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Effect of A-zeolite on the crystallization behavior ofIn-situ polymerized poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) nanocomposites


Abstract and Figures

The crystallization behavior and fine structure of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET)/A-zeolite nanocomposites were assessed via differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and time-resolved small-angle X-ray scattering (TR-SAXS). The Avrami exponent increased from 3.5 to approximately 4.5 with increasing A-zeolite contents, thereby indicating a change in crystal growth formation. The rate constant,k, evidenced an increasing trend with increases in A-zeolite contents. The SAXS data revealed morphological changes occurring during isothermal crystallization. As the zeolite content increased, the long period and amorphous region size also increased. It has been suggested that, since PET molecules passed through the zeolite pores, some of them are rejected into the amorphous region, thereby resulting in increased amorphous region size and increased long period, respectively. In addition, as PET chains piercing into A-zeolite pores cannot precipitate perfect crystal folding, imperfect crystals begin to melt at an earlier temperature, as was revealed by the SAXS profiles obtained during heating. However, the spherulite size was reduced with increasing nanofiller content, because impingement between adjacent spherulites in the nanocomposite occurs earlier than that of homo PET, due to the increase in nucleating sites. KeywordsPET–A-zeolite–nanocomposite–crystallization behavior–fine structure
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Macromolecular Research, Vol. 15, No. 7, pp 662-670 (2007)
*Corresponding Author. E-mail:
Effect of A-Zeolite on the Crystallization Behavior of In-situ Polymerized
Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) Nanocomposites
Young Hak Shin, Wan Duk Lee, and Seung Soon Im*
Department of Fiber & Polymer Engineering, College of Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul 133-791, Korea
Received August 6, 2007; Revised August 29, 2007
Abstract: The crystallization behavior and fine structure of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET)/A-zeolite nanocom-
posites were assessed via differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and time-resolved small-angle X-ray scattering
(TR-SAXS). The Avrami exponent increased from 3.5 to approximately 4.5 with increasing A-zeolite contents,
thereby indicating a change in crystal growth formation. The rate constant, k, evidenced an increasing trend with
increases in A-zeolite contents. The SAXS data revealed morphological changes occurring during isothermal crys-
tallization. As the zeolite content increased, the long period and amorphous region size also increased. It has been
suggested that, since PET molecules passed through the zeolite pores, some of them are rejected into the amorphous
region, thereby resulting in increased amorphous region size and increased long period, respectively. In addition, as
PET chains piercing into A-zeolite pores cannot precipitate perfect crystal folding, imperfect crystals begin to melt at
an earlier temperature, as was revealed by the SAXS profiles obtained during heating. However, the spherulite size was
reduced with increasing nanofiller content, because impingement between adjacent spherulites in the nanocompos-
ite occurs earlier than that of homo PET, due to the increase in nucleating sites.
Keywords: PET, A-zeolite, nanocomposite, crystallization behavior, fine structure.
Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) is a thermoplastic
polyester widely used in the manufacture of high-strength
fibers, photographic films, and soft-drink bottles owing to
its good mechanical properties with low cost.1 However,
PET has some drawbacks on the processability due to the
relatively slow crystallization rate. Accordingly, studies on
the PET nanocomposites filled with inorganic materials
have been investigated for the enhancement of their pro-
cessability and properties.2- 6
Zeolites are microporous crystalline aluminosilicates and
composed TO4 tetrahedra (T = Si, Al) with oxygen atoms
connecting neighboring tetrahedra.7 Zeolites have potential
applications such as catalysts, adsorption agents, and ion-
exchange resins on account of their regular pore structures
and high thermal stability. They were also employed as an
additive to impart antibacterial and flame retardant proper-
ties to polymers. LTA type A-zeolite having Si/Al ratio of 1,
sodium ions as a counter ion, a pore size larger than 4 Å,
and primary particle size of 10-30 nm were used as nano-
composite fillers in this study. Their general chemical for-
mula is Na96(Si96Al96O384) possessing SiO4
-, AlO4
- as basic
units. Recently, these zeolites were used to polymer com-
posite system as fillers, which play a role of reinforcement
filler and nucleating agent.8
In the polymer/zeolite nanocomposites, there are two con-
troversial reports about effects of zeolite on the composite
properties. One report9 is that the incorporated zeolites
decrease the mechanical properties of polymer due to poor
interfacial interactions between polymer and zeolite. The
other report is that zeolite bring on reinforcing effects on the
polymer, such as mechanical properties and crystallization
behavior, because polymer chains could pass through zeo-
lite pores in the nanocomposites. In particular, Frisch et
al.10-12 prepared interpenetrating polymer network (IPN) of
zeolite 13X and polystyrene or polyethylacrylate, which
prepared by using in-situ radical polymerization. In addi-
tion, Bein and Wu reported about preparation of molecular
wires and conducting polyaniline filaments from polymer
chains constrained into zeolite pores.13,14
In this paper, PET/A-zeolite nanocomposites were pre-
pared by using in-situ polymerization, which could be
applied as an effective method for improvement of zeolite
filler dispersion. And then the effects of A-zeolite loading
on isothermal crystallization kinetics, melting behavior,
and crystalline structure were investigated and discussed
Effect of A-Zeolite on the Crystallization Behavior of In-situ Polymerized PET Nanocomposites
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Materials and Preparation of Nanocomposites. PET
nanocomposites containing A-zeolites (0-2.0 wt%) used in
this study were prepared by using in-situ polymerization.
