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The position of the claws in Noasauridae (Dinosauria: Abelisauroidea) and its implications for abelisauroid manus evolution


Abstract and Figures

In this note we reassess the position of putative pedal phalanges of some South American noasaurid theropods (Abelisauroidea). Noasaurids were considered as to be distinctive abelisauroids with a peculiar "sickle claw" on the second toe of the foot, convergently developed with that of deinonychosaurians. Among noasaurids, the Argentinean species Noasaurus leali (latest Cretaceous) and Ligabueino andesi (Early Cretaceous) are known from incomplete specimens, including dissarticulated non-ungueal phalanges, and, in N. leali, a claw. A detailed overview of these elements indicates that the supposed raptorial claw of the second pedal digit of N. leali actually belongs to the first or second finger of the manus, and the putative pedal non-ungual phalanges of both genera also pertain to the manus. Thus, the new interpretations of noasaurid pedal morphology blur the distinctions between Noasauridae and Velocisauridae proposed by previous authors. Finally, we suggest, on the basis of phalangeal and metacarpal morphology, that abelisaurids probably lost their manual claws by means of the loss of function of the HOXA11 and HOXD11 genes. Thus Noasauridae differs from Abelisauridae in retaining plesiomorphic long forelimbs with well developed claws, as occurs plesiomorphically in most basal theropods (e. g., Coelophysis).
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The position of the claws in Noasauridae (Dinosauria:
Abelisauroidea) and its implications for abelisauroid manus
Federico L. Agnolin Pablo Chiarelli
Received: 14 April 2009 / Accepted: 24 October 2009
ÓSpringer-Verlag 2009
Abstract In this note we reassess the position of putative
pedal phalanges of some South American noasaurid thero-
pods (Abelisauroidea). Noasaurids were considered as to be
distinctive abelisauroids with a peculiar ‘‘sickle claw’’ on
the second toe of the foot, convergently developed with that
of deinonychosaurians. Among noasaurids, the Argentinean
species Noasaurus leali (latest Cretaceous) and Ligabueino
andesi (Early Cretaceous) are known from incomplete
specimens, including dissarticulated non-ungueal pha-
langes, and, in N. leali, a claw. A detailed overview of these
elements indicates that the supposed raptorial claw of the
second pedal digit of N. leali actually belongs to the first or
second finger of the manus, and the putative pedal non-
ungual phalanges of both genera also pertain to the manus.
Thus, the new interpretations of noasaurid pedal morphol-
ogy blur the distinctions between Noasauridae and Veloci-
sauridae proposed by previous authors. Finally, we suggest,
on the basis of phalangeal and metacarpal morphology, that
abelisaurids probably lost their manual claws by means of
the loss of function of the HOXA11 and HOXD11 genes.
Thus Noasauridae differs from Abelisauridae in retaining
plesiomorphic long forelimbs with well developed claws, as
occurs plesiomorphically in most basal theropods (e.g.,
Keywords Abelisauroidea Noasauridae Phalanges
Cretaceous Argentina
Kurzfassung In der vorliegenden Studie wird eine Ne-
ubewertung der mutmaßlichen Position der Zehenglieder
¨damerikanischer noasaurider Theropoden (Abelisauroidea)
¨sentiert. Noasauride werden als unverwechselbare Abelis-
auroide mit einer besonderen ‘‘Sichelkralle’’ am zweiten Zeh
des Fußes, die konvergent zu der der Deinonychosaurier ent-
stand ist, betrachtet. Die beiden argentinischen Arten Noa-
saurus leali (oberste Kreide) und Ligabueino andesi
(Unterkreide), die beide zu den Noasauriden geho
¨ren, sind nur
durch unvollsta
¨ndigen Exemplaren einschließlich nicht-ung-
ualer Zehenglieder und einer Kralle von N. leali belegt. Eine
¨hrliche Untersuchung dieser Elemente deutet darauf hin,
dass die angeblich ra
¨uberische Kralle der zweiten Zehe von
N. leali tatsa
¨chlich zum ersten oder zweiten Finger der Hand
¨rt. Ebenso geho
¨ren auch die nicht-ungualen Zehenglieder
beider Taxa zur Hand. Die unterschiedliche Fußmorphologie,
wie sie von verschiedenen Autoren vorgeschlagen wurde,
¨chtigt die Unterscheidung zwischen Noasauriden und
Velocisauriden. Wir vermuten auf Grund der Phalangen- und
Metacarpaliamorphologie, dass der Verlust der Funktion der
HOXA11- und HOXD11-Gene mo
¨glicherweise fu
len von Fingerkrallen bei den Abelisauriden verantwortlich
ist. Somit unterscheiden sich die Noasauriden von den
Abelisauriden durch den Besitz der plesiomorphen langen
¨ten mit gut-entwickelten Krallen, wie es auch
bei basalen Theropoden (z.B. Coelophysis) der Fall ist.
¨rter Abelisauroidea Noasauridae
Phalangen Kreide Argentinien
F. L. Agnolin (&)
Laboratorio de Anatomı
´a Comparada y Evolucio
´n de los
Vertebrados, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales
‘Bernardino Rivadavia’’, Avenida A
´ngel Gallardo 470
(C1405DJR), Buenos Aires, Argentina
F. L. Agnolin P. Chiarelli
´n de Historia Natural ‘‘Fe
´lix de Azara’’,
Departamento de Ciencias Naturales y Antropologı
CEBBAD, Universidad Maimo
´nides, Valentı
´n Virasoro 732
(1405), Buenos Aires, Argentina
¨ontol Z
DOI 10.1007/s12542-009-0044-2
FMNH PR Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago,
MACN-PV-N Coleccio
´n de Paleontologı
´a de Vertebrados,
Provincia de Neuque
Ciencias Naturales ‘‘Bernardino Rivadavia’’,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
PVL Coleccio
´n de Paleontologı
´a de Vertebrados,
Instituto Miguel Lillo, Tucuma
´n, Argentina
Abelisauroidea is a group of very specialized and bizarre
carnivorous dinosaurs that dominated Gondwanan preda-
tory niches along the Late Cretaceous (Bonaparte 1986,
1991a; Sereno et al. 2004). These dinosaurs inhabited ter-
restrial ecosystems together with a large array of endemic
and allochtonous theropods, for example, basal tetanurans
(e.g., Carcharodontosauridae, Megaraptor; Apesteguı
2002; Novas et al. 2005a), and coelurosaurs (e.g., Alv-
arezsauridae; Bonaparte 1991a,b; Novas 1997). At least in
Early and early Late Cretaceous times (Aptian through
Cenomanian), together with the Carcharodontosauridae,
abelisaurids constituted the dominant predatory dinosaurs
of southern continents (Bonaparte 1986).
