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Nanomedicine in pulmonary delivery

Taylor & Francis
International Journal of Nanomedicine
  • Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, USA

Abstract and Figures

The lung is an attractive target for drug delivery due to noninvasive administration via inhalation aerosols, avoidance of first-pass metabolism, direct delivery to the site of action for the treatment of respiratory diseases, and the availability of a huge surface area for local drug action and systemic absorption of drug. Colloidal carriers (ie, nanocarrier systems) in pulmonary drug delivery offer many advantages such as the potential to achieve relatively uniform distribution of drug dose among the alveoli, achievement of improved solubility of the drug from its own aqueous solubility, a sustained drug release which consequently reduces dosing frequency, improves patient compliance, decreases incidence of side effects, and the potential of drug internalization by cells. This review focuses on the current status and explores the potential of colloidal carriers (ie, nanocarrier systems) in pulmonary drug delivery with special attention to their pharmaceutical aspects. Manufacturing processes, in vitro/in vivo evaluation methods, and regulatory/toxicity issues of nanomedicines in pulmonary delivery are also discussed.
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International Journal of Nanomedicine 2009:4 299–319
International Journal of Nanomedicine
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Nanomedicine in pulmonary delivery
Heidi M Mansour
Yun-Seok Rhee
Xiao Wu
University of Kentucky,
College of Pharmacy, Division
of Pharmaceutical Sciences-Drug
Development Division, Lexington,
Correspondence: Heidi M Mansour
Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical
Sciences and Pharmaceutical Technology,
University of Kentucky, College of
Pharmacy, Division of Pharmaceutical
Sciences-Drug Development Division, 725
Rose Street, Lexington, KY 40536, USA
Tel +1 859 257 1571
Abstract: The lung is an attractive target for drug delivery due to noninvasive administration
via inhalation aerosols, avoidance of first-pass metabolism, direct delivery to the site of action
for the treatment of respiratory diseases, and the availability of a huge surface area for local
drug action and systemic absorption of drug. Colloidal carriers (ie, nanocarrier systems) in pul-
monary drug delivery offer many advantages such as the potential to achieve relatively uniform
distribution of drug dose among the alveoli, achievement of improved solubility of the drug
from its own aqueous solubility, a sustained drug release which consequently reduces dosing
frequency, improves patient compliance, decreases incidence of side effects, and the potential of
drug internalization by cells. This review focuses on the current status and explores the potential
of colloidal carriers (ie, nanocarrier systems) in pulmonary drug delivery with special attention
to their pharmaceutical aspects. Manufacturing processes, in vitro/in vivo evaluation methods,
and regulatory/toxicity issues of nanomedicines in pulmonary delivery are also discussed.
Keywords: pulmonary delivery, colloidal carriers, nanocarrier systems, liposome, polymeric
nanoparticle, solid lipid nanoparticle, submicron emulsion, dendrimer
Burgeoning interest in colloidal carriers (nanocarrier systems) has led to increasing
attention for pulmonary drug delivery. The lung is an attractive target for drug delivery
due to noninvasive means to provide not only local lung effects but possibly high
systemic bioavailability, avoidance of first-pass metabolism, more rapid onset of
therapeutic action, and the availability of a huge surface area.1,2 Nanocarrier systems
in pulmonary drug delivery offer many advantages. These advantages include the
following: 1) the potential to achieve relatively uniform distribution of drug dose
among the alveoli; 2) an achievement of enhanced solubility of the drug than its
own aqueous solubility; 3) the sustained-release of drug which consequently reduces
the dosing frequency; 4) suitability for delivery of macromolecules; 5) decreased
incidence of side effects; 6) improved patient compliance; and 7) the potential of drug
internalization by cells.3,4
Nanotechnology has been described as the manipulation, precision placement,
measurement, modeling or manufacture of matter in the sub-100 nm range,5 although,
depending on the context, the term sometimes identifies particles in the 1 to 200 nm
range.3,6 However, the 100 nm limit is constraining, as in effect it would disregard
many recent achievements and a plethora of basic science (interfacial and colloidal
chemistry) literature and pharmaceutical research literature reports. In addition, there
are a number of literature reports in both the basic science and pharmaceutical literature
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which scientifically define dimensions of nanoparticles
ranging in size from 1 to 1000 nm.3,7–9 In drug delivery
systems, submicron size is significant because biodistribu-
tion of submicron particles are critical and some safety issues
may be occurred when we use microparticles. For instance,
after intravenous injection of parenteral formulation, large
particles (5 µm) can cause pulmonary embolism, which
can induce fatal results,10,11 therefore submicron particle size
is required for parenteral formulations. Although the upper
limit of particle size for ophthalmic application is about 5 µm,
the optimum particle size is less than 1,000 nm because a
scratching feeling can occur when microparticles are applied
to the eyes.12 Phagocytosis is sensitive to particle size, and it
is generally thought that particles of 0.5–3 µm in diameter
are taken up by macrophages,13 and particles of less than
0.26 µm can escape from phagocytosis by macrophages.1
Phagocytosis is also the main mechanism responsible for
the rapid clearance of particulate drug delivery systems from
the body. Furthermore, cytosolic delivery of drugs can be
achieved by endocytosis of submicron drug carriers. There-
fore, in this review, the authors consider all particulates for
which at least one dimension is 1–1000 nm.
There are numerous applications for nanotechnology,
however, especially the treatment, diagnosis, monitoring and
control of biological systems have recently been referred to as
‘nanomedicine’by the National Institutes of Health (Bethesda,
MD, USA).14 In short, nanomedicine is the application of nano-
technology to medicine, and two main types of nanomedicine
products are currently in clinical trials: diagnostic tests and
drug delivery devices.15 Over the past decades, efforts have
been focused on the development of nanomedicines such as
nanoparticles, liposomes, nanoemulsions, or dendrimers for the
specific delivery of drugs to the target tissues.
The modern inhalation devices can be divided into
three different categories, nebulizers, pressurized metered
dose inhalers (pMDI), and dry powder inhalers (DPI).1
In most cases, nanocarriers can be delivered to the lungs by
nebulization of colloidal dispersions or using pMDIs and
DPIs in solid form.1,3 Due to small size and strong particle-
particle interactions of nanocarriers, particle agglomeration
and settlement can occur in colloidal dispersions. Moreover,
chemical instability of colloidal dispersions is another issue
owing to carrier hydrolysis and drug degradation. To improve
physical and chemical instability of nanocarrier dispersions,
freeze-drying of nanocarriers has been explored as a means
to provide a storage form. However, redispersibility and the
use of stabilizers for lyophilization are still problematic in
nebulization. The use of a nanocarrier itself for delivery to
lungs is severely limited because individual nanocarriers do
not deposit efficiently in the lungs by diffusion, sedimentation
or impaction, which results in the exhalation of a majority
of the inhaled dose.3 Therefore, micron-sized powder carri-
ers containing nanoparticles or agglomerated nanoparticles
were designed to improve the inhalation aerosol delivery
of nanoparticles for deep lung delivery by using MDIs and
DPIs.1 A thorough discussion of incorporating nanopar-
ticles into micron-scale structures or processing methods
for agglomerated nanoparticles are beyond the scope of
this review, but the topic has been recently reviewed else-
This review focuses on the current status and explores
the potential of colloidal carriers (nanocarrier systems) in
pulmonary drug delivery with special attention to and in
depth presentation of their pharmaceutical aspects. Manu-
facturing processes, in vitro/in vivo evaluation methods, and
regulatory/toxicity issues of nanomedicines in pulmonary
delivery are also presented and discussed.
Drugs for inhalation
Various drugs are investigated for local or systemic
pulmonary delivery.2 These include small molecules, protein/
peptide drug and genes (Table 1). In case of small molecule
drugs, many studies were focused on local application for the
treatment of chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma and
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However,
pulmonary protein/peptide delivery offers great potential for
both local targeting for the treatment of respiratory diseases
and systemic targeting for the treatment of diabetes mellitus
or thrombosis. Gene delivery to the lungs are mainly focused
on the localized delivery of drugs to the site of disease, the
lungs and airways, including lung cancer, genetic disorders
affecting the airways (cystic fibrosis, alpha-1-antitrypsin defi-
ciency), obstructive lung diseases (asthma), and vaccination.
