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Open sea cultivation of Palmaria palmata (Rhodophyta) on the northern Spanish coast


Abstract and Figures

The aim of this study was to adapt the techniques of rope culture to the cultivation of the edible seaweed Palmaria palmata on the northern Spanish coast. Vertical rope rafts were installed in two locations. Fronds were attached to 4-mm polyethylene ropes that were suspended from a steel frame secured in position using weights and buoys. In the first two trials (April to August 1999) we investigated the effects of the outplanting season (spring-summer), and length of the cultivation period (number of weeks) on the growth of R palmata. Cultivation in autumn and winter was not performed due to the rough sea conditions. The following three trials (April to August 2000) aimed to test the effects on the growth and quality (i.e. N content) of the fronds of other additional factors: cultivation technique (fronds inside mesh bags versus directly inserted into ropes), use of marginal proliferations as source stock (versus field material), different stocking densities, and addition of nutrients versus no enrichment. Maximum observed growth during the best-cultivation season in spring was about 14% of the initial fresh weight per day (about 0.7 g FW). The growth of cultivated fronds was noticeably greater than the growth of field individuals and four weeks was a suitable period for cultivation. The bag method was better than inserting the fronds into ropes due to the avoidance of frond loss, and enhancement of the quality. Appropriate stocking density was very important when using bags since the growth tended to decrease with increasing number of fronds per bag. The artificial nutrient enrichment also enhanced the quality of the fronds in two locations, and the growth in one site (with lower seawater nutrient concentration). Nutrient enhanced fronds grew at a rate similar to that observed one month and a half earlier when nutrient concentration. was higher. In Spain the stock of P palmata is limited. However, the marginal proliferations grew at a similar rate than field material partially solving this limitation. Results from these trials suggest the potential to aquaculture P palmata in northern Spain. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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Open sea cultivation of Palmaria palmata (Rhodophyta)
on the northern Spanish coast
Brezo Martínez
, Rosa M. Viejo
, Jose M. Rico
, Ruth H. Rødde
, Vanesa A. Faes
Jesús Oliveros
, Dámaso Álvarez
Departamento de Biología de Organismos y Sistemas, Universidad de Oviedo, c/ Catedrático Rodrigo Uría s/n, E-33071 Oviedo, Spain
Department of Biotechnology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), N-7491 Trondheim, Norway
Received 6 April 2005; received in revised form 2 October 2005; accepted 7 October 2005
The aim of this study was to adapt the techniques of rope culture to the cultivation of the edible seaweed Palmaria palmata on
the northern Spanish coast. Vertical rope rafts were installed in two locations. Fronds were attached to 4-mm polyethylene ropes
that were suspended from a steel frame secured in position using weights and buoys. In the first two trials (April to August 1999)
we investigated the effects of the outplanting season (springsummer), and length of the cultivation period (number of weeks) on
the growth of P. palmata. Cultivation in autumn and winter was not performed due to the rough sea conditions. The following three
trials (April to August 2000) aimed to test the effects on the growth and quality (i.e. N content) of the fronds of other additional
factors: cultivation technique (fronds inside mesh bags versus directly inserted into ropes), use of marginal proliferations as source
stock (versus field material), different stocking densities, and addition of nutrients versus no enrichment. Maximum observed
growth during the best cultivation season in spring was about 14% of the initial fresh weight per day (about 0.7 g FW). The growth
of cultivated fronds was noticeably greater than the growth of field individuals and four weeks was a suitable period for cultivation.
The bag method was better than inserting the fronds into ropes due to the avoidance of frond loss, and enhancement of the quality.
Appropriate stocking density was very important when using bags since the growth tended to decrease with increasing number of
fronds per bag. The artificial nutrient enrichment also enhanced the quality of the fronds in two locations, and the growth in one site
(with lower seawater nutrient concentration). Nutrient enhanced fronds grew at a rate similar to that observed one month and a half
earlier when nutrient concentration was higher. In Spain the stock of P. palmata is limited. However, the marginal proliferations
grew at a similar rate than field material partially solving this limitation. Results from these trials suggest the potential to
aquaculture P. palmata in northern Spain.
© 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Bag cultivation; Fertilizer; Mariculture; Palmaria palmata; Rope cultivation
1. Introduction
Humans have carried out the culture of seaweeds for
hundreds of years and it is well developed in several
Asian countries (Perez, 1992; Ohno and Critchley,
1993; Lobban and Harrison, 1997; Neori et al., 2004).
Aquaculture 254 (2006) 376387
Corresponding author. Present address: Área de Biodiversidad y
Conservación, Escuela Superior de Ciencias Experimentales y
Tecnología, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. c/ Tulipán s/n, Móstoles,
E-28933, Madrid, Spain. Tel.: +34 914888102; fax: +34 916647490.
E-mail address: (B. Martínez).
0044-8486/$ - see front matter © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nowadays, cultured seaweeds represent most of the
seaweed production, which is about 10 million tons
fresh weight (FW) worldwide (Lüning and Pang, 2003).
However, the use of seaweeds as food and its cultivation
in western countries is by far less developed (Browne,
2001). Palmaria palmata (Linnaeus) Kuntze is probably
the most popular seaweed used as food in North
America and Europe, and has been also used for feeding
abalone in hatcheries (Morgan et al., 1980a; Irvine and
Guiry, 1995; Le Gall et al., 2004). This species,
commonly known as dulsein the northern Europe,
is a good source of dietary requirements, rich in vitamins
and minerals, proteins, and fibre (Morgan et al., 1980b;
Lahaye et al., 1993). P. palmata is commercially
harvested and sold in dry form by several food selling
companies in Canada, USA, Ireland, and UK (Chopin,
1998; Browne, 2001). The development of the maricul-
ture of this species has been suggested to have high
potential in Canada and in the USA (Chopin, 1998;
Cheney, 1999). Cultivation in small tanks (8 l) received
large attention in the 1980s in Nova Scotia (Morgan et
al., 1980a; Morgan and Simpson, 1981a,b,c). Recently,
cultivation in larger tanks has been developed with
fronds collected from Roscoff (France), and open sea
cultivation has been tested in Northern Ireland (Browne,
2001; Pang and Lüning, 2004).
We summarize in this paper the results from the first
open sea cultivation of P. palmata on the northern
Spanish coast. The cultivation technique was modified
from rafts culture methods developed for Laminaria
japonica Areschoug mass cultivation in China, and from
P. palmata experimental cultivation in Northern Ireland
(FAO, 1989, 2001, 2003; Perez, 1992; Ohno and
Critchley, 1993; Browne, 2001). The aim of our study
was to adapt the known techniques of vertical rope raft
culture to suit the local conditions of the coast of
Asturias (northern Spain). For this purpose, we
investigated the effects of several factors on the growth
and quality (i.e. N content) of the fronds during five
successive cultivation trials.
