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Response of two tomato cultivars differing in salt tolerance to inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi under salt stress



Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and salt stress on nutrient acquisition and growth of two tomato cultivars exhibiting differences in salt tolerance were investigated. Plants were grown in a sterilized, low-P (silty clay) soil-sand mix. Salt was applied at saturation extract (ECe) values of 1.4 (control), 4.9 (medium) and 7.1 dS m–1 (high salt stress). Mycorrhizal colonization occurred irrespective of salt stress in both cultivars, but AMF colonization was higher under control than under saline soil conditions. The salt-tolerant cultivar Pello showed higher mycorrhizal colonization than the salt-sensitive cultivar Marriha. Shoot dry matter (DM) yield and leaf area were higher in mycorrhizal than nonmycorrhizal plants of both cultivars. Shoot DM and leaf area but not root DM were higher in Pello than Marriha. The enhancement in shoot DM due to AMF inoculation was 22% and 21% under control, 31% and 58% under medium, and 18% and 59% under high salinity for Pello and Marriha, respectively. For both cultivars, the contents of P, K, Zn, Cu, and Fe were higher in mycorrhizal than nonmycorrhizal plants under control and medium saline soil conditions. The enhancement in P, K, Zn, Cu, and Fe acquisition due to AMF inoculation was more pronounced in Marriha than in the Pello cultivar under saline conditions. The results suggest that Marriha benefited more from AMF colonization than Pello under saline soil conditions, despite the fact that Pello roots were highly infected with the AMF. Thus, it appears that Marriha is more dependent on AMF symbiosis than Pello.
Abstract Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF)
and salt stress on nutrient acquisition and growth of two
tomato cultivars exhibiting differences in salt tolerance
were investigated. Plants were grown in a sterilized,
low-P (silty clay) soil-sand mix. Salt was applied at satu-
ration extract (ECe) values of 1.4 (control), 4.9 (medium)
and 7.1 dS m–1 (high salt stress). Mycorrhizal coloniza-
tion occurred irrespective of salt stress in both cultivars,
but AMF colonization was higher under control than un-
der saline soil conditions. The salt-tolerant cultivar Pello
showed higher mycorrhizal colonization than the salt-
sensitive cultivar Marriha. Shoot dry matter (DM) yield
and leaf area were higher in mycorrhizal than nonmycor-
rhizal plants of both cultivars. Shoot DM and leaf area
but not root DM were higher in Pello than Marriha. The
enhancement in shoot DM due to AMF inoculation was
22% and 21% under control, 31% and 58% under medi-
um, and 18% and 59% under high salinity for Pello and
Marriha, respectively. For both cultivars, the contents of
P, K, Zn, Cu, and Fe were higher in mycorrhizal than
nonmycorrhizal plants under control and medium saline
soil conditions. The enhancement in P, K, Zn, Cu, and Fe
acquisition due to AMF inoculation was more pro-
nounced in Marriha than in the Pello cultivar under sa-
line conditions. The results suggest that Marriha benefit-
ed more from AMF colonization than Pello under saline
soil conditions, despite the fact that Pello roots were
highly infected with the AMF. Thus, it appears that
Marriha is more dependent on AMF symbiosis than
Keywords Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi · Cultivar ·
Growth · Lycopersicon esculentum · Salinity
One of the most serious agricultural problems in arid and
semiarid regions is the accumulation of salt on the soil
surface, which renders fields unproductive. In general,
salinity inhibits plant growth and productivity. Detrimen-
tal effects of salinity on plant growth result from direct
effects of ion toxicity (Al-Karaki 2000a; Ayers and
Westcot 1985; Hasegawa et al. 1986) and/or indirect ef-
fects of saline ions that cause soil/plant osmotic imbal-
ance (Wyn Jones and Gorham 1983). Incorporating or
applying factors that enable plants to better withstand
salt stress could help improve crop production under sa-
line conditions.
The introduction of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
(AMF) to sites with saline soil may improve plant toler-
ance and growth (Al-Karaki 2000b; Jain et al. 1989).
The improved productivity of AMF plants has been at-
tributed especially to enhanced acquisition of low mobil-
ity nutrients such as P, Zn, and Cu (Al-Karaki and
Al-Raddad 1997; Al-Karaki and Clark 1998; George
et al. 1994; Marschner and Dell 1994) and improved wa-
ter relations (Al-Karaki 1998; Bethlenfalvay et al. 1988;
Sylvia et al. 1993). Mycorrhizal association with plant
roots not only enhances growth and mineral element up-
take, but mycorrhizal plants may have a greater tolerance
of salt stress (Al-Karaki 2000b; Ruiz-Lozano et al.
1996). Improved salt tolerance following mycorrhizal
colonization may be caused by more efficient P uptake
by mycorrhizal plants in P-deficient soils (Poss et al.
1985), leading to increased growth and subsequent dilu-
tion of toxic ion effects (Juniper and Abbott 1993). In
some cases, however, salt tolerance of AMF plants
appears to be independent of plant P concentration
(Danneberg et al. 1992; Ruiz-Lozano et al. 1996).
Salinity tolerance in tomato (Lycopersicon esculen-
tum Mill) plants is of major importance in Mediterranean
regions, where plants are often subjected to high levels
of salinity in the soil from soluble salts in irrigation wa-
ter and fertilizers; there is a negative correlation between
excess salinity and yield (Al-Karaki 2000a; Feigin et al.
G.N. Al-Karaki () · R. Hammad · M. Rusan
Faculty of Agriculture,
Jordan University of Science and Technology, P.O. Box 3030,
Irbid, Jordan
Mycorrhiza (2001) 11:43–47 © Springer-Verlag 2001
Ghazi N. Al-Karaki · R. Hammad · M. Rusan
Response of two tomato cultivars differing in salt tolerance
to inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi under salt stress
Accepted: 22 January 2001
1987; Shalhevet and Hsiao 1986). Wide variation in
plant responses to AMF inoculation has been reported
for different plant species under environmental stresses
(Al-Karaki and Al-Raddad 1997; Hirrel and Gerdemann
1980; Poss et al. 1985). It has been suggested that my-
corrhizal colonization is a host-dependent and heritable
trait (Lackie et al. 1988; Mercy et al. 1990).
