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Earthworm Assisted Bioremediation of Organic Contaminants


Abstract and Figures

Due to their biological, chemical and physical actions, earthworms can be directly employed within bioremediation strategies to promote biodegradation of organic contaminants. Earthworms have been shown to aerate and bioturbate soils and improve their nutritional status and fertility, which are variables known to limit bioremediation. Earthworms have also been shown to retard the binding of organic contaminants to soils, release previously soil-bound contaminants for subsequent degradation, and promote and disperse organic contaminant degrading microorganisms.This review discusses these earthworm actions upon the soil environment and how they might influence the fate and behaviour of soil associated organic contaminants, subsequently improving bioremediation potential. The latter part of this review considers organic compounds in the following order: agrochemicals, petroleum and crude oil hydrocarbons, PAHs and PCBs.
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Review article
Earthworm assisted bioremediation of organic contaminants
Zachary A. Hickman, Brian J. Reid
School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, NR4 7TJ
article info abstract
Article history:
Received 30 August 2007
Accepted 27 February 2008
Available online 22 April 2008
Due to their biological, chemical and physical actions, earthworms can be directly employed within
bioremediation strategies to promote biodegradation of organic contaminants. Earthworms have been shown
to aerate and bioturbate soils and improve their nutritional status and fertility, which are variables known to
limit bioremediation. Earthworms have also been shown to retard the binding of organic contaminants to
soils, release previously soil-bound contaminants for subsequent degradation, and promote and disperse
organic contaminant degrading microorganisms.
This review discusses these earthworm actions upon the soil environment and how they might inuence the
fate and behaviour of soil associated organic contaminants, subsequently improving bioremediation potential.
The latter part of this review considers organic compounds in the following order: agrochemicals, petroleum
and crude oil hydrocarbons, PAHs and PCBs.
© 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Organic contaminants
1. Introduction . . . ........................................................ 1072
2. Theory: earthworm abiotic and biotic effects upon the soil environment ............................... 1073
2.1. Abiotic effects ....................................................... 1073
2.2. Biotic effects ....................................................... 1074
3. Practice: earthworm assisted bioremediation ............................................ 1074
3.1. Agrochemicals ...................................................... 1075
3.2. Petroleum and crude oil hydrocarbons ............................................ 1077
3.3. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) ........................................... 1078
3.4. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) . ............................................. 1079
3.5. Other compounds ..................................................... 1079
4. Concluding remarks ....................................................... 1079
References .............................................................. 1080
1. Introduction
While literature exists with respect to the potential for earthworm
use in the remediation of soils contaminated with metals, this review is
specically concerned with the application and potential use of earth-
worms for remediation of soils contaminated with organic compounds.
This review rstly considers the theoretical underpinning of such an
approach (Section 2) and its potential for application (Section 3).
A number of bioremediation methods exploit the ability of mi-
croorganisms to effectively degrade soil associated organic contami-
nants, such as composting, biopiling and landfarming. The success of
these microorganisms depends upon a wide array of variables and
conditions, which often limit effective bioremediation, and might
include oxygen and nutrient availability, pH, C:N ratio, presence,
number and activity of organic contaminant degrading microorgan-
isms, enzyme induction, temperature, toxic levels of contaminants,
presence of co-contaminants (determining added toxic effects or
preferential degradation), and presence of terminal electron acceptors
(Atlas, 1995; Boopathy, 2000; Romantschuck et al., 2000).
Within the soil environment, an earthworm's sphere of inuence
is known as the drilosphere system (Brown et al., 2000). This
incorporates the burrow systems, surface and belowground earth-
worm casts, internal earthworm gut and processes, the earthworm
surface in contact with the soil, and associated biological, chemical
and physical interactions, in addition to the associated soil mi-
croorganisms (Brown and Doube, 2004). Earthworms promote
Environment International 34 (2008) 10721081
Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 1603 592357; fax: +44 1603 591327.
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favourable conditions within the soil, and theoretically, these may go
some way to positively enhancing the above mentioned variables, and
thus ultimately aid in bioremediation of organic contaminants.
In addition to such bioremediation limitations, the availability/
accessibility of the contaminants for, specically microbial degra-
dation, is fundamental to successful biodegradation of organic con-
taminants within soils (Reid et al., 2000; Semple et al., 2003;
Volkering and Breure, 2003; Bamforth and Singleton, 2005). The
availability/accessibility of soil associated organic contaminants for
subsequent microbial degradation changes as soil/contaminant inter-
action time increases (ageing). The consequences and effects of this
ageingprocess has been described elsewhere (Alexander, 2000; Reid
et al., 2000; Ehlers and Luthy, 2003; Semple et al., 2003; Volkering and
Breure, 2003; Bamforth and Singleton, 2005). Briey, as time prog-
resses, contaminants become entrapped and sorbed onto and into soil
mineral and organic matter fractions, rendering them inaccessible,
and thus unavailable for microbial interaction. Signicantly, earth-
worm activity has the potential to release these residues (Verma and
Pillai, 1991; Gevao et al., 2001) and could thus potentially further
enhance bioremediation performance. Bioavailability/accessibility of
chemicals and compounds to microorganisms and earthworms are
known to differ (Gevao et al., 2001), and whilst bioavailability/ac-
cessibility of chemicals and compounds to earthworms is pertinent,
the discussion of these activities and associated effects are not within
the scope of this review.
It is often the case that bioaugmentation of microorganisms to
contaminated soils is undertaken during bioremediation strategies
in the attempt to enhance both the contaminant degradation rate
and the ultimate endpoint concentrations (Vogel, 1996). Both single
strains and consortia of microorganisms added to contaminated
soils usually produce little added value in terms of degradative
ability over the soil's indigenous microorganisms (Catallo and
Portier, 1992; Allan et al., 2007), which are often only limited in
their contaminant degradation capacities due to the soil's sub-
optimal status. Promotion of the indigenous microorganisms is thus
a primary aim and would occur via optimisation and enhancement
of both abiotic and biotic conditions; something that earthworms
could enhance.
Earthworms have previously been utilised within land recovery or
rehabilitation of sub-optimal soils to aid in the improvement of soil
structure and fertility e.g. poor mineral soils, polder soils, open cast
mining sites and areas of cutover peats, (Edwards and Bohlen, 1996;
Butt et al., 1999; Haimi, 2000; Lowe and Butt, 2003; Butt et al., 20 04).
It is therefore surprising that limited investigations into the direct
application of earthworms for soil remediation have been undertaken.
Section 2 of this review will discuss the biological, chemical and
physical actions that earthworms exert upon their environment, thus
highlighting the theory behind their potential for use within
bioremediation. Additionally, the effects of these actions upon soil
microbiology with respect to bioremediation potential shall also be
discussed. Section 3, structured by contaminant type, will review
published work that has directly utilised earthworms within
bioremediation, or which have noted effects of earthworm presence
upon organic contaminant fate.
2. Theory: earthworm abiotic and biotic effects upon the soil
It would be useful to gain an insight into the biological, chemical
and physical abiotic and biotic activities and effects that earthworms
have upon the soil environment. This section of the review will
investigate the underlying principles of these effects, and suggest how
they may go some way to aiding in bioremediation and offsetting
known bioremediation limitations (Table 1). It can be noted that there
are a number of bioremediation limitations, which may well benet
from earthworm inclusion into their methodology.
2.1. Abiotic effects
Within bioremediation, it is often necessary to enhance and
maintain moisture, oxygen and nutrient levels, whilst also ensuring
they can be homogenously dissipated, especially if, for example,
dealing with deeper soils, compacted soils or soils rich in clay. Whilst
time consuming, labour intensive and expensive methods can be
utilised to aid in the optimisation of these variables, there might exist
a relatively low input, low technological tool available to undertake
this work. As earthworms move throughout the soil environment,
their resulting burrows (burrowing being species specic) act as input
points of, and preferential pathways for, water and particle movement
(Shipitalo and Le Bayon, 2004; Kretzshmar, 2004; Dominguez, 2004),
and nutrient ow and aeration (Dominguez 2004).