The two first trials aimed to test the best outplanting
season given that field P. palmata showed their highest
growth rates during spring (Faes and Viejo, 2003). The
optimum length of the cultivation period (number of
weeks) was also tested. High growth during the first
weeks followed by reduced growth has been observed in
cultures of Gigartina atropurpurea J. Agardh and other
red seaweeds (McNeill et al., 2003).
In the next trial the cultivation of fronds inside mesh
bags was compared to the cultivation of fronds directly
inserted into ropes following the more traditional
vertical rope culture techniques (FAO, 1989, 2001,
2003; Perez, 1992; Ohno and Critchley, 1993). The
coast of Asturias is exposed to waves with few
moderately sheltered sites. The use of mesh bags in
such conditions has been shown to prevent the
detachment of algal material (Ask and Azanza, 2002;
Reddy et al., 2003).
The efficiency of an alternative method to the
collection of field material for culturing was tested in
the fourth trial. The ultimate objective was the reduction
of harvest pressure on the natural populations. P.
palmata develops marginal proliferations that were
collected from the material harvested in the third trial
and used as source stock. Pruning methods are common
in algal cultivation procedures to assure the sustainabil-
ity of the cultivation system (Melo et al., 1991; Perez,
1992; Ohno and Critchley, 1993; Lobban and Harrison,
1997; McNeill et al., 2003).
The third and fourth trials also tested the hypothesis
that increasing the density on ropes, or increasing the
number of fronds inside mesh bags, would cause a
decrease in growth due to the reduction of light and
nutrients (Browne, 2001).
Finally, in the fifth trial we tested the effect of an
artificial fertilizer on frond growth and quality. In the
studied area, the growth of P. palmata fronds from the
field populations is limited by very low nutrient
concentrations in late summer (Martínez and Rico,
2002; Faes and Viejo, 2003). Nutrient enrichment
treatments have been shown to prevent growth and
quality decay in cultures from other geographic areas
(FAO, 1989, 2001, 2003; Ask and Azanza, 2002; Tseng,
These experiments represented a pioneer activity in
Spain since algae are not traditionally consumed nor
cultured in this country (Juanes and Sosa, 1998).
2. Material and methods
2.1. Sites
The P. palmata culture rafts were placed in two
locations along the coast of Asturias (northern Spain):
Ensenada de Arnao (43°33N, 7°01W) and Concha de
Artedo (43°34N, 6°12W). The Ensenada de Arnao
(Arnao) is a bay at the eastern side of the mouth of an
embayment about 5 km long (Ría de Ribadeo). The
hydrography and dynamics of the Ría de Ribadeo are
dominated by tidal and wave forcing. The site where the
rafts were set is subjected to a significant outflow
current caused by the wave breaking at the west side
(Piedracoba et al., in press). The Concha de Artedo
(Artedo) is a bay dominated by wave forcing due to its
377B. Martínez et al. / Aquaculture 254 (2006) 376387
reduced size (about 1.5 km long). The seasonal
variations of major environmental factors in Artedo
have been published elsewhere (Martínez and Rico,
2002). Temperature records from the temperature
monitoring program currently undergoing by the
Ecology Department of the University of Oviedo reveal
that the temperature regime in Arnao is similar to the
seasonal variation measured at Artedo and summarized
in Martínez and Rico (2002). These sites were selected
because they are moderately sheltered to the dominant
wave regimes, providing some protection to the culture
units. They have the suitable water depth for accom-
modating the floating rafts, and are easily accessible by
boat. Both represent the best potential sites for the
installation of commercial seaweed farms in the coast of
2.2. Cultivation procedure
A total of 35 culture ropes (depending on the
trial) were secured to a steel bar (1 m long). The bar
was suspended 1m below the sea surface from two
buoys and fixed in position on the seabed by two
concrete anchor weights (40 kg each). Four-millimeter
polyethylene ropes were used for growing the fronds;
each one was 3 m in length. A second steel bar at the
bottom kept all ropes in place avoiding rope twisting.
Three independent floating rafts separated 3 m and
sited in parallel were adopted as the cultivation unit
(Fig. 1). One cultivation unit was used per locality in
1999 and two units separated around 50 m were set up
in 2000.
P. palmata fronds collected subtidally at Artedo were
used as source stock material. When inserting the fronds
was not possible the same day of collection, fronds were
kept submersed in the sea inside a wide mesh bag (1 cm
width) less than 24 h. Only fronds free from epiphytes
and dark-red in colour (healthy-looking fronds) were
selected for cultivation. Many fronds were ramified
showing small marginal proliferations at the time of
2.3. Cultivation experiments in 1999
The effect of the outplanting season (spring
summer), and length of the cultivation period (number
of weeks) were analysed during 1999 in two locations
(ArtedoArnao). One trial started in April (spring
culture) and a second trial in June (summer culture).
Trials in autumn and winter were not performed due
to rough sea conditions that are common at these
seasons in the studied area. A culture period of
approximately three months was used. The initial
mean length of the fronds was 14.8 cm (± 0.16 SE,
n=969). Frond length and numbers were monitored
weekly or fortnightly. Single fronds were inserted in
the lay of the ropes by opening the twist and pushing
the fronds through the lay (see Kain (Jones), 1991).
Fifteen vertical ropes were seeded and hung from the
three floating rafts installed at each locality (five ropes
per raft). All ropes in each cultivation unit were
seeded with a mean density of 1215 fronds/m of
rope in spring and 2225 in summer.
2.4. Cultivation experiments in 2000
The following three trials were set up in the spring
and summer of 2000. The fronds were only attached to
the bottom meter of each rope between 3 and 4 m depth.
This reduced the amount of material needed for the
experiments, and thus the demand of individuals from
natural populations. The deepest meter was chosen
because individuals from filed populations growing
Steel bar
with P. palmata
3 m
1 m
1 m
Weight -40 Kg
3 m
Fig. 1. Vertical rope culture rafts adapted for the local conditions and
experiments done. Each unit consisted of three floating rafts.
378 B. Martínez et al. / Aquaculture 254 (2006) 376387
underneath kelp canopies showed higher nutritional
value and quality (i.e. N and protein content) than those
growing in high light conditions (Martínez and Rico,
unpublished data).
