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Wildfire-related debris-flow initiation processes, Storm King Mountain, Colorado


Abstract and Figures

A torrential rainstorm on September 1, 1994 at the recently burned hillslopes of Storm King Mountain, CO, resulted in the generation of debris flows from every burned drainage basin. Maps (1:5000 scale) of bedrock and surficial materials and of the debris-flow paths, coupled with a 10-m Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of topography, are used to evaluate the processes that generated fire-related debris flows in this setting. These evaluations form the basis for a descriptive model for fire-related debris-flow initiation.
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Geomorphology 39 2001 171–188 www.elsevier.nlrlocatergeomorph
Wildfire-related debris-flow initiation processes,
Storm King Mountain, Colorado
Susan H. Cannon a,), Robert M. Kirkhamb,1, Mario Parise c,2
aGeologic Hazards Team, U.S. Geological SurÕey, Box 25046, DenÕer Federal Center, MS 966, DenÕer, CO 80225, USA
bColorado Geological SurÕey, P.O. Box 172, Monte Vista, CO, USA
cNational Research Council of Italy— CERIST, cro Istituto di Geologia Applicata e Geotecnica, Via Orabona, 4, 70125 Bari, Italy
Received 15 March 2000; received in revised form 21 November 2000; accepted 25 November 2000
A torrential rainstorm on September 1, 1994 at the recently burned hillslopes of Storm King Mountain, CO, resulted in
the generation of debris flows from every burned drainage basin. Maps 1:5000 scale of bedrock and surficial materials and
of the debris-flow paths, coupled with a 10-m Digital Elevation Model DEM of topography, are used to evaluate the
processes that generated fire-related debris flows in this setting. These evaluations form the basis for a descriptive model for
fire-related debris-flow initiation.
The prominent paths left by the debris flows originated in 0- and 1st-order hollows or channels. Discrete soil-slip scars do
not occur at the heads of these paths. Although 58 soil-slip scars were mapped on hillslopes in the burned basins, material
derived from these soil slips accounted for only about 7% of the total volume of material deposited at canyon mouths. This
fact, combined with observations of significant erosion of hillslope materials, suggests that a runoff-dominated process of
progressive sediment entrainment by surface runoff, rather than infiltration-triggered failure of discrete soil slips, was the
primary mechanism of debris-flow initiation. A paucity of channel incision, along with observations of extensive hillslope
erosion, indicates that a significant proportion of material in the debris flows was derived from the hillslopes, with a smaller
contribution from the channels.
Because of the importance of runoff-dominated rather than infiltration-dominated processes in the generation of these
fire-related debris flows, the runoff-contributing area that extends upslope from the point of debris-flow initiation to the
drainage divide, and its gradient, becomes a critical constraint in debris-flow initiation. Slope-area thresholds for fire-related
debris-flow initiation from Storm King Mountain are defined by functions of the form Atan
sS, where Ais the
cr cr
critical area extending upslope from the initiation location to the drainage divide, and tan
is its gradient. The thresholds
vary with different materials. q2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Wildfire; Erosion; Debris flow; Initiation
)Corresponding author. Tel.: q1-303-273-8600; fax: q1-303-273-8600.
Ž. Ž . Ž.
E-mail addresses: S.H. Cannon , R.M. Kirkham , M. Parise .
1Tel.: q1-719-587-0139; fax: q1-719-587-2187.
2Tel.: q39-80-5428137; fax: q39-80-5567944.
0169-555Xr01r$ - see front matter q2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S0169-555X 00 00108-2
S.H. Cannon et al.rGeomorphology 39 2001 171–188172
1. Introduction and approach
During the evening of September 1, 1994, debris
flows originating in response to a heavy rainstorm
occurred on Storm King Mountain west of Glen-
wood Springs, CO. These flows traveled down chan-
nels on the south flank of the mountain and emptied
onto or next to Interstate Highway 70 in several
locations. The flows originated in drainage basins
recently burned by the July 1994 South Canyon fire.
Every drainage basin burned by this fire, and even
some that were not burned, produced debris flows.
The primary focus of this study is to examine pro-
cesses that lead to the generation of fire-related
debris flows in this setting and to develop a descrip-
tive model for their initiation.
The process most commonly associated with the
generation of debris flows from unburned hillslopes
in the United States is that of failure of a landslide as
an intact block which then mobilizes into a fluid
debris flow with travel downslope. When this pro-
cess occurs, the debris-flow path can be traced up a
channel to a discrete landslide-scar source. Campbell
1975 referred to this process as soil slip–debris
flow; we adopt this terminology here because it
reflects both the transition from landslide to debris
flow and the observation that the landslide involved
primarily the surficial soil. Considerable research
effort has gone into the development of hypotheses
to explain both the failure and mobilization of soil
slips into debris flows, many of which are discussed
in Iverson et al. 1997 .
Two initiation processes specifically for fire-re-
lated debris flows have been identified in the litera-
ture: infiltration-triggered soil slip, as described
above, and runoff-dominated erosion by surface
runoff. These two processes are reported in widely
disparate environments. The process of soil slip-de-
bris flow has been documented in burned areas in
Ž. Ž.
southern California by Wells 1987 , Morton 1989 ,
Ž. Ž.
Booker 1998 , and Cannon 1999 ; the occurrence
of soil slips on the hillslopes points to failure trig-
gered by rainfall infiltration. Debris-flow generation
by failure of a discrete landslide in burned areas has
also been attributed to reduced evapotranspiration
rates and the consequent increase in soil moisture
ŽKlock and Helvey, 1976; Helvey, 1980; Swanson,
1981; Megahan, 1983 and decay of roots that an-
chor colluvium e.g., Swanson, 1981; DeGraff, 1997 .
These processes are generally thought to occur a few
years after the fire.
An alternative process for debris-flow initiation
based on significantly decreased rainfall infiltration
rates has also been proposed for burned areas. John-
son 1984 , working in Big Sur, Monterey County,
CA, and Wells 1987 , working in the San Gabriel
Mountains of southern California, traced debris-flow
deposits directly upslope through small gullies and
into a series of rills. These workers concluded that
the debris flows initiated high on the hillslopes from
material eroded by surface runoff, and that the debris
flows increased in volume by entraining larger mate-
rial from the channels. In Wells’ model 1987 ,
debris flows initiate by failure of a saturated layer of
soil a few mm thick above a subsurface water-repel-
lent zone as miniature soil slips. Material from these
tiny soil-slips forms rills and travels downslope as
shallow, narrow debris flows.
More recently, Meyer and Wells 1997 , working
in Yellowstone National Park, observed the first
appearance of debris-flow features such as levees
and mud coatings in the middle reaches of the main
basins. These workers concluded that debris flows
would thus initiate through a process of progressive
sediment bulking of surface runoff and rill erosion in
steep upper basin slopes, followed by deep incision
as flows progressed down channels. Parrett 1987
also noted the lack of landslide scars in a burned
area that experienced debris flows in Montana and
suggested a similar mechanism. Meyer and Wells
Ž. Ž.
1997 and Parrett 1987 emphasize that both hills-
lope sediment input from rills and gullies, as well as
material entrained by extensive channel incision are
important in the bulking process that led to the
formation of debris flows. Meyer and Wells 1997
further hypothesized that addition of fine-grained
sediment eroded from hillslopes to the generally
coarser-grained channel material was important in
both the development of debris-flow conditions and
in maintaining the mobility of the flow.
