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Socio-economic Indicators and Integrated Coastal Management


Abstract and Figures

The need to better understand the linkages and interdependencies of socio-economic and coastal environmental dynamics has taken on a more deliberate role in the development and assessment of Integrated Coastal Management world-wide. The analysis and establishment of indicator-driven programs to assess change in coastal and watershed systems have increasingly moved to stress socio-economic forcings and impacts. This article serves to review the need for and provide an assessment of important frameworks designed to foster such integration. It argues that the evolution of the Driver–Pressure–State–Impact–Response (DPSIR) framework, now in broad use, provides an essential contribution.
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Ocean & Coastal Management 46 (2003) 299–312
Socio-economic indicators and integrated
coastal management
Robert E. Bowen*, Cory Riley
Environmental, Coastal and Ocean Sciences (ECOS), University of Massachusetts,
Boston, MA 02125, USA
The need to better understand the linkages and interdependencies of socio-economic and
coastal environmental dynamics has taken on a more deliberate role in the development and
assessment of Integrated Coastal Management world-wide. The analysis and establishment of
indicator-driven programs to assess change in coastal and watershed systems have increasingly
moved to stress socio-economic forcings and impacts. This article serves to review the need for
and provide an assessment of important frameworks designed to foster such integration. It
argues that the evolution of the Driver–Pressure–State–Impact–Response (DPSIR) frame-
work, now in broad use, provides an essential contribution.
r2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
One of the more significant challenges faced by those interested in and responsible
for Integrated Coastal Management is to better refine our understanding of the
linkages between coastal system dynamics and the social benefits associated with
them. While both the coastal management and marine science communities have
developed indicator systems to better assess change, the degree to which such efforts
have been linked has been surprisingly limited. For the most part, the management
community has focused on institutional measures of program performance while the
marine science community has worked to build indicators of the scope and scale of
change in natural systems. The degree of interaction between social systems and
environmental variability has held relatively less focus. That humans and the
environment are linked has been long asserted. Measuring the degree and
importance of those interactions has been less of a core activity.
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-617-287-7443.
E-mail address: (R.E. Bowen).
0964-5691/03/$ - see front matter r2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
However, the past decade has witnessed a more refined effort to expand an
understanding those interdependencies. This has been the result of several related
endeavors. First, pressure has been building by national governments and the
international donor community to better evaluate the success of coastal management
programs. Part of that evaluation pressure has been to link management with the
mitigation coastal environmental degradation. Second, the design of international
monitoring and assessment protocols, such as the Global Ocean Observing System
(GOOS), the Global International Waters Assessment (GIWA), and, more recently,
the Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS) and the Millennium Ecosystem
Assessment (MA) has provided an opportunity for more systematic reflection. And,
third, emerging models for indicator development have begun to provide
appropriate frameworks for the articulation effective data strategies. Taken as a
whole these efforts provide an opportunity to engage in more strategic planning for
the design of coastal-based socio-economic indicators. Several nations (or more
appropriately regional programs under national sponsorship) have provided for or
begun efforts to better quantify these relationships. However, these have been
limited in scale, scope and temporal dimensionality. The recent meeting ‘‘The Role
of Indicators in Integrated Coastal Management’’ co-organized by the Department
of Fisheries and Oceans of Canada and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic
Commission established an opportunity for strategic consideration at the interna-
tional level.
For these efforts to achieve their hoped for success they should embrace a
consistent and internationally compatible approach. It should be fully recognized
that local and regional ICM programs must respond to and provide benefit to their
own stakeholders. Integrated Coastal Management is an approach driven by local
conditions. However, a larger context should not be ignored. Our understanding of
social/environmental linkages can only be effectively understood through an
assessment across biomes, social conditions and management approaches. Critical
lessons are established through multiple and cross-cutting case analyses. The choice
of effective and efficient coastal management should draw upon the successes
articulated from both similar and dissimilar regulatory environments. The purpose
of this paper is to describe a set of indicator models that most directly contribute to
this process of strategic planning. It will also report limited and preliminary results
of a set of dialogs (primarily conducted through the recent DFO/IOC meeting and
through various panel meetings of GOOS) establishing a general framework for the
identification of coastal socio-economic indicators.
1. The articulation of indicators
Environmental concerns that have surfaced in the United States and around the
world in the past 30 years have added a new variable into the scientific search for
knowledge of the natural world; human influence. The inclusion of humans into the
natural web of interactions calls for new protocols for studying natural systems and
for solving economic and health problems. Acknowledgment that people are a part
R.E. Bowen, C. Riley / Ocean & Coastal Management 46 (2003) 299–312300
of biogeochemical cycles and physical processes has necessitated a more integrated
approach to natural resource management and research [1–3]. Economic, political,
and social structures are intertwined with resource use patterns. Changes in the
condition of natural systems have a direct impact on the ecosystemic functions that
humans depend on for health, services, and economic growth. Here, we face a dual
challenge. First, understanding the complexity of those linkages is difficult. Natural
variability, the impact of episodic events (such as major storms) and anthropogenic
forcing all play a substantial role in the flux of natural systems. Isolating the relative
contribution of each is, at best, difficult. Second, the complexities of public health
risk or economic sustainability are difficult to understand and predict. Determining
the role of environmental conditions is even more challenging. These difficulties have
contributed the relative paucity of indicator-based approaches to management. The
recognized conundrum is that without an integrated and sustained indicator-based
system it is unlikely that critical linkages can be established, generally accepted and
acted upon.
