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Variation in severity of target spot, caused by Aulographina eucalypti, in a eucalypt species and provenance trial in Victoria


Abstract and Figures

Target spot caused by the fungus Aulographina eucalypti was assessed from spring 1990 to summer 1991 on 44 provenances of 14 Eucalyptus species to determine the variation in susceptibility to the pathogen. A disease assessment scale for target spot was developed specifically for this study based on the development of lesions caused by A. eucalypti and the proportion of leaf area affected. Significant variation was observed among the 44 provenances in both spring and summer, with provenances from E. globulus (all provenances except Eden), E. nitens, E. cypellocarpa, E. oreades, E. sieberi and E. viminalis scoring the highest for target spot. Provenances from E. quadrangulata, E. saligna, E. botryoides and E. elata all scored low for target spot, as did E. globulus provenance Eden. Variation with in species for E. botryoides, E. globulus, E. nitens, E. saligna and E. viminalis was also significant. In general, variation between provenances with in species was much less than variation between species. Severity of target spot on E. globutus (also assessed in winter 1990) increased from winter to spring and again from spring to summer. The pathogen was recorded on all 14 species in the trial, including two new host records. This paper also reports new host record s from field collect ions by the first author over the past 12 years, and from examination of herbarium specimens, adding 35 new host records for A. eucalypti and five new host records for Australia. Additional keywordsEucalyptus–leaf pathogen–disease assessment scale–new host records
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© Australasian Plant Pathology Society 2003 10.1071/AP03043 0815-3191/03/030393 Australasian Plant Pathology, 2003, 32, 393–402
Variation in severity of target spot, caused by Aulographina eucalypti,
in a eucalypt species and provenance trial in Victoria
Angus J. CarnegieA,B,C and Philip J. KeaneA
ASchool of Botany, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Vic. 3068, Australia.
BCurrent address: Research & Development Division, State Forests of NSW, PO Box 100, Beecroft, NSW 2119,
CCorresponding author; email:
Abstract. Target spot caused by the fungus Aulographina eucalypti was assessed from spring 1990 to summer
1991 on 44 provenances of 14 Eucalyptus species to determine the variation in susceptibility to the pathogen. A
disease assessment scale for target spot was developed specifically for this study based on the development of
lesions caused by A. eucalypti and the proportion of leaf area affected. Significant variation was observed among
the 44 provenances in both spring and summer, with provenances from E. globulus (all provenances except Eden),
E. nitens, E. cypellocarpa, E. oreades, E. sieberi and E. viminalis scoring the highest for target spot. Provenances
from E. quadrangulata, E. saligna, E. botryoides and E. elata all scored low for target spot, as did E. globulus
provenance Eden. Variation within species for E. botryoides, E. globulus, E. nitens, E. saligna and E. viminalis was
also significant. In general, variation between provenances within species was much less than variation between
species. Severity of target spot on E. globulus (also assessed in winter 1990) increased from winter to spring and
again from spring to summer. The pathogen was recorded on all 14 species in the trial, including two new host
records. This paper also reports new host records from field collections by the first author over the past 12 years,
and from examination of herbarium specimens, adding 35 new host records for A. eucalypti and five new host
records for Australia.
AP03 043
Aulographina eucalypti
variation in
spp.A. J. Carnegie
et al.
Additional keywords: Eucalyptus, leaf pathogen, disease assessment scale, new host records.
One of the most common and distinctive leaf diseases in
eucalypt forests and plantations in south-eastern Australia is
target spot caused by Aulographina eucalypti (anamorph:
Thyrinula eucalypti). The pathogen has been recorded on
over 40 species of Eucalyptus in Australia (Hansford 1954;
Marks et al. 1982; Wall and Keane 1984; Stone et al. 1998a;
Park et al. 2000) and, in native forests, is more common on
species in Eucalyptus subgenus Eucalyptus (Wall and Keane
1984). The classification of the genus Eucalyptus in this
paper follows Brooker (2000) and includes subgenus
Corymbia (formerly a genus, Hill and Johnson 1995),
subgenus Eucalyptus (formerly subgenus Monocalyptus,
Pryor and Johnson 1971) and subgenus Angophora (formerly
a genus, Pryor and Johnson 1971). Additional host species
have been reported overseas, mainly from plantations in
South Africa (Crous et al. 1989), but also from New Zealand
(Dick 1982), Brazil (Ferreira 1989, in Park et al. 2000), the
United Kingdom (Spooner 1981), Vietnam (Old and Yuan
1994), Chile (Wingfield et al. 1995) and Madagascar (Crous
and Swart 1995).
A. eucalypti has been described in detail previously (Wall
and Keane 1984). Leaf spots are roughly circular, 2–15 mm
in diameter, often raised and corky, and develop only part
way through the leaf lamina whether on the upper or lower
surface. Lesions develop very slowly, which allows time for
the formation of a cork cambium barrier, and are most
evident on older leaves. Small, black, pimple-like pycnidia
develop on the surface of lesions, followed by black,
elongate, often-branched pseudothecia, roughly in
concentric rings. The pathogen is also able to infect petioles,
small branches, fruits and smooth bark (Wall and Keane
1984), and severe infection of leaves and petioles can lead to
premature defoliation (Neumann and Marks 1976; Marks
et al. 1982).
Most reports of severe damage by A. eucalypti have been
from native forests. A. eucalypti was considered the major
causal agent amongst a complex of leaf pathogens that
394 Australasian Plant Pathology A. J. Carnegie et al.
reached epidemic levels and resulted in moderate to severe
defoliation of saplings and 120- to 180-year-old
E. denticulata (= E. nitens) on the Errinundra Plateau in East
Gippsland, Victoria, in 1974 (Neumann and Marks 1976).
Species of Alternaria, Harknesia and Mycosphaerella were
also associated with the defoliation. In 1973, defoliation and
death of several thousand hectares of mature E. obliqua
forest in several valleys in north-west Tasmania were
attributed mainly to A. eucalypti with Vermisporium
(= Seimatosporium) falcatum playing a minor role (Palzer
1978; Felton 1981). Target spot reached epidemic
proportions during 1993 in young E. regnans regrowth in
native forest in south-central Victoria (Stefanatos 1993).
Damage from target spot has generally been minor in
plantations. Localised outbreaks of infection caused by
A. eucalypti have been recorded from eucalypt plantations in
New South Wales (Gerrettson-Cornell and Dowden 1977;
Stone et al. 1998a, 1998b; Carnegie 2000; Carnegie and
Johnson 2004), New Zealand (Dick 1982), Chile (Wingfield
et al. 1995) and Madagascar (Crous and Swart 1995).
However, this pathogen has also been associated with severe
leaf spotting and defoliation on E. fastigata and
E. fraxinoides in South African plantations (Crous and
Wingfield 1991), and is considered of economic importance
due to its potential to cause extensive defoliation (Crous et
al. 1989).
This paper describes a disease assessment scale
developed for target spot on juvenile foliage and its use to
assess variation in susceptibility to the disease between 14
Eucalyptus species and 44 provenances in a 3-year-old trial
in south-eastern Australia.
Description of trial
A trial was established in October 1988 by the Department of
Sustainability and Environment, Victoria, at Tostaree (37°47'S,
148°11'E), near Nowa Nowa, in south-eastern Victoria, Australia, to
test 44 provenances of 14 eucalypt species for their potential for use in
commercial plantations. The experimental design was a randomised
complete block with 25-tree plots and f ive replicates. Trees were spaced
3 m × 3 m on a square grid. Results for the incidence of Mycosphaerella
leaf diseases (caused by several species of Mycosphaerella) on the
juvenile foliage of 35 provenances of 13 species (Carnegie et al. 1998),
and the incidence and severity of Mycosphaerella leaf disease (both
M. cryptica and M. nubilosa, assessed together) on nine provenances of
E. globulus (Carnegie et al. 1994) have been reported previously.
Disease assessment scales
To develop a disease assessment scale (DAS) for target spot on
eucalypts, leaves with a range of damage caused by A. eucalypti were
collected from all 14 species in the trial (Table 1). These were placed
into four categories (trace, low, medium, high) based on the
development of leaf spots and the proportion of leaf area affected.