In-situ polymerization method is advantageous because it
produces a homogeneous dispersion of A-zeolite particles
in the polymer matrix.15 Dimethyl terephthalate (DMT) and
Ethylene glycol (EG) (+ 99%) purchased from Sigma-Ald-
rich were used without further purification. A-zeolites were
kindly supplied from Korea Institute of Ceramic Eng. &
Tech. (KICET). PET/A-zeolite nanocomposites were pre-
pared by conventional two-step polycondensation. A-zeo-
lites and zinc-acetate catalyst were firstly dispersed in EG
solution by Ultra sonic vibration for 10 min before ester
interchange reaction. During this process, the EG monomer
and catalyst can effectively incorporate into A-zeolite pores.
EG slurry was then mixed with DMT, and temperature was
slowly increased to 210 oC with stirring. Finally, Ester
interchange reaction was carried out for 3 h with continu-
ously removing byproduct (methanol). Second polycon-
densation reaction was carried out at temperatures ranging
from 180 to 285 oC with typical antimony oxide catalyst
under vacuum below 0.1 torr for 2 h. The synthesized all of
the nanocomposite samples were dried in vacuum for 24 h
at 70 oC.
Characterizations of Nanocomposites.
Isothermal Crystallization: The isothermal crystalliza-
tions and melting behaviors of the PET/A-zeolite nanocom-
posites were measured using a Perkin-Elmer DSC 7
instrument in a nitrogen atmosphere. The nanocomposite
samples were heated to 300 oC, kept for 5 min to eliminate
thermal history, and then cooled rapidly (200 oC/min) to the
crystallization temperature within the range of 190-220 oC
and maintained for 30 min. During isothermal crystalliza-
tion, exothermic heat flow was recorded as a function of
time at a different crystallization temperature. After crystal-
lization, the fully crystallized samples were cooled down to
40 oC at a rate of 200 oC/min, and then second heating run
was carried out at a rate of 10oC/min.
Synchrotron X-Ray Scattering Measurements: Syn-
chrotron X-ray scattering experiments were carried out at
the 4C2 SAXS beam line of the Pohang Accelerater Labo-
ratory (Pohang, Korea). The X-ray wavelength (λ) used was
0.154 nm and the beam size at the focal point was less than
2, focused by platinum coated silicon premirror
through a double crystal monochromator. The scattering
intensity was detected with a two-dimensional CCD cam-
era. The scattering angle was calculated with a Bragg spac-
ing of 32.5 nm for a SEBS crystal at q= 0.1933 nm-1 as a
reference peak for SAXS. The samples were completely
melted at 300 oC to remove their any thermal history in the
melting chamber, and then they were quickly moved into
the crystallization chamber set to same isothermal crystalli-
zation temperatures mentioned above.
SAXS Data Analysis: All SAXS data were corrected for
the background, including a dark current and air scattering,
and were plotted as a Lorentz-corrected form, Iq2 against q,
where q is the scattering vector given by the following
where λ is the wavelength and θ is the scattering angle. The
morphological parameters, such as the long period, average
lamellar thickness, and amorphous region size, were calcu-
lated from the one-dimensional correlation function G(r) by
assuming ideal two-phase model.
q = 4π
------ s i n θ
Gr() = 1
q2Iq()cos qr()qd
Figure 1. DSC isothermograms of (a) homo PET and (b) nano-
composite filled with 2.0 wt% A-zeolite (AZ20).
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664 Macromol. Res., Vol. 15, No. 7, 2007
where r is the correlation distance. The long period (L) was
determined from the first maximum of the correlation
curve. The average lamellar thickness (lc) was determined
from the x-axis values of an intersection point between the
tangent-line at G(r) = 0 and the tangent-line at the first min-
imum in the correlation curve. The size of amorphous
region (la) was obtained by L and lc (la=L-lc).
Results and Discussion
Avrami Theory Analysis. The isothermal crystallization
exotherms of the nanocomposite samples are shown in Fig-
ure 1. The relative crystallinity, Xt, was obtained from the
ratio of the area of the exotherm up to time t divided by the
total exotherm. The development of the relative crystallinity
with time of the nanocomposite samples is shown in Figure
2. All isotherms exhibited a sigmoidal dependence on time.
The crystallization rate of the nanocomposite samples
increased with increasing A-zeolite contents. It is indicated
that A-zeolite can be acted as a heterogeneous nucleation
agent in the PET matrix. In addition, the crystallization rate
of every sample showed a decreasing trend with increasing
the crystallization temperature.
The crystallization kinetics of the nanocomposite samples
were analyzed by using typical Avrami equation,16,17 which
can be expressed as the following form:
1-Xt= exp(- ktn)(3)
where k is the temperature-dependent rate constant, t is the
crystallization time, and n is the Avrami exponent, indicat-
ing the type of nucleation and dimension of crystal growth.
Taking logarithms, eq. (3) can be expressed as the follow-
ing form:
log[- ln(1 - Xt)] = nlogt+logk(4)
Here, n and k are obtained from the slope and intercept of
the linear plot of log(- ln(1 - Xt)) against log(t) in the pri-
mary crystallization portion, respectively. The plots of log
Figure 2. Relative crystallinity versus time of the nanocomposites; (a) homo PET, (b) AZ05, (c) AZ10, and (d) AZ20.
Effect of A-Zeolite on the Crystallization Behavior of In-situ Polymerized PET Nanocomposites
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(- ln(1 - Xt)) against log(t) for the nanocomposite samples
are shown in Figure 3. The plots of all samples shifted
toward longer times with increasing the crystallization tem-
perature. It is indicated that the time to reach the maximum
crystallinity increased as the crystallization temperature
increases. The Avrami kinetic parameters are listed in Table
I. The n values for homo PET lies in the nearly 3.5. On the
other hand, the n values for the nanocomposite samples
have higher value than that of homo PET. In addition, when
the n values between nanocomposite samples were com-
pared with each other, the n value increased slightly with
increasing A-zeolite contents at the range of 4-5. It indicates
that crystal growth dimension of nanocomposites is more
complicate than that of homo PET. The rate constant, k,
shows a very temperature-sensitive decrease in all samples,
and k values increase with increasing A-zeolite contents.
