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Why fight? Socially dominant jackdaws, Corvus monedula, have low fitness


Abstract and Figures

Social dominance is intuitively assumed to be associated with higher fitness, because social dominance implies better access to resources. We found that, in a colony of jackdaws, the dominant males consistently produced fewer fledglings, which had lower chances of survival to 1 year of age. Laying date and clutch size were independent of dominance, but females that mated with dominant males were in poorer condition and laid smaller eggs. Parental survival was independent of social dominance, and the frequency of extrapair fertilizations in jackdaws is negligible. Dominance was a stable trait of individuals, and not a state that all individuals eventually attained. We conclude that, in this colony, dominant jackdaws had lower fitness. To our knowledge, this is the first example of such a pattern in a free-living species. We hypothesize that the high density of our colony resulted in high testosterone titres, which suppressed paternal care of mate and offspring to the extent that it outweighed the benefits of higher resource access.
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Why fight? Socially dominant jackdaws,
Corvus monedula, have low fitness
Zoological Laboratory of the University of Groningen
(Received 3 October 2003; initial acceptance 26 November 2003;
final acceptance 31 December 2003; published online 25 August 2004; MS. number: 7872)
Social dominance is intuitively assumed to be associated with higher fitness, because social dominance
implies better access to resources. We found that, in a colony of jackdaws, the dominant males consistently
produced fewer fledglings, which had lower chances of survival to 1 year of age. Laying date and clutch size
were independent of dominance, but females that mated with dominant males were in poorer condition
and laid smaller eggs. Parental survival was independent of social dominance, and the frequency of
extrapair fertilizations in jackdaws is negligible. Dominance was a stable trait of individuals, and not a state
that all individuals eventually attained. We conclude that, in this colony, dominant jackdaws had lower
fitness. To our knowledge, this is the first example of such a pattern in a free-living species. We hypothesize
that the high density of our colony resulted in high testosterone titres, which suppressed paternal care of
mate and offspring to the extent that it outweighed the benefits of higher resource access.
Ó2004 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Social groups are usually structured in the sense that some
individuals are consistently more successful at obtaining
resources when there is a conflict (Allee 1952; Drews
1993). Because socially dominant individuals, by defini-
tion, have priority of access to resources, it is generally
assumed that these individuals also attain the highest
reproductive success. The fitness advantage to socially
dominant individuals is crucial in understanding the
existence of dominance hierarchies; if dominants did
not benefit, investment in acquiring and maintaining
social dominance would be wasted (Pusey & Packer 1997).
Such investments are, for example, costly signals used in
agonistic interactions (Zahavi & Zahavi 1997) and harm-
ful side-effects of high androgen levels (Folstad & Karter
1992; Frank et al. 1995; Packer et al. 1995; Buchanan et al.
2001), and that agonistic interactions consume time and
energy and increase the risk of an injury. Such costs could
potentially outweigh the benefits of having priority of
access to resources, resulting in neutral or even negative
effects of social dominance on fitness (Rohwer & Ewald
1981; Ellis 1995). Many studies of primates have reported
positive or neutral effects of dominance on reproductive
success (reviewed in Ellis 1995), but this relation has been
little studied in other taxa (reviews in Ellis 1995; Piper
1997; Koivula 1999). Negative effects of dominance on
indicators of reproductive success have also been found,
but only in captive animals (Ellis 1995). However, the
greater access to resources ensured by being dominant is
unlikely to yield a fitness advantage when resources are
abundant, as is usually the case in captivity. For this
reason, and because free-living individuals face a multitude
of trade-offs and behavioural options that are absent in
captivity, the fitness consequences of dominance can be
assessed only in free-living animals.
We studied the life history consequences of social
dominance in a colony of free-living jackdaws. Jackdaws
spend much of their time in groups that have a strong
linear dominance hierarchy, in the sense that jackdaws
rarely lose a conflict with an individual with lower social
status (Tamm 1977; Ro
¨ell 1978; Wechsler 1988). They are
facultatively colonial during breeding, and colonies can be
found in buildings as well as under more natural con-
ditions, for example, in rabbit warrens (Ro
¨ell 1978; Vogel
2002). We determined social dominance by observing
interactions over an artificial food source. The outcome of
a conflict can be state dependent; hungrier birds may, for
example, win more conflicts over food (Andersson &
Ahlund 1991; Cristol 1992). However, jackdaws that
were successful in interactions over food also had
primary access to available nestboxes and succeeded in
defending more nestboxes during winter (Ro
¨ell 1978).
Correspondence: S. Verhulst, P.O. Box 14, 9750 AA Haren, The
Netherlands (email:
*The authors contributed equally to this paper.
0003–3472/03/$30.00/0 Ó2004 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
AN IMAL BE HAV IOUR , 2004, 68, 777–783
This information, together with the observation that the
hierarchy is highly stable over successive years, indicates
that dominance in competition over food reflects re-
source-holding potential (Parker 1974), rather than some
transient effect of state.
There are two previous studies of the relation between
social dominance and reproductive success in jackdaw
colonies. Henderson & Hart (1995) showed that dominant
pairs produced more fledglings. In contrast, Ro
¨ell (1978)
reported evidence suggesting that dominant pairs had
fewer fledglings; neither study compared parental sur-
vival. However, Ro
¨ell assessed dominance in June, during
or after chick production, and he suggested that high
dominance was the consequence of being without chicks
¨ell observed temporary rank shifts in the breeding
season that were subsequently reversed in autumn).
