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Content-based control of goal-directed attention during human action perception


Abstract and Figures

During the perception of human actions by robotic assistants, the robotic assistant needs to direct its computational and sensor resources to relevant parts of the human action. In previous work we have introduced HAMMER (Hierarchical Attentive Multiple Models for Execution and Recognition) in Demiris, Y. and Khadhouri, B., (2006), a computational architecture that forms multiple hypotheses with respect to what the demonstrated task is, and multiple predictions with respect to the forthcoming states of the human action. To confirm their predictions, the hypotheses request information from an attentional mechanism, which allocates the robot's resources as a function of the saliency of the hypotheses. In this paper we augment the attention mechanism with a component that considers the content of the hypotheses' requests, with respect to reliability, utility and cost. This content-based attention component further optimises the utilisation of the resources while remaining robust to noise. Such computational mechanisms are important for the development of robotic devices that will rapidly respond to human actions, either for imitation or collaboration purposes
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Content-based control of goal-directed
attention during human action
Yiannis Demiris and Bassam Khadhouri
During the perception of human actions by robotic assistants, the
robotic assistant needs to direct its computational and sensor resources
to relevant parts of the human action. In previous work we have intro-
duced HAMMER (Hierarchical Attentive Multiple Models for Execution
and Recognition) (Demiris and Khadhouri, 2006), a computational archi-
tecture that forms multiple hypotheses with respect to what the demon-
strated task is, and multiple predictions with respect to the forthcoming
states of the human action. To confirm their predictions, the hypothe-
ses request information from an attentional mechanism, which allocates
the robot’s resources as a function of the saliency of the hypotheses. In
this paper we augment the attention mechanism with a component that
considers the content of the hypotheses’ requests, with respect to the con-
tent’s reliability, utility and cost. This content-based attention component
further optimises the utilisation of the resources while remaining robust
to noise. Such computational mechanisms are important for the develop-
ment of robotic devices that will rapidly respond to human actions, either
for imitation or collaboration purposes.
Yiannis Demiris and Bassam Khadhouri are with the Department of Electrical and Elec-
tronic Engineering, Imperial College London
Interaction Studies 9:2 (2008), pp. 353–376.
DOI 10.1075/is.9.2.10dem
issn 1572–0373 / e-issn 1572–0381
1 Introduction
To increase the utility and flexibility of robotic assistants, it is useful to equip
them with the capacity to understand the actions of humans in their environ-
ment. Such understanding can lead to easy programming of robotic assistants
to perform new tasks through human demonstration (Demiris and Johnson,
2003; Schaal et al., 2003), as well as the potential for collaborating with hu-
mans to perform a common task. This quest leads to several challenges: while
observing a demonstration, it is not clear what aspect of the demonstration
needs to be attended too, either for imitating it or for determining the best
course of action in a collaboration scenario. As a result, there is no obvious top-
down (goal-directed) control as to where to direct the robot’s attention. While
saliency-based approaches for the control of attention (Itti and Koch, 2000)
can be very useful, for example by directing the attention to the most rapidly
moving object, a more goal-directed attentional control is needed (Demiris and
Khadhouri, 2006).
In the next few sections we will review our approach to the goal-directed
control of attention (Demiris and Khadhouri, 2006), in dynamic scenes involving
human actions. We subsequently present our experimental setup consisting of a
robot camera observing a human during different behaviour demonstrations, and
demonstrate how a content-based control of top-down (or goal directed) attention
requests can optimise the use of the computational and sensor resources of the
observer robot.
An important issue that remains unresolved in imitation and collaboration re-
search is where the attention of the observer should be focused when a demon-
strator performs an action. Whilst there is little agreement on a universal
definition of attention (Tsotsos, 2001), from an engineering point of view it can
be defined as a mechanism for allocating the limited perceptual and motor re-
Interaction Studies 9:2 (2008), pp. 353–376.
DOI 10.1075/is.9.2.10dem
issn 1572–0373 / e-issn 1572–0381
sources of an agent to the most relevant sensory stimuli. The control inputs to
the attention mechanism can be divided into two categories: stimulus-driven (or
bottom-up) and goal-directed (or top-down). Stimulus-driven attention models
work by attaching levels of saliency to low-level features of the visual scene,
e.g. colour, texture or movement, and then deriving the corresponding saliency
maps, fusing them, and applying a winner-take-all strategy to direct the atten-
tion to the most salient part of the scene (Itti and Koch, 2000). However, it is
well known from human psychophysical experiments that top-down information
can also influence bottom-up processing (e.g. (Wolfe, 1994; Treue and Trujillo,
1999)). The top-down information can be derived from the task requirements in
hand, or from other sources of knowledge about the observed action, for exam-
ple from linguistic descriptions (Steels and Baillie, 2003). Wolfe (Wolfe, 1994)
put forward the hypothesis that the goal-directed element of attention selects
bottom-up features that are relevant to the current task (in what is termed
visual search) by varying the weighting of the feature maps. However, the fun-
damental question of what determines the features that are relevant to the task
has not been answered in a principled way. This is the case particularly when
the tasks are performed by someone else without the observer having access to
the internal motivational systems of the demonstrator. The task demonstrated
is not known in advance, therefore the top-down selection of features to attend
to is not obvious, and an online method for selecting features dynamically is
In previous work we have utilised the motor theory of perception (Demiris
and Hayes, 2002) for deriving a principled mechanism for the goal-directed con-
trol of attention during action perception. The particular method we employ
in the HAMMER architecture relies on the concept of motor simulation. Men-
tal simulation theories of cognitive function (Hesslow, 2002), of which motor
simulation is an instance, advocate the use of the observer’s cognitive and mo-
tor structures in a dual role: on-line, for the purposes of perceiving and acting
overtly, and off-line, for simulating and imagining actions and their consequences
Interaction Studies 9:2 (2008), pp. 353–376.
DOI 10.1075/is.9.2.10dem
issn 1572–0373 / e-issn 1572–0381
(Jeannerod, 2001).
The key contribution of this paper is the extension of this mechanism to add
content-based factors to the arbitration process.
3 Overview of the HAMMER architecture
HAMMER is organized around, and contributes towards, three concepts:
The basic building block involves a pair of inverse and forward models
(Narendra and Balakrishnan, 1997; Wolpert and Kawato, 1998; Demiris
and Hayes, 2002). These are used in the dual role of either executing or
perceiving an action, an idea first proposed and implemented in (Demiris,
1999; Demiris and Hayes, 1999).
These building blocks are arranged in a hierarchical, parallel manner
(Demiris and Johnson, 2003).