To date, Abelisauroidea comprises two morphologically
divergent theropod subclades: the mid-sized Abelisauridae
and the small to mid-sized Noasauridae (Bonaparte 1991a),
a phylogenetic arrangement recently confirmed by multiple
cladistic analyses (Wilson et al. 2003; Sereno et al. 2004;
Carrano and Sampson 2008; Canale et al. 2009). However, a
few authors (Bonaparte 1991b; Agnolin et al. 2003) pro-
posed the existence of a third abelisauroid subclade: Ve-
locisauridae Bonaparte 1991b on the basis of the poorly
known genus Velocisaurus. As originally understood, one of
the most striking features of Noasauridae was thought to be
the presence of a raptorial ‘‘sickle claw’’ assigned to the
second pedal digit, morphologically convergent with that of
deinonychosaurs (Bonaparte and Powell 1980; Bonaparte
1996; see Gauthier 1986). In the original description of
Noasaurus leali, Bonaparte and Powell (1980) described a
single non-ungual phalanx as belonging to the second pedal
digit. Subsequently, Bonaparte (1996) described Ligabueino
andesi, and reported the presence of pedal pre-ungual pha-
langes of uncertain anatomical position. Lately, several
isolated ungual and other isolated non-ungual phalanges
attributed to noasaurids were described from the latest
Cretaceous of India and Madagascar (Carrano et al. 2002;
Novas et al. 2004).
In this note we review the morphology of the known
phalanges of Noasaurus leali (El Brete locality, Salta
Province, northwestern Argentina; Lecho Formation,
Maastrichtian, latest Cretaceous; Bonaparte and Powell
1980)andLigabueino andesi (La Amarga locality, Neuque
Province, northern Patagonia, Argentina; La Amarga
Formation, Barremian-early Aptian, Early Cretaceous;
Bonaparte 1996), and we add some new interpretations on
noasaurid and abelisaurid manus morphology.
In this paper we follow the phylogenetic taxonomy of
Wilson et al. (2003) with the modifications introduced by
Carrano and Sampson (2008). We also use the anatomical
terminology employed by Carrano (2007).
Reappraisal of the noasaurid manual and pedal
In the following section we discuss the morphology of the
supposed pedal phalanges of both Noasaurus leali, and
Ligabueino andesi. Because the phalanges of these genera
have been described by previous authors this brief over-
view emphasizes traits that allow us to recognize the
manual or pedal nature of noasaurid phalanges.
Ungual phalanges
Recent works have stressed the apomorphic morphology
present in the abelisaurid pedal claws. As observed by
Novas and Bandyopadhyay (2001), these phalanges bear a
well defined ‘‘Y’’-shaped system of lateral grooves, a lat-
eral tuberosity, and a deep ventral concavity, presumably
for flexor tendon attachment (see also Novas et al. 2005b;
Maganuco et al. 2008) that probably replaced in function
the flexor tubercle exhibited by other theropods (Bonaparte
and Powell 1980).
On the other hand, noasaurid pedal unguals are very
poorly known, being represented only by disarticulated
specimens. The first described purported noasaurid pedal
ungual phalanx belonged to Noasaurus leali (Bonaparte
and Powell 1980). It has an unusual shape for a theropod
claw, and was regarded as homoplastic with that of the
dromaeosaurid and troodontid ‘‘sickle claw’’ pedal digit II
(Bonaparte and Powell 1980). Curiously, the Noasaurus
ungual strongly differs from all known abelisauroid pedal
claws (both abelisaurid and noasaurid; e.g. those of
Aucasaurus,Ilokelesia,Majungasaurus, and Masiakasau-
rus; Coria and Salgado 2000; Coria et al. 2002; Carrano
et al. 2002; Carrano 2007) in lacking the ‘‘Y’’-shaped
system of lateral grooves and bump, the large and pro-
truding proximodorsal lip, and also in the extreme curva-
ture of the claw blade (Fig. 1; Novas and Bandyopadhyay
2001; Sampson et al. 2001; Novas et al. 2004,2005b).
These differences were considered in preliminary analyses
(Agnolin et al. 2004; Carrano et al. 2004; Carrano and
F. L. Agnolin, P. Chiarelli
Sampson 2008) to be suggestive of the possibility that the
Noasaurus claw actually belongs to the manus rather than
the pes. Furthermore, the Noasaurus claw shows several
traits that are atypical for a theropod pedal claw, but con-
sistent with manual unguals (Fig. 2), as follows:
1 proximal articular surface dorsoventrally tall and
mediolaterally flattened, being deeply concave when
viewed medially or laterally (dorsoventrally extended
and slightly concave in most theropod pedal unguals,
including those of dromaeosaurids and troodontids);
2 proximal articular surface with a sharp median keel
(low-keeled or smooth proximal surface in theropod
pedal claws, especially in those of Abelisauridae);
3 ungual oval cross-section (subtriangular cross-section
in theropod pedal unguals); and
4 strong curvature ungual, describing an arch of nearly
90°along its ventral margin (nearly ventrally flat in
most theropod pedal claws) (Ostrom 1969; Madsen
1976; Gauthier 1986; Currie and Zhao 1993; Russell
and Dong 1993; Novas and Bandyopadhyay 2001;
Novas et al. 2004).
Although traits 2 and 4 may occasionally be present in
the pedal phalanges of some theropod groups (i.e., the
raptorial ‘‘sickle claw’’ of pedal digit II of Dromaeosauri-
dae and Troodontidae; Rauhut and Werner 1995), all four
features are found in the vast majority of (if not all) the-
ropod manual claws. Thus, this combination of features
suggests that the putative pedal ungual of Noasaurus is
actually a manual ungual, as previously indicated by pre-
liminary studies (Agnolin et al. 2004; Carrano et al. 2004;
Carrano and Sampson 2008). Moreover, in addition to the
traits mentioned above the Noasaurus claw clearly differs
from pedal elements previously reported for noasaurids in
lacking a medial deflection of the shaft and in having an
acute and small proximodorsal lip and a sharp ventral edge
(Fig. 2; Carrano et al. 2002; Novas et al. 2004). Based on
its strong curvature and general morphology the Noasaurus
manual claw may belong to the first or second digit,
being rather similar to that of other carnivorous dinosaurs
(e.g., Allosaurus; Madsen 1976).