Furthermore, Ro
¨ell presented only the cumulative fledg-
ling production of eight males over 5 years. These males
were selected from a much larger sample, because they
were present in all 5 years of the study, and these males
may therefore constitute a biased sample of the popula-
tion. Data on fledgling quality were not available, and low
fledgling production might have been compensated by
producing high-quality fledglings. However, finding a spe-
cies where the fitness consequences of social dominance
depend on the ecological or social setting to the extent
that dominance even results in low fitness would offer
a valuable tool to study the costs and benefits of domi-
nance and increase our understanding of the evolution of
dominance and social structures. We therefore studied the
association between dominance and reproductive success
in the same colony as did Ro
¨ell, but we determined social
dominance before the breeding season, and we also
measured parental survival and offspring quality in
relation to social dominance.
Study Population
We studied free-living jackdaws in the colony at the
Zoological Laboratory in Haren, The Netherlands, a semi-
urban environment. The colony was established in 1965
and enlarged to 36 nestboxes in 1996 when the study was
resumed. Data on dominance and reproduction reported
in this study were collected in 1998 and 2000, and
survival was measured up to 2003. The study was carried
out under licence from the Ethical Committee for animal
experiments of the University of Groningen.
Nestboxes were checked daily, starting in the first week
of April, until the clutch was complete. To determine from
which egg a chick had hatched (for another study), we
moved clutches to an incubator 1–2 days before the
estimated hatching date (temperature 37.7 C, RH 75%).
Clutches were exchanged for hardboiled quail eggs, which
birds readily accepted. Length and width of the eggs were
measured (G0.1 mm), and egg volume (V,incm
) was
estimated using the formula: VZ(p!A
where Ais width, Lis length and, for jackdaws, the
constant, K, is 0.00096 (Soler 1988). Eggs in the incubator
were checked at least every 2 h during the daylight period.
Eggs that did not hatch were dissected to check for
presence of an embryo. Hatching success of eggs with an
embryo was 95.7% (NZ211, years combined). Hatch-
lings were weighed, individually marked by clipping the
tip of one or two nails and returned to their nests. An
equal number of quail eggs was subsequently removed
from the nest.
We checked the survival of the chicks in the nest every 5
days (day 1 Zhatch date of the first egg). At days 10, 20
and 30, we also weighed the chicks and measured tarsus
and wing length (days 20 and 30). At day 30, shortly
before fledging, the chicks were ringed.
Breeding birds were individually marked with colour
rings and a metal numbered ring. Birds were caught in
a large baited cage or in their nestbox using trap doors.
Early in the nestling period (day 5), a sample of adults was
captured in 1998, and most breeding birds were captured
in 2000. Biometric characteristics (tarsus and wing length,
mass) were measured, a small blood sample (!60 ml) was
taken for DNA from the brachial vein, and most birds were
released within 20 min.
To estimate survival and identify nestbox owners, we
regularly observed colour-ringed birds from mid-February.
Whenever possible, other colour-ringed jackdaws visiting
the colony and the surrounding areas were also identified.
Resighting probability is the product of the probability
that a bird is still alive and the probability that a living
individual is seen, and survival analysis usually requires
estimating both these parameters using capture–recapture
analysis. However, the probability of observing individu-
als known to be alive was high (91–100% over the study
years 1998–2003 for both sexes, except for 1999, when
fieldwork intensity was low). We therefore used the
Kaplan–Meijer test to compare survival between dominant
and subdominant birds. Resighting probability of an
individual was independent of the fate of its partner in
all years (0.34 !P!0.99).
Agonistic interactions were recorded during March and
the first half of April of 1998 and 2000, until the first egg in
the colony was laid. Conflicts are resolved in different ways,
either through displacement, threat or fights, and these
were all scored to obtain a rank order (Ro
¨ell 1978). To stage
conflicts, we offered food in small pits (diameter 10 cm, one
in 1998, two in 2000) approximately 10 m from the nearest
nestbox. The pits were 30 m apart. At these pits, only one
jackdaw or a jackdaw pair could eat at a time. The feeding
pits were filled only preceding an observation period. We
used only interactions at the feeding pit in which both
participants were ringed to calculate social rank
(XGSD ¼80:0G58:2 interactions=male, NZ42 males).
The success in agonistic interactions (R) of bird J was
calculated following Henderson & Hart (1995):RZ(N
interactions won by J/Ninteractions lost by J) !(N
individuals supplanted by J/Nindividuals that supplanted
J). This equation takes both the proportion of interactions
won and the proportion of individual birds supplanted
into account; other methods to assign rank yielded almost
identical results. Based on the success score (R), a rank
number was assigned to each bird. We then scaled rank
between 0 and 1 (most and least dominant male, re-
spectively), because the number of birds in the hierarchy
differed slightly between years.
Male jackdaws are dominant over females, and the
females’ success in conflicts is highly dependent on the
rank and proximity of her partner (Lorenz 1931; Ro
1978; Wechsler 1988). Consequently, we cannot deter-
mine female rank independently and instead used the
rank of the male to characterize the rank of the pair.
Statistical Analysis
A number of individuals bred in the colony in both
1998 and 2000, and different breeding attempts from the
same individuals cannot be considered independent sam-
ples. Data were therefore analysed with a repeated meas-
ures hierarchical linear model to avoid pseudoreplication,
using the program MLwiN (version 1.10, Rabasch et al.
2000). Statistical significance of variables was assessed
from the increase in deviance (DDev) when the variable
was removed from the model. The change in deviance is
asymptotically distributed as c
with corresponding
change in degrees of freedom (Snijders & Bosker 1999).
Unless stated otherwise, data from both years (1998 and
2000) were combined in the analysis. Separate regressions
(calculated using SPSS 9.0) are also shown in Table 1 for
comparison between years.
