situ fine and coarse necromass production was 10 and 9.2 Mg/ha, respectively. Net changes in aboveground mass, N, P, K, Ca, and Mg (in percent of prehurricane value) were 8, 3, 0, 3, 12, and 1, respectively, in spite of a high rate of loss by export. The source of additional mass and nutrients were boles from upland forests that fell into and remained inside the flood plain.