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Initial review of methods for cascading failure analysis in electric power transmission systems IEEE PES CAMS task force on understanding, prediction, mitigation and restoration of cascading failures



Large blackouts are typically caused by cascading failure propagating through a power system by means of a variety of processes. Because of the wide range of time scales, multiple interacting processes, and the huge number of possible interactions, the simulation and analysis of cascading blackouts is extremely complicated. This paper defines cascading failure for blackouts and gives an initial review of the current understanding, industrial tools, and the challenges and emerging methods of analysis and simulation.
Initial review of methods for cascading failure
analysis in electric power transmission systems
IEEE PES CAMS Task Force on Understanding, Prediction, Mitigation and Restoration of Cascading Failures
Abstract—Large blackouts are typically caused by cascading
failure propagating through a power system by means of a
variety of processes. Because of the wide range of time scales,
multiple interacting processes, and the huge number of possible
interactions, the simulation and analysis of cascading blackouts
is extremely complicated. This paper defines cascading failure for
blackouts and gives an initial review of the current understand-
ing, industrial tools, and the challenges and emerging methods
of analysis and simulation.
Large blackouts generally involve complicated and cascad-
ing chains of events. The diverse phenomena involved in these
cascades are explained in accounts of major blackouts such
as [42], [48], [65], [87], [49], [84], [88]. Large blackouts,
although infrequent, are costly to society with estimates of
direct costs up to billions of dollars. There are also indirect
costs such as possible social disruptions and the propagation of
failures into other infrastructures such as communications, wa-
ter supply, natural gas, and transportation. The vital importance
of electric power to our society motivates continued attention
to maintaining power system reliability and developing new
methods to manage the risks of cascading blackouts.
We define cascading failure as a sequence of dependent
failures of individual components that successively weakens the
power system. This definition is consistent with the usage in
[10]. It differs from [75], who limit their definition to failures
that propagate between infrastructures.
In our definition we view the power system as including
not only the many physical components but also the software,
procedures, people, and organizations that design, operate,
and regulate the power system. While the initial failure can
usually be considered as being a random event, a causal link
exists between the subsequent events. The nature of this link
varies. In some cases it is “electrical” (e.g. when the loss of
components causes other components to become overloaded).
It can also be due to control or protection devices (both
hardware and software) that react correctly or incorrectly to
previous events. Finally, it can involve human operators that
take inappropriate actions or fail to take action either due to
lack of training, the unavailability of support tools, lack of sit-
uational awareness, or inappropriate procedures. These causal
links are often “hidden” in the sense that they do not manifest
themselves until some event exposes their existence. The best
known example is hidden failures in protection relays that
disconnect components unnecessarily when there is a fault.
Authors are Ross Baldick, Badrul Chowdhury, Ian Dobson (task lead),
Zhaoyang Dong, Bei Gou, David Hawkins, Henry Huang, Manho Joung,
Daniel Kirschen, Fangxing Li, Juan Li, Zuyi Li, Chen-Ching Liu, Lamine
Mili, Stephen Miller, Robin Podmore, Kevin Schneider, Kai Sun, David Wang,
Zhigang Wu, Pei Zhang (task force chair), Wenjie Zhang, Xiaoping Zhang.
Consider checking combinations of failures in a power sys-
tem model with ncomponents. For practical models for large
blackouts, nis in the thousands or tens of thousands. Checking
for single failures requires only ncases to be checked, but
checking for combinations of ksuccessive failures requires nk
cases to be checked, which rapidly becomes infeasible even
with the fastest computers for modest values of k. But large
blackouts can involve cascades of tens to hundreds of events.
It is clear that exhaustively checking all possible combinations
of cascading failures that could lead to blackouts in practical
power system models is computationally infeasible.
Because considerable effort is devoted to mitigating the
likely and foreseen causes of failure, there is a tendency for
blackouts to involve rare, unexpected or unforeseen events or
combinations of events. There are a huge number of such
events. Although each particular blackout can be explained
(with effort) as a causal chain of events after it occurs, it is
not feasible to identify all possible causes before the blackout.
Although there is a tendency to think that all blackouts
happen during peak load days, the reality is that many
blackouts occur during “shoulder” periods (spring and fall).
During these periods, the grid operators typically have many
facilities that are out of service for maintenance, repair, new
construction or replacement. While the outage of each facility
looks acceptable, the combination of these outages changes
the power flows and dynamic characteristics of the system.
The result may be a much higher probability of a cascading
outage due to the unexpected forced outage of other pieces of
equipment or operating mistakes.
Cascading phenomena are complicated because of the diver-
sity of failures and the many different mechanisms by which
failures can interact. There are varying modeling requirements
and timescales (milliseconds for electromechanical effects and
tens of minutes for voltage support and thermal heating).
Combinations of several of types of failures and interactions
can typically occur in large blackouts, including cascading
overloads, failures of protection equipment, transient insta-
bility, forced or unforced initiating outages, reactive power
problems and voltage collapse, software, communication, and
operational errors, mismatch between planning studies and
operational environment, rare and unusual failures or combi-
nations of failures, operating mistakes and lack of situational
awareness. Most work in power system security analysis has so
far focused on only one of these aspects of cascading failures.
While this approach has made possible impressive advances in
understanding of each aspect, it does not provide a framework
for understanding the overall phenomenon.
Since an exhaustive computation of all possible combina-
©2008 IEEE.
tions of failures is infeasible, and making a very detailed
model of all possible failures and their interactions is beyond
the state-of-the-art, compromises are needed in modeling and
analyzing cascading failure, such as
Analyze the detailed failures and interactions in a single
blackout after it occurs.
Analyze a selection of most probable or high risk failures.
Statistically model the overall progression of cascading
failures, while neglecting details of the interactions.
