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Wildlife conservation and reproductive cloning


Abstract and Figures

Reproductive cloning, or the production of offspring by nuclear transfer, is often regarded as having potential for conserving endangered species of wildlife. Currently, however, low success rates for reproductive cloning limit the practical application of this technique to experimental use and proof of principle investigations. In this review, we consider how cloning may con- tribute to wildlife conservation strategies. The cloning of endangered mammals presents practical problems, many of which stem from the paucity of knowledge about their basic reproductive biology. However, situations may arise where resources could be targeted at recovering lost or under-represented genetic lines; these could then contribute to the future fitness of the population. Approaches of this type would be preferable to the indiscriminate generation of large numbers of identical indi- viduals. Applying cloning technology to non-mammalian vertebrates may be more practical than attempting to use conven- tional reproductive technologies. As the scientific background to cloning technology was pioneered using amphibians, it may be possible to breed imminently threatened amphibians, or even restore extinct amphibian species, by the use of cloning. In this respect species with external embryonic development may have an advantage over mammals as developmental abnormal- ities associated with inappropriate embryonic reprogramming would not be relevant.
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Wildlife conservation and reproductive cloning
William V Holt, Amanda R Pickard and Randall S Prather
ZSL Institute of Zoology, Regent’s Park, London NW1 4RY, UK and
University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia,
Missouri 65211, USA
Correspondence should be addressed to W V Holt; Email:
Reproductive cloning, or the production of offspring by nuclear transfer, is often regarded as having potential for conserving
endangered species of wildlife. Currently, however, low success rates for reproductive cloning limit the practical application
of this technique to experimental use and proof of principle investigations. In this review, we consider how cloning may con-
tribute to wildlife conservation strategies. The cloning of endangered mammals presents practical problems, many of which
stem from the paucity of knowledge about their basic reproductive biology. However, situations may arise where resources
could be targeted at recovering lost or under-represented genetic lines; these could then contribute to the future fitness of the
population. Approaches of this type would be preferable to the indiscriminate generation of large numbers of identical indi-
viduals. Applying cloning technology to non-mammalian vertebrates may be more practical than attempting to use conven-
tional reproductive technologies. As the scientific background to cloning technology was pioneered using amphibians, it may
be possible to breed imminently threatened amphibians, or even restore extinct amphibian species, by the use of cloning. In
this respect species with external embryonic development may have an advantage over mammals as developmental abnormal-
ities associated with inappropriate embryonic reprogramming would not be relevant.
Reproduction (2004) 127 317–324
Nuclear transfer technology, known popularly as cloning,
whereby new individuals are created in the laboratory
from the nuclear DNA of other individuals, has a history
that extends back to the late nineteenth century when
Driesch (1892; cited by Di Berardino 2001) produced sea
urchin larvae from isolated blastomeres. Although nuclear
transfer did not create these larvae, they represented
‘proof of principle’ that early-stage embryonic cells had
the capacity to develop autonomously into a whole indi-
vidual. Di Berardino (2001) describes this and other
examples in a review that covers the development of
embryological and associated studies in cloning technol-
ogy from those significant early beginnings to the pro-
duction of the first cloned mammals. Interestingly, the
review also covers the development of cloning technology
in insects, amphibians and fishes, species that rarely enter
the public debate on cloning in species conservation.
The public and media often equate conservation solely
with saving endangered mammals such as the giant
panda, forgetting that mammals are an ‘ethnic minority’
among vertebrates. Reid & Hall (2003) recently compared
the number of described fish species (25 157) with the
equivalent numbers belonging to other vertebrate classes
(i.e. birds (9040), reptiles (6458), mammals (4629)
and amphibians (4222)). Thus mammals comprise just
under 10% of the total number of vertebrates, but seem to
gain 90% of the attention. Any assessment of the potential
role of reproductive cloning in species conservation
should consider this discrepancy. Factors that govern the
desirability, feasibility and practicality of cloning vary
among different classes of vertebrates, depend upon the
peculiarities of the biological systems themselves, the type
of species under threat and even the chances of obtaining
suitable funding.
Objectives of conservation and the role of cloning
This review does not aim to examine the technical details
involved in cloning methodology as plenty of such
reviews have already been written. Instead, it considers
the conservation-related goals that this technology would,
or could, serve. As the detailed biology of cloning in most
species is unknown at the present time, the authors
do not aim to consider the detailed advantages, disadvan-
tages and biological implications of every potential
cloning application; that would require virtually unlimited
amounts of text. Moreover, in line with the objectives of
review papers in this journal, this review is aimed at a
wide audience who are not necessarily experts in either
wildlife conservation or cloning; species-specific details
q2004 Society for Reproduction and Fertility DOI: 10.1530/rep.1.00074
ISSN 1470–1626 (paper) 1741–7899 (online) Online version via
of cloning are therefore less relevant in this context than
the general principles.
Simplistically, cloning is one of several ways of increas-
ing the number of individuals within a population. Clearly,
natural breeding is the preferred method for thriving
populations; but by definition these are not of conserva-
tion concern. However, when populations of free-living
species are found to be in decline, conservation biologists
begin to seek methods of slowing or reversing the threat-
ening processes. Many such threats exist, including habitat
loss through human activity, hunting and over-fishing,
effects of pollution on fertility and fecundity, predation by
introduced species or, indeed, poor diet through loss of
prey species. In a few cases these threats can be alle-
viated, but this may require the development of national
and international policies that support the conservation
goals. Reproductive technologies may then provide sup-
port, usually by assisting with genetic management. An
important common aim of conservation breeding pro-
grammes, with or without the use of assisted reproduction,
is the avoidance of inbreeding depression and the associ-
ated exposure of rare, and often deleterious, alleles. The
Mauritius kestrel provides a good example of successful
reintroduction without assisted breeding; the population
declined to about nine individuals in the early 1970s, four
were reintroduced to the island of Mauritius, and the
population is now estimated at 700800 (Groombridge
et al. 2000). Genetic analyses have revealed that, com-
pared with pre-crash individuals, the population is now
extremely homogeneous and therefore poorly equipped to
adapt to environmental changes. Nevertheless, this has so
far not proved to be a problem. The black-footed ferret
represents an example where assisted reproduction played
a major part in the recovery and survival of a species. This
species declined almost to the point of extinction in the
1970s–1980s, but 18 animals were captured by the
Wyoming Game and Fish Department (Thorne & Oakleaf
1991). A species recovery strategy was developed in
which assisted reproduction within a captive-breeding
group played a key role. The captive-breeding programme
proved such a success that reintroductions have now been
possible in several states of the USA (for review see
Howard et al. 2003).
How could nuclear transfer have helped with these two
examples? Populations with low numbers of individuals
possess minimal genetic variation. It is therefore desirable
to avoid further losses of diversity. A subsequent gener-
ation resulting from natural breeding or artificial insemina-
tion (AI) would contain some, but not all, of the genetic
variability of its parents. Losses would occur if any of the
individuals failed to breed, a strong possibility with small
populations. If cloning was guaranteed to be 100% suc-
cessful, a good strategy might be to clone every individual
(not impossible if the population size is only 9 18),
then allow the offspring to mature and breed naturally.
