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Correlation between Calcitonin Levels and [F]FDG-PET/CT in the Detection of Recurrence in Patients with Sporadic and Hereditary Medullary Thyroid Cancer


Abstract and Figures

Purpose. Measurement of serum calcitonin is important in the followup of patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) and reliably reflects the presence of the disease. This is the largest study so far in bibliography investigating the diagnostic accuracy of combined [(18)F]FDG-PET/CT in patients with MTC and elevated calcitonin levels. Methods. Between February 2007 and February 2011, 59 [(18)F]FDG-PET/CT were performed on 51 patients with MTC and elevated calcitonin levels for localization of recurrent disease. Conventional morphologic imaging methods were negative or showed equivocal findings. Results. Among the 59 [(18)F]FDG-PET/CT, 29 were positive (26 had true-positive and 3 false-positive findings) and 30 negative. The overall per-patient sensitivity of [(18)F]FDG-PET/CT was 44.1%. Using as cut-off point the calcitonin value of 1000 pg/ml, in patients with calcitonin exceeding this value, sensitivity raised to 86.7%. The overall sensitivity of [(18)F]FDG-PET/CT was lower (23%) in patients with MEN IIA syndrome. Conclusion. The findings of this paper show that [(18)F]FDG-PET/CT is valuable for the detection of recurrence in patients with highly elevated calcitonin levels, >1000 pg/mL, but in patients with lower calcitonin levels, its contribution is questionable. Also, there is evidence that the sensitivity of [(18)F]FDG-PET/CT is lower in patients with MTC as part of MEN IIA syndrome.
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International Scholarly Research Network
ISRN Endocrinology
Volume 2012, Article ID 375231, 9pages
Clinical Study
Correlation between Calcitonin Levels and [18F]FDG-PET/CT in
the Detection of Recurrence in Patients with Sporadic and
Hereditary Medullary Thyroid Cancer
Evangelia Skoura,1Ioannis E. Datseris,1Phivi Rondogianni,1Stylianos Tsagarakis,2, 3
Marinella Tzanela,2Maria Skilakaki,4Dimitrios Exarhos,4and Maria Alevizaki5
1Nuclear Medicine Department, Evangelismos General Hospital, Ipsilantou 45-47, 10676 Athens, Greece
2Department of Endocrinology, Evangelismos General Hospital, Ipsilantou 45-47, 10676 Athens, Greece
3Department of Endocrinology, Polikliniki General Hospital, Pireos 3, 10552 Athens, Greece
4Department of Radiology and CT Department, Evangelismos General Hospital, Ipsilantou 45-47, 10676 Athens, Greece
5Department of Endocrinology, Alexandra General Hospital, Vassilissis Sofias 80, 11528 Athens, Greece
Correspondence should be addressed to Evangelia Skoura,
Received 10 February 2012; Accepted 28 February 2012
Academic Editors: M. Krebs and S. La Rosa
Copyright © 2012 Evangelia Skoura et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
Purpose. Measurement of serum calcitonin is important in the followup of patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) and
reliably reflects the presence of the disease. This is the largest study so far in bibliography investigating the diagnostic accuracy
of combined [18F]FDG-PET/CT in patients with MTC and elevated calcitonin levels. Methods. Between February 2007 and
February 2011, 59 [18F]FDG-PET/CT were performed on 51 patients with MTC and elevated calcitonin levels for localization
of recurrent disease. Conventional morphologic imaging methods were negative or showed equivocal findings. Results. Among the
59 [18F]FDG-PET/CT, 29 were positive (26 had true-positive and 3 false-positive findings) and 30 negative. The overall per-patient
sensitivity of [18F]FDG-PET/CT was 44.1%. Using as cut-opoint the calcitonin value of 1000 pg/ml, in patients with calcitonin
exceeding this value, sensitivity raised to 86.7%. The overall sensitivity of [18F]FDG-PET/CT was lower (23%) in patients with
MEN IIA syndrome. Conclusion. The findings of this paper show that [18F]FDG-PET/CT is valuable for the detection of recurrence
in patients with highly elevated calcitonin levels, >1000 pg/mL, but in patients with lower calcitonin levels, its contribution is
questionable. Also, there is evidence that the sensitivity of [18F]FDG-PET/CT is lower in patients with MTC as part of MEN IIA
1. Introduction
Inherited and sporadic medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) is
an uncommon and challenging malignancy. Its low incidence
has limited both widespread clinical expertise and definitive
randomized clinical trials [1]. It originates from the parafol-
licular calcitonin-secreting cells of the thyroid, explaining the
key role of calcitonin as a specific and sensitive marker of
this cancer [2]. MTC may occur in sporadic (75% of cases)
or hereditary (25% of cases) forms that include multiple
endocrine neoplasia (MEN) types IIA and IIB and isolated
familial MTC [3,4].
When no distant metastasis is present, the curative
treatment for MTC is total thyroidectomy and lymph node
dissection [1,5,6]. Measurements of the serum calcitonin
and CEA are important in the followup of patients with MTC
and reliably reflect the presence and volume of disease in the
vast majority of them [1,7].Thesetumormarkerstypically
require several months after surgery to achieve their nadir
[1,7]. At 2-3 months after surgery, a basal calcitonin level is
undetectable in 60%–90% of patients without initial lymph
node involvement and in less than 20% of patients with
lymph node metastases. If calcitonin is then undetectable, a
pentagastrin stimulation test may be performed to exclude
2ISRN Endocrinology
any residual disease [1,8]. When both the basal and the
stimulated serum calcitonin are undetectable, the patient
is in complete biochemical remission and has about a 3%
chance of biochemical recurrent disease during followup [9].
It is reported that biochemical cure predicted a survival rate
of 97.7% at 10 years [10].
Within the past decade the prognosis has improved
mainly because of earlier diagnosis and improvement in
surgical procedures [10,11]. Nevertheless, more than 50%
of thyroidectomized patients are not cured after surgery, as
persistent elevation of basal serum calcitonin levels, which
implies residual tumor, is frequently observed after primary
surgery [5,10]. In these cases, additional surgery is a treat-
ment option to achieve biochemical remission only when
specific, resectable lesions are evident by imaging studies
[5]. Recent ongoing trials with some novel compounds,
directed against angiogenesis and molecular targets in tumor
cells, have been shown promising [1]. However, the most
important prognostic factor in patients with recurrent MTC
remains the early diagnosis that facilitates early surgical
intervention before metastatic spread outside the thyroid
bed [12]. Until now, there is no single sensitive diagnostic
imaging method to reveal all MTC recurrence or metastasis.
Conventional morphologic imaging methods (U/S, CT,
MRI) and several methods of nuclear medicine have been
used for this purpose with variable accuracy [13]. [18 F]FDG-
PET has an established role in the restaging of various cancers
[14]. However, controversy exists regarding its ability to
assess reliably recurrent or persistent MTC.
In this paper we studied the diagnostic accuracy of
[18F]FDG-PET/CT, in patients with MTC and elevated cal-
citonin levels. Although there are published studies dealing
with the same subject, this study constitutes the one with
the largest cohort of patients with MTC examined with
combined [18F]FDG-PET/CT scans.