Symbiotic interactions (especially in terms of growth
and mineral nutrient acquisition) between AMF and host
plants (e.g. differing in salt tolerance) need to be studied
under salt-stress conditions in order to optimize the ben-
eficial effects of AMF. The objectives of this present
study were to determine the effects of salt stress and
AMF inoculation on growth and mineral nutrient acqui-
sition by two tomato cultivars differing in salt tolerance.
Materials and methods
A greenhouse experiment was conducted at 25±5°C under natural
illumination during the spring of 1999. Tomato plants were grown
in a silty clay soil (fine, mixed, thermic, Typic Xerochrept) mixed
with sand [soil:sand, 2:1 (v/v)]. Soil properties before mixture
with sand were 6.5% sand, 45% silt, 48.5% clay, 1.2% organic
matter, pH 8.1(soil:water, 1:1), electrical conductivity (ECe)
1.4 dS m–1; 0.26 P (NaHCO3-extractable), 23.1 K, 6.2 Na, 0.2 Fe,
0.02 Zn, and 0.03 Cu (5 mM DTPA-extractable) in mmol per kg
soil. The soil mix was fumigated with methyl bromide under air-
tight plastic sheets for 3 days and the fumigant allowed to dissi-
pate for 10 days. The soil mix was dispensed into plastic pots
(4.5 kg soil per pot) for plant growth. No P was added to the soil.
Half of the pots received the AMF Glomus mosseae (Nicol.
And Gerd.) Gerd. And Trappe by placing 50 g (moist weight) of
inoculum in the soil directly adjacent to the roots of tomato seed-
lings. The AMF inoculum consisted of soil and root fragments and
~1,350 chlamydospores per kg air-dried soil. The inoculum was
isolated initially from a wheat (Triticum durum desf.) field in
northern Jordan (Al-Raddad 1993) and multiplied in pot cultures
using chickpea (Cicer aritinum L.) as host (Al-Karaki and
Al-Raddad 1997). Control treatments received no AMF inoculum.
Seeds of tomato cultivars Pello (salt tolerant) and Marriha (salt
sensitive) (Al-Karaki 2000c) were germinated in a moist mix of
peat and sand in polystyrene trays. Three 20-day-old seedlings,
uniform in size, were transplanted into each pot. Nitrogen as
NH4NO3was added at a rate of 30 mg N per kg soil 7 days after
Plants were established for 3 weeks before being subjected
to three salt levels by addition of a solution of NaCl and CaCl2
(1 M NaCl, 1 M CaCl2) to soil with the irrigation water. This gave
saturation extract (ECe) values of 1.4 (control), 4.9 (medium), and
7.1 (high salt stress) dS m–1. Electrical conductivity’s in soil were
measured with a Model LF539 Conductivity Meter (WTW, Weil-
heim, Germany). The soil was salinized step-wise to avoid sub-
jecting plants to an osmotic shock. Plants were watered with tap
water (EC= 0.4 dS m–1 ) until harvest. When leaching occurred,
the leachate was collected and added back to soil to maintain sa-
linity treatments near target levels.
The experiment was terminated by severing shoots from roots
after 8 weeks growth under salt-stress conditions. Leaf area was
determined using an LI-3000 leaf-area meter. Shoots were then
oven-dried at 70°C for 48 h, weighed and saved for mineral analy-
sis. Roots were rinsed free from soil and cut into 1-cm fragments.
The fragments were thoroughly mixed and representative fresh
samples (1 g) were removed for determination of root AMF colo-
nization. The remaining roots were dried and weighed. Root sam-
ples for determination of root colonization with AMF were cleared
with 10% KOH and stained with 0.05% trypan blue in lactophenol
as described by Phillips and Hayman (1970). AMF colonization in
terms of percentage root segments containing arbuscules and vesi-
cles was determined using a gridline intercept method (Bierman
and Linderman 1981).
Dried shoots were ground to pass through a 0.5-mm sieve in a
cyclone laboratory mill and saved for determination of mineral nu-
trients. Shoot P was determined colorimetrically (Watanabe and
Olsen 1965) and Zn, Fe and Cu were determined by atomic ab-
sorption spectroscopy. Potassium and Na in plant shoots were de-
termined using flame photometry (Ryan et al. 1996).
The experiment was randomized in complete blocks with three
salt stress levels, two AMF inoculum treatments and two tomato
cultivars to give a 3×2×2 factorial with four replications. Data
were analyzed statistically using analyses of variance with
MSTATC (Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich.). Prob-
abilities of significance among treatments and interactions and
LSDs (P<0.05) were used to compare means within and among
treatments. Mean percentages of AMF colonization were calculat-
ed from arcsine transformed data.
Nearly all salinity and AMF treatments produced signifi-
cant effects on growth and nutrient acquisition traits
(Table 1). Salt ×AMF interactions were significant for
shoot and root dry matter (DM) yields, leaf area, AMF
colonization, and P and Fe contents. Cultivars showed
significant differences only for shoot DM, leaf area,
AMF colonization, and P, K and Fe contents. AMF ×
Table 1 Significance levels for plant dry matter (DM) and leaf ar-
ea, root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and
shoot mineral (P, Na, K, Fe, Cu, Zn) contents in two tomato culti-
vars (C) grown at different salinity levels (salt)and inoculated or
not with AMF. NS Not significant
Trait Salt level AMF status Cultivar (C) Salt×AMF Salt×C AMF×C Salt×AMF×C
Shoot DM ** ** ** ** NS NS NS
Root DM ** ** NS ** NS NS NS
Leaf area ** ** ** ** NS NS NS
AMF colonization ** ** ** ** NS ** NS
P content ** ** ** ** NS NS NS
K content ** ** ** NS NS NS NS
Na content ** NS NS NS NS NS NS
Cu content ** ** NS NS NS NS NS
Fe content ** ** * * NS NS NS
Zn content ** ** NS NS NS NS NS
* Significant at P0.05 ** Significant at P0.01
cultivar interaction was significant only for AMF coloni-
zation (Table 1).
