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Community disassembly, biodiversity loss, and the erosion of an ecosystem service

  • The Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies


Distinguishing the mechanisms responsible for the relationship between bio-diversity and ecosystem services requires knowledge of (1) the functional roles played by individual species and (2) the sequence with which species are added to or lost from communities in nature (i.e., ''community assembly'' and ''community disassembly,'' re-spectively). Rarely, if ever, are both these issues understood with certainty in any given ecosystem. We used an empirically based simulation model to assess the degree to which the sequence of species loss from vertebrate communities influences risk of human exposure to Lyme disease, as measured by the proportion of ticks infected with the etiological agent. Dramatic differences in the shapes of the curves relating vertebrate biodiversity to disease risk (which we consider an ecosystem service) were observed. Randomized sequences of species loss resulted in a decrease in disease risk with reduced biodiversity, a result that is contradicted by both empirical observations and model results from nonrandomized sequences of species loss (i.e., specific ''disassembly rules''). All potentially realistic dis-assembly rules resulted in increases in disease risk with decreasing biodiversity, although shapes of the curves varied considerably. Our results highlight the importance of both species identity and the order by which species are lost, in understanding the mechanisms by which biodiversity affects ecosystem functioning.
84(6), 2003, pp. 1421–1427
2003 by the Ecological Society of America
S. O
Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Box AB, 65 Sharon Turnpike, Millbrook, New York 12545 USA
Distinguishing the mechanisms responsible for the relationship between bio-
diversity and ecosystem services requires knowledge of (1) the functional roles played by
individual species and (2) the sequence with which species are added to or lost from
communities in nature (i.e., ‘‘community assembly’’ and ‘‘community disassembly,’’ re-
spectively). Rarely, if ever, are both these issues understood with certainty in any given
ecosystem. We used an empirically based simulation model to assess the degree to which
the sequence of species loss from vertebrate communities influences risk ofhuman exposure
to Lyme disease, as measured by the proportion of ticks infected with the etiological agent.
Dramatic differences in the shapes of the curves relating vertebrate biodiversity to disease
risk (which we consider an ecosystem service) were observed. Randomized sequences of
species loss resulted in a decrease in disease risk with reduced biodiversity, a result that
is contradicted by both empirical observations and model results from nonrandomized
sequences of species loss (i.e., specific ‘‘disassembly rules’’). All potentially realistic dis-
assembly rules resulted in increases in disease risk with decreasing biodiversity, although
shapes of the curves varied considerably. Our results highlight the importance of both
species identity and the order by which species are lost, in understanding the mechanisms
by which biodiversity affects ecosystem functioning.
Key words: biodiversity; blacklegged tick; community assembly; community disassembly;disease
ecology; ecosystem function and ecosystem services; functional redundancy; habitat fragmentation;
Lyme-disease risk; vertebrate ecology; white-footed mouse.
The predominant approach to assessing the ecolog-
ical consequences of biodiversity loss is to assemble
experimental communities by drawing species random-
ly from a species pool and determine how community
properties or ecosystem functioning respond to varia-
tion in species richness. Such an approach, although
rigorous experimentally, leaves open the question of
whether enhanced ecosystem functioning in more di-
verse systems is caused by biodiversity per se or by
the chance inclusion of particular species with domi-
nant roles (Loreau et al. 2001). In addition, such studies
cannot provide insight into the importance of the se-
quence of species addition (community assembly) or
loss (community disassembly).
Distinguishing the mechanisms by which biodiver-
sity influences a specific ecosystem property or service
in natural systems requires knowledge of (1) the func-
tional roles played by individual species, and (2) the
sequence with which species are added to or lost from
communities in nature. Rarely, if ever, are both these
issues understood with certainty in any given ecosys-
tem (Tilman et al. 1997, Knops et al. 1999, Chapin et
Manuscript received 30 September 2002; revised 5 February
2003; accepted 6 February 2003. Corresponding Editor: O. V.
Present address: Department of Biology, Union College,
Schenectady, New York 12308 USA.
al. 2000, Cottingham et al. 2001, Loreau et al. 2001,
Schwartz et al. 2000).
Recent empirical and modeling studies have revealed
a novel ecosystem property associated with biodiver-
sity—the reduction in transmission of vector-borne dis-
ease (Ostfeld and Keesing 2000
, Gilbert et al. 2001,
Schmidt and Ostfeld 2001). According to this model,
termed the ‘‘dilution effect,’’ high species diversity in
the community of vertebrate hosts for tick vectors re-
duces risk of human exposure to tick-borne infections
by diluting the impact of highly competent disease res-
ervoirs. The model was developed for the Lyme disease
system in eastern North America, in which the tick
vector (
Ixodes scapularis
) feeds from a diverse assem-
blage of mammals, birds, and reptiles, but acquires the
etiological agent (
Borrelia burgdorferi
) most efficient-
ly from the white-footed mouse (
Peromyscus leuco-
); however, the dilution effect may also operate in
many other vector-borne disease systems (Ostfeld and
Keesing 2000
). The model predicts that the presence
of alternative (non-mouse) hosts in communities with
high species diversity results in fewer tick meals being
taken from mice, a lower infection prevalence in the
tick population, and perhaps a smaller tick population
due to poorer feeding success on non-mouse hosts (Ost-
feld et al. 2002). The dilution effect is enhanced when
the species added to increasingly diverse communities
directly or indirectly reduce population density of
white-footed mice, or reduce tick burdens on mice via
competition for parasites (Schmidt and Ostfeld 2001).
Ecology, Vol. 84, No. 6
We (LoGiudice et al. 2003) recently parameterized
a model that accounts for the role of each potentially
important vertebrate species in determining the nymph-
al tick infection prevalence (or NIP), which is an epi-
demiologically relevant risk factor for Lyme disease
(Ostfeld et al. 2002). Lyme disease is transmitted pri-
marily by the nymphal stage of the tick vector (Barbour
and Fish 1993), and risk of human exposure is reflected
by the proportion of host-seeking nymphs that harbors
B. burgdorferi
infection. Parameterization of the
model required that field estimates be made for each
species of vertebrate host regarding: (1) larval tick bur-
den (average number of larvae per host individual); (2)
host population density; and (3) reservoir competence
(the proportion of larvae that acquire an infection from
that species of host). After exhaustively trapping and
netting the potentially important mammalian and avian
hosts at a local field site in southeastern New York
State (USA), we generated an estimate of NIP that was
matched closely by empirical data from naturally oc-
curring populations of host-seeking nymphs, indicating
that the model and parameter values were representa-
tive and accurate (LoGiudice et al. 2003). Our data,
therefore, provide reliable estimates for the functional
role that each species of host plays in influencing NIP,
and they pave the way for understanding mechanisti-
cally the role of biodiversity in influencing disease risk.
