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Heat Shock Protein 60 as a Mediator of Adipose Tissue Inflammation and Insulin Resistance


Abstract and Figures

The stress protein heat shock protein 60 (Hsp60) induces secretion of proinflammatory mediators from murine adipocytes. This study aimed to study Hsp60 as a mediator of adipose tissue inflammation and skeletal muscle cell (SkMC) insulin sensitivity and to quantify plasma Hsp60 concentrations in lean and obese individuals. Regulation of Hsp60 release and Hsp60-induced cytokine secretion and signaling was measured in human adipocytes and SkMCs. Adipocytes exhibited higher Hsp60 release than preadipocytes and SkMCs, which was further stimulated by cytokines and Toll-like receptor (TLR)-4 activation. Hsp60 activated extracellular signal-related kinase (ERK)-1/2, Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase (JNK), p38, nuclear factor (NF)-κB, and impaired insulin-stimulated Akt phosphorylation in adipocytes. Furthermore, Hsp60 stimulated adipocytes to secrete tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin (IL)-6, and IL-8. In SkMCs, Hsp60 activated ERK1/2, JNK, and NF-κB and inhibits insulin signaling and insulin-stimulated glucose uptake. SkMCs released IL-6, IL-8, and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 on Hsp60 stimulation. Plasma Hsp60 was higher in obese males than in lean males and correlated positively with BMI, blood pressure, leptin, and homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance. In summary, Hsp60 is released by human adipocytes, increased in plasma of obese humans, and induces insulin resistance. This is accompanied by activation of proinflammatory signaling in human adipocytes and SkMCs. Thus, Hsp60 might be a factor underlying adipose tissue inflammation and obesity-associated metabolic disorders.
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Heat Shock Protein 60 as a Mediator of Adipose Tissue
Inammation and Insulin Resistance
Tina Märker,
Henrike Sell,
Pia Zilleßen,
Anja Glöde,
Jennifer Kriebel,
D. Margriet Ouwens,
Piet Pattyn,
Johannes Ruige,
Susanne Famulla,
Michael Roden,
Jürgen Eckel,
Christiane Habich
The stress protein heat shock protein 60 (Hsp60) induces secre-
tion of proinammatory mediators from murine adipocytes. This
study aimed to study Hsp60 as a mediator of adipose tissue in-
ammation and skeletal muscle cell (SkMC) insulin sensitivity
and to quantify plasma Hsp60 concentrations in lean and obese
individuals. Regulation of Hsp60 release and Hsp60-induced
cytokine secretion and signaling was measured in human adi-
pocytes and SkMCs. Adipocytes exhibited higher Hsp60 release
than preadipocytes and SkMCs, which was further stimulated by
cytokines and Toll-like receptor (TLR)-4 activation. Hsp60 activated
extracellular signalrelated kinase (ERK)-1/2, Jun NH
kinase (JNK), p38, nuclear factor (NF)-kB, and impaired insulin-
stimulated Akt phosphorylation in adipocytes. Furthermore,
Hsp60 stimulated adipocytes to secrete tumor necrosis factor-a,
interleukin (IL)-6, and IL-8. In SkMCs, Hsp60 activated ERK1/2,
JNK, and NF-kB and inhibits insulin signaling and insulin-stimulated
glucose uptake. SkMCs released IL-6, IL-8, and monocyte chemo-
attractant protein-1 on Hsp60 stimulation. Plasma Hsp60 was higher
in obese males than in lean males and correlated positively with
BMI, blood pressure, leptin, and homeostasis model assessment
insulin resistance. In summary, Hsp60 is released by human adi-
pocytes, increased in plasma of obese humans, and induces insulin
resistance. This is accompanied by activation of proinamma-
tory signaling in human adipocytes and SkMCs. Thus, Hsp60
might be a factor underlying adipose tissue inammation and
obesity-associated metabolic disorders. Diabetes 61:615625,
Obesity is frequently accompanied by metabolic
disturbances such as insulin resistance and
other components of the metabolic syndrome
(1). Enlarged adipose tissue mass, especially in
the visceral compartment, is one of the major risk factors
for the development of type 2 diabetes (2). Adipocytes
from obese subjects are characterized by altered meta-
bolic and endocrine function with increased secretion of
proinammatory adipokines such as tumor necrosis factor
(TNF)-a, interleukin (IL)-6, and resistin (3,4). However,
until now, the physiological signals triggering the secretion
of proinammatory mediators from adipocytes remain
largely unknown. The stress protein heat shock protein
60 (Hsp60) has been described as a potent inductor of
proinammatory mediators in innate immune cells such as
macrophages and in adipocytes (58). Furthermore, ele-
vated Hsp60 concentrations have been measured in the
circulation of individuals with type 2 diabetes (9). Thus,
Hsp60 could be a potential trigger of human adipocyte in-
ammation. Because insulin resistance is typical for obesity
emerging early in the development of the metabolic syn-
drome and is highly associated with increased visceral ad-
ipose tissue mass, this study also aims at characterizing
Hsp60 in the context of skeletal muscle insulin resistance.
Here, we describe for the rst time that Hsp60 is released
from adipocytes and can therefore be identied as a novel
adipokine, mediating paracrine proinammatory effects on
adipocytes as well as endocrine effects on other cell types
such as skeletal muscle cell (SkMC). These ndings are
supported by our results that circulating Hsp60 levels
are higher in obese individuals with and without type 2
diabetes than in lean individuals. The current study pro-
vides evidence that Hsp60 contributes to a negative
crosstalk between adipose tissue and skeletal muscle.
Cell cultures. Primary human preadipocytes were obtained from sub-
cutaneous adipose tissue from lean or overweight females undergoing elective
plastic surgery (BMI 28.1 61.1 kg/m
, age 42.4 62.8 years) and from PromoCell
(Heidelberg, Germany) and were differentiated in vitro to adipocytes as de-
scribed before (10). For isolation of mature adipocytes and the stromavascular
fraction, the protocol was modied by decreasing the collagenase digestion
period to 45 min. Mature adipocytes were collected by careful aspiration of the
upper phase, while the lower phase was centrifuged at 1,100gto obtain the
stromavascular fraction. All protocols were approved by the local ethics
committee, and all participants gave written informed consent. Primary hu-
man SkMCs derived from healthy individuals (male: 16 and 21 years of age;
female: 33 and 37 years of age) were obtained from PromoCell, cultivated, and
differentiated as described before (10).
Antibodies and reagents. Antibodies against phosphoextracellular signal
related kinase (ERK)-1/2 (Thr202/Tyr204), phospho-p38 (Thr180/Tyr182),
phospho-SAPK/JNK (p46,Thr183/Tyr185), phosphonuclear factor (NF)-kB
(p65, Ser536), phospho-Akt (Ser473), phospho-GSK3a/b(Ser21/9), and b-actin
(clone 13E5) were obtained from Cell Signaling Technology (Danvers, MA).
Antitubulin antibodies were obtained from Calbiochem (Merck Biosciences,
Schwalbach, Germany). Hsp60 antibodies (clone 24/HSP60) were purchased
from BD Biosciences (San Diego, CA), and horseradish peroxidaseconjugated
goat anti-rabbit and goat anti-mouse secondary antibodies were from Pierce
Thermo Scientic (Bonn, Germany). Recombinant human Hsp60 was ob-
tained from Loke Aps Diagnostics (Risskov, Denmark) or from StressGen
Biotechnologies (Victoria, BC, Canada). Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (Escher-
ichia coli, 026:B6), lipoteichoic acid, ovalbumin (OVA), and porcine insulin
were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Steinheim, Germany). Recombinant
TNF-a,IL-1b, and interferon (IFN)-gwere obtained from Miltenyi Biotech
(Bergisch Gladbach, Germany). The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
From the
Institute for Clinical Diabetology, German Diabetes Center, Leibniz
Center for Diabetes Research at the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf,
Düsseldorf, Germany; the
Institute of Clinical Biochemistry and Pathobio-
chemistry, German Diabetes Center, Leibniz Center for Diabetes Research
at the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany; the
partment of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent,
Belgium; the
Department of Endocrinology, Ghent University Hospital,
Ghent, Belgium; and the
Department of Metabolic Diseases, Heinrich-
Heine-University Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany.
