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A quantitative spatial comparison of high-density diffuse optical tomography and fMRI cortical mapping


Abstract and Figures

Functional neuroimaging commands a dominant role in current neuroscience research. However its use in bedside clinical and certain neuro-scientific studies has been limited because the current tools lack the combination of being non-invasive, non-ionizing and portable while maintaining moderate resolution and localization accuracy. Optical neuroimaging satisfies many of these requirements, but, until recent advances in high-density diffuse optical tomography (HD-DOT), has been hampered by limited resolution. While early results of HD-DOT have been promising, a quantitative voxel-wise comparison and validation of HD-DOT against the gold standard of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been lacking. Herein, we provide such an analysis within the visual cortex using matched visual stimulation protocols in a single group of subjects (n=5) during separate HD-DOT and fMRI scanning sessions. To attain the needed voxel-to-voxel co-registration between HD-DOT and fMRI image spaces, we implemented subject-specific head modeling that incorporated MRI anatomy, detailed segmentation, and alignment of source and detector positions. Comparisons of the visual responses found an average localization error between HD-DOT and fMRI of 4.4+/-1mm, significantly less than the average distance between cortical gyri. This specificity demonstrates that HD-DOT has sufficient image quality to be useful as a surrogate for fMRI.
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A quantitative spatial comparison of high-density diffuse optical tomography and
fMRI cortical mapping
Adam T. Eggebrecht
, Brian R. White
, Silvina L. Ferradal
, Chunxiao Chen
, Yuxuan Zhan
Abraham Z. Snyder
, Hamid Dehghani
, Joseph P. Culver
Department of Radiology, Washington University School of Medicine, 4525 Scott Ave, East Bldg. CB 8225, St Louis, MO, 63110, USA
Department of Physics, Washington University in St. Louis, One Brookings Dr., St Louis, MO, 63110, USA
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Washington University School of Engineering and Applied Science, Whittaker Hall, One Brookings Dr., St Louis, MO, 63130, USA
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 29 Yudao Jie, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210016, China
School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK
Department of Neurology, Washington University School of Medicine, 660 S. Euclid Ave, St Louis, MO, 63110, USA
abstractarticle info
Article history:
Received 16 September 2011
Revised 26 January 2012
Accepted 28 January 2012
Available online 10 February 2012
Optical tomography
Functional neuroimaging
Functional neuroimaging commands a dominant role in current neuroscience research. However its use in
bedside clinical and certain neuro-scientic studies has been limited because the current tools lack the
combination of being non-invasive, non-ionizing and portable while maintaining moderate resolution and
localization accuracy. Optical neuroimaging satises many of these requirements, but, until recent advances
in high-density diffuse optical tomography (HD-DOT), has been hampered by limited resolution. While early
results of HD-DOT have been promising, a quantitative voxel-wise comparison and validation of HD-DOT
against the gold standard of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been lacking. Herein, we
provide such an analysis within the visual cortex using matched visual stimulation protocols in a single
group of subjects (n =5) during separate HD-DOT and fMRI scanning sessions. To attain the needed voxel-
to-voxel co-registration between HD-DOT and fMRI image spaces, we implemented subject-specic head
modeling that incorporated MRI anatomy, detailed segmentation, and alignment of source and detector
positions. Comparisons of the visual responses found an average localization error between HD-DOT and
fMRI of 4.4+/1 mm, signicantly less than the average distance between cortical gyri. This specicity
demonstrates that HD-DOT has sufcient image quality to be useful as a surrogate for fMRI.
© 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Functional brain mapping has revolutionized neuroscience re-
search, by providing noninvasive investigations into human brain ac-
tivity. However, functional imaging of the brain has, so far, found only
limited clinical application with early uses in pre-operative planning
(Nelles et al., 2009; Shimony et al., 2009; Wengenroth et al., 2011;
Zhang et al., 2009). Functional imaging has the potential to play a
larger clinical role in diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring due to its
ability to nd subtle changes in function before disease progresses
to large-scale structural change. However, traditional functional
brain mapping methods, including functional MRI (fMRI) and
positron emission tomography (PET) are limited in many settings
by immobility, expense, and constraints on subjects. Additionally,
they have contraindications for metallic implants (fMRI) or use
ionizing radiation (PET), limiting the number of repeated studies. In
contrast, optical methods provide non-ionizing functional neuroim-
aging with potentially portable and wearable technology that is
well-suited for many of the subjects inaccessible by fMRI or PET.
Early diffuse optical imaging (DOI) methods used sparse sets of
source-detector pairs to generate two-dimensional, low-resolution
images of cerebral hemodynamics (Maki et al., 1995; Obrig and
Villringer, 2003; Villringer et al., 1993). A more advanced method,
diffuse optical tomography (DOT), relies on a variety of measurement
strategies to improve lateral and depth resolution. Time-resolved
(TR) measurements use time-gating (Benaron et al., 2000; Gibson et
al., 2006; Hebden et al., 2002; Kohl-Bareis et al., 2002; Selb et al.,
2005; Steinbrink et al., 2001) or frequency-domain phase data
(Kohl-Bareis et al., 2002) to prole different tissue depths. However,
the complexity and cost of TR systems impose practical limits and re-
quire tradeoffs between channel count, source and detector density,
coverage (eld-of-view), and frame rate. Another strategy uses
NeuroImage 61 (2012) 11201128
Abbreviations: HD-DOT, high-density diffuse optical tomography; DOI, diffuse opti-
cal imaging; HbO
, oxyhemoglobin; HbR, deoxyhemoglobin; HbT, total hemoglobin;
FOV, eld of view.
Corresponding author at: Washington University School of Medicine, Department
of Radiology, 4525 Scott Avenue, Room 1137, Saint Louis, MO, 63110, USA. Fax: +1
314 747 5191.
E-mail address: (J.P. Culver).
1053-8119/$ see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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high-density DOT grids with overlapping continuous wave measure-
ments at multiple SD-pair separations (Bluestone et al., 2001; Boas
et al., 2004a; Joseph et al., 2006; Zeff et al., 2007). Relative to DOI,
the newer HD-DOT methods achieve higher resolution and improved
localization accuracy (Gibson and Dehghani, 2009; Gibson et al.,
2005; Habermehl et al., 2011; Koch et al., 2010; White and Culver,
2010b; Zeff et al., 2007). While HD-DOT's ability to decipher detail
has been established in studies of retinotopy in visual cortex (White
and Culver, 2010a; Zeff et al., 2007) and nger-topy in the motor cor-
tex (Custo et al., 2009; Koch et al., 2010; White et al., 2009), the image
quality of HD-DOT at the voxel level has not been compared directly
to fMRI, the current gold standard in hemodynamic-based functional
neuroimaging. Establishing the relationship between HD-DOT and
fMRI functional maps could signicantly strengthen the impact that
HD-DOT might have when used as a surrogate for fMRI. The purpose
of this study is to validate HD-DOT functional mapping accuracy
through a quantitative voxel-wise comparison to fMRI in subject-
matched datasets of visual cortex activity.
Previous comparative studies of diffuse optical and fMRI signals
have used either non-imaging systems or sparse measurement data-
sets and performed comparisons unrelated to image quality. For ex-
ample, thorough comparisons have been made in the measurement
space of the DOI instrument (Cui et al., 2011; Huppert et al., 2006a,
b; Sassaroli et al., 2006; Strangman et al., 2002; Toronov et al.,
2001). Additionally, there have been detailed temporal evaluations
(e.g., comparing the time course of the DOI response within a similar
volume as that displaying an MRI response (Okamoto et al., 2004;
Sakatani et al., 2007)). Throughout these studies, correlations were
found between the time courses of BOLD and optical data. These nd-
ings along with parallel studies in rodent models (Bouchard et al.,
2009; Culver et al., 2003; Custo et al., 2009; Devor et al., 2003;
Dunn et al., 2005; Siegel et al., 2003) and human neonates
(Villringer and Chance, 1997) lay the foundation for optical measure-
ments to be used in calculations of metabolic markers such as CMRO
at the bedside. Additionally, image- and time-domain comparisons
have been made with simultaneously acquired MRI and NIRS
(Toronov et al., 2007; Zhang et al., 2005). However, these studies
used point-like activations and have not investigated image quality
throughout an extended cortical region.
