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Flashbulb memories and the underlying mechanisms of their formation: Toward an emotional-integrative model


Abstract and Figures

Flashbulb memories (FBMs) are detailed recollections of the context in which people first heard about important events. The present study investigates three models of the formation and maintenance of FBM. Two models have previously been proposed in the literature (Brown & Kulik, 1977; Conway et al., 1994). A third model of FBM that integrates theories of FBM and recent developments in the field of emotions is proposed. The present study compares these three competing models by investigating the FBMs that Belgian citizens developed upon learning of the unexpected death of their king Baudouin. Structural equation modeling revealed that, as compared to the two previously proposed models, the third model, which takes into account emotional processes, better explains FBM.
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Copyright 1998 Psychonomic Society, Inc. 516
People have detailed memories for circumstances sur-
rounding their discovery of important national events,
such as assassinations of public figures (see, e.g., Brown
& Kulik, 1977; Christianson, 1989; Colegrove, 1899; Wino-
grad & Killinger, 1983). They remember the specifics of
the context in which they first heard about the news: When
they heard the news, where they were, what they were
doing and with whom, and how they felt upon hearing the
news are just a few of the details commonly remembered
(see, e.g., Brown & Kulik, 1977). Brown and Kulik called
this phenomenon flashbulb memories (FBMs) to indicate
surprise and brevity. Even though FBMs are not as accu-
rate or as permanent as the photographic metaphor sug-
gests (Larsen, 1992; Neisser & Harsh, 1992), their forget-
ting curve is far less affected by time than in the case of
other types of memories investigated in basic memory re-
search (Bohannon & Symons, 1992; Christianson, 1989;
McCloskey, Wible, & Cohen, 1988; Pillemer, 1984).
FBMs are cases of autobiographical memories. Because
it is well established that emotions have an important in-
fluence on autobiographical memory (see, e.g., Conway,
1990; Nigro & Neisser, 1983; Robinson, 1980), it is imper-
ative to consider their role in FBM formation and mainte-
nance. However, the manner in which emotions affect FBM
is probably more complex than that proposed by previous
models (see, e.g., Brown & Kulik, 1977; Conway et al.,
1994). The present study investigates the mechanisms un-
derlying FBM, and, more specifically, it compares differ-
ent models of FBM formation and maintenance. We first
review two models of FBM formation and maintenance
and their respective supportive evidence. We then describe
recent developments in the field of emotions and present
a theoretical model of FBM that relies on emotion theory.
Subsequently, we present a study examining FBMs for the
unexpected death of the Belgian king Baudouin, in which
the three models are compared.
A Photographic Model of FBM
Brown and Kulik (1977) were the first to conceive a the-
oretical model of FBM formation and maintenance, par-
alleling the neurophysiological Now-Print! theory (Liv-
ingston, 1967). To initialize FBM formation, the original
event1has to be new or unexpected and thus must elicit
surprise. If an event is routine and common or expected,
it is not attended to and, hence, does not lead to surprise.
Research reported in this paper was supported by FRFC
Grant 8.4510.94. from the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Re-
search and by a grant from the Fonds de Développement Scientifique of
the University of Louvain. It was also facilitated by the support granted
by the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, to the Consortium for
European Research on Emotion (CERE). We gratefully acknowledge
the help of Denise Philippot, Philippe Tilquin, and Annick Beerten in
collecting the data. We also wish to thank Geoffrey R. Loftus and two
anonymous reviewers who provided invaluable comments and suggestions
on an earlier draft. O. L. is Research Assistant at the Belgian National
Fund for Scientific Research. A.E. is now at the Department of Psy-
chology, University of Provence, Aix-en-Provence, France. Correspon-
dence concerning this article should be addressed to C. Finkenauer, De-
partment of Psychology, University of Louvain, Place Cardinal Mercier,
10, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (e-mail: finkenauer@clis.
—Accepted by previous editor, Geoffrey R. Loftus
Flashbulb memories and the
underlying mechanisms of their formation:
Toward an emotional-integrative model
University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
University of Liège, Liège, Belgium
University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Flashbulb memories (FBMs) are detailed recollections of the context in which people first heard
about important events. The present study investigates three models of the formation and mainte-
nance of FBM. Two models have previously been proposed in the literature (Brown & Kulik, 1977;
Conway et al., 1994). A third model of FBM that integrates theories of FBM and recent developments
in the field of emotions is proposed. The present study compares these three competing models by
investigating the FBMs that Belgian citizens developed upon learning of the unexpected death of their
king Baudouin. Structural equation modeling revealed that, as compared to the two previously pro-
posed models, the third model, which takes into account emotional processes, better explains FBM.
Memory & Cognition
1998, 26 (3), 516-531
Consequently, no FB memory is formed. The degree of
novelty determines the level of surprise. Given a sufficient
level of surprise, the event is then evaluated in terms of
consequentiality or personal importance, which, in Brown
and Kulik’s perspective, is equated with emotional
arousal. Both surprise and consequentiality are necessary
for FBM formation. Yet, the degree of consequentiality
alone determines the degree of completeness of the FBM:
the greater the perceived consequentiality, the more de-
tailed the resulting FBM (see Figure 1).
Additionally, Brown and Kulik (1977) propose that re-
hearsal represents an important mediating variable that
leads to further completeness of the FBM. Overt rehearsal
takes place during conversations, whereas covert rehearsal
takes place when the person thinks about the event. Higher
consequentiality is assumed to evoke more frequent re-
hearsal “of that which is all or part of the flashbulb mem-
ory” (p. 85). Rehearsal may affect FBM in two ways. First,
it can improve the FBM by reinforcing existing memory
traces. Second, it can modify the FBM memory content.
For instance, by talking about the news and how they
learned about it, people gradually construct a story that
matches the communicative demands of the interpersonal
situation (see, e.g., Grice, 1975). In this sense, rehearsal is
likely to operate on the FBM and its contents (see also John-
son & Chalfonte, 1994; Neisser, 1982).
To test their theory, the authors selected 10 major events
(mostly assassinations). Participants gave a description, as
detailed as possible, of the circumstances in which they
had learned about the original event, which took place 10 to
30 years before. Participants then rated the consequen-
tiality the event had for them and the frequency with which
they had talked about it.
Confirming Brown and Kulik’s (1977) model, conse-
quentiality was associated with (1) more detailed FBMs
and (2) more overt rehearsal. The rest of the theoretical
propositions, however, could not be investigated. On the one
hand, the novelty and surprise associated with the original
event were not assessed, because these conditions were
presumably satisfied by all original events in the study.
The extent to which novelty and surprise are critical to the
formation of FBMs thus remains unclear. On the other hand,
Brown and Kulik did not differentiate between conse-
quentiality and emotional arousal (hereafter referred to as
Figure 1. Flashbulb memory formation according to the photographic model.
emotional feeling state) but used the two concepts inter-
changeably. Even though the two concepts might overlap,
they may be partially independent. The lack of differentia-
tion between the two concepts, however, does not permit es-
tablishing whether consequentiality and emotional feeling
state independently contribute to the formation of FBM.
Subsequent studies further investigated Brown and Ku-
lik’s (1977) suggestions. First, a variety of studies found
support for the hypothesis that FBMs are positively asso-
ciated with consequentiality and surprise (see, e.g., Chris-
tianson, 1989; Rubin & Kozin, 1984). Second, studies
confirmed that an intense emotional feeling state is asso-
ciated with a better recall of FBMs (Bohannon, 1988; Bo-
hannon & Symons, 1992; Christianson, 1989; Pillemer,
1984; Rubin & Kozin, 1984). Third, rehearsal, in the form
of conversations or media exposure, seems to play an im-
portant role in FBM maintenance (see, e.g., Bohannon,
1988; Rubin & Kozin, 1984).
