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Relationships among pansies ( Viola section Melanium) investigated using ITS and ISSR markers

  • Guilhem Mansion

Abstract and Figures

Sequences of the nuclear region ITS and the variable molecular markers ISSR were used to estimate the phylogeny of the section Melanium of the genus Viola. We confirm that the so-called pansies form a derived and monophyletic group. Two floral characters, the upturned side petals and the large size of pollen grains appear to be synapomorphies in Melanium. The Melanium species are very closely related, as shown by the reduced genetic variation compared to the other sections of Viola. Our analyses suggest x=5 or x=7 as the possible base chromosome number of the section Melanium. Polyploidy and hybridization would have played an important role in the evolutionary history of this clade resulting in a wide range of chromosome number. The low genetic differentiation and the complex cytological evolution suggest that diversification in Melanium is the result of a reticulate evolution and rapid radiation in Europe and Northern Africa.
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Relationships among pansies (Viola section Melanium)
investigated using ITS and ISSR markers
R. Yockteng
, H. E. Ballard
Jr, G. Mansion
, I. Dajoz
, and S. Nadot
Laboratoire Ecologie, Syste
matique et Evolution, Universite
Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
Department of Environmental and Plant Biology, Por ter Hall, Ohio University, Athens, OH, USA
Institute of Botany, University of Neuchaˆ tel, Neuchaˆ tel
Laboratoire Ecologie, Ecole Normale Supe
rieure, Paris, France
Received October 28, 2002; accepted June 11, 2003
Published online: November 4, 2003
Springer-Verlag 2003
Abstract. Sequences of the nuclear region ITS and
the variable molecular markers ISSR were used to
estimate the phylogeny of the section Melanium of
the genus Viola. We confirm that the so-called
pansies form a derived and monophyletic group.
Two floral characters, the upturned side petals and
the large size of pollen grains appear to be synapo-
morphies in Melanium. The Melanium species are
very closely related, as shown by the reduced genetic
variation compared to the other section s of Viola.
Our analyses suggest x ¼5orx¼7 as the possible
base chromosome number of the section Melanium.
Polyploidy and hybridization would have played an
important role in the evolutionary history of this
clade resulting in a wide range of chromosome
number. The low genetic differentiation and the
complex cytological evolution suggest that
diversification in Melanium is the result of a reticu-
late evolution and rapid radiation in Europe and
Northern Africa.
Key words: Viola, phylogeny, ISSR, ITS, chromo-
some numbers, rapid radiation.
Viola L. is the largest genus of the Violaceae
family, with 525–600 species (Clausen 1964,
Ballard 1996), distributed throughout most
frost-free regions of the world. The genus
probably arose in South America but most
centers of morphological and taxonomic diver-
sity occur in the Northern Hemisphere.
Numerous taxonomic studies on particular
species complexes have been published over
the 20th century based largely on morphology
(Becker 1925) and chromosome numbers
(Clausen 1927, 1929). A recent molecular
phylogenetic analysis (Ballard 1996, Ballard
et al. 1999) has clarified the composition and
relationships of the main groups and reevalu-
ated the placement of controversial
Section Melanium Ging., which includes
the so-called pansies, is derived and probably
monophyletic. It is a morphologically well-
defined group of about 80–100 species (Bal-
lard 1996). Most species are herbaceous,
caulescent, with frontally flattened flowers, a
yellow throat, big divided leaf-like stipules as
well as entire stipules and a well-developed
spur of variable length among species. The
side petals are upturned (downturned in the
other sections) and the bottom petal is
Plant Syst. Evol. 241: 153–170 (2003)
DOI 10.1007/s00606-003-0045-7
enlarged, serving probably as a landing plat-
form for insect pollinators. The style has a
characteristic capitate or globose shape with a
stigmatic orifice on a ventral rostellum. Cleis-
togamy has not been reported for members of
this section (Knuth 1908, Herrera 1993)
although it occurs in most species in the rest
of the genus. The geographical distribution
spans Europe and westernmost Asia. A few
species are found in Northern Africa and one
species is disjunct and probably native in
North America (Clausen et al. 1964). The
composition of section Melanium varies
according to authors. Ballard (1996) hypoth-
esizes that the woody sections Xylinosium and
Delphiniopsis may have arisen from within
Melanium. The woody stems, linear leaves
and long spurred flowers, adapted to hawk
moth pollination in the three Delphiniopsis
species, have been traditionally interpreted as
primitive characters by some taxonomists
(Beattie 1974) However, these are readily
argued to represent instead evolutionary spe-
cializations, as are the woody stems of the
four Xylinosium species in the Fynbos and
Mediterranean regions. Both sections have
the frontally flattened flowers with a yellow
corolla throat, which characterize the section
Melanium, and share cytological features with
different groups of this section (Ballard 1996).
If this most recent viewpoint is maintained,
section Melanium is composed of three
groups: Elongatae, Delphiniopsis and Xylino-
Cytological diversity is a striking feature of
this section. Whereas the base chromosome
number is relatively stable in the rest of the
genus (x ¼12, x ¼10 or x ¼6), it is extremely
diverse in the section Melanium where it ranges
from x ¼5tox¼17, with polyploid series
based on most of them (Ballard 1996, Erben
1996). Erben (1996) proposes x ¼11 as the
original base number, while Ballard has sug-
gested either x ¼5, x ¼6orx¼10 based on the
molecular phylogenetic relationships of the
whole clade containing Melanium and its
nearest sister groups (Ballard et al. 1999)
Determination of which hypothesis is correct
would depend on a robust phylogeny for
Melanium species themselves and placement
of certain ploidy levels within that phylogeny.
Intra-specific variation of chromosome num-
ber has been reported (Ku
pfer 1971).
Hybridization is common throughout the
genus and often leads to fertile derivatives
(Stebbins et al. 1963, Ballard 1996, Erben
1996, Ko et al. 1998, Neuffer et al. 1999) in
spite of ploidy differences. Many species from
the section Melanium are believed to originate
from hybridization events (Clausen 1927,
pfer 1971, Erben 1996), which suggests
potentially close relationships among species.
One can wonder to what extent hybridization
has driven the expansion of the section. Could
hybridization combined with allopolyploidy
and aneuploidy account for the high diversity
in chromosome numbers? Reconstructing the
cytological history of such a group, with a
putatively reticulate evolution, is a challenge.
A few attempts, based on chromosome num-
bers, have been made in the past (Clausen
1927, Ku
pfer 1971), but there is no compre-
hensive study of the section. The increasing
sophistication of molecular markers offers the
possibility to investigate the phylogenetic rela-
tionships of closely related species (Small et al.
1998, Wolfe and Randle 2001), to detect the
hybrid origin of species (Mes et al. 1997,
Morrell and Rieseberg 1998, Sang and Zhang
1999) and reticulate evolution (Rieseberg 1991,
Sang et al. 1995) and to ultimately place
cytogenetic evolution within a broader, inde-
pendently derived context.