On Storm King Mountain, we observed evidence
of both runoff- and infiltration-dominated initiation
processes. In this paper, we examine the relative
contributions of materials generated by both pro-
cesses to the debris-flow deposits, and the effects of
topographic configuration and lithology on fire-
S.H. Cannon et al.rGeomorphology 39 2001 171–188 173
related debris-flow initiation. We then explore the
idea that the runoff-contributing area extending ups-
lope from the initiation location to the drainage
divide, and its gradient, constrained debris-flow initi-
ation during the September events. These evalua-
tions, coupled with field observations and measure-
ments, are used to build a descriptive model for the
generation of fire-related debris flows from Storm
King Mountain.
The analyses are based on digital compilations of
1:5000-scale geologic mapping of the south flank of
Storm King Mountain and of the debris-flow paths
from the September 1, 1994 events. We used a 10-m
resolution Digital Elevation Model DEM and Digi-
tal Line Graph DLG with 20-ft contours obtained
from survey-controlled, 1:8000-scale aerial pho-
tographs taken on November 10, 1994 for topo-
graphic information.
2. Study area
The study area lies on the south flank of Storm
King Mountain, north of the Colorado River and
about 5–10 km west-northwest of downtown Glen-
wood Springs Fig. 1
2.1. The South Canyon fire, July 1994
On July 2, 1994, lightning from a summer storm
started a fire on the south flank of Storm King
Mountain. For the next few days the fire slowly
spread across the mountain, and firefighters were
brought in to protect homes in the Canyon Creek
area west of the fire. On July 6, a strong cold front
accompanied by a sudden shift in the direction and
intensity of the wind passed through the area and
caused the fire to spread rapidly. The fire quickly
grew from around 1 to about 7 km2, threatening
West Glenwood Springs and resulting in the evacua-
tion of parts of the city. Tragically, 14 firefighters
lost their lives while battling this fire.
2.2. Geomorphic and geologic setting
The study area consists of seven major intermit-
tent stream drainages with basin areas from 0.31 to
2.46 km2, labeled A through G in Fig. 1. All seven
drainage basins are direct tributaries of the Colorado
River and have steep stream channels and precipi-
tous side slopes Table 1 . This topographic configu-
ration is conducive to a rapid concentration of runoff,
and when combined with intense rains, can lead to
high peak discharge and erosion rates, even without
the exacerbating effects of wildfire. Drainage basin
A experienced only 3% burn; basins E, F, and G
experienced between 48% and 75% burn; and basins
B, C, and D were nearly completely burned Table
Both the burned and unburned hillslopes of the
Storm King Mountain watershed are characterized
by an average gradient of 158, with some hillsides,
particularly in the southern portion, having slopes
greater than 358. Before the fire, southeast-facing
hillslopes supported a sparse pinyon–juniper vegeta-
tive community. The northern two-thirds to one-half
of the burned area supported a nearly impenetrable
thicket of oak brush. Soils in the lower one-third to
one-half of the burned area are generally very shal-
low, poorly developed, and contain a high percent-
age of gravel- and larger-sized material. Using the
Unified Soil Classification System Craig, 1987 ,
Cannon et al. 1995 classified two samples of un-
burned soil as silty fine sand and silty sand and one
sample of burned soil as silty sand. The climate is
semiarid; and the majority of precipitation occurs in
July, August, and September as convectional thun-
Erosion following wildfires is often attributed to
the development, or enhancement, of a water-repel-
lent layer in the soil by the fire e.g., DeBano and
Letey, 1969; DeBano, 1981; Morris and Moses, 1987;
Wells, 1987; Robichaud, 1996 . The presence and
extent of water-repellent soils at Storm King Moun-
tain was assessed by digging small pits with clean,
inclined sides in areas where burned soil and ash
were in place. Pits were, in general, 10 cm deep, 20
cm wide, and with one side inclined at about 3:1.
Water from a squirt bottle was dripped along the
incline. Water repellency was identified if the water
beaded on the surface and did not infiltrate for at
least 30 s. Where water-repellent material was found,
its lateral extent was evaluated by dripping more
water along the 20-cm wide inclined surface.
Water-repellent soils were detected in approxi-
mately 35% of the test pits in the months following
S.H. Cannon et al.rGeomorphology 39 2001 171–188174
Fig. 1. Storm King Mountain study area. Drainage basins are labeled A through G and are delineated by thin solid lines. Small watershed
fronts along the Colorado River between the major drainage basins are outlined but not labeled. Heavier black solid lines show paths of the
debris flows that occurred during the September 1, 1994 event. Soil-slip scars are shown as solid black polygons. Heavy dashed line marks
the extent of the South Canyon fire of July 1994.
S.H. Cannon et al.rGeomorphology 39 2001 171–188 175
Table 1
Area, height, and relief ratio of drainage basins, burned area, and
percent of drainage basin burned
Drainage Area Relief Relief Burned Percent
Ž.Ž. Ž. Ž.
basin km m ratio area km burned %
A 2.03 842 0.32 0.06 3.0
B 2.23 950 0.27 2.08 93.5
C 2.46 941 0.30 2.27 92.3
D 0.77 772 0.38 0.73 95.3
E 0.46 449 0.33 0.29 62.6
F 2.11 853 0.30 1.02 48.2
G 0.31 526 0.32 0.23 75.3
Relief ratio is calculated as basin relief divided by length. Basin
length is measured from the drainage mouth along the length of
the longest channel extended to the drainage divide.
the fire Cannon et al., 1995, 1998 . The water-repel-
lent soils that were observed were not extensive nor
laterally continuous. Field evidence of variations in
fire temperature, soil materials, and vegetation could
not explain their presence or absence. At one un-
burned site located under a juniper tree, a discontinu-
ous water-repellent soil was detected, probably
caused by hydrophobic compounds in the unburned
organic materials.
In the days following the fire, residents of Glen-
wood Springs reported seeing huge clouds of white
dust flying above the mountain. Presumably, the ash
and loose, friable, and exposed burned mineral soil
on the hillsides were being transported by wind and
redistributed on hillslopes, deposited in the tributary
drainages, and removed from the area. In addition,
the processes of dry ravel both during and after the
fire resulted in the downslope transport and accumu-
lation of material. Dry-ravel deposits are formed by
the particle-by-particle transport of material downs-
lope by gravity. Dry ravel has been described as an
important post-fire process in southern California
where channels are loaded with sediment, increasing
available sediment for transport in large runoff events
e.g., Wells, 1987; Florsheim et al., 1991 . After the
fire on Storm King Mountain, accumulations of ash
and dry-ravel material up to about 1 m deep along
the sides of most tributary drainages were observed
Fig. 2 . This material was at its angle of repose,
measured between 268and 328. The dry-ravel mate-
rial was primarily well-sorted, silty sand and lacked
the larger clasts present in the in-place soils Cannon
et al., 1995, 1998 . Aprons of this loose material
were also observed mantling many sideslopes. In
addition, larger material in the form of loose boul-
ders, cobbles, and channel alluvium had been de-
posited in the channels prior to the fire by either
gravity-driven colluvial processes or by fluvial and
debris-flow processes Fig. 2 .
