
[Mental disorders in young serviceman with cardiological emergencies]

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Investigated 82 young servicemen with cardiological emergencies (acute cardiac syndrome, hypertension events, rhythm pace disturbance). Divided three periods of mental disorders: acute, subacute and long-term effects. Found that in 95.1% of patients after emergencies developed state of mental maladaptation of varying degree. In further 47.1% of cases of mental disorders place in the form of psychogenic and somatogenically caused disorders of prenosological level. Among clinically executed forms predominated depressive disorder spectrum (nozogennye reaction and state). In the remote period prevailed somatoform dysfunction and manifestations of personality pathology. Shows the clinical and psychopathological features of these disorders and their effects on military service.

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This paper begins with a curiosity in the subject of futurism concerning the changing social landscape and its effects on its community. And then it tries to imagine the implications of these changes towards mosque designs as architecture often are reflections of human's technological progress. Scholars in architecture often debate and challenge the validity of ‘Islamic architecture’ concerning mosques as its often seen as having been borrowed and then expanded the language of other architectural civilizations. However, the dawning digital evolution of the future would potentially even deconstruct these ‘Islamic sacred architecture’ as technology evolves people's livelihood and sacred spaces get reinterpreted. This study will investigate the evolution of digitality through various works of literature and its impact on spirituality, religiosity and eventually the mosque as a sacred space. Through qualitative research, it tries to speculate on the evolution of mosque architecture in a projected future.
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The paper looks at the selected Modern building, the Angkasapuri Complex, as an archetype for interrogation via layered analytical diagrams. Angkasapuri was completed in 1968 at a pivotal phase of Malaysia, where it was seeking to formulate a national identity through various enterprises, including architecture. Layered analytical diagrams is used to document a building’s change over time, considering it manifesting multiple entities, taking into account contextual influences that it had had on the building’s design. The figurative concept of the palimpsest is used as a method to analyze the building in its embodiment of socio-culture, economy, technological and political influences through addition, adaptation and architectural elements. This creates a historical narrative of the monumental and ambiguous changes inflicted onto the building which allow for a contemporary and modernist discussion. Visual representation is critical in capturing changes allowing for an anticipation of emerging layers within the chronological timeline to encapsulate the building’s reading. This allows for a comprehensive understanding of historical value and an open discussion through visual clues and analytical diagramming. The diagrams in a palimpsest form is relevant to the application of Malaysian modern architecture where since the Malaysian Independence, the buildings have changed to accommodate new functions and programs. With this, the sense of reinterpretation, rewriting and rearranging the palimpsest accommodates to architecture being progressive and in constant shifts.
Spaces for healing represent some of the most personal and complex services provided: intimate personal information must be shared with strangers; complex and often frightening situations might occur, where the staff speaks an entirely different language [1]. Studies have shown that buildings that are designed with little therapeutic qualities then frequently heighten the levels of stress in patients, staff, and families. A lot of beliefs and possibilities in terms of designing a healing environment through spatial awareness regarding all the social and humanities issues that have been evaluated. Thus, the focus of this study is to highlight the possible architectural solutions in creating a healing environment through spatial quality in space design. Based on the research that has been done, architectural elements and principles to be applied on spatial healing have a high tendency to restore the healing environment with the stimulation of human senses. These architectural elements will stimulate a positive healing environment that can enhance and support the care of mental health.
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