The only previous mention of a noasaurid manual claw
are two isolated specimens attributed to Masiakasaurus
knopfleri (Carrano et al. 2002). These materials differ from
that of Noasaurus leali in possessing a true flexor tubercle
and in lacking a ventral sulcus. However, this phalanx was
not found in articulation with any definite bone of
Fig. 1 Manual elements of Noasaurus leali (holotype PVL 4061). a
manual ungual of digit II or III, in lateral view; b–d Digit ?III phalanx
in: blateral; cdorsal; and dventral views. CLP, collateral ligamental
pit; HP, hyperextensor pit; LG, lateral groove; MK, median keel;
MVR, median ventral ridge; N, phalangeal neck; PDP, proximodorsal
process; PVP, proximoventral process. Scale bar 1cm
Fig. 2 Left lateral view of manual and pedal claws of selected
theropod dinosaurs. a–d manual claws; e–h pedal claws. aprobable II
or III of Noasaurus leali;bclaw II of Allosaurus fraglis;cclaw II of
Deinonychus antirrhopus;dclaw II of Baryonyx walkeri;eclaw III
of Allosaurus fragilis;fclaw III of Sinraptor dongi;gclaw III of
Deinonychus antirrhopus;hclaw III of unidentified abelisaurid.
(amodified from Bonaparte and Powell 1980;b,emodified from
Madsen 1976;c,gmodified from Ostrom 1969;dmodified from
Charig and Milner 1997;fmodified from Currie and Zhao 1993;
hmodified from Maganuco et al. 2008). Not to scale. LG, lateral
groove; MK, median keel; FT, flexor tubercle; LB, lateral bump
Manual phalanges in Noasauridae
Masiakasaurus; accordingly, the assignment of this claw to
that taxon is currently equivocal.
Consequently, the only unquestionable clear evidence of
a noasaurid manual ungual pertains to the holotype of
Noasaurus leali (PVL 4061). Thus, Autapomorphic traits
present on the manual phalanx of Noasaurus, and absent in
remaining theropods include:
1 the presence of a median ventral ridge distal to the
proximo ventral concavity, and
2 a very deep and subtriangular ventral concavity, which
was probably the insertion area of powerful flexor
musculature (Bonaparte and Powell 1980; Novas and
Bandyopadhyay 2001).
The only other ceratosaurian in which manual unguals
have been preserved is in the problematic Limusaurus
(Xu et al. 2009). In Limusaurus the unguals are short, stout,
and small, being mediolaterally expanded on their proxi-
mal ends (Xu et al. 2009), being rather different from that
of Noasaurus, and lacking the proposed autapomorphies of
the latter. However, because manual ungual phalanges are
unknown in other abelisauroids and Ceratosaurus, both
proposed autapomorphies may eventually be shown to
diagnose more inclusive clades within Ceratosauria (sensu
Rauhut 2003). In addition, as proposed by Novas and
Bandyopadhyay (2001), a deep fossa and a reduced flexor
tubercle of the pedal unguals are probably abelisauroid
synapomorphies. As the same morphology is present in
noasaurids, both traits can now be considered as abelisau-
roid synapomorphies.
Furthermore, our reconsideration of the manual unguals
of Noasaurus sheds some light on the validity of the clade
Velocisauridae Bonaparte, 1991. This theropod group was
erected by Bonaparte (1991b) to include the single species
Velocisaurus unicus Bonaparte, 1991 from the Santonian
(Upper Cretaceous) Bajo de la Carpa Formation of Neuque
Province, Argentina. More recently, the Malagasy noa-
saurid theropod Masiakasaurus knopfleri Sampson et al.
(2001), from the Campanian–Maastrichtian Maevarano
Formation, was also included within Velocisauridae
(Agnolin et al. 2003). Agnolin et al. (2003) supported this
hypothesis on the presence of common characters, allowing
these authors to recognize the close phylogenetic rela-
tionship of Noasauridae and Velocisauridae. This view was
subsequently corroborated by Carrano and Sampson (2008)
in a comprehensive cladistic analysis of abelisauroid
interrelationships. Agnolin et al. (2003) distinguished
velocisaurids from noasaurids only on the basis of the
presence of non-raptorial pedal unguals in the former
group, in contrast with the ‘‘sickle claw’’ supposedly
exhibited by Noasaurus. However, following the current
interpretation, Noasaurus pedal unguals are currently
unknown; thus, the raptorial condition of noasaurid pedal
unguals is currently equivocal. Accordingly, the distinction
between noasaurids and velocisaurids presently lacks sup-
port, and we propose to considering Velocisauridae
Bonaparte, 1991 as a junior synonym of Noasauridae
Bonaparte and Powell 1980.
Non-ungual phalanges
Non-ungual phalanges of the pes are well known in the
noasaurids Masiakasaurus and Velocisaurus, and in
noasaurid-like abelisauroids from India (Bonaparte 1991b;
Carrano et al. 2002; Novas et al. 2004). In contrast, in
Noasaurus (Bonaparte and Powell 1980) and Ligabueino
(Bonaparte 1996), only isolated phalanges of the pes have
been described. However, as was indicated briefly in a
previous report, these elements actually may belong to the
manus (Agnolin et al. 2004).
In Noasaurus leali, the only known non-ungual phalanx
is a very short and stout element (Fig. 1b–d). It has a
rectangular-shaped proximal articular surface which bears
a sharp and well defined median keel. This bone also has a
well defined, strikingly narrow, and short proximoventral
process, as also occurs in known abelisaurid manual pha-
langes (e.g., those of Carnotaurus and Aucasaurus;
Bonaparte et al. 1990; Coria et al. 2002), whereas in the
manual phalanges of other theropods this process is absent
or extremely wide, its mediolateral width being subequal to
that of the distal articular surface. The proximodorsal
process is nearly quadrangular in contour, a trait regarded
by previous authors as a noasaurid synapomorphy, because
it is present in both Ligabueino and Noasaurus (Coria and
Salgado 1998). In Noasaurus the constriction between the
proximal and distal articular surfaces is strong; the distal
articular condyle is nearly rounded in lateral view and
exhibits a large, ellipsoidal, collateral ligamental pit on the
dorsal half of each condyle. The distal articular surface
shows a deep median sulcus.
The characters that suggest that the only known non-
ungual phalanx of Noasaurus is a manual element are as
1 the collateral ligamental pit is located on the dorsal half
on the lateral side of each distal articular condyle in
lateral view;
2 the distal articular condyles are displaced ventrally
relative to the main axis of the shaft in medial and
lateral views;
3 the lateral and medial margins of the distal articular
condyles are oriented subparallel to each other when
viewed dorsally (anterodorsally convergent in most
theropod pedal phalanges); and
F. L. Agnolin, P. Chiarelli
4 the proximal surface has an acute median keel that
separates deep articular cotyles (Fig. 3; Ostrom 1969;
Madsen 1976; Currie and Zhao 1993;Xuetal.2002).
Although traits 1 and 2 are occasionally present in pedal
phalanx II-2 of the deinonychosaurian coelurosaurs
(Xu et al. 2002), the combination of features mentioned
above only occurs, as a whole, in theropod manual ele-
ments. Moreover, the non-ungual phalanx of Noasaurus
further differs in several aspects from the pedal phalanx
II-2 of troodontids and dromaeosaurids; the former element
has less dorsally deflected distal condyles, a poorly medi-
olaterally compressed distal end, and a less constricted
phalangeal neck. (Rauhut and Werner 1995).
