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The Educational Claims of Zoos: Where Do We Go from Here?



Zoos exude a certain self-confidence regarding their roles as education providers. Indeed, the education outputs of zoos are, at face value, pretty impressive, with most investing in learning opportunities for leisure visitors, education groups and in some cases, as part of their in situ programs. However, these outputs are not necessarily reliable indicators of the educational achievements of zoos. Quantity does not necessarily equate to quality, just as outputs do not necessarily lead to outcomes. Zoo-accreditation organizations such as the AZA and EAZA offer us clear insight into the strategic vision underpinning the education goals for zoo visitors; a heightened appreciation of the value of biodiversity and a connectedness with the natural world. Unsurprisingly, most zoos have educational goals that ally neatly with the vision of their respective accreditation body. Consequently, we are left with fairly narrow, top-down educational goals. This does not necessarily sit well with what we know about the unpredictability of "free choice" learning in environments such as zoos and aquariums, or what is known about public science communication. Research that seeks to explore the impacts of zoo visits often focuses on evaluating performance based on educational goals and the findings are used as a means of providing evidence of institutional achievement. However, any visitor outcome that falls outside of this narrow range could well be missed by the research. In this article, we propose that research that takes unpredictable and unexpected outcomes into account is necessary and overdue. Zoo Biol. 00:1-10, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Zoo Biology 32: 13–18 (2013)
© 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Traditionally, zoos have offered formal, educator-led
teaching to school and college groups [Anderson, 2003]
and this has continued, with most zoos [In this article,
“zoos” refers to those within the established zoo accredita-
tion framework; we do recognize that there are many zoos
that fall outside of this] continuing to offer curriculum-
linked packages of teaching across the age groups. Other
outputs in the form of educational materials and activities
have are also part of the zoo’s educational repertoire; for
example, signage and interactive interpretation [Fraser
et al., 2009], public talks at animal exhibits [Moss et al.,
2010], informal educator interventions via staff or docents
[Mony and Heimlich, 2008], and animal demonstrations
[Povey and Rios, 2002]. The generally accepted way of
referring to the different educational outputs of zoos is to
separate them into two categories; formal (taught, educa-
tor led, not necessarily self-selected) and informal (visi-
tor led—interpretation, talks, demonstrations, etc.). For
the purposes of this paper, we use the word “education”
The Educational Claims of Zoos: Where Do We Go
from Here?
Andrew Moss* and Maggie Esson
Discovery and Learning Division, North of England Zoological Society, Chester Zoo, Upton-by-Chester, Chester,
United Kingdom
Zoos exude a certain self-confidence regarding their roles as education providers. Indeed, the education outputs of zoos
are, at face value, pretty impressive, with most investing in learning opportunities for leisure visitors, education groups
and in some cases, as part of their in situ programs. However, these outputs are not necessarily reliable indicators of
the educational achievements of zoos. Quantity does not necessarily equate to quality, just as outputs do not necessarily
lead to outcomes. Zoo-accreditation organizations such as the AZA and EAZA offer us clear insight into the strategic
vision underpinning the education goals for zoo visitors; a heightened appreciation of the value of biodiversity and a
connectedness with the natural world. Unsurprisingly, most zoos have educational goals that ally neatly with the vision
of their respective accreditation body. Consequently, we are left with fairly narrow, top-down educational goals. This
does not necessarily sit well with what we know about the unpredictability of “free choice” learning in environments
such as zoos and aquariums, or what is known about public science communication. Research that seeks to explore the
impacts of zoo visits often focuses on evaluating performance based on educational goals and the findings are used as
a means of providing evidence of institutional achievement. However, any visitor outcome that falls outside of this nar-
row range could well be missed by the research. In this article, we propose that research that takes unpredictable and
unexpected outcomes into account is necessary and overdue. Zoo Biol. 32:13–18, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Keywords: conservation; education; evaluation; learning outcomes; zoo
to refer to all zoo educational outputs. This diversified ap-
proach to educational outputs would seem well capable
of accommodating differing learning styles [cf. Gardner,
1985] and previsit agendas [cf. Falk et al., 1998]. The im-
portant question however is what drives the content of all
these educational outputs.
At a strategic level, zoo accreditation bodies state
clear educational goals. Table 1 summarizes these for the
major worldwide organizations.
*Correspondence to: Andrew Moss, Discovery and Learning Division,
North of England Zoological Society, Chester Zoo, Upton-by-Chester,
Chester, CH2 1LH, UK.
Received 19 January 2012; Revised 12 April 2012; Accepted 25 April 2012
DOI 10.1002/zoo.21025
Published online in 4 June 2012 Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.