Representative leaves were then chosen from each category to illustrate
the scale of disease severity. As E. globulus was considered the most
important species in the trial (because of its potential for widespread
planting in southern Australia), the DAS was developed for target spot
on leaves of this species. Five categories of infection (severity) were
assessed: 0 = no infection; 1 = specks (ca. 2 mm in diameter); 2 =
specks plus spots (> 2 mm in diameter); 3 = specks plus spots, some
coalescing; and 4 = specks plus spots, many coalescing (Fig. 1).
Assessments of target spot
Severity of target spot was assessed using the above DAS. At each
assessment time, a branch at or near breast height in the juvenile crown
was chosen at random and the ten leaves at the tip of the branch were
assessed for severity of target spot. Where there were differences in
severity on the ten leaves the average severity was recorded. For
E. globulus, all 25 trees in each plot were assessed, whereas only the
first five trees in each plot were assessed for the remaining 13 species
and 35 provenances. The trial included provenances from the four
subspecies within E. globulus: subsp. bicostata, subsp. globulus, subsp.
maidenii and subsp. pseudoglobulus. E. globulus was more intensely
assessed because of its importance as a forestry species in south-easter n
Australia. This species was assessed in winter (August 1990), spring
(November 1990) and summer (February 1990), whereas the remaining
13 species were assessed in spring (November 1990) and summer
(February 1991) only.
Statistical analyses
All data were analysed using the GLM procedure of SAS (SAS
Institute Inc. 1992). Due to severe defoliation of the juvenile foliage in
summer, five of the E. nitens provenances and all but one of the
E. viminalis provenances could not be assessed in February. The
defoliation was attributed to Mycosphaerella leaf disease but shading of
lower leaves through canopy closure was also a factor (Carnegie et al.
1994, 1998) and possibly also defoliation due to target spot. For these
reasons, analyses of variance were carried out on spring scores to test
for variation among all 44 provenances. Analyses of variance were also
carried out on summer data for all species and provenances, except
E. nitens and E. viminalis, for which data for only one provenance each
was available due to severe defoliation. For those species with multiple
provenances (E. botryoides, E. globulus, E. nitens, E. saligna, E. sieberi
and E. viminalis), separate analyses of variance were carried out on
spring data to test for variation within species, and on summer data
except for E. nitens and E. viminalis. For E. globulus, analyses of
variance were carried out for winter, spring and summer data to test
provenance by season interaction. Transformations (arcsine and log)
did not improve homogeneity, and so raw scores were used in the
New host records
Over the past 12 years, the first author has conducted numerous
surveys of eucalypt plantations, native forests and species trials in
Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania, South Australia, Western
Australia and the Australian Capital Territory. Leaves collected during
these surveys were examined for leaf spot fungi. During May 2003, the
first author also examined specimens of A. eucalypti from herbariums
VPRI and DAR for new host records. Identification of A. eucalypti
from leaves was established by examination of symptoms under a
dissecting microscope, and squash mounts of mature pseudothecia
examined under a light microscope. A. eucalypti is a very distinctive
pathogen and is easily distinguished from other common leaf spot fungi
(e.g. Mycosphaerella spp.) based on leaf spot symptoms and ascospore
morphology. New host records identified from these studies are
reported here.
A. eucalypti was recorded from all 14 Eucalyptus species
and 44 provenances in the trial (Appendix I). There were
Aulographina eucalypti variation in Eucalyptus spp. Australasian Plant Pathology 395
Table 1. Severity of target spot (on a scale of 0–4) on 44 provenances of 14 eucalypt species recorded at Tostaree in spring
and summer, showing Least Significant Differences for all provenances and for provenances within speciesA
Eucalyptus species Provenance Mean disease severity
Spring Summer
E. botryoides Meroo, NSW 0.32 0.76
E. botryoides Narooma, NSW 0.56 1.12
E. botryoides Nowa Nowa, Victoria 0.40 0.90
E. botryoides Orbost, Victoria 0.36 0.56
LSD for E. botryoides (0.36)A(0.24)
E. brookeriana Benwerrin, Victoria 0.42 1.56
E. cypellocarpa Mt Erica, Victoria 0.52 2.50
E. elata Narooma, NSW 0.20 0.20
E. fraxinoides Eden, NSW 0.69 1.52
E. globulus
ssp. maidenii Eden, New South Wales 0.38 1.10
ssp. pseudoglobulus Jeeralang, Victoria 1.52 1.94
ssp. globulus Judbury, Tasmania 1.52 2.60
ssp. globulus King Is., Tasmania 1.32 2.33
ssp. pseudoglobulus Kuark, Victoria 1.34 2.32
ssp. bicostata Mansfield, Victoria 1.48 2.44
ssp. globulus Otway National Park, Victoria 1.42 2.48
ssp. globulus St. Helens, Tasmania 1.86 3.10
ssp. globulus Wye River, Victoria 1.33 2.78
LSD for E. globulus (0.27) (0.48)
E. grandis Bulahdelah, NSW 0.36 1.54
E. grandis Coffs Harbour, NSW 0.80 1.60
E. nitens Mt Erica, Victoria 1.08
E. nitens Mt Kaye, Victoria 1.62 2.61
E. nitens Powelltown, Victoria 1.62
E. nitens Snobs Creek, Victoria 2.06
E. nitens Tallaganda, NSW 1.56
E. nitens Tooronga Plateau, Victoria 0.96
LSD for E. nitens (0.68) —
E. oreades Lithgow, NSW 0.68 2.28
E. quadrangulata Albion Park, NSW 0.59 1.28
E. saligna Batemans Bay, NSW 0.38 1.00
E. saligna Beaumont, NSW 0.64 0.86
E. saligna Coffs Harbour, NSW 0.20 1.03
E. saligna Glen Innes, NSW 0.18 1.27
LSD for E. saligna (0.93) (0.29)
E. sieberi Erica, Victoria 1.58 1.62
E. sieberi Nowa Nowa, Victoria 0.86 2.16
E. sieberi Nullica State Forest, NSW 0.76 1.66
E. sieberi Scamander, Tasmania 1.14 1.66
E. sieberi Yarram, Victoria 1.20 1.80
LSD for E. sieberi (1.07) (0.95)
E. smithii Mt Buck, Victoria 0.44 1.58
E. viminalis Big Badga, NSW 0.36 2.01
E. viminalis Bruthen, Victoria 1.06
E. viminalis Fingal, Tasmania 0.98
E. viminalis Nowa Nowa, Victoria 1.35
E. viminalis Silver Creek, Victoria 0.94
E. viminalis Templestowe, Victoria 0.60
E. viminalis Wye River, Victoria 0.78
LSD for E. viminalis (0.61) —
LSD between provenance means for all 0.71 0 .65
provenances analysed together (P < 0.05)
AFigures in parentheses are Least Significant Difference (P < 0.05) between provenance means for provenances within species,
analysed separately for each species. Where no LSD is shown, there were no signif icant differences between provenances.
396 Australasian Plant Pathology A. J. Carnegie et al.
significant differences (P < 0.05) in severity of target spot in
spring among the 44 provenances (Table 1). Provenances
within E. globulus (all but Eden, subsp. maidenii), E. nitens
(Mt Kaye, Powelltown, Snobs Creek and Tallaganda),
E. sieberi (Erica) and E. viminalis (Nowa Nowa) were
amongst the most severely affected by the disease.
Provenances within E. botryoides (Meroo, Nowa Nowa and
Orbost), E. brookeriana, E. elata, E. grandis (Bulahdelah)
and E. saligna (Coffs Harbour and Glen Innes) had the
lowest severities. One provenance from both E. globulus
(Eden) and E. viminalis (Big Badga) were also amongst the
least severely diseased.