Overall, these findings provide evidence in favor of
Brown and Kulik’s (1977) model. Consequentiality, emo-
tional feeling state, and rehearsal are associated with better
recall of FBMs (see Figure 1). Additionally, the findings in-
dicate that high levels of surprise lead to a better recall of
the reception context. On the basis of this empirical evi-
dence, the first model of FBMs, which we call the photo-
graphic model, reasonably assumes that not only the in-
tensity of the emotional feeling state but also the level of
surprise directly influences FBM.
However, none of the reported studies assessed all of the
factors affecting FBM as proposed by Brown and Kulik
(1977). This precludes a valid test and adequate revision
of the photographic model of FBM (for a more detailed
discussion, see Conway, 1990, 1995; Conway et al., 1994).
A Comprehensive Model of FBM
Conway et al. (1994) empirically examined the deter-
minants of FBM. They conducted a large test–retest study
of FBMs for the resignation of the British prime minister,
Margaret Thatcher. Paralleling Brown and Kulik’s (1977)
original propositions, they investigated the factors assumed
to determine FBM formation (surprise, emotional feeling
state, and personal importance) and FBM maintenance
(rehearsal). Extending Brown and Kulik’s propositions,
Conway and his colleagues suggested that the remember-
er’s prior knowledge about Thatcher’s government and his
or her interest in politics—that is, his or her goals and ori-
entations towards the news—are of central importance for
FBM formation. Prior knowledge is predicted to facilitate
the organization and assimilation of the incoming infor-
mation, thereby leading to a more detailed and consistent
FBM. Two weeks and then 11 months after Margaret
Thatcher’s resignation, groups of U.K. and non-U.K. na-
tionals completed an FBM questionnaire requiring a de-
scription of the reception context and assessing the hypoth-
esized determinants of FBM: (1) variables influencing
FBM formation (i.e., affective reaction, which combined
surprise and emotional feeling state, the personal impor-
tance the event held for the individual, and prior knowledge
of politics) and (2) variables influencing FBM maintenance
(i.e., rehearsal through conversations, thoughts, and fol-
lowing the media).
FBMs were operationalized as those memories that
were highly consistent from one data collection phase (i.e.,
after 2 weeks) to the other (i.e., after 11 months). Memories
that did not show a high level of consistency were consid-
ered as non-FBMs, or ordinary autobiographical memories.
The results confirmed previous studies on FBM (see,
e.g., Bohannon, 1988; Brown & Kulik, 1977; Christianson,
1989; Pillemer, 1984; Rubin & Kozin, 1984). Participants
who had FBMs (1) reported higher levels of initial sur-
prise and affect, (2) rated the event as more important, (3)
rehearsed the event more often in the form of thoughts or
conversations, and (4) followed the media more frequently
than did participants who had no FBMs. Moreover, par-
ticipants with FBMs had better prior knowledge about
Thatcher’s government and more interest in politics.
Conway and his colleagues (Conway et al., 1994) then
investigated the interrelations between the factors as-
sumed to contribute to the formation and maintenance of
FBM by applying the structural equation approach of
Bentler (see Bentler, 1980, 1989; Bentler & Weeks, 1980).
Figure 2 depicts the structural relations tested by Conway
et al. (1994). The structural equation modeling confirmed
that prior knowledge directly determined rehearsal, affect,
and importance. Importance determined rehearsal and af-
fect. Because only affect and rehearsal directly deter-
mined FBM, knowledge and importance only contributed
indirectly to FBM.
On the basis of these findings, Conway et al. (1994) de-
veloped a model of memory that we call the comprehen-
sive model. The comprehensive model describes the for-
mation of a memory by three main processes that work
over time and can occur independently or in combination.
First, prior knowledge about the issue is common to the
formation of all memories: It facilitates the assimilation of
new information to the existing memory structures. Sec-
ond, the event is evaluated in terms of personal impor-
tance, which is critical for the formation of an FBM. Third,
the original event triggers an affective reaction. If the
event is perceived as highly important and is associated
with high affect, an FBM is formed. If importance does
not reach a sufficient level, no relation is established with
affect, and no FBM is formed. In this case, however, im-
portance and affective reaction independently contribute
to the formation of non-FBMs. Because many subjects in
Conway et al.s (1994) study reported not having rehearsed
the news, the comprehensive model assumes that re-
hearsal does not play a critical—let alone an essential—
role in FBM formation. In fact, in the case of non-FBMs,
rehearsal is assumed to help to maintain fragmentary
knowledge about the issue. In the case of FBMs, it simply
contributes to maintaining their contents.
Conway et al.s (1994) study represents the f irst attempt
to statistically test FBM formation and maintenance.
However, the comprehensive model is mainly based on
empirical findings. Also, it does not acknowledge certain
aspects of the empirical findings. In fact, the structural
equation modeling showed that the observed path from re-
hearsal to FBM was one of the strongest in the model so-
lution (Conway et al., 1994). Affective reaction and re-
hearsal were the only direct determinants of FBM. However,
the comprehensive model assigns only a marginal role to
emotions and rehearsal in FBM formation and mainte-
nance. In contrast, we propose that emotion and rehearsal
play an important role in the formation and maintenance
of FBM. Furthermore, we believe that, to understand this
role, it is necessary to consider recent developments of
emotion theories. In the following, we examine the emo-
tional processes that may be active in FBM.
Emotion and FBM
Although common sense associates emotion with a
subjective feeling state, emotion scholars consider this
concept to be much more complex and to encompass sev-
eral facets. These facets include information-processing
components, response components, and regulatory com-
ponents (Oatley & Jenkins, 1996). In the literature on emo-
tion, there is a large consensus on the following processes.
Emotion starts with a process of cognitive appraisal. The
organism scans internal and external information to assess
whether any ongoing event is relevant for its survival,
well-being, pursued goals, and/or values (Smith, 1993).
The appraisal process is influenced by antecedent per-
sonal characteristics, such as beliefs about oneself and the
world (see, e.g., Folkman & Lazarus, 1988), prior experi-
ences and expectations (Fiske & Taylor, 1991), or atti-
tudes and self-concepts (Lazarus & Smith, 1988). The en-
vironment is appraised along several dimensions. For
instance, Leventhal and Scherer (1987) proposed five di-
mensions: novelty, valence, goal conductiveness, coping
potential, and agreement with individual values and stan-
dards. Similar dimensions have been proposed by other
authors (see, e.g., Smith, 1993). When the outcome of the
appraisal process indicates personal relevance, the organ-
ism prepares itself to respond adaptively to this environ-
mental challenge; action tendencies are activated (Frijda,
1986). Given the specific situational demands and an-
tecedent personal characteristics, this state of readiness
embodies itself in different facets. Physiological changes
are activated to support potential actions; expressive, pos-
tural, and motoric responses are elicited; cognitive changes,
such as attention-narrowing can also be observed (Chris-
tianson & Loftus, 1991). Finally, a subjective feeling state
results, which some authors consider to be the result of the
cognitive appraisal (see, e.g., Oatley & Johnson-Laird,
1987) and others the apperception of other facets of emo-
tion (see, e.g., Ekman, 1992). Emotions also elicit long-
term and interpersonal processes. Recent studies show
that emotions cause people to socially share their emotional
experiences (for a review, see Rimé, Philippot, Boca, &
Figure 2. The comprehensive model of flashbulb memory formation and mainte-
nance. Adapted from Conway et al. (1994); copyright 1994 by the Psychonomic Soci-
ety, Inc.
Mesquita, 1992) and to seek out more information about
what happened. They also reveal that more intense emo-
tional experiences elicit more frequent social sharing than
do less intense ones (Philippot & Rimé, 1998).