The first step to using indicators to advance our knowledge of coastal systems and
the effectiveness of management programs is to establish an appropriate definition
for the term indicator. Measure, variable, parameter, analyte, metric, and index are
all terms that can be found in the literature and in the glossaries of current programs
designed to develop and use indicator frameworks [4–6,24]. Each has been used to
describe (sometimes inappropriately and occasionally to the point of confusion)
efforts to build an empirical approach to understanding coastal system dynamics. In
an effort to mitigate that confusion we suggest that a focus on the function of an
indicator as an appropriate starting point. The OECD [4] has argued that a
successful indicator should:
*Reduce the number of measures which normally would be required for an exact
presentation of a situation; and
*Simplify the process of communication to managers, stakeholders and commu-
In short, indicators should represent dynamic parts of an overall portrait that is
understandable and compelling to its intended user community. They should be part
of a process to minimize the number of individual variables and data points while
maintaining a sufficient level of critical understanding to those responsible for or
interested in coastal systems.
For this process to succeed purpose and context must initially be established.
What questions serve as motivation for the effort? Some indicator frameworks are
designed to determine program performance, some are created to establish links
between anthropogenic activity and ecosystemic health, and some attempt to track
trends and conditions in ecosystem dynamics or resource use. While this initiating
step appears obvious it is often challenged—particularly, in situations in which
available information takes precedent over appropriate information. The design of
new data-driven programs are often broadly influenced by the availability of existing
data files. While it is essential to fully utilize existing data it is equally essential to
R.E. Bowen, C. Riley / Ocean & Coastal Management 46 (2003) 299–312 301
understand the value and voracity of data when the present context is substantively
and substantially different. That data exists does not de facto mean it should be used.
When the purpose of data collection is established, a blueprint for the design and
use of indicators should be put into place from the inception of the project, to ensure
that the time, effort and money invested are not wasted. Five general steps seem to
summarize the considerations that should be incorporated into the indicator system:
*Articulate an indicator framework driving the selection of specific measures. With
an agreement on a context and question alternative frameworks should be
assessed to determine their applicability in selecting an indicator set of greatest
value. The needs of and value to the user community should sit at the core of these
*Determine an efficient and effective data acquisition strategy. Cost, compatibility
and sustainability of effort should be considered as should the value of existing
data sources.
*Create and maintain a sustained data management system. Making data broadly
and openly available through an established quality assurance/quality control
system is essential.
*Agree to protocols for data analysis. One of the historic difficulties in system
monitoring as been too strong a focus on data acquisition and too little a focus on
data analysis.
*Develop reporting products to ensure information reaches and is understood by the
broader user community. The number and nature of coastal area stakeholders
reaches well beyond the scientific or regulatory communities. Traditional forms of
reporting (i.e., limited runs of printed reports with data tables) are increasingly
limited in terms of their ability to inform those whose interests are at stake. New
graphic display and information management technologies need to be more fully
A substantial focus of this paper resides in the first of these steps: that is, the
description of frameworks driving the selection of specific measures. However, it is
important to recognize that the selection of measures and acquisition of data should
be viewed as part of system in which data acquisition, management, analysis and
product production are viewed as part of a synthetic whole which should be
addressed concurrently in the early stages of program initiation.
2. Models for the selection of socio-economic indicators
The indicator models are herein described within a specific context; that is, the
linkages between socio-economic conditions (including management and regulatory
approaches) and changes in coastal environmental dynamics. As such, they serve as
performance measures of success in those aspects of an overall ICM effort for which
those linkages are a part. We acknowledge that these linkages are viewed as an
important part of an ICM framework—but, only a part. The process of developing a
broadly integrated management effort will need to incorporate a richer set of
R.E. Bowen, C. Riley / Ocean & Coastal Management 46 (2003) 299–312302
performance measures. Institutional evaluation, an understanding community
dynamics, and policy assessment all play a central role. However, the synergies of
social/environmental interaction are also important. Most ICM efforts articulate goals
relating to coastal environmental improvement yet often lack specific performance
measures dedicated to understanding how well those goals are being met.
Ideal performance measures provide a clear indication of how well a program is
achieving its objectives. Thoughtful design, use, and adaptation are critical to their
usefulness as a management tool. Industry, international aid organizations, and
government agencies all have unique processes to implement performance measures
that are compatible with the specific aims of the organization. Most models use
indicators to determine if the performance measures are being met. Considerable
theoretical work has been done discussing the framework and design of evaluation
techniques [4,7–9]. Several themes repeat themselves in the academic and applied
discussions of indicators that may be helpful to keep in mind as we explore the
potential use of performance measures in ICM efforts.
An ideal combination of indicators could be fed into a conceptual or technical model
that efficiently identifies what, where, how, and why change is occurring within the
system. Performance-based management frameworks should organize indicators into
sets that are responsive to and driven by the needs of the user community. The
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) created the
‘‘Pressure–State–Response’’ model in 1993 to help model the cause and effect
relationship between humans and the environment [10,11]. This model has been
expanded since 1993 by the United Nations and the European Commission (among
others) to include the root causes of environmental change and the impacts this change
has on ecosystems and on humans. Input, output, outcome and impact measures are
classified according to the programmatic goals of the management action.
Developing a performance-based evaluation begins with clearly defined strategic
goals and a detailed set of intermediate targets [12]. The intended results of the
program and the specific type of change that is desired need to be understood and
articulated within the context of measurable increments. Differences in the situation,
condition, level of knowledge, or attitudes and behavior of a population need to be
assessed with appropriate units [12]. The more precise the vision of the program, the
easier it will be for the organization to develop measures that yield useful information.
3. Pressure–State–Response model
The Pressure–State–Response (PSR) model, popularized by the OECD [11],isan
example of a common framework for environmental evaluation. Environmental
problems and solutions are simplified into variables that stress the cause and effect
relationships between human activities that exert pressures on the environment, the
condition of the environment, and society’s response to the condition (see Fig. 1).
