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Plant growth-promoting bacteria that confer resistance to water stress in tomatoes and peppers


Abstract and Figures

The work reported here evaluates whether bacteria populating arid and salty environments can confer resistance in tomato and pepper plants to water stress. Plant growth-promoting bacteria that have ACC deaminase activity were isolated from soil samples taken from the Arava region of southern Israel. One of these strains, Achromobacter piechaudii ARV8 [Mayak et al., Plant growth-promoting bacteria that confer resistance in tomato and pepper plants to salt stress, submitted for publication.] significantly increased the fresh and dry weights of both tomato and pepper seedlings exposed to transient water stress. In addition, the bacterium reduced the production of ethylene by tomato seedlings, following water stress. During water deprivation the bacterium did not influence the reduction in relative water content; however, it significantly improved the recovery of plants when watering was resumed. Inoculation of tomato plants with the bacterium resulted in continued plant growth during both the water stress and after watering was resumed. Based on the results of the experiments reported herein, the use of plant growth-promoting bacteria such as A. piechaudii ARV8 may provide a means of facilitating plant growth in arid environments.
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Plant Science 166 (2004) 525–530
Plant growth-promoting bacteria that confer resistance to water
stress in tomatoes and peppers
Shimon Mayaka,, Tsipora Tirosha, Bernard R. Glickb
aThe Kennedy-Leigh Centre for Horticultural Research, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Quality Sciences,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, P.O.Box 12, Rehovot 76100, Israel
bDepartment of Biology, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont., Canada N2L 3G1
Received 26 September 2002; received in revised form 21 October 2003; accepted 27 October 2003
The work reported here evaluates whether bacteria populating arid and salty environments can confer resistance in tomato and pepper
plants to water stress. Plant growth-promoting bacteria that have ACC deaminase activity were isolated from soil samples taken from the
Arava region of southern Israel. One of these strains, Achromobacter piechaudii ARV8 [Mayak et al., Plant growth-promoting bacteria that
confer resistance in tomato and pepper plants to salt stress, submitted for publication.] significantly increased the fresh and dry weights of
both tomato and pepper seedlings exposed to transient water stress. In addition, the bacterium reduced the production of ethylene by tomato
seedlings, following water stress. During water deprivation the bacterium did not influence the reduction in relative water content; however,
it significantly improved the recovery of plants when watering was resumed. Inoculation of tomato plants with the bacterium resulted in
continued plant growth during both the water stress and after watering was resumed. Based on the results of the experiments reported herein,
the use of plant growth-promoting bacteria such as A. piechaudii ARV8 may provide a means of facilitating plant growth in arid environments.
© 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Tomato; Pepper; PGPB; Water stress; Drought; RWC
1. Introduction
Plant growth-promoting bacteria are free-living soil bac-
teria that can either directly or indirectly facilitate the
growth of plants [2,3]. Indirect stimulation of plant growth
includes a variety of mechanisms by which the bacteria pre-
vent phytopathogens from inhibiting plant growth and de-
velopment [4,5]. Direct stimulation may include providing
plants with—fixed nitrogen, phytohormones, iron that has
been sequestered by bacterial siderophores, soluble phos-
phate, or the enzyme ACC deaminase that can lower plant
ethylene levels [6–8]. The suggested role of ACC deam-
inase is to ensure that the concentration of ethylene does
not become elevated to the point that growth (especially of
roots) is retarded [3,6,7]. Thus, mutant bacteria that lack
ACC deaminase activity are no longer able to lower plant
ethylene levels and thereby promote root elongation [9–11].
Coresponding author. Tel.: +972-8-9489335; fax: +972-8-9468263.
E-mail address: (S. Mayak).
In addition to facilitating the growth of plant roots, plant
growth-promoting bacteria can, protect plants from the
deleterious effects of some environmental stresses [12,13]
including heavy metals [14], flooding [15], salt [1] and
phytopathogens [16].
Relatively few mechanisms have been unequivocally
demonstrated to explain the increased resistance to envi-
ronmental stresses including water stress of plants treated
with plant growth-promoting bacteria. The mechanisms that
have been suggested include reduction of stress ethylene
production via the action of ACC deaminase [12] and in-
creased expression of the ERD15 gene, which is responsive
to drought stress [13,17].
In the present study, we evaluated the effect of the bac-
terium Achromobacter piechaudii ARV8 on the performance
of tomato and pepper plants under drought stress conditions.