No AMF colonization was noted in roots of control
plants. Tomato plants grown in nonsaline soil had rela-
tively high AMF root colonization, which decreased as
soil salinity increased (Table 2). Under the conditions
nonsaline (1.4 dS m–1) and high salt (7.1 dS m–1) but not
moderate salt (4.9 dS m–1), the roots of the salt-tolerant
cultivar Pello showed a significantly higher AMF co-
lonization than the roots of the salt-sensitive cultivar
Marriha (Table 2).
Tomato shoot and root DM and leaf area were gener-
ally higher for mycorrhizal than for nonmycorrhizal
plants (Table 2). However, AMF inoculation had no
significant effects on either shoot DM for Pello or leaf
area for both cultivars at the high salinity treatment.
Moreover, similar root DM values were noted at medi-
um and high salinity for both mycorrhizal and nonmy-
corrhizal plants of both cultivars (Table 2). Shoot and
root DM and leaf area declined in both mycorrhizal and
nonmycorrhizal plants as soil salinity increased (Table
2). Pello had significantly higher shoot DM than Mar-
riha only in nonmycorrhizal plants at the medium and
high salinity levels. Leaf area of Pello was higher than
Marriha for nonmycorrhizal plants in the nonsaline
treatment and for both mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal
plants in the medium salinity treatment (Table 2). There
were no significant differences between cultivars in
root DM due to AMF inoculation at any salinity level
(Table 2).
Shoot P contents were generally higher in mycorrhi-
zal than nonmycorrhizal tomato plants of both cultivars
regardless of salinity level (Table 3). However, no signif-
icant differences were noted in shoot P content between
mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal plants of Pello at the
high salinity level. Shoot P content decreased with in-
creasing soil salinity in both mycorrhizal and nonmycor-
rhizal plants (Table 3). Differences in P content between
cultivars due to AMF inoculation were noted only under
nonsaline conditions, when Pello had higher shoot P
contents than Marriha. However, Pello shoot P contents
were also higher than Marriha in nonmycorrhizal plants
at the moderate salinity level, suggesting a genotypic dif-
ference between the cultivars.
Table 2 Root AMF coloniza-
tion (%), shoot and root dry
matter yields (g per plant) and
leaf area (cm2per plant) of
nonmycorrhizal (NonAMF) and
mycorrhizal (AMF) tomato
cultivars grown at different sa-
linity levels. Different letters in
each column indicate signifi-
cant differences at P<0.05 ac-
cording to LSD
Salt level AMF status Cultivar AMF Dry matter Leaf area
dS m–1 colonization Shoot Root
1.4 NonAMF Pello 0.0 f 4.62 b 0.45 b 317 b
Marriha 0.0 f 4.30 b 0.42 b 286 c
AMF Pello 51.6 a 5.61 a 0.86 a 479 a
Marriha 47.3 b 5.20 a 0.87 a 469 a
4.9 NonAMF Pello 0.0 f 3.19 d 0.31 bc 171 f
Marriha 0.0 f 2.43 e 0.31 bc 139 g
AMF Pello 38.9 c 4.19 bc 0.42 b 250 d
Marriha 36.9 cd 3.83 c 0.34 b 218 e
7.1 NonAMF Pello 0.0 f 1.63 f 0.09 c 78 hi
Marriha 0.0 f 1.14 g 0.06 c 58 i
AMF Pello 33.4 d 1.92 f 0.28 bc 101 h
Marriha 27.0 e 1.81 f 0.14 c 81 hi
Table 3 Shoot contents (mg per plant) of P, K, and Na in nonmy-
corrhizal (NonAMF) and mycorrhizal (AMF) tomato cultivars
grown at different salinity levels. Different letters in each column
indicate significant differences at P<0.05 according to LSD
Salt level AMF status Cultivar Shoot content
dS m–1 PKNa
1.4 NonAMF Pello 4.42 d 175 bc 17.3 c
Marriha 3.85 d 158 cd 17.3 c
AMF Pello 8.86 a 233 a 17.4 c
Marriha 7.71 b 197 b 17.5 c
4.9 NonAMF Pello 2.27 e 103 e 76.2 a
Marriha 1.43 f 66 f 72.8 ab
AMF Pello 5.95 c 144 cd 67.1 ab
Marriha 5.24 c 129 de 60.7 b
7.1 NonAMF Pello 0.94 fg 38 fg 68.7 ab
Marriha 0.51 g 23 g 67.1 ab
AMF Pello 1.66 ef 49 fg 62.5 ab
Marriha 1.35 f 43 fg 61.1 b
Table 4 Shoot contents (µg per plant) of Cu, Fe, and Zn in non-
mycorrhizal (NonAMF) and mycorrhizal (AMF) tomato cultivars
grown at different salinity levels. Different letters in each column
indicate significant differences at P<0.05 according to LSD
Salt level AMF status Cultivar Shoot content
dS m–1 Cu Fe Zn
1.4 NonAMF Pello 55.0 bc 634 b 205 b
Marriha 49.9 c 57 1bc 188 bc
AMF Pello 87.5 a 1041 a 307 a
Marriha 72.9 ab 932 a 268 a
4.9 NonAMF Pello 21.6 d 420 cd 92 de
Marriha 12.0 d 315 d 67 ef
AMF Pello 51.2 c 637 b 142 cd
Marriha 46.3 c 569 bc 126 d
7.1 NonAMF Pello 7.8 d 181 de 40 ef
Marriha 4.0 d 126 e 26 f
AMF Pello 19.9 d 281 de 61 ef
Marriha 14.4 d 259 de 57 ef
Shoot K contents were higher in mycorrhizal than
nonmycorrhizal plants for both cultivars in the nonsaline
and medium salinity treatments (Table 3). Shoot K con-
tent decreased as soil salinity increased. Pello had higher
shoot K contents than Marriha in mycorrhizal plants in
the nonsaline treatment and in nonmycorrhizal plants at
the medium salinity level (Table 3).
