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A Framework for Enterprise Resilience Using Service Oriented Architecture Approach


Abstract and Figures

This paper proposes a framework to create enterprise resilience using service oriented architecture approach (SOA). The proposed framework is based on two enablers of enterprise resilience: i) the capability of an enterprise to connect systems, people, processes, and information in a way that allows enterprise to become more connected and responsive to the dynamics of its environment, stakeholders, and competitors; ii) the alignment of information technology and business goals. The former requires inter and intra- enterprise level interoperability and integration, and the latter requires simplification of the underlying technology infrastructure and creation of a consolidated view of, and access to, all available resources in the enterprise that can be attained by well-defined enterprise architecture. Based on these two key enablers, we outline a theoretical model which explains how SOA can help in creating enterprise resilience. This model defines enterprise resilience as a function of enterprise flexibility, adaptability, agility, and efficiency.
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A Framework for Enterprise Resilience
Using Service Oriented Architecture Approach
Ozgur Erol Mo Mansouri Brian Sauser
School of Systems and Enterprises
Stevens Institute of Technology
Hoboken, NJ USA
Abstract-This paper proposes a framework to create enterprise
resilience using service oriented architecture approach (SOA).
The proposed framework is based on two enablers of enterprise
resilience: i) the capability of an enterprise to connect systems,
people, processes, and information in a way that allows enterprise
to become more connected and responsive to the dynamics of its
environment, stakeholders, and competitors; ii) the alignment of
information technology and business goals. The former requires
inter and intra- enterprise level interoperability and integration,
and the latter requires simplification of the underlying
technology infrastructure and creation of a consolidated view of,
and access to, all available resources in the enterprise that can be
attained by well-defined enterprise architecture. Based on these
two key enablers, we outline a theoretical model which explains
how SOA can help in creating enterprise resilience. This model
defines enterprise resilience as a function of enterprise flexibility,
adaptability, agility, and efficiency.
Keywords- Enterprise resilience, enterprise integration,
enterprise architecture, service oriented architecture
Today’s highly competitive global business environment is
dynamic and changing rapidly, creating opportunities and
threats for any enterprise. Enterprises must have the ability to
cope with emerging threats, adapt to turbulent environments,
and still be able to satisfy stakeholder needs in a timely fashion.
From a strategic perspective, enterprises need to develop
strategies to identify the key internal and external factors which
make them vulnerable to foreseen or unforeseen events. While
in most cases the external factors are beyond an enterprise’s
control, internal factors can often be adapted to within a
changing environment. Enterprises not only must have the
ability to rapidly change processes to satisfy emerging business
needs, but they must be capable of maintaining operations
during these potential disruptions. From an operational
perspective, enterprises need to structure themselves and align
their businesses with appropriate technology and be able to
access resources with limited and timely information while
rapidly changing processes to satisfy emerging demands. To
address this, most enterprises depend on interaction and the
sharing of information and resources within and across their
boundaries. This requires a shift from disintegrated and
centralized enterprise structures to more integrated, open and
collaborative enterprise structures [1]. Thus, driven by the need
to deal with disruption, adapt to turbulent environments, cope
with emerging threats, and stay competitive, enterprises are
forced to design their operations, infrastructures, and processes
to be more resilient and flexible.
A. Concept of Resilience
The concept of resilience has gained importance for
engineered systems as a way to address their increasing
complexity and to design systems that are not only more
reliable but also more resilient to withstand unanticipated
failures without catastrophic losses. Resilience is identified as
an inherent attribute of a system in most of the definitions
found in the literature. For example, Holling [2] defines
resilience as a system’s ability to absorb external stresses.
Hollnagel et al. [3] define resilience as a system’s capability to
create foresight, to recognize, to anticipate, and to defend
against the changing shape of risk before adverse consequences
occur. According to Rose and Liao[4], resilience refers to the
inherent ability and adaptive responses of systems that enable
them to avoid potential losses. Westrum [5] defines resilience
as the result of a system of preventing adverse consequences,
minimizing adverse consequences, and recovering quickly
from adverse consequences. Dalziell and McManus [6] define
resilience as a system’s overreaching goal of continuing to
function to the fullest possible extent in the face of stress to
achieve its purpose. Haimes et al. [7] suggest that resilience is
the ability of the system to withstand a major disruption within
acceptable degradation parameters and to recover within an
acceptable cost and time. Van Opstal [8] defines resilience as
the capacity for complex systems to survive, adapt, evolve and
grow in the face of turbulent change.
