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First trimester diagnosis of encephalocele - Report of two cases and review of the literature


Abstract and Figures

The authors present two cases of encephalocele, diagnosed at 11(+0)-13(+6) wks scan. Case 1: Occipital encephalocele (max diameter 14 mm) without brain tissue was diagnosed at 12 wks. At 35 wks bilateral ventriculomegaly was additionally found. The course of pregnancy was uneventful. Encephalocele was closed surgically soon after delivery Normal neonatal development at 6 months of age was confirmed. Case 2: Occipital encephalocele (max diameter 34 mm) containing brain tissue was diagnosed at 12 wks. Two weeks later fetal demise was confirmed during ultrasound examination. Uncomplicated induction of abortion was performed locally. The outcome and possible clinical scenarios in both cases, together with review of literature, are presented in the article.
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Nr 9/2011
Ginekol Pol. 2011, 82, 700-704
Diagnostyka przepukliny mózgowej
w pierwszym trymestrze ciąży opis dwóch
przypadków i przegląd piśmiennictwa
First trimester diagnosis of encephalocelereport of two cases
and review of the literature
I Katedra i Klinika Położnictwa i Ginekologii Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego, Warszawa, Polska
NZOZ „Sonomedika”, Łódź, Polska
Przedstawiono dwa przypadki przepukliny mózgowej zdiagnozowanej podczas badania ultrasonograficznego
między 11
– 13
Przypadek 1.: W 12. t.c. zdiagnozowano potylicową przepuklinę mózgową o maksymalnej średnicy worka
przepuklinowego do 14mm, nie zawierającą tkanki mózgowej. W 35. t.c. dodatkowo stwierdzono obustronną
wentrikulomegalię. Przebieg ciąży prawidłowy. Po urodzeniu wykonano operację neurochirurgiczną, zamykając
ubytek. W 6. miesiącu życia rozwój dziecka prawidłowy.
Przypadek 2.: W 12. t.c. zdiagnozowano potylicową przepuklinę mózgową średnicy ok. 34mm. zawierającą tkankę
mózgową. Dwa tygodnie później stwierdzono obumarcie płodu w badanu ultrasonograficznym. Pacjentka została
skierowana do szpitala rejonowego celem indukcji poronienia.
Przeanalizowano przebieg ciąży w obu przypadkach i omówiono algorytmy postępowania klinicznego
Słowa kluczowe: przepuklina mózgowa / diagnostyka prenatalna / pierwszy trymestr /
/ badanie ultrasonograczne między 11
t.c. /
Otrzymano: 25.06.2011
Zaakceptowano do druku: 20.07.2011
Adres do korespondencji:
Dariusz Borowski
I Katedra i Klinika Połoźnictwa i Ginekologii WUM
Polska, 02-015 Warszawa, pl. Starynkiewicza 1/3
tel.: +22 502 1430, fax: +22 502 21 57
© Polskie Towarzystwo Ginekologiczne
Borowski D, et al.
Ginekol Pol. 2011, 82, 700-704
tuzawartościczaszkipoprzezubytek w kościach jej pokrywy.
Jest jedną z częściej występujących wad ośrodkowego ukła-
du nerwowego. Najczęściej występuje w okolicy potylicznej
i nosowo-gardłowej. Przepuklina mózgowa występuje z czę-
występuje sporadycznie, ryzyko nawrotu nie przekracza 5%.
wego układu nerwowego była ocena poziomu alfafetoproteiny
szym trymestrze ciąży pod koniec lat 80. ubiegłego wieku.
u płodu w trakcie badania poprzedzającego wykonanie biopsji
Opis przypadku 1
PacjentkaW.J., lat 36 zgłosiła się w 12 tygodniu 2. ciąży
diagnostykiprenatalnej.Wywiad bez istotnych obciążeń.W9.
niejubytkiemwkości potylicznej.W25. t.c. przeprowadzono
zastosowaniu badania 3D. Średnica worka przepuklinowego
wynosiła od 26mm w badaniu 3D, do 31mm w badaniu 2D.
W 35. t.c. stwierdzono symetryczne poszerzenie komór
Płód wykazywał prawidłową ruchliwość. Biometria była
W 38. t.c. rozpoczęła się regularna czynność skurczowa.
