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Working against gravity: horizontal honeybee waggle runs have greater angular scatter than vertical waggle runs

The Royal Society
Biology Letters
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The presence of noise in a communication system may be adaptive or may reflect unavoidable constraints. One communication system where these alternatives are debated is the honeybee (Apis mellifera) waggle dance. Successful foragers communicate resource locations to nest-mates by a dance comprising repeated units (waggle runs), which repetitively transmit the same distance and direction vector from the nest. Intra-dance waggle run variation occurs and has been hypothesized as a colony-level adaptation to direct recruits over an area rather than a single location. Alternatively, variation may simply be due to constraints on bees' abilities to orient waggle runs. Here, we ask whether the angle at which the bee dances on vertical comb influences waggle run variation. In particular, we determine whether horizontal dances, where gravity is not aligned with the waggle run orientation, are more variable in their directional component. We analysed 198 dances from foragers visiting natural resources and found support for our prediction. More horizontal dances have greater angular variation than dances performed close to vertical. However, there is no effect of waggle run angle on variation in the duration of waggle runs, which communicates distance. Our results weaken the hypothesis that variation is adaptive and provide novel support for the constraint hypothesis.
Animal behaviour
Working against gravity:
horizontal honeybee
waggle runs have greater
angular scatter than
vertical waggle runs
Margaret J. Couvillon1,*, Hunter L. F. Phillipps1,
Roger Schu
¨rch2and Francis L. W. Ratnieks1
Laboratory of Apiculture and Social Insects, School of Life Sciences, and
School of Life Sciences, University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9QG, UK
*Author for correspondence (
The presence of noise in a communication system
may be adaptive or may reflect unavoidable
constraints. One communication system where
these alternatives are debated is the honeybee
(Apis mellifera) waggle dance. Successful foragers
communicate resource locations to nest-mates by
a dance comprising repeated units (waggle runs),
which repetitively transmit the same distance and
direction vector from the nest. Intra-dance waggle
run variation occurs and has been hypothesized as
a colony-level adaptation to direct recruits over an
area rather than a single location. Alternatively,
variation may simply be due to constraints on
bees’ abilities to orient waggle runs. Here, we ask
whether the angle at which the bee dances on
vertical comb influences waggle run variation.
In particular, we determine whether horizontal
dances, where gravity is not aligned with the
directional component. We analysed 198 dances
from foragers visiting natural resources and found
support for our prediction. More horizontal
dances have greater angular variation than dances
performed close to vertical. However, there is no
ation of waggle runs, which communicates
distance. Our results weaken the hypothesis that
variation is adaptive and provide novel support for
the constraint hypothesis.
Keywords: honeybee; Apis mellifera; waggle dance;
foraging; animal communication; signal noise
Communication normally involves some imprecision in
the information transfer from the signal producer to the
signal receiver [1]. The reason for the presence of this
imprecision, which may occur at different stages (e.g.
signal production, transmission and reception), is a
matter of debate. Specifically, is the imprecision an
adaptive feature that has evolved to benefit the system
[2,3] or does it reflect constraints [4]?
One communication system central to this debate is
the honeybee (Apis mellifera) waggle dance, where a suc-
cessful forager, upon returning to the hive, performs a
stereotyped behaviour where she advances linearly in
one direction on the comb while waggling her body at
ca 15 Hz [5] from side to side (waggle run). She then
turns to the left or right and usually circles back to the
start (return phase) to repeat the waggle run. This circuit
of waggle run þreturn phase may be repeated 1 to 100þ
times, depending on resource quality [6,7]. The waggle
run conveys the direction and distance vector from the
nest to the resource location: distance is encoded in
the duration of the waggle run and direction by the
angle of the dancer’s body relative to the vertical [8].
The return phase is free of vector information [7,9].
For both angle and duration, there is a variation
among the repeated waggle runs [10 12]. It has
been hypothesized that this scatter is adaptive because
it directs recruits to a general area, as opposed to a
specific point [6,13 15], which is how scattered,
floral resources sometimes occur in nature. In contrast
to this tuned error hypothesis, under the physiological
constraint hypothesis, the bees simply cannot dance
more precisely [16,17] and the variation does not
serve an adaptive function.
In this study, we investigated whether variation
among waggle runs within a dance is affected by gravity.