Corresponding author: Christiane Habich,
Received 12 November 2010 and accepted 8 December 2011.
DOI: 10.2337/db10-1574
This article contains Supplementary Data online at http://diabetes
T.M. and H.S. contributed equally to this article.
Ó2012 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as
long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not for prot,
and the work is not altered. See
-nc-nd/3.0/ for details. DIABETES, VOL. 61, MARCH 2012 615
(ELISA) kit for phosphoinsulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1 (Ser307) was pur-
chased from Cell Signaling Technology.
Hsp60 expression. Primary human subcutaneous adipocytes and SkMCs
obtained at different differentiation time points (day 014 and day 08, re-
spectively) were lysed in a buffer containing 50 mmol/L HEPES, pH 7.4, 1%
Triton, and protease inhibitors (Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany). Cell
lysates were analyzed for Hsp60 expression by Western blot using the Lumi-
Imager system (Roche Diagnostics).
Adipocyte release of Hsp60. To analyze the release of Hsp60 from human
preadipocytes, mature adipocytes and SkMC 3.5 310
cells were seeded in
cell culture asks for differentiation, and adipocyte conditioned me-
dium (CM) was generated as described earlier (11). Adipocyte CM was col-
lected and concentrated 200-fold by Amicon Ultra centrifugal lter units
(Millipore, Schwalbach, Germany) before Western blot analysis. To induce
Hsp60 release upon inammatory stress or Toll-like receptor (TLR) activation,
cells were treated with LPS (1 mg/mL); lipoteichoic acid (5 mg/mL); a
cytokine mixture composed of TNF-a,IL-1b,andIFN-g(1,000 units/mL for
each cytokine); or each cytokine individually for 48 h. Concentrated cell
culture supernatants were analyzed for Hsp60 concentrations by ELISA
(Cusabio Biotech, Newark, DE).
Hsp60 binding and inhibition. For Hsp60 binding studies, 0.5 310
adipocytes or SkMCs were either directly incubated with DyLight649-labeled
(Pierce, Rockford, IL) Hsp60 (Hsp60*, 45 min, 4°C) or preincubated with un-
labeled Hsp60 or OVA as described before (12).
Assessment of insulin sensitivity of human SkMCs and adipocytes.
SkMCs were used for glucose uptake experiments at 4 days after start of
differentiation. Uptake of 2-deoxyglucose was measured for 2 h after 30 min
exposure to insulin (100 nmol/L) as described before (13). To analyze the ef-
fect of Hsp60 on Akt and GSK3a/bphosphorylation, human subcutaneous adi-
pocytes and SkMCs were preincubated with medium or Hsp60 (0.520 mg/mL)
for 24 h. Afterward, cells were stimulated with insulin (100 nmol/L) for 10 min.
To investigate the Hsp60-induced activation of signal proteins, cells were
stimulated for 060 min with medium, 2.5 nmol/L TNF-a(positive control), or
Hsp60 (120 mg/mL). Subsequently, cells were washed with cold PBS, lysed
(12 h, 4°C), sonied, and centrifuged (15 min, 10,000g, 4°C). For detection of
activated signal proteins, appropriate antibodies were applied. Signals were
visualized by the Lumi-Imager system.
Quantication of inammatory mediators. Human subcutaneous adipo-
cytes or SkMCs (1 310
cells each) were seeded and differentiated in 48-well
cell culture plates and exposed to control medium, 0.00120 mg/mL recom-
binant human Hsp60 (StressGen Biotechnologies) or 1 mg/mL LPS. After 24 h,
concentrations of TNF-a, monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, regulated
on activation normal T cell expressed and secreted (RANTES), macrophage
inammatory protein-1a(MIP-1a), IL-6, and IL-8 were measured in cell super-
natants by multiplex beads assay (Luminex, Austin, TX).
Studies on Hsp60 in humans. Hsp60 concentrations were determined by
, age 56 614 years) and 23 obese (15 without and 8 with type 2 diabetes)
men (BMI 44.5 65.6 kg/m
, age 51 614 years) in the fasted state before
undergoing abdominal surgery at Ghent University Hospital. Anthropometric
measurements were performed during preoperative examination. Subjects
gave written informed consent to participate in this study, which was ap-
proved by the Ethical Review Board of the Ghent University Hospital and
conducted according to most recent version of the Declaration of Helsinki.
Adipose tissue lysates from paired subcutaneous and visceral fat of lean and
obese individuals with or without type 2 diabetes were prepared as described
before (14).
Statistical analysis. Data were expressed as means 6SEM. Statistical
analysis was performed using the Student ttest or ANOVA. Correlations were
performed by Pearson product-moment correlation. Statistical analyses were
done with JMP (SAS Institute, Cary, NC) or Prism (GraphPad Software, San
Diego, CA). Differences were considered statistically signicant at P,0.05.
Inammatory stress induces release of Hsp60 by
primary human subcutaneous adipocytes. Human
subcutaneous adipocytes express Hsp60 in comparable
amounts in all differentiation stages (day 014) (Fig. 1A).
Mature adipocytes freshly isolated from adipose tissue ex-
press signicantly higher amounts of Hsp60 compared with
the stromavascular fraction (Fig. 1B). To examine whether
human subcutaneous adipocytes release Hsp60, a consider-
able amount of cell supernatant, termed conditioned me-
dium,was harvested, concentrated 200-fold, and analyzed
by Western blot, with adiponectin as a positive control (Fig.
1C). Hsp60 was already detected in 1 mL concentrated CM
with increasing signal in 3 and 5 mL concentrated CM (Fig.
1C). Of note, Hsp60 concentration in CM was lower than
adiponectin, since Hsp60 (in contrast to adiponectin) was
only detectable by ELISA in concentrated CM. Adipocytes
at day 14 of differentiation released about three times more
Hsp60 than preadipocytes at day 0 (Fig. 1D). Moreover,
human adipocytes were treated with proinammatory cy-
tokines (TNF-a,IL-1b, and IFN-g, individually or as a mix-
ture) to induce the release of Hsp60 under inammatory
conditions. The application of single cytokines evoked
asignicant Hsp60 secretion by IL-1b(3.9 60.8-fold) and
TNF-a(3.7 60.3-fold), whereas the effect of IFN-gwas
negligible (1.1 60.3-fold) compared with medium control
(Fig. 1E). Exposure of adipocytes to the cytokine mixture
led to a 3.1 60.9-fold secretion of Hsp60. The application of
single cytokines to human preadipocytes revealed similar
tendencies as for adipocytes (data not shown). Treatment
of adipocytes with LPS as a TLR4 agonist stimulated Hsp60
release, whereas lipoteichoic acid as a TLR2 agonist had no
effect on Hsp60 secretion (Fig. 1F).
Hsp60 binds to primary human subcutaneous adipocytes.
Applying uorescent-labeled Hsp60 (Hsp60*) to human
preadipocytes and mature adipocytes revealed specic
binding of Hsp60* to both cell populations (Fig. 2). Specicity
was proven through inhibition of Hsp60*-binding by pre-
incubation with the unlabeled ligand (Hsp60) up to 85.0% for
preadipocytes (Fig. 2A) and up to 81.4% for adipocytes (Fig.
2B), whereas incubation with OVA was without any effect.
Hsp60 affects insulin signaling in primary human
subcutaneous adipocytes. Human adipocytes revealed
a dose-dependent signicant decrease of insulin-stimulated
Akt phosphorylation up to 55.0 614.1% by 10 mg/mL Hsp60
(Fig. 3A). To elucidate the effect of Hsp60 on Akt phos-
phorylation, different mitogen-activated protein (MAP)
kinases and the NF-kB pathway were investigated (Fig. 3B
F). Medium and TNF-a(2.5 nmol/L) were used as controls.
A4.660.7-fold activation of the MAP kinase ERK1/2 oc-
curred after a 10-min exposure to Hsp60 (1 mg/mL) (Fig.
3C). JNK activation reached its maximum after 10 min of
incubation with 10 mg/mL Hsp60, since the phosphorylation
increased 2.1 61.2-fold over medium control (Fig. 3D).