In addition, as burrowing occurs, and thus as earthworms ingest
and digest soil, a further positive effect upon the soil environment
occurs; that of the mechanical breakdown of soil particles (Edwards
and Bohlen, 1996; Bohlen et al., 2004; Kersante et al., 2006). Mckenzie
and Dexter (2004) and Shipitalo and Le Bayon (2004) both discuss the
forces applied to soil particles during earthworm gut passage and
their subsequent remoulding and reorganisation, as do Brown and
Doube (2004). For example, Ziegler and Zech (1992) noted that
earthworm (Eisenia fetida) digestion reduced soil organic matter
larger than 2000 μm by between 97 and 27% (2002000 μm), whilst
Martin (1991) observed earthworm (Millsinia anomala) fractionation
of soil organic matter determined a size reduction of 2530%. Such
research highlights the major role that earthworms have in reparti-
tioning soil litter into smaller aggregate sizes (Martin, 1991; Barois
et al., 1993; Bolan and Baskaran, 1996; Kretzshmar, 2004). It could be
hypothesised that herein might exist potential for earthworm assisted
release of soil associated (aged) organic contaminants (Barois et al.,
1993). In addition, such activities have also been shown to increase
soil organic matter surface area (Edwards and Bohlen, 1996), which
will have a bearing upon the fraction of material exposed for microbial
interaction (Dominguez, 2004), potentially resulting in increased
contaminant degradation. These aspects are worthy of serious
research and consideration with respect to increasing degradation
potential and offsetting the residual concentration problem, which
often limits nal bioremediation success.
During the digestion and excretion (as earthworm casts) of the
now reworked ingested soil mineral and organic matter fractions, it is
known that there are many subsequent positive effects upon the
improvement of the soil environment and soil structure. These include
Table 1
Limitations to aerobic bioremediation and the main earthworm effects that minimise
the limitations
Bioremediation limitation Movement
and burrow
digestion and
Lack of oxygen, anaerobic conditions
Soil heterogeneity
Compacted soil
Inappropriate C:N ratio
Insufciency of available nutrients
Low bioavailability of bound residues
Presence, number and activity of
degrader microorganisms
Contaminant concentrations too low
to induce catabolic ability
Toxic levels of contaminants, or
presence of co-contaminants
restricting induction of catabolic ability
Inappropriate moisture conditions
1073Z.A. Hickman, B.J. Reid / Environment International 34 (2008) 10721081
increased soil porosity (Bolan and Baskaran, 1996; Shipitalo and Le
Bayon, 2004), increased oxygenation, moisture retention (Edwards
and Bohlen, 1996; Schaefer and Filser, 20 07), improved soil fertility via
accelerated organic matter decomposition, and improvement of the
availability of nutrients (Edwards and Bohlen, 1996; Lavelle et al.,
Earthworm casts are therefore nutritionally rich, and the deposi-
tion of these casts upon the burrow walls, within burrows or on the
soil surface can signicantly differ in chemical and physical composi-
tion to the surrounding soil in terms of altered C:N ratios and higher
pH (Bolan and Baskaran, 1996; Edwards and Bohlen,1996; Brown and
Doube, 2004; Shipitalo and Le Bayon, 2004). There could thus be
potential for the use of earthworms casts (either directly applied to
contaminated soils, or being produced as earthworms reside within
contaminated soils) to rstly improve chemical conditions to aid bio-
remediation and, secondly, improve the overall soil condition. Some of
these effects upon the soil environment have been investigated within
soil/land rehabilitation (Lowe and Butt, 2003; Butt et al., 2004),
specically the increases in soil fertility and structure, leading to
increased soil health. Thus, not only might soils benet from earth-
worm input in terms of reduced contaminant concentrations, but also
from improved soil health; both aspects being fully in line with the
recently proposed EU Soil Framework Directive (2006).
2.2. Biotic effects
Although dependent upon earthworm species, it is known that
earthworms interact with soil microorganisms (fungi, bacteria and
actinomycetes) on three broad spatial scales (burrow linings, casts and
earthworm gut or intestine) (Brown and Doube, 2004). For example,
mucus and cast deposition on burrow walls, and other organic carbon
sources transferred through the burrow systems promote the increase
and distribution of microorganisms in earthworm burrows (Farenhorst
et al., 2001), whilst mucus, urine and glucose can result in increases in
microbial biomass (Scheu,1987). This is of relevance because increases
in microbial biomass is linked to increased microbial catabolic activity
(Meharg, 1996), and as Gevao et al. (2001) stated, such increased
activity, linked with potential increases in bioavailability due to
earthworm actions upon the soil within earthworm guts (Barois
et al., 1993) could potentially increase compound losses via microbial
mineralisation. Higher microbial numbers, diversity and activity are
also known to be related to passage of microorganisms through the
earthworm gut, as well as the promotion therein, and the awakening
of dormant gut ora (Brown et al., 2000; Brown and Doube, 20 04); this
is, however, very much related to gut passage time (Brown and Doube,
2004). Importantly, the increased gut associated microora are then
excreted throughout the media within earthworm casts and via
microbial adheration to earthworm skin (Edwards and Bohlen, 1996),
whilst the transit and dispersal mechanisms associated with the water
ow (Kretzshmar, 2004) also help to further dissipate microorganisms.
Such actions are clearly relevant to any bioremediation methodology
desiring the spatial incorporation of microorganisms capable of
organic contaminant degradation.
Earthworm casts are therefore generally much richer in microbial
numbers in comparison to the initially ingested material; for example,
Scheu (1987) reported an increase of 90% in respiration rate in
fresh casts, whilst, Teotia et al. (1950) reported bacterial counts of
32 million/g compared to 69 million/g for the surrounding soil. This is
due not only to the aforementioned intestinal promotion of micro-
organisms but also to the inherently high soil organic matter levels,
resulting in further microbial activity and proliferation (Brown and
Doube, 2004). Dynamics and succession of microorganisms within
earthworm casts is complex, and relies heavily upon many factors such
as type of food ingested, gut passage time and ingested and inherent gut
microorganisms. Further discussion upon these factors, numbers of
microorganisms in earthworm casts, and the effect of earthworms upon
microorganisms on the meso and macroscale, are further discussed by
Edwards and Bohlen (1996),andBrown and Doube (2004).
It has also been noted that water soluble (Edwards and Bohlen,
1996) low molecular weight (Barrois and Lavelle, 1986; Lavelle et al.,
1993) organic compounds are added to earthworm gut contents
during digestion, such as enzymatic uid and mucus based solutions
(Brown and Doube, 2004), which also subsequently stimulate
microbial activity both in the gut and in the egested casts (Edwards
and Bohlen, 1996). It is known that pre-exposure, or pre-induction of
microorganisms to contaminants, or groups of contaminants, can
result in subsequent increased degradation rates (Carmichael and
Pfaender, 1997; Reid et al., 2002). Therefore, these intestinal organic
compounds might help primethe microorganisms in the gut to break
down more complex organic compounds in the ingested soil.
Earthworm casts have had a strong presence within this particular
approach, and relevantly, the application of earthworms within waste
management involves the digestion of a wide range of organic wastes
(Edwards and Bohlen, 1996) into vermicast/compost. Vermidigestion is an
area rapidly increasing in interest and research due to the use of the
nutrient and microbially rich casts as plant growth media, plant pest and
disease suppressant and its use within horticulture (Edwards and Arancon,
2004). Such a material may well have a place within remediation, and will
be discussed subsequently. Pertinent reviews of earthworm feeding
ecology (Curry and Schmidt, 20 07) and vermidigestion, and the use of
earthworm casts have been undertaken elsewhere (Edwards and Bohlen,
1996; Dominguez, 2004; Edwards and Arancon, 2004).