Water quality is a typical environmental concern that can be used as an example to
display the three types of indicators. Tons of fertilizers used by waterfront property
owners is an indicator that measures the ‘‘pressure’’ that the environment is
R.E. Bowen, C. Riley / Ocean & Coastal Management 46 (2003) 299–312 303
experiencing. ‘‘state’’ variables monitor the condition of the environment. In this
example, the actual nutrient dynamics of the water body would serve as the state
indicator. The ‘‘response’’ indicator measures the actions taken to reduce pressures
or improve the state of the resource in question. The number of workshops held or
amount of protective legislation passed in a certain timeframe to protect water
quality are quantitative examples of response indicators.
The P–S–R approach was a useful addition to the literature in that is made explicit
the need to focus on those factors influencing environmental systems and associated
Fig. 1. Pressure–State–Response model for indicator development. Adapted from: OECD [11] and
LEAD [20].
R.E. Bowen, C. Riley / Ocean & Coastal Management 46 (2003) 299–312304
consequences (both in terms of environmental conditions and regulatory change).
However, its conceptual limitations are significant. It describes a system overly
simple in its view and overly narrow in its scope.
4. Driving force, pressure, state, impact, response model
The original P–S–R descriptions focused on anthropogenic pressures and responses.
One of several problems was that the original definitions did not effectively factor
natural causes into the pressure category. Therefore, natural variability and episodic
events had no real place in the model. While anthropogenic forcing is often an
important, if not dominant, factor in environmental change, efforts that ignore other
influences may lead to the imposition of unwarranted regulatory constraints that hold
little, if any, promise to improve environmental quality.
In part, this challenge led some, most notably the United Nations Commission on
Sustainable Development to describe a Driving Force–State–Response model. A
primary modification here was to expand the concept of ‘‘pressure’’ to incorporate,
social, economic, institutional and natural system pressures [22].However,evenwhen
‘‘driving force’’ replaces ‘‘pressure’’, the model does not explicate a category to account
for the underlying reasons for the pressures. To analyze policy options and resource
allocation in environmental management, it is essential to have a grasp of the root
causes of the problems being addressed [13]. A model that measures pollutants but
gives no information about the social conditions surrounding driving pollutant
introduction (e.g., changes in the organization of watershed agriculture or coastal
industrial production) is not providing the data needed to inspire meaningful change.
Another element missing from the P–S–R model is an examination of human
motivation responding to the state of environmental conditions. While social
stewardship of the environment should be an essential component of environmental
policy, it is not the sole motivation. Social resources are not infinite. Expenditures of
time, energy and effort are prioritized according to a rich and often conflicting suite
of factors. Certainly, one of those factors should be the social costs imposed or
benefits gained through changes in the quality of supporting environments. The
social impact of environmental change is an essential factor in influencing policy. An
indicator system that records the state but not the impact essentially assumes that
every change in the pressure, state, or response should be given the same amount of
attention or resources. Realistically, all ICM efforts are a careful balancing of
priorities. Including indicators that measure impacts to humans and the ecosystem
makes the model a more useful management tool.
Thus, challenges to the initial P–S–R model have contributed to the refined and
expanded approach described as the Driver–Pressure–State–Impact–Response Model
by, among others, the European Commission [9]. Within this model:
*Drivers describe large scale socio-economic conditions and sectoral trends such as
patterns in coastal land use and land cover, and growth and development in
coastal industry sectors,
R.E. Bowen, C. Riley / Ocean & Coastal Management 46 (2003) 299–312 305
*Pressures such as patterns of coastal wetland alteration, the introduction of
industrial POPs/metals and fertilizer use in the coastal watershed hold the ability
to directly affect the quality of coastal environments;
*State indicators describe observable changes in coastal environmental dynamics
and in functions describing sustainable development;
*Impacts are the discrete measured changes in social benefit values linked to
environmental condition such as the cost of marine-vectored disease, loss of
recreational bathing beach value, or losses to commercial fishing value due
contaminant burdens; and,
*Response indicators are described as the institutional response to changes in the
system (primarily driven by changes in state and impact indicators).
Fig. 2 represents the D–P–S–I–R approach and is designed to emphasize the fact
that any indicator framework should focus not only on the articulation of
Fig. 2. Driver–Pressure–State–Impact–Response model for indicator development. Adapted from: IUCN
[21] and European Commission [9].