Activation of the MAP kinase p38 increased after 30 min (10
mg/mL Hsp60) up to 3.8 60.7-fold (Fig. 3E), whereas the
NF-kB pathway reached its activation peak (4.8 62.8-fold)
already after 10 min at the highest Hsp60 concentration
(Fig. 3F).
Hsp60 induces the release of inammatory mediators
by primary human subcutaneous adipocytes. Human
adipocytes were exposed to different Hsp60 concentra-
tions (0.00120 mg/mL) to identify stimulatory Hsp60 con-
centrations and to investigate dose-dependent Hsp60
effects. Hsp60 concentrations ,0.5 mg/mL did not result in
a measurable secretion of proinammatory mediators
(data not shown). Treatment with Hsp60 (.0.5 mg/mL) led
to a dose-dependent signicant secretion of TNF-a(up to
14.0 66.3-fold), RANTES (up to 7.1 62.0-fold), MIP-1a
(up to 15.6 63.5-fold), and IL-8 (up to 15.2 62.4-fold) by
preadipocytes compared with untreated cells (Fig. 4AF).
In mature adipocytes, Hsp60-stimulated secretion of TNF-a
(up to 20.0 69.1-fold), MCP-1 (up to 22.7 67.3-fold),
RANTES (up to 1,900.0 6302.0-fold), MIP-1a(up to 140.0 6
59.1-fold), IL-6 (up to 32.0 63.5-fold), and IL-8 (up to 2.4 6
0.5-fold) and occurred in a concentration-dependent manner
compared with unstimulated adipocytes (Fig. 4AF).
616 DIABETES, VOL. 61, MARCH 2012
FIG. 1. Hsp60 expression and release by primary human subcutaneous adipocytes. A: The Hsp60 expression in primary human subcutaneous
adipocytes was analyzed at different differentiation time points (day 014) with anti-Hsp60 and antib-actin antibodies (loading control) by
Western blot analysis. Data represent means 6SEM (n=34) and were normalized to b-actin and compared with day 0. B: Mature adipocytes and
stromavascular fraction (SVF) were analyzed for Hsp60 expression. Data represent means 6SEM (n= 3) and were normalized to b-actin. *P<
0.05 vs. stromavascular fraction. C: Cell supernatants of primary human subcutaneous adipocytes were collected and 200-fold concentrated, and
Hsp60 release was investigated by Western blot analysis. Adiponectin was used as a positive control. D: Concentrated supernatants from pre-
adipocytes and adipocytes were analyzed for their Hsp60 content by ELISA. Data represent means 6SEM (n4), *P<0.05 vs. day 0. Eand F: Cell
supernatants of cytokine-treated (IFN-g,IL-1b, TNF-a; individually and as a mixture; each 1,000 units/mL) and TLR agonisttreated (LPS 1 mg/mL,
lipoteichoic acid [LTA] 5 mg/mL) adipocytes were analyzed by ELISA. Data represent means 6SEM (n= 3); *P<0.05 vs. medium control.
Hsp60 impairs insulin signaling and glucose uptake in
primary human SkMCs. Hsp60-treated human SkMCs
revealed a signicant dose-dependent decrease in insulin-
stimulated Akt phosphorylation from 77.3 67.9% (for 1 mg/mL
Hsp60) to 50.3 64.6% (for 20 mg/mL Hsp60) compared
with insulin control (Fig. 5A). Moreover, Hsp60 impaired
insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of GSK3aand GSK3b
(Fig. 5Band C). Our results demonstrate a signicantly in-
creased IRS-1 phosphorylation after application of insulin
and Hsp60 (154.1 612.4-fold) compared with insulin alone
(126.8 67.7-fold; Fig. 5D). Furthermore, Hsp60 exposure to
human SkMCs signicantly decreased insulin-stimulated
glucose uptake (2,477.0 629.3 cpm/well) compared with
insulin-stimulated control (2,731.0 6134.2 cpm/well; Fig.
5E). Hsp60 treatment increases basal glucose uptake com-
pared with control (1,491 cpm compared with 1,292 cpm).
In previous studies, we also observed that SkMCs treated
with adipocyte-CM display increased basal glucose uptake.
Because both Hsp60 and adipocyte CM activate inam-
matory and stress signaling pathways, one might suggest
that activation of these pathways is responsible for this
effect. To elucidate the role of Hsp60 in the activation of
MAP kinases, Hsp60 and TNF-awere applied to SkMCs
(Fig. 6A). Maximal activation of the MAP kinases ERK1/2
and JNK was reached after 30 min of incubation with 20
mg/mL Hsp60 (2.4 60.3-fold increase of ERK1/2 and 2.4 6
0.2-fold increase of JNK activation above medium con-
trol;Fig.6AC). The NF-kB pathway was activated in
a more prolonged manner, with a maximal activation
(2.3 60.5-fold over medium control) after 60 min of ex-
posure to 20 mg/mL Hsp60 (Fig. 6D). Activation of the
MAP kinase p38 by Hsp60 could not be observed (data
not shown).
Hsp60 is expressed, but not released, from human
SkMCs. Immunoblot analysis of unstimulated SkMC lysates
revealed a consistent expression of Hsp60 in all analyzed
maturation states (day 08; Fig. 7A). Hsp60 expression in
SkMCs is donor dependent and slightly, but not signicantly,
lower than in adipocytes (data not shown). To investigate if
human SkMCs themselves serve as a source for extracellu-
lar Hsp60, cell supernatants of unstimulated SkMCs were
generated, concentrated to the same extent as the CM from
adipocytes, and analyzed by ELISA. Hsp60 release by hu-
man SkMCs was not detectable.
Hsp60 binds to human SkMCs and induces the release
of cytokines. Hsp60* was applied to human myoblasts
and found to bind specically to these cells (Fig. 7B). The
Hsp60* binding signal was drastically reduced (81.6% in-
hibition) only in the presence of unlabeled Hsp60, but not
with OVA as the control (Fig. 7B). Human SkMCs were
exposed to different Hsp60 concentrations (0.00120 mg/mL),
and measurable cytokine levels resulted from Hsp60 con-
centrations $0.5 mg/mL. Hsp60 (20 mg/mL) induced a sig-
nicant release of MCP-1 (1.2 60.2 ng/mL) compared with
medium control (0.1 60.0 ng/mL), IL-8 (1.7 60.4 ng/mL)
compared with medium control (0.1 60.0 ng/mL), and IL-6
(0.4 60.1 ng/mL) compared with medium control (0.1 6
0.0 ng/mL) from human SkMCs (Fig. 7CE).
Hsp60 levels are elevated in plasma of obese
individuals. Plasma Hsp60 levels were higher in obese
(20.3 611.0 ng/mL Hsp60) than in lean (12.6 611.0 ng/mL
Hsp60) men (Fig. 8A; for clinical characterization of patients,
see Supplementary Table 1).Within the obese group, Hsp60
levels did not differ between males with (n= 13) or without
(n= 8) type 2 diabetes (data not shown). Nevertheless,
plasma Hsp60 related weakly but positively with BMI (P=
0.04; r= 0.34), diastolic (P= 0.04; r= 0.35) and systolic
(P=0.03;r= 0.35) blood pressure, plasma leptin (P=0.04;
r= 0.34), and homeostasis model assessmentinsulin re-
sistance (HOMA-IR) (P=0.05;r= 0.35) and inversely with
quantitative insulin sensitivity check index (QUICKI) (P=
0.04; r= 0.38). Hsp60 expression in visceral relative to
subcutaneous adipose tissue was greater in obese patients
with type 2 diabetes (n=8)thaninobese(n= 7) or lean
(n= 9) patients without type 2 diabetes (Fig. 8B).
The current study demonstrates that Hsp60 is a novel
adipokine that could contribute to inammatory processes
in an autocrine manner within adipose tissue and to the
development of peripheral insulin resistance in an endo-
crine fashion. The observation that Hsp60 is not only
expressed but also released clearly indicates that Hsp60 is
an intracellular chaperone and also a secretion product.