The third cultivation trial was done in Artedo (April
May) and examined the effects of cultivation procedure
(fronds inserted into ropes at density of 30/m, and
compared to fronds placed inside bags with 10 fronds/
bag and 3 bags/m), and frond density (10, 30 and 60
fronds/m of rope) on the growth rate. The bags were
made of a 25×30 cm polyethylene net 4 mm in width,
which filtered out 10% of the incident light. The effect
of using bags in the quality of the fronds was also tested.
In subsequent experiments only the bag procedure was
used as a consequence of the results of this experiment.
In the fourth trial (Artedo, MayJune) the growth
and quality of the marginal proliferations collected from
the material cultivated in the third trial were compared to
that from small fronds collected in the field at a density
of 10/bag. Small marginal proliferations (b7cmin
length) were excised at their base from the edge of
bigger fronds. The effect of the different density of
fronds inside bags (10, 20 and 30 fronds/bag and 3 bags/
m) on the growth was also tested.
The fifth experiment (JulyAugust) tested the
combined effect of Locality (two locations: Artedo
versus Arnao) and Enrichment (control versus nutrient
enhanced units) on the growth and quality of the fronds.
A pair of fishnet stockings, each containing 250 g of a
controlled release fertilizer (Multicote 4 months,
20N: 10P : 20K, Haifa Chemicals Ltd., Haifa Bay,
Israel), was attached to half of the ropes close to each
bag. All the bags contained 10 fronds both in the
nutrient enhanced and control treatments.
To compare frond growth among trials run during
spring and summer, bags with a density of 10 fronds/bag
were included in the three cultivation trials done during
In all trials, the ropes were randomly located in the
two units available. However, in the last trial (effect of
Locality and Enrichment) all the nutrient enhanced
ropes were set together in a single cultivation unit per
locality to avoid an undesirable enrichment of the water
around the control ropes. Therefore, the effects of the
addition of fertilizer may be confounded with possible
spatial differences in this trial. However, previous study
in Artedo showed no spatial changes in nitrogen (N) and
phosphorus (P) inorganic concentration according to the
very low values of these compounds in summer
(Martínez and Rico, unpublished data).
At the start of the experiments in 2000, the initial
mean fresh weight per frond was 0.73 g (±0.02 SE,
n=47) without significant differences among treat-
ments, locations or periods. The number and weight
(FW) of fronds per meter of rope (or per bag) were
recorded at the beginning and the end of each
experiment. The mean increase in FW (finalinitial
FW) per frond per day was calculated in order to make
comparisons among trials, and densities. Additionally,
in the third trial the lengths of the fronds were also
measured. Mean initial length in this trial was 7 cm
0.3 SE, n=55). The experiments were run for 23 to
33 days.
2.5. Biochemical analyses
Nutrient contents of fronds from different cultivation
procedures: bags versus fronds inserted into ropes (third
trial), origin of the fronds (newly collected versus
marginal proliferations; fourth trial), and Locality and
Enrichment treatments (fifth trial), were recorded in the
experiments of 2000 to characterize the quality and
nutritional value of the fronds. Two samples per
treatment were analysed in the third and fourth trials,
and 10 samples in the fifth trial. Biochemical analyses
were performed after drying the samples in a circulation
dryer at temperatures below 40 °C, and grinding the
dried sample in a hammer mill with a 2 mm sieve.
Thallus N content was measured using a CNH
Elemental Analyser (Perkin Elmer Analytical Instru-
ments, Shelton). P extraction from thallus was per-
formed by alkaline persulphate digestion (Ameel et al.,
1993), and phosphate was measured as described in
Koroleff (1983).
To further characterize the dietary value and
physiological status of the fronds cultured by the two
different methods (bags and fronds inserted into ropes),
ash and main carbohydrates content (xylan, glucose and
floridoside) were analysed in two samples from the third
trial. Thallus ash content was determined by heating the
samples to 530 °C for 18 h (Larsen, 1978). For
carbohydrate extraction dry algal powder was subjected
to pre-hydrolysis with 80% sulphuric acid (18 h, 4 °C)
prior to hydrolysis by 1 M sulphuric acid (4 h, 100 °C)
according to Haug and Larsen (1962). The quantitative
monosaccharide composition was determined by gas
chromatography (Chaplin, 1982), and new extinction
coefficients were calculated. The concentrations of
xylan, a dietary fibre, and glucose were determined
according to methods in Dubois et al. (1956). Flori-
doside was extracted in boiling water for 4 h and
then determined by the method of Dubois et al.
(1956) after a new extinction factor was calculated by
gas chromatography.
379B. Martínez et al. / Aquaculture 254 (2006) 376387
2.6. Seawater nutrient concentrations
N and P levels in seawater were monitored during the
fifth trial (2000) near the nutrient enhanced and the
control ropes. A total of two samples per treatment and
locality at 4 different dates were taken. Seawater
concentrations of nitrate, nitrite, and orthophosphate
were measured as described in Koroleff (1983) and
ammonium as outlined in Álvarez (1993) using a
Technicon II Autoanalyzer (Industrial Method no.
158-71 W/A, Ireland). All the inorganic N forms
showed parallel trends during the experiment thus
their concentration values were summed to calculate
total N.
2.7. Statistical analyses
The initial length of fronds varied between
locations in experiments of 1999. Mean frond length
was compared between sites after four weeks of
cultivation using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA),
with initial length as covariate. Mean increases in FW
per frond in experiments of 2000 were analysed using
uni- or bifactorial Analysis of Variance (ANOVAs).
Locality was considered a fixed factor. Analyses of
total N and P in seawater and of thallus constituents
were also done using multi- and unifactorial ANO-
VAs. In ANOVAs involving bag cultivation proce-
dures an additional factor, Rope, was nested in the
combination of main treatments. Cochran's test was
used to test for heterogeneity of variances. When
indicated data were transformed to homogenize
variances (see Tables). StudentNewmanKeul
(SNK) tests were used to discriminate among different
treatments after significant F-tests. All tests were done
with SPSS (11.0.1) for Windows.
3. Results
3.1. Cultivation experiments in 1999
Mean length of cultivated fronds increased in 1999
during the first trial (spring), and at the beginning of
the second trial (summer) (Fig. 2). The increase was
especially marked in the first four weeks of culture in
spring. During this time interval, the growth was
similar between locations (ANCOVA for differences
between locations in final mean length of fronds,
1, 290
=0.13, p=0.713). Fronds in Arnao grew for a
longer period than in Artedo during the spring
experiment. Plants from both sites were bleached
and covered by epiphytes at the end of the cultivation
period, and there were considerable losses of fronds
attached to ropes from the beginning of the experi-
ments. In Arnao, 76.1% of all fronds in spring and
90.6% in summer were lost. Losses in Artedo were
lower (22.4% in spring and 56.5% in summer).