Since original aerosol technology was developed for small
molecule drugs, it is necessary to evolve the reengineering
of nanocarrier self-assembly systems for macromolecular
pulmonary delivery.17 Examples of drugs for pulmonary
nanocarrier systems are shown in Figure 1.18–28,29–76
Nanocarrier systems for pulmonary
drug delivery
Polymeric nanoparticulate pulmonary
Polymeric nanoparticles are widely studied in drug
delivery system for parenteral administration;77,78 however
International Journal of Nanomedicine 2009:4 301
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Table 1 Examples of drugs for pulmonary delivery using colloidal carrier self-assembly systems
Therapeutic areas and drugs Drug typesaColloidal carrier self-assembly
systems and referencesb
Asthma (anti-inammatory)
Budesonide S LP,2,3 DN4,5
Syk antisense oligodeoxynucleotides G LP6
Ketotifen S LP7
Ibuprofen S DN8
Interleukin-4 antisense oligodeoxynucleotides G PN9
Indomethacin, ketoprofen S SLN10
Vasoactive intestinal peptide P LP,11–13 PN14
Dexamethasone palmitate S LP15
Fluticasone S DN5
Pulmonary hypertension
Vasoactive intestinal peptidecP LP,11–13 PN14
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) gene G LP16
Nuclear factor kB decoy oligodeoxynucleotides G NP17
Nifedipine S DN18
Cystic brosis
Amiloride hydrochloride S LP19
Secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor P LP20
Tobramycin S LP,21,22 DN23
Rifampicin S LP,24–27 PN,28–31 SLN32
Isoniazid, pyrazinamide S PN,28,29 LP,27 SLN32
Ciprooxacin S LP33,34
Amphotericin B S LP35,36
Itraconazole S DN37–40
Lung cancers
Interleukin-2 P LP41
p53 gene G PN42–45
9-nitrocamptothecin S LP46
Leuprolide P LP47
Doxorubicin S PN48
Programmed cell death protein 4 (PDCD4) P PN49,50
Antisense oligonucleotide 2’-O-methyl-RNA G PN51
Akt1 (protein kinase B) siRNA G PN52,53
quinolin-7-one dihydrochloride
S PN54
Mutative defects in lung
Chimeric oligonucleotide G PN55
Immune modulators
Cyclosporine A P LP,56 DN57,58
Tacrolimus S LP59
HLA-A*0201-restricted T-cell epitopes from Mycobacterium tuberculosis G PN60
V1Jns plasmid encoding antigen 85B from M. tuberculosis G SE61
Reactive oxygen species mediated diseases
Superoxide dismutase P LP62–64
International Journal of Nanomedicine 2009:4
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their application to the pulmonary routes are also widely
recognized.4 The main roles of polymeric nanoparticles
in drug delivery system are to carry the drug molecules,
to protect drugs from degradation, and to control drug
release.78 Therapeutically used polymeric nanoparticles are
composed of biodegradable or biocompatible materials,
such as poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL), poly(lactic acid)
(PLA), poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA), alginic acid,
gelatin and chitosan. Various polymers for pulmonary
drug delivery using nanocarrier systems are shown in
Table 2. The chemical structures of polymers for polymeric
nanoparticles used in pulmonary delivery systems are shown
Figure 2.26,29,38,39,54–57,59,61,69,70,74,75,79–93
Due to their biocompatibility, surface modification
capability, and sustained-release properties, polymeric
nanoparticles are intensively studied using various impor-
tant pulmonary drugs. These pulmonary drug include anti-
asthmatic drugs,22,26 antituberculosis drugs,38,39 pulmonary
hypertension drugs,29 and anticancer drugs.54 However, to
avoid accumulation of polymer carriers following repeated
dosing, the biodegradability and toxicity of polymers over
the long term should be closely examined in the formula-
tion of polymeric nanoparticles for pulmonary delivery.
Additionally, in vitro lung surfactant models and in vivo
studies are required to establish the pulmonary acceptability
of polymeric nanocarrier systems, as polymers and their
degradation products can affect the vital surfactant properties
in the alveoli which in turn will affect pulmonary immunity
control and adversely affect the work of breathing.
Although cationic lipid-based gene carriers are currently
being clinically evaluated further than polymer-based gene
carriers,94 cationic polymers are one of the popular carriers
for gene delivery to the lungs.95,96 Although polyethylenei-
mine (PEI) and polyamino acids, such as poly-l-lysine, have
been shown to be effective agents for DNA delivery both
in vitro and in vivo,97,98 cytotoxicity99 and low transfection
efficacy problems when delivered via inhalation have to be
overcome.100 To solve these problems, various modifica-
tions of PEI with liposomes/PEGs or conjugations of PEI
with ligands such as transferrin have been investigated
extensively.101–107 Noninvasive pulmonary gene delivery using
cationic polymers has been reviewed in detail elsewhere.95
Liposomal pulmonary delivery
Liposomes are one of the most extensively investigated
systems for controlled delivery of drug to the lung.108
Liposomes seem particularly appropriate for therapeutic
agent delivery to lung, since these vesicles can be prepared
from compounds endogenous to the lungs, such as the
components of lung surfactant, and these properties make
liposomes attractive candidates as drug delivery vehicles.37
The first pharmaceutical liposomal products in market
include the synthetic lung surfactant Alveofact® (Dr Karl
Thomae GmbH, Biberach, Germany) for pulmonary instil-
lation for the treatment of respiratory distress syndrome
(RDS).109 Typically, liposomal formulations have been
delivered to the lung in the liquid state, and nebulizers have
been used extensively for the aerosol delivery of liposomes
in the liquid state.110 However, concerns arise from drug
stability in the liquid state and leakage when nebuliz-
ers are used to deliver a liposomal encapsulated agent.111
Recently, liposomal dry powder formulations have been
intensively examined in order to successfully circumvent
these issues.72,112–114 Liposomal dry powder formulations have
been shown to be very promising in the delivery of various
types of pulmonary drugs and some of these formulations
are currently in clinical trials.
Much interest has focused on cationic liposomes for
pulmonary gene delivery because cationic liposomes offer
the advantage of self-assembly with DNA material through
favorable cationic–anionic electrostatic interactions.
Additional advantages include evasion from complement
Table 1 (Continued)
Therapeutic areas and drugs Drug typesaColloidal carrier self-assembly
systems and referencesb
Parathyroid disease
Elcatonin P PN65
Insulin P PN,66 LP,67,68 SLN69
Low molecular weight heparin P DD70,71
Urokinase P PN72
Notes: aS, small molecules; P, protein/peptide; G, gene; bDN, drug nanoparticle; PN, polymeric nanoparticle; LP, liposome; SLP, solid lipid nanoparticle; DD, dendrimer;
SE, submicron emulsion; cCan be used for treatment of pulmonary hypertension as well as asthma.
International Journal of Nanomedicine 2009:4 303
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inactivation after in vivo administration, the low cost and
relative ease in producing nucleic acid–liposome com-
plexes in large scale.95 After first report of inhalation gene
delivery success,115 many reports have been published
on gene delivery using cationic liposomes by pulmonary
administration.104,116–123 Many recent reviews95,124,125 present
gene delivery system using cationic liposomes. Moreover,
liposomes conjugated with cell-penetrating peptides are
recognized as potential nanocarrier systems for intracel-
lular delivery of macromolecules to the lung. Liposomes
modified with cell-penetrating peptides, antennapedia,
the HIV-1 transcriptional activator, and octaarginine have
been reported to enhance the cellular uptake of liposomes
to airway cells.126
Solid lipid nanoparticles in pulmonary
Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) are made from solid
lipids (ie, lipids solid at room temperature), surfactant(s)
and water.127 Since the beginning of 1990s, the SLNs have
been focused on an alternative to polymeric nanopar-
ticles.109 The advantages of drug release from SLNs in the
Cyclosporine A
Low molecular weight heparin (Enoxaparin) Vasoactive intestinal peptide
Glu Gln Cys
Cys Thr Ser
lle Cys Ser Leu
Leu Leu Leu Val Cys Gly
Thr Thr
Asn Tyr Cys Asn
Gln His Gly His Leu
Val Ala
Ser Asp Val Phe Asp Asn
Tyr Thr
lle Tyr
Arg Leu
3or 10
or or
Figure 1 Examples of drugs for pulmonary colloidal carriers (nanocarrier systems).
