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Intercomparison of methods for sampling and analysis of atmospheric mercury species


Abstract and Figures

An intercomparison for sampling and analysis of atmospheric mercury species was held in Tuscany, June 1998. Methods for sampling and analysis of total gaseous mercury (TGM), reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) and total particulate mercury (TPM) were used in parallel sampling over a period of 4 days. The results show that the different methods employed for TGM compared well whereas RGM and TPM showed a somewhat higher variability. Measurement results of RGM and TPM improved over the time period indicating that activities at the sampling site during set-up and initial sampling affected the results. Especially the TPM measurement results were affected. Additional parallel sampling was performed for two of the TPM methods under more controlled conditions which yielded more comparable results.
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Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001) 3007–3017
Intercomparison of methods for sampling and analysis
of atmospheric mercury species
J. Munthe
*, I. W.
, N. Pirrone
A. Iverfeldt
, R. Ferrara
R. Ebinghaus
, X. Feng
, G. Keeler
, E. Lanzillotta
S.E. Lindberg
, Y. Mamane
, E. Prestbo
, S. Schmolke
, W.H. Schroeder
J. Sommar
, F. Sprovieri
, R.K. Stevens
, W. Stratton
, G. Tuncel
, A. Urba
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, P.O. Box 47086, S-402 58 G .
oteborg, Sweden
CNR-Institute for Atmospheric Pollution (CNR-IIA), c=o: UNICAL, 87036 Rende, Italy
CNR-Institute of Biophysics (CNR-IB), Via S. Lorenzo 26, 57127 Pisa, Italy
GKSS Research Centre, Institute of Physical and Chemical Analysis, Max-Planck-Street, D-21502 Geesthacht, Germany
Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, G .
oteborgUniversity, S-412 96 G .
oteborg, Sweden
The University of Michigan Air Quality Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA
Environment Canada, Atmospheric Environment Service, 4905 Dufferin Street, Downsview, On Canada M3H 5T4
Environmental and Water Resources Engineering, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel
Frontier Geosciences Ltd., 212 Pontius North, Seattle, WA 98109, USA
FL Dept. Environmental Protection at US Environ. Protection Agency, Res. Triangle Park, NC 27711, USA
Department of Chemistry, Earlham College, National Road West, Richmond, IN 47374, USA
Middle East Technical University, Department of Environmental Engineering, Inonu Bulvari, 06531 Ancara, Turkey
Institute of Physics, A. Gostauto 12, Environmental Research Department, 2600 Vilnius Lithuania
Received 20 March 2000; received in revised form 25 October 2000; accepted 28 October 2000
An intercomparison for sampling and analysis of atmospheric mercury species was held in Tuscany, June 1998.
Methods for sampling and analysis of total gaseous mercury (TGM), reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) and total
particulate mercury (TPM) were used in parallel sampling over a period of 4 days. The results show that the different
methods employed for TGM compared well whereas RGM and TPM showed a somewhat higher variability.
Measurement results of RGM and TPM improved over the time period indicating that activities at the sampling site
during set-up and initial sampling affected the results. Especially the TPM measurement results were affected.
Additional parallel sampling was performed for two of the TPM methods under more controlled conditions which
yielded more comparable results. #2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Mercury; Measurement; Atmosphere; Speciation
1. Introduction
Pollution of the environment by mercury remains a
major concern in many regions. Measures to control
releases to air and water have been implemented in
many countries in Europe and North America. Despite
this, mercury levels in freshwater fish remain elevated
and further cuts may be warranted. Recently, an
international agreement on emission controls of mercury
has been signed by 32 countries from Europe, the USA
and Canada, within the framework of the LRTAP
*Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Munthe).
1352-2310/01/$ - see front matter #2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1352-2310(01)00104-2
convention of the UN-ECE (UN-ECE, 1998). As the
requirements on industry and utilities to reduce mercury
emissions to the atmosphere increases, the demand for
quantitative descriptions of source–receptor relation-
ships increases.
A particular aspect of mercury is that it exists in the
environment in a number of different chemical and
physical forms with different behaviour in terms of
transport and environmental effects (Schroeder and
Munthe, 1998). Large research efforts have been put
into the identification and quantification of these species
over the last decades (Braman and Johnson, 1974;
Brosset, 1982, 1987; Brosset and Lord, 1995; Stratton
and Lindberg, 1999).
In the atmosphere, the main three forms of Hg are:
elemental Hg vapour ðHg0Þ, reactive gas phase Hg
(RGM) and particulate phase mercury (TPM). Of these
three species, only Hg0has been tentatively identified
with spectroscopic methods (Edner et al., 1989) while the
other two are operationally defined species, i.e. their
chemical and physical structure cannot be exactly
identified by experimental methods but are instead
characterised by their properties and capability to be
collected by different sampling equipment. RGM is
defined as water-soluble mercury species with sufficiently
high vapour pressure to exist in the gas phase. The
reactive term refers to the capability of stannous chloride
to reduce these species in aqueous solutions without pre-
treatment. The most likely candidate for RGM species is
HgCl2and possibly other divalent mercury species.
TPM consists of mercury bound or adsorbed to
atmospheric particulate matter. Several different com-
ponents are possible; Hg0or RGM adsorbed to the
particle surface, divalent mercury species chemically
bound to the particle or integrated into the particle itself
(Brosset, 1987). Another species of particular interest is
methylmercury (MeHg) due to the high capacity of this
species to bioaccumulate in aquatic foodchains and to
its high toxicity. The presence of MeHg in the atmo-
sphere and its importance in the overall loading of
aquatic ecosystems has been demonstrated in a number
of publications (Bloom and Watras, 1989; Hultberg
et al., 1994; Brosset and Lord, 1995). Since MeHg is only
present at low pg=m3concentration levels in ambient
air, it is not an important species for the overall
atmospheric cycling of Hg, but mainly due to its toxicity
and capacity for bioaccumulation.
Sampling and analysis of atmospheric Hg is often
made as total gaseous mercury (TGM) which is an
operationally defined fraction defined as species passing
through a 0:45 mm filter or some other simple filtration
device such as quartz wool plugs and which are collected
on gold, or other collection material. TGM is mainly
composed of elemental Hg vapour with minor fractions
of other volatile species such as HgCl2;CH3HgCl or
ðCH3Þ2Hg. At remote locations, where TPM concentra-
tions are usually low, TGM makes up the main part
ð>99%Þof the total mercury concentration in air.