Field and aerial photographic geologic mapping
of the study area at a scale of 1:5000 was completed
in 1995 Kirkham et al., 1999 Fig. 3 Permian and
Pennsylvanian red beds of the Maroon Formation
underlie most of the study area and evaporitic rocks
of the Pennsylvanian Eagle Valley Evaporite crop
out in the northern part of the mapped area. The
Fig. 2. Photograph of loose, noncohesive material transported by
dry ravel and wind that forms aprons along tributary channels and
larger material stored in channel prior to the September 1994
debris-flow event. Photograph was taken on August of 1994.
These deposits supplied material for debris-flow events in Septem-
ber of 1994. Photograph by Roger Pihl, Colorado Geological
S.H. Cannon et al.rGeomorphology 39 2001 171–188176
Fig. 3. Geologic map of the south flank of Storm King Mountain simplified from Kirkham et al., 1999 .
Eagle Valley Formation, which is mapped between
the Maroon Formation and Eagle Valley Evaporite,
is transitional between the red bed and evaporitic
formations and contains rock types found in both of
the formations. A late Tertiary conglomerate mantles
the upper south shoulder of Storm King Mountain.
The areal extent of these units within the study area
is shown in Table 2.
S.H. Cannon et al.rGeomorphology 39 2001 171–188 177
Table 2
Areal distribution of geologic units within the Storm King Moun-
tain study area
Geologic unit Area Percent of study
Ž. Ž.
km area %
Artificial fill 0.01 0.1
Eagle Valley Formation 0.93 7.7
Eagle Valley Evaporite 0.81 6.8
Maroon Formation 4.91 41.0
Conglomerate of 0.23 1.9
Storm King Mountain
Younger colluvium and 1.67 13.9
sheetwash deposits
Older colluvium and 0.95 7.9
sheetwash deposits
Recent debris-flow deposits 0.02 0.2
Younger debris-flow deposits 0.16 1.3
Older debris-flow deposits 0.10 0.1
Recent landslide deposits 0.20 0.2
Landslide deposits 0.13 1.1
Older landslide deposits 2.13 17.8
Terrace alluvium 0.01 0.1
Structurally, the study area lies astride part of the
Grand Hogback Monocline, and a west-northwest-
trending structural terrace within the monocline ex-
tends across the study area. Several folds and faults
are associated with the hinge zones on either side of
the structural terrace, which may be a collapse fea-
ture related to dissolution or flowage of underlying
evaporitic rocks Bryant et al., 1998 . Within this
collapsed structural terrace, bedrock is intensely frac-
Bedrock is locally well exposed in bold outcrops,
notably on the steep slopes adjacent to the Colorado
River and on the southwest side of Storm King
Mountain. Within the structural terrace, however,
outcrops are scarce. Bedrock in this area, most no-
tably the Maroon Formation, weathers rapidly, prob-
ably due to the intense fracturing associated with the
collapsed structural terrace. Colluvium, sheetwash,
and landslide deposits, locally as much as 38 m
thick, and deeply weathered bedrock residuum
mantle the bedrock in most of the study area. Prior to
the rainstorm on September 1, 1994, many of the
steep hillslopes underlain by the Maroon Formation
within the structural terrace had covers of residuum
up to about 1.2 m thick.
Surficial deposits other than Maroon Formation
residuum cover about 43% of the study area Table 2
and Fig. 3 . These units include the following
Kirkham et al., 1999 : i Younger colluvium and
sheetwash deposits Holocene and late Pleistocene
age consisting primarily of poorly sorted, poorly to
moderately well bedded, matrix-supported gravelly
silty sand and sandy silt. These units cover approxi-
mately 14% of the study area, mantling hillslopes
and infilling drainage channels. ii Older colluvium
and sheetwash deposits Pleistocene age on hill-
slopes, ridge crests, and basin floors that are ero-
sional remnants of formerly more extensive deposits
that once filled basins. iii Recent debris-flow de-
posits latest Holocene associated with the Septem-
ber 1, 1994 storm are poorly sorted, matrix- and
clast-supported, and range between a silty sand, a
bouldery, cobbly, and pebbly gravel, and a sandy
Ž. Ž
silt. iv Younger debris-flow deposits Holocene
age , deposited prior to the September 1, 1994 storm
occur in the channels of the seven major drainage
basins and on fans at the mouths of some. v Older
debris-flow deposits early Holocene and late Pleis-
tocene age include remnants of formerly more ex-
tensive deposits that lie up to about 15 m above
modern channels. vi Recent landslide deposits
latest Holocene age include active and recently
active landslides having morphological features that
suggest movement during the previous few years.
Ž. Ž .
vii Landslide deposits Holocene age exhibit dis-
tinctive landslide morphology but do not appear to
have moved during the last few decades. vii The
older landslide deposits Pleistocene age include a
very large landslide complex that heads on the south
side of Storm King Mountain in the upper reaches of
basins C, D, E, F, and G and covers 17.8% of the
study area. This old landslide complex appears to
have been stable for thousands of years and is locally
dissected by stream channels up to a depth of a few
tens of meters. ix Minor amounts of artificial fill
and Quaternary terrace deposits also occur in the
study area.
3. September 1–2, 1994 debris-flow event
On September 1, 1994 at approximately 10:30
p.m., in response to a torrential downpour, debris
flows originated on the burned hillslopes on Storm
King Mountain. These flows consisting of mud,
S.H. Cannon et al.rGeomorphology 39 2001 171–188178
rocks and burned vegetation emptied down onto or
next to Interstate Highway 70 from 15 channels Fig.
1 . Thirty cars traveling on the highway at the time
of the debris flows were engulfed or trapped by the
mud. At least two of the people travelling in these
vehicles were swept into the river by the debris
flows. Although some travelers were seriously in-
jured, fortunately no deaths resulted from this event.
Unfortunately, the only available rainfall records
are daily totals recorded at a site 5–10 km southeast
of Storm King Mountain in downtown Glenwood
Springs. This record does not reflect an unusual
event. However, a motorist traveling on the highway
at the time of the storm described the rain as
hard you almost couldn’t see.B
According to Colorado Department of Transporta-
tion personnel, burned logs and branches and up to
boulder-sized material in a very fluid, muddy matrix
continued to flow out of the canyons as a series of
pulses throughout the night of September 1 and the
early morning hours of September 2. Material was
deposited at the mouth of all of the burned basins. A
total area of approximately 0.13 km2was inundated
with approximately 68,000 m3of debris-flow de-
posits generated from the burned areas Cannon et
al., 1995, 1998 . Material deposited at canyon mouths
was generally flat-lying, indicating low shear strength
perhaps due to high water content , and was com-
prised primarily of silty sand with extremely variable
amounts of gravel, cobbles, and boulders Fig. 4
The passage of the debris flows down channels
was marked by a distinct path on the channel side-
walls consisting of a muddy veneer up to 2.5 cm
thick Fig. 5 Material was also deposited locally in
the channels. This material consisted of cobble- and
boulder-sized material in an abundant silty sand ma-
trix Cannon et al., 1995, 1998 Fig. 6 These
deposits were in the form of levees and lobes, indi-
cating a more significant shear strength than those
deposited at the canyon mouths. The boulders and
cobbles in the deposits from the September 1994
event probably came from material that had been
deposited in the channels prior to the fire by either
gravity-driven colluvial processes or by fluvial and
debris-flow processes Cannon et al., 1995, 1998 .