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lung are control of the release profile, achievement of a
prolonged release and having a faster in vivo degradation
compared to particles made from PLA or PLGA. In addi-
tion, SLNs proved to possess a higher tolerability in the
lungs compared to particles made from some polymeric
materials.109 ,128 ,12 9 Although SLNs for the pulmonary
delivery is not fully appreciated, toxicological profile of
SLNs, when using physiological lipids, is expected to be
better than that of polymer-based systems, because physi-
ological lipids have little or no cytotoxicicity.130,131 It is
feasible that aqueous suspensions and perhaps dry powder
formulations of SLN can be used for pulmonary inhalation
Table 2 Various polymers for colloidal pulmonary drug delivery systems
Polymers Drugs and references Size
Sodium alginate Rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide29 235.5 nm
Chitosan Plasmid DNA77 91–164 nm
Small interfering RNA78 40–600 nm
Chitosan/tripolyphosphate Insulin79 300–388 nm
Trisaccharide-substituted chitosan Plasmid DNA80 77–90 nm
Urocanic acid–modied chitosan Programmed cell death protein 450 NA
Gelatin type A Fuoresceinamine81 277.8 nm
Gelatin type B Sulforhodamine 101 acid chloride82 242 ± 14 nm
PEGylated gelatin Plasmid DNA83 100–500 nm
Polybutylcyanoacrylate Insulin66 254.7 nm
Doxorubicin84 173 ± 43 nm
Ciprooxacin85 156–259 nm
PLGA Rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide28 570–680 nm
PEG-PLGA Nuclear factor κB decoy oligodeoxynucleotide17 44 nm
Chitosan-modied PLGA Elcatonin65 650 nm
Chitosan/PLGA Antisense oligonucleotide 2-O-methyl-RNA51 135–175 nm
Poly[vinyl 3-(diethylamino)propylcarbamate-co-vinyl
acetate-covinyl alcohol]-graft-PLGA
5(6)-carboxyuorescein86 195.3 ± 7.1 nm
Protamine-oligonucleotide Vasoactive intestinal peptide14 177–318 nm
PEI Chimeric oligonucleotide55 30–100 nm
Plasmid DNA87 50–100 nm
PEI-alt-PEG Small interfering RNA53 NA
Glucosylated PEI Programmed cell death protein 449 NA
Galactose-PEG-PEI Plasmid DNA88 105–210 nm
Cell-penetrating peptides-PEG-PEI Plasmid DNA89 113–296 nm
PEGylated poly-l-lysine Plasmid DNA90,91 211 ± 29 nm
G9 PAMAM Plasmid DNA92 NA
G2/G3 PAMAM Low molecular weight heparin70 NA
Pegylated G3 PAMAM Low molecular weight heparin71 17.1 ± 3.3 nm
Abbreviations: PEG, poly(ethylene glycol); PLGA, poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid); PEI, poly(ethylenimine); PAMAM, polyamidoamine; NA, not available.
International Journal of Nanomedicine 2009:4 305
Nanomedicine in pulmonary delivery
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aerosol administration of drugs using nebulizers and dry
powder inhalers.109
Several studies have been published on the pulmonary
applications of SLNs as local delivery carriers for
small molecules42 or as systemic delivery carriers for
macromolecules.73,132 Pandey and Khuller42 studied the
chemotherapeutic potential of SLNs incorporating rifam-
picin, isoniazid and pyrazinamide against experimental
tuberculosis, and observed the slow and sustained-release
of drugs from the SLNs in vitro and in vivo. Gene delivery
Figure 2 Chemical structures of polymers for polymeric nanoparticles in pulmonary delivery systems.
Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) Chitosan Polybutylcyanoacrylate
Linear polyethyleneimine Branched polyethyleneimine
Gelatin G3 Dendrimer
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of SLN-based gene vectors was introduced by Rudolph and
colleagues.132 They reported that SLN gene vectors mediate
gene expression in the mouse lungs upon aerosol application,
which was increased by the TAT peptide, and aerosol
application of fragile gene delivery systems can be achieved
by a mild nebulization technology based on a novel perforated
membrane technology. Liu and colleagues73 studied novel
nebulizer-compatible SLNs containing insulin for pulmonary
delivery. They concluded that SLNs could be successfully
applied as a pulmonary carrier system for insulin, which
might provide novel solutions to the currently unmet medical
needs for systemic delivery of proteins.
Deposition and clearance of SLNs were assessed by
Videira and colleagues133,134 after inhalation of aerosolized
insoluble particles using gamma-scintigraphy imaging
analysis. It was observed that a few minutes after deposi-
tion, inhaled material began to translocate to regional lymph
nodes indicating that inhalation can be an effective route
to deliver drug-containing lipid partices to the lymphatic
systems and lipid particles can be used as potential drug
carriers for lung cancer therapy, as well as for vaccine
Submicron emulsions in pulmonary
Until now, the submicron emulsion system has not yet
been fully exploited for pulmonary drug delivery and very
little has been published in this area.65 Cationic submicron
emulsion loaded with Mycobacterium tuberculosis Ag85B
DNA vaccine was explored vaccine for the purpose of
pulmonary mucosal vaccination.65 Emulsion systems
have been introduced as alternative gene transfer vectors
to liposomes.135 Other emulsion studies for gene delivery
(nonpulmonary route) have shown that binding of the
emulsion/DNA complex was stronger than liposomal
carriers.136 This stable emulsion system delivered genes to
endothelial cells in the mouse nasal cavity more efficiently
than commercially available liposomes.137 Bivas-Benita
and colleagues65 have reported that cationic submicron
emulsions are promising carriers for DNA vaccines
to the lung since they are able to transfect pulmonary
epithelial cells, which possibly induce cross priming of
antigen-presenting cells and directly activate dendritic
cells, resulting in stimulation of antigen-specific T-cells.
Therefore the nebulization of submicron emulsions will
be a new and upcoming research area. However, exten-
sive studies are required for the successful formulation of
inhalable submicron emulsions due to possible adverse
effects of surfactants and oils on lung alveoli function
(adverse interactions with lung surfactant).
Dendrimer-based nanoparticles for lung
Dendrimers are polymers, which have hyperbranched
structures, with layered architectures.138 The research in
dendrimer-mediated drug delivery has mainly been focused
on the delivery of DNA drugs into the cell nucleus for gene
or antisense therapy, and many studies have been reported
on the possible use of dendrimers as nonviral gene transfer
agents.138 Several studies have been published regarding
pulmonary applications of dendrimers as systemic delivery
carriers for macromolecules.74,75,93,139
Kukowska-Latallo and colleagues93 investigated the
ability of polyamido amine (PAMAM) dendritic polymers
(dendrimers) to augment plasmid DNA gene transfer in vivo
and evaluates the targeting of the lung by alternative routes
of administration. They suggested that vascular administra-
tion seemed to achieve expression in the lung parenchyma,
mainly within the alveoli, while endobronchial administration
primarily targeted bronchial epithelium, indicating that each
delivery route requires different vectors to achieve optimal
transgene expression, that each approach appears to target
different cells within the lung.
Rudolph and colleagues139 compared the properties of
branched polyethylenimine (PEI) 25 kDa and fractured
PAMAM dendrimers for topical gene transfer to the air-
ways in vivo. Their results demonstrated that gene transfer
mediated by PEI under optimal conditions was two orders
of magnitude higher compared to fractured dendrimers.
Therefore, branched PEI 25 kDa was superior to fractured
dendrimers for gene delivery to the airways.
Bai and colleagues74 produced low molecular weight
heparin (LMWH)–dendrimer complex through electrostatic
interactions using various PAMAM dendrimers, then evalu-
ated both the safety and the efficacy of the drug–dendrimer
formulations in preventing deep vein thrombosis in vivo
and in situ. They concluded that cationic dendrimers can
be used as pulmonary delivery carriers for a relatively large
molecular weight anionic drug. These carriers bind anionic
drug molecules most likely via electrostatic interactions and
increase drug absorption through charge neutralization. In
addition, preliminary safety studies using the frog palate
model and bronchoalveolar lavage analysis suggest that
dendrimers could be viable carriers for pulmonary delivery
of LMWH. In another study the same group75 also inves-
tigated pegylated dendrimers (mPEG–dendrimer) in order
International Journal of Nanomedicine 2009:4 307
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to increase pulmonary absorption and circulation time
of the drug. Briefly, half-life and absorption of LMWH
administered via the pulmonary route can be increased by
encapsulating the drug in dendrimeric micelles, and their
study suggests that LMWH loaded in the mPEG–dendrimer
could potentially be used as noninvasive delivery system
for the treatment of thromboembolic disorder. However, the
potential of dendrimers in the pulmonary drug administration
route still remains as a challenge that needs further research
to achieve lower cytotoxicity and higher biocompatibility.