Other heat shock proteins can also be secreted from viable
cells such as cardiomyocytes, glial cells, and peripheral
blood mononuclear cells (15,16). To date, the origin of
FIG. 2. Hsp60 binding to primary human subcutaneous adipocytes. Aand B: Preadipocytes and mature adipocytes were incubated with 100 nmol/L
Hsp60-DyLight649 (Hsp60*) in the absence or presence of 1 mmol/L unlabeled Hsp60 or OVA. Fluorescence intensities of the cells were plotted
against cell counts and determined by uorescence-activated cell sorter analysis.
618 DIABETES, VOL. 61, MARCH 2012
FIG. 3. Effect of Hsp60 on insulin signaling in primary human subcutaneous adipocytes. A: Human adipocytes were treated with medium or dif-
ferent Hsp60 concentrations (0.510 mg/mL) for 24 h. After stimulation with insulin (100 nmol/L, 10 min), total cell lysates were analyzed for Akt
activation. The relative Akt phosphorylation after insulin stimulation was set at 100%. Lanes were excised from a single Western blot and dis-
played in the presented order. B: Representative Western blots of p-ERK1/2, p-JNK, p-p38, p-NFkB after stimulation with medium, Hsp60, or TNF-a.
b-Actin was used for normalization. CF: Human adipocytes were treated with medium, Hsp60 (1 and 10 mg/mL), or TNF-a(2.5 nmol/L) for 060
min. Total cell lysates were analyzed for activation of the MAP kinases ERK1/2, JNK, p38, and NF-kB. Data represent the means 6SEM of three
independent experiments, were normalized to b-actin, and were compared with medium; *P<0.05; **P<0.01 vs. the corresponding insulin-
stimulated control (A) and medium control (CF), respectively. , Medium control; ,1mg/mL Hsp60; D,10mg/mL Hsp60.
circulating Hsp60 remains elusive, but adipose tissue might
be considered as one of the sources. It has been reported
that circulating levels of Hsp60 were elevated in subjects
with inammatory diseases such as arthritis, atherosclerosis,
or type 2 diabetes (9,17,18). Here, we demonstrate that
obese patients with or without diabetes also have higher
plasma Hsp60 concentrations, suggesting that adipose
tissue is a possible source of circulating Hsp60. Analysis of
Hsp60 levels in concentrated cell culture supernatants con-
rmed adipocytes as a putative origin of circulating Hsp60,
since Hsp60 was mainly released from untreated human
adipocytes, in a lesser extent from preadipocytes, but not
from human SkMCs. The latter could be explained by
Hsp60 concentrations below the detection limit, even in
highly concentrated CM from SkMCs. However, further
investigations are needed to clarify Hsp60 sources in vivo.
Furthermore, we simulated inammation by applying a
cytokine mixture to human adipocytes, to induce the re-
lease of Hsp60. To elucidate the individual contribution of
these cytokines to these processes, cells were also exposed
to each cytokine individually. Hsp60 secretion was ob-
served after the application of TNF-aand IL-1bin com-
parable amounts to that obtained after incubation with
the cytokine mixture, but not after IFN-gtreatment. These
results indicate that macrophages/monocytes and adipo-
cytes themselves might be an inducer of Hsp60 release by
adipocytes, since they have been described as sources of
TNF-aand IL-1b(7,19). Besides IL-1band TNF-a, other
stimuli for the regulation of Hsp60 expression might be
considered. Increased Hsp60 expression was reported for
primary human astrocytes in response to cytokines as
diverse as IL-1band TNF-abut also IL-4, IL-6, and IL-10
In general, the amounts of Hsp60 released by adipocytes
are relatively low and not measurable in unconcentrated
CM by ELISA, a problem that is often encountered in
unconcentrated cell culture supernatants. In fact, various
known adipokines that are found in high concentrations in
the circulation are relatively low in adipocyte CM (21).
Nevertheless, it can be hypothesized that extracellular
levels of Hsp60 mediating auto- and paracrine effects
might be signicantly higher. Furthermore, the fact that
circulating Hsp60 levels are higher in obese subjects than
in lean control subjects and that Hsp60 concentrations are
correlated with circulating leptin further supports the as-
sumption that adipocytes are a source for circulating
Hsp60 in vivo.
Hsp60-binding studies revealed that Hsp60 binds spe-
cically and in a dose-dependent manner to adipocytes,
representing the typical characteristics of a ligand-receptor
interaction. These ndings are consistent with results
obtained from the murine adipocyte cell line 3T3-L1 (12).
Attempts to characterize the Hsp60 receptor structure(s)
on innate immune cells identied TLR2, TLR4, and CD14
as components responsible for the proinammatory ef-
fects of Hsp60 (2225). Activation of TLR4 but not TLR2,
FIG. 4. Hsp60-induced release of inammatory mediators from primary human subcutaneous adipocytes. Human preadipocytes and mature adi-
pocytes remained untreated (medium control) or were exposed to increasing concentrations of Hsp60 (0.520 mg/mL) or LPS (1 mg/mL). After 24 h,
TNF-a(A), MCP-1 (B), RANTES (C), MIP-1a(D), IL-6 (E), and IL-8 (F) concentrations were determined in cell culture supernatants by
multiplex-beads assay. The data show means 6SEM from three independent experiments; *P<0.05; **P<0.01 vs. the corresponding medium
620 DIABETES, VOL. 61, MARCH 2012
FIG. 5. Effect of Hsp60 on insulin signaling in human SkMCs. AC: SkMCs were treated with medium or Hsp60 (120 mg/mL) for 24 h. After
stimulation with insulin (100 nmol/L, 10 min), total cell lysates were analyzed for Akt (A) and GSK3a/b(Band C) activation. The relative Akt and
GSK3a/bphosphorylation, respectively, after insulin stimulation was set at 100%. Data represent means 6SEM (n=36), were normalized to
tubulin, and were compared with the insulin-stimulated control; *P<0.05; **P<0.01; ***P<0.001 vs. the corresponding insulin-stimulated
control. DE: Skeletal muscle cells were cultured for 24 h in the absence or presence of Hsp60 (20 mg/mL). IRS-1 phosphorylation (D) and glucose
uptake (E) were assessed after acute stimulation with insulin, as outlined in RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS. Means 6SEM of three to four in-
dependent experiments are shown; *P<0.05 vs. insulin-stimulated control.
on the other hand, induces the release of Hsp60 from
adipocytes. The identity of the Hsp60 receptor complex on
human adipocytes, however, remains elusive.
Because Hsp60 can be released from human sub-
cutaneous adipocytes and moreover binds specically to
human adipocytes, autocrine effects of Hsp60 can be as-
sumed. We obtained Hsp60-mediated activation of the MAP
kinases ERK1/2, JNK, and p38 and the transcription factor
NF-kB in human adipocytes. The activation of similar MAP
kinase patterns has been described for other adipokines,
such as chemerin and MCP-1 (26), suggesting that different
adipokines are capable of inducing similar proinammatory
responses. Moreover, Hsp60 induced secretion of proin-
ammatory mediators. All these Hsp60-mediated effects
may indicate that Hsp60 could be involved in adipose tissue
inammation by both inducing acute proinammatory sig-
naling and an enhanced release of proinammatory media-
tors. The resulting elevated adipokine levels, e.g., for TNF-a,
IL-6, or MCP-1, are well described to be obesity-related
and may indirectly induce the development of insulin
FIG. 6. Impact of Hsp60 on the activation of signaling pathways in human SkMCs. AD: Human SkMCs were treated with medium, Hsp60 (10 and 20
mg/mL), or TNF-a(2.5 nmol/L) for 060 min. Representative Western blots of total cell lysates for activation of the MAP kinases ERK1/2 (B), JNK
(C), and NF-kB(D) are depicted in A. Data represent means 6SEM of three independent experiments, were normalized to tubulin, and were
compared with the unstimulated control; *P<0.05; **P<0.01 vs. the corresponding unstimulated medium control. ,Mediumcontrol;D,10mg/mL
Hsp60; ,20mg/mL Hsp60; , 2.5 nmol/L TNF-a.