Zoo Biology
14 Moss and Esson
We argue here, that there are strong similarities be-
tween the educational goals of the accreditation organiza-
tions in Table 1, particularly in the use of aspirational and
emotive language. For the major zoo accreditation organi-
zations, the most universally relevant of these educational
goals are arguably those taken from the World Zoo and
Aquarium Conservation Strategy [WAZA, 2005]. This is
the overarching strategic document for zoos worldwide,
so we would expect regional and national zoo-accredita-
tion organizations to ally with this position Here, we find
that education should not only “be seen as an important
conservation activity,” but it also should have an “action”
component, resulting in zoo visitors being inspired “to act
positively for conservation.” To zoo critics the use of as-
pirational and emotive language could suggest that either
these goals are yet to be met or there is a lack of evidence
to support stronger, more outcome-orientated statements.
In addition to these strategic, aspirational goals for
zoo education, accreditation organizations exude, via their
public websites, a self-confidence regarding their educa-
tional value. For example, the Association of Zoos and
Aquariums (AZA), on its main education web-page, states
that “AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums play a vital role
in educating over 175 million visitors, and 12 million stu-
dents in the classroom or in the field, about wild animals,
their habitats, their related conservation issues, and the
ways in which they can contribute to their preservation”
[AZA, 2011]. As this figure of 175 million equates to all
annual visitors to AZA zoos, this is clearly suggesting that
every visitor is being educated according to the AZA’s vi-
sion. And, presumably, this quoted figure includes visitors
that have visited more than one zoo, or have visited the
same zoo a number of times. This is the reporting of an
educational outcome that must have an evidential base to
be valid. The British and Irish Association of Zoos and
Aquariums (BIAZA), again on their main education web
page, state that “Enthusiasm about animals is infectious
and zoo visitors are highly ‘susceptible’ to education” [BI-
AZA, 2011]. These are two confident statements, neither
of which is obviously supported in the literature concerned
with zoo visitors. Additionally, the terms “enthusiasm”
and “susceptible” are difficult to define in this context and
would as a consequence, be difficult to measure. The Zoo
and Aquarium Association (ZAA), on their “role of zoos
and aquariums” web-page state that zoos “uniquely have a
massive ‘captive audience’ of visitors whose knowledge,
understanding, attitude, behavior, and involvement can all
be positively influenced and harnessed” [ZAA, ]. Again,
this is a confident statement that all zoo visitors can be
influenced positively for the benefit of conservation.
Patrick et al. [2007] undertook a more comprehensive
analysis of zoo mission statements (in the United States)
and found that the theme of education was mentioned in
TABLE 1. The Educational Goals of the Major Zoo Accreditation Organizations
Zoo Accreditation Organization Education goals
World Zoo and Aquarium Conservation
Strategy (2005). WAZA
“The educational role is to interpret living collections to attract, inspire and enable people
from all walks of life to act positively for Conservation.”
“The educational role of zoos and aquariums will be socially, environmentally and
culturally relevant, and by influencing people’s behavior and values, education will be
seen as an important conservation activity.”
Association of Zoos and Aquariums (US) “Facilitate multi-institutional conservation education, outreach, and collaborations that
activate the public to connect with and take personal action to conserve wildlife and
wild habitats.”
Zoo and Aquarium Association (Australia,
New Zealand and the South Pacific)
“To provide exemplary learning opportunities that connect people with nature. These
experiences enable the community to better understand and contribute to a future
where humans live in balance with the natural world.”
European Association of Zoos and Aquaria “To create an urgent awareness among the many millions of European zoo visitors of
the fact that the long-term survival of a thriving human population on earth is fully
dependent on the rapid development of sustainability on a global scale. And, through
the creation of this awareness, to evoke individual and collective political action
aiming at reaching global sustainable levels of all human activities within the next
three to five decades.”
African Association of Zoos and Aquaria “The education message should be well defined and holistically presented in terms of the
integrated conservation approach of the institution.”
South East Asian Zoos Association “The vision of the South East Asian Zoos Association is that its member zoos utilize
their animal collections for the primary purposes of educating our public by imparting
messages on the urgent need for environmental conservation in a manner that upholds
the respect and dignity of the wild animal.”
British and Irish Association of Zoos and
“BIAZA collections aim to provide unique lifelong learning opportunities, to raise
awareness, to increase respect and knowledge about wildlife and global issues, and
thus to engage and connect people of all ages with the natural world.”
The Educational Claims of Zoos 15
Zoo Biology
131 out of the 136 mission statements analyzed. In fact,
education appeared more frequently than the theme of con-
servation (118 out of 136 statements). Clearly, education is
seen by zoos as core to their respective missions. When we
look in detail at individual zoos, of which about 1,000 fall
within the zoo accreditation framework of WAZA [WAZA,
2005], we find a more mixed picture. Superficially, zoos
appear to be saying the same thing but differences in writ-
ten emphasis, regarding their educational value, have cre-
ated a situation where some zoos are making very strong
claims; others are more reserved.