Manufacture of nanoparticulate
inhalation aerosols
In formulation preparation, several processing technologies
have been used to obtain nanoparticles for use as pulmonary
inhalation aerosols with desirable attributes, such as narrow
particle size distribution, enhanced stability, controlled and
targeted release, and improved bioavailability. Jet-milling of
the drug under nitrogen gas is the traditional way of creating
respirable aerosol particles in the solid-state.140,141 The basic
procedure of jet-milling is to grind a bulk crystallized par-
ticles into small particles by one of the following mechanical
forces: pressure, friction, attrition, impact, or shear. However,
up until very recently, this technology had a limitation to
generate particles in the nanosized range, although a few
cases have been reported to produce nanoparticles, such as
insulin nanoparticles142 and budesonide nanoparticles,143 by
wet milling process. The recent availability of new nanojet
milling instruments which produce nanoparticles by jet
milling may increase the routine use of creating nanoparticles
by this method.
More sophisticated and advanced manufacturing
technologies are utilized to produce respirable aerosol
nanoparticles. These respirable particles may be encapsu-
lated in microparticles in the respirable aerodynamice size
range of 1–5 microns or the nanoparticles may be designed
to aggregate to a favorable aerodynamic size range. These
manufacturing nanotechnologies include spray drying (some-
times referred to as advanced spray drying or nanospray
drying), spray-freeze drying, supercritical fluid technology,
double emulsion/solvent evaporation technology, antisolvent
precipitation, particle replication in nonwetting templates
(PRINT), and thermal condensation using capillary aerosol
Spray-drying is an advanced pharmaceutical manufacturing
process used to efficiently produce respirable colloidal
particles in the solid-state.144,145 In the process, the feed
solution is supplied at room temperature and pumped to the
nozzle where it is atomized by the nozzle gas. The atomized
solution is then dried by preheated drying gas in a special
chamber to remove water moisture from the system, thus
forming dry particles. These prepared particles are collected
with a cyclone separation device. A schematic representation
of a spray drying process is shown in Figure 3.
The spray-drying process is suitable for thermolabile
materials such as proteins and peptides, because mechanical
high energy input is avoided in this process.146–148 Moreover,
the spray-drying system can be modified to meet specific
needs. For example, Maa and colleagues149 replaced the
bag-filter unit of a spray-drying system with a vacuum to
reduce the drying airflow resistance. It allows the protein
(recombinant humanized anti-lgE antibody) to be dried at a
much lower temperature than usual and the production scale
to be increased.146 In another study, poly(lactic-co-glycolic
acid) particles containing proteins were successfully dried by
ultrasonic atomization of feed solution into an atmosphere
under reduced pressure.147 Solution spray-drying ensures
compositional homogeneity of the drug powder, since the
drug and the excipients are dissolved prior to the process.
More importantly, spray-drying can result in uniform particle
morphology.114,149,150 In industry, spray-drying is a continu-
ous production method, scalable for commercial production
Lactose monohydrate is the only US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA)-approved sugar carrier for dry pow-
der aerosol formulations and one of a few FDA approved
excipients.151 For example, lactose with either gelatin or
poly(butylcyanoacrylate) nanoparticles were spray dried to
produce particles for pulmonary delivery.84 Lactose in solid
form can be either crystalline as lactose monohydrate or
amorphous as lactose. Crystalline lactose can exist in one of
two distinct forms: α-lactose monohydrate (Figure 4a) and
anhydrous β-lactose (Figure 4b). Amorphous lactose may
contain both α- and β-lactose molecules that are arranged
in a more or less random state. α-lactose monohydrate and
anhydrous β-lactose are superior in offering better physical
stability than amorphous lactose as the later has a tendency
to recrystallize spontaneously.152,153 A disadvantage of lactose
monohydrate, a reducing sugar, as a sugar carrier and/or
excipient in the solid-state is that it participates in Maillard
decomposition reactions with certain small molecular weight
pulmonary drugs (eg, budesonide, formoterol), proteins
and peptides.154 Recently, D-mannitol, a nonreducing sugar
alcohol, whose molecular structure is shown in Figure 4c, has
International Journal of Nanomedicine 2009:4
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been used as an alternative sugar carrier of pulmonary drugs
in dry powder inhalation aerosols, since it does not participate
in the solid-state decomposition Maillard reaction.155
Spray-freeze-drying (SFD)
Spray-freeze-drying (SFD) is an advanced particle
engineering method which combines spray-drying and
freeze-drying processing steps. This technique involves
the atomization of an aqueous drug solution into a spray
chamber filled with a cryogenic liquid (liquid nitrogen)
or halocarbon refrigerant such as chlorofluorocarbon or
fluorocarbon.156 The water is removed by sublimation after
the liquid droplets solidify.157 SFD is capable of producing
porous particles with high fine particle fraction (FPF) at
subambient temperatures.157 They are usually low-density
composite amorphous particles with high specific surface
area.158 Thermolabile protein and peptide substances, such
as insulin159 and plasmid DNA,160 can also be formulated into
dry powder inhalation products by SFD.
Supercritical uid technology (SCF)
The basic feature of the supercritical fluid process is the
controlled crystallization of drugs from dispersion in super-
critical fluids, carbon dioxide. This method has demon-
strated a wide range of application in producing pulmonary
inhalable formulations.23,161,162 Supercritical fluid technology
can be divided into several classes. The most important two
are supercritical antisolvent precipitation (SAS)163,164 and
supercritical fluid extraction of emulsions (SFEE).165,166
The fundamental mechanism of SAS is based on rapid
precipitation when a drug solution is brought into contact
with a supercritical CO2. SFEE is based on extraction of
the organic phase in oil-in-water or multiple emulsions
using supercritical CO2.165,166 The schematic representation
of SAS and SFEE processes is shown in Figure 5. Because
most of the drugs (eg, asthma drugs) are not soluble in
CO2, SAS processes provide an easy and excellent way
to produce dry powder inhalation formulations.163,164
SFEE can provide uniform crystalline drug nanoparticles,
composite nanoparticles containing polymeric materials
and the drugs, and nanosuspensions.165,166 For instance,
Chattopadhyay and colleagues23 used a continuous SFEE
method to produce nanoparticle suspensions containing one
of three lipids (tripalmitin, tristearin, or gelucire 50/13),
and one of two model drugs (indomethacin or ketoprofen).
The first step of this process was to produce nanoemulsions
by mixing organic phase containing lipids, a selected drug
and chloroform with aqueous phase containing sodium gly-
cocholate, under high pressure homogenization. Then the
nanoemulsions were introduced to an extraction chamber
countercurrently to a stream of supercritical CO2. The CO2
extracted the organic solvent from the dispersed droplets,
Figure 3 A schematic representation of the spray-drying process.
feed solution
nozzle gas
drying gas
exhaust gas
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forming nanoparticles with a volume mean diameter
between 10–30 nm with a high drug loading efficiency for
the gelucire particles (80%–90%). In another example,
nanoparticles containing cholesterol acetate (CA), griseo-
fulvin (GF), and megestrol acetate (MA) were produced by
extraction of the internal phase of oil-in-water emulsions
using supercritical carbon dioxide.165 This method offered
advantages such as the control of particle size, crystallinity,
and surface properties. Meanwhile, it shortened the pro-
cessing time, improved the product purity, and reduced the
large waste streams.