For the majority of provenances, the severity of target spot
increased from spring to summer and there were also
significant differences (P < 0.05) among provenances in
summer (Table 1). Provenances within E. globulus (all but
Eden), E. nitens, E. sieberi (all provenances) and E. viminalis
were again amongst the most severely affected. Also,
provenances of E. cypellocarpa and E. oreades were
amongst the most severely affected in summer. The same
provenances within E. botryoides and E. elata scored the
lowest for disease in summer as in spring. Significant
changes in severity of target spot from spring to summer
were observed in E. viminalis, Big Badga (0.36 to 2.01),
E. saligna, Glen Innes (0.18 to 1.27), E. saligna, Coffs
Harbour (0.2 to 1.03), E. cypellocarpa (0.52 to 2.50),
E. grandis, Bulahdelah (0.36 to 1.54) and E. oreades (0.68 to
2.28). Disease severity in many provenances doubled from
spring to summer, with only E. elata staying constant over
both seasons. On E. globulus, disease severity increased
from winter to spring, and again from spring to summer, with
the highest severities on all provenances being recorded in
summer (Fig. 2).
Only E. globulus, E. nitens and E. viminalis showed
significant (P < 0.05) variation in disease among
provenances in spring, whereas in summer, E. botryoides, E.
globulus and E. saligna showed significant (P < 0.05)
variation in disease among provenances (Table 1). Within E.
globulus, which also showed provenance variation in winter,
Eden (subsp. maidenii) had significantly less disease than all
other provenances, with St Helens, Wye River, Otway
National Park and Judbury (all subsp. globulus) having the
most severe target spot (pooling means across seasons). For
E. globulus, provenances from Mansfield (subsp. bicostata)
had significantly lower disease than those from St Helens.
For E. nitens, Tooronga Plateau and Mt Erica had
significantly less disease in spring than Snobs Creek. For
E. viminalis, Big Badga and Templestowe provenances had
less disease in spring than Nowa Nowa. In summer,
E. botryoides provenance Orbost had significantly less
disease than Narooma and Nowa Nowa, and Meroo was
significantly lower than Narooma. Within E. saligna,
Beaumont had significantly less disease in summer than the
provenance from Glen Innes.
In the assessment of target spot in the present study,
A. eucalypti was isolated from two previously unrecorded
hosts (E. brookeriana and E. smithii), and from four hosts on
which the pathogen had not previously been reported in
Australia (E. elata, E. oreades, E. quadrangulata and
E. saligna). During a survey of a species and provenance
trial in Victoria in December 1993, A. eucalypti was isolated
from six hosts not previously recorded (E. badjensis,
E. bosistoana, E. cameronii, E. dendromorpha, E. dunnii and
E. melliodora), and a new host record for Australia
(E. muelleriana) (Appendix I). Surveys in commercial
plantations in NSW from 1996 to 2003 recorded A. eucalypti
Fig. 1. Disease assessment scale developed for severity of target spot
caused by Aulographina eucalypti on eucalypt leaves.
Aulographina eucalypti variation in Eucalyptus spp. Australasian Plant Pathology 397
on E. cloeziana (Carnegie 2000), E. haemastoma,
E. punctata, E. citriodora spp. variegata, and E. henryi, all
new host records (Appendix I). Examination of specimens in
herbariums DAR and VPRI revealed 22 hosts for
A. eucalypti not previously reported (E. transcontinentalis,
E. cyanophylla, E. leucoxylon, E. phaeotricha,
E. polyanthemos, E. pyrocarpa, E. triflora, E. urnigera,
E. tetraptera, E. grossa, E. stricklandii, E. kitsoniana,
E. gunnii, E. platypus, E. citriodora, E. ficifolia,
E. cordifolia, E. eremophila, E. lansdowneana, E. stricta,
E. robusta and E. torquata) (Appendix I). An updated host
list for A. eucalypti is provided in Appendix II.
Target spot increased from winter to spring and again
from spring to summer in the trial at Tostaree, which is
consistent with other findings. Wall and Keane (1984)
followed the development of lesions of A. eucalypti on
tagged leaves of E. obliqua in Narbethong over 2 years.
Lesions on the majority of leaves increased in size from June
and August of one year to January and March the following
year. Stone et al. (1998a) reported that fungal damage
associated with A. eucalypti and other fungi increased from
February of one year to July the following year. Lesions
caused by A. eucalypti develop very slowly (Wall and Keane
1984) and so they are more evident on older leaves.
Epidemic development of A. eucalypti is limited in winter by
the availability of inoculum, which decreases at temperatures
below 15°C, and the lack of young, susceptible leaves (Wall
and Keane 1984) which start developing in spring.
A. eucalypti is also hindered by the lack of free moisture for
spore release and infection on hot, dry days in summer (Wall
and Keane 1984). Therefore, epidemic development of
A. eucalypti would be greatest in spring with the new leaf
flush of the host and spring rains, and would then decline as
the days become hot and dry during late summer and too cold
during winter. This pattern of disease development was
observed in the trial at Tostaree.
Wide variation in susceptibility to target spot was
observed both within, and between, species at Tostaree. In
general, variation between provenances within species was
much less than variation between species. As disease was
greatest in summer, ranking of provenances is best done with
summer scores. Due to wide variation within species, it was
not feasible to calculate species means for comparison of
target spot amongst the 14 species. However, in general, six
species had a high or relatively high ‘mean’ score for target
spot in summer. These were, in decreasing order of severity,
E. globulus (all provenances except Eden), E. nitens,
E. cypellocarpa, E. oreades, E. sieberi and E. viminalis, all
with ‘mean’ scores above 1.75 (species means of summer
scores). In contrast, E. quadrangulata, E. saligna,
E. botryoides and E. elata all had ‘mean’ scores below 1.30.
E. brookeriana, E. fraxinoides, E. grandis and E. smithii
were in the middle range with average scores in summer of
1.52 to 1.58. Crous and Wingfield (1991) reported that
A. eucalypti can cause extensive defoliation to E. fraxinoides
and E. fastigata in South Africa, but made no mention of
damage to E. nitens, which is widely planted there,
suggesting it is less susceptible to A. eucalypti. This contrasts
with our findings in which E. nitens was one of the most
susceptible species.
Intra-species variation for severity of target spot on
eucalypts has been reported previously. Significant variation
in severity of A. eucalypti was reported amongst provenances
of E. obliqua in a trial in Victoria (Parkin 1976). Variation
amongst provenances of E. regnans and E. laevopinea was
observed during assessments of fungal damage in trials in
Winter S
Severity of target spot
Eden, NSW
Jeeralang, Victoria
Judbury, Tasmania
King Is., Tasmania
Kuark, Victoria
Mansfield, Victoria
Otway National Park,
St Helens, Tasmania
Wye River, Victoria
Fig. 2. Severity of target spot on provenances of Eucalyptus globulus across three seasons at Tostaree. See
Table 1 for E. globulus subspecies.
398 Australasian Plant Pathology A. J. Carnegie et al.
NSW where A. eucalypti was the main pathogen on these
species (Stone et al. 1998a). Variation in severity of
Mycosphaerella leaf disease and target spot was observed in
a E. pilularis family trial in NSW (Carnegie and Johnson
2004). Significant variation was observed among
provenances within E. botryoides, E. globulus, E. nitens,
E. saligna and E. viminalis in the present study.
Variation in susceptibility of provenances to leaf spot
fungi has been attributed to the adaptation of the provenance
to the disease in their particular environment (Carnegie et al.
1994). Those provenances originating from areas where
disease is prevalent (such as in areas with a high summer
rainfall) may have undergone more intense selection for
resistance than those originating from areas with typically
dry summers, where disease may not be important and,
therefore, selection not as intense. When these latter
provenances are planted in areas where the disease is
common, they are likely to be severely damaged by the
disease. Although the results are variable, there is some
evidence for this phenomenon in the present study. For
E. globulus, St Helens and Judbury in Tasmania and
Mansfield in Victoria are areas that are typically too cold or
too dry for significant disease development. When planted at
Tostaree (an area with typically moist summers),
provenances from St Helens, Judbury and Mansfield
sustained high levels of target spot in the current study, and
also sustained severe Mycosphaerella leaf disease (Carnegie
et al. 1994). In contrast, provenances from Eden, NSW,
which is in an area in the same climatic region as Tostaree
and experiences typically moist summers, had low levels of
both target spot and Mycosphaerella leaf disease (Carnegie
et al. 1994) when planted at Tostaree.