The Hierarchy
Birds present in both 1998 and 2000 had very similar
ranks in the 2 years (F
Z12.5, PZ0.01; Fig. 1). Despite
becoming 2 years older, males did not acquire higher
dominance between 1998 and 2000 (mean difference Z
0.03, paired ttest: t
Z0.41, PZ0.7). The rank of
birds determined at both feeding pits separately was
highly correlated (Pearson: r
Z0.90, P!0.001; data
from 2000), indicating that rank was not site dependent
on the scale of the colony. Observations at the two feeding
pits were therefore combined. The constancy of domi-
nance rank in space and time shows that our method
yields highly repeatable estimates of rank.
Rank was not correlated with laying date of the first egg
or clutch size (Table 1). However, more dominant pairs
produced smaller eggs (Fig. 2) and smaller hatchlings
(Table 1). Nestling mortality was higher in nests of
dominant pairs, especially in 1998. This resulted in fewer
fledglings produced by dominant birds (Fig. 3a). Further-
more, chicks of dominant pairs fledged with lower mass
(Fig. 3b) and smaller size (Table 1). Too few fledglings were
observed in later years to test directly whether dominant
birds produced fewer surviving offspring, and we therefore
Table 1. Dominance rank and reproduction
Dependent variables
1998 2000 Years combined
Laying date 0.26 16 0.33 0.17 22 0.45 1.81 38 0.18
Clutch size 0.21 16 0.44 0.22 22 0.33 1.70 38 0.19
Egg volume 0.49 16 0.056 0.46 22 0.03 9.24 38 0.002
Hatchling mass 0.55 14 0.04 0.36 22 0.10 7.12 36 0.008
Fledgling mass 0.72 9 0.03 0.63 18 0.005 14.02 27 !0.001
Fledgling tarsus length 0.42 9 0.27 0.39 18 0.11 3.71 27 0.054
Fledgling wing length 0.75 9 0.02 0.39 18 0.11 7.60 27 0.006
Number of fledglings 0.54 16 0.03 0.15 22 0.50 4.56 38 0.03
Results are calculated for each year separately, and years were combined using hierarchical linear models. All tests for
years combined are with 1 df. Sample sizes for fledgling mass and size are lower because not all nests resulted in
fledged young. Significant correlations are in bold.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Y = X
0.8 1
Dominant Subdominant
Dominance rank 1998
Dominance rank 2000
Figure 1. Dominance rank of jackdaws in 1998 and 2 years later.
Low rank indicates high dominance. Line indicates equal values
verified whether fledging mass predicted survival pros-
pects. For fledglings in 1996–2002, we compared fledging
mass between fledglings found dead within a few weeks of
fledging (XGSD mass at fledging ¼155:0G36:3g,NZ35),
fledglings whose fate was unknown (194.8 G31.3 g,
NZ107) and fledglings seen alive the next year or later
(212.2 G20.3 g, NZ24). Using hierarchical linear mod-
els (with year and parents as hierarchical levels), we
found that fledglings that survived their first year
weighed more than fledglings whose fate was unknown
Z8.08, P!0.005), which in turn weighed more
than fledglings found dead within a few weeks of
fledging (DDev
Z27.95, P!0.001). When this analysis
was repeated using mean fledgling mass per brood as the
independent variable, and either the proportion of
fledglings surviving or the proportion of fledglings
found dead as the dependent variable, then the same
result emerged (both DDev
O7.4, P!0.01).
Parental Condition
Social dominance was independent of body size (length
of tarsus and wing, males: F
!1.1, P> 0.3; females:
!0.2, P> 0.6). Enlarging the sample size by in-
cluding birds captured outside the 1998 or 2000 breeding
seasons did not change this result. Condition (residuals
from regression of mass on tarsus) was lower in females
that mated with dominant males (F
Z6.28, PZ0.02;
Fig. 4a), but male condition was independent of rank
Z0.85, PZ0.4; Fig. 4b). The relation between
dominance rank and condition differed significantly
between the sexes (rank by sex interaction: F
To check whether effects of female condition could
explain lower reproductive success of dominant jackdaws,
we included female condition in the model for egg
volume and fledgling quality. Fledgling production was
not correlated with female condition (data not shown),
perhaps because most condition data were from 2000, and
the effect of dominance on fledgling production was weak
in that year (Table 1). The effect of social dominance on
egg volume was mediated through condition of the female
Z7.52, NZ23, P!0.01; Fig. 5), because social
dominance did not explain additional variation when
female condition was taken into account (DDev
PZ0.2). Fledgling mass was correlated with egg volume,
but there was also a significant effect of social dominance
(Table 2). Thus, female condition and egg volume ex-
plained only part of the correlation between social
dominance and fledgling quality.
Parental Survival
Dominant jackdaws could compensate for lower annual
reproductive output with a longer reproductive life span.
We analysed survival of jackdaws up to the breeding
season of 2003. Birds were assigned to two groups of
equal size, which comprised the top and bottom 50% of
the hierarchy. Data for both years were combined (first
breeding season, either 1998 or 2000, was assigned 0, and
each bird was used only once in the analysis). Survival was
independent of rank in both sexes (females: log
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Dominant Subdominant
Dominance rank
Egg volume (cm3)
Figure 2. Egg volume in relation to parental dominance rank. Thin
and dashed lines are regression lines for data from 1998 (C) and 2000
(B), respectively; bold line shows linear regression for data from both
years combined. Data shown are differences between observed values
and annual means. Low rank indicates high dominance.
Dominant Subdominant
Dominance rank
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Number of fledglings
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
100 (a)
Fledglings mass
Figure 3. Dominance and reproductive success. (a) Fledgling mass
(relative to annual mean). (b) Number of fledglings. Thin and
dashed lines are regression lines for data from 1998 (C) and 2000
(B), respectively; bold line shows linear regression for data from
both years combined. Low rank indicates high dominance.
rank Z1.39, NZ30, PZ0.24; males: 0.38, NZ30,
PZ0.54; Fig. 6). Average survival rate was 72.7% for
females (NZ30) and 70.8% for males (NZ30), in
agreement with estimates on the basis of ring recoveries
(69%; Dobson 1990).