The different mercury species are ubiquitous in the
atmosphere with ambient TGM concentrations aver-
aging about 1:5ng=m3in the background air through-
out the world (Iverfeldt, 1991; Slemr and Langer, 1992).
Higher concentrations are found in industrialised
regions and close to emission sources. RGM and TPM
vary substantially in concentration typically from 1 to
600 pg=m3depending on location (Keeler et al., 1995;
Stratton and Lindberg, 1995). The major sources of
RGM and TPM (as well as Hg0Þin urban locations are
fossil fuel combustion and incinerators but secondary
formation via reactions with Hg0may also be important.
RGM is more water-soluble and has a high dry
deposition rate usually assumed to be comparable to
that of nitric acid (e.g. Petersen et al., 1995). Because
RGM compounds are water-soluble, they are efficiently
removed from the atmosphere during rain events and
have an atmospheric lifetime in the order of days or a
few weeks (Schroeder and Munthe, 1998). Elemental Hg
on the other hand has a relatively long lifetime of 0.5 to
2 yr due to its low solubility in water and slow removal
rate from the atmosphere via deposition and transfor-
mation to water-soluble species (Lindqvist et al., 1991;
Slemr and Langer, 1992).
In the last few years, new automated and manual
methods have been developed to measure TGM
(Tekran, 1998; Urba et al., 1999), RGM (Xiao et al.,
1997; Stratton and Lindberg, 1995; Sommar et al., 1999;
Feng et al., 2000) and TPM (Keeler et al., 1995; Lu et al.,
1998). These developments make it possible to determine
both urban and background concentrations of RGM,
TPM and TGM. Accurate determinations of emissions
and ambient air concentrations of different Hg species
will lead to an increased understanding of the atmo-
spheric behaviour of Hg and to more precise determina-
tions of source–receptor relationships. This information
linked with other data can be used to assess the various
pathways of human exposure to mercury (EPA report to
Congress, U.S. EPA, 1996).
Denuders have been used in a variety of air pollution
studies to collect reactive gases for subsequent analysis,
such as ammonia, nitric acid and sulphur oxides (Ferm,
1979; Possanzini et al., 1983; Ferm, 1986). Denuders
were also used to remove reactive gases to prevent
sampling artefacts associated with aerosol collection
(Stevens et al., 1978). Gold-coated denuders were
developed for removal of Hg vapour from air but were
not applied to air sampling (Munthe et al., 1991).
Potassium chloride (KCl) coated tubular denuders
followed by silver coated denuders were used by Larjava
et al. (1992) to collect HgCl2(RGM) and elemental Hg
emissions from incinerators and by Xiao et al. (1997),
Sommar et al. (1999) and Feng et al. (2000) for gaseous
divalent mercury in ambient air.
J. Munthe et al. / Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001) 3007–30173008
For particulate Hg, a variety of different filter
methods have been applied such as Teflon or Quartz
Fibre filters (Keeler et al., 1995; Lu et al., 1998; Berg
et al., 2001). Before analysis, these filters undergo a wet
chemical digestion usually followed by reduction–
volatilisation of the mercury to Hg0and analysis using
cold vapour atomic absorbance spectrometry (CVAAS)
or cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectrometry
(CVAFS). Recently, a collection device based on small
quartz fibre filters mounted in a quartz tube}the AES
Mini trap}was designed. The mercury collected on
the filter can be released thermally, followed by gold
trap amalgamation and CVAFS detection (Lu et al.,
The purpose of the intercomparison exercise described
here was to test and evaluate measurement methods to
be used within the two research programmes Mercury
Over Europe (MOE) and Mediterranean Atmospheric
Mercury Cycle System (MAMCS) funded by the
European Commission DGXII. The MOE and
MAMCS projects are devoted to an increased
understanding of the atmospheric cycling of different
Hg species in Europe and include co-ordinated
measurement campaign at 10 sampling sites over
2. Experimental
2.1. Site location
The measurement campaign was performed in Tus-
cany, Italy, approximately 100 km south of Pisa. The
site is situated in a hilly area 25 km from the coastline.
The sampling equipment was set up on the edge of a
small courtyard facing a valley with some olive tree
plantations and forests. All sampling was conducted
roughly within a 10 m distance.
2.2. Measurement techniques
A number of different sampling techniques were
employed for different mercury species. A summary of
the methodology used is given in Table 1. More detailed
descriptions of the applied methods are given below.
2.3. TGM measurements
2.3.1. Tekran gas phase mercury analysers
Two groups used Tekran Gas Phase Mercury
Analysers (Model 2537A) for measurements of TGM.
The pre-filtered sample air stream is passed through gold
cartridges where the mercury is collected. The mercury is
then thermally desorbed and detected in an integrated
CVAFS detector (Tekran, 1998). The instrument utilises
two gold cartridges in parallel, with alternating opera-
tion modes (sampling and desorbing=analysing) on a
predefined time base of 10 min. A sampling flow rate of
1:5 l min1was used. Under these conditions, a detec-
tion limit of roughly 0:15 ng=m3was achieved. A 47 mm
diameter Teflon pre-filter protects the sampling car-
tridges against contamination by particulate matter.
The accuracy and precision of this instrument has
recently been assessed in measurements intercompar-
isons performed at an urban=industrial site in Windsor,
Ontario, Canada (Schroeder et al., 1995a), a remote site
in north-central Wisconsin, USA (Schroeder et al.,
1995b), and at a remote marine background station in
Ireland (Ebinghaus et al., 1999). The instrument and the
internal permeation sources were calibrated prior to the
experimental work by manual calibration. The proce-
dure was adopted from Dumarey et al. (1985).
2.3.2. Gardis analysers
Two groups used Gardis analysers for measurements
of TGM. The Gardis instrument is based on gold
amalgamation and AAS detection (Urba et al., 1995).