R.E. Bowen, C. Riley / Ocean & Coastal Management 46 (2003) 299–312306
Table 1
Illustration of socio-economic indicators within a driver–pressure–state–impact–response framework
Driver/state Pressure Impact
Population dynamics Resident coastal
Coastal land-use/land
Coastal zoning patterns
Economic conditions Annual GDP growth
adjusted net domestic
Economic value/
employment in coastal
Social conditions and
cultural traditions
% population with
potable water
Change in user conflict
Cultural stability/
Development pressure/
capital construction
% of altered coastal land Cost of coastal flooding/
hazards and savings
provided by coastal
% of impermeable
surface in CZ
Dredging costs driven by
sediment contamination
Coastal fill acres/year
Habitat change/
ecological value
Service value of coastal
Social costs of invasive
Value of habitat driven
manufactured products
Service value changes
from habitat alteration
Changes to non-use
values of coastal habitat
% of population with
wastewater treatment
% of coastal harvesting
areas under
Fertilizer use in coastal
Industrial inputs of
Resource extraction
Oil spills from
Seafood value changes
from seafood risk/
habitat alteration
Commercial fishery
Seafood consumption
Human uses/activities Coastal aquaculture Marine-vectored disease
Beach attendance Beach closing costs
R.E. Bowen, C. Riley / Ocean & Coastal Management 46 (2003) 299–312 307
appropriate indicators and on the development of data acquisition systems
(indicators), but should also embrace the need for analysis and capacity
building through the construction of reporting products responsive to user
As already noted, the present effort is a focus on using conceptual models in the
building of socio-economic indicators viewed to be of greatest value in under-
standing the dynamics of social/environmental integration. Table 1 provides an
illustration of that effort. Here, indicators are classed according to whether they best
meet the description of Driver, State, Pressure or Impact indicators. They are also
classed into the substantive themes of:
*Population dynamics
*Economics conditions
*Social conditions and cultural traditions
*Development pressure/capital construction
*Habitat change/ecological value
*Contaminant introduction
*Resource extraction activities
*Human uses/activities
These substantive themes are used to stress the complexity of the coastal
social system. When developing an indicator system data should be drawn from a
broadest range of human activities influencing, and influenced by, coastal
environments. In any given situation it may be that the range of influence is
more narrow than those characterized in these thematic categories. However, a
systemic review of the possible relationships should be an early part of the design of
any indicator-based effort. Table 1 is provided as an illustration of specific indicators
representing these classes. It draws from a more complete list of indicators developed
for the recent meeting in Ottawa(1). This set can be viewed as a fuller palette
against which the discrete informational needs of individual programs could
be judged. Table 1 also attempts a reflection of more recent discussions on
the application of the model to various questions facing coastal and environmental
managers. In linking the model categories of driver and state the table attempts
to emphasize the value of context in indicator development. In certain instances
indictors may best assess the relationship between drivers and pressures.
In other instances the same indicators are best viewed as contributing toward
an understanding of the influence of Pressures on the State of social sustainability
functions [23]. This illustration is meant to further stress the need for flexibility
in the development and use of indicators. Models hold their greatest value when
they provide insight and inspiration into a broad range of complex questions
and hold less value when viewed as a constraint on creative application.
The D–P–S–I–R approach more effectively represents the complexities of social/
environmental interaction and highlights the need to understand and measure the
nature and scale of that dynamic.
R.E. Bowen, C. Riley / Ocean & Coastal Management 46 (2003) 299–312308
5. Process and outcome indicators
The indicator approaches described above can, and should, be incorporated into
more traditional program evaluation efforts. They can make important contribu-
tions to emerging and evolving efforts to assess the success of Integrated Coastal
Management. However, again, certain caveats need to be recognized. Integrated
Coastal Management represents a complex set of activities that include, but is by no
means limited to, efforts to improve environmental quality. Assessments of the
success of ICM (particularly at the local level) need to incorporate a broad range of
cultural and institutional measures. However, the degree to which evaluation
measure can expand to more effectively incorporate social/environmental dynamics
the stronger the argument will be that these programs hold broad and general value.
Evaluation efforts can usually be divided into those that measure process, those
that measure outcomes, and those that measure both [14,15]. In the context of
coastal program evaluation, process evaluation measures the policies, the laws
passed, money spent, permits issued/denied, and the management programs
implemented. Outcome indicators document the changes in social or physical
conditions brought about by the activities of the public program [16]. Acres of land
protected, number of public access sites established, an improvement in water
quality, or measures of organizational learning or progress are all considered
outcome indicators. Historically, much of the coastal management evaluations
conducted in the United States, for example, have concentrated on measuring
process indicators [16]. Managing for results has recently become a trend in US
governmental agencies, sparked by the Government Performance and Results Act of
1993. Focusing on outcomes rather than solely on process indicators intends to
shift the government away from overemphasizing inputs and hopes to introduce
accountability for desired agency results [7]. Performance measurement also
promotes communication within an organization about what the exact goals
are, how they are to be achieved, and who is responsible for each aspect of
project implementation [7]. Strengths and weaknesses of the project and of the
organization are more easily identified and addressed early in the process if outcomes
are being measured for each objective [7]. Within coastal management, it is more
difficult to find and collect outcome data than process data. Contributing outcomes
directly to a specific program is also a challenge compounded by the fact that criteria
for success are not often clear from coastal legislation or program plans [17].
Creating an indicator framework that has a place for both process and outcome
indicators can help trace management efforts more directly to environmental and
social conditions.
6. Input, output, outcome, impact indicators
Program assessment indicators can also be theoretically categorized into input,
output, outcome, and impact variables [5]. The World Bank categorizes indicators to
correspond with project components following an implementation scheme that flows
R.E. Bowen, C. Riley / Ocean & Coastal Management 46 (2003) 299–312 309
from project design to implementation of sub-projects interacting toward desired
impacts. Tracking the performance of a project begins with input measures to keep
track of procurement of material of equipment, funds, material and labor. Output
and outcome indicators relate back to the stated goals of sub-projects and impact
indicators measure progress towards the goals stated at the highest level of the
project/organization. The World Bank uses this model to evaluate development
projects of all kinds, but the framework is applicable to coastal program evaluation
as well [18].
To demonstrate some examples of these types of measures, indicators from the
D–P–S–I–R model can be viewed as contributory to each of these categories. Input
variables measure the amount of time, personnel, or resources invested in a project
or task (response indicator). Output indicators measure specific actions taken by the
program, such as a decrease in point pollution (pressure). The outcome indicator
measures larger goals of the program such as improved water quality as measured
through nutrient dynamics (state). Impact indicators take this thinking one step
further, measuring the improved quality of resources or human health (impact).
Any organization attempting to design a performance-measuring system must
recognize that each action could be measured using input, output, outcome,
and impact indicators and design goals with this spectrum of results in mind.
Accepting such an assessment approach provides an effective mechanism to link
specific program performance measures with a broader environmental and social
sustainability perspective. It also more effectively structures the opportunity to link
coastal environmental monitoring programs with local ICM program actions
and goals.