A particular focus of the field mapping was to
identify the upper extent of flow paths where surface
runoff could be characterized as debris flow Kirk-
ham et al., 1999 . These points, which we refer to as
initiation locations, are where debris-flow features
consisting of nearly continuous levees comprised of
primarily matrix-supported material and a mud ve-
Fig. 4. Photograph of very fluid debris-flow deposits at mouth of canyon. Deposits consisted of abundant silty sand with variable amounts of
gravel, cobbles, and boulders.
S.H. Cannon et al.rGeomorphology 39 2001 171–188 179
Fig. 5. Photograph of debris-flow path flow through high-order channel. Note thin, muddy veneer deposited by debris flow on channel
sidewalls. Photograph by Roger Pihl, Colorado Geological Survey.
neer lining the path persist down channel. We identi-
fied 84 debris-flow initiation locations, shown as the
upper ends of the debris-flow paths in Fig. 1. All of
the initiation locations occurred in pre-existing
0- and 1st-order channels Fig. 7 . Nearly complete
removal of burned soil and ash from the drainages
immediately upslope of the initiation locations indi-
cated the occurrence of concentrated overland flow.
Fig. 6. Photograph of debris-flow deposits in channel axis. Deposits consisted of cobble-to boulder-sized material in a silty sand matrix.
S.H. Cannon et al.rGeomorphology 39 2001 171–188180
Fig. 7. Photograph of extensively eroded hillslopes in basin C showing debris-flow paths and initiation locations in 0- and 1st-order
drainages. Before the September rainstorm, the hillslopes were mantled with dark-colored burned soil and ash.
Abrupt headcuts, like those described for channel
initiation by Montgomery and Dietrich 1994 , or
small headcuts, like those attributed to very small-
scale landslides or Coulomb failure at the onset of
Ž. Ž.
rill initiation by Johnson 1984 and Wells 1987 ,
were not observed at the initiation locations.
With the exception of some localized lateral
stream erosion and bank caving and flushing of the
dry-ravel material and loose material stored in the
stream channels, there did not appear to be signifi-
cant amounts of channel incision during the Septem-
ber 1994 event. The channels did not exhibit exten-
sive areas of freshly exposed, continuous, steep to
near vertical walls with dangling tree roots that
usually indicate incision. Rather, even at steep gradi-
ents, the channels were generally V- or U-shaped
and coated with a thin veneer of debris-flow de-
posits, as seen in Fig. 5. Bedrock was exposed in
places in the channel, but the lack of incised channel
banks indicated that there likely was not more than
about 0.5 m of material mantling the surface before
the passage of the debris flows. In addition, U.S.
Bureau of Land Management personnel familiar with
the canyons reported that bedrock was exposed in
places in the main channels prior to the September
events, and they also saw little evidence for exten-
sive channel erosion or incision following the
September event. Cannon and Reneau 2000 also
observed fire-related debris-flow deposits in a chan-
nel that did not exhibit extensive incision.
Field estimates made following the September
events suggested that approximately 15% of the sur-
face of the mineral soil in the burned area was
removed to an approximate average depth of 4 cm
by erosive sheetwash, rilling, and raindrop impact
Cannon et al., 1995, 1998 . Rill networks developed
in both the in-place, burned mineral soil and the
aprons of dry ravel material on the sideslopes. Rills
started high on the hillslopes; and, in general, their
frequency, depth, and width increased with distance
down slope to a maximum width of 30–40 cm and
maximum depth of approximately 5 cm. Field obser-
vations also indicated that erosion by sheetwash and
rilling was particularly severe on the steep slopes cut
into the toe of the older landslide deposits, in the
older colluvium and sheetwash deposits, and in the
residuum developed on the Maroon Formation
Kirkham et al., 1999 .
Fifty-seven soil-slip scars were mapped on steeper
slopes in the area Fig. 1 . The soil slips typically
involved a 0.3- to 1.0-m thick veneer of surficial
deposits over areas of 29–828 m Kirkham et al.,
1999 . Material mobilized from the soil slips appar-
ently was very fluid in that only a few traces of the
S.H. Cannon et al.rGeomorphology 39 2001 171–188 181
deposits were observed on the hillsides downslope
from the soil slip scars. This contrasts with debris
flows in the main channels that deposited a nearly
continuous, up to 2.5-cm thick, veneer of mud on the
channel banks and sidewalls. Most material from the
soil slips apparently traveled over the hillsides and
into adjacent channels, and no significant deposits
from the soil slips were observed remaining in the
channels. The soil exposed in the soil-slip scars was
not burned, indicating that they formed after the fire
and most likely during the September storm.
It is important to note that the mapped soil-slip
scars did not coincide with the mapped debris-flow
initiation locations, nor could the debris-flow paths
be traced up channel to the scars Fig. 1 .
4. Relative contribution of materials from hills-
lope soil slips to debris-flow deposits
We calculated the volume of material mobilized
from the soil-slip scars using an estimated average
thickness of 0.6 m Table 3 to compare the volume
of material contributed from the soil slips to the
volume of deposits at the canyon mouths estimated
by Cannon et al. 1995, 1998 . With this approach,
we assume that the bulk densities of the material
mobilized from the soil-slip scars and the deposits
are similar. This assumption seems reasonable given
the accuracy of the method. The comparison indi-
cates that, with the exception of basin F, only be-
tween 5% and 12% of the deposits could have come
from the soil-slip scars. In basin F, nearly one quar-
ter of the material could have come from discrete
soil slips Table 3 . In this basin, however, the great
majority of the soil-slip scars are located outside the
burned area, suggesting that these failures occurred
in response to heavy rainfall, independent of the
effects of the fire.
The fact that the majority of the debris-flow
material deposited at the mouths of the canyons at
Storm King Mountain did not originate as soil slips
on the hillslopes and the observation that the debris-
flow paths did not originate at the soil-slip scars
suggests that mass movements, or infiltration-tri-
ggered processes as described by Morton, 1989;
Booker, 1998; Cannon, 1999 , were a minor compo-
nent in debris-flow initiation on Storm King Moun-
tain. However, observations of extensive erosion by
rainsplash, sheetwash, and rilling on the hillslopes
indicate that a process of progressive sediment en-
trainment by surface runoff as suggested by Parrett,
1987; Meyer and Wells, 1997 was the primary
mechanism of debris-flow initiation on Storm King
At Storm King Mountain, channel erosion was
laterally discontinuous, extremely variable, and the
pre-event channel configuration was not known.
These conditions make any evaluation of the relative
contribution to deposits at channel mouths from
channel incision beyond the scope of this study.
5. Lithologic and topographic controls on debris-
flow initiation
We determined the geologic unit at the point of
origin of each of the 84 mapped debris-flow paths.
Most of the debris-flows originated within pre-exist-
ing drainages underlain by either Maroon Formation
Table 3
Evaluation of contribution of soil-slip scars to fire-related debris-flow deposits
Drainage Area of soil-slip Estimated volume of Volume of deposit at Ratio of scar volume to deposit
Ž. Ž. Ž.
basin scars m soil-slip scars m basin mouth m volume at basin mouth
B 1878 1127 20,824 0.05
C and D 4031 2419 39,064 0.06
E 262 157 1368 0.12
F 1486 892 4256 0.21
G 159 95 1064 0.09
Total 8232 4690 67,944 0.07
Average depth of each soil-slip scar assumed to be 0.6 m. Note that drainages C and D were combined because the deposits merged.