In this study we perform spatial voxel-wise comparisons between
HD-DOT and fMRI data sets for cortical responses to visual stimulations
throughout the visual eld of view. The HD-DOT and fMRI datasets
were co-registered on a subject specic basis by segmenting anatomi-
cal MRIs for each subject, locating and co-registering the HD-DOT cap
placement on each subject's head, and solving the forward light
model within the subject-specic space. Visual activations were used
because they have served extensively as a substrate for validation by
other neuroimaging methodologies (Belliveau et al., 1991; Engel et
al., 1997; Fox et al., 1986; Fox et al., 1985) and because the structure
and function of the visual cortex has been comprehensively mapped
via invasive anatomical and electrical studies in mammals (Felleman
and Van Essen, 1991; Gilbert and Wiesel, 1979; Rosa et al., 1993)and
humans (Harding et al., 1991; Spalding, 1952). The comparison be-
tween HD-DOT and fMRI was quantied by calculating the center-of-
mass of the imaged hemodynamic response to matched visual activa-
tions, and by a complete phase analysis of the responses to stimulations
throughout the full visual eld. The resulting HD-DOT image quality
evaluation serves as a strong foundation and validation enabling
further adoption of HD-DOT by both neuroscientists and clinicians.
Subjects and stimulus protocol
Five healthy adult right-handed subjects (aged 2130) were
recruited for this study. All subjects passed MR screening to ensure
their safe participation. Informed consent was obtained for all
subjects. The research was approved by the Human Research
Protection Ofce at Washington University School of Medicine. All
stimuli are angularly sweeping reversing black-and-white logarith-
mic checkerboard wedges (10 Hz reversal) on a 50% gray background
(Engel et al., 1994; Warnking et al., 2002). The grids rotate around a
white cross located at the center of the visual eld, step 10° each
second, and complete a full sweep every 36 s. For the HD-DOT stimuli,
subjects are seated in an adjustable chair facing a 19" LCD display at a
90 cm viewing distance. For the fMRI stimuli, the stimulus is pre-
sented via a projector onto a screen that the subject could visualize
from their position within the MR tube with a mirror attached to
the head coil. The stimulus size is calibrated to be the same size on
the retina as when presented in the HD-DOT setting: each wedge sub-
tends a radial angle of 2.5°10.5° and a polar angle of 60°. A set of
stimuli consists of 10 repetitions of either clockwise- or counter-
clockwise-rotating ickering wedges. Subjects are instructed to xate
on the central crosshair. Gray screens are presented for 30 s before
and after each stimuli set.
HD-DOT imaging system and acquisition
The high-density imaging system has been described previously
(Zeff et al., 2007). Briey, our high-density DOT instrument uses
light-emitting diode (LED) sources at 750 nm and 850 nm (750-
03 AU and OPE5T85, Roithner Lasertechnik) and avalanche photo
diode (APD, Hamamatsu C5460-01) detectors (Zeff et al., 2007).
Each detector has a dedicated 24-bit analog-to-digital converter
(MOTU HD-192). Sources and detectors are coupled with ber optic
bundles to a exible imaging cap held on to the back of the
head with hook-and-loop strapping. After digitization, the APD
measurements are written directly to hard-disk at 96 kHz. With tem-
poral, frequency, and spatial encoding, the system works with a
frame rate of 11 Hz in continuous wave mode (the time and fre-
quency encoding is at ~ 10 kHz, much slower than the > 10 MHz
needed for measuring the time of ight for light propagation
through tissue). The array has 24 source and 28 detector positions
placed in two interlaced rectangular arrays with rst- through
fourth- nearest neighbor separations as follows: 1.3, 3.0, 3.9, and
4.7 cm. In order to ensure consistent pad placement between ses-
sions, measurements of the distance between the optode array
and the nasion and eyes are taken and recorded. Once the cap is
placed comfortably with good signal-to-noise, the exact placement
of the pad is found by measuring the locations of the outer four cor-
ner positions of the optode array using a commercially available 3D
digitizer (Fastrak, Polhemus). Concurrently, we also measure the lo-
cations of anatomical landmarks on the head and face of the subject
(e.g., the nasion) (Klem et al., 1999)tolocatethepadrelativetothe
subject's head.
fMRI acquisition
MRI scans are collected on a Siemens Trio (Erlagen, Germany) 3T
scanner. Anatomical T1-weighted MPRAGE (echo time (TE)= 3.13 ms,
repetition time (TR)=2400 ms, ip angle =8°, 1 ×1 ×1 mm isotropic
voxels) and T2-weighted (TE= 84 ms, ip angle= 120°, 1 × 4 mm
voxels) scans are taken at each session (for simplicity, we will subse-
quently refer to these scans as T1 and T2). Functional images are collect-
ed using a series of asymmetric gradient spin-echo echo-planar (EPI)
sequences (each brain volume had a TE= 27 ms, TR=2000 ms, ip
angle= 90°, 4×4 × 4 mm voxels) to measure the blood-oxygenation-
level-dependent (BOLD) contrast. In keeping with standard methods
for performing BOLD analysis, we transform the BOLD data to a 3 mm
isotropic voxelated space.
1121A.T. Eggebrecht et al. / NeuroImage 61 (2012) 11201128
Head modeling
To place the HD-DOT image space into the correct subject specic
anatomic location, a full head model must be constructed. The head
model incorporates the surface head shape, assumed optical proper-
ties of each voxel, and locations of the sources and detectors of the
HD-DOT system. The basis for the head model is the subject-specic
anatomical T1 (Fig. 1A) and T2. These volumes contribute comple-
mentary information that provides characteristic information for
each tissue type. An iterative series of thresholding, region growing,
and masking techniques are used to segment the head tissue into
scalp, skull, cerebral spinal uid (CSF), gray matter, and white matter
regions (Fig. 1B).
To generate a space for the numerical light modeling, a high-
density volumetric tetrahedral head mesh (Fig. 1C) is created from
the segmented head using the Mimics software package (Materialize,
Belgium). Each subject's head mesh has approximately 5 × 10
nodes and 3×10
tetrahedral volume elements. To ensure proper
resolution, the maximum inter-node distance both on the surface
and within the mesh volume is set to 3 mm. Tissue-type-specic
labeling of optical properties generates a more accurate light model
than assuming homogeneous optical properties (Custo et al., 2006;
Dehaes et al., 2011; Dehghani et al., 2000; Heiskala et al., 2009;
Ripoll et al., 2000). Thus, each node is labeled by tissue type and
assigned optical properties from the literature as summarized in
Table 1 (Bevilacqua et al., 1999; Custo et al., 2006; Strangman et al.,
2003). While errors in the assumed baseline optical properties will
propagate through to the magnitude of the differential concentration
changes (Strangman et al., 2003), this treatment of baseline optical
properties is consistent with standard DOT processing (Blasi et al.,
2007; Bluestone et al., 2001; Boas et al., 2001; Custo et al., 2009;
Dehghani et al., 2009). Interpretation of concentration magnitudes
should account for these model assumptions. The image quality as-
sessments at the focus of this paper use normalized differential
To place the optode locations on the head model, the anatomical
landmarks on the subject's head (measured during data collection)
are then identied on the subject specic mesh generated from the
anatomical MRIs. An afne transform aligns the coordinate space
from the 3D digitizer in real space to the coordinate space in the
MRI space (Benaron et al., 2000; Custo et al., 2009; Gibson et al.,
2003). This is necessary because the MRI volume has small inherent
artifacts and distortions relative to real space. Thus, the digitizer
points are translated, rotated, and skewed to match the MRI space.
Using this same transform, the four measured points on the optode
cap are transformed to their locations on the head mesh. These four
optode locations are then used as anchors to t the entire cap onto
the head mesh using a spring-relaxation energy-minimization
algorithm (Joseph et al., 2006). Source and detector locations on the
head obtained during the HD-DOT session are thus placed at the
relevant loci on the mesh (Fig. 1D). Similar methods of optode
placement have been described previously (Custo et al., 2009; Fuchs
et al., 2002).
A sensitivity matrix for the subject-specic head model is calculat-
ed using a nite-element forward light model based on the diffusion
approximation to the radiative transport equation using the NIRFAST
software package (Dehghani et al., 2003). The sensitivity matrix pro-
vides a mapping function that transforms the measured HD-DOT data
to optical parameter changes within the model. The original tetrahe-
dral nite-element based sensitivity function is then transformed into
the 3 mm isotropic voxel space (standard in current BOLD processing
practices) through a weighted spatial average to create the sensitivity
matrix for the subject-specic space. As a result of these procedures
the image spaces for the two modalities are co-aligned.
Functional data analysis
HD-DOT light measurement data were converted to log-ratio
and high-pass ltered (0.02 Hz cutoff) to remove long term drift.
An average of all 1st-nearest-neighbor measurements (sampling
predominantly scalp and skull) was constructed as an estimate of sys-
temic signals (Obrig and Villringer, 2003; White et al., 2009; Zeff et
al., 2007). This signal was then regressed from all measurements.