The probability of losing genetic diversity would then be
reduced, especially if each parent gave rise to more
than two identical copies of itself. Thus, an interesting
and novel theoretical principle in animal conservation
emerges, where individuals are effectively induced to
reproduce asexually, somewhat like plants, thereby
improving the long-term fitness of the species through the
retention of genetic diversity.
It is important to ask, however, to what extent this could
be achieved, if at all? Current success rates with nuclear
transfer in mammals are very low (less than 0.1 5% of
reconstructed embryos result in a live birth (Di Berardino
2001, Wakayama & Yanagimachi 2001). Therefore,
between 20 and 1000 nuclear transfers would need to be
performed to achieve one viable offspring. Assuming, for
example, that oocyte recovery from two black-footed
ferret females could be justified, it is most likely that
two or three oocytes might be recovered, rendering the
realistic chance of obtaining a single offspring somewhere
between 0.0006 and 0.3%; vanishingly small. To date the
cloning of birds has not been accomplished; therefore the
Mauritius kestrel example could not have been addressed
at all with this technology.
This suggests that applying cloning technology to
highly endangered species is hopelessly optimistic given
current efficiencies. However, should the idea of cloning
be ruled out altogether? More embryos and births could
be expected when dealing with larger populations.
The best way to maximise success might therefore be to
concentrate on poly-ovulatory, litter-bearing species pro-
vided that a minimum number of viable concepti were
available to sustain pregnancy to term. This would
immediately exclude many of the larger mammals, includ-
ing the giant panda that only ovulates one or two oocytes
per year (Kleiman 1983, Hodges et al. 1984). Neverthe-
less, this is such a popular choice of candidate species
that a special research programme has been initiated in
China. Paradoxically, this argument leads towards using
cloning technologies for endangered rodents, where other
more traditional assisted reproductive technologies have
been largely overlooked. Although there are 330 endan-
gered rodent species (International Union of Conservation
of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) 2002), tech-
niques such as AI, semen freezing and embryo transfer
have not been applied successfully to any of them. It
would be feasible to collect and cryopreserve ovarian
slices from many individuals of such species, and prepare
fibroblast cell lines from muscle or skin, with the expec-
tation that cloning might be ultimately successful. Off-
spring representing the genetic variability of the founder
populations could then be regenerated using methods
allied to those currently being developed for the labora-
tory mouse. This implies that any attempt to clone such
species should be approached on a grand scale, where
sufficient numbers of offspring could be generated to
maintain a genetically diverse population. In this case the
level of genetic diversity could never exceed that of the
original population and would undoubtedly be less.
318 W V Holt and others
Reproduction (2004) 127 317–324
Does cloning have a place in conservation?
The low conception rates currently associated with clon-
ing cannot be cited as justification for not embracing this
technology; while pragmatic, to do so is disingenuous and
misleading. Dramatic improvements in the success rate
achieved with, for example, ungulates would remove that
particular argument, but would conservation biologists
then rush to include cloned gazelles, oryx and addax in
their breeding programmes? As many conservationists are
still suspicious of reproductive technologies, it is unlikely
that cloning techniques would be easily accepted. Individ-
uals involved in field conservation often harbour suspi-
cions that hi-tech approaches, backed by high-profile
publicity, would divert funding away from their own
efforts. This may be true, but often the sources of funding
would not necessarily compete with each other.
A major practical objection to using cloning technology
in wildlife conservation is a fundamental lack of infor-
mation about the basic physiology of endangered species.
While it is obvious that the species requiring most urgent
protection and conservation are those that are considered
‘endangered’, it may be less obvious to some that these
are the very same species for which the least background
physiological knowledge exists. Reliable protocols for
inducing oocyte recruitment, development and maturation
simply do not exist in most cases. Where intensive efforts
have been made to develop such protocols, these are
often far more complex projects than originally envisaged.
For example, approximately a decade ago a focused
research programme was initiated that aimed at develop-
ing AI techniques for snow leopard and clouded leopard
(Barone et al. 1994, Brown et al. 1995, Swanson et al.
1996). Breeding leopards by the use of in vitro fertilisation
and embryo transfer (IVF–ET), or simply by AI, is of inter-
est because behavioural incompatibilities often preclude
the use of natural breeding. To date, using exogenous hor-
mones to control the timing of ovulation and the quality
of oocytes in leopards has presented a major problem.
However, while progress has undoubtedly been made, the
research can only be undertaken slowly and on a modest
scale because, being endangered, research animals are
not readily available. In fact, the regulatory authorities in
the United Kingdom frown on research projects that use
insufficient subjects, because animal welfare is then sacri-
ficed for the sake of experimental data that may be
The same principles would apply to a cloning project.
However, if suitable oocytes were eventually obtained for
nuclear transfer experiments, questions about the viability
and fitness of resultant offspring would still need investi-
gation. Therefore, the acquisition of scholarly knowledge
about a species’ reproductive system, together with a
detailed understanding of cellular and developmental
processes peculiar to that species, is a valuable exercise in
itself but can only be undertaken within focused research
programmes. Irrespective of any cloning objectives,
scientific benefits are obtained from such studies. In most
cases, however, these projects are difficult to fund unless
the species in question is particularly unusual and the
study would lead to novel scientific insights.
A significant shortcoming of nuclear transfer technology
in its current state is the prospect that resultant offspring
will suffer from some degree of abnormality. Since the first
sheep were produced by nuclear transplantation using
cultured cells as sources of nuclei (Campbell et al. 1996,
Wells et al. 1997, Wilmut et al. 1997) many studies have
revealed that cloned mammals suffer from developmental
abnormalities. These include extended gestation, large
birthweight, inadequate placental formation and histologi-
cal defects in most organs, including kidney, brain, the
cardiovascular system and muscle (Hill et al. 1999, Barnes
2000, Chavatte-Palmer et al. 2000, De Sousa et al. 2001,
Hammer et al. 2001, Renard et al. 2002). These effects
have been attributed to inefficient reprogramming and
imprinting of nuclear DNA (Young & Fairburn 2000,
Humpherys et al. 2001, Chung et al. 2003), a process that
occurs naturally during gametogenesis and early develop-
ment, and governs whether certain genes are expressed
from the maternal or paternal chromosomes.
Cloning as a conservation support tool
Various arguments in favour of cloning programmes for
various groups of extant and extinct species have been
proposed (for reviews and proposals see Ryder &
Benirschke 1997, Lanza et al. 2000, Wells 2000, Stone
2001, Ryder 2002, Critser et al. 2003). Proponents often
cite the massive species declines that are currently occur-
ring and recommend taking any suitable actions that
might reverse the trend. These arguments mirror the view
that established reproductive technologies, such as AI and
IVF–ET, are useful for supporting living populations (Holt
et al. 1996, Holt & Pickard 1999, Watson & Holt 2001).