3.2. Cultivation experiments in 2000
In the third trial, fronds cultured inside bags, and
those directly inserted into ropes at different densities,
showed similar growth rates (Fig. 3,one-way
3, 12
=1.80, p=0.201). Mean daily frond
growth was 103.7 mg FW (±7.49 SE, n= 16). This
corresponded to a daily increase of about 14% of the
mean initial weight of the fronds. Fronds cultured
inside bags during this trial showed a final mean
length of 21 cm (±1.5 SE, n=10). The density of
fronds directly inserted into ropes varied during the
Mean length (cm)
April May June July August
ril Ma
June Jul
Fig. 2. Temporal changes in frond length of Palmaria palmata
inserted into ropes in 1999 at Artedo and Arnao (first and second
trials). Closed symbols indicated the first trial (spring) and open
symbols indicate the second trial (summer). Error bars represent
standard error, numbers indicate total number of fronds (n) inserted
into 15 vertical ropes.
380 B. Martínez et al. / Aquaculture 254 (2006) 376387
experiment due to losses. The proportion of frond
losses was similar at all densities used (one-way
2, 9
=1.89, p=0.207), with an overall mean
of 28% (±21.5 SE, n=12) of the initial number of
fronds. Moreover, fronds directly inserted into ropes
bleached by the end of the experiment independently
of the cultivation density used. This was associated
with significant differences in the physiological status
of the fronds. Floridoside content was higher in fronds
directly inserted into ropes than in fronds within bags
(Table 1). The opposite trend was detected for N
content. Low glucose content was measured and no
significant differences were found in this component
or in P content, xylan, and ash between cultivation
In the forth experiment a trend was observed for
frond growth to decrease with increased frond density
inside bags (Fig. 4). Moreover, marginal proliferations
tended to grow more than newly collected fronds at any
density (nested ANOVA, F
3, 8
=3.90, p=0.054). Signif-
icant differences in thallus N and P content were not
observed (one-way ANOVAs, overall mean % DW;
nitrogen: F
3, 4
=0.70, p=0.601, 1.1 ± 0.06 SE; phospho-
rous: F
3, 4
=1.36, p=0.375, 0.1 ± 0.01 SE; n= 8).
In the enrichment experiment (fifth trial during
JulyAugust), N and P in seawater around control and
nutrient enhanced ropes varied among locations and
dates (ANOVAs, significant interaction Enrichmen-
t×Locality ×Date,F
3, 16
=31.37, p=6.19×10
total N; F
3, 16
=14.47, p=8.04 × 10
for orthophos-
phate). A significant increase in total N around
nutrient enhanced ropes was detected at Arnao in
the first and last dates and at Artedo in the first and
second dates. Differences in orthophosphate between
Table 1
Analyses of variance for differences in N, P, floridoside, xylan, glucose, and ash content in fronds cultivated inside bags or inserted into ropes in the
third trial (AprilMay 2000)
df MS
FpMean ± SE % DW, n=2
Bags Ropes Overall
N 1,2 0.374 0.015 25.142 0.038 2.25±0.3 1.28±0.1
P 1,2 0.003 0.001 2.473 0.256 ––0.183±0.03
Floridoside 1,2 136.890 0.530 258.283 0.004 14.50±0.7 26.20± 0.2
Xylan 1,2 2.723 3.262 0.834 0.457 ––27.37±1.0
Glucose 1,2 4.000 0.565 7.080 0.117 –– 4.75±0.8
Ash 1,2 124.769 16.544 7.542 0.111 ––25.74 ±4.2
Variances were homogeneous.
Frond growth (mg FW
Fig. 4. Mean daily frond growth of Palmaria palmata cultivated inside
bags during the forth trial (MayJune 2000). Fronds were collected
from the field and grown at three densities or marginal proliferations
excised from harvested fronds and grown at one density. Error bars
represent standard error (n=9).
Frond growth (mg FW
10m-1 30m-1 60m-1
Fig. 3. Mean daily frond growth of Palmaria palmata cultivated inside
bags and inserted into ropes at three densities in the third trial (April
May 2000). Error bars represent standard error (n= 4).
381B. Martínez et al. / Aquaculture 254 (2006) 376387
treatments were detected at Arnao in the last date (Fig.
5). These data support that inorganic nutrients were
released from the fertilizer pellets. When only controls
were compared, total N was higher in Arnao than in
Artedo in 2 out of 4 sampling dates (Table 2, SNK
test). P levels were also higher at Arnao in 2 out of 4
sampling dates, and at Artedo in 1 date. Frond growth
was affected by the combined effect of Locality and
Enrichment treatments (Table 3,Fig. 6A). Fronds on
nutrient enhanced ropes in Artedo had higher growth
rates compared to those on control ropes, whereas no
significant differences were found between treatments
at Arnao. Higher N content was observed in nutrient
enhanced fronds from both sites. In addition, fronds
from Arnao had higher N content than those from
Artedo irrespective of the treatment (Table 4,Fig. 6B).
P content was higher in fronds from Arnao than from
Artedo but no differences were observed in response
to the addition of nutrients within locations (Table 4,
Fig. 6C).
Growth was highest at the beginning of the spring
(AprilMay 2000), and declined towards JulyAugust
in Artedo (Fig. 7,ANOVA,F
3, 12
= 52.13, p=3.7 ×10
Frond growth in nutrient enhanced bags in JulyAugust
Concentration of total N in seawater (μM)
Concentration of P in seawater (μΜ )
Nutrient enhanced
Fig. 5. Changes in levels of total N and P through time around culture rafts of Palmaria palmata during the fifth trial (JulyAugust 2000) at
Arnao and Artedo. Closed and open symbols indicate nutrient enhanced or control cultures, respectively. Error bars represent standard error
Table 2
Analyses of variance of differences in (a) total N and (b) orthophosphate in seawater around control ropes in the different locations (Artedo and
Arnao) and sampling dates (experiment of JulyAugust 2000)
Source df (a) N in seawater (b) P in seawater
Mean square FpMean square Fp
Locality 1 0.876 3.330 0.165 1.41×10
0.031 0.871
Date 3 3.001 72.860 0.001 0.83 × 10
0.290 0.831
Locality ×Date 3 0.263 6.374 0.016 44.90×10
15.676 0.001
Residual 8 0.041 2.87×10
SNK tests Dates 2, 3: ArnaoNArtedo Date 1: ArtedoNArnao
Dates 1, 4: ArnaoArtedo Dates 2, 4: ArnaoNArtedo
Date 3: ArnaoArtedo
Mean values differing between locations are indicated (from SNK tests). Variances were homogeneous.
non-significant differences at pb0.05.