The limited computational and sensor resources are taken explicitly into
consideration: we do not assume that all state information is instantly
available to the inverse model that requires it, but formulate them as
requests to an attention mechanism. We will describe how this provides a
principled approach to the top-down control of attention during imitation.
HAMMER is using the concepts of inverse and forward models (Narendra
and Balakrishnan, 1997; Karniel, 2002; Wolpert and Kawato, 1998). An inverse
model (akin to the concepts of a behavior, a controller, or action) is a function
that takes as inputs the current state of the system and the target goal(s), and
outputs the control commands that are needed to achieve or maintain those
goal(s). On the other side of the spectrum a forward model (akin to the concept
of internal predictor), is a function that takes as inputs the current state of the
system and a control command to be applied on it and outputs the predicted
next state of the controlled system. Inverse and forward models can be learned
Interaction Studies 9:2 (2008), pp. 353–376.
DOI 10.1075/is.9.2.10dem
issn 1572–0373 / e-issn 1572–0381
through reinforcement learning, and motor babbling (Dearden and Demiris,
The building block of HAMMER is an inverse model paired with a forward
model. When HAMMER is asked to rehearse or execute a certain action, the
inverse model module receives information about the current state (and, op-
tionally, about the target goal(s)), and it outputs the motor commands that
it hypothesises are necessary to achieve or maintain these implicit or explicit
target goal(s). The forward model provides a prediction of the upcoming states
should these motor commands get executed. This estimate is returned back to
the inverse model, allowing it to adjust any parameters of the action.
Interestingly, as first proposed and demostrated in (Demiris, 1999; Demiris
and Hayes, 1999), the pairs of inverse and forward models can be used in a
dual role, to both plan and execute an action, as well as perceive it when
demonstrated by another agent. For HAMMER to determine whether a visu-
ally perceived demonstrated action matches a particular inverse-forward model
coupling, the demonstrator’s current state as perceived by the imitator is fed
to the inverse model. The inverse model generates the motor commands that it
would output if it was in that state and wanted to execute this particular action.
The motor commands are inhibited from being sent to the motor system. The
forward model outputs an estimated next state, which is a prediction of what
the demonstrator’s next state will be. This predicted state is compared with
the demonstrator’s actual state at the next time step. This comparison results
in an error signal that can be used to increase or decrease the inverse model’s
confidence value, which is an indicator of how closely the demonstrated action
matches a particular imitator’s action.
Multiple pairs of inverse and forward models can operate in parallel (Demiris,
1999; Demiris and Hayes, 1999, 2002). Fig. 1 shows the basic structure. When
the demonstrator agent executes a particular action the perceived states are fed
into all of the imitator’s available inverse models. As described earlier, this gen-
erates multiple motor commands (representing multiple hypotheses as to what
Interaction Studies 9:2 (2008), pp. 353–376.
DOI 10.1075/is.9.2.10dem
issn 1572–0373 / e-issn 1572–0381
Figure 1: The basic architecture, showing multiple inverse models (B1 to Bn)
receiving the system state, suggesting motor commands (M1 to Mn), with which
the corresponding forward models (F1 to Fn) form predictions regarding the
system’s next state (P1 to Pn); these predictions are verified at the next time
state, resulting in a set of error signals (E1 to En)
action is being demonstrated) that are sent to the corresponding forward mod-
els. The forward models generate predictions about the demonstrator’s next
state: these are compared with the actual demonstrator’s state at the next time
step, and the error signal resulting from this comparison affects the confidence
values of the inverse models. At the end of the demonstration (or earlier if
required) the inverse model with the highest confidence value, i.e. the one that
is the closest match to the demonstrator’s action is selected. This architec-
ture has been implemented in real-dynamics robot simulations (Demiris, 1999;
Demiris and Hayes, 1999, 2002), and robotic platforms (Demiris and Johnson,
2003; Johnson and Demiris, 2004) and has offered plausible explanations and
testable predictions regarding the behaviour of biological imitation mechanisms
in humans and monkeys (review in (Demiris, 1999; Demiris and Johnson, 2007)).
4 Top-down control of attention
The architecture as stated so far assumes that the complete state information
will be available for and fed to all the available inverse models. However, the
Interaction Studies 9:2 (2008), pp. 353–376.
DOI 10.1075/is.9.2.10dem
issn 1572–0373 / e-issn 1572–0381
sensory and memory capacities of the observer are limited, and obtaining the
complete state information is costly (for example, it might require multiple
saccades), so in order to increase the efficiency of the architecture, we do not
seek to obtain all the state information for all the inverse models. Since each of
the inverse models requires a subset of the global state information (for example,
one might only need the arm position rather than full body state information),
we can optimize this process by allowing each inverse model to request a subset of
the information from an attention mechanism, thus exerting a top-down control
on the attention mechanism. Since HAMMER is inspired by the simulation
theory of mind point of view for action perception, it asserts the following:
for a given action, the information that the attention system will try to extract
during the action’s demonstration is the state of the variables the corresponding
inverse model would have to control if it was executing this action. For example,
the inverse model for executing an arm movement will request the state of the
arm when used in perception mode. This novel approach provides a principled
way for supplying top-down signals to the attention system. Depending on the
hypotheses that the observer has on what the ongoing demonstrated task is, the
attention will be directed to the features of the task needed to confirm one of the
hypotheses. Since there are multiple hypotheses, thus multiple state requests,
the saliency of each request can be made a function of the confidence that each
inverse model possesses. This removes the need for ad-hoc ways for computing
the saliency of top-down requests. Top-down control can then be integrated
with saliency information from the stimuli itself, allowing a control decision to
be made as to where to focus the observer’s attention. An overall diagram of
this is shown in figure 2.
In the experiments we reported in (Demiris and Khadhouri, 2006), we in-
vestigated a number of arbitration mechanisms, and scheduling algorithms. We
found that the best strategy to use for allocation was (what was termed as) RR-
HCAW: initially the resources are distributed equally across behaviours, (RR:
Round Robin algorithm), switching to a strategy that favours the behaviour
Interaction Studies 9:2 (2008), pp. 353–376.
DOI 10.1075/is.9.2.10dem
issn 1572–0373 / e-issn 1572–0381
Figure 2: The HAMMER architecture (Demiris and Khadhouri, 2006), incor-
porating the attention systems); B1 to Bn are the available inverse models, and
the arbitration block has to decide which of their requests to satisfy.
Interaction Studies 9:2 (2008), pp. 353–376.
DOI 10.1075/is.9.2.10dem
issn 1572–0373 / e-issn 1572–0381
with the highest confidence (HCAW: High confidence Always Wins) once such
behaviour can be clearly identified.