In the original description of Noasaurus, Bonaparte and
Powell (1980) considered that the ungual and non-ungual
phalanges of the holotype were probably II-2 and I-3I,
respectively. However, in this contribution, we suggest that
these phalanges are not sequential because they do not
articulate properly; in conclusion, they may belong to
different digits (Fig. 1).
Our review of the holotype of Ligabueino andesi
(MACN-PV-N 42; Bonaparte 1996) revealed the presence
of manual phalanx features in a putative pedal phalanx, for
example, distal articular surface and collateral ligamental
pits dorsally displaced and proximal heel narrow and short
(Fig. 4). As a result, we conclude that both the known non-
ungual phalanges of both Noasaurus leali and Ligabueino
andesi belong to the manus rather than the pes.
The precise position of the manual non-ungueal pha-
langes of Ligabueino and Noasaurus within the hand
remains unknown, because the manus is not preserved and
in other noasaurid taxa is unknown. However, the short
and transversely broad condition of the available elements
suggests that they may belong to the third digit. Regrettably,
comparisons between noasaurid and abelisaurid non-ungual
manual phalanges are not especially productive because the
latter clade exhibits a high degree of modification of the
hand (Bonaparte et al. 1990; Coria et al. 2002; Burch and
Carrano 2008). Nevertheless, the manual phalanges of both
Noasauridae (e.g., Ligabueino,Noasaurus; Bonaparte and
Powell 1980; Bonaparte 1996; this paper) and Abelisauri-
dae (e.g., Aucasaurus,Carnotaurus; Bonaparte et al. 1990;
Coria et al. 2002) possess a short and wide proximoventral
process that is unknown in other theropods; consequently,
this character is a probable synapomorphy of
The robust non-ungual phalanges, large, recurved rap-
torial manual claws, and elongated humerus are features
indicative of the presence of elongated forelimbs in
Noasauridae (Sereno et al.1996; Carrano et al.2002),
clearly contrasting with the reduced arm and manus present
in other ceratosaurians (e.g., Ceratosaurus,Carnotaurus,
Aucasaurus,Majungasaurus; Gilmore 1920; Bonaparte
et al. 1990; Madsen and Welles 2000; Coria et al. 2002;
Burch and Carrano 2008). Elongated forelimbs are also
present in basal saurischians and basal theropods (e.g.,
Herrerasauridae, Coelophysoidea; Rowe and Gauthier
1990; Sereno 1993) and some ceratosaurians (e.g. Elaph-
rosaurus,Limusaurus; Janensch 1920; Xu et al. 2009),
suggesting that the condition exhibited by Noasauridae
may be plesiomorphic within Ceratosauria.
Brief overview of abelisaurid manual morphology
Regrettably, in most ceratosaurians the manus in unknown
or nearly so. The only genera of non-abelisauroid cerato-
saurians in which the manus is known are Ceratosaurus
and Limusaurus (Gilmore 1920; Xu et al. 2009). Although
Fig. 3 Left lateral view of preungueal phalanges of selected thero-
pods. a–c manual elements; d–f pedal elements. adigit ?III phalanx
of Noasaurus leali;bdigit ?III phalanx of Ligabueino andesi;
cphalanx 1 digit III of Allosaurus fragilis.dphalanx 2 digit II of
Deinonychus antirrhopus;ephalanx 3 digit IV of Allosaurus fragilis;
fphalanx 3 digit IV of Velocisaurus unicus.(amodified from
Bonaparte and Powell 1980;bmodified from Bonaparte 1996;
c,emodified from Madsen 1976;dmodified from Ostrom 1969;
fmodified from Bonaparte 1991b). Not to scale
Fig. 4 Ligabueino andesi (holotype MACN PV-N 42). Digit ?III
phalanx in: alateral view; bdorsal view; clateroventral view;
dproximal view. CLP, collateral ligamental pit; HP, hyperextensor
pit; MK, median keel; PDP, proximodorsal process; PVP, proximo-
ventral process. Scale bar 2mm
Manual phalanges in Noasauridae
in both genera the manus is reduced, distalmost non-un-
gueal phalanges still retain pulley-like well excavated
distal articular surfaces, and in the case of Limusaurus
manual unguals of digits II and III have been preserved
(Xu et al. 2009). In contrast with the well developed
manual non-ungual phalanges exhibited by other thero-
pods, including noasaurids, the phalanges of abelisaurids
are shortened and reduced (Novas 1991,1992). In abeli-
saurids, manual phalanges are only known in Carnotaurus,
Aucasaurus, and Majungasaurus (Bonaparte et al. 1990;
Coria et al.2002; Burch and Carrano 2008), and all of these
bear several features that are worthy of mention. Several
manual features are apomorphic for abelisaurids, including
the discoidal morphology of proximal phalanges and car-
pals, the absence of hyperextensor pits on the dorsal sur-
face of phalanges and metacarpals, the shallowness of
collateral ligament pits, and the poorly excavated distal
articular surface. These traits indicate, as a whole, the
reduction of flexor and extensor movements in the abeli-
saurid manus (Rauhut 2003). Moreover, the shortened
nature of the distal non-ungual phalanges indicates the lack
of grasping abilities (Sereno 1993) and, perhaps, the total
lack of mobility, as is probably the case for the several
fused phalanges within the manus of Majungasaurus
(Burch and Carrano 2008). A similar morphology may be
observed in the manus of titanosauriform sauropods, in
which phalangeal reduction has been correlated with pae-
domorphic phenomena (Salgado 2003). In the same way,
the extreme forelimb reduction seen in abelisaurids was
interpreted as the consequence of the loss of function of the
HOXA11 and HOXD11 genes (Vargas 2002). The pres-
ence of flat, broad, and rugose distal articular surfaces on
the distalmost non-ungual phalanges of Aucasaurus and
Carnotaurus, together with the reduction of flexor and
extensor pits and overall size, are features that suggest not
only the absence of flexor and extensor movements in the
abelisaurid manus, but also the total absence of unguals. In
Aucasaurus, as was noted by Coria et al. (2002), and in
Majungasaurus, as indicated by Burch and Carrano (2008),
metacarpals I and IV are conical structures that appear to
have carried no phalanges. The same appears to be true for
Carnotaurus, in which the metacarpal IV is a splint-like
structure and metacarpal I is extremely reduced (Bonaparte
et al.1990). Aucasaurus, the only abelisaurid in which non-
ungual phalangeal formula may be clearly established, has
only one phalanx in digit II and two phalanges in digit III,
indicating that these digits bear no unguals. The same
morphology may be also observed in Majungasaurus,
which has a perfectly preserved manus without any sign of
claws (Burch and Carrano 2008). Moreover, in other
abelisaurids, including the beautifully preserved skeletons
of Aucasaurus and Carnotaurus, in which most elements of
the manus are known, there is no evidence of manual
unguals. Large theropod manual ungual phalanges are also
absent in the richly fossiliferous Late Cretaceous forma-
tions of India and Madagascar, from which hundreds of
abelisaurid bones have been recovered, including abundant
pedal unguals (Novas et al.2004; Maganuco et al. 2008).