Selective breeding of resistant or tolerant genotypes is an
important strategy for disease management in forestry. The
use of resistant genotypes in reducing the impact of foliar
pathogens has been widely discussed for eucalypts (Wilcox
1982a, 1982b; Purnell and Lundquist 1987; Carnegie et al.
1994, 1998; Dungey et al. 1997; Stone et al. 1998a; Carnegie
and Ades 2002; Carnegie and Johnson 2004). E. globulus
and E. nitens are the most important eucalypt species used in
short rotation plantations in southern Australia and in other
temperate regions of the world. Both target spot and
Mycosphaerella leaf disease are considered the most
important foliar diseases of these hosts in southern Australia.
Studies of Mycosphaerella leaf disease on E. globulus and
E. nitens have reported significant provenance and family
variation within these species (Purnell and Lundquist 1987;
Carnegie et al. 1994, 1998; Dungey et al. 1997). The present
study showed that there was also wide variation in severity of
target spot within E. globulus and E. nitens. Phenotypic
correlations between severity of target spot and
Mycosphaerella leaf disease on E. globulus in the trial at
Tostaree were significant, more so for scores in summer (r =
0.52, P < 0.01) than in winter (r = 0.34, P < 0.05) (Carnegie
1991). Target spot was correlated only slightly with
Mycosphaerella leaf disease for E. pilularis in a trial in New
South Wales (Carnegie and Johnson 2004). In both these
trials (Carnegie 1991; Carnegie and Johnson 2004) trees
sustained more damage from Mycosphaerella leaf disease
than from target spot. Susceptibility to both Mycosphaerella
leaf disease and target spot has been shown to be low to
moderately heritable (Dungey et al. 1997; Carnegie and
Johnson 2004). Therefore, it could be feasible to select
provenances within E. globulus or E. nitens that have a low
susceptibility to both diseases. The present work on target
spot and that by others with Mycosphaerella leaf disease
indicate that breeding for resistance could be an effective
tool to reduce the impact of Mycosphaerella leaf disease and
target spot in Australian eucalypt plantations.
The current paper reports 35 new hosts for A. eucalypti,
and five host records not previously reported from Australia,
from field collections and herbarium specimens. Sankaran
et al. (1995) published a host list for A. eucalypti, derived
solely from published records, with 49 species of
Eucalyptus. The current work and other recent studies (Stone
et al. 1998a; Barber et al. 2003; M. Dick, personal
communication) bring the reported host range for
A. eucalypti to 90 species of Eucalyptus, in E. subg.
Eucalyptus, E. subg. Symphyomyrtus, E. subg. Corymbia,
E. subg. Eudesmia E. subg. Alveolata, E. subg. Idiogenes
and E. subg. Angophora (see Appendix II). Heather (1971)
and Burdon and Chilvers (1974) reported that A. eucalypti is
more common on species in E. subg. Eucalyptus in native
forests. However, the current study and numerous others
(e.g. Marks et al. 1982; Dick 1982; Wall and Keane 1984;
Crous et al. 1989; Stone et al. 1998a) have revealed a much
wider host range for the pathogen, especially from
plantations. These reveal that A. eucalypti has many hosts in
both E. subg. Eucalyptus and E. subg. Symphyomyrtus.
Few eucalypt leaf spot pathogens have such a wide host
range. M. cryptica, considered one of the most important leaf
spot fungi in Australia, has a reported host range of over 50
eucalypt species in both E. subg. Symphyomyrtus and
E. subg. Eucalyptus, but not in E. subg. Corymbia. Other leaf
fungi with wide host ranges include Phaeophleospora
epicoccoides (Park et al. 2000) and several species of
Cylindrocladium (Brown and Ferreira 2000). Of these,
A. eucalypti and M. cryptica are considered the most
damaging in eucalypt plantations in Australia.
Peter Ades assisted with statistical analyses; Ian Smith
and Paul Clements helped with data collection; the
Department of Sustainability and Environment gave
permission to assess their field trials; La Trobe University
provided support during this research; and herbariums VPRI
and DAR provided loans of specimens and received our
collections for accession. For this we are most grateful.
Aulographina eucalypti variation in Eucalyptus spp. Australasian Plant Pathology 399
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Received 30 October 2003, accepted 10 April 2003
400 Australasian Plant Pathology A. J. Carnegie et al.
Appendix I. Herbarium specimens
Aulographina eucalypti (Cooke & Massee) Arx & Müller [anamorph: Thyrinula eucalypti (Cooke & Massee) H.J. Swart] on E. botryoides,
Tostaree, Nowa Nowa, East Gippsland, Vic., Feb. 1991, A.J. Carnegie (VPRI 22873a); on E. brookeriana, Tostaree, Nowa Nowa, East Gippsland,
Vic., Feb. 1991, A.J. Carnegie (VPRI 22874a); on E. cypellocarpa, Tostaree, Nowa Nowa, East Gippsland, Vic., Feb. 1991, A.J. Carnegie (VPRI
22875a); on E. elata, Tostaree, Nowa Nowa, East Gippsland, Vic., Feb. 1991, A.J. Carnegie (VPRI 22876a); on E. fraxinoides, Tostaree, Nowa
Nowa, East Gippsland, Vic., Feb. 1991, A.J. Carnegie (VPRI 22877a); on E. globulus, Tostaree, Nowa Nowa, East Gippsland, Vic., Feb. 1991, A.J.
Carnegie (VPRI 22878a); on E. grandis, Tostaree, Nowa Nowa, East Gippsland, Vic., Feb. 1991, A.J. Carnegie (VPRI 22879a); on E. nitens,
Tostaree, Nowa Nowa, East Gippsland, Vic., Feb. 1991, A.J. Carnegie (VPRI 22880a); on E. oreades, Tostaree, Nowa Nowa, East Gippsland, Vic.,
Feb. 1991, A.J. Carnegie (VPRI 22881a); on E. quadrangulata, Tostaree, Nowa Nowa, East Gippsland, Vic., Feb. 1991, A.J. Carnegie (VPRI
22882a); on E. saligna, Tostaree, Nowa Nowa, East Gippsland, Vic., Feb. 1991, A.J. Carnegie (VPRI 22883a); on E. sieberi, Tostaree, Nowa Nowa,
East Gippsland, Vic., Feb. 1991, A.J. Carnegie (VPRI 22884a); on E. smithii, Tostaree, Nowa Nowa, East Gippsland, Vic., Feb. 1991, A.J. Carnegie
(VPRI 22885a); on E. viminalis, Tostaree, Nowa Nowa, East Gippsland, Vic., Feb. 1991, A.J. Carnegie (VPRI 22886a); on E. fastigata, Darlimurla,
South Gippsland, Vic., Dec. 1993, A.J. Carnegie (VPRI 24891a); on E. muelleriana, Darlimurla, South Gippsland, Vic., Dec. 1993, A.J. Carnegie
(VPRI 24893a); on E. dendromorpha, Darlimurla, South Gippsland, Vic., Dec. 1993, A.J. Carnegie (VPRI 24889a); on E. melliodora, Darlimurla,
South Gippsland, Vic., Dec. 1993, A.J. Carnegie (VPRI 24892a); on E. cameronii, Darlimurla, South Gippsland, Vic., Dec. 1993, A.J. Carnegie
(VPRI 24888a); on E. dunnii, Darlimurla, South Gippsland, Vic., Dec. 1993, A.J. Carnegie (VPRI 24890a); on E. badjensis, Darlimurla, South
Gippsland, Vic., Dec. 1993, A.J. Carnegie (VPRI 24886a); on E. bosistoana, Darlimurla, South Gippsland, Vic., Dec. 1993, A.J. Carnegie (VPRI
24887a); on E. citriodora spp. variegata, Cavanaugh Plantation, Camira Creek, NSW, 17 Jan. 2002, A.J. Carnegie (DAR 76087); on E. cloeziana,
Inglebar Plantation, Jackadgery, NSW, 14 March 2002, A.J. Carnegie (DAR 76088); on E. punctata, University of Western Sydney, Richmond,
NSW, 15 Feb. 2002, A.J. Carnegie (DAR 76089); on E. haemastoma, University of Western Sydney, Richmond, NSW, 15 Feb. 2002, A.J. Carnegie
(DAR 76090); on E. henryi, Inglebar Plantation, Jackadgery, NSW, 17 March 2002, A.J. Carnegie (DAR 76091); on E. transcontinentalis,
Camberwell, Vic., 6 Nov. 1985, I.G. Pascoe (VPRI 12999a); on E. citridora, Mt. Gambier, S.A., Jan 1984, E. Wall, (VPRI 13237a); on E.