In this paper, we present a molecular
phylogeny of the section Melanium. Two kinds
of markers have been used for this purpose:
Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) nuclear
DNA sequences, which are routinely used for
resolving phylogenetic relationships within
genera (Yuan 1996, Compton et al. 1998,
Torrell et al. 1999, Blattner et al. 2001), and
Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers,
which have been used for assessing intraspe-
cific as well as interspecific genetic diversity
and potential hybridization (Salimath et al.
1995, Fang et al. 1998, Ge and Sun 1999, Joshi
154 R. Yockteng et al.: Phylogeny of pansies using molecular markers
et al. 2000, Martin and Sa
lamo 2000,
Wolfe and Randle 2001). The phylogenetic
position of species belonging to the groups
Xylinosium and Delphiniopsis is examined, and
we propose scenarios for cytological evolution
in the section Melanium.
Materials and methods
Plant material and DNA isolation. Table 1 lists the
46 species studied and their taxonomic position
according to Ballard et al. (1999). Section Melani-
um Ging. is represented by 25 species of 80–100 and
sections Delphiniopsis and Xylinosium by 4 species;
the rest of the species are used as outgroups to root
the trees. The 25 Melanium species used in the
study were selected to represent the geographic
range of pansies. However, the number species
included was limited by the accessibility to the
plant material. A handful of species could not be
amplified successfully for both approaches, but
most taxa yielded data for both ITS sequences and
ISSR markers. Specimens were obtained either in
the field, from botanical gardens or from the
herbarium of the University of Neuchaˆ tel. Voucher
specimens are deposited at University of Neuchaˆ tel.
Total DNA was extracted from either fresh or dried
leaves, using the Dneasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen)
according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
ITS sequenc ing. The ITS1 and ITS 2 regions
were amplified simultaneously using universal
GC 3 ¢, respectively). PCR reactions were per-
formed in a total volume of 50 ll containing 2 ll
DNA, 0.32 lM of each primer, 140 lM dNTPs,
2.5 mM MgCl
and 1U Taq Polymerase (Promega,
Madison, WI), in 1X buffer A (Promega, Madison,
WI). We used a PTC-100 Thermal cycler (MJ-
Research, Inc.) or, for some ITS sequences, a
Perkin Elmer 2400 model, programmed for an
initial step of 3 min at 94 C, followed by 35 cycles
of 40 s at 94 C, 50 s at 50–55 C, 1.5 min at 72 C
and a final step of 5 min at 72 C. PCR products
were visualized on a 2% agarose gel, purified using
the QIAquick PCR purification kit (Qiagen) or the
Promega Wizard PCR Preps kit and sequenced on
both strands with the DNA sequencing Big Dye
terminator kit (ABI Prism). Cycle sequencing
products were run on an ABI Prism 3700 DNA
Analyzer automated sequencer or a 310 capillary
sequencer (PE Biosystems, Foster City, California,
USA). Sequences were deposited in GenBank.
ISSR. The seven primers employed wer e
based on SSR motifs ((CA)
-GC, (CT)
-TG, (CA)
-AC, (CT)
-GC, (CA)
-AG and
-GT) reported for flowering plants (Wolfe
et al. 1998, Esselman et al. 1999). Reactions con-
sisted of 1X Taq DNA polymerase buffer, 0.2 mM
of each dNTP, 3 mM MgCl
, 1.3 lM primer, 2%
Formamide, 1 ll DNA and 1U Taq DNA poly-
merase (Promega Corp.) in a total volume of 15 ll.
Amplifications were performed in a PTC-100
thermal cycler (MJ Research, Inc.) using the
following temperature profile: 90 s at 94 C, 35
cycles [40 s at 94 C, 45 s at 44 C and 90 s at
72 C] followed by 45 s at 94 C, 45 s at 44 C and
5 min at 72 C. Amplification products were
visualized on 1.5% agarose gels stained with
ethidium bromide and photographed under UV
light. Band sizes were estimated with the 200–
10,000 bp Ladder and the 100–1000 bp Ladder
(Smart Ladder, Eurogentec, Belgium).
Data analys es. ITS Sequences were aligned
using Clustal X (Thompson et al. 1997) with final
corrections made manually. The 5.8S coding region
was excluded from the alignment. Phylogenetic
analyses were performed with PAUP 4.0b8a*
(Swofford 2001). Indel regions were scored as
additional characters using Gapcoder (Young and
Healy 2002). Maximum Parsimony analysis (MP)
was performed using the heuristic search algorithm,
with the MULTREES option on, TBR branch
swapping, and 1000 replicates with random addi-
tion saving 100 trees per replicate. Bootstrapping
(100 replicates) was done using the previous
parameters. Jukes-Cantor pairwise distances were
used for distance analysis with the Neighbor
Joining (NJ) method. Maxim um Likelihood anal-
ysis was performed using the heuristic search
algorithm with TBR branch swapping, 10 replicates
with random addition option and the following
model of evolution: TIM+G, alpha shape param-
eter equal to 1.3044, estimated using Modeltest
version 3.06 (Posada 2001).
The DNA fragments obtained using the ISSR
primers were scored as present (1) or absent (0).
Only fragments with a strong and clear signal were
scored. Bands of identical size were assumed
homologous across species sampled in this study.
The 0/1 matrix was used to calculate a similarity
R. Yockteng et al.: Phylogeny of pansies using molecular markers 155
Table 1. List of species included in this study. Taxonomic classification and haploid chromosome number are given. Voucher data include
primary collector or herbarium voucher are deposited. GenBank numbers are included. Extractions from herbarium material are indicated by an
Sections Species Species Distribution n Ref. Voucher GenBank
Viola aetolica Boiss.
& Heldr.
Greece, Albany,
8 1 HR1 AY148225,
Viola alpina Jacq. NE Alps, Carpaths
11 2 SN-0007 AY148245
Viola arvensis Murr. Europe 17 2 SN-0003 AY148226,
Viola bertolonii De Salis Corsica 20 2 HR3 AY148227,
Viola calcarata L. Alps, Balkans (Europe) 20 2, 4 SN-0005 AY148229,
Viola cheiranthifolia
Humb. & Bonpl.
Canary Isl. Tenerife circa 32
Viola comollia Messara* S Alps (Italy) 11 3 HIB 25831 AY148232,
Viola cornuta L.* Pyre
es (S Europe) 11 2, 4 HIB 03064
Viola corsica Nyman Corsica, Sardinia 60, 26 2, 3 HR5
Viola dyris Maire* Morocco 10, 11 2, 6 HIB 03336
Viola eugeniae Parl. Appenines (Italy) 17
2 HR7 AY148233,
Viola gracilis Sibth. & Sm. Greece 10
17 SN-0004 AY148234,
Viola kitaibeliana
Roem. & Schultes
Europe, Asia, USA 7, 8, 12, 18, 24 2 SN-0008 AY148235,
Viola lutea Hudson* CE Europe, S-Pyrenees 24 2, 4 HIB 03032 AY148236,
Viola magellensis Porta
& Rigo ex Strobl.