This section has served two important functions; rstly, that of
undertaking a brief and general account of some aspects of earthworm
effects upon the soil environment, and secondly, that of providing the
theory for earthworm assisted bioremediation of organic contami-
nants. Thus, it should now be apparent that in theory, it is the
earthworm's combined mechanical activity upon the soil and
subsequent promotion of microorganisms that would be of most
benet to remediation efforts, as opposed to uptake/accumulation of
organic contaminants. It has previously been shown that earthworm
body burdens of organic contaminants can typically be low (Kelsey
and Alexander, 1997; White et al., 1999; Gevao et al., 2001) and is
unlikely to prove to be a worthwhile tool in bioremediation.
Fig. 1 summarises the discussed positive earthworm actions upon
the soil environment, which might theoretically offset some of the
previously discussed bioremediation limitations.
In addition to the effects of earthworms uponmicrobial bioticeffects,
a number of studies have highlighted direct earthworm biotic effects in
the form of feeding behaviours upon contaminant fate. For example,
whilst Ma et al. (1995) noted that the effect of leaf litter food made only
minimal difference in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) loss
extents, they did note that bioaccumulation of these PAHs was greatly
enhanced via food limitation, thus it is a possibility that earthworms
increase their oral intake of soil particles when driven by hunger stress.
When investigating total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) losses in with-
earthworm systems that either had or had not received food, Schaefer
et al. (2005) noted that residual TPH in the with-food systems was
greater, however, these were not signicant values.
These results would suggest that if earthworms were applied to sub-
optimalcontaminated soils lacking in organic matter, a greaterdegree of
biological interaction might ensue resulting greater extents of loss. In
further support of this, Haimi et al. (1992) stated that the lower the
organic matter content, the higher the bioaccumulation, which
obviously implies increased soil association, a result conrmed by
Peters et al. (2007) who noted signicantly greater uptake of p,p-DDE
from soil than compost by earthworms (E. fetida and L. rubellus).
3. Practice: earthworm assisted bioremediation
It must be stated that earthworms could only be applied to
contaminated soils that do not exert overly toxic effects. In relation to
1074 Z.A. Hickman, B.J. Reid / Environment International 34 (2008) 10721081
this, there are inherent differences between earthworm niche types
which dictate responses and behaviour to soil type, contaminant type,
food availability and a number of other environmental parameters
(Edwards and Bohlen, 1996; Lavelle, 1998; Curry and Schmidt, 2007).
Therefore, care would be needed to select the correct earthworm
species for the correct intended conditions. Earthworm tolerances and
toxicity to contaminated soils have been discussed elsewhere
(Sheppard et al., 1998; Spurgeon et al., 2004).
It is envisaged that approaches for earthworm assisted bioreme-
diation might include:
1. Direct application of earthworms to contaminated soils (e.g.
Schaefer et al., 2005)
2. Co-application of earthworms to contaminated soils with another
organic media, such as compost. (e.g. Ceccanti et al., 2006)
3. Application of contaminated media to earthworms as part of a
feeding regime. (e.g. Getliff et al., 2002)
4. Indirect use of earthworms could occur via application of
vermidigested material. Such substrates could be hypothesised to
be high in promoted degraders and thus high in catabolic potential.
(e.g. Alvarez-Bernal et al., 2006)
A number of studies have investigated the use of earthworms
within bioremediation to enhance losses of organic contaminants
(Table 2). These include a broad range of contaminants, supporting the
wide applicability of earthworm use, such as insecticides (Verma et al.,
2006), herbicides (Farenhorst et al., 2001; Binet et al., 2006), crude oils
(Stom et al., 2003; Schaefer and Filser, 2007), PAHs (Eijsackers et al.,
2001), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (Singer et al., 2001), chlor-
ophenolic wood preservatives (Haimi et al., 1992) and 2,4,6-
trinitrotoluene (TNT) (Renoux et al., 2000).
It can be observed from Table 2 that a variety of earthworm species
were investigated, as were the effects of earthworms upon the be-
haviour, fate and loss of organic contaminants, with 35 studies being
discussed or referred to within the review. It can also be noted that a
variety of earthworm species are investigated, with E. fetida being by
far the most utilised. Prior to fuller discussion of the studies, it can be
observed that they are diverse in their investigation methods and
their observed earthworm effects. These range from the increased
sorption of compounds to earthworm burrows (Farenhorst et al.,
2001) and casts (Binet et al., 2006) to compound remobilisation
(Verma and Pillai, 1991) and the limiting of compound binding (Gevao
et al., 2001) to increased microbial promotion and subsequent
degradation (Schaefer, 2001). It should be noted that while some
studies offer mechanical insight, others report only approach taken
and effects observed.
3.1. Agrochemicals
A number of studies have investigated earthworm effects upon
agrochemicals. These are not necessarily with a view to enhancing
bioremediation potential, but to understand the governing mechanisms
in the eld environment upon agrochemical fate and persistence.
However, these mechanisms are consistent with those pertinent to
applying earthworms to bioremediation of such compounds. Whilst
research (Eijsackers et al., 2001)hasidentied that earthworm assisted
bioremediation is likely to increase hydrocarbon availability, and has
been seen to remobilise dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and
hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) bound residues (Verma and Pillai, 1991),
such ndings were in conict with those of Bolan and Baskaran (1996)
who investigated the effect of earthworm (Lumbricus rubellus and Allo-
lobophora calignosa) casts upon the sorption and movement of
C-2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) and
foron methyl. They stated that the casts sorbed higher amounts of
herbicides than the source soil due to the higher levels of organic carbon
and ne size fractions, present due to earthworm grinding actions and
selective feeding. Clearly both theories are credible, and perhaps
highlight not only the differences in compound behaviour, experimental
set-up or earthworm species, but also the wide variability between the
effects of earthworm mechanics upon compound fate, and subsequent
earthworm casts upon compound fate.
Increased agrochemical sorption due to earthworm activity and/or
presence was also noted by Farenhorst et al. (2000a,b)when
earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) activity, although effectively trans-
locating, distributing and mixing
C-atrazine, had resulted in its
persistence via sorption. Such sorption effects have been observed
C-atrazine and
C-metachlor to organic rich burrow linings
Fig. 1. Earthworm biological, chemical and physical effects within the soil environment.
1075Z.A. Hickman, B.J. Reid / Environment International 34 (2008) 10721081
(Farenhorst et al., 2001), for atrazine to earthworm gut contents and
humic and colloidal rich casts (Binet et al., 2006) and for atrazine to
cast organic carbon content, when earthworm (Aporrectodea giardi)
presence was investigated in combination with an atrazine degrading
inoculum (Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP (DSM 11735) (Alekseeva et al.,
However, in contrast to these ndings, Mallawatantri et al. (1996)
determined that the soil organic carbon amount related to the
Table 2
Overview of investigated organic compounds and earthworm species and effects
Compound Earthworm species Effect, or aspect of use Reference
Atrazine, 2,4-D and
Metsulforon methyl
L. rubellus and A. calignosa Casts increased sorption of compounds Bolan and Baskaran (1996)
Atrazine L. terrestris and A. calignosa Compound sorption to gut contents and casts. Earthworms
determined lower mineralisation.