Social dominance was associated with low fledgling pro-
duction and low fledgling quality (Fig. 3). For example,
the five least dominant males annually fledged 1.2 young
of viable quality ( fledging mass O170 g), but the five most
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Dominant Subdominant
Dominance rank
20 (b)
Male condition (g)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
30 (a)
Female condition (g)
Figure 4. Social dominance and condition (residuals from regression
of mass on tarsus) of (a) females and (b) males. Low rank indicates
high dominance.
–20 –10 0 10 20 30
Female condition (g)
Egg volume (cm3)
Figure 5. Egg volume in relation to female condition. Egg volume is
deviation from annual mean egg volume, and female condition is
the residual from a regression of mass on tarsus.
Table 2. Effects of dominance, egg volume and female condition on
fledgling mass
DDev Coefficient (SE) Ddf P
Null model 179.51
Final model 158.46 15
Constant 39.55 (10.93) C1 0.001
Dominance rank C10.42 70.88 (18.87) C1 0.001
Egg volume C6.32 16.57 (6.02) C1 0.012
Rejected term
Female condition 0.59 1 0.44
Data (mean g per brood) were analysed using hierarchical linear
models. Null model includes the constant only. Final model includes
all significant parameters. Changes in deviance (DDev) and in
degrees of freedom (Ddf ) indicate the changes when parameters are
dropped from the final model one at a time (or added to the final
model for rejected terms). Female condition is the residual from
a regression of mass on tarsus. NZ18 broods.
Male survival
Female survival
Figure 6. Parental survival in relation to social dominance in (a)
females and (b) males. All birds were assigned to two groups of
equal size on the basis of their rank (dominants: C; subdominants:
B). Yaxis (log scale) shows proportion of birds still alive. Year = 0
denotes first year that rank was known (1998 or 2000). Broken line
between years 3 and 4 is because the sample size is lower for years 4
and 5, with only birds that bred in 1998.
dominant males fledged only 0.5 viable young. This
decrease was not compensated with greater longevity,
because survival was independent of social dominance
(Fig. 6). In theory, males could also compensate for low
success with their own partner by having extrapair
fertilizations, but jackdaws have an exceptionally strong
pair bond (Lorenz 1931), and the frequency of extrapair
fertilizations is practically zero (Liebers & Peter 1999;
Henderson et al. 2000). Dominance was a permanent trait
of individuals, and not a state that all surviving indivi-
duals eventually attained. These findings led us to conclude
that dominant jackdaws in our colony had lower fitness
than did subdominants. To our knowledge, this is the first
example of such a pattern in any free-living species.
Hypotheses that explain low fitness of dominant birds
are based on one of two assumptions. Either it is assumed
that there is a causal relation between dominance and
reproductive success, or it is assumed that a third factor
causes both high dominance and low reproductive suc-
cess. One possible third variable is senescence, when aging
is associated with a decline in reproductive success and an
increase in dominance. Although Henderson & Hart
(1995) reported a correlation between age and dominance,
we consider this explanation unlikely because dominance
was independent of age in our colony, both in recent years
(Fig. 1; S. Verhulst & H. M. Salomons, unpublished data)
and in the 1970s (Ro
¨ell 1978), which may result from the
near absence of breeding yearlings in our colony. We next
consider hypotheses that assume a causal relation be-
tween dominance and reproductive success, although we
acknowledge that we cannot rule out an unknown third
In his extensive review, Ellis (1995) emphasized the
variation in the fitness consequences of dominance, and
proposed that dominance enhances reproductive success
in particular when food availability is low. In agreement
with this proposition, Henderson & Hart (1995) found in
jackdaws that dominance had a stronger effect on fledg-
ling production in years when overall success was low.
Using simple optimality reasoning, this proposition can
logically be extended to explain a negative association
between dominance and reproductive success: when costs
are associated with acquiring and maintaining domi-
nance, and these costs are not compensated with in-
creased resource access (because resources are abundant
regardless of status), the net effect of dominance on
reproductive success will be negative. However, there is
no evidence that resources were abundant in our colony.
One or more nestlings starved in almost every nest, and
fledgling production was approximately equal in our
colony and the colony studied by Henderson & Hart,
where dominance enhanced reproductive success. Thus,
high resource abundance (Ellis 1995) is unlikely to explain
the negative association that we found between domi-
nance and reproductive success.
Females paired with dominant males had poorer condi-
tion and produced smaller eggs, and this explained at least
part of the effect of dominance on reproductive success
(Table 2). Dominant males could have partners in poor
condition because high-quality females prefer subdomi-
nant males as partners, and low-quality females are
‘making the best of a bad job’ by pairing with a dominant
male (Qvarnstro
¨m & Forsgren 1998). Another possibility is
that females suffer from having a dominant male as
partner. These hypotheses are complementary, because if
females suffer from having a dominant partner, this would
explain why such males are less attractive. Dominant
jackdaws do show more aggression towards their partner
than do subdominant males (1978), and female prefer-
ence of subdominant males to avoid intrapair aggression
has also been demonstrated experimentally in Japanese
quail, Coturnix coturnix japonica (Ophir & Galef 2003). This
evidence lends credibility to these hypotheses, but for
a rigid test, mate choice experiments with jackdaws are
Henderson & Hart (1995) reported a positive effect of
dominance on reproductive success, and a comparison of
our colonies may provide further indications why domi-
nance had a negative effect on reproductive success in our
colony. Both colonies had approximately the same num-
ber of breeding pairs and comparable reproductive suc-
cess, but nestboxes were approximately 8 m apart in their
colony in the U.K. and only 1.5–3 m apart in our colony.
