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Cellulase activity, degradation of cellulose and lignin and humus formation by cellulolytic fungi

  • Wadhwani Foundation (May 2019 - January 2020)


Cellulase activity and degradation of cellulose and lignin in wheat straw and formation of humus during degradation by Botryotrichum sp., Masoniella sp., Paecilomyces fusisporus, Sclerotium sp. and Trichurus spiralis was studied. All the cultures exhibited carboxy-methyl-cellulase activity, but cellulase activity on cellulose powder, filter paper and cotton was shown only by Masoniella sp., P. fusisporus and Sclerotium sp. when grown on cellulose powder in submerged culture conditions. However, when grown on wheat straw in solid culture all fungi exhibited FPD activity. All except Masoniella sp. degraded both cellulose and lignin efficiently as compared to cellulose. There was formation of humus like substances during growth of fungi on wheat straw.
... Se ha descrito que la capacidad que tienen los hongos de crecer sobre hidrocarburos se ha atribuido a: i) la biodisponibilidad de estos compuestos [83] ; ii) su capacidad de adaptación o tolerancia [84,85] ; iii) su habilidad o capacidad de alargar sus hifas para acceder a los compuestos xenobióticos polares [72,85,86,88] y; iv) su capacidad catabólica para biotransformar y/o degradar los compuestos [11,81] . para degradar estos sustratos [5,32,51,89,90,91] . ...
... Por otro lado, Fusarium, Paecilomyces y Pestalotiopsis también han sido reportados por muchos autores como hongos degradadores de lignina [89,90,100] . Otros autores han reportado a los géneros Fusarium y ...
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La creciente demanda mundial de combustible aunado a la disminución de las reservas de crudos convencionales ha originado un gran interés por la explotación de las reservas de crudos no convencionales (ricas en asfaltenos) descubiertas a nivel mundial, como la Faja Petrolífera del Orinoco (FPO), fuente de reservas de crudos extrapesados (CEP) más grande del mundo y principal eje impulsor del desarrollo energético y sustentable de Venezuela y sus zonas de confluencia. Todo ello, fundamenta la necesidad de crear nuevos conocimientos y tecnologías alternativas encaminadas al mejoramiento de crudos pesados, CEP o bitúmenes, incluyendo el estudio y la aplicación de la biotecnología y de los microorganismos. En este sentido, los hongos ligninolíticos poseen un poderoso sistema enzimático de degradación de lignina (SEDL) que incluye un amplio rango de oxidoreductasas e hidrolasas, las cuales están implicadas en procesos de transformación y degradación de sustancias poliméricas en productos solubles parcialmente degradados y oxidados. El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como finalidad, i) determinar la capacidad hidrocarbonoclástica, en presencia de CEP y diversos HPAs como únicas fuentes de carbono, de los hongos Fusarium solani HP-1, F. solani UV MT-116 y F. solani UV MT-85, mutantes obtenido por mutagénesis al azar con luz ultravioleta de esporas de la cepa parental HP-1. Observándose un crecimiento significativo de la cepa MT-85 utilizando CEP como única fuente de carbono, ii) se procedió a determinar las actividades lignina peroxidasa (LigpP), manganeso peroxidasa (MnpP) y lacasa (LacP), enzimas extracelulares oxidativas asociadas al SEDL. Los resultados mostraron nuevamente una alta capacidad de la cepa MT-85 de sintetizar LigpP (0,75 U/mgP) a los 15 días de biotratamiento utilizando CEP como única fuente de carbono, iii) posteriormente se evaluó la capacidad de conversión enzimática parcial de CEP utilizando las cepas HP-1 y MT-85 como biocatalizadores fúngicos. Para ello, se establecieron experimentos de bioconversión empleando inoculos de 1x108 esporas/mL en 400 mL de Czapek modificado suplementado con 2 %v/v de CEP Junín, y posterior incubación a 30°C y 250 rpm por 30 días. Los posibles cambios en las propiedades fisicoquímicas del CEP biotratado, sus fracciones de maltenos (SAR) y asfaltenos (A) se determinaron mediante análisis de TLC-FID y FT-IR-ATR. Los cambios en la fracción de petroporfirinas se determinaron mediante análisis UV-Visible. Los resultados de las fracciones SARA obtenidos por TLC-FID mostraron que, en presencia de la cepa MT-85, hubo una disminución significativa de la fracción de los saturados (6,72±0,88%) con aumento en las fracciones de aromáticos (37,68±1,16%); polares (37,57±1,21%) y asfáltenos (18,03±0,98%) con respecto al control (10,13±0,61%; 34,46±1,16%; 38,28±0,84% and 17,13±0,68%, respectivamente). Los análisis FT-IR-ATR de los asfaltenos mostraron diferencias significativas de la cepa MT-85 con respecto al control, en las bandas relativas a los grupos funcionales: OH (3460-3100 cm-1), C=O (1760-1650 cm-1), C=C (1650-1550 cm-1), S=O (1303-930 cm-1) y OOP (915-707 cm-1). Así mismo, los análisis de las petroporfirinas mediante UV-Visible mostraron una disminución significativa en la banda Soret y de las  y  petroporfirinas en presencia de la cepa MT-85. La alta capacidad de bioconversión de asfaltenos que muestra F. solani MT-85 como biocatalizador fúngico podría relacionarse al efecto oxidativo inducido por la actividad enzimática LigpP. El interés de utilizar enzimas ligninolíticas para la conversión enzimática parcial de los asfaltenos radica fundamentalmente en que la oxidación de los átomos de carbono aromáticos podrían inducir una reducción de la aromaticidad total, remoción de los metales pesados, específicamente Ni y V, así como una conversión de compuestos azufrados, sin la pérdida de los átomos de carbono y conservando la capacidad calorífica de los CEP. Palabras claves: Fusarium solani, bioconversión, crudo extrapesado, Faja Petrolífera del Orinoco, exoenzimas ligninolíticas.