Certainly, focused programmes could help with genetic
management and the maintenance of genetic diversity.
Semen banks could be used for AI, although the detailed
methodologies for insemination timing and semen cryo-
preservation must be optimised for each species. These
banks of frozen semen should be considered as supporting
genetic management strategies whose primary role is to
maintain genetic diversity within populations of limited
size. In principle, frozen semen can be transported within
and between countries, thus removing part of the physical
barrier causing the fragmentation and isolation of small
populations. This function of a genetic resource bank
(GRB) provides an additional genetic benefit in the sense
that a genetically important male can still be used within
a breeding programme long after his death.
The theoretical benefits of this approach have yet to be
matched in practice but progress is being made. Useful
GRBs for a number of species are being established across
the world and some breeding programmes incorporate
frozen semen into their strategies. The black-footed ferret
Cloning and wildlife conservation 319 Reproduction (2004) 127 317–324
is the best example, but a cheetah breeding programme in
Namibia is now using frozen semen (http://www.cals.ncsu.
edu/agcomm/magazine/winter03/catsdogs.htm)while GRBs
for koalas in Australia (Johnston & Holt 2001) and gazelles
in Spain and Saudi Arabia (Pickard et al. 2001, Holt et al.
2002) are being established.
Applying similar logic, several international groups
have established banks of frozen tissues and cell lines (for
example, the Center for Reproduction of Endangered
Species, San Diego), in anticipation that these will provide
the genetic resources for cloning programmes aimed at
supporting declining populations. This differs from
restoring an extinct species and is, in principle, a sensible
idea. At the very least, banks of cells and tissues are useful
resources for molecular studies of evolution and phy-
logeny. Considerable caution should be exercised, how-
ever, before animals produced from such materials are
considered to make a positive and direct contribution
to the genetic well-being of a population. Inadequate
nuclear reprogramming and phenotypic abnormalities
may reduce, rather than support, the fitness of the whole
population. However, in some species these abnormal
phenotypes are not transferred to subsequent offspring
(mice, Shimozawa et al. 2002; pig, Prather et al. 2003).
This observation leads to one defence of cloning as a
potential conservation tool; provided the limitations of
these first-generation effects are recognised, it should be
possible to breed a second generation of healthy individ-
uals (Fig. 1). Using this argument raises a number of wel-
fare and ethical concerns that may eventually take
precedence over the biological arguments. Some of the
first generation of cloned offspring would have to be kept
in a managed facility or zoo, to meet their husbandry and
veterinary needs. This facility would almost certainly
attract adverse public attention, and even material damage
from animal rights activists, incurring additional costs by
virtue of its good intentions. The occurrence of first-gener-
ation abnormalities differs between species, fewer occur-
rences in pigs and mice having been noted than in cattle
and sheep, therefore the potential value of cloning for
Figure 1 Schematic diagram showing the steps by which a genetically valuable animal (nucleus donor) could be cloned. In this example, a
female of the same species serves as an oocyte donor, thereby eliminating problems of mitochondrial heteroplasmy in the resultant reconstructed
embryo. The diagram also points out that while a cloned offspring may exhibit phenotypic abnormalities, these are not necessarily evident in a
subsequent generation produced through natural breeding.
320 W V Holt and others
Reproduction (2004) 127 317–324
conservation may also be species-specific. For the most
endangered species this theoretical argument is unsustain-
able in practical terms, because the background research
required to establish the absence of first-generation
abnormalities could not be undertaken. These arguments
should not, however, prevent the establishment of cell
and tissue collections for wildlife species. If techniques
eventually become simpler and more reliable these
resources could be used in the long-term; this strategy
is currently being used in attempts to prevent extinction
of the Northern hairy-nosed wombat in Australia
(Wolvekamp et al. 2001).
Several attempts at cloning exotic or endangered
species have received widespread publicity (e.g. Gaur (Bos
gaurus), Banteng (Bos javanicus) and Bucardo (Capra pyre-
naica pyrenaica)). The distinguishing feature of these
examples is that they employed trans-species cloning
(Fig. 2). In these instances, the oocyte cytoplasm being
used to create embryos was derived from common dom-
esticated species (Bos taurus (cow) or Capra hircus (goat)),
while the cell nucleus was from the species of interest.
Trans-species clones inevitably differ from either of the par-
ental species in their nucleo-cytoplasmic characteristics.
At the very least, mitochondria inherited from the recipient
oocyte would have a major influence over functions, such
as muscle development and physiology, that depend on
mitochondrial gene expression. Animals resulting from
these trans-specific cloning efforts would be scientifically
valuable for their insights into the functional relationships
involved in nucleo-mitochondria dialogue, but would not
be directly useful for supporting the endangered
However, when debating the relative value of first- and
second-generation clones, it is useful to remember that
male clones of breeding age would not transfer their mito-
chondria to the next generation (Sutovsky et al. 2000).
This knowledge, together with the ability to identify those
species that do not pass phenotypic abnormalities to
the next generation, leads to an interesting conclusion. In
theory, it should be possible to use trans-species cloning
strategies to restore the nuclear genome of a male genetic
line of particular value. This would be a highly specialised
and targeted use of cloning, and would contribute directly
to the maintenance of genetic diversity (Fig. 3). The same
argument does not apply to the female line because
mitochondria are inherited via the maternal cytoplasm.
Figure 2 This example highlights the importance of considering the fate of mitochondria in relation to trans-species cloning. Here, it is envisaged
that a domestic cow provides the oocyte cytoplasm, while the donor nucleus, and its accompanying cytoplasm, is derived from a female of a
different species. The resultant reconstructed embryo would contain mitochondria from both species, thus being an unusual type of hybrid. If
such a cloned female were to breed naturally with a male that shared its nuclear genome, the offspring would still possess mitochondria that
descended from the original oocyte donor cow.
Cloning and wildlife conservation 321 Reproduction (2004) 127 317–324
As mentioned earlier, it is worth considering whether
cloning technologies might be applicable to non-mam-
malian vertebrates. This possibility seems to have been
overlooked by conservation biologists, despite the fact
that amphibians (Rana pipiens and Xenopus laevis) were
first cloned in pioneering experimental work during
the1960s (Briggs & King 1960, Gurdon 1962). Amphibians
are globally experiencing significant decline, possibly due
to emerging diseases such as chytridiomycosis and
ranaviruses (Daszak et al. 1999). This phenomenon, popu-
larly known as the ‘amphibian extinction crisis’ signals the
urgent need for implementing protective measures. It is
therefore surprising that there is a dearth of studies on
methods of assisted reproduction in these species. Some
research on semen collection and freezing has recently
been published (Beesley et al. 1998, Browne et al. 1998,
Mugnano et al. 1998), but most of this work has
commenced within the last 5 years. Nuclear transfer in
fish has been studied for about 40 years in China by T C
Tung (quoted by Yan 2000), with two recent papers report-
ing successful reproductive cloning in fish. Wakamatsu
et al. (2001) obtained fertile, diploid Medaka (Oryzias
latipes) by transferring embryonic cell nuclei into
enucleated oocytes, while Lee et al. (2002) cloned zebra-
fish by transferring nuclei from long-term cultured fibro-
blasts into enucleated eggs. Both studies had low success
rates (#2%), consistent with the results in mammals.