This detail may have far-reaching consequences if closer
proximity induces more interactions. It is well established
that having close neighbours and more agonistic inter-
actions results in higher testosterone titres in birds (Ball &
Wingfield 1987; Wingfield et al. 1990; Beletsky et al.
1992). Testosterone suppresses paternal care (Hegner &
Wingfield 1987; Ketterson & Nolan 1992; Ketterson et al.
1992) and could also explain higher intrapair aggression.
Data to compare aggression levels or testosterone between
colonies are not available, but dominant jackdaws do
participate more in agonistic interactions (Tamm 1977),
including in our colony (effect of rank on number of
interactions: F
Z17.65, P!0.001). We consider a tes-
tosterone-based mechanism the most parsimonious ex-
planation of our results, but further experiments, such as
manipulation of colony density and measuring testoster-
one, are required to test this hypothesis. Such experiments
may increase our understanding of the evolution of
dominance and social structures.
The question remains why males invest in acquiring
dominance when they do not benefit. Apparently, the
increase in resource access associated with being dominant
is outweighed by other factors associated with dominance.
This hypothesis suggests that the decision rule that
jackdaws use in conflicts is maladaptive when it is assumed
that birds could also ‘choose’ not to fight, at least in the
specific circumstances (e.g. high density) of our colony.
However, on a global scale, the decision rule may, on
average, still be optimal, as illustrated by the positive
association found between dominance and reproductive
success in the colony studied by Henderson & Hart (1995).
Alternatively, the decision rule that jackdaws use in
conflicts could be part of a genetically determined behav-
ioural syndrome (as in great tits, Parus major:Verbeek et al.
1996; Drent et al. 2003) in the sense that variation in
dominance reflects different behavioural syndromes.
Variation between colonies in the fitness consequences
of dominance could then contribute to the maintenance
of genetic variation in behavioural syndromes.
Peter Visser measured dominance in the 1998 season, and
many students participated in the fieldwork. Many people
reported dead and live jackdaws, and Jeroen Reneerkens
helped to catch adults. Comments from Cor Dijkstra and
Ton Groothuis improved the manuscript. S.V. was sup-
ported by the Technology Foundation Stichting Techni-
sche Wetenschappen, applied science division of
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onder-
zoek and the technology programme of the Ministry of
Economic Affairs.
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... In birds, developmental conditions at the start of life are shaped by the size and content of the egg, together with its incubation. Egg size has been shown to affect offspring quality at least in early life (Krist 2011), and sometimes also at later stages (Verhulst and Salomons 2004, Whittingham et al. 2007, Krist 2011 Page 2 of 10 2015). However, associations between egg size and offspring quality can reflect both direct effects of the egg on offspring quality as well as other parental or environmental effects after hatching when individuals in favourable environments (e.g. ...
... We here report the results of a cross-foster experiment in a free-living population of jackdaws, Corvus monedula, that we performed to test to what extent a previously observed correlation between egg size and fledgling mass (Verhulst and Salomons 2004) can be attributed to a direct effect of egg size. We cross-fostered whole clutches matched for lay date and clutch size, but randomly with respect to egg size. ...
... From the start of the breeding season, all nests were checked once every 3 days to establish the laying date and (with limited resolution) the laying order, as jackdaws generally lay one egg per day (Verhulst and Salomons 2004). New eggs were numbered with a felt tip pen and their length and width Page 3 of 10 were measured to the nearest 0.1 mm using a sliding calliper. ...
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Variation in developmental conditions is known to affect fitness in later life, but the mechanisms underlying this relationship remain elusive. We previously found in jackdaws Corvus monedula that larger eggs resulted in larger nestlings up to fledging. Through a cross‐foster experiment of complete clutches we tested whether this association can be attributed to egg size per se, or to more proficient parents producing larger eggs and larger nestlings, with the latter effect being more or less independent of egg size. Due to other manipulations post‐hatching, we primarily investigated effects on nestling mass on day 5, which we show to predict survival until fledging. We introduce a new statistical approach to compare the competing hypotheses and discuss the multiple advantages of this approach over current practice of which we report the results for comparison. We conclude that 92% of the slope of the association between egg size and nestling mass can be attributed to a direct effect of egg size. The remaining 8% of the slope can be attributed to aspects of parental chick rearing ability as reflected in egg size, but this component did not deviate significantly from zero. Intriguingly, the effect of egg size on day 5 nestling mass was steeper (1.7 g cm⁻³) than the effect of egg size on day 1 hatchling mass (0.7 g cm⁻³). Early growth is exponential, and the difference in effect size may therefore be explained by hatchlings from large eggs being further in their development at hatching. The direct effect of egg size on nestling mass raises the question what causes egg size variation in jackdaws.
... Females built more than males and were therefore more responsible for the nest structure. In contrast, males dedicated more time to vigilance than to building, which may be particularly important in colonially nesting jackdaws, where intraspecific competition over nest cavities is severe and can constrain reproduction (Henderson & Hart, 1993;R€ oell, 1978;Verhulst & Salomons, 2004). Vigilant residents may not only anticipate threatening nonresident competitors searching for a nest cavity, Figure 3. Relationship between the relative lay date (number of days compared to the day the first clutch was initiated per site) and female contribution to transporting nest material to the nestbox. ...
... Whereas we had predicted that greater synchrony (more time spent together in the nestbox) would reflect compatibility between partners and be linked to reproductive benefits (Spoon et al., 2006), we actually found more synchronous pairs laid smaller eggs. One possible explanation for this is that the pairs that spent more time together in the nest were those that faced greater competition, as both partners are required to successfully guard a nest site in this species (R€ oell, 1978;Verhulst & Salomons, 2004). Indeed, we found that pairs that spent more time together invested more time in vigilance but not in building the nest. ...