... Paecilomyces species have been describe from decaying plants and different soil samples including high heat resistant strains isolated from food (Sampson et al. 2009). Paecilomyces fumosoroseus is an entomopathogen that affects the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mesquita et al. 2001), which also degrades cellulose and lining efficiently (Kapoor et al. 1978). Another entomopathogen species is P. lilacinus, which produces proteases and chitinases that can alter the eggshell structure of nematodes (Khan et al. 2004). ...
The ants in the tribe Attini cultivate a fungus (Basidiomycota: Agaricales) as food and protect it from specific mycoparasites, Escovopsis (Ascomycota: Hypocreales), using the antibiotic production capacity of Actinobacteria (Pseudonocardia) associated with its exoskeleton. Attini nests are not axenic environments; several other microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) with undescribed roles interact with the ant and the principal symbionts. In addition, the ants show characteristic hygienic behaviors that include farming and grooming of the cultivar and creating, rearranging, and transporting piles of organic refused material in and out of the nest. Currently, 5 different agricultural practices have been described among the Attini and only the members of the Cyphomyrmex rimosus group maintain their cultivar in yeast form. All other groups of the Attini cultivate their fungi in mycelial form. Although the interaction in the attine ant symbiosis has been extensively studied, the yeast-cultivating ants and their microbial associates have not been described. In Puerto Rico, Cyphomyrmex minutus is the only attine species that practices yeast agriculture. We investigated the microbial community associated with C. minutus including the specific cultivar, the possible mycoparasite and the Actinobacteria. We sampled a total of 26 nests of C. minutus during the Dry and Rainy seasons at Cambalache Tropical Forest in Puerto Rico. A combination of culture-dependent and independent techniques was used to describe the fungi and Actinobacteria isolated from different components of the nest. We identified the yeast cultivar by sequencing the 28S rDNA gene. We also isolated and identified the fungi associated with the cultivar using morphology and ribosomal operon ITS sequencing. Furthermore, we created a clone library of the fungal ITS region from the organic refuse material in search of pathogens. Actinobacteria genera from the ant exoskeleton and the cultivar were analyzed using 16S rDNA gene. The microbial community associated with C. minutus differs significantly from other attine ants. The specific pathogen, Escovopsis, was not found in association with the cultivar nor the refuse material. Pseudonocardia was not the prevalent actinobacterium genus in the association, but instead Streptomyces strains were commonly recovered. Our studies strongly support the hypothesis that the ant maintains the cultivar in yeast form as an adaptation to escape pathogen infection
... They studied only a few strains of microorganisms, mostly bacteria. Kapoor et al. (1978) studied the extent of degradation of cellulose and lignin in wheat straw as a result of inoculation with Botryotrichum sp., Masoniella sp., Paecilomyces fusisporus, Sclerotium sp. and Trichurus spiralis. Botryotrichum sp. and Sclerotium sp. were found to degrade lignin up to 22% within 15 days. ...
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Most of the agricultural, forest and field crop litters are consisting lignocelluloses, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Among these cellulose is most predominant constituent followed by hemicellulose and lignin. The lignin together with the hemicellulose, encrust the cellulose chains forming a barrier which prevents wetting and access of cellulose-degrading enzymes therefore, the decomposition of litters can be achieved by breaking this association at first. The biodegradation of lignin of field crop litters representing a key step for carbon recycling inland ecosystem, as well as for industrial utilization of plant biomass, humification of dead organic matter by the application of certain bacterial and fungal species. The present study revealed the process of decomposition of plant litters. The fungal species colonized different types of plant litters on the basis of enzymatic activities and resource specificity. The mixtures of microorganisms could degrade lignocellulosic materials of wheat stubbles more efficiently than any individual species; Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus terreus, Fusarium equiseti, Trichoderma lignorum and Stachybotrys atra. A mixture of fungi and Streptomyces caused 48.0% decomposition while decomposition by an individual species viz. Aspergillus flavus was 36.90% only. It was found that, fungi have better abilities to decompose wheat straw than bacteria and actinomycetes. The mineralisation of plant residues could accelerate the rate of decomposition.