Cloning might logically be successfully applied to threa-
tened species of fish, and it might even be relatively
straightforward to mass-produce the offspring. The eggs
are often produced in large quantities, sometimes thou-
sands or millions at a time, and are physically large in
comparison to mammalian oocytes. It is possible to cul-
ture fish cells in vitro, so making an extensive collection
of endangered fish cell lines should perhaps be a current
conservation priority. However, methods for obtaining the
eggs may be the most challenging aspect of such a
Fish species are extremely diverse, as are their repro-
ductive systems. One species of molly (Poecilia formosa),
for example, reproduces entirely by parthenogenesis, and
occurs naturally as all-female populations. Although this
process differs biologically from cloning, it is similar in
some respects, being a variant of asexual reproduction.
Females mate with another sympatric Poecilia species, but
spermatozoa play no role in fertilisation and the female
Figure 3 This example shows how the problem of mitochondrial inheritance, shown in Fig. 2, could be avoided, while still using oocytes
derived from a common species such as a cow. The original donor nucleus and accompanying cytoplasm are derived from a male of the
endangered species of interest. Although the reconstructed embryo and therefore the first-generation offspring would exhibit mitochondrial het-
eroplasmy, this could be eliminated if a cloned male offspring were to breed naturally with a female of the endangered species of interest
because paternal mitochondria are not transmitted to the next generation.
322 W V Holt and others
Reproduction (2004) 127 317–324
genome is copied in its entirety from one generation to
the next. Mating simply stimulates egg development, the
male does not contribute to the genome of the offspring,
and all-female clones are produced (Paxton & Eschmeyer
This extreme example underlines an important, relevant
principle. While the detrimental effects of inbreeding are
widely recognised as something to be avoided, the
specific consequences of inbreeding differ between
species. The reasons are unclear and could be a matter of
chance, but they could also reflect the environment within
which species have evolved. Thus a species that lives in
small isolated groups may be less affected by inbreeding
depression than one that is normally found in large
groups, where it would be unusual to have restricted mate
choice. This is relevant when considering the desirability
of a cloning programme; survival and fitness of offspring
may differ between species for the same reasons.
Biological problems associated with the cloning of mam-
mals have stimulated considerable debate about ethical
aspects of the procedure, both among scientists and the
general public. Developmental biologists at the forefront
of cloning research emphasise the need for caution, while
encouraging continued research. Unfortunately, those few
who abandon caution tend to be both highly vociferous
and good at capturing media attention. Hence, a highly
publicised plan to clone a Tasmanian tiger using DNA
recovered from a single alcohol-fixed museum specimen
has generated considerable publicity worldwide, attracted
funding for the project and raised public expectations of
success (Anon 2002, Meek 2002). Examples of this sort
manage, however, to create the impression among the
conservation community that reproductive and develop-
mental biologists are unthinking zealots who only want to
perform the latest hi-tech procedures. In an era where
rapid advances in cloning technology are being made,
perhaps it is more appropriate to focus on developing rea-
listic strategies for using these methods in wildlife conser-
vation and ensuring that scarce resources are deployed
where they will be most effective.
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324 W V Holt and others
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... Despite this, the SCNT process for the generation of live offspring from threatened species has not been well accepted by conservationists, and no cloned animals have been used in any captive breeding programs to date (Holt et al., 2004). ...
... Unfortunately, there are specific concerns and limitations associated with the SCNT technology. In practical terms, the procedure is highly inefficient, resulting in 0.1% e5% live births per reconstructed embryo transferred (Holt et al., 2004). Moreover, SCNT cloning may have unexpected consequences on the produced offspring that include abnormalities, such as cardiomyopathy and incomplete body wall closure, as seen in the cloned sand cats (Gomez et al., 2008), which raises welfare and ethical concerns. ...
... Moreover, SCNT cloning may have unexpected consequences on the produced offspring that include abnormalities, such as cardiomyopathy and incomplete body wall closure, as seen in the cloned sand cats (Gomez et al., 2008), which raises welfare and ethical concerns. Even if cloned animals are born healthy and develop normally, contamination with exogenous DNA renders them unsuitable for captive breeding programs from a conservationist perspective (Holt et al., 2004) (Table 11.2). During interspecies SCNT, mitochondrial DNA from the recipient oocyte of a closely related domestic species is transferred to the cells of the developing cloned embryo, resulting in mitochondrial heteroplasmy in the live offspring (Gomez et al., 2009;Holt et al., 2004) (Fig. 11.1, Table 11.2). ...
Cattle constitute one of the most commercially important livestock species. They are a significant source of nutrition as well has had great economic importance. Through thousands of years of selective breeding humans have shaped cattle into these multipurpose species that are adapted to various environments around the globe. In the past decade, the sequencing of the cattle genome has paved the way for genetic enhancement of existing breeds to increase productivity and sustainability. More recently, developments in genome editing technologies and pluripotent stem cell culture can now be combined to achieve highly commercial goals for the livestock industry. In this chapter, we discuss the basics of these cutting-edge technologies and their applications in cattle. We focus on bovine iPSCs (biPSCs) as they can be generated in theory from any individual long after their genetic value has been proven, and their phenotypic characteristics validated and regardless of their fecundity status. Furthermore, we discuss the various genome editors and how these novel tools can be used for the genetic improvement of cattle.
... Despite this, the SCNT process for the generation of live offspring from threatened species has not been well accepted by conservationists, and no cloned animals have been used in any captive breeding programs to date (Holt et al., 2004). ...
... Unfortunately, there are specific concerns and limitations associated with the SCNT technology. In practical terms, the procedure is highly inefficient, resulting in 0.1% e5% live births per reconstructed embryo transferred (Holt et al., 2004). Moreover, SCNT cloning may have unexpected consequences on the produced offspring that include abnormalities, such as cardiomyopathy and incomplete body wall closure, as seen in the cloned sand cats (Gomez et al., 2008), which raises welfare and ethical concerns. ...
... Moreover, SCNT cloning may have unexpected consequences on the produced offspring that include abnormalities, such as cardiomyopathy and incomplete body wall closure, as seen in the cloned sand cats (Gomez et al., 2008), which raises welfare and ethical concerns. Even if cloned animals are born healthy and develop normally, contamination with exogenous DNA renders them unsuitable for captive breeding programs from a conservationist perspective (Holt et al., 2004) (Table 11.2). During interspecies SCNT, mitochondrial DNA from the recipient oocyte of a closely related domestic species is transferred to the cells of the developing cloned embryo, resulting in mitochondrial heteroplasmy in the live offspring (Gomez et al., 2009;Holt et al., 2004) (Fig. 11.1, Table 11.2). ...