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Animals create diverse structures, both individually and cooperatively, using materials from their environment. One striking example is the nests birds build for reproduction, which protect the offspring from external stressors such as predators and temperature, promoting reproductive success. To construct a nest successfully, birds need to make various decisions, for example regarding the nest material and their time budgets. Research has focused mainly on species where one sex is primarily responsible for building the nest. In contrast, the cooperative strategies of monogamous species in which both sexes contribute to nest building are poorly understood. Here we investigated the role of both sexes in nest building and fitness correlates of behaviour in wild, monogamous jackdaw pairs, Corvus monedula. We show that both partners contributed to nest building and behaved similarly, with females and males present in the nestbox for a comparable duration and transporting material to the nest equally often. However, while females spent more time constructing the nest, males tended to invest more time in vigilance, potentially as a means of coping with competition for nest cavities. These findings suggest a moderate degree of division of labour, which may facilitate cooperation. Moreover, some aspects of behaviour were related to proxies of reproductive success (lay date and egg volume). Females that contributed relatively more to bringing material laid earlier clutches and pairs that spent less time together in the nestbox had larger eggs. Thus, selection pressures may act on how nest-building pairs spend their time and cooperatively divide the labour. We conclude that cooperative nest building in birds could be associated with monogamy and obligate biparental care and provides a vital but relatively untapped context through which to study the evolution of cooperation.
... For example, some corvids, such as Eurasian jays (E jays: Garrulus glandarius), are most often found alone or within a (socially) monogamous pair, who fiercely protect their own individual territories [24]. At the other extreme are the highly social corvids, such as rooks (Corvus frugilegus) and Western jackdaws (Coloeus monedula), who form large aggregations of up to 60,000 individuals [24], in which there can be a strong social hierarchy and colonial breeding [25]. Other species, such as New Caledonian crows (NC crows: Corvus moneduloides), common ravens (Corvus corax) and carrion crows (Corvus corone), show more flexibility in their sociality depending on season and age [26]. ...
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Self-control underlies goal-directed behaviour in humans and other animals. Delayed gratification ‐ a measure of self-control ‐ requires the ability to tolerate delays and/or invest more effort to obtain a reward of higher value over one of lower value, such as food or mates. Social context, in particular, the presence of competitors, may influence delayed gratification. We adapted the ‘rotating-tray’ paradigm, where subjects need to forgo an immediate, lower-quality (i.e. less preferred) reward for a delayed, higher-quality (i.e. more preferred) one, to test social influences on delayed gratification in two corvid species: New Caledonian crows and Eurasian jays. We compared choices for immediate vs. delayed rewards while alone, in the presence of a competitive conspecific and in the presence of a non-competitive conspecific. We predicted that, given the increased risk of losing a reward with a competitor present, both species would similarly, flexibly alter their choices in the presence of a conspecific compared to when alone. We found that species differed: jays were more likely to select the immediate, less preferred reward than the crows. We also found that jays were more likely to select the immediate, less preferred reward when a competitor or non-competitor was present than when alone, or when a competitor was present compared to a non-competitor, while the crows selected the delayed, highly preferred reward irrespective of social presence. We discuss our findings in relation to species differences in socio-ecological factors related to adult sociality and food-caching (storing). New Caledonian crows are more socially tolerant and moderate cachers, while Eurasian jays are highly territorial and intense cachers that may have evolved under the social context of cache pilfering and cache protection strategies. Therefore, flexibility (or inflexibility) in delay of gratification under different social contexts may relate to the species’ social tolerance and related risk of competition.
... Breeding partners form long-term pair bonds, cooperate to build nests 49 and rear young, and coordinate to maintain close proximity during group movement 50 . Jackdaws use social information 29 and engage in both agonistic 51 and affiliative 52,53 behaviours during social foraging. ...
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Influential theories of the evolution of cognition and cooperation posit that tracking information about others allows individuals to adjust their social associations strategically, re-shaping social networks to favour connections between compatible partners. Crucially, to our knowledge, this has yet to be tested experimentally in natural populations, where the need to maintain long-term, fitness-enhancing relationships may limit social plasticity. Using a social-network-manipulation experiment, we show that wild jackdaws (Corvus monedula) learned to favour social associations with compatible group members (individuals that provided greater returns from social foraging interactions), but resultant change in network structure was constrained by the preservation of valuable pre-existing relationships. Our findings provide insights into the cognitive basis of social plasticity and the interplay between individual decision-making and social-network structure.
... Pairs may split if one partner dies, or occasionally very young pairs may split. Within each jackdaw colony, a linear dominance hierarchy exists (Verhulst & Salomons, 2004). Dominant birds are able to displace less dominant birds, for example when feeding, but may also use their dominance to acquire better nest sites. ...
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Navigating the physical world may present only a small fraction of the challenges faced by social animals. Sociality brings with it numerous benefits, including access to important information that may have otherwise been harder to come by. However, almost every aspect of these apparent benefits may also entail additional cognitive challenges, including how to interpret signals from conspecifics, who to attend to, and how to incorporate knowledge about signallers when deciding how to respond. One approach to understanding the cognitive abilities associated with social function is to investigate social species that take part in potentially costly group behaviours, where individual decisions must be made in a social context. In this thesis I explore how jackdaws (Corvus monedula), a highly sociable corvid species, use acoustic information to coordinate collective anti-predator responses. In Chapter Two I showed using playback experiments that the magnitude of collective responses to anti-predator recruitment calls known as “scolding” calls depends on the identity of the caller, with larger responses to familiar colony members than unfamiliar individuals. In Chapter Three I then used habituation-dishabituation experiments to show that this vocal discrimination operates at the level of the individual, with jackdaws discriminating between the calls of different conspecifics, regardless of their level of familiarity. In Chapter Four, I examined whether aspects of call structure conveyed information about threat levels. Here, I found that high rates of scolding calls were associated with elevated threats, and playback experiments suggested that this information might result in larger group responses. The finding that jackdaws are capable of mediating their response to alarm calls based on the identity of the individual caller, and on structural variation in call production, raised the question of whether jackdaws employed similar forms discrimination between acoustic cues made by predators in their environment. I investigated this in Chapter Five, using playback experiments to show that jackdaws responded not only to the vocalisations of resident predators, but that this ability extended to novel predators, and that responsiveness was mediated by the phase of the breeding season in which predators were heard. Together, these findings provide insights in to how discrimination among acoustic cues can mediate group behaviour in species that respond collectively to threats.