Little is known about the sequence with which ver-
tebrate species are added to or lost from native eco-
logical communities that vary in diversity. The liter-
ature on species assembly rules (e.g., Fox and Brown
1993, Stone et al. 1996) suggests that the order in which
species are added to increasingly diverse communities
over evolutionary time scales is nonrandom, but this
literature is of limited relevance to communities influ-
enced by highly accelerated, anthropogenic alterations
of species diversity. Although forest fragmentation is
known to reduce species richness of forest vertebrates
(Laurance et al. 2000, Crooks 2002, Donovan and
Flather 2002), little is known about either the specific
sequence of loss, or about the species-specific traits
that might influence their likelihood of being lost from
a disturbed or fragmented ecosystem. We term the pos-
sible relationship between species-specific life-history
traits and the probability of local extinction from com-
munities experiencing disturbance or fragmentation,
‘‘community disassembly rules.’’ In this paper we use
our empirically parameterized model of the individu-
alistic roles of vertebrate hosts in determining NIP to
assess, using computer simulations, the impact of a set
of plausible community disassembly rules on Lyme
disease risk. The primary objective is to evaluate
whether different sequences of species loss cause dif-
ferences in the shape of the relationship between bio-
diversity and this particular ecosystem function. If so,
the importance of the disassembly rules that govern
patterns of species loss will be underscored as relevant
to the biodiversity–ecosystem function debate, and the
relative importance of species composition vs. species
number (e.g., Wardle et al. 1999) highlighted.
The model is an extension of Giardina et al. (2000),
which calculates the predicted nymphal tick infection
prevalence (NIP) as the sum across all species of the
nymphs infected by each species divided by the total
number of nymphs fed by all species. Parameters of
the model include: density of host species,
; species-
specific body burdens,
; and species-specific reservoir
. Therefore,
, where
is the
number of larval meals taken from species
is the number of nymphs infected from their
larval meal on species
; and the total number of
nymphs infected from their larval meal (
. The number of nymphs not infected in their larval
) and the total number of nymphs
uninfected is
). Thus, the total nymph-
al infection prevalence (NIP
) is NIP
This allows us to describe the contribution of each
species to NIP. Assumptions of this model, and methods
for determining parameter values empirically for each
species of host, are described in LoGiudice et al.
(2003). The model was validated by a close fit between
the NIP predicted by the set of species-specific param-
eter values as determined in a local, relatively intact
community consisting of 13 species of mammalian and
avian hosts and the NIP determined empirically by as-
saying field-collected, host-seeking nymphal ticks
(LoGiudice et al. 2003). Sensitivity analyses showed
that the close fit between predicted and observed NIP
was robust (
1–3% change) to 20% variation in host
population density estimates—the parameter with the
largest potential error (LoGiudice et al. 2003).
We used the model to explore the outcomes (values
of NIP [nymphal tick infection prevalence]) predicted
by disassembling host communities according to spe-
cific rules. Initially, we evaluated the hypothesis that
NIP increases with decreasing vertebrate diversity
when species are removed randomly to deconstruct an
initially intact community. Beginning with an intact
community of 13 species of mammals and birds known
to comprise a nearly complete set of tick hosts at our
field site in Dutchess County, New York, USA (Ap-
pendix), a specified number of species was drawn in
random order for removal to create communities with
species richness values of 12, 11, 10 ...1(100 iter-
ations for each community size). We compared this
completely random disassembly procedure to model
runs in which we assumed that the white-footed mouse
is present in all communities, and a third set of runs
assuming that mice and white-tailed deer are always
present. These latter simulations were intended to more
closely reflect the real world. Strong evidence supports
the assertion that white-footed mice are ubiquitous
June 2003 1423
members of vertebrate communities, occurring in both
highly fragmented landscapes and pristine, intact com-
munities (Nupp and Swihart 1996, 2000, Krohne and
Hoch 1999, Rosenblatt et al. 1999). In addition, be-
cause of the importance of white-tailed deer as hosts
for adult
Ixodes scapularis
(Barbour and Fish 1993),
endemic Lyme disease may require the presence of this
host. Thus, the comparison between a completely ran-
dom removal of species on the one hand, and the as-
sumption that either mice only, or mice plus deer, are
always present, allows us to evaluate the consequences
of a simple, empirically based rule. In this case, white-
footed mice are known to be a high-impact species for
Lyme-disease risk, and we can ask how a null model
(complete randomness) compares with somewhat more
realistic models of community disassembly.
In both cases, we set the population density (
non-mouse members of the community at either em-
pirically determined values for our site (chipmunks,
deer, birds) or a value determined from the literature
to represent an average for oak/mixed-hardwood for-
ests of the northeastern United States (see LoGiudice
et al. [2003] for details). However, to reflect the dra-
matic population fluctuations that typify white-footed
mice (e.g., Ostfeld et al. 2001) we ran separate simu-
lations at levels of mouse density between 25 and 100
individuals/ha. From the 100 simulations at each com-
bination of species richness and mouse abundance we
calculated the mean (
) nymphal infection prev-
alence expected from that level of host community di-
We followed simulations of randomized community
disassembly with simulations employing strict disas-
sembly rules. We removed species in the orders indi-
cated below until only white-footed mice (set at 25
individuals/ha to reflect long-term averages at local
sites; Ostfeld et al. 2001) and white-tailed deer re-
mained. To simulate plausible sequences of species loss
from landscapes subjected to forest destruction and
fragmentation, we removed species according to the
following rules: species are lost (1) in decreasing order
of body mass; (2) in decreasing order of home-range
size; (3) from highest to lowest trophic level; and (4)
in the approximate order described for Midwestern U.S.
mammals in forest patches in an agricultural matrix
(Rosenblatt et al. 1999, Nupp and Swihart 2000; see
Appendix 1 for rankings). Our intention was to also
simulate loss in decreasing order of ecological spe-
cialization, but data were insufficient for reliable rank-
We also wished to evaluate the degree to which in-
teractions among the various species in our virtual com-
munities might influence the shape of the relationship
between diversity and ecosystem functioning. How-
ever, assessing interactions among vertebrate species
that might affect their role in feeding and infecting tick
populations is not straightforward. As a first attempt
at this assessment, we allowed species added to virtual
communities to interact with white-footed mice either
by reducing their numbers or by reducing their tick
burdens (e.g., by competition for parasites). Data do
not exist that would allow us to estimate empirically
the net effects of each species added on either popu-
lation size or tick burdens on white-footed mice.