For example, the Chicago Zoological Society states
that they “create multiple opportunities for visitors of all
ages and backgrounds to have meaningful experiences at
the zoo. We invite you to feel connected, committed, and
curious in our wild classroom” [CZS, 2011]. This clearly
tells us that learning opportunities are available and how
the zoo would like visitors to experience them, but stops
short of claiming that visitors are having “meaningful”
experiences or do feel “connected, committed and curi-
ous” as a result of their visit. The National Zoo, however,
are more confident, stating that they “educate and inspire
diverse communities so they become part of our commit-
ment to celebrate, study, and protect animals and their hab-
itats” [National Zoo, 2011]. Wildlife Reserves Singapore
also present a more causal claim, stating that their “Living
Classrooms” program “takes everyone on a learning jour-
ney that highlights the interdependency of nature’s inhab-
itants and the significance of appreciating them” [WRS,
2011]. Melbourne Zoo states that “A visit to our zoo is an
exhilarating journey of exploration and discovery that will
galvanize action for wildlife in wild places” [Zoos Victo-
ria, 2011]. Chester Zoo claims that it provides “a memo-
rable and stimulating learning experience for everyone”
[Chester Zoo, 2012]. These examples do not claim to be
representative of zoos’ educational goals. We merely seek
to highlight the potential issue of overexaggerating claims
for educational impact.
This leads us to believe that there is some blurring
of the distinction between educational aspiration and out-
puts, the resources designed to deliver that aspiration and
measurable educational outcomes (that result in conser-
vation impact). It appears that there is, in some cases, a
false perception; that by simply “aspiring to” or “provid-
ing” somehow leads directly and linearly to “achieving”
the aspired-to outcomes. We argue that by making claims
such as those quoted above, zoo organizations and zoos
leave themselves open to external criticism of their claims
as education providers. One high profile example from
the United Kingdom comes from a well-researched report
produced by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cru-
elty to Animals (RSPCA) in 2006. The work conducted
a literature review into the educational effectiveness of
zoos and found virtually no peer-reviewed studies relat-
ing to zoos in the United Kingdom. The small amount of
research uncovered was inconclusive with regard to the
educational value of zoos, and the report concludes that
“it is not enough for zoos to aim to have an educational
impact, they should demonstrate a substantial impact.
From our review of the literature, this does not yet appear
to be the case” [RSPCA, 2006 p.97]. In direct response
to this report, Esson [2009] stated that “Zoos are increas-
ingly finding themselves lodged between a rock and a hard
place when it comes to substantiating claims to be educa-
tion providers” (p.1) and warned that zoos “need to care-
fully consider education policy and the claims we make as
education providers” (p.2).
Unfortunately, for zoos, this criticism has not only
been constrained to a lack of research into zoo educational
impact, but has also been directed at published research it-
self. The widely publicized, multi-institution study (where
the AZA was a supporting partner) “Why Zoos and Aquar-
iums Matter” [Falk et al., 2007] has prompted some peer-
reviewed criticism. Marino et al. [2010] discuss various
methodological issues associated with the work, but the
main reason that these issues are raised at all is because of
the strong causal claims made by Falk et al. [2007] regard-
ing the direct positive impact zoos have on their visitors.
For example, Falk et al. [2007] state in the executive sum-
mary that “Our visitor impact study shows that zoos and
aquariums are enhancing public understanding of wildlife
and the conservation of the places animals live” (p.4). This
is clearly a causal claim, with which Marino et al. [2010]
take umbrage on methodological grounds, concluding that
“Nevertheless, despite the widespread acceptance of Falk
et al.’s study by the zoo and aquarium community, we have
shown that numerous methodological weaknesses render
their findings difficult or even impossible to interpret.
More important, their claims—extensively disseminated
on zoo and aquarium Web sites—greatly outstrip their
methodologically limited findings” (p.136). Dawson and
Jensen [2011] are equally critical, stating that “Moreover,
Falk et al. did not develop valid and convincing evidence
of ‘what visitors did in the institution’ or of ‘long-term
meaning’ (p.10); as such, this headline conclusion from
the MIRP study is questionable at best” (p.136). Falk et al.