Double emulsion/solvent evaporation
Respiratory nanoparticle formation from double emulsion/
solvent evaporation system involves preparation of oil/water
(o/w) emulsions with subsequent removal of the oil phase
(ie, typically a volatile organic solvent) through evapora-
tion. The emulsions are usually prepared by emulsifying
the organic phase containing the drug, polymer and organic
solvent in an aqueous solution containing emulsifier. The
organic solvent diffuses out of the polymer phase and into the
aqueous phase, and is then evaporated, forming drug-loaded
polymeric nanoparticles. By this method, biodegradable
polymers, including poly(l-lactic acid) (PLA), poly(glycolic)
acid (PGA), and poly(lactide-co-glycolide) acid (PLGA),
have been intensively investigated as carriers for solid drug
Antisolvent precipitation
Crystalline drug particles with narrow size distribution
could be prepared by direct controlled crystallization.168 This
process involves antisolvent precipitation of drug solution in
a water-miscible organic solvent, followed by addition of a
bridging solvent, which is immiscible or partially miscible
with water. Growth-retarding stabilizing additives, such as
hydroxylpropylmethylcellulose (HPMC), is usually added in
the medium to yield particles with small size. The precipi-
tated drug crystals exhibit a high FPF and low amorphous
Particle replication in nonwetting
templates (PRINT)
PRINT is a top-down particle fabrication technique devel-
oped by Dr. Joseph DeSimone and his group. This tech-
nique is able to generate uniform populations of organic
micro- and nanoparticles with complete control of size,
shape and surface functionality, and permits the loading
of delicate cargos such as small organic therapeutics, pep-
tides, proteins, oligonucleotides, siRNA, contrast agents,
radiotracers, and fluorophores.170–172 All these features are
essential for controlling in vivo transport, biodistribution,
Figure 4 Molecular structures of sugar carriers: A) α-lactose monohydrate, B) anhydrous β-lactose and C) D-mannitol.
A) B)
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and drug-release mechanisms of nanoparticles. The principle
of PRINT is to utilize a low surface energy fluoropolymeric
mold that enables high-resolution imprint lithography, an
emerging technique from the microelectronics industry, to
fabricate a variety of organic particles. PRINT is therefore
an adaptation of lithographic techniques found in the micro-
electronics industry to fabricate carriers of precise size for
use in nanomedicine. Through the use of an appropriately
designed master template, PRINT can precisely manipulate
particle size ranging from 20 nm to more than 100 µm. The
shape of particles can be sphere, cylinder, discs, and toroid
with defined aspect ratios. PRINT is a promising and novel
technology in nanoparticulate design and manufacture for
use in pulmonary delivery.
Thermal condensation aerosols
Thermal condensation is a cutting edge technology which
uses capillary aerosol generator (CAG) to produce high
concentration condensation submicron to micron sized
aerosols from drug solutions. The drug solution is pumped
through a heated capillary tube. Precisely controlled heating
of the capillary causes the solution to evaporate. Formula-
tion vapor exiting the tip of the capillary tube mixes with the
cooler surrounding air, and then becomes supersaturated and
initiates nucleation. The condensation of surrounding vapor
onto the generated nuclei results in an aerosol. Various drugs,
such as perphenazine,173 prochlorperazine,174 rizatriptan175
and benzyl,176 have been aerosolized using this technique.
Propylene glycol (PG) is a popular solvent chosen to dissolve
the drugs.177 However, in some cases, rapid heating of thin
films of pharmaceutical compounds can also vaporize the
molecules, leading to formation of aerosol particles of
optimal size for pulmonary drug delivery.178 By controlling
the film thickness, the purity of aerosols can be enhanced by
reducing the amount of aerosol decomposition.179
In vitro evaluation methods
for pulmonary drug delivery systems
In vitro characterization of
nanoparticulate aerosol systems
Nanoparticles for pulmonary drug delivery can be evaluated
by comprehensive characterization methods. Table 3 lists
several important techniques as well as their functions in the
in vitro characterization study of the behavior of nanopar-
ticulate pulmonary inhalation aerosols.180
Inertial impaction is the standard method to measure the
particle or droplet aerodynamic size from pharmaceutical
aerosol delivery systems.181,182 It describes the phenomenon
of the deposition of aerosol particles on the walls of an airway
conduct. The impaction (obstruction) tends to occur where
the airway direction changes. The big particles have high
momentum (inertia) and are more likely to travel in the initial
direction of airflow, while those with low momentum adjust
to the new direction of flow and pass around the obstruction.
Inertial impaction employs Stokes’ law to determine the
aerodynamic diameter of particles being evaluated. This has
the advantage of incorporating shape and density effects into
a single term.141
In addition to the conventional commercially avail-
able cascade impactors, MSP Corporation (Minneapolis,
MN, USA) has recently developed a new commercially
available nanomicroorifice uniform deposition impactor
(Nano-MOUDI) device with high accuracy in sampling
and collecting size-fractionated airborne particle samples
and pharmaceutical aerosol particle samples for gravimetric
and/or chemical analysis. The Nano-MOUDI differs from
conventional cascade impactors by using microorifice nozzles
to reduce the jet velocity, pressure drop, particle bounce, and
evaporative loss. These impactors also have a uniform deposit
feature by rotating the impaction plates with respect to the
Table 3 Methods to characterize the physicochemical and aerodynamic properties of particles (microparticles and nanoparticles) for
pulmonary inhalation delivery
Technology Function
Inertial impaction Measurement of the aerodynamic size of particles
XRPD Measurement of molecular long-range vs short-range order
DSC Measurement the phase transitions and phase behavior
SEM Visualization of the surface morphology of particles
AFM Surface nanotopographical imaging, surface free energy measurements, and measure of interparticulate forces
IGC Determination of the surface free energy of bulk powders
Karl Fisher titration Analytical quantication of water content in pharmaceutical powders, liquids, and semi-solids
Abbreviations: AFM, atomic force microscopy; DSC, differential scanning calorimetry; IGC, indocyanine green; SEM, scanning electron microscopy; XRPD, X-ray particle
International Journal of Nanomedicine 2009:4 311
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nozzles to spread out the particle deposit uniformly on the
collection substrates. The uniform deposit prevents heavy
particles build-up under each nozzle to reduce particle bounce
and blow-off that may otherwise occur. Nano-MOUDI is
also superior to conventional cascade impactors in its aero-
dynamic design features. It is designed to prevent cross-flow
interference between adjacent nozzles, which results in sharp
cut-size characteristics not available with other cascade
impactors. Because of its superior aerodynamic design and
outstanding performance characteristics, Nano-MOUDI
has an increasing application in environmental air quality
and air pollution studies.183–190 We believe its application in
pharmaceutical nanoaerosol drug delivery characterization
and modeling is very promising, as well.
X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) is one of the most
important characterization tools used in solid state chem-
istry and materials science, since it directly measures
the degree of molecular long-range vs short-range order.
Molecular long-range order is indicative of crystallinity,
while short-range order is indicative of noncrystallinity such
as liquid crystallinity and amorphicity. It gives information
about the extent and nature of crystallinity and molecular
order for solid-state materials, ie, how the atoms pack
together in the crystalline state and what the interatomic
distance and angle are.191–194
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is a powerful
and routinely used pharmaceutical thermal analytical method
for phase behavior study on polymorphs, hydrates, binding
interactions, amorphocity, thermotropic and lyotropic phase
transitions of pharmaceutical materials, including nanopar-
ticles. DSC directly measures the gain and loss of enthalpy,
that is, order-to-disorder (eg, melting) and disorder-to-order
(eg, crystallization) phase transitions.195
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is used to visualize
the surface morphology of particles with a high magnifica-
tion. The resolution allows identification of specific surface
features and asperities that lead to mechanical interlocking
(ie, structural cohesion) and that contain high-energy “active”
Figure 5 Schematic representations of A) SAS and B) SFEE processes.
CO2 supply
drug solution
back pressure regulator
CO2 supply
oil-in-water or
multiple emulsions
back pressure regulator
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sites on the surface which influence surface energetic
properties and interparticulate interactions and ultimately
influence aerosol dispersion performance.180 Surface and
interfacial/interparticulate forces are of great importance
in the properties of nanoparticles and in the properties of
aerosols. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is used in surface
nanotopographical imaging, measurement of surface energy,
and measurement of interparticulate forces. This microscopy
works in mesoscopic scale resolution (10-6–10-9 m).196
Inverse gas chromatography (IGC) measures the surface
free energy of bulk powders such as polymers, fibers, and
composite materials.197
Karl Fischer titration is used to analytically quantify
small amounts of water present in the inhalation powder
which has important consequences on capillary condensa-
tion (ie, capillary force is an important interparticulate force
in inhalation aerosol particles), solid-state phase behavior,
solid-state properties, and solid-state stability of pharmaceuti-
cal particles in the solid-state.198
In vitro pulmonary cell culture models
The lung can be anatomically divided into several parts:
the trachea, the main bronchi, the conducting bronchioles,
the terminal bronchioles and the alveoli.199,200 Drug delivery
via inhalation may be absorbed throughout the conducting
airway from the trachea down to the terminal bronchioles
and ultimately the distal alveoli.201 The airway and alveolar
epithelium of the lung, which have different cell types,
provide barrier capability to drug absorption.