B. Defining Enterprise Resilience
The organizational literature has widely used the term
resilience [9]; [10]; [11]; [12]; [13]. According to Vogus and
Sutcliffe [9], organizational resilience is defined as the
maintenance of positive adjustment under challenging
conditions such that the organization emerges from those
conditions strengthened and more resourceful. Accordingly,
creating organizational resilience is associated with the people
and management concerns [9]; [14]; [11]. We integrate
organizational and other resilience descriptions to adapt a wider
perspective of enterprise resilience than is defined in any of
these domains independently or additively. Fundamental to our
IEEE SysCon 2009 —3rd Annual IEEE International Systems Conference, 2009
Vancouver, Canada, March 23–26, 2009
9781-4244-3463-3/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE
Authorized licensed use limited to: Stevens Institute of Technology. Downloaded on August 14, 2009 at 13:10 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
exploration into resilient enterprises is that we are attempting to
take a systems’ view of enterprise. Thus, by considering the
system’s lens, we define an enterprise as a complex system
consisting of people, processes, information systems, and
technology infrastructure, with the goal of producing goods or
services using physical, financial, and human resources [15];
Gallopin [17] discusses enterprise resilience as an
enterprise’s adaptive capacity and its ability to cope with, adapt
to and recover after a disruption. He also articulates how well
an enterprise can decrease the level of its vulnerability to
expected and unexpected risks, how flexible it is to reorganize
itself despite its changing environment, and how effective it
may be in recovering in the least possible time and at the least
possible expense [17]. He states that in order to adjust to
potential risks and tolerate the disruptions, enterprises are
required to reduce the complexity of their infrastructures [17].
Key to being able to achieve this and assessing the
vulnerabilities embedded within the enterprise elements is
understanding the interrelationships and interdependencies
between the business processes, information, and the
supporting technologies within the enterprises [18].
Sheffi and Rice [19] describe creating a resilient enterprise
as a strategic initiative that changes the way an enterprise
operates and that increases its competitiveness. They suggest
that enterprise resilience can be achieved by reducing
vulnerability, by creating redundancy, and by increasing
flexibility. Reducing vulnerability depends on reducing the
risk—the likelihood of a disruption [20]; [19]. The ability to
bounce back when a disruption occurs, as described earlier, can
be defined by the adaptive capacity of the enterprise and its
redundancy or increasing flexibility [19]. Sheffi and Rice [19]
also describe resilience as a function of its competitive position
and the responsiveness of its supply chain.
C. Relative Concepts of Enterprise Resilience
1) Resilience and Disruptive Events
Disruptive events are defined as random events caused by
internal and external factors affecting a system that have a
negative impact on system operations. Any disruptive event
affects the performance of the system [19] and creates a short
or long term impact. Sheffi and Rice [19] define eight phases
for disruptive events: preparation, occurrence of a disruptive
event, first response, initial impact, time of full impact,
preparation for recovery, recovery, and long term impact. The
resilience of the system depends on how much change there is
to the performance of the system during these phases, and the
time spent from the first impact of the disruptive event to the
full recovery. The preparation phase is the time period in
which the system can foresee and prepare for the disruptive
event. This phase is also important for increasing system’s
ability to bounce back from a disruption.
2) Resilience and Vulnerability
Resilience of a system is measured by the level of its
vulnerability to a specific risk [21]; [20]. Vulnerability is
defined as being at risk and the likelihood of having disruptions
[20]. The literature suggests that reducing the vulnerabilities
has positive impact on the resilience of a system [21]; [19].
Reducing vulnerability means reducing the likelihood of a
disruption and increasing resilience means the ability to bounce
back from a disruption. Sheffi and Rice [19] define the level of
vulnerability as the probability of the occurrence of a
disruption and the level of its consequences.
3) Resilience and Adaptive Capacity
Adaptive capacity is a concept that has been frequently
associated with characterizing resilience [6]; [22]; [18]; [23];
[24]; [17]. For example, Gallopin [17] defines resilience as a
system’s adaptive capacity which relates to the ability to cope
with, adapt to and recover after a disruption. In order to
enhance resilience, some have said that adaptive capacity
should be increased both before and after a problem is detected.
Thus, Stevenson and Spring [24] define adaptive capacity as
the system’s response to the changes in its environment.
Dalziell and McManus [6] identify adaptive capacity along
with vulnerability as a metric to evaluate resilience. Adaptive
capacity has been related to concepts of robustness, agility, and
adaptability [25]; [20]. Robustness characterizes an ability to
be insensitive towards changing environments, and agility
indicates an ability to change rapidly. Likewise, adaptability
shows an ability to adapt towards changing environments while
delivering the intended functionality under varying operating
conditions [25].