Appenines, Greece,
11 2 HIB? AY148237,
Viola minuta Bieb.* Caucase ? HIB 03456
Viola montcaunica Pau* Spain 11 7 HIB 03024
Viola argenteria B. Moraldo
& G.Forneris*
Alps, Corsica (Europe) 7
3 HIB 03038
156 R. Yockteng et al.: Phylogeny of pansies using molecular markers
Table 1 (continued)
Viola oreades Bieb.* Anatolia, Caucas, Crimea ? HIB 03026
Viola palmensis Webb
& Berth.
Canary Isl. La Palma ? HR8 AY148239,
Viola parvula Tineo* S Europe, Syria 5 2.8 HIB 03025 AY148240,
Viola perinensis W. Becker Greece, Bulgaria
10, 11 2, 1 HR9
Viola stojanowii W. Becker Greece, Bulgaria
13 1 SN-0001
Viola tricolor L. Europe, North America 13 2, 4 SN-0010 AY148243,
Viola valderia All. Alps 10 2, 4 HIB 03056 AY148244,
Viola arborescens L. Mediterranean region 26 3 KEW 316-
74.02529 -
Viola saxifraga Maire Marocco 26 4 HR10
Viola decumbens L.f. South Africa
Viola cazorlensis Gand. Spain 10 4, 5 SN-0006 AY148230,
Viola I
Viola rotundifolia Michx. N America 6 Ballard et al.
Viola II
Viola blanda Brainerd N America 22 14.15 Ballard et al.
Viola jalapaensis W. Becker Mexico Ballard et al.
Viola pinnata L. Eurasia, N America 24 3 Ballard et al.
R. Yockteng et al.: Phylogeny of pansies using molecular markers 157
Table 1 (continued)
Sections Species Species Distribution n Ref. Voucher GenBank
Viola III
Viola odorata L. C Europe,
S and N America,
10 2 SN-0002 AY148238,
Viola reichenbachiana
Jordan ex Boreau
Europe W-Asia,
Middle East,
North Africa
10 AF097248,
Viola riviniana Reichb. Europe, Mediterranean
region, Middle East
20 SN-0009 AY148242,
Viola biflora L.* Boreal and Temperate
6 2 HIB 03068 AY148228,
Chamaemelanium I
Viola barroetana Hemsley Mexico Ballard et al.
Viola pubescens Aiton N America 6 13 Ballard et al.
Viola purpurea Kellog N America,
Baja California
6 11 Ballard et al.
Viola sheltonii Torr. N America 6 11 Ballard et al.
Viola vallicola A. Nelson N America,
Baja California
6 16 Ballard et al.
Chamaemelanium II
Viola cuneata S. Watson N America,
N Mexico
Ballard et al.
Viola flagelliformis Hemsley Mexico 6 13 Ballard et al.
158 R. Yockteng et al.: Phylogeny of pansies using molecular markers
matrix using the Dice coefficient (Salimath et al.
1995). A phenogram was constructed with UP-
GMA using NTSYS 1.8 (Rohlf 1999). An analysis
of maxi mum parsimony was also done with a
heuristic search using PAUP 4.0b8a (Swofford
2001). Robustness of the UPGMA and Maximum
Parsimony trees was evaluated by a bootstrap
analysis. Principal coordinates analysis (PCoA)
was used to find relationships between ISSR
markers and specimens without a priori division
of the samples into discrete groups (Wiley 1981).
PCoA was conducted under MatLab (version 5,
The Math Works Inc.) using a Dice dist ance matrix
(1 Dice similarity coefficient).
We traced the distribution of haploid chromo-
some number on the Neighbor Joining ITS tree and
the consensus ISSR cladogram (MP) using Mac
Clade (Maddison and Maddison 1992).
ITS. The alignment of ITS1 and ITS2 se-
quences consisted of 510 positions (ITS1: 293
positions and ITS2: 217 positions). 127 indels
were coded as additional characters. This
alignment included the sequences from 20
individuals from the section Melanium (repre-
senting 17 species), from 19 species represent-
ing the other sections of the genus and from
Hybanthus concolor (Violaceae), used as an
outgroup (Table 1). 227 sites were parsimony
informative (35.5%). The parsimony informa-
tive positions were reduced to 14 when only
species from section Melanium were included,
revealing highly reduced genetic divergence
within the pansies.
The heuristic search generated 8300 most
parsimonious trees of 875 steps with a consis-
tency index of 0.644 and a retention index of
0.752, indicating a moderate level of homo-
plasy. The strict consensus tree resulted in a
largely unresolved polytomy for the pansies,
but their monophyletic origin is supported
with a 100% bootstrap value (Fig. 1). The
species representing the sections Delphiniopsis
and Xylinosium are located apart from the
Melanium species. Viola cazorlensis (section
Delphiniopsis) appears as sister group to Mel-
anium in all analyses, although this relation-
Table 1 (continued)
Viola scandens Willd.
Ex Roem. & Schult.
Mesoamerica, West Indies,
S America
27 12 Ballard et al.
Greece, Albany,
Viola reichei Skottsberg Chili, Argentina Ballard et al.
Hybanthus concolor
(T. F. Forst.) Spreng.
N America Ballard et al.
1: (Erben 1985); 2: (Bolkhovskikh et al. 1969); 3: (Merxmu
ller and Lippert 1977); 4: (Clausen 1927); 5: (Ku
pfer 1972); 6: (Favarger et al. 1979);
7: (Merxmu
ller 1974); 8: (Schmidt 1962); 9: (Galland 1985); 10: (Strid 1996); 11: (Clausen 1964); 12: (Damboldt and Phitos 1971); 13: (Clausen
1929); 14: (Gershoy 1932); 15: (Canne 1987); 16: (Davidse 1976); 17: (Tutin et al. 1968)
HR: Collection Heinz Rehfeld, D.-Erxleben Str.9 06484 Quedlinburg, Germany; RBGE: Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, UK ; KEW: Royal
Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK; HIB: Herbarium of Institute of Botany, University of Neuchaˆ tel, Switzerland; SN: New samples deposited in the
HIB; Ballard et al. 1999: Data used from Ballard et al. (1999)
R. Yockteng et al.: Phylogeny of pansies using molecular markers 159
Fig. 1. Strict consensus tree of 8300 most parsimonious trees resulting from a heuristic search with TBR,
random addition sequence (nreps ¼1000) and MulTrees ON, based on a data set of ITS sequen ces. Bootstrap
values higher than 50% are indicated above branches. Sections are according to (Ballard et al. 1999)
160 R. Yockteng et al.: Phylogeny of pansies using molecular markers
ship is only moderately supported in the
Maximum Parsimony tree (bootstrap value of
62%). In both distance (NJ) and Maximum
Likelihood analyses (not shown), Xylinosium is
sister group to a clade comprising Melanium,
Delphiniopsis and Viola.