From this brief overview, it is obvious that emotion can-
not be reduced to a mere subjective feeling state or state
of arousal. Therefore, the use of the concept of emotion in
FBM research calls for a differentiation between the dif-
ferent facets involved in an emotional reaction. For in-
stance, a major distinction should be made between cog-
nitive appraisal and subjective feeling state. Of particular
interest for the field of FBM research, several authors
(e.g., Scherer, 1984; Smith & Ellsworth, 1987) propose
that one fundamental type of appraisal consists in the eval-
uation of novelty. This appraisal specif ically leads to an
orientation reaction and is clearly involved in emotions
such as surprise. Another essential type of appraisal is per-
sonal importance (Lazarus & Smith, 1988; Scherer, 1984).
This appraisal is a process of relating one’s goals and be-
liefs to environmental realities. It leads to a more specific
emotional feeling state that can consist of one particular
emotional state or, as is often the case in real-life events,
of complex emotional feeling states.
Applying the Concepts of Appraisal
and Subjective Response to the Study of FBM
Previous models on FBM did not explicitly differenti-
ate between emotional appraisal and emotional feeling
states. By paralleling emotion theories, Brown and Kulik
(1977) assumed that the appraised novelty and unexpect-
edness of the original event elicit the subjective feeling
state of surprise. Yet, despite its crucial role in the photo-
graphic model, previous studies never assessed the ap-
praisal of novelty as such. After the appraisal of novelty,
according to Brown and Kulik, consequentiality of the
original event is assessed. However, Brown and Kulik did
not differentiate between the appraisal of consequentiality
and the intensity of emotional feeling state. Conway et al.
(1994) did not consider the appraisal of novelty. As in the
case of emotion theories, the appraisal of personal impor-
tance is assumed to determine the affective reaction. Yet,
in their view, surprise and emotional feeling state repre-
sent variables of one single latent factor (i.e., affective re-
In an attempt to benefit from the conceptual differenti-
ation of emotions, we propose that (1) surprise is a specific
consequence of the appraisal of novelty, (2) intensity of
emotional feeling state (what Conway et al. [1994] labeled
affective reaction) is a general consequence of appraisal
processes and, in particular, of personal importance, and
(3) surprise and emotional feeling state make differential
contributions to FBM formation. On the basis of previous
research on FBM (Christianson, 1989; Rubin & Kozin,
1984), we predict that the level of surprise is a direct de-
terminant of FBM.
The rationale for linking the intensity of emotional feel-
ing state and FBM is more equivocal. At least two paths
can be hypothesized. On the one hand, as proposed by the
photographic and the comprehensive models, the intensity
of emotional feeling state could directly affect FBM. Yet
the results of Conway et al.s (1994) structural analysis re-
vealed a statistically rather weak direct path from intensity
of emotional feeling state to FBM. Since Conway et al.
(1994) did not differentiate between surprise and emo-
tional feeling state, it remains unclear whether this rela-
tion is due to the contribution of surprise to FBM forma-
tion or the contribution of the emotional feeling state. On
the other hand, it is possible that this rather weak path is
due to the fact that intensity of emotional feeling state is
only indirectly related to FBM. The link between the inten-
sity of emotional feeling state and FBM may be mediated
by rehearsal. Indeed, Brown and Kulik (1977) emphasize
that an event of high consequentiality (i.e., emotionally
arousing) leads to increased rehearsal. A wealth of studies
provide empirical evidence for this assumption (for re-
views, see Philippot & Rimé, 1998; Rimé et al., 1992).
They show that social sharing of an event is associated
with the intensity of the emotional feeling state elicited dur-
ing its occurrence. In other words, the intensity of the emo-
tional feeling state determines subsequent rehearsal. It
should be noted that these rehearsal processes are likely to
address information about the original event rather than
information relative to the reception context. Hence, we
propose that the intensity of emotional feeling state deter-
mines event rehearsal and, as a consequence, the long-term
memory of the original event. The memory of the original
event, in turn, influences the maintenance of FBM.
In line with Conway et al. (1994) and emotion theories
(see, e.g., Lazarus & Smith, 1988), antecedent personal
characteristics are predicted to determine the personal im-
portance the event holds for the individual, the intensity of
the emotional feeling state, and subsequent rehearsal.
Summary of the
Emotional-Integrative Model of FBM
The emotional-integrative model of FBM is depicted in
Figure 3. It can be seen that the original event is appraised
in terms of novelty and personal importance (consequen-
tiality). The appraisal of novelty leads to a reaction of sur-
prise. The appraisal of personal importance, together with
the level of surprise, determines the intensity of the emo-
tional feeling state. As is proposed by the comprehensive
model, importance, emotional feeling state, and rehearsal
are also determined by antecedent personal characteris-
tics. In our study, the antecedent personal characteristics
are assessed by the affective attitude toward the king and
the royal family. Even though this variable is not equiva-
lent to Conway et al.s (1994) prior knowledge about pol-
itics, we believed that both of these variables reflect the
same theoretical construct of antecedent personal charac-
teristics. Thus, we expected personal attitude to evidence
the same influence as did prior knowledge in the compre-
hensive model (Conway et al., 1994). Surprise directly af-
fects FBM. The influence of the emotional feeling state on
FBM is twofold. First, as is suggested by previous models,
it directly determines FBM. Second and more important,
it has an indirect impact on FBM: It triggers rehearsal,
which, in turn, determines the memory for the original
event. Finally, the memory of the original event deter-
mines the FBM.
The present study tests the respective merits of the three
models presented in the introduction (i.e., the photo-
graphic model, the comprehensive model, and the emo-
tional-integrative model of FBM) by investigating FBM
for the unexpected death of the Belgian king, Baudouin.
The death was announced Sunday, August 1, 1993, at ap-
proximately 2:30 a.m. The king had died from a heart at-
tack at his vacation residence in Motril, Spain, at about
9:30 p.m. the day before. The news was totally unexpected
and had an enormous impact on the Belgian population.
Baudouin had been king for 42 years. He had a strong uni-
fying impact on a nation that is divided by linguistic and
cultural conflicts. The media were flooded with informa-
tion about his death and its consequences. The Monday
following the death, the Belgian papers covered the event
on about 60% of their pages. Six months later, 55% of the
Belgian population reported that it was the event that had
marked them most during the year of 1993 (Lits, 1993).
In the present study, a large group of Belgian respon-
dents recalled the circumstances in which they had heard
about the king’s death some 7–8 months after it occurred.
As in Bohannon’s study (1988), they were asked to re-
member specific details about the original event. They
then answered questions assessing event novelty, personal
importance, surprise, emotional feeling state, frequency
of rehearsal, and affective attitude toward the royal family.
Three hundred and ninety-four Belgian French-speaking citizens
volunteered to participate in the study. Their mean age was 40.5
(SD = 16.74), ranging from 13 to 88 years. Respondents came from
a large variety of backgrounds. Two hundred and forty were women.
The data collection took place 7 to 8 months after the king’s death.
Questionnaires were distributed in various places (e.g., universities,
hospitals, schools) or to experimenters’ acquaintances.
Figure 3. The emotional-integrative model of flashbulb memory formation and maintenance.
The questionnaire consisted of eight sets of questions, assessing
the different factors in the described models: (1) flashbulb memory
attributes, (2) memory for the original event, (3) overt rehearsal,
(4) emotional feeling state, (5) surprise, (6) appraisal of novelty,
(7) appraisal of importance, and (8) affective attitude.2
Flashbulb memory attributes
. FBM was assessed by five
items. Respondents answered questions concerning the circum-
stances in which they first learned of the king’s death: the exact time
(date and hour) they heard the news (FTI), the place they were
(FPL), the people they were with (FPEO), and the ongoing activity
they were involved in (FACT). These questions constitute the clas-
sical questions used to investigate FBM (see, e.g., Conway et al.,
1994). Finally, participants were asked to describe up to five spe-
cific details of their personal context when they first heard the news
about the king’s death (FDET).