(Moreover, in real communities, the species added
could potentially affect both population sizes and tick
burdens on all other species present, not only mice.)
Given these severe data limitations, we chose to assign
species to categories according to the expected inten-
sity of their reduction in mouse numbers and tick bur-
dens on mice. Thus, strong competitors such as sciurid
rodents and
shrews were each expected to re-
duce mouse abundance by 1%, generalist predators
such as skunks and raccoons by 0.5%, and weak com-
petitors such as birds,
shrews, and opossums by
0.1%. Similarly, based on empirical demonstration of
strongly reduced average tick burdens on mice with
increasing population density of chipmunks (Schmidt
et al. 1999), we expected small mammals (shrews,
sciurid rodents), which overlap strongly with mice in
microhabitat use, to exert the strongest reduction in
tick burdens on mice (16%), whereas mesomammals
(skunks, raccoons, opossums) would reduce ticks on
mice by 5%, and birds by 1%. We emphasize that the
assignment of these values represents a crude first at-
tempt to assess the potential for interactions among
species, defined relative to a specified ecosystem func-
tion, to influence model outcome.
Randomized community disassembly
The relationship between vertebrate diversity and
Lyme-disease risk (represented by bacterial infection
prevalence in nymphal ticks) differed dramatically be-
tween the simulated communities that were disassem-
bled randomly vs. those in which white-footed mice,
or mice plus deer, were always present. When all host
species, including mice and deer, were removedin ran-
dom sequence, species richness of hosts had a curvi-
linear, positive effect on nymphal infection prevalence
(NIP), such that species-poor communities had the low-
est Lyme-disease risk (Fig. 1). In contrast, when mice
were present in all communities, and the removal se-
quence of non-mouse hosts was randomized, a strong
negative relationship was observed between host spe-
cies richness and NIP (Fig. 1, mouse density set at 25
individuals/ha). Simulations in which mice plus deer
were always present were similar to those in which
mice were always present; in those two scenarios, pop-
ulation density of mice (25, 50, or 100 individuals/ha)
was positively correlated with NIP, as has been ob-
served empirically (Ostfeld et al. 2001). In simulations
with completely random removal sequences, the high-
est NIP typically occurred at intermediate mouse den-
sities, although mouse density had only a modest effect
Ecology, Vol. 84, No. 6
. 1. Results of simulations assessing the effects of reduced species richness on Lyme disease risk, as measured by
nymphal tick infection prevalence (NIP). Data are means and 1
of 100 replicates Three types of simulations were run
with communities that began as intact assemblages of 13 host species for which we (LoGiudice et al. 2003) empirically
determined contributions to NIP: (1) species were removed one by one by a random-selection criterion; (2) white-footed
mice were present in all communities, but otherwise removal was in random order; and (3) mice and white-tailed deer were
present in all communities, but otherwise removal was in random order.
(data not shown). For all simulations, little change in
NIP occurred as species richness declined from 13 to
8 species, after which NIP changed dramatically (Fig.
Community disassembly with rules
The application of different rules by which com-
munities disassemble under habitat destruction or frag-
mentation caused dramatic variation in the relationship
between host species richness and Lyme-disease risk
(Fig. 2A). When species were lost in order of largest
to smallest home-range size or body mass, the pattern
of change in NIP was characterized by a gradual in-
crease as species richness declined from 13 to 4 species,
followed by a rapid increase as richness declined from
4 to the final 2 species (mice plus deer). Because home-
range size scales strongly to body size, differences be-
tween these two models were subtle. In stark contrast,
when species were lost in order of highest to lowest
trophic level, a
in NIP was observed in com-
munities as richness declined from 13 to 4 species,
followed by a major irruption in NIP as the community
lost 2 of its last 4 species. The most gradual pattern of
changing NIP with community disassembly was seen
for communities losing species in approximately the
order observed in forest patches within agricultural ma-
trices observed in Indiana and Illinois (Nupp and Swi-
hart 1996, 2000, Rosenblatt et al. 1999) (Fig. 2A).
Qualitatively similar patterns were observed in mod-
el runs in which non-mouse species were assigned in-
teraction coefficients that affected either population
density of mice (via predation or competition) or tick
burdens on mice (via competition for generalist para-
sites) (Fig. 2B). As would be expected from the inclu-
sion of interaction coefficients, NIP was always lower
for interaction models than for corresponding runs of
non-interaction models. Inclusion of interaction coef-
ficients did not change the shapes of the biodiversity/
NIP curves under any of the disassembly rules sce-
As habitat destruction and fragmentation reduce spe-
cies diversity in human-impacted communities, eco-
system properties and the services derived from them
might be altered. However, change in ecosystem prop-
erties might be modest or nonexistent in the face of
biodiversity loss if the remaining species compensate
for the lost contributions of missing species, or if the
species likely to be lost are also likely to have little
effect on the ecosystem property of interest. For any
given ecosystem property, determining the effects of
reduced species diversity requires knowledge of (1) the
functional roles played by individual species in gov-
erning the property of interest; (2) the degree to which
species interactions affect functional roles; and (3) the
likelihood of local extinction of individual species.
For the Lyme disease system, we have determined
the roles that individual host species play in influencing
nymphal infection prevalence (NIP) (LoGiudice et al.
2003), which, due to its association with human disease
risk, we consider an important ecosystem function. We
June 2003 1425
. 2. Results of simulations assessing the effects of reduced species richness on Lyme disease risk, as measured by
nymphal tick infection prevalence (NIP). Specific community disassembly rules were applied to reduce richness from com-
munities that began as intact assemblages of 13 host species for which we (LoGiudice et al. 2003) empirically determined
contributions to NIP. Species were removed in decreasing order of: (1) body size; (2) home-range size; and (3)trophic level;
or (4) according to observations made in fragmented landscapes in the Midwestern United States. In (A) non-mouse species
did not affect population density of mice or tick burdens on mice; in (B) interaction coefficients were incorporated (see
Results: Community disassembly with rules
do not know, but can estimate, the degree to which host
species interact to affect NIP. Our main goal was to
ask whether different rules governing the sequence by
which species are lost from human-impacted commu-
nities (community disassembly rules) result in different
shapes of the biodiversity–NIP relationship. In our ini-
tial simulations of vertebrate host communities ranging
in species richness from 13 to 1 species, we found that
removing species randomly from an initially intact
community resulted in no relationship between species
richness and NIP until only
4 species remained, fol-
lowed by a strong decrease in NIP as richness declined
from 4 to 1 species. Under the more realistic scenario
of white-footed mice being ubiquitous members of all
communities, followed by random draws for species
removal, we found a strong, saturating decline in NIP
with increasing species richness (cf. Schwartz et al.