The half-time of crystallization, t1/2, can be useful indica-
tor of the crystallization rate. Usually, the reciprocal of t1/2 is
used to describe the crystallization rate, G=(t1/2)-1. The
greater value of t1/2 means the slower crystallization rate.
The t1/2 for all samples is shown in Figure 4. The incorpora-
tion of A-zeolites decreased the t1/2 of the PET matrix, indi-
cating the nucleating effect of A-zeolites for PET. Further-
more, the value of t1/2 is less dependent on temperature with
increasing A-zeolite contents. Thus, A-zeolite acts as heter-
ogeneous nucleating agent. The half time of crystallization
is listed in Table I.
Crystallization Activation Energy. The crystallization
rate constant of Avrami kinetic parameter, k is assumed to
be thermally activated and can be used to determine crystal-
lization activation energy (ΔE). The k can be approximately
Figure 3. Avrami plots for (a) homo PET and (b) AZ20 nano-
composite crystallized at various temperatures.
Table I. The Avrami Parameters for the Various Crystalliza-
tion Temperatures
Sample nK (s )t (sec)
Homo-190 3.5 1.013 × 10 066.6
Homo-200 3.5 1.594 × 10 103.2
Homo-210 3.4 1.357 × 10 172.2
Homo-220 3.4 1.327 × 10 570.6
AZ05-190 3.9 2.373 × 10 025.2
AZ05-200 4.0 2.359 × 10 041.4
AZ05-210 4.2 1.400 × 10 067.8
AZ05-220 4.3 4.756 × 10 231.0
AZ10-190 4.0 7.561 × 10 017.4
AZ10-200 4.6 5.039 × 10 021.6
AZ10-210 4.8 1.382 × 10 040.2
AZ10-220 4.7 5.831 × 10 139.2
AZ20-190 4.3 7.242 × 10 014.4
AZ20-200 4.6 1.112 × 10 030.0
AZ20-210 4.6 2.893 × 10 040.2
AZ20-220 4.8 2.319 × 10 094.2
Figure 4. Half-time of crystallization versus crystallization tem-
Y. H. Shin et al.
666 Macromol. Res., Vol. 15, No. 7, 2007
described by the Arrhenius equation:18-20
Taking logarithms, eq. (5) can be expressed as the following
where k0 is a pre-exponential constant, R is the gas constant,
ΔE is the crystallization activation energy, and Tc is the crys-
tallization temperature. Arrhenius plots of 1/n(lnk) against
1/Tc for all samples are shown in Figure 5 and are linearly
fitted. Here, ΔE can be obtained from the slope of the plots
(Table II). ΔE is strongly dependent on A-zeolite contents.
ΔE decreased with increasing A-zeolite contents, and drasti-
cally decreased over the 2 wt% of A-zeolite. It is indicated
that the incorporation of A-zeolite causes a heterogeneous
nucleation, which results in a lower ΔE.18-20 In other words,
the crystallization rate can be accelerated during the isother-
mal crystallization process owing to A-zeolite.
Melting and Equilibrium Melting Temperatures. Figure
6 represents the second heating run thermograms for the
completely crystallized samples. In the thermograms of all
nanocomposite samples, three melting peaks can be observed.
The lowest small melting peak appears at about 10-15 oC
above the crystallization temperature,21,22 which is called
annealing peak. The middle melting peak is corresponded to
the melting of original crystal lamellae grown during iso-
thermal crystallization, and the highest melting peak is cor-
responded to the melting of crystallites produced by melt-
recrystallization. Accordingly, in this work, the equilibrium
melting temperature was obtained by using the middle melt-
ing temperature (Tm).
The equilibrium melting temperature, Tm
o is the melting
temperature of infinitely stack crystals. It can be obtained as
a theory derived by Hoffman-Weeks.23
1n = k0exp - ΔE
lnkt = lnk0 - ΔE
Tm = Tc
----- + 1 - 1
Figure 5. Plots of (1/n)lnK versus 1/T for Avrami parameter K
deduced from isothermal crystallization.
Table II. Crystallization Activation Energy of the Nano-
Sample Activation Energy (J/mol)
Homo -173
AZ05 -158
AZ10 -126
AZ20 -111
Figure 6. DSC second heating runs for the fully crystallized (a)
homo PET and (b) AZ20 nanocomposite at various crystalliza-
tion temperatures.
Effect of A-Zeolite on the Crystallization Behavior of In-situ Polymerized PET Nanocomposites
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where Tm and Tm
o are the experimental melting temperature
and equilibrium melting temperature, respectively. Tc is the
crystallization temperature and γ is the lamellar thickening
ratio, which is supposed to always be greater than or equal
to 1.24,25
The fitting of Tm against Tc is approximately linear, which
is shown in Figure 7. The Tm
o is evaluated by the x-axis
value of an intersection of linear line obtained from experi-
mental data and Tm=Tc linear line. The Tm
o decreased with
increasing A-zeolite contents. It is suggested that the crystal
perfection of the nanocomposite fall off with increasing A-
zeolite contents.26 This result will be also confirmed from
SAXS results and will be discussed in detail at following
SAXS sections.