2. Materials and Methods
This is a prospective study of [18F]FDG-PET/CT scans per-
formed for localization of recurrent disease on patients with
histologically proven MTC, elevated calcitonin levels, and
negative or equivocal conventional imaging findings. From
February 2007 to February 2011, 59 [18 F]FDG-PET/CT
scans were performed on 51 patients with MTC. The group
included 15 men and 36 women, 12–79 years old (mean: 53±
15.17 years). 18 patients had hereditary MTC (7 familial
MTC and 11 as part of MEN IIA syndrome) and 33 sporadic
MTC. All patients underwent total thyroidectomy as initial
treatment. 36 among them had neck lymph node dissection
as well, while 5 patients had mediastinal node dissection. In
all 11 patients, with MEN IIA-related MTC, adrenalectomy
had been performed for pheochromocytoma, and in 4 of
them subtotal parathyroidectomy had been performed for
glandular parathyroid hyperplasia. Median followup after
initial surgery until performing [18 F]FDG-PET/CT was 8.4
years (range, 4 months–38 years). Characteristics of the study
population are listed in Tabl e 1 .
All patients were asymptomatic and all had elevated
serum calcitonin levels (19.3–21000 pg/mL, normal value:
<10 pg/mL). 22 patients also had elevated CEA levels (7.2–
130 ng/mL, normal value: <5ng/mL).
18F]FDG-PET/CT scan was performed in 8
patients when there was an increase by at least 20% in
calcitonin levels and the prior scan was negative or when
the prior scan was positive, and although the patient had
undergone surgical resection of the MTC recurrence, the
calcitonin level still had not normalized.
As previous studies have shown, [18F]FDG-PET/CT scan
has the greatest sensitivity in patients with calcitonin levels of
at least 1,000 pg/mL, and there is no significant dierence in
sensitivities in cases with any value below this value [15,16].
We calculated the sensitivity in patients with calcitonin levels
exceeding 1000 pg/mL (15 cases).
All patients underwent additional examinations with at
least one other imaging method, depending on the local
preferences of the dierent centres, the previous 4 weeks
(5–28days), that had shown negative or equivocal findings.
They were either negative or showed equivocal findings: 25
patients underwent standard dose CT scan, 28 MRI, 32 U/S
of the neck, 14 111In-pentetreotide, 13 123/131IMIBG,9bone
scan and 1 99 mTc-(V)DMSA.
The study was approved by the institutional ethical
committee, and all patients gave written informed consent.
2.1. Image Acquisition
2.1.1. PET/CT. A standard whole-body protocol and an
additional dedicated neck [18F]FDG-PET/CT protocol were
used in all patients. The patients were asked to fast for
6 hours before the study. The serum glucose concen-
tration, before the injection of [18F]FDG, was less than
150 mg/dL. The image acquisition started about 60 min after
the intravenous administration of a dose of 5 MBq/Kgr
[18F]Fluorodeoxyglucose—[18F]FDG. All acquisitions were
performed by using an integrated PET/CT scanner (Dis-
covery ST; GE Medical Systems). The average total PET/CT
examination time was 35 minutes.
Whole-body image from the mid femur to the base of the
brain was obtained, divided usually in 6 bed positions. The
PET emission images were acquired for a 4-minute acqui-
sition period at each bed position. Imaging system enabled
the simultaneous acquisition of 47 transverse PET images
per field of view with intersection spacing of 3.27 mm, for
a total transverse field of view of 15.7 cm. PET resolution is
approximately 6.1mm full width at half maximum near the
centre of the field of view. The PET/CT system also includes
a 4-detector row helical CT scanner (140 kV and 80 mA).
The CT images were used not only for image fusion but
also for generation of the attenuation map for attenuation
correction. PET scan was acquired in the two-dimensional
mode (2D). The field of view and pixel size of the recon-
structed images were 50 cm and 3.91 mm, respectively, with
a matrix size of 128 ×128. The reconstruction method used
was filtered back projection with Hanning filter.
In neck dedicated protocol, the acquisition started imme-
diately after the whole-body scan, and the field of view
and pixel size of the reconstructed image were 30cm and
2.34 mm respectively, with a matrix size of 128 ×128. The
ISRN Endocrinology 3
Tab l e 1: Patients’ characteristics and [18F]FDG-PET/CT findings.
scan no.
Time from
surgery to
TNM initial
Type of
1A 32/F 192 T1N1aM0 MENIIA 688–21.16 FN
B 216 821-NA — FN
2 57/F 216 T2N1aM0 Fam 21000-NA
Neck (3),
mediastinum (2.8),
abdominal (3)
TP —
3A 44/F 21 T4aNIbMo S 809–17.4 FN
B 30 1601-NA Thyroid bed (2) TP
4 71/M 83 T3N1bM0 S 3604–54.2 Neck (2.7) TP
5A 63/F 4 T3N0M0 S 205–7.2 FN
B 13 352-NA Liver (4.7) TP
6A 49/M 156 T2N1aM0 MENIIA 1001–39.8 FN
B 164 1203-NA — FN
7 39/F 24 T3N1bM0 S 77–0.63 FN Ex =()for
8 43/F 11 T1N1aM0 S 52.2–3.4 FN
9 40/M 84 T2N1bM0 S 2259–22.7 Neck (4) TP Ex =(+) for
10 A 63/M 240 T3N0M0 S 705-NA Neck (2.5) TP
B 252 860-NA Neck (3.7) TP Ex =(+) for
11 21/F 60 T3N1bM0 S 1470-NA Neck (2.1),
mediastinum (2.2) TP —
12 A 40/M 48 T3N1bM0 Fam 3601–1.3 Thyroid bed (3.9),
mediastinum (3.7) TP Ex =(+) for
B 63 6000-NA Thyroid bed (4.6),
mediastinum (4.2) TP Ex =(+) for
13 52/F 36 T3N1bM0 S 850–114.7 FN
14 49/F 84 T1N1bM0 S 936–84.4 FN
15 35/F 216 T1N0M0 MENIIA 79.1–2.1 FN
16 46/F 120 T31bM0 MENIIA 230–10.4 FN
17 56/F 4 T2N1bM0 S 63–12.4 FN
18 60/F 48 T1NIbMo S 98.8-NA Mediastinum (2.5) TP
19 61/M 36 T1N1bM0 S 57–7 FN
20 68/F 30 T3N1aM0 S 145–7.1 FN
21 67/M 120 T3N0M0 MENIIA 200–11 FN
22 70/M 36 T1N1aM0 MENIIA 28.3–1.4 FN
23 55/F 84 T1N1aM0 S 95.1-NA FN
24 53/F 108 T3N1aM0 Fam 10704–72,9 Neck (5.5) TP
25 60/F 9 T2N0M0 S 35-NA Neck (3) FP Ex =()for
26 A 47/F 60 T1N1bM0 S 883–34.5 FN
B 70 1360–40.2 Thyroid bed (3.2),
Neck (3.5) TP Ex =(+) for
27 55/F 72 T1N0M0 Fam 100-NA Neck (2.2) TP
28 28/F 84 T1N1bM0 S 622–13.4 Neck (6.3) TP Ex =(+) for
4ISRN Endocrinology
Tab l e 1: Continued.
scan no.
