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The virtual playground: An educational virtual reality environment for evaluating interactivity and conceptual learning


Abstract and Figures

The research presented in this paper aims at investigating user interaction in immersive virtual learning environments, focusing on the role and the effect of interactivity on conceptual learning. The goal has been to examine if the learning of young users improves through interacting in (i.e. exploring, reacting to, and acting upon) an immersive virtual environment (VE) compared to non-interactive or non-immersive environments. Empirical work was carried out with more than 55 primary school students between the ages of 8 and 12, in different between-group experiments: an exploratory study, a pilot study, and a large-scale experiment. The latter was conducted in a virtual environment designed to simulate a playground. In this “Virtual Playground,” each participant was asked to complete a set of tasks designed to address arithmetical “fractions” problems. Three different conditions, two experimental virtual reality (VR) conditions and a non-VR condition, that varied the levels of activity and interactivity, were designed to evaluate how children accomplish the various tasks. Pre-tests, post-tests, interviews, video, audio, and log files were collected for each participant, and analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively. This paper presents a selection of case studies extracted from the qualitative analysis, which illustrate the variety of approaches taken by children in the VEs in response to visual cues and system feedback. Results suggest that the fully interactive VE aided children in problem solving but did not provide a strong evidence of conceptual change as expected; rather, it was the passive VR environment, where activity was guided by a virtual robot, that seemed to support student reflection and recall, leading to indications of conceptual change.
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The Virtual Playground: an Educational
Virtual Reality Environment for Evaluating
Interactivity and Conceptual Learning
Maria Roussou¹, Martin Oliver², Mel Slater¹,3
¹Department of Computer Science, University College London, UK
²London Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education, UK
3ICREA – Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Tel. +44 20 76793664
Fax +44 20 73871317
Abstract The research presented in this paper aims at investigating user interaction in
immersive virtual learning environments (VLEs), focusing on the role and the effect of
interactivity on conceptual learning. The goal has been to examine if the learning of young
users improves through interacting in (i.e. exploring, reacting to, and acting upon) an
immersive virtual environment (VE) compared to non interactive or non-immersive
environments. Empirical work was carried out with more than 55 primary school students
between the ages of 8 and 12, in different between-group experiments: an exploratory study,
a pilot study, and a large-scale experiment. The latter was conducted in a virtual environment
designed to simulate a playground. In this ‘Virtual Playground’, each participant was asked to
complete a set of tasks designed to address arithmetical ‘fractions’ problems. Three different
conditions, two experimental virtual reality (VR) conditions and a non-VR condition, that
varied the levels of activity and interactivity, were designed to evaluate how children
accomplish the various tasks. Pre-tests, post-tests, interviews, video, audio, and log files were
collected for each participant, and analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. This paper
presents a selection of case studies extracted from the qualitative analysis, which illustrate the
variety of approaches taken by children in the VEs in response to visual cues and system
feedback. Results suggest that the fully interactive VE aided children in problem solving but
did not provide as strong evidence of conceptual change as expected; rather, it was the
passive VR environment, where activity was guided by a virtual robot, that seemed to support
student reflection and recall, leading to indications of conceptual change.
Keywords: Virtual learning environments, Interactivity, Conceptual
Learning, Evaluation
1. Introduction
In the past two decades, immersive Virtual Reality (VR) has attracted the
attention of many researchers and educators who predicted that VR would
have considerable impact on the way that learning and teaching is conducted.
However, widespread uptake has yet to become apparent and, despite the
successful research efforts undertaken, we still know little about what exactly
constitutes an effective Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Hence, more
recently, certain research efforts have turned to the empirical study of the
influence of some of the distinctive characteristics of VR, such as immersion
[] and presence [][], and whether these can or cannot support conceptual
In this research we examine the dimension of interactivity in a Virtual
Environment (VE) and, in particular, its potential and limitations for learning.
Interactivity is undoubtedly one of the key elements of a VR experience. By
interactivity we mean the ability to freely move around a virtual environment,
to experience it “first-hand” and from multiple points of view, to modify its
elements, to control parameters, or to respond to perceived affordances,
environment cues, and system feedback1. Studies on the use of VR for
training have shown that such activity can be effective, for example, for
spatial knowledge acquisition and recall in training []. Interaction and
feedback have also often been linked to presence, indicating that user control
over the environment was important for the experience of presence [], as was
the amount of body movement []. Other studies concluded that the extent to
which students were able to control the VE made a greater difference to what
they learned than if the system was immersive or not [][].
Despite these findings, little systematic research has concentrated on
examining interactivity in relation to learning; hence there is no clear
evidence that interactivity alone can bring “added value” to learning,
1 Most of the attempts to define interactivity recognize gradations of activity, both in the
physical (kinesthetic) and the intellectual sense. For the purposes of this research, we adopt
the general framework proposed by Pares and Pares [], where interactivity in a VE is
classified as explorative (involving, in practice, spatial navigation), manipulative (the
manipulation of parameters and elements of the VE), and contributive (the ability to alter the
system of operation itself).
especially for children. We believe that the activity between the user and the
virtual environment may be a defining component in inducing conceptual
change and certainly one that is worth examining further. In the following
sections, we describe our methodology, the VEs designed, and the empirical
work that was carried out in order to examine the effect of interactivity in
VEs on conceptual learning, in other words, on the deeper, transferable
understandings of abstract knowledge [].
2. Previous studies of immersive VLEs
A number of educational VR projects have been developed throughout the
years, ranging from research projects conducted in academic laboratory
environments to projects that have been applied in formal [] and informal
educational settings [][], with a goal to apply and evaluate the potential of
virtual reality as a medium for educating students. Many of the early
educational VR projects were developed especially for head-mounted display
systems (HMDs) whilst the later projects started exploring the use of the
physical space along with the virtual by employing projection-based displays
(CAVEs) and, more recently, Mixed Reality and Augmented Reality setups
A large part of this educational research has been focused on science
education, as in the NewtonWorld and MaxwellWorld ScienceSpace projects
[], which set out to explore the kinematics and dynamics of motion,
electrostatic forces and other physics concepts. The initial formative
evaluation reports on learners’ engagement, surprise and understanding of the
alternative representations of the concepts provided in the ScienceSpace
worlds []. Multisensory cues, multimodal interaction, and the introduction of
multiple new representations were believed to have helped students develop
correct mental models of the abstract material. However, in terms of
interactivity, other than navigation and pick-and-place activity, the worlds
could not be dynamically altered through the learner’s participation.
The Virtual Reality Roving Vehicle (VRRV) project [] and the summer camp
programs in VR for students [], initiated by the HIT Lab, focused on “world-
building” activity, where students conceived and created the objects of their
own virtual worlds by using 3D modeling software on desktop computers,
which they then experienced in an immersive environment. Similarly, a
projection-based display (a CAVE®) was used to display the results of
students’ model building activity in the Virtual Solar System (VSS) project,
an experimental undergraduate astronomy course in which students built
models of the solar system in order to learn about astronomical phenomena [].
In both cases, student activity involved mainly creating the virtual world
rather than interacting with one.