[2010] provide a defense of their research, claiming that
Marino et al. misrepresented the intent of the research and
the methods used. Falk et al. [2010] conclude by criticiz-
ing Marino et al.’s more general assertion regarding the
universal lack of evidence regarding zoo visitor impact,
stating that they “seriously question the authors’ [Mari-
no et al.] use of this single, flawed critique, however, as
the basis for their sweeping conclusion that there is no
evidence that zoos and aquariums impact their visitors”
(p.418). However, it is likely that some damage will have
been done to the credibility of the original work (rightly
or wrongly) simply because the work has been being tar-
geted by published criticism. It is widely recognized that
zoos face a challenge in attempting to measure the im-
pact they have on their visitors. To conduct research where
causal relationships can be confidently described would
Zoo Biology
16 Moss and Esson
probably require a controlled experimental design, which
may be difficult (but not impossible) to facilitate in a zoo
setting. By emphasizing their positive, impactful educa-
tional goals, zoos may have entrenched themselves into a
difficult position where, because of their claims, they find
themselves having to defend external challenges to their
educational effectiveness without the necessary evidence
to do so. At best, these criticisms present a platform for ac-
ademic discourse about the nature of zoo visitor research
and may encourage further study in this area. At worst,
they make the educational claims of zoos look overzealous
and lacking in valid supporting evidence. This is a serious
challenge to one of the fundamental areas of modern zoo
The fact that zoo accreditation organizations have
clearly defined goals relating to the kind of learning they
wish to take place in their institutions does not necessarily
sit comfortably with what is the more generally accepted
model of learning in zoos and aquariums. Here, we find
that learning is more constructivist in nature, where people
construct personal meaning from their visit based on their
preexisting knowledge, attitudes, and motivations for vis-
iting [Rennie and Johnston, 2004; Falk, 2005; Storksdi-
eck et al., 2005; Ballantyne et al., 2007; cf. Dawson and
Jensen, 2011]. It is also self-directed (outside of “formal”
taught interventions that zoos often offer to visiting edu-
cational groups) and, this is perhaps the most salient point,
entirely “free-choice” [Kola-Olusanya, 2005]. Visitor ex-
periences as well as the educational impact of the zoo visit
may well be extremely varied and, as a consequence, dif-
ficult to recognize and measure.
Regardless of learning style or a zoo’s educational
provision, some visitors may “choose” not to engage with
educational provision at all; for example, at Chester Zoo,
only around 20% of zoo visitors attend public talks. We
should not assume that all visitors would necessarily be
uniformly interested in or motivated to learn about spe-
cies conservation, habitats, adaptations, or even basic
facts about animals just because they have decided to
visit a zoo. Families are probably the most common vis-
itor grouping we find at zoos, and parents may seek to
support their children’s learning or enjoyment [Knutson
and Crowley, 2006; Melber, 2007]. We must even con-
sider that a proportion of visitors that are actually inter-
ested in the natural world to some extent (or conserva-
tion-related topics) may not be motivated to consciously
learn anything more about them on a particular zoo visit.
They may simply seek to be refreshed and recover from
the stresses of everyday life [Packer and Ballantyne,
When viewed in this context, the AZA statement re-
garding its members’ role in “in educating over 175 mil-
lion visitors” seems misguided.
Of course, large numbers of visitors may choose to
actively engage with the educational provision on offer.
Given the complexity of the learning environment and the
varied motivations of zoo visitors, we argue that attempt-
ing to prescribe universal learning outcomes is foolhardy,
if not bordering on the naive. The zoo community needs
to implement research that is sufficiently flexible to allow
for learning outcomes that are different from that which
the zoo intended, including those that may be negative. Is
visitor research in zoos even looking for these outcomes?
This will not only assist in providing a more complete
answer regarding the impact of a zoo visit, but may also
answer some of the criticism applied to the educational
value of zoos.
By limiting research to investigate only institutional
goals, we argue that researchers are limiting the scope of
their work. Even if it were possible to evidence that an
educational output correlates with the outcome we ex-
pected does not, in any sense, mean that this is the only
outcome. There may be other social, cultural, or emotional
outcomes (positive or negative) that could also be impor-
tant. We do acknowledge that there is a body of work that
has sought to explore a range of outcomes from a zoo vis-
it; for example, Myers et al., 2004; Clayton et al., 2009;
Fraser and Sickler, 2009. However, we find that there are
a number of visitor-related studies in zoos that focus on
changes in knowledge, attitudes or behavior (or a com-
bination), and are often solely quantitative in approach
[e.g., Lindemann-Matthies and Kamer, 2006; Randler et
al., 2007; Visscher et al., 2009]. Mixed-methods designs
incorporating qualitative methods may well be more adept
at uncovering outcomes outside of those of the prescribed
research question(s). Triangulation of this kind would also
give added credence to (more generalizable) quantitative
findings. Even if not used as part of mixed-methods re-
search, separate qualitative studies could be implemented
to uncover a more meaningful range of outcomes to be
validated (or otherwise) by quantitative approaches. The
key issue is that current and historical zoo visitor research
attempts to answer questions such as “Are zoo visitors
getting what we want them to get out of their visit?” Es-
sentially, this is a closed question with an equally limited
potential answer. We accept that evaluation research (as a
formal branch of social research) is a valid way of assess-
ing the effectiveness of predetermined goals, but in zoos
we argue that it is also insightful and valuable to pose the
question “What are zoo visitors getting out of their visit?”