Time from
surgery to
TNM initial
Type of
29 66/F 228 T1N1bM0 S 17641-NA
Neck (2.5),
mediastinum (4),
Bones (5)
TP —
30 A 73/M 84 T3N1bM0 S 450–130 Mediastinum (4.3) TP Ex =(+) for
B 96 500-NA Neck (7),
mediastinum (3) TP —
31 42/F 72 T1N0M0 S 33,4-NA Neck (6.7) FP Ex =()for
32 72/M 132 T1N1bM0 S 36.6–4.1 FN
33 38/F 132 T1N1aM0 Fam 26.4–1 Neck (4.4) FP Ex =()for
34 43/F 204 T1N0M0 MENIIA 26.2–2.2 FN
35 64/F 84 T4N1bM0 S 410–7.2 Neck (3.9) TP
36 70/F 456 T1N0M0 S 295–1.2 Neck (5) TP
37 40/M 108 T1N1aM0 MENIIA 2096–22.3 Neck (5) TP Ex =(+) for
38 60/F 180 T1N0M0 S 330-NA FN
39 79/M 8 T1N0M0 S 137–5 FN
40 69/F 48 T3N0M0 S 453–10.2 FN
41 44/F 300 T1N0M0 MENIIA 5500-NA
Thyroid bed (3.5),
Neck (2.6),
Liver (5)
TP —
42 62/M 120 T1N1bM0 MENIIA 101–1.9 FN
43 59/M 21 T1N0M0 MENIIA 4800–67
bones (6.1)
TP —
44 45/F 7 T3N1bM0 S 650-NA Mediastinum (2.7) TP
45 29/F 228 T1N0M0 S 986-NA FN
46 42/F 144 T1N1bM0 Fam 893–34.9 FN
47 52/F 8 T2N0M0 S 291–1.2 Neck (3.5) TP Ex =(+) for
48 12/M 7 T3N1aM0 Fam 92.4–4.5 FN
49 74/F 120 T1N0M0 S 48.6–4.6 Neck (2.4) TP
50 65/F 39 T1N0M0 S 45-NA FN
51 79/F 28 T2N0M0 S 19.3–2.72 FN
Ex: surgical excision; [18F]FDG-PET/CT: 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography; F: female; M: male; S:
sporadic; Fam: familial; FN: false negative, TP: true positive; FP: false positive; MTC: medullary thyroid cancer; NA: not available.
reconstruction method used was filtered back projection
with Hanning filter.
PET/CT scans were interpreted visually by both a
nuclear medicine physician and a radiologist. The evaluation
included calculation of the overall per-patient sensitivity of
[18F]FDG-PET/CT as well as calculation of this parameter
after division of the scans performed into two groups
according to calcitonin levels.
2.2. Interpretation. Standard whole-body PET/CT images
were reviewed on the Xeleris workstation in transverse, coro-
nal, and sagittal planes, along with maximum intensity pro-
jection images. For visual analysis, 18F-FDG PET uptake was
considered abnormal if located outside the normal anatomic
structures or if having intensity greater to the background
blood-pool activity or adjacent normal tissue. In addition,
standardized uptake value (SUV) of the lesions was measured
on the standard whole-body PET/CT in a semi-quantitative
factor. SUV was calculated using the following formula:
di/w ,(1)
where Cdc is the decay-corrected tracer tissue concentration
(in becquerels per gram), di is the injected dose (in
becquerels), and w is the patient’s body weight (in grams).
The maximum SUV (SUVmax) was recorded for each lesion
ISRN Endocrinology 5
after applying regions of interest (ROI) in the transaxial
attenuation corrected PET slices, around the pixels showing
the greatest accumulation of 18F-FDG.
2.3. Data Analysis. Imaging findings were classified as true-
positive for local recurrence or metastasis if confirmed by one
of the following criteria: (a) positive histopathology results
from biopsies or resections, (b) the presence of a detectable
lesion at the corresponding site on follow-up conventional
imaging studies, (c) an increase in the lesion size and/or
in [18F]FDG uptake on [18 F]FDG-PET/CT follow-up scans.
Because all patients presented with elevated calcitonin level,
any imaging study not showing a clear abnormality was
classified as false negative. The [18F]FDG-PET/CT scans that
had findings proved to be due to other reasons and not
to MTC, were also classified as false negative scans in the
calculation of the sensitivity of the method. The reason is
that they did not detect the real lesions of MTC recurrence
responsible for the elevation of calcitonin level.
3. Results
59 [18F]FDG-PET/CT scans performed in 51 patients were
included in this study. Among these, 8 scans from 8 patients
represented follow-up scans. Of these follow-up scans, 6 were
performed because there was an increase in calcitonin level
by at least 20% with a negative previous [18F]FDG-PET/CT.
The other 2 were performed in patients with a positive prior
scan who had undergone surgical resection of disease, but
the calcitonin level did not normalize. The median interval
between these scans was 12.38 ±5.21 months (range, 8–24
There were 29 positive and 30 negative [18F]FDG-
PET/CT scans for detection of MTC recurrence. Two of the
negative (for MTC) scans had findings due to recurrence
of pheochromocytoma in two MEN IIA patients (patients
no. 6 and 34); two further scans (one negative and one
positive for MTC) of one patient had findings attributed
to adrenal cortical hyperplasia due to Cushing’s syndrome
caused by ectopic ACTH production (patient no. 5). The
latter was histologically proven as the patient underwent
bilateral adrenalectomy.
In 30 [18F]FDG-PET/CT scans, no abnormal [18F]FDG
uptake was identified, and therefore these were classified as
false negative because all patients had elevated calcitonin
levels. One patient of them (with calcitonin level: 77 pg/mL)
underwent surgical resection because of abnormal findings
in U/S of the neck, even though the [18F]FDG-PET/CT scan
was negative, but the biopsy was negative for MTC (patient
no. 7).
Of the 29 positive scans, in 12 surgery was obtained,
and there were biopsy results. Nine scans were proved true-
positive, with cervical lymph node metastases (patients no.
9, 10B, 26, 28, 37, and 47 (Figure 1)), recurrence in thyroid
bed (patients No. 12 and 26), or/and mediastinal lymph
node metastases (patients no. 12 and 30 (Figure 2)) of MTC.
Three positive scans for cervical lymph node metastases
proved to be false-positive, as the biopsy showed only reactive
lymphadenitis in these lymph nodes (patients no. 25, 31, and
33). Five of the patients with positive scans could not have
resection of the lesions, as there was widespread dissemina-
tion of the disease (patients no. 2, 4, 11, 29, 41, and 43
(Figure 3)). The 12 remaining scans deemed true-positive
due to the presence of a detectable lesion at the corre-
sponding site on follow-up conventional imaging studies
or the increase in lesion size and/or in [18F]FDG uptake
on [18F]FDG-PET follow-up scans. In cooperation with the
referral endocrinologists and after all the appropriate clinical
and laboratory examinations, other possible pathologies in
these patients were ruled out.