Nsignificantly higher at pb0.05.
382 B. Martínez et al. / Aquaculture 254 (2006) 376387
was similar to that in control bags in the previous period
4. Discussion
Spring was the optimal season for mariculture of P.
palmata in northern Spain. Spring is frequently the
best cultivation season for seaweeds from diverse
geographic areas (e.g. McNeill et al., 2003). The
individuals cultivated, irrespective of the method used,
reached their annual maximal growth in May 1999
and 2000. Parallel growth trends were observed in
individuals from a close population (Faes and Viejo,
2003). P. palmata is a pseudoperennial seaweed that
shows its maximal growth during spring; growth is
reduced during summer and ceases in August in the
studied area (Faes and Viejo, 2003). A small
proportion of the thallus persisted over autumn and
winter, but showed no evidence of growth and thus
cultivation at these seasons could hardly proceed.
Moreover empty rafts were left and damaged by
winter and autumn storms that are common in the
studied area.
Growth of cultured fronds was noticeably greater
than values from natural populations. The elongation of
fronds at the beginning of spring 2000 (AprilMay) was
about 14 cm showing a final mean length of about 21
cm. This elongation was noticeably greater than the
increase of about 3.5 cm showed by field individuals
during the same period (Faes and Viejo, 2003). At this
time of the year, the daily weight increase (about 14%
initial FW) was among growth values observed in tank
cultures in previous experiments (Morgan et al., 1980a;
Morgan and Simpson, 1981a,b,c; Pang and Lüning,
2004). However, growth rates were higher in fronds
cultured in open sea in Strangford Lough, Northern
Ireland (Browne, 2001). The vicinity of the Spanish
cultures to the southern distributional limit of P. palmata
may explain this difference. Spanish populations
typically show smaller individuals probably due to
their peripheral nature (Kain, 1986; Irvine and Guiry,
1995). This pattern has also been observed in other
macroalgae (Carter and Prince, 1988; Bengtsson, 1993).
Table 3
Analysis of variance of the effect of Locality and Enrichment on the
daily frond growth (experiment of JulyAugust 2000)
Source Mean square df F p
Locality 0.023 1 2.62× 10
Enrichment 407.450 1 0.471 0.498
Locality ×Enrichment 864.861 1 12.199 0.002
Pooled Residual 70.897 27
The effect of Rope (nested in the interaction Locality ×Enrichment)
was not significant (pN0.25) and it was thus pooled with Residual
(Winer et al., 1991).
In order to homogenize variances, one data was replaced by the
mean of the group and 1 df subtracted from Residual.
Frond growth (mg FW day-1)
Arnao Artedo
Nutrient enhanced
N content (% DW)
Arnao Artedo
P content (% DW)
Arnao Artedo
Fig. 6. Differences in daily frond growth (A), N content (B), and P
content (C), in Palmaria palmata cultivated inside bags during the
fifth trial (JulyAugust 2000) at Arnao and Artedo. Solid bars
indicated nutrient enhancement and open bars indicated control fronds.
Error bars represent standard error (n=8 for daily frond growth, n=10
for N or P). In A) lower case letters denote significantly different mean
values (pb0.05; StudentNewmanKeul test after significant F-test).
383B. Martínez et al. / Aquaculture 254 (2006) 376387
Four weeks was a suitable period for cultivation.
Growth was severely reduced if fronds were cultured
over a longer period particularly at one of the studied
sites (Artedo), and several problems, such as frequent
frond loss, bleaching, and coverage by epiphytes,
increased with the length of rope cultivation in both
locations. A period of 4 weeks also produced the highest
sustained yields in open sea cultivation in Strangford
Lough and in tank culture (Morgan et al., 1980a;
Browne, 2001). Maximal growth rates were also
observed in the thirty days after pruning and transplan-
tation in many seaweeds (e.g. McNeill et al., 2003).
The growth of the fronds cultured inside bags and
inserted into ropes was similar, but the bag method
solved the problem of frond loss. Very often when
fronds were passed through the ropes the tissue
underneath the rope bleached and eventually broke.
Especially in Arnao, where an outflow current is present
(Piedracoba et al., in press), entire fronds were also
detached from the rope. Wave force in both sites, and the
wave and tidal driven currents in Arnao accelerated
frond losses. The bag method is particularly recom-
mended in the exposed conditions that prevail along the
northern Spanish coast. This procedure also provided
more consistent yields as it avoided the problem of frond
detachment and lessened the impact of grazing, both
problems also associated with rope culture of other
species (Ask and Azanza, 2002; Reddy et al., 2003).
Moreover, the use of bags enhanced the dietary value
of the harvested material increasing the N content of
fronds. In P. palmata the protein pool represents up to
93% of total cell N, thus higher N content of fronds was
related to higher protein and food quality (Martínez and
Rico, 2002). Furthermore, fronds cultured inside bags
exhibited lower floridoside content. Higher incident
light in the fronds inserted into ropes may explain these
differences. Storage of carbohydrates (such as florido-
side) was activated to benefit from higher light
conditions (Meng and Srivastava, 1993). This response
is well known in macroalgae (Neish et al., 1977;
McGlathery and Pedersen, 1999; Lüning and Pang,
2003) and particularly in this species (Morgan and
Simpson, 1981a; Martínez and Rico, 2002), and is
commonly associated with a decrease in the N content of
the thallus as shown in this study (Neish et al., 1977;
McGlathery and Pedersen, 1999). In addition to
increased yield and quality, the use of bags reduced
the personnel required particularly during outplanting
due to the easier manipulation.
Appropriate stocking density was very important
when using bags. The growth rate tended to decrease
with increasing number of fronds per bag. Reduced
turbulence, and thus lower nutrient supply, and lower
irradiance due to self-shading of the fronds explained
similar results in Strangford Lough (Browne, 2001).
Lower growth rates with increasing density were also
measured in cultures of Chondrus crispus Stackhouse
inside cylindrical mesh containers (Zertuche-González
et al., 2001).
Table 4
Analysis of variance of the effect of Locality and Enrichment treatment on (a) the N and (b) P content of fronds (experiment of JulyAugust 2000)
Source df (a) Thallus N content
(b) Thallus P content
Mean square FpMean square Fp
Locality 1 0.009 39.497 0.001 0.042 23.220 0.001
Enrichment 1 0.002 9.052 0.005 0.002 1.102 0.301
Locality ×Enrichment 1 0.0003 1.502 0.228 0.006 3.490 0.070
Residual 36 0.0002 0.002
Data were arcsine transformed to homogenize variances.