Analyze a simplified power system model to explain
the bulk properties of cascading failures, rather than
modeling all of the equipment in detail.
Analyze one or only a few of the cascading mechanisms.
Analyze only an initial part of the sequence of failures;
for example, up to a point of “no return.
Use real time information about the current power system
configuration and the progress of the cascade (if slow
enough) to help limit the possibilities to be considered.
In North America, the North American Electric Reliability
Corporation (NERC) and its predecessor organizations have
had standards that address cascading outages since the late
1960s. Until 2005, these standards were voluntary and relied
on peer pressure and consensus for implementation. Driven
by the 2003 blackout, the Energy Policy Act of 2005 created
the basis for mandatory standards, enforcement and penalties.
In the USA, the Electricity Reliability Organization is NERC
and the main NERC standards addressing cascading failures
are EOP-003-1, TOP-004-1, TPL-002-0, TPL-003-0, and TPL-
004-0 [67].
The stated purpose of Transmission Operations TOP-004-1
is: “To ensure that the transmission system is operated so that
instability, uncontrolled separation, or cascading outages will
not occur as a result of the most severe single Contingency
and specified multiple Contingencies.” and requires that: “Each
Transmission Operator shall operate so that instability, uncon-
trolled separation, or cascading outages will not occur as a
result of the most severe single contingency.” and that: “Each
Transmission Operator shall, when practical, operate to protect
against instability, uncontrolled separation, or cascading out-
ages resulting from multiple outages, as specified by Regional
Reliability Organization policy.”
Emergency Preparedness and Operations EOP-003-1 re-
quires that: “After taking all other remedial steps, a Transmis-
sion Operator or Balancing Authority operating with insuffi-
cient generation or transmission capacity shall shed customer
load rather than risk an uncontrolled failure of components
or cascading outages of the Interconnection.” The purpose
for EOP-003-1 is to ensure that “a Balancing Authority and
Transmission Operator operating with insufficient generation
or transmission capacity” has “the capability and authority
to shed load rather than risk an uncontrolled failure of the
Whether explicitly stated or not, for decades the heart of
transmission planning in North America has revolved around
what is now Table I in Transmission Planning TPL-001-0,
TPL-002-0, TPL-003-0, and TPL-004-0 [67]. Table I defines
the system conditions Category A (normal system operations
with no contingencies), Category B (event resulting in the loss
of a single element or N-1), Category C (event(s) resulting
in the loss of two or more (multiple) elements or N-2), and
Category D (extreme event resulting in two or more (multiple)
elements removed or cascading out of service). For Categories
A, B, and C, cascading outages are not permitted. Table I is
required reading for academics!
Category A analysis is straightforward: if any elements
exceed their applicable rating, then transmission planners
will add new transmission facilities, or write and implement
procedures to avoid the condition. In the operating time frame,
the transmission system will be reconfigured or re-dispatched
to eliminate any violations. Category B analysis follows a path
similar to Category A except that loss of each facility must be
considered. Credible single contingencies are usually selected
using engineering judgment, but modern computing capability
allows analysis of all failures of single elements or at least a
wide selection of them.
Category C analysis is complicated by the number of events
that must be considered. Typically this list is reduced to a
manageable number of events using engineering judgment.
Contingencies that do not cause applicable rating violations
are dismissed. However, those that do cause rating violations
are not violations of Category C unless they cause unplanned
or uncontrolled loss of demand or curtailment of firm transac-
tions or cascading. Distinguishing which contingencies might
cascade or result in unplanned or uncontrolled loss of demand
is left to the analyst. For a broad study of the system, a typical
simple criterion for cascading or unplanned or uncontrolled
loss of demand is that overloads exceed 130%.
We note that the advent of defined penalties has resulted
in weakening the standards. The operating standard focuses
only on the most severe single contingency. The Category D
standard used to include a prohibition against cascading but
has been reduced to requiring that these events be evaluated
for risks and consequences.
The following functions have become more or less standard
tools to analyze the various phenomena that can endanger
the security of the system and lead to cascading outages.
These phenomena have different timescales and generally
require different tradeoffs of modeling detail and simulation
time. Operators use these tools in real-time or in operational
planning to study the consequences of a fault or failure and
how these consequences could be mitigated. To simplify the
problem, each phenomenon is usually studied separately and
interactions between phenomena are often ignored.
Static Security Assessment (SA) - SA programs typically
screen a potentially large list of contingencies using fast
approximate power flow methods and then solve the most
harmful contingencies using a full power flow solution. These
programs analyze a single post contingency snapshot.
Transient Security Assessment (TSA) - TSA programs use a
combination of direct analysis methods, often based on energy
functions for screening, and non-linear time domain simulation
to analyze the capacity of the system to withstand various
faults. These programs include transient rotor oscillations and
predict whether or not cascading outages will occur due to
pole slipping and relay actions caused by power swings. They
analyze post contingency conditions with time steps of around
0.01 seconds for up to 10 seconds.
Voltage Security Assessment (VSA) - VSA programs solve
the steady state power flow equations, often using continua-
tion methods, to determine P-V and P-Q curves and voltage
collapse margins. The VSA programs may analyze a single
snapshot of post disturbance conditions and the second-by-
second long term response of AGC systems, tap changers and
over excitation run back systems.
Small Signal Analysis (SSA) - SSA programs use a lin-
earized system model and eigenvalue calculations to analyze
the small signal stability of power systems and predict vul-
nerability to poorly damped or growing inter-area and inter-
machine oscillations.
ATC Analysis - The ATC analysis programs take all of
the constraints that are developed by the SA, TSA, VSA and
SSA programs and compute the Available Transfer Capacity
between specified Points of Receipt and Points of Delivery.