... They studied only a few strains of microorganisms, mostly bacteria. Kapoor et al. (1978) studied the extent of degradation of cellulose and lignin in wheat straw as a result of inoculation with Botryotrichum sp., Masoniella sp., Paecilomyces fusisporus, Sclerotium sp. and Trichurus spiralis. Botryotrichum sp. and Sclerotium sp. were found to degrade lignin up to 22% within 15 days. ...
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Most of the agricultural, forest and field crop litters are consisting lignocelluloses, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Among these cellulose is most predominant constituent followed by hemicellulose and lignin. The lignin together with the hemicellulose, encrust the cellulose chains forming a barrier which prevents wetting and access of cellulose-degrading enzymes therefore, the decomposition of litters can be achieved by breaking this association at first. The biodegradation of lignin of field crop litters representing a key step for carbon recycling in land ecosystem, as well as for industrial utilization of plant biomass, humification of dead organic matter by the application of certain bacterial and fungal species. The present study revealed the process of decomposition of plant litters. The fungal species colonized different types of plant litters on the basis of enzymatic activities and resource specificity. The mixtures of microorganisms could degrade lignocellulosic materials of wheat stubbles more efficiently than any individual species; Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus terreus, Fuserium equiseti, Trichoderma lignorum and Stachybotrys atra. A mixture of fungi and Streptomyces caused 48.0% decomposition while decomposition by an individual species viz. Aspergillus flavus was 36.90% only. It was found that, fungi have better abilities to decompose wheat straw than bacteria and actinomycetes. The mineralisation of plant residues could accelerate the rate of decomposition.
... Aspergillus awamori and A. niger had shown twin advantage of being a cellulose decomposer and phosphate solubiliser and is frequently used as inoculant for bio-augmented composting. Paecilomyces fusisporus was found to be an effi cient degrader of ligno-cellulosic wastes on the basis of cellulase activity and humus formation (Kapoor et al. 1978 ) . Lignin and cellulose is the most common constituent of agro-industrial waste and highly resistant to microbial attack. ...
Agro residues, a precious source of nutrients are being disposed off because of their bulky nature and non-availability of management practices. Besides loss of essential plant nutrients and organic matter important for sustainability of the system, it also causes environmental pollution leading to animal and human health problems. It is important to recycle these crop residues for restoring soil health and sustainability of the production system for national food and nutritional security. Composting can be adopted for large scale recycling of these agrowastes to enriched compost using efficient microorganisms. Apart from being a source of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and other nutrients for plants, compost is also believed to suppress soil-borne diseases in plants. These virtues make composting an ideal option for processing the enormous quantities of agro wastes that are generated in the world. Besides this agrowastes may be utilized as a resource for production of animal feed, biofuel and enzyme to generate additional income. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media B.V. All rights reserved.
... La Nature regorge de saprophytes impliqués dans le recyclage des matières organiques du Vivant et de fait liés de manière très étroite à l'équilibre biologique naturel. L'humus, source minérale première des végétaux, est ainsi formé par dégradation de débris végétaux par les flores complexes du sol constituées de bactéries et de champignons (Kapoor et al., 1978 ;Mishra et al., 1979). Ces communautés microbiennes du sol jouent un rôle capital dans le cycle de la matière (cycles du carbone et de l'azote). ...
This last decade knew a strong passion for the complex microfloras particularly for the floras associated symbiotically with their host like the digestive tract flora. The digestive floras indeed open many opportunities as well on the medical level as on the industrial and the biotechnological levels. In this manuscript, various works on the digestive flora of Galliforms are presented: study of the antibiotic action mode as growth promoter in chicken, search for substitutes to antibiotics in chicken and search of a putative pathogen of non specific enteritis in turkey. New tools useful for the bacterial identification were also developed in this writing. A new technique of clone screening, named CSbyDG, based on a discrimination of tri-band DGGE profiles, proved its effectiveness to screen clone libraries of 16S rDNA. To allow the regrouping of profile obtained in CSbyDG, a data-processing program coded in Visual Basic Application for Excel was developed. This program, named ProReg XL Tool, is able to regroup identical electrophoretic profiles. Its applicability is thus much broader than the only regrouping of profile of CSbyDG. In the long term, CSbyDG should allow, by various bearings, to identify a bacterium in a few hours.