... are highly mobile and have high cognitive abilities (Emery et al. 2007), both of which should enhance their perceptual range and assist them in accurately assessing habitat conditions (Jiao et al. 2020). While dominance is typically assumed to be positively correlated with fitness (Ellis 1995), the prevalence of readily available human food subsidies appears to have decoupled the link between dominance and fitness such that dominance does not necessarily confer a fitness benefit within campgrounds (Verhulst and Salomons 2004). Dominance is most likely to result in a fitness benefit when resources are scarce (Ellis 1995;Henderson and Hart 1995), and therefore the behavioral strategy of using aggression to maintain dominance may benefit individuals living in resource-poor landscapes, while those living in areas with abundant food subsidies do not glean a fitness benefit from this strategy. ...
Territorial species are often predicted to adhere to an ideal despotic distribution and under-match local food resources, meaning that individuals in high-quality habitat achieve higher fitness than those in low-quality habitat. However, conditions such as high density, territory compression, and frequent territorial disputes in high-quality habitat are expected to cause habitat quality to decline as population density increases and, instead, promote resource matching. We studied a highly human-subsidized and under-matched population of Steller’s jays (Cyanocitta stelleri) to determine how under-matching is maintained despite high densities, compressed territories, and frequent agonistic behaviors, which should promote resource matching. We examined the distribution of fitness among individuals in high-quality, subsidized habitat, by categorizing jays into dominance classes and characterizing individual consumption of human food, body condition, fecundity, and core area size and spatial distribution. Individuals of all dominance classes consumed similar amounts of human food and had similar body condition and fecundity. However, the most dominant individuals maintained smaller core areas that had greater overlap with subsidized habitat than those of subordinates. Thus, we found that (1) jays attain high densities in subsidized areas because dominant individuals do not exclude subordinates from human food subsidies and (2) jay densities do not reach the level necessary to facilitate resource matching because dominant individuals monopolize space in subsidized areas. Our results suggest that human-modified landscapes may decouple dominance from fitness and that incomplete exclusion of subordinates may be a common mechanism underpinning high densities and creating source populations of synanthropic species in subsidized environments.
... Whereas we had predicted that greater synchrony would reflect compatibility 492 between partners and be linked to reproductive benefits (Spoon et al., 2006), we actually found more 493 synchronous pairs laid smaller eggs. One possible explanation for this is that the pairs that spent more 494 time together in the nest were those that faced greater competition, as both partners are required to 495 successfully guard a nest site in this species (Röell, 1978;Verhulst & Salomons, 2004). Indeed, we found 496 that pairs that spent more time together invested more time in vigilance but not in building the nest. ...
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Animals create diverse structures, both individually and cooperatively, using materials from their environment. One striking example are the nests birds build for reproduction, which protect the offspring from external stressors such as predators and temperature, promoting reproductive success. To construct a nest successfully, birds need to make various decisions, for example regarding the nest material and their time budgets. To date, research has focused mainly on species where one sex is primarily responsible for building the nest. In contrast, the cooperative strategies of monogamous species in which both sexes contribute to nest building are poorly understood. Here we investigated the role of both sexes in nest building and fitness correlates of behaviour in wild, monogamous jackdaw pairs ( Corvus monedula ). We show that both partners contributed to nest building and behaved similarly, with females and males present in the nest box for a comparable duration and transporting material to the nest equally often. However, while females spent more time constructing the nest, males tended to invest more time in vigilance, potentially as a means of coping with competition for nest cavities. These findings suggest a moderate degree of division of labour, which may facilitate cooperation. Moreover, some aspects of behaviour were related to proxies of reproductive success (lay date and egg volume). Females that contributed relatively more to bringing material laid earlier clutches and pairs that spent less time together in the nest box had larger eggs. Thus, selection pressures may act on how nest building pairs spend their time and cooperatively divide the labour. We conclude that cooperative nest building in birds could be associated with monogamy and obligate biparental care, and provides a vital but relatively untapped context through which to study the evolution of cooperation. Highlights In wild monogamous jackdaws, mates behaved similarly and cooperated to build their nest. Females built more and called more frequently; males tended to be more vigilant. Females that contributed relatively more to transporting nest material laid earlier clutches. Pairs that spent more time together in the nest box had smaller eggs. Cooperation may be crucial in light of obligate biparental care and nest site competition.
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The adjustment of social associations by individuals in response to changes in their social environment is a core principle of influential theories on the evolution of cognition 1,2 and cooperation 3,4 . Selectively adjusting associations with others is thought to allow individuals to maximise short-term rewards from social interactions, thus re-shaping social networks to better favour connections between compatible group members 5–8 . Crucially, this has yet to be tested in natural populations, where the need to maintain long-term, fitness-enhancing relationships may limit social plasticity 9,10 . Using a novel social-network-manipulation experiment, we show that wild jackdaws ( Corvus monedula ) learned to favour social associations with compatible group members (individuals that provided greater returns from social foraging interactions). Consequently, the overall frequency of associations between compatible social partners increased as the experiment progressed. This resulted in clustering of compatible individuals within the social network, but the magnitude of this effect was small, likely due to the preservation of pre-existing long-term relationships. These results provide critical field evidence that learning to adjust social associations is beneficial whilst highlighting trade-offs with the need to maintain valuable long-term relationships. Our findings therefore provide important insights into the cognitive and behavioural basis of social network plasticity and the interplay between individual behaviour and social network structure in natural populations.