Table 1
Applied methods for sampling and analysis of atmospheric mercury species
Method Mercury species Analytical method
Tekran Total gaseous mercury (TGM) CVAFS, semi-continuous
Gardis Total gaseous mercury (TGM) CVAAS, semi-continuous
Manual gold trap Total gaseous mercury (TGM) CVAAS
Charcoal adsorbents-INAA Total gaseous mercury (TGM) INAA
Teflon filters Total particulate mercury (TPM) Acid digest., SnCl2-CVAFS
Miniature quartz fibre filters Total particulate mercury (TPM) Thermal desorption, CVAFS
Cellulose acetate filters Total particulate mercury (TPM) Acid digest., SnCl2-CVAAS
Glass fibre filters Total particulate mercury (TPM) Acid digest., SnCl2-CVAFS
Mist Chamber with 0:1 M HCl Reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) SnCl2-CVAFS
Tubular KCl-coated denuders Reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) Thermal desorption, CVAFS
Annular KCl-coated denuders Reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) Thermal desorption, CVAFS=Acid
J. Munthe et al. / Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001) 3007–3017 3009
The Gardis instrument operates with ambient air as
carrier gas and does not require Argon or Helium for
detection. The sampling is run at about 1 l min1with
sampling times of 10 min. Under these conditions, a
detection limit of about 0:1ng=m3is achieved. A 25 mm
diameter PTFE membrane is used to protect the
analyser gas inlet from contamination by aerosol
particles. This instrument has been utilised in previous
intercomparison excercises (Urba et al., 1999; Ebinghaus
et al., 1999).
2.3.3. Manual gold trap method
The manual gold trap method is based on gold trap
amalgamation and subsequent analysis using CVAFS
(Brosset, 1987; Bloom and Fitzgerald, 1988). Samples
were collected on 10 cm traps consisting of a 6 mm
quartz tube with a mixture of small pieces (1–2 mm) of
gold wire and quartz glass pieces. The airflow was kept
at 0:5 l min1. All samples were analysed on-site using a
Brooks Rand CVAFS instrument.
2.4. RGM measurements
2.4.1. Mist chamber
The method of operation of the mist chamber was
adopted from Stratton and Lindberg ð1995Þ. The mist
chamber is filled with an aqueous solution containing
0:1 M HCl. The sampling flow rate is kept at 12 l min1.
In order to allow intercomparison with the tubular
denuder techniques, the sampling time was extended to
21 h in which case the acidic solution had to be
replenished to avoid complete evaporation. The mist
chamber was shielded from sunlight with aluminium
foil. Analysis of the collected RGM is made via direct
reduction using stannous chloride, amalgamation on
gold traps and CVAFS detection.
2.4.2. Tubular denuders
Tubular denuders consist of 6 mm quartz tubes
coated with KCl. The method is described in Sommar
et al. ð1998Þ. During sampling, the denuders are heated
to approximately 458C by means of a heating band to
avoid water vapour condensation. During this cam-
paign, three denuders were run in parallel. A sampling
flow rate of 1 l min1was employed. Analysis was made
using thermal desorption and CVAFS detection. The
denuders were heated to 4508C and purged with N2.
Mercury released from the denuder was collected on a
gold trap which was then analysed using CVAFS.
2.4.3. Annular denuders
Annular denuders for sampling of RGM consist of a
15 mm outer diameter quartz tube with an inner,
enclosed 8 mm tube. Air is pulled through the space
between the two tubes. Both the inner surface of the
outer tube and the outer surface of the inner tube are
coated with KCl. The set-up employed in this study was
a recently developed automated semi-continuous RGM
based on the KCl coated annular denuders coupled to
an automated TGM instrument. The RGM is quantita-
tively collected in the annular denuder at a sampling
flow rate of 5 l min1. These denuders are then heated to
5008C which converts the RGM to elemental mercury
which is detected by the Tekran CVAFS instrument.
A separate set of annular denuders was also used
without coupling to the analytical instrument. The
RGM collected on these denuders was determined by
extracting the denuders with ultrapure water (MQ)
followed by SnCl2reduction and CVAFS.
2.5. Particulate mercury
Three different methods for smapling TPM were
employed AES Mini traps, 47 mm Teflon filters, 47 mm
glass fibre filters and 47 mm cellulose acetate filters.
2.5.1. AES mini traps
The AES Mini traps consist of a small quartz fibre
filter enclosed in a 8 mm glass tube. A detailed
description of this smapler can be found in Lu et al.
(1998). The traps used in this study were modified and
instead of a quartz thread a 1:5 cm piece of silicon
tubing was used (W.
angberg et al., 2001). The sampling
time for the AES Mini traps was 21 h at a flow rate of
around 3–4 l min1. All samples were analysed on-site
using a Brooks Rand CVAFS instrument.
2.5.2. Cellulose acetate filters
The cellulose-acetate filters (47 mm diameter, 0:45 mm
pore-size), were pre-treated for 20 days in acid solution.
The sample volumes were 8.6–10:6m
3. Filters were
mineralised by means of a microwave oven (MILE-
STONE 1200) using a solution of 2 ml of nitric acid
(MERCK Selectipur) and 6 ml of hydrogen peroxide
(Carlo Erba RPE) in a Teflon vessel. Mercury was
determined by CVAAS after pre-concentration on gold
2.5.3. Glass fibre filters
Particulate samples were collected using pre-fired
glass fibre filters (Gelman Type A=E) in acid cleaned
Teflon filter packs at a nominal flow rate of 10 l min1.
Glass fibre filters which are acid extracted are pre-fired
at 5008C for a minimum of 1 h prior to use in sampling.
Filter packs, forceps, Teflon sample storage vials, petri
dishes and other field sampling equipment are rigorously
acid-cleaned in the 5 step, 11 day process described in
Landis and Keeler (1997). Extraction and analysis is
performed in a class 100 clean room. The samples are
extracted in a 10% solution of a nitric acid in Teflon
vials using a microwave digestion procedure (Keeler
et al., 1995). After extraction, the solution is oxidised
J. Munthe et al. / Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001) 3007–30173010
with BrCl for 1 h, converting all forms of Hg present
into the inorganic, þ2 oxidation state. The sample is
reduced with NH2OH and SnCl2is added to convert the
Hg2þto Hg0, which is volatile and liberated from
solution, by purging with Hg-free N2and subsequently
analysed using the dual-amalgamation CVAFS method.