cyanophylla, Canberra, ACT, 9 Feb. 1982, E. Wall, (VPRI 13244a); on E. leucoxylon, Mt. Gambier, South Australia, Jan. 1984, E. Wall (VPRI
13278a); on E. phaeotricha, Mt. Gambier, South Australia, Jan. 1984, E. Wall (VPRI 13310a); on E. polyanthemos, Nowa Nowa, Vic., 1983, R.
Park (VPRI 13315a); on E. pyrocarpa, Mt. Gambier, South Australia, Jan. 1984, E. Wall (VPRI 13316a); on E. triflora, Canberra, ACT, 9 Feb.
1982, E. Wall (VPRI 13330a); on E. urnigera, Mt. Wellington, Tas., 1983, R. Park (VPRI 13335a); on E. ficifolia, Hill End, Vic., 8 Feb. 1986, I.G.
Pascoe (VPRI 13365a); on E. rupicola, Montrose, Vic., 13 Feb 1986, I.G. Pascoe (VPRI 13474a); on E. tetraptera, Cheltenham, Vic., 1 July 1986,
B.C. Sutton & I.G. Pascoe (VPRI 14039a); on E. grossa, Balwyn, Vic., 12 Aug 1986, I.G. Pascoe & B.C Sutton (VPRI 14182a); on E. stricklandii,
Balwyn, Vic., 12 Aug 1986, B.C. Sutton & I.G. Pascoe (VPRI 14184a); on E. stricklandii, The Basin, Vic., 1 Mar 2000, B. Henderson (VPRI
22326a); on E. kitsoniana, The Basin, Vic., 25 Oct 2000, B. Henderson (VPRI 22567a); on E. gunnii, Silvan South, Vic., 20 Nov 2000, B. Rowe
(VPRI 22641a); on E. platypus, Balwyn, Vic., 25 Jan 2002, V. Beilharz (VPRI 24927b); on E. cordifolia, Dural, NSW, 4 July 1964, L. Fraser (DAR
13952a); on E. eremophila, Bayview, NSW, 27 Oct. 1976, J. Walker (DAR 28265a); on E. lansdowneana, Helensburgh, NSW, 2 May 1982, P. Kable
(DAR 42078a); on E. robusta, Baulkham Hills, NSW, 2 Sep. 1984, J. Walker (DAR 50116a); on E. stricta, Mount Werong, NSW, April 1962, W.
Stahl (DAR 7088a); on E. torquata, Onooma, NSW, 12 Aug. 1976, W. Stahl (DAR 29600a).
Appendix II. Recorded hosts of Aulographina eucalypti
Eucalyptus species Eucalyptus subgenus Country Reference(s)
(Brooker 2000)A
E. agglomerata Eucalyptus Australia Gerrettson-Cornell and
Dowden (1977)
E. amplifolia Symphyomyrtus Australia Stone et al. (1998a)
E. andrewsii Eucalyptus South Africa Crous et al. (1989)
E. approximans Eucalyptus Australia Wall and Keane (1984)
E. badjensis Symphyomyrtus Australia B
E. baxteri Eucalyptus Australia Wall and Keane (1984)
E. bosistoana Symphyomyrtus Australia B
E. botryoides Symphyomyrtus Australia Marks et al. (1982), B
New Zealand M. Dick pers. comm.C
E. bridgesiana Symphyomyrtus Australia Wall and Keane (1984)
E. brookeriana Symphyomyrtus Australia B
E. caesia Symphyomyrtus Australia Wall and Keane (1984)
E. camaldulensis Symphyomyrtus Australia Wall and Keane (1984)
Vietnam Old and Yuan (1994)
E. cameronii Eucalyptus Australia B
E. citriodora Corymbia Australia B
E. citriodora spp. variegata Corymbia Australia B
E. cladocalyx Symphyomyrtus Australia Wall and Keane (1984)
E. cloeziana Idiogenes Australia Carnegie 2000, B
E. coccifera Eucalyptus UK Spooner (1981)
Aulographina eucalypti variation in Eucalyptus spp. Australasian Plant Pathology 401
Appendix II. (Continued)
Eucalyptus species Eucalyptus subgenus Country Reference(s)
(Brooker 2000)A
E. consideniana Eucalyptus Australia Wall and Keane (1984)
E. cordata Symphyomyrtus Australia Barber et al. (2003)
E. cordifolia Angophora Australia B
E. cosmophylla Symphyomyrtus Australia Hansford (1954)
E. costata Angophora Australia Wall and Keane (1984)
E. cyanophylla Symphyomyrtus Australia B
E. cypellocarpa Symphyomyrtus Australia Marks et al. (1982), B
E. dalrympleana Symphyomyrtus Australia Wall and Keane (1984)
South Africa Crous et al. (1989)
E. delegatensis Eucalyptus Australia Marks et al. (1982)
New Zealand Dick (1982)
South Africa Crous et al. (1989)
E. dendromorpha Eucalyptus Australia B
New Zealand M. Dick pers. comm.
E. diversicolor Symphyomyrtus New Zealand M. Dick pers. comm.
E. dives Eucalyptus Australia Burdon and Chilvers (1964)
E. dunnii Symphyomyrtus Australia B
E. elata Eucalyptus South Africa Crous et al. (1989)
Australia B
E. eremophila Symphyomyrtus Australia B
E. fastigata Eucalyptus New Zealand Dick (1982)
South Africa Crous and Wingfield (1991)
Australia Stone et al. (1998a)
E. ficifolia Corymbia Australia B
New Zealand M. Dick pers. comm.
E. fraxinoides Eucalyptus New Zealand Dick (1982)
South Africa Crous and Wingfield (1991)
Australia Stone et al. (1998a), B
E. globoidea Eucalyptus Australia Marks et al. (1982)
South Africa Crous et al. (1989)
E. globulus Symphyomyrtus Australia Marks et al. (1982), B
(includes 4 subsp.) USA Wall and Keane (1984)
South Africa Crous et al. (1989)
Chile Wingfield et al. (1995)
E. grandis Symphyomyrtus Australia Wall and Keane (1984), B
New Zealand M. Dick pers. comm.
E. gregsoniana Eucalyptus Australia Wall and Keane (1984)
E. grossa Symphyomyrtus Australia B
E. gunnii Symphyomyrtus Australia B
E. haemastoma Eucalyptus Australia B
E. henryi Corymbia Australia B
E. johnstonii Symphyomyrtus Australia Wall and Keane (1984)
E. kitsoniana Symphyomyrtus Australia B
E. laevopinea Eucalyptus Australia Stone et al. (1998a)
E. lansdowneana Symphyomyrtus Australia B
E. lehmannii Symphyomyrtus Australia Wall and Keane (1984)
E. leucoxylon Symphyomyrtus Australia B
E. macarthurii Symphyomyrtus South Africa Crous et al. (1989)
E. macrorrhyncha Eucalyptus Australia Wall and Keane (1984)
E. maculata Corymbia Australia Marks et al. (1982)
E. marginata Eucalyptus Australia Hansford (1954)
E. melliodora Symphyomyrtus Australia B
E. microcorys Alveolata Australia Marks et al. (1982)
E. moluccana Symphyomyrtus South Africa Crous et al. (1989)
E. muelleriana Eucalyptus South Africa Crous et al. (1989)
Australia B
New Zealand M. Dick pers. comm.