4) Resilience and Flexibility
Flexibility has become an emerging construct of resilience
in the literature [7]; [24]; [19]. Such context regarding
resilience suggests that the adaptive capacity of a system in the
case of a disruption can be increased by designing, planning,
and building flexibility in systems [26]; [27]; [19]. Flexibility
can be defined as the ability of a system to adapt to the
changing requirements of its environment and its stakeholders
with minimum time and effort [28]; [29]. Fiksel [22] defines
flexibility as a major system characteristic that contributes to
resilience. Helaakoski [30] relates flexibility to agility and
adaptability suggesting that flexibility is a system’s ability to
rapidly adapt to its changing environment. Hu et al. [31] use
flexibility to define resilience and states that resilience is a
system’s ability to bounce back from disruptions and disasters
by building in redundancy and flexibility.
5) Resilience and Agility
Agility has been used in conjunction with flexibility as a
defining attribute of resilience [32]; [27]; [33]. Agility
characterizes a system’s ability to be changed rapidly [25].
Helaakoski defines agility as the system’s ability to respond to
changes in an uncertain and changing environment [30].
According to Christopher and Peck, resilience involves agility
and it helps a system to rapidly reorganize itself against the
changing environment [20]. Dalziell and McManus relate
agility to high resilience [6], while Morello [34] suggests that
agility may introduce new risks and vulnerabilities which result
in lower resilience.
This framework relates enterprise resilience to the effective
use of enterprise systems. The success of enterprises today is
highly dependent of the enterprise systems that support them
[35]; [36]. Although several other terms are used in the
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literature, namely enterprise applications, information systems
and enterprise information systems, we use the term enterprise
systems to refer to the enterprise-wide information systems and
applications which support business functions, processes,
operations, and services of the enterprise [36]. Information and
connectivity are two essential elements of resilience [37].
Creating resilience relies on perceiving environmental change
quickly and implementing adaptive responses early [38].
Effective use of enterprise systems can provide timely
information and faster decision-making abilities that result in
increased flexibility, agility, and adaptability, all of which are
supporting attributes of resilience [30]; [22]; [29]; [7].
Figure 1. Framework for Creating Enterprise Resilience
This framework suggests two key enablers of enterprise
resilience as shown in Figure 1. First enabler is the capability
of an enterprise to connect people, processes, and information
in a way that allows enterprise to become more flexible and
responsive to the dynamics of its environment, stakeholders,
and competitors. Such connectivity requires integration within
the enterprise and across the partners, suppliers, and customers
of the enterprise. Second enabler is alignment of information
technology and business goals. Attaining this requires
simplification of the underlying technology infrastructure and
creation of a consolidated view of, and access to, all available
resources in the enterprise. A well-defined enterprise
architecture provides a simple and consolidated view of the
enterprise and supports the integration and connectivity at inter
and intra enterprise levels.
A. Enterprise Integration, Interoperability, and Connectivity
Enterprise Integration connects and combines people,
processes, systems, and technologies [35] to ensure the correct
people, processes, information and resources all come together
at the right times. Enterprise integration helps to establish a
technology infrastructure that seamlessly links its complex
enterprise systems in to a homogenous system so that the
processes and the data can be shared across the company, with
business partners, and with customers [39]; [40]; [41]; [42]. In
general, enterprise integration involves process integration,
applications/systems integration, and data integration [43];
[44]; [45]. Data integration is defined as the basic level of
enterprise integration. Data integration requires semantic
compatibility and exchange of information on the data level
[45]; [39]. As a result of data integration, heterogeneous
applications can exchange information and compatibility can
be achieved between business processes and
applications/systems [39]. Process integration is defined as
integration of business processes across multiple systems and
environments within or across enterprises [46]; [47]. Process
integration increases the efficiency of the enterprise and its
ability to compete in terms of its agility, cost, and service
capabilities [44]. Another level of enterprise integration
involves the integration of enterprise systems. Enterprise
systems integration focuses on information and data integration
at application level [48]; [49]; [47]. The primary purpose of
enterprise systems integration is to integrate enterprise systems
and resources, so they can easily access or share business
processes and exchange data [50]; [51]; [52].
B. Enterprise Architecture
Enterprise architecture is an important instrument in
addressing the alignment of business and technology and
achieving enterprise integration [53]; [54]. Enterprise
architecture is a high-level definition of the data, applications,
and technology needed to support the business [40] that
provides a common view of both the primary resources of any
enterprise (people, processes and technology), and how they
integrate to provide the primary drivers of the enterprise [55].