7. Broadening the concept of program performance
As already noted most ICM program efforts incorporate the improvement of local
environmental conditions in either the rationale for the program or in the statement
of program goals. Therefore, indicators of environmental variability and the socio-
economic relationships to them should be built into a comprehensive system of
program performance. And, while it is readily acknowledged that environmental
improvement and social change are not typically reflected within the duration of a
specific ICM program effort this should not preclude their inclusion as indicators of
longer-term program success or as contributors to development of broader-scale
policy development. These broader indicators of change cannot be used alone to
judge program implementation at individual sites, however, this information is
critical to understand local, state, and national trends. Indicators of coastal
environmental change can be used to prioritize projects at the site level and should
feed into state, national, and potentially international efforts to relate coastal and
human health to management efforts. Ecological indicators should be one category
of performance measures crafted from the mission statements of coastal manage-
ment programs to reflect pressures to the environment from natural sources (such as
weather) and the environmental state of coastal systems.
R.E. Bowen, C. Riley / Ocean & Coastal Management 46 (2003) 299–312310
The pressures imposed by human action are also important in forming
strategic goals program priority actions. Land use patterns may contribute to an
understanding of water quality data, and demographic trends in the surrounding
towns may help managers redesign education programs.
Tracking anthropogenic influences will provide a better long-term picture of
program effectiveness in changing behaviors and attitudes as well as documenting
health and economic consequences (impacts) of environmental services and
degradation. Any practical environmental program must incorporate social realities
into its plan of action. Selecting indicators for socio-economic factors enriches the
body of measures used to improve programming and evaluate progress on a broader
scope than using institutional performance measures alone.
To adapt to the most pressing local issues and assess the long term impacts of
program action monitoring information outside the direct control of the site
management should also be assessed, organized, and used to shape local plans.
Recently, agencies, nations and even small towns have been publishing ‘‘sustain-
ability indicator’’ lists that track economic, ecological, cultural, and social indicators
to alert decision makers to trends [18,19]. Through these data, the state of the
environment can be assessed along with the pressures that result from human social
and economic activity. Models can be drawn, plans made, and actions prioritized
based on monitoring indicators. Program implementation should address the
findings of a monitoring program or data collection that reflects current conditions
and patterns. Achieving the goals of Integrated Coastal Management requires a clear
picture of programmatic progress, environmental conditions and influencing
anthropogenic factors.
This view admits to significant challenges. Attempting to tease out the relative
contributions of natural cycles, episodic events, and anthropogenic influence requires
sophisticated statistical analysis and the occasional heroic assumption. Programs
may contribute to improvements in the state of the natural environment and
relieve certain pressures on the estuary, but it is clearly difficult to measure the
proportion of change attributable to a specific action. The long-term use of socio-
economic and ecological indicators can indicate how well the programmatic
approach contributes to broader goals of Integrated Coastal Management over
the period of years to decades (which, admittedly, is beyond the budgetary cycle of
most local programs). In the short term, these indicators can aid local managers in
moving toward more informed decisions on prioritizing projects and revising
strategic plans.
Socio-economic, ecological, and management indicators all fit into a linked
approach to program performance. Understanding coastal processes, and therefore
evaluating program success in addressing coastal issues, requires a broad and rich set
of integrated indicators. Comprehensive program assessment should incorporate
appropriate components revealed through consideration of a D–P–S–I–R modeling
effort as well as more traditional institutional performance measures. The more
effective integration of social condition, environmental dynamics and institutional
response can only enrich the process of informed decision-making on sustainable
resource use and development practices.
R.E. Bowen, C. Riley / Ocean & Coastal Management 46 (2003) 299–312 311
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R.E. Bowen, C. Riley / Ocean & Coastal Management 46 (2003) 299–312312
... The conceptual framework in this study is based on the Driving Forces-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) approach emerged from the previous Pressure-State-Response (PSR) framework established by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 1993(OECD, , 1998. The DPSIR model is more comprehensive and incorporates natural driving forces (Bowen and Riley, 2003;Carr et al., 2007;Poveda and Lipsett, 2011;Du et al., 2020) in addition to the anthropogenic pressure and responses focused in the PSR model. DPSIR framework has been used for assessment of coastal ecosystem (Huong et al., 2021). ...
... Then the specific indicators for this study purpose have been selected based on intensive literature survey (Bowen and Riley, 2003;Chakraborty and Joshi, 2014;Islam et al., 2016;Sahana and Sajjad, 2019;Ali et al., 2019;Hajra et al., 2021;Ghosh and Mistri, 2021), experts' opinion through Delphi Method (Turoff and Linstone, 2002), field experience and availability of data. The previous literature and field experiences affirmed the relevance of the sustainability assessment in the context of natural hazards occurrences as most of the selected indicators are found to be impacted directly or indirectly by hazardous events. ...
... In order to assess actual socio-economic conditions of the area, a thorough household-level socio-economic survey was conducted in the sampled villages of the study area. The relevant questions of the questionnaire have been prepared based on intensive literature survey (Bowen and Riley, 2003;Chakraborty and Joshi, 2014;Islam et al., 2016;Sahana and Sajjad, 2019;Ali et al., 2019;Hajra et al., 2021;Ghosh and Mistri, 2021), experts' opinion through Delphi Method (Turoff and Linstone, 2002). A two-stage cluster random sampling was used for this study. ...