In positive [18F]FDG-PET/CT scans the lesions were
located in the cervical lymph nodes (20), mediastinal lymph
nodes (10), thyroid bed (5), liver (3), bones (2), lungs (1),
and abdominal lymph nodes (1). In two patients the CT
pulmonary nodules with no 18 FDG uptake, probably because
of their small size (<1 cm) (patients no. 2 and 4) and in
another patient the CT component showed a pulmonary
nodule 8 mm with no 18 FDGuptake(patient39).
Among the 8 follow-up scans, in the 8 patients that
underwent a second scan, six were true-positive for detection
of MTC recurrence and two negative.
Overall, [18F]FDG-PET/CT scans were positive, indicat-
ing the detection of possible MTC lesions, in 49.2% (29/59)
of patients with increased serum calcitonin levels and either
negative or equivocal conventional imaging. According to
the criteria we set for characterization of findings as true
positive or false negative, the overall per-patient sensitivity
of [18F]FDG-PET/CT was 44.1% (26/59) in detecting MTC
lesions in patients with increased serum calcitonin levels and
either negative or equivocal conventional imaging. After divi-
sion of the scans performed according to calcitonin levels, in
cases with calcitonin level of up to 1000 pg/mL we found a
sensitivity of 29.5% (13/44), and in cases with calcitonin level
>1000 pg/mL sensitivity was as high as 86.7% (13/15).
In the group with calcitonin level greater than
1000 pg/mL, there were two negative scans for MTC, both
from the same patient with MEN IIA syndrome (patient
no.6). In his second scan there were findings only due to local
recurrence of pheochromocytoma, as already mentioned.
Thirteen [18F]FDG-PET/CT scans were performed in
11 patients with MEN IIA syndrome, and 3 of them were
positive while 10 were negative (sensitivity 23%). Positive
were the [18F]FDG-PET/CT scans from 3 patients with very
high calcitonin levels 5500, 2096, and 4800 pg/mL, respec-
tively. Therefore, all patients with calcitonin levels <1000 pg/
mL had negative [18F]FDG-PET/CT scans while only cases
with calcitonin levels >1000 pg/mL had positive results (3 of
5 cases). When we excluded these patients with MEN IIA syn-
drome, then the overall per-patient sensitivity of [18F]FDG-
PET/CT in detecting MTC lesions increased to 50% and in
cases with calcitonin levels >1000 pg/mL increased to 100%.
The calcitonin levels ranged from 48.6 to 21000 pg/
mL (average 3347 pg/mL) in patients with true-positive
[18F]FDG-PET/CT scans and from 19.3 to 1203 pg/mL (aver-
age 361 pg/mL) in these with negative studies, while the CEA
levels ranged from 1.2 to 130 ng/mL (average 33.71 ng/mL)
6ISRN Endocrinology
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 1: [18 F]FDG-PET/CT images in a 40-year-old man with known MTC, as part of MEN IIA syndrome and calcitonin levels of
2096 pg/mL, about 9 years after the initial treatment. Images show increased uptake of 18FDGinleftcervicallymphnodes(SUVmax:5).The
scan was proved true positive as there was histological confirmation.
and from 0.63 to 114.7 mg/mL (average 17.77), respec-
tively. The mean value of SUVmax of all lesions showing
[18F]FDG uptake in true-positive [18F]FDG-PET/CT scans
was 3.76 ±1.29 (range, 2–7) (Tab l e 1). The 3 patients with
the false-positive [18F]FDG-PET/CT had calcitonin levels of
35 pg/mL, 33.4 pg/mL, and 26.4 pg/mL, and SUVmax 3, 6.7,
and 4.4, respectively.
The overall median followup of the patients after
[18F]FDG-PET/CT was 25 ±11 months (range, 2–47
4. Discussion
As MTC secretes calcitonin, it is a highly sensitive and the
most specific marker for this tumor [17]. Despite aggressive
surgery, there is a significant group of patients who will
have persistently elevated calcitonin levels postoperatively
[13]. Postsurgically elevated or increasing calcitonin levels
strongly suggest the presence of residual or recurrent MTC,
and its elevated serum concentration can be observed much
earlier than a metastatic focus can be visualized by imaging
[18]. It has been estimated that the calcitonin serum level
of 1000 pg/mL, which is 100 times the upper normal value
limit, indicates on 1 cm3of tumor tissue, although this ratio
is variable [19]. Nevertheless, calcitonin estimation is a good
measure of tumor volume as the higher the calcitonin level,
the greater the chance that the patient has demonstrable
distant metastases [18,20].
Clinical recurrences are often found at an early stage
because elevated calcitonin levels lead to their compulsive
search, and then disease will usually progress slowly with
time. Survival after recurrence may, thus, extend over de-
cades [4].Indeed, as for any tumor, prognosis is related to
both tumor burden and progression rate [19].Thus, it is
particularly important to identify metastases early, employ-
ing not only serologic markers such as calcitonin but also
imaging techniques as well [14]. Assessment of tumor bur-
den requires a combination of multiple imaging modalities
because metastases in the MTC patients often involve multi-
ple organs and tissues and are often multiple in each involved
organ, as recently reported on the present series of patients
[21].There is no single sensitive diagnostic imaging method
to reveal all MTC recurrences or metastases [13,17,22,23].
PET complements anatomic imaging by adding unique
metabolic information to the characterization of malignancy.
[18F]FDG-PET/CT has the great advantage of combining
ISRN Endocrinology 7
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 2: [18 F]FDG-PET/CT images in a 40-year-old man with known familial MTC and calcitonin level of 6000 pg/mL, about 4 years after
the initial treatment. Images show increased uptake of 18FDG in the right side of thyroid bed (SUVmax: 4.6) and in prevascular lymph nodes,
in the mediastinum. The scan was proved true-positive as there was histological confirmation.
Figure 3: [18 F]FDG-PET and [18 F]FDG-PET/CT images in a 59-year-old man with known MTC, as part of MEN IIA syndrome and
calcitonin levels of 4800 pg/mL, about 2 years after the initial treatment. Images show increased uptake of 18FDG in multiple hepatic lesions
(SUVmax: 6), a precarinal lymph node (SUVmax: 2.9) and in multiple bone lesions (SUVmax: 6.1).
8ISRN Endocrinology
functional and anatomic imaging at the same time, following
image fusion.
It seems that [18F]FDG-PET can play a major role in
the followup of patients with postoperative elevated plasma
calcitonin, and it leads to selection of patients for secondary
surgical intervention [23,24]. The sensitivity of [18F]FDG-
PET or [18F]FDG-PET/CT for recurrence and residual
disease detection per patient is reported to be 47.4%–85% [5,
1217,21,2529]. [18F]FDG-PET also provides additional
information in a significant fraction of cases (up to 54%)
[14]. Comparing [18F]FDG-PET with conventional morpho-
logic imaging methods (U/S, CT, MRI) and functional imag-
ing methods with single-photon emitters in several studies,
it can be noted that the [18F]FDG PET revealed metastatic
lesions in a higher percentage of patients [12,2426]. Other
studies have suggested that [18F]FDG PET imaging is more
sensitive in patients with rapidly progressive disease than in
patients with slowly rising calcitonin levels [17].