After a low-pass lter (0.5 Hz cutoff) removed residual pulse signals,
the time traces were used for image reconstruction. Note that while a
time trace of the average across channels of all 1st nearest-neighbor
pairs was removed during the global signal regression, the individual
1st-nearest-neighbor channels retain variance after this regression
and are used during the reconstruction. To manage system noise
during cap t, real-time data displays are used to adjust the cap (at
the individual optode level if needed) to optimize the highest possi-
ble light level and lowest possible noise level. Further, the data is
de-noised by removing noisy source-detector pair measurement
channels that have signal standard deviations (across time) greater
than 7.5% of their mean signal magnitude. Using this threshold, the
following percentages of nearest neighbor (nn) measurements are
typically retained: 100% 1st nn, 95% 2nd nn, 65% 3 rd nn, and 19%
Table 1
Optical properties of segmented head tissue for forward light model.
750 nm 850 nm Index of
Scalp0.0170 0.74 0.0190 0.64 1.4
Skull0.0116 0.94 0.0139 0.84 1.4
CSF⁎⁎ 0.004 0.3 0.004 0.3 1.4
Gray matter⁎⁎⁎ 0.0180 0.8359 0.0192 0.6726 1.4
White matter⁎⁎⁎ 0.0167 1.1908 0.0208 1.0107 1.4
Strangman et al., 2002.
⁎⁎ Custo et al., 2006.
⁎⁎⁎ Bevilacqua et al., 1999.
Fig. 1. Subject-specic head modeling. (A) T1-weighted MRI volume. (B) Segmented head volume displaying scalp, skull, CSF, gray matter and white matter. (C) High-density tet-
rahedral mesh for nite element forward light model. (D) Optode positions localized on mesh. The high-density optode grid is composed of 24 sources (red) and 28 detectors
(blue). (E) Surface rendering of cortex. Yellow coloring denotes FOV of HD-DOT imaging pad derived from top 50% of the summed sensitivity matrix (see Methods) on the cortical
ribbon of Subject 2.
1122 A.T. Eggebrecht et al. / NeuroImage 61 (2012) 11201128
4th nn. The numerous overlapping measurements provided by the
HD-DOT arrays minimize the effect of a single noisy channel on a
particular tissue voxel. Thus the reconstruction of data sampling
brain tissue is driven by the 1st and 2nd nearest-neighbor pairs
with some additional depth information provided by 3rd nearest-
neighbor and 4th nearest-neighbor pairs where possible. An aver-
age total of 257 independent measurements were used in each
The sensitivity matrix is inverted as described previously
(Dehghani et al., 2009; Zeff et al., 2007). Following the notation of
Dehghani et al., 2009, we set the Tikhonov regularization constant
λ=0.01, and the spatially variant regularization parameter
β=0.01. Our reconstruction utilizes a spatial constraint to aid in
separating out supercial surface noise from deeper measurements.
While previous studies have constrained their reconstructions to the
cortical ribbon (Boas and Dale, 2005), we used a less restrictive
spatial prior. The reconstructions were constrained to all voxels in
either scalp or brain tissue. The scalp voxels capture potential optode
coupling noise, as well as potential supercial scalp signals. The brain
tissue voxels allow brain activations to reconstruct freely within any
brain tissue (gray or white matter). The volumetric constraint is
applied prior to inversion and is enabled by the use of an anatomical
head model. The reconstructed hemodynamic responses still reside
within a three-dimensional voxelated space, but the constraint ex-
cludes them from the skull and CSF which is a reasonable assumption
for images of neural activity. The voxelated hemodynamic response
within the brain tissue volume is used for the entire comparative
DOT-fMRI quantitative analysis. In keeping with standard methods
for performing BOLD analysis, we use a 3 mm isotropic voxelated
Relative changes in oxygenated (HbO
), deoxygenated (HbR), and
total hemoglobin (HbT) concentrations are obtained from the absorp-
tion coefcients by spectral decomposition of the extinction coef-
cients of HbO
and HbR at the two wavelengths (Bluestone et al.,
2001). Additionally, HD-DOT data is down-sampled to 1 Hz.
MRI data analysis was performed using standard pre-processing of
anatomical and functional images as described previously (Shulman
et al., 2010), except that while the MRIs are rotated and translated
to a standard imaging coordinate system, they are not transformed
(stretched) into an atlas space. Each subject's fMRI data are aligned
to their own subject-specic MRPAGE (T1) volume and functional
data is re-sampled to a 3 × 3 × 3 mm voxelated space, standard for
BOLD analysis. Additionally, the fMRI data is spatially smoothed to
match the point-spread function of the HD-DOT system, 1.3 cm
(White and Culver, 2010b), and interpolated to 1 Hz, to match data
rates for subsequent comparison.
For visualization of the data only, the data is mapped onto the
mesh that represents the complex two-dimensional cortical mid-
thickness sheet. Each subject's cortical pial surface and white matter
outer surface were extracted using FreeSurfer (Dale et al., 1999;
Fischl et al., 2001; Segonne et al., 2004)(http://surfer.nmr.mgh. These surfaces were converted to a cortical mid-
thickness using the Caret 5.62 software package (Van Essen et al.,
2001)( For visualization only, all
volumetric activation data is then mapped onto the cortical surface
in Caret.
Comparison analysis
All subsequent processing was performed within the eld of view
(FOV) of the HD-DOT system, as dened by the region of the imaging
domain with high sensitivity (>50% of max sensitivity) determined
through the forward light model (Fig. 1E). Sensitivity within a voxel
is given by the sum over all measurements within the sensitivity ma-
trix. To compare the image-volumes produced by the two modalities,
we utilized two metrics. First, we quantied the localization error
within four visual quadrants, areas within the FOV of the HD-DOT
system that have high SNR. The center-of-mass (CofM) of an activa-
tion within a quadrant is calculated for each of the hemoglobin spe-
cies concentrations as well as the BOLD data. The CofM error in
location of an activation was computed as the Euclidian distance
from the center-of-mass of the fMRI response to the center-of-mass
of the HD-DOT response separately for each frame.
To quantify the localization error at every voxel within the FOV,
we used phase analysis. Rather than using data from a small subset
of the FOV as in the center-of-mass analysis, phase maps provide
access to an error metric for every voxel within the FOV. We rst
dene a physiologically-based constraint to the FOV for the phase
analysis by calculating the spatially variant signal to noise ratio in
the response dened as the ratio of the power of the Fourier trans-
form at the stimulus frequency to the power at all other frequencies
(excluding very low frequencies and harmonics of the stimulus fre-
quency) (Saygin and Sereno, 2008; Sereno et al., 1995). In effect,
this models the signal to noise as a ratio of two χ
statistics, each
with degrees of freedom equal to the number of time points. This
ratio has an F-distribution from which we obtained p-values. Voxels
with a p-value less than 0.001 were included in the analysis. Note
that because the noise is not evenly distributed across frequencies,
this is a conservative threshold estimate. The phase of the response
at each voxel is calculated using methods described previously
(White and Culver, 2010a). The hemodynamic delay is removed from
the analysis by taking the vector average of the phase of the response
to the counter-clockwise-moving stimuli with the response to the
clockwise-moving stimuli after reecting the imaginary part of the re-
sponse to the clockwise stimuli about zero (Sereno et al., 1995). This
way the stimulus phase is directly related to the response phase at
each time point in the data. Each voxel's phase error Δθ
is calculated as the difference between the phase mea-
sured with HD-DOT to that measured via fMRI. The norm of the gradient
of the phase map θat a given voxel is themagnitude of the change in
retinal polar phase angle given a unit change in distance in the imaged
volume. Therefore, dividing an error in phase Δθ
by this
norm provides us with an estimate of the distance error for each voxel
/θ). All analyses for each subject are carried
out within the subject-specic space as dened by the T1-weighted
In response to ickering checkerboard wedges (Fig. 2) the location
and spatial extent of the HD-DOT and fMRI activations within an
individual subject are qualitatively similar (Fig. 3). All activations
displayed are block averaged from a set of ten repetitions. For visual
comparison, both the voxel and cortical surface representations
where cropped to a threshold of 50% maximum response. In the para-
sagittal slice view of Fig. 3A, it can be seen that the responses in the
Fig. 2. Experimental design. Subject head model xating on a stimulus screen placed
90 cm away. The visual stimulus is an angularly sweeping black and white reversing ra-
dial grid (10 Hz reversal) on a 50% gray background. The wedge extends over a polar
angle of 60° and a radial angle of 2.5°10.5° and was rotated in steps of 10° each
1123A.T. Eggebrecht et al. / NeuroImage 61 (2012) 11201128
right cortex to a stimulation in the left visual eld are detected in
qualitatively similar locations. The activations lie within the opposite
quadrant as the visual stimulus. While the HD-DOT signals lie on the
same gyri as the fMRI signals, it is apparent that the activation is
reconstructed towards the surface. Responses to the ventral stimuli
are displayed in a dorsally located axial slice in Fig. 3B (Neurological
orientation of the gures: subject left is gure left). Again, there is
strong agreement between the fMRI BOLD signal and HD-DOT recon-
structed hemoglobin concentrations. In the volumetric slice view, it
can be challenging to visualize the full three-dimensional nature of
the activation, especially the intersection with the convoluted cortical
surface. Thus, Fig. 3C displays the response to stimulation within each
of the four quadrants overlaid on the cortical surface as seen from be-
hind the head. It is apparent that the spatial extents of the HD-DOT
and fMRI activations are also qualitatively similar on the cortical
surface. The spatial correspondence of HD-DOT with fMRI is more
fully demonstrated in a movie of all the phase positions of the
block-averaged periodic stimuli (Supplemental Movie 1). Qualitative-
ly, the topography of the responses along the cortical anatomy agrees
strongly throughout the entirety of the stimulus presentation; both
modalities continually exhibit a response in the opposite quadrant
of the visual cortex from the quadrant of the visual eld.