The method detection limit for total particulate mercury
is about 1 pg=m3for a 24 h sample at the flow rates
2.5.4. Teflon filters
Particulate samples were collected using 47 mm
Teflon filters in acid cleaned Teflon filter packs at a
nominal flow rate of 10 l min1. The samples are
extracted in a 7 : 3 nitric acid : sulphuric acid solution
at 808C in Teflon vials. Sample analysis is made as for
glass fibre filters.
3. Results
In Table 2, the results of all applied methods for
TGM, TPM and RGM are summarised. The observed
concentration ranges for TGM are similar to what has
been reported for Northern Europe (Iverfeldt, 1991;
Ebinghaus et al., 1999; Schmolke et al., 1999) and the
Mediterranean basin (W.
angberg et al., 2001). For TPM,
the observed average concentrations in Tuscany are
higher than what is expected. This is due to a few
extreme results obtained in the beginning of the
campaign which were probably affected by local
conditions at the site. See discussion below. Observed
RGM concentrations are similar to what was found in
the following campaigns in MOE and MAMCS
angberg et al., 2001). No previously reported data
for RGM or TPM in this region have been found.
3.1. Total gaseous mercury (TGM)
TGM was measured from the start of the intercom-
parison exercise using all four methods. Only one of the
groups using a Gardis instrument reported complete
data. The Gardis instrument was run at a 10 min
sampling frequency. The Tekrans were first operated
at 5 min intervals, which was later changed to 10 min.
All reported concentrations were converted to 0:5h
averages to allow comparison. Irregular and variable
data was obtained during the start-up phase of the
measurements. Gaps in the data set also occurred when
one of the Tekran instruments (CNR-IIA) was used for
analysis of RGM samples collected on the denuders. The
use of the CNR-IIA Tekran for RGM sampling and
analysis also led to significant change in response and a
deviation of measured TGM values (see below).
In Fig. 1, the results of the measurements of total
gaseous mercury (TGM) are presented. The results
indicate that the three employed methods yield compar-
able results. Additional samples were collected on
activated carbon and analysed using INAA. The results
of these measurements yielded highly uncertain results
due to problems with high blank values in the activated
carbon batch and poor counting statistics. Daily
averages for the five measurement days were;
4:36 1:03;7:21 0:86;5detection limit; 2:27 0:3
1 and 2:50 2:22. The two latter results agree well with
the average levels presented in Fig. 1. For a more
detailed analysis of the data, linear slopes and correla-
tions were calculated for the three automated TGM
instruments employed. Only data from time periods with
near complete data sets were used in this evaluation.
In Table 3, the linear slopes and correlations are
presented. The CNR IIA instrument was only operated
according to the recommended procedures during day 1.
From day 2, this instrument was also used for
experimental work on sampling and analysis of RGM
using annular denuders. This resulted in a significant
shift in slope from 0.985 for the first day to 1.11–1.13 for
day 2–4, in comparison to the results form the GKSS
instrument. The most likely explanation is that the use
of RGM denuders caused a shift in detector response
which was not compensated for when using the
instrument for TGM measurements between the denu-
der experiments. The correlation between the two
Tekran instruments remained high during the whole
campaign. In contrast to these results, the correlation
between the GKSS Tekran (which was only used
for TGM measurements) and the CNR IB Gardis
instruments improved continuously over the 4 day
measurement period and reached acceptable values
ðS¼1:03;R2¼0:56Þduring the last day.
The manual gold trap method was run at 2 h sampling
times. In Fig. 2, the results obtained with this method
are compared with 2 h averages representing the same
time period from the three other methods (GKSS-
Tekran; CNR-IIA–Tekran and CNR-IB–Gardis).
In Fig. 2, it is clearly demonstrated that the overall
variability between the methods decreases during the
sampling campaign, despite the shift in response in the
CNR IIA Tekran. In the last four samples, all individual
Table 2
Average, median and range of observed concentrations of
TGM, TPM and RGM in Tuscany, June
Average 1.98 56 22
Median 1.93 25 22
Maximum 3.38 314 41
Minimum 1.28 13 3
J. Munthe et al. / Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001) 3007–3017 3011
results are within one standard deviation of the overall
average value.
During the fourth measurement campaign at R .
SW Sweden, the manual method employed by IVL and a
Tekran operated by GKSS, were intercompared. The
results from this intercomparison is presented in
Fig. 3.
3.2. Reactivegaseous mercury (RGM)
The results of the measurements of RGM are
presented in Table 4. Here, a somewhat larger variability
in the results obtained with the different methods is
evident. To some extent, this is caused by using different
sampling times but mainly reflects the analytical
difficulties for this operationally defined species. Based
on these results, both denuders and mist chambers were
judged to be acceptable alternatives for the sampling of
RGM but further evaluation was needed after the
completion of the first sampling campaign. One of the
mist chamber results (number 6) was judged to be an
outlier caused by the evaporation of the acidic solution
during the prolonged sampling time. The remaining
results (except number 2 and 5 where only one method
was used) are summarised in Fig. 4. The results are
satisfactory considering the differences in sampling
principle and methods of analysis.
As for TGM, the variability in RGM results is higher
in the beginning of the campaign than in the final three
samples. This indicates that optimisations of the
sampling set-up made during the initial phase of the
campaign were beneficial for the measurements.
Fig. 1. TGM intercomparison results. The methods employed are: GKSS and CNR-IIa ¼Tekran automated analyser (Gold trap
CVAFS); IVL ¼manual gold trap collection and CVAFS detection; CNR-IB ¼GARDIS automated analyser (Gold trap CVAAS).
Table 3
Linear slopes and correlation coefficients for three automatic TGM methods
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Total
GKSS-CNR-IIA S¼0:985 S¼1:12 S¼1:12 S¼1:13 S¼1:09
R2¼0:42 R2¼0:78 R2¼0:83 R2¼0:96 R2¼0:74
CNR-IIA-CNR-IB S¼0:89 S¼0:82 S¼0:86 S¼0:91 S¼0:86
R2¼0:26 R2¼0:61 R2¼0:43 R2¼0:59 R2¼0:15
GKSS-CNR-IB S¼0:88 S¼0:92 S¼0:97 S¼1:03 S¼0:96
R2¼0:05 R2¼0:01 R2¼0:23 R2¼0:56 R2¼0:29
J. Munthe et al. / Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001) 3007–30173012
3.3. Total particulate mercury (TPM)
An even larger variability is found in the results for
TPM, presented in Fig. 5. Most likely, these results were
influenced by the local conditions (dust, vehicles, etc.) at
the sampling site, especially during the first two samples.