2000). Assuming that both mice and deer are always
Ecology, Vol. 84, No. 6
present gave similar results. This exercise illustrates
that the incorporation of even rudimentary knowledge
about the sequence by which natural communities are
assembled or disassembled can result in profound dif-
ferences in the postulated relationship between biodi-
versity and an ecosystem service, such as risk of ex-
posure to an infectious disease.
Our simulation of community disassembly under dif-
ferent plausible sets of rules governing the sequence
of species loss demonstrated that these rules might in-
deed cause dramatic changes in the way NIP declines
with the loss of species. When species were removed
according to patterns observed in fragmented agricul-
tural landscapes of the Midwestern United States, the
resulting increase in NIP was gradual. When species
were lost in decreasing order of body size or home-
range size, increasing NIP underwent abrupt transitions
in the decline from 10 to 7 species and again in the
decline from 4 to 2 species. When species were re-
moved in order of highest to lowest trophic level, a
counterintuitive decrease in NIP occurred as richness
declined from 13 to 4 species, followed by a more than
doubling of NIP as the final two species were lost.
Differences in the shape of the biodiversity–NIP
curves with different removal sequences resulted from
two processes. First, the vertebrate host species dif-
fered strongly in their contributions to total NIP. Host
species can be arrayed along two axes that determine
their impact on NIP. The first axis is the number of
ticks fed by the population of any given host species
(which is the product of the host population density
and average tick burden per individual). This value
determines the magnitude of the effect of the loss (or
inclusion) of that species. The second axis is the in-
fectivity (or reservoir competence) of that host species
for feeding ticks, a value that determines the direction
of the effect (higher or lower NIP) when that species
is lost or added. Some species feed and infect many
ticks (e.g., white-footed mice, eastern chipmunks, and
shrews), others feed many ticks but tend not to infect
them (‘‘dilution hosts’’—e.g., the tree squirrels), and
others feed and infect few ticks (e.g., carnivores, birds).
Variation in model outcome arising from different
disassembly rules results from changes in the timing
of loss of species of high impact, either positive or
negative. For example, for the body-size and home-
range-size rules, squirrels are lost in the second ex-
tinction wave (going from 10 to 7 species) and both
shrews were lost in the fourth cut (from 4 to 2 species).
These were the transitions associated with the greatest
change in NIP. In contrast, for the trophic-level rule,
the loss of all shrews in the first cut caused a decrease
in NIP, and the persistence of squirrels until the last
cut prevented NIP from increasing until the final 2
species were lost. We suggest that such idiosyncratic
effects of particular extinction sequences will typify
communities in which species differ in the direction
and magnitude of effects on ecosystem function.
An additional important mechanism behind the di-
verse responses to disassembly rules is the contingent
nature of species impacts on NIP. The degree to which
the loss of any particular species in our system in-
creased or decreased NIP depended on the identities of
the other species present. For example, if a moderately
reservoir-competent host, such as the chipmunk or
shrew, is lost from a low-diversity community
with high NIP, the result will be an increase in NIP.
But if these same species are lost from a high-diversity
community with low NIP, the result will be a strong
decrease in NIP.
Our analyses have some important limitations. First,
although we found that including interaction terms be-
tween white-footed mice and other members of the
community had only a minor effect on NIP, we did not
assess the impact of allowing all species to interact
with one another. Real ecological communities incor-
porate networks of interactions such that the inclusion
or exclusion of one species can, via indirect pathways,
cause unexpected changes in abundance of others
(Lawton 2000, Pimm 1993). Although a food-web ap-
proach to assessing net effects of species loss on abun-
dance and tick burdens of each host species would add
realism, the data that would allow parameterization of
such a model are lacking. Second, our set of plausible
disassembly rules is incomplete, owing to poor infor-
mation on what factors influence species vulnerability
to local extinction. Degree of habitat or trophic spe-
cialization, initial population density, sensitivity to hu-
man artifacts, or other features could potentially influ-
ence the sequence of loss.
Our study has potentially important implications for
recent studies that have examined the relationship be-
tween biodiversity and other ecosystem properties such
as primary production, resistance to invasion, and al-
bedo (Knops et al. 1999, Cottingham et al. 2001, Lo-
reau et al. 2001). The relationships between biodiver-
sity and both NIP and the more traditional ecosystem
functions are dependent on the same factors—the in-
teractions among species and their role in governing
the functions under investigation. Such relationships
are likely to be equally sensitive to the pattern of dis-
assembly or assembly, but studies to date have not
examined this possibility.
In conclusion, results of our simulations suggest that,
because individual species have effects that are both
idiosyncratic and strongly contingent on the identities
of the other members of the community, the sequence
of species loss (or addition) is crucial to the relationship
between biodiversity and ecosystem processes, repre-
sented by Lyme-disease risk. Determining the rules that
govern the process of species disassembly and assess-
ing the net effects of species losses on the abundance
of other species should be included in any deliberations
over the role of biodiversity in governing ecosystem
properties and functioning and the services we derive
from them.
June 2003 1427
We are grateful to C. Canham, V. Eviner, P. Hudson, F.
Keesing, K. Schmidt, O. Schmitz, and an anonymous re-
viewer for advice and comments on a draft, and to F. Keesing
for stimulating discussions and insights. Financial support
was provided by NIH (R01 AI40076), and NSF (DEB
9807115 and 0075277). This is a contribution to the program
of the Institute of Ecosystem Studies.
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Ecological Archives
... What fraction of species loss may be tolerated prior to service collapse can be established by computing network fragility and the associated service robustness Ross et al., 2021). Robustness of pollination, seed dispersal or disease regulation to species loss has been quantified (Ostfeld and LoGiudice, 2003;Ross et al., 2021;Keyes et al., 2021;Fricke et al., 2022), but this remains to be performed for biological control. Similarly, the extent to which (vegetation) restoration outcomes are vulnerable to loss of BCAs is unclear. ...
... Natural enemies exert strong top-down selection pressure on (lepidopteran) herbivores in both natural and man-made habitats (Vidal and Murphy, 2018), yet the implications of biodiversity loss are variable, context-dependent and difficult to anticipate. Loss of ecosystem service providers and their support species differentially impacts the processes that underpin service delivery and this is mediated by extinction sequence (Ostfeld and LoGiudice, 2003;Bruno and Cardinale, 2008;Keyes et al., 2021). Such is imperfectly mirrored in the speed at which (crop, herbivore, BCA) interaction partners disappear under progressive loss of herbivores or BCAs (Turchin et al., 1999;Abdala-Roberts et al., 2019). ...