The first four items were scored 1 when respondents were able to
remember the answer or 0 when they could not. Because previous re-
search shows that almost all respondents are able to remember time,
place, people, and ongoing activity (see, e.g., Brown & Kulik, 1977),
we introduced the question assessing specific details in order to prevent
a ceiling effect in statistical analyses. Each specific detail was scored
1 when it met one of the following criteria: (1) the reported detail re-
ferred to mutable aspects of the environment (e.g., glass of water on
TV = 1; green carpet in living room = 0) and/or (2) the reported de-
tail referred to the respondent him/herself or his/her position in re-
lation to the environment (e.g., “I was facing the window,” or “I was
sitting in my favorite chair”). These criteria were chosen to exclude
the possibility that respondents simply inferred details on the basis
of their familiarity with the environment (e.g., living room, kitchen).
Interrater reliability among three independent judges was found to
be satisfactory (r= .95). The maximum score for details was 5.
Memory of the original event
. The memory of the original
event was assessed by four questions concerning general informa-
tion related to the king’s death that was distributed by the media: the
time of death (OTI) (month, day of the week, hour of the day), the
exact location of death (OPL), the cause of death (OCAU), and the
first person who offered condolences to the queen (OVIS).
Each question was scored from 0 to 2. A score of 2 indicated that
the person was completely correct. A score of 1 indicated that the
person was basically but not entirely correct (e.g., location of death
was scored 1 when only the city or only the country was recalled and
2 when respondents recalled both). An answer was scored 0 when it
was not recalled at all or incorrect (using the same example, neither
the city nor the country in which the king had died was recalled, or
the wrong country or city was named).
Overt rehearsal
. Three items assessed overt rehearsal. Respon-
dents were asked to rate the frequency with which they followed the
media (TV, radio, newspapers) after the announcement of the king’s
death on a 5-point scale (1 = never, 5 = very often; MED). Two items
assessed the communication process. One item concerned the fre-
quency of general conversations about the original event (CGE); the
second assessed to what extent conversations concerned specif ic
facts about the original event (CSP). Both items were rated on 5-
point scales (1 = never, 5 = more than 6 times, and 1 = never, 5 = very
often, respectively).
Emotional feeling state
. The emotional feeling state was as-
sessed by three items. First, respondents rated their level of upsetness
upon learning about the death on a 7-point scale (1 = not upset at all,
7 = highest level of upsetness of your life; UPS). In addition, two
items assessed the emotional impact of the king’s death on 7-point
bipolar scales (1 = not emotional, 7 = emotional [EMO], and 1 = in-
different to, 7 = shaken up [SHA], respectively).
. Respondents rated on a 7-point scale the extent to
which they were “surprised, amazed, or astonished” upon learning
about the king’s death (1 = not at all, 7 = very much; SUR).
Appraisal of novelty
. Respondents rated on two 7-point bipolar
scales how new and salient the news was for them (1 = usual, 7 = un-
usual [UNUS], and 1 = common, 7 = uncommon [UNCO]).
Appraisal of importance and consequentiality
. Respondents
rated to what extent the event was important for themselves and their
life on a 7-point scale (1 = not important at all, 7 = very important;
IMP). In addition, they rated to what extent the original event had
consequences for them on a 7-point scale (1 = no consequences at
all, 7 = many consequences; CON).
Affective attitude
. Respondents rated their affective attitude to-
ward the royal family on a 7-point bipolar scale (1 = strong antipa-
thy, 7 = strong sympathy; SYM).
Questionnaires were distributed by the authors or by authors’ ac-
quaintances. A short text explained that the questions were related
to the news of King Baudouin’s death. The respondents were asked
to remember the details related to the event, the circumstances in which
they first heard the news, and their reactions. It was also indicated
that there were no right or wrong answers to any question, the ex-
perimenters being interested in personal memories of media events.
The statistical analyses comprised three steps: (1) de-
scriptive statistics, in order to investigate intragroup vari-
ability; (2) Pearson correlations, to investigate the relations
between observed variables; and (3) structural equation
modeling, applied to investigate the supposed causal in-
terrelationships between the different factors.
Descriptive Analyses
Memory for the original event
. As regards the mem-
ory of the original event, 80%–95% of the respondents
provided the correct answer (scores of 1 or 2) to the ques-
tions concerning the exact location of death and cause of
death. However, only about 50% of the respondents cor-
rectly answered the questions concerning the day of the
week the king had died and the person who offered the
first condolences to the queen. For the question concerning
the exact time the king died (2 h), only 38% of the re-
spondents recalled the correct answer.
Memory for FBM attributes
. In contrast, at least
80% of the respondents recalled the answers to all ques-
tions concerning FBM attributes. These results seem to
confirm previous findings showing that FBMs remain
highly available over long periods of time. As expected,
specific idiosyncratic details showed more variability. A
majority of respondents recalled at least one changeable de-
tail of the context in which they first heard the news. More
specifically, 14.5% recalled one detail, 11.3% recalled two
details, 15.8% recalled three details, 13.5% recalled four
details, and 19.3% recalled five details. Only 25.6% of the
respondents recalled no detail that fulfilled the criteria.
Secondary measures
. The results indicate that the
Belgian king’s death had a strong impact on Belgian citi-
zens. The event led to intense emotional reactions (“upset,
M= 4.13, SD = 1.71; “emotional,” M= 5.80, SD = 1.49;
“shaken up,M= 5.48, SD = 1.54). The respondents ap-
praised it as very new and salient (“unusual,M= 6.04,
SD = 1.38; “uncommon,” M= 5.36, SD = 1.52). They also
rated the death as highly surprising (M= 5.49, SD = 1.83)
and relatively important (M= 3.18, SD = 1.85) but as hav-
ing few consequences for their lives (M= 2.24, SD =
1.69). The respondents indicated great sympathy for the
royal family (M= 5.32, SD = 1.49). Finally, the event was
often rehearsed. This was the case for both following the
media (M= 3.99, SD = 1.04) and conversations about the
event (M= 4.11, SD = 1.15 for frequency of conversations
in general, and M= 3.75, SD = 1.06 for extent to which
conversations concerned specific facts about the original
event). More than half of the respondents (54.4%) reported
talking about the event more than six times.
Bravais-Pearson correlations were obtained between all
pairs of variables and are presented in Table 1.
Structural Equation Modeling
Through the application of structural equation modeling
(Bollen, 1989), the photographic model, the comprehensive
model, and the emotional-integrative model were investi-
gated. For each model, we generated a structural diagram
(see Figures 4, 5, and 6), using the observed variables to in-
dicate the factors intervening in FBM formation and main-
tenance. We want to point out that the photographic model
and the comprehensive model represent, in fact, restricted
model versions. Neither model takes all previously pro-
posed variables into account. More specifically, the pho-
tographic model does not consider the latent factors af-
fective attitude or prior knowledge, proposed by Conway
et al. (1994), and memory of the original event. The com-
prehensive model does not consider the latent factors nov-
elty, proposed by Brown and Kulik (1977), and memory of
the original event. The emotional-integrative model, how-
ever, tries, not only to integrate previous propositions by
taking all proposed latent factors into account but also to
emphasize the role of emotions in FBM.
For each model, the structural diagram represents the
causal structure among the hypothesized factors (repre-
sented by circles) underlying the observed variables (rep-
resented by squares). Each structural diagram includes
three types of relationships between factors: (1) direct
causal relationships between factors and between factors
and their indicators, indicated by straight arrows from the
causes, with an arrowhead pointing to the effects; (2) un-
analyzed correlations and partial correlations among fac-
tors, indicated by a curved line, implying ambiguity about
the nature of the relationship between the factors; and
(3) null relationships, indicated by an absence of any line
between variables, which hypothesize that no theoretical
link exists between these variables. In the latter case, it is
presumed that any correlation between the variables is en-
tirely explained by their shared relationship with the other
causal variables in the model.