S.H. Cannon et al.rGeomorphology 39 2001 171–188182
or older landslide deposits Table 4 . Considerably
fewer debris flows initiated in younger colluvium
and sheetwash deposits, older colluvium and sheet-
wash deposits, and the Eagle Valley Evaporite. The
number of debris-flow initiation locations within in a
particular geologic unit depends at least in part upon
the areal extent of that unit within the study area. To
compensate for this effect, we divided the percent of
the total number of debris-flow initiation locations in
each geologic unit by the percent exposure of the
host unit within the study area to obtain a dimension-
less index of relative susceptibility Table 4 . These
susceptibility indices indicate that the Maroon For-
mation and older landslide deposits were the most
susceptible geologic units to debris-flow initiation.
The remaining geologic units that produced debris
flows were considerably less susceptible. Field ob-
servations of abundant sheetwash and rill erosion on
steep slopes cut into the toe of the older landslide
deposits and the residuum on the Maroon Formation
support the high susceptibility of these units.
Although the hillslope gradient at the location of
failure is a primary control on the initiation of
rainfall infiltration-triggered debris flows e.g., Ellen
et al., 1988; Wieczorek et al., 1988 , the evaluations
presented above indicate the importance of runoff-
dominated rather than infiltration-triggered process
in the generation of the fire-related debris flows from
Storm King Mountain. With this consideration, we
explored the idea that the runoff-contributing area
extending upslope from the initiation location to the
drainage divide, and its gradient, constrained debris-
flow initiation during the September events. We
assume that runoff and material eroded from the
contributing areas were necessary to generate the
debris flows, which then propagated downslope. The
upslope contributing area is similar to the critical
support area defined by Montgomery and Foufoula-
Georgiou 1993 and Montgomery and Dietrich
1992, 1994 in their work on the runoff-controlled
generation of channels and to the topographic index
used in the hydrologic model TOPMODEL for runoff
generation Beven and Kirkby, 1979 .
Contributing areas were delineated on the
1:5000-scale, 20-ft contour DLG generated from sur-
vey-controlled aerial photographs taken after the
September events Fig. 8 Lateral boundaries of con-
tributing areas were defined as the pair of flow lines
essentially perpendicular to the contour lines that
converge at the debris-flow initiation location. The
areas and slopes of the contributing areas were mea-
sured using a planimeter and scale. Although at-
tempts were made to use automated commercially
available watershed definition tools, these tools did
not satisfactorily delineate the subtle 0- and 1st-order
channels or hollows occupied by the debris-flow
initiation locations.
Montgomery and Foufoula-Georgiou 1993 show
theoretically and empirically that channels are initi-
ated with smaller drainage areas on steeper slopes.
An empirical relation between the upslope contribut-
ing area and its gradient can be defined for the
debris-flow initiation locations on Storm King
Mountain Fig. 9 A regression analysis of the area
and gradient data yields the relation
As1726 tan
Ž. Ž.
where Ais the upslope contributing area in square
meters and tan
is its gradient. In this form, 1726
Table 4
Distribution of debris-flow initiation locations within the geologic units and debris-flow susceptibility index for each geologic unit
Geologic unit Number of initiation Percent of initiation Index of relative
locations locations % susceptibility
Eagle Valley Evaporite 1 1 0.15
Maroon Formation 55 65 1.60
Younger colluvium and sheetwash 6 7 0.51
Older colluvium and sheetwash 4 5 0.60
Older landslide deposits 18 21 1.20
The index is calculated as the percentage of the total number of debris flows in each geologic unit divided by the percentage area of the unit
within the study area see Table 2 .
S.H. Cannon et al.rGeomorphology 39 2001 171–188 183
Fig. 8. Example of mapping of upslope contributing areas to debris-flow initiation locations in basin C. Topographic base is from
1:5000-scale DLG generated from survey-controlled aerial photographs. Solid circles mark the debris-flow initiation locations, and solid
black lines are the debris-flow paths. Shaded polygons denote the contributing areas above each initiation location. Dashed line shows the
drainage divides between basins C, B, and H.
m2is the value of the upslope contributing area at
s1458slope . A correlation coefficient, R,of Ž.
0.58 indicates that Eq. 1 describes the relation
between the independent and dependent variables
S.H. Cannon et al.rGeomorphology 39 2001 171–188184
Fig. 9. Graph of upslope contributing area as a function of its average gradient for all 84 debris-flow initiation locations.
with some scatter. The F-statistic Fis greater
than F, indicating that the independent vari-
able contributes significantly in predicting the depen-
dent variable Table 5 . A Pvalue of -0.001
indicates that there is little probability of being wrong
in concluding that there is a true relation between the
independent and dependent variables.
Eq. 1 can also be written as
s1726, 2
Ž. Ž.
or generalized into the form
Ž. Ž.
where Ais the critical contributing area, and Sis
the value of upslope contributing area at tan
Table 5
Analysis of variance for relation between upslope contributing
area and gradient
df Sum of Mean FF P
calc 1,69;0.05
squares square
Regression 1 10.487 10.487 35.309 4.00 -0.001
Residual 69 20.493 0.297
Total 70 30.980 0.443
The physical significance of the cubed slope term in
unknown; this is simply an empirical result.
On Storm King Mountain, we found that the
geologic unit underlying the contributing area affects
its gradient and area characteristics. Fig. 10 shows
the relation between area and slope for contributing
areas underlain entirely by either Maroon Formation
or older landslide deposits, the two geologic units
that hosted the most debris flows. This graph shows
a distinct cluster of contributing areas within the
Maroon Formation on slopes between 278tan
.Ž .
0.51 and 428tan
s0.90 , while the contributing
areas within the older landslide deposits are larger
than those in the Maroon Formation and form on
slopes between 148tan
s0.25 and 378
s0.75 .
Some of this distinction may be the result of overall
lower slopes on the older landslide deposits. Note
also that the ambiguous inverse slope–area relation
for the data from the Maroon Formation alone may
indicate that other factors, such as variations in
rainfall intensity and sediment availability, may also
affect initiation locations.
We calculated the lower bounds for debris-flow
initiation on Storm King Mountain using values
measured for each contributing area and its gradient
S.H. Cannon et al.rGeomorphology 39 2001 171–188 185
Fig. 10. Graph of contributing area as a function of slope for contributing areas underlain entirely by either the Maroon Formation vor
the older landslide deposits `. Thin solid line marks the lower initiation threshold for the Maroon Formation; thick line marks the
threshold for the older landslide deposits. Dashed line marks the upper limit of contributing areas that produced fire-related debris flows.
in Eq. 3 . With the elimination of the lowest, and
errant, value for each unit, a slopearea threshold for
debris-flow initiation locations in the Maroon Forma-
tion is
s200 4
Ž. Ž.
for values of
between 278and 428. The threshold
for the older landslide deposits is
s300 5
Ž. Ž.
for values of
between 148and 378Fig. 10 .
Although the initiation threshold lines are similar
for the two units, debris flows were produced from
the Maroon Formation from contributing areas that
were generally smaller and with steeper gradients
than those that produced debris flows from the older
landslide deposits.
Ž. Ž.