In summary, we suggest that abelisaurid forelimb reduction
not only included phalangeal shortening and simplification,
but also the loss of manual unguals. The reduction or loss of
manual elements is not an uncommon phenomenon and has
been reported in several tetrapod groups, including squamates
(Greer 1991; Palci and Caldwell 2007) and titanosaurian
sauropod dinosaurs (Salgado et al. 1997).
In this paper we arrive at the following conclusions:
1. The putative ‘‘sickle claw’’ of the second toe of the pes
of Noasaurus, is actually a first or second manual
2. In Ligabueino and Noasaurus, the supposed pedal non-
ungual phalanges probably pertain to the manus
(probably digit III), an hypothesis based on several
features exhibited by their proximal and distal articular
3. The presence of an acute and short proximoventral
process may be a diagnostic trait of non-ungual manual
phalanges of Abelisauroidea.
4. The reinterpretation of noasaurid unguals allows us to
propose that the clade Velocisauridae Bonaparte, 1991
be considered a junior synonym of Noasauridae
Bonaparte and Powell 1980.
5. We propose, on the basis of skeletal morphology and
negative evidence, that members of Abelisauridae
probably lacked their manual ungual phalanges.
Additionally, abelisaurids probably lost manual flexor
and extensor movements thus these theropods lacked
grasping abilities.
Acknowledgments We wish to thank Jose
´Bonaparte (Fundacio
Historia Natural Fe
´lix de Azara) for allowing us to study the
holotypes of Ligabueino andesi and Noasaurus leali, Gabriel
Lio (FHNFA) for some drawings of the holotypical material of
Noasaurus, and Martı
´n Ezcurra (MACN) for photographs of
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F. L. Agnolin, P. Chiarelli
... Its proximal articulation is much more expanded, both lateromedially and on the extensor-flexor axis, than the distal articulation, and bears a subtle extensor tuber. This expansion is more marked towards the flexor side, as seen in isolated noasaurid manual phalanges 3,84 . The bone is also only about 1.5 times longer than broad at its proximal end, departing from the plesiomorphically more elongated first phalanx of digit I seen in non-abelisauroid taxa, such as Di. ...
... Its biconcave proximal articulation is broader lateromedially than dorsoventrally deep. The bone is less recurved than that of the first digit, not nearly approaching the curvature of the possible second or third manual ungual of N. leali 84 . It bears a clear, low extensor tuber and a single (ventral) "blood" groove, related to the sheath cover, extending along the ventral margin of its lateral surface. ...
... Di. wetherilli 70 . This is also the case for C. nasicornis 79 and the isolated manual phalanges referred to N. leali 84 and Mas. knopfleri 3 . ...
Full-text available
Noasaurines form an enigmatic group of small-bodied predatory theropod dinosaurs known from the Late Cretaceous of Gondwana. They are relatively rare, with notable records in Argentina and Madagascar, and possible remains reported for Brazil, India, and continental Africa. In south-central Brazil, the deposits of the Bauru Basin have yielded a rich tetrapod fauna, which is concentrated in the Bauru Group. The mainly aeolian deposits of the Caiuá Group, on the contrary, bear a scarce fossil record composed only of lizards, turtles, and pterosaurs. Here, we describe the first dinosaur of the Caiuá Group, which also represents the best-preserved theropod of the entire Bauru Basin known to date. The recovered skeletal parts (vertebrae, girdles, limbs, and scarce cranial elements) show that the new taxon was just over 1 m long, with a unique anatomy among theropods. The shafts of its metatarsals II and IV are very lateromedially compressed, as are the blade-like ungual phalanges of the respective digits. This implies that the new taxon could have been functionally monodactyl, with a main central weight-bearing digit, flanked by neighbouring elements positioned very close to digit III or even held free of the ground. Such anatomical adaptation is formerly unrecorded among archosaurs, but has been previously inferred from footprints of the same stratigraphic unit that yielded the new dinosaur. A phylogenetic analysis nests the new taxon within the Noasaurinae clade, which is unresolved because of the multiple alternative positions that Noasaurus leali can acquire in the optimal trees. The exclusion of the latter form results in positioning the new dinosaur as the sister-taxon of the Argentinean Velocisaurus unicus.
... These mudrocks were bulk sampled, and wet and dry-sieved to extract the residues, which were then observed under a stereozoom microscope for the collection of the vertebrate microfossils. The terminology used to describe the ungual phalanges follows Novas and Bandyopadhyay (2001), Novas et al. (2005), Agnolin and Chiarelli (2009) and whereas the parameters measured for the current study are shown in Fig. 2A and B. As the unguals are isolated, the lateral side is determined based on higher convexity and prominence of the lateral groove in side views as suggested by Novas and Bandyopadhyay (2001). Diapsida Osborn, 1903(sensu Laurin, 1991 Archosauria Cope, 1869 (sensu Gauthier andPadian, 1985) Dinosauria Owen, 1842 (sensu Padian andMay, 1993) Theropoda Marsh, 1881 Gen. et sp. ...
... indet. Diagnosis: Slender, asymmetric lateromedially compressed unguals are characterized by ventral curvature of the distal end; deep collateral grooves parallel to the ventral margin; large, proximoventrally placed flexor tubercle; dorsoventrally elongated elliptical or oval proximal articular surface; a low but distinct median keel (Agnolin and Chiarelli, 2009;Novas, 2009). ...
... indet. Diagnosis: Robust, nearly symmetric ungual phalanx characterized by gently, ventrally recurved distal part; deep collateral grooves parallel to the ventral margin; small, proximoventrally placed flexor tubercle; lateromedially extended proximal articular surface; prominent median keel with distinct lateral and medial facets (Agnolin and Chiarelli, 2009;Novas, 2009). ...
The Late Triassic Tiki Formation has yielded five isolated nearly complete claws or ungual phalanges from a fossil locality, which are described in detail and compared with other Late Triassic tetrapods. Of these, four ungual phalanges are slender, asymmetric, ventrally recurved, transversely compressed, and contain deep collateral grooves on either side, a low median keel on the proximal articular surface and a prominent proximoventral flexor tubercle showing their high similarity to the theropod dinosaurs. The remaining claw is unlike that of any theropods in terms of high robusticity and near symmetry. However, as in dinosaurs it is ventrally recurved and contains deep lateral grooves, a small flexor tubercle, lateromedially extended proximal articular surface with a distinct median keel and is considered as belonging to an indeterminate dinosaur. Although it is not possible to ascertain whether the unguals belong to a single taxon or multiple taxa, this new find points towards the presence of small dinosaurs in the Late Triassic Tiki fauna.