Cascading failure - The commercial TRELSS program [86],
[37] has a mode in which it analyzes cascades of outages,
protection and operator actions.
Static Security Assessment programs have been routinely
used by Reliability Coordinators and large Transmission Op-
erators since the 1980s. Programs for on-line DSA, VSA and
SSA are maturing [23], [24] and have been widely deployed
just recently. Most of these tools evaluate the consequences
for a given contingency considering one of the phenomena. It
is much harder to model and analyze successive combinations
of the phenomena. In addition, commercial stability analysis
programs usually focus on the electrical phenomena and often
do not model protection, despite the routine involvement of
protection in blackouts. In essence, the assumption is made
that only “electrical” problems matter and that the protection,
control, and human supervision systems always operate as
expected. The more open environment which allows for new
entrants and specialist companies bodes well for more rapid
development and deployment of novel products [73].
Although power system operating conditions change over
time due to load variations, switching actions, etc., the present
protective systems are designed and installed based on off-
line studies and do not adapt to these changes. Adaptive
relaying is a possibility. Can modern relays be blocked during
a vulnerable operating condition to avoid degradation of the
overall system reliability? [70] shows that the relays can be
blocked in real time from a technology point of view, but that
it is not fully understood under what scenarios they should be
It is important to note that the power industry responds to
each blackout with lessons learned. Thus each blackout results
in an investigation and actions to prevent similar blackouts in
the future. This process is one of the ways that power systems
are upgraded to maintain reliability.
Probabilistic and deterministic approaches. After the fact and
with considerable effort, a blackout can be analyzed as se-
quence of largely deterministic and causal events. For example,
for well-studied power systems, simulations can be tuned to
reproduce the features of the blackout. However, it is another
matter entirely to be able to predict or simulate the events
of a blackout before it happens. It is thus often necessary
to use probabilistic models. One reason is the huge number
of rare, unusual or unforeseeable events that could cause
cascading. Moreover, some phenomena are so complicated
that it is infeasible to make a detailed deterministic model,
obtain the data, and simulate the models quickly enough. For
example, Thorp and coworkers [6], [89], [19] model hidden
relay failures probabilistically. Other examples of complicated
events that are hard to model deterministically are the location
and timing of an initial fault, human and software errors,
and transient stability. Many phenomena in cascading failure
are events that propagate when some threshold is exceeded.
Because the state of the power system is always imperfectly
known, it may sometimes be useful to model exceeding the
threshold as a probabilistic event [97]. Mili et al. [61], [26]
propose short-circuit analyses together with reactive reserve
calculations to identify the vulnerability regions of a system
and thereby significantly decrease the number of cases to be
investigated. Another useful initial simplification is to neglect
the modeling of the time between cascading events.
From security to resilience. Mili and Dooley distinguish the
concept of security from the concept of resiliency [60]. The
power system is evolving from a deterministic concept of N-1
security against a credible set of contingencies towards the
concept of resiliency to events of substantial risk, including
those with low probability but high consequence. Some util-
ities include a selection of N-2 events and common mode
events in their security analyses. Significant reduction in the
cases to be considered can be achieved by assessing the impact
of multiple faults in real-time and quickly computing remedial
actions [20]. Reconfiguration can be viewed as a preventive or
remedial action against cascading events. In anticipation of a
vulnerable operating condition, such as a potential sabotage, or
during a cascade, the power grid might be islanded to limit the
spread of problems [53]. The vision of a self-healing power
grid has attracted some power engineering researchers [56].
A self-healing grid would determine by itself the actions to
take to recover from a vulnerable operating condition. A good
example of self-healing actions is adaptive load shedding [44].
Formulation of risk objectives. Suppressing all blackouts is not
a realistic goal. The question is: How should the problem of
managing blackout risk be formulated? Several authors define
blackout risk as the probability times the consequences, where
the consequences can be measured by blackout costs such
as technical, business, and social costs [60]. Carreras et al
[15], [32] formulate the blackout mitigation problem as jointly
mitigating the risk of small, medium, and large blackouts.
This allows any tradeoffs between small and large blackouts
to be assessed. Mili and Dooley [60] present a partitioned
multiobjective risk method aimed at finding tradeoffs between
N-1 security and survivability to catastrophic events, namely
between various levels of resiliency ranging from low to high
damage severity while minimizing the cost.
Network theory approaches. There is an extensive literature on
cascading in abstract networks [68], [11], [81] that is motivated
in part by the propagation of failures and congestion in the
internet. The dynamics of cascading is related to statistical
topological properties of the networks. Although the cascading
has similar general features, such as criticality and power
laws, the models usually differ from power system models.
The models typically consider flows of discrete packets that
are injected and removed from all nodes and follow least
distance paths. The importance of links or nodes is measured
by “betweenness”, which is proportional to the number of least
distance paths through the link or node. Some researchers
have studied the statistical properties of the power system
network as an abstract graph, neglecting power flows. For
example, Watts [92] has shown that the topology of a typical
electric power network is a small-world network and studied
the bimodal size distribution of cascades on this network.
Work on cascading phase transitions and network vulnerability
that accounts for forms of network loading includes [91],
[62], [25]. Moreover, several researchers have made progress
in moving the network theory towards the assumptions and
models of power systems. Hines and Blumsack [40] account
for the electrical distances in the network to suggest that power
systems have a scale free structure and generalize the between-
ness concept. Lesieutre [50] applies topological graph concepts
in a way that is more consistent with power system generation
and load patterns. Other interdisciplinary approaches may also
be suitable for analyzing cascading failures in electric power
systems, such as analyses of cascades of broken fibers in
fiber bundle models of material strength [45], [31]. Roy et al.