In order to homogenize variances, one data was replaced by the mean of the group and 1 df subtracted from Residual.
Frond growth (mg FW day-1)
April-May May-June Jul-Aug
Fig. 7. Mean daily frond growth of Palmaria palmata cultivated inside
bags through time in the trials done during spring and summer 2000 in
Artedo (nutrient enhanced or not nutrient enhanced in JulyAugust).
Error bars represent standard error (n=4). Lower case letters denote
significantly different mean values (pb0.05; StudentNewmanKeul
test after significant F-test).
384 B. Martínez et al. / Aquaculture 254 (2006) 376387
Nutrient enrichment at the end of summer enhanced
growth at one of the studied sites. In Artedo, nutrient
enhanced fronds in JulyAugust grew at a rate similar
to fronds cultured one month and a half earlier. A
resin-coated fertilizer, of the same type used in this
research, was shown to improve Gelidium cultivation
in the sea (Melo et al., 1991). In situ nutrient
enrichment methods have been extensively used in
cultivation of Laminarial and Euchematoid species,
and have caused the fast development of kelp farming
in oligotrophic Chinese coastal areas (FAO, 1989,
2001, 2003; Ask and Azanza, 2002; Tseng, 2004).
Our results suggested that the addition of nutrients
would allow the cultivation of P. palmata during
summer in locations not receiving high nutrient inputs
such as Artedo in this study. Fronds also showed
higher N in response to the higher seawater nutrient
levels due to the enrichment irrespective of the
location. The fertilizer increased the quality of the
harvested material slowing down the trend of
decreasing N content as the cultivation proceeded
(source material collected in April: mean % DW: 4.3
±0.42 SE, n= 2). Field individuals also showed this
natural trend in response to the nutrient starving
conditions during summer (Martínez and Rico, 2002).
In spite of the increase in quality, the growth of fronds
from Arnao was not enhanced in response to the
addition of nutrients. In Arnao growth was not
nutrient limited probably due to the higher nutrient
concentration associated with the estuary and with the
nutrient load from large oyster and clam farms
operating in this location. Similar growth responses
have been observed in bays with high nutrient loading,
which are traditionally selected for extensive L.
japonica cultivation and do not require fertilizer
additives (FAO, 1989). Cultivation of macroalgae in
such areas may prevent harmful effects from eutro-
phication, balancing the negative effects of animal
cultivation (FAO, 1989; Fei and Tseng, 2003; Fei,
2004). The integration of P. palmata cultivation with
the bivalves' cultivation in Arnao would reduce
potential eutrophication effects. P. palmata has been
mentioned as a good candidate for such integrated
cultivation systems (Chopin et al., 2001; Lüning and
Pang, 2003; Neori et al., 2004; Pang and Lüning,
As pointed out by Waaland (1978), the major
requirement for sustained marine algal cultivation is
the availability of sufficient source stock. P. palmata is
patchily distributed and populations are isolated along
the Spanish coastline (Faes and Viejo, 2003). The
marginal proliferations were suitable source material
for the following cultivation trial. Similar procedures
are common in macroalgal farming on a commercial
scale. In many species the individuals can be pruned
back to seedling size to allow a second harvest (Melo
et al., 1991; Perez, 1992; Ohno and Critchley, 1993;
Lobban and Harrison, 1997; McNeill et al., 2003).
The use of marginal proliferations would partially
solve the limitation of source material but research is
needed to assure the sustainability of the cultivation
system. Le Gall et al. (2004) suggested the possibility
of seeding the culture ropes with spores of P. palmata
and then transferring seeded ropes to the sea for
Results from these trials suggest the potential to
aquaculture P. palmata in northern Spain. Cultivation
methods should be preferred to harvesting natural
populations since the natural stock is limited. To this
end, preliminary techniques developed from these trials
have been transferred to a new company. This company
has installed vertical rope rafts in one of the locations
used in this research. Fronds are being cultivated during
four weeks inside mesh bags similar to those used in this
This study has been carried out with financial support
from the Commission of the European Communities,
Agriculture and Fisheries (FAIR) specific RTD
programme, project CT97-3828, PALMARIA. J. Sos-
tres and E. Cabal were an invaluable help with analytical
procedures. Sincere thanks to the Dirección General de
Pesca del Principado de Asturias, and especially
Manolo and Eva, for their help with fieldwork. We
gratefully acknowledge A. Gatti for correcting the
English style, and several anonymous reviewers for
helpful comments on the manuscript.
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387B. Martínez et al. / Aquaculture 254 (2006) 376387
... Seeded substrate should be maintained in culture conditions until small plants are visible (Edwards and Dring, 2011) which will ensure that the holdfast has started to develop. It is also possible to thread small developed plants into ropes (Sanderson, 2006) or grow plants vegetatively inside bags (Martínez et al, 2006) for growth at sea. ...
... Placing seaweed farms in high current areas to prevent particles settling on the fronds may solve this however, this risks damage and loss of plants (Sanderson et al, 2012). Although, trial experiments have successful increased the biomass of P. palmata inside bags at sea (Martínez et al, 2006). ...
... can be produced via vegetative propagation in laboratory culture conditions (Polne-Fuller et al, 1984) or in the sea using floating rafts which submerge the plants and expose them to the air to prevent biofouling (Yang et al, 2017). P. palmata has been produced asexually in laboratory conditions and at sea (Martínez et al, 2006) but large scale commercialisation has not occurred due to inconsistent growth rates and contamination by epiphytes making stocks unreliable. This method has not been investigated in as much detail as biomass production by sexual reproduction because the potential for large numbers of plants could be greater and more economically viable if high proportions of spore survival are achieved (Browne, 2001). ...
Abstract Palmaria palmata is an edible seaweed in high demand due to its many health benefits and uses in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. Cultivation of P. palmata has been unsuccessful in the past due to poor spore survival, poor attachment to substrates, slow growth and degradation of biomass in tanks. This project aimed to find methods of growing P. palmata from spores and vegetatively for the development of a commercial crop. Initially, methods of spore release were trialled and spore survival was observed. Epiphytic growth was observed on spores for which a number of chemical treatments were then investigated. Vegetative propagation of meristematic tissue was also trialled alongside decontamination treatments. These experiments were subsequently up-scaled to flask culture and at-sea experiments. The main observation from the spore experiments was that an oomycete infection is highly prevalent and limits the production of this species. However, resistant spores were identified which have potential to be grown to adult sized plants to create a starting crop based around these strains. The growth of meristematic tissue was unsuccessful however, potassium iodide was identified as a potential decontamination treatment as it did not have a negative effect on the P. palmata tissue whereas sodium hypochlorite and methanol decreased the survival of the samples. In the flask cultures, Von Stosch media encouraged significantly enhanced vegetative growth compared to KTH media as did the use of potassium iodide and germanium dioxide in combination, compared to controls. A doubling in biomass of whole P. palmata fronds was achieved within four weeks. The at-sea investigation was ineffective due to the time of year as the biomass was heavily fouled with epiphytes. There is potential for this species to be grown commercially if further research takes place to overcome the persisting problems described in this thesis.