Eqs. 4 and 5 define slope-dependent thresholds
for fire-related debris-flow initiation for different
materials. The equations are similar in form to
thresholds for critical support area defined by Mont-
gomery and Dietrich 1994 for channel initiation by
overland flow, the exception being that in their paper
is squared rather than cubed. Note also that an
upper limit of slope–area characteristics exists for
the contributing areas on Storm King Mountain Fig.
10 , indicating that specific combinations of large,
steep contributing areas will not produce runoff-
dominated debris flows.
6. Conclusions and discussion
From field observations and measurements, and
the evaluations above, we suggest that the generation
of debris flows at Storm King Mountain started with
significant sheetwash, rill, and rainsplash erosion and
transport of burned mineral soil and dry-ravel mate-
rials from the hillslopes high within the contributing
areas. Surface runoff bulked with material eroded
from the hillslopes converged into small, 0- and
1st-order hollows and channels that were mantled
with dry-ravel material. The flowing water easily
incorporated this material. At the point within the
drainages defined by a threshold value of upslope
S.H. Cannon et al.rGeomorphology 39 2001 171–188186
contributing area and its gradient, sufficient eroded
material had been incorporated, relative to volume of
contributing surface runoff, to generate debris flows.
The dependence of the threshold on gradient sug-
gests three possibilities: i The amount of post-fire
sediment mobilized depended on the erosive ability
of runoff at each point within the contributing area,
which in turn depended on shear stress and hence on
flow depth and gradient. ii Within the contributing
areas, the down-gradient increase in available sedi-
ment was greater than the down-gradient increase in
surface runoff, which resulted in a progressive in-
crease in the sedimentrwater ratio. iii A combina-
tion of both. The location of the threshold thus
reflects variations in sediment supply related to gra-
dient, in that steeper slopes provide more erodible
material per unit area. The slope–area threshold also
varies with geologic materials.
As the flows traveled through higher-order chan-
nels, discharges increased as runoff and additional
eroded material was contributed from the sideslopes
and tributary channels and from soil slips on the
hillslopes. Larger material stored within the channel
was incorporated into the flows and subsequently
flushed out of the canyon mouths as cobble- and
boulder-sized material in an abundant fine-grained
matrix. The material deposited at the canyons mouths
was more fluid and contained relatively less large
material than deposits within the canyons, indicating
that the downchannel contribution of sediment might
have decreased somewhat relative to the downchan-
nel increase in discharge. However, the sedimentr
water ratio was sufficient to maintain debris-flow
It is also plausible that the debris-flow material
exiting the channel mouths was of lower strength
and contained less large material due to segregation
of the flows within the channel into less mobile
bouldery flow fronts, with more mobile and gravel-
poor surges and midsections and dilute tails, as
documented by Pierson 1986 . Other debris-flow
studies document how boulders and cobbles are typi-
cally deposited at higher gradients and flow depths
e.g., Sharp and Nobles, 1953 , while the debris
flows minus these coarser materials continue down-
channel. Meyer and Wells 1997 also document this
depositional pattern, and based on a sediment budget
infer that the large volume of gravel-poor debris-flow
deposits observed in fire-related events resulted from
a significant contribution of fine sediment from the
hillslopes to debris flows.
Although erosion following wildfires is frequently
attributed to the development of a water-repellent
soil, water-repellent soils were not extensive at Storm
King Mountain. Thus, the process of debris-flow
initiation described above does not depend on the
presence of such soils. This is consistent with con-
clusions reached in southern California by Cannon
Ž. Ž.
1999 , and Meyer and Wells 1997 who found that
the presence of water-repellent soils were not a
prerequisite for debris-flow occurrence.
In contrast to the mechanism for debris-flow initi-
ation proposed by Meyer and Wells 1997 , the
majority of the debris flows from Storm King Moun-
tain initiated in 0- and 1st-order channels and hol-
lows, in contrast to Yellowstone where Meyer and
Wells 1997 described the first recognition of de-
bris-flow features within higher-order channels. The
origination of debris flows on Storm King Mountain
in 0- and 1st-order channels and hollows also differs
from the mechanism proposed by Wells 1987 and
Johnson 1984 , where debris flows are thought to
initiate as rills high on burned hillslopes.
In addition, while Meyer and Wells 1997 con-
cluded that a significant volumetric contribution to
the flow by erosion of channel material was impor-
tant to the initiation process, observations at Storm
King Mountain indicate that extensive erosion of the
channels did not occur, and thus, contribution of
material from the channels was of secondary impor-
tance. Interestingly, the total volume of sediment
produced per unit basin area for basins B, C, and D
at Storm King Mountain is 1.5–2 times greater than
for a debris-flow producing basin in Yellowstone of
comparable size and near-total burn A12 kmBbasin,
Meyer and Wells, 1997 . This would suggest perhaps
significant differences in degree of weathering and
thus considerably greater erodibility of the Storm
King Mountain hillslopes relative to the thin mantle
of colluvium and soil in glaciated Yellowstone. An-
other possibility for this contrast might be that large
intense fires may have been more common in the
late Holocene at Yellowstone Meyer et al., 1995
than at Storm King Mountain, leaving smaller vol-
umes of erodible materials available for entrainment
into individual debris-flow events.
S.H. Cannon et al.rGeomorphology 39 2001 171–188 187
We greatly appreciate the efforts of W. Pat Rogers
of the Colorado Geological Survey for initiating and
coordinating this work and for reviewing a previous
version of the paper. The U.S. Geological Survey
Landslide Hazards Program, the Colorado Geologi-
cal Survey, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management,
and the Colorado Department of Transportation—
Region 3, provided funding for this cooperative pro-
gram. John Michael provided invaluable expertise in
the GIS Lab, and Steven Reneau, Alan Chleborad,
Grant Meyer and an anonymous reviewer con-
tributed thorough and constructive criticisms of this
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... The volume model was developed using empirical data from southern California, and it has been shown to work well in that region where a large proportion of the debris-flow sediment is sourced from hillslopes . In different cases, postfire debris flows in the Rocky Mountains have been observed to incorporate the bulk of their material from rilling and sheetwash (Cannon et al. 2001) and from channel incision . This raises the question 80 of the applicability of the USGS volume model in the Rocky Mountain region of Colorado, USA. ...
... Opportunities to test the current USGS models for debris-flow initiation and volume are rare because they require a relatively dense rain gauges network (e.g., sufficiently dense to capture small convective rainstorms) and field observations to attribute 85 debris-flow activity and/or volume to individual storms. The recent Grizzly Creek Fire in August 2020 created a suitable case for model testing in Glenwood Canyon, CO, which is in a region where postfire debris flows have been previously observed (Cannon et al., 2001. Using the Grizzly Creek Fire, we examined the regional applicability of the two current USGS operational models for debris-flow initiation and debris-flow volume with: (1) a detailed inventory of storms that produced debris flows versus flood or no response, (2) a dense rain gauge network, (3) pre-and post-event lidar, and (4) airborne and 90 ...
... Postfire debris flows have been observed previously near Glenwood Canyon, CO (Cannon et al., 2001. The South Canyon Fire in July 1994 burned west of Glenwood Springs, CO and a rainstorm two months later (1 September 1994) 120 triggered runoff-generated debris flows in the Maroon Formation (Permian-Pennsylvanian aged) (Cannon et al., 2001). ...