5 Introducing the content based control of at-
In the work we have reported so far (Demiris and Khadhouri, 2006), distribu-
tion of resources is done on a single behaviour basis; one behaviour is selected
and its request is serviced. By introducing content based control, the archi-
tecture refines its selection process by going on step further and examining the
content of each request, across all behaviours; as we will see, this will allow
for better scheduling of resouces, and significantly improves the performance
characteristics of the architecture of (Demiris and Khadhouri, 2006).
5.1 Adding content-based factors
In the work reported in this paper, in addition to the confidence values which
are used again to reflect how well a hypothesised behaviour matches the demon-
strated one, a number of new factors that add content-based control are used.
We list below the new factors that are used, grouped in three categories: Relia-
bility of content, Utility of content, and Cost of content; their usage can be seen
in figure 4.
5.1.1 Reliability of content
Is the request asking for the location of a dynamic or static object1?
Dynamic objects would require much more frequent update than static
objects, because their location can change constantly. A static object
however is most likely to have its current location matching that of the
memory from the last time it was seen. Hence it would not need frequent
1A dynamic object is an object which can move by itself, e.g. the hand. Whereas a static
object requires force from a dynamic object to move it.
Interaction Studies 9:2 (2008), pp. 353–376.
DOI 10.1075/is.9.2.10dem
issn 1572–0373 / e-issn 1572–0381
updating, and a short-term memory component holding the details of the
various object locations can be used (this can, for example, save us a
saccade). We can thus give less priority to requests for locations of static
objects that had their locations updated recently in the memory, giving
more importance to dynamic objects’ requests.
When was the last time this request was attended to? Is the current
location of the object asked for in this request valid? This knowledge
can be used to validate whether the location of an object (be it static,
dynamic, or static in contact with a dynamic ob ject) has expired.
Can a simple prediction of the object’s location be performed?
While the object is not being attended to, a prediction is generated to es-
timate its current location. This is based on whether the ob ject is static,
dynamic or static in contact with a dynamic object. If the object is dy-
namic (or static in contact with a dynamic object), then a simple linear
extrapolation method is used to predict its next location.
5.1.2 Utility of content
How many behaviours are submitting this request?
More importance is given to a more popular request that is required by a
larger number of behaviours. This is because it would help enable more
behaviours to be processed.
Will the content attended to also serve the request of the winning be-
haviour? In other words, is it being made by the behaviour that is cur-
rently selected by the scheduling algorithm? If it is, the request’s priority
is increased, since it would always remain top priority for the attention
model to serve the most-likely behaviour, to ensure correct recognition of
the demonstrated action.
Interaction Studies 9:2 (2008), pp. 353–376.
DOI 10.1075/is.9.2.10dem
issn 1572–0373 / e-issn 1572–0381
How many behaviours will be completely satisfied if this request is at-
tended to?
This is different from “How many behaviours are requesting this request?”
since a behaviour can have more than one request, meaning that answering
a request may not be sufficient to completely satisfy the behaviour that
made it. This information is only used to grade the importance of a
When was the last time the behaviour was attended?
This ensures that behaviours which have been left unattended for a long
time, are given a chance, even if they are not winning behaviours.
5.1.3 Cost of obtaining the Content
How far is the requested content from the currently attended location,
thus what is the cost of the saccade to the new location? This information
is important in order to extend the model’s ability to deal with camera
saccades to objects that lie outside the current camera input.
The previous memory of the object’s location is used, with the help of the
prediction mentioned earlier, to estimate the distance (and direction) of
the saccade needed in order to update its location. The distance of the
saccade acts as a cost function, that is used as an input to optimal path
criteria. This enables the determination of the shortest path needed to
update the objects that needs saccading to.
Experiments that simulate saccades were also incorporated, and a saccade
cost was introduced. This saccade cost was proportional to the distance the
camera has to saccade in order to view the object. The cost was normalised to
a value between 1 and 10. Therefore, for an image that has a width of xpixels
and a height of ypixels, and assuming that the centre of the attention box is at
(x1, y1) and the location for the object to saccade to is (x2, y2), then the cost is
calculated as:
Interaction Studies 9:2 (2008), pp. 353–376.
DOI 10.1075/is.9.2.10dem
issn 1572–0373 / e-issn 1572–0381
Figure 3: A general overview of the architecture
SC =round(10 (x1x2)2+(y1y2)2)
The result of this calculation would freeze the allocation of resources for SC
number of frames (which simulates the time it takes for the camera to do the
In some of the experiments shown later, the objects used were placed outside
the visual scene to force saccades. Throughout the experiments, only a simula-
tion of the saccade, with its associated cost value (SC ) based on the distance
of the object from the attention box was implemented.
Figure 3 shows the top-level of how the content-based approach will work.
First, it is necessary to perform an overall initial scan to identify which objects
(from the robot’s database) are present in the scene and to identify the state
of these objects, whether they are together, or isolated, etc. The content based
control is subsequently activated, following the steps described in figure 4 which
are described below. Based on the selection of this block, the behaviours that
can be computed are then processed.
Interaction Studies 9:2 (2008), pp. 353–376.
DOI 10.1075/is.9.2.10dem
issn 1572–0373 / e-issn 1572–0381
Figure 4: A detailed overview of the content-based control architecture
Interaction Studies 9:2 (2008), pp. 353–376.
DOI 10.1075/is.9.2.10dem
issn 1572–0373 / e-issn 1572–0381
5.2 The content based control algorithm
There are two main goals that are desired from this new approach, listed here
in their priority order:
To give priority to the winning behaviour using HCAW scheduling al-
gorithm when there is a clear winner. Otherwise giving priority to all
behaviours using RR scheduling algorithm when there is no winner yet
(which is often the case during the initialisation stages)2. This goal will
insure that the performance of the content-based control mechanism can,
at least, maintain the performance of the previous work (Demiris and
Khadhouri, 2006)
To maximise the number of behaviours being computed through intelligent
allocation of the resources between the requests, whilst carrying out the
first goal above.
Given the two goals above, the main part of the algorithm in figure 4 is
the block, “Does the top request from the ranked list belong to the selected
behaviour?”. The input to this block is a ranked list of requests and the selected
behaviour from the RR-HCAW algorithm. If this request is being made by the
winning behaviour, then it will be attended to, unless there is no need to, as
it would only produce redundant information. One example for this is when a
request is asking for the location of a static object that has only been attended
to recently, and would therefore remain unchanged.