... Currently, the supply of P. palmata for commercial products is sourced by hand harvesting wild populations, which is time-consuming and raises increasing concerns on overexploitation of wild seaweed populations (Ugarte and Sharp 2001;Monagail et al. 2017). Increasing demand has prompted research on the cultivation of P. palmata to promote a reliable biomass supply (Martínez et al. 2006;Werner and Dring 2011;Schmedes et al. 2019;Schmedes and Nielsen 2020), reimbursed by the potential application of its derived bioactive hydrolysates (Harnedy et al. 2014;Beaulieu et al. 2016). ...
... Cultivating P. palmata at sea is based on propagating spore-seeded substrates with sporelings into a harvestable biomass (Browne 2001), where the natural variation in environmental parameters determines the growth but offers little control of biomass quality (Hurd and Harrison 2001;Martínez et al. 2006). After deployment, sporelings may experience harmful levels of irradiance, nutrient deficiency, and stressful fluctuations in salinity (Montague and Ley 1993;Edwards 2007) and are prone to fouling (Faes and Viejo 2003;Martínez and Rico 2008;Edwards and Dring 2011). ...
Full-text available
Land-based cultivation of the rhodophyte Palmaria palmata is promising for high productivity and nutrient mitigation, yet the cultivation strategy and the knowledge of the effect of various environmental factors are incomplete. In a two-phased cultivation trial, marginal proliferations were used as seedstock to test the impact of irradiance (10–280 μmol photons m−2 s−1 photosynthetically active radiation; PAR) using sequential nutrient phases of pulse additions (10% vs. 100% F/2+) on specific growth rate (SGR) and productivity (exp.1). The effect of salinity (15–35‰) and nutrient concentration (10 vs. 100% F/2+) on frond growth was investigated (exp.2). The SGR peaked at 200 μmol photons m−2 s−1 PAR in both nutrient phases with max mean SGR of 6.86 ± 0.4% day−1 (mean ± SE, n = 3). Above 80 μmol photons m−2 s−1 PAR, thalli turned pale green after 3 weeks at low nutrient. Shifting to a high nutrient cultivation, thalli recovered their red color after 10 days, even at 280 μmol photons m−2 s−1 PAR and significantly upshifted SGR, dry matter (DM), nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), and ash content by 79.3, 56.0, 27.3, and 16.4%, respectively. Peak productivity in DM (1.17 g DM m−2 day−1), carbon (C) (406.41 mg C m−2 day−1), N (20.61 mg N m−2 day−1), and P (2.06 mg P m−2 day−1) coincided with SGR. Salinity significantly affected SGR of P. palmata and peaked at 15‰. This study highlights the use of marginal proliferations seedstock, nutrient pulses, and intervention practice for biomass propagation of P. palmata while avoiding epiphytes to boost N removal.
... The vegetative growth of P. palmata has also been tested at sea by inserting thalli into cultivation ropes (Browne 2001;Bak 2019) although this method is time-consuming and individuals may detach from the action of waves and currents, limiting its viability on a commercial scale. Alternatively, fronds can be placed into mesh bags attached to vertical ropes as reported by Martínez et al. (2006) but self-shading under high stocking densities will limit growth rates. ...
Full-text available
Palmaria palmata, commonly referred to as dulse, is a well-known and highly valued red macroalga distributed along the North Atlantic shores within a latitude range of approximately 40 to 80 °N. It is a species of commercial importance with historical records of use as food dating back several centuries to the current harvesting of dulse by hand-picking on the foreshore in Western Europe as well as Canada (New Brunswick and Nova Scotia) and USA (Maine). Because the demand for P. palmata increases and future sustainable commercial developments cannot rely solely on wild-harvested biomass, significant efforts have been made by research and industrial actors to cultivate the species. The low rates of spore release and germination, high mortality and epibiont contaminations remain major bottlenecks and point towards the need for optimized hatchery methods to enable upscaling the biomass production. The present review summarizes the available knowledge related to the biology, including the unique life history of the species among the Rhodophyta, the ecology as well as the nutrient composition and quality of P. palmata as food. Recent advances in taxonomy and cultivation techniques are reported along with a status of regulations for the commercial harvest of wild populations. An outlook on future industrial perspectives using biomass of P. palmata is also given.
... The cultivation of leafy macrophytic red algae on planar mesh supports deployed in an upright array of panels, using P. mollis as the model alga, is an original outcome of this study. However, there is one report for P. palmata cultivation on submerged rope lines containing nylon mesh bags of frond tissue deployed in the nearshore environment of northern Spain during summer, where growth rates of 14% per day were achieved (Martínez et al. 2006). ...
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This study assessed the productivity of the red alga Palmaria mollis (Pacific dulse) plantlets immobilized on a vertical array of mesh panels in aerated tank culture. Biomass productivity rates based on panel surface area, as well as areal productivity based on liquid surface area, were assessed at different panel spacing intervals in a greenhouse with continuous illumination (500 µmol photons m−2 s−1) and weekly f/2 nutrient enrichment, as well as outdoors with natural solar irradiance and continuous natural seawater inflow at 10 exchanges per day. The temperature of all cultivations averaged 12 °C. For greenhouse cultivation in 60-L aerated tanks (0.8 L air L−1 culture min−1), as the panel spacing decreased from 12 to 6 cm, biomass productivity per panel on the 30 × 30 cm panels decreased from to 165 to 112 g FW (fresh weight) m−2 panel day−1, due to reduced growth associated with light attenuation by fronds crowding into the space between panels. However, areal productivity was maintained at 17–18 g AFDW (ash-free dry weight) m−2 day−1, because twice as many panels were present in the same liquid surface area. Areal productivity for tumble culture was statistically higher at 21 g AFDW m−2 day−1. For outdoor cultivation in an 850-L tank with 30 × 80-cm panels, the same trends were observed, but the best panel productivity was 72 g FW m−2 panel day−1 at 25 cm spacing, and the best areal productivity was 8.0 g AFDW m−2 day−1 at 6-cm spacing. Overall, the immobilization of P. mollis on a vertical array of mesh panels offers a modular and flexible cultivation platform, but further optimization is needed to maximize productivity.