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Canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD) is a potential natural model for human Alz- heimer’s disease (AD). In this chapter we are addressing the current procedures of how to obtain canine induced pluripotent stem cells (ciPSCs) from geriatric dogs and the available protocols for differentiation of ciPSC into neurons. Moreover, we present how these neurons derived from ciPSC can be compared to human iPSC (hiPSC)-derived neurons in order to validate dogs with CCD as natural models for AD. This practical example presents the importance to generate species-specific iPSC to broaden our knowledge of cell typeespecific disease models and to investigate, compare, and evaluate the different animal models as appropriate dis- ease models for human diseases.
... Aunque la división embrionaria hasta el estadio INTRODUCCIÓN La disminución de la biodiversidad y el aumento de especies amenazadas ha llevado a un aumento de las investigaciones dirigidas al desarrollo de estrategias de conservación (Borges & Pereira, 2019). Las tecnologías reproductivas son fundamentales para conservar y expandir poblaciones amenazadas con un número crítico de individuos (Holt et al., 2004). Entre estas tecnologías destacan la criopreservación de gametos y embriones (León-Quinto et al., 2009), la inseminación artificial (Howard et al., 2016), la transferencia de embriones (Goeritz et al., 2012), la fecundación in vitro (Herrick et al., 2010) y clonación mediante transferencia nuclear de células somáticas (TNCS) (Folch et al., 2009). ...
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El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar una revisión sistemática sobre la transferencia nuclear de células somáticas de félidos salvajes utilizando ovocitos maduros de gato doméstico (Felis catus). Además, se realizaron dos metaanálisis con el programa Comprehensive Meta-Analysis V4 para evaluar el efecto de la transferencia nuclear de células somáticas interespecie (TNCSi) en la división embrionaria y formación de blastocisto en comparación con la técnica intraespecie con células somáticas y ovocitos de gato (TNCSg-g). El metaanálisis se realizó con un modelo aleatorio y el tamaño del efecto se determinó mediante el riesgo relativo (RR). En la revisión sistemática se seleccionaron 16 artículos científicos de un total de 248 y 3230 referencias iniciales en PubMed y ScienceDirect, respectivamente. Los artículos publicaban tasas de división embrionaria del 27.5% al 96.7% y una tasa máxima de formación de blastocisto del 41.5%. Solo 2 de los 8 artículos obtuvieron descendencia viva, con una eficiencia del 1% aproximadamente sobre el total de embriones transferidos. El riesgo de sesgo de los 10 artículos seleccionados para el metaanálisis fue bajo. No se encontraron diferencias significativas (p>0.05) en la división embrionaria entre la TNCSi y la TNCSg-g. Sin embargo, se observó una menor (p=0.016; RR=0.4) probabilidad de formación de blastocistos en el grupo experimental de TNCSi en comparación con la TNCSg-g. En conclusión, la bibliografía sobre TNCSi en félidos salvajes es escasa y estudia especies muy distintas, lo que dificulta los metaanálisis. Aunque la división embrionaria hasta el estadio de 2-4 células es similar en la TNCSi y la TNCSg-g, la formación de blastocisto es menor cuando la célula somática es de una especie de félido distinta al gato.
... It is a powerful strategy that, more importantly, might be used to multiply elite individuals and reduce genetic variation in experimental animals. This method can be used for both conservation and reproduction of endangered species (Holt et al., 2004). It can be employed for therapeutic cloning and the creation of stem cells for therapeutic purposes. ...
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For underdeveloped countries, molecular breeding (MB) has a lot of promise. However, the implementation in developing countries is far from uniform. Livestock improvement programs aim to improve the genetics of domesticated animal populations by selecting males and females who, when mated, will produce progeny that perform better than the current generation's average.
... However, this premature applied use is the problem and illustrates a disconnect between the science and conservation needs for most wildlife species. Earlier criticisms of wildlife cloning are still valid [50] and many also apply to IPSCs. Because of SCNT's inefficiencies, interspecies SCNT has been pursued with wildlife, using oocytes from domesticated species as the source of cytoplasts and domestic females as embryo transfer recipients. ...
Threats to the Earth's biodiversity are increasing exponentially, driven by human population growth and resource consumption. As many as one million wildlife species may disappear within the next few decades due to this human-induced extinction event. This represents our current reality and has profound implications for wildlife conservation. Within this context, application of assisted reproductive technology (ART) to conservation management is unlikely to mitigate broad-scale species loss, but for select species, such as wild cats, ART may determine if populations survive or disappear. In North American and European zoos, 20 of the world's 38 wild felid species are managed within structured breeding programs, but most are not sustainable with natural breeding alone. Zoo-based breeding programs are facing tenuous futures due to triage-based responses to this growing sustainability crisis. Theoretically, ART could benefit conservation management, but only by recognizing and addressing its present challenges. The application of ART to wildlife has been rarely successful, with only 62 mammal species (including 15 cat species) ever propagated by AI, and just 35 of these species (6 cats) reproduced following frozen semen AI. Even this most basic form of ART has a minimal impact on wildlife sustainability. The drivers of this deficit include lack of species-specific reproductive knowledge and limited access to animals for study, but also is exacerbated by a science-conservation disconnect that attempts to apply advanced reproductive technologies to species in which basic ART remains unproven. For a few felid species, these scientific challenges have been overcome and AI with frozen semen is becoming feasible as a practical management tool; for other felids, further research is needed. Non-scientific issues also impair our ability to use ART to implement global management plans. Political dysfunction, regulatory barriers and societal indifference create inertia that interferes with achieving meaningful progress in applying ART to wildlife. Collectively, these challenges may seem insurmountable but human resiliency is essential if we are to resolve these issues in a systematic manner. It will require expanding collaborative efforts substantially and intensifying efforts to conserve wildlife species that are literally running out of time. Our goal is to create a new reality that includes a sustainable future for wild felids and other imperiled wildlife species.
... Nevertheless, wonderful and priceless as these collections are, they are largely about the past history of collecting. They must be studied, safeguarded and cherished, but not be allowed to constrain the urgent need to build new collections that can not only serve as a legacy for future generations of scientists but contribute directly to saving biodiversity (Holt, et al., 2004;Lerman et al., 2009;Ryder and onuma, 2018;Naggs and Raheem, 2014;Naggs, 2017Naggs, , 2019Gill, 2022;Mackenzie-Dodds, 2022;Bouwmeester et al., 2022). Look anywhere in the NHM's biological collections and it is apparent that, for most groups, the great majority of collections were accumulated in the nineteenth century (Table 1, Table 2). ...