In order to further test the comparability of the AES-
Mini traps and the Teflon filters, a second intercompar-
ison was performed in Sweden. The results of this
campaign are presented in Fig. 6.
The results from this second intercomparison for
TPM suggest that both methods give comparable results
Fig. 2. Two-hour average TGM results from four different methods. Error bars indicate 1 standard deviation for the individual
method over the time period.
Fig. 3. Intercomparison of manual and automated (Tekran) methods for total gaseous mercury (TGM). Slope and correlation is given
in the chart.
J. Munthe et al. / Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001) 3007–3017 3013
within a factor of two. However, the correlation between
the two methods is poor and no systematic bias can be
detected. Based on these results, it is not possible to
select one method as more accurate than the other.
Despite the relatively high variability observed in the
first intercomparison campaign, the AES Mini
trap method was selected for general sampling at all
MOE and MAMCS sites but Teflon filters and other
sampling methods will also be employed in parallel
during the campaigns to ensure the reliability of the
4. Discussion
4.1. TGM
As has been demonstrated in earlier intercomparisons,
the Tekran, Gardis and manual gold trap methods all
yield comparable results (Ebinghaus et al., 1999).
However, a higher variability than expected between
Tekran and Gardis instruments was found during the
first days of the sampling campaign which indicates that
activities at the sampling site have influenced the results.
Table 4
Results from the RGM measurements
Date Start time
(h : min)
Stop time
(h : min)
Sample no. Tubular denuder Annular denuder
Annular denuder
27=6 17 : 27 22 : 26 1 30 41
27–28=6 12 : 00 09 : 00 2 4
28–29=6 12 : 00 09 : 00 3 20 7 24 37.5
29–30=6 11 : 00 09 : 00 4 10 33238
30=6 09 : 50 22 : 15 5 35
30=6–1=7 10 : 15 09 : 00 6 23 10 15.5 3 37
1–2=7 10 : 08 09 : 00 7 22 3 14.1 16
2–3=7 10 : 00 08 : 05 8 15 510
Fig. 4. Reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) intercomparison results.
J. Munthe et al. / Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001) 3007–30173014
Significant deviation in instrument response in one of
the Tekran instruments was caused by experimental
work with RGM denuders but is not judged to be a
serious problem when following established measure-
ment procedures (Tekran, 1998). All three TGM
methods are based on gold amalgamation and spectro-
scopic detection of Hg. The fourth method employed,
activated carbon collection}INAA detection, is poten-
tially of great value since both the pre-collection and the
detection methods are different from the others. Due
to unfortunate blank problems, comparable data were
only obtained in the last two samples, and in one
case with nearly 100% uncertainty, which demonstrates
the technical difficulties associated with this method.
Nevertheless, the activated Carbon}INAA technique
must be considered as a valuable reference method
Fig. 5. Total particulate mercury (TPM) intercomparison results.
Fig. 6. Results of intercomparison of AES mini traps and teflon filters.
J. Munthe et al. / Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001) 3007–3017 3015
especially considering the more and more common use
of gold pre-collection and CVAFS detection for Hg
4.2. RGM
Methods for sampling and analysis of RGM have
only recently become available. Considering this, and
the fact the RGM is an operationally defined species, the
agreement between methods based on KCl-coated
denuders and the mist chamber method is quite
acceptable. Neither of the methods can be considered
as a routine monitoring technique for RGM but both
are highly valuable tools for research-based measure-
ments aimed at an increased understanding of the
atmospheric behaviour of mercury species.
The annular denuders have the advantage over the
tubular denuders that higher flow rates can be used and
thus a larger mass of RGM can be collected. In
combination with an automated Hg analyser such as
the Tekran, a vast number of research applications can
be envisaged. For example Stevens (2000) tested a
modification of the automated Tekran Inc Hg analyser.
This modification consisted of coupling a temperature
programmed quartz KCl coated annular denuder
coupled to the 2537 Tekran analyser. Air is sampled
through the annular denuder at 10 and 1:5 l min1is
directed into the Tekran Hg analyser to measure Hg0at
5 min intervals as described above. After 1–2 h sampling
is discontinued and clean air is brought through the
annular denuder while it is rapidly heated to 5008C.
During the heating cycle the HgCl2is converted to Hg0
and analysed down stream with the 2537 Tekran
analyser at 2 h intervals. This system can provide
automated measurements of both elemental Hg and
RGM at ambient concentration levels.
4.3. TPM
Measurements of TPM have been performed at a
number of occasions during the last decades. Although
the methods employed in the earlier days have been
discarded, it is clear that further development is needed
before we can completely understand the nature of
TPM. The initially poor agreement between Teflon filter
measurements and AES-mini trap measurements were
substantially improved in the second intercomparison
performed (Fig. 6) but further studies of the chemical
and physical properties of TPM are warranted before a
more complete description of this species can be made.
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CT97-0593) and Mercury Over Europe (MOE) (Contr.
No. ENV4-CT97-0595) projects funded by EU-DGXII
Commission on Environment and Climate Programme
and is part of the European Land–Ocean Interaction
Studies (ELOISE) network (Ref. No. 205).
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J. Munthe et al. / Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001) 3007–3017 3017
... These are effectively operationally defined fractions depending on the instrumentation used. GEM which is Hg in its gaseous elemental state Hg 0 makes up over 95% of the mercury in the atmosphere while the remaining fraction consists of a mixture of reactive/oxidized gaseous mercury (RGM or GOM) and particulate bound mercury (PBM) species Munthe et al., 2001;Prete et al., 2018;Wängberg et al., 2007). In this paper we use TGM to denote GEM plus RGM or GOM as defined by previous authors (Ambrose et al., 2015;Gustin and Jaffe, 2010;Gustin et al., 2015;Lu et al., 2003). ...
... ) measurements were performed by the Hg analyser using dual gold Hg traps placed in series, with thermal desorption of the Hg and its detection atomic fluorescence spectrometry at 253.7 nm (Munthe et al., 2001;Tekran, 2012). Ultra-high purity (grade 5.0) argon (Società Italiana Acetilene e Derivati, SIAD, Italy) was used as carrier gas. ...