The level of ITS sequence divergence with-
in section Melanium was estimated using
uncorrected pairwise distance and compared
to other sections of Viola. Significantly lower
values were found for the pansy group (mean
value = 0.023) compared to related sections
(0.032 to 0.092) and subsections (0.051 to
0.068) (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, p < 0.01 in
SAS System).
ISSR. ISSR data from 7 primers were
obtained for 32 species (3 from section Viola,1
from sections Dischidium and Delphiniopsis,2
from section Xylinosium and 25 from section
Melanium). Species from sections other than
Melanium were used as outgroups. We selected
primers that displayed interspecific variation
but no or little intraspecific variation.
A total of 177 polymorphic fragments
ranging from 230 to 1556 bp were scored. We
scored 27 bands for the primer (CA)
-GC, 15
bands for (CT)
-AC, 20 bands for (CT)
33 bands for (CA)
-AC, 24 bands for (CT)
GC, 33 bands for (CA)
-AG and 25 bands for
-GT. 84% of the 177 characters con-
sisted of bands shared by at least two species,
and were therefore parsimony informative.
sixty-six bands were found exclusively in spe-
cies belonging to Melanium and were therefore
autapomorphies of this section, although none
of the bands were shared by all 25 pansies. The
smallest pairwise similarities were found
among outgroups, ranging between 0 and
0.355. Values ranged between 0.127 and
0.759 among pansies, the highest similarity
being between V. cheiranthifolia and V. palm-
ensis, from the Canary Islands. Whatever
method was used for phylogenetic inference,
MP (Fig. 2) or distance (not shown), all species
belonging to Melanium were clustered together
and all the species chosen as outgroups were
basal to Melanium. Viola arborescens and
V. saxifraga were grouped together, according
to their placement in section Xylinosium (Gal-
land 1998) Within Melanium, the tree topology
shows a basal group of 5 species including V.
parvula, confirming the result obtained with
the ITS sequence data for this species (Fig. 1).
The rest of the species are distributed in three
main cluster. One regroups 4 species widely
distributed in Europe (V. arvensis, V. lutea, V.
cornuta and V. tricolor). Another cluster
regroups 7 more narrowly endemic species
(V. stojanowii, V. bertolonii, V. corsica, V.
calcarata, V. perinensis, V. cheiranthifolia and
V. palmensis) found in Southern Europe or the
Canary Islands. The position of V. aetolica, V.
eugeniae, V. gracilis and V. alpina varies
between distance and MP analyses. The prin-
cipal coordinates analysis (Fig. 3) supports the
inclusion of these 4 species in the two cluster
above mentioned, as found in the MP analysis.
Viola kitaibeliana has an intermediate position
between this group and the more basal species.
Chromosome numbers. Chromosome
number evolution was reconstructed with
MacClade using the MP tree based on ISSR
data (Fig. 4). It gives x ¼7 as a hypothetical
base chromosome numbers for the section
Melanium. Reconstruction using the NJ tree
based on ITS data gives x ¼5. The number
x ¼11 appears to be the ancestral state for the
most derived groups of Melanium, which
display the highest diversity of chromosome
For sorting out phylogenetic relationships in a
group of closely related plants, the most widely
used markers are ITS and non-coding chloro-
plast regions such as trnL-F (Gielly and
Taberlet 1994, Gielly et al. 1996, Johansson
1998, Fukuda et al. 2001). As a database of
ITS sequences of Viola species was already
available, we chose to start our investigation of
phylogenetic relationships in section Melanium
using ITS sequences, in the hope of finding
phylogenetic structure in the section and
identifying clusters of species. Based on our
results, section Melanium, which consists of all
R. Yockteng et al.: Phylogeny of pansies using molecular markers 161
the species considered as ‘‘pansies’’, is clearly
monophyletic, as shown by the strong boot-
strap support. It confirms that the orientation
of lateral petals, used as a criterion for
distinguishing between pansies and violets, is
a synapomorphy of pansies. This particular
shape of flower is encountered in only one
other complex species of violets, the circum-
boreal V. biflora species complex. ITS
sequence data confirm morphological classifi-
Fig. 2. Strict consensus of 4 trees resulting from a heuristic search based on ISSR data from 25 Melanium
species and 7 outgroup species. Bootstrap values higher than 50% are indicated above branches. Sections in
bold are according to Ballard et al. (1999), divisions following species names are according to Melchior (1960)
162 R. Yockteng et al.: Phylogeny of pansies using molecular markers
cations, which consider this feature as a
convergence: this species is placed in section
Dischidium, not directly related to section
Melanium (Fig. 1). Another morphological
synapomorphy of pansies is the size of pollen
grains, which was measured for a sample of the
species included in this study. Pollen grains are
significantly larger in section Melanium than in
outgroups (mean length 56 lm within Melani-
um,33lm for outgroups; T test p < 0.01). It
can be noted that the size of pollen in sections
Xylinosium and Delphiniopsis is not signifi-
cantly different from the size of pollen in the
other outgroups which confirms the distinction
between section Melanium and sections Xyli-
nosium and Delphiniopsis.
However, the alignment of ITS1+ITS2
sequences revealed very little variation among
pansy species. The number of nucleotide
differences between species ranges from 0 to
16 (0 to 4.3%). In fact, intraspecific variation
evaluated by the sequences of two individuals
for V. lutea (3 differences), V. arvensis (2
differences) and V. calcarata (6 differences),
was comparable to interspecific variation. The
large polytomy observed in the tree presented
in Fig. 2 shows a complete lack of resolution.
Consequently, whereas ITS sequence data
proved useful to clarify relationships among
sections (Compton et al. 1998, Esselman et al.
1999, Torrell et al. 1999, Bell and Patterson
2000), it clearly offers no help within section
Melanium. Chloroplast regions are now used
routinely for infrageneric phylogenetic studies
(Gielly and Taberlet 1994, Gielly et al. 1996,
Johansson 1998, Wang et al. 1999). The
Fig. 3. Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA) plot basedonISSRdata.Thetwoprincipalcoordinates
account for an accumulate variation of 21.2%. Chromosome numbers (n) are indicated
R. Yockteng et al.: Phylogeny of pansies using molecular markers 163
Fig. 4. Reconstruction of the evolution of chromosomal number using Equivocal Cycling option of MacClade
3.08 (Maddison and Maddison 1992), using the ISSR MP tree. First of 684 most parsimonious reconstructions.
Branch numbers are haploid (meiotic) chromosome numbers, whereas those in parentheses following species
names are diploid (sporophytic) numbers
164 R. Yockteng et al.: Phylogeny of pansies using molecular markers
potential variability of the chloroplast ge-
nome within Melanium was evaluated by
using the PCR-RFLP technique. Two regions,
rpoC1 and trnH-trnK, were amplified and
digested with an array of 4-base and 6-base
cutting enzymes (data not shown). No varia-
tion at all was detected among pansies,
indicating a high degree of sequence identity.
Instead of sequencing very long regions, with
limited chances to find variation, our choice
was to use ISSR markers. These markers have
a level of variability similar to or greater than
that of RAPDs, but do not generally suffer as
much from the problem of reproducibility.