Data from our previous study and that of other studies
indicate that [18F]FDG-PET or [18 F]FDG-PET/CT has its
greatest utility in patients with calcitonin level greater than
1000 pg/mL [15,16,25,26]. Using an arbitrary cut-oof
1000 pg/mL, the sensitivity for lesion detection in suspected
residual, recurrent, or metastatic MTC increased, in two dif-
ferent studies from 62% and 47.4% to 78% and 80%, respec-
tively [15,16]. These data also suggest that [18F]FDG-PET
and [18F]FDG-PET/CT have limited usefulness in patients
with low calcitonin levels (<1000 pg/mL), as the overall sen-
sitivity was only 20%–36.8% [15,16,26]. In one study, the
sensitivity had no significant dierence when the calcitonin
levels were below 500pg/mL or 500–1000 pg/mL [16]. The
above results are in accordance with the present study.
This study showed an overall sensitivity of 44.1% for
[18F]FDG-PET/CT in patients with increased serum calci-
tonin levels and negative or equivocal conventional imaging.
Sensitivity was only 29.5% for patients with calcitonin levels
up to 1000 pg/mL. However, [18F]FDG-PET/CT detected
recurrence or metastasis in 86.7% of patients, when the
calcitonin level was greater than 1000 pg/mL.
In fact, the relatively low lesion detection rate in patients
with low calcitonin levels is likely a reflection of microscopic
disease or a smaller tumor burden. In general, a small
lesion size and slow growth rate are known limitations of
[18F]FDG-PET in several neuroendocrine tumors [30].
An interesting finding of the study was that among
the patients with MEN IIA syndrome the sensitivity of
[18F]FDG-PET/CT for MTC recurrence was significantly
lower (23%), and for patients with calcitonin levels
<2000 pg/mL this fell to zero (0%). When we excluded
the patients with MEN IIA syndrome, then the overall
per-patient sensitivity of [18F]FDG-PET/CT in detecting
MTC lesions increased from 44.1% to 50%, and in the
group with calcitonin level greater than 1000 pg/mL the
sensitivity increased from 86.7% to 100%. These findings are
in accordance with the results of other studies which support
that MEN IIA disease induce more indolent MTCs, and as
[18F]FDG uptake relies on the biological aggressiveness of
the tumor, the detection sensitivity of the method is low
In our study, in positive for MTC [18F]FDG-PET/CT
scans, the mean value of SUVmax of all lesions showing
[18F]FDG uptake in true-positive [18F]FDG-PET/CT scans
was 3.76 ±1.29 (range, 2–7), which is relatively low and may
reflect the more indolent nature of many MTC lesions, and it
is in agreement with literature data [15,20,21].
5. Conclusions
It seems that the sensitivity of [18F]FDG-PET/CT scan for
the detection of MTC recurrence, in patients with elevated
calcitonin levels and negative or equivocal conventional
imaging findings, is determined by the level of serum
calcitonin. The results from this cohort of patients suggest
that [18F]FDG-PET/CT provides additional information in
almost half of all cases (44.1%) detecting occult sites of calci-
tonin production or confirming equivocal findings of other
imaging modalities. However, when the calcitonin levels were
greater than 1000 pg/mL, this rate increased to 86.7%.
By inference, [18F]FDG-PET/CT appears a valuable tool
for the detection of recurrence in patients with highly
(>1000 pg/mL) elevated calcitonin levels. In patients with
lower calcitonin levels it cannot oer too much. It also seems
that the sensitivity of this method is better in patients with
sporadic or familial MTC than in those with MTC as part
of MEN IIA syndrome. Nevertheless, additional prospective
studies are necessary to confirm this conclusion.
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... Infatti, le prestazioni diagnostiche della 18 F-FDG PET/CT in pazienti con CMT ricorrente migliorano nei pazienti con valori di calcitonina sierica e CEA elevati. Nel CMT il detection rate (DR) della 18 F-FDG PET/CT risulta del 75% in pazienti con livelli di CT uguali o superiori a 1.000 pg/ml [4]. Tuttavia, la sensibilità complessiva risulta del 40% quando i livelli di calcitonina sono inferiori a 150 pg/ml [4,5]. ...
... Nel CMT il detection rate (DR) della 18 F-FDG PET/CT risulta del 75% in pazienti con livelli di CT uguali o superiori a 1.000 pg/ml [4]. Tuttavia, la sensibilità complessiva risulta del 40% quando i livelli di calcitonina sono inferiori a 150 pg/ml [4,5]. Similmente, DR del 69 e 45% sono stati riportati per livelli di CEA rispettivamente superiori a 5 ng/ml o minori/uguali a 5 ng/ml [5]. ...
... In tale contesto, infatti, la US presenta un DR elevato anche per lesioni di piccole dimensioni. Anche se il pattern ecografico può risultare non specifico, la presenza di adenopatie laterocervicali solide, ipoecogene e tondeggianti è spesso suggestivo per ripresa di malattia [4]. In caso di negatività ecografica e valori di CT sierica superiori a 150 pg/ml, i pazienti dovrebbero essere valutati con metodiche di diagnostica total-body. ...
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Sommario L’ecografia del collo è l’esame morfologico di immagine di primo livello per identificare la recidiva del carcinoma midollare della tiroide (CMT). In assenza di criteri ecografici dirimenti e in presenza di valori elevati di calcitonina può essere necessario introdurre una diagnostica per immagini di secondo livello in grado di esplorare con elevata sensibilità la regione cervicale e il corpo intero. Scopo principale di questo articolo è quello di riportare, nell’attuale contesto diagnostico, il ruolo della ¹⁸F-DOPA PET/CT (Total-Body) in caso di sospetta persistenza-recidiva di CMT.
... In some studies, negative F-18 FDG PET/CT results in patients with elevated calcitonin levels were considered false-negative as in our study. The sensitivity of F-18 FDG PET/CT to detect recurrent or residual disease on a per patient basis analysis was reported to be from 41% to 62% in these studies [11][12][13][14]. Our study showed that a sensitivity of F-18 FDG PET/CT was %50, within the range of reported data. ...
... According to the literature, the diagnostic performance of F-18 FDG-PET/CT increases in MTC patients with higher serum calcitonin level [14,21]. However, we didn't find a significant difference in serum calcitonin level between the true positive cases and the others. ...
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Purpose of the Study In this retrospective study, we reported our experience with FDG-PET/CT in evaluation of medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) patients with persistent elevated calcitonin levels. Materials and Methods A total of 33 F-18 FDG PET/CT scans and 9 somatostatin receptor imaging (SRI) (6 In-111 octreotide and 3 Ga-68 DOTATATE PET/CT) of 25 MTC patients with persistently elevated calcitonin levels, performed for staging and restaging, were analyzed retrospectively. The scans were compared lesion by lesion with histopathological data and other imaging methods. Because all patients had abnormally high calcitonin levels defined as persistent disease, negative F-18 FDG PET/CT scans accepted as false negative. Because there was no true-negative study, only sensitivity and positive predictive value (PPV) were calculated. Calcitonin levels and SUVmax values were assessed by Mann-Whitney U test and the ROC curve analysis. Results There were 11 true-positive, 11 false-positive and 11 false-negative F-18 FDG PET/CT scans. Sensitivity and PPV were 50% and 50% respectively. Difference of mean calcitonin level between true-positive cases and the others was nonsignificant. SUVmax of true-positive lesions were significantly higher than of the others. All 9 SRIs were negative.