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Since the inception of the concept, sustainability has been interpreted as encompassing social, economic, and environmental dimensions of it. It is now rapidly shifting from a concept to a measurable state of the human-ecological dynamic system. Recent researches are focussing on an integrated approach, due to the absence of a perfectly defined sustainable condition with presence of some driving forces in the environmental system as a reference. In recent world severe natural hazards are increasing having fatal impact on societal and economic strata. The islands of Indian Sundarban Delta are the focus of this study as their sustenance are highly at stake due to climate change induced sea level rise, cyclone, tidal surge, severe land erosion. The main objective of this study is to design a model for obtaining a composite sustainability index of three adjacent islands of western part of Indian Sundarban Delta (ISD) Sagar, Mousani and Ghoramara which are facing severe hazard impact based on the ‘Driving Force- Pressure- State- Impact- Response’ (DPSIR) framework integrating all three dimensions. Indicators have been categorised into state indicators and driving forces under ten profiles chosen from three dimensions of sustainability. The impact score of driving forces over any profile has been considered as a product of values of drivers and state from that profile. The total sustainability score was attained by summarizing the impact scores assigning the same weights and different weights respectively, to the sustainability indicators. The sustainability score shows that Sagar is in better position than other two islands.
... In this context, evaluating the impacts of tourism continues to be an essential element for the industry's sustainability (Almeida-García et al., 2016;Bowen & Riley, 2003). The importance of researching the repercussions of tourism is well supported, especially the significant impacts that tourism development generates on residents. ...
... The Pressure-State-Response Model (PSR) was proposed in Canada in the early ''90s (Li, 2004) as an evolution of the cause-effect models (Bowen & Riley, 2003) to tackle sustainable tourism issues has been relatively scarce (Rempel, 2012). ...
Purpose Assessing the impacts generated by tourism has become an essential element for the industry’s sustainability. The increasing intensity of the impacts and the need to evaluate them from a resident’s perspective calls for new approaches to assist tourism management. This paper aims to advance from the pressure-state-response framework (PSR) to measure the tourism impacts in urban destinations with a holistic model called PSR-ti. Design/methodology/approach A multiple linear regression method was adopted to apply the PSR-ti model in the city of Madrid, estimating the relationship between the pressure (objective) and state (subjective) variables. Local statistical yearbook data was used to construct the pressure variables. Regarding the state variables, a survey was designed to assess residents’ perceptions of tourism. A total of 652 responses were obtained. Findings The results obtained from the study of pressure indicators unveil that these indicators can support decision-making processes as an underused management tool. This work represents a step forward in considering the transversality of tourism concerning urban planning, the development of equipment and infrastructures or activities such as commerce and culture for the analysis of the state indicators; the results obtained determine the need to periodically evaluate the perception of residents on the impacts of tourism, given its crucial role in the sustainability of the destination. Originality/value The PSR-ti model offers a holistic vision, including objective and subjective indicators in the model, which enhances the appraisal of the impacts of tourism by identifying pressure and state factors as a starting point for possible responses by the decision makers of the tourist destination.
... The sustainable growth of a region has become a global strategic issue [6]. Sustainable regional development is defined as increasing quality by improving the region's environment. ...
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Indonesian government has established measurable fishing regulations by Government Regulation 11/2023 to protect and sustain fishery resources. This policy is unsuitable for small fishermen's needs and has resulted in mass demonstrations in South Papua. Data were conducted with the fishermen demonstrators (n=100) by participation observation, in-depth and semi-structured interviews. The results showed fishermen refused the regulated fishing regulations for vessels <30 GT as far as 12 miles, simplify the licensing process, increase the fuel quota and repeal mooring requirements only at the Merauke fishing port. Formulating laws and regulations for fisheries management requires a combination of ecological, economic, and sociocultural principles to sustain fisheries systems. Stakeholder involvement must be implemented into every policy design and decision-making stage by integrating fishermen's perspectives in the fishing business. Integrating fishermen's points of view can be a benchmark for the suitability of fishermen needs and sustainability of fisheries resources in each region.
... One aspect of ecosystem-based policy initiatives to protect natural resources and preserve crucial ecosystem functions is thought to be a consideration for the well-being of resource users (Bowen & Riley 2003;Abunge et al. 2013). The crises in sheries management over the last thirty years was the lack of progress in sheries management, and because of this, the discussion of sheries management switch their primary concerns to the social aspects, such as well-being, livelihoods, and improving sheries governance, particularly through state and international action to prevent Illegal, Unregulated, and Unreported (IUU) shing activities and specifying the exclusive group of people who have the right to access the shing resources (Shotton, 2000 andKadfak &Linke, 2021). ...
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The fishing industry is considered one of the essential industries in the Philippines, especially in Surigao del Sur, and provides food and employment. By investigating how fishers’ well-being can be affected by various anthropogenic stressors, a solution can be crafted to address the problem. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was used to assess fisher’s well-being through the five dimensions such as social, economic, ecological, spiritual, and cultural. A total of N = 174 respondents participated in six FGDs conducted in the villages of Cortes, Lanuza, and Lianga and a separate focus group was used to validate the results of the study. Results showed variation in terms of social connectivity, Lanuza and Lianga scored medium high (3) but in terms of membership to cooperative, Cortes and Lanuza scored high (4). In the cultural dimension (governance and advocacy for marine conservation), Cortes scored high (4) and for values (communication and beliefs), all three sites scored highly (5). For economic dimension such as catch and cost of fishing trip, Cortes and Lanuza scored high (4). Finally, for the ecological dimension (protection of fish stocks and fishing practices), Cortes and Lanuza scored highly (5). Moreover, four major anthropogenic stressors mentioned in the area are on coral reef siltation (85%), climate change impacts (82%), improper garbage disposal (69%), and impacts of mining activities (67%). Responses of participants showed the need for the local and provincial governments to focus on immediate and practical priorities to effectively address long-term issues such as anthropogenic disturbances affecting fishers’ well-being.