The NICE project was an early interactive virtual reality learning
environment that provided young children with a fantasy world in which they
could collaboratively cultivate a virtual garden []. In the study of children’s
behaviour in the NICE environment, interactivity, identified with control over
the environment, scored as the most significant motivational component of
the learning experience. Giving one child control meant that the child with
control tended to be more engaged with the educational content, resulting in a
tendency to learn more; however this “measurement” of learning emerged
from exploratory observation that looked at general aspects rather than formal
processes through which specific conclusions about learning could be drawn.
Lessons learned from the NICE project, helped to focus and form the design
of the Round Earth Project [] so that the learning domain was carefully
selected to focus on a problem proven to be difficult with children. The
Round Earth Project investigated how virtual reality could be used to help
teach young children that the Earth is spherical when their everyday
experiences tell them it is flat. VR was used as part of a larger strategy to
create an alternative cognitive starting point where this concept could be
established on its own before it was brought into contact with the learner’s
past experiences []. Further projects by the same group focused on
investigating the effectiveness of virtual environments as simulated data
collection environments for children engaged in inquiry-based science
learning activities.
A study that explored interactivity in the context of geometry teaching with
diagrammatic representations, focused on the comparison between different
graphical representations of the concept of stereographic projection and the
effect that the addition of various interactive properties might have on the
learning goal []. The results led to the conclusion that just adding interactivity
did not seem to increase the efficiency of the learning environment since the
interactive 3D environment did not seem to provide the expected learning
gains. However, it was noted that the study was exploratory and additional
investigation was required, since learning seemed to be affected by a complex
interaction of representation properties, task demands, and within-subject
To summarize, VR projects developed for educational purposes have either
not provided the analytical evidence to demonstrate learning as a result of
interaction with the environment or, where an educational impact was
perceived, there is no explanation of which forms of interactivity are
effective. More importantly, the role of interactivity within learning has not
been the focus of any of the evaluations carried out as such. Hence, the
research question that emerges is how interactivity in a virtual learning
environment can influence learning. To provide answers to this question, we
first need to address how this can be studied. In the next sections, we describe
the design of our studies and the virtual environments created to support
3. Defining a methodology for study and analysis
Since our goal is to study learning as a result of the learner’s interaction with
a virtual environment, a learning task had to be specified and an interactive
virtual environment built with enough features as to invoke the multiple levels
of interactivity found in VR applications []. Our first idea, which was
developed with consultation from supportive math and science teachers, was
to create a task where the participant had to build a temple by identifying and
assembling its various parts. As an idea, the construction of a temple is
advantageous because it encompasses an inherently activity-rich process, so it
formed the basis for our exploratory studies.
A set of exploratory studies was carried out with children between 8 and 12
years old. The children were asked to complete tasks involving the assembly
of ancient columns from parts in an immersive stereoscopic VR system (a
CAVE®-like display) using a 3D joystick device with buttons for interaction.
The learning goal was to understand the differences between columns of
different order (Doric and Ionian) and symmetry. The tasks included
selection, comparison, and resizing of the column parts in order to fit them
onto their correct bases. Since these studies were exploratory, we followed a
qualitative approach based on observation (aided by a think-aloud protocol)
and informal interviews with the children. We observed the children’s activity
in the VE and looked for the following different occurrences of learning for
the purpose of analyzing our data:
Conceptual change, where participants revise their conceptions or change
their interpretation of something.
Additive knowledge, where participants have added to what they have
already experienced, as long as this involves some kind of reinterpretation
of previous action rather than just the accumulation of information.
Changes in behaviour.
Our method of analysis draws on []: we reviewed the video of the sessions
and identified various points where interesting interactions seemed to occur.
We chose to focus on moments in time where participants made a statement
that indicated they had changed their conception or where we could conclude
things from our observation of the participant’s behaviour in the environment.
The organizational framework of Activity Theory [] provided us with the
conceptual vocabulary to help interpret these points qualitatively. Our
findings indicated three kinds of instances where learning seemed to take
place: learning about the system as a result of technical problems, learning
caused by (unintentional) observer intervention and, to a lesser extent,
learning arising from system feedback. The latter is what we were most
interested in, since they involved interaction between the learner and the
digital environment without human mediation. We thus focused on excerpts
where such instances provoking internal contradictions leading to conceptual
change seemed to occur. These caused the participants to change their
behaviour as well as revise their rules and conceptions, triggered by the rules
set out by the system. The participants’ observation of the system’s rules
guided them in evaluating their actions, assessing for themselves the
contradiction within the system and resolving it in order to achieve the
To make the analytical methodology clearer, let us look at the example of 10
year-old John. John had started constructing a column from the “capital” (the
top part of the column), which he placed in the air and then begun building
downwards by placing each one of the drums underneath. He had managed to
squeeze the last drum under the others and attempted to pick up the column
base. The VE was not programmed to provide any explicit feedback;
however, it was designed with certain features that provided intrinsic
feedback, such as the fact that the column bases could not be moved. This
was the only type of feedback that represented the system’s interactive
capabilities and which implicitly aided John in changing his course of action.
1. Observer: How do you see that this piece goes at the bottom rather than the top?
2. John: It’s the last piece.
3. Observer: How do you know that it is the last piece?
4. John: Because I put that one [showing the bottom last column drum] and saw that
there is no other one that fits below it... Anyway, you can tell it’s the last piece.
5. John: [trying to pick up the last piece and realizing that it doesn’t move] It is glued
on the floor...
6. Observer: Why would it be glued on the floor?
7. John: [thinks for a moment] …Oh! So that I can put the other pieces here.
He then took apart the column he had constructed in the air and began
constructing it piece by piece on top of the base by reversing the sequence in
which he was placing the column drums until he reached the capital. The
“Oh!” is the “Eureka” moment that both triggers his change in behaviour and
indicates a change in his conceptions (Figure 1). Furthermore, in the tasks that
followed, John identified the bases immediately, having remembered from
this first task that the bases do not move, and started constructing the columns
from the bottom working up.
Figure 1. An Activity System illustrating a breakdown between the tool (the VE) and the
participant’s (John’s) goal (O - Object), which is resolved by a revision of the Rules (from R1
to R2).
For a detailed analysis of these exploratory studies using the Activity Theory
framework, see [].
Overall, these case studies helped in clarifying issues concerning the
methodology for working with children for this problem, while acting as a test
bed for the application of the analytical framework. They also allowed
shortcomings of the task to be identified; the observed learning outcomes
indicated that the learning goal of the tasks (i.e. to learn about the order and
symmetry of ancient columns) was not easily quantifiable and did not provide
enough opportunities for conceptual learning to occur and, consequently, to
be assessed. This led to a re-design of the study, which required the design of
a different virtual environment, as discussed in the following section.