According to ANSI/IEEE Standard 1471-2000 [56],
architecture is defined as the “fundamental organization of a
system, embodied in its components, their relationships to each
other and the environment, and the principles governing its
design and evolution” [56]. Zachman [57] describes enterprise
architecture as a model and states that it is a set of descriptive
representations that are relevant for describing an enterprise so
that it can be produced to management’s requirements and
maintained over the period of its useful life. A well-defined
and readily available enterprise architecture supports enterprise
integration by enabling the common view of business
processes, data, and systems across the enterprise and its
partners[58]; [59]; [60]; [61]. It is foundational for planning
enterprise integration [62];[63]; [40] and aligning technology to
business processes. It is also an important tool to create
connectivity within the extended enterprise and help achieve
agility and flexibility[30]; [53].
C. Service Oriented Architecture
Enterprise resilience requires interoperability and
integration between the processes, systems, and underlying
technology across business partners. Service oriented
architecture is a widely accepted software architecture
approach in enterprise information systems development and
enterprise integration [64]. SOA is known to overcome
integration and interoperability issues. SOA is a technology
initiative which requires a software architecture approach
where basic element of design and development is a service
[65]. SOA simplifies the development of enterprise
applications as modular, reusable business services that are
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easily integrated, changed and maintained. SOA facilitates
aligning existing information technology infrastructure and
systems to achieve end-to-end enterprise integration by
removing redundancies, generating collaboration tools, and
streamlining information technology processes. By adopting
an SOA approach and implementing it using supporting
technologies, companies can build flexible systems that
implement changing business processes quickly, and make
extensive use of reusable components [66]. SOA supports an
information environment built upon loosely coupled, reusable,
standards-based services. Increased interoperability, increased
business and technology domain alignment, increased return-
on-investment, and increased organizational agility are all
benefits of SOA approach [67].
D. Creating Enterprise Resilience Using SOA Approach
In the previous sections, we discussed the concepts which
provide a foundation for our framework to create enterprise
resilience. This section summarizes our theoretical model
which explains the relationship between the attributes of
service oriented architecture and enterprise resilience.
We define enterprise resilience and enterprise flexibility as
a function of agility, efficiency, and adaptability. We define
enterprise flexibility as the ability of enterprise to adapt to
changing business and stakeholder requirements more
efficiently, easily and quickly. In this definition, we emphasize
efficiency, agility, and adaptability. Efficiency is related to
optimal use of resources. Agility is related to timely and faster
response to rapidly changing business requirements.
Adaptability is the ability of an enterprise to respond to the
changing business requirements and to change its business
processes. Adaptability is associated by integration of new and
existing systems and processes. Enterprise flexibility requires
the integration of business processes and systems within the
enterprise and across the partners of the enterprise. Alignment
of business processes and information technology is also an
enabling factor for enterprise flexibility which requires simple
and manageable enterprise architecture.
Table 1 lists the attributes of SOA, business outcome of
each attribute, and each attribute’s impact on agility, efficiency
and adaptability.
Table 1 Enterprise Resilience Using SOA Approach
SOA Enterprise Resilience
Attributes of SOA Business Outcome Agility Efficiency Adaptability
SOA enables the development
of applications as reusable and
modular business services
Applications which are
developed as reusable and
modular services make them
easy to be integrated, changed
and maintained.
Agility is obtained as a
result of timely
response to the
changing business
Reusable services
provide cost savings
Applications which are developed
Reusable and modular services
can easily be changed to support
emerging business needs and
SOA promotes loose-coupling.
Loose coupling is an attribute
of systems, referring to an
approach of designing
interfaces to reduce the
interdependencies across
modules or components.
This approach minimizes the
interdependencies between
applications. Adding new
applications or modules or
replacing modules and
changing operations within
individual business processes
do not impact the other
applications or modules.
The risk of
unanticipated changes
due to a change in
another business
application will be
minimized. This will
enable faster
modifications to
business application
resulting in agility.
Due to minimized
risk and time of
change, efficiency
will be obtained.
Enterprise will respond to
changing business requirement
maximizing its adaptability.
Adaptability, efficiency and
agility will result in higher
enterprise flexibility.
SOA enables reusability of
existing applications
Rather than developing
applications from scratch,
companies can utilize existing
functionality and create new
solutions by assembling
component applications from
existing and new technology.
This attribute enables
rapid deployment of
new solutions.
Use of existing
functionality provides
cost savings.