The bacterium was recently isolated from soil samples col-
lected in dry riverbeds in the Arava region in the southern
part of Israel where rainfall is scarce. This bacterial strain
was selected to contain ACC deaminase [2] and thus should
be able to lower ethylene production in its host plants; and
0168-9452/$ – see front matter © 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
526 S. Mayak et al. /Plant Science 166 (2004) 525–530
according to a previously proposed model [3], it should also
render the plants more tolerant to drought stress. In fact, the
bacterium was found to be both capable of lowering ethy-
lene production in its host plants, and of ameliorating some
of the effect of drought stress.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Bacterial strain and growth
The bacterium Achromobacter piechaudii ARV8 was iso-
lated as described by Glick et al. [9] from a rhizosphere soil
sample from a Lycium shawii plant growing in a dry riverbed
in the Arava region of southern Israel, reported previously
[1]. Bacterial suspensions for the treatment of plants were
prepared as described previously [18]. Essentially, a single
bacterial colony from solid DF medium containing ACC as
a sole source of nitrogen was used to inoculate YT medium
and then incubated for 24h with vigorous shaking (i.e. ap-
proximately 250rpm) to ensure proper aeration. Following
growth, the bacterial cells were pelleted by centrifugation
at 5000 ×gfor 10min and then re-suspended in distilled
water. This step was performed twice before the bacte-
rial concentration was adjusted to 1.0 absorbance unit at
600nm. The latter suspension was used to irrigate plants as
2.2. Plant material and growth conditions
Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill cv. F144) and
pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv. Maor) seedlings were
started from seeds that were sown in plastic trays in wet
vermiculite. After 1 week, uniform sized seedlings (shoot
height approximately 3cm) were selected and planted in
vermiculite, one per 7cm diameter plastic pot. During the
2nd week the seedlings were fertilized once with 40ml
of either 1/10 or 1/5 Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium
[19] as indicated. Three days after fertilization some of
the seedlings were treated with 40ml of bacterial sus-
pension (A600nm =1.0), while others were watered with
de-ionized water. Two weeks after the seedlings were trans-
planted, watering ceased and only resumed after 7 or 12
days as indicated. The seedlings were maintained in a
growth chamber at a day/night temperature of 25/20C
with 25molphotonsm2s1or 75molphotonsm2s1
of light supplied for 12h during the daytime.
2.3. Monitoring plant growth
Fresh (FW) and dry (DW) weights of tomato plants were
measured 5 weeks after germination. Similar experiments
were also conducted with pepper plants except that harvest-
ing the plants and measurements were done 7 weeks after
germination. In other experiments, FW and DW of tomato
plants were also measured up to five times (0, 6, 12, 17 and
23 days) starting at 3 weeks after germination and continued
thereafter at times indicated.
2.4. Ethylene production by seedlings in response
to stress
Thirty seeds were placed in each 25ml Erlenmeyer flask
on sterile filter paper before 2 ml of water were added. Seeds
were imbibed in water or a bacterial suspension (A600nm =
1.0) for 2h before being placed in the flasks. After 8 days,
when the cotyledons were expanded, the excess water was
removed. The flasks were closed for 2h with a rubber sep-
tum and the ethylene in the headspace was sampled and mea-
sured by gas chromatography (Shimadzu model GC-17A).
At the end of the ethylene accumulation period the stoppers
were removed and the flasks were maintained in a growth
chamber as described above except that the light irradi-
ance was 10molphotonsm2s1. Whereas water was not
added to the stressed seedlings for the rest of the experi-
ment, sufficient water was added to each flask of the appro-
priate controls to be continuously visible on partially tilting
the flask.
2.5. Water status
At times 0, 6, 12, 17 and 23 days, starting at 3 weeks af-
ter germination the relative water content (RWC) in tomato
plants was determined. The fully turgid weight (FTW), de-
fined as the weight of the shoot after the plant was held in
100% humidity conditions in the dark at 4C for 48h, of
each plant was recorded. The relative water content (RWC)
was calculated, where:
2.6. Statistical analysis
Data were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA),
and pair wise comparisons were done using a student’s t-test.
All hypotheses were tested at the 95% confidence level.