The Col Margherita (MRG) Observatory is a high-altitude background station located in the Eastern Italian Alps. Its elevation and distance from major anthropogenic and natural sources make it ideal for monitoring baseline mercury levels and investigating its geochemical cycles. In this work, total gaseous mercury (TGM), ozone (O3) and meteorological variables were studied to investigate seasonal and diurnal variability of TGM measurements from March 2018 to May 2019. We found that the year-round mean TGM concentration was 1.8 times higher than the annual atmospheric mercury measurements previously reported during the GMOS project at the same measurement site. The seasonal variation of TGM was characterized by high values in spring and summer and lower values in winter. A systematic diel pattern of TGM was obtained, with low concentrations during the daytime and higher concentrations in the late evening. Spatial patterns and temporal changes in TGM, back-trajectories (BTs) and planetary boundary layer (PBL) analysis showed that total gaseous mercury levels were influenced by local meteorology, as well as regional and long-range transport of air masses. The lowest TGM concentrations in winter are associated with high wind speeds, low boundary layer height and cleaner air masses originating from the Western sector. Conversely, the highest TGM concentrations in spring and summer were attributed to polluted air masses passing over North-eastern and Continental Europe and were probably favoured by the higher PBL height. During the snow cover season, investigation of TGM peak events also demonstrated the potential influence of re-emission processes of previously reactive mercury deposition over snow surfaces.
... The determination of atmospheric mercury has been carried out by automated and manual approaches. Automated system has been mainly used for online monitoring of mercury that based on commercialized systems from Tekran, PS Analytical, Gardis … and provides high time-resolved data for a long period of monitoring time [2]. However, the equipment for online monitoring is costly and requires skillful person to operate and maintenance. ...
Gold-coated sand for amalgamation was synthesized and applied for the determination of mercury in ambient air using a home-made dual gold trap unit coupled to atomic absorption spectrometer. Gold-coated sand is prepared by chemical reduction of Au(III) solution with hydroxylamine depositing elemental gold on acid-etched sand. A home-made dual gold trap unit which focused time-resolved mercury trapped from the sampling/first trap provided an increase in sensitivity and reliability for the analysis of ultra-trace mercury in air was designed and tested. Instrumental detection and quantitation limits (IDL and IQL) of system were 3.9 and 13pg Hg, respectively. Method detection and quantitation limits (MLOD and MLOQ) of system were 0.04 and 0.13ngHg.m-3 for sampling flow rate of 200mL.min-1 and sampling time of 8 hours. Sampling system for gaseous elemental mercury was set up and cooperated with home-made desorption system were preliminarily applied for analysis of atmospheric mercury in samples collected at Hochiminh city University of Science. The atmospheric mercury concentrations were in range of 2.7 – 8.1ng Hg. m-3 which were comparable to Hg concentration found in other cities in the world.
... Monovalent Hg compounds rarely occur in the atmosphere because they are unstable and rapidly oxidized to the stable state (i.e., Hg 2+ [16]). Reactive gaseous Hg consists of Hg compounds with sufficiently high vapor pressure to exist in the gas phase [17]: these forms are highly watersoluble, so their atmospheric residence time is sensibly lower than GEM [18]. PBM only has an operational definition, being defined by the pore size of the filter used for sampling [19]. ...
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Mercury (Hg) is a toxic and persistent element, easily bio-accumulable in the food chain with several dangerous effects on people’s health. Among Hg airborne species, gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) is dominant, more persistent in the atmosphere, and highly absorbable by humans. The issue of atmospheric Hg pollution is largely discussed by several environmental agencies, giving rise to a number of remarkably different threshold values beyond which exposure to Hg in its different species is deemed dangerous. The present paper presents a comprehensive compilation of the threshold limit values (TLVs) suggested/recommended by environmental health agencies regarding the exposition to airborne Hg. The work tries to clarify the applicability of the threshold concentrations, their terminology, and the methods by which they were calculated. The most critical key-points in Hg TLVs derivation and use are stressed. The literature revision identifies about 20 TLVs: among these, only four are legally transposed into environmental laws, while the majority are just recommendations. There is a high variability of suggested values for gaseous Hg TLVs, mostly resulting from the different methodologies applied for their calculation. This difference is the consequence of a considerable independence among agencies that suggest or enforce Hg limit values. However, in the past years, a generalized substantial lowering of the Hg TLVs, both for chronic and occupational exposure, has been observed. This tendency reflects a revision trend towards a more protective approach for people’s health.
... Gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) is relatively inert, while gaseous oxidized (GOM) and particulate-bound (PBM) mercury together comprise reactive mercury (RM = GOM + PBM) that is formed by oxidation reactions and readily reduced . Atmospheric RM measurement methods were developed in the late 1990s and early 2000s (Landis et al., 2002;Munthe et al., 2001;Sheu and Mason, 2001). Potassium chloride (KCl)-coated denuders and a downstream quartz fiber membrane filter that reportedly selectively sorbed GOM and PBM, respectively, became the most widely used method of measuring atmospheric RM. ...
Accurate measurement of atmospheric reactive mercury (RM) presents analytical challenges due to its reactivity and ultra-trace concentrations. In the last decade, use of the University of Nevada, Reno – Reactive Mercury Active System (RMAS) for RM measurements has increased, since it has been shown to be more accurate than the industry standard, the Tekran 2537/1130/1135 system. However, RMAS measurements also have limitations, including long time resolution and sampling biases associated with membranes used for RM sampling. We therefore investigated the use of higher sampling flow rates to reduce sampling time and tested alternative membrane materials using both ambient air sampling and controlled laboratory experiments with a gaseous oxidized mercury (GOM) calibrator. Results indicated that increasing the RMAS sampling flow had a negative impact on determined RM concentrations. RM concentrations at 2 L min−1 were 10% and 30–50% lower than at 1 L min−1 in spring/summer and winter, respectively. However, the chemical composition of RM captured on membranes was not impacted by the increased flow rate. Membranes currently used in the RMAS performed better than numerous alternatives with similar composition, retaining Hg more efficiently. Both ambient air sampling and laboratory experiments revealed that membranes designed to retain only particulate-bound mercury (PBM) also retained significant amounts of GOM. PBM membranes based on borosilicate glass designs retained more than 70% of GOM.