... The anatomical nomenclature of theropod unguals follows Charig and Milner (1997) and Agnolin and Chiarelli (2010). The phylogenetic framework for Tetanurae followed in this work is based on the results obtained by Rauhut et al. (2016) who performed a phylogenetic analysis on a revised version of the datamatrix of Carrano et al. (2012). ...
... The identification of the claw CSC1-4 as a theropod manual ungual rather than a pedal ungual is based on several features, such as a proximal articular surface that is dorsoventrally tall and shows a marked median keel, an oval transverse cross-section, and a strong curvature (Agnolin and Chiarelli, 2010). The asymmetry in the proximal articular surface (i.e., a dorsoventral ridge slightly offset medially) is used to identify CSC1-4 as a left ungual. ...
... The known manual unguals of non-tetanuran theropods such as those of the ceratosaurians Limusaurus, Masiakasaurus and Noasaurus clearly differ from CSC1-4. Noasaurus differs in that its bizarre claw bears a median ventral ridge (Agnolin and Chiarelli, 2010: fig. 1A), whereas those of Masiakasaurus differ in their lower curvature and the reduction of the flexor tubercle (Carrano et al., 2002: fig. ...
An enlarged theropod manual ungual (CSC1-4) from the Weald facies of Spain is described. The claw was found in the fossil locality of Caña Seca 1, Teruel province, within the El Castellar Formation of early Barremian (Early Cretaceous) in age. CSC1-4 is morphologically closer to megalosauroids than to any other theropod clade bearing enlarged manual claws and shows the greatest similarity to the manual ungual of digit I of Baryonyx walkeri. Both CS1-4 and this taxon share a particularly enlarged, elongated and transversely wide manual claw. CSC1-4, however, differs from Baryonyx´s ungual in having less curvature, a straight dorsal edge in the proximal part, slightly more width above the grooves than below, and a certain asymmetry, with the lateral face more flattened. Taking into account the paleogeographic and temporal context, these considerations suggest that they are closely related but distinct spinosaurid taxa. The presence of an enlarged manual claw in spinosaurids has been invoked as an anatomical feature typically associated with scavenging and hunting habits, as well as digging behaviour. The spinosaurid record from the Barremian of the Iberian Peninsula shows that members of this clade favored freshwater environments with some marine influence in this part of Europe.
... Essas estruturas associadas com as características dos membros posteriores e vértebras permitem inferir os comportamentos descritos a seguir. Os membros anteriores dos abelissaurídeos foram extremamente reduzidos a partir das regiões distais, perdendo a possibilidade de agarrar (Agnolin & Chiarelli, 2010). Espécies basais, como Eoabelisaurus, apresentam as ungueais das mãos reduzidas (Pol & Rauhut, 2012), enquanto que em outros táxons mais derivados, como Carnotaurus, Majungasaurus e Aucasaurus garridoi, essas estruturas estão ausentes nos dedos I e IV das mãos (Agnolin & Chiarelli, 2010, Burch & Carrano, 2012, Coria et al., 2002. ...
... Os membros anteriores dos abelissaurídeos foram extremamente reduzidos a partir das regiões distais, perdendo a possibilidade de agarrar (Agnolin & Chiarelli, 2010). Espécies basais, como Eoabelisaurus, apresentam as ungueais das mãos reduzidas (Pol & Rauhut, 2012), enquanto que em outros táxons mais derivados, como Carnotaurus, Majungasaurus e Aucasaurus garridoi, essas estruturas estão ausentes nos dedos I e IV das mãos (Agnolin & Chiarelli, 2010, Burch & Carrano, 2012, Coria et al., 2002. Apesar dessa redução dos membros anteriores, a cabeça do úmero em abelissaurídeos era arredondada, sugerindo grande mobilidade na região proximal do braço (Burch, 2017, Gianechini et al., 2015. ...
Full-text available
Abelisauridae is a broad dinosaur family of Theropoda that includes large extinct carnivores as well as extant birds. The distribution is mostly in the southern hemisphere, although some specimens are found in Europe. The phylogenetic relationships of the abelisaurids have been improved, but there is still some disagreement regarding the inclusion of some groups in the family, which deserve attention. The body plan of the abelisaurids is conservative among the group, but they have a large cranial disparity. They also tend to develop cranial structures such as horns, thick skull bones, and cornified covering. The variety of cranial soft tissues associated with skeletal features suggests that abelisaurids may have had low-stress headbutting behavior. The Brazilian record is still scarce, and there are only two known species from different geological units. Even so, it is possible to observe that the abelisaurid diversity in Brazil was large.
... The pedal phalanx MPM 21547 resembles Noasauridae in being transversely narrow and dorsoventrally deep, a condition shared with Velocisaurus and Vespersaurus Langer et al., 2019). Further, a well-developed, transversely thick, and posteriorly extended posterodorsal process is also shared with noasaurids, including Noasaurus, Ligabueino, Velocisaurus and Vespersaurus , constituting a synapomorphic feature of Noasauridae (Agnolin & Chiarelli, 2010). However, in the case for the phalanx here described the ventral projection proximally surpasses the level of the dorsal lip, contrasting with known noasaurids in which the projections are sub-equal in proximal extension (e.g., Laevisuchus, Noasaurus; Novas & Bandyopadhyay, 2001, Sampson et al., 2001Agnolin & Chiarelli, 2010;Brissón Egli et al., 2016). ...
... Further, a well-developed, transversely thick, and posteriorly extended posterodorsal process is also shared with noasaurids, including Noasaurus, Ligabueino, Velocisaurus and Vespersaurus , constituting a synapomorphic feature of Noasauridae (Agnolin & Chiarelli, 2010). However, in the case for the phalanx here described the ventral projection proximally surpasses the level of the dorsal lip, contrasting with known noasaurids in which the projections are sub-equal in proximal extension (e.g., Laevisuchus, Noasaurus; Novas & Bandyopadhyay, 2001, Sampson et al., 2001Agnolin & Chiarelli, 2010;Brissón Egli et al., 2016). Noasaurids have been recorded in different Late Cretaceous localities of Gondwana, including India (Novas & Bandyopadhyay, 2001;, Africa (Sampson et al., 2001) and South America (Bonaparte & Powell, 1980;Bonaparte, 1991;Brissón Egli et al., 2016;Langer et al., 2019;Martinelli et al., 2019). ...