Shoot Na contents of both mycorrhizal and nonmy-
corrhizal plants increased significantly as soil salinity in-
creased from the nonsaline to medium salinity levels
(Table 3). No significant differences between cultivars
due to AMF inoculation were noted for Na content re-
gardless of salinity level. However, Na contents of non-
mycorrhizal Marriha and Pello were similar at all salini-
ty levels (Table 3).
Shoot contents of Cu, Fe and Zn were apparently
higher for mycorrhizal than nonmycorrhizal plants, but
the differences were not significant for Cu and Fe at the
high salinity level or for Zn in Pello at medium salinity
and both cultivars at the high salinity level (Table 4).
Shoot contents of Cu, Fe and Zn decreased as soil salini-
ty increased. No significant differences between culti-
vars were noted for shoot contents of Cu, Fe and Zn in
either mycorrhizal or nonmycorrhizal plants.
The overall effects of AMF colonization on shoot DM
yield and mineral nutrient acquisition of saline and non-
saline plants are summarized in Table 5. The enhance-
ment in shoot DM due to AMF inoculation was 22 and
21% under control, 31 and 58% under medium, and 18
and 59% under high salinity level for Pello and Marriha,
respectively. The enhancement in P, K, Zn, Cu, and Fe
acquisition due to AMF inoculation was more pro-
nounced in Marriha than in Pello at the medium and high
salinity levels (Table 5).
Plants inoculated with Glomus mosseae had significantly
higher shoot and root DM yields and leaf area than non-
mycorrhizal plants under medium salinity (4.9 dS m–1).
This was also true for shoot DM and leaf area and for
root DM under nonsaline conditions. Enhanced growth
of mycorrhizal plants grown in saline environments has
been related partly to mycorrhizal-mediated enhance-
ment of host plant P nutrition (Al-Karaki 2000b; Hirrel
and Gerdemann 1980; Pond et al. 1984; Poss et al.
1985). In this present study, mycorrhizal plants had high-
er P contents than nonmycorrhizal plants at all salinity
levels, except for Pello plants at the high salinity level.
This may have occurred because of reduced P transport
and uptake under these conditions. Plants grown under
high salinity may have lower H2PO4activity (preferred
phosphate ion for plant uptake) than under low salinity
conditions (Al-Karaki 1997; Sentenac and Grignon
1985). Reduced uptake of P by mycorrhizal plants grown
at high salinity levels has been reported by other workers
(Al-Karaki 2000b; Hirrel and Gerdemann 1980; Pond
et al. 1984; Poss et al. 1985).
Many studies have indicated that AMF contributes to
plant growth via enhancement of mineral nutrient up-
take, especially of immobile soil nutrients (P, Cu, Zn)
(Al-Karaki and Al-Raddad 1997; Al-Karaki and Clark
1998; Bethlenfalvay et al. 1988; Marshner and Dell
1994). In this present study, mycorrhizal tomato plants
had higher shoot P contents than nonmycorrhizal plants
regardless of salinity level. Higher Fe and Cu contents in
mycorrhizal than nonmycorrhizal plants were also noted.
The higher mineral nutrient acquisition by mycorrhizal
than by nonmycorrhizal plants likely occurred because
of increased availability or increased transport (absorp-
tion and/or translocation) by AMF hyphae. Enhanced ac-
quisition of P, Cu, and Fe by mycorrhizal plants has been
reported (Al-Karaki and Al-Raddad 1997; Al-Karaki and
Clark 1998; Marshner and Dell 1994; Trimble and
Knowles 1995). However, AMF root colonization had
little effect on shoot K content in plants grown at the me-
dium and high salinity levels. Poss et al. (1985) reported
that K uptake was little affected by AMF root coloniza-
tion in tomatoes grown under saline conditions.
The lack of change in Na content with AMF treatment
may be explained by the dilution effects of plant growth
enhancement caused by AMF colonization. Similar re-
sults were reported by other researchers (Al-Karaki
2000b; Bernstein et al. 1974; Jarrell and Beverly 1981).
Plant growth response to AMF inoculation was higher
in Marriha than in Pello under saline but not under non-
saline conditions, even though AMF colonization was
higher in Pello than in Marriha. However, enhanced
growth may not be related to degree of AMF root coloni-
zation in some plants (Al-Karaki and Clark 1998).
The host plant species, cultivar and growing condi-
tions can influence the effects of AMF symbiosis on nu-
trient acquisition (Al-Karaki 2000b; Al-Karaki and
Al-Raddad 1997; Al-Karaki and Clark 1998; Mercy
et al. 1990). From the results of this present study, it ap-
Table 5 Percent change in
shoot dry matter (DM) yield
and nutrient contents due to of
mycorrhizal colonization of
two tomato cultivars grown at
different salinity levels. Shoot
100/DMnonAMF. Nutrient content
(NC) increase/decrease=NCAMF
Salt level Cultivar Shoot DM Nutrient content
dS m–1 P K Na Cu Fe Zn
1.4 Pello 22 100 33 1 59 64 50
Marriha 21 100 25 1 46 63 43
4.9 Pello 31 162 40 –12 137 52 54
Marriha 58 266 95 –17 286 81 88
7.1 Pello 18 77 29 –9 155 55 53
Marriha 59 165 87 –9 260 106 119
pears that AMF colonization was more effective in in-
creasing P, Cu, Fe and Zn acquisition under saline condi-
tions for the salt-sensitive cultivar Marriha than the salt-
tolerant cultivar Pello. Higher nutrient acquisition in re-
sponse to AMF colonization was suggested to be a plant
strategy for salt-stress tolerance (Hirrel and Gerdemann
1980; Pond et al. 1984; Poss et al. 1985).