622 DIABETES, VOL. 61, MARCH 2012
resistance in human adipocytes and other insulin-sensitive
tissues (1,27). The rst evidence that Hsp60 might con-
tribute to these processes is given, since Hsp60 provoked
a signicant decrease of the insulin-stimulated Akt and
GSK3a/bphosphorylation in human adipocytes (Akt) and
SkMCs (Akt, GSK3a/b), thereby triggering the develop-
ment of an insulin resistance. These ndings were con-
rmed by our results demonstrating signicant effects of
Hsp60 on IRS-1 phosphorylation as well as Hsp60-mediated
impairment of glucose uptake in human SkMCs, indicating
Hsp60 as a putative mediator in the development of insulin
resistance. Therefore, Hsp60 might have direct effects on
insulin signaling and also may indirectly induce insulin re-
sistance by increasing proinammatory adipokines, known
to interfere with insulin signaling.
There are several putative mechanisms by which Hsp60
and cytokine concentrations could reach pathophysiolog-
ical levels in obese and/or type 2 diabetic patients. Heat
shock proteins are involved in the activation of innate
immune cells and in the resulting macrophage-inltration
of adipose tissue by the release of chemokines such as
MCP-1 (5,6,28). Macrophage inltration positively corre-
lated with increased adipocyte size and body mass in hu-
man subcutaneous tissue, leading to elevated cytokine
levels, which nally may contribute to the development of
insulin resistance in adipocytes (29,30). Therefore, besides
adipose tissue macrophages, adipocytes themselves must
be considered as important players in the development of
obesity-related insulin resistance (31). However, other
mechanisms such as obesity-related hypoxia might con-
tribute to inammatory processes in adipose tissue. Pre-
viously, it was depicted that hypoxia is associated with an
increased Hsp60 expression in human vessels (32) and that
Hsp60 was translocated to the plasma membrane in the
heart (33). Because hypoxia has been reported to occur in
obese individuals (34), one might speculate that hypoxic
conditions could contribute to elevated Hsp60 expression
levels, possibly leading to an increased release of Hsp60
observed in obese individuals.
Several studies indicate that circulating Hsp60 levels are
increased not only in patients with type 2 diabetes but also
in patients with coronary heart disease (35). In vitro
studies further underline that Hsp60 has endocrine effects
on cardiomyocytes. Hsp60 was found to be increased early
in heart failure accompanied by increased release from
cardiomyocytes, where it induces apoptosis via TLR4
(36,37). Furthermore, Hsp60 induces proliferation of vas-
cular smooth muscle cells (38), which might also contrib-
ute to cardiovascular disease (39). In the current study, we
revealed a positive association between elevated Hsp60
concentrations and blood pressure, which might contrib-
ute to the development of cardiovascular diseases. Our
study is the rst demonstrating that Hsp60 might also be
a relevant mediator for skeletal muscle and adipose tissue
insulin resistance, thereby contributing to the develop-
ment of type 2 diabetes. In an acute way, Hsp60 activates
proinammatory signaling cascades in primary human
FIG. 7. Hsp60 binding capacity and Hsp60 reactivity to human SkMCs.
A: Hsp60 expression in SkMCs was investigated at different differen-
tiation time points (day 08) with antibodies directed against Hsp60
and tubulin (loading control) by Western blot analysis. B: Human
SkMCs were incubated with 100 nmol/L Hsp60-DyLight649 (Hsp60*) in
the absence or presence of 1 mmol/L unlabeled Hsp60 or OVA. Fluo-
rescence intensities of the cells were plotted against cell counts and
determined by uorescence-activated cell sorter analysis. CE: SkMCs
were treated with medium, increasing Hsp60 concentrations (0.520
mg/mL) or LPS (1 mg/mL). After 24 h, MCP-1 (C), IL-8 (D), and IL-6 (E)
concentrations were measured in cell culture supernatants by multiplex-
beads assay. The data show means 6SEM from three independent
determinations; *P<0.05; ***P<0.001 vs. the corresponding me-
dium control.
SkMCs similarly to MCP-1 and chemerin (10,26). Pro-
longed incubation with Hsp60 induces insulin resistance at
the level of Akt and GSK3a/bin these cells at both phys-
iological and pathophysiological concentrations. These
ndings could be veried through Hsp60-mediated im-
paired glucose uptake in SkMCs and a positive association
between Hsp60 concentration and HOMA-IR, as well as
a negative correlation with QUICKI. Most interestingly,
Hsp60 treatment of SkMCs results in a marked secretion of
myokines such as MCP-1, which is associated with skeletal
muscle inammation (40). Increased release of MCP-1 in
Hsp60-treated SkMCs is in line with a reported increase in
MCP-1 secretion in these cells after stimulation with adi-
pocyte CM (41). Because Hsp60 is released by adipocytes,
Hsp60 content in adipocyte CM might at least partly ex-
plain its effect on MCP-1 release.
In summary, inammatory stress induces the release of
Hsp60 by human adipocytes, and Hsp60 exerts autocrine/
paracrine effects on adipocytes characterized by an in-
creased release of proinammatory adipokines, increased
inammatory signaling, and insulin resistance. Further-
more, the current study reveals that Hsp60 has endocrine
effects on SkMCs, inducing insulin resistance. Our clinical
data reveal positive associations of circulating Hsp60 con-
centrations with BMI, leptin, HOMA-IR, and blood pres-
sure. Therefore, there is rising evidence that circulating
Hsp60 levels are increased in obesity, leading to the con-
ception that Hsp60 might represent a novel adipokine in-
volved in adipose tissue inammation, thereby contributing
to the development of insulin resistance in human adipo-
cytes and SkMCs.
This work was supported by the Bundesministerium für
Gesundheit and by the Ministerium für Innovation, Wissen-
schaft, Forschung und Technologie des Landes Nordrhein-
Westfalen, in part by a grant from the Bundesministerium
für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) to the German Center
for Diabetes Research (DZD e.V.), European Union COST
(European Cooperation in Science and Technology), the
Commission of the European Communities (Collaborative
Project ADAPT [Adipokines as Drug Targets to Combat
Adverse Effects of Excess Adipose Tissue]), and the Deut-
sche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
No potential conicts of interest relevant to this article
were reported.
T.M. and H.S. researched data and wrote the manu-
script. P.Z., A.G., J.K., and S.F. researched data. D.M.O.,
P.P., and J.R. performed clinical research. T.M., H.S., and
C.H. designed and initiated the experimental procedures.
M.R., J.E., and C.H. contributed to discussion and reviewed
the manuscript. C.H. is the guarantor of this work and, as
such, had full access to all of the data in the study and takes
responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy
of the data analysis.
The authors thank Professor Jutta Liebau, Department
of Plastic Surgery, Florence-Nightingale-Hospital Düsseldorf,
and Dr. Christoph Andree, Department of Plastic Surgery,
Sana-Hospital Düsseldorf-Gerresheim, for support in ob-
taining adipose tissue samples. The technical assistance of
Jutta Brüggemann, Angelika Horrighs, Andrea Cramer, and
Manuela Elsen is gratefully acknowledged.
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... Besides, in patients with type 2 diabetes, Hsp60 can possibly interact with toll-like receptors found on vascular endothelial cells to stimulate the release of proinflammatory cytokines [39]. Furthermore, Hsp60 is implicated in adipose tissue inflammation by activating proinflammatory signaling cascade in skeletal muscle cells and adipocytes [40]. More specifically, increased Hsp60 release in adipocytes stimulates the production of proinflammatory cytokines, such as TNFα, IL-6, and 8 while, in skeletal muscle cells, it activates extracellular signal-related kinase (ERK)-1/2, Jun NH (2)-terminal kinase (JNK), and nuclear factor (NF)-κB [40]. ...
... Furthermore, Hsp60 is implicated in adipose tissue inflammation by activating proinflammatory signaling cascade in skeletal muscle cells and adipocytes [40]. More specifically, increased Hsp60 release in adipocytes stimulates the production of proinflammatory cytokines, such as TNFα, IL-6, and 8 while, in skeletal muscle cells, it activates extracellular signal-related kinase (ERK)-1/2, Jun NH (2)-terminal kinase (JNK), and nuclear factor (NF)-κB [40]. ERK and JNK induce inflammatory activation of stromal fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS) derived from synovial tissue, chondrocytes and osteoclasts in patients with RA [41]. ...