... Paecilomyces species have been describe from decaying plants and different soil samples including high heat resistant strains isolated from food (Sampson et al. 2009). Paecilomyces fumosoroseus is an entomopathogen that affects the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mesquita et al. 2001), which also degrades cellulose and lining efficiently (Kapoor et al. 1978). Another entomopathogen species is P. lilacinus, which produces proteases and chitinases that can alter the eggshell structure of nematodes (Khan et al. 2004). ...
Conference Paper
In the fungus-growing ant interaction, the attine ants cultivate a fungus (Basidiomycota: Leucoprinus) and protect their cultivar from specific pathogen (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) using the antibiotic production capacity of Actinobacteria (Pseudonocardia). Three different genera of fungus-growing ants are known from Puerto Rico. Of these, Cyphomyrmex minutus is the only species that cultivates its fungus in yeast form. Although the interaction in the attine ant symbiosis has been extensively studied, the yeast-cultivating ants and their microbial associates in the Caribbean have not been described. We want to identify the cultivar, investigate the presence of pathogen Escovopsis and the microfungi community associated to Cyphomyrmex minutus cultivar. Samples were taken from twenty six different nests in the Cambalache Tropical Forest, Puerto Rico during the Dry and Rainy Seasons. The cultivar was identified using culture independent DNA isolation, amplification and sequencing of the 28S rDNA. Microfungi associates and the cultivar were classified and characterized using morphology and culture dependent molecular methods. We amplify the ribosomal DNA using and sequence with Internal Transcribe Spacer (ITS) primers. From the two sampling seasons we isolated 156 microfungi in association with C. minutus cultivar and we identified 36 different genera. The most frequent fungi were: Trichoderma spirale , Furarium spp. , Aspergillus spp. and Penicillium spp. These results represent an important contribution to understanding of the complex interaction between yeast-growing ants and the microbial community that includes the microfungi associates to the cultivar in the nest.
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A technique for rapid decomposition of rice (Oryza sativa L.) straw employing pre-treatment with aqueous solution containing 1.25% urea, 1.25% ZnSO4, 0.625% FeSO4 and 0.0625% CuSO4 in the first step for 48 hr followed by composting was developed during 1998 to prepare quality manure. Rice straw alone or in combination with pigeonpea [Cajanas cajan (L.) Millsp.] (4:1) was treated for altering the lignocellulosic complex of the rice residues to be decomposed. In the second stage, the treated materials were composted for 21 days. Pre-treatment followed by composting helped in lowering the C:N ratio of the substrate and improved the quality of compost in terms of N, P and K. The highest response of pre-treatment and composting was obtained in the mixture of treated rice straw + pigeonpea hull (4:1). In field investigation, rice straw compost was applied @ 2.5 to 7.5 tonnes/ ha in an Ustochrept of Indo-Gangetic Plain as per treatments during initiation of each crop cycle of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. emend. Fiori & Paol.) - rice system during 1998-99 and 1999-2000. The performance of various compost materials in conjunction with NPK were compared to that of water-soaked rice straw as well as mere NPK fertilizers. Highest improvement in organic carbon (0.92%), microbial biomass carbon (190 μg/g soil), micro-floral population and total N (721 kg/ha), available P (39.6 kg/ha) and K (175 kg/ha) in soil after 2 crop cycles was recorded with compost made up of treated rice straw+pigeonpea hull (4:1) wherein yield of rice and wheat was increased to the extent of 19.9 and 23.7, respectively, compared to water-soaked rice straw.
Nach einer Beimpfung von Weizenstroh mit zellulolytisch effektiven Pilzen wurden Veränderung des C: N-Verhältnisses, Gewichtsverlust, Zellulose- und Ligninabbau festgestellt. Der Gewichtsverlust pro Zeiteinheit war bei Beimpfung mit Mischkulturen erhöht, nicht hingegen der Zelluloseabbau. Paecilomyces fusisporus und Trichoderma viride waren am konkurrenzstärksten und unterdrückten Trichurus spiralis, Paecilomyces varioti, Penicillium chrysogenum und Sclerotium roifsii.
The effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and molasses enrichment on the decomposition of organic matter during composting of ligno-cellulosic waste was studied. The loss of organic matter increased with decrease in C:N ratio of the waste through the addition of inorganic nitrogen but the loss of this added nitrogen was very high when the C:N ratio narrowed down from 30 to 25. The maximum rate of decomposition with minimum loss of nitrogen was recorded with the enrichment by both nitrogen (C:N ratio of 30) and low grade phosphate rock (Waste: PR ratio of 4: l) at the level of 70% moisture on a dry weight basis. The incorporation of cattle dung into ligno-cellulosic waste suppressed the decomposition while molasses improved it and matured the compost within a short duration of 60 days. The culture of cellulolytic organisms did not compete well with the native micro flora during the composting of the waste. The inoculation with one litre slurry containing 5% each of dung, soil and well decomposed compost was enough to introduce the microflora which increased the decomposition and brought about early maturation of the compost.
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