In order to better understand the drug absorption process
in different regions (eg, tracheal, bronchial and alveolar) of
the respirable barriers, in vitro pulmonary cell culture models
have been developed.201–205 The cell lines used include A427,
A549, HBE14o, and the Calu line (-1, -2, and -3).205–210 These
are immortal (continuous) cell lines and hence have different
membrane structural features compared with mortal cell lines
which influence drug absorption and efflux. For example,
A549 cell line represents the alveolar type II pulmonary
epithelial cell, and has been reported to be an ideal model
to study the metabolic and macromolecule mechanisms of
drug delivery at the alveolar pulmonary epithelium because
the endocytic ability of the pulmonary epithelium and local-
ization of cytochrome P450 systems is largely a function
of type II pneumocytes.209 Calu-3 and HBE14o model the
upper airways (bronchi) and many studies have been con-
ducted on them. For example, the permeability data of small
lipophilic molecule (eg, testosterone) and high molecular
weight substance (eg, fluorescein isothiocyanate-transferrin)
across Calu-3 cell line has been examined by Foster and
colleagues.208 The authors demonstrated this cell line is
useful for studying the contributions of bronchial epithelial
cells to the mechanisms of drug delivery at the respiratory
epithelium. Similar conclusions were drawn when the appar-
ent permeability of the glucocorticosteroid budesonide was
Primary cultured cells have also been used in pulmonary
absorption and transport studies. These cell cultures have
advantages over continuous cells by exhibiting tight junc-
tions. It is important for cell cultures to form a sufficient and
appropriately tight polarized monolayer, so that the transport
kinetics of test molecules can be properly assessed.211
In vivo evaluation methods
for pulmonary drug delivery systems
Pharmacokinetic study after nebulization
of colloidal dispersion of drugs
Colloidal drug dispersions have been delivered to male ICR
mice via nebulization using a restraint-free small animal
inhalation dosing chamber. Then, the mice were sacrificed at
pre-determined time points post-dosing. Blood samples were
taken by cardiac puncture, and the lungs were harvested for
analysis by analytical instrument. From these experiments,
lung and serum (blood) pharmacokinetics of colloidal drug
dispersions can be determined as reported previously.212–214
Biodistribution study using radiolabeled
To assess the inhaled radiolabelled SLNs biodistribution,
nanoparticles (200 nm) were radiolabeled with 99mTc and
biodistribution studies were carried out following aerosolisa-
tion and administration of a 99mTc-HMPAO-SLNs suspension
to a group of adult male Wistar rats. After administration
of radiolabeled SLNs, dynamic image acquisition was
performed in a gamma-camera, followed by static image
collection. Then radiation counting was performed in organ
samples, collected after the animals were sacrificed. From
these experiments, biodistribution of SLNs can be traced
and evaluated.133,134
Fluorescence/bioluminescence imaging
systems for pulmonary gene delivery
Visualization and evaluation of both the pulmonary delivery
and the gene expression properties after dry powder
inhalation in mice were recently reported by Mizuno and
colleagues.215 It was shown that the pulmonary delivery and
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the gene expression can be evaluated using fluorescence
of indocyanine green (ICG) as a fluorescent label and the
detection of luciferase activity, respectively, by using a non-
destructive real-time in vivo imaging system. They concluded
that the dry powder containing both ICG and pCMV-Luc
was useful as a dual imaging system to visualize pulmonary
delivery and gene expression in mice.
Regulatory and toxicity issues
Inhaled microparticles and nanoparticles of different sizes
can target into different regions of respiratory tract, including
nasopharyngeal, tracheal, bronchial, and alveolar regions,
with several mechanisms. Meanwhile, the surface chemistry,
charge, shape and aggregation status of nanoparticles
also have influences on their disposition efficacy.216 For
example, inhaled large particles and nanoparticles deposit
in the respiratory tract by distinctive mechanisms. Large
particles deposit via inertial impaction, gravitation settling
and interception mechanisms, while nanoparticles deposits
via diffusion due to displacement when they collide with air
molecules. The presence of albumin217 and phospholipids
(eg, lecithin)218 in alveolar epithelial lining fluid is important
to facilitate epithelial cell uptake of nanoparticles after
deposition in the alveolar space. Nanoparticles coated
with them may translocate across the alveolo–capilliary
barrier, whereas uncoated particles do not. Therefore,
when evaluating the efficacy and fate of nanoparticles by
inhalation delivery, all the variables should be taken into
After delivery into the lung, some nanoparticles may be
translocated to extrapulmonary sites and reach other target
organs by cellular endocytosis, transcytosis, neuronal,219
epithelial220 and circulatory221 translocation and distribu-
tion, which makes them desirable for medical therapeutic
or diagnostic application. However, these features can also
pose potential toxicity. Transcytosis absorbs nanoparticles
and translocate them into the interstitial sites, where they
gain access to the blood circulation via lymphatics, resulting
in distribution throughout the body. Neuronal translocation
involves uptake of nanoparticles by sensory nerve endings
embedded in airway epithelia, followed by axonal transloca-
tion to ganglionic and central nerve systems (CNS) structures.
For example, nanoparticles facilitating drug delivery to the
CNS in the brain raises the question of fate of nanopar-
ticles after their translocation to the specific cell types or
to subcellular structures. This kind of questions includes
whether mitochondrial localization induces oxidative stress
and how persistent the coating or the core of nanoparticles
is, which is essential in nanoparticle toxicology and safety
The clearance of nanoparticles in the alveolar region is
predominantly mediated by alveolar macrophages, through
phagocytosis of deposited nanoparticles. After macrophages
recognize the deposited nanoparticles and phagocytize them,
macrophages with internalized nanoparticles gradually move
toward the mucociliary escalator, and then the clearance
process is started. The retention half-time of solid particles
in the alveolar region based on this mechanism is very
slow, up to 700 days in humans. Moreover, unlike larger
particles, results from several studies show the apparent inef-
ficiency of alveolar macrophage phagocytosis of nanosized
particles.223–225 The ultrafine nanoparticles are not easily
phagocytized by macrophages and, consequently, are not
readily cleared in the alveolar region.226 These nanoparticles
are either in epithelium cells or are further translocated to
the interstitium, which may cause a long-term accumulation
in the lung and subsequent toxicity issues.
According to the FDA guidance for dry powder inhaler
(DPI) drug products, α-lactose monohydrate is the only
approved sugar that can be used as a large carrier particle
in dry powder inhalation aerosol products to fluidize and
disperse the respiratory drug while itself not being delivered
to the lung. Other novel materials, including phospholipids,
specifically lecithin and amino acids (lysine, polylysine) have
also been developed for use in pulmonary formulations as
excipients that are delivered to the lung. A thorough assess-
ment of these alternatives associated with any inhalable
substance is required, from a variety of sources: human,
animal, and/or in vitro test models.227
Inhalable colloidal carriers (nanocarrier systems) offer
numerous advantages. The decrease in particle size leads
to an increase in surface area leading to enhanced dis-
solution rate, as well as relatively uniform distribution of
drug dose among the alveoli. In addition, by suspending
the drugs in nanoparticles, one can achieve a dose that is
higher than that offered by a pure aqueous solution, which
is thermodynamically limited by the aqueous solubility of
the drug. Nanocarrier systems can provide the advantage
of sustained-release in the lung tissue, resulting in reduced
dosing frequency and improved patient compliance. Local
delivery of inhalable nanocarriers may be a promising alter-
native to oral or intravenous administration, thus decreasing
the incidence of side effects associated with a high drug
serum concentration. As with all formulations designed for
International Journal of Nanomedicine 2009:4
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pulmonary drug delivery, the potential long-term risk of
excipient toxicity and nanoscale carrier itself are issues that
need to be considered in the successful product development
of pulmonary drug delivery systems. Nevertheless, their
inherently small size and surface modification properties
enable further opportunities for innovative controlled drug
release and pulmonary cell targeting therapeutic platforms.