... Wat betreft benodigde nutriënten voor optimale groei van blaaswier is er vrij weinig bekend; algemeen wordt hier voor bruinwieren een concentratie van 140 -560 µg/L stikstof en meer dan 9.3 µg/L fosfaat aangenomen (Kerrison et al., 2015). (Martinez et al., 2006). ...
Technical Report
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In de Nederlandse Exclusieve Economische Zone (EEZ) zijn windparken gepland op diverse locaties. Door de windparken ontstaan nieuwe kansen voor multifunctioneel gebruik zoals maricultuur en nietbodemberoerende visserij met passieve vistuigen. Deze studie heeft de relatieve geschiktheid van bestaande, geplande en mogelijke toekomstige windparklocaties op de Noordzee in beeld gebracht voor een aantal vormen van medegebruik met betrekking tot een kweek van een aantal soorten schelpdieren en zeewier en niet-bodemberoerende vangst van een aantal soorten vissen, schaaldieren en weekdieren. Om de relatieve geschiktheid te beoordelen is eerst inzicht nodig waar de verschillende soorten voorkomen en welke condities voor een optimale leefsituatie zorgen. Dit leidt tot een kwalitatieve beoordeling van geschiktheid van (potentiële) windparklocaties voor voedselproductie (i.e. kweek of vangst van de betreffende soorten). De resultaten zijn weergegeven in kaarten per soort waardoor een inschatting gemaakt is van de geschiktheid van de verschillende locaties.
... Several cultivation trials have documented the hatchery steps for cultivating P. palmata using the gravity-based seeding method [17,19,23,24,43], however, little improvement of spore-to-seedling viability has been shown. The use of coating on cultivation substrate is an emerging technology in hatchery seeding to lower the cost of hatchery operation [41]. ...
One of the ways to develop micronutrient balanced products may be to include P. palmata red algae in its formulation. The aim is to study the biochemical parameters of P. palmata growing in the White Sea, and to assess the prospects of its use in human nutrition. The thesis presents the biological and chemical-technological characteristics, as well as the results of the drying process of P. palmata growing in the coastal zone of the White Sea, Solovetsky Islands. Analysis of the chemical composition of P. palmata showed that the main components were carbohydrates (45.6–75%) including fiber – 3.6–7.7%, proteins – 7.04–22.62%, ash –18.03–31.74%. The research presents the macro- and microelement composition of P. palmata collected in 2022 in the White Sea. 1 gram of dry algae for iodine, chromium by 12–16% corresponds to the norms of physiological need. The amino acid score value for all essential amino acids is less than 100%, while the limiting amino acids are lysine and threonine. The difference coefficient of amino acid score is 7.6%, the biological value of P. palmata protein is 92%. The dried P. palmata yield from raw algae is 18–20%. Under favorable weather conditions, Palmaria layers are dried to 10–15% water content within 23–26 hours. Based on the results of studies on the safety indicators and chemical composition of P. palmata, the authors demonstrated its applicability in food formulations development as a source of biologically active substances, such as amino acids. Alcohol extracts obtained from P. palmata have antimicrobial activity against Proteus vulgaris and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In this regard, alcohol extracts from P. palmata can probably be used as an antimicrobial agent in the process of food production.
Edible algae, including seaweeds, are a source of functional food, dietary supplements, metabolites and bioactive compounds. Algal-based functional foods have potential health benefits, and their commercial value depends on their applications in the food and nutraceutical industries. This book covers several aspects of algal-based functional foods. It informs the reader about algal cultivation techniques, environmental impact, habitat, nutraceutical potential, extraction of bioactive metabolites, functional-food composition, bio-prospection, culture-induced nutraceutical compounds, algae-based bio-packaging, algal-biorefinery, toxicity, trends and future prospects. The editors present the topics in a research-oriented format while citing scholarly references. This book is a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in the nutritional benefits and industrial utilization of algae as a sustainable food source.
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Cultures of three native macroalgal species (Gracilariopsis longissima, Gracilaria bursa-pastoris and Chondracanthus teedei) were developed in open coastal waters of a shallow, potentially eutrophic bay in Southern Spain. Experimental trials to assess the technical feasibility of seaweed cultivation and nitrogen biofiltration potential were conducted between October 2014 and December 2015. Seaweeds were cultivated using submersible rafts in five periods of 9 weeks to identify the most suitable seasons and culture duration (3, 6 or 9 weeks). Using generalized linear models (GLMs), the most relevant environmental factors controlling the growth of the three seaweeds were identified. Maximum net growth rates varied between 1.39% day−1 in C. teedei (winter, 6 weeks) and 4.71% day−1 in G. longissima (autumn, 3 weeks). Overall, the best period to cultivate seaweeds in Cadiz Bay was from mid-winter to early summer. No clear effects of duration of the culture were observed for C. teedei and G. bursa-pastoris. Short culture periods of 3 weeks were more suitable for G. longissima. Tissue N contents generally were lower than the critical quota, and GLMs suggested a critical role of N limiting seaweed growth in this bay. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen was biofiltered from winter to early summer and revealed G. bursa-pastoris as the main biomitigator of nitrogen (up to 80 mg N m−1 month−1 in spring). This species also showed positive growth rates virtually during the entire study period and was the most suitable species for cultivation in this area.
This book is a rewritten edition of the authors' and M.J. Duncan's 1985 textbook (and review of the primary literature), The physiological ecology of seaweeds. The introductory chapter reviews seaweed morphology, life histories and morphogenesis, serving as an encapsulation of structure and reproduction and providing a background reference for the subsequent chapters. The second chapter comprises six guest essays authored by senior algal ecologists looking at seaweed communities: rocky intertidal zone; tropical reefs; kelp forests; seaweeds in estuaries and salt marshes; seagrass beds as habitats for algae; and the Arctic subtidal. Next, biotic interactions are covered: competition, grazing, and symbiosis. Chapter four looks at light and photosynthesis and chapter five reviews nutrients (requirements, availability, pathways and barriers, uptake kinetics, assimilation, translocation). Chapters six, seven and eight explore temperature and salinity, water motion, and pollution, respectively. The final chapter looks at seaweed mariculture covering the culture of Porphyra, Laminaria, Undaria, Eucheuma, and Kappaphycus. An appendix summarizes the current taxonomic position and nomenclature of the species mentioned in the text. -S.R.Harris