Despite the paucity of significant differences between
mycorrhizal Pello and Marriha plants in the different pa-
rameters measured, it is clear that Marriha plants benefi-
ted more from mycorrhizal symbiosis than Pello plants
under increased salinity. This is further confirmation that
mycorrhizal symbiosis is especially beneficial for plant
growth under adverse conditions such as soil salinity.
Acknowledgements Financial support by the Deanship of Scien-
tific Research, Jordan University of Science and Technology is
greatly appreciated.
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... In the case of tomatoes, numerous studies have demonstrated the potential of AM fungi to provide plants with greater resistance to salt stress in arid and semi-arid regions. This can lead to improved plant nutrition and growth and, therefore, better yields and productivity, as it allows the size and efficiency of the roots, the leaf area index, and the low biomass to adapt in drought conditions and improves photosynthetic efficiency, stomatal conductance, and leaf water relations in saline conditions [5,6,9,16,[23][24][25][26][27][28][29]. ...
... The effect of AM fungi against increasing doses of salt on tomato plants is confirmed in this work, which shows an increase in developmental parameters, as described by other authors [5,9,[26][27][28][29]40], though it is lower in the roots than in the aerial biomass of the plants [5,9,26,27]. However, Al-Karaki, Al-Karaki et al., and Liu et al. [28,29,40] observed that these benefits disappeared at high doses of NaCl, which also agrees with our results. ...
... The effect of AM fungi against increasing doses of salt on tomato plants is confirmed in this work, which shows an increase in developmental parameters, as described by other authors [5,9,[26][27][28][29]40], though it is lower in the roots than in the aerial biomass of the plants [5,9,26,27]. However, Al-Karaki, Al-Karaki et al., and Liu et al. [28,29,40] observed that these benefits disappeared at high doses of NaCl, which also agrees with our results. ...
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Tomato production in the Canary Islands has significantly decreased in recent years due to the presence of parasites and pathogens, poor-quality irrigation water, lack of infrastructure modernization, and increased competition. To address this issue, local varieties with better agro-climatic adaptation and organoleptic characteristics have been cultivated. These varieties show their maximum potential under an agro-ecological cultivation system, where the beneficial micro-organisms of the rhizosphere (in general) and mycorrhizal fungi (in particular) have a positive influence on their development, especially when the plants are subjected to biotic or abiotic stresses. Irrigation water in Canary Islands tomato cultivation comes from groundwater sources with moderate levels of sodium and chlorides or sodium and bicarbonates. This study evaluated the response of mycorrizal plants of the local tomato variety “Manzana Negra” under abiotic stress conditions due to the presence of chlorides and bicarbonates. Two tests were carried out with mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants. In the first one, 0, 75, and 150 mM NaCl solutions were applied. In the second, the nutrient solution was enriched with sodium bicarbonate at doses of 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, and 12.5 mM. Presence of native mycorrhizae improved the growth and nutrition of plants affected by irrigation with saline and alkaline water containing chloride and sodium carbonate. Symbiosis produced statistically significant increases in all plant-development-related variables (stem length and diameter; fresh and dry weight) in all bicarbonate concentrations. However, the results with the application of sodium chloride do not seem to indicate a positive interaction in most of the analytical parameters at 150 mM NaCl concentration. The mycorrhizal inoculation with local fungi can be interesting in the production of seedlings of this tomato variety in situations of moderate salinity, especially under bicarbonate stress conditions.
... The role of plant-microorganism interactions on plant stress responses has been given attention in recent years. Fungal symbionts such as mycorrhizal fungi may influence plant species behaviors under adverse environmental factors like salinity stress (Al-Karaki et al., 2001;Porcel et al., 2012;Begum et al., 2019;Evelin et al., 2019). ...
... This problem can be somewhat resolved using AM, reducing the number of Na + ions present. The diluting effect brought on by growth enhancement could account for the reduction in Na + content in mycorrhizal plants associated with non-AMF plants, which supports the findings of 72 . The general mechanism of AMF's relief of salt stress in wheat may include the inhibition of Na + accretion and an increase in K + attention 27 . ...
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The growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum) is constrained by soil salinity, although some fungal species have been shown to enhance production in saline environments. The yield of grain crops is affected by salt stress, and this study aimed to investigate how arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) mitigates salt stress. An experiment was conducted to assess the impact of AMF on wheat growth and yield in conditions of 200 mM salt stress. Wheat seeds were coated with AMF at a rate of 0.1 g (10⁸ spores) during sowing. The results of the experiment demonstrated that AMF inoculation led to a significant improvement in the growth attributes of wheat, including root and shoot length, fresh and dry weight of root and shoot. Furthermore, a significant increase in chlorophyll a, b, total, and carotenoids was observed in the S2 AMF treatment, validating the effectiveness of AMF in enhancing wheat growth under salt stress conditions. Additionally, AMF application reduced the negative effects of salinity stress by increasing the uptake of micronutrients such as Zn, Fe, Cu, and Mn while regulating the uptake of Na (decrease) and K (increase) under salinity stress. In conclusion, this study confirms that AMF is a successful strategy for reducing the negative effects of salt stress on wheat growth and yield. However, further investigations are recommended at the field level under different cereal crops to establish AMF as a more effective amendment for the alleviation of salinity stress in wheat.
... Eight hundred million hectares of agricultural lands are impaired due to soil salinity all over the world (FAO, 2008). To diminish the adverse effects of salt stress on plants, many strategies can be used such as leaching excessive salinity, growing salt-tolerant plants in salt-stressed soils or inoculate plants with beneficial microbes (Al-Karaki et al., 2001;Li et al., 2017). Many studies reported that endophytic fungi can alleviate salt stress of their associated plant (Jogawat et al., 2013;Laxmi et al., 2016;Li et al., 2017;Zhang et al., 2019;Bouzouina et al., 2020). ...