[77] propose the “influence model” that is a tree network that
abstractly represent influences between idealized components
(this network of influences is different than the power system
physical network). Components can be failed or operational
according to a Markov model that represents both internal
component failure and repair processes and influences between
components that cause failure propagation. Pepyne et al. [72]
also use a Markov model for nodal components, but propagate
failures along the transmission lines of a power systems
network with a fixed probability.
High-level probabilistic models. High-level probabilistic mod-
els describe the cascading process but do not model any power
systems physics. For example, they may neglect the times
between failures, the power grid structure, and the diversity of
power system components and interactions. They are useful for
understanding cascading failure in more detailed models. The
CASCADE model [31] has many identical components that
fail when their load exceeds a threshold, an initial disturbance
loading the system, and the additional loading of components
by the failure of other components. The initial overall system
stress is represented by upper and lower bounds on a range
of random initial component loadings. The model parameters
describe the initial disturbance and the amount of additional
loading when another component fails. There is an analytic
formula for the probability distribution of the total number
of components failed. Branching process models [28], [29],
[30], [33] can approximate the CASCADE model and are
established models for cascading processes in many other
fields [38]. The failures occur randomly in a series of stages.
The model parameters are the average number of initial
failures and an average tendency for the failures to propagate.
There are also elaborations that consider continuously varying
quantities such as load shed [95] and the time-evolution of
failures [29]. An accelerated propagation failure model for the
number of transmission line failures is proposed in [20]. This
model has a good fit to historical data for North American line
outages [1].
Critical components and high risk multiple contingencies. Prac-
tical computation of high-risk N-k contingencies is developed
in [20] using dynamic decision trees and fast simulation. Wang
and Thorp [89] use fast simulation of hidden failures to iden-
tify critical relays that contribute to many possible cascades.
Maintaining these relays is a cost-effective mitigation of cas-
cading. Several methods for identification of critical multiple
contingencies have been proposed to identify vulnerabilities to
deliberate attack or worst case scenarios. Optimization is used
to maximize the blackout due to contingencies caused by an
attack with limited resources [78], [5], [34]. Simple heuristics
for attacking power systems also yield near maximal blackouts
[9]. Lesieutre et al. [50] finds critical lines and cutsets by graph
theoretic methods and considering load-generation mismatch.
Recognizing patterns. In major blackouts, a line fault can cause
other lines to be overloaded due to rerouting of the power flow.
The overloaded lines may then be de-energized by impedance
relays seeing low voltages and high currents, e.g. zone 3
tripping. The line outage may also cause low voltages and
high reactive power demand on close-by generators, leading
to generator tripping by the over-excitation protection. Further
generators can experience high reactive power output and
may also trip. These are examples of typical basic patterns
of cascading events. Identifying these basic patterns and then
studying how they combine into cascading sequences is a new
research direction [51], [52].
Conventional reliability methods. There is an extensive liter-
ature and assessment tools on power system reliability [10],
including component reliability and maintenance, generation
adequacy and assessments of transmission system reliability,
the effects of weather, and common cause failure. These
methods are very useful, but they are based on underlying
assumptions of independent events and do not apply to cas-
cading failure because the successive weakening of the system
as the cascade proceeds makes the cascading events dependent.
There are some methods in the wider reliability literature for
cascading in systems with a limited number of components.
[55], [83], [80] represent cascading failure by increasing the
failure rate of remaining components when a component fails.
[36] addresses cascading in a network.
Cascading failure simulation methods are evolving and the
various simulations have different compromises of cascading
phenomena modeled, modeling detail and approximations, and
simulation techniques. Modeling detail must be traded off with
simulation time and the availability of data. The best choices
for modeling and simulation remain an open question. Most
of the simulations concentrate on cascading phenomena that
can be captured by successive static models, such as cascading
overloads, protection, and voltage collapse. In particular, most
simulations represent represent static line overloads, at least
at the level of DC load flow, and a selection of other aspects
of cascading.
There are different and sometimes incompatible objectives
for different cascading simulations. The objectives include
computing likely or high risk cascading failure sequences,
computing the overall risk of cascading failure, and computing
operator actions to mitigate cascading failure in real time.
These different objectives have different requirements for
modeling, data, speed, sampling methods, and processing the
results to get useful answers. Modeling and simulation issues
addressed include:
Protection. Hidden failures are modeled in [85], [6], [19], [89],
[61] and protection control groups are modeled in [86], [37],
[20]. The availability of protection data to support simulation
and the burden of processing it are issues.
Operator actions. Operator actions are modeled in [4], [86],
[37], [76].
Random or deterministic. Many simulations use some random
modeling, while others use a more deterministic framework.
However, it should be noted that when computing the deter-
ministic outcome of a chosen set of initial conditions, the set
of initial conditions can also be viewed probabilistically as a
sample from all possible initial conditions.
Voltage collapse. Some simulations use an AC load flow and
can model voltage collapse. Mili [61] uses a continuation
method while others use simpler approximations.
Modeling scope and detail. Simulations vary in scope and
modeling detail, but some of the more comprehensive and
detailed simulations use an AC load flow and approximately
represent protection, operator actions and voltage collapse as
in the Manchester model [46], [64] and TRELSS [86], [37].
Real time. One way to reduce the possibilities to be pro-
cessed simulates the cascade using real-time data and responds
while the slower cascade processes evolve. McCalley [58] ap-
proaches this with fast simulation and dynamic decision trees.
Simulation methods. Simulation time and effective sampling
from a huge number of possibilities are key constraints. There
has been progress with importance sampling [6], heuristic
search [89], correlated sampling [46], and fast numerical
methods for computing N-k contingencies [58].
Application in industry. The cascading mode of TRELSS [86],
[37] is used by industry to identify cascading failure problems
in large power systems.
Islanding. Islanding is part of many blackouts and is particu-
larly addressed in studies to optimize islanding such as [96].