With the HD-DOT and fMRI data sets co-registered we can exam-
ine the temporal hemodynamics within a single voxel of visual cortex.
Both modalities present signals with a strong periodicity and high
contrast to noise ratio (CNR) (Fig. 4A; red: oxygenated hemoglobin
), blue: deoxygenated hemoglobin (ΔHbR), and green: total
hemoglobin (ΔHbT), black: fMRI-BOLD). The high contrast to noise
ratio is also evident in the Fourier transform of hemodynamic time
course with a strong peak at the stimulation frequency, a smaller
peak at the rst harmonic and lower relative power at other frequen-
cies (Fig. 4b). Even though the HD-DOT and fMRI recordings are taken
during different sessions, the responses within the same single voxel
for each modality, are highly correlated (Fig. 2b).
Similar spatial results were observed for all subjects recorded
(Fig. 5, for clarity, only the HbR reconstructed response is shown for
HD-DOT). For a comparison of image quality on every subject for
each HD-DOT contrast, see Supplemental Fig. 1. In Subject 5, the
lower quadrants are nearly missing in the HD-DOT image. This is
due to low SNR on the ventral part of the pad for that subject. In gen-
eral, dorsally located activations for HD-DOT had better contrast-to-
noise and better agreement with the BOLD response than ventral
To quantify the localization error of HD-DOT reconstructions
relative to the fMRI BOLD signal, we calculated the CofM error as
the Euclidian distance between the CofM of the activations. The aver-
age CofM errors across all subjects are: ΔHbO2 4.9 +/1 mm, ΔHbR
5.4+/2 mm, ΔHbT 4.7 +/1 mm, with an average across all he-
moglobin contrasts of: 5.0 +/1 mm. The errors for the dorsal
quadrants (4.2+/1 mm) are lower than for the ventral quadrants
(5.9+/1 mm) (Fig. 3, Fig. 5, Supplementary Fig. 1).
Qualitatively, closer inspection shows that the HD-DOT signal di-
minishes with depth into the sulcal folds as compared to fMRI
(Fig. 6); the HD-DOT response is contained almost entirely within
Fig. 3. Quadrant activations of BOLD and each hemoglobin concentration species. (A) Parasagittal slice through the T1-weighted MRI of Subject 1. Activations are shown in response
to a wedge within the opposite visual quadrant (see visual stimulus key in (C)). Activations for each contrast are thresholded at 50% maximum for that specic activation. (B) Axial
slice with activations. Slices are shown in Neurological space (left is left). (C) Visual stimulus key and surface rendering of cortex with activations overlaid for each quadrant. Note
there is qualitative agreement between the measured BOLD activation and each of the HD-DOT reconstructed hemoglobin concentrations both in activation location and spatial
extent. All activations are the block-averaged responses (10 repetitions) from Subject 1.
Fig. 4. Time course of activations in a single voxel in Subject 1. (A) Time trace of hemo-
globin concentrations (measured with HD-DOT) in response to eight repetitions of the
wedge stimulus. (ΔHbO
, red; ΔHbR, blue; ΔHbT, green). The time trace of BOLD signal
is shown in black. (B) Fourier transforms of the time traces in (A). Note the strong peak
at the rotation frequency of the stimulus wedge, with little background noise in the
1124 A.T. Eggebrecht et al. / NeuroImage 61 (2012) 11201128
the fMRI response area, and co-localized at the surface ridges of the
cortical gyri.
To determine the image quality throughout the eld-of-view of
the imaging pad, we applied a more continuous metric of response
activation using Fourier phase analysis. We calculated phase maps
for both fMRI (Fig. 7a) and HD-DOT (Fig. 7c) that revealed the
pinwheel structure of the stimulus (Fig. 7b). For clarity, only the
contrast data is shown. The circular correlation coefcient
(Lee and Fisher, 1983) CCC of the phases of the different modalities
shows a strong correlation of 0.50 (Fig. 7d). This provides an assess-
ment of how correlated HD-DOT and fMRI responses are for stimuli
throughout the entire visual eld of view.
We also used the phase analysis to evaluate the localization error
between HD-DOT and fMRI. The phase error between the HD-DOT
and fMRI was calculated for each voxel and converted into a distance
error. After converting to a distance error, the map of errors of the
imaging pad on Subject 2 is smooth across the eld of view and not de-
pendent on the location of the voxel relative to the stimulus (Fig. 7f). A
map of the localization error across the whole eld of view was created
for each subject (Supplementary Fig. 2). After removing outliers and aver-
aging over all voxels for all subjects, the average localization error for the
HD-DOT imaging pad is ΔHbO
4.2+/1 mm, ΔHbR 4.2+/2 mm,
ΔHbT 4.8+/1 mm, giving an overall average of 4.4 +/1 mm. A
summary of all localization errors is provided in Table 2.
Our results provide an image quality benchmark test of HD-DOT
via a voxel-to-voxel comparison with fMRI. We demonstrate that
the location and spatial extent HD-DOT activations are qualitatively
similar to fMRI activations throughout the accessible portions of the
visual cortex (Fig. 3 and Fig. 5). Since the data sets were co-
registered time traces of responses within individual voxels could
be compared. Consistent with previous fMRI and NIRS studies, the
signals are highly correlated between the two modalities (Fig. 4).
Qualitatively, the cortical topography of the responses agree strongly
throughout the phase cycle of the stimulus presentation (Supplemental
Movie 1). Quantitatively, we nd the correspondence of quadrant loca-
tions between the two modalities to have an average center-of-mass
error of 5.0 +/1 mm. Using phase maps to calculate localization error
in every voxel across the eld of view we measured an average localiza-
tion error in the HD-DOT of 4.4+/1 mm. Through examination of the
voxel overlap between HD-DOT and fMRI, we nd excellent agreement
along the cortical ridges (Fig. 6), while the concurrence falls off as the
cortex folds away from the scalp surface and the sensitivity of the HD-
DOT system diminishes.
In this study a high density of overlapping measurements (Zeff et
al., 2007) enabled a quantitative voxel-wise comparison of image
quality of co-registered HD-DOT and fMRI over an extended region
of cortex. Previous comparisons between fMRI and DOT have exam-
ined the co-localization between the two modalities in visual
(Zhang et al., 2005) and motor (Joseph et al., 2006; Koch et al.,
2010) cortices. However, these studies did not perform quantitative
voxel-by-voxel comparisons. The motor papers used qualitative
means to infer image agreement by projecting the fMRI data to
individual DOI measurements at the scalp surface (Joseph et al.,
2006), or used a generic head model for the forward light modeling
rather than using the subject-specic anatomy to generate a realistic
photon-propagation model (Koch et al., 2010) and then projected the
data from the model headonto the subject specic MRI anatomy. In
contrast this visual study compared fMRI activations to DOT recon-
structions in a subject-specic brain volume. The use of the subject-
specic anatomy guarantees true alignment with the fMRI data set
leading to the gyral specicity apparent in the reconstructions. The
use of phase encoded retinotopy establishes the co-localization of
HD-DOT and fMRI over contiguous regions of the visual cortex.
While topographic DOI methods remain in wide use (Cui et al.,
2011; Franceschini et al., 2006; Khan et al., 2010; Lindauer et al.,
2001; Ou et al., 2009; Sakatani et al., 2007; Tian et al., 2010), the
image quality improvements of HD-DOT methods have been estab-
lished by several research groups (Joseph et al., 2006; Koch et al.,
Fig. 5. Quadrant activations for all ve subjects. All HD-DOT quadrants are ΔHbR contrast. Note that for all subjects, there is qualitative agreement between HD-DOT and fMRI ac-
tivations both in location as well as extent. The blue quadrant is nearly absent in Subject 4's BOLD response because the actual recorded activation is deeper in the cortical folds than
can be seen within this view. Note that the activation to that quadrant is detected with HD-DOT, but part of the activation is localized on the gyri supercial to the BOLD-measured
Fig. 6. Overlay of HD-DOT (ΔHbO
) and fMRI activation in Subject 1. Visual stimulus in
the lower right visual eld gives rise to a strong response in the upper left visual cortex.