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Fungal endophytes can improve plant tolerance to abiotic stress conditions. Dark septate endophytes (DSEs) belong to phylogenetically non-related groups of root colonizing fungi among the Ascomycota with high melanin-producing activities. They can be isolated from roots of more than 600 plant species in diverse ecosystems. Still the knowledge about their interaction with host plants and their contribution to stress alleviation is limited. The current work aimed to test the abilities of three DSEs (Periconia macrospinosa, Cadophora sp., Leptodontidium sp.) to alleviate moderate and high salt stress in tomato plants. By including an albino mutant, the role of melanin for the interaction with plants and salt stress alleviation could also be tested. P. macrospinosa and Cadophora sp. improved shoot and root growth 6 weeks after inoculation under moderate and high salt stress conditions. No matter how much salt stress was applied, macroelement (P, N, and C) contents were unaffected by DSE inoculation. The four tested DSE strains successfully colonized the roots of tomato, but the colonization level was clearly reduced in the albino mutant of Leptodontidium sp. Any difference in the effects on plant growth between the Leptodontidium sp. wild type strain and the albino mutant could, however, not be observed. These results show that particular DSEs are able to increase salt tolerance as they promote plant growth specifically under stress condition. Increased plant biomasses combined with stable nutrient contents resulted in higher P uptake in shoots of inoculated plants at moderate and high salt conditions and higher N uptake in the absence of salt stress in all inoculated plants, in P. macrospinosa-inoculated plants at moderate salt condition and in all inoculated plants except the albino mutants at high salt condition. In summary, melanin in DSEs seems to be important for the colonization process, but does not influence growth, nutrient uptake or salt tolerance of plants.
... Exclusion appears to be one of the most important factors here, as it seems to be merely a matter of competing for space [111]. Mycorrhizae have been shown to increase the host plant's tolerance to water stresses [112], including those caused by high salinity [106,113,114]. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain why water is extracted from smaller pores [112]: increased hydraulic conductivity of the roots, improved stomatal regulation, osmotic regulation of the host and better contact with soil particles due to the binding effect of hyphae). ...
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The growing interest in mycorrhizal fungi in agriculture is related to their symbiotic relationships with cultivated plants. Thanks to functional genomics approaches, mycorrhizae and symbioses with host plants have emerged for their features. Besides improving nutritional supply, plant-fungal interactions increase plants' tolerance to abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity and cold, as well as their resistance to diseases. Recent studies have investigated the interactions between plants and mycorrhizae, however the mechanisms often remain unclear. Indeed, plants in the field are affected by various stresses and results often appear contradictory. This review is aimed at presenting the most relevant studies in this field in order to highlight the possible benefits of mycorrhizal interactions and their application in agriculture. Abstract The growing interest in mycorrhizal fungi in agriculture is related to their symbiotic relationships with cultivated plants. Thanks to functional genomics approaches, mycorrhizae and symbioses with host plants have emerged for their features. Besides improving nutritional supply, plantefungal interactions increase plants' tolerance to abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity and cold, as well as their resistance to diseases. Recent studies have investigated the interactions between plants and mycorrhizae, however the mechanisms often remain unclear. Indeed, plants in the field are affected by various stresses and results often appear contradictory. This review is aimed at presenting the most relevant studies in this field in order to highlight the possible benefits of mycorrhizal interactions and their application in agriculture.
... These fungi represent fundamental factors of plant productivity (Pellegrino et al. 2015;Zhang et al. 2019) since the extraradical mycelium can promote plant uptake and translocation of nutrients (e.g., P, N, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn) (Lehmann et al. 2014;Lehmann and Rillig 2015;Watts-Williams and Cavagnaro 2014) and redistribute soil resources among plants linked by a common mycorrhizal network (Cardini et al. 2021;Javot et al. 2007;Jin et al. 2005). The effect of AM fungal inoculation on AM fungal root colonization, plant growth, and nutrient acquisition in different varieties of tomato has been well documented in microcosm (e.g., Al-Karaki 2000;Al-Karaki et al. 2001;Giovannetti et al. 2012;Hart et al. 2015). By contrast, few studies of AM fungal inoculation were carried out in open-field conditions (Bona et al. 2017;Bowles et al. 2016;Conversa et al. 2013), where agricultural practices (e.g., tillage and fertilization) might have negatively impacted native AMF-crop interactions (Gosling et al. 2010;Hamel et al. 1997;Piazza et al. 2019). ...
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Purpose Plant microbial biostimulants, such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), enhance nutrient concentration in fruits, including tomato. However, field studies on tomato AMF inoculation are scarce. AMF species belonging to Gigasporaceae and Glomeraceae families known to vary in life-history strategies may determine differential effects on plant nutrient benefits and residue decomposition. Despite this, the effect of different life-history strategies on nutrient acquisition of tomato fruits has not been investigated yet. Methods We studied the effect of inoculation of two tomato varieties with four AMF species belonging to Glomeraceae and Gigasporaceae. Fungal colonization, yield, fruit nutrient concentration, litter decomposition, and bacterial and fungal abundances in soil were assessed in the field under organic agriculture. Results Overall Gigasporaceae promoted the concentration of nutrients in tomato fruits compared to Glomeraceae. A variability in AM fungal colonization and fruit nutrient concentration was detected within Glomeraceae. Scutellospora pellucida increased the yield (+ 27%) of var. Rio Grande with respect to Gigaspora gigantea . In var. Rio Grande, inoculation with Funneliformis mosseae did not change litter decomposition as compared to non-inoculated controls, whereas it was lower than in Sclerocystis sinuosa and Gigasporaceae species, which showed the highest decomposition rates. AMF inoculation promoted soil total bacterial and fungal abundance and fungal:bacterial (F:B) ratio compared to controls, and members of Gigasporaceae had the highest F:B ratio. Conclusion These findings pointed at the inclusion of AM fungal life-history strategy within the selection criteria for the development of biofertilizers able to enhance the nutritional value of vegetables under organic farming systems.