Secondary Nucleation Theory Analysis. The crystal
growth rates of the spherulite may be derived from the Lau-
ritzen-Hoffman secondary nucleation theory.24,27 In this
study, the reciprocal of half-crystallization time of isother-
mal crystallization in DSC measurement was used as the
crystal growth rate (G). The temperature dependence of G is
given as follows:
where G0 is the front factor, U* is the activation energy for
the segment diffusion to the site of crystallization, R is the
G = G0exp - U*
c - T
exp - Kg
Figure 7. Hoffman-Weeks plots of the nanocomposites.
Figure 8. Lauritzen-Hoffman plots of the nanocomposites.
Table III. The Kinetic Data for Crystallized Nanocomposites
Sample K (K )σ (J m )
Homo 2.75 × 10 10.12 × 10
AZ05 2.53 × 10 09.36 × 10
AZ10 1.86 × 10 06.99 × 10
AZ20 1.51 × 10 05.69 × 10
Figure 9. Change of morphological parameters during isother-
mal crystallization at (a) 190 C and (b) 220 C.
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668 Macromol. Res., Vol. 15, No. 7, 2007
gas constant, T is the hypothetical temperature below
which all viscous flow ceases, Kg is the nucleation parame-
ter, ΔT is the degree of supercooling defined as Tm
o-Tc and f
is a correction factor given as 2Tc/(Tm
c). Generally, tak-
ing logarithms, eq. (9) can be expressed as the following
In this study, we used the universal values of U*= 6300
Jmol-1 and T=Tg- 30 K in all calculations.27 With this
assumption, Kg value is obtained from the slope of Plots of
*/R(Tc-T) against 1/Tc(ΔT)f as shown in Figure 8,
and can be expressed as the following form:24,28
where n is a constant equals to 2 for regime II, b0 is the mono-
molecular layer thickness, taken as the unit cell dimension of
b, σ is the lateral surface energy, σe is the fold surface free
energy, Δhf is the heat of fusion per unit volume (182.6 Jcm-3
= heat of fusion per unit mass (125.5 J/g15) * crystal density
(1.455 gcm-3))39 and κB is the Boltzmann constant.
On the other hand, the lateral surface energy, σ was often
estimated as:28
σ= α(Δhf)(a0b0)1/2 (11)
where α was derived empirically to be 0.11 by analogy with
the well-known behavior of hydrocarbons. The unit cell
dimensions a0 and b0 for PET used in this analysis are 4.57
and 5.95 Å, respectively.29 From eqs. (10) and (11), the fold
surface free energy, σe can be calculated and was shown in
Table III. The σe decreases with increasing A-zeolite con-
tents. It is indicated that the work required in folding the
molecules decreases with increasing A-zeolite contents.30
Consequently, it is concluded that the overall crystallization
rate was increased by the incorporation of A-zeolite in the
PET matrix.30
SAXS Studies During Isothermal Crystallization and
Melting Process. The changes of morphological parame-
lnG + U*
c - T
= lnG0 - Kg
Kg = nboσσeTm
Figure 10. Microstructural parameters during heating after isothermal recrystallization at 190 C; (a) invariants, (b) long period, (c) aver-
age lamellar thickness, and (d) average amorphous size.
Effect of A-Zeolite on the Crystallization Behavior of In-situ Polymerized PET Nanocomposites
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ters obtained from linear correlation function curve for
nanocomposite samples crystallized at 190 and 220 oC are
shown in Figure 9. As crystallization proceeded, L and la
drastically decreased, especially in the initial crystallization
period, at the each crystallization temperature. This could
be caused by the insertion of subsidiary lamellae between
two existing dominant lamellae.31-34 As the zeolite filler
content increased, lc for all nanocomposites are almost
same, because the lamellar thickness depends not on the
nucleation but on the molecular diffusion at a controlled
temperature. However, L and la increased slightly as the
zeolite content increased during isothermal crystallization.
This result is opposite to that of PET nanocomposites filled
with nano-sized layered materials.38,39 In the case of nano-
composites filled with layered materials, nanocomposites
could be crystallized more easily owing to the increase of
nanolayers acted as nucleation site, leading to the decrease
of the average amorphous region size. In the case of PET/
zeolite nanocomposite, however, it is believed that PET
molecules passed through zeolite pores. Therefore, PET
chains piercing zeolite couldn’t make appropriate folding
and some of them are rejected into amorphous region, lead-
ing to the increase of la and L, respectively.35
Figure 10 shows the change of morphological parameters
during heating after the isothermal crystallization at 190 oC
for 20 min. As shown in Figure 10(a) and 10(c), invariants
(overall scattering power) and lc for all nanocomposites
increased with increasing temperature owing to the crystal
thickening. And, invariants decreased abruptly after melting
over 275 oC. L and la also increased with temperature, indi-
cating the thermal expansion resulting from the increased
molecular mobility during heating, as shown in Figure 10(b)
and 10(d), respectively. In these figures, interestingly, the
temperature of the rapid increase in L and la, which resulted
from the onset of the crystal melting, was shifted to lower
temperature with increasing zeolite content. This result is
also opposite to that of nanocomposites filled with layered
materials.38 Based on the decrease of equilibrium melting
temperature with zeolite content as shown in Figure 7, it is
thought that PET molecules threading into zeolite pores
couldn’t make perfect crystal36,37 during isothermal crystal-
lization, leading to the decrease of those onset temperature
of crystal melting. Schematic diagram of lamellar structures
and spherulite for the isothermally crystallized PET and
PET/A-zeolite nanocomposites are presented in Figure 11.
It is believed that since PET molecules threading into A-
zeolite pores cannot make perfect crystal folding, imperfect
crystal start to melt at earlier temperature. In addition, L and
la increased with increasing zeolite content because some of
them are rejected into amorphous region during crystalliza-
tion, while lc was almost same. Accordingly, based on the
above results, the changes of morphological parameters for
nanocomposite samples were resulted from the molecular
threading. However, spherulite size decreased with increas-
ing nanofiller content, because impingement between adja-
cent spherulites in the nanocomposite occurs earlier than
that of homo PET owing to the increased nucleating site.