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Biodiversity loss, as driven by anthropogenic global change, imperils biosphere intactness and integrity. Ecosystem services such as top-down regulation (or biological control; BC) are susceptible to loss of extinction-prone taxa at upper trophic levels and secondary ‘support’ species e.g., herbivores. Here, drawing upon curated open-access interaction data, we structurally analyze trophic networks centered on the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and assess their robustness to species loss. Tri-partite networks link 80 BC organisms (invertebrate or microbial), 512 lepidopteran hosts and 1194 plants (including 147 cultivated crops) in the Neotropics. These comprise threatened herbaceous or woody plants and conservation flagships such as saturniid moths. Treating all interaction partners functionally equivalent, random herbivore loss exerts a respective 26 % or 108 % higher impact on top-down regulation in crop and non-crop settings than that of BC organisms (at 50 % loss). Equally, random loss of BC organisms affects herbivore regulation to a greater extent (13.8 % at 50 % loss) than herbivore loss mediates their preservation (11.4 %). Yet, under moderate biodiversity loss, (non-pest) herbivores prove highly susceptible to loss of BC organisms. Our topological approach spotlights how agriculturally-subsidized BC agents benefit vegetation restoration, while non-pest herbivores uphold biological control in on- and off-farm settings alike. Our work underlines how the on-farm usage of endemic biological control organisms can advance conservation, restoration, and agricultural sustainability imperatives. We discuss how integrative approaches and close interdisciplinary cooperation can spawn desirable outcomes for science, policy and practice.
... A shift in species assemblage towards more competent hosts would explain the negative diversity-disease relationship, a pattern found frequently following human disturbance 18,75 . Such changes in which competent hosts become dominant over non-competent diluter species, is a concept tangential to the dilution effect [76][77][78] . The dilution effect hypothesis proposes that high biodiversity shields from the spread and persistence of pathogens 18,19,[79][80][81] . ...
... However, diversity-disease patterns need to be interpreted in the context of specific host and species assemblages. The impact of changes in biodiversity on disease dynamics will vary depending on the ecological interactions and characteristics of the host community 78,87,88 , or put simply, on the manner in which species are introduced to or removed from the community 76 . When correlational studies report the dilution effect, as, for instance, a negative host diversity-virus prevalence relationship in pollinator communities infected with RNA viruses 85 , or rodents infected with zoonotic hantaviruses 86 , it is often not possible to fully disentangle the effects of changes in host abundance from intrinsic properties of biodiversity, as is the case in our study. ...
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Anthropogenic disturbances and the subsequent loss of biodiversity are altering species abundances and communities. Since species vary in their pathogen competence, spatio-temporal changes in host assemblages may lead to changes in disease dynamics. We explore how longitudinal changes in bat species assemblages affect the disease dynamics of coronaviruses (CoVs) in more than 2300 cave-dwelling bats captured over two years from five caves in Ghana. This reveals uneven CoV infection patterns between closely related species, with the alpha-CoV 229E-like and SARS-related beta-CoV 2b emerging as multi-host pathogens. Prevalence and infection likelihood for both phylogenetically distinct CoVs is influenced by the abundance of competent species and naïve subadults. Broadly, bat species vary in CoV competence, and highly competent species are more common in less diverse communities, leading to increased CoV prevalence in less diverse bat assemblages. In line with the One Health framework, our work supports the notion that biodiversity conservation may be the most proactive measure to prevent the spread of pathogens with zoonotic potential.
... life history), resulting in higher levels of host competence (the contribution of a host species to disease transmission) [19,[23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30]. The host species that stand to benefit the most from human disturbance (including climate change) often possess the same traits that make them more competent, high-quality hosts [11,[31][32][33]. Although there has been some experimental evidence in support of these ideas [1,34,35], other empirical tests across environmental gradients have been inconclusive [2,36,37], suggesting that the traits of host species may be insufficient to predict how disease risk will shift under climate change. ...
... While there is compelling evidence that human disturbance can shift host communities towards fast-pace-of-life species, thereby changing disease risk [33,[38][39][40][41], how within-species trait variation responds to changing climate and how these jointly affect disease risk remains largely unknown. Within a species, individuals can show remarkable variation in their contribution to disease risk (i.e. ...
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Predicting how climate change will affect disease risk is complicated by the fact that changing environmental conditions can affect disease through direct and indirect effects. Species with fast-paced life-history strategies often amplify disease, and changing climate can modify life-history composition of communities thereby altering disease risk. However, individuals within a species can also respond to changing conditions with intraspecific trait variation. To test the effect of temperature, as well as inter- and intraspecifc trait variation on community disease risk, we measured foliar disease and specific leaf area (SLA; a proxy for life-history strategy) on more than 2500 host (plant) individuals in 199 communities across a 1101 m elevational gradient in southeastern Switzerland. There was no direct effect of increasing temperature on disease. Instead, increasing temperature favoured species with higher SLA, fast-paced life-history strategies. This effect was balanced by intraspecific variation in SLA: on average, host individuals expressed lower SLA with increasing temperature, and this effect was stronger among species adapted to warmer temperatures and lower latitudes. These results demonstrate how impacts of changing temperature on disease may depend on how temperature combines and interacts with host community structure while indicating that evolutionary constraints can determine how these effects are manifested under global change. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Infectious disease ecology and evolution in a changing world’.
... This diverts tick bites away from more competent reservoir species, thereby reducing pathogen transmission [25][26][27]. This "dilution effect" hypothesis was promoted by studies of the Lyme borreliosis system in the northeastern United States [20,23,[28][29][30]. These studies fueled lively debates on the applicability and generality of the dilution effect hypothesis for other geographic regions where Lyme disease is endemic, as well as other zoonotic disease systems [31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38]. ...
... Our results are in line with a number of empirical studies that challenge the concept that high host species diversity buffers against tick-borne disease hazard [39,40,[59][60][61]. Initial studies that advocated the dilution effect hypothesis focused on the Lyme disease system and relied heavily on computer simulation models [23,28], with limited empirical data from a single research site [20,29,30]. Moreover, the latter studies focused on NIP rather than DIN, and hence did not address the actual acarological risk [31,33,62]. ...