... Using a cutoff value of 1000 pg/ml for serum calcitonin, the overall sensitivity per patient of 18 F-FDG PET/CT in patients exceeding this threshold increases to 86.7%, except for patients with MEN 2 A. In those cases, 18 F-FDG PET/CT sensitivity drops to 23% even if the calcitonin levels are exceeding 1000 pg/mL, suggesting that 18 F-FDG PET/CT is more beneficial in identifying recurrence in sporadic cases than in MEN 2 A patients. Notably, false positivity rate is highly increased in patients with calcitonin levels < 150 pg/mL underlining that 18 F-FDG PET/CT may be misleading and its use questionable in detection of minimal tumor load [55]. ...
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Due to its rarity and non-specific clinical presentation, accurate diagnosis, and optimal therapeutic strategy of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) remain challenging. Molecular imaging provides valuable tools for early disease detection, monitoring treatment response, and guiding personalized therapies. By enabling the visualization of molecular and cellular processes, these techniques contribute to a deeper understanding of disease mechanisms and the development of more effective clinical interventions. Different nuclear imaging techniques have been studied for assessing MTC, and among them, PET/CT utilizing multiple radiotracers has emerged as the most effective imaging method in clinical practice. This review aims to provide a comprehensive summary of the current use of advanced molecular imaging modalities, with a particular focus on PET/CT, for the management of patients with MTC. It aims to guide physicians towards a rationale for the use of molecular imaging also including theranostic approaches and novel therapeutical opportunities. Overall, we emphasize the evolving role of nuclear medicine in MTC. The integration of diagnostics and therapeutics by in vivo molecular imaging represents a major opportunity to personalize treatment for individual patients, with targeted radionuclide therapy being one representative example.
... They reported that sensitivity of 18 FDG PET-CT is 75% in patients with the calcitonin level above 1000 pg/ml and 20 to 36.8% when the calcitonin level is 500-1000 pg/ml or below 500 pg/ml. 18 FDG PET-CT has may be of value to evaluate response to applied therapy in cases with progressive disease but there is no diagnostic information for the individual somatostatin-receptor status if PRRT is considered [13]. ...
... Furthermore, several authors demonstrate that the 18 F-FDG-PET-CT appears a valuable diagnostic instrument in detecting recurrent MTC in patients with calcitonin value higher than 1000 pg/ml: the obtained specificity and sensitivity reached an excellent value. 29e31 The literature data had also underlined that the sensitivity of 18 F-FDG-PET-CT seems better in sporadic or familial MTC with respect to MEN related MTC. 29,30 Finally, a higher SUV maxi metastatic disease indicates an aggressive disease and it is significantly a worse predictor for overall survival in metastatic MTC disease. 4,32,33 Other imaging techniques as well as tracers to increase sensitivity were tested. ...
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The aim of this paper is to discuss the risk of recurrence in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer and emphasize the importance of risk-group stratification, early recurrence identification and application of new imaging modalities, what is the PET-CT. Moreover, follow-up of patients with thyroid carcinoma should be carried out by specialized teams throughout life. Therefore, interdisciplinary case discussions in tumor conferences may improve the use of multimodal therapy especially in patients with poorly differentiated thyroid carcinomas. After baseline follow-up, if there is a suspicion of thyroid carcinoma, early PET-CT should be used for early detection and appropriate planning. Fortunately, due to the good localization possibility, the PET-CT enables a focused surgical procedure with avoidance of an unnecessary tumor search and thereby a reduction of the risk of injury of neighboring structures which is a concern with reoperative neck surgery.
PET/CT imaging is a dual-modality diagnostic technology that merges metabolic and structural imaging. There are several currently available radiotracers, but ¹⁸F-FDG is the most commonly utilized due to its widespread availability. ¹⁸F-FDG PET/CT is a cornerstone of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma imaging. ⁶⁸Ga-DOTA-TOC is another widely used radiotracer. It allows for whole-body imaging of cellular somatostatin receptors, commonly expressed by neuroendocrine tumors and is the standard of reference for the characterization and staging of neuroendocrine tumors. The normal biodistribution of these PET radiotracers as well as the technical aspects of image acquisition and inadequate patient preparation affect the quality of PET/CT imaging. In addition, normal variants, artifacts and incidental findings may impede accurate image interpretation and can potentially lead to misdiagnosis. In order to correctly interpret PET/CT imaging, it is necessary to have a comprehensive knowledge of the normal anatomy of the head and neck and to be cognizant of potential imaging pitfalls. The interpreter must be familiar with benign conditions which may accumulate radiotracer potentially mimicking neoplastic processes and also be aware of malignancies which can demonstrate low radiotracer uptake. Appropriate use of structural imaging with either CT, MR or ultrasound can serve a complimentary role in several head and neck pathologies including local tumor staging, detection of bone marrow involvement or perineural spread, and classification of thyroid nodules. It is important to be aware of the role of these complementary modalities to maximize diagnostic accuracy and patient outcomes. The purpose of this article is to outline the basic principles of PET/CT imaging, with a focus on ¹⁸F-FDG PET/CT and ⁶⁸Ga-DOTA PET/CT. Basic physiology, variant imaging appearances and potential pitfalls of image interpretation are presented within the context of common use cases of PET technology in patients with head and neck cancers and other pathologies, benign and malignant.
Objectives: We initiate this comprehensive review to update the advances in this field by objectively elucidating the efficacies of promising radiopharmaceuticals. Methods: We performed a comprehensive PUBMED search using the combined terms of "thyroid cancer" and "radiopharmaceuticals" or "nuclear medicine", yielding 3273 and 11026 articles prior to December 31, 2020, respectively. Results: Based on the mechanism of molecular metabolism, the evaluation of differentiated thyroid cancer and dedifferentiated thyroid cancer is largely centered around radioiodine and fluorine 18 (18F)-fludeoxyglucose, respectively. Further, 18F-L-dihydroxyphenylalanine and gallium 68 DOTATATE are the preferred tracers for medullary thyroid cancer. In dedifferentiated medullary thyroid cancer and anaplastic thyroid cancer, 18F-fludeoxyglucose is superior. Conclusions: The future lies in advances in molecular biology, novel radiopharmaceuticals and imaging devices, paving ways to the development of personalized medication for thyroid cancer patients.