Ze względu wadę ośrodkowego układu nerwowego u płodu,
płcimęskiejomasie3300g(Apgar1’ –10pkt.,5’–10pkt.).
operacji neurochirurgicznej. Przebieg pooperacyjny bez powi-
Opis przypadku 2
Podczas badania przezbrzusznego i przezpochwowego zdiag-
Dokładnaocenatwarzoczaszki zewzględunapołożenie płodu
The authors present two cases of encephalocele, diagnosed at 11
wks scan.
Case 1: Occipital encephalocele (max diameter 14 mm) without brain tissue was diagnosed at 12 wks. At 35 wks
bilateral ventriculomegaly was additionally found. The course of pregnancy was uneventful. Encephalocele was
closed surgically soon after delivery. Normal neonatal development at 6 months of age was confirmed.
Case 2: Occipital encephalocele (max diameter 34mm) containing brain tissue was diagnosed at 12 wks. Two
weeks later fetal demise was confirmed during ultrasound examination. Uncomplicated induction of abortion was
performed locally.
The outcome and possible clinical scenarios in both cases, together with review of literature, are presented in the
Key words: encephalocele / prenatal diagnosis / rst trimester / nuchal scan /
Nr 9/2011
Diagnostyka przepukliny mózgowej w pierwszym trymestrze ciąży – opis dwóch przypadków i przegląd piśmiennictwa.
Ginekol Pol. 2011, 82, 700-704
Rycina 1. Przypadek 1. Worek przepuklinowy w 12. t.c. (14 mm).
Rycina 2. Przypadek 1. Worek przepuklinowy w 25. t.c. (26 mm).
Rycina 3. Przypadek 1. Ubytek w kości – badanie 3D – 25. t.c.
Rycina 4. Przypadek 1. Poszerzenie komór bocznych mózgu – 35. t.c.
Rycina 5. Przypadek 1. Ubytek w kości – badanie 3D – 35. t.c.
Rycina 6. Przypadek 1. Stan przepukliny po porodzie – 38. t.c.
© Polskie Towarzystwo Ginekologiczne
Borowski D, et al.
Ginekol Pol. 2011, 82, 700-704
Wczesna diagnostyka tej anomalii ma szczególne znacze-
nie w przypadku podejrzenia występowania wad złożonych
lubzespołówchorobowych.Jest tozwiązane zezłym rokowa-
W piśmiennictwie znajdujemy prace opisujące możliwo-
ści zastosowania badania ultrasonogracznego i fetoskopii we
bera dziedziczy się autosomalnie recesywnie, ryzyko powtór-
typowym przebiegu (bliźnięta syjamskie) [9] lub problemów
diagnostycznych w 2. i 3. trymestrze spowodowanych bezwo-
Postępowanie kliniczne w przypadkach występowania tej
puklina jest o stosunkowo niewielkiej objętości i nie zawiera
Wskazane są także okresowe badania ultrasonograczne
puklinowym nowych elementów mózgowia. Preferowanym,
gorytmprowadzenia ciąży, jedynym odstępstwem był brak in-
gim opisywanym przez nas przypadku. Objętość przepukliny
także podejrzenie nieprawidłowości dotyczących ośrodkowego
układu nerwowego i czaszki. Obumarcie płodu uniemożliwiło
proponowanie ciężarnej inwazyjnej diagnostyki prenatalnej,
Wprowadzenie ultrasonograi 3D poprawia czułość bada-
Rycina 7. Przypadek 2. Worek przepuklinowy w 12. t.c.
Rycina 8. Przypadek 2. Przepuklina mózgowa – obraz 3D w 12. t.c.
Nr 9/2011
Diagnostyka przepukliny mózgowej w pierwszym trymestrze ciąży – opis dwóch przypadków i przegląd piśmiennictwa.
Ginekol Pol. 2011, 82, 700-704
Występowanie nie tylko aberracji chromosomowych, ale
Obecnie w ramach powszechnego systemu ubezpieczenia
zdrowotnego, a konkretnie Programu Diagnostyki Prenatalnej,
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15. Rekomendacje Polskiego Towarzystwa Ginekologicznego dotyczące postępowania w zakresie
diagnostyki prenatalnej. Ginekol Pol. 2009, 80, 390-393.