The integration of nanotechnology and pulmonary delivery
has the potential to improve the targeting, release, and thera-
peutic effects of drugs and needle-free inhalation vaccines
with significant potential capability of overcoming the
physicochemical and biological hurdles.
The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.
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The use of nanomaterials in gene editing and synthetic biology has emerged as a pivotal strategy in the pursuit of refined treatment methodologies for pulmonary disorders. This review discusses the utilization of nanomaterial-assisted gene editing tools and synthetic biology techniques to promote the development of more precise and efficient treatments for pulmonary diseases. First, we briefly outline the characterization of the respiratory system and succinctly describe the principal applications of diverse nanomaterials in lung ailment treatment. Second, we elaborate on gene-editing tools, their configurations, and assorted delivery methods, while delving into the present state of nanomaterial-facilitated gene-editing interventions for a spectrum of pulmonary diseases. Subsequently, we briefly expound on synthetic biology and its deployment in biomedicine, focusing on research advances in the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary conditions against the backdrop of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Finally, we summarize the extant lacunae in current research and delineate prospects for advancement in this domain. This holistic approach augments the development of pioneering solutions in lung disease treatment, thereby endowing patients with more efficacious and personalized therapeutic alternatives.
Chemical, Material Sciences & Nano technology book series aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Chemical, Material Sciences & Nano technology. The field of advanced and applied Chemical, Material Sciences & Nano technology has not only helped the development in various fields in Science and Technology but also contributes the improvement of the quality of human life to a great extent. The focus of the book would be on state-of-the-art technologies and advances in Chemical, Material Sciences & Nano technology and to provides a remarkable opportunity for the academic, research and industrial communities to address new challenges and share solutions.
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Fixed dose combinations (FDCs) incorporating two or three medicines in a single inhaler have been created to enhance patient compliance and hence clinical outcomes. However, the development of dry powder inhalers (DPIs), particularly for FDCs, faces challenges pertinent to formulation uniformity and reproducibility. Therefore, this project aimed to employ nanotechnology to develop a FDC of DPIs for market-leading medicines—fluticasone propionate (FP) and salmeterol xinafoate (SAL)—for asthma management. Nanoaggregates were prepared using a novel biocompatible and biodegradable poly(ester amide) based on the amino acid tyrosine, utilising a one-step interfacial polymerisation process. The produced tyrosine poly (ester amide) drug-loaded nanoparticles were evaluated for content uniformity, PSA, FTIR, TEM, DSC, XRD and aerodynamic performance (in vitro and in vivo). The optimised formulation demonstrated high entrapment efficiency– > 90%. The aerodynamic performance in terms of the emitted dose, fine particle fraction and respirable dose was superior to the carrier-based marketed product. In-vivo studies showed that FP (above the marketed formulation) and SAL reached the lungs of mice in a reproducible manner. These results highlight the superiority of novel FDC FP/SAL nanoparticles prepared via a one-step process, which can be used as a cost-effective and efficient method to alleviate the burden of asthma.
Inhalable nanomedicines are increasingly being developed to optimise the pharmaceutical treatment of respiratory diseases. Large lipid-based nanosystems at the forefront of the inhalable nanomedicines development pipeline, though, have a number...
Over the past decades, research on nanomedicines as innovative tools in combating complex pathologies has increased tenfold, spanning fields from infectiology and ophthalmology to oncology. This process has further accelerated since the introduction of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. When it comes to human health, nano-objects are designed to protect, transport, and improve the solubility of compounds to allow the delivery of active ingredients on their targets. Nanomedicines can be administered by different routes, such as intravenous, oral, intramuscular, or pulmonary routes. In the latter route, nanomedicines can be aerosolized or nebulized to reach the deep lung. This review summarizes existing nanomedicines proposed for inhalation administration, from their synthesis to their potential clinical use. It also outlines the respiratory organs, their structure, and particularities, with a specific emphasis on how these factors impact the administration of nanomedicines. Furthermore, the review addresses the organs accessible through pulmonary administration, along with various pathologies such as infections, genetic diseases, or cancer that can be addressed through inhaled nanotherapeutics. Finally, it examines the existing devices suitable for the aerosolization of nanomedicines and the range of nanomedicines in clinical development.
Exposure to nanoparticles (NPs) is frequently associated with adverse cardiovascular effects. In contrast, NPs in nanomedicine hold great promise for precise lung-specific drug delivery, especially considering the extensive pulmonary capillary network that facilitates interactions with bloodstream-suspended particles. Therefore, exact knowledge about interactions and effects of engineered NPs with the pulmonary microcirculation are instrumental for future application of this technology in patients. To unravel the real-time dynamics of intravenously delivered NPs and their effects in the pulmonary microvasculature, we employed intravital microscopy of the mouse lung. PEG amine-modified quantum dots (aQDs) with a low potential for biomolecule and cell interactions and carboxyl-modified quantum dots (cQDs) with a high interaction potential were used, representing two different NP subtypes. Only aQDs triggered rapid neutrophil recruitment in microvessels and their subsequent recruitment to the alveolar space. Application of specific inhibitors revealed that the aQDs induced neutrophil recruitment was linked to cellular degranulation, TNF-α, and DAMP release into the circulation, particularly extracellular ATP (eATP). Stimulation of the ATP-gated P2X7R induced the expression of E-selectin on microvascular endothelium with the subsequent E-selectin depended neutrophilic immune response. Leukocyte integrins (LFA-1 and MAC-1) mediated adhesion and reduction in neutrophil crawling velocity on the vascular surface. In summary, this study unravels the complex cascade of neutrophil recruitment during NP-induced sterile inflammation. Thereby we demonstrate novel adverse effects for NPs in the pulmonary microcirculation and provide critical insights for optimizing NP-based drug delivery and therapeutic intervention strategies, to ensure their efficacy and safety in clinical applications.
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DNA can be compacted using polyethylene glycol-substituted poly-L-lysine into discrete unimolecular (with respect to DNA) nanoparticles with minor diameter <20 nm that are stable in normal saline for at least 23 months at 4°C. We compared the activity of firefly luciferase in lungs of C57BL/6 mice that received 100 g compacted plasmid in 25 l saline (shown to be the optimal dose) via intratracheal or intranasal instillation with levels in animals given 100 g naked plasmid or in untreated mice. Mice dosed with compacted DNA nanoparticles had peak activity of luciferase in lung at 2 days postinstillation, which declined in log-linear fashion with a half-life of 1.4 days. Luciferase activity in animals dosed with naked DNA was 200-fold less. Addition of polyethylene glycol to the complex was necessary for efficient gene transfer and animals that received DNA compacted with unmodified poly-L-lysine did not exhibit luciferase activity above background. Immunohistochemical staining for bacterial -galactosidase 2 days after administration of a compacted lacZ expression plasmid (n = 8) revealed expression predominantly in the dependent portions of the right lungs of mice, in alveolar and airway epithelial cells, though macrophages and sometimes endothelial cells also were transfected. No staining for -galactosidase was observed in uninjected animals (n = 4) or those dosed with naked lacZ plasmid (n = 7). Tissue survey for transgene expression shows expression only in lung and trachea following intranasal administration. Stable compacted DNA nanoparticles transfer exogenous genes to airway epithelium and show promise for lung gene therapy.