Objective: Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) is a rare malignancy. Location of residual, recurrent, or metastatic disease is crucial to treatment management and outcome. We aimed to evaluate the use of F-FDG PET/CT in localizing MTC foci in patients with biochemical relapse. Methods: This is a retrospective cohort study. Review of 51 FDG PET/CT studies of 45 patients referred to restage MTC due to increased calcitonin (Ctn) and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) values at follow-up. FDG PET/CT diagnostic accuracy was determined through a patient-based analysis, using histology as criterion standard when available, or other imaging studies and clinical follow-up otherwise (mean, 4 years). Results: There were 25 positive scans. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, diagnostic accuracy, and positive likelihood ratio were 66.7%, 83.3%, 88.0%, 57.7%, 72.5%, and 4.0, respectively. Using a Ctn cutoff of 1000 pg/mL, sensitivity increased to 76.9%. There were significant differences of Ctn and CEA values between positive and negative FDG PET/CT (P < 0.05). Regarding true-positive studies, average SUVmax comparing locoregional and metastatic disease was at the limit of significance (P = 0.046). Conclusions: PET/CT can be useful to restage patients with biochemical relapse of MTC, with a better performance in higher Ctn levels. Its high positive predictive value (88%) may impact in the therapeutic management, although its low negative predictive value (57.7%) makes strict follow-up mandatory in examinations without pathologic findings.
Background: Positron emission tomography (PET) and PET/CT are functional imaging methods that are widely used in diagnostic procedures in oncology. Objectives: The objective of this study was to assess the patient-relevant benefit of PET or PET/CT in patients with thyroid cancer based on a literature review and meta-analysis. Methods: A systematic review including studies that had been published until December 2013 was performed. To be included, studies had to prospectively investigate patients with thyroid cancer in a clinical setting of staging, restaging, or diagnosing tumour recurrence. Results: Out of 3,506 potentially relevant articles, 29 studies were included. No study directly evaluated the benefits of PET. Twenty-eight studies dealt with the diagnostic accuracy of PET or PET/CT, and 1 study evaluated the prognostic value of PET/CT. The authors showed that a positive result of PET/CT in restaging patients with differentiated thyroid cancer yielded a significant decrease in overall survival (hazard ratio, HR 5.01, CI 3.41-6.62). In patients with suspected recurrence of differentiated thyroid cancer, meta-analysis showed higher sensitivity of PET (89.7%, CI 78-99%) and PET/CT (94.3%, CI 87-97%) compared with conventional imaging (65.4%, CI 32-88%) and comparable results for specificity. Due to the low numbers of studies and patients, meta-analyses on medullary carcinoma did not produce meaningful results. Conclusion: The patient-relevant benefits of PET or PET/CT in thyroid cancer could not be evaluated satisfactorily based on the included studies. It remains unclear whether higher diagnostic test accuracy leads to changes in therapeutic strategies and better patient-relevant outcomes.
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Scintigraphy using [111In-DTPA-d-Phe1]-pentetreotide or pentavalent technetium-99m-dimercaptosuccinic acid [99mTc(V)-DMSA] has been shown to localize well-differentiated and slowly growing neuroendocrine tumours, whereas increased fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake is associated with malignancy. The aim of this study was to compare the value of fluorine-18 FDG positron emission tomography (PET) with that of somatostatin receptor scintigraphy (SS-R) and dual-radionuclide scintigraphy [SS-R and 99mTc(V)-DMSA=DNS] in detecting malignant neuroendocrine tumours. Fifteen patients with metastasizing gastroenteropancreatic tumours (GEP tumours; n=7), medullary thyroid carcinomas (MTCs; n=8) and elevated tumour markers [GEP tumours: 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, insulin; MTCs: calcitonin, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)] were studied. Prior to PET, all patients with GEP tumours underwent SS-R. DNS was performed in all patients with MTC. Patients had been fasting for at least 12h and normal glucose plasma levels were confirmed. Sixty minutes after intravenous administration of 18F-FDG (mean: 374MBq) whole-body PET and regional scans were performed. In addition, the resected tissues were prepared for immunocytochemistry examination (cell cycle-associated Ki-67 antigen). In two patients with less-differentiated GEP tumours associated with high proliferative activity and increased FDG uptake, SS-R failed to detect any lesion. In comparison, in four patients with well-differentiated GEP tumours showing low proliferative acitivity, SS-R localized four primary tumours, 22 lymph node metastases and 18 malignant liver lesions, whereas 18F-FDG PET demonstrated normal distribution. In one patient with a metastasizing carcinoid (medium proliferative activity) SS-R localized multiple metastases, whereas PET demonstrated low FDG uptake in all known metastases. In patients with recurrent MTC and rapidly increasing CEA levels DNS detected only three lesions in two patients, whereas PET demonstrated one pulmonary, three osseous, 20 mediastinal, ten locoregional, and four liver metastases in seven patients. Twenty-nine malignant lesions were confirmed by follow-up and nine lymph node metastases could be surgically removed. In conclusion, PET imaging of gastroenteropancreatic tumours revealed increased glucose metabolism only in less-differentiated GEP tumours with high proliferative activity and metastasizing MTC associated with rapidly increasing CEA levels. Therefore, additional 18F-FDG PET should be performed only if SS-R or DNS is negative.
Context: High calcitonin (CT) serum levels suggest metastatic spread in medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) after thyroidectomy. In limited disease stages, however, morphological investigations including ultrasound, MRI and [18F]FDG-PET may often fail to identify exact tumor sites. Objective: The aim of the present study was to establish an improved strategy to identify small cervical tumors via pentagastrin stimulation with bilateral intravenous cervical CT sampling followed by high resolution ultrasound. Methods: We examined 6 MTC patients of whom 5 patients already have had bilateral neck dissection. Five patients had sporadic MTC and one patient with MEN IIa. In each patient two catheters were placed in the lower parts of both internal jugular veins. Because of altered anatomy in patient 5, catheters were placed in the brachiocephalic veins. Thereafter, body weight-adapted (0.5 mcg/kg) pentagastrin stimulation was performed using peripheral blood sampling for control at baseline and 20, 40, 60 seconds after peripheral pentagastrin stimulation and thereafter every 30 seconds over 4 minutes. Peripheral blood CT assessment was performed in all patients for comparison. Results: Retrospective analysis of all patients revealed a highly sensitive positive correlation between an early and unilateral calcitonin peak (20 to 40 seconds after administration of a body-weight-adapted pentagastrin dose) and site of cervical tumor affection. Postinterventional ultrasound examination of the affected regions of the neck revealed suspicious, small lymph nodes even less than 1cm in size, which were then surgically excised. On histology, small tumors could be identified in 4 patients. Postsurgical examination revealed a clear decline of serum calcitonin levels in 4 patients (from –41% to -100%). In 2 patients CT normalized to baseline levels (<10 pg/ml) and in another two patients CT rendered to near normal (14 and 17 pg/ml). Conclusion: Pentagastrin stimulation-based intravenous catheter sampling may be beneficial to identify tumor-affected regions after thyroidectomy in MTC.