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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory and autoimmune disease characterized by the attack of the immune system on the body’s healthy joint lining and degeneration of articular structures. This disease involves an increased release of inflammatory mediators in the affected joint that sensitize sensory neurons and create a positive feedback loop to further enhance their release. Among these mediators, the cytokines and neuropeptides are responsible for the crippling pain and the persistent neurogenic inflammation associated with RA. More importantly, specific proteins released either centrally or peripherally have been shown to play opposing roles in the pathogenesis of this disease: an inflammatory role that mediates and increases the severity of inflammatory response and/or an anti-inflammatory and protective role that modulates the process of inflammation. In this review, we will shed light on the neuroimmune function of different members of the heat shock protein (HSPs) family and the complex manifold actions that they exert during the course of RA. Specifically, we will focus our discussion on the duality in the mechanism of action of Hsp27, Hsp60, Hsp70, and Hsp90.
... In diabetes-induced neuroinflammation, HSP60 activates microglia and astrocytes, leading to the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α through signaling pathways like ERK-1/2, JNK, and NF-κB. Hydroxytyrosol (HT), a polyphenol abundantly found in olive oil, having antiinflammatory, antimicrobial, and anticancer properties, reduces HSP60 expression, resulting in a significant reduction in inflammation in cancer [144][145][146]. Additionally, HSP60 has been shown to prevent inflammation-induced cell death in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) by promoting the secretion of anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-4 and IL-10 at the site of inflammation in the bone [114,115]. ...
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Molecular chaperones are highly conserved across evolution and play a crucial role in preserving protein homeostasis. The 60 kDa heat shock protein (HSP60), also referred to as chaperonin 60 (Cpn60), resides within mitochondria and is involved in maintaining the organelle’s proteome integrity and homeostasis. The HSP60 family, encompassing Cpn60, plays diverse roles in cellular processes, including protein folding, cell signaling, and managing high-temperature stress. In prokaryotes, HSP60 is well understood as a GroEL/GroES complex, which forms a double-ring cavity and aids in protein folding. In eukaryotes, HSP60 is implicated in numerous biological functions, like facilitating the folding of native proteins and influencing disease and development processes. Notably, research highlights its critical involvement in sustaining oxidative stress and preserving mitochondrial integrity. HSP60 perturbation results in the loss of the mitochondria integrity and activates apoptosis. Currently, numerous clinical investigations are in progress to explore targeting HSP60 both in vivo and in vitro across various disease models. These studies aim to enhance our comprehension of disease mechanisms and potentially harness HSP60 as a therapeutic target for various conditions, including cancer, inflammatory disorders, and neurodegenerative diseases. This review delves into the diverse functions of HSP60 in regulating proteo-homeostasis, oxidative stress, ROS, apoptosis, and its implications in diseases like cancer and neurodegeneration.
... This factor can be considered an adipokine because it is secreted by adipocytes in measurable amounts. HSP60 expression in stromovascular cells is lower than in mature adipocytes, suggesting that HSP60 is more characteristic of mature adipose tissue cells [46]. There is experimental evidence that HSP60 deficiency leads to mitochondrial dysfunction and, as a consequence, cardiovascular pathology, including dilated cardiomyopathy and heart failure; however, it can stimulate the apoptosis of cardiomyocytes and induce the development of atherosclerosis in the early stages [47,48]. ...
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Heat shock proteins (HSPs), a family of proteins that support cellular proteostasis and perform a protective function under various stress conditions, such as high temperature, intoxication, inflammation, or tissue hypoxia, constitute a promising group of possible biochemical markers for obesity and cardiovascular diseases. HSP27 is involved in essential cellular processes occurring in conditions of obesity and its cardiometabolic complications; it has protective properties, and its secretion may indicate a cellular response to stress. HSP40 plays a controversial role in the pathogenesis of obesity. HSP60 is involved in various pathological processes of the cardiovascular, immune, excretory, and nervous systems and is associated with obesity and concomitant diseases. The hypersecretion of HSP60 is associated with poor prognosis; hence, this protein may become a target for further research on obesity and its cardiovascular complications. According to most studies, intracellular HSP70 is an obesity-promoting factor, whereas extracellular HSP70 exhibited inconsistent dynamics across different patient groups and diagnoses. HSPs are involved in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular pathology. However, in the context of cardiovascular and metabolic pathology, these proteins require further investigation.
... It was shown that in RRV-induced BA mice, hepatic macrophages expressing TNF-α were signi cantly increased and exhibited signi cant in ammation (40). Several studies have shown that several genes in the HSP family can promote the expression of in ammatory mediators such as NFKB, TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-8 (41)(42)(43). In experimental mouse models, the EGFR pathway has been shown to promote liver brosis and in ammatory progression (44). ...
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Background: Biliary Atresia (BA) is a devastating pediatric cholangiopathy affecting the bile ducts of the liver. Current research has found a variety of causes for BA, with inflammation and fibrosis is more studied. However, these etiological mechanisms are not present in all patients. Pyroptosis has been increasingly appreciated as a programmed cell death process but is less studied in BA. We have re-classified BA by integrating gene microarray data and scRNA-seq data to support individualized clinical treatment and mechanistic studies. Methods: The BA microarray dataset GSE122340 was downloaded from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database. GSE46960 and GSE15235 and sequencing data of identical twins as validation cohorts. Through retrospective analysis, 17 differential pyroptosis genes (DEPRGs) were used for typing research. An effective method for identifying BA typing through machine learning algorithms. Subsequently, we performed drug prediction for the pyroptosis subtype to enable individualized treatment. Pyroptosis-score was constructed and combined with scRNA-seq datasets to reveal immune cells and pathways activated during pyroptosis. Results: Two novel subtypes of pyroptosis were identified. The C1 subtype shows activation of pyroptosis, enhanced inflammatory response, and increased infiltration of monocytes and neutrophils. The C2 subtype exhibits cell cycle activation, low pyroptosis, and a milder inflammatory response. Macrophage pyroptosis may promote the infiltration of more immune cells and the release of inflammatory factors, further aggravating the occurrence of hepatic pyroptosis, which in turn leads to a poorer prognosis in inflammatory BA. Conclusion: In summary, we have defined two novel subtypes of pyroptosis and offered the possibility of identifying them and individualizing treatment. The role of macrophages, neutrophils, and plasma cells in the pyroptosis process of BA is worthy of further study.
... Habich and Sell reported that impaired intracellular stress in adipose tissue is characterized by a deranged heat shock response and defense system in obesity, and they determined how elevated HSP-60 levels in the adipose tissue contribute to inflammation and metabolic disturbances [14]. Märker et al. stated that HSP-60 induces the secretion of proinflammatory mediators from murine adipocytes and may be an important factor in the development of obesity-related metabolic diseases [28]. ...
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Introduction The exact mechanisms of obesity-related kidney disease (ORKD) are not fully known. Heat shock proteins (HSPs) may play a role in ORKD mechanisms because of their role in cell apoptosis, cytoprotection, and inflammatory processes. We aimed to determine the role of circulating serum HSP-60 and HSP-70 levels as a biomarker for ORKD. Materials and methods This study included 40 ORKD patients, 40 obese age-matched and sex-matched controls with similar body mass index (BMI), and 40 healthy controls. Their serum biochemical and hemogram parameters as well as HSP-60 and HSP-70 levels were evaluated and compared. Their neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and C-reactive protein levels were assessed to define inflammation. Results The patients had significantly higher HSP-60 levels than the obese and healthy controls (537.58 ± 170.35, 430.80 ± 110.61, and 371.85 ± 76.34, respectively; p<0.00). The results revealed that the 24-hour urinary protein levels had a positive correlation (r= 0.544), whereas the glomerular filtration rate had a negative correlation (r = 0.38) with the serum HSP-60 level. According to the regression analysis performed on the HSP-60 and 24-hour urinary protein excretion levels, an increase in the HSP-60 level significantly increased the 24-hour urinary protein excretion rate (r=0.15; p<0.005). The HSP-60 levels were correlated with inflammatory markers Conclusion The serum HSP-60 levels increased in patients with ORKD. This increase was correlated with 24-hour urinary protein excretion. Increased circulating levels of HSP-60 may play a role in the initiation and/or progression of renal damage and inflammation. HSP-60 is a potential biomarker for ORKD. However, additional information and studies are required to further elucidate this finding.