If the request however is not being made by the currently winning behaviour,
then the algorithm will still attend to it, on the condition that it is being made
by a behaviour that remained idle for some long period. In this case however,
since there is time for the attention model to allocate resources to requests that
serve a behaviour other than the winning behaviour, a further mini-competition
takes place to find the lowest saccade cost. A simple optimal path algorithm
2On the implementation level, the RR-HCAW switching technique from the basic HAM-
MER implementation was used again to decide on when to give priority to every behaviour
equally, and when to give priority to the winning behaviour.
Interaction Studies 9:2 (2008), pp. 353–376.
DOI 10.1075/is.9.2.10dem
issn 1572–0373 / e-issn 1572–0381
is used to find the nearest location that requires the smallest saccade. If there
are other similar requests that are nearby, requiring a small saccade, then these
too are attended to, in order to minimise the overall number of saccades needed
throughout the experiment. These further saccades will only continue to take
place, however, if the winning behaviour is still being satisfied, or has only been
compromised for a very short period of time.
As mentioned in the previous section, determining whether the request is
worth attending to, or just a waste of time because of redundancy, was possible
using the reliability of content factors. These factors are therefore used to serve
the block labelled “Is previous value of top request reliable?” in figure 4.
The block at the top of the algorithm in figure 4 receives all the requests
from all the behaviours. The function of this block is to try to prioritise these
requests according to two factors: How useful it will be to answer it (i.e. how
many behaviours will be computed as a result of attending to it) and How
popular is the request (or how many behaviours are submitting it). Currently
these are combined by giving priority to the more important one (namely, how
many behaviours will be computed as a result). If then there are two requests
that are equal, the next factor is used to make a decision (namely, how many
behaviours are submitting it). If then there is still a draw, one of the two
requests is chosen at random to go first.
The content-based architecture will have the advantage of enabling multiple
behaviours to be computed at a time, instead of only one behaviour previously.
As a result of this, the resulting graphs for the content based control should look
more similar to the original graphs (without the attention mechanism), resulting
in a smaller loss of information. The additional overhead of the scheduling
algorithm however is very little the algorithm produces a ranked list of requests
based on simple counter increment operations (of the constant order of (Max
number of Requests * N) + N in the worst case scenario (where all behaviours
are asking all needed states, where N is the number of behaviors), followed by
a maximum of three binary decision operations.
Interaction Studies 9:2 (2008), pp. 353–376.
DOI 10.1075/is.9.2.10dem
issn 1572–0373 / e-issn 1572–0381
Figure 5: The experimental setup involves an ActivMedia Peoplebot observing
a human demonstrator acting on objects
6 Experiments
6.1 Experimental Setup
We implemented and tested this architecture on an experimental setup involv-
ing an ActivMedia Peoplebot, following the setup of (Demiris and Khadhouri,
2006; Demiris and Johnson, 2003); in these experiments the on-board camera
was used as the only sensor. A description of the low-level implementational
details of inverse and forward models, and the low-level vision processing can
be found in (Demiris and Khadhouri, 2006). A human demonstrator performed
an object oriented action (an example is shown in figure 5), and the robot,
using HAMMER, attempted to match the action demonstrated (an example is
shown in figure 6), with the equivalent in its repertoire. In the experiments
reported here, the robot captured the demonstration at a rate of 30Hz, with
an image resolution of 160×120, and the demonstrations lasted an average of
3 seconds. In the following sections, we will describe the performance of the
architecture with and without two implementations of the attention mechanism
(with and without content-based control). We will compare its performance
against previous implementations of this approach (Demiris and Hayes, 2002;
Demiris and Johnson, 2003) to demonstrate the performance improvements that
the content-based attention-control subsystem of HAMMER brings.
Interaction Studies 9:2 (2008), pp. 353–376.
DOI 10.1075/is.9.2.10dem
issn 1572–0373 / e-issn 1572–0381
Figure 6: Representative frames from a video sequence involving a human reach-
ing for an object
6.2 Demonstrated Behaviour Set
The following seven new behaviours were implemented in these experiments to
demonstrate and test the model architecture explained earlier.
Behaviour 1 - Move empty hand up; requests: Hand location only.
Behaviour 2 - Move empty hand down; requests: Hand location only.
Behaviour 3 - Move empty hand left; requests: Hand location only.
Behaviour 4 - Move empty hand right; requests: Hand location only.
Behaviour 5 - Put objects together; requests: Hand location, object A and
object B.
Behaviour 6 - Separate two objects; requests: Hand location, object A
and object B.
Behaviour 7 - Move two objects together; requests: Hand location, object
A and object B.
In these behaviours, there are three objects, one dynamic (the hand), and two
static (A and B). The hand has 7 requests in total (i.e. made by all behaviours),
whilst objects A and B have 3 requests each. A coke can and an orange were
chosen for objects A and B respectively.
Interaction Studies 9:2 (2008), pp. 353–376.
DOI 10.1075/is.9.2.10dem
issn 1572–0373 / e-issn 1572–0381
6.3 Experimental Design
Three different sets of experiments were designed, in order to demonstrate how
the added content-based control can improve the attention model in three dif-
ferent ways.
Experiments to show that it will generally improve the recognition results
for the winning behaviour. We performed three sets of experiments to
demonstrate this point, for each of the 7 behaviours, with the following
1. No attention mechanism - at each frame all the behaviours receive
the state information they require, regardless of how long it takes
(or how costly it is) to collect it, and all compute and update their
confidences. This condition is the same used in previous experiments
(Demiris and Hayes, 2002; Demiris and Johnson, 2003), and will serve
as the reference condition for comparing the performance of the at-
tention subsystem. Under this condition, the system contains com-
plete knowledge of the whole state information and the resources to
supply all hypotheses with the necessary information for them to be
confirmed/dismissed. By definition, this condition will perform bet-
ter than any attention system that we can devise, since any attention
system will result in sub-sampling of the state information, thus can-
not possibly result in more accurate recognition. However, these are
idealistic circumstances, and embedded systems cannot be assumed
to have the necessary resources to have complete state information.
Thus the need for attention mechanisms, and the no-attention con-
dition is included as the reference signal, i.e. the theoretically ideal
condition that cannot always be achieved.
2. RR-HCAW, the best performing strategy from the content-free allo-
cation strategies (Demiris and Khadhouri, 2006), which combines the
Round-Robin (RR) implementation and the HCAW (Highest Confi-
Interaction Studies 9:2 (2008), pp. 353–376.
DOI 10.1075/is.9.2.10dem
issn 1572–0373 / e-issn 1572–0381
dence Always Wins) condition. Initially all behaviours are given
equal treatment (RR), but when one of them takes a clear lead (its
confidence becomes higher than 50% of the average confidence of
all behaviours with positive confidences), the arbitration mechanism
switches to HCAW.