402 Australasian Plant Pathology A. J. Carnegie et al.
Appendix II. (Continued)
Eucalyptus species Eucalyptus subgenus Country Reference(s)
(Brooker 2000)A
E. nitens Symphyomyrtus Australia Marks et al. (1982), B
New Zealand Dick (1982)
South Africa Crous et al. (1989)
E. nitidia Eucalyptus Australia Wall and Keane (1984)
E. obliqua Eucalyptus Australia Marks et al. (1982)
South Africa Crous et al. (1989)
New Zealand M. Dick pers. comm.
E. oreades Eucalyptus South Africa Crous et al. (1989)
Australia B
E. pauciflora Eucalyptus Australia Burdon and Chilvers (1964)
New Zealand M. Dick pers. comm.
E. perriniana Symphyomyrtus Australia Wall and Keane (1984)
E. phaeotricha Eucalyptus Australia B
E. pilularis Eucalyptus Australia Marks et al. (1982)
South Africa Crous et al. (1989)
New Zealand M. Dick pers. comm.
E. platypus Symphyomyrtus Australia B
E. polyanthemos Symphyomyrtus Australia B
E. punctata Symphyomyrtus Australia B
E. pyrocarpa Eucalyptus Australia B
E. quadrangulata Symphyomyrtus South Africa Crous et al. (1989)
Australia B
E. radiata Eucalyptus Australia Burdon and Chilvers (1964)
E. regnans Eucalyptus Australia Marks et al. (1982)
New Zealand Dick (1982)
South Africa Crous et al. (1989)
E. resinifera Symphyomyrtus Australia Marks et al. (1982)
South Africa Crous et al. (1989)
E. robusta Symphyomyrtus Australia B
New Zealand M. Dick pers. comm.
E. saligna Symphyomyrtus USA Wall and Keane (1984)
South Africa Crous et al. (1989)
Australia B
New Zealand M. Dick pers. comm.
E. sieberi Eucalyptus Australia Marks et al. (1982), B
E. smithii Symphyomyrtus Australia B
E. stellulata Eucalyptus Australia Wall and Keane (1984)
E. stricklandii Symphyomyrtus Australia B
E. stricta Eucalyptus Australia B
E. tenuiramis Eucalyptus New Zealand M. Dick pers. comm.
E. tetragona Eudesmia Australia Wall and Keane (1984)
E. tetraptera Symphyomyrtus Australia B
E. torquata Symphyomyrtus Australia B
E. transcontinentalis Symphyomyrtus Australia B
E. triflora Eucalyptus Australia B
E. urnigera Symphyomyrtus Australia B
E. viminalis Symphyomyrtus Australia Marks et al. (1982), B
New Zealand M. Dick pers. comm.
E. woodwardii Symphyomyrtus Australia Wall and Keane (1984)
The classification of genus Eucalyptus here follows Brooker (2000), and includes subgenus Corymbia
(formerly a genus, Hill and Johnson 1995), subgenus Eucalyptus (formerly subgenus Monocalyptus, Pryor and
Johnson 1971) and subgenus Angophora (formerly a genus, Pryor and Johnson 1971).
BRecorded in present study.
CDr Margaret Dick, Forest Research, New Zealand.
... Only a handful of studies have investigated variation in susceptibility of eucalypts to A. eucalypti. In the most comprehensive study, Carnegie and Keane (2003) assessed target spot (caused by A. eucalypti) in 44 provenances of 14 eucalypt species in a trial in Victoria. They observed wide variation among species, with E. globulus, E. nitens, Eucalyptus cypellocarpa L. Johnson, and Eucalyptus oreades R. Baker being significantly more damaged than Eucalyptus quadrangulata Dean & Maid., Eucalyptus saligna Smith, Eucalyptus botryoides Smith, and Eucalyptus elata Dehnh. ...
... Wide variation in susceptibility of eucalypts to leaf spot fungi has been well documented, especially for Mycosphaerella spp. (e.g., Wilcox 1982b; Dungey et al. 1997) and also for A. eucalypti (e.g., Carnegie and Keane 2003). Genetic parameters, including narrow-sense heritability, estimated for resistance to MLD for species such as E. globulus and E. nitens further suggest that there is scope for breeding for resistance to these pathogens. ...
Full-text available
Growth to 38 months and severity of Mycosphaerella leaf disease and target spot (caused by Aulographina eucalypti (Cooke & Mass.) von Arx & Muller) were assessed in a Eucalyptus pilularis Smith (blackbutt) family trial in New South Wales (NSW), Australia. Significant variation in growth, disease, and defoliation was found among the 40 provenances and 321 families tested; however, relatively few provenances had concentrations of superior or poor families. Most families in three higher altitude NSW provenances were superior for volume increment, while three southeast Queensland provenances had low mean volume increment. Mycosphaerella damage and defoliation tended to be low in several higher altitude northern NSW provenances, but the southeast Queensland provenances had significantly higher mean defoliation. Individual narrow sense heritability estimates were low to moderate for Mycosphaerella damage (0.38) and defoliation (0.22) and low for Aulographina damage (0.13) and volume increment (0.13). Significant genetic and phenotypic correlations between Mycosphaerella damage and defoliation were low and positive. Low to moderate negative correlations occurred between Mycosphaerella damage and volume increment and between defoliation and volume increment, suggesting that Mycosphaerella leaf disease, in particular, and defoliation had deleterious effects on tree growth. However, the impact of these foliar pathogens on the volume of E. pilularis is often low, so selecting for growth and form alone in the early stages of domestication could provide acceptable gains in yield.
... and Aulographina eucalypti (Cooke & Massee) Arx & E. Müll. (Lundquist and Purnell, 1987;Wingfield et al., 2001;Carnegie and Ades, 2003;Carnegie and Keane, 2003). ...
... The disease assessment scale devised here for fieldbased assessments proved effective in establishing the relative susceptibility of the various E. globulus subspecies, provenances and families to damage on adult foliage caused by M. cryptica. Other rating scales developed for assessing leaf diseases of Eucalyptus have also proved useful (e.g., for Mycosphaerella leaf disease on juvenile foliage (Lundquist and PURNELL, 1987;CARNEGIE et al., 1994); for target spot caused by Aulographina eucalypti (COOKE and MASSEE) ARX and MÜLLER (CARNEGIE and KEANE, 2003); and for Phaeophleospora epicoccoides (COOKE and MASSEE) CROUS et al. (= Phaeseptoria eucalypti) (NICHOL et al., 1992). Whereas the above authors assessed a single branch chosen at random, the method of assessment in this study was of the whole (adult) crown, a method which has proven to be more effective in assessing Mycosphaerella leaf disease on juvenile foliage of E. globulus (REINOSO, 1992;STEFANATOS, 1993;DUNGEY et al., 1997;CARNEGIE and ADES, 2003) and E. pilularis SMITH (CARNEGIE et al., 2004) and adult foliage of E. globulus (CARNEGIE and ADES, 2001). ...