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Bitki büyümesi ve gelişmesi, tarımsal üretimi sınırlayan önemli bir çevresel stres olan tuzluluktan olumsuz etkilenir. Mikoriza ve rizobakterilerin tuzlu koşullarda bitki büyüme ve gelişmesi üzerindeki etkileri göz önüne alındığında, bunların sinerjik etki oluşturdukları ve bitki büyüme ve gelişmesini artıracağı düşünüldüğünden bu çalışma yapılmıştır. Çalışmada tuz stresi altındaki H2274 ve SC2121 domates çeşitlerine uygulanan mikoriza ve Trichoderma Harzianum T78’in morfolojik ve fizyolojik parametreler üzerine etkilerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Deneme tam otomasyonlu, iklim kontrollü venlo tip cam serada saksı denemesi şeklinde yürütülmüştür. Çalışma konusu olarak domates bitkilerine 8 farklı uygulama yapılmıştır. Çalışma konuları; 1) Kontrol (Mikrobiyal uygulama yapılmamış), 2) Mikrobiyal uygulama yapılmamış+Tuz stresi (100Mm NaCI), 3) Mikoriza uygulanmış, 4) Mikoriza+Tuz stresi , 5) Trichoderma uygulanmış, 6) Trichoderma +Tuz, 7) Mikoriza+Trichoderma uygulanmış 8) Mikoriza+Trichoderma +Tuz stresi uygulamalarından oluşmuştur..Çalışmada; bitki boyu, gövde çapı, bitki yeşil aksamının (yaprak ve gövde) ve kökünün taze ve kuru ağırlıkları ve SPAD değeri (klorofil indeksi), parametreleri iki domates çeşitinde incelenmiştir.. Çalışma sonuçlarına göre her iki domates çeşitinde de tuz stresi uygulanmamış bitkilerde mikrobiyal uygulamalar incelenen parametrelerde önemli düzeyde olumlu etkiler göstermiştir. Tuz stresi uygulanan bitkiler biomas gelişimi olarak olumsuz etkilenmiştir. Mikoriza (Glomus iranicum var. tenuihypharum) ve bakteri (Trichoderma harzianum T78) uygulamaları kontrol ve tuzlu koşullarda yetiştirilen bitkilerde bitki boyu, gövde taze ve kuru ağırlık, kök taze ve kuru agırlık, kök morfolojik özelliklerini ve SPAD degerlerinin artışına sebep olmuştur. Sonuç olarak; tuz stresinin domates bitkisinin büyümesi üzerindeki olumsuz etkilerinin mikoriza ve trichoderma uygulamaları ile önemli ölçüde azaltılabileceği belirlenmiştir.
Salinity is one of the most significant environmental factors limiting legumes development and productivity. Salt stress disturbs all developmental stages of legumes and affects their hormonal regulation, photosynthesis and biological nitrogen fixation, causing nutritional imbalance, plant growth inhibition and yield losses. At the molecular level, salt stress exposure involves large number of factors that are implicated in stress perception, transduction, and regulation of salt responsive genes’ expression through the intervention of transcription factors. Along with the complex gene network, epigenetic regulation mediated by non-coding RNAs, and DNA methylation events are also involved in legumes’ response to salinity. Different alleviation strategies can increase salt tolerance in legume plants. The most promising ones are Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobia, Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, seed and plant’s priming. Genetic manipulation offers an effective approach for improving salt tolerance. In this review, we present a detailed overview of the adverse effect of salt stress on legumes and their molecular responses. We also provide an overview of various ameliorative strategies that have been implemented to mitigate/overcome the harmful effects of salt stress on legumes.
The study aimed at investigating Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (AM) mediated metabolic changes in two genotypes of mungbean (Vigna radiata) differing in their salt tolerance in presence of salt stress (100mM NaCl). Colonisation by Claroideoglomus etunicatum resulted in higher growth, photosynthetic efficiency, total protein content, and lower levels of stress markers, indicating alleviation of stress in mungbean plants. AM differentially upregulated the components of Tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle in salt tolerant (ST) and salt sensitive (SS) genotypes that could be correlated to AM-mediated moderation in nutrient uptake. Under salt stress, while maximum increase in the activity of α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (65%) was observed in mycorrhizal (M)-ST; the increase in isocitrate dehydrogenase (79%) and fumarase (133%) activities was maximum in M-SS plants over their non-mycorrhizal (NM) counterparts. Apart from TCA, AM also affected gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glyoxylate pathways. Activities of enzymes implicated in GABA shunt increased in both the genotypes under stress resulting in increase in GABA concentration (46%). Notably, glyoxylate pathway was induced by AM in SS only, wherein M-SS exhibited significantly higher isocitrate lyase (49%) and malate synthase (104%) activities, reflected in higher malic acid concentration (84%), than NM under stress. The results suggest that AM moderates the central carbon metabolism and strategizes towards boosting the formation of stress-alleviating metabolites such as GABA and malic acid, especially in SS, bypassing the steps catalysed by salt-sensitive enzymes in TCA cycle. The study, therefore, advances the understanding on mechanisms by which AM ameliorates salt stress.
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Increasing plant phosphorus (P) supply can increase or decrease salt tolerance of many plants. Barley (Hordeum vulgate L, cv. ACSAD 176) was grown in nutrient solution under controlled conditions to determine effects of P level on detrimental effects of sodium chloride (NaCl). Increasing level of P improved tolerance of barley to NaCl. At 3, 30, and 60 μM P, the NaCl concentrations to reduce shoot dry matter (DM) by 50% were 158, 193, and 260 mM, respectively. Increased NaCl levels reduced shoot P concentrations. Plants grown with NaCl had higher internal P requirements. When NaCl in solution was 10, 150, and 300 mM, the corresponding concentrations of P in shoots required to obtain 50% DM were 1.6, 4.2, and 4.7 mg · g-1 dry weight, respectively. Increasing solution P level from 3 to 60 μM P decreased sodium (Na) and increased potassium (K) concentrations in shoots. Accumulation of mineral ions for osmotic adjustment and restriction of Na accumulation in shoots was involved in P enhancement of salt tolerance of barley.