Red: Overlap of HD-DOT and fMRI measured response. Yellow: HD-DOT but not fMRI.
Green: fMRI but not HD-DOT. Note that the majority of the HD-DOT signal is co-
localized with the fMRI response along the top 10 mm of the gyral ridges of the cortical
surface. Activations are thresholded at 50% maximum for each modality. D: dorsal. A:
anterior. L: left.
1125A.T. Eggebrecht et al. / NeuroImage 61 (2012) 11201128
2010; Zeff et al., 2007). Quantitative comparative studies, using both
simulated and in vivo data, have demonstrated clear improvements
in resolution of the tomography approach (Boas et al., 2001, 2004a,
b; Koch et al., 2010; White and Culver, 2010b). While elegant depth
compensation algorithms have been proposed to increase the quality
of depth localization of DOT (Niu et al., 2010), a full comparison of
such methods is beyond the scope of the present work. The
spatially-dependent regularization techniques used herein for
human DOT have been detailed in references: (Dehghani et al.,
2009; White and Culver, 2010a,b; White et al., 2009; Zeff et al.,
2007). Incorporation of additional overlapping measurements pro-
vides the most straightforward approach to further increases in
image quality and extension of the imaging domain. Specically, it
has been shown (Dehghani et al., 2009) that the inclusion of larger
source-detector pair separations leads to improved depth proling
and sensitivity. As the measurement pair distances increase, the
SNR falls off exponentionally (Boas et al., 2001). Thus, if DOT systems
are developed with better sensitivity, they might sample deeper and
possibly improve upon the resolution and localization accuracy of
current systems. In these ve subjects, the current system is
capable of maintaining good localization (b5 mm error) down to a
cortical depth of 0.75 cm, or about 1.75 cm below the surface of the
In this study, we have used NIRFAST, a nite-element solver of the
diffusion equation (Dehghani et al., 2003) to construct the model so-
lution to the forward light scattering problem. Alternatively, a solu-
tion to the full radiative transport equation (RTE) can be obtained
via Monte Carlo (MC) methods. Recent comparative studies between
RTE and diffusion modeling have shown that the diffusion equation is
sufcient for general considerations of DOT in healthy adults (Custo
et al., 2006). The favorable comparative fMRI-DOT results of this
paper using diffusion modeling further support the use of diffusion
modeling. However, there may be clinical situations, for example
patients with cerebral edema, in which MC modeling will have signif-
icant advantages. While historically MC modeling methods were very
time consuming, recent advances in GPU technologies hold promise
for more time efcient implementation of forward solvers (Fang
and Boas, 2009; Ren et al., 2010). It will be important for future
studies to compare the image quality of reconstructions obtained
via both RTE and diffusion modeling.
General Linear Models (GLMs), while standard in the fMRI litera-
ture, are not yet standard with DOT. The localization error of the
centers of mass of the quadrants was calculated using the recon-
structed hemoglobin concentrations for HD-DOT and the raw BOLD
signal for fMRI. No noise-weighting correction was made for either
modality. However, in the phase-map analysis, we did calculate the
statistical signicance for the measured response within each voxel
with a conservative weighting by the noise (see Methods). The
phase map analysis conducted herein provided a similar analysis as
GLM by calculating both the correlation magnitude and phase of the
response to a periodic stimuli. More generalized statistical parametric
mapping (SPM) methods have been developed for NIRS data
(Villringer et al., 1993; Ye et al., 2009), that address the uneven spa-
tial sampling of NIRS topography. In principal, due to the improved
spatial sampling of DOT compared to NIRS (White and Culver,
2010b), the extension of SPM methods used in fMRI for calculating
roughness and addressing the multiple comparisons problem should
be more straight forward for DOT than NIRS.
In our analysis we smoothed (Gaussian kernel with FWHM =13 mm)
the fMRI data to match the DOT imaging point spread function based on
the rationale that we wanted to compare the differences in the modali-
ties, not differences in the point spread functions. However an alternate
approach would be to use standard fMRI processing which typically
uses 8 mm Gaussian smoothing (Wenger et al., 2004). To evaluate the lo-
calization errors with normal fMRI processing we re-ran the quadrant lo-
calization error analysis with a set of fMRI data smoothed to 8 mm. The
resulting average localization error of the quadrants was 4.5 +/2mm,
(within the error of the results from 13 mm smoothing). Thus the small
localization errors between fMRI and HD-DOT hold even with standard
fMRI processing.
Fig. 7. Phase map error analysis in Subject 2. (A) A map of phase is dened throughout the visual cortex for the BOLD response, shown here for Subject 2. (B) Visual stimulus key for
the phase maps. (C) Phase map for HD-DOT (ΔHbO
contrast). Note spatial correspondence with (A). (D) Scatter plot of circular correlation coefcient of BOLD and ΔHbO
phases in
each voxel within the eld of view. Black line is the zero-error line. (E) A phase error plot is created by subtracting the HD-DOT phase in each voxel from the fMRI phase. All phase
errors greater than +/πare corrected via phase wrapping. (F) An estimate of the localization error between fMRI and DOT derived from the phase maps.
Table 2
Summary of HD-DOT imaging errors across subjects and contrasts.
Subject Center of mass error
(mm, mean+/SD)
Phase map error
(mm, mean+/SD)
HbO2 HbR HbT HbO2 HbR HbT
1 5.6+/2 5.7+/1 5.6 +/2 4.6 +/4 4.7 +/4 4.8+/4
2 3.4+/2 4.4+/2 3.6 +/1 3.2 +/3 4.4 +/3 4.0+/4
3 3.9+/3 3.9+/2 4.1 +/4 6.5 +/5 5.3 +/4 6.0+/5
4 6.7+/1 7.8+/1 5.4 +/2 3.4 +/3 3.5 +/2 6.0+/3
5 4.9+/2 5.2+/2 4.9 +/2 3.4 +/3 3.2 +/3 3.2+/3
Average 4.9 +/1 5.4+/2 4.7 +/1 4.2 +/1 4.2 +/1 4.8+/1
Average 5.0 +/1 4.4+/1
1126 A.T. Eggebrecht et al. / NeuroImage 61 (2012) 11201128
The fMRI and HD-DOT data reside within the same model space.
Thus, the magnitude of an error in the location of activation or a
phase map value can be directly compared. The purpose of the
current paper is a within-subject voxel-to-voxel comparison of HD-
DOT and fMRI. We used ve subjects to obtain a sampling across
head types. We provide group averaging of the within subject errors
between fMRI and DOT (errors in CofM and in the phase plots).
Group averaging of the DOT data on a voxel by voxel basis requires
spatial normalization that, while standardized for fMRI, has not yet
been established in the literature for DOT. However, spatial
normalization of DOT data will be an important area of future work
to enable voxel-wise group level comparisons, data averaging, and
better alignment with fMRI processing.
A general limitation of DOT systems is that while the upper
portions of the cortical hull can be sampled, deep brain structures
and deep cortical tissue along midline (e.g. area V1 of the visual
cortex) cannot be sampled. To address this issue we constrained our
comparison of fMRI and DOT to the regions of the tissue that were
well sampled by the DOT imaging array. This limited the potential
confound of having displaced or mismatched sampling volumes.
Retinotopic stimuli, even at a single focal location in the visual eld
of view, lead to multiple activations within the visual cortex due to
the presence of multiple representations (i.e. V1, V2, V3 etc).
Qualitatively, the cortical topography of the responses are in agree-
ment throughout the accessible visual areas (Supplemental Movie
1). The phase analysis conrms this quantitatively.
These co-registered retinotopic results establish that HD-DOT
methods can map brain function with good (b5 mm localization
error) voxel-to-voxel correspondence with fMRI. By using a phase-
encoded visual paradigm this study not only compared point-
activations but also full maps of visual cortex, a standard analysis in
fMRI literature (Warnking et al., 2002). The HD-DOT maps were
veried to be not only aligned with the fMRI but also possessing the
same qualitative contours and structure along the cortical ribbon.
Limiting aspects of previous HD-DOT studies (Custo et al., 2009; Zeff
et al., 2007) were directly addressed. Specically, we used anatomical
head modeling with accurate optode placement, co-registration of
the data set to not only the specic subject anatomy but also to an
additional neuroimaging modality, and contiguous mapping of an
extend region of the cortex. The resulting voxel-wise comparison
reveals that the localization errors between HD-DOT and fMRI in
functional maps of visual cortex are on average within the size of a
gyral ridge. This gyral specicity demonstrates that HD-DOT methods
show great promise and have sufcient image quality to be useful as a
surrogate for fMRI in both clinical and basic neuroscience.