We hypothesized that angular variation would be greater
when a bee is dancing horizontally (around 908or 2708)
on the vertical comb versus dancing vertically (around
08or 1808). The reason for this is that when a bee
makes a vertical waggle run, either up or down, the grav-
itational force is aligned to the waggle run (figure 1a).
In contrast, a bee making a non-vertical waggle run
will experience a gravitational force perpendicular to
the waggle run and proportional to the absolute value
of the sine of the angle from vertical (figure 1b,c). This
force is at its maximum when the bee is dancing
horizontally (figure 1d). In this way, we predict that
angular variation will increase from 08to 908or from
1808to 2708, and decrease from 908to 1808or
from 2708to 3608. Conversely, we predict no effect of
waggle run angle on variation in the duration of waggle
runs (figure 1,d
) because gravity should not affect
the ability of a dancing bee to measure time.
Using the methods of Couvillon et al. [10], we videotaped and decoded
waggle runs within natural dances performed by foragers returning to
three glass-walled vertical observation hives. Dances were decoded by
hand on iMac computers using FINAL CUT EXPRESS (v. 4.0.1). To
decode a waggle run, we extract two pieces of information: duration,
which we obtained by noting the start and stop times of waggle run,
and orientation clockwise from vertical, which we measured by
making two marks on the screen over the dancer’s thorax near the
start and end of a waggle run. We then measured the angle of
the line running throughthese two points relative to vertical plumbline
on the observation hive visible on the video (maximum measurement
error approx. 18). Previous work has shown that taking the mean
of any four, preferably consecutive, mid-dance waggle runs gives
a good estimate of the whole dance [10], so thus we did to obtain a
single angle and duration mean per dance. As a measure of variation,
we determined the standard deviation (s.d.) of angle and duration
for the four waggle run sample.
We decoded and analysed 198 dances with angles ranged from 08
to 3608. We converted angles over 1808to their mirror equivalent
angle between 08and 1808clockwise from vertical (e.g. 3008
become 608). Although angles are graphed in degrees, they were ana-
lysed in radians. Waggle run durations ranged from 0.31 to 4.83 s,
which correspond to resource distances of 200–5000 m [8]. These
are typical foraging ranges for honeybees [18,19].
We built two linear models using MINITAB (v. 14.2). In the first
model, we analysed the response variable of angle s.d. (radians and
square root-transformed) against the factors of angle average
(between 08and 1808, in radians), sine of this angle average and
duration average. In the second model, we analysed the response
Biol. Lett. (2012) 8, 540–543
Published online 18 April 2012
Received 2 March 2012
Accepted 23 March 2012 540 This journal is q2012 The Royal Society
... The former are always point locations and the latter are often patches. However, other studies shed doubt on this hypothesis by suggesting that the imprecision of honey bee dances is the result of physical constraints and the honeybees' limited capacity to perform what is a complex sensory task (Couvillon et al., 2012;Preece & Beekman, 2014;Tanner & Visscher, 2006). Despite the debate concerning this hypothesis, simulation studies have suggested that an imprecision level of 10° is beneficial while a higher degree of imprecision is only beneficial when the food source is scarce (Okada et al., 2014). ...
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Social learning is a collective approach to decentralised decision-making and is comprised of two processes; evidence updating and belief fusion. In this paper we propose a social learning model in which agents’ beliefs are represented by a set of possible states, and where the evidence collected can vary in its level of imprecision. We investigate this model using multi-agent and multi-robot simulations and demonstrate that it is robust to imprecise evidence. Our results also show that certain kinds of imprecise evidence can enhance the efficacy of the learning process in the presence of sensor errors.
... The former are always point locations and the latter are often patches. However, other studies shed doubt on this hypothesis by suggesting that the imprecision of honey bee dances is the result of physical constraints and the honeybees' limited capacity to perform what is a complex sensory task (Couvillon et al, 2012;Preece and Beekman, 2014;Tanner and Visscher, 2006). Despite the debate concerning this hypothesis, simulation studies have suggested that an imprecision level of 10°is beneficial while a higher degree of imprecision is only beneficial when the food source is scarce (Okada et al, 2014). ...
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Social learning is a collective approach to decentralised decision-making and is comprised of two process; evidence updating and belief fusion. In this paper we propose a social learning model in which agents’ beliefs are represented by a set of possible states, and where the evidence collected can vary in its level of imprecision. We investigate this model using multi-agent and multi-robot simulations and demonstrate that it is robust to imprecise evidence. Our results also show that certain kinds of imprecise evidence can enhance the efficacy of the learning process in the presence of sensor errors.