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Background Maintaining high vertebrate diversity is promoted as a potential strategy to control Lyme disease hazard via a so-called dilution effect, which occurs when increasing diversity of an ecological community reduces the transmission of a pathogen. However, empirical evidence from Europe is limited at best, while it remains unclear whether dilution effects operate for other tick-borne diseases. Here, we evaluated how often the dilution effect occurs for a wide range of tick-borne pathogens and symbionts in forest areas in the Netherlands. Methods Data on wildlife, tick densities, and tick-borne microorganisms were collected in 19 forest sites. We calculated six different biodiversity indices based on camera trapping and live trapping data to characterize the vertebrate community of each forest site. These indices were correlated with the nymphal infection prevalence (NIP) and density of infected nymphs (DIN) of three Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato genospecies as well as seven other tick-borne pathogens and symbionts. Results Vertebrate host species diversity, tick densities and infection prevalence varied widely among sites. However, neither the NIP nor the DIN of any of the ten tick-borne pathogens or symbionts was significantly correlated with any of the six indices of vertebrate species diversity or with total host availability. These results were consistent regardless of whether we used the relative abundance of vertebrate species or the proportion of larvae fed by each host species to calculate the diversity indices. Conclusions Our results do not support evidence for a dilution effect in Dutch forests, suggesting that facilitating high species diversity of native wildlife is unlikely to reduce tick-borne disease hazard at the scale of local forest patches. Whether (other) nature conservation strategies in other types of habitats and at other spatial scales can reduce tick-borne disease hazard warrants further investigation.
... Many rodents are known as reservoirs of human pathogens (Civitello et al., 2015), and thus, controlling their population growth is important for human health. In addition, rodent predators can maintain high rodent diversity by avoiding competitive exclusion, which is essential to reduce the dominance of competent rodent hosts and the associated transmission of diseases (Civitello et al., 2015), a process known as "dilution effect" (Ostfeld and LoGiudice, 2003;Schmidt and Ostfeld, 2001). ...
For the 701 mammals that occur in Brazil (ca. 13% of extant mammals worldwide), we attributed ES to each deliverer one based on their functional traits, known trophic interactions, expert knowledge, and by overlaying IUCN’s distribution maps of the species. The ES term encompasses both ecosystem processes and services, offering a broader perspective that enables us to investigate the potential benefits of mammals to people. We assumed that species that are currently listed as threatened in the IUCN most likely lost their ES role. We found that 82% of Brazilian mammals (575 spp.) deliver at least one of the 11 ES identified. Cultural services were associated with the greatest number of deliverer species, while carrion control, ecosystem engineering, and rodent control were delivered by fewer species. Although only 24% of the species analyzed here are endemic to Brazil, 75% of them deliver at least one ES. The ES they delivered are also disproportionately at risk, as 57% of the species considered to have lost their ES role are endemic. Ecosystem service provision does not merely mirror the spatial patterns of mammal richness in general, as we identified hotspots for each service across Brazil, including its seascapes. Our comprehensive assessment provides a clear overview of the myriad of services delivered by Brazilian mammals, including taxonomic and spatial explicit information for each service. Identifying and mapping species and their services can contribute to more effective management and conservation programs focused on optimizing the supply of ES and conserving biodiversity.
... As predicted, disturbances have reshuffled species diversity in a nonrandom manner (Ostfeld and LoGiudice, 2003;Zavaleta et al., 2009;Moore and Olden, 2017). Non-random species losses depend on both functional traits and environmental stresses (Zavaleta et al., 2009). ...
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Context Biodiversity loss is predicted to have significant impacts on ecosystem services based on previous ecological work at small spatial and temporal scales. However, scaling up understanding of biodiversity-ecosystem service (BES) relationships to broader scales is difficult since ecosystem services emerge from complex interactions between ecosystems, people, and technology. Objectives In order to inform and direct future BES research, identify and categorise the ecological and social-ecological drivers operating at different spatial scales that could strengthen or weaken BES relationships. Methods We developed a conceptual framework to understand the potential drivers across spatial scales that could affect BES relationships and then categorized these drivers to synthesize the current state of knowledge. Results Our conceptual framework identifies ecological/supply-side and social-ecological/demand-side drivers, and cross-scale interactions that influence BES relationships at different scales. Different combinations of these drivers in different contexts will lead to a variety of strengths, shape, and directionality in BES relationships across spatial scales. Conclusions We put forward four predictions about the spatial scales that the effects of biodiversity, ecosystem service management, ecosystem co-production, and abiotic linkages or effects will be most evident on BES relationships and use these to propose future directions to best advance BES research across scales.
Under the background of global species extinction, the impact of epidemic diseases on wild animal protection is increasingly prominent. Here, we review and synthesize the literature on this topic, and discuss the relationship between diseases and biodiversity. Diseases usually reduce species diversity by decreasing or extinction of species populations, but also accelerate species evolution and promote species diversity. At the same time, species diversity can regulate disease outbreaks through dilution or amplification effects. The synergistic effect of human activities and global change is emphasized, which further aggravates the complex relationship between biodiversity and diseases. Finally, we emphasize the importance of active surveillance of wild animal diseases, which can protect wild animals from potential diseases, maintain population size and genetic variation, and reduce the damage of diseases to the balance of the whole ecosystem and human health. Therefore, we suggest that a background survey of wild animal populations and their pathogens should be carried out to assess the impact of potential outbreaks on the population or species level. The mechanism of dilution and amplification effect between species diversity and diseases of wild animals should be further studied to provide a theoretical basis and technical support for human intervention measures to change biodiversity. Most importantly, we should closely combine the protection of wild animals with the establishment of an active surveillance, prevention, and control system for wild animal epidemics, in an effort to achieve a win-win situation between wild animal protection and disease control.
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Understanding how ecological interactions affect vector-borne disease dynamics is crucial in the context of rapid biodiversity loss and increased emerging vector-borne diseases. Although there have been many studies on the impact of interspecific competition and host competence on disease dynamics, few of them have addressed the case of a vector-borne disease. Using a simple compartment model with two competing host species and one vector, we investigated the combined effects of vector preference, host competence, and interspecific competition on disease risk in a vector-borne system. Our research demonstrated that disease transmission dynamics in multi-host communities are more complex than anticipated. Vector preference and differences in host competence shifted the direction of the effect of competition on community disease risk, yet interspecific competition quantitatively but not qualitatively changed the effect of vector preference on disease risk. Our work also identified the conditions of the dilution effect and amplification effect in frequency-dependent transmission mode, and we discovered that adding vector preference and interspecific competition into a simple two-host-one-vector model altered the outcomes of how increasing species richness affects disease risk. Our work explains some of the variation in outcomes in previous empirical and theoretical studies on the dilution effect.
This chapter presents clinically important background information relating to the musculoskeletal system, the differential diagnosis of musculoskeletal diseases on the basis of presenting sign, and detailed discussion of the primary diseases affecting the muscles, bones, and joints of dairy goats. It summarizes the clinical pathologic changes associated with metabolic bone and muscle diseases in goats. The chapter explores some normal values for bone‐related and muscle‐related enzymes and electrolytes in goat serum. It discusses the abnormalities in synovial fluid reported in various caprine diseases. First recognized in the early 1970s, caprine arthritis encephalitis has become established as a significant and costly disease of goats. Mycoplasma infections account for serious morbidity and mortality in goats throughout the world. The most common occurrence of osteomyelitis in goats involves the sternebrae secondary to skin trauma and chronic abscesses occurring in the soft tissues covering the sternum.