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Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-N.C. 4.0 International Megataxa 007 (1): 085-112 h t t p s : / / w w w. m a p r e s s. c o m / m t Abstract The remit of the Natural History Museum, London, encompasses the whole of the natural world and places it at the forefront of global concerns about human impact on the biosphere. The Museum's stature as a world leading institution for storing and recording living diversity brings responsibilities, obligations and new prospects. In addition to revealing the genetic evolution of life in considerable detail, advances in molecular biology and cryogenics offer exciting new opportunities to extend beyond the Museum's traditional role as a storehouse for recording living diversity and to take a lead in biodiversity conservation. In its strategy for the coming decade, the Museum has declared a planetary emergency for which we need an unprecedented response, asserting that we must act now, that we must act on scientific evidence and that we must act together. However, the Museum is no longer led by scientists; its relevant expertise and the prioritisation of its collection-based world-leading role is being rapidly dismantled. It has been taken over by an administrative structure and placed under a government Department that have no notion of the importance of this role. Much of the Museum's activity is no longer led by science intimately connected to its role as a collections-based institution and its public profile is dominated by journalistic presentations from sources that are widely available to a broad range of the media. Inappropriate leadership and recruitment have diverted its science base in directions that place much of its research within the activities of numerous other academic agencies, undermining the reason and justification for the Museum's existence. The move of about half of the collections and associated scientific staff to a location outside of London is a self-imposed act of institutional vandalism. It will mutilate a national treasure, not only inflicting a massive and permanent financial burden but also irrevocably damaging the Museum's, cultural identity and function as an integrated collections and research institution. Rather than responding to a planetary emergency, the Museum is tragically descending into irrelevance.
... Somatic cloning allows the generation of genetically identical copies of an individual, thus representing a universal tool for asexual reproduction. It is believed that SCNT creates the possibility of preserving species threatened with extinction, and so might be useful for the conservation of genetic biodiversity as well as for various types of basic, biomedical, agricultural, and phylogenetic research (Gómez et al., 2003(Gómez et al., , 2006Holt et al., 2004;Loi et al., 2016;Samiec and Skrzyszowska, 2021;Skrzyszowska and Samiec, 2021). According to the currently revised taxonomy of the Felidae, this mammalian family is represented by 14 genera, 41 species and 77 subspecies (Kitchener et al., 2017), with most of these species listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as Endangered, Vulnerable or Near Threatened, depending on their region of habitat. ...
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Cell cycle synchronization of donor cells is an important step in mammalian somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). This study was designed to compare the efficiency of serum starvation (Ss) and contact inhibition (cI) on cell cycle synchronization of jaguarundi, manul, and domestic cat skin fibroblasts, in the production of G0/G1 cells suitable for SCNT in felids. Ss was performed after the growing (G) cells reached 40–50% (G50+Ss), 60–70% (G70+Ss) and full confluency (Fc), i.e. in association with cI (cI+Ss). Frozen-thawed cells were cultured to the given state of confluency (d0; controls), and subjected to Ss or cI for 1, 3, and 5 days (d). In manul, the effect of Ss on arresting fibroblasts in the G0/G1 phase was noted after just 1d of culture at G70 confluence, while G50+Ss and cI+Ss were effective after 5d of treatment. In jaguarundi, 1–5d of G50+Ss and 5d of G70+Ss increased the percentage of G0/G1 cells versus d0 (P<0.01), with 5d of G70+Ss producing more (P<0.05) quiescent cells than after the same period of G50+Ss, cI+Ss and cI. In the domestic cat, Ss was efficient only after 3 and 5d of G50+Ss. In all species, cI alone failed to increase the proportion of G0/G1 cells compared to d0, however in the domestic cat, 5d of cI was more efficient than the same period of G50+Ss. In jaguarundi, >93% of cells were already in G0/G1 phase at d0 of Fc, suggesting that culture to Fc could be also a valuable method for fibroblast cell cycle synchronization in this species. In contrast to cI, prolonged Ss generated cell loss and could induce apoptosis and/or necrosis. In conclusion, Ss was the more efficient method for skin fibroblast cell cycle synchronization at the G0/G1 phase in manul, jaguarundi and the domestic cat. The response of cells to the treatments was species-specific, depending on cell confluence and duration of culture. This research may find application in preparing donor karyoplasts for SCNT in felids.
... Both species have been 33 recognized as the most-traded mammals in Asia (Challender, 2011;Liu and Weng, 2014;34 Heinrich et al., 2016;Cheng et al., 2017) and classified as Critically Endangered on the 35 International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red list (Challender et al.,36 2019a; Challender et al., 2019b). 37 Captive breeding has been used as one effective approach to protecting endangered 38 animals (Holt et al., 2004;Araki et al., 2007;Fraser, 2008). However, keeping pangolins 39 in captivity poses great challenges. ...
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Pangolins are among the most critically endangered animals due to widespread poaching and worldwide trafficking. Captive breeding is considered to be one way to protect them and increase the sizes of their populations. However, comparative studies of captive and wild pangolins in the context of gut microbiota are rare. Here, the gut microbiome of captive and confiscated-rescued wild pangolins is compared, and the effects of different periods of captivity and captivity with and without antibiotic treatment are considered. We show that different diets and periods of captivity as well as the application of antibiotic therapy can alter gut community composition and abundance in pangolins. Compared to wild pangolins, captive pangolins have an increased capacity for chitin and cellulose/hemicellulose degradation, fatty acid metabolism and short-chain fatty acid synthesis, but a reduced ability to metabolize exogenous substances. In addition to increasing the ability of the gut microbiota to metabolize nutrients in captivity, captive breeding imposes some risks for survival by resulting in a greater abundance of antibiotic resistance genes and virulence factors in captive pangolins than in wild pangolins. Our study is important for the development of guidelines for pangolin conservation, including health assessment, disease prevention, and rehabilitation of wild pangolin populations.
... Unfortunately for many threatened species like the OBP, where ongoing declines have led to the loss of genetic diversity and there are few wild populations remaining, radical alternatives such as interspecies hybridization, gene editing technology (CRISPR, Novak et al., 2018), or cloning (Holt, Pickard, & Prather, 2004) may be our only options of introducing new genetic variation. Future research into addressing these technical challenges should not be undertaken in a sequential manner (one after the other), nor in the absence of consultation with the broader community (Kohl, Brossard, Scheufele, & Xenos, 2019) and legislative agencies, but rather as a multipronged, multifaceted approach. ...
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As the global biodiversity crisis deepens, with increasing habitat fragmentation and a changing climate, innovative options for conserving species are being explored. One such conservation action is genetic rescue: introduction of new alleles to promote population fitness. However, for critically endangered species where only one viable population remains, options for introducing new alleles are limited. Interspecies hybridization offers a potential solution but requires resolution of evolutionary relationships, a sound understanding of species biology, social license, and permissive legislative frameworks. Here, we show how phylogenetics and species biology can inform genetic rescue options for the orange‐bellied parrot (OBP; Neophema chrysogaster), a critically endangered Australian bird with one small remaining wild population. Our phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial genomes and nuclear loci for all congeneric species provided strong support for OBPs being the sister species to a group comprising elegant, rock, and blue‐winged parrots. Accounting for species distribution, behavior, and ecology, a captive trial of interspecific hybridization with the blue‐winged parrot is recommended, including assessment of the fitness of hybrid individuals. Introduction of new alleles into the OBP genome would achieve the conservation goal of improving genetic diversity in a critically endangered species. Concurrently, legislative issues will need to be resolved.