... The DPSIR framework was proposed by the European Environment Agency as a useful methodological approach to describe the environmental problems of a territory-through the representation of appropriate indicators-and to assess the most critical environmental issues to be addressed in the decision-making process oriented towards sustainable development [14][15][16]. ...
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Cultural heritage often mirrors the evolution of the social and economic dynamics of territories. In Taranto, a city in Apulia in southern Italy, cultural heritage represents the synthesis of the profound environmental and economic crisis that has characterised the city over the last century. Its loss is the order of the day following repeated collapses and static instability. Probably, this is the result of the strong conditioning that large industrial groups and military institutions have been exercising over the city’s environment and economy since the end of the 19th century. This paper focuses on the analysis of aspects related to the management and enhancement of the cultural heritage in the area, in the broader scenario of territorial heritage management. Using the DPSIR (Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response) spiral logic scheme, the aim of the research is to highlight causal links between the impoverishment of Taranto’s cultural heritage and the management and socio-economic drivers present there. In this perspective, the study aims to contribute to the implementation of the scientific literature on the topic of the application of the spiral DPSIR model to the theme of built cultural heritage and not only to the management of the naturalistic factors of the territories. Furthermore, it aims to stimulate policy makers to initiate specific analyses of the risks threatening cultural heritage in order to implement protective measures before irreversible damage occurs. The results of the analysis promote the need for a subversion of the area’s development dynamics with a view to a ‘culture of sustainability’.
... The traditional DPSIR (Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response) framework is considered as the best way to structure such environmental information in order to build links between natural and socio-economic sciences; science and management; qualitative and quantitative analyses; measured and modeled data; and definition of environmental syndromes (Turner et al. 1998). As a drawback, a number of researchers noted that the DPSIR model omitted the ecosystem services (Atkins et al. 2011) which denotes the benefits that people obtain from ecosystems (MEA 2005) and consider only the negative environmental consequence of human activities in its "impact" term (Bowen and Riley 2003). In order to overcome this deficit, its new version called DPSER (Kelble et al. 2013) was evolved by replacing impacts module with ecosystem services module. ...
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In terms of function, wetlands are valued as living machines, nature’s kidney, biological supermarkets, and sink of carbon. Integrated scientific story as well as quantification of these functions is a powerful tool for informed wetland management decisions since not all wetlands perform all functions nor do they perform equally well. In addition, due to the wide range of issues, wetland management plans need systemic approach that accounts for ecosystem complexity for improved efficacy. By taking Cheleleka Wetland in the Ethiopian Rift Valley Basin as a case, this paper demonstrated the application of Drivers-Pressures-State-Ecosystem services-Responses (DPSER) framework in which the potential ecosystem services (=E) were evaluated by semi-quantitative method based on field indicators; hydrologic cycle simulation using soil and water assessment tool; and inventory of water abstraction (=P). Results indicated that the wetland is potentially performing ≈77% in improving water quality; ≈67% in recharging groundwater; ≈60% in providing biological support; and ≈40% in reducing flood peak. Anthropogenic hydrologic pressure in terms of water abstraction approximates ≈43% of the recharged volume. As response (=R) strategy, four synergetic wetland management approaches were formulated and coined as PREE representing Preservation-Restoration-Enhancement-Establishment interventions. Based on the above strategy, specific local wetland management strategies were also formulated.
... This increased flow perturbation led to the formation of diminutive pitting and undercuts that radically resulted in the failure of embankment and the bamboo fencing too. From the recent literature survey, it is evident that a good number of investigations were carried out on the adverse impact of embankment failure on relevant environmental issues, sea level ingress, and associated socio-economic ecological aspects (Hazra et al. 2002;Bowen and Riley 2003;Ghosh et al. 2003;Maiti 2008;Payo et al. 2016). Available technical reports (Duncan et al. 2008;Bhattacharya et al. 2019;Chaudhuri et al. 2021) mainly dealt with the protection measures of embankments for better sustainability and are in general concerned with the geotechnical aspects of constituting soil. ...
Inhabited Islands of Indian Sundarbans estuaries at the conjunction of Ganga, Padma, Brahmaputra deltaic plane, and Bay of Bengal suffered by the disaster of embankment breaching almost annually, primarily due to enhanced erosion led by high energy tidal flow. Formation of series of basal undercuts at the submerged portion seems to be the initiating factor, finally results in collapse of embankments. Situations became severely devastative when cyclones and oceanic storms hit the estuary. Out of several traditional practices to protect the embankments, emplacement of bamboo fencing at base is the most common one. The present field survey and flume experimentation, intended to evaluate the temporal performance of bamboo fencing to prevent the basal erosion. Comparisons of efficiency between cylindrical wire grids replacing the bamboo fencing to prevent the undercut formation at embankment base were also investigated. A micro-ADV was used to measure the 3-D turbulent velocities at flow-sediment interface to map the flow structure around bamboo ribs and grid-influenced turbulent flow. Outcomes of the study revealed that the emplacement of cylindrical wire-mesh grids at embankment base, modulate the large turbulent scales by breaking into smaller eddies and provides a better sustainable protection towards its stability. Validation of experimental results in natural prototype scale is recommended for better engineering practices and expected that, it will reduce the intensity of disaster caused by embankment breaching, almost in every monsoonal months at Indian Sundarbans.KeywordsEmbankment failureFormation of undercutsFlow-sediment interfaceFlume experimentationTurbulent scalesSustainable protection
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Today more than 60% of the world's population lives within a narrow strip of land about 100 km wide along the world's seashore and much more in the entire drainage basins of the coastal seas. Most of the megacities are located near the sea, and urbanization in the coastal zone, and thus population density, is expected to increase in the future. It appears that coastal development together with ongoing protection measures have grown out of control, and the consequent degradation or destruction of the coastal environment continues to increase. It has been estimated, for example, that within the next sixty years, erosion could destroy up to 85,000 houses (not including new development) along the 10,000 miles of U.S. ocean and Great Lake shorelines. The estimated economic cost of this property loss alone is around US$ 410 million per year (Dunn et al. 2000). The problem that we face, therefore, is how can we regain control and mitigate resource degradation to conserve environmental systems and the socioeconomic activity that depends upon them.