Many of the cascading failure simulations can accommodate
Time evolution of events. Anghel et al [4] model time evolution
of random disturbances and restoration processes.
Dynamics. Although generator protection and controls and
dynamic stability play important roles in blackout evolution,
dynamic analysis is seldom applied for reasons of modeling
difficulties and complexities. In the advanced stages of a
blackout, uncontrollable system separation, angle instability
and generation tripping can occur. It is often necessary to study
transient scenarios in more detail with adequate representation
of synchronous generators and other dynamic elements [87].
Transient stability is often a serious problem because only a
few cascading line trips may cause system instability [57].
Some of the challenges of determining cascading failure due
to dynamic transients in hybrid nonlinear differential equation
power system models are tackled by DeMarco [27] using
Lyapunov methods applied to a smoothed model and by Parrilo
et al. [71] using model reduction.
High risk cascades. High risk cascades are computed by a
variety of approaches in [89], [63], [74], [20], [34], [22].
Agents. Simulations can be structured with agents [39].
Self-organization. Simulations such as OPA consider an evolv-
ing grid that is continually upgrading as a complex system to
satisfy an increasing load demand and reliability requirements
[16], [59], [90], [32].
Comparing the results from cascading failure simulations
with real data (particular cascading sequences and/or overall
cascading statistics) is needed to show how well the simula-
tions capture reality and to help establish modeling goals.
Power laws in blackout size distribution. How much rarer are
large blackouts than small blackouts? One might expect a
probability distribution of blackout size1to fall off exponen-
tially as the size of the blackout increases. That is, doubling the
blackout size squares its probability and so, after many squar-
ings, the largest blackouts have vanishingly small probability.
However, analyses of North American blackout statistics [66]
show that the probability distribution of blackout size does not
decrease exponentially, but rather has an approximate power
law region with an exponent between –1 and –2 [13], [18],
[2], [17], [94], [79]. The power law implies that blackouts
of all sizes can occur. Similar power law dependences of
blackout probability with blackout size are observed in Sweden
[41], Norway [8], New Zealand [3], and China [93] and these
data are compared in [32]. It is striking that such different
power systems show roughly similar forms of blackout size
distribution. The power law data from these countries suggests
that large blackouts are much more likely than might be
expected from the common probability distributions that have
exponential tails. The power law region is always limited
in extent by a finite cut off corresponding to the largest
possible blackout. Several researchers have studied the overall
statistics of line failures [1], [21], [33] and these statistics
also show heavy tails in the distribution of the number of
line failures. There is a need to publish and analyze more
data so that methods of cascading failure can be developed
and tested against real-world experience. The heavy tails in
1Useful measures of blackout size include power shed, energy unserved,
customers disconnected, duration, and number of lines tripped.
distributions of blackout size can be qualitatively attributed
to the dependency of events in a cascading blackout. As the
blackout progresses, the power system usually becomes more
stressed, and it becomes more likely that further events will
happen. This weakening of the power system as events occur
makes it more likely that a smaller blackout will evolve into
a larger blackout.
Criticality. Cascading blackouts become more likely as the
power system becomes stressed. Most of the research to date
has stressed power system models by increasing the overall
loading. As the load increases, the average blackout size
increases very slowly, until, at a loading called the critical
loading, there is a sharp change and average blackout size
starts increasing much more quickly. Moreover, at this critical
loading, there is a power law in the probability distribution
of blackout size. Evidence for a critical loading is emerging
in abstract models of cascading failure [31], [64] as well as
in power system models that represent some cascading failure
mechanisms [14], [54], [19], [64]. The critical loading defines
a reference point for increasing risk of cascading failure. There
have been several approaches to assess the probability of
cascading blackouts as load increases. Kirschen et al [46] uses
correlated sampling and Monte Carlo simulation to develop a
calibrated reference scale of system stress that relates system
loading to blackout size. Dobson and coworkers [30], [95]
suggest estimating the average propagation of failures and the
size of the initial disturbance from simulated or real data and
then using these estimated parameters in branching process
models to predict the distribution of blackout size.
Self-organization. Over time, system stress or loading tends
to increase due to load growth and tends to decrease due
to the system upgrades and improvements that are the en-
gineering responses to simulated or real blackouts. This is
a complex systems view of the evolving power system. It
has been suggested [17], [32], inspired by theories of self-
organized critical systems in statistical physics [7], [43], that
these opposing forces tend to slowly shape the power system
towards criticality. This has been demonstrated with a simple
model of these opposing forces shaping the evolution of a
power system model of cascading line overloads at the level
of DC load flow and LP dispatch [16]. Furthermore, based
on the NERC data on North American blackouts, Carreras et
al [17] concluded that the dynamics of blackouts have some
features of self-organized critical systems.
Highly optimized tolerance. Carlson and Doyle [12] have
proposed Highly Optimized Tolerance (HOT) as a way of
understanding engineered complex systems and applied it to
forest fires, internet, and other applications. Because electric
power systems are also partially optimized by design, HOT
deserves to be investigated. HOT is a constrained optimization
problem that minimizes the expected cost of cascading events
subject to a bound on the cost of the resources required to
limit their propagation. In power systems, events could be the
outage size, dollar losses and the number of customers being
disconnected. The resources include protection systems and
special control schemes. HOT requires an a priori knowledge
of (i) the event probabilities, (ii) a functional relationship
between the size of the events and the resources, and (iii)
the number of dimensions of the space over which the events
propagate. A preliminary application of the HOT methodology
to power systems is reported in [82] under the assumptions of
independent events, a single resource, and a one dimensional
space of propagation. Further research is needed to make HOT
a valid method for power system applications.