... Furthermore, dance information was more precise when the dances indicated a candidate place for the next hive site rather than a food source [28]. The error range depends on the orientation of the dance to the direction of gravity [29], being small when the waggle run direction is consistent with the direction of gravity and increasing as the waggle run direction becomes more perpendicular to the direction of gravity (i.e., parallel to the ground). Therefore, whether this variation results from a physical constraint or evolutionary adaptation remains controversial [30,31]. ...
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Honey bees are social insects that form colonies (hives), which often consist of more than 10,000 individuals. In a colony, bees allocate jobs (division of labor) and work cooperatively and intelligently to maintain the colony’s activity, such as nursing broods, cleaning, and guarding against enemies. Among worker bees, only forager bees collect food, and success in finding food directly influences colony survival. For more efficient foraging, honey bees share location information pertaining to profitable food sources through specific behavior called “waggle dances.” During such dances, the direction and distance from the hive to the food source are encoded as body movements. Other foragers follow the dancing bees and receive location information. Some of these bees then fly to the advertised location to find the food source. Some of these “recruited bees” subsequently dance to recruit new bees. This process is then repeated. Consequently, many foragers visit the food source, and a colony can rapidly and flexibly collect large amounts of food even in foraging environment that can suddenly change (e.g., flowers disappear or nectar flux increases/decreases). To achieve effective food collection through the waggle dance, the behavior of both the dancers and followers probably contains information for an implementation of “swarm intelligence.” In this review, we introduce the properties of dance behavior at the levels of dancers, followers, and colonies. We found that errors in waggle dance information play an important role in adaptive foraging in dynamically changing environments.
... The former are always point locations and the latter are often patches. However, other studies shed doubt on this hypothesis by suggesting that the imprecision of honey bee dances is the result of physical constraints and the honeybees' limited capacity to perform what is a complex sensory task (Couvillon et al, 2012;Preece and Beekman, 2014;Tanner and Visscher, 2006). Despite the debate concerning this hypothesis, simulation studies have suggested that an imprecision level of 10°is beneficial while a higher degree of imprecision is only beneficial when the food source is scarce (Okada et al, 2014). ...
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Social learning is a collective approach to decentralised decision making and is comprised of two process; evidence updating and belief fusion. In this paper we propose a social learning model in which agents’ beliefs are represented by a set of possible states, and where the evidence collected can vary in its level of imprecision. We investigate this model using agent-based and robot simulations and demonstrate that it is robust to imprecise evidence. Our results also show that certain kinds of imprecise evidence can enhance the efficacy of the learning process in the presence of sensor errors.
... As has been previously done (Beekman & Ratnieks, 2000;Carr-Markell et al., 2020;Couvillon, Phillipps, et al., 2012;Couvillon, Riddell Pearce, et al., 2012;Couvillon, Schürch, & Ratnieks, 2014c, 2014dGarbuzov et al., , 2015Schürch et al., 2016;Sponsler et al., 2017;von Frisch, 1967;Waddington et al., 1994), we treat each waggle dance as an independent sample. A dance follower will not visit every advertised resource but rather weighs the information she learns from the dance against her prior knowledge of other foraging options (Grüter & Ratnieks, 2011). ...
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Abstract Many of the fruits that add diversity and nutrition to our diet are wholly or partially dependent upon flower‐visiting insects. For example, apples (Malus spp.) are self‐incompatible and therefore rely on insect pollinators for fruit development and seed production. Honey bees (Apis mellifera) are often migrated into these orchards when the apples are in bloom. While previous studies have focused on the impact of honey bees to fruit orchards, fewer studies have examined the reciprocal relationship of the orchards to honey bees, particularly if the bees are in the orchard for the entire foraging season, not just during bloom. Here we investigated the foraging dynamics of honey bees in apple orchards in Virginia for two full foraging seasons (April–October, 2018–2019). We decoded, mapped, and analyzed the waggle dances (n = 3710) made by returning foragers, which communicate the distance and direction from the hive to valuable resources, usually nectar or pollen. We found that bees foraged locally at
... We located these 20 dances and examined them on the data entry sheet to determine if the SD was due to an obvious entry error. If the error source was unclear, we located the dances on the original videos to verify whether high SD was based on error inherent in the dance (i.e., a "noisy" dancer with high intra-dance variation), which is normal (Couvillon, Phillipps, et al., 2012;Couvillon, Riddell Pearce, et al., 2012;Schürch et al., 2019) and acceptable, or due to human error (i.e., dance decoding error), in which case we re-decoded the dance. We noted any changes to initial values in our dataset. ...