Binet et al. (2006)
Atrazine L. terrestris Activity mixed and distributed compound, increased persistence,
reduced mineralisation, accelerated binding of residues
(Farenhorst et al. 2000a)
Atrazine L. terrestris Activity mixed and distributed compound, increased persistence,
reduced mineralisation, accelerated binding of residues
(Farenhorst et al. 2000b)
Atrazine and Metachlor L. terrestris Increased sorption of compound to burrow linings Farenhorst et al. (2001)
Atrazine L. terrestris Increased mineralisation and bioavailability Meharg (1996)
Atrazine A. giardi Burrows and casts increased compound sorption Alekseeva et al. (2006)
2,4-D, Carbofuran
and Metribuzin
Species unreported. Earthworm macropores increased sorption but increased
microbial mineralisation
Mallawatantri et al. (1996)
Isoproturon, Dicamba
and Atrazine
A. longa Released previously bound residues, limited formation of bound
residues, increased mineralisation
Gevao et al. (2001)
Atrazine L. terrestris and A. calignosa Reduced mineralisation and reduced microbial numbers,
increased sorption of compound
Kersante et al. (2006)
Atrazine and Metamitron Vermicompost No effect upon degradation Koocheki et al. (2005)
Endosulfan M. posthuma Gut microora promoted as specic degraders Verma et al. (20 06)
Hexachlorohexane (HCH) P. posthuma Gut microora promoted as specic degraders Ramteke and Hans (1992)
HCH and DDT Pheretima posthuma Released previously bound residues Verma and Pillai (1991)
Crude oils and petrochemicals
Oil renery sludge E. fetida Promotion of microbial numbers, in combination with compost
increased TPH loss
Ceccanti et al. (2006)
Crude oil E. fetida Increased crude oil degraders and thus degradation Schaefer (2001)
Petroleum E. fetida No effect noted Callaham et al. (2002)
Crude oil L. terrestris, A. chlorotica and E. fetida Increased microbial respiration and taxanomic groups,
increased mineralisation
Schaefer et al. (2005)
Crude oil E. fetida Minimal losses, improved soil structure and porosity Stom et al. (2003)
Crude oil L. terrestris, A. chlorotica and E. fetida with
organic amendments.
Increased microbial respiration, increased TPH degradation in
some treatments.
Schaefer and Filser (2007)
Oil E. fetida Increased oil losses Tomoko et al. (2005)
Hydrocarbon drilling uids
and drill cuttings
E. fetida fed contaminants with food mixture. Increased TPH losses Getliff et al. (2002)
Asphaltens E. fetida vermicompost Reduction in asphaltens, increased gut or vemicompost
microbial mineralisation rates
Martin-Gil et al. (2007)
and Fluoranthene
L. rubellus Increased rates of loss Ma et al. (1995)
and Fluoranthene
E. fetida Increased PAH availability via consumption Eijsackers et al. (2001)
Anthracene, Phenanthrene and
E. fetida Increased losses Contreras-Ramos
et al. (2006)
Anthracene, Phenanthreneand
E. fetida vermicompost Increased rates of loss Alvarez-Bernal et al. (2006)
Chlorinated aromatics
Aroclor 1242 P. hawayana Increased losses due to burrowing and microbially rich casts,
effective mixing of compound
Singer et al. (2001)
Aroclor 1242 P. hawayana Effective mixing of compound and distribution of microorganisms,
some sorption effects, increased microbial activity.
Leupromchai et al. (2002)
Aroclor 1248 E. fetida Potential digestive activity and gut populations aided in losses,
high bioaccumulation
Tharakan et al. (2006)
wood preservatives
A. calignosa and L. rubellus Bioaccumulation of compounds Haimi et al. (1992)
2,4,6-trinitrotoluene E. Andrei Metabolised compound or promoted degraders Renoux et al. (2000)
di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate L. terrestris Hydrolyzing abilities Albro et al. (1993)
and phenobarbitol
D. veneta No metabolic induction Milligan et al. (1986)
and 4-uorobiphenyl
E. fetida No metabolism, and limited metabolism, respectively Bundy et al. (2002)
1076 Z.A. Hickman, B.J. Reid / Environment International 34 (2008) 10721081
earthworm macropores (species unknown) was directly correlated to
microbial numbers and thus observed mineralisation of 2,4-D, carbo-
furan and metribuzin; organic carbon content not only appears to
determine sorption of agrochemicals, but also microbial mineralisation.
In relation to this, Binet et al. (2006) further suggested that
earthworm (L. terrestris and Aporrectodea calignosa) activity would
promote atrazine mineralisation by altering the size and diversity of
microbial communities. They then reported that earthworm presence,
albeit at low application density, (three earthworms per 1.8 kg
treatment) over 86 days, determined a lower mineralisation extent
(11.7%) in comparison to the without-earthworm treatments (15.3%).
This is in keeping with Farenhorst et al. (2000a) who also reported
reduced atrazine mineralisation in the presence of earthworms
(L. terrestris), whilst also noting the acceleration of the formation of
non-extractable residues in with-earthworm treatments (Farenhorst
et al., 2000a,b). However, these results are in conict with those of
Meharg (1996) who determined that
C-atrazine mineralisation was
regulated by substrate availability on exchange sites, and in this
instance, earthworm (L. terrestris) presence, at high application
density (1 earthworm per 40 g) affected the binding of atrazine to
soil exchange sites over a 4 week period, with subsequent miner-
alisation of
C-atrazine by soil microorganisms being double that of
the control. Meharg (1996) concluded that this was due to increased
bioavailability on exchange sites attributed to the presence of worms,
thus further reinforcing the ndings of Eijsackers et al. (2001). The
mechanisms for this were hypothesised to be earthworm mucilage
secretions and changes in soil structure and soil microora.
In a contrasting study, Gevao et al. (20 01) applied earth-
worms (Aporrectodea longa) at a rate of 5 individuals per 2 kg to
soils contaminated with non-extractable pesticide (
C-dicamba and
C-atrazine) residues for 28 days to evaluate
subsequent degradation, release and uptake. They determined that
due to earthworm physical activity, a greater degree of previously
bound pesticide residue in comparison to the without-earthworm
treatments was released. When the study was applied to freshly
added pesticides, it was noted that the formation of non-extractable
residues of
C-dicamba and
C-atrazine were higher
by factors of 2, 2 and 4, respectively, in the without-earthworm
treatments. Thus, not only did earthworms limit the formation of
the bound fraction, they also promoted the release and mineral-
isation of bound residues. From a bioremediation perspective, this
clearly represents an overall benecial scenario. The mechanisms
were attributed to the promotion of pesticide degraders in earthworm
gut being added to the soil, changes in carbon substrate availabili-
ty and changes in soil structure subsequently altering compound
Further to this study, Kersante et al. (2006) investigated the in-
teractions between earthworms (L. terrestris and A. calignosa) and
atrazine degraders (Pseudomonas sp. ADP) in soil microsites (earth-
worm gut contents, casts and burrow linings). They determined that
atrazine mineralisation was reduced in earthworm soil microsites and
that earthworms signicantly altered the soil microbial structures by
reducing the size of the atrazine degrader communities. They also
suggested that low atrazine mineralisation, or loss, could be partly
explained by low effective mineralisation rates in the biostructures
due to sorption to the high organic carbon content, as previously
noted by Farenhorst et al. (2001),Alekseeva et al. (2006) and Binet
et al. (2006).
The effectiveness of earthworm gut microora to effect soil
contaminant losses, or degradation, has previously been discussed.
For example, Verma et al. (2006) noted the growth potential of
earthworm (Mataphire posthuma) gut microorganisms to the pesticide
Endosulfan, whilst Ramteke and Hans (1992) isolated microorganisms
from the gut of Pheretima posthuma treated with HCH noting
signicant subsequent HCH degradation. However, unlike Verma
et al. (2006), the authors noted that HCH degraders (in guts) gradually
increased over a 5 week period, replacing other gut microora, in-
dicating the potential for specialised gut growth. However, as dis-
cussed by a number of authors (Edwards and Bohlen,1996; Brown and
Doube, 2004; Kersante et al., 2006; Curry and Schmidt, 2007)it
remains questionable whether (a) microorganisms are indigenous
to earthworm guts (b) earthworm gut microora comes from the
surrounding soil and plant remains, or (c) whether specialised feeding
determines distinctive gut ora.