4. The design of an interactive VE to support
conceptual learning
It became apparent that the column construction activity did not provide
enough opportunities for conceptual challenge and could not be easily linked
to the everyday life and interests of today’s children between 8 and 12 years
old. Therefore, a different learning domain was chosen that would allow us to
exploit the capabilities of the VR medium in visualizing abstract and difficult
conceptual learning problems and providing feedback. In order to examine
“interactivity”, it was decided that varied levels of control over the parameters
of the system should be provided through an experimental VE in which
children would be asked to complete constructivist tasks that are designed as
arithmetical fraction problems. Fractions were chosen as the learning topic
due to the difficulty that primary school students have in understanding and
connecting them to real-world situations []. In other words, fractions lend
themselves to designing learning tasks that are, at the same time, conceptually
difficult, abstract enough to justify representation via a VR simulation of a
real-world situation, and can allow for a kind of varied and incremental
interactive treatment.
4.1. The conceptual learning problem: representing fractions
Research has shown that students begin to construct a deeper understanding
of fractions when these are represented in a variety of ways and when there
are explicit linkages to everyday life and familiar situations involving their
use. Elementary-school children’s difficulties in learning fractions and
understanding their representations have been well documented [] while a
number of educational technology research projects and products have been
developed on this topic [] []. Traditionally, fractions have been represented
with a formal symbolic system (for example “1/3”), which essentially is an
“artificial” construct used for performing arithmetical operations and learning
fractions in school. To facilitate understanding of fractions, educators have
been using various means and methods to teach them, such as 2D pictorial
representations (the “pie” metaphor), manipulative models (rods, arithmetic
blocks, bars, number lines, paper folding exercises, and others), and “real
world” story scenarios.
Figure 2. Lesh’s translational model (left) illustrates the five distinct types of representing
mathematical ideas (fractions) for instructional purposes. We propose enhancing Lesh’s
translational model with an immersive and interactive VR representational component (right).
The problem, however, of connecting the symbols to real-world situations
remains; it is often difficult for students to integrate formal instruction with
their informal knowledge. Mack [] suggests that comparison of fractions is
sometimes difficult for students who regard fractions as discrete whole
numbers rather than as proportions. For example, when comparing fractions
such as 1/3 and 1/4, it is common for students to conclude that the fourth is
larger than the third because four is a bigger number than three in the
counting series. Students committing this type of error are probably applying
knowledge of whole numbers to fractions. By relating the formal symbols to
realistic situations and manipulative representations of fractional amounts,
students may be less likely to consider the fourth as larger than the third.
Similarly, Lesh and his colleagues, from their interviews with children, noted
that children constructed what they refer to as informal strategies for ordering
fractions []. These strategies reflect students’ use of mental images of
fractions to judge the fractions relative size and not taught procedures, such as
least common denominators and cross-products.
Based on the above, we believe that a simulation-based environment, such as
the kind provided by a VR environment, could provide an additional method
of representation of such deep concepts that might aid in conceptual learning.
This form of representation can combine the pictorial representation of
fractions with a simulation of real-world situations and, in the case of
interactive VR, the power of manipulative aids. Thus, we have enhanced
Lesh’s model with an immersive VR representational component (Figure 2)
and have designed appropriate learning problems in an interactive virtual
environment that involves tasks with fractions.
4.2. The virtual environment: redesigning the layout of a
We decided to incorporate learning problems based on fractions into an
engaging VR application with a game-like scenario. Consequently, the idea of
designing a playground emerged. We created both a Virtual Playground for a
CAVE-like environment and a physical model using LEGO™ bricks. The
tasks designed for the virtual playground application involve modifying the
areas that the six main elements of the playground (swings, monkey bars, a
slide, a roundabout, a crawl tunnel, and a sandpit) cover. Each element covers
an area which is colour-coded and represented by blocks. The area
representing each playground element is initially incorrect (either too big or
too small) and must be redesigned, according to rules that require fractions
calculations (Figure 3).
Figure 3. The footprint of the playground on the left image shows the initial layout of the
playground; the footprint on the right illustrates one of the possible correct designs (green:
roundabout, yellow: monkey bars, blue: slide, grey: sandpit, red: swings, orange: crawl
The swings, for example, initially cover a 3 x 4 area, that is twelve blocks.
The scenario requires that the area be increased by comparing two fractions
(the fractions 1/3 and 1/4) and choosing the number that represents the larger
amount. In this case, the fraction 1/3 which results in 4 blocks must be chosen
and the 4 blocks must be added to the swings area, by picking blocks from the
central pool and placing them on the 4 tiles that need to be covered.
4.3. Scripting interactivity: system feedback mechanisms
The system provides both direct and implicit visual and audio feedback to
respond to the children’s activity. The overall scenario and goal is presented
to the participant by a virtual owl (Figure 4), while the rule for each area is
provided by a coloured bird, which floats over that area and talks to the
participant when clicked upon. The participant’s interaction device (or “magic
wand”) includes a joystick for navigating the environment and three colour-
coded buttons: the red button which allows the participant to switch between
“block mode” (in which construction takes place) and “playground mode” (or
review mode); the grey button which is used for picking and placing blocks
and clicking on birds; and the blue button which is used to toggle between the
default ground view and the top-down view of the playground.
When the participant constructs a correct area for an element (by either
adding or removing blocks according to the rules), the ‘red’ button on the
wand must be pressed in order to switch to “playground mode” and
immediately see the playground element appear in place of the blocks. If the
area is not formed correctly, then the playground element will not appear and
the participant will be prompted to reconsider her actions. In addition to these
methods of control over the environment, the system provides intrinsic
feedback concerning placement of the blocks onto the playground tiles. For
example, the system will not allow the participant to place a block next to the
fence, near the benches, on the yellow-brick footpath or next to a block of a
different colour. Visual and audio cues enhance these restrictions.
Figure 4. A view of the Virtual Playground, in which children re-design the layout of the
playground based on rules provided by expressive virtual characters. The owl is the main
character that greets each participant and provides the general rules before the participant
starts the design game. Coloured birds speak out the rule for each area that needs to be
It is important to note here that the Virtual Playground is not designed as an
instructional environment following specific pedagogical models for teaching
fractions, but as a tool for the evaluation of our research question concerning
interactivity and learning. Hence, the characters (owl and birds) are neither
avatars nor autonomous agents that respond intelligently to the participant’s
actions and questions. They are merely “rule providers”, meaning that they
simply state the rules of the tasks that must be performed (in place of a
written instruction sheet, for example).
5. Evaluation
Empirical work was carried out with a total of 57 primary school students
between the ages of 8 and 12, in different between-group experiments: an
exploratory study, a pilot study, and a large-scale experiment. The exploratory
study, as already described, aimed at defining the evaluation methodology
and framework for analysis. The pilot study, which was carried out a few
months prior to the main experiment, aimed at improving the usability of the
VE and helped in organizing the overall process of the evaluation. The large-
scale experiment, which took place in 2005, involved a total of fifty (N=50)
children, 25 girls and 25 boys from different schools and socioeconomic
backgrounds, who participated in one of three different conditions, two
experimental VR conditions and a non-VR group.