Enterprise can respond to
changing business needs,
resulting in higher enterprise
SOA promotes development
and use of standards-based
services. Standard-based
services leverage the
integration of new and existing
applications and enterprise
Use of standards provides
interoperability between
applications and systems,
regardless of their technology
or location. As a result, lower
cost and shorter time-to-
market will be obtained.
Shorter development
and integration of
applications will
increase the agility.
Lower cost of
development and
deployment due to
support of universal
standards will
increase the
Shorter time to market, shorter
integration times will enable the
faster response to emerging
business requirements. Obtained
agility and efficiency will result
in higher enterprise flexibility.
SOA requires use of self-
contained services. Having
self-contained services means
that the state of each service
does not depend upon the state
of another service.
SOA speeds time through
parallel development. Since
each service is self-contained
and does not depend upon the
state of another service, sub-
systems can be developed
This provides faster
development or
modification of sub-
systems. Agility
Through the use of
resources optimally,
efficiency is
Faster and efficient response to
new business requirements
increases the adaptability of the
enterprise, resulting in higher
enterprise flexibility.
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SOA Enterprise Resilience
Attributes of SOA Business Outcome Agility Efficiency Adaptability
SOA requires wrapping of
applications with well-defined
interfaces. This process turns
applications into a set of
services. The wrapping process
creates an abstraction layer that
hides all the complex details of
the applications.
As a result the services can be
integrated with any other
application easily. The
integration of the applications
will not depend on the
language, operating system,
or database the application
Easy integration of
applications enables
faster response to
business changes. New
applications can be
integrated rapidly into
existing systems
without any
This will help to
economic use of
existing and legacy
systems. The
economic life of
legacy systems will
be longer which will
provide cost savings.
Ease of integration with new and
existing systems will increase the
ability of enterprises to respond to
new business requirements
efficiently and rapidly. Higher
enterprise flexibility will be
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... Therefore, in today age where changing and uncertainty play an important part, continuing the organization's life at the time of a hazard strike requires rapid recovery, getting back to the initial state, and learning from experience. The ability of an organization to mitigate vulnerability of threats, the ability to change itself and adapt to changes in the surrounding environment, and the ability to recover when a disaster strikes in the shortest time as possible are essential prerequisites referred in the literature as organizational resilience [23]. A resilient supply chain is ready to deal with shocks, hazards and risks and retain its performance under challenging conditions. ...
... Some researchers consider resilience as a necessity for organizations when coming across obstacles [13,32]. Other researchers have defined organizational resilience as a function of specific capabilities or abilities [22,23,46] identified flexibility, adaptability, agility, and efficiency as the components of organizational resilience [23]. These capabilities are based on coping with changes, shocks, or environmental risks [45]. ...
... Some researchers consider resilience as a necessity for organizations when coming across obstacles [13,32]. Other researchers have defined organizational resilience as a function of specific capabilities or abilities [22,23,46] identified flexibility, adaptability, agility, and efficiency as the components of organizational resilience [23]. These capabilities are based on coping with changes, shocks, or environmental risks [45]. ...
Since the financial crisis of 2008, financial resiliency has gradually become a crucial tools employed by supply chains worldwide to resist external risks and shocks. Risks and shocks sometimes creating a turbulent environment can vary in intensity and frequency and may be attributed to a system's internal or external factors. Resilience is defined as the capacity to withstand risks that are more significant, rapid recovery after risks, and reduced degradation by virtue of a certain number of hazards. Financial resiliency focuses on how an organization efficiently deploys the remaining financial resources and invests in maintenance and reconstruction strategies to accelerate the recovery process. This study aims to identify and classify the criteria for measuring supply chain financial resilience using the hybrid Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) and intuitive fuzzy DEMATEL technique with interval values (IVIF-DEMATEL). For this purpose, by reviewing the literature, 29 criteria of supply chain financial resiliency were identified, and after screening by FDM, 12 criteria were finalized. In the next step, the desired criteria were classified into two category, and the importance of each was determined.
... This approach is inherent in the organismic and pathological approach of complex systems governance (CSG) modelling developed by Keating et al. (2019) (Keating and Bradley 2015, Katina 2016, Katina et al. 2020. Rouhani et al. (2015) and Erol, Mansouri, and Sauser (2009) outline EAs' limited capabilities when it comes to systems' lifecycle development. Woods (2017) highlights a unique role of resilience in enabling the enterpriser to deal with unanticipated perturbations that call into question the model of competence, and demand a shift of processes, strategies and coordination; akin to the evolution in the CSG model. ...