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Honey bees provide invaluable economic and ecological services while simultaneously facing stressors that may compromise their health. For example, agricultural landscapes, such as a row crop system, are necessary for our food production, but they may cause poor nutrition in bees from a lack of available nectar and pollen. Here, we investigated the foraging dynamics of honey bees in a row crop environment. We decoded, mapped, and analyzed 3459 waggle dances, which communicate the location of where bees collected food, for two full foraging seasons (April–October, 2018–2019). We found that bees recruited nestmates mostly locally (<2 km) throughout the season. The shortest communicated median distances (0.474 and 0.310 km), indicating abundant food availability, occurred in July in both years, which was when our row crops were in full bloom. We determined, by plotting and analyzing the communicated locations, that almost half of the mid‐summer recruitment was to row crops, with 37% (2018) and 50% (2019) of honey bee dances indicating these fields. Peanut was the most attractive in July, followed by corn and cotton but not soybean. Overall, row crop fields are indicated by a surprisingly large proportion of recruitment dances, suggesting that similar agricultural landscapes may also provide mid‐summer foraging opportunities for honey bees. We tracked honey bee foraging in a row crop environment using waggle dance decoding, which communicates the location of where a successful forager found food. Honey bees used these wind‐ and self‐pollinated crops for forage, especially during mid‐summer. Peanuts (yellow), corn (orange), and cotton (blue), but not soybeans (green), were attractive in July to honey bees.
... In the waggle run, direction is encoded by the angle of the dancer's body relative to the vertical, and distance is encoded by the duration of the run (Couvillon, 2012;Seeley, Mikheyev, & Pagano, 2000;von Frisch, 1967). Successive waggle runs within the same dance can vary in both the directional and distance components (Couvillon, Phillipps, Schürch, & Ratnieks, 2012;Couvillon, Riddell Pearce, et al., 2012;Dyer, 2002). Additionally, the dances of different individuals communicating the same location, or even the same individual communicating the same location more than once, also vary Schürch, Ratnieks, Samuelson, & Couvillon, 2016;von Frisch & Lindauer, 1961). ...
Noisy animal communication presents a unique challenge for biologists interpreting a produced signal precisely and accurately. One past approach has been to reduce noise. Lately, with the advance of quantitative tools, an alternative is to use the noise to improve model predictions. Here we take the latter approach to improve our ability to recover honey bee (Apis mellifera spp.) foraging locations, in particular the distance at which they forage, from observed waggle dance communications, which encode the vector from the hive to the forage. This vector gives both the distance from the hive to the forage, which is encoded in dance duration, and the direction from the hive to the forage, which is encoded in the angle that the bee makes while dancing. We analysed the waggle dances from individually marked honey bees (N = 859 dances from 85 bees from 3 hives) that foraged at multiple known locations to determine a distance-to-duration calibration. Next we compared this calibration to a previously published calibration, which demonstrated that while their slopes were similar (P = 0.82), their intercepts differed (P < 0.001); however, the individual variation, or noise, between bees was so high that this difference was rendered biologically irrelevant. We then collated our data with all published calibration studies to generate a universal calibration that incorporates the interindividual and interstudy differences. Lastly, we verified that the universal calibration performed as well as a landscape/subspecies-specific calibration, first with a hold-out sample of waggle dances (N = 84) (performance comparison: P = 0.36) and second with a linear discriminant analysis, which failed to assign dances to their originating population. Both results confirm that the universal calibration may be used, irrespective of landscape or subspecies. Therefore, by allowing noise to be part of our analysis, the usability of our calibration is broadened for use in future settings.
... Alternatively, bees may not differ in their perception of how far they have flown, but they may simply struggle to communicate the distance precisely (i.e. are constrained). This alternative hypothesis, which has been examined in the context of intra-dance variation, is strongly supported by evidence (Tanner and Visscher, 2010;Couvillon et al., 2012a;Preece and Beekman, 2014). However, less well understood is inter-dance variation, or dance inaccuracy, between dances of different bees for the same location. ...