3. Results
The bacterium A. piechaudii ARV8 was isolated from a
soil sample from a desolate region in the southern part of Is-
rael, where the annual rainfall is below 50mm and the land
has not been cultivated for many hundreds of years. The
isolated bacterium was used to inoculate 10-day-old tomato
seedlings and the dry and fresh weights of seedlings treated
with A. piechaudii ARV8 were compared with those ob-
tained from seedlings treated with the well-established plant
growth promoting bacterium Pseudomonas putida GR12-2
[20,21]. Plants not treated with any bacterium served as an
additional control. In this experiment, both P. putida GR12-2
S. Mayak et al. /Plant Science 166 (2004) 525–530 527
Table 1
The effect of ACC deaminase-containing plant growth-promoting bacteria
on the growth of tomato seedlings cv. F-144
Strain Fresh weight (mg) Dry weight (mg)
No bacterium added 155 ±7.20c15.6±0.65c
P. putida GR12-2 412 ±22.4b41.0±2.12b
A. piechaudii ARV8 574 ±58.8a59.7±5.43a
During the 2nd week tomato seedlings grown in small pots were inoculated
with a bacterial suspension. By the end of the 4th week watering was
stopped for 2 weeks, and then watering was resumed. After 5 weeks fresh
and dry weights were determined. Values are means of 10 replicates ±
S.E. Superscripted letters indicate values within the same column that are
either statistically significantly different (when the letters are different) or
not (when the letters are the same).
and A. piechaudii ARV8 promoted plant growth to a signif-
icant extent compared to the non-bacterized control, with A.
piechaudii ARV8 promoting growth significantly more than
Strain p. putida GR12-2 (Table 1).
Fig. 1. The effect of the ACC deaminase-containing plant growth promoting bacterium A. piechaudii ARV8 on growth (fresh weight (FW) and dry
weight (DW)) of tomato plants cv. F-144 exposed to transient water stress. The bacterial suspension was applied once, one week after the plants were
transplanted. Watering was stopped 21 days after germination (indicated as 0 on the time scale) and resumed 33 after germination (indicated as 12 on
the time scale). Values are the means of 6 replicates ±S.E.
Table 2
The effect of ACC deaminase-containing plant growth-promoting bac-
terium A. piechaudii ARV8 on the growth of pepper seedlings cv. Maor,
exposed to transient water stress
Treatment FW (mg) DW (mg)
No bacterium added 560 ±50b70 ±0.16b
A. piechaudii ARV8 960 ±60a120 ±2.60a
Pepper seedlings were managed essentially as outlined in Table 1, except
for few changes. By the end of 7 weeks after seed germination the fresh
and dry weights were determined. Values are the means of 6 replicates
±S.E. Values with the same superscripts within columns indicate no
significant difference with P0.05.
To test whether the bacterium has the same effect on
other plants, it was used to treat pepper seedlings subjected
to the same regime as the tomato seedlings, and at the
end of 7 weeks their fresh and dry weights were recorded.
The data presented in Table 2 indicates that A. piechaudii
528 S. Mayak et al. /Plant Science 166 (2004) 525–530
ARV8 significantly promoted the growth of pepper plants
as manifested in the higher fresh and dry weights attained
by the bacterially treated pepper plants. The ratio of bacte-
rial treated/bacterial non-treated was higher in tomato plants
compared with pepper plants. It should be realized however
that the comparison is of limited value only (experimental
protocol varied slightly). At present its value is suggestive
and it needs to be improved.
In a more detailed study of the response of seedlings to a
reduction in water availability, the fresh weight was moni-
tored at 0, 6, 12, 17 and 23 days following the onset of the
stress; at 17 and 23 days, the watering had been resumed.
Although the seedlings were not supplied with water for 6
days their fresh weight increased (Fig. 1). This probably re-
flects the fact that during this period the plants were able
to secure water from the growth medium. The observed in-
crease in RWC supports this suggestion (Fig. 2). The in-
crease in fresh weight was similar in control and stressed
seedlings. On the other hand, no change in fresh weight in
the stressed seedlings was observed during the next 6 days,
during which water was not supplied.
After 12 days of drought stress watering was resumed but
the measurements demonstrate that after five additional days
(day 17 after the initiation of the stress) the fresh weight did
not increase in the previously stressed seedlings. After 6 ad-
ditional days (that is 23 days after the initiation of the stress)
a small increase in the fresh and dry weight was measured in
the previously stressed seedlings. In contrast, a continuous
and significant increase in the fresh and dry weights of the
stressed seedlings that were treated with the bacterial strain
A. piechaudii ARV8 was observed. This increase in weight
also occurred during the resumption of the water supply. At
the end of the experiment (indicated as day 23 in Figs. 1
Fig. 2. The effect of the ACC deaminase-containing plant promoting bacterium A. piechaudii ARV8 on the relative water content (RWC) of tomato
plants cv. F-144 exposed to transient water stress. The bacterial suspension was applied once, 1 week after the plants were transplanted. Watering was
stopped 21 days after germination (indicated as 0 on the time scale) and resumed 33 after germination (indicated as 12 on the time scale). Values are
the means of 6 replicates ±S.E.
and 2) the fresh weight of the bacterially treated seedlings
was about twice that of control plants. Not surprisingly,
the changes in the dry weights of seedlings paralleled the
changes in seedling fresh weight (Fig. 1B). The fresh weight
attained by the bacterially treated, but not stressed seedlings
was the highest compared with the other treatments.