The null model specifies no relations among variables,
no common factors for the set of input measures, and no
covariances among these measures. The usual way of spec-
ifying this model is to set to zero the covariances among
measures while allowing their variances to be estimated as
free parameters.
The first step toward specifying and evaluating a struc-
tural model for determinants of FBM consisted in estab-
lishing a measurement model (Anderson & Gerbing, 1988)
that represents the correlated factors indexed by their ob-
served variables, listed in Table 1. The second step consisted
in testing theoretical causal relationships specified be-
tween the factors. All structural modelings were performed
with the SAS CALIS Procedure (Version 6.09; Hartmann,
1990). Model fitting was based on the correlation matrix,
following the general analytical strategy advocated by
Cudeck (1989). Indicators of fit included f irst a 2test of
significance to test the hypothesis that the data were gen-
erated by the proposed model or that the model is consis-
tent with the pattern of covariation among the observed
variables. Since the 2is vulnerable to sample size and/or
departure from multivariate normality, a ratio between the
model 2and the degrees of freedom (df ) is computed.
This ratio indicates the fit of the model per df used. This
measure was first proposed in an early application of
structural modeling (Wheaton, Muthén, Alwin, & Som-
mers, 1977). A threshold value of 2 (Carmines & McIver,
1981) is proposed. Another measure for the discrepancy
per df for a model is the Steiger’s root mean square error
of approximation (RMSEA; see Steiger, 1990). Practical
experience has led researchers to consider that a value of
the RMSEA of about 0.05 or less indicates a close fit of
the model in relation to the df (Browne & Cudeck, 1993).
The Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) estimates the extent to
which the sample variances and covariances are repro-
duced by the hypothesized model. A Comparative Fit
Index (CFI) is used as an incremental fit index derived
from the comparison of the hypothesized model with the
null model, in order to determine the amount by which the
fit is improved by using the hypothesized model over
using the null model (Bentler, 1989). The CFI is a mea-
sure of covariation in the data reproduced by the model.
For both GFI and CFI, a value greater than .90 indicates
an acceptable fit. Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC)
(Akaike, 1987) was also introduced for choosing the most
parsimonious model. This criterion takes the goodness of
fit as well as the number of estimated parameters into ac-
count. The model that yields the smallest value of AIC is
considered best. Finally, a null model 2was used to test
the absence of structure in the observed variables. The
generalized least squares method was used to estimate the
parameters in the presented models (factor loadings, paths
coefficients, error variances, correlations). Since age was
assumed to be related with all factors (Cohen, Conway, &
Maylor, 1994), the hypothesized models were tested on
the basis of the observed correlations from which age had
been partialled out.3Once the parameters of the model
were estimated, the standardized coefficients were placed
on the paths of the structural diagram. These paths can be
Tab l e 1
Correlation Matrix of the Observed Variables Used in the Three Models
1. UNUS 1
2. UNCO .454 1
3. SYM .066 .118 1
4. SUR .258 .214 .225 1
5. UPS .122 .184 .533 .312 1
6. EMO .246 .255 .453 .348 .507 1
7. SHA .243 .280 .482 .355 .580 .644 1
8. IMP .069 .194 .506 .204 .572 .383 .463 1
9. CON .008 .040 .284 .003 .335 .183 .158 .531 1
10. CGE .158 .147 .195 .119 .237 .177 .219 .221 .202 1
11. CSP .065 .190 .240 .144 .329 .220 .277 .321 .188 .506 1
12. MED .137 .160 .452 .284 .483 .365 .461 .447 .254 .395 .410 1
13. OPL .090 .074 .007 .036 .101 .088 .097 .107 .045 .080 .145 .208 1
14. OCAU .078 .080 .076 .094 .119 .061 .142 .107 .046 .191 .105 .273 .145 1
15. OVIS .065 .058 .299 .067 .214 .239 .219 .204 .099 .140 .097 .289 .154 .140 1
16. FTI .029 .059 .229 .162 .205 .225 .254 .175 .144 .199 .176 .249 .134 .217 .208
17. OTI .056 .042 .157 .092 .198 .212 .226 .188 .126 .160 .205 .300 .286 .164 .210
18. FPL .044 .045 .089 .154 .015 .105 .064 .043 .42 .073 .114 .140 .064 .160 .037
19. FACT .082 .028 .068 .178 .120 .103 .065 .113 .067 .126 .108 .146 .005 .157 .059
20. FPEO .082 .088 .080 .198 .141 .087 .109 .058 .076 .120 .162 .133 .049 .101 .067
21. FDET .061 .066 .041 .179 .089 .029 .046 .073 .058 .074 .007 .078 .018 .107 .026
22. AGE .188 .081 .190 .119 .235 .119 .066 .176 .028 .041 .000 .249 .226 .123 .058
Mean 6.04 5.36 5.32 5.49 4.13 5.80 5.48 3.18 2.24 4.11 3.75 3.99 1.28 1.87 1.01
SD 1.38 1.52 1.49 1.83 1.71 1.49 1.54 1.85 1.69 1.15 1.06 1.04 0.56 0.50 1.00
Note—UNUS, unusual; UNCO, uncommon; SYM, affective attitude; SUR, surprise; UPS, upsetness; EMO, emotional; SHA, shaken up; IMP, important; CON, consequences; CGE, general conversations;
CSP, conversations concerning specific facts; MED, following the media; OPL, location of death; OCAU, cause of death; OVIS, first person offering condolences; FTI, time when first hearing about the news;
OTI, time of death; FPL, place they were; FACT, ongoing activity; FPEO, people present when hearing the news; FDET, specific details of personal context.
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
.491 1
.214 .187 1
.390 .294 .303 1
.260 .123 .362 .319 1
.242 .168 .119 .220 .204 1
.047 .056 .049 .033 .043 .206 1
0.87 1.14 0.97 0.94 0.96 2.36 40.46
0.28 0.59 0.16 0.23 0.23 1.87 16.74
considered as causality coefficients inferred from the ob-
served correlations. For each of the following figures, the
significance level of each parameter is indicated.
A summary of fit indices for the models tested is pre-
sented in Table 2. The 2statistic for each of the three null
models provides a test of the hypothesis that the observed
items are uncorrelated. As can be seen in Table 2, this in-
dependence hypothesis should be rejected. The large val-
ues indicate that more information can be extracted from
the data by introducing more parameters into the model.
These parameters have been justified by theoretical mod-
els (see the introduction).
First, results concerning the emotional-integrative
model of FBM are presented. The first column of Table 2
shows the observed fit indices for the emotional-integrative
model. As can be seen, the model provides acceptable fit
to the data. All items loadings have significant tvalues (see
Figure 4). All causal paths linking factors, except two, are
significant (see Figure 4). The two nonsignificant paths
were observed for the link between emotional feeling state
and FBM and the link between affective attitude and overt
rehearsal. However, the emotional-integrative model a pri-
ori predicted a strong indirect impact of emotional feeling
state on FBM through overt rehearsal and memory of the
original event. Also, the fact that overt rehearsal took place
in such an overwhelming fashion (Lits, 1993) suggests
that people, independently of their affective attitude, could
hardly avoid participating in the overt rehearsal surround-
ing the original event.