... The authors, however, continue that existing EA frameworks do not give relevance to the activities that contribute most to business resilience and the touching points with other enterprise-wide processes to guarantee that an enterprise's resilience requirements are met. Erol, Mansouri, and Sauser (2009) state that simple and manageable EA is required to support the integration of business processes and systems within the enterprise and across the partners of the enterprise, as well as an alignment of business processes and information technology; all ultimately contributing to achieving enterprise resilience: 'EA is already designed to support resilience requirements, it just needs a simple resilience framework to be able to 'flesh', design for, monitor and control it'. Current EA approaches are therefore limited with respect to uncertainty that is necessary in system resilience requirements, especially when compared to the CSG model and pathologies. ...
The research literature has found current Enterprise Architecture (EA) methods are limited in dealing with uncertainty and pathologies of complex systems to enable design and operation of a resilient enterprise. To some extent, EAs’ approaches persist in applying textbook plans and activities in the face of mounting evidence of changing circumstances and the challenges of uncertainty. They rely on a qualitative shift in assessment, priorities, or response strategy, that often lead to a ‘failure to adapt adequately.’ To address this gap in EA resilience representation, we have combined several prior research proposals to produce a wholistic Department of Defence Architecture Framework (DoDAF) resilience architecture and enhanced that with our original underpinning resilience framework. Despite still being in an ongoing major case study, our comprehensive resilience representation shows promise of assisting all enterprise stakeholders with adapting this representation to their capability systems. Doing so will better incorporate resilience considerations in capability systems’ design and likely help capability stakeholders to evolve capability systems with appropriate levels of resilience throughout their life cycle.
... Membangun kapasitas adaptif adalah pendakatan untuk meraih efektifitas organisasi dinamis yang paling tepat Staber dan Sydow (2002). Sebuah sistem yang semakin adaptif kerentanannya akan semakin kecil (Waters, & Adger, 2017;Erol et al., 2009). Menurut Luers et al (2003) kapsitas adapotif sebuah sistem mampu mengurangi kerentanan yang muncul melalui tiga cara, pertama, turunkan sensitivitas pada gangguang yang memiliki level tertinggi, kedua, kurangi perluasan sistem dari gangguang, dan terakhir geser posisi sistem relatif dari tingkat kerusakan. ...
Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan instrumen untuk menilai faktor organisasi yang mendukung dan meningkatkan kapasitas adaptif dalam sistem yang kompleks. Studi ini akan mengatasi masalah kapasitas adaptif dalam sistem yang kompleks dari perspektif organisasi. Untuk mengukur kemampuan sistem yang kompleks untuk menavigasi kejadian buruk melalui adaptif, penelitian ini dibangun berdasarkan kapasitas literatur sebelumnya. Sistem yang kompleks harus adaptif, bertahan dan berkembang. Kapasitas adaptif memungkinkan sistem untuk beradaptasi dan mengatasi kondisi baru untuk mengembangkan instrumen untuk menilai faktor organisasi dalam meningkatkan kapasitas adaptif dalam sistem yang kompleks. Studi ini menggunakan grounded theory dalam menganalisis kumpulan data dari berbagai sumber, antara lain artikel jurnal, publikasi pemerintah, dan laporan investigasi. Metode penelitian ini merupakan metodologi empat langkah yang dimulai dari proses koding teori grounded, mengkonseptualisasikan faktor organisasi, mengembangkan instrumen penilaian, dan diakhiri dengan tahap validasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah instrumen penilaian yang telah divalidasi oleh para ahli yang dapat diterapkan di berbagai industri yang mencakup faktor-faktor utama yang ada di semua organisasi modern, serta panduan bagi pengambil keputusan untuk mengambil keputusan yang tepat berdasarkan hasil penilaian. Instrumen penelitian terdiri dari tiga puluh delapan kriteria yang dikelompokkan ke dalam sembilan kategori, kemudian temuan penelitian divalidasi. Kontribusi penelitian ini tidak terbatas pada pengembangan teori tetapi merambah ke dunia nyata. Instrumen yang dikembangkan berdasarkan kriteria turunan berfungsi sebagai instrumen untuk mengukur tingkat kesiapsiagaan organisasi yang kompleks dalam menghadapi kejadian buruk dan menguji kemampuan mereka untuk beradaptasi dengan setiap gangguan. Dengan demikian, pengambil keputusan akan dapat mengungkap kekuatan dan kelemahan organisasi dan mengambil tindakan yang diperlukan. Kajian penelitian ini berfokus pada faktor organisasi yang tidak memasukkan unsur teknis dan sosioteknis karena beberapa dimensi ini unik untuk industri tertentu, sehingga untuk penelitian selanjutnya, kapasitas adaptif dapat diperluas ke area lain dalam industri tertentu.