3. Content-Based approach, in addition to the mechanisms of experi-
ment 2).
Experiments to quantify explicitly the cost of involving saccades, which
are necessary for more realistic situations where not all the information
required are in the current field of view.
Experiments to show that the content based control allows the system
to recover from initial errors by (as much as possible) keeping track of
other behaviours to allow them to recover later, where the final winning
behaviour is not the same as the initial winning behaviour.
In all conditions, the same formula is used to update the confidence of the
inverse models, and follows the procedure of Demiris and Khadhouri (2006): the
data requested, once retrieved, are sent to the corresponding inverse model that
asked for them. The motor command of that inverse model is generated and
sent to the corresponding forward model, which forms a prediction of what the
next state will be. We then calculate the prediction error and use it to update
the confidence of the inverse model. Since we are using a qualitative prediction
(e.g. hand closer to target), the prediction will either be correct or not. The
confidence of the inverse model is then updated according to the following rule:
C(t) =
C(t1) + 1 if prediction is correct
C(t1) 1,if prediction is incorrect
Figure 7 serves as a legend for the other figures, and shows the assigned
labels (B1 to B7) for the different behaviours.
Interaction Studies 9:2 (2008), pp. 353–376.
DOI 10.1075/is.9.2.10dem
issn 1572–0373 / e-issn 1572–0381
Figure 7: The corresponding labels for the behaviours used in the experiments
Figure 8: B1 demonstrated. Evolution of the confidences when no attention
mechanism is employed
6.4 Experiments to show recognition improvement using
content-based control
Figure 8 gives the evolution of the confidences of all the behaviours, whilst
behaviour 1 (as an example) was being demonstrated, when no attention mech-
anism is employed.
Figure 9 gives the evolution of the confidences of all the behaviours, whilst
behaviour 1 (as an example) was being demonstrated, using the attention model
of our previous work (Demiris and Khadhouri, 2006) that only employs resource
scheduling algorithms working on the confidence values.
Figure 10 gives the evolution of the confidences of all the behaviours, whilst
behaviour 1 (as an example) was being demonstrated, when the content-based
approach is added.
Figure 1 gives a summary of the performance of the attention mechanism
for each of the behaviours. In all conditions, all behaviours were recognised
correctly. Results of the final confidence value of the demonstrated action are
Interaction Studies 9:2 (2008), pp. 353–376.
DOI 10.1075/is.9.2.10dem
issn 1572–0373 / e-issn 1572–0381
Figure 9: B1 demonstrated. Evolution of the confidences using the RR-HCAW
Figure 10: B1 demonstrated. Evolution of the confidences using a content-based
Interaction Studies 9:2 (2008), pp. 353–376.
DOI 10.1075/is.9.2.10dem
issn 1572–0373 / e-issn 1572–0381
Table 1: Confidence for each behaviour for each condition as a percentage of
the confidence reached with no attention present
shown for all experimental conditions. Percentages are calculated by making a
relative comparison between each confidence value and the corresponding one
from the version of the architecture without the attention mechanism. The re-
sults show that with the content-based control activated, the confidence levels of
each of the behaviours are closer to those when no attentional control is present
than the ones of the RR-HCAW condition, the best performing non-content-
based attentional control strategy (Demiris and Khadhouri, 2006). These re-
sults indicate that content-based control can maintain the benefits brought by
an attention mechanism, but at the same time with less impact on the reliability
of the predictions.
6.5 Introducing saccades
The purpose of this subsection is to introduce experiments that quantify the
effects of saccades in content-based control. Saccades in general are known to
be very demanding, because of the movement required to perform them, during
which, no new data can be collected, hence resulting in the possibility of less
computations. As a result of this, the allocation of resources becomes even more
valuable, and must be allocated correctly in order to still achieve high confidence
The result of this would freeze the allocation of resources for SaccadeCost
number of frames (which simulates the time it takes for the camera to do the
Interaction Studies 9:2 (2008), pp. 353–376.
DOI 10.1075/is.9.2.10dem
issn 1572–0373 / e-issn 1572–0381
Figure 11: B1 demonstrated. Evolution of the confidences using a content-based
approach for scenarios requiring saccades
saccade, during which, all processes must be frozen).
Where possible, ob jects A and B were placed outside the visual scene to
incorporate saccades. Throughout the experiments, only a simulation of the
saccade, with its associated cost value (SaccadeC ost) based on the distance
of the object from the attention box was implemented, instead of an actual
physical saccade.
As representative examples of the results that were obtained from the ex-
periments, figures 11 and 12gives the evolution of the confidences of all the
behaviours, whilst behaviour 1 and 3 was being demonstrated respectivel, using
the added content-based control.
Table 2 gives a summary of the performance of the attention mechanism
for all the other behaviours. In all conditions, all behaviours were recognised
correctly. Results of the final confidence value of the demonstrated action are
shown for all experimental conditions. Percentages are calculated by making a
relative comparison between each confidence value and the corresponding one
from the plain version of the architecture without the attention mechanism.
Looking at the graph in figure 11 more closely, it can be seen that there
are periods of inactivity, where no computations are taking place, these occur
about every 20 frames or so. This represents the saccade cost, which the model
Interaction Studies 9:2 (2008), pp. 353–376.
DOI 10.1075/is.9.2.10dem
issn 1572–0373 / e-issn 1572–0381
Figure 12: B3 demonstrated. Evolution of the confidences using a content-based
approach for scenarios requiring saccades
Table 2: Confidence for each behaviour for each condition as a percentage of the
confidence reached with no attention present for scenarios requiring saccades
Interaction Studies 9:2 (2008), pp. 353–376.
DOI 10.1075/is.9.2.10dem
issn 1572–0373 / e-issn 1572–0381
Figure 13: In this experiment, the demonstrator started by demonstrating B3
by moving his hand to the left, and then intentionally changing the direction to
move it to the right, hence demonstrating B4
chooses to go through, sacrificing computations, in order to attend to the static
objects that fall outside the scene, refreshing their static locations, which were
designed to expire after 20 frames in these experiments.
Despite the significant loss in the computations, it can be seen from table
2 that all the behaviours were still identified correctly, with a good average
confidence value of 77.85% for the final winning behaviours.
The attention model with the added content-based control is powerful enough
to deal with saccades, causing a loss in recognition rate of only 15% (since the
recognition rate in the previous section without saccades was 92.66%)
6.6 Experiments to demonstrate recovery
The purpose of this section is to demonstrate that the new added content-based
control will enable good tracking of all the behaviours, such that it can recover
by recognising the correct demonstrated behaviour in case of an error occurring
at the beginning.