As can be seen in Table 2, as compared to the emotional-
integrative model, results were less favorable for the pho-
tographic and the comprehensive models of FBM. First,
the ratio of 2to df is higher than two (see, e.g., Carmines
& McIver, 1981), indicating a less adequate fit. Second,
GFI and CFI are inferior or equivalent for the compre-
hensive and the photographic models. Finally, the AIC is
lowest for the emotional-integrative model (48.41, as
compared to 38.86 for the comprehensive model and 37.91
for the photographic model, respectively), suggesting that
the emotional-integrative model is more parsimonious
than the other two models. On the basis of these analyses,
the emotional-integrative model seems to be preferable to
the other two. Moreover, some crucial paths proposed by the
photographic and the comprehensive models are not sig-
nificant with respect to the present data (see Figures 5 and
6). In contrast to the assumptions of the photographic
model, FBM was not determined either by emotional feel-
ing state or by importance. In contrast to the assumptions
of the comprehensive model, FBM was not determined by
affect (i.e., surprise and emotional feeling state). The pho-
tographic model and the comprehensive model thus con-
stitute a misspecification of the true relationships between
the measures in the sense that true paths are omitted
and/or false paths are included.
The present study investigated Belgian citizens’ recol-
lections of the context in which they first heard about the
news of King Baudouin’s death. More specifically, our
study compared three models of FBM. The structural
equation modeling revealed that the emotional-integrative
model of FBM should be preferred over the two other
competing models proposed in the literature, since it pro-
vided the best statistical fit to the data. Additionally, the
examination of the observed causal paths indicated that,
for the photographic as well as for the comprehensive
models, crucial theoretical paths were nonsignificant.
Contrary to the prediction of the photographic model, nei-
ther importance nor emotional feeling state determined
FBM. For the comprehensive model, the affective reaction
(i.e., surprise and emotional feeling state) did not deter-
mine FBM. However, the comprehensive model assumes
that, when importance is associated with affect, an FBM
is formed. When applying the model to our dataset, im-
portance strongly determined emotional feeling state, yet
emotional feeling state did not directly determine FBM.
This result casts major doubts on the critical role of im-
portance in FBM that is promoted by the comprehensive
model. For the emotional-integrative model, two paths
were nonsignificant. On the one hand, the emotional feel-
ing state did not determine FBM. However, the emotional-
integrative model a priori assumed the link between the
emotional feelings state and FBM to be indirect (i.e., me-
diated by rehearsal) rather than direct. On the other hand,
contrary to Conway et al.s (1994) findings, the affective
attitude did not determine rehearsal. Rehearsal took place
in an overwhelming fashion (see above). Independently of
their personal attitudes, it seems that Belgian citizens
could hardly avoid participating in the rehearsal process.
It is possible that less intense national events give people
the possibility to deliberately choose whether they want to
engage in rehearsal or not. In this case, it is likely that the
person’s attitude and involvement in the issue determines
subsequent rehearsal.
Overall, thus, the data of this study support the follow-
ing sequence of processes in the formation and mainte-
nance of FBM: The appraisal of the novelty causes a re-
action of surprise which, in turn, leads to the formation of
an FBM. Surprise, together with the appraisal of impor-
tance and the affective attitude, determines the intensity of
Tab l e 2
Comparison of Generalized Least Square
Estimations of the Three Proposed Models
Emotional-Integrative Photographic Comprehensive
Model Model Model
2305.59 (177) * 230.86 (96)* 205.91 (84)*
2/df ratio 1.73 2.40 2.45
Null 24,103.44 (210) 3,163.86 (120) 3,115.24 (105)
GFI .926 .926 .930
CFI .967 .956 .959
AIC 48.41 38.86 37.91
RMSEA 0.043 0.060 0.061
Note—GFI, goodness of fit; CFI, comparative fit index; AIC, Akaike’s
information criterion; RMSEA, Steiger’s root mean square error of ap-
proximation. *p.001.
the emotional feeling state. This feeling state does not di-
rectly affect FBM. Rather, its impact is mediated by two
consecutive processes. First, the emotional feeling state
triggers rehearsal, which strengthens the memory trace of
the original event. Second, the memory of the original
event finally determines FBM.
In the following, we examine how the emotional-inte-
grative model relates to the models previously proposed in
the literature. We first point out the similarities between
the emotional-integrative model and the other models, in
order to establish what can be considered as robust findings
in the FBM domain. Then, we turn to the specificities of
the emotional-integrative model. Finally, we discuss the
implications of this study for the understanding of the na-
ture of FBM.
Similarities Between the Three Models of FBM
First, all three models agree on the set of variables that
are hypothesized to influence FBM. These variables are
(1) the reaction of surprise upon learning about the original
event, (2) the appraisal of importance or consequentiality
of the original event, (3) an intense emotional feeling state,
and (4) rehearsal. It should be noted that the ensemble of
these variables characterizes any new situation an individ-
Figure 4. Standardized model parameters derived from the emotional-integrative model of flashbulb memory. *p.05.
**p.01. ***p.001.
ual is confronted with. New situations include, among oth-
ers (see Schmidt, 1991), unknown as well as unexpected
situations. Hence, there may be a similarity between pro-
cessing a new situation in memory and FBM formation
and maintenance. One could hypothesize a continuum be-
tween mildly and extremely new situations in which
events leading to FBM would be located at one extreme.
Second, all three models agree that FBMs are initial-
ized by new (or unexpected) situations and that this mech-
anism has adaptational value (see, e.g., Brown & Kulik,
1977; Conway, 1995). This assumption corresponds to the
novelty-encoding hypothesis (Tulving & Kroll, 1995),
which suggests that novelty is a necessary condition for
encoding information in long-term memory. More specif-
ically, this hypothesis predicts that the greater the degree
of novelty, (1) the greater the amount of information
processed, (2) the more efficient the encoding, and (3) the
greater the adaptive significance of its encoding in long-
term memory. In this perspective, successful adaptation re-
quires the thorough encoding and anchoring in long-term
memory of novel and important (self-relevant) situations.
This adaptational process may be enhanced by rehearsal.
Third, the emotional-integrative model and the photo-
graphic model explicitly postulate that the appraisal of
novelty leads to surprise. The comprehensive model does
not include novelty. Yet, Conway et al. (1994) emphasize
Figure 5. Standardized model parameters derived from the photographic model of flashbulb memory.
*p.05. **p.01. ***p.001.
that Thatcher’s resignation was surprising “in the sense
that it was wholly out of character and no one had ex-
pected her to resign” (p. 340). They thus implied that nov-
elty is necessary to elicit surprise.
Fourth, the emotional-integrative model and the com-
prehensive model explicitly assume that the appraisal of
personal importance or consequentiality determines the
intensity of the emotional feeling state (see also Conway,
Collins, Gathercole, & Anderson, 1996). Brown and Kulik
(1977) did not differentiate between consequentiality and
emotional feeling state, indicating a close link between
these two concepts.
Fifth, in all three models, rehearsal is associated with
the importance of the event. Yet, although the photographic
model postulates this relation, it does not provide a ratio-
nale for it. The comprehensive model proposes that the
link between importance and rehearsal may reflect the fact
that important events are frequently accessed because they
are encoded in terms of the self. It remains unclear, how-
ever, why this encoding should take place. The emotional-
integrative model suggests an answer to this question. It
proposes that events appraised as important continue to
elicit intense emotional feeling states, which, in turn, trig-
ger rehearsal (i.e., social sharing and information seeking)
to ensure successful adaptation to new and self-relevant
Sixth, in all three models, rehearsal affects FBM. How-
ever, whereas Brown and Kulik (1977) proposed that re-
hearsal affects FBM maintenance, Conway et al. (1994),
despite the fact that their data showed that rehearsal
strongly affected FBM, disqualified rehearsal as affecting
FBM maintenance. Our data shed new light on the role of
Figure 6. Standardized model parameters derived from the comprehensive model of flashbulb memory. *p.05. **p.01.
rehearsal in FBM. By empirically validating the path from
emotional feeling state to rehearsal and storage in long-
term memory to finally FBM, the emotional-integrative
model suggests a causal mechanism for the effect of re-
hearsal on FBM. In fact, this aspect of the model is based
on emotion research. Studies showed that, after an initial
peak, emotional processes are maintained for very long
periods (for reviews, see Philippot & Rimé, 1998; Rimé
et al., 1992). These maintenance processes can be inter-
personal, as in the case of social sharing of emotions (see,
e.g., Rimé et al., 1992), or intrapersonal, as in the case of
mental rumination (see, e.g., Martin & Tesser, 1989). As
long as an event or its consequences bear importance for
the individual (Lazarus, 1991), as challenging coping
abilities or as questioning personal standards and values
(Leventhal & Scherer, 1987), these processes remain ac-
tivated, leading to the consolidation of the material in
long-term memory.