They have been used mostly for assessing
genetic diversity among populations (Essel-
man et al. 1999, Gilbert et al. 1999, Camacho
and Liston 2001) but they have also been
used successfully for studying phylogenetic
relationships and potential hybridization and
introgression among closely related species
(Fang et al. 1998, Joshi et al. 2000, Wolfe and
Randle 2001).
Although most nodes on the distance or
the MP trees (Fig. 2) are not supported by
high bootstrap values, it can be noted that the
general clustering pattern of species is similar
in both trees and in the PCoA (Fig. 3). None
of the classifications of the section proposed
previously are in agreement with our results
(Drabble 1909, Shishkin 1949, Melchior 1960),
suggesting a high level of homoplasy in mor-
phological distinctions of subsections. Melani-
um was divided in two groups by Melchior
(1960): Scaposae (absence of above-ground
stem) and Elongatae (presence of above-
ground stem), the latter being subdivided again
in Integrifoliae (entire leaves) and Crenatifoliae
(crenate leaves). Our tree (Fig. 2) does not
support this classification. Most pansies have
crenate leaves and the few species with entire
leaves have evolved independently. The only
species representing the group Scaposae,
V. alpina, appears derived from Elongatae.
The occurrence of hybridization events could
affect the morphological characters as the leaf
form leaving the phylogenetic value of these
type of character very questionable. Addition-
ally, the ISSR results do not follow a geo-
graphic pattern: no clear correlation appears in
the trees between species relationship and
geographic distribution. Although the ISSR
markers bring valuable information about the
relationships among pansies, the interpretation
could be complex if Melanium species have
undergone a reticulated evolution. In this case,
introgression events could affect the pattern of
molecular markers in species originated by
hybridization. To confirm the occurrence of
reticulation processes during the evolutionary
history of Melanium, it will be necessary to
conduct a thorough molecular analysis in
order to find specific markers to identify the
hypothetical parental species and verify the co-
occurrence of these markers in species formed
by hybridization.
Some remarks can be made about chro-
mosomal evolutionary pattern. In a paper
discussing the role of hybridization in forming
species in Melanium, Erben (1996) suggested
that this section would have evolved from an
ancestor with x ¼11, with decreasing and
increasing dysploidy taking place through
structural changes. Our results do not contra-
dict this hypothesis, since a paraphyletic group
of species with 2n ¼22 is located near the base
of the section. The number 2n ¼20 would be
derived from 2n ¼22 by the fusion of 2
chromosomes, forming a large metacentric
chromosome (Erben 1996). Under such a
scenario of evolution, the low chromosome
numbers of V. parvula (2n ¼10) and V. argen-
teria (2n ¼14) would be interpreted as derived,
resulting from decreasing dysploidy. However,
our reconstruction of the chromosome number
evolution suggest that the base number of the
section is either x ¼5 using the ITS tree or
x ¼7 using the ISSR tree. The derived chro-
mosome number x ¼11 would be then the
result of hybridization process between species
with x ¼7 and x ¼5 and further fusion of
chromosomes. Under this scenario, V. parvula
(and possibly also V. argenteria) is wrongly
positioned in some of the ISSR trees, and is in
fact sister group to a clade including all other
Melanium species, as confirmed by the ITS
R. Yockteng et al.: Phylogeny of pansies using molecular markers 165
data set. Pollen morphology also supports this
scenario. Both V. parvula and V. argenteria
have smaller pollen grains than the remaining
species of the section, and pollen grains are
predominantly 3-aperturate, like violets,
whereas all other pansies examined produce
mostly 4-aperturate pollen grains. These two
species could then be representative of a sister
group of section Melanium in which decreasing
dysploidy would have happened. Further
addition of species and use of other types of
DNA data, would be interesting in order to
examine more closely the phylogenetic position
of Melanium species with low base numbers.
In the ISSR tree, the most derived group of
pansies shows extremely variable chromosome
numbers, ranging from 2n ¼16 to 120, and no
clear pattern of evolution appears from the
tree (Fig. 4). It has been suggested that pansies
have undergone a reticulate evolution (Ku
1971, Erben 1996): indeed, crosses between
species are easy in pansies, even with different
chromosome numbers, and often give fertile
hybrids. This phenomenon would explain the
weakly supported relationships among pan-
sies. It would also explain why most species of
pansies display pollen heteromorphism: this
phenomenon has been shown to arise as a
consequence of polyploidization (Bronckers
1963, Mignot et al. 1994, Nadot et al. 2000)
which is often associated with hybridization.
Polyploidization and/or hybridization could
also account for the larger size of pollen grains
in pansies, as it has been shown that hybrid-
ization can affect pollen morphology (Cha-
turvedi et al. 1999) The low level of genetic
differentiation revealed by the ITS analysis
could be interpreted as resulting from explo-
sive and quite recent radiation (Hodges and
Arnold 1994, Givnish and Sytsma 1997, Yuan
and Ku
pfer 1997, Ainouche and Bayer 1999,
Hahn and Sytsma 1999, Blattner et al. 2001).
When examining different sections and sub-
sections of Viola, pansies appear to have the
lowest level of genetic differentiation of ITS
(0.023%), even compared to the most derived
group in the genus, namely the Hawaiian
violets of section Nosphinium (0.032%)
(Ballard et al. 1999, Ballard and Sytsma
2000). Their sequence identity is therefore
likely to reflect an explosive radiation, and
not simply a recent origin. The apparition of a
key innovation, such as the different orienta-
tion of lateral petals perhaps coupled with
lateral petal trichomes, corolla color differen-
tiation and modification of the shape, could
have triggered the diversification of section
Melanium, the changes in flower morphology
allowing them to access a broader array of
pollinators compared to the ‘‘ancestral’’ types
(Hodges and Arnold 1994).
The molecular study presented here is only
preliminary and further work is needed in
order to understand the evolution of pansies.
To clarify conclusively the relationships
among pansies, it would be helpful to increase
the ISSR data set by adding extra species or
using markers such as Amplified Fragment
Length Polymorphisms (AFLP’s). In addition,
such a complex reticulate evolution will be
better understood by using cytogenetic meth-
ods such as Fluorescent or Genomic In Situ
Hybridization, by conducting artificial hybrid-
izations and observing meiotic behavior of
both synthetic and putative hybrids, and by
comparison of data from biparentally and
uniparentally inherited genomes (e.g. nuclear
and chloroplast simple sequence repeats).
We are very grateful to Philippe Ku
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de Neuchaˆ tel) and Sonia Yakovlev for
helpful discussions and to Michel Baylac (MNHN
Paris) for his help with MatLab. We are also
indebted to Franz Tod and W alter Till of Institute
of Botany and Botanical Garden of Vienna Uni-
versity, Philip Ashby of Royal Botanical Garden in
Edinburgh, Olga Baeta of Madeira Botanical
Garden, Boris Turk of Alpine Botanical Garden
Juliana in Slovenia, Simonetta Peccenini, Ire
ne Till-
Botraud and Carlos Herrera for generously pro-
viding leaf and seed material for DNA extraction.