A number of studies relating to the application of earthworms, or
the effects of earthworms, upon soil associated agrochemicals have
been discussed. Whilst contradictory results have been observed,
especially with respect to compound sorption and release, it is ap-
parent that there are a number of potentially positive physical effects
upon agrochemical fate.
3.2. Petroleum and crude oil hydrocarbons
Whilst a relatively large amount of research has been undertaken
investigating the effects of earthworms upon agrochemicals, less has
been undertaken upon the effects to petroleum hydrocarbons
(petroleum and crude oil hydrocarbons). In contrast to the agrochem-
ical studies, many of the subsequent studies are descriptive investiga-
tions as opposed to mechanistic ones. However, to highlight the
increased interest of earthworm inclusion in bioremediation for
hydrocarbons, a recent paper elucidated upon the co-application of
compost and earthworms for bioremediation (Ceccanti et al., 2006).
Ceccanti et al. (2006) investigated biochemical processes, including
microbial enzyme activity and carbon dioxide evolution, which took
place during bioremediation treatment of oil renery sludge with
(1) a mixture of microorganisms, enzymes and nutrients (2) compost
only, and (3) compost with earthworms (E. fetida; 10 per kg soil) for
3 months. Their aim was to use these treatments and variables to
stimulate soil microbial biomass and therefore degradation ability to
explain both microbial activity and the intensity of microbial metab-
olism. They concluded that the reduction in TPH of the oil renery
sludge was greatest in the treatment with earthworms present
(reduction of 50.3%), followed by compost only (reduction of 39.5%),
highlighting the usefulness of the co-application of compost and
earthworms. Importantly, Ceccanti et al. (2006) stated that the result
could be due to earthworm action and/or soil microbial stimulation
via compost addition and earthworm casts.
An earlier study (Schaefer, 2001) had already concluded that
increased microbial catabolic activity due to E. fetida presence was
responsible for the loss of 91% (1074 mg kg
to 96 mg kg
) of crude
oil contamination when present for 56 days. This was in comparison to
the without-earthworm treatments, which showed no signicant
difference in concentrations over the same period. Interestingly, it was
in the soils with the highest initial concentration that degradation was
Such results are not always the rule, for example, Callaham et al.
(2002) observed no difference in TPH concentrations associated with
E. fetida or wheat treatments when applied to petroleum contami-
nated soils, whilst Stom et al. (2003), who investigated the effect of
earthworm (E. fetida) application (n=5) to crude oil contaminated
soils (25 g kg
) for 40 days with the co-application of microorganisms
also observed minimal losses (~15 g kg
loss for the microbial in-
oculation and earthworm co-application; ~9 g kg
loss for the
microbial inoculum alone, and only ~3 g kg
loss for earthworm only
treatments). However, in the treatments with earthworms, it was
noted that soil structure and porosity were improved, thus facilitating
oil losses via the introduced microorganisms. However, little meth-
odological data was provided, thus, full understanding of the under-
lying mechanisms cannot be discussed.
Schaefer et al. (2005) investigated the effects of differing earth-
worm species (10 worms/1 kg treatment) (L. terrestris,Allolobophora
chlorotica and E. fetida) on the microbial community within a crude oil
1077Z.A. Hickman, B.J. Reid / Environment International 34 (2008) 10721081
contaminated soil (10,000 mg kg
TPH) for 28 days. This is one of the
few studies that have been undertaken with a view to specically
utilising earthworms for bioremediation of organic contaminants. It
was noted that both respiration and concentration of microbial
biomass was signicantly enhanced, with observed changes not only
in microbial numbers and activity but of taxonomic groups, whilst
TPH concentrations were signicantly reduced (TPH reduction of 30
42% in samples with L. terrestris,3137% in samples with E. fetida
and of 1718% in samples with A. chlorotica with an average control
TPH concentration decrease of a non-signicant 917% between test
start and test end). Whilst positive earthworm usefulness within
bioremediation was noted, there were differences in results between
earthworm species due to ecological behavioural differences, thus
reinforcing the importance of choosing species suited to specic en-
vironmental conditions.
Schaefer and Filser (2007) further reported upon their earlier
work (Schaefer et al., 2005), which utilised the three differing earth-
worm species to effect TPH losses in crude oil contaminated soils.
Interestingly, they noted that there was more degradation products
in the with-earthworm soils, indicating that degradation of the longer
chain aliphatics (C
) had occurred, thus resulting in an increase
of shorter chain aliphatics (C
). Such an observation was re-
ported by Prince et al. (2007), who stated that within a complex
mixed gasoline mixture; larger n-alkanes were more readily de-
graded than the smaller n-alkanes. Further to this, Schaefer and
Filser (2007) introduced organic additives (coffee grains, horticul-
tural waste (compost) and brewery mash) (as 10% mass) in combina-
tion with earthworms (L. terrestris) to assess microbial crude oil
(5000 mg kg
) degradation over 28 days. Whilst increased micro-
bial respiration was observed in all treatments, only signicant TPH
degradation was noted in the earthworm only treatments (decrease of
29%) and the mixed brewery mash treatment with earthworms (19%),
whilst the brewery mash without earthworms resulted in a decrease
of 35%. Other additives had no signicant effects upon TPH degrada-
tion. It was noted by the authors that the earthworms did not interact
or feed on the additives, thus minimising the co-application potential.
They concluded that the microorganisms preferred the more eas-
ily degradable organic additives as opposed to the more complex
Considering that compost proves to be useful in bioremediation
procedures and its use as a remediation amendment in combination
with earthworms has been demonstrated by Ceccanti et al. (2006),it
was surprising that the other additives did not determine any
signicant TPH decreases. Tomoko et al. (2005) also investigated the
addition of the earthworm (E. fetida) and varying organic wastes to an
oil contaminated soil and found that earthworms alone signicantly
decreased oil contents in comparison to the control.
Earthworm use to remediate hydrocarbon contaminated drilling
uids and cuttings has been investigated (Getliff et al., 2002). How-
ever, as opposed to direct earthworm inclusion to hydrocarbon
impacted soils to effect remediation, the process described by Getliff
et al. (2002) involves adding the drilling wastes to other green wastes,
altering the C:N ratio and the moisture content and adding the
mixture to worm beds as feed. Worm beds were mounds 88 m× 3 m
and covered by polypropylene-backed felt mat, with moisture and
aeration capabilities. The drilling materials/green wastes were applied
to the mounds once a week at an average depth of 1530 mm. The
worms (E. fetida) integrate with the applied material and consume it
within 57 days. Interestingly, the digested material (wormcast, or
vermicast/compost) can be harvested and packaged for fertilizer or as
a soil improver. Over an experimental period of 45 days and at
application of 30% w/w (drill cuttings/organic material), 50% w/w or
70% w/w, signicant TPH reductions were observed. At 30% applica-
tion, TPH decreased from 1900 mg kg
to less than 60 mg kg
45 days, whilst at 50% application TPH decreased from 2100 mg kg
to below detection limit and at 70% application, TPH decreased from
20,000 mg kg
to 1500 mg kg
. However at a tested application
of 100% drill cuttings, the earthworms did not associate with the
material and thus, degradation was minimal.
The difculty in the removal of recalcitrant hydrocarbons and
the lack of biodegradability by inherent microorganisms of high
molecular weight compounds is known (Atlas, 1995; Alexander,
2000). This aspect of bioremediation is often a nal limiting factor.