... The role of Hsps in inflammation in obese individuals is not well established, as conflicting results have been reported. For example, increased levels of Hsp60, Hsp72, Hsp90, Hsp70 and Grp94 released from adipocytes under stressful conditions have been shown to act as adipokines, linking their expression to obesity and chronic inflammation (Märker et al., 2012;Tiss et al., 2014;Sell et al., 2017). Conversely, individuals with obesity and insulin resistance were reported to exhibit suppressed heat shock response (HSR) activity which by extension results in reduced Hsps expression, as insulin signalling is essential to HSR activity (Di Naso et al., 2015;de Lemos Muller et al., 2018;Bruxel et al., 2019). ...
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The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) caused by a coronavirus identified in December 2019 has caused a global pandemic. COVID-19 was declared a pandemic in March 2020 and has led to more than 6.3 million deaths. The pandemic has disrupted world travel, economies, and lifestyles worldwide. Although vaccination has been an effective tool to reduce the severity and spread of the disease there is a need for more concerted approaches to fighting the disease. COVID-19 is characterised as a severe acute respiratory syndrome . The severity of the disease is associated with a battery of comorbidities such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic lung disease, and renal disease. These underlying diseases are associated with general cellular stress. Thus, COVID-19 exacerbates outcomes of the underlying conditions. Consequently, coronavirus infection and the various underlying conditions converge to present a combined strain on the cellular response. While the host response to the stress is primarily intended to be of benefit, the outcomes are occasionally unpredictable because the cellular stress response is a function of complex factors. This review discusses the role of the host stress response as a convergent point for COVID-19 and several non-communicable diseases. We further discuss the merits of targeting the host stress response to manage the clinical outcomes of COVID-19.
... Heat shock protein 60 (HSP60) HSP60 is responsible for the mitochondrial protein import and the macromolecular assembly. HSP60 is a mitochondrial chaperone induced by leptin [160], and leptininduced HSP60 improves hypothalamic mitochondrial function and insulin sensitivity [160,161]. In hypothalamic neurons, the leptin-activated STAT3 interacts with HSP60 gene promoter to enhance the HSP60 expression, improving insulin sensitivity in these neurons [160]. ...
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With the prevalence of obesity and associated comorbidities, studies aimed at revealing mechanisms that regulate energy homeostasis have gained increasing interest. In 1994, the cloning of leptin was a milestone in metabolic research. As an adipocytokine, leptin governs food intake and energy homeostasis through leptin receptors (LepR) in the brain. The failure of increased leptin levels to suppress feeding and elevate energy expenditure is referred to as leptin resistance, which encompasses complex pathophysiological processes. Within the brain, LepR-expressing neurons are distributed in hypothalamus and other brain areas, and each population of the LepR-expressing neurons may mediate particular aspects of leptin effects. In LepR-expressing neurons, the binding of leptin to LepR initiates multiple signaling cascades including janus kinase (JAK)–signal transducers and activators of transcription (STAT) phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-protein kinase B (AKT), extracellular regulated protein kinase (ERK), and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling, etc., mediating leptin actions. These findings place leptin at the intersection of metabolic and neuroendocrine regulations, and render leptin a key target for treating obesity and associated comorbidities. This review highlights the main discoveries that shaped the field of leptin for better understanding of the mechanism governing metabolic homeostasis, and guides the development of safe and effective interventions to treat obesity and associated diseases.
... Gene expression analysis of these depots showed an unchanged expression of proinflammatory markers Tnfa or F4/80 and adipocyte differentiation markers ( Figure 3F,G). HSP60 can also be released from adipocytes and cause inflammation [25]. Unexpectedly, plasma HSP60 protein levels were not markedly different between groups either, despite the expected reduction in the tissue expression of 50% of Hsp60 þ/À mice ( Figure 3H, Suppl. ...
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Objective Insulin regulates mitochondrial function, thereby propagating an efficient metabolism. Conversely, diabetes and insulin resistance are linked to mitochondrial dysfunction with a decreased expression of the mitochondrial chaperone HSP60. The aim of this investigation was to determine the effect of a reduced HSP60 expression on the development of obesity and insulin resistance. Methods Control and heterozygous whole-body HSP60 knockout (Hsp60+/−) mice were fed a high-fat diet (HFD, 60% calories from fat) for 16 weeks and subjected to extensive metabolic phenotyping. To understand the effect of HSP60 on white adipose tissue, microarray analysis of gonadal WAT was performed, ex vivo experiments were performed, and a lentiviral knockdown of HSP60 in 3T3-L1 cells was conducted to gain detailed insights into the effect of reduced HSP60 levels on adipocyte homeostasis. Results Male Hsp60+/− mice exhibited lower body weight with lower fat mass. These mice exhibited improved insulin sensitivity compared to control, as assessed by Matsuda Index and HOMA-IR. Accordingly, insulin levels were significantly reduced in Hsp60+/− mice in a glucose tolerance test. However, Hsp60+/− mice exhibited an altered adipose tissue metabolism with elevated insulin-independent glucose uptake, adipocyte hyperplasia in the presence of mitochondrial dysfunction, altered autophagy, and local insulin resistance. Conclusions We discovered that the reduction of HSP60 in mice predominantly affects adipose tissue homeostasis, leading to beneficial alterations in body weight, body composition, and adipocyte morphology, albeit exhibiting local insulin resistance.
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The heat shock response is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism that protects cells or organisms from the harmful effects of various stressors such as heat, chemicals toxins, UV radiation, and oxidizing agents. The heat shock response triggers the expression of a specific set of genes and proteins known as heat shock genes/proteins or molecular chaperones, including HSP100, HSP90, HSP70, HSP60, and small HSPs. Heat shock proteins (HSPs) play a crucial role in thermotolerance and aiding in protecting cells from harmful insults of stressors. HSPs are involved in essential cellular functions such as protein folding, eliminating misfolded proteins, apoptosis, and modulating cell signaling. The stress response to various environmental insults has been extensively studied in organisms from prokaryotes to higher organisms. The responses of organisms to various environmental stressors rely on the intensity and threshold of the stress stimuli, which vary among organisms and cellular contexts. Studies on heat shock proteins have primarily focused on HSP70, HSP90, HSP60, small HSPs, and ubiquitin, along with their applications in human biology. The current review highlighted a comprehensive mechanism of heat shock response and explores the function of heat shock proteins in stress management, as well as their potential as therapeutic agents and diagnostic markers for various diseases.
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Objective: Pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) is a multifunctional protein with neurotrophic and anti-angiogenic properties. More recently it became evident that PEDF is upregulated in patients with type 2 diabetes and also contributes to insulin resistance in mice. During characterization of the secretome of in vitro differentiated human adipocytes by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-MS, we found that PEDF is one of the most abundant proteins released by adipocytes. The aim of this study was to investigate the regulation and autocrine function of PEDF in human adipocytes and to determine its paracrine effects on human skeletal muscle cells (hSkMC) and human smooth muscle cells (hSMC). Methods and results: Human primary adipocytes secrete 130 ng ml(-1) PEDF over 24 h from 1 million cells, which is extremely high as compared with adiponectin, interleukin-6 (IL-6) or IL-8. This release of PEDF is significantly higher than from other primary cells, such as adipose-tissue located macrophages (50-times), hSkMC and hSMC (5-times). PEDF protein expression significantly increases during adipogenesis, which is paralleled by increased PEDF secretion. Furthermore, tumor necrosis factor-α and hypoxia significantly downregulate PEDF protein levels. PEDF secretion was significantly reduced by troglitazone and hypoxia and significantly increased by insulin. Treatment of adipocytes and hSkMC with PEDF induced insulin resistance in adipocytes, skeletal and smooth muscle cells at the level of insulin-stimulated Akt phosphorylation, which was dose dependent and more prominent in adipocytes. Furthermore, inflammatory nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) signaling was induced by PEDF. In hSMC, PEDF induced proliferation (1.7-fold) and acutely activated proliferative and inflammatory signaling pathways (NF-κB, p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and mammalian target of rapamycin). Conclusion: PEDF is one of the most abundant adipokines and its secretion is inversely regulated by insulin and hypoxia. PEDF induces insulin resistance in adipocytes and hSkMC and leads to inflammatory signaling in hSMC. Because of these diverse actions, PEDF is a key adipokine, which could have an important role in diabetes and obesity-related disorders.