Full-text available
The first fossil remains of vertebrates, invertebrates, plants and palynomorphs of the Chorrillo Formation (Austral Basin), about 30km to the SW of the town of El Calafate (Province of Santa Cruz), are described. Fossils include the elasmarian (basal Iguanodontia) Isasicursor santacrucensis gen. et sp. nov., the large titanosaur Nullotitan glaciaris gen. et sp. nov., both large and small Megaraptoridae indet., and fragments of sauropod and theropod eggshells. The list of vertebrates is also composed by the Neognathae Kookne yeutensis gen. et sp. nov., two isolated caudal vertebrae of Mammalia indet., and isolated teeth of a large mosasaur. Remains of fishes, anurans, turtles, and snakes are represented by fragmentary material of low taxonomical value, with the exception of remains belonging to Calyptocephalellidae. On the other hand, a remarkable diversity of terrestrial and freshwater gastropods has been documented, as well as fossil woods and palinological assemblages. The Chorrillo Formation continues south, in the Las Chinas River valley, southern Chile, where it is called Dorotea Formation. Both units share in their lower two thirds abundant materials of titanosaurs, whose remains cease to appear in the upper third, registering only elasmarians (Chorrillo Formation) and hadrosaurs (Dorotea Formation). Above both units there are levels with remains of invertebrates and marine reptiles. It is striking that the dinosaurs of the lower two thirds of the Chorrillo and Dorotea formations are represented by large basal titanosaurs and Megaraptoridae coelurosaurs, being the Saltasaurinae and Aeolosaurinae sauropods and Abelisauridae theropods totally absent. In contrast, these taxa are dominant components in sedimentary units of central and northern Patagonia (e.g., Allen, Los Alamitos, La Colonia formations). Such differences could reflect, in part, a greater antiquity (i.e., late Campanian-early Maastrichtian) for the Chorrillo fossils, or, more probably, different environmental conditions. Thus, knowledge of the biota of the southern tip of Patagonia is expanded, particularly those temporarily close to the K-Pg boundary.
... Abelisaurids has strongly reduced forearms without grasping ability 40 (Fig. 3B). According to Agnolin and Chiarelli 40 , abelisaurs probably also lacked forearm mobility. ...
... However, recent analyses on Majungasaurus musculature suggest that, although much reduced, abelisaurids did not lose full mobility of the forelimb, and may have used it for intraspecific display 41 . Some taxa such as Aucasaurus, Majungasaurus and Carnotaurus may have lost the ungual of the digits I and IV 31,40,42 whereas the ceratosaurid Eoabelisaurus has strongly reduced the manual unguals 12 . The digit IV is fused to the metacarpal in Majungasaurus and Aucasaurus precluding mobility. ...
Full-text available
Ceratosaur theropods ruled the Southern Hemisphere until the end of the Late Cretaceous. However, their origin was earlier, during the Early Jurassic, a fact which allowed the group to reach great morphological diversity. The body plans of the two main branches (Noasauridae and new name Etrigansauria: Ceratosauridae + Abelisauridae) are quite different; nevertheless, they are sister taxa. Abelisaurids have lost the ability to grasp in the most derived taxa, but the reduced forelimb might have had some display function. The ontogenetic changes are well known in Limusaurus which lost all their teeth and probably changed the dietary preference at maturity. The results presented here suggest that abelisaurids had different soft tissues on the skull. These tissues might have been associated with evolution of a strong cervicocephalic complex and should have allowed derived taxa (e.g. Majungasaurus and Carnotaurus) to have low-displacement headbutting matches. The ability to live in different semi-arid environment plus high morphological disparity allowed the ceratosaurs to become an evolutionary success.
... Carnotaurus' forelimbs, when compared to body size, are even smaller than Tyrannosaurus' (Ruiz et al., 2001(Ruiz et al., , p. 1276. The hand itself is a mess, lacking carpalia (Ruiz et al., 2011), with its four fingers (Bonaparte et al., 1990) not capable of motion (Agnolin & Chiarelli, 2010). Further, Senter (2010) found nerve fiber size so greatly reduced that there was almost no transmission ability. ...
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Tyrannosaurus rex is infamous for its large body size and seemingly mismatched forelimbs, which are extremely small relative to body size. Since its first description by Osborn in 1905, the diminutive size of this attribute has fueled an arms race of sorts wherein specialists have advanced numerous theories seeking to prove a seemingly single-track use or non-use for the arms. While the overall debate on the evolutionary processes behind the small limb size are not addressed here, previous functional theories are reviewed within a functionalist perspective. This paper contends that Tyrannosaurus rex would have used its limbs for whatever purposes possible and that selecting one function to the exclusion of others is not a realistic approach to understanding the lifeways of the Tyrant King. Rather, a functionality assessment is suggested and tested using existing theories with the aim of providing a tool to assess future use case theories.
... Noasauridae is a clade of small-sized ceratosaurian abelisauroids, originally proposed by Bonaparte and Powell (1980) based on the Late Cretaceous Argentinean Noasaurus leali (see also Bonaparte, 1991a). Later on, several taxa and records considerably improved the composition of this clade (e.g., Bonaparte, 1991bBonaparte, , 1996Accarie et al., 1995;Sampson et al., 2001;Carrano et al., 2002Carrano et al., , 2011Novas et al., 2004;Sereno et al., 2004;Carrano and Sampson, 2008;Xu et al., 2009;Agnolin and Chiarelli, 2010;Brisson Egli et al., 2016;Rauhut and Carrano, 2016), positioned as the sister-group of Abelisauridae, both comprising the clade Abelisauroidea (e.g., Bonaparte, 1991a;Carrano and Sampson, 2008;Rauhut and Carrano, 2016). Best-documented noasaurids are Masiakasaurus knopfleri from the Upper Cretaceous of Madagascar (Sampson et al., 2001;Carrano et al., 2002Carrano et al., , 2011 and Elaphrosaurus bambergi from the Upper Jurassic of Tanzania (Rauhut et al., 2016), two representative morphotypes of the subclades Noasauridae and Elaphrosaurinae, as recognized in some recent phylogenies (e.g., Rauhut and Carrano, 2016). ...