Martin-Gil et al. (2007) has recently investigated the use of earth-
worms (E. fetida) and vermicomposting in the treatment of the
high molecular weight hydrocarbons, asphaltens, from the Prestige
oil spill. Green waste (cow bed and potato peelings) (total mass
80%) was added to heavy fuel oil (20%), which then underwent a
composting process. Subsequent to the composting process, earth-
worms were added at a density of 330 g/m
(treatment vessel
0.40 × 0.50 × 0.12 m
) for 6 months. Denite values of asphaltens
reduction are not given, but they do state that their results reveal
that the microorganisms living in either the earthworm intestines
or vermicompost substrate can possibly mineralise and thus elim-
inate asphaltens.
3.3. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
PAHs are priority pollutants and cause a great deal of concern
with respect to human and ecological health. They are inherently
recalcitrant hydrocarbons, and the higher molecular weight PAHs can
be difcult to remediate. Thus, whilst soils have otherwise undergone
successful and extensive remediation, the high molecular weight
PAHs still have a presence due to their lack of degradability, and as
such, much work is undertaken to investigate the mechanisms for
their removal and degradation.
Achazi and Van-Gestel (2003) discussed the effects of earthworm
activity on PAH concentration in soils, recognising the fact that their
physical activity are likely to affect the concentrations of these
hydrophobic organic contaminants. They concluded that it was likely
that any improved degradation would be due to improved aerobic soil
conditions, intimate mixing of microorganisms with the soil in the
earthworm gut, and subsequent dispersal via castings, and general
improved working conditions for the microorganisms, as opposed to
any inherent earthworm metabolising capacities.
In support of the theory that earthworm digestion and grinding
actions would affect ingested contaminated material such that the
egested casts would have a greater degree of availablecontaminants
for subsequent degradation, Eijsackers et al. (2001) suggested that
earthworms living within PAH contaminated peat sediments have the
capacity to increase PAH availability by consuming the organic matter
and thus reducing the number of potential binding sites. In relation to
this, Gevao et al. (2001) stated that the presence of earthworms
(A. longa) retarded pesticide bound residue formation via their ac-
tivity, which is again in conict with the previously discussed agro-
chemical results.
With respect to these theories, Ma et al. (1995) studied the in-
uence of earthworms (L. rubellus) on the disappearance of spiked
phenanthrene and uoranthene (100 μgkg
) and concluded that
disappearance of both PAHs occurred at faster rates in soil with
earthworms, than soil without. The mechanistic actions behind these
losses remained still to be explored.
Eijsackers et al. (2001) undertook a similar laboratory based study
investigating the fate of phenanthrene and uoranthene (10 mg kg
in the presence and absence of earthworms E. fetida per 850 g of
articial soil containaing10% or 40% organic matter. After 50 days,
highly signicant differences in concentrations were observed be-
tween the with-earthworm and the without-earthworm treatments
due to earthworm activity improving the inherent conditions for
subsequent microbial degradation. In this instance, there were no
differences between the endpoint concentrations for the 10% and 40%
organic matter with-earthworm treatments.
1078 Z.A. Hickman, B.J. Reid / Environment International 34 (2008) 10721081
More recently, Contreras-Ramos et al. (2006) studied the effects of
earthworms (E. fetida) (10 earthworms per 50 g soil) upon the removal
of PAHs (anthracene (200, 500 and 1000 mg kg
), phenanthrene (50,
100 a nd 150 mg kg
) and benzo(a)pyrene (50, 100 and 150 mg kg
The study lasted for an 11 week period, during which time it was
determined that the indigenous microorganisms removed an average
of 23%, 77% and 13% of anthracene, phenanthrene and benzo(a)pyrene,
respectively, whilst the with-earthworm treatments removed
averages of 51%, 100% and 47%. Whilst mechanisms for loss were not
studied, PAH losses were signicant in terms of extent, which would
indicate a denite benet to earthworm inclusion.
In relation to the study of Contreras-Ramos et al. (2006), co-
workers (Alvarez-Bernal et al., 2006) further investigated dissipa-
tion of soil associated phenanthrene (500 mg kg
), anthracene
(350 mg kg
) and benzo(a)pyrene (150 mg kg
) when vermicom-
post (product of farm yard waste and E. fetida) was added (308 mg
vermicompost added to 250 mg soil) for 100 days. They noted that the
greatest losses of the three PAHs were apparent in the unsterilized
vermicompost and PAH-treated soil as well as in the PAH-treated soil
after 100 days of treatment. Whilst generally, the with-vermicompost
treatment determined a more rapid loss in the initial study period (0
30 days), there was no signicant difference in loss extents at study
end (100 days). Losses were almost 100% of the initially spiked com-
pounds, and whilst CO
measurements were highest in the vermi-
compost amended treatments, thus indicating increased microbial
activity, the authors suggest that this only had a minimal effect upon
PAH dissipation.
3.4. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
In contrast to the oil and petroleum associated hydrocarbon con-
taminants already discussed, These chlorinated hydrocarbons show a
high thermodynamic stability and degradation mechanism generally
requires high heat or catalysis. As such, metabolic degradation
generally proceeds quite slowly relative to most other compounds.
Singer et al. (2001) investigated the use of earthworms (Pheretima
hawayana) to aid in the mixing and distribution of PCB-degrader
microorganisms when added to Aroclor 1242 contaminated soil
(100 mg kg
) over an 18 week period (10 earthworms per 0.6 kg
treatment). The with-earthworm treatments resulted in signicantly
greater PCB losses (average of all treatments: 52% loss), when com-
pared to the without-earthworm treatments (average of all treat-
ments: 41% loss). Further to this, the authors noted that the with-
earthworm treatments had more uniform distribution of residual PCB
due to earthworm bioturbation and mixing processes, a similar result
being stated by Binet et al. (2006) and Farenhorst et al. (2000a)
regarding earthworm redistribution of
C-atrazine within soil mi-
crocosms. The authors concluded that PCB losses were partly aided
by burrowing activity, thus allowing inltration of microorganisms
and allowing gas exchange and diffusion (10-fold greater gas diffusion
in this case), and that deposition of nutrient rich casts maintained a
more metabolically active microbial community. It is important to
point out that the species of earthworm was chosen for its ecological
characteristics. This being an anecic earthworm thus suited to vertical
burrowing and the experimental approach undertaken.
A later study by Leupromchai et al. (2002) also investigated the
effectsofearthworms(P. hawayan a; two per treatment) and
introduced PCB degrading microorganisms (individually or in combi-
nation) upon the loss of Aroclor 1242 (100 ppm) added to 0.6 kg soil
over a nine week period. Again, extensive mixing of PCB residues
by earthworms was noted, with the most signicant losses in the
earthworm and microorganism treatments (i.e. when in com-
bination). Soil sorption effects were not noted, but rather, it was
commented that the physical earthworm activity did aid in the
distribution of PCB degraders throughout the columns and their
presence contributed to increase the growth and activity of indigen-
ous PCB degraders, as was previously notedby Singer et al. (2001). The
control system resulted in an average loss of 20% whereas earthworms
in combination with the bioaugmented microorganisms resulted in an
average PCB loss of 54.7%. In addition, the bioaugmented microorgan-
isms on their own resulted in 33% PCB loss and earthworms on their
own also resulted in 33% PCB loss, however, these loss differences
were more pronounced within the top 3 cm of the soil column. It was
suggested that compounds associated with the earthworm casts were
potentially able to promote indigenous PCB degraders, and that
earthworm presence determined an 8 fold increase in indigenous PCB
In a different scenario, Tharakan et al. (2006) investigated the use
of E. fetida (9 g) within vermicomposting bioreactors for 180 days for
the remediation of PCB contaminated sludge (N500 ppm Aroclor
1248). They noted that whilst there was a total PCB reduction of 55
66%, the without-earthworm control also showed a reduction of 48
68%. Whilst the earthworms in the vermicomposting bioreactor
did manage to eliminate and transform some of the PCBs due to
hypothesised microbial gut populations and digestive activity, the
authors concluded that losses from the sludge were mostly due to
bioaccumulation, leading to PCB concentrations as high as 313 ppm.