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Utilitarian arguments concerning the value of biodiversity often include the benefits of animals, plants, and microbes as sources of medicines and as laboratory models of disease. The concept that species diversity per se may influence risk of exposure to disease has not been well developed, however. We present a conceptual model of how high species richness and evenness in communities of terrestrial vertebrates may reduce risk of exposure to Lyme disease, a spirochetal ( Borrelia burgdorferi) disease transmitted by ixodid tick vectors. Many ticks never become infected because some hosts are highly inefficient at transmitting spirochete infections to feeding ticks. In North America, the most competent reservoir host for the Lyme disease agent is the white-footed mouse ( Peromyscus leucopus), a species that is widespread and locally abundant. We suggest that increases in species diversity within host communities may dilute the power of white-footed mice to infect ticks by causing more ticks to feed on inefficient disease reservoirs. High species diversity therefore is expected to result in lower prevalence of infection in ticks and consequently in lower risk of human exposure to Lyme disease. Analyses of states and multistate regions along the east coast of the United States demonstrated significant negative correlations between species richness of terrestrial small mammals (orders Rodentia, Insectivora, and Lagomorpha), a key group of hosts for ticks, and per capita numbers of reported Lyme disease cases, which supports our “dilution effect” hypothesis. We contrasted these findings to what might be expected when vectors acquire disease agents efficiently from many hosts, in which case infection prevalence of ticks may increase with increasing diversity hosts. A positive correlation between per capita Lyme disease cases and species richness of ground-dwelling birds supported this hypothesis, which we call the “rescue effect.” The reservoir competence of hosts within vertebrate communities and the degree of specialization by ticks on particular hosts will strongly influence the relationship between species diversity and the risk of exposure to the many vector-borne diseases that plague humans. Resumen: Argumentos utilitarios relacionados con el valor de la biodiversidad frecuentemente incluyen los beneficios de animales, plantas y microbios como recursos para medicinas y como modelos de enfermedades en laboratorio. Sin embargo, la idea de que la diversidad de especies por sí misma puede influenciar el riesgo de exposición a enfermedades no ha sido bien desarrollada. Presentamos un modelo conceptual de cómo la riqueza de especies y la uniformidad en comunidades de vertebrados terrestres puede reducir el riesgo de exposición a la enfermedad de Lyme, una enfermedad causada por una espiroqueta ( Borrelia burgdorferi) y transmitida por una garrapata ixódida. Muchas garrapatas nunca son infectadas debido a que los huéspedes son altamente ineficientes en la transmisión de espiroquetas a las garrapatas que se alimentan de ellos. En Norte América, el huésped reservorio más competente del agente de la enfermedad de Lyme es el ratón de patas blancas ( Peromyscus leucopus), una especie de amplia dispersión y localmente abundante. Sugerimos que los incrementos en la diversidad de especies dentro de las comunidades de huéspedes pueden diluir el potencial de infección de las garrapatas por el ratón de patas blancas al ocasionar que más garrapatas se alimenten de reservorios ineficientes en la transmisión de la enfermedad. Por lo tanto, se esperaría que una alta diversidad de especies resulte en una prevalencia de infección de garrapatas reducida y, por lo tanto, en una disminución del riesgo de exposición de humanos a la enfermedad de Lyme. Un análisis por estado y de varios estados a lo largo de la costa este de los Estados Unidos demostró correlaciones significativamente negativas entre la riqueza de especies de mamíferos terrestres pequeños (órdenes Rodentia, Insectivora, y Lagomorfa), un grupo clave de huéspedes para garrapatas, y los números per capita de casos de la enfermedad de Lyme reportados, lo cual apoya nuestra hipótesis de efecto de dilución. Contrastamos estos resultados con lo que se podría esperar cuando los vectores adquieren eficientemente agentes de la enfermedad de muchos huéspedes, caso en el cual, una alta diversidad causaría la prevalencia de infección de garrapatas permaneciendo alta aún cuando la diversidad de huéspedes disminuyera. Una correlación positiva entre los casos de la enfermedad de Lyme per capita y la riqueza de especies de aves residentes del suelo apoya esta hipótesis, que hemos llamado efecto de rescate. La capacidad de reservorio de huéspedes dentro de las comunidades de vertebrados y el grado de especialización de las garrapatas en huéspedes particulares, influenciaría fuertemente la relación entre la diversidad de especies y el riesgo de exposición a muchas de las enfermedades transmitidas por vectores que infectan a humanos.
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The consequences of permanent loss of species or species groups from plant communities are poorly understood, although there is increasing evidence that individual species effects are important in modifying ecosystem properties. We conducted a field experiment in a New Zealand perennial grassland ecosystem, creating artificial vegetation gaps and imposing manipulation treatments on the reestablishing vegetation. Treatments consisted of continual removal of different subsets or “functional groups” of the flora. We monitored vegetation and soil biotic and chemical properties over a 3-yr period. Plant competitive effects were clear: removal of the C3 grass Lolium perenne L. enhanced vegetative cover, biomass, and species richness of both the C4 grass and dicotyledonous weed functional groups and had either positive or negative effects on the legume Trifolium repens L., depending on season. Treatments significantly affected total plant cover and biomass; in particular, C4 grass removal reduced total plant biomass in summer, because no other species had appropriate phenology. Removal of C3 grasses reduced total root biomass and drastically enhanced overall shoot-to-root biomass ratios. Aboveground net primary productivity (NPP) was not strongly affected by any treatment, indicating strong compensatory effects between different functional components of the flora. Removing all plants often negatively affected three further trophic levels of the decomposer functional food web: microflora, microbe-feeding nematodes, and predaceous nematodes. However, as long as plants were present, we did not find strong effects of removal treatments, NPP, or plant biomass on these trophic groupings, which instead were most closely related to spatial variation in soil chemical properties across all trophic levels, soil N in particular. Larger decomposer organisms, i.e., Collembola and earthworms, were unresponsive to any factor other than removal of all plants, which reduced their populations. We also considered five functional components of the soil biota at finer taxonomic levels: three decomposer components (microflora, microbe-feeding nematodes, predaceous nematodes) and two herbivore groups (nematodes and arthropods). Taxa within these five groups responded to removal treatments, indicating that plant community composition has multitrophic effects at higher levels of taxonomic resolution. The principal ordination axes summarizing community-level data for different trophic groups in the soil food web were related to each other in several instances, but the plant ordination axes were only significantly related to those of the soil microfloral community. There were time lag effects, with ordination axes of soil-associated herbivorous arthropods and microbial-feeding nematodes being related to ordination axes representing plant community structure at earlier measurement dates. Taxonomic diversity of some soil organism groups was linked to plant removals or to plant diversity. For herbivorous arthropods, removal of C4 grasses enhanced diversity; there were negative correlations between plant and arthropod diversity, presumably because of negative influences of C4 species in the most diverse treatments. There was evidence of lag relationships between diversity of plants and that of the three decomposer groups, indicating multitrophic effects of altering plant diversity. Relatively small effects of plant removal on the decomposer food web were also apparent in soil processes regulated by this food web. Decomposition rates of substrates added to soils showed no relationship with treatment, and rates of CO2 evolution from the soil were only adversely affected when all plants were removed. Few plant functional-group effects on soil nutrient dynamics were identified. Although some treatments affected temporal variability (and thus stability) of soil biotic properties (particularly CO2 release) throughout the experiment, there was no evidence of destabilizing effects of plant removals. Our data provide evidence that permanent exclusion of plant species from the species pool can have important consequences for overall vegetation composition in addition to the direct effects of vegetation removal, and various potential effects on both the above- and belowground subsystems. The nature of many of these effects is driven by which plant species are lost from the system, which depends on the various attributes or traits of these species.