Ultrafine particles (less than 100 nm in diameter) are encountered in ambient air and at the workplace. Normal background levels in the urban atmosphere for ultrafine particles are in the range 1-4 × 104 cm-3; however, their mass concentration is normally not greater than 2 μg m-3. At the workplace, ultrafine particles occur regularly in metal fumes and polymer fumes, both of which can induce acute inflammatory responses in the lung upon inhalation. Although ultrafine particles occurring at the workplace are not representative, and, therefore, are not relevant for urban atmospheric particles, their use in toxicological studies can give valuable information on principles of the toxicity of ultrafine particles. Studies in rats using ultrafine polymer fumes of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) (count median diameter ca. 18 nm) showed that (i) they induced very high pulmonary toxicity and lethality in rats after 15 min of inhalation at 50 μg m-3; (ii) ageing of PTFE fumes resulted in agglomeration to larger particles and loss of toxicity; (iii) repeated pre-exposure for very short periods protected against the toxic and lethal effects of a subsequent 15 min exposure; (iv) rapid translocation of PTFE particles occurred to epithelial, interstitial and endothelial sites. Since one characteristic of urban ultrafine particles is their carbonaceous nature, exposure of rats to laboratory-generated ultrafine carbonaceous (elemental, and organic, carbon) particles was carried out at a concentration of ca. 100 μg m-3 for 6 h. Modulating factors of responses were prior low-dose inhalation of endotoxin in order to mimic early respiratory tract infections, old age (22-month old rats versus 10-week old rats) and ozone co-exposure. Analysis of results showed that (i) ultrafine carbon particles can induce slight inflammatory responses; (ii) LPS priming and ozone co-exposure increase the responses to ultrafine carbon; (iii) the aged lung is at increased risk for ultrafine particle-induced oxidative stress. Other studies with ultrafine and fine TiO2 showed that the same mass dose of ultrafine particles has a significantly greater inflammatory potential than fine particles. The increased surface area of ultrafine particles is apparently a most important determinant for their greater biological activity. In addition, the propensity of ultrafine particles to translocate may result in systemic distribution to extrapulmonary tissues.
Ultrafine particles (less than 100 nm in diameter) are encountered in ambient air and at the workplace. Normal backgroun levels in the urban atmosphere for ultrafine particles are in the range 1–4 × 104 cm−3; however, their mass concentration is normally not greater than 2 μg m−3. At the workplace, ultrafine particles occur regularly in metal fumes and polymer fumes, both of which can induce acute inflammator responses in the lung upon inhalation. Although ultrafine particles occurring at the workplace are not representative, and therefore, are not relevant for urban atmospheric particles, their use in toxicological studies can give valuable informatio on principles of the toxicity of ultrafine particles. Studies in rats using ultrafine polymer fumes of polytetrafluoroethylen (PTFE) (count median diameter ca. 18 nm) showed that (i) they induced very high pulmonary toxicity and lethality in rats after 15 min of inhalation at 5 μg m−3; (ii) ageing of PTFE fumes resulted in agglomeration to larger particles and loss of toxicity; (iii) repeated pre–exposur for very short periods protected against the toxic and lethal effects of a subsequent 15 min exposure; (iv) rapid translocatio of PTFE particles occurred to epithelial, interstitial and endothelial sites. Since one characteristic of urban ultrafin particles is their carbonaceous nature, exposure of rats to laboratory–generated ultrafine carbonaceous (elemental, and organic carbon) particles was carried out at a concentration of ca. 100 μg m−3 for 6 h. Modulating factors of responses were prior low–dose inhalation of endotoxin in order to mimic early respirator tract infections, old age (22–month old rats versus 10–week old rats) and ozone co–exposure. Analysis of results showed tha (i) ultrafine carbon particles can induce slight inflammatory responses; (ii) LPS priming and ozone co–exposure increase th responses to ultrafine carbon; (iii) the aged lung is at increased risk for ultrafine particle–induced oxidative stress. Othe studies with ultrafine and fine TiO2 showed that the same mass dose of ultrafine particles has a significantly greater inflammatory potential than fine particles. The increased surface area of ultrafine particles is apparently a most important determinant for their greater biologica activity. In addition, the propensity of ultrafine particles to translocate may result in systemic distribution to extrapulmonar tissues.
Inhalation of aerosolised drugs has become a well established modality in the treatment of localised disease states within the lung. However, most medications in aerosol form require inhalation daily at least 3–4 times because of the relatively short duration of resultant clinical effects. Some studies have been conducted with a view to sustaining release of drugs in the lung so as to prolong drug action, reduce side effects and improve patient compliance. Liposomes have been shown to have the potential to produce controlled delivery to the lung, since they can be prepared with phospholipids endogenous to the lung as surfactants. Up to now, many drugs have been incorporated into liposomes and tested in both human subjects and animal models as pulmonary delivery systems. Other biodegradable microspheres (MS) such as albumin MS and poly(lactide and/or glycolide) copolymer MS are also being investigated. In contrast to liposomes, these MS may be more physico-chemically stable both in vitro and in vivo. Thus, drugs entrapped in biodegradable MS may have a slower release rate and a longer duration of action than those incorporated in liposomes. The prodrug approach has been successful in producing long-lasting bronchodilators whilst conjugation of drugs to macromolecules provides a possible mechanism for controlled release of drugs for either localised or systemic actions. Sustained release in the lung can also be achieved by reducing the aqueous solubility of the drug or co-precipitating relatively insoluble materials with aqueous soluble drugs. In contrast, inclusion of drugs in cyclodextrins is unable to sustain drug release in the lung, which may be due to the premature breakdown of drug-cyclodextrin conjugates in vivo. Many interdependent factors, involving the lung, carrier, drug and device have been shown to influence the overall disposition of drugs in the respiratory tract after inhalation. Current studies on pulmonary delivery systems have many limitations, mainly due to the lack of suitable animal models and the chronic side effects of drug carriers have yet to be established. Thus, more inter-disciplinary collaboration is essential for the development of effective controlled drug delivery systems intended for administration to the lung.
The effects of types of low-pressure impactors (DLPI; Dekati; referred to hereinafter as “LPI”; and NanoMOUDI-II; MSP) and impaction substrate materials (aluminum foils, quartz fiber filters, and polycarbonate filters) on mass size distribution were studied for diesel exhaust particles from dynamometer test (DEP) and roadside atmospheric particles for a better understanding in terms of chemical analysis of impactor sample. Particle mass size distribution measured with LPI using aluminum foils and polycarbonate filters was distorted toward smaller mode diameters than those measured with NanoMOUDI using aluminum foils in sampling DEP and roadside atmospheric particles. This difference is explained by the occurrence of particle blow off in LPI. Heavy loading due to high concentrations in a specific size range results in greater particle loading height, from which particles are easily blown off by high jet velocities. Mass size distribution of DEP measured with LPI using a quartz fiber filter was modified to larger mode diameter than that measured with NanoMOUDI using aluminum foils. Higher particle collection efficiency than the ideal condition and smaller particles than the calibrated size, collected on upper stages, resulted in larger mode diameter, owing to the occurrence of filtration as well as impaction, and a shorter jet-to-plate distance, owing to the thickness of the filter. On the other hand, mass size distribution of roadside atmospheric particles measured with LPI using quartz fiber filters was similar to that measured with NanoMOUDI using aluminum foils. It is possible that the artifact of filtration is not important because of lower particle concentrations in the roadside atmosphere than in DEP. This experimental study of mass size distributions with various impactor types and substrate materials will enhance our understanding of the size distribution of chemical components, because impaction substrate material is restricted from methods of chemical analysis even though each substrate material has different collection characteristics.
The Purpose of this study was to establish the use of a developed dry powder inhaler of budesonide liposomes in pulmonary, drug delivery. Budesonide liposomes composed of egg phosphatidyl choline (EPC) and cholesterol were prepared using a lipid-film hydration technique. The liposomal dispersion was freeze dried and formulated to a dry powder inhaler. The entrapped drug values (91.79% to 78.99%) of freeze dried liposomes were estimated in prepared hatches after purification from the free drug by centrifugation of the rehydrated vesicles. In vitro drug retention was evaluated using methanolic phosphate buffer saline and bronchoalveolar lavage, following incubation fit 37 degreesC. All batches were found to retain more than 63.54% of budesonide within liposomes at the end of 24 h. Rehydrated budesonide liposomes or nonencapsulated budesonide was delivered to rat lungs by intratracheal administration. The pulmonary drug disposition was assessed by simultaneous monitoring of drug levels in the bronchoalveolar lavage and lung tissue, After intratracheal administration, cumulative drug levels in the lung tissue indicated that the targeting factor was at least 1.66 times higher in liposomes. The maximal drug concentration in the lung homogenate,for the liposomal dry powder inhaler was 36.64 mug as compared to 78.56 mug with the plain drug, Similarly, the time for maximum drug concentration in the lung homogenate for the liposomal dry powder inhaler was 9-12 h as compared to 3 h for that of the plain drug. Hence, the use of a developed liposomal budesonide dry powder inhaler was found to provide desired drug levels in the lungs for a prolonged period of time, which is expected to enhance the therapeutic index of the drug and probably reduce the dose and cost of therapy as well.