Finally, the emotional-integrative model and the com-
prehensive model postulate that antecedent personal char-
acteristics facilitate the assimilation of new information to
long-term memory. Even though antecedent personal
characteristics were not operationalized in the same fashion
as in Conway et al.s (1994) research, the proposed relations
generally held in our data. This suggests that antecedent
personal characteristics play an important role in FBMs.
Specificities of the Emotional-Integrative Model
The present study assessed variables that were only ap-
proximated by previous studies. Specifically, (1) it de-
fined and operationalized appraisals of novelty and con-
sequentiality; (2) it distinguished between emotional
appraisal and emotional responses (i.e., surprise and emo-
tional feeling state); (3) on the basis of emotion theories,
it conceptualized rehearsal as social sharing (i.e., conver-
sations about the emotional event) and information seek-
ing (i.e., following the media); and finally, (4) it assessed
the memory of the original event. This approach resulted
in the following advances: As detailed above, it provides
evidence for the crucial role of the appraisal of novelty for
the formation of FBMs. Moreover, it shows that the emo-
tional feeling state upon hearing about the original event
does not directly affect FBM formation. Rather, it re-
vealed different mediating processes that accounted for
the statistical link between FBM and emotionality. This
link—emotional feeling state, rehearsal, memory of the
original event, FBM—has already been detailed in the
preceding paragraphs. We will now discuss the implica-
tions of this last finding.
First, the emotional-integrative model emphasizes so-
cial processes in autobiographical memory—in the pre-
sent case, social sharing. In fact, the role of overt rehearsal
in FBM seems to be twofold. On the one hand, it improves
the FBM by consolidating existing memory traces (for a
detailed discussion of the mechanisms involved in the re-
activation of memory, see Johnson & Chalfonte, 1994).
On the other hand, it may modify the FBM, because it is
a constructive process that takes place in a social context
(Grice, 1975; Neisser, 1982).
Second, what is rehearsed is not necessarily the content
of the FBM itself but rather information about the original
event. This is obvious for the ease of rehearsal through fol-
lowing the media. Also, during social sharing, it seems
unlikely that participants rehearsed the many details asso-
ciated with the circumstances in which they heard the
news. And, indeed, in the emotional-integrative model,
rehearsal is directly linked to the memory of the original
event and thereby indirectly linked to FBM.
Third, the present study reveals a relation between
memory for the original event and FBM. It is possible that,
when learning about the original event, all currently acti-
vated information—including the reception context, sen-
sory information, and the original event—is encoded in
memory (Tulving & Kroll, 1995). Thus, both the original
event and the reception context would immediately be en-
coded. Subsequently, during rehearsal of the original event,
the reactivation of this information in memory would
spread to any associated information and thus to FBM. In
this way, rehearsal strengthens the associations between
the different elements constituting the memory of the en-
tire experience (Johnson & Chalfonte, 1994).
Fourth, the mediated path between emotional feeling
state and FBM implies that this path only affects FBM
maintenance. In contrast, FBM encoding is likely to be de-
termined by the appraisal of novelty and the reaction of
surprise elicited thereby. In this case, when confronted
with a novel and important event, individuals would en-
code all the information present at that time (Tulving &
Kroll, 1995). If the information is not rehearsed (i.e., be-
cause it has lost its importance), its memory trace should
fade away. This proposition is in contrast with the Now
Print! mechanism postulated by Brown and Kulik (1977),
because this mechanism implies that the information is
permanently encoded in memory. Our proposition relies
more on what is known of “normal” (i.e., non-FBMs) mem-
ory processes.
It has to be noted that our findings rely on retrospective
data resulting from a single assessment of memory. In our
dataset, the direct impact of the emotional feeling state on
FBM is nonsignificant. However, a variety of studies have
shown that an intense emotional feeling state is associated
with better recall of FBMs (see, e.g., Bohannon, 1988;
Pillemer, 1984). It is possible that the immediate impact of
emotions on FBM is overshadowed by the emotional af-
termath in the form of rehearsal, which may become more
important over time. Rehearsal in the form of social shar-
ing occurs within a very brief delay after the emotional
episode (Rimé et al., 1992), mostly already during the day
on which the event happened. It would thus be important
to assess the emotional feeling state immediately after the
event happened to establish the impact of emotionality on
FBM. Also, it would be necessary to differentiate the im-
pact of surprise and emotional feeling state on memory.
This represents a challenge for researchers, who have to
find stimuli that are surprising but not emotional (for a
discussion, see Schmidt, 1991).
The present study suggests that FBMs do not imply the
existence of a special memory mechanism (see, also, Con-
way, 1995; McCloskey et al., 1988). It suggests instead
that FBMs are the result of ordinary memory mecha-
nisms. However, the great number of details constituting
FBMs, their clarity, and their durability suggest that a par-
ticularly efficient encoding took place. The clarity and
durability of FBMs indicate that these memories are de-
tailed and elaborated representations, likely to give rise to
a sense of “pastness” and veracity (Conway, 1995; Con-
way et al., 1996). The appraisal of novelty played an im-
portant role in this process (see, also, Tulving & Kroll,
1995). Event novelty can be considered a continuum, rang-
ing from familiar to novel. The original events that bring
about FBMs would be located at the extreme end of nov-
elty, thereby leading to efficient encoding of the informa-
tion. From an evolutionary perspective, the efficient encod-
ing of novel information is elementary for the successful
adaptation and adjustment to the environment. This as-
sumption parallels theories on emotions. More specifi-
cally, contemporary theories view emotions as adaptive
responses to the perceived demands of the environment
(see, e.g., Frijda, Kuipers, & ter Schure, 1989). Emotions
are represented as multifaceted response sets. In the short
run, instantaneous responses—emotional appraisal and
feeling state—ensure immediate adaptation, part of which
is the efficient encoding and processing of novel infor-
mation. In the long run, the emotional aftermath—infor-
mation seeking and rehearsal—contributes to successful
adaptation, part of which is the maintenance of important
information in long-term memory.
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1. Throughout this article, we will refer to the original event when
talking about the news itself. This is to distinguish the news from the re-
ception context—that is, the circumstances surrounding the discovery of
the news.
2. The sequence of the different sets of questions in the original ques-
tionnaire was as follows: (1) memory for the original event, (2) flashbulb
memory, (3) surprise and emotional feeling state, (4) overt rehearsal, im-
portance, and affective attitude, and (5) demographic questions con-
cerning gender, age, nationality, and educational level.
3. Analyses revealed that statistically controlling for age did not affect
the global goodness-of-fit indexes (i.e., 2, 2/df ratio, GFI, CFI, AIC,
and RMSEA) in a significant manner.
(Manuscript received September 25, 1996;
revision accepted for publication February 6, 1997.)
... Person-mediated strategies describe a task that the user must actively engage in to improve later memory, whereas a stimulusdriven factor is an inherent aspect of the stimuli itself, such as its valence, that makes it more memorable. Decades of research have highlighted emotionality as a factor that can also bolster retention Finkenauer et al., 1998;S. Hamann, 2001;S. ...