The deposits corresponding to the Upper Cretaceous Neuquén and San Jorge Gulf basins from northern and central Patagonia have provided two of the most complete sequences of terrestrial vertebrate faunas of all Gondwanan landmasses. Among the carnivorous components, the carcharodontosaurid theropods appeared as common elements during the Early Cretaceous and the earliest Late Cretaceous in northern and central Patagonia. Although recorded mostly in the lower Turonian, isolated teeth suggest their presence in younger strata in northern and central Patagonia, reaching the clade in the region as late as the early Maastrichtian. Here, we verify the assignment of such isolated teeth previously identified as belonging to Carcharodontosauridae from the Upper Cretaceous strata of northern and central Patagonia. Using three different methods, namely a cladistic analysis performed on a dentition-based data matrix, and discriminant and cluster analyses conducted on a large dataset of theropod crown measurements, we assign a tooth from Candeleros Formation to carcharodontosaurid theropods and teeth from Cerro Lisandro, Bajo Barreal, Portezuelo, Plottier and Allen formations to abelisaurid theropods. These new reappraisals provide additional evidence about the extinction of Carcharodontosauridae in South America at about the late Turonian–earliest Coniacian as part of a general faunistic turnover event, with the last clear evidence of this lineage in Patagonia coming from the early–middle Turonian.
Elaphrosaurinae is an enigmatic clade of gracile ceratosaurian theropod dinosaurs known from the Late Jurassic of Africa (Elaphrosaurus bambergi) and Asia (e.g., Limusaurus inextricabilis), and the early Late Cretaceous of Argentina (Huinculsaurus montesi). Elaphrosaurinae is often placed within Noasauridae as the sister taxon to Noasaurinae, a clade of small-bodied theropods that lived in South America, Africa, Madagascar and India throughout much of the Cretaceous. Herein, we report the first evidence of Elaphrosaurinae from Australia: a nearly complete middle cervical vertebra from the upper Lower Cretaceous (lower Albian) Eumeralla Formation of Cape Otway, Victoria, Australia. The fact that this site would have been situated at ~76°S towards the end of the Early Cretaceous (~110–107 Ma) implies that elaphrosaurines were capable of tolerating near-polar palaeoenvironments, whereas its age indicates that elaphrosaurines persisted in Australia until at least the late Early Cretaceous. The new Australian elaphrosaurine, in tandem with the recently described Huinculsaurus montesi from the Cenomanian–Turonian of Argentina, implies that the spatiotemporal distribution of Elaphrosaurinae has heretofore been greatly underestimated. Historic confusion of elaphrosaurines with coelurosaurs, especially ornithomimosaurs, coupled with our generally poor understanding of noasaurid evolution, might explain the apparent dearth of fossils of this theropod clade worldwide.
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We describe the osteology of the new small theropod dinosaur Masiakasaurus knopfleri, from the Late Cretaceous Maevarano Formation of northwestern Madagascar. Approximately 40% of the skeleton is known, including parts of the jaws, axial column, forelimb, pelvic girdle, and hind limb. The jaws of Masiakasaurus are remarkably derived, bearing a heterodont, procumbent dentition that is unknown elsewhere among dinosaurs. The vertebrae are similar to those of abelisauroids in the reduction of the neural spine, lack of pleurocoelous fossae on the centrum, and extensively pneumatized neural arch. The limb skeleton is relatively gracile and bears numerous abelisauroid synapomorphies, including a rounded humeral head, peg-and-socket iliac-pubic articulation, prominent femoral medial epicondyle, expanded tibial cnemial crest, and double-grooved pedal unguals. The femora and tibiae show evidence of dimorphism. More specific features shared between Masiakasaurus, the Argentine Noasaurus, and the Indian Laevisuchus suggest that these taxa form a clade (Noasauridae) within Abelisauroidea. This is supported by a cladistic phylogenetic analysis of 158 characters and 23 theropod taxa. Additionally, Ceratosauria is rendered paraphyletic in favor of a sister-taxon relationship between Neoceratosauria and Tetanurae that is exclusive of Coelophysoidea. The unique dental and jaw specializations of Masiakasaurus suggest deviation from the typical theropod diet. Finally, the distribution of noasaurids further supports a shared biogeographic history between South America, Madagascar, and India into the Late Cretaceous.
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Many recent studies of theropod relationships have been focused on the phylogeny of coelurosaurs and the question of the origin of birds, but the interrelationships and evolution of basal theropods are still poorly understood. Thus, this paper presents a phylogenetic analysis of all theropods, but focuses on the basal members of this clade. The result supports the inclusion of Eoraptor and herrerasaurids in the Theropoda, but differs from other recent studies in two main aspects: (1) The taxa usually grouped as ceratosaurs form two monophyletic clades that represent successively closer outgroups to tetanurans. The more basal of these clades, the Coelophysoidea, comprise the majority of Late Triassic and Early Jurassic theropods. The other clade of basal theropods that are usually included in the Ceratosauria comprises Ceratosaurus, Elaphrosaurus, and abelisaurids. (2) Two monophyletic groups of basal tetanurans are recognized: the Spinosauroidea and the Allosauroidea. In contrast to other recent phylogenetic hypotheses, both clades are united in a monophyletic Carnosauria. The branching pattern of the present cladogram is in general accordance with the stratigraphic occurrence of theropod taxa. Despite the differences in recent analyses, there is a significant level of consensus in theropod phylogeny. At least four different radiations of non-avian theropods can be recognized. These radiations show different patterns in Laurasia and Gondwana, and there are increasing differences between the theropod faunas of the two hemispheres from the Triassic to the Cretaceous.
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Resumen The Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Lameta Formation of central India has yielded dissociated elements of a variety of predatory dinosaurs, most of them coming from a quarry named the "Carnosaur bed." The materials were described by Huene and Matley nearly 70 years ago. They recognized nine theropod species, which they sorted out into the theropod subgroups "Carnosauria" and "Coelurosauria". Huene and Matley also described a considerable amount of theropod hindlimb bones (e.g., femora, tibiae, metatarsals, and pedal phalanges) that they could not refer to any of these species, but vaguely interpreted as corresponding to "allosaurid" or "coelurosaurid" theropods. We reviewed the available collection of Cretaceous theropods from Bara Simla housed at the Geological Survey of India, Calcutta, arriving to the following conclusions: 1) Indosuchus and Indosaurus are abelisaurids, as recognized by previous authors, but available information is not enough to judge whether they are synonyms; 2) Laevisuchus indicus is a small abelisauroid, related to Noasaurus and Masiakasaurus on the basis of their peculiar cervical vertebrae; 3) the controversial taxa " Compsosuchus", " Dryptosauroides", " Ornithomimoides", and " Jubbulpuria" are represented by isolated vertebrae corresponding to different portions of the neck and tail, and also exhibit abelisauroid features; 4) hindlimb bones originally referred to as "allosaurid" and "coelurosaurian" also exhibit abelisauroid characters, and bones of large size are tentatively referred to as corresponding to Indosuchus or Indosaurus, whereas some pedal bones of smaller size may belong to Laevisuchus; 5) two kinds of abelisaurid feet are apparent: one in which the phalanges of digit III and IV are robust, and another type in which the phalanges of digit IV are transversely narrow and dorsoventrally deep. This review demonstrates that all of the theropod elements discovered at the "Carnosaur bed" belong to a single theropod clade, the Abelisauroidea