During water deprivation the RWC in the plants declined
in stressed plants, both treated and not treated with bacte-
ria. The lowest value was measured at day 12 of the stress
(Fig. 2). This reflects an increasing water stress [23]. When
watering was resumed, the RWC increased, attaining higher
values in the bacterially treated plants. In the presence of
the bacterium, and independent of whether or not the plants
were stressed, by 23 days after the onset of the stress the
RWC was significantly greater in the presence than in the
absence of the bacterium. Moreover, while the bacterium did
not help the seedlings to maintain their RWC during periods
of drought, the presence of the bacterium greatly facilitated
the recovery of the seedlings upon re-watering.
3.1. Effect on ethylene production
Nine days after seedlings were exposed to water stress
ethylene production began to increase. Thereafter, the rise
in the rate of ethylene production continued to a value of
28nlh1at 13 days (Fig. 3). By comparison, control (hy-
drated) seedlings reached a rate of production of 1.5nlh1.
By inoculating seedlings with A. piechaudii ARV8, and then
exposing them to water stress, the rise in the rate of ethylene
production occurred later and the rise in the rate of ethy-
lene production was smaller than in stressed seedlings. At
13 days the rate of ethylene production has reached a lower
value of 6.1nlh1(Fig. 3).
S. Mayak et al. /Plant Science 166 (2004) 525–530 529
Fig. 3. The effect of ACC deaminase-containing plant growth-promoting
bacteria on the rate of ethylene production by tomato seedlings. The
time axis indicates days after germination. Water stress was initiated by
removal of water eight days after germination. Values are means of 6
replicates ±S.E. (when larger than the symbol).
4. Discussion
It has been suggested that bacteria containing ACC deam-
inase activity should all act to reduce the level of stress
ethylene and thus confer resistance to various stresses [3].
Indeed this suggestion is supported by the results of the
present experiments (Tables 1 and 2) and also those that
were reported previously demonstrating increased resis-
tance to salt stress [1], flooding stress [15], heavy metal
stress [14] and pathogen stress [16].
We have hypothesized that those bacteria populating sites
where water is limited and repeated dry periods occur fre-
quently, are likely to be able to better promote plant growth
compared with plant growth promoting bacteria isolated
from sites where water sources are abundant. The results of
our study support this hypothesis. The seedlings treated with
A. piechaudii ARV8, a bacterial strain isolated from an arid
site, were significantly larger than the seedlings treated with
a bacterium, P. putida GR12-2, that was originally isolated
from the rhizosphere of grasses in the High Canadian Arctic
[20] where water is abundant.
In the present experiments, the bacterially treated plants
that were exposed to water stress continued to accumulate
plant biomass (Fig. 1), although water availability was re-
duced (reflected in lowered RWC values), especially during
the 6 days between 6 and 12 days of the stress period (Fig. 2).
Apparently, the underlying processes causing a gain in plant
biomass were stimulated in bacterially treated plants, result-
ing in a continued increase in dry weight to a greater ex-
tent than in control hydrated plants. A similar change was
observed in fresh weight except for the second part of the
stress period (between 6 and 12 days) (Fig. 1), when gain in
fresh weight was stopped. In the absence of bacterial treat-
ment, the growth processes were disturbed during the pe-
riod of reduced water availability resulting in cessation of
growth, and this inability to grow continued when watering
was resumed (Fig. 1).
The bacterium is envisioned as affecting the production
of ethylene, which in turn influences the factors described
above. This suggestion is supported by earlier observations
that ethylene reduces the fluidity of membranes [24,25], in-
fluences phospholipid turnover in membranes [26], increases
leakage of solutes from plant cells [27,28] and suppresses
elongation of roots [22,29,30]. In addition stress is known to
stimulate ethylene production [25,31,32]. Thus, under stress
conditions, ACC deaminase-containing bacteria that restrain
the production of ethylene (Fig. 3) may be effective in alle-
viating a portion of the stress effect. However, other elusive
factors evolved in bacteria populating ecological sites, where
water is scarce and dry periods occur frequently, may also
interact with plants to increase resistance to water stress.