16. Rozporządzenie Ministra Zdrowia z dnia 30 sierpnia 2009 r. w sprawie świadczeń
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poz. 1148.
... O exame necrópsico foi totalmente concordante. (1)(2)(3)(4) . Na embriogénese do tubo neural, o processo de formação da placa embrionária, que lhe dá origem, inicia-se na 3º semana de gestação e o seu encerramento ocorre entre a 3º e a 4º semana de gestação. ...
... O encefalocelo caracteriza-se pela herniação de tecido cerebral e meninges ou apenas herniação de meninges através de um defeito da calote craniana (1)(2)(3)(4) . A sua etiologia é desconhecida (1) . ...
... Os encefalocelos podem ser occipitais (75%), fronto-etmoidais (13-15%), parietais (10-12%) ou esfenoidais (1-2%) (1,5,6) . O encefalocelo frontal é dos menos frequentes e está associado a melhor prognóstico (1,3,(5)(6)(7)(8) . ...
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We describe a case of a frontal encephalocele (7,2 mm), diagnosed at the 10+2 weeks’ ultrasound, in a 27 year-old primigravida, without relevant medical or surgical history. No other malformations were found at the ultrasound examination. After reviewing the published literature, this is apparently the earliest case of isolated encephalocele diagnosed prenatally (46,XY). In the intrauterine follow-up until 17 weeks, the lesion reached 16mm in size and accompanied fetal growth. The intrauterine evolution and additional study with fetal brain magnetic resonance imaging contributed to the decision of the medical termination of pregnancy at 18 weeks. The autopsy findings were consistent with the diagnosis.
... Prenatal 2D US detects approximately 80% of encephaloceles. The diagnosis is easily and confidently made from sonographic findings during the second trimester and can also be made in the first trimester [3]. The prognosis for patients with encephalocele depends on the extent of herniated neural tissue in the sac and on the presence of associated anomalies. ...
... In 2010, fetal occipital encephalocele diagnosed at 13 weeks gestation using 3D US was reported by Sorak and coworkers [34]. In 2011, Borowski and colleagues [3] presented two cases of occipital encephalocele diagnosed at 12 and 13 weeks gestation using 3D US. Fig. 1 Transverse view of a fetus with occipital encephalocele of 18þ5 weeks of gestation (Case 3) by two-dimensional ultrasound shows a defect in the calvarium containing a cystic or solid mass with a gyral pattern that is contiguous with the brain. ...
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Fetal encephalocele, with high risk of mortality and morbidity, is one of the most serious congenital neural tube defects. Prenatal diagnosis of encephalocele is important in fetal medicine. In this study, we detected encephalocele using three-dimensional ultrasound (3D US). We reviewed our medical records of prenatal diagnosis of fetal encephalocele in National Cheng Kung University Hospital from May 2000 to November 2011. All the cases were scanned by two-dimensional and 3D US. In total, 10 cases of fetal encephalocele were diagnosed and enrolled for analysis. The range of gestational age at prenatal diagnosis by US was 12–27 weeks, and one case was diagnosed in the first trimester. Among them, 70% were occipital encephalocele, 10% frontal encephalocele, and 20% parietal encephalocele. Compared with previous studies, 3D US can detect fetal encephalocele early and provide additional vivid illustrations after various modes of reconstruction. In conclusion, 3D US may contribute to early detection of fetal encephalocele and provide visual depiction, thus, assisting substantially with prenatal diagnosis as well as genetic consultation.
... Hamisa et al. [31] found that giant cisterna magna was diagnosed in three cases using 2D and 4D US during the prenatal period and this was confirmed by postnatal MRI. As for encephalocele, prenatal 2D US detects approximately 80% of encephaloceles [32] . In another study, 4D US and MRI confirmed the diagnosis of encephalocele more than 2D [33] . ...