Supplementary materials related to this article can be found
online at doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.01.124
Role of the funding source
This work was supported in part by NIH grants R01-EB009233
(J.P.C), T90-DA022871 (Imaging Science Fellowship, B.R.W.) and a
Fulbright Science and Technology Ph.D. Award (S.L.F.). The funding
source had no involvement in the study design, collection, analysis,
interpretation of the data, writing of the paper, or decision to submit
the paper for publication. J.P.C and Washington University have nan-
cial interests in Cephalogics LLC based on a license of related optical
imaging technology by the University to Cephalogics LLC.
We thank Gavin Perry and Martin Olevitch for help with HD-DOT
instrumentation and software; Fran Miezin for developing the BOLD
sequence we used; Donna Dierker for help and patience with Caret
and FreeSurfer software; and Tracy Nolan and Linda Larson-Prior
with some MRI data acquisition.
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1128 A.T. Eggebrecht et al. / NeuroImage 61 (2012) 11201128
... Other recent systems enable enhanced spatial resolution thanks to the development of High-Density Diffuse Optical Tomography (HD-DOT) systems, which incorporate high-density optode arrays . Specifically, a quantitative voxel-wise comparison of HD-DOT and fMRI (using a 3 T scanner with 3 mm isotropic voxels) showed an average localization error of only 4.4 ± 1 mm, indicating high spatial accuracy of HD-DOT relative to the fMRI standard (Eggebrecht et al., 2012). Comparing the spatial alignment of measures from continuous-wave devices with fMRI measures revealed a strong correspondence at the group level, suggesting their reliability for clinical use (Klein et al. 2022a;Toronov et al. 2007;Zinos et al., 2024). ...
... Thanks to a set of attractive features, fNIRS systems constitute a reliable neuroimaging technique for the study of human cognition Ferreri et al., 2014a;2014b;Yücel et al., 2017). To prove its reliability, the neural activity measured with fNIRS has been compared to the blood-oxygenation-level-dependent (BOLD) signal measured with fMRI by several studies, finding positive correlations with HbO 2 as well as anti-correlations with HbR (Duan et al., 2012;Eggebrecht et al., 2012;Huppert et al., 2006;Noah et al., 2015;Scarapicchia et al., 2017;Steinbrink et al., 2006;. fNIRS is portable (and in some cases wireless; Pinti et al., 2018;Zhao & Cooper, 2017), non-invasive, silent, resistant to motion artifacts, and relatively inexpensive, thus presenting numerous advantages over other neuroimaging techniques (Table 1). ...
... Furthermore, it could allow testing under more ecological conditions and extending the investigation to participants difficult to test with other neuroimaging techniques because of their technical demands (e.g., toddlers, patients with behavioral, neurological, and psychiatric disorders, individuals with hearing aids or cochlear implants). Given its rapid technical advances and accessibility, fNIRS should soon be a reliable tool to be used also in clinical settings (Eggebrecht et al., 2012;Zinos et al., 2024), providing the possibility of monitoring the neural correlates of music processing as a therapeutic, preventive, or diagnostic means. The affordability of the tool will also facilitate widespread use in different countries (as suggested by the music and fNIRS world map included in this review) and encourage cross-cultural studies. ...
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Research investigating the neural processes related to music perception and production constitutes a well-established field within the cognitive neurosciences. While most neuroimaging tools have limitations in studying the complexity of musical experiences, functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) represents a promising, relatively new tool for studying music processes in both laboratory and ecological settings, which is also suitable for both typical and pathological populations across development. Here we systematically review fNIRS studies on music cognition, highlighting prospects and potentialities. We also include an overview of fNIRS basic theory, together with a brief comparison to characteristics of other neuroimaging tools. Fifty-nine studies meeting inclusion criteria (i.e., using fNIRS with music as the primary stimulus) are presented across five thematic sections. Critical discussion of methodology leads us to propose guidelines of good practices aiming for robust signal analyses and reproducibility. A continuously updated world map is proposed, including basic information from studies meeting the inclusion criteria. It provides an organized, accessible, and updatable reference database, which could serve as a catalyst for future collaborations within the community. In conclusion, fNIRS shows potential for investigating cognitive processes in music, particularly in ecological contexts and with special populations, aligning with current research priorities in music cognition.
... However, based on existing studies [15,16], functional brain networks obtained from HbR, HbO, and BOLD signals seem to exhibit high-level spatial similarities. There are more studies that have reported a highlevel spatial similarity of brain networks obtained using HbR and HbO under both task and resting conditions [15,16,[41][42][43][44][45]. While it is plausible that similar networked brain activations resulting from different contrast signals are indeed genuine, it may also be possible that observed similarity in these networks is due to the methodological limitations in probing fast dynamics of functional brain networks. ...
... DOT forward modeling was conducted using our previously developed framework [15] on participant-specific head models with finite element (FE) volume meshes (tetrahedrons: 866,929 ± 223,964, nodes: 140,774 ± 35,883). The linear forward relationship between measured light changes at the scalp nodes due to small perturbations in chromophore concentrations (both HbR and HbO) was calculated using the NIRFAST software [60] with realistic baseline optical properties of brain tissues [41]. Because the sensitivity of fNIRS dropped considerably with the depth, the source space (solution space) was chosen to be made up of FE mesh nodes inside the brain (contained by the pial surface) within 45 mm of the scalp [61]. ...
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Objective. Human resting-state networks (RSNs) estimated from oxygenated (HbO) and deoxygenated hemoglobin (HbR) data exhibit strong similarities, while task-based studies show different dynamics in HbR and HbO responses. Such a discrepancy might be explained due to time-averaged estimations of RSNs. Our study investigated differences between HbO and HbR on time-resolved brain-wide coactivation patterns (CAPs). Approach. Diffuse optical tomography was reconstructed from resting-state whole-head functional near-infrared spectroscopy data of HbR and HbO in individual healthy participants. Timeaveraged RSNs were obtained using the group-level independent component analysis. Time-resolved CAPs were estimated using a clustering approach on the time courses of all obtained RSNs. Characteristics of the RSNs and CAPs from HbR and HbO were compared. Main results. Spatial patterns of HbR and HbO RSNs exhibited significant similarities. Meanwhile, HbR CAPs revealed much more organized spatial and dynamic characteristics than HbO CAPs. The entire set of HbR CAPs suggests a superstructure resulted from brain-wide neuronal dynamics, which is less evident in the set of HbO CAPs. These differences between HbO and HbR CAPs were consistently replicated in individual session data. Conclusion. Our results suggest that human resting brain-wide neuronal activations are preserved better in time-resolved brainwide patterns, i.e., CAPs, from HbR than those from HbO, while such a difference is lost between time-averaged HbR and HbO RSNs. Significance. Our results reveal, for the first time, HbR concentration fluctuations are more directly coupled with resting dynamics of brain-wide neuronal activations in human brains.
... High-density diffuse optical tomography (HD-DOT) is an emerging neuroimaging approach that uses dense arrays of light sources and detectors to combine logistical advantages of optical imaging with tomographic reconstruction, increased resolution, reduced localization artifacts, and other image quality improvements relative to traditional fNIRS (Fishell et al., 2020;Frijia et al., 2021;Zeff et al., 2007). HD-DOT has been extensively benchmarked against fMRI (Eggebrecht et al., 2012 and has potential to be a powerful tool for developmental neuroscience research. However, prior HD-DOT studies have focused on adults , children older than 7 years (Fishell et al., 2020), or infants (Ferradal et al., 2016;Frijia et al., 2021;Liao et al., 2012), omitting the intermediate age range of 1-7 years. ...
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Human studies of early brain development have been limited by extant neuroimaging methods. MRI scanners present logistical challenges for imaging young children, while alternative modalities like functional near‐infrared spectroscopy have traditionally been limited by image quality due to sparse sampling. In addition, conventional tasks for brain mapping elicit low task engagement, high head motion, and considerable participant attrition in pediatric populations. As a result, typical and atypical developmental trajectories of processes such as language acquisition remain understudied during sensitive periods over the first years of life. We evaluate high‐density diffuse optical tomography (HD‐DOT) imaging combined with movie stimuli for high resolution optical neuroimaging in awake children ranging from 1 to 7 years of age. We built an HD‐DOT system with design features geared towards enhancing both image quality and child comfort. Furthermore, we characterized a library of animated movie clips as a stimulus set for brain mapping and we optimized associated data analysis pipelines. Together, these tools could map cortical responses to movies and contained features such as speech in both adults and awake young children. This study lays the groundwork for future research to investigate response variability in larger pediatric samples and atypical trajectories of early brain development in clinical populations.
... 17 spatial resolution of fMRI. 19,20 Moreover, DOT quantifies changes in oxygenated hemoglobin (HbO), deoxygenated hemoglobin (Hb), and total hemoglobin (HbT), whereas the fMRI blood-oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signal is predominantly dependent on Hb. 21 This allows DOT to better distinguish differences in localization, timing, and magnitude, thus creating a more consummate analysis of neurovascular function. ...