Communication signals often vary between individuals, even when one expects selection to favour accuracy and precision, such as the honey bee waggle dance, where foragers communicate to nestmates the direction and distance to a resource. Although many studies have examined intra-dance variation, or the variation within a dance, less is known about inter-dance variation, or the variation between dances. This is particularly true for distance communication. Here we trained individually-marked bees from three colonies to forage at feeders of known distances and monitored their dances to determine individual communication variation. We found that each honey bee possesses her own calibration: individual duration-distance calibrations varied significantly in both slopes and intercepts. The variation may incur a cost for communication, such that a dancer and recruit may misunderstand the communicated distance by as much as 50%. Future work is needed to understand better the mechanisms and consequences of individual variation in communication.
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The use of pheromone trails in ant colony organization is an important model for understanding collective decision-making and complex adaptive systems. The ant Lasius niger L. (Hymenoptera: Fomicidae) is one of the main model organisms used for such studies. Key to understanding pheromone trail use by ants is knowing how well trails are followed. The results of a previous study suggest that L. niger trail following is poor, with between 60% and 70% accuracy at a T bifurcation. It is hypothesized that the true trail following accuracy is higher, and that the low accuracy reported previously is the result of a methodological error. Specifically, it is hypothesized that ‘task state’ (i.e. what the ants ‘thought they were doing’) affected pheromone following accuracy. In the present study, the task state of the ants is set experimentally to one of three states: scouting (completely naive), recruited (having information that food has been found, but not where it is) and shuttling (having a strong memory of the location of a food source). Trail following accuracy is tested for each group. Trail following is found to be more accurate than previously reported: 83%, 82% and 74% correct decisions for scouts, recruits and shuttlers, respectively. However, the difference between the three groups is not significant. Importantly, very high inter-trial variation is reported both in the present study and in experiments from other research groups. This variation is unexplainable by trail strengths or colony-level differences, and is highlighted as an important factor when experimentally measuring trail following.
We present an interactive visualizer that enables the exploration, measurement, analysis and manipulation of trajectories. Trajectories can be generated either automatically by multi-target tracking algorithms or manually by human annotators. The visualizer helps understanding the behavior of targets, correcting tracking results and quantifying the performance of tracking algorithms. The input video can be overlaid to compare ideal and estimated target locations. The code of the visualizer (C++ with openFrameworks) is open source.
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Noise is universal in information transfer. In animal communication, this presents a challenge not only for intended signal receivers, but also to biologists studying the system. In honey bees, a forager communicates to nestmates the location of an important resource via the waggle dance. This vibrational signal is composed of repeating units (waggle runs) that are then averaged by nestmates to derive a single vector. Manual dance decoding is a powerful tool for studying bee foraging ecology, although the process is time-consuming: a forager may repeat the waggle run 1- >100 times within a dance. It is impractical to decode all of these to obtain the vector; however, intra-dance waggle runs vary, so it is important to decode enough to obtain a good average. Here we examine the variation among waggle runs made by foraging bees to devise a method of dance decoding. The first and last waggle runs within a dance are significantly more variable than the middle run. There was no trend in variation for the middle waggle runs. We recommend that any four consecutive waggle runs, not including the first and last runs, may be decoded, and we show that this methodology is suitable by demonstrating the goodness-of-fit between the decoded vectors from our subsamples with the vectors from the entire dances.
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1. Waggle dances of honey‐bees ( Apis mellifera L.) were decoded to determine where and how far the bees foraged during the blooming of heather ( Calluna vulgaris L.) in August 1996 using a hive located in Sheffield, UK, east of the heather moors. The median distance foraged was 6·1 km, and the mean 5·5 km. Only 10% of the bees foraged within 0·5 km of the hive whereas 50% went more than 6 km, 25% more than 7·5 km and 10% more than 9·5 km from the hive. 2. These results are in sharp contrast with previous studies in which foraging distances were much closer to the hive. In May 1997 the mean foraging distance was 1 km, showing that long‐range dancing is not the rule in Sheffield. 3. The observed foraging distances described in this study may not be exceptional in a patchy environment where differences in patch size and patch quality are large. When travel distances to patches are large, distant patches can probably be utilized only by individuals that live in groups and recruit foragers to the patches found. Only then are the benefits of scouting for distant patches high enough to enable the exploitation of these patches.