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Background: Midline cerebral structures are essential for the normal morphogenesis and function of the fetal brain. However, the diagnosis of congenital anomalies of midline cerebral structures. The Aim of The Work: This study aimed to evaluate the role of 2D versus 4D ultrasound in the diagnosis of midline structures of the fetal brain at the second trimester of pregnancy.Patients and Methods: 200 pregnant women at the second trimester [18-22 weeks] were selected. They were clinically evaluated to check the female and fetal wellbeing. Then a screening of fetal brain midline strictures had been performed by two- and four-dimensional ultrasound, aiming to discover any anomalies of the fetal brain midline structure. Both scans were compared with the postnatal transcranial ultrasound.Results: The 2D ultrasound detected no abnormality in 194 out of 200 fetuses [97.0%], and 4 cases [2.0%] had mega-cisterna magna, and 2 cases [1.0%] had encephalomylocele, which were detected by the 4 D and confirmed by postnatal transcranial ultrasound. The 4 D US discovered 2 cases [1.0%] of Dandywalker malformation, which was confirmed by postnatal transcranial US. There was a complete agreement between prenatal 4D ultrasound and postnatal transcranial ultrasound. The prenatal 2D ultrasound had a sensitivity of 75.0%, specificity of 100.0%, PPV of 100.0%, NPV of 98.7% and overall accuracy of 99.0%. Otherwise, the prenatal 4D ultrasound was 100.0% sensitive and specific. Conclusion: 4D ultrasound showed superiority in the diagnosis and confirmation of the fetal brain midline structure’s abnormalities. Also, the prenatal 4D ultrasound was 100.0% sensitive as postnatal transcranial US.
... With two-dimensional ultrasound (2D US), encephalocele appears as a defect in the calvarium containing a cystic or solid mass with a gyral pattern that is in continuity with the brain [8]. Prenatal 2D US detects approximately 80% of encephaloceles [9]. The diagnosis is usually easily made from sonographic findings during the second trimester and can also be made in the first trimester. ...
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Context . Fetal sincipital encephalocele is one of the most serious congenital neural tube defects with a high risk of mortality and neonatal morbidity. Prenatal diagnosis of this malformation is important in fetal medicine. Case Report . We report a case of prenatal diagnosis of sincipital encephalocele using ultrasound and MRI imaging. The diagnosis was done at 25 weeks of gestation by identifying an anterior cephalic protrusion through a defect in the skull. Conclusion . Through this case, we discuss the differential diagnosis, management, and prognosis of such lesions.
Ensefalosel, nöral tüp defektlerinin bir varyantıdır. Yüzey ektoderminin nöral ektodermden gebeliğin 4. haftasında yetersiz ayrılması, ensefalosellerin oluştuğu temel mekanizmadır. İnsidansı canlı doğumlarda 1-3/1000’dir. Ensefalosellerin sınıflandırılması lezyon bölgesine göre yapılmaktadır ve yapılan epidemiyolojik çalışmalar ensefalosel tiplerinin görülme oranlarının ırklar ve coğrafi bölgeler arasında farklılık olduğunu göstermiştir. Frontal ensefalosel batı ülkelerinde daha az sıklıkla görülen anterior ensefaloselin nadir görülen bir örneğidir. Frontal ensefalosel yaşamla bağdaşabilen bir ensefalosel türü olmasına rağmen ek anomali varlığında gebelik terminasyonu da aile ile beraber değerlendirilmesi gereken bir konudur. Yirmi altı yaşında ve ilk gebeliği olan hastanın gebeliğinin 18. haftasında frontal ensefalosel tanısı konuldu. Yapılan ultrasonografik değerlendirmede ek anomali görülmeyen hastanın doğumu, gebeliğinin 386/7. haftasında sezaryen ile gerçekleştirildi.
A 27-year-old pregnant woman was diagnosed by 3D transvaginal ultrasound as carrying a fetus of 9(+5) weeks gestation affected by acrania/encephalocele (exencephaly) sequence. A 2D transvaginal ultrasound-guided aspiration of 5 mL of extra-coelomic fluid was performed under cervical block before uterine suction. Conventional cytogenetic analysis demonstrated a 92,XXXX karyotype. Transvaginal 2D ultrasound-guided coelocentesis for rapid karyotyping can be proposed to women who are near to miscarriage or in cases where a prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of congenital anomaly is performed at an early stage of development. Genetic analysis can be performed using traditional cytogenetic analysis or can be aided by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Coelocentesis may become an integral part of first trimester armamentarium and may be clinically useful in the understanding of the pathogenesis of early prenatally diagnosed congenital anomalies.