To answer this, a much wider range of potential outcomes
must be allowed for in the methods implemented.
There is also perhaps the danger that zoos do not ful-
ly understand the processes involved in social change. In
particular, that the “ideals” held by the institutions them-
selves do not automatically translate into “practices” at the
The Educational Claims of Zoos 17
Zoo Biology
level of the visiting public [cf. Jensen and Wagoner, 2009].
Of more concern is that by assuming that increased knowl-
edge may be influential in affecting public attitude and
behavior, zoos are becoming perilously close to revisiting
the now discredited “deficit model” of science commu-
nication, whereby it was assumed that widespread public
support of, and attitudes toward, science was essentially a
problem of deficient scientific literacy among the public,
and that by simply filling that “deficit” with knowledge,
support for science would follow [Miller, 2001]. Zoos
would be wise to steer clear of making a similar mistake.
It is essential that research designs must be capable
of uncovering negative outcomes, whatever the hypotheti-
cal position of the researcher or organization. Setting the
“low-point” of any potential outcome as “no impact” is
not acceptable, as it actually delegitimizes any subsequent
claims for positive impact. This is especially important
for in-zoo researchers who may be more open to external
criticism. We must avoid the a priori, (although perfectly
intuitive) assumption that because the zoo has positive
educational aspirations, and designs educational resources
and activities to deliver those aspirations, the visitor out-
comes must be positive. They might not be.
A standard methodological approach in visitor im-
pact research is a pre- and posttest design, perhaps using
repeated measures or two different visitor samples from
the same visitor population. Statistically comparing pre-
and posttest differences between two visitor samples nec-
essarily requires using the aggregated “scores” from the
two measurements. This quantifies overall differences be-
tween the two samples, but it does not tell us about specific
changes in individual cases. This means that if the overall
(aggregated) change was positive, there may still be some
individuals showing negative changes. Using repeated
measures designs allow for the direction of change to be
assessed, but it must be remembered that using paired-test
statistics will still only give one significance value for the
whole range of paired cases—essentially showing us the
general (albeit significant) pattern within the data, but not
highlighting individual cases that may deviate from this
pattern. We are aware of very few zoo studies that tracked
individual cases and actively looked for deviant outcomes.
One example that did, Jensen [2011], reported on a large-
scale study looking at the impact of a zoo visit for over
3,000 UK school children. One of the measures was the
analysis of annotated drawings and it was found that while
there was an overall statistically significant, positive
change in drawings (between pre- and postvisit in a repeat-
ed measures design), a minority of drawings (just under
13%) showed a negative change postvisit. In some individ-
uals, this change was related to a more negative perception
of animals in captivity postvisit. This shows the danger of
exclusively aggregating data; it can overlook important
findings like this. This would seem problematic. However,
it is also the route to a solution. Only by uncovering areas
of potential negative impact can we target improvements
specifically. By not attempting to measure negative out-
comes in zoo visitor research, we are completely missing
out on valuable sources of information.
Zoos and their accreditation bodies find themselves
between a rock and a hard place. For many years, they
have confidently promoted themselves as education pro-
viders particularly with regard to the conservation of bio-
diversity; perhaps even used this educational function as
part justification for their existence. Because of this, the
burden of evidencing educational impact falls squarely
on the shoulders of zoos. Yet the research undertaken
thus far (and there is a substantial amount) has clearly not
been universally accepted as an effective demonstration
of zoos’ positive impact. Indeed, the peer-reviewed criti-
cisms of recent years [RSPCA, 2006; Marino et al., 2010;
Dawson and Jensen, 2011) would suggest that this issue
is here to stay. Away from strategic educational goals and
mission statements, we found evidence to suggest that
accreditation bodies and some zoos were making public,
causal claims about zoos, and their positive educational
impact. The larger the claims, the larger the evidence-base
required to support them.
The top-down educational positions of zoos and
their accreditation bodies may be driving research that
only looks for specific visitor outcomes, and potentially
be missing outcomes outside this narrow remit. We pro-
pose that zoo visitor research takes on this challenge and
develops research that can detect all possible outcomes,
including ones that may be negative.