In species whose social structure includes dominance relationships, individuals are likely to engage in frequent agonistic interactions with conspecifics, and these interactions can have substantial effects on participants. For example, ‘winner’ and ‘loser’ effects, whereby winning or losing a contest increases the probability of winning or losing subsequent encounters, have been described in many species. However, a smaller body of research has shown that winning or losing a contest can lead to additional behavioral changes that affect other domains of an individual’s social experiences. Here, we report on an experiment designed to evaluate the effects of prior contests on subsequent mating interactions in the crayfish (Faxonius virilis). We presented males with mating opportunities either immediately following or 7 days after a contest with a conspecific male. We predicted that winners would be more likely to mate than losers, because of either or both winner/loser effects and differences in male competitiveness. We found that, when presented with a mating opportunity immediately following a contest, winning males were more likely to mate than were losing males. We also found that these differences had eroded within 7 days, such that there was no significant difference in the proportions of winners and losers that mated after that period. We concluded that the changes in mating behavior that we observed immediately after a contest were likely due to relatively short-term winner and loser effects, rather than any differences in the males’ competitiveness, which would presumably be of longer duration.
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As part of a long-term population study, we investigated the social and reproductive behaviour of Jackdaws in a colony with 70 nestboxes and about 180 birds near Jena, Germany. Three kinds of social relationships were recognized between breeding pairs and non-breeding birds: 'Followers' were associated with a breeding pair, functioning as potential replacement mates and behaving either neutrally or cooperatively with resident pairs. They were mostly young birds without breeding experience and of unknown sex. 'Visitors' were birds of either sex that did not complete, or had lost, their own clutch during incubation. They appeared to be of low social rank and interfered little with resident pairs. 'Usurpers' were also failed breeders, but they had lost their nestlings late during rearing. They remained paired and made aggressive attempts to take over nestboxes from resident pairs. A parentage analysis using multilocus DNA fingerprinting was carried out on 15 broods with 39 nestlings, mostly of pairs associated with followers. It revealed one extra-pair offspring and ruled out intraspecific brood parasitism and pseudo-parasitism.
Recent breeding of Western Jackdaw in Rabbit burrows hardly occurs anymore. In the Veluwe area, where Wigman made his observations in the 1930s, this habit was already abandoned in the 1960s. However, elsewhere ground-breeding Western Jackdaw have been reported until recently. At Balloërveld, in the province of Drenthe, a large colony of c. 200 breeding pairs occurred in former Rabbit burrows in the 1980s, and is -though in much smaller numbers- still breeding there. Besides, similar but much smaller colonies have been documented for two other sites in Drenthe and for two sites in Noord-Brabant. Regular breeding in Rabbit burrows has also been reported for various sites in the coastal dunes, especially in Noord-Holland, but is nowadays rare. Most ground-based colonies on the mainland have been abandoned due to increased predation by Red Foxes. Moreover, breeding opportunities in trees have increased, both as a result of the expansion of woodland and an increase of Black Woodpecker. Moreover, Rabbit populations have suffered increasingly VHS (Viral Haemorrhagic Syndrome) at many sites (Fig. 1), and therefore the number of Rabbit burrows on offer has declined in the past decades. Contrary to the mainland, larger colonies of ground-breeding Western Jackdaw may still be found at the Wadden Sea islands. Here, absence of Red Foxes and decreased levels of human persecution still provide Western Jackdaw with Rabbit burrows as suitable nesting sites.
Changes in plasma levels of testosterone (T), progesterone (P), and luteinizing hormone (LH) were studied over the reproductive cycle in two double-brooded populations of European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). In one population, nest sites (nest boxes) averaged 6 m apart (dense site), and in the other, nest boxes average 60 m apart (dispersed site). In both populations, plasma levels of T were high during the two egglaying stages when males were mate guarding and defending nest holes. A higher circulating level of T was observed during the first nesting attempt, when all pairs in possession of a box initiated clutches. Furthermore, plasma levels of T were higher in males nesting at the dense site compared with those in males at the dispersed site. Only about 30% of these pairs initiated second clutches after successfully rearing the first brood. Although plasma levels of T rose in males during the second clutch initiation, they were significantly lower than T levels measured during production of the first clutch. Circulating levels of LH became maximal during each egg-laying stage in a manner similar to those of T but did not vary as a function of nest-site density. Changes in circulating T were also examined in relation to a T-dependent secondary sexual characteristic, male bill color. We found that the seasonal change in bill color is sensitive to circulating levels of T only slightly above basal and much lower than those observed during times of male-male aggression. Circulating levels of P were constant from January to July, with no significant changes during the prebreeding and breeding periods. This is consistent with results of studies with captive males.
Most of the behavioral components of what we now term social dominance behavior have long been recognized in animals. Darwin, in his treatise on the emotions of humans and animals, described in detail the suite of behaviors that characterize dominant and subordinate animals, although he did not use those terms (Darwin, 1965). Hoffer (1882, in Wilson, 1975) actually described stable dominance relationships in bumblebees, but his behavioral findings did not stimulate further research. The formal scientific investigation of social dominance relationships in animals began with Thorleif Schjelderup-Ebbe’s studies of captive groups of domestic chickens (Gallus domesticus) in the early 1920s (Schjelderup-Ebbe, 1922). Schjelderup-Ebbe observed that among any two individuals within a group there existed a “peck-right” relationship: a fundamental behavioral asymmetry whereby one of the pair could consistently peck the second and thus force it to yield its position, while the second bird rarely, if ever, was able to gain such an advantage over the first.