5.1. Experimental procedure
Each study was conducted with one participant at a time lasting, on average,
90 minutes for each. The experimental methods included direct observation,
interviews and pre- and post-test questionnaires, designed in collaboration
with math teachers. Prior to the main activity, the participant was asked to fill
out a questionnaire with math questions that are based on the fractions
questions found in standardized tests (such as the Key Stage 2 SAT math
test). A user profiling questionnaire was also given at this time. This included
questions that attempted to draw a picture of the child’s familiarity with
computers, frequency of computer game play, and understanding of or prior
experience with virtual reality.
condition activity interactivity immersion participants
female male
C1: interactive
active Yes yes (VR cave) 9 8
C2: passive VR
passive no (watching a
robot interact)
yes (VR cave) 5 9
C3: non-VR
active No no 11 8
25 25
Total 50
Table 1. Condition attributes and numbers of participants involved.
After the questionnaire was completed, the child was assigned to one of three
experimental conditions; either the non-VR condition or one of two VR
conditions (Table 1). Each child participated in only one of the three
conditions of the study (between-groups design). An even spread according to
aptitude and gender was attempted; however the practical difficulties we
encountered in recruiting the participants (one child at a time had to be
brought to the virtual reality laboratory on a weekend) prevented us from
achieving an equal number of boys and girls in each condition, although an
equal number was achieved overall.
Figure 5. Images of children participating in the Virtual Playground studies, in
the two experimental conditions: interactive VR condition (left column) and
passive VR condition (right column).
The nature of the study was such that the student was free to act or interact for
as long as she wished with the playground, be it the virtual or the non-virtual
(LEGO) playground. A researcher who was at the same time the interviewer
and the observer was constantly present, encouraging the participant to
explain her/his actions while doing (by thinking aloud).
If assigned to the interactive VR experimental condition, the participant was
immersed in a typical CAVE-like system2. The participant viewed the
projected stereoscopic images by wearing a pair of active stereo glasses and
could move around freely to interact with the environment by using a wireless
wand which contains a joystick and buttons. The wand was used to navigate
2 Consisting of four projection surfaces (three walls and the floor)
around the virtual world, and to select and place virtual objects within that
world, as described previously. A head tracker was specially adjusted on a
cap that was worn by the participant, thus relaying the head position and
orientation to the computer (Figure 5). Before starting, the task was explained
to the participant who had a chance to practice navigating and moving objects
around in the virtual space of a training environment.
Figure 6. A robot character called “Spike” was used in the passive VR condition to play
back a pre-recorded sequence of actions.
The second condition, the “passive VR” experience, took place in the same
immersive environment; only, in this case, a pre-recorded sequence of actions
involving the re-design of the playground was played out by a virtual
character, a robot called “Spike” (Figure 6). The participant stood in the space
wearing the stereoglasses and observed Spike as he went about listening to
the rules and moving the blocks around as in a video sequence. The
participant was encouraged to predict what Spike’s actions would be (“what
would you do if you were Spike?”) and explain why Spike had done what he
had done after each playground element was corrected.
Finally, if assigned to the non-VR condition, the participant took part in an
activity using LEGO bricks (Figure 7). The activity involved the design of a
playground on a grid-like floor plan, similar to seeing the playground from
above in the virtual reality environment. As in the Virtual Playground, the
differently coloured bricks represent the swings, slides, etc., which the
participant must position according to the rules provided on cards. However,
although each participant was actively involved in designing the playground,
no response or feedback from the system existed.
Figure 7. The non-VR condition involved redesigning the layout of the playground using
LEGO™ bricks.
After the main experience was completed (activity in the interactive VR
scenario, participation in the passive VR scenario, or activity with LEGO
bricks), the participant was asked to complete a post-test with questions
related to fractions, similar to the pre-test. Finally, every participant was
interviewed about her experience by the observer, who noted the specific
actions in which the participant had problems with, and directed the
participant to reflect on these accordingly.
6. Observations
The studies have resulted in an enormous pool of data of multiple types,
analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The quantitative analysis
showed no meaningful association between the different variables, such as
gender, age, and condition, on student performance (measured through the
pre- and post-tests). Therefore, for this paper we have chosen to present
specific examples, extracted from the qualitative analysis, that provide us
with interesting observations of student activity; instances of internal
contradictions such as the ones that occurred during the analysis of the
exploratory study involving column construction. The pool of data was
reduced –selected and condensed into a manageable form- by means of an
inductive analysis, which produced central themes and patterns that emerged
during this analysis. The themes reported below have been chosen based on
their being representative of typical experiences or learning problems.
6.1. The problem of comparing fractions
A consistent finding in the study has been the confirmation of the difficulty
that most children have when asked to compare fractions. Jack3, for example,
is a 9 year-old boy who had scored very low on almost all of the questions in
his pre-test. It was, thus, expected that he would have difficulty in the Virtual
Playground with the swings task, which involved increasing the area of the
swings (currently a 3 x 4 area of twelve blocks) by comparing two fractions
(the fractions 1/3 and 1/4) and choosing the number that represents the larger
amount. When the task was presented to him by the bird he immediately
replied that he would increase the area by 1/3. However, when asked by the
observer how he came up with that result, in other words, how many blocks
he believed that 1/3 and how many 1/4 represented, he replied that 1/4 is four
blocks and 1/3 is five blocks. He then continued with his decision to add five
blocks to the swings area. When he completed the placement of the blocks
(inevitably creating a non-rectangular area), he clicked on the red button to
switch to “playground mode” and see if his decision was correct. When he
saw that it was not, he reflected on his construction and concluded that the
area “did not have the right shape”.
Lisa, a 10 year old girl who had been taught fractions in school and had
average scores on her pre-test (Figure 8), made some decisions based on what
“looked right”. These decisions were evident in two cases, in which she made
mistakes with her fractions. In the case of comparison between 1/3 and 1/4,
she decided to increase the swings area by 1/4. When asked why, she replied:
“because I counted them and they are twelve, so divided by three they will not
be enough... so... [I decided that it will be] four”.
8. Observer: So you decided to increase by 1/4...
9. Lisa: Yeah.
10. Observer: And how many blocks is that?
11. Lisa: Uhm... four.
Lisa made the common mistake (identified by []) of choosing 1/4 as the
fraction that results in the larger number. However, she correctly added four
3 Pseudonyms have been given to all children that participated in the studies and that are
mentioned here.
blocks (the result of 1/3, not 1/4) to the swings area. This correct action
seems, in part at least, to be attributed to her intuition (enhanced by the visual
cues provided in the VE) rather than her calculations.
Figure 8. A 10 year-old girl (left) interacting with the Virtual Playground and a 9
year-old girl (right) observing the robot while he removes blocks from the
6.3 Response to system feedback
Similarly to Lisa, Julie, a 9 year-old girl participating in the interactive VR
condition, chose 1/4 as the fraction that results in the larger number.
However, unlike Lisa, Julie knew that 1/4 of 12 results in 3 blocks and
attempted to fit these three blocks in the correct place so as to complete the
task. Julie tried out various solutions before realizing, through an approach of
reflection that was guided by her recall of system feedback, that she should
have chosen 1/3 instead of 1/4:
12. Observer: Ok, so one third of twelve or one fourth of twelve is gonna give
us more?