3.5. Other compounds
Earthworm metabolising capabilities of organic contaminants is
an area that has received even less research and highlights a po-
tentially more complex earthworm/contaminant interaction. It has
been suggested that earthworm metabolism of PAHs is weak and
hardly inducible (Berghout et al., 1991; Achazi et al., 1998; Ma et al.,
1998; Achazi and Van-Gestel, 2003), which is supported by Milli-
gan et al. (1986) who specically noted that cytochrome P-450-
dependent monooxygenase activity was not induced in earthworms
(Dendrobaena veneta) by 3-methylcholanthrene or Phenobarbitol.
Bundy et al. (2002) further discusses the role of earthworm (E. veneta)
CYP450 activity in the metabolism of 4-uoroaniline and 4-uorobi-
phenyl, and they found no metabolism and limited metabolism,
respectively. Further to this, Renoux et al. (2000) observed that the
presence of E. Andrei either metabolised TNT or promoted TNT de-
grader microorganisms, and in an earlier paper, Sternerson (1984)
highlighted the potential importance of earthworms for the degrada-
tion of man-made chemicals via detoxication enzymes and reviews a
number of studies to support this. A slightly different earthworm
effect was observed by Albro et al. (1993), in that L. terrestris had the
ability to hydrolyze the plasticiser di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, but
that losses by such methods were minimal and suggested no real
benet to utilising earthworms in this way.
4. Concluding remarks
Through a combination of direct and indirect earthworm effects,
both upon the promotion of catabolically competent microorganisms,
and through earthworm biological, chemical and physical actions,
earthworm assisted bioremediation has been shown to be suited to a
wide range of organic compounds. This review has presented and
discussed a number of investigations that support earthworm assisted
bioremediation as a viable approach for the application to contami-
nants such as agrochemicals, crude oils, PAHs and PCBs.
Earthworm differences in terms of niche type (epigeic, endogeic and
anecic) dictate response and behaviour to soils, contaminants, food
availability and type, and a number of other environmental parameters.
Importantly, any earthworm assisted bioremediation procedure would
need to identify the correct earthworm species for the intended
methodology and conditions. This should involve the preliminary
assessment of suitability for conditions and toxicity assessment.
Earthworm potential for remediation of contaminated soils has
been noted by a number of authors within this review, with the main
1079Z.A. Hickman, B.J. Reid / Environment International 34 (2008) 10721081
benecial areas being the mechanical development of the abiotic
systems in terms of burrowing, ingestion, grinding, digestion and
excretion of casts, and upon the biotic systems in terms of promoted
microorganisms. Additionally, following ingestion and re-working of
contaminated soils, it is plausible that the sequestered or sorbed
fraction of contaminants would undergo physical release, thus making
them available for subsequent microbial degradation; an area for
further research.
In relation to this, if earthworms were present within, for example,
hydrocarbon contaminated soils, then it could be hypothesised that
there would be a subsequent promotion of hydrocarbon degrading
microorganisms. In theory, this could achieve subsequent increased
rates of hydrocarbon mineralisation, with the extents of mineralisa-
tion being contributed to via optimised soil conditions. The subse-
quently inoculated, or pre-exposed, soil (or cast) could then be applied
as a remediation media, again aiding in increased rates, and poten-
tially extents of compound loss.
There would appear to be a number of advantages in the utilisation
of earthworms within organic contaminant bioremediation. For
example, they have been shown to both retard the binding of com-
pounds and increase compound availability, whilst increasing micro-
bial degradation and promoting favourable microbial conditions. Their
mechanical actions further optimise soil conditions, offsetting known
remediation limitations. However, not all research is corroborative;
both agrochemical and crude oil studies have shown that earthworm
presence and actions can increase compound sorption, and thus
persistence, with other studies noting no benecial effect at all. It is
difcult to directly compare all studies due to the differences in
experimental set-up, soil types, compounds, earthworm species dif-
ferences and controlled variables. Furthermore, earthworms have the
potential to be employed not only in the recovery of contaminated
soils as part of a bioremediation strategy, but also in the subsequent
improvement of that soil, in terms of structure and nutritional status.
In relation to this, research should focus upon standardised compara-
tive studies and dedicated mechanistic studies. Regardless of this,
earthworm inclusion as a biotechnology has potential, and is worthy
of future research if a number of obstacles could be overcome, such as
toxicity issues and appropriate remediation strategies.
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1081Z.A. Hickman, B.J. Reid / Environment International 34 (2008) 10721081
... In addition, Pearson correlation tests were performed among the soil physicochemical characteristics to better understand their relationships ( Fig. S3.2), which was useful as general background information for the interpretation of the further analyses and given that soil properties in the chicken enclosure usually show a distinct pattern (Soares et al., 2022). (Hickman and Reid, 2008). An interaction term between PFAA concentrations in earthworm pools and vegetable pools was not included in the model to prevent oversaturation of the models, as the number of statistical tests was high relative to the sample size (N = 34) of the qualitative dataset. ...
... From this perspective, it might be an interesting new research avenue to evaluate whether earthworms and hyperaccumulating plants (cf., potentially rhubarb, as hypothesized in chapter 4) can both be used in a complementary way to further enhance remediation potential in gardens. Moreover, earthworms can potentially increase the bioavailability of PFAS to plants (Hickman and Reid, 2008), and vice versa (Zhao et al., 2014). Given that contamination profiles considerably differed between vegetable garden soil (e.g. ...
... There is general consensus that earthworms provide benefits at a larger scale, 861 such as increased crop yields [127,128] [132,133], which can be summarised in three 868 key processes: (i) biodegradation by earthworm-induced microorganisms able to 869 co-metabolise organic pollutants, (ii) enhanced immobilisation of pollutants in 870 organo-mineral complexes formed by the action of earthworms and (iii) the capacity 871 of earthworms (and their gut microbiome) to break down organic pollutants [77]. ...
... Although earthworms can facilitate the degradation of a wide range of organic 873 pollutants, including pesticides, PAHs, PCBs and pharmaceuticals [70,132,133], 874 their interaction with PFAS in the context of soil remediation has not yet been 875 explored. The toxicity and bioaccumulation of PFAS in earthworms, which are key 876 factor for understanding and the vermiremediation process, are addressed in Sect. ...
Common practices in non-conventional agriculture such as organic farming, conservation agriculture, agroecology and regenerative agriculture entail the use of organic fertilisers, including urban/industrial composts, treated manure and biosolids, while minimising the use of commercially available mineral fertilisers. Fertilisation of soils with organic amendments is also a common strategy used in drylands (arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas), which face two main challenges: low soil organic matter content and water scarcity. The latter issue can be partly addressed by the use of reclaimed wastewater. However, these approaches may pose significant risks to the agroecosystem and agricultural products. Biosolids and reclaimed wastewater often contain various contaminants due to the continuous inputs into wastewater treatment plants and the inefficiency of wastewater treatment technology in eliminating (and degrading) numerous contaminants. Notably, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are considered “legacy” pollutants that continue to raise concern because of their high environmental persistence and the introduction of alternative PFAS with unknown effects. This chapter explores the main pathways of PFAS contamination in agriculture and the effects on soil function. Interactions of PFAS with plants, soil microorganisms and macrofauna (e.g. earthworms) are discussed in the context of their potential contribution to bioremediation. Most remediation technologies for PFAS-contaminated soils are engineered-based and often result in disruption of the soil structure, as well as alterations in physicochemical and biological properties, presenting suboptimal solutions for agricultural soils. Although still at early stages, we propose adopting biological strategies for immobilising PFAS, thereby reducing the adverse impact of these compounds on soil function and minimising residues in agricultural products. These strategies encompass both in situ methods and the biological treatment of amendments contaminated by PFAS, such as vermicomposting. The chapter concludes with an outlook encouraging future research in bio-based technologies for inactivating PFAS in agricultural soils and organic amendments.