... In this first experiment, we aimed to replicate the drawing effect Meade et al., 2019;Roberts & Wammes, 2021;Wammes et al., 2016Wammes et al., , 2017Wammes et al., , 2019Wammes, Meade, et al., 2018;Wammes, Roberts, et al., 2018), and also the EEM effect Finkenauer et al., 1998;S. Hamann, 2001;Kensinger, 2004;Leigland et al., 2004;Levine & Edelstein, 2009;McGaugh et al., 1995;Rapaport, 1943;Reber et al., 1994;Rimé et al., 1991;Rubin & Friendly, 1986). ...
... We also showed that this effect occurred regardless of the valence of the to-be-remembered words. We found greater recall for both negative and positive words in comparison to their neutral counterparts, replicating previous EEM studies Finkenauer et al., 1998;Kensinger, 2004;Leigland et al., 2004;Levine & Edelstein, 2009;McGaugh et al., 1995;Rapaport, 1943;Reber et al., 1994;Rimé et al., 1991;Rubin & Friendly, 1986). Interestingly, words negative in valence that were drawn at encoding led to the highest level of recall. ...
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Des travaux antérieurs ont démontré que, comparativement à l’écriture pendant l’encodage, dessiner un croquis améliore davantage la mémoire des mots, des images et des termes académiques à retenir. Nous avons examiné si cet avantage pouvait aussi s’appliquer aux matériaux émotionnels. Dans l’expérience 1, des mots négatifs, positifs et neutres ont été présentés dans une phase d’encodage, avec des invites entremêlées pour écrire ou dessiner une image représentant le mot. Les participants se souvenaient ensuite librement des mots en les écrivant. Le rappel était plus élevé pour les mots dessinés que pour les mots écrits lors de l’encodage, et le bénéfice mémoriel augmentait différemment pour les mots émotionnels par rapport aux mots neutres. Dans l’expérience 2, des mots négatifs, positifs et neutres ont de nouveau été présentés, mais le type d’encodage a été comparé à l’aide de listes pures entre les participants. Le modèle de performance de la mémoire a reproduit celui observé dans l’expérience 1. De plus, l’utilisation du dessin comme technique d’encodage interagissait avec l’émotivité, selon laquelle les mots émotionnels dessinés étaient mieux mémorisés. Nos résultats démontrent que le bénéfice mémoriel conféré par le dessin à l’encodage s’étend aux matériaux émotionnels. Nos découvertes suggèrent que l’utilisation du dessin comme stratégie d’encodage, et l’émotion suscitée par le stimulus lui-même, contribuent indépendamment à améliorer la rétention.
... Therefore, the educational level of the samples (postgraduate students, in the context of this study) might have elevated both variables to higher levels. This finding is consistent to the studies by Lits (1993), Finkenauer (1998; Berntsen and Thomsen (2005). According to Spencer (2002), people can easily identify abstract and concrete words when they are accompanied by pictures. ...
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A plethora of studies has shown that people persistently remember public and personal events experienced during adolescence and early adulthood, particularly with a positive valence. In five studies, we investigate the reminiscence bump (RB) for positive and negative memories for public events (Study 1 and 2), private events (Study 3), music-related events (Study 4), and cross-cultural memory differences (i.e., China and US) (Study 5). Participants retrieved either one positive or one negative memory, indicate their Age of Encoding, and provided secondary measures, i.e. memory vividness and rehearsal (Study 1 and 3) and emotional intensity (Study 2 and 4). About 10,000 memories were collected and positive memories appeared generally older than negative recollections, but the RB emerged for both positive and negative memories. Furthermore, the peak was earlier for positive memories of public events (< 15 years old) than for negative memories (20-40 years), while no differences were found for private events or music-related experiences (15-25 years). Chinese had their RB later than US respondents. Finally, autobiographical recollections have moderate to low associations with secondary measures of phenomenological features of memory. These findings are consistent with the identity-formation theory, providing additional and important information on the development of the Self
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Flashbulb memories (FBMs) refer to vivid and long-lasting autobiographical memories for the circumstances in which people learned of a shocking and consequential public event. A crossnational study across eleven countries aimed to investigate FBM formation following the first COVID-19 case news in each country and test the effect of pandemic-related variables on FBM. Participants had detailed memories of the date and others present when they heard the news, and had partially detailed memories of the place, activity, and news source. China had the highest FBM specificity. All countries considered the COVID-19 emergency as highly significant at both the individual and global level. The Classification and Regression Tree Analysis revealed that FBM specificity might be influenced by participants’ age, subjective severity (assessment of COVID-19 impact in each country and relative to others), residing in an area with stringent COVID-19 protection measures, and expecting the pandemic effects. Hierarchical regression models demonstrated that age and subjective severity negatively predicted FBM specificity, whereas sex, pandemic impact expectedness, and rehearsal showed positive associations in the total sample. Subjective severity negatively affected FBM specificity in Turkey, whereas pandemic impact expectedness positively influenced FBM specificity in China and negatively in Denmark.
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In this paper, researchers specializing in emotional arousal are most likely to benefit from studying the formation of FBM. Regarding the three different mechanisms of FBM formation, the key similarities between them, a detailed analysis of emotional arousal memory from a physiological and psychological perspective, and a comparison of the different models built for FBM are presented.
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Three years ago, I was deeply in love with a man, but I had never told him. Finally, I couldn’t keep these feelings to myself any longer. I explained to him how much I was attracted by him. He looked very surprised and embarrassed. He told me that, although he liked me, he was not in love with me. I was petrified, and I tried to conceal my feelings but I felt very guilt<; and ashamed and disgusted about myself. I never told this story to anybody and I kept it secret. I felt so hurt and ashamed. After it happened, it often popped into my mind, and I felt very bad again. l tried to avoid these thoughts, but I couldn’t. My whole body was aroused, but l couldn’t express my emotion clearly. Now, I still think about it from time to time, and it is still painful.
Recollections of unexpected and emotional events (called 'flashbulb' memories) have long been the subject of theoretical speculation. Previous meetings have brought together everyone who has done research on memories of the Challenger explosion, in order to gain a better understanding of the phenomenon of flashbulb memories. How do flashbulb memories compare with other kinds of recollections? Are they unusually accurate, or especially long-lived? Do they reflect the activity of a special mechanism, as has been suggested? Although Affect and Accuracy in Recall focuses on flashbulb memories, it addresses more general issues of affect and accuracy. Do emotion and arousal strengthen memory? If so, under what conditions? By what physiological mechanisms? This 1993 volume is evidence of progress made in memory research since Brown and Kulick's 1977 paper.
Recollections of unexpected and emotional events (called 'flashbulb' memories) have long been the subject of theoretical speculation. Previous meetings have brought together everyone who has done research on memories of the Challenger explosion, in order to gain a better understanding of the phenomenon of flashbulb memories. How do flashbulb memories compare with other kinds of recollections? Are they unusually accurate, or especially long-lived? Do they reflect the activity of a special mechanism, as has been suggested? Although Affect and Accuracy in Recall focuses on flashbulb memories, it addresses more general issues of affect and accuracy. Do emotion and arousal strengthen memory? If so, under what conditions? By what physiological mechanisms? This 1993 volume is evidence of progress made in memory research since Brown and Kulick's 1977 paper.
Recollections of unexpected and emotional events (called 'flashbulb' memories) have long been the subject of theoretical speculation. Previous meetings have brought together everyone who has done research on memories of the Challenger explosion, in order to gain a better understanding of the phenomenon of flashbulb memories. How do flashbulb memories compare with other kinds of recollections? Are they unusually accurate, or especially long-lived? Do they reflect the activity of a special mechanism, as has been suggested? Although Affect and Accuracy in Recall focuses on flashbulb memories, it addresses more general issues of affect and accuracy. Do emotion and arousal strengthen memory? If so, under what conditions? By what physiological mechanisms? This 1993 volume is evidence of progress made in memory research since Brown and Kulick's 1977 paper.