13. Julie: One fourth
14. Observer: How many blocks will one fourth give us?
15. Julie: So… [counts the blocks on the ground] …there's twelve blocks... so,
16. Observer: So, where are you going to put these three blocks?
Julie clicks on her blue button to see the playground from above (Figure 9). In
the top-down view she indicates where she plans to place the three blocks:
17. Julie: Two, either on this side... or no, I mean three blocks on around... this
18. Observer: Towards the fence or towards the sandpit?
19. Julie: Towards the fence.
She returns to ground view and attempts to place a block on the side of the
swing area that is near the fence. This triggers the system feedback message:
"This is too close to the fence".
20. Julie: Ok, so, on that side... but we can't do it on that side... I think I have to
use the whole shape cause that's too close to the sandpit.
21. Julie: Ok, I know what I wanna do. I think. I'm going to bring... [thinking]
ok, no, it's going to say “too close to the path...” cause if I put these three I think
still it's gonna be too close... cause there's four here [meaning four free tiles] that
might say the shape's not right...
22. Observer: You mean that it's not going to be a whole shape...
23. Julie: Wait, how much do I have to put, three or four? four! oh! we should
do one third, cause one third of twelve gives us four and it'll complete a proper
24. Observer: How come you didn't think about this from the beginning?
25. Julie: Cause the number four is bigger than three so it just came to my mind
straight away.
26. Observer: You mean one fourth is...?
27. Julie: Just cause the number's bigger it just came to my head straight away.
Meanwhile, Julie has picked four blocks and has placed them one by one in
the correct area.
28. Julie: Ok, red button!
Upon clicking on the red button, the model for the swings replaces the blocks
that comprise that area, and Julie completes her task in the playground.
Figure 9. Children using the top-down view to plan the layout of the playground.
6.2 Substituting the denominator
Another common mistake, made by more than half of the participants in the
study, was the use of the denominator of a fraction as the resulting number
required by the task. This problem was faced with two of the playground
elements, the slide and the monkey bars, which involved tasks that required
finding 1/5 of 10 and 1/6 of 12 respectively. For example, initially the
monkey bars occupy an area of six blocks, placed in a long strip. The rule
communicated to the participant states that the current area is too long and
that it must be decreased by 1/6 of the area of the sandpit (which occupies
twelve blocks). David, an 11 year-old participant in the passive VR condition,
immediately concluded that the correct answer is six.
29. Observer: What did the bird say?
30. David: That’s too long [the monkey bars] and that they have to be 1/6 of
the area of the sandpit...
31. Observer: How much is that?
32. David: Six.
He was certain that six was 1/6 of twelve. However, the layout of the
playground provoked an internal contradiction, since the monkey bars were
already six blocks long, so if the robot took out six this would leave no blocks
on the ground. When the robot removed four blocks leaving a total of two
blocks on the ground and the blocks were correctly switched to monkey bars,
David exclaimed that he had known all along that the correct answer was two
but hadn’t thought of it from the start. When asked later why he was confused
even though he knew that 1/6 of 12 is two, he responded that the correct result
(two blocks) did not make sense to him, because “in real life the area for the
monkey bars could not have been so short”. However, after seeing Spike (the
robot) performing the task, he was able to explain why the correct answer was
two blocks.
Cherry, a confident and very talkative 9 year old girl who participated in the
passive VR condition, had a similar response to the slide task (which involved
increasing the existing area of 10 blocks by one fifth). As soon as the blue
bird finished presenting the rule for the slide, Cherry began counting aloud in
order to direct Spike on what to do:
33. Cherry: One two three... one two three four five six seven eight... So it said
that it’s covered... one fifth... one fifth... is what it’s supposed to be.
34. Observer: It has to be one fifth more of what it is now. So, how many
blocks are there now?
35. Cherry: Ten.
36. Observer: Ok. So how many would you add if you were Spike?
37. Cherry: Five.
38. Observer: Spike has started already trying to add blocks. Where would you
add those blocks?
39. Cherry: There [showing the row of five tiles near the crawl tunnel]. Mmm,
no... there [pointing near the footpath]... mmm no... can you put them on the
yellow road?
40. Observer: I don’t know. Well look at Spike and tell me what you think he’s
41. Cherry: Oh, he’s putting it over there [pointing at the other side of where
she was thinking the blocks should go].
42. Observer: Ok, so how many blocks does he need to put?
43. Cherry: Two.
44. Observer: You said five before.
45. Cherry: No I mean there [showing the two tiles where the robot was already
putting the first block].
46. Observer: So finally how many blocks does he have to put to make this one
fifth bigger of what it is?
47. Cherry: Five.
48. Observer: So, he put one already. Where is he putting the second one?
49. Cherry: Next to the first one.
50. Observer: How about the others?
51. Cherry: Uhm, down there. Down on the left side [showing the row of five
tiles she had shown originally, next to the crawl tunnel]... No, uhm, on that bit
[showing the two tiles on the footpath]
52. Observer: How many more does he need to put?
53. Cherry: Three.
54. Observer: What if he clicks on his red button now to see what happens?
[The robot “clicks” on the red button and the blue blocks turn into a slide].
55. Cherry: Oh! So it only needed two.
56. Observer: Do you know why?
Cherry shakes her head in a ’no’ motion.
57. Observer: So you don’t understand why, do you remember (what had to be
58. Cherry: So there’s two... [thinking for a few seconds]. Ten, so... oh yeah,
you have to times it by two to get twenty.
59. Observer: Twenty?
60. Cherry: No I mean divide. Divide ten by two and you get... uhm... five...
yeah what he did. No, no divide ten by five and you get... ten by five... two.
Yeah, that’s what he did.
Cherry finally is able to explain how the number two was derived as the
correct answer. As Kuuti [] notes, initially each operation is a conscious
action, consisting of orientation, i.e. planning in the consciousness by using a
model, and execution phases. When, however, the corresponding model is
good enough or the action has been practiced long enough, the orientation
phase will fade and the action will be collapsed into an operation. Indeed, in
Cherry’s case, a phase of conscious planning took place when she was
originally asked to identify how many blocks she would add to the slide area
if she were Spike. An execution phase followed where she showed where she
would place the five blocks she had identified as being the correct answer for
fixing the slide area. However, when Spike completed the slide area correctly
by placing only two blocks, a contradiction occurred between Spike’s action
and Cherry’s model. Cherry had to question her model and drastically change
it as it proved to be incorrect. Using a kind of “backward thinking” process to
explain why the correct answer was such and resolve the contradiction, she
came up with a new model (in which the original number of blocks is divided
by the denominator) that could later be generalized. In fact, in the next task,
which was to compare the two fractions for increasing the area of the swings,
she used her newly constructed model to come up with a correct response
immediately. The form of her explanation of how the correct answer was
derived indicates that the previous action of correcting the slide has become
fluent, turning into an operation. So, as the red bird finished telling the rule
(which required increasing the swings area, now consisting of twelve blocks,
by one third or one fourth, whichever gives more blocks), Cherry started
61. Cherry: One, two, three, four... [counting the blocks of the swings] ...twelve.
So did she [the red bird] say one fourth?