BACKGROUND Prognostic factors of sporadic or inherited medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) are still controversial and have been assessed in old and small series. A better knowledge of these factors would improve patient management.OBJECTIVE To evaluate factors involved in the prognosis of MTC in a large series of cases, using uni- and multivariate analysis.DESIGN AND PATIENTSClinical, biological, surgical and epidemiological data on 899 MTC patients, diagnosed between 1952 and 1996, were collected by the French Calcitonin Tumors Study Group (GETC) with a standardized questionnaire, and processed in a national database.MEASUREMENTSSurvival and biochemical cure (i.e. normal basal post-operative serum calcitonin levels) were analysed with Kaplan and Meier and log-rank test statistical procedures. Data are presented as adjusted rather than observed survival, to consider only patients who died of MTC. Cox's forward-stepping proportional hazard model was used to analyse factors with a significant influence on survival by univariate analysis.RESULTSApart from the large proportion of familial forms (43%), the general characteristics of our population were similar to those in other studies: mean age at surgery = 43.4 years; sex ratio = 1 male/1.35 female; stage I = 20.8%; stage II = 21.2%; stage III = 46.5% and stage IV = 11.5%. 863 (96%) patients underwent surgery; 43% of operated patients were biochemically cured. Adjusted survival was 85.7 ± 1.5% at 5 years and 78.4 ± 2.1% at 10 years. Multivariate analysis showed that age and stage were independent predictive factors of survival. Gender, type of surgery, type of familial form were predictive only in univariate analysis. Biochemical cure predicts a survival rate of 97.7% at 10 years. Authentic recurrence, that is subsequent elevation of calcitonin (CT) after post-operative normalization, was found in 4.9%. In non-cured patients (57%), survival was still good: 80.2% (±2.2%) and 70.3% (±2.9%) at 5 and 10 years, respectively. Similarly, prediction of biochemical cure was solely dependent on stage.CONCLUSION Survival of these medullary thyroid carcinoma patients appears better than expected even in non-cured patients. Considering the strong impact of stage, the necessity for pre-operative diagnosis of MTC is obvious.
BACKGROUND Medullary thyroid carcinoma is a rare tumour derived from the thyroid parafollicular calcitonin-secreting cells. Calcitonin is a very specific marker of this cancer that allows preoperative diagnosis. Serum calcitonin assay is particularly useful to define the postoperative state of patients (cured, apparently cured, not cured) and, because of its great sensitivity, it has a major place in the postoperative follow-up. OBJECTIVE To identify, among patients thyroidectomized for medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), the characteristics of authentic recurrent MTC [re-elevation of stimulated serum calcitonin (CT) level measured by a sensitive immunoradiometric assay, after postoperative normalization]. PATIENTS AND METHODS We first collected, through the national registry of the French Calcitonin Tumour Study Group (GETC), patients who had undergone a total thyroidectomy with or without lymph node surgery and who were not cured at the last follow-up visit. Among 453 such patients included in the database, 15 patients met the criteria for authentic recurrence as defined in previous studies: they had been first considered as cured during the 6 months following the initial surgical procedure (basal and pentagastrin-stimulated serum calcitonin level ≤ 10 ng/l) but had a secondary rerise of their pentagastrin-stimulated calcitonin level, over 10 ng/l. Eight of them even had an undetectable (< 2 ng/l) immediate postoperative CT, confirming the initial postoperative cure. The characteristics (age, nature of disease, stage at surgery and type of node dissection) of these 15 patients were studied. RESULTS According to the Tumour Node Metastasis classification, nine patients were T1 and, among them, five patients had had complete lymph node surgery without any evidence of nodal metastases (N0). The recurrence was 3·2 ± 2·2 years (range: 0·7–7·5) after the initial surgery. CONCLUSIONS 3·3% of patients not cured at the last visit had a recurrent MTC. This recurrence occurred whatever the stage, and even if the primary surgery for MTC was a priori complete. These results emphasize the need for a regular biochemical follow-up because recurrence may appear many years after the initial surgery.
In spite of the availability of numerous procedures, diagnostic imaging of tumour manifestations in patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma and elevated calcitonin levels is often difficult. In the present study, the new procedure of fluorine-18 dihydroxyphenylalanine positron emission tomography (18F-DOPA PET) was compared with the established functional and morphological imaging methods. After evaluation of the normal distribution of 18F-DOPA, 11 patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma were examined using 18F-DOPA PET. Results of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) PET, somatostatin receptor scintigraphy (SRS) and morphological tomographic imaging (CT/MRI) were available for all patients. All individual procedures were evaluated without reference to prior information. Data assessment for each patient was based on cooperation between experienced radiologists and specialists in nuclear medicine, who considered all the available findings (histological results, imaging, follow-up studies). This cooperation served as the gold standard against which the results of the individual procedures were evaluated. A total of 27 tumours were studied [three primary tumours (PT)/local recurrence (LR), 16 lymph node metastases (LNM) and eight organ metastases (OM)]. 18F-DOPA PET produced 17 true-positive findings (2 PT/LR, 14 LNM, 1 OM), 18F-FDG PET 12 (2 PT/LR, 7 LNM, 3 OM), SRS 14 (2 PT/LR, 8 LNM, 4 OM) and morphological imaging 22 (3 PT/LR, 11 LNM, 8 OM). The following sensitivities were calculated with respect to total tumour manifestations: 18F-DOPA PET 63%, 18F-FDG PET 44%, SRS 52%, morphological imaging 81%. Thus, the morphological imaging procedures produce the best overall sensitivity, but the specificity for PT/LR (55%) and LNM (57%) was low. With respect to lymph node staging, the best results were obtained with 18F-DOPA PET. 18F-DOPA PET is a new functional imaging procedure for medullary thyroid carcinoma that seems to provide better results than SRS and 18F-FDG PET. Moreover, the data indicate that no single procedure provides adequate diagnostic certainty. Therefore, 18F-DOPA PET is a useful supplement to morphological diagnostic imaging, improving lymph node staging and enabling a more specific diagnosis of primary tumour and local recurrence.
The early detection of metastases from medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) is important because the only curative therapy consists in surgical removal of all tumour tissue. There is no single sensitive diagnostic imaging modality for the localization of all metastases in patients with MTC. Therefore, in many cases several imaging modalities (e.g. ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging, computerized tomography and scintigraphy using pentavalent technetium-99m dimercaptosuccinic acid, thallium-201 chloride, indium-111 pentetreotide, anti-CEA antibodies or metaiodobenzylguanidine) must be performed consecutively in patients with elevated calcitonin levels until the tumour is localized. In this prospective study, we investigated the value of fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography ([18F]FDG PET) in the follow-up of patients with MTC. [18F]FDG PET examinations of the neck and the chest were performed in 20 patients with elevated calcitonin levels or sonographic abnormalities in the neck. Positive [18F]FDG findings were validated by histology, computerized tomography or selective venous catheterization. [18F]FDG PET detected tumour in 13/17 patients (nine cases were validated by histology, four by computerized tomography). Five patients showed completely negative PET scans (of these cases, one was true-negative and four false-negative). One patient with [18F]FDG accumulation in pulmonary lesions from silicosis and one patient with a neck lesion that was not subjected to histological validation had to be excluded. Considering all validated localizations, [18F]FDG PET detected 12/14 tumour manifestations in the neck, 6/7 mediastinal metastases, 2/2 pulmonary metastases and 2/2 bone metastases. In two patients with elevated calcitonin levels, no diagnostic modality was able to localize a tumour. The sensitivity of [18F]FDG PET in the follow-up of MTC was 76% (95% confidence interval 53%–94%); this is encouraging. [18F]FDG PET promises to be a valuable diagnostic method, especially for the detection of lymph node metastases, surgical resection of which can result in complete remission.