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Severity of disease caused by Mycosphaerella cryptica (COOK) HANSF. was assessed on the adult foliage of Eucalyptus globulus LABILL. in two provenance trials (encompassing all four subspecies) and a progeny trial of E. globulus ssp. globulus LABILL. located in Victoria, Australia. Disease was relatively low in all trials (most trees with less than 15% crown severity), except for two provenances at one trial, Judbury (E. globulus ssp. globulus) and Mansfield (E. globulus ssp. bicostata), that had mean crown severities of approximately 25% and 40%, respectively. Eucalyptus globulus ssp. bicostata (MAIDEN et al.) KIRKPATR. was significantly (P < 0.01) more susceptible than E. globulus ssp. globulus, E. globulus ssp. pseudoglobulus (NAUDIN ex MAIDEN) KIRKPATR. and E. globulus ssp. maidenii (F. MUELL.) KIRKPATR., with subspecies maidenii significantly less diseased than all other subspecies. There was significant variation between provenances within subspecies globulus (P < 0.01) but not within subspecies pseudoglobulus, maidenii or bicostata. Subspecies globulus also showed significant (P < 0.01) variation between families. There was a moderate to high genetic correlation between disease of the adult foliage and disease of the juvenile foliage (caused by both M. cryptica and M. nubilosa (COOKE) HANSF.) assessed several years earlier, both at the provenance (r
... This was the second most commonly observed pathogen during surveys, occurring on leaves, petioles, twigs and branches. It was recorded on 18 host species, which has extended the host range for this pathogen (Carnegie and Keane 2003 (Wall and Keane 1984). However, symptoms did vary among hosts, mainly in the size of lesions and the degree to which they penetrated through the leaf. ...
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Forests New SouthWales manages over 26 000 ha of young eucalypt (Eucalyptus and Corymbia) plantations, established since 1994. Forest health surveillance of these plantations was initiated in late 1995 to help protect this valuable and expanding resource. Fungi recorded during surveys from 1996 to 2005 are reported here. Over 50 species of fungi were identified, the majority being leaf spot fungi. The most commonly recorded were Quambalaria pitereka from leaves and shoots, Aulographina eucalypti, Kirramyces (=Phaeophleospora) epicoccoides and Mycosphaerella cryptica, all foliar fungi, and Botryosphaeria eucalypticola from both leaves and stems. Several species of fungi were recorded from many hosts, including A. eucalypti (18 hosts), M. cryptica (20 hosts), K. epicoccoides (14 hosts) and Botryosphaeria spp. (11 hosts). Others were restricted in their host range, such as Q. pitereka, Stigmina eucalypti, Kirramyces corymbiae prov. nom. and Lembosina corymbiae prov. nom., which were only found on species of Corymbia during these surveys. The published host range for several foliar fungi has been expanded from observations from these surveys, including for A. eucalypti, K. epicoccoides, M. cryptica, Mycosphaerella marksii, Mycosphaerella suberosa, Kirramyces eucalypti, Phaeothyriolum microthyrioides and S. eucalypti. Six new species of foliar fungi were identified during these surveys: Mycosphaerella tumulosa prov. nom., Mycosphaerella associata prov. nom., Mycosphaerella exentricum prov. nom., K. corymbiae, L. corymbiae and Lembosina eucalypticola prov. nom. Some foliar fungi were observed for the first time from New South Wales during these surveys, including M. marksii, M. suberosa, M. parva, Cryptosporiopsis eucalypti and Trimmatostroma excentricum. Tubercularia lateritia and Caliciopsis sp. spleomorpha, both stem fungi, are reported from eucalypts in New South Wales for the first time.
... This raises two possibilities, namely that either the incorrect fungus was originally isolated from pine needles (namely Catenulostroma abietis), or that this is a species complex, in which A. pinorum resides. If these strains are indeed confirmed to represent A. pinorum, then it reveals the genus Aulographina to be heterogeneous, as A. eucalypti, which is a major leaf spot pathogen of Eucalyptus (Crous et al. 1989, Park et al. 2000, Carnegie & Keane 2003), clusters distant from A. pinorum. The taxonomy of these taxa is currently being addressed, and will be reported on elsewhere (Cheewangkoon et al., in prep.). ...
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The Capnodiales incorporates plant and human pathogens, endophytes, saprobes and epiphytes, with a wide range of nutritional modes. Several species are lichenised, or occur as parasites on fungi, or animals. The aim of the present study was to use DNA sequence data of the nuclear ribosomal small and large subunit RNA genes to test the monophyly of the Capnodiales, and resolve families within the order. We designed primers to allow the amplification and sequencing of almost the complete nuclear ribosomal small and large subunit RNA genes. Other than the Capnodiaceae (sooty moulds), and the Davidiellaceae, which contains saprobes and plant pathogens, the order presently incorporates families of major plant pathological importance such as the Mycosphaerellaceae, Teratosphaeriaceae and Schizothyriaceae. The Piedraiaceae was not supported, but resolves in the Teratosphaeriaceae. The Dissoconiaceae is introduced as a new family to accommodate Dissoconium and Ramichloridium. Lichenisation, as well as the ability to be saprobic or plant pathogenic evolved more than once in several families, though the taxa in the upper clades of the tree lead us to conclude that the strictly plant pathogenic, nectrotrophic families evolved from saprobic ancestors (Capnodiaceae), which is the more primitive state.
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Species of eucalypts are commonly cultivated for solid wood and pulp products. The expansion of commercially managed eucalypt plantations has chiefly been driven by their rapid growth and suitability for propagation across a very wide variety of sites and climatic conditions. Infection of foliar fungal pathogens of eucalypts is resulting in increasingly negative impacts on commercial forest industries globally. To assist in evaluating this threat, the present study provides a global perspective on foliar pathogens of eucalypts. We treat 110 different genera including species associated with foliar disease symptoms of these hosts. The vast majority of these fungi have been grown in axenic culture, and subjected to DNA sequence analysis, resolving their phylogeny. During the course of this study several new genera and species were encountered, and these are described. New genera include: Lembosiniella (L. eucalyptorum on E. dunnii, Australia), Neosonderhenia (N. eucalypti on E. costata, Australia), Neothyriopsis (N. sphaerospora on E. camaldulensis, South Africa), Neotrichosphaeria (N. eucalypticola on E. deglupta, Australia), Nothotrimmatostroma (N. bifarium on E. dalrympleana, Australia), Nowamyces (incl. Nowamycetaceae fam. nov., N. globulus on E. globulus, Australia), and Walkaminomyces (W. medusae on E. alba, Australia). New species include (all from Australia): Disculoides fraxinoides on E. fraxinoides, Elsinoe piperitae on E. piperita, Fusculina regnans on E. regnans, Marthamyces johnstonii on E. dunnii, Neofusicoccum corticosae on E. corticosa, Neotrimmatostroma dalrympleanae on E. dalrympleana, Nowamyces piperitae on E. piperita, Phaeothyriolum dunnii on E. dunnii, Pseudophloeospora eucalyptigena on E. obliqua, Pseudophloeospora jollyi on Eucalyptus sp., Quambalaria tasmaniae on Eucalyptus sp., Q. rugosae on E. rugosa, Sonderhenia radiata on E. radiata, Teratosphaeria pseudonubilosa on E. globulus and Thyrinula dunnii on E. dunnii. A new name is also proposed for Heteroconium eucalypti as Thyrinula uruguayensis on E. dunnii, Uruguay. Although many of these genera and species are commonly associated with disease problems, several appear to be opportunists developing on stressed or dying tissues. For the majority of these fungi, pathogenicity remains to be determined. This represents an important goal for forest pathologists and biologists in the future. Consequently, this study will promote renewed interest in foliar pathogens of eucalypts, leading to investigations that will provide an improved understanding of the biology of these fungi.
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A young provenance/progeny trial of spotted gums, which are major hardwood plantation species in subtropical eastern Australia, was studied for growth, form, and damage from Quambalaria shoot blight. The trial contained a wide range of genotypes, mainly of Corym-bia citriodora subsp. variegata, with between one and 21 families per provenance. Genetic parameters were calculated from 23 provenances with four or more families. Provenances superior for growth included four well-represented C. citriodora subsp. variegata provenances, all from south-east Queensland, which also had a high proportion of superior families. Overall, Queensland provenances had significantly higher mean diameter and height than those from New South Wales (NSW), although there were several superior NSW families. Provenances superior for growth also displayed good straightness and relatively fine branching. Relatively low Quambalaria shoot blight damage was recorded for four Queensland provenances and one coastal NSW provenance, which all had high proportions of families with low damage. Provenances that were putative inter- grades between C. citriodora subsp. variegata and C. maculata tended to have high damage levels. However, some mediocre provenances contained superior families potentially useful for breeding. Regressions of Quambalaria damage index (QDI) on latitude, and mean height growth on QDI, were highly significant and moderately strong (0.51 and 0.58, respectively), indicating increasing damage in more southern material, and a retarding effect (although not striking) of damage on growth. Individual heritability estimates were low (zero to 0.14) for growth and form, and moderate for QDI (0.31). The genetic correlations for QDI with growth traits were strong and negative (-0.77 and -0.88), supporting a strategy of selecting vigorous trees for breeding programs from provenances and families superior for these traits.