... It has been discovered that they are forbearing to, and have the ability to remove, or help in the removal of a wide range of organic and inorganic contaminants like pesticides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), crude oil, and heavy metals from the soil media (Shahmansouri et al., 2005), (Pattnaik and Reddy, 2011). (Hickman and Reid, 2008) pointed out possible methods for vermiremediation to include: ...
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Despite the economic advantages of finding and exploiting crude oil in Africa, oil exploration undoubtedly has far-reaching negative consequences for the air, land, and water as well as all life on Earth. The proliferation of various soil and water fixing techniques is a pointer to the need for urgent repair and remediation of various media that have been polluted as a result of the discharge of oil into the environment otherwise known as an oil spill. Bringing an environment that has been affected by oil spills back to their original form serves to reduce cost and other implications. But before arriving at the decision on which remediation technique to be adopted, one needs to know the features, as well as the characteristics and pullback of available technologies in terms of cost, speed, and environmental aftermaths of selected techniques. This review takes a foray into the numerous remediation strategies in the treatment of oil spillages with emphasis on their prospects and environmental implications by analyzing published works on scholarly sites. Methods reviewed range from natural attenuation to...
... The influence of weather on the concentration of mycotoxins produced by fungi during maize growth depends on the resilient response of these fungal to weather change (Vandicke et al., 2019). In addition, earthworms were found to transport and transform organic contaminants (Covey et al., 2010), delaying the binding between contaminants and soil (Hickman & Reid, 2008), and enhancing the degradation of compounds before they were taken up by crops (Bakar et al., 2011;Mupondi et al., 2018). These findings showed the potential of preventing contaminants from accumulating in the food produced in the circular primary system using naturebased solutions, though further research is required to quantify the influence of biotic factors on contaminant accumulation. ...
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Food safety is recognized as a major hurdle in the transition toward circular food production systems due to the potential reintroduction and accumulation of chemical contaminants in these food systems. Effectively managing these hazardous contaminants in a risk‐based manner requires quantitative insights into the factors influencing the presence and fate of contaminants in the entire circular food chain. A systematic literature review was performed to gain an up‐to‐date overview of the known factors and their influence on the transfer and accumulation of contaminants. This review focused on the terrestrial circular primary food production system, including the pathways between waste‐ or byproduct‐based fertilizers, soil, crops, animal feed, and farmed animals. This review revealed an imbalance in research regarding the different pathways: studies on the soil‐to‐crop pathway were most abundant. The factors identified can be categorized as compound‐related (intrinsic) factors, such as hydrophobicity, molecular weight, and chain length, and extrinsic factors, such as soil organic matter and carbon, pH, milk yield of cows, crop age, and biomass. Quantitative data on the influence of the identified factors were limited. Most studies quantified the influence of individual factors, whereas only a few studies quantified the combined effect of multiple factors. By providing a holistic insight into the influential factors and the quantification of their influence on the fate of contaminants, this review contributes to the improvement of food safety management for chemical hazards when transitioning to a circular food system.
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Deteriorated soil pollution has grown into a worldwide environmental concern over the years. Organochlorine pesticide (OCP) residues, featured with ubiquity, persistence and refractoriness, are one of the main pollution sources, causing soil degradation, fertility decline and nutritional imbalance, and severely impacting soil ecology. Furthermore, residual OCPs in soil may enter the human body along with food chain accumulation and pose a serious health threat. To date, many remediation technologies including physicochemical and biological ways for organochlorine pollution have been developed at home and abroad, but none of them is a panacea suitable for all occasions. Rational selection and scientific decision-making are grounded in in-depth knowledge of various restoration techniques. However, soil pollution treatment often encounters the interference of multiple factors (climate, soil properties, cost, restoration efficiency, etc.) in complex environments, and there is still a lack of systematic summary and comparative analysis of different soil OCP removal methods. Thus, to better guide the remediation of contaminated soil, this review summarized the most commonly used strategies for OCP removal, evaluated their merits and limitations and discussed the application scenarios of different methods. It will facilitate the development of efficient, inexpensive and environmentally friendly soil remediation strategies for sustainable agricultural and ecological development.
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Kitchen Pertaharjo is one of the community developments under the guidance of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga DPPU Ahmad Yani CSR which has a business incubator facility. In its implementation, the business incubator is considered to be still less than optimal and there are several obstacles. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate in order to formulate a new strategy for the development of the Pertaharjo Kitchen as part of Ahmad Yani's Pertamina DPPU CSR. In this study, the authors evaluate the Pertaharjo Kitchen business assistance using the Compass Sustainability analysis method. The author uses a mix method to analyze and describe the implementation of Dapur Pertaharjo for Compass Sustainability in 4 aspects, namely nature, economy, society, and well-being which can be taken into consideration for further development steps
A survey of earthworm population under different cropping systems was made under stubble mulch farming and where the residue was plowed under. The influence of earthworms on some of the important physical and biological properties of the soil was studied. Their role in the decomposition of crop residues was also determined.
The effects of earthworms, oil-decomposing microbial preparation, and their combination on the destruction of oil in polluted soil have been studied in laboratory conditions. It is shown that remediation of the oil-polluted soil with a decrease in its phytotoxicity proceeds more intensely under the combined action of the earthworms and microbes.
Mixtures of beech litter and artificial soil were incubated for 446 days in the presence and absence of earthworms Eisenia fetida. The distribution of organic and mineral matter among different aggregate size fractions was determined by means of an artificial rain experiment. The result show that before incubation the organic matter of the beech litter-artificial soil mixtures was confined to the coarsest (>2000 μm) and the mineral matter mainly to the finest (<63 μm) fraction. Within 446 days without earthworms a moderate shift was observed of organic matter to finer and of mineral matter to coarser fractions. After incubation with E. fetida, however, about 2/3 of total organic and mineral matter were present in 200-2000 μm water-stable aggregates, supposedly due to the production of compact faecal pellets. -from Authors
Among the consequences of discharging industrial wastes to land and water bodies is the widespread accumulation of toxic chemical mixtures in surface and subsurface environments. It is believed that the distribution of toxic materials in the environment constitutes a threat to ecological and human health. Bioremediation of contaminated soils and sediments using indigenous and adapted microbial consortia offers the possibility of rapid and cost-effective removal of organic and organometallic compounds to low levels and nontoxic products. The purpose of this communication is to discuss the theory and practice of bioremediation as it applies to contaminated sediments, and present data on the removal and detoxification of refinery wastes containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
Allolobophora chlorotica and Aporrectodea longa were inoculated into a clay landfill site cap at Calvert, Buckinghamshire during the Spring of 1992. Monitoring of these animals, their offspring and natural colonists of the site using a variety of methods, has occurred since then. Both inoculated species have established sustainable populations, with an index of cast-counting showing that A. longa numbers have at least doubled. The spread of this species has been steady, but slow through the compacted clay cap, with worms moving up to 10 m from points of inoculation after 5 years (mean value 2.3 m). From digging and hand-sorting of samples, A. chlorotica has been shown to move comparable distances and earthworm densities overall are now at least 110 m-2. Numbers of A. chlorotica were significantly (p < 0.05) higher in areas where both species were inoculated, compared to areas where they were inoculated in isolation. Other species found on site include Eiseniella tetraedra and Lumbricus rubellus. Although the inoculated earthworm populations appear to be expanding and flourishing, physical soil conditions have not changed significantly over the study period. The rate of amelioration of this type of material would appear to be extremely slow and introduction of earthworms can only partially meet this requirement.