... SOA aims to provide cost effective flexible solution to business organizations [2,3]. However, SOA had not gained an extreme popularity until the emerging of web service technology in early 2000s [4]. Since that time, web service became the main trend to implement SOA systems [5]. ...
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Abstract: Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) has emerged as a promising architectural style that provides software applications with high level of flexibility and reusability. However, in several cases where legacy software components are wrapped to be used as web services the final solution does not completely satisfy the SOA aims of flexibility and reusability. The literature review and the industrial applications show that SOA lacks a formal definition and measurement for optimal granularity of web services. Indeed, wrapping several business functionalities as a coarse-grained web services lacks reusability and flexibility. On the other hand, a huge number of fine-grained web services results in a high coupling between services and large size messages transferred over the Internet. The main research question still concerns with “How to determine an optimal level of service granularity when wrapping business functionalities as web services?” This research proposes the Snowball framework as a promising approach to integrate and compose web services. The framework is made up three-step process. The process uses the rules in deciding the web services that have an optimal granularity that maintains the required performance. To demonstrate and evaluate the framework, we realized a car insurance application that was already implemented by a traditional approach. The results show the efficiency of snowball framework over other approaches. Keywords: Service oriented architecture (SOA); web service granularity; web service composition; software flexibility; snowball composition framework
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Bu çalışma, esneklik ile acil ve beklenmedik durum adaptasyonunu arasındaki ilişkiye odaklanarak bu ilişkide korkuya rağmen ısrarın düzenleyici rolünü ortaya koymayı amaçlamıştır. Nevşehir ilinde faaliyette bulunan seyahat acentaları yöneticisi 308 kişiden elde edilen verilerin hiyerarşik regresyon ile analizi sonucunda, esnekliğin acil ve beklenmedik durum adaptasyonu üzerindeki pozitif etkisi belirlenerek bu ilişkide korkuya rağmen ısrarın düzenleyici etkisi olduğu ortaya konmuştur. Kaynakların Korunması Teorisi (KKT) ve Planlanmış Davranış Teorisi’nden (PDT) yararlanan bu çalışma, hem esnekliğin hem de korkuya rağmen ısrarın önemli etkilerini doğrulamaktadır. Araştırma bulguları örgütsel alanda faaliyet gösteren yönetici ve girişimcilerin çevrenin oluşturduğu dengesiz ve belirsiz durumlarda karşılaşılabilecek acil ve öngörülemeyen durumlar karşısında pozitif kişilik özelliklerinden faydalandıklarını göstermektedir. Esneklik ve ısrarın bu zorlukları aşmaya, bunalım durumlarından hızla geri dönmeye, zor koşullarda dahi yönetici ve girişimcilerin devam etmelerine yardımcı olarak girişim başarısına katkıda bulunduğu ortaya konmuştur.
The objective of this chapter is to analyze the implications of organizational resilience capability and capacity building and development processes and the posed challenges to its design and implementation. It is based on the conceptual and theoretical assumptions underpinning the capabilities of resilience that can be learned and designed by organizations to be implemented and applied to adverse conditions. These underlying assumptions affect the organizational resilience capabilities building. It is concluded that building and development organizational resilience capabilities processes has increased the research agenda on the theoretical and conceptual literature and the notions, factors, elements, and challenges.
This chapter analyzes the adaptive resilience capacity as an organizational strategy. It is assumed that the development of organizational resilience capabilities can support the transformation and adaptation strategies aimed to enhance the socio ecosystem services. One of the organizational capabilities is organizational resilience assuming that adverse conditions have an impact on the organization which may remain vulnerable unless it learns new capabilities and actions, adapts to access changing resources, and creates iteratively new forms and opportunities with the available resources. It is concluded that a strategic adaptive capacity approach to organizational resilience supports the design and implementation of more flexible and progressive strategies to face any kind of environmental disturbances, crises, and shocks to become more competitive in the global marketplace environment.
The objective of this chapter is to analyze the implications of organizational resilience capability and capacity building and development processes and the posed challenges to its design and implementation. It is based on the conceptual and theoretical assumptions underpinning the capabilities of resilience that can be learned and designed by organizations to be implemented and applied to adverse conditions. These underlying assumptions affect the organizational resilience capabilities building. It is concluded that building and developing organizational resilience capabilities has increased the research agenda on the theoretical and conceptual literature and the notions, factors, elements, and challenges.