The precise mechanisms notwithstanding, the use of
plant growth promoting bacteria that decrease the damage
to plants that occurs under drought conditions is a poten-
tially important adjuvant to agricultural practice in locales
where drought is endemic.
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... Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) assist the plant growth either by direct mechanisms which include the production of plant growth regulators, enhanced nutrient availability or by indirect mechanisms which encompasses the suppression of pathogens by antibiosis, induced systemic resistance (ISR) and synthesis of lytic enzymes. During abiotic stress, plant growth promotion activities have been reported in cucumber (Wang et al., 2012), maize (Vardharajula et al., 2010), tomato (Mayak et al., 2004), mung bean (Sarma and Saikia 2014), white clover (Han et al., 2014) and wheat. PGPR improved growth of plants by increasing the uptake of nutrients, particularly mineral phosphorus. ...
... Gupta et al., 2021) under salinity stress on pea plants. ACCD-positive isolates reduce the overproduction of ethylene in plants, which enhances injuries caused by water scarcity without affecting the relative water content (RWC) of plants(Mayak et al., 2004). Plants that have been injected with drought-tolerant bacteria achieve better plant growth and have higher ...
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This is an Open Access Journal / article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0) which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. All rights reserved. In the climate changes scenario the drought has been diagnosed as major stress affecting crop productivity. Drought is the most hazardous abiotic stress causing huge losses to crop yield worldwide. Osmotic stress decreases relative water and chlorophyll content and increases the accumulation of osmolytes, epicuticular wax content, antioxidant enzymatic activities, reactive oxygen species, secondary metabolites, membrane lipid peroxidation, and abscisic acid. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) eliminate the effect of drought stress by altering root morphology, regulating the stress-responsive genes, producing phytohormones, osmolytes, siderophores, volatile organic compounds, and exopolysaccharides. This review deals with recent progress on the use of PGPR to eliminate the harmful effects of drought stress in traditional agriculture crops.
... PGPRs, in particular, secrete 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) deaminase and reduce the levels of ACC, the precursor of ethylene in plants, which increases plant resistance to water stress (Zahir et al. 2008). Several studies have shown that the rhizobacteria that synthesize ACC deaminase effectively protect plants from many abiotic stress factors, including drought (Sarma and Saikia 2014;Zafar-ul-Hye et al. 2019;Mayak et al. 2004;Kausar and Shahzad 2006;Yavuz et al. 2023;Nadeem et al. 2007). ...
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Currently, many techniques to alleviate the negative effects of water stress, specifically drought, on plants are frequently the subject of research. In this study, the effects of two different plant growth-promoting rhizobacterial (PGPR) species isolated from arid and semiarid areas whose activities under water stress were determined in a preliminary study on several physiological properties and nutrient uptake of watermelons grafted onto different rootstocks were investigated under deficit irrigation. In this study, the performance of two PGPRs (B1: Paenarthrobacter aurescens and B2: Pseudarthrobacter polychromogenes) inoculated into ungrafted watermelon (R0 (Citrullus lanatus (Thumb.) Matsum and Nakai cv. Crimson Tide, CT)) and grafted watermelons (R1: CT grafted onto citron watermelon rootstock (Citrullus lanatus var. Citroides) and R2: CT grafted onto the hybrid rootstock TZ-148 (Cucurbita maxima Duchesne × Cucurbita moschata Duchesne)) were studied under different irrigation levels. Severe water stress negatively affected the physiological characteristics, such as stomatal conductance (gs) and photosynthesis efficiency (QPSII), of watermelon plants. Moreover, the contents of leaf mineral nutrients such as N, P, and K decreased significantly with increasing water stress. On the other hand, rootstocks improved the performance of sweet watermelon in terms of macronutrients such as N, K, and Mg and micronutrients such as Fe and Cu. Moreover, the drought-tolerant rootstocks (R1 and R2) used in this study protected watermelon plants against the negative effects of water stress by reducing gs compared to that of ungrafted plants. Moreover, although rhizobacteria did not have a significant effect on the gs, QPSII, or leaf water potential (LWP) of watermelon, they enhanced the uptake of minerals such as macro- and micronutrients from the soil by plants. Under full irrigation and particularly deficit irrigation, P. polychromogenes (B2) increased the contents of macronutrients such as Mg and K, while P. aurescens (B1) increased the contents of micronutrients such as Fe, Cu, Mn, and B in watermelons. Our results revealed that these two rhizobacterial species, which were isolated from arid and semiarid areas, contribute to the nutrient uptake of watermelon plants grown under water stress.