In order to achieve this, an experiment was designed where the demonstrator
starts off by demonstrating B3 and then quickly alternates to demonstrate B4.
Figure 13 shows the outcome of this experiment.
The attention model is able to recover and correctly recognise that it was
Interaction Studies 9:2 (2008), pp. 353–376.
DOI 10.1075/is.9.2.10dem
issn 1572–0373 / e-issn 1572–0381
mainly B4 which was demonstrated, rather than B3.
Since the model managed to recover from this worse case scenario, where the
eventual winning behaviour was scoring negatively initially, the model should
therefore have no problem either to deal with easier scenarios, where the even-
tual winner scores positively at the beginning. One such possibility can be to
deal with two behaviours that are similar in nature at the beginning, and only
differ towards the end. In this case, both behaviours would score positively at
the beginning, and therefore recovery will be even easier than what was demon-
strated in this experiment.
The reason why the added content-based control has an advantage over
the previous attention model that did not have it, is because it allows the
computation of more than one behaviour at a time, keeping track of all the
behaviours as much as it can. Whereas previously, this was not the case, and
only the winning behaviour was being updated, hence recovery would not be as
7 Discussion
By allocating the limited computational resources according to a content-based
approach, that is based on behaviour needs/requests, one can see further signif-
icant performance gains.
The higher confidence values for the winning behaviours, and the improved
way in allocating the resources allowed the attention model to be pushed to work
with more demanding situations, such as those requiring saccade generations.
It was shown through experiments that the attention model still managed to
correctly identify winning behaviours in these situations with a high average
experimental confidence value of 78%.
Furthermore, using this approach produced graphs with shapes that no
longer just clearly identified the winning behaviour, as was previously achieved,
but they also better matched the shape of the original graphs of the perfect
Interaction Studies 9:2 (2008), pp. 353–376.
DOI 10.1075/is.9.2.10dem
issn 1572–0373 / e-issn 1572–0381
scenario with no attention mechanism at all.
This means that most of the information about the other behaviours are
retained, which has also resulted in better performance under more noisy condi-
tions, as well as assisting, in some rare circumstances, to correctly identify the
demonstrated behaviour, even if it didn’t have the highest confidence value to
start with.
Overall therefore, the addition of the content-based control to the attention
model has improved the attention model in three useful ways:
It generally improved the recognition results for the winning behaviours.
It is therefore better equipped at handling tougher situations such as sac-
It kept good track of other behaviours too, minimising ambiguity in scene
understanding, hence also allowing a later recovery for a demonstrated
behaviour that did not start out as the winning behaviour.
The problem we have addressed, which we have termed utilization of re-
sources, can be seen a question of sampling how coarse can your sampling
become while retaining accuracy of the results, compared to perfect sampling
(here represented by the no-attention condition as we explained above). In the
RR-HCAW condition, given that only one inverse model is granted its request,
we obtain 1/N samples per time unit, where N is the number of inverse mod-
els putting forward a request, saving N-1/N sampling requests per time unit;
it might the case that our hardware setup can actually handle N requests per
time unit; however we cannot assume that this is always the case, particularly
in embedded systems. Even if the computational resources are sufficient (and
in this case they are), when you introduce non-sharable resources (e.g. Pan and
tilt camera) there will be cases (for e.g. any situation where the action observed
takes place over an area larger than your field of view, necessitating saccades))
where perfect sampling will not be possible.
Interaction Studies 9:2 (2008), pp. 353–376.
DOI 10.1075/is.9.2.10dem
issn 1572–0373 / e-issn 1572–0381
The sampling in the content-based approach remains the same only one
request is serviced, but we now look at the requests at the content level and
rank them accordingly; the key point here is that if the request we serviced is
made by more than one behavior, we distribute the results to all such behaviors,
which can only improve the results (as we see above) by bringing them closer
to the theoretically optimal but not always achievable situation (no attention).
8 Conclusions
Attention control is an important aspect of understanding human actions. In
our work, we have employed a motor theory approach to the control of at-
tention, putting forward HAMMER as a principled method for calculating the
goal-directed importance of visual information. In this paper we have demon-
strated that by examining the content of the requests of multiple hypotheses,
and calculating its utility, reliability and cost, we can further optimise the sensor
usage of the robotic assistant during the observation of human actions. This will
enable robotic assistants to respond to human actions rapidly and efficiently.
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... Saccadic movements are then performed according to a certain confidence level attributed to each of the competing models, and to the saliency of a feature (either hand or object). Previous approaches required knowledge of the features of the different targets present in the environment to detect them [5], or knowledge of their positions. In this work, we propose a model that can overcome these limits, allowing for simultaneous exploration of the environment and recognition of the actions, exploiting both sources of information to achieve faster action recognition. ...
... A number of different models, at least one for each of the possible targets of the action, compete for both attention allocation and for the final discrimination of the action goal. Following HAMMER guidelines [5], the discrimination between the available action hypotheses is based on the computation of a confidence value that measures theFigure 2. Example of experimental setup, with iCub looking at target objects and arm movements (bottom right). In the top-left the iCub's gaze is following the hand, than, top-right, the gaze anticipate the hand movement, finally, bottom-left, the gaze is focused on the target object before the hand reaches it. ...
Full-text available
Exploratory gaze movements are fundamental for gathering the most relevant information regarding the partner during social interactions. Inspired by the cognitive mechanisms underlying human social behaviour, we have designed and implemented a system for a dynamic attention allocation which is able to actively control gaze movements during a visual action recognition task exploiting its own action execution predictions. Our humanoid robot is able, during the observation of a partner's reaching movement, to contextually estimate the goal position of the partner's hand and the location in space of the candidate targets. This is done while actively gazing around the environment, with the purpose of optimizing the gathering of information relevant for the task. Experimental results on a simulated environment show that active gaze control, based on the internal simulation of actions, provides a relevant advantage with respect to other action perception approaches, both in terms of estimation precision and of time required to recognize an action. Moreover, our model reproduces and extends some experimental results on human attention during an action perception.
... Saccadic movements are performed according to a certain confidence level attributed to each of the competing models, and to the saliency of a feature (either hand or object). Differently from previous approaches, which required the knowledge of the features of the different targets present in the environment to detect them [5], or the knowledge of their positions, in this work we propose a model that can overcome these limits, allowing for simultaneous exploration of the environment and recognition of the actions, exploiting both source of information to achieve faster action recognition. Also, according to a foveal model of vision, we consider that visual information gets more reliable and less noisy moving from the periphery to the center of the visual field. ...