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As wildfire increases in the western United States, so do postfire debris-flow hazards. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has developed two separate models to estimate (1) rainfall intensity thresholds for postfire debris flow initiation and (2) debris-flow volumes. However, the information necessary to test the accuracy of these models is seldom available. Here, we studied how well these models performed over a two-year period in the 2020 Grizzly Creek Fire burn perimeter in Glenwood Canyon, Colorado, USA, through the development of a debris flow response inventory. The study area had the advantage of a network of 11 rain gauges for rainfall intensity measurements and repeat lidar data for volume estimates. Our observations showed that 89 % of observed debris flows in the first year postfire were triggered by rainfall rates higher than the fire-wide rainfall threshold produced by the current USGS operational model (M1). No debris flows were observed in the second year postfire, despite eight rainstorms with intensities higher than the modeled rainfall threshold. We found that the operational model for debris flow initiation rainfall thresholds works well in this region during the first year but may be too conservative in year 2 due to vegetation recovery and sediment exhaustion. However, rainfall thresholds in the second year can be improved by using updated remote sensing imagery to recalculate the debris-flow initiation probability with the M1 model. The current volume model overpredicts for this region by a median value of 4.4 times. However, the offset between the predictions and observations is linear, and the volumes from the Grizzly Creek debris flows had a similar magnitude to historic postfire debris flows in the region. Consequently, the current volume model could be adjusted with a regional correction factor.
... Kean et al. [13] investigated the post wildfire debris flows in San Gabriel and Santa Ynez Mountains in California and found that the debris flows were initiated primarily by surface-water-runoff-related processes. Cannon et al. [14] also showed that wildfire-related debris flow at Storm King Mountain, Colorado, was mainly initiated by eroded hillslope materials and progressive entrainment by overland flows. Nyman et al. [15] reported that the erosion initiated post-fire debris flows in a dry eucalyptus forest in southeastern Australia. ...
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Wildfires and their long-term impacts on the environment have become a major concern in the last few decades, in which climate change and enhanced anthropogenic activities have gradually led to increasingly frequent events of such hazards or disasters. Geological materials appear to become more vulnerable to hazards including erosion, floods, landslides and debris flows. In the present study, the well-known 2017 wildfire and subsequent 2018 debris flows in the Montecito area of California are examined. It is found that the post-wildfire debris flows were initiated from erosion and entrainment processes and triggered by intense rainfall. The significant debris deposition in four major creeks in this area is investigated. Numerical modeling of the post-wildfire debris flows is performed by employing a multi-phase mass flow model to simulate the growth in the debris flows and eventual debris deposition. The debris-flow-affected areas estimated from the numerical simulations fairly represent those observed in the field. Overall, the simulated debris deposits are within 7% error of those estimated based on field observations. A similar simulation of the pre-wildfire scenario indicates that the debris would be much less significant. The present study shows that proper numerical simulations can be a promising tool for estimating post-wildfire erosion and the debris-affected areas for hazard assessment and mitigation.
... In the first mechanism, debris flows may initiate from shallow landslides, which are triggered by increases in pore water pressure at a slip surface, become flow-like and channelise (Iverson, 1997;Iverson and Denlinger, 2001;Montgomery et al., 2009;Baum et al., 2010;Hungr et al., 2014). In the other mechanism, debris flow initiation is attributed to runoff from low-permeability surfaces during rain storms, which entrain large quantities of loose bed material, forming a debris flow (Cannon et al., 2001;Berti and Simoni, 2005;Larsen et al., 2006;Coe et al., 2008;Gregoretti and Dalla Fontana, 2008). Because of climate change, both rainfall frequency and intensity are expected to increase and thus increasing the frequency of runoff-generated debris flow events (Fuchs et al., 2013;Cui et al., 2021). ...
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Debris flow is one of the most common geohazards in mountainous regions, posing significant threats to people, property and infrastructure. Among different types of debris flows, runoff-generated debris flows are attributed to rain storms, which provide abundant runoff that entrain large quantities of bed material, resulting in the formation of a solid-liquid current known as a debris flow. One of the keys to effectively simulating runoffgenerated debris flows is modelling the erosion-deposition process. The commonly used approach for formulating erosion and deposition, although constrained by physics, suffers from a singularity in the presence of vanishing velocity, which poses a major challenge for practical applications. It is also argued that the deposition rate cannot be represented by simply reversing the sign of the erosion rate. To address these two issues, we have developed a depth-averaged debris flow model with a novel method of calculating the erosion-deposition rate. We have demonstrated that the singularity is due to the non-linear erosion-deposition term but quickly disappears while the flow converges to the equilibrium that is defined by the classic Takahashi’s formula. To resolve the non-linearity and avoid the singularity, an implicit method within a Godunov-type finite volume framework has been proposed. An additional parameter is introduced to differentiate the erosion rate from the deposition rate. The model is validated against several test cases, including a real-world debris flow event. Satisfactory results are obtained, demonstrating the model’s simulation capability and potential for wider applications such as risk assessment and impact-based early warning.
... The role of fire in debris-flow initiation has been recognized in southern California, USA, for nearly a century [e.g., 1]. In contrast with debris flows generated from shallow landslides [2], postfire debris flows in the semi-arid western United States are typically initiated by overland flow scour, rainsplash, and rilling [3][4][5]. However, these initiation mechanisms are not unique to burned watersheds, and similar mechanisms can generate debris flows in unburned watersheds [6]. ...
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In the semi-arid regions of the western United States, postfire debris flows are typically runoff generated. The U.S. Geological Survey has been studying the mechanisms of postfire debris-flow initiation for multiple decades to generate operational models for forecasting the timing, location, and magnitude of postfire debris flows. Here we discuss challenges and progress for extending operational capabilities to include modeling postfire debris-flow inundation extent. Analysis of volume and impacted area scaling relationships indicated that postfire debris flows do not conform to assumptions of geometric self-similarity. We documented sensitivity of impacted areas to rainfall intensity using a candidate methodology for generating inundation hazard assessments. Our results emphasize the importance of direct measurements of debris-flow volume, inundated area, and high temporal resolution rainfall intensity.
Post-wildfire debris flows pose severe hazards to communities and infrastructure near and within recently burned mountainous terrain. Intense heat of wildfires changes the runoff characteristics of a watershed by combusting the vegetative canopy, litter, and duff, introducing ash into the soil and creating water repellant soils. Following wildfire, rainfall on bare ground is less able to infiltrate into the fire-altered soils and overland flow is less impeded by vegetation. Rainfall runoff in recently burned areas can erode hillslopes owing to the removal of soil binding organic matter near the soil surface by fire. In channels, loose, dry-ravel deposits composed of sand and gravel are readily entrained by concentrated runoff in channels. Entrainment of soil on hillslopes and in channels bulks up the sediment concentration of the rainfall runoff to generate debris flows capable of transporting boulders and large woody debris. Post-wildfire debris flows can be triggered by rainfall conditions that would typically produce little runoff during unburned conditions. The primary rainfall trigger for post-wildfire debris flows is high intensity rainfall during short duration convective rainstorms or periods of high rainfall intensity embedded within a long-duration frontal storm. Numerous observations of debris flows triggered by storms lasting less than an hour following periods of little to no rainfall indicate that antecedent rainfall is not a requirement for initiation of post-wildfire debris flows. Post-wildfire debris-flow hazard assessment entails estimating probability and magnitude of debris flows in the burned area, estimating debris-flow runout and intensity, and defining rainfall intensity-duration thresholds for debris-flow initiation. In the United States, probability and magnitude is estimated using empirically derived models largely based on data collected in southern California. The models provide maps to identify watersheds and drainage paths where post-wildfire hazards are most pronounced. Rainfall intensity-duration thresholds can be incorporated into flood hazard forecasting tools. Currently, work is underway to identify how to best implement debris-flow runout models in burned areas with efficiency and accuracy. Post-wildfire debris flows have been a long-recognized process in the Transverse Ranges of southern California; however, climate change is driving more frequent wildfires to burn more mountainous terrain throughout the western United States and worldwide. As a result, post-wildfire debris flows are becoming a more common threat in areas where they were once infrequent. As the threat of post-wildfire debris flow expands into new areas, evaluating the hazard becomes challenging because the degree to which wildfire increases debris-flow susceptibility varies from region to region. This chapter summarizes the knowledge to date for evaluating post-wildfire debris-flow susceptibility and hazard assessment. We summarize the characteristics of wildfire burn severity, topography, underlying soil and geology, and rainfall conditions that contribute to making a watershed most likely to produce post-wildfire debris flows. Methods for hazard assessment in the United States and other countries are summarized. We highlight knowledge gaps for how post-wildfire debris-flow susceptibility varies throughout the western United States and worldwide and identify research needs to improve hazard assessment methods in different geographies.