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Assessing the impact of integrated natural resource management (INRM) research poses a challenge to scientists. The complexity of INRM interventions requires a more holistic approach to impact assessment, beyond the plot and farm levels and beyond traditional analysis of economic returns. Impact assessment for INRM combines the traditional "what" and "where" factors of economic and environmental priorities with newer "who" and "how" aspects of social actors and institutions. This paper presents an analytical framework and methodology for assessing the impact of INRM. A key feature of the proposed methodology is that it starts with a detailed planning process that develops a well-defined, shared, and holistic strategy to achieve development impact. This methodology, which is known as the "paths of development impact" methodology, includes the mapping of research outputs, intermediate outcomes, and development impacts. A central challenge is to find a balance between the use of generalizable measures that facilitate cross-site comparison and slower participatory process methods that empower local stakeholders. Sufficient funding for impact assessment and distinct stakeholder interests are also challenges. Two hillside sites in Central America and one forest margin site in Peru serve as case studies.
The Coastal Zone Management Effectiveness Study was undertaken between 1995 and 1997 to determine how well state coastal management programs in the United States were implementing five of the core objectives of the U.S. Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA). The five core objectives studied were: (1) protection of estuaries and coastal wetlands; (2) protection of beaches, dunes, bluffs and rocky shores; (3) provision of public access to the shore; (4) revitalization of urban waterfronts; and (5) accommodation of seaport development (as an illustration of the policy to give priority to coastal-dependent uses). Separate articles in this issue of Coastal Management report the findings of the five studies, each dealing with one of the core objectives. Each of the articles assesses issue importance, processes and tools used, and the limited outcome data available for that objective. This article provides an overview of the purposes of the study, the methodology used, the summary findings of each study, and overall conclusions and recommendations of the study team. State coastal programs are found to be effective in addressing the five CZMA objectives examined, but this conclusion is based on very limited information about program outcomes. A more definitive conclusion will require better outcome information. Coastal managers in the United States have not agreed upon indicators of success, which severely inhibits systematic and sustained collection of outcome information. A national outcome monitoring and performance evaluation system is recommended to address these deficiencies and allow better determinations of program effectiveness in the future.
This paper describes the development of a set of sustainability indicators for the Cairngorms, an ecologically and economically fragile mountain area in NE Scotland. It takes as a starting point the OECD pressure-state-response (PSR) framework for environmental indicators and adapts this for application in a sustainability context. However, it is argued that indicators must be developed from an understanding of the processes that link human activity to environmental change and policy response. An expert group was assembled to identify the underlying processes and propose indicators that would be useful for the agency which has responsibilities for sustainable management of the Cairngorms. In selecting indicators a thematic approach was used in which PSR indicators were derived in the context of 18 socio-economic, environmental and institutional themes. Indicators were selected on the basis of feasibility of measurement and an informal cost-benefit analysis of the contribution of information in a policy context. It was concluded that to improve the use of indicators for sustainability assessment a greater understanding of economic-environmental processes is required, and performance indicators need to be developed which incorporate a comparison of current state with policy defined capacity criteria.
Evaluative data on the performance of state coastal zone management (CZM) programs in the United States typically have not been available, though the U.S. coastal management program is more than 20 years old. This article reports the results of a mail survey on perceptions of the performance of CZM programs by three samples of coastal interests: coastal program managers (N = 23), coastal interest groups (N = 200), and knowledgeable academics (N = 36). Perceptions of performance were solicited on four major coastal management issues: protection of coastal resources, management of coastal development, improved public access, and reduction of losses due to coastal hazards. While all three samples perceived the importance of various coastal issues in the same way, there were considerable differences among the three samples on their perceptions of program performance. In addition, there does not seem to be any significant relationship between program structure and perceived program performance. In general, coastal user groups and coastal academics believed that state CZM programs were performing “well.”
This volume is intended to provide a consistent and convenient set of data to monitor development programmes and aid flows in Africa. The data is presented in table form, divided into the following sections: background data; national accounts; prices and exchange rates; money and banking; external sector; external debt and related flows; government finance; agriculture; industry; public enterprises; labour force and employment; aid flows; social indicators; environmental indicators; and household welfare indicators, and a survey of selected countries.
Based on his experience as head of a small federal agency, the author found that performance measures made a very positive contribution to the organization, as long as the measures were credible and allowed to evolve over time in ways not initially foreseen. Measures were particularly valuable for tracking impacts on external customers and identifying internal issues with product quality.
Towards Sustainable Development: Indicators to Measure Progress
  • Oecd
OECD, 2000. Towards Sustainable Development: Indicators to Measure Progress, Proceedings of the OECD Rome Conference, Rome.
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission/Global Ocean Observing System, Implementation Plan for the Health of the Oceans Panel of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS)
  • Ioc Goos
  • R E Bowen
  • C Riley
IOC/GOOS, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission/Global Ocean Observing System, Implementation Plan for the Health of the Oceans Panel of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), January 2002, 75 pp. R.E. Bowen, C. Riley / Ocean & Coastal Management 46 (2003) 299–312
The role of impact assessment in the valuation of integrated coastal management
  • N Niedowski
Niedowski N. The role of impact assessment in the valuation of integrated coastal management. Masters project,. Boston: University of Massachusetts, 1997.