... Using PGPB that contains ACC deaminase can help prevent high amounts of ethylene and the harm it causes, as was previously discussed when talking about the stress ethylene produced as a result of phytopathogen infection [142]. Extremes in temperature [143], floods [144], drought [145,146], metals and metaloids [60,61,[147][148][149][150][151][152], hypoxia [153], salt [154][155][156][157][158][159][160][161][162][163][164][165], and organic pollutants [150,151,[166][167][168] are a few abiotic stressors whose impacts can be lessened in this way. According to the aforementioned reports from around the globe, a variety of ACC deaminasecontaining PGPB can significantly protect plants from a variety of abiotic stresses. ...
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The ability of agricultural systems to provide food globally may be limited by growing environmental concerns. The biggest issue the world is now dealing with is climate change. By 2050, food production will need to quadruple to fulfill the world's food demand. In the field of sustainable agriculture, plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) have been shown to have a significant impact. Increasing agricultural yield while using less synthetic chemical fertilizers and pesticides is a major issue in today's world. It has been demonstrated that using PGPB to promote plant development through direct or indirect means is a sustainable method of raising agricultural yields. Among PGPB's processes are the control of hormonal and nutritional balance, the development of resistance against plant diseases, and the solubilization of minerals to facilitate their simple absorption by plants. Moreover, PGPB interact both antagonistically and synergistically with microorganisms in bulk soil and the rhizosphere, which indirectly accelerates plant development. Numerous bacterial species have been reported in the literature to function as PGPR and to effectively enhance plant development. There is a difference, nevertheless, between the PGPR's function as a biofertilizer and its method of action (mechanism) for plant development. Therefore, this analysis fills in the aforementioned void and provides an overview of PGPR's mechanism as a biofertilizer for sustainable agriculture.
... At the end of the experiment, plant height (from the soil surface to the tip of the last expanded leaf) and stem circumference at the soil surface were measured, and the number of expanded leaves was counted. The relative water content (RWC) of the leaves was calculated (Mayak et al. 2004). The roots were carefully washed and then photographed for image analysis of the root system architecture (RSA). ...
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We had assembled a synthetic bacterial community (SynComH) from the rhizosphere microbiota of Haloxylon ammodendron, which enhance drought tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana under laboratory conditions. Here we assessed the efficacy of SynComH, alone or in combination with SynComS, a consortium of previously identified growth-promoting bacteria from Crocus sativus, in increasing maize plants’ fitness under optimal and water-deficit conditions. We were also interested in unveiling the mechanisms by which the bacteria confer drought tolerance. We first performed detailed greenhouse experiments on maize plants that were artificially inoculated with SynComS, SynComH, and SynComH+S, and measured 22 different plant morphological, physiological, biochemical, and histological traits under optimal and water-deficit conditions. Data were analyzed by different univariate and multivariate statistical methods. Lastly, we tested the effects of the SynComs on maize in field in a split-plot experiment with two irrigation regimes as main plots and SynComs as subplots. Results from both greenhouse and field experiments showed that all three SynComs had growth-promoting properties and improved growth-related traits, but only SynComH and SynComH+S were effective in ameliorating the drought stress. SynComH substantially enhanced drought tolerance by increasing stomatal conductance, photosynthesis rate, and proline content, while decreasing transpiration rate, leading to up to 700% increase of water use efficiency. Morphological and histological investigations suggested that these positive effects are probably attributed to modulation of plant stomatal density and xylem structure by SynComH. Besides the significance for practical agronomic use, our results suggest unprecedented capabilities of non-pathogenic bacteria in modulation of plant stomatal density.
... Studies have demonstrated that bacterial strains possessing ACC deaminase activity can improve plant resilience to salt stress, as evidenced in tomato seedlings (Mayak et al., 2004) [89} , and the growth of red peppers was promoted by an ACC deaminase producing strain of Pseudomonas frederiksbergensis (Chatterjee et al., 2017) [23] . Various bacterial genera, including Bacillus, Rhodococcus, Alcaligenes, Variovorax, and Pseudomonas, exhibit ACC deaminase activity and can proliferate in soil (Dimkpa et al., 2009) [32] . ...