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Article 59.1, of the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants (ICN; Melbourne Code), which addresses the nomenclature of pleomorphic fungi, became effective from 30 July 2011. Since that date, each fungal species can have one nomenclaturally correct name in a particular classification. All other previously used names for this species will be considered as synonyms. The older generic epithet takes priority over the younger name. Any widely used younger names proposed for use, must comply with Art. 57.2 and their usage should be approved by the Nomenclature Committee for Fungi (NCF). In this paper, we list all genera currently accepted by us in Dothideomycetes (belonging to 23 orders and 110 families), including pleomorphic and nonpleomorphic genera. In the case of pleomorphic genera, we follow the rulings of the current ICN and propose single generic names for future usage. The taxonomic placements of 1261 genera are listed as an outline. Protected names and suppressed names for 34 pleomorphic genera are listed separately. Notes and justifications are provided for possible proposed names after the list of genera. Notes are also provided on recent advances in our understanding of asexual and sexual morph linkages in Dothideomycetes. A phylogenetic tree based on four gene analyses supported 23 orders and 75 families, while 35 families still lack molecular data.
Plantations consisting of non-native tree species were established on the Copperbelt of Zambia to supplement timber supply from natural forests and to meet the increasing demand of round wood and fuel wood for the copper mines. In early 2004, a disease characterised by severe leaf defoliation and death of juvenile trees suddenly occurred in plantations of the Copperbelt Forestry Company. This study was undertaken to determine the nature of the disease and extent of damage caused with a view of providing a framework for sustainable management of the plantations. Disease incidence, severity and impact on plantations using the crown damage index were assessed for three consecutive years. Eucalyptus grandis was more affected than E. cloeziana and leaf spot incidence and severity were higher in Kalibu, Kitwe District, than in Kafubu, Kalulushi District. The incidence in Kalibu was 90.4%, causing tree crown damage of 18.6% at the end of the assessment in 2006 compared to 17.5% incidence and 1.02% crown damage recorded in Kafubu. Fungi collected from leaf tissues included species of Aulographina, Cryptosporiopsis, Cylindrocladium and fungi in the Teratosphaeriaceae. Stem pathogens were identified as fungi in the Botryosphaeriaceae and Kirramyces sp. Diseases induced by these pathogens are increasingly becoming major threats to young eucalypts, resulting in poor stem form. Factors favouring disease development are described and these need to be properly managed to minimise the impact of diseases in addition to the need to establish selection and breeding programmes to develop tolerant genotypes to ensure a sustainable future for the forestry industry in Zambia.
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Potentially damaging insect pests and fungal pathogens were surveyed on 38 species and 72 provenances of eucalypts, prior to canopy closure, in plantations at three sites in north-eastern New South Wales. Relative levels of foliage damage were compared with the relative growth rates (tree heights) of the species and provenances, including those most commonly planted in the region. Eucalyptus pilularis, E. dunnii, E. grandis and Corymbia spp. Multiple assessments over two years enable comment on the seasonality of attack by the more common damaging agents, including Christmas beetles, (Anoplognathus spp.), leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae), psyllids (Cardiaspina spp.) and the fungal pathogens, Ramularia pitareka and Mycosphaerella cryptica.
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The incidence of mycosphaerella leaf diseases and the severity of seven species of Mycosphaerella were assessed on the juvenile foliage of 13 eucalypt species and 35 provenances in a 2–3 year old trial in south-eastern Australia. Significant variation was observed between the 13 host species, with E. cypellocarpa and E. nitens recording the highest disease incidence and E. elata and E. oreades having no assessable disease. While wide variation was observed between provenances within species, variation was significant only between provenances of E. nitens. Seven species of Mycosphaerella were recorded on diseased leaves collected from the trial. M. cryptica and M. nubilosa were the most damaging, with M. cryptica being the most common and having the widest host range.
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A collection of Eucalyptus leaves from Madagascar revealed several foliicolous fungi to be present, most being new records for the country. Known foliar pathogens such as Aulographina eucalypti, Cylindrocladium quinqueseptatum, Kirramyces epicoccoides, Pseudocercospora eucalyptorum, Harknessia hawaiiensis and Mycosphaerella heimii were found associated with leaf spots. Codinea eucalypti, C. septata, Arnaudiella eucalyptorum, Mycotribulus mirabilis, Clypeophysalosporalatitans, Glomerella cingulata, Cylindrocladium candelabrum and Propolis emarginata were isolated from Eucalyptus leaf litter. Previous studies have shown all these fungi to be present in South Africa, except C. quinqueseptatum, which is not known from Africa, and M. heimii which is known only from Madagascar. M. heimii is distinguished from similar Mycosphaerella spp. occurring on Eucalyptus leaves by its symptom expression, ascospore morphology and cultural characteristics. A Latin diagnosis is provided for M. heimii to validate the name, and its anamorph described as Pseudocercospora heimii sp. nov.
Elsinoe eucalypti, Macrohilum eucalypti, Microsphaeropsis conielloides, Pachysacca pusilla, Seimatosporium cylindrosporum, S. falcatum, S. fusisporum and Vermisporium obtusum are reported on Eucalyptus spp. leaves for the first time in New Zealand. Coccomyces globosus, known on three indigenous hosts, has been found on four species of Eucalyptus. -from Author
A taxonomic revision of the bloodwoods is presented. One hundred and thirteen species are described, 33 of them new. The species descriptions include notes on flowering, distribution and habitat, with distribution maps. -from Authors
Major primary defoliators in commercial eucalypt forests are the beetle Chrysophtharta bimaculata, the phasmatids Didymuria violescens and Podacanthus wilkinsoni, and the moths Perthida glyphopa and Uraba lugens. The foliage of young eucalypts on grassy sites is attacked by a range of insects including species of the beetle genera Anoplognathus, Chrysophtharta and Heteronyx. Several ambrosia beetles degrade the wood of many eucalypts. The termites Coptotermes acinaciformis, C. frenchi and Porotermes adamsoni are the major wood destroying pests.
A new formal classification of the genus Eucalyptus is presented. It divides the genus into seven polytypic subgenera: E. subg. Angophora, E. subg. Corymbia, E. subg. Blakella, E. subg. Eudesmia, E . subg. Symphyomyrtus, E. subg. Minutifructa and E. subg. Eucalyptus, and six monotypic subgenera: E. subg. Acerosa, E. subg. Cruciformes, E. subg. Alveolata, E. subg. Cuboidea, E. subg. Idiogenes and E. subg. Primitiva. The system is intentionally phylogenetic, proceeding from the generally assumed primitive ‘apples’ (E. subg. Angophora) and bloodwoods (E. subg. Corymbia) to the most advanced and modified group, the monocalypts (E. subg. Eucalyptus). The genus Corymbia Hill & Johnson is subsumed under Eucalyptus and is represented by E. subg. Corymbia (the bloodwoods) and E. subg. Blakella (the ghostgums).New infrageneric taxa are diagnosed and their names typified, while brief digests in English are given for established taxa. Three species of the former genus Angophora have names with epithets preoccupied by names of other Eucalyptus species and new names are presented for them. The study is introduced by a brief historical summary of previous work in Eucalyptus, an apologia for the inclusion of Angophora, the reason for requirement of a new classification and notes on the nomenclature used. A new infrageneric rank, ‘supraspecies’, is introduced and is intentionally divorced in application (as a rank) from the similar sounding ‘superspecies’. All species recognised by the author are named and assigned in this system.