62. Observer: She said one third or one fourth, whichever gives you more
63. Cherry: One third [with certainty].
64. Observer: How many blocks does that give you?
65. Cherry: Four.
66. Observer: So how did you find that?
67. Cherry: Twelve divided by three.
68. Observer: And how much does one fourth give you?
69. Cherry: One fourth... three...
70. Observer: Ok, so between the two which gives you more blocks?
71. Cherry: One third... yeah.
As the orientation phase is clear right away, the observer continues by asking
about the execution phase. When the robot has finally placed all four blocks
and is ready to click on the red button, Cherry is asked if she thinks what the
robot had done was right. She responded yes with certainty and her response
was confirmed by the appearance of the swings. According to Kuuti, this kind
of action-operation dynamic is a fundamentally typical feature of human
development. For an individual to become more skilled in something,
operations must be developed so that someone’s scope of actions can become
broader as the execution itself becomes more fluent []. The question posed by
this research is whether the interactive properties of a VE, e.g. cues and
system feedback, can enable this transformation from conscious actions into
operations, where planning and problem solving will have faded from the
In summary, the examples presented above reinforce our view that some
decisions were made intuitively, supported by the visual cues provided by the
environment (the shape of each area and the surrounding space), and the
feedback mechanisms programmed into the system. These cues and feedback
aided some children at solving the learning problems, suggesting that their
intuitive action may be closely linked to the form of the representation of the
problems and, consequently, the value of VR over formal, abstract instruction
as a way of supporting learning.
During the first sets of studies (the exploratory studies concerning column
construction and the pilot studies with the Virtual Playground), a number of
methodological and practical issues emerged related to the challenges of
designing and evaluating technology for and with children. For the main
studies, the focus was to capture behavioral and conceptual change, which can
lead to indications of learning triggered by interactive activity in the virtual
environment. To identify this change a number of measures were taken.
Different conditions resulted in a between-groups design, attempting to cover
the different combinations of activity, interactivity and immersion. Then,
multiple different methods of testing were designed, ranging from the
quantifiable pre- and post- questionnaires to the more qualitative observations
and interviews. This was to ensure that the data collected would result in a
wealth of information, which we could meaningfully combine and analyze.
The quantitative analysis did not provide evidence that interaction has any
effect on children’s ability to learn fractions. On the other hand, the
qualitative analysis seemed to be more appropriate at describing the richness
of interaction between the multiple factors that came into play in this study.
The use of an analytical framework such as Activity Theory provided the lens
through which we were able to identify the critical incidents and internal
contradictions - conflicts that required further attention as possible indications
of conceptual change. Hence, some generalizations emerged from the analysis
of the different cases, especially when examining each child’s activity and
reaction to individual problems. Within each case, we identified the
individual sections, or instances, where interesting contradictions occurred,
and related these to the other measures (scores on the tests and especially
recall of activity during interview discussions). The examples that were
presented here seem to suggest that the actions based on the implicit cues
(getting the shape of the area right, for instance) or on the feedback provided
by the virtual environment (taking into account the restrictions in placing the
blocks on certain tiles) helped most students complete the tasks successfully.
However, there was no evidence that successful problem solving in the
interactive VR condition resulted in their understanding of the underlying
concept, nor did it demonstrate proof of conceptual change on a deep level. If
anything, it was the passive VR condition that proved to be surprisingly
interesting in that it fostered a certain kind of reflective process on the part of
the student (e.g., as shown from Cherry’s interaction). All of the children who
participated in the passive VR condition enjoyed watching and verbally
directing the robot in performing the tasks. After completion of each task, the
student was prompted by the observer to explain what the robot had done and
why. For the children that had difficulties with the tasks, the robot seemed to
take on the role of a more able peer, essentially demonstrating the correct
answer. In this sense, the passive VR condition provided, implicitly, a guided
form of experience, where the learner embarked in a process of reflective
observation (watching others or developing observation about own experience
[]). The robot acted as an additional level of mediation which seemed to
support the children’s reflective thought, the ability to step back and consider
a situation critically and analytically, with growing awareness of their own
learning process. This finding agrees with the Vygotskian view that learning
environments should involve guided interaction, permitting children to reflect
on inconsistency and to change their conceptions []. It also suggests that
perhaps a learning environment that combines guided activity with an
enhanced prompting mechanism on behalf of the system may be more
effective in fostering a reflective process that can lead to conceptual change.
On the other hand, a fully interactive environment such as the one provided
for the IVR condition in this study, although beneficial in problem solving,
may be lacking the necessary support to scaffold conceptual learning.
The examples presented here represent a very small view of the data that has
been collected and the subsequent issues that emerge. A host of factors can
influence learning, especially in sensory rich environments such as immersive
virtual environments. Thus, further work is required before we can explain the
elements that comprise the complex relationship between the learner, the tool
(VE) and the learning objective, and derive more precise evidence of
cognitive outcomes. Nevertheless, as the potential of immersive virtual reality
for conceptual learning remains high and its deployment in public spaces
continues to increase, study must continue if we are to acquire a deeper
understanding of what constitutes learning within virtual environments.
The authors wish to thank all the children that participated in the studies and their parents, as
well as the educators and researchers that volunteered to help with the design of the learning
content, the long recruitment process, and the validation of observations and interpretations.
Special thanks are due to Maria Mplouna, mathematics teacher, for the time, enthusiasm, and
expertise that she has offered to this project and to Alexandre Mangon-Olivier, Dimitris
Christopoulos, and George Drettakis for modeling, animation and technical guidance
concerning the implementation of the virtual environment. The studies for this research have
been approved by the UCL Committee on the Ethics of Non-NHS Human Research, Study
No. 0171/001.
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... During the initial investigation of the literature in 2018 when this study commenced, it was found that the focus of education was shifting, with learning in the 21st century becoming increasingly characterised by a large number of non-recurrent skills that have to be applied flexibly to novel situations (Bossard et al., 2008;Guàrdia et al., 2017;National Research Council, 2012;Spector et al., 2016;van Gog et al., 2008). Therefore, the proposal was that assessment should move away from the current linear model, which focuses on content and is isolated from real-life situations, towards authentic, real-world assessment that enables learners to experience problem-solving in a safe virtual environment (Andrews, 2002;Guàrdia et al., 2017;Heady, 2000;Idrissi et al., 2017;Roussou et al., 2006;Spector et al., 2016). The COVID-19 pandemic changed education in an unprecedented manner, resulting in a shift to online classrooms (UNESCO, 2020). ...
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Science educators need tools to assess to what extent learners’ knowledge can be transferred to novel real-world situations. Virtual reality learning environments (VRLEs) offer the possibility of creating authentic tools where situated learning and assessment can take place, but there is a lack of evidence-based guidelines to inform the design and development of the VRLEs focussing on the user, that is the learner experience, especially for secondary schools. Drawing on theoretical premises and guidelines from user experience, usability, and technologically enabled assessment literature, we designed, developed, evaluated, and refined a VRLE prototype for the authentic assessment of knowledge transfer in the secondary school science classroom as guided by the design science research approach. Lessons learnt from the implementation and iterative evaluation of the prototype are presented as a set of literature-based, empirically validated guidelines to support and guide educational designers and developers to create VRLEs focused on supporting the learner experience. The contribution of this study is a VRLE design model with the learner at its core, the definition of VLX to include learner-specific aspects of immersive environments, and guidelines for the development of an effective and efficient virtual reality environment for the assessment of knowledge transfer in science education.