In the following review, the early development of the central nervous system (CNS), as described by embryologists and anatomists in modern embryological textbooks, is compared with sonoanatomic descriptions from two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound studies, week by week in the first trimester. The anatomic descriptions are limited to details that are of interest for the understanding of ultrasound examinations. Further, the detection of main CNS anomalies including spina bifida during the first trimester are presented and discussed. Empty or enlarged brain cavities, or abnormal contours of the head and spine are important diagnostic markers for the detection of CNS anomalies in the very early pregnancy.
The prenatal diagnosis of anencephaly and spina bifida (neural tube defect, NTD) through amniotic fluid analysis for alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is gradually gaining clinical recognition. AFP concentrations were determined in 237 amniotic fluids from normal pregnancies ranging between 7 and 42 weeks of gestation. A steady decline in AFP from 26 mug/ml at 7-9 weeks to 155 ng/ml at term is observed. AFP concentration was determined in 35 amniotic fluids from 33 confirmed neural tube defective pregnancies. In 14 cases where amniotic fluid was examined prior to the 26th week of gestation. AFP was markedly elevated when compared with the normal range of the same gestational period. In 21 amniotic fluids past the 26th week, 17 cases (85-) had markedly elevated AFP levels; however, 2 cases of anencephaly, 1 of spina bifida, and 1 of hydrocephaly gave levels within the normal range. It is concluded that elevated AFP in the amniotic fluid is a reliable but nonspecific marker for open neural tube defects prior to the 26th week of pregnancy, but may become normal after the 26th week in a small percentage of patients.
Nineteen centres collaborated in a study to determine the efficiency of maternal serum-alpha-fetoprotein (A.F.P.) measurement as a method of screening for neural-tube defects (N.T.D.S.) between 10 and 24 weeks of pregnancy. Data were collected on 18 684 singleton pregnancies and 163 twin pregnancies without fetal N.T.D.s, and on 301 singleton pregnancies with fetal N.T.D.s (146 with anencephaly, 142 with spina bifida, and 13 with encephalocele). The best time for detecting open spina bifida by measuring maternal serum-A.F.P. is at 16-18 weeks of pregnancy. In clinical practice, serum-A.F.P. cut-off levels expressed as multiples of the normal median may be more convenient to use than percentiles because they are easier to derive and more stable. Also, the proportion of affected pregnancies with serum-A.F.P. levels exceeding a given multiple of the median is unlikely to vary significantly from centre to centre or over time. In contrast, the proportion of unaffected pregnancies with A.F.P. levels exceeding a given multiple of the normal median will vary depending on the precision with which serum-A.F.P. and gestation are measured. At 16-18 weeks of pregnancy 88% of cases of anencephaly, 79% of cases of open spina bifida, and 3% of unaffected singleton pregnancies had A.F.P. levels equal to or greater than 2-5 times the median for unaffected singleton pregnancies. At this gestation age the numbers of unaffected pregnancies with A.F.P. levels above 2-5 times the normal median can be reduced by about a third if women with borderline A.F.P. levels are retested, although this would not greatly change the detection-rate of affected pregnancies. In the United Kingdom as a whole, women with serum-A.F.P. levels above 2-5 times the normal median at 16-18 weeks of gestation will have an approximately 1-in-20 chance of having a fetus with open spina bifida; the risk of having any N.T.D. will be approximately 1 in 10. The results of this study indicate that screening pregnant women by measuring the concentration of A.F.P. in their serum is an effective method of selecting women for ultrasonography and amniocentesis so that N.T.D.s can be diagnosed in utero.
First-trimester sonography is used extensively for dating pregnancy and in conjunction with chorionic villus sampling. It is crucial to examine the fetus carefully, even at this early stage, since some fetal abnormalities are detectable in the first trimester. In three cases encephalocele, thanatophoric dwarf and cystic hygroma were diagnosed with sonography in the first trimester.