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Salinity is a significant limiting factor to agricultural productivity, impacting about 9 × 10 ⁸ ha of the land surface on the earth, an area about 3 times greater than all of the land that is presently irrigated (17, 18). Reduced productivity occurs as a result of decreased yields on land that is presently cultivated [about one-third of all irrigated land is considered to be affected by salt (18, 45)], as well as due to the restriction of significant agricultural expansion into areas that presently are not cultivated. In the United States, salinity is a major limiting factor to agricultural productivity, and as the quality of irrigation water continues to decline this problem will become more acute (1, 56). About 1.8 million ha of land are salt-affected in California (56), the major agricultural state in the nation. Annual losses to crop production in the salt-affected areas, including the Imperial, Coachella, and San Joaquin valleys, are substantial and are increasing at a significant rate each year (56).
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The effects of an arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus and drought stress on the growth, phosphorus, and micronutrient uptake of two wheat genotypes exhibiting differences in drought resistance were investigated. Plants were grown on a low P (4 mg kg–1 soil) silty clay (Typic Xerochrept) soil-sand mix. Mycorrhizal infection was higher under well-watered than under dry soil conditions and the drought-resistant genotype CR057 had a higher mycorrhizal colonization than the drought-sensitive genotype CR006. Total and root dry matter yields and total root length were higher in mycorrhizal than in nonmycorrhizal plants of both genotypes. CR057 had higher total dry matter but not root dry matter than CR006 plants. The enhancement in total dry matter due to AM inoculation was 42 and 39% under well-watered and 35 and 45% under waterstressed for CR057 and and CR006, respectively. For both genotypes, the contents of P, Zn, Cu, Mn, and Fe were higher in mycorrhizal than in nonmycorrhizal plants and higher under well-watered than under dry soil conditions. The enhancement of P, Zn, Cu, Mn, and Fe uptake due to AM inoculation was more pronounced in CR006 than in CR057, particularly under water-stressed conditions. Thus CR006 benefitted from AM infection more than the CR057 under dry soil conditions, despite the fact that CR057 roots were highly infected. It appears that CR006 is more dependent on AM symbiosis than CR057. Key words AM 7 Drought resistance 7 Genotype 7 Phosphorus 7 Triticum durum
Water deficit (water stress — WS) and excess salt (salt stress — SS) evoke similar plant responses, yet clear differences have been observed. The effect of the two forms of stress applied consecutively to cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) and pepper (Capsicum annuum) was studied in a growth chamber (29/20C day/night temperature, 50% RH, 12-h photoperiod) in 2.5-liter containers packed with a silt loam soil.Leaf water potential () under increasing WS [soil water potential decrease from –0.16 to –1.10 MPa] of transpiring cotton and pepper plants declined to lower levels than under equivalent SS. The decline of leaf solute potential 0 on the other hand, was less under WS than under SS, resulting in reduced turgor potential ( p ), in contrast with turgor maintenance under SS. Predawn turgor potential of WS plants was maintained at all levels of soil water potential. Transpiration, CO2 assimilation and light period leaf extension rate were higher under low soil water potential produced by salinity than an equivalent value produced by water deficit.The more severe effect of WS was attributed to incomplete osmotic adjustment — the reduction in solute potential did not keep pace with the reduction in leaf water potential, and to increased root interface resistance in the dry soil.The leaf sap of cotton under WS had a higher proportion of sugars (65%) than electrolytes, compared to SS. When WS was converted to SS and plant solute potential decreased, electrolytes were taken up at the expense of a reduction in the sugar concentration. Water stress and salt stress may have an additive effect in depressing growth. But at equivalent levels, the relative magnitude of the effect of low soil matric potential (WS) on plant growth was twice as great as that of low soil solute potential (SS).
Extensive forest establishment efforts are being undertaken with native and exotic trees on substandard soils, which occupy >7 million ha in C and S India. A common problem is the high salt content of arid and semi-arid soils. Success varies widely by species, with Acacia nilotica, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Prosopis juliflora and Terminalia arjuna surviving best. -P.J.Jarvis
This chapter discusses the dilution effect in plant nutrition studies. “Environmental conditions” include changes in the soil environment because of the addition of inorganic and organic materials, and water to soil, as well as temperature and light, the application of living organisms such as rhizobia and mycorrhizal fungi, and the inclusion of toxic materials such as heavy metals. A summary is presented of the physical, chemical, and biological reasons that accounts for the observed changes in the rate of nutrient uptake, and the rate of dry matter accumulation as functions of time. The chapter proposes that data on total uptake and total dry matter yield be considered wherever possible, and that consideration of these factors be coupled with consideration of concentrations. In instances where total nutrient uptake is difficult to calculate, it is suggested that this be estimated by the product of concentration and yield. The effect of a chemical or environmental treatment on the concentration of a nutrient in the plant will be considered in two categories—noninteractive and interactive. Of these two, the interactive effects have been most carefully studied in soil-plant nutrition work.
Vesicular-arbuscular (VA) mycorrhizal fungi were collected and identified from saline locations throughout southern and central California and Nevada. From this collection, 38 soil samples containing VA mycorrhizal fungi from 22 plant species were used to inoculate tomato seedlings and evaluate their growth under artificial salinization. Six samples significantly improved growth of tomato in salinized soil when compared to a salinized, nonmycorrhizal control. Growth with 14 samples in salinized soil was as good as growth of a nonmycorrhizal control in nonsalinized soil. Glomus fasciculatum consistently provided the largest growth response. Negative correlations were found between the amount of mycorrhizal colonization on tomato roots in the greenhouse and electrical conductivity, Na concentration, and osmotic potential of the saline soil samples from the field. The amount of mycorrhizal colonization on hosts in the field from which the soil samples were collected was not correlated to growth response or mycorrhizal colonization of tomato in the greenhouse.