... Hg in the atmosphere occurs primarily in three forms, namely the gaseous state of elemental Hg (Hg(0)), reactive gaseous Hg (Hg(II)), and total particulate Hg (Hg(p)) [24]. Hg(0) emission from ASGM activities is the highest Hg emission source. ...
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Mercury (Hg) is one of the most harmful metals and has been a public health concern according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) is the world’s fastest-growing source of Hg and can release Hg into the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere. Hg has been widely used in ASGM industries throughout Southeast Asia countries, including Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, and Thailand. Here, 16 relevant studies were systematically searched by performing the PRISMA flow, combining the keywords of “Hg”, “ASGM”, and relevant study areas. Mercury concentrations exceeding the WHO and United States Environmental Protection Agency guideline values were reported in environmental (i.e., air, water, and soil) and biomonitoring samples (i.e., plants, fish, and human hair). ASGM-related health risks to miners and nonminers, specifically in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Myanmar, were also assessed. The findings indicated severe Hg contamination around the ASGM process, specifically the gold-amalgamation stage, was significantly high. To one point, Hg atmospheric concentrations from all observed studies was shown to be extremely high in the vicinity of gold operating areas. Attentions should be given regarding the public health concern, specifically for the vulnerable groups such as adults, pregnant women, and children who live near the ASGM activity. This review summarizes the effects of Hg in Myanmar and other Southeast Asian countries. In the future, more research and assessment will be required to investigate the current and evolving situation in ASGM communities.
... The captured Hg 0 on gold nets from air leaving the mesocosms was desorbed by heating to 800 • C for 10 s in a computer-controlled amalgamation system (Perkin Elmer) and subsequently quantified with CV-AAS. Regression lines for this method were determined following Munthe et al. (2001). A glass bottle (volume of 10 L) was filled with a Table 1 Certified and measured mean concentrations ± SD of total mercury in DORM-3 and PACS-2 by NRCC (n = six for DORM -3 and 10 for PACS-2); and the Limit of Detection for the CV-AAS under the conditions used. ...
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Mercury (Hg), as one of the most frequently and globally occurring pollutants, is of major public health concern. Aquatic environments are the key compartment for Hg methylation as well as for its consequent bioaccumulation and biomagnification. This mesocosm study investigated the differences in Hg turnover, Hg distribution and bioaccumulation in two contrasting waterbodies: Panozzalacke (PL), an “average”, oligotrophic European freshwater body and Lake Neusiedl (LN), an alkaline, saline, eutrophic, biologically highly productive lake. Mesocosm experiments were carried out with either water, water and sediment, and finally water, sediment and the macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum from the respective waterbody. Hg²⁺ was added to the water phase and the Hg distribution over time was monitored in the compartments air, water, suspended particles, sediment and plants. The results show a much faster Hg turnover in LN compared to PL. Most striking is the significantly higher mercury bioaccumulation in macrophytes from LN and the significantly lower sedimentation rates there. We conclude that the specific physico-chemical and biological conditions in LN, e.g., alkalinity, sulfate content, dissolved carbon and high amount of particulate matter, lead to a rapid conversion of incoming mercury, accelerating bioaccumulation and potentially leading to unexpected mercury biomagnification in this lake. This has implications for other comparable waterbodies around the globe.
... In recent years, to overcome these difficulties in the sampling monitoring, research has been increasingly focused on the development of miniaturized portable sampling systems, that can conjugate the advantages presented by the PASs and the accuracy given by the active sampling instruments. An example is given by some portable analysers for detecting low or high mercury vapour concentrations, such as Lumex RA915M, Jerome 431-x, Gardis or Tekran 2537A instrumentations [9][10][11], which base their operating function on atomic absorption spectrometry with Zeeman background correction, gold film sensors, Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (CVAAS) or Cold Vapour Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry techniques. In some other case, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), have been developed to probe aloft, helping us understand the pollutant distribution in the atmosphere [12,13]. ...
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In environments polluted by mercury vapors that are potentially harmful to human health, there is a need to perform rapid surveys in order to promptly identify the sources of emission. With this aim, in this work, a low cost, pocket-sized portable mercury measurement system, with a fast response signal is presented. It consists of a preconcentrator, able to adsorb and subsequently release the mercury vapour detected by a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) sensor. The preconcentrator is based on an adsorbing layer of titania/gold nanoparticles (TiO2NP/AuNPs), deposited on a micro-heater that acts as mercury thermal desorption. For the detection of the released mercury vapour, gold electrodes QCM (20 MHz) have been used. The experimental results, performed in simulated polluted mercury-vapour environments, showed a detection capability with a prompt response. In particular, frequency shifts (−118 Hz ± 2 Hz and −30 Hz ± 2 Hz) were detected at concentrations of 65 µg/m3 Hg0 and 30 µg/m3 Hg0, with sampling times of 60 min and 30 min, respectively. A system limit of detection (LOD) of 5 µg/m3 was evaluated for the 30 min sampling time.
Mercury is a neurotoxin that, unlike many localized industrial pollutants, spreads globally through atmospheric transport. Mercury in the atmosphere is operationally partitioned into gaseous elemental mercury (GEM), gaseous oxidized mercury (GOM), and particulate-bound mercury (TPM). Although GOM makes up only a small fraction of Hg in the free troposphere under normal conditions, its role in the dry and wet deposition of mercury makes GOM a significant species for understanding the transport and fate of mercury in the atmosphere. Although instruments for atmospheric mercury speciation are commercially available, significant uncertainty is associated with the current speciation methods, from sample collection to calibration, for GOM measurements. This paper examines the custom-made calibration sources that have been developed for GOM measuring instruments, evaluates the factors influencing the source performance, and synthesizes recommendations for the design and operation of GOM calibration sources in the future.
