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The Meaning of Things: Domestic Symbols and the Self

... Görece, Adnan Menderes Havalimanı'na bitişik olarak İzmir-Gümüldür Yolu üzerinde bulunan, 500 yıllık zengin bir tarihe sahip, idari olarak İzmir'in Menderes ilçesine bağlı bir yerleşim yeridir (Bayraklı, 2007 (Csikszentmihalyi ve Halton, 1981). Düzenli yetiştirme ve büyütme eylemleri, bireylerin ev yapma sürecine aktif olarak katıldıklarını ve sahiplenme duygusunu geliştirdiklerini tespit etmiştir. ...
... (Görsel 9). Ayrıca, göçmen ailelerin bitkiler aracılığıyla kurdukları ilişkiler, önceki evleriyle yeniden bağlantı kurmanın ve bir arada yaşamayı kolaylaştırmanın bir aracı olarak yorumlanmıştır (Boccagni ve Duyvendak, 2021 (Csikszentmihalyi ve Halton, 1981). Bu bitkiler, göçmenlerin düzenli yetiştirme ve bakım verme pratiklerini yansıtarak ev duygusunu oluşturmada ve metaforik olarak yerinden edilmenin ağırlığını azaltmada önemli rol oynarlar. ...
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Bu çalışmada Denizli Ulu Cami’nin yıkım süreci hafıza ve kimlik odağında değerlendirilmiştir. Çeşitli arşivlerden elde edilen veriler Ricoeur’ün araçlaştırılan hafıza yaklaşımı ile incelenmiştir. Hafızanın kimlik talebi ile birlikte kimliğin inşası için hafızanın kullanılması gerekliliği üzerine kurulu olan bu düşüncede açıklanan kimliğin kırılganlığının nedenleri makalenin alt başlıklarını oluşturmuştur. Caminin kentin kuruluş tarihi ile ilişkilenmesi, zaman içinde geçirdiği değişimler ve yeni olanın talep edilmesi hafıza ve kimlik bağlamında yıkım sürecinin çözümlenmesi için yol gösterici olmuştur.
... Compared with passive observers, the active participants show higher engagement at work (Kahn, 1990). When employees invest a lot of time and energy into an object, such as participation in CSR activities, it enables greater integration with the object and organization-based PO thereof (Rochberg-Halton and Csikszentmihalyi, 1981). Meanwhile, in the process of CSR practice, employees can perceive the organizational CSR policies and measures more intimately, thereby enabling them to better understand CSR (Raub and Blunschi, 2014). ...
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Introduction: Urban resilience is suffering from the challenges of climate change. The increasing volatility of climate change and its impact on urban resilience necessitates a deeper understanding of how internal organizational behaviors can contribute toward sustainable city development. Pro-environmental behavior is one of the important methods of affecting climate change and enhancing urban resilience. This study investigates how employee participation in corporate social responsibility activities promotes pro-environmental behavior and its mechanism. Methods: This research was conducted an online survey of 262 employees from 22 industries in mainland China. To mitigate the bias arising from self-reported assessments by the employees, the data were collected at two time points. Results: Empirical research reveals that employee participation in corporate social responsibility is positively related to employee pro-environmental behavior; these empirical findings not only support how psychological ownership mediates the link between corporate social responsibility participation and pro-environmental behavior but also indicate how employee engagement acts as an intermediary mechanism in enhancing this positive association. Moreover, the chain mediation effect of psychological ownership and employee engagement in the positive link between corporate social responsibility participation and pro-environmental behavior is found to be significant. Discussion: These findings not only enrich the effects of the mechanism of corporate social responsibility participation on employee behavior by introducing new theoretical perspectives but also deepen understanding of the antecedents promoting employee pro-environmental behavior, thereby contributing to the improvement of urban resilience in the face of climate change.
... This theory proposes three pathways to psychological ownership: controlling the target, intimately knowing the target, and investing the self into the target (Pierce et al., 2001;Pierce et al., 1991). Research indicates that control over a target leads to feelings of ownership (Csikszentmihalyi & Halton, 1981;White, 1959), while objects beyond one's control are not perceived as part of the self (Seligman, 1975). Additionally, individuals treat objects they have created as extensions of themselves (Turner & Durkheim, 2013), fostering a sense of ownership. ...
In the realm of business, innovative work behavior holds significant importance. While the direct connection between job characteristics and innovative work behavior has received attention, there remains a gap in understanding the indirect pathways and the influence of job-based psychological ownership in this relationship. This study seeks to address this gap by investigating the relationship between job characteristics and innovative work behavior through job-based psychological ownership. Data was collected through a survey of 574 Vietnamese employees, and the analysis was conducted using PLS-SEM with Smart PLS 4.0 software. The findings reveal that job characteristics positively influence job-based psychological ownership, which subsequently fosters innovative work behavior. Moreover, the results confirm the mediating role of job-based psychological ownership in the relationship between job characteristics and innovative work behavior. These findings carry significant practical implications for Vietnamese businesses.
Nature is “The total system of living beings, animals and plants, and inanimate things that present an order, realize types and are formed according to laws” (Treccani Encyclopedia). Since the second industrial revolution with the product at the center of the design process until the arrival of User Centered Design, designers have only partially considered this definition. The anthropocentric attitude, somewhat selfish and driven by a self-proclamation of the human as the predominant terrestrial species (Harari in Homo deus: Breve storia del future. Bompiani, Milan, 2019), has defined a silent disturbance in the order and laws that dominate the planet (Lovelock in Novacene l’età dell’iperintelligenza. Bollati Boringhieri, Turin, 2020), that is: by acting from a Human Centered Design perspective, the designer, may have undermined the balance of Nature. It is from this that a call for attention accepted by designers as a challenge starts: to consider more agency in the design phase. Specifically, one would like to understand the term Nature more deeply, with the goal of including humans and other-than-humans creatures that have always existed and are often overlooked (Haraway 2020). For these reasons, HCD is being challenged today, evaluating the new More-Than-Human Centered Design paradigm that aims to design by involving multiple actors and thus achieving an ecosystem approach. it is possible, with technology, to interrogate other species, transducing signals from nature and producing data needed by the designer. In conclusion, such an approach could enable the design of solutions that restore a natural balance and respect all agencies involved in the design process, as a result of a broader view of the context in which designers operate.
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COVID-19 not only sent a health shockwave to the world but also disrupted global economies. Major shifts in luxury consumer behavior emerged as a result of the pandemic. This study aims to empirically investigate luxury purchase patterns in a post-COVID-19 world for different cultural, ethnic, and gender segments. It employs a quantitative survey with a sample of 262 participants to examine whether consumers prefer revenge or silent luxury, in-store or online channels. Results exhibit that high power distance and more masculine consumers favor revenge luxury while low power distance and more feminine ones prefer silent luxury consumption. Females and non-binary genders also exhibit higher purchase intentions for silent, more sustainable luxury consumption than males. Collectivistic, African American consumers are more inclined towards in-store luxury channels than their Non-Hispanic White counterparts. The study findings have several pertinent corporate and managerial implications as the US$1.52 trillion world of luxury is reimagined post-COVID-19.
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