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... Education and conservation form the ethical foundation and justification of zoos for keeping wildlife in captivity (Maple 2008;Jensen 2011;Moss and Esson 2013;Jensen 2014;Ward and Sherwen 2018;Godinez and Fernandez 2019;Sherwen and Hemsworth 2019). Current criticism of zoos primarily relates to their justification for keeping animals in captivity, the effects of the captive environment on animal welfare, and the efficacy of their education and conservation efforts (Hancocks 2001;Rose et al. 2009). ...
... With the importance of evaluation within modern conservation education (Moss & Esson, 2012), Zoo Studies' impact was evaluated against its aims. Course feedback, collected remotely via Microsoft Forms, has been unanimously positive. ...
IZE Journal 58/2022 Based on the success of this project, we can say with confidence that radio, including the use of a culturally relevant song, is an important and effective tool for conservation education in DR Congo. Finding creative ways to connect with remote audiences, including the use of radio, can inspire conservation action.
... Zoos are well-placed to be at the forefront of conservation efforts [1][2][3]; indeed, most modern zoos claim that conservation is a core institutional priority [4,5]. However, to make meaningful contribution gains, zoos must carefully select which species they hold within their collections [6,7]. ...
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Zoo collection management is increasingly driven by meeting global conservation needs. Many avian species have experienced population declines throughout Southeast Asia, underscoring the importance of ex situ conservation in these countries. We focus on Thailand, a bird diversity hotspot with a long tradition of keeping birds in captive settings. We aimed to understand what drives species acquisition and maintenance in Thai zoos. To that end, we surveyed 55 zoos, making a complete inventory of reptiles, birds, and mammals on display. We recorded 249 bird species, of which 149 are not native to Thailand. Bird species diversity was positively correlated with mammal species diversity but not with the entry ticket price, the Gross Domestic Product of the province in which the zoo was based, or the size of the zoo. Diversity did differ significantly between zoo types (accredited, government and private zoos). There was a clear difference in the proportion of native and non-native species between zoos, with private zoos containing the highest number of non-native species, which may be related to the licensing status of these zoos. The composition of bird species in Thai zoos appears to be largely driven by their availability, the legal status for keeping them and serendipity. The conservation status seems to be of minor importance, contradicting the typical role of a zoo. To be considered global conservation players, zoos in countries of high species diversity, such as Thailand, have the unique opportunity to provide breeding programmes for some of the rarest species, yet they must improve their collection management plans to focus on such aims.
... For example, there is growing criticism surrounding the role of zoos. This criticism ranges from bioethical issues [e.g., Captive Animals Protection Society, 1999] to the educational and conservation role of zoos [Moss & Esson, 2013]. This underscores the increasing need for a more in-depth examination of emotions in scientific-cultural environments. ...
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In this study, we aim to analyse human emotional responses towards animals, specifically birds, in the context of a visit to a zoo. The study was carried out with seven families in Parque das Aves. The visits were recorded using the point-of-view-camera method, and the data was analysed using qualitative software to identify emotion descriptors. The findings from our study reveal that the physical characteristics of birds, such as their patterns and colours, as well as their behaviours and abilities, triggered emotional responses that were associated with admiration for the species, concern for their well-being and awareness of conservation issues, enabling these families to construct meaning.
Zoological institutions frequently engage in indirect conservation activities as global conservation targets suggest a need for raising public awareness and engagement in biodiversity conservation. However, research suggests that while members of the public are typically aware of general conservation issues, they are often uncertain of simple and practical actions they take that will be impactful. In light of current conservation goals and targets, and the need for social science research to address the environmental learning and behavior change gap, this study builds upon prior action‐based environmental education research and tests the efficacy of ex situ environmental education in supporting in situ conservation. Zoos typically employ flagship species to center their conservation messaging due to the purported draw of charismatic species. Using outreach videos with a dialogic‐based narrative approach, we evaluated the efficacy of different flagships for conservation, comparing both species‐focused versus generic conservation messaging and charismatic versus less charismatic species ambassadors. We found that zoo conservation outreach videos using dialogic‐based narrative approaches were equally impactful regardless of the level of focus (i.e., species vs. broader biodiversity) or charisma level of the focal taxa.
This chapter considers the types of animal–visitor interactions (AVIs) offered by zoos in terms of the visitor experience. A number of variables are proposed that may be used to categorize AVIs from a visitor perspective. This includes a discussion on how each of these variables may affect the visitor experience, including which visitors choose to participate and their expectations of the experience, as well as outcomes on participant enjoyment, learning (including changes to knowledge, attitudes and perceptions) and behaviour. These factors, which may affect visitor experiences, are important for consideration in AVI research, and this chapter identifies some of the priorities for future studies in this area.