... 1. Example of experimental setup, with iCub looking at target objects and arm movement (its own pointing movement is not relevant here) the action goal. Following HAMMER guidelines [5], the discrimination between the available action hypotheses is based on the computation of a confidence value that measures the overall Euclidean distance between the predicted action trajectories and the observed motion trajectories. To compute such prediction, HAMMER uses a combination of forward and inverse model pairs which are the same models that can be used for action control. ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Exploratory gaze movements are fundamental for gathering the most relevant information regarding the partner during social interactions. We have designed and implemented a system for dynamic attention allocation which is able to actively control gaze movements during a visual action recognition task. During the observation of a partner’s reaching movement, the robot is able to contextually estimate the goal position of the partner hand and the location in space of the candidate targets, while moving its gaze around with the purpose of optimizing the gathering of information relevant for the task. Experimental results on a simulated environment show that active gaze control provides a relevant advantage with respect to typical passive observation, both in term of estimation precision and of time required for action recognition.
... The inputs to an attention mechanism can either be stimulus-driven (bottom-up) or goal-directed (top-down) [5]. Stimulus-driven means attending to the most salient regions of the environment and applying a winner-takes-all strategy [6]. ...
... The HAMMER (Hierarchical Attentive Multiple-Models for Execution and Recognition of actions) architecture provides a base for the predictive system (see Fig. 1). It is comprised of three main components: the inverse models (plan generators), the forward models (predictors) and the evaluator [5,13]. ...
Conference Paper
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In RTS-style games it is important to be able to predict the movements of the opponent's forces to have the best chance of performing appropriate counter-moves. Resorting to using perfect global state information is generally considered to be `cheating' by the player, so to perform such predictions scouts (or observers) must be used to gather information. This means being in the right place at the right time to observe the opponent. In this paper we show the effect of imposing partial observability onto an RTS game with regard to making predictions, and we compare two different mechanisms that decide where best to direct the attention of the observers to maximise the benefit of predictions.
... However, in the presence of proper constraints, the problem changes, any typical interactions between infants and caretakers are characterized by behavior that creates joint attention around the object of interest, thus effectively reducing the search space to something very noticeable. Joint attention need intentional understanding (Kaplan & Hafner, 2006) but these notions works in a "transitive" way: guessing human intentions with reasoning helps the robot to engage in a joint attention episode with the agent and thus retrieve the most relevant visual information (Demiris & Khadhouri, 2006;Ognibene, Chinellato, Sarabia, & Demiris, 2013). ...
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The development of reasoning systems exploiting expert knowledge from interactions with humans is a non-trivial problem, particularly when considering how the information can be coded in the knowledge representation. For example, in human development, the acquisition of knowledge at one level requires the consolidation of knowledge from lower levels. How is the accumulated experience structured to allow the individual to apply knowledge to new situations, allowing reasoning and adaptation? We investigate how this can be done automatically by an iCub that interacts with humans to acquire knowledge via demonstration. Once consolidated, this knowledge is used in further acquisitions of experience concerning preconditions and consequences of actions. Finally, this knowledge is translated into rules that allow reasoning and planning for novel problem solving, including a Tower of Hanoi scenario. We thus demonstrate proof of concept for an interaction system that uses knowledge acquired from human interactions to reason about new situations.
... The HAMMER architecture is a framework based on simulation theory, designed to empower robots with capabilities to understand and imitate human actions based on the four factors described in the previous section. This framework has been implemented in real-dynamics robot simulators [17,14] and real robotic platforms [15,41,18]. Open source versions of the architecture have been freely released [60] with support for the NAO and iCub humanoids. ...
Full-text available
During social interactions, humans are capable of initiating and responding to rich and complex social actions despite having incomplete world knowledge, and physical, perceptual and computational constraints. This capability relies on action perception mechanisms that exploit regularities in observed goal-oriented behaviours to generate robust predictions and reduce the workload of sensing systems. To achieve this essential capability, we argue that the following three factors are fundamental. First, human knowledge is frequently hierarchically structured, both in the perceptual and execution domains. Second, human perception is an active process driven by current task requirements and context; this is particularly important when the perceptual input is complex (e.g. human motion) and the agent has to operate under embodiment constraints. Third, learning is at the heart of action perception mechanisms, underlying the agent's ability to add new behaviours to its repertoire. Based on these factors, we review multiple instantiations of a hierarchically-organised biologically-inspired framework for embodied action perception, demonstrating its flexibility in addressing the rich computational contexts of action perception and learning in robotic platforms. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013. All rights are reserved.
... Inference of intentions has also been further studied by Wolpert et al. [52], [53], [60], [78], [79] and Demiris et al. [55]- [59], [80], [81]: Their approach is to generate agent behaviors under a number of alternative hypotheses, which are then tested by comparison with observed behaviors. This means that "multiple simulations" are run in parallel, and the most salient one(s) are selected. ...
Full-text available
This position paper introduces the concept of artificial “co-drivers” as an enabling technology for future intelligent transportation systems. In Sections I and II, the design principles of co-drivers are introduced and framed within general human-robot interactions. Several contributing theories and technologies are reviewed, specifically those relating to relevant cognitive architectures, human-like sensory-motor strategies, and the emulation theory of cognition. In Sections III and IV, we present the co-driver developed for the EU project interactIVe as an example instantiation of this notion, demonstrating how it conforms to the given guidelines. We also present substantive experimental results and clarify the limitations and performance of the current implementation. In Sections IV and V, we analyze the impact of the co-driver technology. In particular, we identify a range of application fields, showing how it constitutes a universal enabling technology for both smart vehicles and cooperative systems, and naturally sets out a program for future research.
... First, by understanding the goal or intention of the action, it is possible to direct the robot's attention towards a more informative spot. It will help the robot to obtain more context-related information that could boost the perception performance, as discussed in [23]. This is essentially a top-down approach on directing the robot's attention. ...
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We study an incremental process of learning where a set of generic basic actions are used to learn higher-level task-dependent action sequences. A task-dependent action sequence is learned by associating the goal given by a human demonstrator with the task-independent, general-purpose actions in the action repertoire. This process of contextualization is done using prob-abilistic parsing. We propose stochastic context-free grammars as the representational framework due to its robustness to noise, structural flexibility, and easiness on defining task-independent actions. We demonstrate our implementation on a real-world scenario using a humanoid robot and report implementation issues we had.