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INTRODUCTION Delirium is associated with mortality and new onset dementia, yet the underlying pathophysiology remains poorly understood. Development of imaging biomarkers has been difficult given the challenging nature of imaging delirious patients. Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) offers a promising approach for investigating delirium given its portability and three‐dimensional capabilities. METHODS Twenty‐five delirious and matched non‐delirious patients (n = 50) were examined using DOT, comparing cerebral oxygenation and functional connectivity in the prefrontal cortex during and after an episode of delirium. RESULTS Total hemoglobin values were significantly decreased in the delirium group, even after delirium resolution. Functional connectivity between the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex was strengthened post‐resolution compared to during an episode; however, this relationship was still significantly weaker compared to controls. DISCUSSION These findings highlight DOT's potential as an imaging biomarker to measure impaired cerebral oxygenation and functional dysconnectivity during and after delirium. Future studies should focus on the role of cerebral oxygenation in delirium pathogenesis and exploring the etiological link between delirium and dementias. Highlights We developed a portable diffuse optical tomography (DOT) system for bedside three‐dimensional functional neuroimaging to study delirium in the hospital. We implemented a novel DOT task‐focused seed‐based correlation analysis. DOT revealed decreased cerebral oxygenation and functional connectivity strength in the delirium group, even after resolution of delirium.
... In HD-DOT, a dense array of sources and detectors placed on the scalp is used to record light intensity from sampling overlapping volumes of tissue (i.e., overlapping channels) at varying source-detector separations. This can be used to yield information about the depth at which measured concentration changes occur (Wheelock et al., 2019) and permits the production of brain activity maps with spatial resolutions approaching those of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), as demonstrated in multiple studies (White and Culver, 2010;Eggebrecht et al., 2012Eggebrecht et al., , 2014Ferradal et al., 2015). ...
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Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a widely used imaging method for mapping brain activation based on cerebral hemodynamics. The accurate quantification of cortical activation using fNIRS data is highly dependent on the ability to correctly localize the positions of light sources and photodetectors on the scalp surface. Variations in head size and shape across participants greatly impact the precise locations of these optodes and consequently, the regions of the cortical surface being reached. Such variations can therefore influence the conclusions drawn in NIRS studies that attempt to explore specific cortical regions. In order to preserve the spatial identity of each NIRS channel, subject-specific differences in NIRS array registration must be considered. Using high-density diffuse optical tomography (HD-DOT), we have demonstrated the inter-subject variability of the same HD-DOT array applied to ten participants recorded in the resting state. We have also compared three-dimensional image reconstruction results obtained using subject-specific positioning information to those obtained using generic optode locations. To mitigate the error introduced by using generic information for all participants, photogrammetry was used to identify specific optode locations per-participant. The present work demonstrates the large variation between subjects in terms of which cortical parcels are sampled by equivalent channels in the HD-DOT array. In particular, motor cortex recordings suffered from the largest optode localization errors, with a median localization error of 27.4 mm between generic and subject-specific optodes, leading to large differences in parcel sensitivity. These results illustrate the importance of collecting subject-specific optode locations for all wearable NIRS experiments, in order to perform accurate group-level analysis using cortical parcellation.
... These values were chosen for deep tissue measurement: ρ=4 cm corresponds to an approximate measurement depth of 2 cm. Although ρ=2.5 cm is considered sufficient for measuring the cortical surface going to further distances offers greath depth sensitivity and distances of between 3.0 -4.0 cm have been used for tomographic reconstruction of human functional activation [59,60]. T=5 ms was chosen in order to be able to sample at fast enough acquisition rates while also maximizing the number of detected photons ( Figure 5(d)). ...
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Diffuse optical methods including speckle contrast optical spectroscopy and tomography (SCOS and SCOT), use speckle contrast (κ) to measure deep blood flow. In order to design practical systems, parameters such as signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the effects of limited sampling of statistical quantities, should be considered. To that end, we have developed a method for simulating speckle contrast signals including effects of detector noise. The method was validated experimentally, and the simulations were used to study the effects of physical and experimental parameters on the accuracy and precision of κ. These results revealed that systematic detector effects resulted in decreased accuracy and precision of κ in the regime of low detected signals. The method can provide guidelines for the design and usage of SCOS and/or SCOT instruments.
Conference Paper
NeuroDOT is a Matlab and Python-based toolbox for functional near infrared spectroscopy and diffuse optical tomography with functions, pipelines, and training tutorials for data pre-processing, anatomical light modeling, image reconstruction, analysis, and visualization.
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In this paper the scanning techniques of PET and fMRI are presented and discussed in technical terms. The main focus of this paper is the physiological processes underpinning these techniques and the ways they operate temporally and spatially. Physiological processes captured by these techniques refer generally to the volume of blood in the brain and the concentration of oxygen in the blood. Temporal and spatial resolution in the case of these methods refers to data collection when the brain is scanned. Temporal resolution records the exact time when a cognitive process takes place; spatial resolution demonstrates in what part of the brain such activity takes place. A comparison between these two techniques shows that one needs the other in terms of measuring the blood and oxygen in the brain so clear pictures of cognitive processes and their locations to be obtained. Both PET and fMRI are in use from cognitive neuroscience, for through the measures that they take from the brain, cognitive processes and their locations can be clearly identified and read.
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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a neurodevelopmental disorder defined by social communication deficits plus repetitive behaviors and restricted interests, currently affects 1/36 children in the general population. Recent advances in functional brain imaging show promise to provide useful biomarkers of ASD diagnostic likelihood, behavioral trait severity, and even response to therapeutic intervention. However, current gold-standard neuroimaging methods (e.g., functional magnetic resonance imaging) are limited in naturalistic studies of brain function underlying ASD-associated behaviors due to the constrained imaging environment. To overcome these limitations, we aimed to establish high-density diffuse optical tomography (HD-DOT), a non-invasive and minimally constraining optical neuroimaging modality, to evaluate brain function in autistic and non-autistic school-age children as they performed a biological motion perception task previously shown to yield results related to both ASD diagnosis and behavioral traits. Herein, we used HD-DOT to image brain function in 46 ASD school-age participants, 49 non-autistic controls (NAC), and 17 pro-band siblings as they viewed dynamic point-light displays of coherent biological and scrambled motion. We assessed group-level cortical brain function with statistical parametric mapping. Additionally, we tested for brain-behavior associations with dimensional metrics of autism traits, as measured with the Social Responsiveness Scale-2, with hierarchical regression models. We found that NAC participants presented stronger brain activity contrast (coherent > scrambled) than ASD children in cortical regions related to visual, motor, and social processing. Additionally, regression models revealed multiple cortical regions in autistic participants where brain function is significantly associated with dimensional measures of autism traits. This study demonstrates that HD-DOT is sensitive to brain function that both differentiates between NAC and ASD groups and correlates with dimensional measures of ASD traits. These findings establish HD-DOT as an effective tool for investigating brain function in autistic and non-autistic children and opens the door to future studies on brain function underlying natural behaviors.
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Brain activity is associated with changes in optical properties of brain tissue. Optical measurements during brain activation can assess haemoglobin oxygenation, cytochrome-c-oxidase redox state, and two types of changes in light scattering reflecting either membrane potential (fast signal) or cell swelling (slow signal), respectively. In previous studies of exposed brain tissue, optical imaging of brain activity has been achieved at high temporal and microscopical spatial resolution. Now, using near-infrared light that can penetrate biological tissue reasonably well, it has become possible to assess brain activity in human subjects through the intact skull non-invasively. After early studies employing single-site near-infrared spectroscopy, first near-infrared imaging devices are being applied successfully for low-resolution functional brain imaging. Advantages of the optical methods include biochemical specificity, a temporal resolution in the millisecond range, the potential of measuring intracellular and intravascular events simultaneously and the portability of the devices enabling bedside examinations.
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There is a growing interest in the use of near-infrared spectroscopy for the noninvasive determination of the oxygenation level within biological tissue. Stemming from this application, there has been further research in the use of this technique for obtaining tomographic images of the neonatal head, with the view of determining the levels of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood within the brain. Owing to computational complexity, methods used for numerical modeling of photon transfer within tissue have usually been limited to the diffusion approximation of the Boltzmann transport equation. The diffusion approximation, however, is not valid in regions of low scatter, such as the cerebrospinal fluid. Methods have been proposed for dealing with nonscattering regions within diffusing materials through the use of a radiosity-diffusion model. Currently, this new model assumes prior knowledge of the void region location; therefore it is instructive to examine the errors introduced in applying a simple diffusion-based reconstruction scheme in cases in which there exists a nonscattering region. We present reconstructed images of objects that contain a nonscattering region within a diffusive material. Here the forward data is calculated with the radiosity-diffusion model, and the inverse problem is solved with either the radiosity-diffusion model or the diffusion-only model. The reconstructed images show that even in the presence of only a thin nonscattering layer, a diffusion-only reconstruction will fail. When a radiosity-diffusion model is used for image reconstruction, together with a priori information about the position of the nonscattering region, the quality of the reconstructed image is considerably improved. The accuracy of the reconstructed images depends largely on the position of the anomaly with respect to the nonscattering region as well as the thickness of the nonscattering region.