The PET/A-zeolite nanocomposites were prepared suc-
cessfully by in-situ polymerization. DSC analysis suggested
that crystallization rates of the nanocomposite samples were
increased because A-zeolites acted as nucleating agents.
The evolution of crystallization kinetics during isothermal
crystallization and subsequent melting was followed by
time-resolved SAXS and DSC measurements. It indicated
that the crystallization growth rates of the nanocomposite
samples increased with increasing A-zeolite contents. How-
ever, the crystals of nanocomposite formed less perfect
crystals owing to molecular threading of PET chains into A-
zeolite pores. It is confirmed from decreased equilibrium
melting temperatures and SAXS analysis. Since PET mole-
cules threading into A-zeolite pores couldn’t make perfect
crystal folding, and some of them were rejected into amor-
phous region, amorphous region size and long period were
Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the
Korea Foundation for International Cooperation of Science
& Technology (KICOS) through a grant provided by the
Korean Ministry of Science & Technology (MOST) in No.
Figure 11. Schematic diagrams of the nanocomposite crystal.
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670 Macromol. Res., Vol. 15, No. 7, 2007
K20501000002-07-E0100-00210. This work was also par-
tially supported by Seoul R&D Program (10919).
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... Inorganic nanoparticles such as clays [11], carbon nanotubes [12], and graphenes [13] possess potential applications to advance the behavior of PET crystallization. Among them, silicates have been applied as nucleating agents for polymer due to their high specific surface area and excellent thermal stability [14,15]. Zeolite molecular sieve is one of the most important silicates with high specific surface area, uniform pore topology and large pore volume [16][17][18]. ...
... The morphology of zeolite in PET matrix was investigated by TEM HT7800 (Hitachi, Japan) and FETEM Tecnai G2 (FEI, the USA) with ultra-thin section prepared by cryogenicsectioning in a Leica system (UCT/EMFCS). The solid state 14 Si NMR and 27 Al NMR spectra were recorded on Bruker Avance III at 25 ℃ at 400 MHz. ATR FTIR spectra were recorded on Thermo-Fisher Nicolet 6700 at wavenumber between 400 cm À1 and 4000 cm À1 with 64 scans. ...
To improve the low crystallization rate and long molding cycle of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET), series of PET nanocomposites incorporated small quantities of zeolites with different topologies were blended by melt compounding. The nucleation influence of 3-dimensional zeolites Y, ZSM-5 and 2-dimensional zeolite MCM-22P on the crystallization manner of PET was analyzed by non-isothermal and isothermal crystallization, quantitative evaluation of nanoparticle dispersion and morphology of nanoparticles. The results show that all PET/zeolite nanocomposites exhibit higher crystallization temperature and faster crystallization rate than PET due to large specific surface area of zeolites and their superior dispersion in the PET matrix. Among them, PET/MCM-22P nanocomposites remarkably improved the crystallization behavior, thermal stability and oxygen barrier properties, which is related to the layered morphology of MCM-22P and hydrogen bond interactions between MCM-22P and PET. It is revealed that MCM-22P can provide more heterogeneous nucleation sites for PET by exfoliation in melting compounding. Furthermore, the nucleation mechanism induced by MCM-22P was investigated by the means of Mozhishen method, Avrami equation and theory of Hoffman-Lauritzen. The results indicate that the incorporation of MCM-22P can decrease the free energy of nucleation and fold surface in PET crystallization process, thus improving the crystallinity.
... PU/13X kompozitlerin mekanik özelliklerinin saf PU'ya kıyasla daha iyi olduğu ve PU/13X kompozitlerin mükemmel solvent direnci performansı sağladığını gözlemlemişlerdir. Shin vd.[15], in-situ polimerizasyon yöntemi ile PET-zeolit esaslı nanokompozitlerin eldesi, termal ve morfolojik özelliklerinin analizi üzerine çalışmışlardır. Çalışmalarında, kristal büyümenin meydana geldiği, nanokompozitteki zeolit miktarı arttıkça büyümenin artma eğilimi gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. ...
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Çevrenin korunması bakımından atıkların geri kazanılması ve hammadde kaynağı olarak tekrar kullanılması için yöntemlerin geliştirilmesi büyük önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada da, günlük yaşamda ve endüstriyel ürünlerde çok yaygın bir şekilde kullanılan polietilen tereftalat (PET) atıklarından kaynaklanan kirliliğin önlenmesi, plastik üretiminde atık haline dönüşen kısmın efektif bir şekilde değerlendirilebilmesi ile birlikte geri dönüşüm ve kompozit malzemelerin öneminden yola çıkarak nano boyutlu çeşitli partiküller içeren geri dönüşüm PET (rPET) esaslı nanokompozitlerin üretimi ve çeşitli özelliklerinin analizleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada, geri dönüşüm PET polimerleri ile nanopartiküller (bor, zeolit ve pomza) eriyikte birleştirme veya eriyikte harmanlama metodu kullanılarak çift vidalı ekstrüder içerisinde %3 oranında karıştırılmış ve granül halinde nanokompozitler elde edilmiştir. Çalışmada, partikül içerikli nanokompozitlerin polimer-partikül etkileşimi konusunda fikir sahibi olmak amacıyla bazı iç yapı ve termal özellikleri incelenmiştir. Bor, zeolit ve pomza içerikli nanokompozit üretimi konusunda ön bir araştırmanın gerçekleştirildiği çalışma sonucunda, kullanılan partikül türüne ve partikül dağılımına bağlı olarak farklı değişimlerin meydana geldiği belirlenmiştir.