A educação ambiental deve ser pensada para incluir e atingir os cidadãos, a utilizaçãode espaços ao ar livre para o aprendizado é essencial. Os ambientes institucionais de pesquisae conservação são considerados ambientes não formais de educação: zoológicos, jardinsbotânicos, museus e aquários. São locais de livre acesso, com presença de idades, gênero eclasses sociais diferentes. Isso pode ser um desafio, mas não deveria fazer diferença para aeducação ambiental se houver acertabilidade. Esses espaços não formais só conseguem servetores de informação se o visitante estiver disposto a recebê-la, isto ocorre porque muitoscomparecem ali apenas para entretenimento. O Jardim Botânico de Brasília conta cominúmeras espécies nativas e exóticas e espaços diferenciados - como trilhas e jardins temáticos(horto medicinal, jardim sensorial, orquidário e outros). Aqueles que visitam o local sedeparam com ações culturais, exposições, palestras, placas, banners e passeios guiados cominterações, mesmo que informais, com guias e monitores (nem sempre é possível devido àdisponibilidade). Apesar disso, é necessário questionar sobre esses ambientes não formais deeducação, uma vez que não há uma grande quantidade de informações ao público visitante enem servidores disponíveis todo o tempo - principalmente pela falta de recursos do governo.Os ambientes de livre acesso à informação científica deveriam trazer consigo formas maisdinâmicas para atrair visitantes. Muitos possuem, aplicativos e jogos para que os visitantespossam ser entretidos e aumentem os conhecimentos adquiridos. Segundo o censo do IBGE,98% das pessoas que utilizam a internet o fazem por meio de um aparelho móvel, logo, umaalternativa seria um aplicativo unindo dados onde além do básico, seria possível encontrarinformações adicionais como nível de ameaça de extinção, ocorrência e utilização da espécie.O objetivo deste trabalho foi a organização de dados e criação de um aplicativo. Foi realizadoum levantamento no Jardim Botânico, junto aos gestores e equipe técnica, sobre a percepçãoacerca do lugar, informações nas placas de identificação, entendimento e quantidade adequadae desejada de informações. Em seguida, o aplicativo foi desenhado e as páginas de espéciesforam alimentadas através de levantamento bibliográfico. Por fim, foram geradosaproximadamente 70 QR Codes, um para cada página criada, para serem fixadas nas placaspresentes no JBB para que visitantes possam ter acesso ao aplicativo.
It is common for zoos in the UK to offer opportunities for visitors to interact with animals in the form of ‘Meet and Greet’ (M&G) experiences; which may include feeding, petting and posing for photographs. There is limited research investigating the impact of these experiences on the animals or people involved, particularly in terms of the messages they send to the public. This chapter reviews the existing literature on M&Gs in zoos to recommend priorities for future research. The authors suggest that UK zoos are given insufficient guidance on the messages that M&Gs should send to the public and how to achieve this. Five potential wrong messages that UK zoos could inadvertently be sending by advertising M&Gs, and the potential consequences of these messages are discussed. Future research should explore how the general public perceive M&Gs offered by zoos, depending on what the experiences involve and how they are advertised, so that zoos can make informed decisions to reduce the likelihood of sending the wrong message to the public.
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Some people have hold that zoos should be seen as heritage touristic attractions. However, some others wonder whether they are ethically justifiable. In this text I present the main arguments on which the discussion around zoos is based. These are five of the arguments used to defend the existence of zoos: 1) They are places of recreation. 2) They are heritage tourism attractions. 3) Zoos fulfill an educational function. 4) Zoos do research. Finally, 5) zoos do conservation work, that is, they protect and reintroduce wild life species at risk of extinction. I review some of the central arguments both for and against each of these points. After taking stock of these arguments, we can conclude that there are strong reasons to take a skeptical position against the arguments that justify the existence of zoos. Finally, zoos were created, and still are justified, with a set of mind that sees animals as commodities, as mere resources we can use for our own purposes. I conclude that if we recognize that, on the same basis on which we attribute rights to humans, we can attribute rights to animals, then the answer to the question that motivates this chapter is negative: zoos are not ethically justifiable.
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RESUMO: Neste estudo, exploramos como crianças de 4 a 5 anos de idade abordaram os valores atribuídos ao habitat do tubarão. A sequência interativa examinada faz parte de um estudo de caso realizado em uma turma de uma EMEI no município de São Paulo, localizada em uma região periférica e vulnerável, composta por 32 crianças. Para compreender o contexto, elaboramos um mapa episódico e aplicamos as categorias de Lemke (1990) e Mortimer e Scott (2003) no estudo do padrão temático. Nosso objetivo foi verificar até que ponto a interação estabeleceu um espaço dialógico de escuta para as crianças, essencial para o desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico. Os resultados indicam que, desde cedo, as crianças apresentam visões socioculturais sobre o habitat do tubarão. No entanto, através de atividades lúdicas que incentivam a formulação de perguntas e a consideração de diferentes perspectivas, foi possível estimular o pensamento crítico e a reflexão ética das crianças sobre esse ambiente específico.