Our aim was to develop and evaluate a transabdominal endoscopic technique to visualize the embryo or fetus with thin-gauge needles and submillimetric fiberoptic endoscopes. Under ultrasonographic guidance, an 18- or 19-gauge thin-wall needle was introduced into the uterus of 28 patients undergoing first-trimester or early second-trimester termination of pregnancy. A 0.7 mm endoscope was threaded through the lumen of the needle after removal of the stylet. Visualization of the embryo-fetus was attempted before 14 weeks' gestation (n = 20). From 16 to 20 weeks (n = 8), the needle and endoscope were directed to the placental insertion of the umbilical cord, and a cordocentesis was performed. Excellent visualization of the surface anatomy of fetuses from 7 to 13 weeks was obtained in 85% of cases (17/20). A diagnosis of Meckel-Gruber syndrome was made at 11 weeks' menstrual age by visualizing postaxial polydactyly and an occipital encephalocele. Endoscopically assisted cordocentesis allowed visualization of the lumen of the umbilical vein and of the blood flow within it. Endoscopic visualization of the embryo or fetus can be performed transabdominally in the first trimester with small-delivered endoscopes. This represents a clear advantage over previous endoscopic approaches to the human pregnancy. Potential applications of this technique include a precise description of fetal anatomy and physiologic features, diagnosis of anomalies, and therapeutic fetal interventions.
Meckel-Gruber syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder often resulting in neonatal death within a few hours of life. The condition is usually diagnosed ultrasonographically in the second trimester and earlier diagnosis has been mainly confined to high recurrence risk pregnancies. We describe the earliest non-invasive diagnosis of this condition at 12+2 weeks' gestation in a patient with no previous history using transabdominal ultrasound. Pregnancy termination was declined. Subsequent development of anhydramnios in the mid-trimester resulted in poor fetal visualization. We propose that first-trimester diagnosis of this condition is not only possible but preferable, as normal liquor volume facilitates visualization of fetal anatomy.
Triploidy is constituted by an extra haploid set of chromosomes for a total of 69 chromosomes in humans. A "parent-of-origin" effect has been demonstrated by analysis of cytogenetic polymorphisms of triploidy pregnancies. Two distinct phenotypes of human triploid fetuses have been recognized according to the parental origin of the extra haploid set. The first one or triploidy of diandric type occurs when the extra haploid set of chromosomes arises from the father, the second one or triploidy of digynic type occurs when the extra haploid set of chromosomes arises from the mother. Diandric fetuses appear relatively well grown with a large placenta, while digynic fetuses show intrauterine growth retardation with a small placenta. Autopsy archive data files (1982-1998) of the Institute of Pathology, University of Heidelberg (Germany) were examined for fetuses with triploidy. We found 12 well-studied triploid fetuses (gestational age: 20 to 32 weeks). Eleven fetuses corresponded to the digynic type of triploidy and one fetus corresponded to the diandric type of triploidy. The spectrum of external malformations included a dysmorphic face (broad root of the nose, exophthalmos, low-set ears, micro-/retrognathia, microgenia, median cleft lip and/or palate, gnathoschisis, macroglossia), encephalocele, spina bifida, syndactyly, club or rocker-bottom feet, pes equino-valgus. More common internal malformations included ventricular septum defect of the heart, abnormal lobation of the lungs, and renal disease (agenesis, cysts).
We report of a case of Meckel Gruber Syndrome (MGS) in a woman, who suffered previously from a pregnancy with the same disorder. MGS, consisting of an occipital encephalocele, bilateral cystic kidneys and postaxial polydactyly, is a rare autosomal recessive disorder, with a recurrence risk of 25%. With the present technology, a targeted ultrasound in the late embryonic or early fetal stages of pregnancy has the potential to diagnose this syndrome. Clinical screening in further pregnancies is of utmost importance and the management of such cases is presented.
To define a specific sonographic pattern for the appearance of the kidneys in fetuses affected by Meckel-Grüber syndrome (MGS). This was a retrospective analysis of 30 cases, collected from five centers, with ultrasound features suggestive of MGS. Only fetuses with a confirmed diagnosis of MGS were finally included. Analysis included a detailed evaluation of the sonographic findings and comparison with pathological follow-up. Seventeen cases met the pathological criteria for a diagnosis of MGS and were included in the study. In all cases, a typical sonographic pattern was seen: the kidneys were enlarged (mean, + 4.8 SD) and showed unusual corticomedullary differentiation, occurring as early as the first trimester. In most cases, the medullary areas appeared excessively large and mottled due to the presence of multiple small cysts. The kidneys of fetuses with MGS are enlarged, cystic and have unusual corticomedullary differentiation. These features can be observed as early as the first and early second trimesters.