... In this way, the functions of InfoSystems maintain a suitable transfer of knowledge for the purposes of education and training (Psotka, 1995). Since the first overviews of intelligent tutoring and computerbased instruction (Nickerson & Zodhiates, 1988), this technology has broadly defined the ability of a user to perceive and interact with a real-world environment in a 3D simulation, expanding types of interaction and change of the virtual scene (Roussou, 2006). Educational research has shown an increased interest in VR technology because of its ability to simulate real-world conditions and perform effective user modelling (Katsionis & Virvou, 2008). ...
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The relationship between education and urban environments identifies a process of societal impact through levels of exploration and knowledge of the territorial system. It emerges from pedagogical levels linked to the development of spatial knowledge as "vision" and "motricity," finalising education on the use and management of territory and urban space in classes of knowledge. In parallel, the increasing adoption of digital technologies has extended the contamination of digital twins to the existing instruments for territorial management, such as geographic information systems. Their features of representation have increased, and the resulting systems can focus on the opportunity to use virtual territories (cities and landscapes in digital form) as both objects and spaces of education. The chapter focuses on "territo-rial education" to highlight the potentialities of urban infosystems from advancements in digitisation practices, and their interaction with artificial intelligence to support the educational function of digital urban spaces in experience-based and situated learnings.
... Csikszentmihalyi (2014) described the immersion state as people being completely attracted to the activity and throwing themselves into the situation, filtering out all irrelevant perceptions, and entering a state, also known as ''flow experience.'' Interactivity refers to the user's operability of objects in the simulated environment and the degree of natural feedback from the environment (Roussou et al., 2006). These bring a new sensory experience to users, enabling VR to be used in entertainment, medicine, aviation, and many other fields. ...
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This study compares the effects of Spherical Video-Based Virtual Reality (SVVR) and Conventional Video (CV) on students’ writing achievement and motivation. A quasi-experimental method was used in a primary school’s Chinese Descriptive Article Writing courses. Twenty-eight fourth-grade students were randomly divided into two groups. In the SVVR group, students observed the writing scenes using SVVR devices. In the CV group, students watched the writing scenes through conventional video. SPSS software was used for the statistical analysis of the data. The results show that: (1) there is no significant difference ( U = 714, p = .061) in the overall writing achievement between SVVR and CV groups. However, students in the SVVR group performed significantly better in Organization ( U = 693, p = .029) and Content ( U = 609, p = .003) than those in the CV group. (2) Overall writing motivation improved in both SVVR and CV groups. The improvement of writing expectations in the CV group was significantly higher than that of the SVVR group ( t = −2.119, p = .044). Therefore, we suggest that schools: (1) design the integration method of SVVR and writing learning to solve the problem of the gap between students’ immersive situational experience and completing their writing goals. (2) use the immersive and interactive features of SVVR technology to create virtual experience scenes to improve students’ observation and description abilities. (3) add activity clues to guide students to experience SVVR scenes purposefully and plan and transform situational interest into learning ability. (4) further optimize SVVR devices to improve their usability during learning.
... The user is situated and operating in a subjective position in simulation and as a participant they are active with agency and have an intentional relationship with MR environment [22]. Technology mediated experiences bring capabilities whereby the subjectivity of the user is framed in an objective sensorimotor interaction that that is a technological driven experience [23]. ...
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Background: Immersive technology is becoming more widespread in simulation-based medical education with applications that both supplement and replace traditional teaching methods. There is a lack of validated measures that capture user experience to inform of the technology utility. We aimed to establish a consensus of items and domains that different simulation experts would include in a measure for immersive technology use. Methods: A 3-stage modified Delphi using online software was conducted to support the conceptual framework for the proposed measure. The first round was informed by prior work on immersive technology in simulation. In the first round, participants were asked to describe what we could measure in simulation-based education and technology. Thematic analysis generated key themes that were presented to the participants in the second round. Ranking of importance in round 2 was determined by mean rank scores. The final round was an online meeting for final consensus discussion and most important domains by experts were considered. Results: A total of 16 simulation experts participated in the study. A consensus was reached on the ideal measure in immersive technology simulation that would be a user questionnaire and domains of interest would be: what was learnt, the degree of immersion experienced, fidelity provided, debrief, psychological safety and patient safety. No consensus was reached with the barriers that this technology introduces in education. Conclusions: There is varied opinion on what we should prioritise in measuring the experience in simulation practice. Importantly, this study identified key areas that aids our understanding on how we can measure new technology in educational settings. Synthesising these results in to a multidomain instrument requires a systematic approach to testing in future research.
The Virtual Access to STEM Careers (VASC) project is an intertwined classroom and virtual reality (VR) curricular program for third through fourth graders. Elementary school students learn about and take on the roles and responsibilities of STEM occupations through authentic, problem-based tasks with physical kits and immersive VR environments. This article reports on a round of curriculum and virtual environment development and in-classroom experimentation that was guided by preliminary results gathered from our initial VASC prototyping and testing. This specific iteration focuses on curriculum for learning about sea turtles and tasks regularly completed by park rangers and marine biologists who work with these creatures and a new backend data collection component to analyze participant behavior. Our results showed that educators were able to setup and integrate VASC into their classrooms with relative ease. Elementary school students were able to learn how to interface with our system quickly and enjoyed being in the environment, making a positive link to STEM education.
Sanal hareketliliğin yaygın yöntemlerinden biri olan sanal eğitimler alan üniversite öğrencilerinin sayısı günden güne artmaktadır. Bu araştırmada, sanal eğitim etkinliğini değerlendirmek; tercih edilen alanlar, kullanılan araçlar ve sanal öğrenmenin avantaj ve dezavantajlarını tespit etmek amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada, disiplinlerarası benzerlikler ve farklılıkları tespit etmek adına Halkla İlişkiler ve Reklamcılık ve Bilgi-Belge Yönetimi öğrencilerinin yönelimleri ile diğer disiplinlerde eğitim alan öğrencilerin tercihleri de karşılaştırılmıştır. Nicel bir çalışma örneği olan bu araştırmanın örneklemini oluşturan 173 üniversite öğrencisine çevrim içi anket uygulanmış ve veriler SPSS programıyla analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma bulgularına göre, sanal eğitimin tekrar tekrar izlemeye olanak sağlaması, zamandan ve mekândan bağımsız olması en önemli avantajları olarak gösterilmektedir. Sanal eğitimlerin en önemli dezavantajları “sosyalleşmeyi olumsuz etkilemesi ve süreç içerisinde karşılaşılan teknik sorunlar” şeklinde ortaya çıkmıştır. Ayrıca, çalışma kapsamında sanal eğitime ayrılan zaman ve sanal eğitim alanı arasındaki ilişkiye yönelik de önemli bulgular elde edilmiştir. Bu noktada Halkla İlişkiler ve Reklamcılık öğrencileri eğitimlere diğer bölüm öğrencilerine kıyasla daha fazla zaman ayırmaktayken Bilgi-Belge Yönetimi öğrencileri diğer bölümlerle benzer oranda zaman ayırmaktadır. Elde edilen bulgular sonucunda, sanal eğitim sürecinin maksimum fayda ile gerçekleştirilebilmesi için sanal ortamdaki olumsuzlukların giderilmesi bir gereklilik olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Diğer yandan sanal eğitim sürecinde öğreten ve öğrenen kişilerin teknolojik yeterlik ve yetkinliklerinin geliştirilmesi de dikkat edilmesi gereken bir diğer husus olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır.