... Despite the importance of attention in task learning, there have not been so many studies focusing on it (see (Demiris and Khadhouri, 2008) and (Thomaz and Breazeal, 2008) for rare examples of studies focusing on a robot's attention). A big challenge here is that a top-down architecture to control attention cannot be adopted if robots are supposed not to know what to learn. ...
Full-text available
We address the question of how a robot's attention shapes the way people teach. When demonstrating a task to a robot, human part-ners often emphasize important aspects of the task by modifying their body movement as caregivers do toward infants. This phe-nomenon has recently been investigated in de-velopmental robotics; however, what causes such action modification is yet unrevealed. This paper presents an experiment examin-ing influences that a robot's attention has on task demonstration of human partners. Our hypothesis is that a robot's bottom-up atten-tion based on visual salience induces partners to exaggerate their body movement, to seg-ment the movement frequently, to approach closely to the robot, and so on, which are ho-mologous to modifications in infant-directed action. We present quantitative results sup-porting our hypothesis and discuss what prop-erties of bottom-up attention contribute to eliciting such action modifications.
Conference Paper
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Directing robot attention to recognise activities and to anticipate events like goal-directed actions is a crucial skill for human-robot interaction. Unfortunately, issues like intrinsic time constraints, the spatially distributed nature of the entailed information sources, and the existence of a multitude of unobservable states affecting the system, like latent intentions, have long rendered achievement of such skills a rather elusive goal. The problem tests the limits of current attention control systems. It requires an integrated solution for tracking, exploration and recognition, which traditionally have been seen as separate problems in active vision. We propose a probabilistic generative framework based on information gain maximisation and a mixture of Kalman Filters that uses predictions in both recognition and attention-control. This framework can efficiently use the observations of one element in a dynamic environment to provide information on other elements, and consequently enables guided exploration. Interestingly, the sensors control policy, directly derived from first principles, represents the intuitive trade-off between finding the most discriminative clues and maintaining overall awareness. Experiments on a simulated humanoid robot observing a human executing goal-oriented actions demonstrated improvement on recognition time and precision over baseline systems.
Full-text available
A considerable part of the imitation problem is nding mechanisms that link the recognition of actions that are being demonstrated to the execution of the same actions by the imitator. In a situation where a human is instructing a robot, the problem is made more complicated by the dierence in morphology. In this paper we present an imitation framework that allows a robot to recognise and imitate object-directed actions performed by a human demonstrator by solving the correspondence problem. The recog- nition is achieved using an abstraction mechanism that focuses on the features of the demonstra- tion that are important to the imitator. The abstraction mechanism is applied to experimen- tal scenarios in which a robot imitates human- demonstrated tasks of transporting objects be- tween tables.
Full-text available
We do not exist alone. Humans and most other animal species live in societies where the behaviour of an individual influences and is influenced by other members of the society. Within societies, an individual learns not only on its own, through classical conditioning and reinforcement, but to a large extent through its conspecifics, by observation and imitation. Species from rats to birds to humans have been observed to turn to their conspecifics for efficient learning of useful knowledge. One of the most important mechanisms for the transmission of this knowledge is imitation.
An interdisciplinary overview of current research on imitation in animals and artifacts. The effort to explain the imitative abilities of humans and other animals draws on fields as diverse as animal behavior, artificial intelligence, computer science, comparative psychology, neuroscience, primatology, and linguistics. This volume represents a first step toward integrating research from those studying imitation in humans and other animals, and those studying imitation through the construction of computer software and robots. Imitation is of particular importance in enabling robotic or software agents to share skills without the intervention of a programmer and in the more general context of interaction and collaboration between software agents and humans. Imitation provides a way for the agent—whether biological or artificial—to establish a "social relationship" and learn about the demonstrator's actions, in order to include them in its own behavioral repertoire. Building robots and software agents that can imitate other artificial or human agents in an appropriate way involves complex problems of perception, experience, context, and action, solved in nature in various ways by animals that imitate. Bradford Books imprint
Most models of visual search, whether involving overt eye movements or covert shifts of attention, are based on the concept of a saliency map, that is, an explicit two-dimensional map that encodes the saliency or conspicuity of objects in the visual environment. Competition among neurons in this map gives rise to a single winning location that corresponds to the next attended target. Inhibiting this location automatically allows the system to attend to the next most salient location. We describe a detailed computer implementation of such a scheme, focusing on the problem of combining information across modalities, here orientation, intensity and color information, in a purely stimulus-driven manner. The model is applied to common psychophysical stimuli as well as to a very demanding visual search task. Its successful performance is used to address the extent to which the primate visual system carries out visual search via one or more such saliency maps and how this can be tested.
According to the simulation theory, ‘human beings are able to use the resources of their own minds to simulate the psychological etiology of the behaviour of others’, typically by making decisions within a ‘pretend context’ (Gordon, 1999). During observation of another agent's behaviour, the execution apparatus of the observer is taken ‘off-line’ and is used as a manipulable model of the observed behaviour. From a roboticist's point of view, the fundamental characteristics of the simulation theory are: Utilization of the same computational systems for a dual purpose; both behaviour generation as well as recognition. Taking systems off-line (suspending their normal input/output) which necessitates a redirection and suppression of input (feeding ‘pretend states’ following a perspective taking process, suppressing the current ones that are coming from the visual sensors while this is performed) and output from/to the system to achieve this dual use. Simulation theory is often set as a rival to the ‘theory-theory’, where a separate theoretical reasoning system is used; the observer perceives and reasons about the observed behaviour not by simulating it, but by utilizing a set of causal laws about behaviours. It is important to note that in the experiments we describe here, ‘understanding’ the demonstrated behaviour equates to inferring its goal in terms of sensorimotor states, and does not imply inference of the emotional, motivational and intentional components of mental states. © Cambridge University Press 2007 and Cambridge University Press, 2009.
The paper describes a system for open-ended communication by autonomous robots about event descriptions anchored in reality through the robot’s sensori-motor apparatus. The events are dynamic and agents must continually track changing situations at multiple levels of detail through their vision system. We are specifically concerned with the question how grounding can become shared through the use of external (symbolic) representations, such as natural language expressions.
According to the motor theories of perception, the motor systems of an observer are actively involved in the perception of actions when these are performed by a demonstrator. In this paper we review our computational architecture, HAMMER (Hierarchical Attentive Multiple Models for Execution and Recognition), where the motor control systems of a robot are organised in a hierarchical, distributed manner, and can be used in the dual role of (a) competitively selecting and executing an action, and (b) perceiving it when performed by a demonstrator. We subsequently demonstrate that such an arrangement can provide a principled method for the top-down control of attention during action perception, resulting in significant performance gains. We assess these performance gains under a variety of resource allocation strategies.