Probability distribution of the time between blackouts. For
the NERC blackout data, [17] and [18] observed that the
distribution of times between blackouts has an exponential
tail, while [94] observed that this tail is somewhat fatter
than exponential. [79] fit the number of blackouts in a given
period of time with a negative binomial distribution. The
frequency of blackouts is related to the frequency of the
events triggering the blackout; some of these propagate to
cause a blackout. [41] analyzes Swedish blackout data and
fits the blackout times by a Poisson process. Gou et al.
[35] model the blackout triggers as occurring independently
at constant rates so that the time between triggers has an
exponential distribution. The probability of the trigger causing
a further cascade can be determined by simulation considering
factors such as generation-load imbalance, voltage instability,
frequency instability, branch overloads, and hidden failures. It
then follows that the time between blackouts is a mixture of
gamma distributions.
The power industry has always worked hard to avoid cas-
cading blackouts. The main current approaches are applying
deterministic criteria such as the N-1 criterion that help
to suppress cascades from starting and a range of industry
practices devoted to analyzing and mitigating failures caused
by a variety of processes, such as overloads and various types
of instabilities, as well as efforts to improve the reliability of
individual components. Indeed there are analysis and simula-
tion tools that apply separately for each of these processes.
After a large blackout occurs, considerable efforts are made
to analyze the detail of that particular cascade and improve
the power system to minimize the chance of a similar cascade
happening. Moreover, many of the various established ways
to increase power system reliability tend to also mitigate the
risk of cascading failures.
However, large cascading blackouts, although rare due to
industry efforts, are a challenge to analyze and simulate
in a predictive way due to the huge number of possible
rare interactions and the diversity and complexity of these
interactions. Analyses of blackout records in a number of
countries show that, although large blackouts are rarer than
small blackouts, blackouts of all sizes can occur, and there
is a substantial risk of large cascading blackouts. Therefore
one cannot dismiss large cascading blackouts as so unlikely
that they should be neglected. At the same time it should be
recognized that the current methods for directly understanding
and mitigating cascading failure are not well developed.
Some insights and methods for a statistical analysis of
cascading failure are starting to emerge. Large blackouts
typically involve many separate processes so that current tools
focussing on a single process do not capture all the interac-
tions. But analyzing all the possible processes and interactions
in complete detail is infeasible. (A likely adverse interaction
contributing to cascading failure that becomes known can, and
probably will be, mitigated; the issue is how to systematically
compute the likely interactions and also cope with the huge
number of unlikely interactions.) We need to develop and test
methods of modeling and analysis, including probabilistic risk-
based approaches, that usefully capture cascading failure with
the right compromises in modeling detail. Indeed there has
been progress in simulations that approximate the cascading
processes for a sample of initial failures, with an emphasis
on modeling cascading overloads and protection and simple
models for a selection of other processes, such as voltage
collapse. Methods to incorporate dynamic stability, operator
actions, and complex systems effects remain a challenge.
Making suitable forms of detailed blackout data available
for research and analysis is a key issue for progress in
cascading failure. In particular, the lack of detailed standard-
ized data on faults and failures affecting not only primary
components but also secondary protection and control systems
is a major hurdle in the development of security assessment
methods that account for multiple failures. Key issues for
understanding cascading failure are developing and testing
high-level statistical models. Goals include estimating the
overall power system reliability with respect to cascading
failure using simulation results or real measurements without
waiting a long time for many blackouts to happen. Key issues
for simulating cascading failure are sampling the cases to be
simulated, tradeoffs between modeling detail and simulation
efficiency, fast simulation methods, availability of data to the
industry and research community, which cascading processes
need to be modelled and in what detail, and methods to analyze
and understand the results.
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... According to North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), "cascading" refers to "the uncontrolled successive loss of system elements triggered by an incident at any location. Cascading results in widespread electric service interruption that cannot be restrained from sequentially spreading beyond an area predetermined by studies" [4] . Another definition provided by the IEEE Task Force on Understanding, Prediction, Mitigation and Restoration of Cascading Failures [5] is "a sequence of dependent failures of individual components that successively weakens the power system". ...
Among various power system disturbances, cascading failures are considered the most serious and extreme threats to grid operations, potentially leading to significant stability issues or even widespread power blackouts. Simulating power systems' behaviors during cascading failures is of great importance to comprehend how failures originate and propagate, as well as to develop effective preventive and mitigative control strategies. The intricate mechanism of cascading failures, characterized by multi-timescale dynamics, presents exceptional challenges for their simulations. This paper provides a comprehensive review of simulation models for cascading failures, providing a systematic categorization and a comparison of these models. The challenges and potential research directions for the future are also discussed.
... Beyond tractability, the most distinguishing feature of our proposed framework is its modularity in each of its various modeling stages. This is especially vital in the analysis of cascading failures given the notorious complexity involved in modeling and simulating the plethora of mechanisms by which failures can occur [Baldick et al., 2008]. Since BO does not assume underlying structure in the objective, it allows for considerable flexibility in the choice of the cascade simulator, including any of the commercially available or research-grade simulators surveyed in Papic et al. [2011], andHenneaux et al. [2018]. ...
Measures of power grid vulnerability are often assessed by the amount of damage an adversary can exact on the network. However, the cascading impact of such attacks is often overlooked, even though cascades are one of the primary causes of large-scale blackouts. This paper explores modifications of transmission line protection settings as candidates for adversarial attacks, which can remain undetectable as long as the network equilibrium state remains unaltered. This forms the basis of a black-box function in a Bayesian optimization procedure, where the objective is to find protection settings that maximize network degradation due to cascading. Extensive experiments reveal that, against conventional wisdom, maximally misconfiguring the protection settings of all network lines does not cause the most cascading. More surprisingly, even when the degree of misconfiguration is resource constrained, it is still possible to find settings that produce cascades comparable in severity to instances where there are no constraints.