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Soil health is paramount for sustainable agriculture, impacting crop production, nutrient cycling, and ecosystem stability. The microbial communities inhabiting diverse environments, termed microbiomes, play crucial roles in soil health and ecosystem functions. Among various stresses affecting plant growth, salinity stress poses significant challenges, resulting from high concentrations of soluble salts in the soil. This stress disrupts physiological processes in plants, impeding growth and productivity. Globally, extensive areas of agricultural lands face salinity issues, leading to substantial economic losses. Physiological responses of plants to salinity stress include osmotic and ionic stresses, as well as oxidative stress. Halophytes, adapted to high salt concentrations, contrast with glycophytes, which are more susceptible to salinity stress. The impact of salinity stress on plants extends from osmotic stress to ionic toxicity, affecting nutrient uptake, photosynthesis, and reproductive development. This review paper focuses on microorganisms, particularly salt tolerant plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (ST-PGPRs), which employ various strategies to mitigate salinity stress in plants. These strategies encompass cellular adjustments, salt-in approaches, osmolyte accumulation, and direct and indirect mechanisms for plant growth promotion. Direct mechanisms include nitrogen fixation, phosphorous solubilization, ammonia production, and the production of plant hormones. Indirect mechanisms involve the synthesis of ACC deaminase, Trehalose, siderophores, antioxidant enzymes, Hydrogen cyanide, Exopolysaccharide, Nitric oxide, ion homeostasis and compartmentalization, and biofilm formation. Understanding these microbial strategies is crucial for developing sustainable agricultural practices in saline soils, ultimately enhancing soil health and agricultural productivity in salt-affected regions.
The present study investigates the use of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) inoculation to enhance sweet potato growth and yield under irrigation saline water conditions in the 2021 and 2022 seasons. The PGPR strains (Azotobacter chroococcum, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Bacillus megatherium) were isolated from the rhizosphere of plants growing in saline soil, and sweet potato plants were inoculated with a mixture of these PGPR strains in equal volumes. A field experiment was designed and performed in a split-plot design to determine the effect of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on growth, photosynthetic pigments, yield, and tuber content of starch, vitamin C, and total soluble sugars of sweet potato plants under three different saline irrigation water conditions (1.90, 4.70, and 6.25 dS∙m⁻¹). The results demonstrated that increasing irrigation water salinity levels substantially reduced plant vine length, branch number, leaf number, shoot fresh weight, shoot dry weight, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotenoid content, tuber root number per plant, tuber root weight, and tuber yield and, meanwhile, enhanced starch, vitamin C, and total soluble sugars content. The PGPR inoculation dependently enhanced all the aforementioned parameters. However, it did not significantly impact the starch and vitamin C content of the tuber under irrigation water salinity-affected conditions. Overall, these results suggested that the PGPR inoculation of sweet potato plants can alleviate the harmful effects of saline irrigation water stress on plant growth.
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Citation: Steinberger, Y.; Doniger, T.; Sherman, C.; Jeyaraman, M.; Applebaum, I. Soil Bacterial Community of Medicinal Plant Rhizosphere in a Mediterranean System. Agriculture 2024, 14, 664. Abstract: Several attempts have been made to evaluate the abundance and distribution of the bacterial community in the rhizosphere of medicinal plants. Many describe information based on an estimation of the community structure and the effects of plant cover in determining microbial community composition. The ability of plants to specifically shape their microbial community in general and medicinal plants in particular is largely unknown. With the arrival of molecular biology, understanding the microbial community's composition, diversity, and function became possible. We hypothesized that microbial communities associated with medicinal shrubs would differ from each other. To test this hypothesis, we characterized the soil microbial composition under each of five Mediterranean medicinal plants, differentiated by their medicinal use and ecophysiological adaptation, namely, Salvia fruticosa, Pistacia lentiscus, Myrtus communis, Origanum syriacum, and Teucrium capitatum, and an open-space bare soil between the plants, inhabiting natural ecosystems characterized by similar climatic conditions typical of a Mediterranean environment. The results demonstrated the importance of plant ecophysiological adaptations, which play an important role in determining microbial community composition and functional diversity. The intensity of a plant's response to its surroundings can have either positive or negative effects that will determine the microbial community composition and interactions among the belowground parts. A total of 11 phyla, 21 orders, and 409 genera were found in the soil rhizosphere in the vicinity of the four plants and open space samples. The distinguishing attributes of each shrub trigger and stimulate the microbial community's rhizosphere. This results in distinct patterns of bacterial diversity and functionality between the different shrubs and the control. The rhizosphere bacterial community composition differed between the plants in a PERMANOVA test, but there was little difference in terms of phyla and order relative abundances. This study shows how five medicinal plants, coexisting in a common habitat, impact the bacterial community. The noticeable shift in bacterial composition further supports our discovery that root exudates effectively govern the makeup of soil bacterial communities.