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So, you want your organization to be resilient? Resilience is more than a fancy word for adapting your organization to its environment For an organization to be resilient, it needs people who can respond quickly and effectively to change while enduring minimal stress. More and more, these positive adaptive capabilities are what differentiate the competition. Advice on organizational resilience has been slight, but child psychologists and crisis management specialists have been working on these con-cepts for years. anagement implications and principles for improving organizational resilience are offered based on this review of resilience research and practice.
By examining the links and interactions between elements of a system, systems thinking is becoming increasingly relevant when dealing with global challenges, from terrorism to energy to healthcare. Addressing these seemingly intractable systems problems in our society, Systems Thinking: Coping with 21st Century Problems focuses on the inherent opportunities and difficulties of a systems approach. Taking an engineering systems view toward systems thinking, the authors place a high value on the thinking process and the things applied to this process. In the hopes of initiating critical thinking and encouraging a systems response to problems, the book provides pragmatic mechanisms to understand and address co-evolving systems problems and solutions. It uses several contemporary and complex societal issues, such as the Iraq war, the Google phenomenon, and the C2 Constellation, to illustrate the concepts, methods, and tools of a system as well as the meaning of togetherness in a system. The text also interweaves the meanings of complexity, paradox, and system to promote the improvement of difficult situations. Featuring a holistic, nonlinear way of looking at systems, this book helps readers better organize and structure their thinking of systems in order to solve complex, real-world problems.
This Handbook is about methods, tools and examples of how to architect an enterprise through considering all life cycle aspects of Enterprise Entities (such as individual enterprises, enterprise networks, virtual enterprises, projects and other complex systems including a mixture of automated and human processes). The book is based on ISO15704:2000, or the GERAM Framework (Generalised Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodology) that generalises the requirements of Enterprise Reference Architectures. Various Architecture Frameworks (PERA, CIMOSA, Grai-GIM, Zachman, C4ISR/DoDAF) are shown in light of GERAM to allow a deeper understanding of their contributions and therefore their correct and knowledgeable use. The handbook addresses a wide variety of audience, and covers methods and tools necessary to design or redesign enterprises, as well as to structure the implementation into manageable projects.
ICEIMT '97 is the second International Conference on Enterprise Integration and Modeling Technology. Like the first, it is the main event of a European-US initiative on building consensus in enterprise engineering and integration - supported in Europe by Esprit and in the USA by DOC/NIST. These proceedings contain papers presented at the conference and at five international workshops preceding the conference. The workshops addressed integration issues related to people and organization, metrics and standardization, applications, fundamentals and principles, and users and vendors. The conference papers present points of view of users, vendors, and researchers, the current state of research and development worldwide, and the needs to be identified and summarized in project proposals.
A comprehensive systems approach is essential for effective decision making with regard to global sustainability, since industrial, social, and ecological systems are closely linked. Despite efforts to reduce unsustainability, global resource consumption continues to grow. There is an urgent need for a better understanding of the dynamic, adaptive behavior of complex systems and their resilience in the face of disruptions, recognizing that steady-state sustainability models are simplistic. However, assessing the broad impacts of policy and technology choices is a formidable challenge, as exemplified in life-cycle analysis of the implications of alternative energy and mobility technologies. A number of research groups are using dynamic modeling techniques, including biocomplexity, system dynamics, and thermodynamic analysis, to investigate the impacts on ecological and human systems of major shifts such as climate change and the associated policy and technology responses. These techniques can yield at least a partial understanding of dynamic system behavior, enabling a more integrated approach to systems analysis, beneficial intervention, and improvement of resilience. Recommendations are provided for continued research to achieve progress in the dynamic modeling and sustainable management of complex systems.
The concept of resilience has evolved considerably since Holling's (1973) seminal paper. Different interpretations of what is meant by resilience, however, cause confusion. Resilience of a system needs to be considered in terms of the attributes that govern the system's dynamics. Three related attributes of social-ecological systems (SESs) determine their future trajectories: resilience, adaptability, and transformability. Resilience (the capacity of a system to absorb disturbance and reorganize while undergoing change so as to still retain essentially the same function, structure, identity, and feedbacks) has four components-latitude, resistance, precariousness, and panarchy-most readily portrayed using the metaphor of a stability landscape. Adaptability is the capacity of actors in the system to influence resilience (in a SES, essentially to manage it). There are four general ways in which this can be done, corresponding to the four aspects of resilience. Transformability is the capacity to create a fundamentally new system when ecological, economic, or social structures make the existing system untenable. The implications of this interpretation of SES dynamics for sustainability science include changing the focus from seeking optimal states and the determinants of maximum sustainable yield (the MSY paradigm), to resilience analysis, adaptive resource management, and adaptive governance.