... This is logical given significant advancements made in nuclear transfer and stem cell technologies, with somatic cells having potential to be used directly or indirectly for offspring production. The ability to reprogram differentiated somatic cell nuclei into embryonic or germinal cell lineages triggered the original interest in storing somatic genomes about a decade ago [19]. While the technology to convert these cells and DNA into living young has not advanced sufficiently to contribute to 'real-life conservation', there are some enticements to justify continuing such a collection/storage strategy. ...
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For more than 30 years, systematic collection and cryo-storage of biomaterials from wild species have been conducted to save gene diversity and improve captive (ex situ) and wild (in situ) animal management. Cryo-storage of biomaterials offers broad opportunities-from helping to understand the fundamental biology of unstudied species to optimizing programs for conservation breeding, genomics and veterinary medicine. While promoted for decades, the banking of germplasm, tissue, blood and DNA from wildlife species only recently has been considered by some to be a core function of animal conservation programs. Importantly, reproductive biotechnologies and fertility preservation are critical tools for saving and maintaining endangered species that are tightly related to biobanking. Some successes have been reported with the integration of artificial insemination (with fresh or frozen-thawed semen) in conservation programs. However, not a single wild species is currently managed through oocyte freezing or embryo-based technologies. This is primarily due to the lack of knowledge of species biology, as well as inadequate facilities, space, expertise, and funding needed for their successful application. More fundamental studies on animal reproductive biology as well as more fertility preservation options are needed with all parties involved (reproductive technologists, zoo biologists and conservationists) adopting joint efforts to sustain wild populations and habitats.
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Conventional cryopreservation techniques were applied to spermatozoa from the freeze-tolerant wood frog as an initial step toward developing protocols for the frozen storage of amphibian gametes. In chilled, but unfrozen, samples, a high concentration (3.0 M) of glycerol or dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) in the suspension medium was not harmful to spermatozoa. However, 2.0 M glucose promoted loss of viability as assessed by fluorescence vital dyes assays. Control suspensions prepared in isotonic saline contained 1.86 x 104 spermatozoa/μL, of which 71.6 ± 4.1% were viable. No cells survived freezing at -80°C without cryoprotective additives, whereas samples containing 1.5 or 3.0 M glycerol or Me2SO yielded >1.2 x 104 intact spermatozoa/μL upon thawing.
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In combination with modern reproductive technologies, there is potential to use frozen and stored germplasm (genetic resource banks) to support conservation measures for the maintenance of genetic diversity in threatened species. However, turning this idea into reality is a complex process, requiring interdisciplinary collaboration and clearly defined goals. As the number of species deserving the attention of conservation scientists is overwhelmingly large, yet detailed knowledge of reproductive physiology is restricted to relatively few of them, choosing which species to conserve is one of the most difficult issues to be tackled. Besides the direct application of technologically advanced reproductive procedures, modem approaches to non-invasive endocrine monitoring play an important role in optimizing the success of natural breeding programmes. Through the analysis of urine and faecal samples, this type of technology provides invaluable management information about the reproductive status of diverse species. For example, it is possible to diagnose pregnancy and monitor oestrous cycles in elephants and rhinos without causing stress through restraint for sample collection. In this review, we identify the potential contribution of reproductive biology and genetic resource banks to animal conservation, but also highlight the complexity of issues determining the extent to which this potential can be achieved.
Reproduction is essential to the continuation and evolution of life on this planet and is therefore a centrally important process in the conservation of wildlife. However, reproductive mechanisms are well understood in only a handful of vertebrate species, mostly domestic livestock and laboratory animals. This means that attempts to develop and implement management policies for wildlife conservation, and especially for endangered species that, by definition, are difficult to study, are often based on poor data or no data at all. In Reproductive Science and Integrated Conservation leading authorities provide glimpses of reproductive diversity in fishes, amphibia, reptiles, birds and mammals. Conservation plans are founded on the assumption that reproduction will be successful, but what if it fails? This book reviews the many factors that influence reproduction, including genetics, behaviour and nutrition, and experts assess the potential conservation relevance of the recent rapid advances in reproductive technology and medicine.
The black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) is one of the world’s most endangered mammals. Its precarious status is a direct result of habitat fragmentation through eradication of prairie dogs (Cynomys spp.) in the North American mid western prairies. By the mid 1900s, habitat reduction and fragmentation reached the point at which extinction of black-footed ferrets was probably inevitable without extensive intervention. Federal and state planning efforts to recover black-footed ferrets were inadequate during the period 1975 to 1981 because it was widely believed that the species was extinct. In 1981 the last known population was discovered near Meeteetse, Wyoming. Within four years a captive breeding programme to augment management of the free-ranging population was being initiated; then a canine distemper epizootic wiped out the wild colony. The survival of the black-footed ferret thus depends on successful captive propagation. Through the use of technical advice and a planning process specific objectives were established to maintain genetic variation, increase and subdivide the captive population and initiate early re introduction. Captive breeding techniques were developed and breeding success in 1987, 1988 and 1989 has the programme on schedule and meeting objectives. Preparations are being made for experimental re-introduction in 1991.