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The problem and the aim of the study. The effectiveness of learning in elementary schools is still a major problem for teachers and students in learning activities. This is evidenced by the low interest in student learning which has an impact on students' lack of understanding of learning material. Teachers still find it difficult to find learning variations that can generate interest and experience student activities in learning. The authors propose virtual reality (VR) technology as a solution to increase student interest and learning experience in the hope that it can have a positive effect on student learning effectiveness. Research methods. This research was conducted using a quantitative approach with a One Group Pre-test-Post-test design. The sample used in this study was elementary school students at the fifth-grade level. The sample selection was carried out using simple random sampling from a number of fifth grade students who were the research subjects. The specificity of the material that becomes the content in this VR is the subject of «Social Sciences» in elementary schools. The data collection techniques are used using test techniques. The data collection instrument used was a multiple-choice objective test with four answer choices. The data collected through the test instrument was then analysed using a quantitative approach in the form of descriptive statistical analysis and hypothesis testing with the Wilcoxon test. Results. These results indicate that there were no cases (zero cases) that had a negative rank. This means that in this study there were no cases of decreased learning outcomes after implementing VR in learning. Furthermore, it was found that there were 29 cases that had positive ranks. This means that there are 29 subjects who experience an increase in learning outcomes after learning with VR. In addition, two cases of ties were found. This means that there are two subjects who experience fixed learning outcomes (neither increasing nor decreasing) after being given learning with VR. In terms of answering the hypothesis, sig information is used. Based on the results of the analysis obtained sig < 0.001. In conclusion, the findings of this study have proven that there is a significant positive effect of virtual reality technology integration in learning activities. This is evidenced by the significant increase in student learning outcomes. In addition, the test results also proved that there was a significant difference between the two experimental groups. Through the help of VR technology which is strictly controlled by the teacher, students' attention to subject matter can be increased. This also affects students' interest and motivation to be active in learning activities so that all of these triggers have a direct impact on achieving maximum student learning outcomes in learning activities.
This paper explores the affordances of virtual reality (VR) simulations for facilitated model-based reasoning. Thirty-four undergraduate students engaged with simulated scientific models in head-mounted displays and their facilitator in a co-located mixed-presence configuration. We coded the facilitator–participant interactions using the Structure–Behavior–Function framework to examine how the simulation and learning activity supported meaning-making and model-based reasoning. We inductively analyzed the exchanges for key themes relating to how the learner–facilitator pairs interrogated the model. Findings showed that the model’s function was most frequently examined, followed by structure, then behavior. Productive engagement patterns included spontaneously observing the model’s structural components, which at times led to more in-depth student-driven inquiries. Learners attended to components’ behavior in the form of immediate situated feedback while demonstrating their conceptual understanding. A “compare and contrast” pattern through multiple simulated states allowed dyads to elaborate on the model’s function. However, mental workload and prior knowledge were mediating factors. Further, pairs leveraged the simulation environment to access conceptual content. Lastly, predictions about the model’s system dynamics led to shifts between different levels of reasoning through structure, behavior, and function. We discuss affordances that made the VR simulation an effective mediating representation for a facilitator and learner to interrogate complex scientific models together. This work extends the possibility space for embodied learning in VR, addressing a broader range of difficult-to-teach abstract concepts.
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Virtual reality application design is usually guided by a content-driven strategy, which gives priority to the application's content and context. In this paper, we shall describe and study a novel strategy in VR application design that is centered on the design of the user interaction, regardless of the specific content of the application. This is especially useful in creative/artistic applications of VR. We shall present the specific case of an artistic VR application from which this strategy has emerged. This VR experience, El Ball del Fanalet or Lightpools has been successfully presented at the Miró Foundation in Barcelona (Spain).
In this manuscript we describe our introductory astronomy course for undergraduate students in which students use three-dimensional (3-D) modeling tools to model the solar system and, in the process, develop rich understandings of astronomical phenomena. Consistent with our participatory pedagogical framework, it was our intention to establish a context that supported students in carrying out scientific inquiry using virtual models they developed. The progression of our thinking and the course curriculum has been grounded in a series of design experiments, in which we develop entire courses, do research, and cycle what we are learning into the next iteration of the course. In this manuscript, we use field notes, portions of case studies, interview data, artifact analysis, and excerpts from previous manuscripts to situate the reader in the actual happenings of the course. Focusing primarily on the dynamics of the earth-moon-sun system, we illustrate the modeling process and how learning evolved in this context. In general, we found that 3-D modeling can be used effectively in regular undergraduate university courses as a tool through which students can develop rich understandings of various astronomical phenomena. Additionally, we found the design experiment approach to be a useful strategy for supporting course design that was both theoretically and empirically grounded.
Virtual environments show great promise in the area of training. ALthough such synthetic environments project homeomorphic physical representations of real- world layouts, it is not known how individuals develop models to match such environments. To evaluate this process, the present experiment examined the accuracy of triadic representations of objects having learned them previously under different conditions. The layout consisted of four different colored spheres arranged on a flat plane. These objects could be viewed in either a free navigation virtual environment condition (NAV) or a single body position virtual environment condition. The first condition allowed active exploration of the environment while the latter condition allowed the participant only a passive opportunity to observe form a single viewpoint. These viewing conditions were a between-subject variable with ten participants randomly assigned to each condition. Performance was assessed by the response latency to judge the accuracy of a layout of three objects over different rotations. Results showed linear increases in response latency as the rotation angle increased from the initial perspective in SBP condition. The NAV condition did not show a similar effect of rotation angle. These results suggest that the spatial knowledge acquisition from virtual environments through navigation is similar to actual navigation.
Twenty-six undergraduates were randomly assigned to either an immersive virtual environment or an equivalent "desktop" version, which simulated water movement and salinity in the ocean. Following strategies known to support conceptual change, they sought the best location for a discharge pipe that would disperse treated sewage as effectively as possible in the water. Analysis of overall posttest scores and scores on subtests of knowledge about tides, water movement and salinity, showed that immersed students learned more than non-immersed students, but that this difference was confined to knowledge of water movement. Immersed students also reported being "present" in the environment to a greater degree than non-immersed students, and presence predicted learning. Analysis of videotapes of four of the students showed the emergence of new concepts and the evolution of new principles, and that immersed students took longer to complete the task and said more while doing so. These findings suggest that immersion in a virtual environment helps students construct understanding of dynamic three-dimensional processes, but not of processes that can be represented statically in two dimensions for which "desktop" simulations suffice.