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This is a critical evaluation of the influence of species diversity within communities of vertebrates on the risk of human exposure to vector-borne zoonoses. Vertebrates serve as natural reservoirs of many disease agents (viral, bacterial, protozoal) that are transmitted to humans by blood-feeding arthropod vectors. We describe the natural history of the Lyme disease zoonosis to illustrate interactions among pathogens, vectors, vertebrate hosts, and risk to humans. We then describe how the presence of a diverse assemblage of vertebrates can dilute the impact of the principal reservoir (the white-footed mouse, Peromyscus leucopus) of Lyme disease spirochetes (Borrelia burgdorferi), thereby reducing the disease risk to humans. Exploring the logic of what we call the dilution effect reveals four conditions that are necessary for it to apply generally to vector-borne zoonoses: (1) the feeding habits of the vector are generalized; (2) the pathogen is acquired by the vector from hosts (as opposed to exclusively transovarial transmission); (3) reservoir competence (the ability of a particular host species to infect a vector) varies among host species; and (4) the most competent reservoir host tends to be a community dominant, as defined by the proportion of the tick population fed by that species. When these conditions are met, vertebrate communities with high species diversity will contain a greater proportion of incompetent reservoir hosts that deflect vector meals away from the most competent reservoirs, thereby reducing infection prevalence and disease risk. Incorporating the likelihood that the abundance of competent reservoirs is reduced in more diverse communities, owing to the presence of predators and competitors, reinforces the impact of the dilution effect on the density of infected vectors. A review of the literature reveals the generality, though not the universality, of these conditions, which suggests that the effects of diversity on disease risk may be widespread. Issues in need of further exploration include (i) the relative importance of diversity per se versus fluctuating numbers of particular species; (ii) the relevance of species richness versus evenness to the dilution effect; (iii) whether the dilution effect operates at both local and regional scales; and (iv) the shape of empirically determined curves relating diversity to measures of disease risk. Further studies linking community ecology with epidemiology are warranted.
Small rodents such as the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) and the eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus) efficiently transmit Borrelia burgdorferi, the etiologic agent of Lyme disease, to feeding ticks, whereas other hosts of ticks are less efficient reservoirs of B. burgdorferi. We examined the roles of ground-foraging and ground-nesting songbirds as alternative hosts for ticks, focusing on their potential to dilute the infection prevalence of ticks (Ixodes scapularis, the black-legged tick) with B. burgdorferi. We developed a mathematical model based on the relative use by ticks of rodent and bird hosts across varying host densities. We parameterized the model for sites in southeastern New York State using original data and for the northeastern United States using published values. Our results indicate that American robins (Turdus migratorius), ovenbirds (Seiurus aurocapillus), veeries (Catharus fuscescens), and wood thrushes (Hylocichla mustelina) have a low capacity to dilute the prevalence of tick infection, particularly when rodents are at moderate to high densities. We attribute this result to low use by ticks of birds and a low density of birds relative to that of rodents. Only when rodents constitute less than ca. 10-20% of the combined rodent and songbird host community are birds capable of substantially reducing the infection prevalence of ticks. In years or habitat types in which the density of rodents is low but that of ground-dwelling songbirds is high, the risk of human exposure to Lyme disease may reduced because birds dilute the infection prevalence of tick vectors.
Conservation medicine is an emerging discipline, focussing on the intersection of ecosystem health, animal health, and human health. Work in the biomedical and veterinary sciences is now being folded into conservation biology; to explore the connections between animal and human health; trace the environmental sources of pathogens and pollutants; develop an understanding of the ecological causes of changes in human and animal health; and understand the consequences of diseases to populations and ecological communities. Conservation Medicine defines this new discipline. It examines ecological health issues from various standpoints, including the emergence and resurgence of infectious disease agents; the increasing impacts of toxic chemicals and hazardous substances; and the health implications of habitat fragmentation and degradation and loss of biodiversity. It will provide a framework to examine the connections between the health of the planet and the health of all species and challenge practitioners and students in the health sciences and natural sciences to think about new, collaborative ways to address ecological health concerns.
The ecological consequences of biodiversity loss have aroused considerable interest and controversy during the past decade. Major advances have been made in describing the relationship between species diversity and ecosystem processes, in identifying functionally important species, and in revealing underlying mechanisms. There is, however, uncertainty as to how results obtained in recent experiments scale up to landscape and regional levels and generalize across ecosystem types and processes. Larger numbers of species are probably needed to reduce temporal variability in ecosystem processes in changing environments. A major future challenge is to determine how biodiversity dynamics, ecosystem processes, and abiotic factors interact.
We studied the demography of populations of the white-footed mouse, Peromyscus leucopus, inhabiting forest patches. Patch populations were characterized by high density, low rates of emigration and immigration, large temporal variance in density, low spatial variation in density, and high home-range overlap. There was no relationship between density and the distance from other forest patches. However, patches less than 2 ha in size had the highest mouse densities. Radiotelemetry, fluorescent-powder tracking, and trapping indicated that few mice disperse through grassland or agricultural fields surrounding patches. The recovery of a population from extinction was slower in more distant patches. We suggest that dispersal plays a key role in the demography of P. leucopus metapopulations that inhabit a landscape composed of a mosaic of large forest tracts, isolated forest patches, and agricultural fields.