Recently, we have demonstrated the use of adult somatic cell nuclear transfer in animal conservation by cloning the last surviving cow of the Enderby Island cattle breed (known as "Lady"), in order to preserve the female genetics of this endangered breed (Wells et al., 1999). The breed is believed to represent original Shorthorns and over the last 150 years have adapted to harsh sub-Antarctic conditions on Enderby Island, supplementing their diet by eating seaweed (Bunn, 1998). Although epididymal sperm from nine, now-deceased, Enderby Island bulls is cryo-preserved, Lady is the only living adult animal of this breed. Various methods of assisted reproduction had been attempted over the previous eight years, since Lady's capture from Enderby Island, but only resulted in one bull calf produced recently following ovum pick-up and in vitro fertilization (OPU-IVP; Vivanco, unpublished data). Earlier attempts with artificial insemination and multiple ovulation and embryo transfer all failed. The quality of Lady's oocytes is poor, possibly attributable to either her age, genetics, or environmental influences. It was therefore considered imperative to firstly cryobank samples of Lady's somatic cells in order to preserve her unique genetic resource. Secondly, adult cloning from these preserved cells was then considered the most appropriate option to produce other Enderby Island females. The resulting cloned heifers will be bred in the future using the frozen Enderby Island sperm using other forms of assisted reproduction, such as OPU-IVP. Thus, it may be possible to reintroduce the genes of the dead bulls back into the population and to some limited extent expand the genetic diversity of the breed type. Ultimately, this would enable both the preservation and scientific evaluation of this endangered breed of cattle. There is the possibility, however, that there may be some genetic basis for the poor reproductive performance of the Enderby Island cow, Lady, and this may be recapitulated in her clones. The above example was relatively straightforward given it only involved cloning a breed of cattle within a species where there was already sufficient knowledge of its reproduction. The prospect of further extending cloning technology to the conservation of wild endangered animal species (or even the re-creation of extinct species!) has received some scientific attention and great media interest. Even with vastly improved understanding of nuclear transfer and reproductive biology in the future, cloning for conservation purposes will often be extremely difficult to achieve, very expensive and in some cases even biologically impossible. The ability to clone any species of animal (domesticated or endangered) requires a number of basic biological prerequisites, including: 1) a source of viable cells or intact nuclei (or possibly intact chromosomes/DNA) from the donor species; 2) an adequate understanding of the reproductive biology and embryology of the species concerned; 3) an adequate source of suitable eggs or artificial cytoplasm for nuclear transfer 4) a sufficient understanding of nuclear reprogramming 5) and (in the case of placental mammals) suitable surrogate females to gestate the cloned pregnancies. Many of the above requirements are limiting with the majority of endangered species. Attempting to overcome some of these limitations will undoubtedly involve the use of inter-species nuclear transfer and embryo transfer, using a non-endangered yet closely related species to provide egg cytoplasm and/or surrogates (in the case of mammals). However, there are likely to be a number of species-specific requirements that will limit success. The more distantly related the species, the earlier development may be expected to arrest (Gurdon, 1986). There may be perturbations in the nuclear-cytoplasmic interactions leading to chromosomal damage, failure of the cytoplasm of one species to activate the genes of another, or an incompatibility of the gene products of one species with the cytoplasm of another, including inappropriate mitochondrial DNA from the species providing the recipient cytoplasm. At present nuclear reprogramming is poorly understood and even with intraspecies nuclear transfer currently leads to inappropriate patterns of gene expression at specific key stages during embryo, fetal and placental development. This aberrant development is expected to be more extreme with inter-species nuclear transfer. Recent experiments have begun to examine the viability of inter-species nuclear transfer. While offspring have been produced from Bos indiens donor nuclei fused with Bos taurus cytoplasm (Smith et al., 2000), to date only early pregnancies have been initiated with Argali sheep fibroblasts reconstructed with domestic sheep cytoplasts (White et al., 1999). Dominko and colleagues (1999) have shown that bovine oocyte cytoplasm can reprogram adult skin fibroblasts from a small range of mammalian species resulting in development to blastocysts although normal pregnancies were not initiated, suggesting incompatibility between the nuclear and cytoplasmic components. In contrast to birds, amphibians and reptiles where only a source of eggs are needed, mammalian cloning also requires suitable surrogate females to gestate the pregnancies. This is a significant obstacle, but may be less critical for marsupial mammals compared to placental mammals. Following inter-species embryo transfer, apart from species that can hybridise naturally (e.g. between certain members of the bovid, cervid and equid families), the placenta of the cloned fetus will likely be incompatible with the reproductive tract of the surrogate female in even closely-related species in terms of anatomy, physiology, immunology and endocrinology and simply fail to develop. For a species to survive and be sustainable, there needs to be a viable breeding population with an adequate number of genetically divergent members of both sexes represented. For some endangered species cloning may be used to maintain or even increase the genetic diversity in a dwindling population. Cloning from preserved cells from long dead animals reintroduces those lost genes back into the breeding pool. For species such as the giant panda which reproduce so poorly, if an adult only produces a single offspring in its lifetime, half of its own genes are lost forever. Integrating cloning into breeding programmes would allow more opportunity for the full set of genes to be passed onto subsequent generations following sexual reproduction from the cloned animals. For endangered species, somatic cells from a wide selection of males and females should be cryopreserved as an "insurance policy" against possible further losses of genetic diversity or possible extinction. It may also be appropriate to cryo-preserve samples of ovarian tissue from females to serve as potential sources of eggs in the future, perhaps following xenografting. These strategies would be easier than preserving gametes or embryos. Future advances in cloning and other associated technologies may make it possible to re-introduce animals (and their lost genes) from these frozen cells back into the population. In situations where more conventional conservation efforts successfully increase the numbers of a once endangered species in the future, some females may be set aside to collect eggs and be used as surrogates in cloning programmes with frozen somatic cells to increase the genetic diversity. Such intra-species nuclear transfer and embryo transfer would become more feasible and result in offspring with correct and compatible nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. Cloning should not distract conservation efforts from either the preservation of wildlife habitats or the use of other forms of assisted reproduction (such as artificial insemination). Nevertheless, there are a number of model examples where currently a sufficient number of the above mentioned requirements can be adequately met. This is true with particular indigenous breeds of livestock adapted to specific environments which should not be lost from the global gene pool and wild species which have a domesticated relative (e.g. Przewalski's horse, Mesopotamian fallow deer). Some zoological parks, including San Diego, have considered integrating cloning strategies in the future to actually maintain genetic diversity from a smaller captive base of live animals and to re-introduce animals from cell samples cryo-preserved in their "frozen zoo" (Ryder and Benirschke, 1997). Much will remain science fiction in this area; however, cloning can be integrated into the conservation of some endangered breeds and species of animals now and in the foreseeable future.
The metabolism and pattern of excretion of urinary steroids during oestrus and pregnancy in the Giant panda is described. Three female pandas from the London, Washington and Madrid Zoos were studied over different periods between March 1980 and September 1982. High pressure liquid chromatography and sequential enzyme hydrolysis indicated that oestrone glucuronide was the most abundant urinary oestrogen metabolite during oestrus. Levels of conjugated oestrone in late pregnancy, however, were low and similar to those of conjugated oestradiol-17β There was a rapid increase in the excretion of conjugated oestrone to reach maximum levels during late pro-oestrus; oestrus occurred when levels of conjugated oestrone were declining. The measurement of oestrone-3-glucuronide by direct, non-extraction assay provides a rapid and reliable method for detecting oestrus and ovulation in the Giant panda. Artificial insemination of the London and Madrid pandas was performed in 1981 and 1982, respectively. The Madrid panda gave birth to twin cubs after a gestation period of 159 days. Levels of urinary oestrone conjugate remained low throughout pregnancy. There was no increase in the excretion of pregnanediol-3α-glucuronide (assumed to be an urinary metabolite of progesterone) until approximately day 120 when a rapid, five-fold increase in levels occurred. The levels of pregnanediol-3α-glucuronide remained elevated for approximately three weeks after which there was a gradual decline beginning two-and-α-half weeks before parturition. Measurement of pregnanediol-3α-glucuronide enables the detection of pregnancy after three to four months and should also be useful in predicting parturition. A delay of implantation during pregnancy in the Giant panda is suggested. There was no consistent elevation in pregnanedioI-3α-glucuronide excretion in the five months after artificial insemination of the London panda, despite a marked increase in circulating progesterone of ovarian origin. Pregnancy could not be confirmed from external examination of the uterus at laparotomy; histological examination of biopsy material revealed advanced endometrial hyperplasia.
Recent advances in reproductive technologies for animal breeding, together with improvements in techniques for storage of gametes and embryos, have encouraged the view that the time is now appropriate for developing systematic policies of germplasm banking. Such activities would aim to support more conventional breeding programmes for threatened species, by providing the opportunity to store valuable genetic material for use on some future occasion. A number of pertinent issues should be addressed, however, before embarking upon the large scale implementation of genetic bank programmes. This review raises and discusses some of the issues involved.