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Addresses of the authors: Roxana Yockteng,
(e-mail: Sophie
Nadot, Laboratoire Ecologie, Syste
matique et
Evolution, Universite
Paris-Sud, Baˆ timent 360,
F-91405 Orsay Cedex, France. Harvey E. Ballard
Jr, Department of Environmental and Plant Biol-
ogy, Porter Hall, Ohio University, Athens, OH
45701, USA. Guilhem Mansion, Institute of Bot-
any, University of Neuchaˆ tel, Chantemerle 22,
Neuchaˆ tel 2007. Isabelle Dajoz, Laboratoire Ecol-
ogie, Ecole Normale Supe
rieure, Paris, France.
170 R. Yockteng et al.: Phylogeny of pansies using molecular markers
... Melanium, these numbers do not allow for reliable inferences on ploidy level in particular taxa. This lack of knowledge is combined with very limited information about the phylogeny of this section as the phylogenetic analyses, using a combination of ITS and ISSR markers [217] and more recently a combination of nuclear ITS and ETS and plastid trnS-trnG intergenic spacer sequences [94], have yielded poor resolution. ...
... In line with a relatively recent origin, the detailed evolutionary relationships within sect. Melanium remain elusive when based on markers such as ITS, chloroplast loci, and ISSRs [94,217]. The low-copy genes used by Marcussen et al. [28] revealed high ploidy levels for the three species sampled. ...
... Melanium, knowing that the nascent Melanium allotetraploid likely started out with n = 10 to 12 chromosomes just like the other CHAM + MELVIO tetraploids, and knowing that reductions in chromosome number have occurred independently in different sublineages of this section. Not surprisingly, each attempt until now has produced a different x, i.e., x = 5 [217], x = 6 [56], x = 7 [217], x = 10 [56], and x = 11 [255]. Table 2. Inferred ploidy for 11 species of Viola sect. ...
Full-text available
The genus Viola (Violaceae) is among the 40–50 largest genera among angiosperms, yet its taxonomy has not been revised for nearly a century. In the most recent revision, by Wilhelm Becker in 1925, the then-known 400 species were distributed among 14 sections and numerous unranked groups. Here, we provide an updated, comprehensive classification of the genus, based on data from phylogeny, morphology, chromosome counts, and ploidy, and based on modern principles of monophyly. The revision is presented as an annotated global checklist of accepted species of Viola, an updated multigene phylogenetic network and an ITS phylogeny with denser taxon sampling, a brief summary of the taxonomic changes from Becker’s classification and their justification, a morphological binary key to the accepted subgenera, sections and subsections, and an account of each infrageneric subdivision with justifications for delimitation and rank including a description, a list of apomorphies, molecular phylogenies where possible or relevant, a distribution map, and a list of included species. We distribute the 664 species accepted by us into 2 subgenera, 31 sections, and 20 subsections. We erect one new subgenus of Viola (subg. Neoandinium, a replacement name for the illegitimate subg. Andinium), six new sections (sect. Abyssinium, sect. Himalayum, sect. Melvio, sect. Nematocaulon, sect. Spathulidium, sect. Xanthidium), and seven new subsections (subsect. Australasiaticae, subsect. Bulbosae, subsect. Clausenianae, subsect. Cleistogamae, subsect. Dispares, subsect. Formosanae, subsect. Pseudorupestres). Evolution within the genus is discussed in light of biogeography, the fossil record, morphology, and particular traits. Viola is among very few temperate and widespread genera that originated in South America. The biggest identified knowledge gaps for Viola concern the South American taxa, for which basic knowledge from phylogeny, chromosome counts, and fossil data is virtually absent. Viola has also never been subject to comprehensive anatomical study. Studies into seed anatomy and morphology are required to understand the fossil record of the genus.
... In addition, the use of multi-locus ribosomal DNA in polyploid and hybridogeneous taxa may be problematic due to the frequent occurrence of paralogous sequences and complex mechanisms leading to intra-and interlocus sequence evolution and homogenization [42]. Species-level molecular diversity is even harder to assess: ISSR and AFLP can provide interesting results in species delimitations [4,39], but phylogenetic inferences are made complicated by frequent hybridizations, the assumed reticulate evolution, and ploidal variability among the different species, but see [43]. ...
... There are several considerations in support of a complex interplay of these multiple evolutionary and bio-ecological factors. Reticulation and a high phylogenetic affinity of the entire V. tricolor-species group has been widely inferred [1,4]. Past and recent hybridization as in other Viola sections [60,61] is possible, coupled with a differential efficiency of species-specific reproductive strategies (most pansies are allogamous, highly adapted to entomophilous pollination, other species including V. arvensis and V. kitaibeliana are reported as predominantly autogamous [4,62,63]). ...
... Reticulation and a high phylogenetic affinity of the entire V. tricolor-species group has been widely inferred [1,4]. Past and recent hybridization as in other Viola sections [60,61] is possible, coupled with a differential efficiency of species-specific reproductive strategies (most pansies are allogamous, highly adapted to entomophilous pollination, other species including V. arvensis and V. kitaibeliana are reported as predominantly autogamous [4,62,63]). Persistence in multiple glacial refugia across Europe has been postulated [64], and colonization of synanthropic habitats, with local adaptation possibly favoured by a limited (diplochorous) seed dispersal capability has been observed [35]. ...
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Viola sect. Melanium, the so-called pansy, is an allopolyploid morphologically well-defined lineage of ca. 110 perennial and annual species in the northern hemisphere, characterized by markedly complex genomic configurations. Five annual pansies occur in Italy, four of which are morphologically very similar and belong to the informal ‘V. tricolor species complex’: V. arvensis (2n = 34), V. hymettia (2n = 16), V. kitaibeliana (2n = 16), and V. tricolor (2n = 26). Their field recognition is difficult and reflects a long-debated taxonomy often resulting in doubtful records in field inventories and across European herbaria. The current lack of comprehensive intra- and interspecific comparative studies and a relative scarcity of appropriate genetic markers coupled with unambiguous cytological descriptions are hindering clear taxa circumscription and phylogenetic inferences within this group. In this work, we tested DNA sequence variation of three highly variable plastid markers and High-Throughput Sequencing (HTS) of the nuclear ribosomal 5S-IGS region in an attempt to decipher species identity within the V. tricolor species complex and to obtain an insight on their genome organization and evolution. Our results document the close relationships within this species group, a reliable molecular resolution for V. tricolor, and the common ancestry of V. arvensis and the poorly differentiated V. kitaibeliana and V. hymettia. Evidence of an important inter-population geographical divergence was recorded in V. tricolor and V. arvensis, pointing at the existence of different eco-cytotypes within these entities. Overall diversity patterns and the occurrence of two to four differently diverging 5S-IGS lineages are discussed in the light of the acknowledged taxonomy and genomic evolutive trajectories of sect. Melanium.