This chapter offers a comprehensive exploration of essential aspects related to assessing the vulnerability of modern smart grids. Beginning with an introduction, the chapter proceeds to delve into key methodologies and models designed to evaluate and enhance grid resilience. The chapter introduces the concept of Data Penetration Testing, shedding light on its importance in gauging the robustness of grid systems. It then addresses the Cascading Outage Model, a critical component in understanding the potential ripple effects of vulnerabilities in load frequency control across interconnected areas. Central to the chapter is the detailed Vulnerability Assessment section, which encompasses the identification of threats and vulnerabilities, quantifying risk, and prioritizing these risks. This methodology serves as the cornerstone for strengthening grid security in the face of evolving threats. Furthermore, the chapter explores a comprehensive Detailed Risk Quantification Methodology, offering an in-depth approach to assessing and quantifying vulnerabilities within multi-area load frequency control systems. The practical application of these methodologies is exemplified through two case studies: Vulnerability Assessment for the 9-bus System and the 39-bus New England System.
Smart Grid involves application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for monitoring, protection, operation, and control of interconnected power systems under various scenarios. Smart Grid Control (SGC) is an important aspect that is constantly subjected to various vulnerabilities, threats, and attacks under central and distributed control architectures. Cyber Security of smart grid control, especially, Load Frequency Control (LFC) is an important issue that is addressed in this article. The state-of-the-art in cyber security and attacks on smart grid control and intensive literature review is discussed with a comprehensive list of references on LFC. The authors present a part of their own work carried out on a systematic Vulnerability Assessment (VA) framework that can be used to identify weak points in the LFC system. The proposed methodology is explained for Vulnerability Assessment of the standard 39-bus New England test system and the 96 bus reliability test system to illustrate the concept of cyber security and Vulnerability Assessment of smart grid LFC.
Frequency is a pivotal indicator of the balance between power generation and load. Frequency variations and frequency-related system behaviors and characteristics are crucial during cascading outages, but they have not been considered by many steady-state power-flow-based models used for simulating cascading outages. This chapter introduces a steady-state approach for simulating cascading outages (Ju et al., IEEE Access 6(1), 37784–37795 (2018)), named as Steady-State Simulation of Cascading Outages Considering Frequency (SSCOF). This SSCOF approach includes a power-flow-based model that comprehensively incorporates the static power-frequency characteristics of generators and loads. It enables the frequency deviation to be calculated resulting from active power imbalances during cascading outages. Additionally, the SSCOF approach considers an ac optimal power flow model that integrates the frequency deviation. This model facilitates the simulation of remedial control actions in response to a highly system condition against system collapse, signaled by power flow divergence. The SSCOF approach also enables an under-frequency load shedding and generator frequency protections to be modeled and simulated, enhancing the accuracy in steady-state simulation of cascading outages. Some case studies are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the SSCOF approach. First, the frequency calculated from the power-flow-based model is compared and benchmarked with the steady-state frequency obtained from the time-domain simulation on a two-area power system. Then, the SSCOF approach is demonstrated for cascading outage simulation on the IEEE 39-bus system and the Northeast Power Coordinating Council (NPCC) 48-machine, 140-bus power system. The simulated scenarios of cascading outages are compared with those generated from a conventional approach that uses the power flow and ac optimal power flow models without taking frequency into consideration. The results verify the superiority of the SSCOF approach. By accurately capturing frequency variations and considering frequency-related system behaviors during cascading outages, the SSCOF approach more precisely captures the mechanism of outage propagation and enhances the steady-state simulation of cascading outages. The conventional approaches that do not consider frequency might underestimate the risks and consequences of cascading outages.
Transmission line failures in power systems propagate and cascade nonlocally. In this work, we propose an adaptive control strategy that offers strong guarantees in both the mitigation and localization of line failures. Specifically, we leverage the properties of network bridge-block decomposition and a frequency regulation method called the unified control . If the balancing areas over which the unified control operates coincide with the bridge-blocks of the network, the proposed strategy drives the postcontingency system to a steady state where the impact of initial line outages is localized within the areas where they occurred whenever possible, stopping the cascading process. When the initial line outages cannot be localized, the proposed control strategy provides a configurable design that progressively involves and coordinates more balancing areas. We compare the proposed control strategy with the classical automatic generation control (AGC) on the IEEE 118-bus and 2736-bus test networks. Simulation results show that our strategy greatly improves overall reliability in terms of the $N-k$ security standard, and localizes the impact of initial failures in the majority of the simulated contingencies. Moreover, the proposed framework incurs significantly less load loss, if any, compared to AGC, in all our case studies.
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The access of a high proportion of renewable energies has deepened the randomness and complexity of cascading failures (CFs) in power systems. In this regard, a real‐time risk assessment method for CFs in power systems with high proportion of new energy is proposed. First, combined with historical statistical data and relevant national standards, a CF simulation model that considers the off‐grid protection action of renewable energy units in the event of a power grid fault is proposed. The model is based on the continuous steady‐state power flow model, which simulates the spread of CFs via continuous power flow calculations. Second, via introducing the concept of a fault graph chain, the electrical and topological characteristics of the continuous dynamic of the power system in the process of CFs can be described. Then, through continuous CF simulation and replay buffer, a data‐driven method is used to calculate the CF risk index corresponding to the fault graph. Finally, a cascaded graph neural network is employed to fit the nonlinear mapping relationship between fault graphs and CF risk indicators. The simulation results in the IEEE 39‐bus system show that the proposed method can accurately and real‐time evaluate the risk of CFs.