... One way to enhance this property is to prepare PET nanocomposite filled with inorganic materials131415161718. Several inorganic materials, including silica, clay, zeolites, carbon nanotube and titanium dioxide (TiO2) are used as nanoparticle reinforcing fillers for polymer materials19202122. TiO2 is one the additives that usually used in PET as a whitening agent. ...
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In this paper, Nanocomposites of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) including nanoparticles of titanium dioxide, or PET/TiO2 nanocomposites, have been synthesized via in-situ polymerization and crystallization. In addition, in this paper, behavior of these nanocomposites and neat PET was investigated using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectra of nanocomposites have been recorded on a Nexus 670 spectrophotometer from Nicolet Co. (Waltham, MA) at room temperature. Intrinsic viscosity of samples was measured using an Ubbelohde type viscometer at 25±0.1 °C. The thermal properties of the neat PET and PET nanocomposites were determined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC Q1000, TA instruments, New Castle, DE) under N2 atmosphere using 10 °C/min scanning ramp from 30 to 300 °C, following successive cooling and heating cycles. The result has shown that, these nanoparticles have a catalytic effect on the polymerization of PET. In addition, they influence on the crystallinity morphology of PET mostly by acting as a nucleating agent. Molecular weights of nanocomposites are considerably higher in comparison of neat PET. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) thermo-grams show that crystallization of nanocomposites are faster than the neat PET and it happens in a higher temperature.
This paper reports the successful synthesis of NaX nanocrystals using an organic, additive-free hydrothermal approach. Then, solution casting was used to fabricate nanocomposites of poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and NaX nanocrystals. The structure and morphology of the nanozeolite and nanocomposite were determined by XRD, FE-SEM, and EDX analyses. The non-isothermal crystallization kinetic of the neat PVA and its nanocomposite consisting NaX nanocrystals have been investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Judging from the crystallization kinetics based on the DSC data, it was demonstrated that NaX nanocrystals can play a role in an effective nucleating agent in the crystallization of PVA. It has been demonstrated that crystallinity degree of the nanocomposite had been enhanced by increasing the content of NaX nanocrystals up to 1 mass%. Using the Friedman isoconversional method, it was shown that the value of effective energy barrier for PVA/NaX nanocrystals (1 mass%) system is smaller than the neat PVA.
The use of the carbon nanotube (CNT) is superior to the general powder state materials in their thermal and chemical properties. Because its ratio of diameter to length (aspect ratio) is very large, it is known to be a type of ideal nano-reinforcement material. Based on this advantage, the existing carbon black of the semiconductive shield materials used in power cables can acquire excellent properties by the use of a small amount of CNTs. Therefore, we fabricated specimens using a solution mixing method. We investigated the thermal properties of the CNT, such as its storage modulus, loss modulus, and its tan delta using a dynamic mechanical analysis 2980. We found that a high thermal resistance level is demonstrated by using a small amount of CNTs. We also investigated the chemical properties of the CNT, such as the oxidation reaction by using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) made by Travel IR. In the case of the FT-IR tests, we searched for some degree of oxidation by detecting the carboxyl group (C
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Magnesium hydroxide as a non-halogen flame retardant has increasing attention due to its non-toxicity, high decomposition temperature and smoke suppressant ability during combustion. For the application of magnesium hydroxide retardant to the textile by soaking and coating method, the prerequisite for the coating is a small particle size, stable dispersion, and adhesion to the textile. The dispersion of particles and stability of the coating was checked by monitoring the change of transmittance and backscattering by varying the types of dispersion agents, binder, solvent, and source, and their compositions in the coating. The dispersion coating was applied to PET(poly(ethylene terephthalate)) non-woven textile. The physical properties are characterized by surface morphology, amount of coating, particle dispersion, and adhesion test. The flame retardant coated textile has been compared by limited oxygen index(LOI) and thermal gravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry(TG-DSC). It was found that phosphorous additive may give synergistic effect on flame retardant coating to make the flame retardant PET non-woven textile.
The objective of this study was to investigate how the water uptake features and carrier characteristics of the TS-1 zeolite affected the physical and rheological properties, morphological parameters, and enzymatic hydrolysis of Poly (butylene succinate) (PBS). The introduction of TS-1 zeolite as catalyst was developed for the preparation of PBS/TS-1 zeolite hybrid composites (PTHC) without heavy metal toxic substance in the context on clean technology. The TS-1 zeolite can act as a catalyst as well as a reinforcement filler with the result that PTHC can show marked increases in tensile properties and elongation at breakage in the solid state. The rheological properties of PTHC with high zeolite contents showed low values of complex viscosity, as compared with PTHC with low TS-1 zeolite contents, due to the volatilization of water released from the zeolite pores during esterification. The introduction of the TS-1 zeolite in the PBS matrix was not significantly affected by changes in the size of the long period, lamella thickness, or the amorphous region, indicating that PBS chains do not penetrate into zeolite pores, as confirmed by SAXS profiles. In enzymatic hydrolysis over 90 days, the enzymatic hydrolysis rates of PTHC significantly accelerated with increasing TS-1 zeolite contents, compared with Homo PBS. This result indicated that TS-1 zeolite can act as a carrier for enzyme activation, resulting in enzymatic hydrolysis, occurring from the amorphous area on the surface into the inside of the film.