... ITS and cp genome fragment analysis have been used to distinguish V. philippica from closely related species previously, however, fewer adulterants of V. philippica were sampled and strong support for some nodes in the phylogenetic tree was not acquired [28,30]. Viola exhibit a low level of genetic differentiation as revealed by the ITS analysis [66]. However, ITS and plastid datasets did not provide substantial phylogenetic information, and the phylogenetic position of species within the genus is uncertain. ...
... One or a more of several chloroplast molecular markers (atpB-rbcL, matk, petG-trnW, psbA-trnH, psbZ-trnG, psbK-I, rps19-trnH, rpl16-rps3, rpl2-23, and trnL-F) and nuclear ITS were used to infer the phylogeny of Viola, however, the majority of interspecies relationships are not currently well resolved [27][28][29]76]. The short branches in the phylogenetic tree in our study show consistency with previous studies and are the result of rapid divergence (Fig. S5) [66]. Their sequence identity is therefore likely to reflect explosive radiation, and not simply a recent origin. ...
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Background Viola philippica Cav. is the only source plant of “Zi Hua Di Ding”, which is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that is utilized as an antifebrile and detoxicant agent for the treatment of acute pyogenic infections. Historically, many Viola species with violet flowers have been misused in “Zi Hua Di Ding”. Viola have been recognized as a taxonomically difficult genera due to their highly similar morphological characteristics. Here, all common V. philippica adulterants were sampled. A total of 24 complete chloroplast (cp) genomes were analyzed, among these 5 cp genome sequences were downloaded from GenBank and 19 cp genomes, including 2 “Zi Hua Di Ding” purchased from a local TCM pharmacy, were newly sequenced. Results The Viola cp genomes ranged from 156,483 bp to 158,940 bp in length. A total of 110 unique genes were annotated, including 76 protein-coding genes, 30 tRNAs, and four rRNAs. Sequence divergence analysis screening identified 16 highly diverged sequences; these could be used as markers for the identification of Viola species. The morphological, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference trees of whole cp genome sequences and highly diverged sequences were divided into five monophyletic clades. The species in each of the five clades were identical in their positions within the morphological and cp genome tree. The shared morphological characters belonging to each clade was summarized. Interestingly, unique variable sites were found in ndhF, rpl22, and ycf1 of V. philippica, and these sites can be selected to distinguish V. philippica from samples all other Viola species, including its most closely related species. In addition, important morphological characteristics were proposed to assist the identification of V. philippica. We applied these methods to examine 2 “Zi Hua Di Ding” randomly purchased from the local TCM pharmacy, and this analysis revealed that the morphological and molecular characteristics were valid for the identification of V. philippica. Conclusions This study provides invaluable data for the improvement of species identification and germplasm of V. philippica that may facilitate the application of a super-barcode in TCM identification and enable future studies on phylogenetic evolution and safe medical applications.
... Previous studies have recovered V. sect. Melanium as monophyletic (Ballard & al. 1999: two species;Yockteng & al. 2003: 20 species;Marcussen & al. 2015: three species;Slomka & al. 2015: 25 species), but very little phylogenetic resolution within the section was obtained using ITS sequences (Yockteng & al. 2003;Slomka & al. 2015). ...
... Viola nebrodensis (Clade 1) The question arises as to why the Calcarata complex/ Viola [unranked] Calcaratae is not resolved as monophyletic and why, more generally, phylogenetic resolution is rather poor in both our nuclear and plastid phy logenies, as also found by others (e.g. Ballard & al. 1999;Yockteng & al. 2003;Slomka & al. 2015). The lack of resolution could be caused by insufficient sequence divergence (Maddison 1989), incomplete lineage sorting, or hybridization (Doyle 1992;Maddison 1997). ...
... Viola × wittrockiana is listed in the Melanium section (Violaceae sect. Melanium Ging.) as a hybrid taxon with compound origin involving multiple species of the Viola genus (Yockteng et al. 2003;Vukics et al. 2008). Due to the hybrid origin of the species, a vast array of flower shapes, colors and sizes are available in the contemporary assortment. ...
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Compactness is an important breeding goal in the improvement of garden pansy varieties (Viola × wittrockiana Gams.). The desired compact stature is primarily obtained through the use of chemical growth retardants. Recently, an alternative strategy for creating compact ornamentals was proposed based on transformation by wild type rhizogenic agrobacteria and the regeneration of transformed hairy roots. Here, we report on the successful transformation and creation of compact garden pansy lines. The most efficient hairy root induction was obtained by Rhizobium rhizogenes strain ATCC15834. Shoot regeneration from hairy roots was obtained using 3 mg L⁻¹ 2iP and 0.3 mg L⁻¹ 2,4-D. The presence of R. rhizogenes T-DNA genes was confirmed in the regenerated lines. These lines displayed a varying degrees of dwarfed growth. Most notably the shoot length was reduced up to 49%. Other phenotypic traits that were induced include reduced peduncle length and smaller, wrinkled flowers. Several of these Ri lines with promising compactness have been selected for further breeding towards compact garden pansy varieties that are less dependent on chemical growth regulation. Graphical abstract
... The garden pansy (Viola × wittrockiana) is a type of large-flowered hybrid plant cultivated as a garden flower. It is derived by hybridization from several species in the section Melanium ("the pansies") of the genus Viola, particularly V. tricolor, a wildflower of Europe and western Asia known as heartsease [1]. The flower is 5 to 8 centimetres in diameter and has two slightly overlapping upper petals, two side petals, and a single bottom petal with a slight beard emanating from the flower's centre. ...
Pansies, part of the Viola genus, are vibrant flowers with velvety petals and a distinct center blotch. They are popular as ornamental plants due to their colorful appearance. Seaweed extract, derived from various types of seaweed or marine algae, is utilized in agriculture, gardening, and skincare. Seaweed is nutrient-rich, containing essential macro and micronutrients, making seaweed extract a valuable natural fertilizer to enhance plant growth and health. Therefore, present investigation was carried during the Winter-2022-23 with a view to determine the effect of seaweed extract application on pansy variety Majestic Giant Mix for its growth, flowering, yield. The study was examined using completely randomized block design. From the present investigation, it is concluded that treatment T4 i.e., application of Sea weed extract @ 4ml/l as drench application found superior in terms of plant height (16.00 cm), plant spread (17.56), number of branches per plant (28.81), days taken for first flower opening (30.00), days taken for 50% flowering (58.33), stalk length (8.60 cm), flower diameter (7.83) number of leaves (43.33), number of flowers per plant (38.88) and seed yield per plant (3.00g).
... Wild pansy -Viola tricolor L is a widespread plant in Europe and western Asia and has been used over time for treating various skin desease (dermatoses and eczema), for treating children urticaria and internal for the treatment of superior respiratory tract disorders, as an expectorant, diuretic and depurative [2,4,6]. ...