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Individuals with type 2 diabetes have a myriad of metabolic aberrations including increased inflammation, increasing their cardiovascular risk. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and their ligands play a key role in insulin resistance and atherosclerosis. However, there is a paucity of data examining the expression and activity of TLRs in type 2 diabetes. Thus, in the present study, we examined TLR2 and TLR4 mRNA and protein expression, their ligands, and signaling in monocytes of recently diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients. TLR mRNA, protein expression, TLR ligands, and TLR signaling were measured in freshly isolated monocytes from healthy human control subjects (n = 23) and type 2 diabetic subjects (n = 23) using real-time RT-PCR, Western blot, and flow cytometric assays. Type 2 diabetic subjects had significantly increased TLR2, TLR4 mRNA, and protein in monocytes compared with control subjects (P < 0.05). Increased TLR2 and TLR4 expression correlated with BMI, homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), glucose, A1C, N(epsilon)-(carboxymethyl) lysine (CML), and free fatty acid (FFA). Ligands of TLR2 and TLR4, namely, HSP60, HSP70, HMGB1, endotoxin, and hyaluronan levels, were elevated in type 2 diabetic subjects and positively correlated with TLR2 and TLR4. Type 2 diabetic subjects showed increased MyD88, phosphorylated IRAK-1, Trif, TICAM-1, IRF-3, and NF-kappaB p65 expression in monocytes compared with control subjects. Furthermore, TLR-MyD88-NF-kappaB signaling resulted in elevated levels of cytokines (P < 0.05), but increased interleukin (IL)-1beta, interferon (IFN)-gamma, and endotoxin were not significant when adjusted for BMI. In this comprehensive study, we make the novel observation that TLR2 and TLR4 expression and their ligands, signaling, and functional activation are increased in recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes and contribute to the proinflammatory state.
The idiopathic inflammatory myopathies are characterized by antibody- or cell-mediated immune response against unknown muscle tissue antigens. In these diseases a cellular infiltrate, composed of T and B lymphocytes, macrophages and NK cells, may invade muscle tissue with a gradient from the perivascular space to the endomysial compartment. Muscle cells may be actively involved in the processes of mononuclear cell recruitment and activation from the blood stream to the areas of inflammation. In order to verify this hypothesis, cultured human myoblasts were tested for their capacity to express different pro-inflammatory cytokines [IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α] and chemokines (IL-8, MCP-1 and RANTES) at the mRNA level and protein secretion, in the presence of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IFN-γ and TNF-α alone or in combination. We confirmed that human myoblasts expressed IL-1α and IL-6 constitutively, while IL-1β and TNF-α are detected only after treatment with pro-inflammatory cytokines; moreover, we observed that TNF-α was expressed on an autocrine fashion by myoblasts. IL-8 and RANTES were expressed constitutively while MCP-1 after proper induction. These molecular data were further confirmed by specific ELISA in the supernatant from cultured myoblasts. Our results underline the importance of human myoblasts in the recruitment of leukocytes from the blood stream and, most probably, in the cross-talk between infiltrating inflammatory cells and muscle cells, creating the conditions for a chronic inflammation. Moreover, the capacity of muscle cells to behave as cells of the immune system has to be kept in mind, also in view of i.m. vaccination and use of molecular engineered myoblasts as vehicles in gene therapy.
Human heat shock protein 60 (hsp60) elicits a potent proinflammatory response in cells of the innate immune system and therefore has been proposed as a danger signal of stressed or damaged cells. We report here that macrophages of C3H/HeJ mice, carrying a mutant Toll-like-receptor (Tlr) 4 are nonresponsive to hsp60. Both the induction of TNF-α and NO formation were found dependent a functional Tlr4 whereas stimulation of macrophages by CpG DNA was Tlr4 independent. We conclude that Tlr4 mediates hsp60 signaling. This is the first report of a putative endogenous ligand of the Tlr4 complex.
Heat shock protein (Hsp) 60 has been implicated in the pathogenesis of various inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. This study aimed to investigate synovial fluid and serum concentrations of Hsp60 and anti-Hsp60 and their relationship with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Forty-eight patients with JIA, including 22 oligo-articular, 19 poly-articular, and 7 systemic diseases, and 33 normal controls were enrolled in this study. Synovial fluid and serum Hsp60 and anti-Hsp60 concentrations were measured via ELISA. Serum concentrations of Hsp60 of active and inactive oligo- and poly-articular JIA were significantly higher than those of normal controls. Serum concentration of anti-Hsp60 in active oligo-articular JIA was higher than that of normal controls (49.25 vs. 35.76 ng/mL, p = 0.059). Similarly, serum concentration of anti-Hsp60 in active poly-articular JIA was significantly higher than that of inactive samples (65.05 vs. 26.54 ng/mL, p = 0.008). In addition, serum concentration of Hsp60 correlated with the time required for remission from flare-ups in patients with JIA. Serum concentration of Hsp60 correlated well with time required for remission from flare-ups in patients with JIA, representing a potential disease marker to monitor disease activity.
Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is characterized by hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, and increased inflammation. Previously, we showed that high glucose (HG) induces Toll-like receptor (TLR) expression, activity, and inflammation via NF-κB followed by cytokine release in vitro and in vivo. Here, we determined how HG-induced inflammation is affected by free fatty acids (FFA) in human monocytes. THP-1 monocytic cells, CD14(+) human monocytes, and transiently transfected HEK293 cells were exposed to various FFA (0-500 μM) and glucose (5-20 mM) for evaluation of TLR2, TLR4, NF-κB, IL-1β, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), and superoxide release. In THP-1 cells, palmitate increased cellular TLR2 and TLR4 expression, generated reactive oxygen species (ROS), and increased NF-κB activity, IL-1β, and MCP-1 release in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Similar data were observed with stearate and FFA mixture but not with oleate. Conversely, NADPH oxidase inhibitor treatment repressed glucose- and palmitate-stimulated ROS generation and NF-κB activity and decreased IL-1β and MCP-1 expression. Silencing TLR2, TLR4, and p47phox with small inhibitory RNAs (siRNAs) significantly reduced superoxide release, NF-κB activity, IL-1β, and MCP-1 secretion in HG and palmitate-treated THP-1 cells. Moreover, data from transient transfection experiments suggest that TLR6 is required for TLR2 and MD2 for TLR4 to augment inflammation in FFA- and glucose-exposed cells. These findings were confirmed with human monocytes. We conclude that FFA exacerbates HG-induced TLR expression and activity in monocytic cells with excess superoxide release, enhanced NF-κB activity, and induced proinflammatory factor release.
Adipocyte-derived mediators contribute to chronic, diabetes-associated inflammation. We recently demonstrated, that heat shock protein 60 (Hsp60) is an effective inductor of inflammatory adipocyte activities. In the present study, we characterized the initial Hsp60 binding to adipocyte receptor structures. Analyses with preadipocytes and adipocytes from the murine 3T3-L1 line and with primary cultures from the New Zealand obese mouse, a model of human obesity, revealed comparable specific, dose-dependent and saturable Hsp60 binding, confirming the characteristics of a ligand-receptor interaction. Furthermore, we identified the N-terminal regions aa1-50 and aa91-110 of the Hsp60 molecule as relevant epitopes involved in binding to receptor structures on these cells. Our results demonstrate differentiation-independent conserved Hsp60 reactivity in permanent and primary adipocytes, strongly indicating that Hsp60 is an important regulator of inflammatory adipocyte activities.