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Biological control is the control of disease by the application of biological agents to a host animal or plant that prevents the development of disease by a pathogen. With regard to plant diseases the biocontrol agents are usually bacterial or fungal strains isolated from the endosphere or rhizosphere. Viruses can also be used as biocontrol agents and there is a resurgent interest in the use of bacterial viruses for control of plant diseases. The degree of disease suppression achieved with biological agents can be comparable to that achieved with chemicals. Our understanding of the ways in which biocontrol agents protect plants from disease has developed considerably in recent years with the application of genomics and genetic modification techniques. We have uncovered mechanisms by which biocontrol agents interact with the host plant and other members of the microbial community associated with the plant. Understanding these mechanisms is crucial to the isolation of effective biocontrol agents and the development of biocontrol strategies for plant diseases. This review looks at recent developments in our understanding of biocontrol agents for plant diseases and how they work.
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A rapid and novel procedure for the isolation of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) is described. This method entails screening soil bacteria for the ability to utilize the compound 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) as a sole N source, a trait that is a consequence of the presence of the activity of the enzyme ACC deaminase. This trait appears to be limited to soil bacteria that are also capable of stimulating plant growth. Seven different soil samples from two geographically disparate locations were found to contain pseudomonads that were able to to utilize ACC as a N source. Each of the seven strains was shown, by the ability of the bacterium to promote canola seedling root elongation under gnotobiotic conditions, to be a PGPR. The method described here may be used to replace the otherwise slow and tedious process of testing individual bacterial strains for their ability to promote plant growth, thereby significantly speeding up the process of finding new PGPR.
The present chapter reviews the question of developing a microbial control method of plant diseases. All problems which may occur, from the initial screening of an efficient biocontrol agent to the final step of integration of the biological control method into the crop management system are briefly examined.
Seeds of canola, lettuce, tomato, barley, wheat, and oats were inoculated with either the wild-type plant growth promoting rhizobacterium (PGPR), Pseudomonas putida GR12–2, or the mutant P. putida GR 12–2lacd68 (deficient in the activity of the enzyme 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase) alone and in conjunction with either an inhibitor of ethylene biosynthesis, L-α-(aminoethoxyvinyl)-glycine (AVG), or the chemical ethylene generator, (2-chloroethyl) phosphonic acid (ethophon). For the different treatments, variations in root length under gnotobiotic conditions were compared. Canola, lettuce, tomato, and wheat responded to all of the treatments in a similar manner: The root lengths increased when seeds were treated with P. putida GR 12–2 and/or AVG but not with the mutant strain, in comparison with a MgSO4 control treatment, while the ethophon treatment inhibited root elongation. With barley and oat, none of the treatments had any effect on root lengths; however, when the ethophon concentration was increased, root elongation of these two plants was also inhibited. These observations are consistent with a model in which promotion of root growth by P. putida GR 12–2 is a consequence of inhibition of ethylene production within the developing seedling.
Transient water stress, followed by a recovery period, resulted in a decline in the longevity of cut carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L., cv. White Sim) flowers. This was accompanied by a sharp decrease in the phospholipid content of the petal membranes. The content of 1,2-diacylglycerol in a plasma membrane enriched fraction, expressed as a fraction of total phospholipids, increased with water stress and decreased during recovery, as did the concentration of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate in the tissue water. These results suggest that water stress in carnation flowers causes the release of both of these putative secondary messengers. This may in turn lead to the induction of processes associated with accelerated senescence.
A short and temporary water stress imposed on cut carnation flowers (Dianthus caryophyllus L., cv. White Sim) flowers advanced senescence symptoms, including ethylene production and wilting. Pretreatment with amino-oxyacetic acid (AOA) resulted in an increase of the resistance of the flowers to water stress: water loss during stress was reduced, recovery was more rapid and wilting was delayed. Water stress accelerated the decrease in level of membrane phospholipids, but pretreatment with AOA counteracted this effect. Since the content of membrane sterols was not affected by the treatments, the mole ratio of sterol to phospholipid increased in water-stressed flower petals but not in stressed flowers pretreated with AOA. Membrane permeability and fluidity were also adversely affected by water stress and AOA: water stress alone resulted in an increase in permeability and a decrease in fluidity, but in AOA-pretreated stressed flower petals these parameters were similar to those of nonstressed control flower petals. On the basis of these results two main conclusions can be drawn: (a) Water stress induces alterations in the physical and compositional properties of carnation petal membranes, (b) Pretreatment of the flowers with AOA influences petal membrane traits, most probably via modifications in phospholipid turnover, in a way which counteracts the effects of water stress.