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A curious feature of the honeybee's waggle dance is the imprecision in the direction indication for nearby food sources. One hypothesis for the function of this imprecision is that it serves to spread recruits over a certain area and thus is an adaptation to the typical spatial configuration of the bees' food sources, i.e., flowers in sizable patches. We report an experiment that tests this tuned-error hypothesis. We measured the precision of direction indication in waggle dances advertising a nest site (typically a tree cavity, hence a target that is almost a point) and compared it with that of dances advertising a food source (typically a flower patch, hence a target that covers an area). The precision of dances for a nearby nest site was significantly higher than that of dances for an equidistant feeder. This was demonstrated four times with four colonies. Our evidence therefore supports the hypothesis that the level of precision in the direction indication for nearby food sources is tuned to its optimum without being at its maximum.
To understand the foraging strategy of honeybee colonies, we measured certain temporal and spatial patterns in the foraging activities of a colony living in a temperate deciduous forest. We monitored foraging activities by housing the colony in an observation hive and reading its recruitment dances to map its food source patches. We found that the colony routinely foraged several kilometres from its nest (median 1.7 km, 95% of foraging within 6.0 km), frequently (at least daily) adjusted its distribution of foragers on its patches, and worked relatively few patches each day (mean of 9.7 patches accounted for 90% of each day's forage). These foraging patterns, together with prior studies on the mechanisms of honeybee recruitment communication, indicate that the foraging strategy of a honeybee colony involves surveying the food source patches within a vast area around its nest, pooling the reconnaissance of its many foragers, and using this information to focus its forager force on a few high-quality patches within its foraging area.
Karl von Frisch published “Die Tänze der Bienen” in 1946, which demonstrated that successful honey bee foragers perform a stereotyped dance to communicate the location of valuable resources to her nestmates. This discovery proved to be the starting point of many areas of investigation. Here I review some recent advancement in our understanding of the waggle dance.
A summary of 50 years' work on the biology and behavior of honeybees. Liberally illustrated. Harvard Book List (edited) 1971 #215 (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Many social insect species that employ directional recruitment to food finds communicate the location of their targets with seemingly needless imprecision. Here we present evidence that the spatial precision of the honey bees' dance communication has been tuned by selection so that recruits are neither so accurate that they usually find areas which have already been depleted nor so inaccurate that they usually fail to find the advertised resources altogether. First, the bees' distance errors are similar in magnitude to their directional errors, and their angular errors decrease greatly with increasing distance to the target (decreasing more than fourfold between 100 and 700 m). As a result, the absolute scatter of recruits remains relatively constant with changing distance to the target (increasing by less than 50% between 100 and 700 m). This is to be expected if the optimal level of imprecision is the same for distance and direction and does not change with the distance of the target from the nest. Second, comparative studies involving three tropical- and one temperate-zone species (all Apis)suggest that the precision of the bees' languages may have been tuned in accordance with the spatial characteristics of the resources each species uses. We suggest that both the round dance, which conveys no directional information for nearby targets, and the high angular divergence in waggle dances indicating targets within several hundred meters of the colony are both understandable in this context.
The "tuned-error" hypothesis states that natural selection has tuned the divergence angle in the dances of the honey bee to produce an optimal scatter of recruits across a resource. Weidenmüller and Seeley (Behav Ecol Sociobiol 46:190–199, 1999) supported this hypothesis by finding smaller divergence angles in dances indicating potential home sites, which are always point sources, than in dances indicating food sources, which often occur in patches. This study tested for the same effect, but controlled for variables, e.g., substrate and context, that may have confounded those results. When performed on the same substrate, divergence angle does not differ between dances for the two resources. Furthermore, dances performed for food within an observation hive exhibit significantly greater divergence angle when performed on comb (as Weidenmüller and Seeley measured food dances) than on hardware cloth (as they measured home-site dances on a swarm). These findings suggest that the angular variance in direction indication in dances is more likely an artifact of physical constraints, rather than an adaptive modification of a behavior that a bee could perform more precisely.
A mechanical model of a dancing honeybee was used to investigate the role of various components of the wagging dance in the transfer of information to follower bees. The model simulates the dance, carries a scent, and has an acoustic near-field similar to that of live dancers. The movements of the model are controlled by a computer, and selected components of the dance can be manipulated independently of others. The number of bees approaching scented baits at various distances and directions from the hive was observed, both during simulated normal dances and dances in which different components provided potentially conflicting information about the location of the food. The results indicate that the wagging run is the master component of the dance. The figure-of-eight dance path does not seem to convey information. Both sound and wagging must be present in the dance, but no specific roles were found for these components. Both sound and wagging convey information about distance and direction, and they appear to be largely redundant.