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Study objectives: were evaluation of the content in bioactive compounds with antioxidant properties of the species Viola x wittrockiana Gams flowers, cultivated in the Bihor region of Romania. Materials and Methods: Viola x wittrockiana Gams flowers were harvested, dried, then prepared for to evaluate the phenolic and flavonoid contents and for determined antioxidant capacity by the following methods: DPPH and FRAP. Results – after determined the total polyphenolic compounds content the concentration found was contained between 2.5-4.52 mg GAE/100 g dry flowers and flavonoids were contained between 46.75-54.49 mg QE/100 g dry flowers garden pansies. Conclusions: strong correlation between the polyphenols and flavonoids content and antioxidant properties which have been evaluated at the extracts obtained from the pansy flowers have shown that the plant has inhibition capacity on DPPH reagent contained between 62.644 – 92.241% and antioxidant capacity which varies between 494.588-889.882 made by FRAP method.
... Viola L. is known as one of the more difficult groups to classify. The phylogenetic relationships are still unclear among the genus (Yockteng et al. 2003;Liang and Xing 2010). In recent years, some studies have been conducted on the resources, medicinal properties, physiological characteristics, tissue culture in vitro, plant regeneration and heavy metal enrichments of the species (Zhang et al. , 2013Li et al. 2015;Zhao et al. 2016), but there have been no reports on the whole chloroplast genome of it. ...
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Viola prionantha belongs to the family Violaceae. It has been widely used for a traditional Chinese herb in China. We determined the complete chloroplast genome sequence of V. prionantha. The whole chloroplast genome was 156,501 bp in length, consisting of a pair of inverted repeats (IR) of 26,404 bp, each, a large single-copy (LSC) region of 85,689 bp, and a small single-copy (SSC) region of 18,004 bp. We annotated 131 genes, including 84 coding sequences, 8 rRNA sequences, 37 tRNA sequences, and 2 pesudogenes. Among the annotated genes Phylogenetic analysis revealed that V. prionantha and Viola seoulensis clustered together as sisters.
... Viola L. is known as one of the more difficult groups to classify. The phylogenetic relationships are still unclear among the genus (Yockteng et al. 2003;Liang and Xing 2010). In recent years, some studies have been conducted on the resources, medicinal properties, physiological characteristics, tissue culture in vitro, plant regeneration and heavy metal enrichments of the species (Zhang et al. , 2013Li et al. 2015;Zhao et al. 2016), but there have been no reports on its whole chloroplast genome. ...
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Viola Prionantha belongs to the family Violaceae. It has been widely used for a traditional Chinese herb with antibacterial activity and is grown as an early spring ornamental species in China. In this study, we determined the complete chloroplast genome sequence of V. prionantha which forms a circular structure. The whole chloroplast genome was 156,501 bp in length, consisting of a pair of inverted repeats (IR) of 26,404 bp, a large single-copy (LSC) region of 85,689 bp, and a small single-copy (SSC) region of 18,004 bp. We annotated 131 genes, including 84 coding sequences, 8 rRNA sequences, 37 tRNA sequences and 2 pesudogenes. Among the annotated genes, 17 genes contained one or two introns. Furthermore, a phylogenetic analysis revealed that V. prionantha and V. seoulensis clustered together as sisters to other Violaceae species.
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The genetic relationships of Viola species in the subsection Patellares were analysed using the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method. Viola species from the series Chinensis and Pinnatae, and five hybrid lines formed a cluster which divided into three subgroups. Viola species in the series Variegatae and a hybrid line were clustered into a second group. The clustered (sub)groups from RAPD analysis are in agreement with the conventional taxonomy based on morphological characters. Therefore, RAPD analysis can be used for providing an alternative classification system to identify genotypes and morphological characters of Viola species. However, although V. chaerophylloides, and V. albida and V. albida var. takahasii were classified into different series, Pinnatae and Chinensis, by morphological characters, they were clustered together with a high similarity coefficient by RAPD analysis. Therefore, we suggest that these species Should be classified into Pinnatae. Also, RAPD analysis was successfully applied to deduce putative parents for six unknown hybrid lines.
Analysis of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) sequences is a tool which is being used more and more frequently in plant systematics and evolution. The recent development of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has enabled sequencing the rbcL gene for a great number of species and to infer phylogenies at higher taxonomic levels. However this gene reaches its lower limits of resolution in resolving relationships among closely related genera. The analysis of non-coding regions, which display higher mutation rates than coding regions, extends the resolution of the molecule. Here we report a high variability in divergence rates for two non-coding regions of the chloroplast genome. Thirty-six species belonging to 10 different genera were sampled and indicated divergence rates that varied 5-8 fold. In order to explain this heterogeneity, three non-exclusive hypotheses involving sampling bias, age of common ancestor and variations of the molecular clock, are proposed and discussed. The potential utility of these two non-coding regions in resolving phylogenetic relationships differs among genera.
The systematic relationships of four species in the South African holoparasitic genus Hyobanche were examined using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) banding patterns and nucleotide sequence data from nuclear ribosomal ITS regions and the plastid gene rbcL. Ordination of ISSR data revealed discrete groups, although H. glabrata and H. rubra were indistinguishable. Phylogeny reconstructions based on ISSR and ITS data were congruent and depicted relationships where H. atropurpurea and H. sanguinea form a clade with H. glabrata and H. rubra as their sister group. In contrast, the rbcL tree revealed a topology where H. atropurpurea was sister to a clade that included the other three species. The combination of molecular, morphological, and biogeographical data suggest two alternative hypotheses: (1) that floral evolution has progressed from galeate hirsute corolla tubes to straight glabrous tubes as represented by H. sanguinea, H. glabrata (intermediate morphology), and H. rubra, respectively; or (2) the intermediate floral morphology and distribution of H. glabrata reveal a hybrid origin of this species with H. sanguinea and H. rubra as progenitors.
ISSR markers were analyzed to study phylogenetic relationships among 46 Citrus L. accessions representing 35 species. A dendrogram based on the unweighted pair-group method, arithmetic average cluster analysis was constructed using a similarity matrix derived from 642 polymorphic ISSR fragments generated by 10 primers. These 46 accessions could be classified into five major groups: 1) C. indica Tan.; 2) C. maxima (Burm.) Merrill; 3) lemon [C. limon (L.) Burm,] or lime [C. aurantifolia (Christm.) Swingle] type accessions; 4) C. halimii B.C. Stone; and 5) sour orange (C. aurantium L.), mandarins and their hybrids. Group 5 was further divided into three subgroups. Although some previous work had grouped it with mandarins, C. indica appeared to be a distinct genotype or species that was not close to mandarins. C. tachibana Tan. grouped closely to mandarins. C. vulgaris Risso was not related to sour orange but was similar to accessions usually classified in the lime or lemon group. Sour orange and its hybrids, C. nippokoreana Tan, C. hanayu Hort. ex Shirai, C. sudachi Hort. ex Shirai, and C. yuko Hort. ex Tan. had close phylogenetic relationships with mandarins. Although the mandarin accessionS studied were divergent in morphology, the genetic distances among them were relatively small. Relationships among these Citrus accessions revealed by ISSR markers were generally in agreement with previous taxonomic classifications.