A chemical scheme based upon current knowledge of physicochemical forms and transformation reactions of atmospheric mercury has been implemented into a regional pollutant dispersion model for Europe. Existing databases for anthropogenic mercury emissions in Europe have been updated for 1987 and 1988 using new information on source data from eastern European countries including the former German Democratic Republic. Concentrations of total gaseous and particle associated mercury in air and mercury in precipitation calculated by the model are compared with observed values at Roervik in southwestern Sweden, Aspvreten, south of Stockholm and other locations of the Nordic network, on a daily basis. The results show that the model is capable of simulating long-range transport of mercury from Central Europe to Scandinavia including discrete events with peak concentrations in air and precipitation in the range of 10 ng m−3 and 100 ng −1, respectively. Coinciding observed and calculated peak concentrations indicate that exceptionally high mercury emissions, most probably from chlor-alkali industry and lignite coal combustion in East Germany and Czechoslovakia, must have occurred in 1987 and 1988.
New measurement methods have been developed for speciation of mercury and its compounds under flue gas conditions. Total mercury can be collected by a silver denuder or by a gold-coated diffusion screen. Mercury halides can be selectively preconcentrated by a potasium chloride denuder. The use of a microwave-induced plasma source combined with optical emission spectrometry for continuous monitoring of total mercury is investigated. Incineration of municipal and industrial wastes is the most relevant mercury emission source. Therefore, first experiments have been carried out with solid adsorbents in order to evaluate attempts towards reduction of mercury emissions from such sources.
Using a newly developed technique, methylmercury species have been quantified in several precipitation and lake water samples. Mercury species are determined by aqueous-phase ethylation to the volatile dialkyl analogs, followed by cryogenic gas chromatographic (GC) separation. Mercury-specific detection by cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectrometry permits detection limits of about 0.1 pg as Hg. Snow samples collected from north-central Wisconsin contained monomethylmercury levels of about 0.25 pM (0.05 ng l−1 Hg) and total mercury concentrations of 20 pM (4 ng l−1 Hg). A time series of rain samples collected during a storm passing over the North Olympic Peninsula in western Washington State showed average monomethylmercury levels of 0.75 pM (0.15 ng l−1 Hg), with total mercury concentrations from 10 to 25 pM (2–5 ng l−1 Hg). Total mercury showed a strong washout effect over the course of the storm, while methylmercury appeared to show a diurnal pattern, with elevated levels during the daylight hours. No dimethylmercury was observed in any precipitation sample. Methylmercury was observed in most lakes studied, with a high of 3.1 pM (0.64 ng l−1 Hg) in Onadaga Lake, New York, and a low of < 0.015 pM in Lake Crescent, located in the Olympic Mountains of Washington State.
Concentrations of different species of mercury in arctic air and precipitation have been measured at Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard) and Pallas (Finland) during 1996–1997. Typical concentrations for vapour phase mercury measured at the two stations were in the range of 0.7–2ngm−3 whereas particulate mercury concentrations were below 5pgm−3. Total mercury in precipitation was in the range 3–30ngl−1. In order to evaluate the transport and deposition of mercury to the arctic from European anthropogenic sources, the Eulerian transport model HMET has been modified and extended to also include mercury species. A scheme for chemical conversion of elemental mercury to other species of mercury and deposition characteristics of different mercury species have been included in the model. European emission inventories for three different forms of Hg (Hg0, HgCl2 and Hgp) have been implemented in the numerical grid system for the HMET model.
Eleven laboratories from North America and Europe met at Mace Head, Ireland for the period 11–15 September 1995 for the first international field intercomparison of measurement techniques for atmospheric mercury species in ambient air and precipitation at a marine background location. Different manual methods for the sampling and analysis of total gaseous mercury (TGM) on gold and silver traps were compared with each other and with new automated analyzers. Additionally, particulate-phase mercury (Hgpart) in ambient air, total mercury, reactive mercury and methylmercury in precipitation were analyzed by some of the participating laboratories. Whereas measured concentrations of TGM and of total mercury in precipitation show good agreement between the participating laboratories, results for airborne particulate-phase mercury show much higher differences. Two laboratories measured inorganic oxidized gaseous mercury species (IOGM), and obtained levels in the low picogramm-3 range.
Over a distance of approximately 800 km simultaneous measurements of total gaseous mercury (TGM) were performed at four sampling sites between Stockholm and Berlin. The time resolution of mercury concentration measurements was 5 min. During the sampling period from 26 June to 7 July 1995, event sampling for precipitation was carried out using bulk samplers. In addition to the mercury data, the most common meteorological and air-quality parameters were determined. Comparing the TGM background concentrations at the four sites, a weak but statistically significant south-to-north declining TGM gradient was found. From the most southern sampling site to the northern most site median values of 1.93, 1.78, 1.53 and 1.54ngm-3 TGM were detected. Compared with the median TGM concentration observed at the two Swedish sites, the regional background concentration near Berlin was elevated by about 25%. Whereas the 0.5h average TGM concentration varies at the Swedish sampling sites in a very narrow range of only 0.69ngm-3, a much broader range of 3.28ngm-3 was observed at the southern sites. The increased TGM variability near Berlin was characterised by a diurnal cycle with a distinct maximum in the early morning hours (about 4:00a.m.) before sun rise. The short time variability of the TGM concentration measured at the four sites on the south-to-north transect shows regional differences. A decreasing variability from the most southern to the most northern site became evident.
Determination of ammonia in air is complicated by interference from particle-borne ammonium ions. This problem can however be solved by utilizing the well-known fact that when ambient air passes through a tube, gas molecules diffuse much more quickly than particles to the tube wall. The method presented here is based on both theoretical considerations and practical tests.
A gold coated denuder for removal of vapour phase mercury from air is described. At flow rates of 1 min−1 and concentrations of total airborne mercury of 5–19 ng m−3, a denuder of 50 cm length and 0.4 cm i.d. removes ≊97% of the total airborne mercury and ≊98% of the gaseous mercury. Even after >100 h of use the collection efficiency of mercury is still around 90% for unfiltered air and around 97% for filtered air.
During the last decade a new pattern of Hg pollution has been discerned, mostly in Scandinavia and North America. Fish from low productive lakes, even in remote areas, have been found to have a high Hg content. This pollution problem cannot be connected to single Hg discharges but is due to more widespread air pollution and long-range transport of pollutants. A large number of waters are affected and the problem is of a regional character. The national limits for Hg in fish are exceeded in a large number of lakes. In Sweden alone, it has been estimated that the total number of lakes exceeding the blacklisting limit of 1 mg Hg kg-1 in 1-kg pike is about 10 000.