Cascading failure in renewable power systems is a hot topic that attracts most researchers worldwide. This paper discusses the phenomena of blackout and cascading failure in terms of definition, causes, and past events worldwide. This paper also compares the models in terms of features, limitations, computational speed, and test bus for assisting the tradeoff analysis. Benchmarking among the models and potential test buses to be utilized for cascading failure analysis considering the high penetration of renewable power systems, are also included in this paper. The authors propose tradeoffs between the existing cascading failure models and solutions to achieve high accuracy and reduce computational complexity. Furthermore, this paper also compares the statics versus dynamics model methodology and the parameters involved during the simulation, corresponding to the latest challenges in protection systems. This paper also discusses the emerging challenges of cascading failure with an emphasis on the aspect of dynamic models, renewable energy, and the reliability of power systems. Due to the emerging problems that arise with the high penetration of renewable energy, grid-forming technology is the solution to study the impact of renewable energy on cascading failure. Researchers must develop a sophisticated dynamic model with high-speed computational time to realize online monitoring, prediction, and mitigation of blackouts becomes possible.
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We propose an analytically tractable model of loading-dependent cascading failure that captures some of the salient features of large blackouts of electric power transmission systems. This leads to a new application and derivation of the quasibinomial distribution and its generalization to a saturating form with an extended parameter range. The saturating quasibinomial distribution of the number of failed components has a power-law region at a critical loading and a significant probability of total failure at higher loadings.
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The recently proposed Highly Optimized Tolerance (H.O.T.) model [Carlson & Doyle, 1999, 2000], which aims to describe the statistics of robust complex systems in uncertain environments, is compared with data from the Western United States (W.S.C.C.) power distribution system. We use for comparison a 15-year record of all power outages occurring on the grid, measured in the size of megawatts lost and the number of customers without service. In applying the model to the power grid data, we find that the problem of determining how the resources in the system scale with event size is nontrivial given the assumptions of the model and the information about how the power grid actually operates. Further, we observe that the model agrees closely with the W.S.C.C. data for the megawatts but not the customers, and consequently propose that the assumption in the model of optimal resource distribution is not valid in general when more than one measure of event size is used. A modified H.O.T. model which allows for resource misallocation is introduced and we find that this model can be made to fit both data sets reasonably well.
Undesirable tripping of generators contributed to the 1996 and 2003 blackouts in the U.S. Tripping of these generators initiated by over-excitation protection can lead to a shortage of reactive power supply. An effective way to prevent cascaded events is to identify the anticipated operations of generator protective devices such as over-current relays. For a given contingency, the postdisturbance field currents can be obtained from the results of steady-state contingency evaluation in the on-line security assessment process. However, their accuracy is inadequate compared with the post-contingency field current obtained from off-line time-domain dynamic simulations. This paper proposes a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) to correct discrepancies between post-contingency field currents obtained from steady-state contingency evaluation and the corresponding values obtained from time-domain dynamic simulations. Post-contingency field currents obtained from steady-state security assessment can be corrected on-line using an FIS constructed off line. A 200-bus system model is used to validate the performance of the developed FIS.
We introduce a mechanism for generating power law distributions, referred to as highly optimized tolerance (HOT), which is motivated by biological organisms and advanced engineering technologies. Our focus is on systems which are optimized, either through natural selection or engineering design, to provide robust performance despite uncertain environments. We suggest that power laws in these systems are due to tradeoffs between yield, cost of resources, and tolerance to risks. These tradeoffs lead to highly optimized designs that allow for occasional large events. We investigate the mechanism in the context of percolation and sand pile models in order to emphasize the sharp contrasts between HOT and self-organized criticality (SOC), which has been widely suggested as the origin for power laws in complex systems. Like SOC, HOT produces power laws. However, compared to SOC, HOT states exist for densities which are higher than the critical density, and the power laws are not restricted to special values of the density. The characteristic features of HOT systems include: (1) high efficiency, performance, and robustness to designed-for uncertainties; (2) hypersensitivity to design flaws and unanticipated perturbations; (3) nongeneric, specialized, structured configurations; and (4) power laws. The first three of these are in contrast to the traditional hallmarks of criticality, and are obtained by simply adding the element of design to percolation and sand pile models, which completely changes their characteristics.
Deterministic security criteria provide a degree of security that may insufficient under some operating conditions and excesive for others. To determine an appropriate level of security, one should perform a probabilistic cost/benefit analysis that balances the cost of security margin against its benefits, i.e. the expected societal cost of the avoided outages. This paper shows how a previously published method based on Monte Carlo simulation can be enhanced to take into account time-dependent phenomena such a cascade tripping of elements due to overloads, malfunctionof the protection system and potential power system instabilities. In addition, the importance of using failures rates that reflect the weather conditions is discussed. Studies based on the South-Western part of the transmission network of England and Wales demonstrate the validity of the models that have been developed.
The NERC Standards Transition Management Team (STMT) and the Standards Authorization Committee (SAC) today approved the attached "Plan for Accelerating the Adoption of NERC Reliability Standards". The STMT and SAC are encouraged by the strong support this project is receiving throughout the industry. The goal of the project is to translate the existing NERC reliability rules, comprised of operating policies, planning standards, and compliance templates, into an integrated set of reliability standards, and to be positioned in February 2005 to move forward with one set of NERC standards administered through the ANSI-accredited process. Specific objectives are to: 1. Translate the existing reliability rules — namely the existing board-approved operating policies and planning standards, the 38 compliance templates approved by the NERC board on April 2, and all approved revisions to Operating Policies 5, 6, and 9 being balloted in April 2004 — into an initial baseline (Version 0) set of reliability standards for adoption by the NERC board at its February 8, 2005 meeting. 2. Identify the Functional Model designation for each performance requirement and measure in the Version 0 standards and determine, in concert with objective 3, whether to adopt the Functional Model designations into the Version 0 standards.