The cure behaviors, dielectric characteristics and fracture toughness of diglycidylether of bisphenol-A (DGEBA)/poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) blend system were investigated. The degree of conversion for the DGEBA/PET blend system was measured using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The cure kinetics were investigated by measuring the cure activation energies (E a ) with dynamic differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The dielectric characteristic was examined by dielectric analysis (DEA). The mechanical properties were investigated by measuring the critical stress intensity factor (K IC ), critical strain energy release rate (G IC ), and impact strength test. As a result, DGEBA/PET was successfully blended. TheE a of the blend system was increased with increasing PET content to a maximum at 10 phr PET. The dielectric constant was decreased with increasing PET content. The mechanical properties of the blend system were also superior to those of the neat DGEBA. These results were attributed to the increased cross-linking density of the blend system, resulting from the interaction between the epoxy group of DGEBA and the carboxyl group of PET.
A new method of estimating the equilibrium melting temperature, T m , of a polymer is described, and applied to polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE). Experimentally de-termined values of the so-called observed melting point, !F^(obs), are plotted as a function of the isothermal crystallization temperature, T x . When freed of secondary effects, such as recrystallization, the data fit a straight line of positive slope on a Ti (obs) versus T x plot, T x being the abscissa. This line is then extrapolated to its intersection with the line T^ (obs) = T x . The temperature at this intersection is T m . This intersection is at 224 °C for PCTFE, and T m is quoted as 224± 1 °C. (The highest melting point actually attained for a specimen was 218.2 °C.) The value of T m estimated using the extrapolation procedure is compared with that estimated using the customary method of slow stepwise warming. A theoretical justification is given for making the type of plot mentioned above. The most important assumption used in the theory is that one of the dimensions of the growing crystal retains a value rather close to that of the appropriate growth nucleus during an iso-thermal crystallization, the other two dimensions being large in comparison. Combination of this with the fact that the relevant dimension of the growth nucleus will vary as the re-ciprocal of the degree of supercooling leads to the prediction of melting points that increase linearly with crystallization temperature. The assumption that one of the dimensions of the crystal retains a value fairly close to that of a growth nucleus can readily be justified on the basis of polymer crystal growth with chain folds. Its justification in the case of the customary bundlelike mode of crystallization is less clear. It is demonstrated experimentally that even the largest detectible crystals in PCTFE are only about 70 percent thicker than a primary nucleus, when secondary effects are minimized. The application of the theory to systems other than PCTFE is discussed briefly, and some preliminary measurements on polyethylene mentioned. Some points relating to the shape of the melting curves of highly crystalline polymers are also brought out.
Free-radical polymerization of liquid styrene and ethyl acrylate with or without ethylene dimethacrylate crosslinker in the presence of zeolite 13 X produces interpenetrating polymer networks (IPN's) or pseudo IPN's in which polymer chains have grown and filled internal pores of the zeolite. A variety of methods of characterization including, solubility studies, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), 13C solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) provide supporting evidence for this. The polymer chains within the internal pores do not exhibit a bulk glass transition. This is part of a larger study of the glass transition of polymers confined to cavities or pores of various sizes.
In the present study, untreated and silver exchanged natural zeolite–polypropylene (PP) composites were prepared and characterized by means of different techniques (TGA, DSC, mechanical tests, density measurements, optical microscopy and colorometer). The effects of zeolite loading and silver concentration on the composite properties were investigated. The thermal characterization studies showed that the addition of the zeolite increased the crystallinity of the composites acting as a nucleating agent in PP crystallization and retarded the degradation of PP. At low silver concentrations, the zeolite behaved as a decelerating agent in PP degradation, however at higher silver concentrations, the composites degraded at a faster rate than pure PP. The experimental densities of the composites were found to be lower than the theoretical densities. When the tensile tested samples are considered, the densities were even lower indicating porous structure of the films. From the optical micrographs of the tensile tested films, it was clearly seen that the stretching along the machine direction caused hole formation around the particles. The optimum conditions obtained in this study for the PP–silver zeolite composite film production are in the range of 2–4wt% zeolite treated with 4.36mg Ag+/g zeolite. At higher zeolite loadings, the film becomes brittle and at higher Ag+ concentrations, the film produced was discolored.
The hybridization of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) with montmorillonite (Mont) was investigated by using hydroxypentyltrimethylammonium iodide (HPTA) as an ionic anchor monomer capable of being adsorbed onto clay surfaces by ion exchange. The HPTA/Mont hybrid films copolymerized with bis (hydroxyethyl) terephthalate (BHET) exhibited favorable characteristics such as improved tensile strength as well as optical transparency.
Isothermal crystallization and subsequent melting behavior of mesoporous molecular sieve (MMS) filled poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) composites have been investigated at the designated temperature by using differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). The commonly used Avrami equation was used to fit the primary stage of the isothermal crystallization. The Avrami exponents n were evaluated to be 2 < n < 3 for the neat PET and composites. MMS particles acting as nucleating agent in composite accelerated the crystallization rate with decreasing the half-time of crystallization. The crystallization activation energy calculated from the Arrhenius' formula was reduced as MMS content increased. It is shown that the MMS particles made the molecular chains of PET easier to crystallize during the isothermal crystallization process. Subsequent differential scanning calorimeter scans of the isothermally crystallized samples exhibited different melting endotherms. It is found that much smaller or less perfect crystals formed in composites due to the interaction between molecular chains and the MMS particles. The crystallinity of composites was enhanced by increasing MMS content. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The double endothermic behaviour of poly(aryl ether ether ketone) (PEEK) has been the subject of considerable debate during the last few years. In this paper, the various explanations for the double endothermic behaviour of PEEK are examined using a combination of real time small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and differential scanning calorimetry (d.s.c.) techniques. The correlation function approach was used to analyse SAXS data. The correlation functions were interpreted in terms of a two-phase model to obtain average lamellar and amorphous, layer thicknesses. The average lamellar and amorphous layer thicknesses are observed to be about 125Å and 50Å respectively. From the SAXS data, it is observed that the average amorphous layer thickness (1) does not decrease during the development of the low endotherm, and (2) decreases during melting at temperatures corresponding to the low endotherm. From the d.s.c. studies, it is observed that the high endotherm develops before the low endotherm. Based on these and other observations, the melting recrystallization model and the lamellar insertion model are ruled out as possible explanations for the origin of the low endotherm in PEEK. We suggest that the origin of the low and high endotherms lies in melting of secondary and primary lamellar stacks respectively. The secondary lamellar stacks consist of thinner lamellae and thicker amorphous layers as compared to the primary lamellae which results in the high endotherm.