Wildfire biogeomorphology is an integrative science fundamental in understanding the dynamic processes of adjustment that occur after wildfires. This volume draws together interdisciplinary studies that highlight key insights important to support heterogeneity, biodiversity, and resilience in fluvial ecosystems. Post-wildfire sediment pulses that change the physical elements of fluvial habitat may be transitory or long-lasting, for example, depending on variations in post-wildfire climate conditions. How biological processes and feedback alter post-wildfire geomorphic responses is also important to enhance ecosystem resilience. The syntheses point to greater emphasis on integrated approaches to advance strategies for ecosystem management toward conservation, restoration, and sustainable practices, in particular, to accommodate multiple possible postfire disturbance and recovery trajectories.
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The frequency, severity, and spatial extent of destructive wildfires have increased in several regions globally over the past decades. While direct impacts from wildfires are devastating, the hazardous legacy of wildfires affects nearby communities long after the flames have been extinguished. Post‐wildfire soil conditions control the persistence, severity, and timing of cascading geohazards in burned landscapes. The interplay and feedback between geohazards and wildfire‐induced changes to soil properties, land cover conditions, and near‐surface and surface processes are still poorly understood. Here, we synthesize wildfire‐induced processes that can affect the critical attributes of burned soils and their conditioning of subsequent geohazards. More specifically, we discuss the state of knowledge pertaining to changes in mineralogical, hydraulic, mechanical, and thermal properties of soil due to wildfire with a focus on advances in the past decade. We identify how these changes in soil properties alter evapotranspiration, interception, sediment transport, infiltration, and runoff. We then link these alterations to the evolution of different geohazards, including dry raveling, erosion, rockfalls, landslides, debris flows, and land subsidence. Finally, we identify research gaps and future directions to advance knowledge on how wildfires control the evolution of various earth surface processes and geohazards over time.
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Addressing post-fire impacts largely depends on burn “severity.” A singular severity classification that encompasses the holistic effects of fire on all ecosystem processes does not currently exist. Lumping vegetation burn severity and soil burn severity into one metric, or using them interchangeably, can induce large inaccuracies and uncertainties in the intended ecosystem response to forcing. Often, burn “severity” reflects fire impacts on vegetation, which can be measured through remote sensing. Vegetation burn severity is likely more apropos for ecological research, whereas soil burn severity is more relevant for hydrological analyses. This paper reviews different remotely sensed vegetation severity products currently (mis)used for hydrological modeling, provides examples of when vegetation burn severity may (not) match soil burn severity, and summarizes the potential synergistic future of remote sensing with in situ severity metrics. While the focus in this paper is on the western United States, the lessons and principles apply universally.
Comparison of the responses of three drainage basins burned by the Dome fire of 1996 in New Mexico is used to identify the hillslope, channel and fire characteristics that indicate a susceptibility specifically to wildfire-related debris flow. Summer thunderstorms generated three distinct erosive responses from each of three basins. The Capulin Canyon basin showed widespread erosive sheetwash and rilling from hillslopes, and severe flooding occurred in the channel; the North Tributary basin exhibited extensive erosion of the mineral soil to a depth of 5 cm and downslope movement of up to boulder-sized material, and at least one debris flow occurred in the channel; negligible surface runoff was observed in the South Tributary basin. The negligible surface runoff observed in the South Tributary basin is attributed to the limited extent and severity of the fire in that basin. The factors that best distinguish between debris-flow producing and flood-producing drainages are drainage basin morphology and lithology. A rugged drainage basin morphology, an average 12 per cent channel gradient, and steep, rough hillslopes coupled with colluvium and soil weathered from volcaniclastic and volcanic rocks promoted the generation of debris flows. A less rugged basin morphology, an average gradient of 5 per cent, and long, smooth slopes mantled with pumice promoted flooding. Flood and debris-flow responses were produced without the presence of water-repellent soils. The continuity and severity of the burn mosaic, the condition of the riparian vegetation, the condition of the fibrous root mat, accumulations of dry ravel and colluvial material in the channel and on hillslopes, and past debris-flow activity, appeared to have little bearing on the distinctive responses of the basins. Published in 2000 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Debris flows and other landslides resulting from the January 3-5, 1982, storm were mapped throughout the San Francisco Bay region from aerial photographs, with limited field checking. The concentration of debris flows was measured and contoured. Maximum concentrations reached 63 debris flows/km-2, which, though high, is lower than observed from some intense rainstorms in other parts of the world. In San Mateo County, we examined factors affecting the distribution of debris flows, including rainfall, bedrock geology, slope steepness, and vegetation. In Santa Cruz, Contra Costa, Alameda, Napa, Solano, Sanoma, Lake, and Yolo Counties, we noted areas of dense debris-flow concentration and related those areas to high values of normalized storm rainfall. -from Authors
We mapped about 4600 debris flows; the areal density of soil-slip sources for debris flows was generally less than 5 km-2 but ranged as high as 55 km-2. Most of the debris flows developed in the natural landscape and were not affected by geologically recent ground modifications. Regional distribution of soil-slip sources for debris flows was not strongly associated with the amount of rainfall, but it was associated with steep slopes (80% occurred on slopes steeper than 27.5°); with granular soil mantle, and with both bedrock contacts and materials that have strong contrasts in permeability. -from Authors
A moderate August 1984 rainstorm produced substantial debris flows from tributaries of Beaver Creek. The debris flows occurred only in the parts of the drainage that had been burned by an extensive forest fire just prior to the rainstorm. Peak debris discharges were determined at 31 sites by using a variation of the slope-area, superelevation, and critical-flow methods and were determined to be close to or larger than maximum known water floods in Montana. -from Author
Debris flows following fire are a common, but poorly understood, problem in S California. Research to date suggests that they result from greatly accelerated rates of surface erosion by both wet and dry processes during the days and weeks following a fire. Significant amounts of hillslope debris are delivered to stream channels during the fire by a process called dry ravel. An important feature of postfire erosion is the rapid development of extensive rill networks on hillslopes, linked to a layer of water-repellent soil that forms a few millimeters below the ground surface during the fire. -from Author