In recent years, many new cortical areas have been identified in the macaque monkey. The number of identified connections between areas has increased even more dramatically. We report here on (1) a summary of the layout of cortical areas associated with vision and with other modalities, (2) a computerized database for storing and representing large amounts of information on connectivity patterns, and (3) the application of these data to the analysis of hierarchical organization of the cerebral cortex. Our analysis concentrates on the visual system, which includes 25 neocortical areas that are predominantly or exclusively visual in function, plus an additional 7 areas that we regard as visual-association areas on the basis of their extensive visual inputs. A total of 305 connections among these 32 visual and visual-association areas have been reported. This represents 31% of the possible number of pathways it each area were connected with all others. The actual degree of connectivity is likely to be closer to 40%. The great majority of pathways involve reciprocal connections between areas. There are also extensive connections with cortical areas outside the visual system proper, including the somatosensory cortex, as well as neocortical, transitional, and archicortical regions in the temporal and frontal lobes. In the somatosensory/motor system, there are 62 identified pathways linking 13 cortical areas, suggesting an overall connectivity of about 40%. Based on the laminar patterns of connections between areas, we propose a hierarchy of visual areas and of somato sensory/motor areas that is more comprehensive than those suggested in other recent studies. The current version of the visual hierarchy includes 10 levels of cortical processing. Altogether, it contains 14 levels if one includes the retina and lateral geniculate nucleus at the bottom as well as the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus at the top. Within this hierarchy, there are multiple, intertwined processing streams, which, at a low level, are related to the compartmental organization of areas V1 and V2 and, at a high level, are related to the distinction between processing centers in the temporal and parietal lobes. However, there are some pathways and relationships (about 10% of the total) whose descriptions do not fit cleanly into this hierarchical scheme for one reason or another. In most instances, though, it is unclear whether these represent genuine exceptions to a strict hierarchy rather than inaccuracies or uncertainties in the reported assignment.
Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a non-invasive method to measure brain activity via changes in the degree of hemoglobin oxygenation through the intact skull. As optically measured hemoglobin signals strongly correlate with BOLD signals, simultaneous measurement using NIRS and fMRI promises a significant mutual enhancement of temporal and spatial resolutions. Although there exists a powerful statistical parametric mapping tool in fMRI, current public domain statistical tools for NIRS have several limitations related to the quantitative analysis of simultaneous recording studies with fMRI. In this paper, a new public domain statistical toolbox known as NIRS-SPM is described. It enables the quantitative analysis of NIRS signal. More specifically, NIRS data are statistically analyzed based on the general linear model (GLM) and Sun's tube formula. The p-values are calculated as the excursion probability of an inhomogeneous random !eld on a representation manifold that is dependent on the structure of the error covariance matrix and the interpolating kernels. NIRS-SPM not only enables the calculation of activation maps of oxy-, deoxy- hemoglobin and total hemoglobin, but also allows for the super-resolution localization, which is not possible using conventional analysis tools. Extensive experimental results using finger tapping and memory tasks confirm the viability of the proposed method.
The effect of motor activity on the left fronto‐central region of the human brain was analyzed spatially and temporally by using noninvasive near‐infrared light (NIR) topography. The changes in oxygenation states caused by motor activity were measured using intensity‐modulated NIR spectroscopy at ten measurement positions on the head surface. The subject randomly performed unilateral finger opposition for 30 s as motor stimulation. When the subject performed contralateral (right) finger movement, significant increases in both oxygenated hemoglobin (oxy‐Hb) and total hemoglobin (total‐Hb) and decreases in deoxygenated hemoglobin (deoxy‐Hb) were observed in a particular area. By mapping the static topograms of the changes of each Hb and comparing them with an anatomical image of MRI, it was found that the particular area was located on the motor cortex along the central sulcus. By mapping the dynamic topograms of the changes of total‐Hb, which reflect the cerebral blood volume, and analyzing the spatiotemporal hemodynamic changes associated with the brain activity, it was found that the regional change in cerebral blood volume in the primary motor area overlaps the global change around the motor cortex. These results demonstrate that NIR topography can be used to effectively observe the human brain activity.
We describe a neuroimaging protocol that utilizes an anatomical atlas of the human head to guide diffuse optical tomography of human brain activation. The protocol is demonstrated by imaging the hemodynamic response to median-nerve stimulation in three healthy subjects, and comparing the images obtained using a head atlas with the images obtained using the subject-specific head anatomy. The results indicate that using the head atlas anatomy it is possible to reconstruct the location of the brain activation to the expected gyrus of the brain, in agreement with the results obtained with the subject-specific head anatomy. The benefits of this novel method derive from eliminating the need for subject-specific head anatomy and thus obviating the need for a subject-specific MRI to improve the anatomical interpretation of diffuse optical tomography images of brain activation.
Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) can detect changes in the concentrations of oxy-hemoglobin ([HbO]) and deoxy-hemoglobin ([Hb]) in tissue based upon differential absorption at multiple wavelengths. The common analysis of NIRS data uses the modified Beer–Lambert law, which is an empirical formulation that assumes global concentration changes. We used simulations to examine the errors that result when this analysis is applied to focal hemodynamic changes, and we performed simultaneous NIRS measurements during a motor task in adult humans and a neonate to evaluate the dependence of the measured changes on detector-probe geometry. For both simulations and in vivo measurements, the wide range of NIRS results was compared to an imaging analysis, diffuse optical tomography (DOT). The results demonstrate that relative changes in [HbO] and [Hb] cannot, in general, be quantified with NIRS. In contrast to that method, DOT analysis was shown to accurately quantify simulated changes in chromophore concentrations. These results and the general principles suggest that DOT can accurately measure changes in [Hb] and [HbO], but NIRS cannot accurately determine even relative focal changes in these chromophore concentrations. For the standard NIRS analysis to become more accurate for focal changes, it must account for the position of the focal change relative to the source and detector as well as the wavelength dependent optical properties of the medium.
Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a non-invasive method to measure brain activity via changes in the degree of hemoglobin oxygenation through the intact skull. As optically measured hemoglobin signals strongly correlate with BOLD signals, simultaneous measurement using NIRS and fMRI promises a significant mutual enhancement of temporal and spatial resolutions. Although there exists a powerful statistical parametric mapping tool in fMRI, current public domain statistical tools for NIRS have several limitations related to the quantitative analysis of simultaneous recording studies with fMRI. In this paper, a new public domain statistical toolbox known as NIRS-SPM is described. It enables the quantitative analysis of NIRS signal. More specifically, NIRS data are statistically analyzed based on the general linear model (GLM) and Sun's tube formula. The p-values are calculated as the excursion probability of an inhomogeneous random field on a representation manifold that is dependent on the structure of the error covariance matrix and the interpolating kernels. NIRS-SPM not only enables the calculation of activation maps of oxy-, deoxy-hemoglobin and total hemoglobin, but also allows for the super-resolution localization, which is not possible using conventional analysis tools. Extensive experimental results using finger tapping and memory tasks confirm the viability of the proposed method.
Topographic non-invasive near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) has become a well-established tool for functional brain imaging. Applying up to 100 optodes over the head of a subject, allows achieving a spatial resolution in the centimeter range. This resolution is poor compared to other functional imaging tools. However, recently it was shown that diffuse optical tomography (DOT) as an extension of NIRS based on high-density (HD) probe arrays and supplemented by an advanced image reconstruction procedure allows describing activation patterns with a spatial resolution in the millimeter range. Building on these findings, we hypothesize that HD-DOT may render very focal activations accessible which would be missed by the traditionally used sparse arrays. We examined activation patterns in the primary somatosensory cortex, since its somatotopic organization is very fine-grained. We performed a vibrotactile stimulation study of the first and fifth finger in eight human subjects, using a 900-channel continuous-wave DOT imaging system for achieving a higher resolution than conventional topographic NIRS. To compare the results to a well-established high-resolution imaging technique, the same paradigm was investigated in the same subjects by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). In this work, we tested the advantage of ultrahigh-density probe arrays and show that highly focal activations would be missed by classical next-nearest neighbor NIRS approach, but also by DOT, when using a sparse probe array. Distinct activation patterns for both fingers correlated well with the expected neuroanatomy in five of eight subjects. Additionally we show that activation for different fingers is projected to different tissue depths in the DOT image. Comparison to the fMRI data yielded similar activation foci in seven out of ten finger representations in these five subjects when comparing the lateral localization of DOT and fMRI results.