Polyester/clay nanocomposites were prepared by melt compounding with different clay loadings. Comparing against neat polyester resins, the crystallization and multiple melting behavior of the nanocomposites was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X‐ray diffraction (XRD). Nanoclay filler is an effective heterogeneous nucleating agent, as evidenced by a decrease and an increase in the crystallization temperature for both cold and melt crystallization of polyesters, respectively. The degree of crystallinity was found to increase with increasing clay content, due to heterogeneous nucleation effects by the addition of a nanofiller. For the annealed samples, multiple melting peaks were always observed for both neat polyester and its nanocomposites. The origins of the multiple melting behavior are discussed, based on the DSC and XRD results. Interestingly, an ‘abnormal’ high‐temperature endothermic peak (Tm, 3) at about 260 °C was observed when the nanocomposite samples were annealed at higher temperatures (eg ≥240 °C). The constrained polyester crystals formed within intercalated clay platelets due to confinement effects were probably responsible for this melting event at these higher temperatures. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry
Free radical polymerization of liquid ethylacrylate in the presence of zeolite 13X yielded PIPNs without crosslinker and IPNs if the crosslinker ethylene glycol dimethacrylate was present. We studied these materials both unextracted as well as partially extracted with a variety of solvents using DSC, SEM as well as Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS). These studies suggest that in the composites polyethylacrylate chains entered the internal pores of the zeolite. These chains had an extended state and did not exhibit a bulk glass transition, a similar behavior to that previously reported for polystyrene/zeolite 13X composite. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The crystallization kinetics and morphology of PEN/PET copolyesters were investigated using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), time-resolved small-angle X-ray scattering (TR-SAXS), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The Avrami exponents obtained using DSC were approximately 3 for homo PEN and 4 for all the copolyesters. The 3-parameter Avrami model was successfully fitted to the invariants with respect to the time obtained from TR-SAXS, and the exponent values were similar to those obtained from DSC. Moreover, the Avrami rate constants obtained from TR-SAXS showed marked temperature-sensitive decreases in all samples, like those obtained from DSC. This indicates that not only could changes in morphological parameters be obtained from the analysis of TR-SAXS data but also crystallization kinetics. The changes in the morphological parameters determined from the SAXS data indicate that the minor components, dimethyl terephthalate (DMT) segments, are rejected into the amorphous phase during crystallization. In the TEM study, copolyesters crystallized at temperature above 240 °C grew into both the α- and β-form, although 240 °C is the optimum condition for the β-form crystal. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci Part B: Polym Phys 43: 805–816, 2005
The crystal structure of polyethylene terephthalate (Terylene) has been determined by the interpretation of the X-ray diffraction patterns given by drawn fibres. The unit cell, which contains one chemical unit, \chembond{1,0} CO.C6H4.CO.O.(CH2)2O\chembond{1,0} , is triclinic, with a = 4\cdot 56 angstrom, b = 5\cdot 94 angstrom, c = 10\cdot 75 angstrom, alpha = 981/2 degrees, beta = 118 degrees, gamma = 112 degrees. This gives the density of the crystals as 1\cdot 455 g/cm3. If it is assumed that the density of amorphous regions in partly crystalline material is the same as that of the entirely amorphous material (1\cdot 335), the proportion by weight of crystals in ordinary drawn yarn (density 1\cdot 39) is 48%, and in specimens of the highest recorded density (1\cdot 41) it is 64\cdot 5%. These figures are, however, lower limits; if, as is likely, the density of amorphous regions in partly crystalline specimens is lower than 1\cdot 335, the proportions of crystalline material are higher than the figures given. The positions of atoms in the crystals have been deduced from the relative intensities of X-ray diffractions; approximate positions were found by trial-and-error methods, and refinement was then effected by calculations of electron densities, using the three-dimensional Fourier synthesis method. The molecules are nearly planar in configuration. Distances between atoms in neighbouring molecules are all normal Van der Waals contact distances; there is therefore no structural evidence for any unusually strong forces between the molecules. This conclusion is in agreement with that based on an estimate of the cohesion energy, which is very nearly the same as that of a comparable aliphatic polyester, polyethylene adipate. The high melting-point of polyethylene terephthalate in comparison with aliphatic polyesters is therefore not due to strong forces between the molecules; it is attributed to the rigidity of the aromatic ring with its attached matrix \ O- \ \ diagup -C \chembond{2,315} \ \ \ O endmatrix . In most drawn fibres of this polymer, the crystals do not have their c-axes (those parallel to the chain molecules) exactly parallel to the fibre axes; they are tilted in a precisely defined crystallographic direction, such that the {2}30 plane remains vertical and the inclination of the 001 plane to the fibre axis increases. This is especially well defined in fibres heated to 210 degrees C and allowed to relax, the tilt angle being then about 5 degrees. In principle it is expected that polymer crystals of triclinic symmetry would be tilted, but it is not clear what determines the crystallographic direction of tilt. Tilted crystal X-ray diffraction photographs played an important part in the structure determination.