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Education is a lifelong endeavor; the public learns in many places and contexts, for a diversity of reasons, throughout their lives. During the past couple of decades, there has been a growing awareness that free‐choice learning experiences – learning experiences where the learner exercises a large degree of choice and control over the what, when and why of learning – play a major role in lifelong learning. Worldwide, most environmental learning is not acquired in school, but outside of school through free‐choice learning experiences. Included in this article are brief overviews of environmental learning, the nature of learning, the educational infrastructure, and free‐choice learning as a term. This article provides a framework for thinking about free‐choice environmental learning and sets the stage for thinking about the other articles in this special issue.
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Castro and Batel's (2008) study points to some important strategies of resistance to social change in the transformation of transcendent to immanent representations. We contextualize this study within a broader cyclical model of social change, in which their focus is one of the four phases in the cycle. The expanded model is exemplified in the shifting representations of science communication in the UK from the `deficit model' of public understanding of science to the dialogic representation of `public engagement'. Within each of the four proposed phases, the dialectic of adoption/rejection is central, although it is modulated by strategies of resistance and the selective distribution of resources.
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In this study, the authors examine the mission statements of 136 zoos in the United States that the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) has accredited, and report on the predominant themes of education and conservation in the statements. To explore the relation between these two themes, the authors present a literature review of the roles and purposes of zoos and discuss how the literature compares with the roles and purposes of zoos as found in the zoo mission statements. They conclude that with more than 134 million visitors a year, zoos are in a unique position to provide environmental education and conservation education to large numbers of people.
Identification labels remain an important aspect of interpretation in zoos and aquariums, and although studies exist documenting results of specific exhibit labels, the field lacked a formal, general, multi-institutional study on visitor preference regarding label content. Researchers conducted a survey across five institutions (two aquariums, three zoos) to determine what kinds of information visitors thought was most interesting or important to include on exhibit signs using both closed-ended (N=367) and open-ended (N=372) instruments. Researchers found that visitor preferences for kinds of information were generally consistent regardless of animal type and institution. Overall, visitors preferred to see the following kinds of information on an exhibit label: odd facts/behaviors, endangered status of the animal, where they live in the world, and the number of years they live. Participants expressed the least interest in the animal's scientific name, length of pregnancy, and phylogeny.
The Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium in Tacoma, Washington, served as the setting for a study to compare visitor responses to traditional and interpretive presentation of a clouded leopard. The primary research goal was to determine how well these two types of presentations achieved the zoo's educational goals of affective message delivery. Researchers made observations of the amount of time visitors spent viewing the clouded leopard and the effort spent seeking information (either reading signs or asking questions). In addition visitors to the traditional exhibit and the interpretive presentation were surveyed about their attitudes about zoo animals and wildlife conservation. Results indicated that visitors viewing the interpretive presentation demonstrated significantly longer viewing time and increased information-seeking as compared to visitors to the traditional exhibit. Additionally, survey results showed that visitors to the interpretive presentation demonstrated more positive feelings about the animal's care and quality of life than those observing the animal in the traditional exhibit.
Education personnel, both paid staff and volunteers, are often used at zoos and other museums as a channel to disseminate educational messages. This exploratory study examined the use of zoo docents to communicate key conservation messages from the zoo to visitors. The study was conducted in 2 phases using an emergent design with mixed methods. The findings suggest that visitors perceive docents to be an important source for conservation messages even though observed message communication through docent–visitor interactions was very limited. Docents view themselves as “facilitators for learning”, but their limited awareness of the institution's messages inhibits their ability to communicate these messages to visitors. Other factors that influence incidence of message communication are duration of the interaction, nature of the exhibit/region, and group composition. In this study, signage was found to be an effective channel for building cognitive awareness of messages among visitors.
Free-choice learning and, derivatively, free-choice environmental learning emerges as a powerful vehicle for supporting diversity in learning styles (Falk & Dierking, 2002). In this article, I argue that free-choice environmental learning holds great potential for enabling us to understand what is at stake in environmental learning and thus help us build a sustainable future. I examine the different informal learning contexts for children, home (family and play), museums, zoos, nature parks and wilderness, among many others, and offer an explanation for how learning occurs in these settings, and how such domains or sectors can contribute to free-choice environmental learning. This article also examines the nature of environmental learning in free choice settings to establish a connection with stages of childhood development. In the final section of this article, I draw on these examples to discuss research issues that emerge within various free-choice settings.